#avr | Logs for 2013-02-09

[04:18:21] <creep> h
[04:18:22] <creep> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lists_of_nuclear_disasters_and_radioactive_incidents
[04:18:23] <creep> :)
[04:19:06] <creep> another nice nuclear meltdown in result of stupidity from japan, have a good appetite for fish from sea
[04:21:44] <evil_dan2wik> creep, you dont own a reactor by any chance do you?
[04:22:46] <creep> no, i don't want ;<
[05:00:17] <creep> Crystal Clear Version Nite Tritium Glowring Keychain Key $15 Guaranteed to last 12 years http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=tritium+keychain :)
[05:04:48] <creep> though it emits some alpha particles, and a little gamma, but they say not much
[05:07:46] <OndraSter> I shall eat a banana
[05:07:51] <OndraSter> those are radioactive too
[05:10:07] <creep> darkf<< soon, chinese will start selling radioactive flashlights, then they will be able to get rid of their radioactive waste legally, no recharge, 100 years of light, cheap, made in china...
[05:10:13] <creep> ;>>
[05:30:33] <evil_dan2wik> creep, You remind me of aperture science
[05:35:43] <OndraSter> This was a triumph
[05:36:16] <OndraSter> I'm making a note here, huge success
[05:57:54] <creep> people are stupid :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skAePZGgpAA like ?
[05:59:31] <OndraSter_> he is czech
[05:59:33] <OndraSter_> troll sometimes :P
[06:06:41] <Steffanx> You also have an accent like that OndraSter_ :P
[06:08:37] <Steffanx> *?
[06:13:56] <OndraSter_> Steffanx, I don't think about that. But no, I don't have such accent :P
[06:29:10] <OndraSter_> woop woop I have figured out how to do EINE SMARTE BOOTLOADERE
[06:29:35] <OndraSter_> if you open the serial on 1200 baud, it will be communicating with the bootloader
[06:29:51] <OndraSter_> so I can add commands like STOP EXECUTING, DUMP MEMORY etc
[07:35:38] <creep> diamagnetic levitation game :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=hnbfGaqNvjU#!
[09:03:47] <mano1979> hello everyone, i wondered if there is someone who can help me with adjusting a V-USB project.
[09:04:16] <Horologium> possibly
[09:04:29] <Horologium> but we won't know unless you ask your question rather than asking if you can ask a question,,or similar.
[09:04:51] <Tom_itx> aww c'mon, you're a mind reader
[09:04:59] * Horologium is psychotic
[09:05:09] <Horologium> not psychic
[09:05:33] <mano1979> i am using http://rapidlibrary.com/files/usb-tiny85-20120222-zip_ulc8n8e88bi89on.html
[09:06:10] <mano1979> is has everything i need, except a pushbutton on PB0
[09:06:49] <mano1979> wich will set the buffer to 1or 0
[09:07:42] <mano1979> buffer is declared right after all other declarations
[09:08:45] <Horologium> in what file?
[09:08:53] <mano1979> main.c
[09:09:05] <Horologium> there are 54 files in that zip after all.
[09:09:14] <mano1979> sorry...
[09:09:54] <OndraSter_> why the hell does PC send Set Line Coding with the selected bitrate and then sends another with 9600 bauds?!
[09:10:05] <Horologium> you are talking about replyBuf?
[09:10:13] <mano1979> yes indeed
[09:10:37] <Horologium> so you want to set it to "0" or "1" not 0 or 1, correct?
[09:11:03] <mano1979> Horologium, yes indeed
[09:11:12] <Horologium> as it is a character array, not an integer or such.
[09:11:45] <Horologium> does PB0 have the ability to generate an interrupt? with a pin change interrupt perhaps?
[09:11:58] <Horologium> if so, setup an interrupt routine to do it.
[09:12:13] <mano1979> i believe so. i'm using the attiny85
[09:12:43] <mano1979> allthough i'm not sure what interups do
[09:12:48] <Horologium> in the interrupt routine, check the value of the variable and if it is set to "1" then change it to "0" and versa-vesa.
[09:13:13] <Horologium> an interrupt does exactly what it says,,it interrupts current executing program and does something then returns control to program after it is done.
[09:13:35] <Horologium> basically it is just a routine that gets called when something happens through hardware...
[09:14:10] <Horologium> I suggest actually learning how the hardware works, interrupts, i/o, etc, before trying to modify a complex application like vUSB.
[09:14:19] <mano1979> i see. i tried that. but i probably put it in the wrong place or so. i'm not a very experienced coder
[09:14:31] <Horologium> unless you can get someone here to write the code for you.
[09:14:49] <Horologium> which, I can't do at the moment as I'm getting ready to leave on a date with my wifey.
[09:15:03] <Horologium> and, on that note, gotta flit.
[09:15:15] <mano1979> no problem. thanks!
[09:15:26] <mano1979> have a good date
[09:35:58] <creep> http://www.its.caltech.edu/~atomic/display/displaycase.htm <<< January 31, 2000 -- A black widow spider spun its web around the rotor, causing a fall.
[09:35:59] <creep> hahaha
[09:43:50] <creep> Horologium<< old-way "shot rice" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyJoqS__7O0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoMQm2WGM9Q new way http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDNWPVlQVX4 and extruder http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arumCZ9GWUA chinese snackmaking machine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1wHkfqpDrI
[09:43:52] <creep> ;)
[09:45:22] <GuShH_Lap> creep: why are you even looking into this stuff
[09:46:09] <Tom_itx> someone must
[09:46:33] <GuShH_Lap> I feel sorry for those posting it to begin with
[09:46:56] <Tom_itx> i didn't clickety click
[09:47:17] <GuShH_Lap> only clicked on the first, it seems like a waste of time
[09:47:20] <Tom_itx> i have good non-click willpower
[09:47:35] <GuShH_Lap> this early on saturday I don't generally watch youtube at all
[09:47:49] <Tom_itx> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3Ad6tBdLbM
[09:47:52] <Tom_itx> watch that one
[09:47:58] <Tom_itx> unrelated but amazing
[09:54:40] <creep> and this is why you don't buy snacks from india http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9z98U-rypU they step on it, everything is dirty and yukky
[09:57:13] <GuShH_Lap> creep: stereotype much?
[09:57:52] <creep> there are some who would like an extruder stuff at home like Horologium
[10:00:57] <GuShH_Lap> Tom_itx: why are they wearing all that crap
[10:01:01] <GuShH_Lap> they're just shaving fckng wood
[10:01:13] <GuShH_Lap> god damn it is japan an entire nerd nation?
[10:01:26] <GuShH_Lap> is this what happens when you live on an island for too long?
[10:01:42] <GuShH_Lap> you start vending schoolgirl undies and shaving wood down to the microns
[10:07:56] <GuShH_Lap> wtf, is that blood on the 5th picture? http://auto.mercadolibre.com.ar/MLA-446621968-seat-cordoba-19-tdi-_JM
[10:08:10] <GuShH_Lap> I didn't know cars could bleed! I think it's most likely they hit a biker.
[10:08:21] <GuShH_Lap> Or someone got angry, but thta doesn't explain the rest of the damage.
[10:08:22] <GuShH_Lap> Jeez.
[10:08:42] <GuShH_Lap> Could just be rust
[10:08:47] <GuShH_Lap> But that's even more disturbing to me
[10:09:15] * GuShH_Lap is fed up with people
[10:11:49] <tomatto> tried someone to use pc817 for isolate usart?
[10:23:01] * Tom_itx puts GuShH_Lap in a straight jacket and locks him in a padded room
[10:23:30] <GuShH_Lap> Tom_itx: why?
[10:23:51] <Tom_itx> you can be alone that way
[10:24:20] <Tom_itx> naw, i get tired of ppl too
[10:47:21] <GuShH_Lap> Tom_itx: when it comes to used cars, the lies... THE LIES is what gets me the most
[12:03:10] <bluesceada> anyone tried using avra?
[12:03:18] <bluesceada> i get a lot of these m8def.inc(40) : Error : Unknown mnemonic/macro: #ifndef
[12:03:36] <bluesceada> it either looks like the supplied inc file is wrong, but I guess I am rather doing something wrong
[12:04:00] <Tom_itx> header files are found in the studio subdirectories
[12:04:50] <jadew> that's not the issue
[12:04:59] <jadew> the issue is that it's not parsing the file with the cpreprocessor
[12:05:45] <jadew> you might want to run avr-gpp on it before passing it to the assembler, if it's a single file
[12:06:11] <jadew> otherwise try to find out how to make the compiler to pass the files trough the preprocessor before compiling them
[12:11:39] <bluesceada> uh :S ok I see ... is there any howto?
[12:11:51] <bluesceada> is avra out of date and I should try use the gcc supplied tools?
[12:12:17] <bluesceada> i wonder why they supply that inc file then :S
[12:12:21] <jadew> ah, I never compiled with avra, but I remember having similar issues
[12:12:37] <jadew> maybe it has some command line options that you're not specifying
[12:13:15] <bluesceada> wtf even the manpage tells wrong options in debian
[12:13:59] <bluesceada> it says there is --includedir for example ... and i get Error: Unknown option: --includedir
[12:15:01] <bluesceada> ok only the short option -I works, really strange
[12:17:00] <bluesceada> trying to use avr-gcc i get things like MJoy.asm:3292: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.db'
[12:17:22] <bluesceada> (yeah I am trying to get that mjoy thing to compile)
[12:17:38] <bluesceada> I always just used C for avr programming, so I am a bit clueless
[12:18:10] <Tom_itx> fwiw, here's a sample asm i compile in studio: http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/avr/atmega32U4/asm/blink_u4test.asm
[12:18:22] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/avr/atmega32U4/asm/
[12:18:22] <bluesceada> i dont have avr studio on linux
[12:18:26] <Tom_itx> the whole project
[12:18:29] <bluesceada> thanks anyway
[12:18:30] <bluesceada> ah ok
[12:18:49] <Tom_itx> you may need one of the header files from studio though
[12:19:00] <Tom_itx> i've had ppl ask for them in the past
[12:19:14] <Tom_itx> gtg..
[12:19:28] <bluesceada> ah yeah i have seen such AvrBuild.bats but they dont help with avra
[12:19:39] <bluesceada> it doesnt support all the cmd line parameters like -W+ie etc.
[12:19:51] <bluesceada> hm
[12:19:56] <bluesceada> m8def.inc please :-)
[12:20:01] <bluesceada> but ok see you ..
[12:20:56] <bluesceada> wtf https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/avra/+bug/681491
[12:21:10] <bluesceada> 2 years old bug, nobody cares ..... ok avra is dead I guess, let's try something else
[12:21:27] <bluesceada> anyone has suggestions here? would be really grateful
[12:29:26] <OndraSter_> is there any simple compiler flag to NOT set stack pointers?
[12:33:16] <jadew> I don't know how the compiler would deal with that
[12:33:35] <jadew> you mean you don't want to have a stack, right?
[12:33:37] <OndraSter_> neither do I
[12:33:40] <OndraSter_> well
[12:33:44] <OndraSter_> I set it in bootloader section
[12:33:47] <OndraSter_> and I do not want it to change :)
[12:33:55] <jadew> ah, I see
[12:33:58] <OndraSter_> I am not sure against what is gcrt.s linked
[12:34:06] <OndraSter_> whether it is pre-compiled for each device or not
[12:34:18] <OndraSter_> if yes - I am screwed :)
[12:34:26] <OndraSter_> I don't feel like recompiling gcc with all the external patches
[12:34:32] <jadew> well, you could simply overwrite the changes the compiler does
[12:34:36] <jadew> *override
[12:34:44] <OndraSter_> there is -nostdinc flag or something similar
[12:34:49] <OndraSter_> but not sure to what all it applies
[12:35:27] <jadew> why do you care about this anyway?
[12:35:44] <jadew> do you put stuff in the stack from the bootloader?
[12:37:16] <OndraSter_> I run there whole USB stack :)
[12:37:28] <OndraSter_> so I move whole data section and stack onto the last 1kB of the RAM
[12:37:36] <OndraSter_> and I do not want the app code to overwrite anything
[12:37:45] <OndraSter_> I can limit the .data section to the remaiing 7kB/15kB
[12:37:49] <OndraSter_> but move the stack, too, somehow
[12:37:59] <jadew> you might want to see if you can override the reset ISR
[12:38:07] <OndraSter_> it should be possible somehow
[12:38:17] <jadew> if you can, just add instructions to jump to the begining of your code :D
[12:38:17] <OndraSter_> there are many .initX sections anyway
[12:38:35] <OndraSter_> so in the one after the stack is set up I can just sub 0x400
[12:39:07] <OndraSter_> nice and chip-universal code yet again! :)
[12:40:16] <jadew> here's how I'd try to do it, I'd try to override the reset ISR, with no decoration (pushing of the stack and all that) because you don't need it
[12:40:24] <jadew> and then just call main
[12:40:39] <jadew> or jmp to it if you can
[12:40:43] <OndraSter_> well I actually can't just *not* touch SP, I have to move it below the .data section alltogether
[12:40:50] <OndraSter_> the .bldata section*
[12:41:02] <jadew> why?
[12:41:23] <jadew> ah, you're right
[12:41:33] <OndraSter_> it could overflow to the bootloader data very quickly
[12:41:36] <jadew> yeah
[12:42:11] <OndraSter_> now, why the hell does PC send me 4 times Get_Line_State, then 1 Set_Line_State, then 2 Get_Line_State and then 1 Set_Line_State to the original baud rate? :(
[12:42:41] <jadew> why do you care?
[12:42:49] <OndraSter_> because if I tell it to use baud rate 1200
[12:42:53] <OndraSter_> it sets 1200 and then back 9600
[12:43:00] <OndraSter_> and on 1200 baud = bootloader communication
[12:43:03] <jadew> still, why do you care about the baud rate?
[12:43:05] <OndraSter_> so I can communicate with BL even when the app is running
[12:43:14] <jadew> ah...
[12:43:20] <jadew> that's a nice touch
[12:43:22] <OndraSter_> indeed
[12:43:40] <OndraSter_> will be fun remapping the interrupts though - i will either grab all in the BL and re-send them to the application or vice-versa
[12:44:42] <OndraSter_> this way I can detect the target board and everything as the user plugs it in and clicks on Find board - it will scan through all available serial ports, try talking to them on 1200 baud. If reply with specified character returns, I can continue loading it with identification etc
[12:48:14] <tandoori> what is the name of the utility that avrdude comes in?
[12:48:19] <tandoori> is it winusb?
[12:48:23] <jadew> winavr
[12:48:28] <tandoori> ah ha
[12:48:38] * tandoori dances with jadew
[12:48:44] <jadew> heh
[12:50:09] <tandoori> im setting up my tablet to be a programmer
[12:50:38] <jadew> good use of battery power
[12:50:57] <tandoori> heh is that you being cheeky?
[12:51:04] <jadew> yeah :P
[12:51:31] <OndraSter_> hmm
[12:51:38] <OndraSter_> it seems I have been ZLPing packets I should not have been :P
[12:51:39] <tandoori> you punk :-P
[12:51:43] <OndraSter_> it works now just fine
[13:40:27] <turutk> hi. i am a newbie at both aves and c programming. i have been trying to control a 8x8 led matrix using interrupts but i fail to print some letters
[13:42:59] <turutk> i try to use multiplexing
[14:17:47] <Malinuss> what is the problem more specific?
[14:18:44] <turutk> i am trying random characters
[14:19:03] <turutk> u and t works k doesn't
[14:19:26] <OndraSter_> zlog
[14:19:29] <OndraSter_> !zlog
[14:19:30] <OndraSter_> ok
[14:20:15] <turutk> if i fill a column completely it works. if a turn off two less at the top random leds blink randomly.
[14:21:07] <dioxide> how are you multiplexing?
[14:21:58] <turutk> i send row data, turn on first column. then i send second row data and turn on second column
[14:22:12] <dioxide> so, shift register
[14:22:20] <turutk> yes 74hc574
[14:22:55] <turutk> if it interrupts too frequently, can it break main code?
[14:23:37] <dioxide> its possible. how often are you interrupting?
[14:24:05] <turutk> i lost count trying different numbers
[14:24:17] <turutk> let me calculate
[14:25:15] <turutk> i began with 10472.72 interrupts per second
[14:25:30] <turutk> it is much smaller now
[14:26:24] <dioxide> you should be able to get like 60fps with ~500 interrupts per second
[14:26:48] <dioxide> one interrupt per column, yes?
[14:27:38] <turutk> one interrupt traces all columns
[14:27:48] <dioxide> oh
[14:28:09] <turutk> i tried to convert to one interrupt per column and i broke it. now i am trying to fix
[14:28:19] <dioxide> in the case, 30/s should be fine, 60 more than acceptable
[14:28:34] <dioxide> youre movin way too fast
[14:29:04] <dioxide> if you start at 60 and you can see flickering, then go up
[14:29:30] <dioxide> but running all columns in one interrupt, thats going to cause you problems
[14:29:59] <dioxide> youre going to end up seeing only the final column really
[14:30:41] <turutk> i have had that problem
[14:31:01] <turutk> then i placed a delay in the interrupt. i believe it solved
[14:31:56] <dioxide> have you checked to make sure youre not interrupting while youre still in another interrupt
[14:32:16] <dioxide> if you know what i mean
[14:32:40] <Malinuss> I was actually even abel to only light 1 led at a time in a 8x8 matrix, and have them all "on", on the same time, and they didn't blink at all
[14:33:10] <turutk> i may be. how do i check that?
[14:36:53] <OndraSter> haa
[14:36:56] <OndraSter> are we talking LED matrices?
[14:37:10] <Malinuss> yep
[14:37:15] <OndraSter> <dioxide> but running all columns in one interrupt, thats going to cause you problems
[14:37:26] <OndraSter> so you are running the interrupt all the time? :P
[14:37:36] <OndraSter> each column (if you are doing column scanning) should have the same time
[14:37:43] <OndraSter> basically what you want to do is:
[14:37:46] <OndraSter> shift new data
[14:37:51] <OndraSter> disable outputs
[14:37:56] <OndraSter> apply them to the shift registers
[14:38:08] <OndraSter> open new column driver
[14:38:26] <OndraSter> and of course increment the column counter
[14:38:30] <OndraSter> and return from the interrupt
[14:38:32] <OndraSter> DONE
[14:38:38] <tandoori> im getting the error the third party inf does not contain digital signature information
[14:38:57] <OndraSter> what are you installing tandoori ?
[14:38:59] <turutk> OndraSter: that is what i am trying to do but i fail in various ways
[14:39:07] <OndraSter> it can't get much simpler really
[14:39:12] <tandoori> trying to instll usbtiny
[14:39:15] <tandoori> grrr
[14:39:20] <OndraSter> I was driving 32x96 LEDs with row scanning
[14:39:26] <tandoori> stupid windows
[14:39:28] <OndraSter> lol
[14:39:31] <OndraSter> just click on ignore
[14:39:45] <OndraSter> (it was 16x96 since I was doing two rows at once, to keep the brightness up)
[14:40:20] <tandoori> huh
[14:40:29] <turutk> tandoori: windows 8 right?
[14:40:30] <tandoori> w8 doesnt give me the option
[14:40:38] <OndraSter> hmm
[14:40:41] <OndraSter> x64?
[14:40:41] <tandoori> turik: yeah
[14:40:43] <OndraSter> sign them :)
[14:40:47] <tandoori> nope x32
[14:40:54] <turutk> tandoori: press windows+c
[14:40:54] <OndraSter> weird
[14:41:02] <turutk> click on power
[14:41:03] <OndraSter> x32 shouldn't require signing
[14:41:13] <turutk> press restart while holding shift key
[14:41:30] <turutk> a menu will appear i don't really remember
[14:41:44] <turutk> click anything that says advanced and startup options
[14:41:47] <OndraSter> what is the usbtiny? attiny85 with v-usb?
[14:42:11] <turutk> you will get to a screen where there is a button that says restart now
[14:42:26] <tandoori> i cant do that
[14:42:40] <turutk> when your pc restarts there will be a list of things. press 7 key which disables driver security enforcement
[14:45:27] <tandoori> ah ha i found it in metro
[14:46:17] <tandoori> dont need no stinkin driver signing checks in x86
[14:48:23] <OndraSter> or you know, just sign the driver yourself. Even if the signature is not certified by authority, it still works
[14:48:35] <OndraSter> (as long as it uses system .sys I think)
[14:52:41] <tandoori> i could....
[15:03:55] <turutk> here's my interrupt code http://pastebin.com/dgC9SX1Z
[15:04:06] <turutk> i cannot get this matrix to work
[15:08:35] <tandoori> avrdude: Device signature = 0x1e010a, Expected signature for attiny 2313 is 1E 91 0A
[15:08:47] <tandoori> but the chip im trying to program IS a 2313
[15:08:51] * tandoori grumbles
[15:08:57] <OndraSter> slow down the clock?
[15:09:21] <tandoori> how?
[15:10:08] <OndraSter> -B32
[15:11:54] <tandoori> nope, its still picking up the wrong signature
[15:12:04] <tandoori> is it possible i could have fried my attiny somehow?
[15:12:21] <specing> Have you plugged it into mains?
[15:12:39] <tandoori> plugged what into what?
[15:13:28] <tandoori> verify error: unable to read hfuse properly
[15:14:20] <tandoori> i think this chip got messed up somehow
[15:14:43] <tandoori> because it used to read the chip signature properly until it was not able to read the hfuse properly
[15:14:54] <tandoori> then it pops up with wrong signature
[15:15:01] <tandoori> i may as well use -F
[15:24:11] <turutk> how can i prevent interrupts while running an interrupt
[15:24:32] <tandoori> okay, i tried to force it, ut i am getting errors such as
[15:24:44] <tandoori> not being able to read hfuse and lfuse properly
[15:24:57] <tandoori> is it possible that not enough power is reaching the avr?
[15:26:28] <evil_dan2wik> tandoori, you can always try plugging it into the mains
[15:27:05] <tandoori> evil_dan2wik: plug WHAT into the mains?
[15:27:09] <tandoori> lol
[15:27:47] <evil_dan2wik> tandoori, got a volt meter?
[15:28:12] <evil_dan2wik> Also, the device signature is 1 digit off
[15:28:25] <evil_dan2wik> 01 instead of 91
[15:28:48] <tandoori> yeah i have a voltmeter
[15:29:02] <tandoori> let me get it, brb
[15:29:03] <evil_dan2wik> tandoori, test the voltage to the avr
[15:30:57] <evil_dan2wik> 1 digit out indicates a possible communication problem. does the programmer you have work on other chips? Are the wires correct? is there enough power going to both the programmer and the avr?
[15:34:17] <OndraSter> turutk, you do
[15:34:27] <OndraSter> on mega running interrupt = clearing I flag
[15:34:30] <OndraSter> = disabling interrupts
[15:36:07] <turutk> i toggle a led using the interrupt, it work. when i add my matrix control code. led toggle does not work
[15:36:21] <OndraSter> you have got error somewhere then :)
[15:44:12] <turutk> can you take a look: http://pastebin.com/fNYkphYj
[15:44:24] <tandoori> evil_dan2wik: ah ha! this usb port cannot provide enough power to my programmer
[15:44:37] <turutk> hours passed and i am nowhere close doing anything i want to do
[15:44:56] <tandoori> i turned off 'power avr' on the programmer and connected the avr to my PSU and what do ya know? it works
[15:44:57] <tandoori> lol
[15:45:18] <evil_dan2wik> thought so
[15:46:57] <tandoori> ugh and my circuit still doesn't work
[15:46:58] <tandoori> lol
[15:47:38] <tandoori> hmm how much power is required to program the avr?
[15:48:15] <tandoori> i can throw together a mini battery together just for that purpose because i cannot take my big ol psu everywhere with me
[15:49:29] <OndraSter> tandoori, few mA
[15:49:32] <OndraSter> tens of mA
[15:49:34] <OndraSter> check datasheet really
[15:51:45] <tandoori> what? ugh, this thing says that the avr programmer requires 100mA and the USB port can supply up to 500mA
[15:53:13] <evil_dan2wik> the usb ports sometimes lie
[15:53:33] <evil_dan2wik> You could try using a 2nd usb port to power your avr
[15:53:40] <OndraSter> by specs, the device should take just a few mA beforei t enumerates
[15:53:49] <OndraSter> and if it enumerates successfuly, it reports maximum power
[15:53:59] <OndraSter> and if there is enough power left on the hub, the PC will allow it
[15:54:02] <OndraSter> otherwise it won't
[15:54:58] <evil_dan2wik> tandoori, add a capacitor to the power to see if that helps
[15:55:20] <tandoori> evil_dan2wik: what sort of capacitor?
[15:55:38] <OndraSter> elyte
[15:56:17] <evil_dan2wik> electrolytic is best
[15:56:40] <tandoori> i have a lot of those, just any would do?
[15:57:05] <OndraSter> 100uF+
[15:57:12] <evil_dan2wik> the biggest one you are comfortable with
[15:57:19] <OndraSter> do you have 100nF at the power pins, too?
[15:57:27] <evil_dan2wik> I use 6 2700uF caps
[15:57:33] <OndraSter> holy cap
[15:57:39] <tandoori> heh
[15:57:46] <OndraSter> crap*
[15:59:42] <tandoori> well, at least my tablet DOES program my avr
[15:59:58] <tandoori> even though it doesnt provide enough power (for some odd reason)
[16:00:42] <evil_dan2wik> tandoori, connect the avr directly to the usb plug
[16:02:44] <evil_dan2wik> or use some of those usb rechargeable batteries
[16:05:26] <tandoori> hm
[17:03:58] <Tom_itx> lo abcminiuser
[17:06:22] <Tom_itx> i see your site's back up
[17:10:13] <abcminiuser> Heyo
[17:10:22] <abcminiuser> Yeah the domain got renewed
[17:10:25] <abcminiuser> So I'm back on the air
[17:31:39] <Steffanx> Not the first time it was down because someone forget to renew it abcminiuser :P
[17:31:50] <abcminiuser> And won't be the last :P
[17:32:04] <Steffanx> Can't you pay for the next 10 years?
[17:32:32] <Steffanx> *100
[17:32:45] <evil_dan2wik> no
[17:32:55] <Steffanx> yes
[17:33:02] <evil_dan2wik> domains are made so you need to update them regularly
[17:33:17] <evil_dan2wik> Even microsoft have lost domains before
[17:33:29] <Steffanx> 1 time per 10 years is regular enough imho
[17:34:14] <abcminiuser> A friend is nice enough to renew the doman and server for me
[17:34:22] <abcminiuser> So I can't do it myself, it's in his name
[17:38:33] <Steffanx> I just took a look at your photos and about what you had to say about this little country abcminiuser
[17:38:36] <Steffanx> "These are like yesteryear's Crocs - ugly, but functional. I still refuse to believe people actually wear wooden shoes even today in Holland." <=
[17:38:41] <Steffanx> my brother does sometimes :P
[17:39:38] <abcminiuser> :D
[17:41:40] <Steffanx> but yeah. In amsterdam etc. you won't see them
[17:41:54] <abcminiuser> Shoes should not be flammable
[17:42:32] <Steffanx> I bet wooden shoes are better when it comes to walking in fire ( when you ever plan to do so )
[17:44:10] <Steffanx> How to convince an aussie ..
[17:51:40] <abcminiuser> Bed time for me...