#avr | Logs for 2013-01-07

[03:03:26] <rue_bed> I need to finish setting up a mega32 as a dso to see how it does
[03:04:12] <Casper> :D
[03:04:26] <Casper> I wanted to do that, but doing the math on the speed caused me to change my mind
[03:04:36] <Casper> but I might redo the math
[03:04:47] <Casper> it's just that... there is not that many ram space...
[03:05:04] <soul-d> i setted up my newest fpga kit as dso :S 16k (x16bit) samples vs 2k and it's @ 50% mem allocation
[03:05:43] <r00t|home> the standard dso design uses a dac and fast static ram chips, and a uC for control
[03:06:09] <r00t|home> ofcourse a single-chip setup would be nice too, but rather limited
[03:06:45] <soul-d> only now a clock slow enough to follow an avr picking off signal from the external crystal might not be the best source
[03:08:23] <soul-d> i use altera dev kit and quartus signal tap and 2 5>3v converters
[03:12:14] <creep> who did capacitive pushbuttons yet? :) Horologium ?
[07:35:15] <tzanger> dssence: get Saleae. I have both USBee and Saleae. latter is much better sw. hardware for both is about the same
[07:36:05] * Tom_itx hugs his saleae
[08:02:03] <tzanger> yeah I by far prefer it ot usbee and it's only got to do with software
[08:02:12] * specing hugs his old scope with a crt monitor
[08:02:42] <tzanger> the ohter REALLY nice thing about saleae is that it's a bog-standard cypress eval circuit, and you can buy those off ebay for $10, swap out the eeprom with a fast one and it's a saleae.
[08:03:11] <tzanger> that makes "captive" data loggers a reality, and they're cheap enough that they're almost throwaway
[08:54:51] <magnus> hello. i'm looking into building a low-powered device and read the appnote AVR134 [www.atmel.com/Images/doc1259.pdf] which details how to use a 4 MHz clock, and then fallback on a 32 kHz clock when entering deep sleep. This seem to result in the kind of power consumption i need, but I don't understand how to connect two oscillators to the Atmega 328p, since OSC1 and OSC2 is the same pins as XTAL1 and XTAL2?
[08:55:44] <magnus> the figure in the document mentioned above seem to indicate that OSC1 and XTAL1 is different pins
[09:04:45] <yunta> magnus: it's device dependent
[09:05:32] <yunta> apparently xtal and osc share same pins on 328p, but e.g. atmega32 has them separated
[09:07:49] <yunta> magnus: take a look at atxmega series, they have great number oscillators builtin and are generally cheaper and more powerful
[09:07:50] <magnus> when reading the 328p datasheet, it sounds like it is still possible to use the pins to enter deep sleep with a 32 khz osc. does that mean that I have to rely on the internal osc as my main osc?
[09:08:25] <yunta> I think so. That's what I do with my 328
[09:09:28] <yunta> which is a problem for uart iirc
[09:09:45] <magnus> how so?
[09:13:53] <yunta> it has 1MHz or 8MHz internal osc
[09:14:17] <yunta> which can't reliably drive 115.2k usart
[09:14:24] <yunta> at least according to documentation
[09:19:35] <magnus> oh ok. well, since the 328 only has 1 hw uart i need to do software bitbanging to get 2 anyways (since my application needs 2 uarts). so i need an accurate clock anyway, the internal one seem to not get the job done when i measure the timing
[09:20:13] <magnus> it's a shame really, i would love to get an atxmega, but my current device is prebought board (similar to arduino) and i really dont want to build one myself
[09:21:43] <yunta> well, if you have sane soldering iron, you can build xmega based prototype in-the-air
[09:21:47] * specing hugs his stellaris with 8 UARTs
[09:21:47] <yunta> without board
[09:36:29] <magnus> in-the-air?
[09:37:33] <specing> Omg it is a spider TQFP!!! KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!
[09:38:02] <yunta> :D
[09:38:26] <yunta> magnus: without board, just solder wires to tqfp. can be tricky at times.
[09:38:38] <magnus> oh. yeah, that's not gonna happen.
[09:38:39] <magnus> :)
[09:39:01] <specing> I bet it would be easy with solder flux
[09:39:01] <magnus> i can't even solder a through-hole component properly without messing up
[09:39:02] <magnus> i'm really a software guy
[09:39:03] <specing> you need flux
[09:39:14] <specing> your life will change dramatically
[09:39:19] <specing> when you get flux
[09:39:33] <magnus> i have flux, but it's not really helping. perhaps i have the wrong sort
[09:39:46] <magnus> at work we have this gel-type flux, it works better
[09:40:01] <magnus> at home i have this liquid, and it gets all over the place. except for where i want it
[09:40:21] <magnus> anyhow, thanks for your input. gotta go now :)
[09:40:40] <yunta> magnus: also sw guy here, started playing with xmegas 4 months ago, soldering tqfp with no flux
[09:43:19] <specing> I have a flux pen
[10:06:46] <jadew> I have liquid flux, but I could use a brush
[10:50:46] <hetii> Hi ;)
[10:51:02] <hetii> I want to ask about the first picture from http://www.innovatia.com/Design_Center/High-Side%20Drivers.htm
[10:51:19] <hetii> the d4 will not burn ?
[10:53:15] <hetii> and how much safety this circuit is when i connect as VGH +12v and Vg +5v and if something happens ? cause will not be good if in some way +12v will go into +5v bus in my Pc :)
[13:16:39] <diametric> if I'm using the internal 8mhz oscillator on an atmega328p, can I repurpose the external clock pins as general purpose I/O pins just fine?
[13:19:28] <OndraSter_> yes
[13:22:29] <Casper> diametric: normally you can not repurpose the xtal pins in most avr
[13:23:28] <diametric> booo, oh well, thanks
[13:32:15] <jacekowski> check the datasheet
[13:48:58] <OndraSter_> he can Casper
[13:49:08] <OndraSter_> I think that on these mega328 and similar they are regular GPIOs
[13:49:16] <OndraSter_> and if you set it to external xtal/oscillator they are used for that
[13:49:39] <diametric> yeah I'm reading the datasheet now
[13:49:42] <diametric> its not clear
[13:50:10] <diametric> it says "depending on internal fuse settings" but then it doesn't go into what settings cause what, at least easily found anyway.
[13:50:21] <OndraSter_> external xtal = xtal pins
[14:03:41] <diametric> yeah you're right, I was just reading it wrong.
[14:04:16] <dirty_d> you guys still aren't using the xmegas?
[14:04:17] <diametric> All of Port B are GPIO pins. Then xtal1/xta2 (aka PB6/PB7) are clock input/output pins depending on fuse settings
[14:04:44] <diametric> I'm just a noob still and I have a pile of 8bit avrs so.. =)
[14:07:08] <slidercrank> diametric, hi there:) I'm a total n00b too. I started a month or two ago. So far I've managed to connect a thermal sensor (over i2c bus), buttons, an OLED display (spi bus) :) And I display time. Not too bad for a start
[14:09:17] <slidercrank> diametric, I used http://www.engbedded.com/fusecalc/ to determine fuse settings
[14:10:51] <diametric> yeah I believe as long as I don't have the clock output CKOUT set, and I select the internal 8mhz oscillator, I can just use PB6/7 as GPIO pins. which is good because I need those two extra GPIO pins or I'll end up needing a shift register
[14:25:36] <Tom_itx> http://www.digikey.com/product-highlights/us/en/atmel-led-drivers/2994
[14:27:44] <Tom_itx> for all you phone geeks: http://www2.electronicproducts.com/WhatsInside.aspx
[14:28:47] <OndraSter_> mm danke schon
[14:28:54] <OndraSter_> für dat link
[14:29:25] <OndraSter_> no photos? :(
[14:29:28] <OndraSter_> DISAPPOINTED
[15:02:30] <Steffanx> poor OndraSter_
[15:03:17] <RikusW> what happened to him ?
[15:03:36] <OndraSter_> they list parts of stuff they took apart
[15:03:42] <OndraSter_> but they did not make any photo
[15:03:42] <OndraSter_> s
[15:03:47] <OndraSter_> VERY disappointing
[15:04:35] <RikusW> this adsl line I'm on now is slower than gprs tonignt :-/
[15:05:42] <RikusW> and my current pc only have a 20GB hdd ;)
[15:05:43] <OndraSter_> huh
[15:05:47] <RikusW> my 16GB stick is almost bigger...
[15:05:49] <OndraSter_> some people are upgrading their PCs
[15:05:54] <OndraSter_> some are downgrading
[15:05:57] <RikusW> heh
[15:06:03] <OndraSter_> my computer will have 24GB RAM once the motherboard comes out of RMA
[15:06:07] <RikusW> needed a temp pc
[15:06:17] <RikusW> so grabbed one of my scrap ones
[15:06:26] <RikusW> 1000MHz Athlon with 512MB ram
[15:06:30] <OndraSter_> holy crap man
[15:06:42] <RikusW> lol
[15:06:55] <RikusW> friefox is a bit slow on it...
[15:07:42] <RikusW> at least VS97 installs in 2 min and only 228MB
[15:07:55] <RikusW> and opens in like 2s
[15:08:04] <OndraSter_> wow nice
[15:08:08] <RikusW> or less
[15:08:12] <OndraSter_> VS97..
[15:08:12] <RikusW> second time
[15:08:16] <RikusW> VC++5
[15:08:39] * RikusW likes that version ;)
[15:08:40] <RikusW> I actually bought it
[15:08:40] <RikusW> student version
[15:08:40] <OndraSter_> yay
[15:08:43] <RikusW> was like 58Euro
[15:08:56] <RikusW> VB 5 VC 5 VJ 1.1
[15:09:03] <RikusW> never used VB
[15:09:12] <RikusW> and only toyed a bit with VJ
[15:09:21] <RikusW> long ago
[15:16:17] <RikusW> OndraSter_: I'm planning to get a new fast PC in a month or so
[15:16:29] <RikusW> maybe i3
[15:18:28] <OndraSter_> yay
[15:18:33] <OndraSter_> I have got i5 for 2 years now
[15:18:37] <OndraSter_> and it is still bloody fast
[15:18:44] <OndraSter_> not much CPUs can beat it (let alone if I OC it :)
[15:18:47] <RikusW> my brother got an i5 too
[15:18:48] <specing> I have got core2duo for 4 years now
[15:18:53] <specing> and it is still bloody fast
[15:19:05] <specing> even on 800 MHz
[15:19:17] <specing> which it is pinned at for most of the time
[15:21:34] <RikusW> ugh, a 640x352 vid takes 80% cpu on this pc !!
[15:25:03] <specing> this one can play 1080p on 800 MHz no prob
[15:27:26] * RikusW contemplates wathcing 1080p at 1fps....
[15:27:53] <specing> Though I think that is due to 32 CUDA cores at 1GHz
[15:28:16] <RikusW> so decoding on the graphics card ?
[15:30:50] <RikusW> sounds like the cpu nowadays is actually the coprocessor :-P
[15:30:51] <specing> probably, yes
[15:31:29] <specing> No, the CPU is just the "brain" that delegates tasks to coprocessors
[15:32:00] <RikusW> aka the BOSS ;)
[15:32:14] <specing> CPUs are optimized for decision-making, GPUs are optimized for throughput
[15:32:58] <specing> Most instructions in GPUs are SIMD
[15:33:58] <soul-d> upgraded my mem from 2 to 6 on quad core 2,4 @ 3,2 + some mem oc
[15:34:23] <specing> e.g. Offsetting a point (given as a vector of three floats) would be done with a single instruction on GPUs
[15:34:45] <RikusW> matrix multiplcation probably too ?
[15:34:50] <specing> indeed
[15:35:04] <RikusW> thats the stuff 3D is made from
[15:35:17] <RikusW> lots of transforms
[15:35:54] <RikusW> I actually wrote a 3D pipeline way back in 2000
[15:35:57] <RikusW> just for the fun of it
[15:36:32] <RikusW> was lazy and left rasterization to the HW
[15:37:32] <OndraSter_> soul-d, I spent around $1k on upgrade last year
[15:37:35] <OndraSter_> err
[15:37:35] <OndraSter_> 2 years ago
[15:37:38] <OndraSter_> CPU GPU MEM MB
[15:37:50] <OndraSter_> i5-2500k, GTX560Ti, 16GB DDR3, MSI P67A-C45
[15:38:32] <OndraSter_> GPU is on RMA right now (noisy fan, warranty runs out in < month), motherboard is on RMA right now too (B2 rev of chipset => sata2 ports are dead), <2 months warranty left lol
[15:40:21] <RikusW> my current pc sounds like a hairdrier :-P
[15:41:02] <OndraSter_> heh
[15:41:29] <RikusW> and the old 20GB hdd is NOISY...
[15:41:33] <OndraSter_> I believe that
[15:41:51] <OndraSter_> I am using 40GB old drive from my dad's computer as a dummy load so the PSU does not shut down and it is veeeeery noisy
[15:41:52] <RikusW> seems hdd tech improved much
[15:41:55] <OndraSter_> yep
[15:42:02] <OndraSter_> I have switched to SSD as my main drive just recently
[15:42:29] <RikusW> I used a crashed 20GB hdd for testing repaired psu's
[16:31:55] <creep> h
[16:33:06] <Steffanx> l
[16:47:58] <diametric> are there any PLCC avr chips anymore?
[16:49:34] <creep> not sure, but cerdip (military/aerospace grade) is something like that
[16:49:58] <creep> for 10-100x price
[17:53:44] <inflex> lo all
[17:53:52] <inflex> haven't seen Tom_itx around much lately :(
[17:56:41] <OndraSter> he was here yesterday
[17:56:43] <OndraSter> and the day before too
[17:56:47] <OndraSter> and the day before too!
[18:08:01] <yunta> fck ruby libusb :(
[18:39:07] <slidercrank> public static boolean isUserAMonkey () Returns "true" if the user interface is currently being messed with by a monkey.
[18:41:17] <Tom_itx> inflex, here nearly every day
[18:44:37] <Tom_itx> public static boolean isUserAMonkey(slidercrank) returns 'true' ?
[18:45:41] <slidercrank> hah
[18:56:09] <inflex> Tom_itx: ah okay :)
[18:56:12] <inflex> Tom_itx: just must be missing you
[19:04:39] <hetii> Hi ;)
[19:05:09] <Horologium> iH
[19:05:20] <creep> h
[19:05:36] <creep> who did capacitive pushbuttons yet? :) Horologium ?
[19:06:04] <Horologium> I played with cap sense on avr once.
[19:06:38] <hetii> So i bay today ne555 build on it voltage doubler and i drive my irf540. General it works but its a bit hot.
[19:06:38] <creep> i played with cap button once about 5 years ago
[19:06:47] <creep> used logic gates
[19:08:07] <Horologium> new AVRs have cap touch sensor capability
[19:08:19] <creep> Horologium<< just a resistor to gnd, and set port output high, then tristate it and sense ?
[19:08:34] <creep> ah interesting
[19:08:40] <hetii> Te gate have 22v so its a bit to hight.
[19:08:49] <Horologium> qtouch sensor tech built in.
[19:09:03] <creep> its not that hard i think
[19:09:19] <creep> its more difficult to construct the buttons i think
[19:10:25] <Horologium> http://www.atmel.com/products/touchsolutions/touchsoftware/qtouchsuite.aspx
[19:10:48] <creep> one question remains, sensitivity, noise and threshold level tolerances...
[19:11:08] <Horologium> use atmel's qtouch lib....
[19:13:11] <creep> oh lold this is a touchbutton device?
[19:13:27] <creep> i just made one from a pcb
[19:13:52] <hetii> Time to sleep. Have a good day/night.
[19:13:59] <creep> photolithography + etching
[19:15:20] <Horologium> http://www.atmel.com/Images/doc10752.pdf
[19:15:29] <creep> possible its only too easy only for me?
[19:15:30] <Horologium> touch sensor design guide.
[19:17:25] <Horologium> my atmega1284p chips have 16 touch channels.
[19:23:30] <creep> or you make 20 channels with a mega48 in software
[19:24:29] <creep> well ok, adc/comparator is better than an i/o, but it would work
[19:26:43] <creep> or just wire up some opamp oscillator and measure frequency
[19:27:10] <creep> 7555 would work :(
[19:28:42] <creep> http://www.stools.com.cn/upload/editorfiles/2010.3.10_11.3.49_8332.jpg
[19:31:42] <creep> its really cool to have a button that will never fail
[19:32:21] <Horologium> many ways to do it.
[19:32:44] <Horologium> a little FET and sheet of double sided copper clad works well.
[19:33:49] <creep> you probably think about the noise coupling sensor...
[19:34:06] <creep> that needs electrical noise to work, and unreliable
[19:36:44] <Horologium> I just remember building one as a kid from one of Mims notebooks.
[19:42:27] <creep> ;>
[19:43:42] <Horologium> there were two kinds...one with two strips that you had to touch both. think I did up a squared spiral on the PCB for that.
[19:44:02] <Horologium> the other used 2 sided PCB as a cap...by touching it you changed the capacitance I think.
[19:49:45] <Horologium> cam imagine a way to do it with a coil too...wave your hand in front of a sensor pad and open the door like in startrek.
[19:50:13] <Horologium> do up a metal detector type coil et all.
[20:22:54] <creep> :)
[20:22:59] <creep> yeah, inductive sensing
[20:23:36] <creep> but.. that would be susceptible to EMI interference
[20:23:46] <creep> more than capavitive i think
[21:01:10] <creep> looks good? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:D%C3%B6ner_kebab.jpg
[21:01:28] <Casper> creep: I hate you
[21:01:43] <Casper> I'm hungry
[21:38:15] <diametric> If I boot up a VM running windows and use AVR Studio with it, its almost instant to program with it, but avrdude just hangs forever, programmer light stay amber the whole time, then it finally works.
[21:41:03] <Tom_itx> jungo and libusb may have a conflict
[21:41:18] <diametric> jungo?
[21:41:31] <Tom_itx> studio's usb driver
[21:42:00] <diametric> That shouldn't have an impact, AVR Studio is only on my windows VM
[21:42:16] <diametric> avrdude is on my mac
[21:42:34] <Tom_itx> i've heard avrdude on mac is slow
[21:42:37] <Tom_itx> i don't own a mac
[21:42:52] <Tom_itx> i don't know a workaround
[21:42:56] <Tom_itx> there may be one
[21:43:06] <diametric> yeah I've read about a few
[21:43:07] <diametric> but none work
[21:43:30] <Richard_Cavell> I've used avrdude via a AVRISP mk2 on Windows and OS X and it works for me
[21:43:46] <Tom_itx> not sluggish on mac?
[21:44:09] <diametric> its taking about 5 minutes to flash 5k
[21:44:35] <Tom_itx> that should be about 5 sec
[21:44:37] <Tom_itx> ~
[21:44:54] <diametric> it shocks me that it works at all
[21:45:27] <Tom_itx> you find a good workaround let us all know
[21:46:04] <Casper> might want to check the timings
[21:46:14] <Casper> maybe the defaults are stupidly low
[21:47:16] <Tom_itx> http://www.ladyada.net/learn/avr/setup-mac.html
[21:47:19] <Tom_itx> what about that one?
[21:47:57] <Tom_itx> she's supposed to know what she's doing
[21:48:32] <diametric> yeah, i'm not doing anything different than she is, and it does work it, its just ass slow.
[21:49:05] <diametric> the toolchain and all that works fine, its just using avrispmkII through avrdude
[21:50:19] <diametric> I'm in the process of completely weening myself off the arduino environment =)
[21:50:34] <Tom_itx> kudos
[21:52:11] <diametric> let me try this crosspack version of avrdude
[22:07:36] <diametric> well crap, the avrdude in the crosspack install works perfect.
[22:07:44] <diametric> the avrdude i compiled myself? huge timeouts.
[22:07:56] <diametric> err well not timeouts, but takes forever.
[22:10:29] <Grievre> gdb time
[22:47:47] <creep> she would like to wish a merry christmas http://www.zishy.com/albums/36-melissa-johnston-lights-up/photos/954