#avr | Logs for 2013-01-05

[00:03:45] <Spoz> so I did some reading and set up an ISR like so: ISR(WDT_vect) { Serial.println "WDT Interrupt";}
[00:04:00] <Spoz> but it never gets called
[00:05:00] <Spoz> upon starting up I clear the watchdog flag like the datasheet says:
[00:05:01] <Spoz> WDTCSR |= (1<<WDCE) | (1<<WDE);
[00:05:02] <Spoz> WDTCSR = (1<<WDE) | (1<<WDIE);
[00:05:18] <Spoz> and then use that to reset the watchdog control register
[00:05:24] <Spoz> any thoughts?
[00:19:08] <damjan> do you also enable interrupts?
[00:24:39] <theBear> than danfredrick really is an arrogant fool isn't he ?
[00:25:39] <Spoz> yes, I call cli() before that code and sei() after
[00:31:17] <Spoz> aha, turned out to be that the wdt_enable() call doesnt turn on interrupt mode
[00:31:23] <Spoz> so I need to enable it manually
[01:53:57] <r00t|home> Grievre: amd by "quality of the model" i mean it's accuracy
[01:59:33] <Grievre> ah
[03:22:10] <martin__1> hi ... probably a newbie question but i have to ask it somewhere :) ... i want to run 2 atmega328p chips as I2C outbreak chips .. (so they get commands via I2C and output accordingly on PWM)
[03:22:57] <martin__1> can i run on the internal oscil. or do i need to install a crystal to be accurate enough for i2c ?
[03:24:12] <hackvana> I2C is not a synchronous protocol. In any given transaction, the master clocks out its own data, then the slave clocks it back. You'll be fine using the internal oscillator.
[03:25:05] <martin__1> ack ... that makes my setup a bit easier then ...
[03:25:17] <hackvana> All the best, speak with you later
[03:26:50] <martin__1> thanks
[03:32:34] <Grievre> So there are generally two speeds you run I2C at, 100kHz and 400kHz
[03:32:58] <Grievre> if a chip is being run as a slave, does it need to have the frequency set on that side
[03:33:01] <Grievre> or only the master?
[03:42:04] <Casper> martin__1: that is the nice thing about a bus with a clock line, you can actually have a massive difference in speed and it will work, as long as the speed stay within the limit of the 2 sides
[03:52:27] <RikusW> afaik only master clock is set
[03:53:15] <martin__1> well ... adding up some numbers and looking at my target (driving 4 servos from the atmega) ... i need the crystal still
[03:53:22] <martin__1> i can't make the timings for those without it
[03:53:46] <martin__1> my chip will be happy as a slow i2c slave ... even 100khz will be more than i need
[03:54:16] <hackvana> What frequency do you want to run your ATmega at?
[03:55:06] <martin__1> i don't have any limitations on that ... i will need to command servos and servos want to get the 1-2ms pulse after every 20ms ...
[03:56:15] <martin__1> and the atmega will just be used like a pass through for now ... i think i have 12mhz crystals in my shelf somewhere, so i could utilize those
[03:56:31] <RikusW> I'd do the timing on the ic connected to the servo
[03:57:21] <martin__1> well by my current plans there won't be anything between the atmega and the servo .. (servo power will come from elsewhere of course ... )
[03:57:44] <RikusW> whats the i2c for then ?
[03:58:08] <martin__1> raspberry pi will sends the desired servo positions over it to atmega
[03:58:17] <martin__1> will send*
[03:59:13] <martin__1> rpi will do the thinking what to do and atmega will just act as a i2c to multiple pwm bridge
[03:59:26] <RikusW> ah
[03:59:34] <RikusW> why not use uart ?
[03:59:40] <RikusW> much simpler
[03:59:48] <RikusW> or even spi
[04:00:04] <martin__1> well theorethically i could control 2 spi lines from the rpi ...
[04:00:43] <martin__1> but i'd much rather sacrifice the i2c lines from the rpi for this ... (rpi isn't exactly an i/o monster if you look at it's gpio pins ... )
[04:06:30] <martin__1> i want to control 8 servos in the whole ... and my soldering skills at their current level don't allow me to go past dip ...
[04:07:06] <martin__1> so i figured rpi + 2x atmega328 + 4 servos on each + commands over i2c ... would be an initial plan to follow
[04:10:46] <Grievre> RikusW: The Pi only has one uart and one SPI out
[04:11:07] <Grievre> Also if he's using raspbian it's relatively simple to send I2C data without having to do any black magic
[04:11:35] <Grievre> martin__1: I'm currently controlling an I2C bus with 18 atmega328s, with a raspberry pi. It requires pretty much no effort to set up :)
[04:12:02] <Grievre> martin__1: you don't even need level shifting or anything, the raspberry pi already has pullups to 3.3V and the AVR chips work fine at that voltage
[04:12:27] <Grievre> adding a level shifter /might/ get you better performance
[04:12:34] <martin__1> Grievre: i think you still have 2 chip selects for the spi to chose different targets ... on the rpi .. so it should make it technically 2 spi sets (they just share the other 3 lines) ...
[04:13:09] <martin__1> so you're running the avr-s from their own power source or you steal the 3.3 from rpi ?
[04:15:31] <Grievre> martin__1: Well the AVRs need 5V supply but the I2C bus can run at 3.3
[04:15:43] <Grievre> martin__1: they're both running off of an ATX power supply right now
[04:16:03] <Grievre> The Pi's 5V pins couldn't handle 18 AVRs, much less the LEDs I'm controlling with them :)
[04:18:02] <martin__1> hmm ...somehow your implementation sounds like the same thing i'm trying to create over here ... at least from the rpi to atmega side ...
[04:18:54] <martin__1> my plan was to steal the power to run the 2 avr-s from the atmega ... and my problem with power is a completely different beast ... namely those 8 servos :$
[04:19:15] <Grievre> there's not really any implementation to do, you just connect the SCL, SDA and GND of all the devices together
[04:19:29] <martin__1> i plan to turn one at the time , but i'm still worried that even if i have a big cap to counter that it may kick rpi off it's feet
[04:19:31] <Grievre> and then you can run the whole thing off of a single 5V supply as long as it's high enough current
[04:20:08] <Grievre> martin__1: it would be no big deal to run the Pi off of a separate supply too, as long as you tie the grounds together
[04:22:57] <Grievre> martin__1: just be very very very careful not to accidentally hook 5V to any of the Pi's pins that you're not supposed to
[04:23:03] <Grievre> the Pi's GPIO pins can't handle 5V
[04:44:45] <martin__2> Grievre: well for now i'm not planning any other logic than the i2c to take place there
[04:47:47] <Horologium> running the AVR at 5V will mean the i2c pins will be driven at 5V....that's probably not a good thing when connecting to the rPI.
[05:06:11] <martin__2> Horologium: so what you're saying that if i'm running the avr-s at 5V and the rpi's gpio is running 3v3 i should use a level shifter before connecting it to rpi ?
[05:28:31] <grummund> for i2c you can get away without a level shifter
[05:29:10] <OndraSter> if it is hoooked up on 3v3
[05:29:17] <OndraSter> since it is open collector
[05:32:35] <grummund> but be very careful about ground routing or the motor currents will interfere with data
[05:58:10] <kulminaator1234> hmm ... i'd somehow feel safer if i'd still do the level shifting
[05:58:24] <OndraSter> more stuff to go wrong ;)
[05:58:30] <kulminaator1234> for sure :0
[05:58:36] <kulminaator1234> for sure :)*
[05:59:01] <OndraSter> or use the mega at 3v3
[05:59:03] <OndraSter> instead of 5
[05:59:04] <OndraSter> v
[05:59:29] * grummund feels safer when he understands how it works... not just blindy slapping in those 'magic' ICs.
[06:02:25] <kulminaator1234> the mega has to send the signals to the servo and the servo itself runs on 5V ... i'm not sure it will be impressed by 3.3v impulses
[06:02:55] <GuShH> most will work with 3.3v levels
[06:03:25] <GuShH> worst case scenario a single transistor and a couple resistors is all you'd need as an extra
[06:03:46] <grummund> kulminaator1234: "not sure" ? - then take a look at the datasheet and be sure.
[06:04:07] <GuShH> "not sure" is the non engineering way of course
[06:04:44] <grummund> even with a magic IC you still cannot be sure without proper design.
[06:06:08] <grummund> btw, interfacing i2c 3V3 to 5V *is* marginal, but once you understand why then you can decide what to do about it.
[06:06:32] <kulminaator1234> grummund: i agree that looking at a datasheet would be the common way to do that ... but this is a hobbyking servo that was just shipped in a plastic bag
[06:06:47] <grummund> i meant the avr datasheet
[06:06:48] <GuShH> kulminaator1234: the tiny blue ones?
[06:07:00] <kulminaator1234> i just know that it worked fine when i drove it off the servo tester from 5V
[06:07:21] <GuShH> open up the servo to find the IC's number, then get it's datasheet...
[06:07:21] <kulminaator1234> tiny white one ...
[06:07:30] <GuShH> it's just 4 screws
[06:15:30] <kulminaator1234> well if i run the i2c from the 3v3 then yes, avr by the docs should be able to pick it up (as it's specs say that it's 0.6Vcc sensible there)
[06:16:03] <kulminaator1234> i misread some part above initially which confused me about grummund's statement
[06:17:17] <kulminaator1234> somehow i initally thought the suggestion was to still run it from 5V and i was trying to figure out how that wouldn't blow up the rpi
[06:18:26] <kulminaator1234> sorry about the confusion
[07:06:33] <grummund> kulminaator1234: yeah sorry we were taking cross purpose
[07:08:39] <tzanger> You can get bidirectional level shifters too
[08:15:05] <jadew> hey, can avrdude program xmegas via avrisp 2?
[08:17:50] <Steffanx> that one supports pdi, so i guess avrdude can do it
[08:21:14] <jadew> well, thing is I'm trying to write support for PDI into my does it all tool and I'm identifying as avrispmkII
[08:21:24] <jadew> however, avrdude refuses to send PDI commands
[08:21:29] <jadew> it logs in, it logs out
[08:22:05] <jadew> and then it says avrdude: stk500v2_program_enable(): program enable instruction not defined for part "ATXMEGA16A4"
[08:22:19] <jadew> so it's like it doesn't know what to do
[08:23:29] <jadew> I know for a fact that it doesn't try anything else, because I'm spitting everything out over serial and it's only signing in then signing out
[08:25:42] <Horologium> why use stk500 fr avrisp2?
[08:27:37] <jadew> Horologium, it's what avrdude uses
[08:27:41] <Horologium> for avrdude I thought you used avrisp2
[08:27:48] <jadew> stk500v2 == stk600 internally
[08:27:54] <jadew> which is avrisp2, same protocol
[08:28:04] <jadew> and I am using avrisp2
[08:28:11] <jadew> avrdude -p x16a4 -c avrisp2 -P COM5
[08:28:12] <Horologium> aahh
[08:28:52] <Horologium> http://www.avrfreaks.net/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=93068
[08:29:01] <Horologium> you might read through that
[08:29:40] <Horologium> looks relevant
[08:30:03] <jadew> what bugs me is that in all examples I've seen -P usb
[08:30:16] <jadew> does avrisp2 register as a custom device or as a com port?
[08:30:29] <jadew> cuz the protocol commands seem to be stk500 + xprog
[08:30:37] <jadew> xprog == pdi & jtag
[08:31:53] <jadew> I should check trough the sources and see if avrdude takes different paths when using -P usb
[08:33:32] <Horologium> not having one, I have no clue.
[08:34:01] <Horologium> I'm still using either a dapa or vusb based programmer.
[08:34:02] <jadew> I really want to get this working, I made a target board for my xmega but I have no way to talk to it :)
[08:34:12] <Horologium> and haven't touched xmega chips yet.
[08:34:46] <jadew> it's the first time for me too
[08:35:21] <Horologium> surface mount chips give me fits due to shaky hands and poor sight.
[08:35:30] <Horologium> I like through hole
[08:36:19] <jadew> Horologium, me too, but it seems it's not as bad as I used to think
[08:36:31] <jadew> smd seems actually easier to solder than trough hole
[08:36:46] <jadew> (at least down to a size limit)
[08:36:48] <Horologium> I don't solder much at all.
[08:37:05] <Horologium> a lot of hobby put together/take apart...so I use solderless breadboards a lot.
[08:37:30] <jadew> me too, but when you're building something, you have to eventually solder it :)
[08:37:44] <Horologium> only built 4 permanent devices in the last year.
[08:38:18] <jadew> I'm in the hobby for less than a year :P
[08:38:36] <Horologium> I started with microcontrollers in about 2002
[08:39:24] <jadew> nice, I gave them a try in the past too, but didn't have a proper programmer or the drive to learn electronics in paralel
[08:39:43] <Horologium> and general electronics around 1976 or so.
[08:40:40] <jadew> nice, wasn't even born back then
[08:40:54] <Horologium> I was 9.
[08:41:20] <Horologium> radio shack 50 in 1 electronics kit.
[08:41:53] <jadew> you were lucky you had all that
[08:42:05] <Horologium> got it for christmas as I recall.
[08:42:14] <jadew> when I started playing with electronics I didn't have anything available, only some old book
[08:42:20] <Horologium> I liked to take things apart so my parents thought they would get me started making things.
[08:42:32] <jadew> heh
[08:42:41] <jadew> and I bet you still enjoy taking things appart :P
[08:42:48] <Horologium> I started saving pennies and buying all the Forest M. Mims III mini notebooks...$1.00 each.
[08:43:04] <Horologium> and Getting Started in Electronics by same guy.
[08:43:10] <Horologium> love those books.
[08:43:20] <Horologium> of course, that is why I fix copiers for a living.
[08:46:39] <Horologium>
[08:47:32] <jadew> https://github.com/wertarbyte/avrdude/blob/master/avrdude/stk500v2.c#L979
[08:48:07] <jadew> by looking at line 998, it seems like it doesn't care if it's PDI or TPI or whatever
[08:48:15] <jadew> it just goes ahead with ISP commands
[08:48:26] <jadew> (which are missing for the xmegas)
[08:48:30] <jadew> so it fails on 987
[08:49:36] <jadew> I think I'm closing in on the issue
[08:50:13] <jadew> https://github.com/wertarbyte/avrdude/blob/master/avrdude/stk500v2.c#L1087
[08:50:20] <theBear> the mini notebooks are awesome, they taught me everything i know about digital, then the motorola 68000 book taught me everything else about everything
[08:50:21] <jadew> for some reason the first condition fails
[08:50:55] <jadew> theBear, Horologium, wish I had that kind of info when I was a kid
[08:51:10] <jadew> luckly everything I need is available online
[08:51:15] <theBear> shoulda gone to ratshack and bought them :)
[08:51:29] <theBear> back then it really was ratshack, even here, they even sold single components
[08:51:44] <jadew> we didn't have that
[08:51:49] <theBear> few years later.... i got a packet somewhere, 2 1/2w resistors for $2.99
[08:51:56] <jadew> all the components I could get were from older electronics
[08:52:36] <jadew> 2 resistors for $3?
[08:53:13] <theBear> yerp, that was the start of the end, not sure any stores still exist, but it was all mobiles and radios and shit a few years after that
[08:54:31] <jadew> found the issue with avrdude and my clone
[08:54:44] <jadew> https://github.com/wertarbyte/avrdude/blob/master/avrdude/stk500v2.c#L1274
[08:55:03] <jadew> line 1305 only happens if the port is USB
[08:55:22] <jadew> since the pgmtype is not properly set, https://github.com/wertarbyte/avrdude/blob/master/avrdude/stk500v2.c#L1087 this fails
[08:55:40] <jadew> so it ends up with the programming functions for isp
[08:55:47] <jadew> mistery solved
[08:56:20] <jadew> now... any idea what's the official source repository for avrdude?
[09:10:23] <netchip> hey
[09:11:52] <eatyourguitar> print "hello world"
[09:11:56] <netchip> I'm curious how to program this AVR: AT89C4051-12PU
[09:12:25] <netchip> #include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("Hello World\n"); return0; }
[09:12:26] <netchip> ;)
[09:12:42] <eatyourguitar> lol
[09:14:34] <specing> Aren't the C series OTP?
[09:21:31] <netchip> hmm
[09:22:06] <netchip> http://www.google.nl/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CE0QFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.atmel.com%2FImages%2Fdoc1001.pdf&ei=zEHoUPCtPMKc0AWto4CoAw&usg=AFQjCNEihrAlwwz7Ot3EE0d5-HWMwPjaJA&sig2=_25hw89hoER-OWXrQgM-DA&bvm=bv.1355534169,d.d2k&cad=rja
[09:22:20] <netchip> How do I know how to program this chip?
[09:22:33] <netchip> because the documentation is IMHO too difficult
[09:22:45] <specing> the docs are too difficult?
[09:22:50] <specing> DIFFICULT?
[09:22:56] <specing> /facepalm
[09:24:33] <netchip> specing, do you want to explain me how to program those, please? :)
[09:25:23] <specing> Why would I need to know that?
[09:25:30] <specing> I don't have those chips
[09:25:45] <netchip> specing: I thought you knew how to program those, because you faceplamed :)
[09:26:11] <specing> no, I facepalmed because the ATMEL docs are very well-written and easy to understand
[09:26:27] <eatyourguitar> +1
[09:26:41] <Steffanx> I have no guitar
[09:26:46] <netchip> This is my first AVR,
[09:27:14] <eatyourguitar> AVR was never easy for a beginner
[09:27:23] <eatyourguitar> I started on arduino
[09:27:25] <specing> Yes it is/was
[09:27:36] <Steffanx> Is the AT89C4051 even called an AVR?
[09:27:39] <eatyourguitar> not for someone with 0 experience
[09:27:45] <Steffanx> it's a 8051
[09:27:59] <eatyourguitar> 8051 is good to learn
[09:28:07] <Steffanx> Yes, but it's not an AVR
[09:28:11] <eatyourguitar> they are in everything older than 5 years
[09:28:19] <specing> eatyourguitar: what is an arduino other than an overglorified AVR slapped onto a crappy board that can't be slapped onto a protoboard and that uses retarded naming for pins?
[09:28:51] <OndraSter_> retarded naming? NUMBERS!
[09:28:55] <netchip> Is there _any_ documentation on HOW to flash them?
[09:28:56] <eatyourguitar> you can pot the chip out of the socket and socket it on perf or vero
[09:29:04] <netchip> I mean Atmel chips in general
[09:29:11] <eatyourguitar> and the IDE + USB + really easy libs
[09:29:12] <specing> OndraSter_: a.k.a retarded
[09:29:38] <eatyourguitar> atmel has a free IDE but for best results, you need to spend $35 on a programmer
[09:29:55] <netchip> =/
[09:30:03] <eatyourguitar> I did not need to know any soldering to do something with arduino
[09:30:11] <eatyourguitar> although I am great at soldering
[09:30:19] <specing> Oh, so other programmers silently modify your code behind your back?
[09:30:26] <GuShH> lol arduino...
[09:30:27] <eatyourguitar> I did not need to read a datasheet to learn arduino
[09:30:39] <Steffanx> And there is where it went wrong eatyourguitar
[09:30:42] <GuShH> and you didn't learn jackshit boy
[09:30:47] <netchip> Well, I can't choose between the Atmel AT89C4051-12PU and a Raspberry PI
[09:30:52] <Steffanx> lol
[09:31:06] <Steffanx> You CAN compare them
[09:31:10] <Steffanx> *CANT :P
[09:31:13] <GuShH> netchip: the pi! the pi!
[09:31:16] <eatyourguitar> I can do AVR now and I read datasheets now
[09:31:19] <netchip> Raspberry PI has also GPIO pins eh
[09:31:29] <specing> yeah, like 5
[09:31:34] <eatyourguitar> but if it was not for arduino, it would have been too much to learn at once
[09:31:38] <OndraSter_> and zero peripherals other than UART :P
[09:31:38] <netchip> how many has an average AVR?
[09:31:43] <GuShH> eatyourguitar: it's not
[09:31:45] <OndraSter_> average avr means..?
[09:31:49] <Steffanx> pins
[09:31:50] <specing> I have an ARM9 board with 96+ GPIOs
[09:31:59] <netchip> A cheap ass AVR of 2 EURO
[09:32:00] <OndraSter_> they range from 4 GPIOs to 86 or so
[09:32:01] <specing> beat that
[09:32:06] <OndraSter_> :)
[09:32:10] <Steffanx> ARM9 lol specing
[09:32:18] <OndraSter_> netchip, huh, 24? I guess
[09:32:21] <OndraSter_> check atmega328 for example
[09:32:28] <specing> ARM9 running Gentoo
[09:32:31] <OndraSter_> hehe
[09:32:37] <OndraSter_> emerge -avuD world?
[09:32:44] <OndraSter_> without distcc?
[09:32:49] <netchip> OndraSter_, atmega328 has 32 pins
[09:33:00] <OndraSter_> yes, and deduct some power pins etc
[09:33:09] <OndraSter_> you are on... 28 GPIOs or something
[09:33:10] <specing> OndraSter_: I do off-machine builds
[09:33:14] <specing> OndraSter_: qemu-arm
[09:33:17] <OndraSter_> oh
[09:33:19] <OndraSter_> BOORIIING
[09:33:26] <specing> well
[09:33:32] <specing> the board has 64M ram
[09:33:38] <OndraSter_> challenge accepted!
[09:33:42] <specing> ...
[09:33:47] <OndraSter_> upgrade it :P
[09:33:54] <OndraSter_> I am sure it can do 256MB to
[09:34:02] <OndraSter_> too*
[09:34:07] <specing> sure, send me the RAM chips
[09:34:11] <specing> :D
[09:34:20] <OndraSter_> are those single chips?
[09:34:30] <OndraSter_> SDRAM?
[09:34:52] <specing> yes
[09:35:02] <OndraSter_> oh
[09:35:07] <OndraSter_> were there >64MB chips at all?
[09:35:09] <specing> 2 chips, 32M each
[09:35:12] <OndraSter_> oh
[09:35:18] <OndraSter_> then use two 64MB chips :P
[09:35:25] <OndraSter_> grab any 1GB SDRAM from servers
[09:35:26] <OndraSter_> and strip it
[09:35:38] <specing> looks like TSSOP-72
[09:35:41] <netchip> what's useful about AVRs, BTW?
[09:35:50] <OndraSter_> netchip, price, simplicity
[09:35:55] <OndraSter_> peripherals
[09:35:57] <OndraSter_> (on bigger chips)
[09:36:01] <OndraSter_> (on xmegas)
[09:36:07] <netchip> OndraSter_, I mean, why should I use them?
[09:36:13] <OndraSter_> that is upto you
[09:36:19] <OndraSter_> do you have something comparable for your project?
[09:37:46] <specing> netchip: your choice of a chip mostly depend on your familiarity with it
[09:37:52] <specing> depends*
[09:37:58] <specing> not on actual application
[09:38:01] <OndraSter_> that too
[09:38:08] <specing> (unless it can't be done with an AVR)
[09:38:10] <OndraSter_> it is much faster to use chips you are familiar with
[09:38:13] <eatyourguitar> I disagree
[09:38:26] <OndraSter_> NOBODY DISAGREES WITH ME!
[09:38:28] <OndraSter_> NEVER!
[09:38:31] <specing> OR ME
[09:38:34] <eatyourguitar> I think cost is the biggest factor for large deployment or manufacturing
[09:38:39] <OndraSter_> oh sure
[09:38:42] <specing> eatyourguitar: yes
[09:38:48] <OndraSter_> if you are going for large deployments
[09:38:56] <specing> but we aren't doing large deployments here
[09:39:00] <OndraSter_> we are #avr
[09:39:04] <OndraSter_> not #largedeployments
[09:39:05] <OndraSter_> :P
[09:39:23] <OndraSter_> "if he has to ask, he isn't doing large deployment"
[09:39:44] <eatyourguitar> I am trying to answer the question as best I can
[09:40:12] <eatyourguitar> second thing for me is footprint
[09:41:23] <eatyourguitar> large footprint + low cost is good if your selling kits
[09:41:43] <eatyourguitar> small footprint + low cost is good for manufacturing
[09:41:53] <OndraSter_> matching footprint + low cost*
[09:42:33] <eatyourguitar> yeah mixing smt with larger components is bad for kits and manufacturing
[09:42:42] <eatyourguitar> bad all around
[09:42:44] <OndraSter_> who uses nonSMT?
[09:42:47] <OndraSter_> (except headers)
[09:42:48] <eatyourguitar> me
[09:43:12] <eatyourguitar> I still dont have my $55 hot air thing yet
[09:43:15] <eatyourguitar> no $
[09:43:18] <OndraSter_> huh
[09:43:25] <OndraSter_> I would die without hot air gun
[09:43:33] <OndraSter_> (as in soldering hot air gun, not the bigass stuff)
[09:43:36] <eatyourguitar> I would die without food
[09:43:38] <OndraSter_> reworking
[09:43:39] <OndraSter_> heh
[09:44:09] <eatyourguitar> I did find one for 110v on aliexpress
[09:44:34] <OndraSter_> zomg 110v
[09:44:43] <OndraSter_> ZOMG if I will move to the US I will have to sell everything
[09:44:46] <OndraSter_> I can't bring my whole room with me
[09:44:49] <OndraSter_> it is just... too much :P
[09:44:59] <OndraSter_> and by much I mean REALLY much.
[09:48:05] <eatyourguitar> funny story, modular synthesizers run on +/-12v and the power supply is only $40 on a $4000 musical instrument
[09:48:23] <eatyourguitar> you can go around the world with a modular synth
[09:48:28] <eatyourguitar> good investment
[10:04:11] <vsync_> there's no better travelling company than a moog
[10:49:05] <netchip> is the Atmega32 a good AVR?
[10:49:09] <netchip> For a beginner?
[10:50:43] <Tom_itx> yes however i'd suggest a mega168 or 328
[10:50:49] <Tom_itx> a bit newer chip with more features
[10:53:24] <specing> Isn't atmega32 one of those huge-PDIP expensive as f8** varieties?
[10:53:35] <Tom_itx> 40 dip
[10:53:41] <Tom_itx> or 32 tqfp
[10:53:42] <Tom_itx> iirc
[10:54:33] <Tom_itx> ff hung, brb
[10:58:45] <netchip> is the Atmega 328 used on the Arduinano uno? oO
[10:59:29] <Tom_itx> quite possibly
[11:00:14] <Tom_itx> furthermore, here's a tutorial that would cover it: http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/how_to/atmega168/mega168_howto_main_index.php
[11:00:58] <Tom_itx> the 48 88 168 328 are all the same, just more memory
[11:01:30] <netchip> Tom_itx, I see I need a breadboard; isn't it kind of a hassle to connect it everytime again (all the cables)?
[11:01:51] <netchip> I saw a video on YT about building your own programmer, was pretty easy to do & cheap
[11:02:10] <Tom_itx> yeah there are dozens of em
[11:02:36] <Tom_itx> i made a nice little breadboard adapter for mine
[11:03:16] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/boards/USBTiny_Mkii/new_kits/USBTinyMkII_adapter_kit_desc.jpg
[11:03:31] <Tom_itx> i don't use the 6 to 10 anymore
[11:04:01] <netchip> Tom_itx, Isn't it easier to design a PCB for it?
[11:04:18] <netchip> You just solder the Atmega on it, and you're done ;)
[11:04:21] <Tom_itx> i was covering the 'noob' factor
[11:04:29] <Tom_itx> but i suppose so
[11:04:53] <netchip> nice adapter btw
[11:04:59] <netchip> you did design it yourself?
[11:05:05] <Tom_itx> yeah
[11:05:17] <Tom_itx> and the programmer
[11:05:49] <netchip> nice, did you make the PCB yourself or designed it and oredered it?
[11:05:55] <Tom_itx> ordered
[11:06:09] <netchip> I'm searching for such a website
[11:06:13] <netchip> :)
[11:06:17] <Tom_itx> how many boards?
[11:06:29] <netchip> maybe 2 or something
[11:06:31] <Tom_itx> itead is cheap
[11:06:46] <Tom_itx> laen is in the US and is $5 / sq in
[11:06:52] <Tom_itx> returns 3 boards for that
[11:07:20] <netchip> well
[11:07:30] <netchip> I can send my design & they produce it?
[11:07:32] <Tom_itx> http://oshpark.com/
[11:07:35] <Tom_itx> yup
[11:07:47] <Tom_itx> if you like purple
[11:08:09] <netchip> I get a purple PCB? :P
[11:11:43] <netchip> lol
[11:11:44] <netchip> https://www.iprototype.nl/products/kits/barebone-arduino-kit
[11:11:57] <netchip> at the same website, an Arduino Uno is 22 euro
[11:12:43] <Tom_itx> i got an arduino 2560 for that
[11:13:22] <Tom_itx> are you in nl?
[11:13:33] <netchip> Yeah
[11:13:38] <netchip> The Netherlands
[11:13:39] <netchip> :)
[11:15:09] <netchip> Tom_itx, Is UART also possible via the programmer?
[11:18:03] <Tom_itx> mine?
[11:18:21] <Tom_itx> not like it's wired i doubt
[11:20:31] <specing> that seems to be the common problem of all AVR programmers out there
[11:20:38] <specing> no simultaneus UART
[11:20:56] <specing> my stellaris launchpad has it
[11:23:32] <OndraSter_> simultaneus uart on the debugger/programmer?
[11:23:39] <OndraSter_> oic what you mean
[11:23:49] <theBear> i can program and uart without moving wires
[11:23:51] <OndraSter_> how does it work on stellaris? Two devices enumerate or what?
[11:24:04] <theBear> i just got a generic max232 board and a generic programming board
[11:24:21] <theBear> and of course i generally just put headers on the target board, don't like moving a chip just to program
[11:24:25] <OndraSter_> I took out the Atmega from the arduino I have got and simply put my board on top of it
[11:24:30] <OndraSter_> since it is arduino compatible
[11:25:29] <netchip> hmm
[11:25:36] <netchip> nobody has UART got working?
[11:25:54] <netchip> on Atmega 328?
[11:26:32] <OndraSter_> huh?
[11:26:35] <OndraSter_> UART on the chip?
[11:26:40] <OndraSter_> just two registers..
[11:37:27] <Tom_itx> OndraSter_, i think he meant thru the programmer
[11:38:10] <theBear> thru the programmer ? what, like a serial or usb or something ?
[11:38:20] <Tom_itx> usb i think
[11:38:42] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/how_to/atmega168/mega168_rs232_index.php
[11:38:47] <Tom_itx> there's a uart example
[11:38:48] <Tom_itx> fwiw
[12:09:33] <specing> OndraSter_: yes, two
[12:11:01] <specing> OndraSter_: stellaris has 16 hardware endpoints
[12:17:55] <netchip> Tom_itx, I mean, like hooking up the Atmel 328 to my computer via - for example - a Bus Pirate
[12:18:45] <Tom_itx> ft232
[12:18:50] <Tom_itx> etc
[12:22:38] <netchip> Tom_itx, that way I can hook up an Atmel 328 via UART with my PC, to get I/O??
[12:22:52] <Tom_itx> yeah
[12:22:53] <netchip> (I don't like messing with leds etc)
[12:23:11] <Tom_itx> i used a max232 but i had a serial port
[12:23:15] <netchip> OK :) I'll buy a few things then :P
[12:26:08] <Horologium> pricier but fewer parts if you use a max233..
[12:26:14] <Horologium> no external caps needed for the max233
[12:28:13] <netchip> what is it?
[12:28:25] <Horologium> max232 and caps is half the price but more board space.
[12:28:35] <theBear> converts ttl/logic levels to rs232 levels
[12:28:36] <Horologium> max232 or max233 is an rs232 to ttl level converter.
[12:29:04] <theBear> ft232(2?) does the same thing but over usb instead of rs232 physical
[12:29:17] <Horologium> yup.
[12:31:18] <netchip> would this work for UART, too? http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/bus-pirate-v3-assembled-p-609.html?cPath=174
[12:31:37] <netchip> would be handy for me, since I can use it for my phone AND for the Atmel controller :P
[12:32:22] <theBear> the avr has a uart, you just need a level converter that inputs to a pc in a way it can treat as serial
[12:32:56] <Horologium> the buspirate is a good little tool and, yes, it can connect to the uart pins on an avr for comms.
[12:33:48] <Horologium> it can even be used for uploading programs to the avr
[12:34:05] <Horologium> it's not exactly the fastest programmer out there though.
[12:34:24] <netchip> Nice!
[12:34:35] <netchip> A really nice little tool
[12:34:44] <Horologium> I've never used mine for programming AVR before though.
[12:34:55] <Horologium> but I've seen it done on the web here and there.
[12:35:15] <netchip> Horologium: if it doesn't work with AVRs; I don't mind, I can use it for my phone ;)
[12:35:47] <theBear> what you doing to a phone you need that for ?
[12:36:12] <netchip> developing custom bootloaders :)
[12:36:21] <netchip> and replacing Android with ubuntu
[12:36:51] <theBear> oh, that's probably a good reason :)
[12:37:13] <theBear> i wonder how you handle stuff like imeis with ubuntu.. first read about it yesterday
[12:37:19] <theBear> ubuntu on mobile that is
[12:37:27] <theBear> anyway, it's bedtime, cya all
[12:38:40] <netchip> cya
[13:05:47] <creep> h
[13:05:52] <creep> who likes xilinx fpgas ?
[13:07:42] <Tom_itx> xilinx
[13:08:51] <Tom_itx> i did a little bit with one
[13:09:05] <soul-d> din't understood the software in beginning so went for altera
[13:09:31] <creep> did you program it with some free programmer?
[13:09:47] <soul-d> no got dev boards
[13:09:51] <Tom_itx> http://tutor.al-williams.com/wpv-1.htm
[13:10:02] <Tom_itx> you should have followed that tut
[13:10:13] <Tom_itx> it helped me a bit
[13:10:19] <soul-d> bought the cheapest one wich should be able act as one :P
[13:10:22] <soul-d> vhdl :P
[13:10:46] <soul-d> but their software back then was like allot of small parts donno if thats still the case
[13:17:54] <creep> Tom_itx<< nice verilog tutorial
[13:34:03] <tzanger> nobody likes Xilinx fpgas
[13:35:15] <tzanger> you can program them with any JTAG programmer, but it's easier if you use hw that their programmer can drive
[13:35:42] <tzanger> for altera I just use a $60 Terasic USB blaster
[13:36:03] <tzanger> for Xilinx I have some equally cheap programmer
[13:36:24] <tzanger> can't remember the name of it; my Xilinx stuff gathers dust. :-)
[13:37:37] <tzanger> soul-d: getting into VHDL/Verilog because you don't understand sw is a little like becoming a neurosurgeon because you don't get biology :-)
[13:38:31] <tzanger> we nevermind I didn't read that right. you went altera because you didn't understand ISE.
[13:38:37] <tzanger> er not we
[13:41:43] <soul-d> http://www.dutchnews.nl/news/archives/2012/11/13_patients_in_twente_may_have.php
[13:41:54] <soul-d> actualy i probably could do better
[13:42:22] <soul-d> he was still active in germany got fired today
[13:44:38] <netchip> soul-d, are you a doctor?
[13:44:42] <soul-d> but anyhow software has to flow a little bit and well quartus does easily win on that back then at least
[13:45:09] <soul-d> no but it's funny he said nurosurgon when it's hot topic here and probably bit in germany since he could still work there
[13:47:48] <creep> http://elm-chan.org/works/avrx/report_e.html
[13:48:15] <creep> how about diy programmers?
[13:48:44] <creep> if you don't want to debug...
[14:05:57] <Horologium> creep, if you have a parallel port you can just use 5 wires between that and the avr if you provide external power to the avr
[14:06:17] <creep> yeah
[14:07:07] <creep> i even saw programmer with serial port
[14:08:01] <Horologium> yup. avr901 serial programming protocol.\
[14:08:03] <creep> hey Horologium whats up?
[14:08:11] <yunta> I use home-built serial port-based spi programmer sometimes
[14:08:13] <Horologium> uses a couple of transistors and resistors to do a level converter.
[14:08:25] <Horologium> I still use my first ever dapa programmer
[14:08:30] <creep> or hc125 if needs tristate
[14:08:51] <Horologium> mine uses a hc244 as I recall.
[14:08:57] <yunta> dasa2 here, iirc, just 2 zeners + one transistor :D
[14:09:16] <creep> program, pulldown test type :)
[14:09:56] <Horologium> I should build another chip monitor socket. lost my last one.
[14:09:59] <creep> i should use a tristate latch because i like to test very often while developing
[14:10:24] <Horologium> think someone borrowed it and didn't return it but don't know who.
[14:11:01] <Horologium> put Red/Green/Amber LEDs on every i/o pin.
[14:11:36] <Horologium> done with a wire wrap socket.
[14:11:57] <Horologium> problem is finding 3 wire RGA LEDs these days.
[14:12:20] <creep> you can have RGB
[14:12:32] <Horologium> yeah.
[14:12:33] <creep> R+G = Yellow
[14:13:04] <creep> my lithium charger uses a redgreen... and outputs 3 colors
[14:13:06] <Horologium> maybe I'll just do it with red LEDs to GND.
[14:13:33] <creep> red = CC, yellow = CV, G = done
[14:13:59] <Horologium> either way, an LED on each i/o pin so you can see states of everything with the chip in circuit.
[14:14:19] <Horologium> once it's working then pull the socket and stick chip directly on board.
[14:15:03] <creep> i use tqfp, isp sound a better option
[14:15:40] <Horologium> I do everything in dip here.
[14:15:52] <creep> thats large and heavy
[14:16:02] <Horologium> just hobby play work mostly.
[14:16:07] <creep> and meant to be through hole mounted ;/
[14:16:08] <Horologium> on solderless breadboards.
[14:16:14] <creep> hehe
[14:16:26] <creep> yeah well you can wire-wrap the dip
[14:16:46] <Horologium> have done full wire wrap work before.
[14:17:18] <Horologium> somewhere I even have a box of WW sockets, wire, and the wrap tool.
[14:17:44] <creep> for fun i recently tried wirewrap using some superfiber wire
[14:18:05] <creep> 0.3mm dyneema
[14:18:59] <Horologium> bit thin to work with, eh?
[14:19:36] <creep> overlap the wire and the led lead then put a double constrictor knot on them to squeeze them together
[14:19:54] <creep> its ok upto about 80C
[14:20:10] <Horologium> gotta go put an outlet in and hang a TV.
[14:21:10] <creep> not too thin, i think 0.1mm would do, the 0.3mm dyneema can lift 25kgs
[14:26:23] <creep> smd breadboarding is not cool, much faster and better to build a prototype PCB
[14:27:21] <creep> anybody tried soldering bgas without balls?
[14:33:06] <creep> tricky stuff to make every land connect without bridging
[14:35:31] <Casper> creep: deadbug
[16:10:26] <tomek__> Hey! I'm writing a new avr gui - XProg. I'm looking for peoples who can give me some ideas how my program should look.
[16:10:45] <tomek__> Hey! I'm writing a new avrdude gui - XProg. I'm looking for peoples who can give me some ideas how my program should look.
[16:12:23] <Horologium> it should be simple, easy to understand, easy to use.
[16:12:30] <Horologium> minimal graphics...
[16:12:40] <Horologium> and succinct.
[16:12:42] <yunta> also, it could contain fuse calculator
[16:12:52] <tomek__> Do you like SinaProg?
[16:12:58] <Horologium> never heard of it.
[16:13:56] <tomek__> That is my favorite but there isn't linux version.
[16:13:59] <Horologium> it should also work on linux if I'm to use it.
[16:14:09] <Horologium> I don't care about windows version.
[16:14:17] <tomek__> Yes, me too.
[16:14:24] <Horologium> generally I just use command line.
[16:14:26] <yunta> same here
[16:14:42] <yunta> would be nice if you could call it from command line with the same switches as avrdude
[16:14:59] <yunta> it would then just do the same thing that avrdude did, but showing progress in graphical way
[16:15:02] <yunta> maybe...
[16:15:30] <tomek__> Good idea. I haven't think about that
[16:15:48] <Horologium> or, just use avrdude and be done with it....but that's just me.
[16:16:32] <tomek__> And fusebit calculator should works on bits or on ready value?
[16:16:44] <Horologium> no clue what "ready value" is.
[16:17:13] <tomek__> For example "External clock source 8-16MHz"
[16:17:49] <yunta> like this: http://www.engbedded.com/fusecalc
[16:18:15] <yunta> plus "read fuses" and "write fuses" buttons
[16:19:04] <yunta> and xmega support :)
[16:19:49] <tomek__> I'm using avrdude 5.11 if it supports xmega my XProg will too
[16:20:05] <tomek__> How about .elf file?
[16:20:34] <tomek__> instead of .hex?
[16:21:00] <yunta> tomek__: why would you need gui for avrdude anyway? don't you just put avrdude in your makefile?
[16:21:29] <yunta> I meant xmega fuse matrix. engbedded.com doesn't support fuses calculation for xmega.
[16:22:23] <tomek__> yunta: sometimes I need to program a lot of similar processors or I have ready .hex. I like to have separate programmer.
[16:23:33] <yunta> while $(true); do make program; done # ;)
[16:23:56] <maqr> is it possible to stop the flash memory on an atmega32u4 from being dumped? (as a security feature)
[16:24:00] <yunta> I agree that for some rare situations having ui would be more convenient than reading avrdude man
[16:24:27] <yunta> but is it worth your effort
[16:24:33] <tomek__> Do you remember when you are beginner?
[16:25:07] <tomek__> When I was I don't even know what is avrdude.
[16:26:04] <yunta> sure
[16:26:22] <yunta> that's a noble goal, helping beginners
[16:26:41] <tomek__> How about .elf files?
[16:27:04] <Horologium> what about them?
[16:27:09] <Horologium> are they even useful?
[16:27:10] <Horologium> hehe
[16:27:30] <Horologium> can't say as I've ever used one.
[16:27:53] <kline> Horologium: they are
[16:28:02] <tomek__> I think about adding support of them. .elf file contains flash, eeprom and fusebits.
[16:28:04] <kline> better debugging info, and you can pack in fuse setting etc
[16:28:23] <Horologium> aahh.
[16:28:38] <tomek__> And compiler make them for you
[16:29:03] <tomek__> Are you using them?
[16:29:06] <Horologium> I just use hex files.
[16:29:17] <Horologium> but, kind of old fashioned I guess...
[16:31:25] <tomek__> How about hardware programmers? There is support of lots different programmers in avrdude, but I don't know which are useful.
[16:31:46] <jadew> what are you guys talking about?
[16:32:01] <tomek__> I'm writing a new avrdude gui - XProg.
[16:32:21] <tomek__> And I'm searching for ideas
[16:32:32] <jadew> one button!
[16:32:35] <jadew> "upload"
[16:32:49] <Grievre> Horologium: if you use linux, all of your executable binaries are in ELF format
[16:32:55] <Grievre> unless something weird is going on
[16:33:13] <Horologium> yeah, true.
[16:33:20] <Horologium> just never bothered with them for avr.
[16:33:30] <tomek__> jardew: What it should do?
[16:33:43] <jadew> it should upload the firmware :D
[16:34:28] <tomek__> Whats the difference between this and "write" button?
[16:34:43] <jadew> write sounds complex
[16:38:04] <jadew> http://dumb.ro/files/gui.png
[16:38:11] <jadew> that's it!
[16:38:19] <tomek__> Will it be useful if I add a microcontrollers catalog with memory size etc.?
[16:38:48] <Horologium> so, does avrdude actually program the .fuses section directly from an elf file now or do you still have to do an objdump and extract it first?
[16:38:49] <jadew> you open it, you click "Upload!" and it will know which firmware you want to upload, it will detect the programmer connected, the mcu the programmer is connected to
[16:38:59] <jadew> it will check for compatibility and it will automagically do it for you
[16:39:39] <tomek__> Great! Writing a letter to santa.
[16:39:42] <Horologium> will have to play with it.
[16:39:58] <Horologium> Santa has it right...only visit people once a year.
[16:40:36] <jadew> I don't think I'm gonna finish my pdi programmer this weekend :/
[16:40:40] <tomek__> worth wait!
[16:40:48] <jadew> was really hoping to play with this xmega
[16:41:15] <Horologium> one of these days I'll get one of the xplain boards to play with.
[16:41:18] <jadew> tomek__, instead of a GUI, why don't you fork it and use the code instead?
[16:41:32] <jadew> tomek__, then you can even extend on it
[16:41:54] <jadew> Horologium, they're just breakout boards, right?
[16:42:02] <tomek__> jadew: do you think about using a code of avrdude?
[16:42:06] <Horologium> full play around boards.
[16:42:25] <Horologium> http://www.atmel.com/products/microcontrollers/avr/xplain.aspx
[16:42:50] <jadew> tomek__, what do you mean?
[16:43:19] <jadew> Horologium, nice
[16:43:30] <jadew> so it has more stuff on it
[16:43:33] <Horologium> and they are cheap.
[16:43:45] <Horologium> 29 dollars
[16:43:53] <tomek__> jadew: I mean this: "instead of a GUI, why don't you fork it and use the code instead?"
[16:44:40] <jadew> that's what I said
[16:45:14] <tomek__> jadew: and I answer: "do you think about using a code of avrdude?"
[16:45:37] <tomek__> What isn't clear?
[16:45:42] <jadew> the question
[16:46:27] <jadew> I'm not a native english speaker
[16:46:35] <tomek__> I mean if my program should base on avrdude code.
[16:46:47] <tomek__> My neither
[16:46:48] <jadew> yeah
[16:47:03] <tomek__> Where are you from?
[16:47:08] <jadew> instead of issuing commands from avrdude, just use the code inside your program
[16:47:11] <jadew> romania
[16:47:59] <jadew> Horologium: http://dumb.ro/files/xmega_devboard1.jpg made it a few days ago
[16:48:07] <jadew> http://dumb.ro/files/xmega_devboard2.jpg
[16:48:09] <jadew> http://dumb.ro/files/xmega_devboard3.jpg
[16:48:14] <jadew> I don't have a programmer tho
[16:48:43] <tomek__> I'm from Poland. It's a little bit too hard to use somebody's code inside my program.
[16:49:12] <tomek__> Not because i'm from Poland, just because i'm not smart enough.
[16:49:24] <tomek__> i'm too stupid.
[16:49:56] <jadew> heh, then it's not a bad idea to take on a challange
[16:50:06] <Horologium> not stupid...just not learned enough.
[16:50:06] <jadew> the code is not that hard to understand btw
[16:50:34] <Horologium> ignorance can be cured....stupidity can not.
[16:50:57] <jadew> I'm super proud of the soldering job I done with that mcu
[16:51:04] <Horologium> looks good.
[16:51:20] <Horologium> closest I can come is using a schmartboard.
[16:51:33] <tomek__> I can try, however there is some disadvantages...
[16:51:44] <Horologium> which has solder on the pads and raised ridges between the pins.
[16:51:52] <Horologium> just push chip down and heat pins.
[16:51:56] <jadew> oh, nice
[16:52:07] <Horologium> schmartboards are sweet...but a bit pricy.
[16:52:19] <Horologium> they even have some for BGA.
[16:52:33] <Horologium> not sure how well those work but they do sell.
[16:52:41] <jadew> I bet
[16:53:41] <tomek__> Why are you decided to use xmega?
[16:53:59] <Horologium> http://schmartboard.com/index.asp?page=products_qfp&id=68
[16:54:03] <jadew> because of the 12bit ADC @ 200ksps
[16:54:15] <tomek__> Cortex-m0 or cortex-m3 are cheaper and faster
[16:54:17] <jadew> Horologium, yeah, found that on google
[16:54:21] <Horologium> http://schmartboard.com/index.asp?page=products_bga&id=110
[16:54:27] <Horologium> bga board...45 dollars!
[16:54:33] <jadew> tomek__, never used cortex ones
[16:55:01] <jadew> Horologium, yeah, that is pricey
[16:55:30] <Horologium> Tom_itx, but they aren't AVR!
[16:55:34] <tomek__> I gonna try. It looks easy. For example UART bootloader.
[16:55:41] <Tom_itx> huh?
[16:55:47] <Horologium> sorry
[16:55:47] <Tom_itx> should i care?
[16:55:49] <Horologium> wrong tom.
[16:55:49] <Tom_itx> :)
[16:55:52] <Horologium> meant tomek__
[16:56:00] <Horologium> tab completion thingie.
[16:56:26] <Horologium> watching the final battle scene in a Lethal Weapon movie.
[16:56:29] <Horologium> and typing at the same time.
[16:56:39] <tomek__> hey i will change nick
[16:57:40] <xxx-xxx001> now i'm manyx
[16:57:48] <xxx-xxx001> or plentyx
[16:59:50] <Horologium> no big deal...I just need to pay attention to what I'm typing.
[17:00:34] <xxx-xxx001> Thank you very much for your ideas, but my computer said that it is going to sleep.
[17:01:02] <jadew> scrillex is a band?
[17:01:14] <Horologium> sounds like a disease to me.
[17:01:31] <jadew> it sounds like shit and all the songs are the same
[17:01:47] <Horologium> that's most music made since 1990.
[17:01:58] <jadew> but I keept hearing about it and lots of people are into it
[17:02:06] <jadew> I was under the impression that it's a new genere
[17:02:23] <Horologium> it is....idiot mind numbing crap genre.
[17:02:27] <slidercrank> jadew, what a strange pcb (inverted).
[17:02:47] <jadew> slidercrank, why is it strange? :)
[17:03:21] <slidercrank> jadew, you usually leave metal traces and remove other metal covering.
[17:03:39] <Horologium> excess is probably ground plane.
[17:03:46] <jadew> yeah, that's the ground plane
[17:03:58] <jadew> it's good both for noise and for saving etchant
[17:04:14] <Horologium> on multiple layer boards you often don't see the ground plane as it is sandwiched in the middle.
[17:04:54] <slidercrank> I see
[17:05:36] <slidercrank> jadew, what does your board do?
[17:05:52] <Horologium> it does nothing..he doesn't have a programmer for it yet!
[17:05:57] <jadew> lol, yeah
[17:06:03] <slidercrank> well, supposed to do then?:)
[17:06:09] <jadew> it's supposed to be a target board so I can test stuff on it
[17:07:08] <Horologium> http://schmartboard.com/schmartboard_pd_202-0026-01_l.jpg up close of the bga schmartboard.
[17:07:45] <jadew> Horologium, I would really like to see one of these boards layer by layer
[17:07:50] <jadew> bga routing must be insane
[17:10:26] <Horologium> one has to wonder how many layers are on that board.
[17:10:41] <jadew> yeah
[17:11:00] <Horologium> from the price I would bet it is about 10 layer.
[17:54:04] * GuShH offers theBear a cold beer
[18:39:16] <Grievre> Is there a way to set the timers so that they get reset to zero automatically and immediately upon hitting the compare value?
[18:39:20] <Grievre> and the interrupt still gets called?
[18:39:39] <Casper> there is a compare match interrupt and an overflow interrupt
[18:39:49] <Grievre> okay
[18:40:08] <Grievre> but key words: immediately and automatically. I want it to be reset to zero even if interrupts are disabled
[18:40:17] <Grievre> and then the interrupt handler to get called once they're enabled again
[18:41:56] <Casper> set the mode for the timer
[18:42:11] <Casper> the reset have nothing to do with the interrupt
[18:43:36] <Grievre> okay
[18:43:55] <Grievre> so... how do I do that?
[18:43:58] <Grievre> The datasheet is really cryptic
[18:44:03] <Grievre> also annoying to search through
[18:44:53] <Grievre> oh
[18:44:55] <Grievre> never mind, found it
[18:45:48] <specing> Grievre: CTC mode