#avr | Logs for 2013-01-04

[00:03:42] <rue_house> hahahahahahahahahahahahahaah
[00:03:49] <rue_house> hahahahahahahahaha
[00:08:14] <Casper> rue_house: just checked the video I posted?
[00:08:32] <rue_house> I poll the channel
[00:33:46] <DagoRed> That video is hilarious!
[01:04:51] <Grievre> is reading from EEPROM done by MMIO or?
[01:45:09] <rue_bed> there is a pointer
[01:45:29] <rue_bed> you set it and trigger a read, the value turns up in another register
[02:41:19] <Vutral> hm
[03:43:35] <sabesto> funny pic of 2 atmegas and the box they came in this morning: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/47833678/2013-01-04%2010.22.16.jpg
[04:35:33] <GuShH> tzanger: but your experience is limited on that particular project, I wasn't starting a weiner competition either... just saying things evolve and not all systems are equal. Knowing one does not mean you know them all but it's true for the most part they share similarities in most fields.
[04:36:13] <theBear> and i'm saying, my weiner is the biggest !
[04:40:35] <GuShH> theBear: There's no way I'm asking for proof of that...
[04:40:48] <theBear> there's no way you'd get it :)
[04:41:01] * GuShH hands theBear the trophy
[04:41:01] <theBear> hooray !
[04:43:11] <GuShH> theBear: did you send out those resumes in the end?
[04:43:52] <theBear> hey what ? months ago ? yeah, but umm, i got a job regardless :) resumes don't really work for electronics round these parts
[04:44:11] <GuShH> what-ya-mean
[04:44:43] <theBear> what you mean ? i err, cold called the biggest repair place in town, and they'd just fired someone useless...
[04:44:59] <GuShH> hired!
[04:45:19] <GuShH> what's that in your head, doubts? who did you piss off this time!
[04:45:32] <theBear> what are you talking about ? i been working there for months
[04:45:39] <GuShH> you said fired instead of hired
[04:45:47] <theBear> heh, funny guy
[04:46:08] <GuShH> audio related?
[04:46:23] <theBear> www.eav.com.au i think
[04:46:27] <GuShH> does the guy in charge know what hes doing this time or is he another clueless idiot
[04:46:45] <theBear> he's the head tech, he's into vintage synths, he's cool
[04:46:55] <GuShH> neat
[04:46:59] <theBear> see if i can find a video
[04:47:14] <GuShH> does he know stephen hawking?
[04:47:16] * GuShH runs
[04:47:58] <theBear> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8o5pJ3Kc9KA that's my bench in the background
[04:48:48] <GuShH> LOL
[04:49:06] <GuShH> ain't that your perfect work environment
[04:49:13] <theBear> oh, and he's something like i dunno, secretary for the national atheist foundation :)
[04:49:18] <GuShH> you lucky bastard
[04:49:36] <GuShH> how on earth did you find this guy haha
[04:49:46] <GuShH> not in church, clearly
[04:49:48] <theBear> yeah, it ain't bad... most importantly a sheltered workshop, which is more important than ever now... i always been best kept away from customers, but well, i'm a cripple too now :)
[04:50:11] <GuShH> I can't stand people
[04:50:13] <theBear> i always known he was around, one day i just figured if i want that kinda job, may as well call the few workshops in town
[04:51:02] <theBear> recently old boss has been bringing desperate repairs in, hilarious watching them talk, specially when new boss has a couple gins in him :)
[04:53:13] <GuShH> theBear: goes to show you can't wait for things to happen I guess
[04:53:43] <theBear> indeed
[05:27:20] * inflex goes and tries to remember his soldering skills
[05:42:16] <soul-d> thats usaly part i try to forget always starts nice and bling bling but at the end ...ah wel as long it doesn't explode :)
[06:03:29] <GuShH> soul-d: say wha?
[06:09:36] <soul-d> that my first pad looks all shiny and nifty but end results still look kinda messy
[06:17:30] <GuShH> soul-d: you rush it
[06:17:42] <GuShH> not enough flux could be the answer.
[06:18:01] <GuShH> also, too high temperature specially on a cheap iron it'll keep increasing until it self-regulates at a way too high temperature
[06:28:24] <inflex> well, it's been a long time, but my first new board in about 8 months... http://dxp.me/frfr-001.jpg
[06:28:32] <inflex> yay
[06:28:34] <inflex> wrong URL
[06:28:41] <inflex> http://dxp.me/i/frfr-001.jpg
[06:30:43] <yunta> you built it by yourself?
[06:30:51] <inflex> yes
[06:31:11] <inflex> hand soldered for a change, rather than doing the usual stencil/reflow
[06:31:44] <yunta> and you manufacture pcb with uv, or buy them?
[06:36:13] <GuShH> yunta: that pcb was ordered
[06:37:01] <GuShH> hes got plated through holes, silkscreen and a soldermask... whatyathink hes crazy enough to pull that at home?
[06:37:28] <GuShH> inflex: shed still getting hot during summer?
[06:39:41] <yunta> GuShH: I can't wait to finally meet somebody who *is* crazy enough :)
[06:39:54] <GuShH> some of us are
[06:40:13] <GuShH> I'm crazy enough to transfer silkscreens on homemade boards, at least...
[06:40:26] <GuShH> I've seen people do their own soldermasks and vias
[06:40:31] <GuShH> They're nuts
[06:40:46] <GuShH> Mind you a silkscreen is very helpful
[06:41:04] <GuShH> you can even put the filename on it in case you can't remember what it was a few months after
[07:19:47] <soul-d> not bad idea gush i should do better code managment and better comment last change date since you can't rily on file creation
[07:34:17] <inflex> GuShH: don't even go in there any more - it's now overgrown with vines
[07:34:48] <inflex> oh yeah, FRFR-001 is my filename
[07:34:56] <inflex> and of course the datecode after that helps
[07:35:38] <inflex> Anyhow, nothing exotic really here, just a mega88 controlling a small fridge to a set temperature, and displaying it on a LCD along with other useless data
[07:37:22] <GuShH> soul-d: yeah just cram as much data as you can on those silkscreens!
[07:37:54] <GuShH> inflex: vines... fridges.... are we turning into wine addicts?
[07:38:00] <GuShH> also, can has some?
[08:45:40] <DarkDaemon> quick question about AVR, if i'm using v-usb, does that allow me to program/debug the chip as well?
[08:45:57] <DarkDaemon> or do i need a separate programmer for that?
[08:49:12] <darknite> รถ
[09:47:42] <specing> DarkDaemon: v-usb is an USB library, it has nothing to do with programming/debugging
[09:50:43] <DarkDaemon> dang, so i would need to get a separate programmer, program the atmega8, throw the that into my circuit then (for example) use it as a HID
[09:50:46] <DarkDaemon> right?
[09:52:04] <Steffanx> You could use a vusb based bootloader
[09:52:32] <DarkDaemon> i'm sorry i don't understand what that means
[09:52:46] <Steffanx> http://www.obdev.at/products/vusb/bootloadhid.html that
[09:53:31] <CapnKernel> A project I did with V-USB, which allows loading new software into the ATmega over USB: http://capnstech.blogspot.com/2011/02/usb-doodad-6-bootloader.html
[09:53:41] <Steffanx> or that
[09:53:49] <Steffanx> oh, it's the same project :)
[09:55:02] <DarkDaemon> so these essentially act as programmers for the AVR, and once the program is on, the usb can be used (again for example) as a HID?
[09:55:17] <DarkDaemon> apologies for the nooby questions, first time working with AVR :)
[09:55:49] <theBear> generally a bootloader only 'exists' for a few moments during boot-time, or when selected maybe with a special jumper
[09:56:03] <CapnKernel> Yes. The AVR is capable of self-programming itself
[09:56:35] <CapnKernel> The bootloader is just a program that can receive new software over some kind of transport, and store it in the flash.
[09:57:13] <DarkDaemon> ah interesting
[09:58:03] <GuShH> theBear: just watched a few of the videos, your boss is nuts
[09:59:00] <DarkDaemon> so how do you get the bootloader on there in the first place? and lets say i write my HID program, bootloader loads it up and everything is working, is the bootloader still there? and how can i erase the program and write a new version for example?
[09:59:24] <GuShH> you just flash it
[09:59:36] <GuShH> then you upload your program
[10:00:00] <GuShH> DarkDaemon: you write the program to a specific portion of the flash memory
[10:00:08] <GuShH> from offset X to Y "program memory"
[10:00:23] <GuShH> prior to that you'd have the bootloader and whatever reserved space it may require
[10:00:32] <theBear> GuShH, yeah a bit, that's when he still drank beer after work, these days its gin, for the wasteline <grin> but he's err, on the heavy end of asperger, or the light end of completely autistic, which makes things a bit more interesting :)
[10:00:35] <DarkDaemon> ah i see
[10:01:09] <GuShH> like theBear mentioned, if you check for a specific gpio to be low or high during bootup you could enter the bootloader menu instead of running the program
[10:01:20] <DarkDaemon> amazing
[10:01:21] <GuShH> or, just enter a listening loop where it waits for a new program
[10:01:33] <DarkDaemon> that's very very cool
[10:01:37] * GuShH 's right eyebrow raises slowly as he stares at theBear
[10:02:24] <theBear> huh ? do i got a booger ?
[10:02:41] <DarkDaemon> one more quick question, i watched this video >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7Bk9UHOlLI << and i thought it was pretty neat. i was hoping someone could explain how the sound is actually going from the pc -> speaker?
[10:03:05] <GuShH> So he upgraded to gin, what's next? 89 octane gasoline and then 96?
[10:03:48] <theBear> heh nah, i don't think he's gonna go up, i would if i had more money, damn i'd drink some liquor if i had more money
[10:04:07] <GuShH> DarkDaemon: DAC
[10:04:37] <DarkDaemon> has he just programmed his AVR to be a DAC?
[10:04:53] <CapnKernel> DarkDaemon: You need a programmer to get the bootloader into the AVR in the first place.
[10:05:01] <GuShH> DarkDaemon: didn't watch the video... there are audio interfaces one can use, but the way you get digital data to the analog world is through conversion
[10:05:16] <CapnKernel> Once the bootloader is in your AVR, you don't need a programmer any more.
[10:05:18] <theBear> he's a boob, 30-40ms my ass !
[10:05:21] <GuShH> and to achieve that there are many ways...
[10:05:26] <DarkDaemon> CapnKernel: yep, i see that now. i found a post on using a usb keyboard as a programmer :)
[10:05:35] <GuShH> theBear: heh 30ms is not usable for a musician, or so I heard from one.
[10:05:42] <GuShH> he kept whining about his 9ms
[10:06:03] <GuShH> I guess they can feel the difference when they're playing notes on a keyboard
[10:06:13] <DarkDaemon> GuShH: well that was going to be one of my end goals, i wanted a way to output an mp3 for example, out to speakers. but the chip i found for that specific purpose is 12$! :(
[10:06:20] <GuShH> But how much faster is the keyboard to begin with? or is it just adding up and it becomes way too evident
[10:06:22] <theBear> 30ms isn't very usable, i challenge ANYONE to notice 9ms, point is that 30-40ms is IMPOSSIBLY high for something like native alsa
[10:06:29] <theBear> it was 5 years ago, on shitty old hardware
[10:06:41] <GuShH> DarkDaemon: there are tons of avr mp3 players out there
[10:06:48] <GuShH> start with raw audio data.. no need to decode
[10:06:56] <GuShH> but you'll soon find a lot of problems
[10:06:57] <theBear> and i'm led to believe that jack happily gets under 5ms
[10:07:04] <GuShH> data throughput is one of them
[10:07:08] <GuShH> data storage, another one.
[10:07:10] <hackvana> GuShH: Show me one.
[10:07:23] <GuShH> I could show you both if you offered some drinks
[10:07:48] <hackvana> I think you don't know any MP3 players. I think you're making it up.
[10:07:59] <GuShH> There are plenty projects out there.
[10:08:07] <GuShH> Sorry if I crushed your multi-million dollar idea
[10:08:16] <hackvana> Like?
[10:08:19] <GuShH> It's been done, some guys even had their cases machined.
[10:08:29] <GuShH> Like google it, I'm nobody's boy
[10:08:41] <DarkDaemon> well it doesn't need to be an mp3 player per-se
[10:08:48] <DarkDaemon> cause all the data is just coming in from the host pc
[10:08:49] <DarkDaemon> over usb
[10:08:56] <hackvana> They all use separate MP3-playing chips.
[10:08:59] <DarkDaemon> i'm assuming it would be more like an AVR usb speaker
[10:09:00] <GuShH> Then there's the audio quality, will you go cheap and use an R-2R ladder or a specific DAC?
[10:09:05] <hackvana> As far as I know there are no projects that play MP3 with AVR.
[10:09:13] <hackvana> And you only need to show me one to disprove my claim
[10:09:31] <hackvana> If you can't disprove it, by showing even one example, then I'm claiming there's smoke coming from your butt.
[10:09:31] <GuShH> hackvana: your claim is worth nothing to us, go back to your mom's basement.
[10:09:52] <GuShH> There's always a kid willing to measure up his dick against strangers... jeez.
[10:10:30] <hackvana> Quite simply, there are no MP3 players for AVR.
[10:10:33] <DarkDaemon> GuShH: do those problems exist in my scenario?
[10:11:16] <GuShH> DarkDaemon: yes
[10:11:19] <GuShH> hackvana: I invite you to read again, and again, until you comprehend that no such claim was made. No requirement of decoding was mentioned -after- mentioning raw data. AVR mp3 players were mentioned, nobody said they were decoding on the MCU itself.
[10:11:43] <DarkDaemon> dang
[10:11:52] <hackvana> "there are tons of avr mp3 players out there"
[10:11:54] <DarkDaemon> i might have to contact the person in that vid to see how he did it :P
[10:12:07] <GuShH> hackvana: there are.
[10:12:42] <theBear> DarkDaemon, he links the code, that should be enough
[10:12:54] <GuShH> what about http://www.atmel.com/Images/doc32173.pdf
[10:13:24] <hackvana> There are a ton of players that use the VS101, but no AVR MP3 players"
[10:13:29] <GuShH> <nerd>
[10:13:41] <DarkDaemon> http://www.myplace.nu/mp3/
[10:13:57] <DarkDaemon> theBear: dang, totally missed that. thanks
[10:14:15] <hackvana> GuShH: You bet. http://xkcd.com/386/
[10:14:25] <DarkDaemon> http://www.embedds.com/simple-and-small-portable-avr-mp3-player/
[10:15:45] <hackvana> Nice project, but it uses an MP3 decoder chip, the VS1011b
[10:16:02] <theBear> prince 1999 nice
[10:16:04] <GuShH> hackvana: there are plenty using helix implementations on the UC3B0256
[10:16:31] <theBear> hackvana, you notice that cartoon is making fun of you right ?
[10:16:47] <hackvana> Of course :-)
[10:16:51] <hackvana> But someone was wrong!
[10:17:12] <GuShH> Sadly it was you
[10:17:13] <theBear> so stop talking now, and maybe one day we will be able to respect you
[10:18:17] <theBear> you know the story, winning an argument on the internet is like winning the special olympics, it's only an achievement if you're actually special, otherwise it's just a waste of time
[10:18:20] <GuShH> No need to show your feathers... I was just being friendly toward DarkDaemon.
[10:18:43] <DarkDaemon> :)
[10:18:54] <GuShH> It seems I can't talk anywhere without having to pull it out.
[10:19:00] <theBear> who me? i'm grumpy, all day people been spouting uninformed crap and having stupid semantic arguments when they should be talking about electronics and microprocessors
[10:19:30] <GuShH> theBear: isn't that just a summary of IRC?
[10:19:53] <theBear> GuShH, kinda, but i was under the impression this network was SLIGHTLY better than that
[10:19:59] <GuShH> heh
[10:19:59] <theBear> apparently standards are slipping as the years go on tho
[10:20:09] <GuShH> you should see the schools now adays
[10:20:32] <theBear> until just over a year ago i was working in them at avg at least twice a week... i know
[10:20:42] <theBear> i'm not sure if the teachers or the kids disappoint me more
[10:20:44] <GuShH> the future? those kids? nonsense.
[10:21:06] <GuShH> they're googloids.
[10:21:28] <theBear> that'd be a good name for the minions in despicable me
[10:21:28] <GuShH> remove their cellphone and any other device capable of fetching data off of google / wikipedia and they become oxygen wasting entities.
[10:21:38] <theBear> it bugs me that i don't know what they are, or why some of them have 2 eyes and other have one
[10:21:56] <theBear> GuShH, lol, you imply they are something more than that WITH their little devices
[10:22:09] <GuShH> the one voiced by steve carell?
[10:22:14] <GuShH> I've yet to watch that one
[10:22:15] <theBear> likely
[10:22:18] <theBear> it's a good one
[10:22:23] <GuShH> Hmm, I imply they might be able to get a job and keep it thanks to Google.
[10:22:39] <GuShH> You know, Steve also plays flyback in the 40 year old virgin
[10:22:41] * GuShH grins
[10:22:43] <theBear> ironically, many of them get fired for too much googling too :)
[10:22:43] <Steffanx> It's all your fault GuShH. You feed them with the information on your blog
[10:22:45] <theBear> i know steve :)
[10:22:58] <vsync_> steve carell isn't even funny, sadly
[10:23:02] <theBear> yet another reason i don't keep an online diary
[10:23:06] <GuShH> most comedians these days aren't
[10:23:10] <theBear> he doesn't need to be funny to voice a childrens cartoon
[10:23:12] <vsync_> GuShH: spot on
[10:23:23] <theBear> i like larry the cableguy, aka mater
[10:23:35] <theBear> have done for a long time
[10:23:36] <GuShH> maybe just louis ck a bit, at least he speaks the truth.
[10:23:45] <GuShH> and dares to say he sucks.
[10:23:46] <theBear> yeah, he's cool
[10:24:00] <DarkDaemon> now is there any way i can totally screw up the bootloader with my firmwares
[10:24:01] <DarkDaemon> ?
[10:24:13] <theBear> and bill bailey, well i always had a soft spot for intelligent comedy
[10:24:14] <DarkDaemon> or is it fairly safe in its designated memory?
[10:24:17] <vsync_> GuShH: louis ck can mostly do... swearing. and that's about it
[10:24:23] <theBear> sandman and flacco win on that side too, ooh, and micallef
[10:24:44] <GuShH> vsync_: you've outgrown this world, it's time to commit suicide sir.
[10:25:28] <GuShH> Look, Seinfeld isn't funny... never was, and he still made millions with his jewish boy act.
[10:25:37] <DarkDaemon> :O
[10:25:43] <DarkDaemon> seinfeld was hilarious
[10:25:48] <vsync_> true
[10:25:49] <GuShH> if CK likes to swear and make millions out of it, that's alright.
[10:25:53] <GuShH> DarkDaemon: the writers were.
[10:25:56] <vsync_> well they both suck ;(
[10:26:02] <DarkDaemon> good point
[10:26:03] <DarkDaemon> :P
[10:26:03] <GuShH> Jerry is not funny, at all.
[10:26:15] <vsync_> the only funny jerry is lewis
[10:26:20] <GuShH> Larry David for instance.
[10:26:34] <theBear> seinfeld the man aint too funny, but the telivision show, pretyt funny
[10:26:41] <GuShH> Yeah that odd looking bald guy was the writer
[10:26:49] <theBear> yeah yeah, i know who larry is
[10:26:55] <GuShH> Hes actually funny
[10:26:56] <vsync_> you googled
[10:26:59] <GuShH> I didn't
[10:26:59] <vsync_> googloids
[10:27:03] <vsync_> not you
[10:27:03] <GuShH> I've watched his show
[10:27:05] <vsync_> the other guy
[10:27:08] <GuShH> The one with the "blacks"
[10:27:19] <GuShH> What was it called...
[10:27:30] <Steffanx> No one cares :P
[10:27:38] <GuShH> o.o
[10:27:41] <vsync_> blacks on tv is rarely a good combo
[10:27:47] <GuShH> curb your enthusiasm
[10:27:56] <GuShH> no, black was the lastname.
[10:28:00] <GuShH> but he was also black
[10:28:06] <Steffanx> I mean. You call 'us' googloids, but that's better than have useless facts in your memory :P
[10:28:08] <vsync_> kinda redundant
[10:28:13] <GuShH> Pft.
[10:28:14] <Steffanx> *having
[10:28:20] <GuShH> I didn't call you a googloid, but if you feel like one...
[10:28:40] <GuShH> Steffanx: I can't help it, some stuff just stays.
[10:28:57] <GuShH> Good for me I don't need drugs for my memory.
[10:29:07] <theBear> i didn't, i've watched his other show, fuck man
[10:29:08] <vsync_> Steffanx: well it depends. I think there's a lot of space in my memory.
[10:29:23] <Steffanx> I'm from the googloid generation, so that sort of makes me one.
[10:29:36] <vsync_> admitting is the first step
[10:29:38] <theBear> and i can't help it, everything just stays, why you think i drink so much ? it's so all those fucking memories don't drive me completely mental
[10:29:46] <GuShH> We didn't have no stinkin' internet!
[10:29:54] <Steffanx> Didn't you stop drinking theBear ?
[10:30:11] <theBear> i sobered up long enough to make an informed decision to resume drinking
[10:30:16] <GuShH> Hahah
[10:30:18] <Steffanx> Hmpf
[10:30:29] <theBear> it was a horrible nightmarish withdrawl, and a horrible nightmarish period of clarity
[10:30:30] <DarkDaemon> unrelated to anything but this vid is pretty neat >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55z_0BYb5is
[10:30:30] <vsync_> GuShH: well, personally I don't think it's the "googloids" that are the problem of the modern world. I think it's the internet generation overall.
[10:30:52] <GuShH> I see so much useless crap out there...
[10:31:02] <Steffanx> Funny the non-internet generation complains about the internet generation on the internet
[10:31:07] <theBear> tho i am holding it to a reasonable level, well except this week, but i got reasons
[10:31:11] <GuShH> Just stare at the ads and banners for a second (enable them and see) holy shit... what the hell!
[10:32:49] <GuShH> theBear: when will you take over the little show your boss does on youtube? haha
[10:32:50] <vsync_> Steffanx: well you have to position yourself according to the targets' location!
[10:33:42] <theBear> GuShH, meh, i still got the idea in the back of my head, but, damn, life has been less than forthcoming, just problems followed by problems, leaves little time for stuff like video shows
[10:33:56] <GuShH> Tell me about it
[10:34:03] <theBear> i'll be happy when i can afford to eat everyday for a straight week
[10:34:03] <Steffanx> You should like flyback, theBear
[10:34:07] <theBear> might happen this year
[10:34:16] <Steffanx> *sound actually
[10:34:25] <GuShH> oh boy
[10:34:38] <theBear> Steffanx, it's a love hate relationship, unlike him i don't threaten and tantrum and spend ALL my time going into details about how things are less than awesome
[10:35:00] <theBear> look back over everything i've ever said, most of it is more positive than what most people say round these parts
[10:35:06] <vsync_> theBear: bs. You can have time for "video shows" right now, whatever they are
[10:35:12] <GuShH> Nobody sounds like flyback but flyback, to sound like flyback you ought to stab your arse with forks and other pointy things for several years to begin with.
[10:35:12] <theBear> i try to talk about how GOOD some things are, not how bad they are
[10:35:32] <theBear> vsync_, not really
[10:36:08] <theBear> there are reasons i could list, there are reasons i can't list here, but it's really not an option right now
[10:36:14] <Steffanx> Yes it is
[10:36:16] * GuShH offers Steffanx a cookie
[10:36:36] <theBear> oh for fucks sake, what is it with everyone telling me what i should be doing today ?
[10:36:45] <GuShH> Don't know.
[10:36:57] <GuShH> I think it's PMS
[10:37:12] <theBear> it has been MOSTLY women, but not entirely, that theory doesn't fit
[10:37:40] <GuShH> It's what Google told them to do
[10:37:48] * GuShH nods
[10:38:06] <vsync_> google tells theBear to less irc, more video show
[10:38:12] <theBear> i'm an asshole for not making videos, i'm an asshole for not going swimming, i'm an asshole for not exercising, i'm an asshole for drinking, i'm an asshole for trying to get people not to argue about shit in the other channel
[10:38:23] <vsync_> also, google tells theBear to stop whining about time issues when he spares time here
[10:38:23] <Steffanx> Can't agree more
[10:38:24] <theBear> theBear tells google he can't fucking walk today
[10:38:27] <Steffanx> df
[10:38:33] <GuShH> Well, a video show can be just narrated with photos or some background video.. but it takes editing time
[10:38:45] <GuShH> wouldn't say it has to be scripted, I don't think theBear likes that.
[10:38:47] <theBear> if i can't walk i can't setup a camera, i can't clear the workbench, i can't put stuff on it and make a fucking video
[10:39:06] <vsync_> use your imagination!
[10:39:07] <GuShH> clear the workbench? that's nonsense.
[10:39:11] <GuShH> the messier it is the better.
[10:39:23] <theBear> fuck off!
[10:39:27] <theBear> see, it works both ways
[10:39:34] <GuShH> theBear: Will do one of these days!
[10:39:38] <theBear> telling me to do shit just isn't gonna cut it
[10:39:40] <GuShH> Already did from ##electronics
[10:39:55] <GuShH> The difference is I asked about it.
[10:39:59] <theBear> GuShH, yeah, and i appreciate it better with every passing day
[10:40:13] <theBear> yes, you did ask, and that's why you're not getting abused
[10:40:21] <GuShH> (???)
[10:40:23] <GuShH> I'm lost now
[10:41:03] <theBear> you didn't TELL me to make a video... telling doesn't work, and when the person telling doesn't know the reasons why the told thing cannot be done, it just leads to animosity
[10:41:24] <theBear> which gets everyone nowhere, but does strengthen my resolve to spend my life drunk and have little respect for most people
[10:41:36] <GuShH> Still lost
[10:41:49] <theBear> meh, don't care :)
[10:42:29] <GuShH> theBear: I proposed a method that would allow you to do it without even using a camera, just narrated with photos you can pull off the net. Might not be what you originally had in mind, but it could be a start.
[10:42:44] <theBear> that's not a video, that's something that should be a static webpage
[10:42:57] <theBear> and i can't do anything but drink when i'm in this kind of pain
[10:42:59] <GuShH> I reject your reality and substitute my own.
[10:43:08] <theBear> i could go back to benzos, but i don't like them
[10:43:23] <theBear> they make me angry and stupid
[10:43:37] <GuShH> flyzos
[10:43:39] <theBear> not to mention withdrawl is on par with the horribleness of liquor withdrawl
[10:44:54] <GuShH> theBear: hey you got the job, things will get better
[10:45:30] <theBear> i aint generally worried about that except when people are telling me to do shit that isn't next on the list, that isn't even near the top of the list, for good reasons
[10:45:51] <GuShH> They can't know what the list is though
[10:46:10] <theBear> just like they can't reasonably tell me what i can and cannot do
[10:46:24] <theBear> and yet they still try
[10:47:02] <GuShH> That's because some of them may learn a thing or two from you
[10:47:18] <theBear> pfft, now yer just patronising me, that's not why they did it
[10:47:30] <GuShH> Instead of watching some piece of shit asshole like Dave.
[10:49:03] <GuShH> theBear: patrowhat? I know better not to do that kind of crap.
[10:49:34] <theBear> heh, maybe you aren't referring to the same specific people i am, tho i'm not exactly masking what i'm saying, just being very indirect about it
[10:49:49] <GuShH> everyone has something to teach, and learn
[10:49:58] <theBear> and it was the positive kind of patronising, like how you treat someone in shock until they stop freaking out
[10:50:16] <GuShH> oh so in those situations you don't kick their arse continously?
[10:50:22] * GuShH rewrites his rules
[10:51:17] <theBear> heh, i dunno, but i don't hold it against someone, they were trying to help me in those cases, not mislead me for other reasons
[10:51:54] <GuShH> You gotta know someone very well to be misleading
[10:51:57] <theBear> not entirely sure i approve, but as the years go on i'm not invincible in the same ways i once was, i can appreciate that kinda thing
[10:52:02] <GuShH> And that just shows malice.
[10:52:35] * GuShH wakes up in pain every day
[10:52:59] <GuShH> Fucken accelerometers in phones and you can't cure my back, stupid medics.
[10:53:14] <theBear> heh, waht you said
[10:53:31] <GuShH> Talk about having the wrong priorities, humanity as a whole is just going down the sink.
[10:53:33] <soul-d> medics are over rated at least here it's more elitism based still
[10:53:52] <soul-d> still weird that one would cap the amount of docters that can study
[10:54:03] <GuShH> I'd cap them all!
[10:54:20] <theBear> booyakasha
[10:54:29] <theBear> to the kitchen !
[10:55:35] <GuShH> sigh
[10:56:41] <GuShH> theBear: watched that movie recently, it's a lot worse than I remembered... heh
[10:57:26] <GuShH> It seems I'm about 10 years behind in the cinema deparment.
[11:44:00] <tzanger> yay, furnace control is good, prox sensor is good, it's almost starting to be a useful project
[11:44:08] <tzanger> gotta get the battery charger tested next
[11:52:35] <Steffanx> 1
[11:54:49] <jadew> any idea why an AVR would ignore the delays after 20 hours of working?
[11:55:20] <jadew> basically after about 20 hours, the code stopped delaying
[11:55:32] <jadew> _delay_ms(1234) - constants, so they got converted into real code
[11:55:49] <jadew> has anyone else had this issue before?
[12:02:40] <jadew> the code doesn't really have a way of overflowing, because it's very simple, one ISR, no sei() durring the ISR, no variable allocation after it has started and again, it's been running for 20 hours with no issues
[12:06:28] <dunz0r> jadew: Hmm... could it have something to do with how many times the ISR has triggered or something?
[12:06:53] <dunz0r> Or if you're using a timer, maybe timer-overflow-count has overflowed?
[12:22:20] <jacekowski> jadew: as in, same code?
[12:22:37] <jacekowski> jadew: sounds kinda like some kind of stack corruption
[12:22:46] <jacekowski> although, 20h is quite long
[12:23:03] <jadew> dunz0r, it didn't overflow twice, even if it did, it wouldn't matter unless I re-enabled interrupts, durring the interrupt, which I'm not doing
[12:23:11] <dunz0r> Ah.
[12:23:29] <jadew> jacekowski, yeah, it sounds like stack corruption, but I don't see where or how it could happen, let me post the code, it's very straight forward
[12:23:42] <jadew> I was just playing with a 7 segment display
[12:24:19] <jadew> http://pastebin.com/Djd0xhtX
[12:25:21] <jadew> so the ISR just updates one of the digits, increments i (the index inside buff - which is the "video buffer") and makes sure it's never more than 3
[12:25:25] <jadew> nothing special there
[12:25:49] <jadew> in the main loop I'm just incrementing index and converting it to something readable
[12:26:24] <jadew> whenever index is 0, it flashes PULA on the LCD (cock in my language)
[12:26:36] <jadew> so... nothing really special
[12:26:49] <jadew> it shouldn't have happened
[12:26:58] <jadew> and yeah, this code has been running since last night
[12:27:29] <dunz0r> Hum... can't be anything electrical? Like a flaky powersupply?
[12:27:36] <jacekowski> strange
[12:27:41] * dunz0r is shooting in the dark, fyi
[12:27:42] <jacekowski> there is nothing unsafe there
[12:27:50] <jadew> jacekowski, yeah
[12:27:55] <jacekowski> as in nothing that could cause any kind of corruption
[12:27:55] <jadew> dunz0r, well, it's powered from the USB
[12:28:06] <jadew> but even if it was the PSU, I don't see why the delays would get screwed up
[12:28:17] <jacekowski> no memory allocation that's not freed
[12:28:24] <jadew> jacekowski, yep
[12:28:33] <dunz0r> I've had some weird symptoms when using flaky power, but that was really flaky and with a lot of EMF.
[12:28:44] <jacekowski> impossible
[12:29:18] <soul-d> using breadboard or solderd stuff ?
[12:29:56] <jadew> soul-d, the MCU is on its target board (one of these boards: http://dumb.ro/files/devkit.jpg )
[12:30:25] <jadew> so fairly well connected
[12:30:39] <jadew> the LCD is on a breadboard, but this shouldn't matter
[12:31:35] <tzanger> lol
[12:31:40] <tzanger> I like the use of the PCI connector
[12:31:55] <jadew> tzanger, that's my LCD interface :P
[12:32:01] <jadew> for quick testing
[12:32:16] <jadew> and to understand the behaviour: normally it's counting up to 9999 then it flashes PULA and starts couting again from 0
[12:32:39] <jadew> what happened when it got corrupted, was that it was couting up normally, but flashing PULA very fast, almost unnoticeable
[12:32:42] <tzanger> pula? hahaha
[12:32:48] <soul-d> got some pci like conns in stock seem nifty for things with cables
[12:32:57] <tzanger> tu dem pula tati
[12:32:59] <jadew> tzanger, couldn't find something better to print :P
[12:33:11] <jadew> du-te-n
[12:33:12] <jadew> :P
[12:33:21] <tzanger> I'm not romanian, just married to one
[12:33:23] <soul-d> i usaly count down in code been thought it's better maybe vhdl thing
[12:33:52] <jadew> tzanger hehe
[12:34:16] <jadew> soul-d, I was just incrementing that thing so I can test the display
[12:34:23] <jadew> and counting down made it look too much like a bomb
[12:34:31] <tzanger> a big old cock bomb
[12:34:36] <jadew> lol, yeah
[12:35:07] <soul-d> i just pulled out my lcd's again to figures i din't blow up the el backlight afther all
[12:37:00] <soul-d> but ofcourse i found the adapter few day's before and cut the connector since it seemed like some old useless one figures
[12:41:13] <dunz0r> jadew: Could it be something crazy like builtup capacitance in cables or between boards or something?
[12:41:20] <dunz0r> In case you stack them.
[12:42:12] <jadew> dunz0r, don't think so, the way those delay functions work is that, (because I used constant numbers) they will move that number in a register
[12:42:18] <jadew> and do something useless inside a loop
[12:42:22] <dunz0r> Ah.
[12:42:26] <jadew> until the register goes down to 0
[12:42:28] <dunz0r> Not that then :|
[12:42:43] <jadew> so it's very strange that the delays wouldn't happen anymore
[12:42:52] <jadew> yet everything else was working fine
[12:43:15] <dunz0r> I think this is very odd too. Very confusing :)
[12:44:36] <dunz0r> And index is a 16-bit int, so that can't be it...
[12:46:08] <jadew> nothing would happen if the index overflowed
[12:46:17] <jadew> it's normal for numbers to overflow
[12:46:29] <dunz0r> Nothing that would affect the delays at least... this is really weird :)
[12:46:53] <jadew> I'm gonna let it running for another day
[12:47:00] <jadew> see if it happens again
[12:47:08] <jadew> but yeah, it's weird and worrying
[12:47:50] <dunz0r> Do post the results of your findings here. You've might've stumbled upon something :)
[12:48:26] <jadew> I really don't know how to debug this
[12:48:42] <jadew> not to mention that I have to wait a day before it happens again
[12:49:02] <dunz0r> jadew: Print all variables to USART and save them in a textfile on your computer maybe?
[12:49:09] <dunz0r> In case something looks off.
[12:49:48] <RikusW> zlog
[13:21:07] <RikusW> DarkDaemon: you'd set the PGM bootloader lockbit to protect the bootloader
[13:21:38] <DarkDaemon> ah kk, i'll have to look into that later
[13:21:50] <DarkDaemon> first its time to get an atmega16u2
[13:21:51] <DarkDaemon> :)
[13:21:52] <RikusW> iirc set it of 0xEF
[13:22:05] <RikusW> s/of/to/
[13:22:49] <RikusW> DarkDaemon: http://sites.google.com/site/megau2s
[13:23:47] <DarkDaemon> awesome, thanks
[13:24:38] <RikusW> I have like 100 in stock ;)
[13:26:04] <DarkDaemon> i did read though that the atmega16u2 has an external clock enabled by default
[13:26:16] <DarkDaemon> will that cause problems for just plug and play?
[13:26:27] <RikusW> you'll need to connect a crystal
[13:26:35] <RikusW> 8 or 16MHz for USB to work
[13:27:07] <RikusW> and 18pF caps too
[13:27:41] <RikusW> and 22 Ohm resistors on the usb data lines
[13:27:55] <DarkDaemon> ah ok. just wanted to confirm that
[13:28:00] <RikusW> and a 1uF cap on the VBat pin
[13:28:13] <RikusW> and I added 10uF on vcc
[13:28:51] <DarkDaemon> simple enough
[13:29:04] <RikusW> you'll need a pcb..
[13:29:36] <DarkDaemon> yep
[13:29:51] <DarkDaemon> i was hoping to make something similar to that device you posted
[13:30:00] <RikusW> I sell mine
[13:30:00] <DarkDaemon> except make it from scratch as my own project :)
[13:30:05] <RikusW> I have 100 of them
[13:30:26] <RikusW> and mine is a programmer too
[13:30:47] <DarkDaemon> well since it has a usb bootloader, i should be able to program it over usb right?
[13:31:50] <RikusW> there is the default flip one yes
[13:37:41] <dunz0r> jadew: Regarding your weird 20-hour issue... how much current is the whole circuit using?
[13:38:11] <jadew> don't know, let me check
[13:40:18] <jadew> 13 - 14mA
[13:42:41] <dunz0r> jadew: Hah. Not a current issue then :)
[13:42:46] <dunz0r> Nevermind then :)
[13:43:46] <jadew> yeah, it's not that hungry
[15:03:12] <Grievre> So if all I do to enable timer 1 is TCCR1B |= (1<CS11)
[15:03:17] <Grievre> everything else is in its default state
[15:03:34] <Grievre> it will just keep counting up, overflow, and keep counting up, right? no interrupts will be triggered?
[16:01:54] <DrLuke> does anybody know where I can find the avrdude config files for the atmega1284p?
[16:03:21] <specing> google
[16:10:52] <dunz0r> DrLuke: Aren't they shipped with AVRDude?
[16:11:02] <DrLuke> nah
[16:11:20] <DrLuke> didn#t come with my download
[16:12:54] <DrLuke> ah
[16:13:09] <DrLuke> it actually comes with the newest source, probably got an old download
[16:13:25] <mog> ya i was about to say
[16:25:30] <Grievre> Is there any simulator that's even worth using other than the official one?
[16:30:38] <jadew> Grievre, the proteus one, but it's not free
[16:31:00] <jadew> and you can simulate stuff inside an analog design
[16:31:03] <jadew> which is awesome
[16:31:08] <Grievre> hmm
[16:33:00] <DrLuke> woohoo, it's an AVR!
[16:40:41] <OndraSter> stupid ondra
[16:40:52] * OndraSter accidentaly clicked the power switch on the socket...
[16:41:00] <OndraSter> and then I was playing game
[16:41:06] <OndraSter> it took me a minute to realize what has happened
[16:41:07] <OndraSter> server shut down
[16:41:12] <OndraSter> network went down completely
[16:41:14] <OndraSter> but my PC was still up
[16:41:19] <OndraSter> different sockets..
[16:43:40] <specing> lol
[16:44:34] <Steffanx> supid OndraSter
[16:50:30] <OndraSter> supid!
[16:50:31] <OndraSter> I AM SUPID!
[16:50:47] <Steffanx> YES
[16:53:33] <jadew> has anyone built an auto-ranging voltmeter?
[16:55:52] <Grievre> Hmm
[16:56:01] <Grievre> does anyone know if there exist accurate verilog models for AVR chips in the wild?
[16:56:10] <Grievre> I just realized I could totally simulate that way
[16:56:38] <Grievre> I mean, superficially accurate
[16:56:53] <Grievre> that is, accurate as far as it matters for someone interacting with the chip
[17:03:04] <r00t|home> Grievre: depends on the quality of the model, no?
[17:08:33] <soul-d> there are some core's but you'll miss all the extra hardware so leaves the cpu alu /registers
[17:08:34] <soul-d> http://opencores.org/project,avr_core
[17:11:50] <Grievre> r00t|home: Well I mean the internals don't matter as long as the behavior seen by the software is accurate, and the behavior seen by external hardware is accurate
[17:12:02] <Grievre> the stuff in between is just a black box
[17:59:44] <jadew> I wonder if I should change my multimeter: http://images5.okr.ro/auctions.v3/1000_1000/2011/01/07/e/3/249176355-2084848-1000_1000.jpg
[18:00:07] <jadew> it gets the job done!
[18:00:17] <prpplague> jadew: nice one
[18:00:31] <jadew> :P
[18:01:07] <jadew> it has bar display too
[18:01:37] <OndraSter> jadew, it has got one major issue
[18:01:39] <OndraSter> it is in german :P
[18:02:11] <jadew> that's alright, my g/f speaks german, maybe that'll get her into the hobby
[18:02:27] <OndraSter> heh
[18:02:32] <Steffanx> "never change a winning team" jadew :)
[18:02:33] <OndraSter> I do not enjoy german (sorry to anybody)
[18:02:34] <OndraSter> nor french
[18:02:48] <jadew> me either
[18:03:12] <Steffanx> i dont like to speak or hear people speak czech :P
[18:03:18] <jadew> lol
[18:03:21] <OndraSter> lol
[18:03:34] <Steffanx> nothing personal OndraSter
[18:03:58] <OndraSter> neither here
[18:04:35] <OndraSter> I just don't like the languages really... the german sounds like two people are fighting all the time and when somebody speaks english with french accent I do not understand a single word
[18:04:55] <jadew> pars que?
[18:05:34] <OndraSter> http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/129/577/How+About+No.jpg?1307079577
[18:05:55] <jadew> lol
[18:06:09] <jadew> I didn't like french because my teacher was a moron
[18:06:23] <Steffanx> mine was great
[18:06:26] <jadew> the first day of french some kid in my class peed himself
[18:06:36] <Steffanx> :S
[18:06:43] <Steffanx> only in romania
[18:07:02] <OndraSter> lol
[18:07:05] <jadew> yeah, she was freaking scary
[18:07:14] <OndraSter> I have been learning ("learning") english for the past... duh
[18:07:20] <OndraSter> I started at 3rd grade on primary school
[18:07:35] <OndraSter> continued all until 9th, then whole middle school (another 4 years)
[18:07:38] <jadew> we started with french, in the second grade
[18:07:46] <OndraSter> and now on the university - I went there just for the tests :D
[18:08:00] <jadew> it was the only class where I felt like an idiot, I couldn't understand anything until I finished highschool
[18:08:05] <jadew> I really don't know how I got by
[18:08:46] <jadew> I know salute
[18:08:59] <jadew> je ne compredre pas, do you speak english?
[18:09:00] <OndraSter> I know the pig sound
[18:09:02] <OndraSter> oui!
[18:09:07] <OndraSter> (sorry to any french people here)
[18:09:08] <jadew> that's rude :P
[18:09:12] <OndraSter> I know :(
[18:09:15] <OndraSter> but ... I HAVE TO
[18:09:18] <OndraSter> every single time.
[18:09:30] <jadew> the french have a joke about romanians
[18:09:37] <jadew> how do romanians say hello
[18:09:39] <OndraSter> everybody has got a joke about czechs
[18:09:51] <Steffanx> except me
[18:10:54] <OndraSter> ahaha
[18:10:55] <OndraSter> http://9gag.com/gag/3048395
[18:10:56] <jadew> they said that romanians say hello like this: "s'il vous plait monsieur"
[18:11:03] <OndraSter> the thing in the middle is some kind of statue supposedly
[18:11:07] <OndraSter> in the 2nd biggest city
[18:11:22] <jadew> I can't see the image
[18:11:30] <jadew> do you have a direct link?
[18:11:31] <OndraSter> oh
[18:11:34] <OndraSter> it might be nsfw marked
[18:11:38] <Steffanx> "Sign up or login to view this post." :(
[18:11:41] <OndraSter> http://d24w6bsrhbeh9d.cloudfront.net/photo/3048395_700b.jpg
[18:11:43] <OndraSter> yes
[18:11:44] <OndraSter> nsfw post :D
[18:11:52] <jadew> heh
[18:11:57] <Steffanx> nsfw .. that?!
[18:12:02] <OndraSter> appearantly
[18:12:11] <jadew> http://bestofmeanwhilein.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/meanwhile-in-romania-father-of-mad-max.jpg
[18:12:31] <Steffanx> that's how i imagine you jadew
[18:12:42] <jadew> that IS me!
[18:13:09] <jadew> http://randshit.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/meanwhile-in-romania.jpg
[18:13:23] <OndraSter> lol
[18:13:30] <vsync_> oh cool
[18:13:31] <Steffanx> more beer and vodka!
[18:13:46] <OndraSter> talking about beer
[18:13:49] <vsync_> yeah got only beer here but downing it in a quite fast fashion
[18:13:51] <OndraSter> nobody wants to go for a beer recently :(
[18:13:56] <vsync_> like talking earlier with thebear
[18:13:56] <OndraSter> I mean, NYE was 4 days ago!
[18:14:01] <vsync_> god damn alcoholic
[18:14:15] <jadew> http://meanwhileblog.com/content/photos/captioned/159.jpg
[18:14:28] <jadew> ok, I'm done, there's too much funny stuff going on in here to post it all
[18:14:36] <vsync_> meanwhile in romania. gypsies
[18:14:56] <OndraSter> jadew, that aerodynamics! I mean, it will have great aerodynamics even when going backwards!
[18:15:03] <vsync_> i might have to apologize myself in advance
[18:15:21] <OndraSter> as a czech: "I hate two things: racism and gypsies"
[18:15:22] <Steffanx> no need for that vsync_
[18:15:33] <vsync_> i have targeted #avr and #simplemachines for my home-alone-drunkenness
[18:15:41] <OndraSter> heh
[18:15:46] <vsync_> wait it's #smf not #simplemachines
[18:15:46] <OndraSter> I have got #avr and #xda-devs for that
[18:15:47] <vsync_> whatever
[18:15:51] <vsync_> Good!
[18:15:55] <vsync_> we can compare results
[18:15:56] <OndraSter> and #specialattack on another server :D
[18:16:10] <vsync_> there's a 13yo or something in #smf. He's a prime target
[18:16:25] <OndraSter> DO NOT EVERYBODY JOIN AT ONCE! just... one by one!
[18:16:38] <vsync_> OH YOU
[18:16:50] <Steffanx> smf?
[18:16:58] <vsync_> it's like a php forum shizzle
[18:16:59] <OndraSter> some simplemachines
[18:17:01] <OndraSter> oh
[18:17:09] <vsync_> some devs hang out there
[18:17:11] <jadew> #smf == suck my flag?
[18:17:22] <vsync_> it's actually
[18:17:41] <vsync_> oh bollocks i cant come up with anything witty
[18:18:11] <OndraSter> there you go
[18:18:19] <vsync_> yes
[18:18:49] <vsync_> at this point of the evening i still have the advantage of finger mechanics working properly
[18:18:54] <Steffanx> where do you go OndraSter ?
[18:19:06] <OndraSter> I helped him to come up with something
[18:19:41] <vsync_> the guy went awol or then his mom interrupted this fine communication
[18:20:11] <Steffanx> "the guy"
[18:20:24] <vsync_> Yoshi! Have you not heard of him? He's the real thing
[18:20:34] <OndraSter> the real king of the internet
[18:20:42] <vsync_> Ok. Accepting suggestions for possible target channels
[18:20:46] <vsync_> all networks accepted
[18:20:50] <Steffanx> #target
[18:21:17] <vsync_> declined
[18:21:23] <Steffanx> DanFrederiksen long time no see
[18:21:40] <vsync_> where is theBear. He oughta be fun!
[18:22:17] <DanFrederiksen> Steffanx, ok. I don't remember you though :)
[18:22:18] <Steffanx> Sure?
[18:22:35] <Steffanx> I do remember you getting banned from #robotics
[18:22:40] <vsync_> Hum. OndraSter I figured it out. Let's go to reddit instead
[18:22:48] <OndraSter> never been to reddit
[18:22:53] <vsync_> neither have i
[18:23:10] <vsync_> but i hear about these redditors...
[18:23:57] <DanFrederiksen> I think I said stepper motors are shit and we should use servo. apparently that was blasphemy and a bannable offense
[18:25:01] <DanFrederiksen> so I was burned at the stake. burden of being smart and outspoken
[18:25:14] <DanFrederiksen> doesn't always sit well with small minds
[18:25:20] <OndraSter> lol
[18:25:32] <OndraSter> what is wrong on steppers btw? I never checked the main differences out
[18:25:39] <OndraSter> I know they differ that servos need a feedback
[18:25:54] <DanFrederiksen> they are weak, wasteful and they lose steps and get lost
[18:26:08] <OndraSter> how can they lose steps? :o
[18:26:20] <DanFrederiksen> because they are blind
[18:26:28] <OndraSter> I know they do not have feedback
[18:26:36] <OndraSter> but with enough current they cannot just miss a step..?
[18:26:42] <DanFrederiksen> you send a step pulse. if it's unable to do that motion you have lost count
[18:26:47] <OndraSter> oh
[18:26:51] <OndraSter> so overloading it
[18:26:53] <OndraSter> that makes sense
[18:26:57] <OndraSter> I was expecting something else
[18:26:58] <DanFrederiksen> no it doesn't
[18:27:12] <OndraSter> huh?
[18:27:20] <DanFrederiksen> make it infinitely strong to compensate for a shit system? I don't think so
[18:27:20] <OndraSter> you overload it - it does not behave as it should
[18:27:26] <OndraSter> of course
[18:27:31] <OndraSter> there are some limits
[18:27:40] <DanFrederiksen> massive limits. you might say it's shit
[18:27:50] <OndraSter> that depends on what do you need to drive with it
[18:27:51] <DanFrederiksen> an abomination. should be illegal by law
[18:28:29] <DanFrederiksen> firing squad by dawn
[18:29:02] <OndraSter> lol
[18:29:16] <OndraSter> I wanted to use steppers in some small home DIY PNP machine
[18:29:19] <DanFrederiksen> and because fools think that steppers motors are great, there has never been even remotely good robotics in the DIY crowd
[18:29:45] <DanFrederiksen> industry of course knows you need servo if you want to do something right. but the amateurs have their ignorant religion
[18:30:12] <DanFrederiksen> to the point that I was banned for telling the truth..
[18:30:20] <OndraSter> I don't care now - xmega can do both hardware qdec and hardware stepper driver (of course without the power mosfets lol)
[18:30:26] <OndraSter> so I can implement anything quickly
[18:30:50] <DanFrederiksen> way to understand what I've been telling you :)
[18:31:00] <OndraSter> heh
[18:31:28] <DanFrederiksen> if you take Honda Asimo for instance. you think it uses steppers?
[18:31:35] <DanFrederiksen> how about industrial robots? steppers?
[18:31:39] <OndraSter> haha
[18:31:41] <DanFrederiksen> FUCK NO!
[18:31:55] <DanFrederiksen> because steppers are SHIT! :)
[18:32:13] <DanFrederiksen> but can I wake up people? no. they are happy sleeping on the ice
[18:32:13] <jadew> no shit, so you're saying more expensive stuff is better than cheapper stuff?
[18:32:23] <jadew> who would have thought!
[18:32:23] <DanFrederiksen> jadew, wrong
[18:32:36] <DanFrederiksen> that's another mindless kneejerk religious view
[18:32:56] <OndraSter> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuQAbo3-Gp0&feature=youtu.be
[18:32:57] <OndraSter> ahahahhaa
[18:33:09] <DanFrederiksen> why would servo be more expensive? it would be cheaper because it's more powerful for the motor size
[18:33:38] <DanFrederiksen> that they often are very overpriced is just yet another irrationality
[18:34:07] <DanFrederiksen> an encoder should be dirt cheap. but often it's robbery
[18:34:13] <DanFrederiksen> but if you the people woke up..
[18:34:20] <DanFrederiksen> things would be different
[18:34:37] <DanFrederiksen> steppers should not exist. not one
[18:35:29] <DanFrederiksen> it should burn in hell
[18:37:15] <vsync_> OndraSter :D
[18:37:32] <jadew> I'm gonna get a phone just like that
[18:38:05] <Lt_Lemming> DanFrederiksen, positioning a stepped motor accurately is much easier than any other type of motor, even with an encoder
[18:38:17] <Lt_Lemming> and a stepper and encoder is more accurate than any other option bar none
[18:38:29] <jadew> OndraSter, it seems that guy loves to destroy phones
[18:38:57] <DanFrederiksen> Lt_Lemming, shouldn't you have learned something from our earlier encounter? :)
[18:39:27] <Lt_Lemming> there was nothing to learn there
[18:40:43] <DanFrederiksen> Lt_Lemming, if you and I disagree, it's probably because you are wrong
[18:41:33] <Steffanx> lol
[18:42:03] <Lt_Lemming> yeah, because that opinion didn't get you +q'd already once today.
[18:42:14] <Lt_Lemming> OH WAIT!!! it did!
[18:42:26] <vsync_> requesting more epic youtube videos
[18:43:14] <Lt_Lemming> vsync_ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9cSxEqKQ78
[18:43:27] <Lt_Lemming> vsync_ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrU0S9IMT1E <--- not entirely work safe
[18:47:50] <OndraSter> jadew, the phone is built for a lot of abuse
[18:47:52] <OndraSter> believe me :D
[18:47:56] <OndraSter> it is a nokia afterall
[18:48:00] <OndraSter> with great screen
[18:48:30] <soul-d> :( i expected females with not much clothing on :(
[18:49:34] <Lt_Lemming> soul-d, watch that 2nd one long enough and you will see it
[18:50:50] <jadew> soul-d, I found it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrU0S9IMT1E#t=25m51s
[18:51:21] <OndraSter> soul-d, or this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0
[18:52:32] <soul-d> meh you can't rick roll me anymore not after one site tried to make me type it as captha :P
[18:53:26] <OndraSter> lol
[19:05:11] <Spoz> anyone know if the atmel 328 clears its ram when it undergoes a watchdog timer reset?
[19:05:41] <Spoz> cant seem to find that info in the datasheet
[19:05:56] <Horologium> I would be it does not.
[19:06:20] <Horologium> and, by that you mean the atmega328 ?
[19:06:21] <vsync_> requesting more epic youtube videos
[19:06:25] <Spoz> yes sorry
[19:07:03] <Horologium> am grabbing doc now to look.
[19:07:26] <Spoz> Im wanting to set up a WDT to reset the chip and then not run the faulty part of code again, and considering writing an index to the ram on the interrupt, saying which part of code it was
[19:07:27] <timemage> i would hope not.
[19:07:42] <Spoz> does that seem like a good idea (Im new to AVRs)
[19:08:22] <OndraSter> nothing ever erases SRAM
[19:08:22] <timemage> (referring to clearing ram on wdt reset)
[19:08:27] <OndraSter> in hardware
[19:08:36] <Spoz> ah ok
[19:08:37] <OndraSter> in software gcc does
[19:08:52] <OndraSter> upon startup the RAM content is in unknown state
[19:08:57] <Spoz> right
[19:09:30] <Spoz> so it shouldnt change at all during a wdt reset, that is good
[19:09:31] <timemage> you could probably just define your own section and put your variable. it should survive the normal clearing/initializing done at start.
[19:10:16] <timemage> actually, i was reading something about that yesterday in the avr-gcc doc.
[19:10:51] <Spoz> to be clear, if the chip loses power then it is cleared/randomized, right?
[19:11:20] <OndraSter> randomized
[19:11:55] <Spoz> ok cool
[19:12:14] <vsync_> ok so at this point i'm asking for a 13 year-old for relationship advice
[19:12:15] <timemage> Spoz, there's a .noinit section, apparently for eliding the zeroing/initing.
[19:12:26] <vsync_> -for
[19:12:34] <Steffanx> vsync_ get your drunk ass out of here
[19:12:59] <vsync_> :(
[19:13:19] <OndraSter> 13 year old?
[19:13:20] <Horologium> Spoz, sram is not cleared by the chip on any reset,,,,however, your program init might..
[19:13:21] <OndraSter> oh ok
[19:13:23] <OndraSter> nvm
[19:13:25] <Steffanx> dont even ask OndraSter :P
[19:13:31] <OndraSter> still on #smf?
[19:13:34] <vsync_> yeah
[19:13:45] <vsync_> he broguth some backup now though, i might be in trouble
[19:13:56] <Spoz> I see. Im not entirely sure how to reserve a space in it on init then, is it possible?
[19:14:17] <Spoz> by the way, all of my code is in the arduino environment because Im a noob, Im not entirely sure if that makes things more difficult
[19:14:17] <Horologium> Spoz, if you are coding in C then you will have to do some fun twists to get your code to not init the ram and variables.
[19:14:37] <Horologium> arduino libs will reset the ram on wdt reset.
[19:14:45] <Spoz> ah crap
[19:15:11] <Spoz> just when I got the WDT to work properly too
[19:15:12] <OndraSter> Horologium, actually
[19:15:15] <OndraSter> he needs new gcrt.s :)
[19:15:25] <Horologium> yeah. I haven't played with that yet.
[19:15:50] <timemage> Spoz, http://www.nongnu.org/avr-libc/user-manual/mem_sections.html see .noinit section. you should be able to query a hardware register to determine whether or not your starting from a wdt reset or regular power up. you can initialize via assignment if you're not booting because of wdt reset.
[19:16:13] <timemage> Spoz, s/your starting/you're starting/
[19:17:16] <Spoz> yeah Im reading about the .noinit section now, it looks like the way to go
[19:17:16] <timemage> Spoz, actually, with those search terms, found this: http://www.nongnu.org/avr-libc/user-manual/group__avr__watchdog.html
[19:18:09] <Horologium> not sure how much of that you can do with the ardweeny system though...
[19:19:04] <Spoz> I was able to get the WDT working with arduino
[19:19:17] <Spoz> clearing the flags on reset so it doesnt end up in a reset loop
[19:19:29] <Spoz> as per that page timemage linked
[19:25:46] <Spoz> http://arduino.cc/forum/index.php?topic=41088.0;wap2
[19:25:48] <Spoz> that seems to do it too
[19:28:01] <Spoz> now I just need to figure out how to trigger an interrupt before the wdt reset
[19:35:33] <grummund> wdt triggered interrupts needs some inline asm to set up
[19:35:45] <Spoz> this is a dumb question, but once I set the interrupt enable and system reset enable flags in the watchdog timer control register... how do I actually call the interrupt..?
[19:35:52] <Spoz> as in, tell it what to do once the interrupt happens
[19:36:05] <Spoz> yeah I have the asm figured out at this point
[19:36:29] <Spoz> I think I might be in a bit over my head
[19:37:44] <grummund> if you have figured out the inline asm then one would guess you know about interrupt vectors...
[19:37:56] <grummund> http://www.nongnu.org/avr-libc/user-manual/group__avr__interrupts.html
[19:38:57] <Spoz> aha
[19:39:31] <Spoz> I really only have a cursory knowledge of them. I havent found this site before either, looks very helpful - thanks
[19:44:19] <grummund> i suggest you scan through the faq there too, it'll save some headaches in the long run.
[19:44:26] <Spoz> thanks :)
[22:02:19] <jadew> program enable instruction not defined for part "ATXMEGA16A4" what's that about?
[22:13:52] <DanFrederiksen> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtlYi1yLTVQ
[22:14:26] <DanFrederiksen> noob trying to teach electronics and being punished for it :)
[22:15:09] <Casper> ... look like I posted it yesterday at the wrong time... nobody commented
[22:15:13] <Casper> and today everyone repost it
[22:15:16] <Casper> :(
[22:16:17] <jadew> heh, must be scripted
[22:16:27] <jadew> nobody is that stupid
[22:21:22] <Casper> yes it is
[22:21:29] <Casper> all of his videos are like that
[22:21:37] <Casper> so it's all fake and he's an idiot
[22:27:06] <Tom_itx> idiots are plentiful
[23:34:01] <jadew> hey, can avrdude program xmegas via avrispmkII?