#avr | Logs for 2012-12-30

[06:01:21] <NewbeeAVR> hi every one, pls help me, i bought tft 2.8" shield from seeeduino, but cannot play with my atmega128, anyone here know how to start with? pls suggest me
[06:07:36] <NewbeeAVR> hi everyone, i need help how to use tft 2.8" shield from seeeduion into my atmega128 , no clue for pin mapping, poor me
[06:08:38] <darknite> NewbeeAVR: have you read through http://www.seeedstudio.com/wiki/2.8''_TFT_Touch_Shield_V1.0?
[06:08:44] <slidercrank> http://pastebin.com/iQmNwr8q could anybody have a look at my sample code? I added a button to pin PD2 (INT0) and ground on atmega8a. I configured the pin as input and enabled an internal pull-up resistor. But nothing happens when I press the button :|
[06:08:50] <darknite> (if that's the one)
[06:09:48] <NewbeeAVR> darknite: yes i already, really confusing me because the language is arduino thing , my lang is avr studio :(
[06:12:03] <NewbeeAVR> darknite: also i try to read arduino pin mapping hack , i am really newbie there
[06:13:11] <darknite> NewbeeAVR: http://arduino.cc/en/uploads/Hacking/Atmega168PinMap2.png there you have the arduino names in red
[06:14:28] <NewbeeAVR> darknite: yes also from that source i try , my question for that pin hack , is it same for atmega128?
[06:17:02] <darknite> ah, 128, sorry
[06:20:25] <darknite> i guess it has most ports implemented but not completely sure what would be required to run that screen, but check the datasheet to match up PB0 and the rest of the pins to the atmega128 ports
[06:28:01] <NewbeeAVR> darknite: yes, i just success porting with adc , others, none
[06:42:27] <NewbeeAVR> r00t|home: hi, sorry bothering you, but have u success avr atmega128 with tft 2.8" ?
[08:51:33] <hetii> Hi :)
[08:53:41] <hetii> I need connect RFID reader to tablet via his usb port. Reader use rs232, most tablet/phones use usb, any vlue with avr can cat as a bright between them ?
[08:54:07] <hetii> *bridge
[08:56:16] <theBear> avr or a ft232 based usb/serial whatever (ie an old nokia data cable) should be fine IF the tablet has a host port, some do, but MOST phones and tablets and little things can only be usb clients... to work a usb bus needs a host(master) AND several clients, the clients can only see the host, not each other
[08:59:31] <hetii> ok, so if i will bay a tablet that have support for OTG (its possible plug flash drive into it) is it means that had already host on his side ?
[09:00:16] <hetii> and what in the case if i will had no luck and bay a tablet that can act only as a client, is there any way to connect it via some avr and push to it data from rfid reader ?
[09:02:22] <hetii> i found something like that: http://code.google.com/p/micropendous/wiki/ADK
[09:02:49] <Horologium> OTG is not the same as Host
[09:04:00] <Horologium> OTG is a limited host.
[09:06:45] <Horologium> technically an OTG device should support standard CDC(serial). I have run into OTG devices that don't support CDC, however.
[09:07:46] <Horologium> usbAVR chips are only client or OTG devices and not host so if your tablet is only client then an usbAVR won't connect to it.
[09:08:07] <Horologium> I did once see a software host implementation for usb but it was far from complete, just a proof of concept mostly.
[09:09:02] <Horologium> if your tablet is client only then you will be needing a full computer, or something like a raspberryPI, to do the interface for you.
[09:27:17] <hetii> huh
[09:28:28] <hetii> i found also: http://robots-everywhere.com/re_wiki/index.php?title=PropBridge
[09:28:54] <Horologium> so go for it.
[09:33:31] <hetii> also there is: http://code.google.com/p/microbridge/
[09:33:31] <hetii> so as we can see there are few possibilites.
[09:35:11] <iSaleK> If I switch from 8MHZ crystal to 32.768KHz, do I need to alter the fuses on tiny2313?
[09:35:18] <OndraSter_> yes
[09:35:55] <Horologium> that uses a host shield which uses a max3421e host controller chip.
[09:36:10] <Horologium> so, it becomes a usb host..
[09:36:22] <Horologium> again, try it and see if it works for you.
[09:53:57] <OndraSter_> Quick logic issue:
[09:53:58] <OndraSter_> #define LASR16(addr,mask) *addr &= ~mask
[09:54:02] <OndraSter_> Load And Set Register
[09:54:07] <OndraSter_> isn't this.. the other way around?
[09:54:10] <OndraSter_> like.. Load and clear?
[09:57:23] <iSaleK> OndraSter_: My current fuses are set to low: E4 high: 9F. What do I need to change to be able to use 32.768KHz crystal?
[09:58:12] <iSaleK> low: 0xC9 high: 0x9F ?
[09:58:34] <iSaleK> I have 2 tiny2313 with wrong fuses so I don't want to screw this one too :)
[10:06:12] <theBear> for a start, i recommend thinking of and even writing those values as independant fuse settings, not just 16bits of hex letters... second i would have to say, you'd have an answer by now if you had approached it taht way, something like "E4 (0b????blah) would become C9 (0b???blah?) because i need to flip bit 2 and 3 to match the clock settings for external and low speed crystal, right ?" ... then not only does the person who thinks about helping you not h
[10:06:13] <theBear> ave to go trawling through the datasheets you are already looking at, AND do a handful of hex/bin conversions in their head, but they'll know that you are also paying attention so that a right explanation with a typo in the hex that could kill your chip should get noticed by you as you read the explanation for the answer
[10:07:03] * Horologium applauds theBear
[10:07:49] <theBear> heh, 'couple of drinks' into sunday and a week of holiday, i had to say something :)
[10:08:44] <Horologium> iSaleK, you need to change the clock settings bits to fit low speed crystal.
[10:10:13] <iSaleK> Allright, thank you )
[10:10:14] <iSaleK> :)
[10:13:58] <theBear> on the clock or fuse-related pages (depending on age/model of datasheet) you'll find a nice maybe 4 column table mentioning things like high/regular speed crystals, internal rc and low-freq (ie rtc crystal) settings
[10:15:00] <theBear> also, if you double check you bin maths/conversions, you are pretty damned safe with that side of the fuse settings, get it wrong and at worst you need a little siggen or osc or just a crystal and a couple caps to get 'run the chip' long enough to reprogram it
[10:23:27] <pepsi> hex/bin conversions are automatic in my head
[10:24:22] <pepsi> cause im awesome
[10:24:23] <pepsi> and you're not
[10:24:27] <pepsi> silly bear
[10:27:35] <theBear> hey, i was talknig about people who were thinking about helping him, not me <grin>
[10:30:58] <OndraSter> hex/bin is simple
[10:36:37] <theBear> i know, but, dammit, my diatribe was awesome, you can't deny it !
[10:54:31] <pepsi> i want my macbook, i can't wait another 3 days for it
[10:54:32] <pepsi> i want it now
[11:05:50] <Horologium> pepsi, you can't have your macbook until you get the lobotomy.
[11:06:08] <Horologium> it's in the contract.
[11:06:16] <pepsi> i already paid for it
[11:06:17] <pepsi> toolate
[11:06:58] <Horologium> oh, it is included in the price.
[11:07:12] <Horologium> you just have to go to the apple store and let them stir your brain with a fondue fork.
[11:07:12] <inkjetunito> i no longer wait for my macbook
[11:07:13] <inkjetunito> i no longer wait for my macbook
[11:07:14] <inkjetunito> i no longer wait for my macbook
[11:07:14] <inkjetunito> i no longer wait for my macbook
[11:07:15] <inkjetunito> i no longer wait for my macbook
[11:07:20] <Horologium> see.
[11:07:29] <Horologium> inkjetunito already got his lobotomy
[11:07:37] <pepsi> :(
[11:39:10] <Siliconsoul> i got la
[11:39:13] <Siliconsoul> hmm
[12:04:56] <Tom_itx> Siliconsoul, nice, which one?
[16:02:46] <DrLuke> hello
[16:02:47] <tobbor> hi DrLuke.
[16:03:09] <DrLuke> is there any way to use the bus pirate or arduino to program the avr from within avrstudio?
[16:08:02] <specing> DrLuke: Im sure it is
[16:12:01] <Horologium> program the arduino to simulate an stk500
[16:12:41] <Horologium> you will need avrdude to use the bus pirate...that or do it manually through the command prompt but that's just a silly way to do it.
[17:14:55] <enbloc> I'm trying to build simulavr on Ubuntu (Pangolin). I have gcc-avr 4.5.3. simulavr configure whines about not finding libiberty.(so|a). I have a libiberty.h in gcc-avr, but don't have that lib.
[17:17:57] <Horologium> so install the lib
[17:19:52] <Horologium> I believe it is part of binutils.
[17:21:33] <specing> dooh, ubuntu
[17:23:22] <Horologium> yup.
[17:23:23] <Horologium> ubuntu
[17:23:40] <Horologium> mix-n-match versions
[17:25:02] <enbloc> binutils-avr 2.20.1-2 doesn't provide it
[17:28:55] <OndraSter_> ld simulavr
[17:29:00] <OndraSter_> and see if it references the libiberty
[17:29:09] <OndraSter_> if it does, you actually need x86/x64 binutils
[17:59:19] <creep> for those who are bored :) "2x2 and 3x3 matrix operations in C with example" http://pastebin.com/Zq93TvNA
[18:17:31] <enbloc> OndraSter_ - thank you - I was so fixated on the AVR part that I missed it was looking for native for building the blasted thing
[18:18:32] <enbloc> however the method you suggested presupposes already having a chicken to lay the egg.
[18:27:00] <Tom_itx> but which came first?
[18:28:01] <jadew> the egg obviously
[18:28:30] <jadew> the first animal that mutated into the chicken we know today, came from an egg
[18:28:32] <jadew> so the egg
[18:29:11] <creep> no, the egg must be laid
[18:32:19] <enbloc> I think he's saying the egg was likely layed by an Asian Jungle fowl
[18:33:16] <jadew> that's a chicken
[18:33:27] <jadew> I bet it tastes and sings like a chicken
[18:36:59] <Tom_itx> i'm calling a foul
[18:40:17] <specing> creep: that file would be around 100 lines in C++
[18:40:40] <creep> the first 300 lines are functions :)
[18:40:41] <specing> you can generalise the various matrix sizes at compile-time with template metaprogramming
[18:40:42] <creep> macros