#avr | Logs for 2012-12-24

[00:12:02] <Casper> normal
[00:12:22] <Casper> you actually need to output it to a low pass filter, then amplify it
[00:12:34] <Casper> ex: RC, then ampli
[00:13:27] <slidercrank> yes, I understand it. But I'm using it for test purposes currently. Could the absence of a filter result in undistinguishable noise?
[00:21:56] <Casper> sure
[00:22:13] <Casper> your audio is in 256 different voltages....
[00:22:39] <Casper> you currently output 2 voltages: 0 and 5, and switch it's length...
[00:23:21] <slidercrank> I think I could still be able to distinguish the original record even with the presence of noise. Am I wrong?
[00:23:51] <slidercrank> or the absence of filter makes it totally unrecognisable and distorted?
[00:26:34] <froggyman> slidercrank: surely you have a capacitor laying around to just test this?
[00:27:18] <Casper> slidercrank: no, you won't recognise it
[00:27:39] <slidercrank> Casper, thank you
[00:27:42] <Casper> instead of a variable voltage, you get a somewhat variable frequency...
[00:27:48] <slidercrank> froggyman, I don't. I have to buy it
[00:27:54] <Casper> not quite frequency, but that's the closest that I can find at this hour of the night
[00:28:04] <Casper> and also.... I'M HUNGRY!
[00:28:25] <Casper> FEED ME!!! (but don'T feed me oil... which is a good iphone game btw)
[00:28:55] * froggyman tells Casper to try smoking some weed
[00:29:04] <froggyman> That should get rid of your hunger problems ;)
[00:29:12] <Casper> not sure
[00:29:39] * slidercrank gives Casper a pizza
[00:30:41] <Casper> I'ld like something healthier.... because of tomorrow...
[00:30:49] <froggyman> what's tomorrow?
[00:31:02] <froggyman> oh right.... christmas eve
[00:31:17] * froggyman cam
[00:31:28] * froggyman can't believe he just blanked on that
[00:32:20] * slidercrank feeds WormFood to Casper
[00:32:40] <Casper> I'll pass, I'm sure he's toxic
[00:32:48] <slidercrank> I don't know what ghosts eat
[00:33:35] * tzanger is eating some chicken/rice/mushroom thing my wife made
[00:33:40] <tzanger> it's delicious
[00:33:52] <tzanger> and I'm watching my at90can board spit out adc vlues
[00:33:53] <tzanger> values
[00:35:04] <tzanger> http://t.co/1Zr76SHC <-- that's the board
[02:38:56] <inflex> wow, times have changed... just realised I've had a package from Element-14 that I've not opened up all week :\
[02:39:10] <slidercrank> how to invoke #asm sleep in avr-gcc?
[02:39:47] <Casper> what is element-14?
[02:42:27] <slidercrank> disregard it. I've found what I needed in include/avr/sleep.h
[03:05:28] <inflex> Casper: E14 is like the US's digikey
[03:05:42] * inflex gets free overnight courier deliveries of all his stuff with them, it's great
[04:14:00] <yunta> uh, new xmega AU doc is out. 49 changes
[04:22:25] <yunta> OndraSter: ^
[04:23:05] <yunta> that includes changes to USB section (incl. ep STATUS register)
[05:15:07] <OndraSter> yunta, oo nice
[05:15:09] <OndraSter> thanks
[05:17:06] <OndraSter> Updated “STATUS – Status register” on page 243. Updated Bit 5, 4, 4, 2 1: These flags are cleared by writing
[05:17:06] <OndraSter> logical 0 to its bit location.
[05:17:07] <OndraSter> I KNEW IT!
[05:26:04] <inflex> knew what?
[05:48:39] <OndraSter> inflex, that you reset those by writing 1 to them rather 0
[05:59:51] <yunta> OndraSter: it also came up in my experiments, at least for BUSNACK, but I wasn't sure about all those flags. Some of them are still cleared by writing 1 officially...
[06:04:34] <yunta> OndraSter: btw. do you have internal RC32K oscillator enabled in your usb xmega devices?
[08:19:52] <Jan-> Someone asked me an interesting question: which is more powerful, a 1980s z80, or an atmega168? I assume the avr can do way more, since the CPU core is probably comparable but clocked much faster and has more RAM than say a sinclair zx81 computer.
[08:20:12] <Richard_Cavell> surely the atmega
[08:20:19] <Jan-> Right.
[08:20:20] <Richard_Cavell> it can do more per clock
[08:20:31] <Jan-> how can it do more per clock? that's the bit I don't necessarily get.
[08:20:39] <Jan-> I mean the instruction set isn't that different to the z80 is it?
[08:20:40] <Richard_Cavell> and has inbuilt features that the Z80 would need external hardware for or delays for
[08:20:48] <Richard_Cavell> Jan-: Yes, it is
[08:20:57] <Richard_Cavell> More registers
[08:21:00] <Jan-> ohhh.
[08:21:05] <Richard_Cavell> Means better code density
[08:21:27] <Jan-> Right, so basically the AVR kicks the Z80 in the nuts and leaves it for dead :)
[08:21:39] * Jan- cracks herself up
[08:24:54] <Richard_Cavell> yep
[08:25:06] <Richard_Cavell> You could run some sort of benchmark
[08:25:25] <Richard_Cavell> I'm sure that you could find figures for a Z80 benchmark somewhere, then run the same benchmark on an AVR
[08:26:16] <Jan-> Crazy ideas 101: ZX Spectrum emulator on AVR :D
[08:32:29] <specing> Jan-: was the original one also 8-bit?
[08:32:51] <OndraSter> yunta, yes
[08:32:52] <darknite> yeah
[08:33:17] <darknite> i remember seeing something like that a while ago
[08:33:41] <darknite> http://www.worldofspectrum.org/forums/showthread.php?p=645497
[08:33:51] <Jan-> a ZX81 was about the cheapest possible way you could implement a Z80 as a home micro.
[08:33:55] <Jan-> I had one.
[08:34:03] <Jan-> It worked. Sorta.
[08:34:40] <Jan-> lots of clock noise breaking through on the audio and into the video output.
[08:34:53] <OndraSter> I have found a MCU in the old logic analyzer - it is EF6802
[08:35:03] <OndraSter> 8bit data/16bit address bus
[08:37:42] <OndraSter> it has got at least 11 EEPROMs
[08:37:46] <OndraSter> I am not sure I will be hacking it.
[08:38:58] <Jan-> sounds complicated
[08:39:31] <OndraSter> yep
[08:39:39] <OndraSter> I could just take out the MCU and simply read it from the bus
[08:39:45] <OndraSter> the memories
[08:40:00] <OndraSter> and then replace it with single (lol) EPROM
[08:40:09] <OndraSter> too much hassle...
[08:41:47] <Jan-> oh by the way guys
[08:42:01] <Jan-> my first microcontroller project is done and will be used in a short film in late January :D
[08:42:08] * Jan- tips hat to helpful people
[08:42:16] <OndraSter> :)
[08:42:20] <OndraSter> congrats
[08:42:26] <Jan-> I'm sure you'd consider it very simple
[08:42:37] <Jan-> but I have bigger ideas for later
[08:47:04] <OndraSter> 255 samples @ 16 channels..
[08:47:05] <OndraSter> duh :D
[08:47:27] <OndraSter> 512 samples at 8 channels
[08:47:49] <specing> the stellaris could probably push it much, MUCH, higher
[08:47:54] <specing> :D
[08:47:58] <OndraSter> 1024 samples at 4 channels
[08:48:02] <OndraSter> specing, does it have CRT screen?
[08:48:08] <specing> No
[08:48:13] <specing> but it has USB!
[08:48:19] <OndraSter> then it is not cool
[08:48:22] <OndraSter> does it have GPIB?
[08:48:29] <specing> what is GPIB?
[08:48:41] <OndraSter> HPIB
[08:48:45] <OndraSter> same thing
[08:48:52] <OndraSter> bus to connect measuring stuff
[08:48:57] <OndraSter> fairly olllld
[08:51:17] <Jan-> I think it's amazing that modern computers have lots of ports for things like USB which are individually clocked two orders of magnitude faster than the main processor on the stuff that was current in my lifetime
[08:53:57] <OndraSter> ;)
[08:54:32] <OndraSter> so, logic analyzers: external hardware with its own screen OR PC-based stuff which you hook up to USB?
[08:57:08] <darknite> since i have a dedicated laptop sitting on my workbench anyway i decided to go with usb solution, but my needs are quite basic so not sure when usb+pc software is no longer a viable option
[08:57:18] <Jan-> USB I think
[08:57:25] <Jan-> then you can put the results into other software and play with them
[08:57:38] <OndraSter> on the other hand you have to bring everywhere with you laptop and the hardware
[08:57:43] <OndraSter> and it requires messing with drivers
[08:57:46] <OndraSter> and so on
[08:58:37] <Jan-> Maybe make it optional?
[08:58:56] <Jan-> I mean also when are you going to need a logic probe in circumstances where having a laptop with you is a major problem
[08:59:39] <OndraSter> make it optional... that is not possible
[08:59:47] <OndraSter> just PC USB logic analyzer is small box
[08:59:51] <OndraSter> something with screen is big
[09:01:56] <Jan-> well there should be a way of getting stuff from the logic analyzer to a PC
[09:02:18] <OndraSter> yes
[09:02:22] <Jan-> (All hail obabo, presiserp of unitinu!)
[09:02:33] <Jan-> Maybe use radio
[09:02:43] <Jan-> so you can be behind a rack probing something and leave your laptop somewhere convenient
[09:03:05] <OndraSter> the thing is - if you build something with screen etc it will be big and will have its own power supply and so on. If you use something for PC USB only, it won't have either of those.
[09:03:11] <OndraSter> You can add USB to the big box
[09:03:15] <OndraSter> you can not add screen to the small box
[09:03:38] <darknite> Jan-: hmm, basically one should be able to replace the serial usb with some kind of serial rf without too much problems, yes?
[09:04:00] <darknite> OndraSter: maybe you can build a bigger box for it, like a docking station.. :D
[09:04:05] <OndraSter> lol
[09:04:26] <OndraSter> you *could* have two boxes:
[09:04:28] <OndraSter> small and big one
[09:04:32] <OndraSter> the small could either plug in only to the USB
[09:04:41] <OndraSter> OR plug in to the big box via some fast connection
[09:04:53] <OndraSter> the small box would fit into the big box..
[09:05:19] <soul-d> any one hacked their drill into accepting small drill bits (prehaps dremel ) have nothing around that accepts 0.8 drill :(
[09:05:57] <Jan-> I bought some rf modules a while ago
[09:06:03] <Jan-> I haven't got around to working with them het
[09:09:14] <soul-d> was able to do an iron on pcb but no way to drill it properly probably end up destroying pads
[09:09:37] <Tom_itx> poke the center with a pin or punch first
[09:09:47] <Tom_itx> then it will help it drill to the center of the pad
[09:17:51] <soul-d> ah well first do the ones i can drill the 0.8 probably would break anyhow if u could get it fitted :P
[09:30:42] <ok9swl> soul-d: My colleague search the web ending with one very cheep china drills, which has ability to hold small drill. 0.8 can be drilled without destroying a tool by hand. Done it myself.
[09:32:31] <ok9swl> soul-d: Search for one with holder with clear cross only, no predrilled hole in the middle for centering the tool.
[09:40:21] <OndraSter> I drill 0.8mm just fine by hand
[09:40:24] <OndraSter> without stand!
[09:40:44] <Jan-> you can but it's tricky
[09:40:53] <ok9swl> soul-d: So, now you have it twice confirmed :)
[09:40:56] <Jan-> better to have a stand really
[09:41:07] <Jan-> you will break less drills!
[09:41:07] <ok9swl> Jan-: of course
[09:42:10] <soul-d> well problem is got no drills that accept the 0.8 shaft
[09:43:41] <soul-d> :(
[09:43:43] <ok9swl> soul-d: I understand, for this ability try to search in the lowest price level, instead of profi. You will be suprised, i bought mine under 10euro
[09:43:52] <soul-d> hate owrking with pcb software
[09:44:07] <soul-d> it looks all big and all and then figure out pads are like 1 mill scaing apart
[09:50:01] <soul-d> http://imgur.com/a/DAYuX me imgur is doing funny things again
[09:51:02] <darknite> overload from all kids forced to their relatives houses and seeking refuge browsing imgur on their phones/laptops in a corner somewhere
[09:53:00] <soul-d> probably good enoug :P depends on type of signal most will be road runner wire though so could used smd pads to
[10:32:38] <jadew> OndraSter, PC based one
[10:33:41] <jadew> easier to update, easier to change the software, occupies less space, costs a lot less and in most cases has better performance
[11:53:26] <RikusW> philfine: any luck yet ?
[11:53:40] <philfine> Not really
[11:53:53] <RikusW> philfine: you could try doing chip erase first and then use -D iirc to write without erasing
[11:54:02] <philfine> Did not took the time to try to fix it
[11:54:16] <philfine> Ok
[11:54:18] <philfine> Let me try
[11:54:35] <RikusW> I do have a m162, will have to write a demo app to upload
[11:56:16] <philfine> Failing to erase too
[11:56:22] <philfine> In the same command
[11:57:28] <philfine> I wonder if I could make the same command in mkit
[11:57:33] <philfine> To try to execute it twice
[11:57:35] <Tom_itx> RikusW, i may have a blinky on my site if you wanna use it
[11:57:47] <philfine> What is the the descriptor ?
[11:57:55] <Tom_itx> iirc you gotta be careful blinking portc though
[11:58:12] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/avr/at90usb162/
[11:58:18] <Tom_itx> just for a test
[11:58:56] <philfine> I guess the problem is on the erase then
[11:58:56] <philfine> :D
[11:59:01] <philfine> RikusW: ?
[11:59:09] <RikusW> possibly
[11:59:31] <RikusW> thanks Tom_itx
[11:59:37] <RikusW> its mega162..
[12:00:02] <Tom_itx> oh, not usb?
[12:00:10] <Tom_itx> well there's plenty of other blinkys there
[12:00:22] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/avr/
[12:00:23] <philfine> Flash without the erase worked perfectly :D
[12:00:24] <Tom_itx> pick one
[12:00:28] <Tom_itx> and change the makefile
[12:00:51] <Tom_itx> flash normally erases first anyway
[12:00:53] <RikusW> I'll use AS4
[12:01:09] <RikusW> philfine: maybe its the erase command then...
[12:01:27] <RikusW> maybe adding a delay after erasing will help
[12:01:28] <Tom_itx> most any of those blinks would work
[12:01:46] <RikusW> philfine: does it verify ok ?
[12:02:34] * Tom_itx continues restocking his smt bins for a reflow session later on
[12:03:56] <philfine> Nop
[12:04:07] <philfine> 3 seconds delay is not sufficient
[12:04:07] <philfine> :D
[12:04:14] <philfine> I assume it is not just a delay
[12:05:52] * RikusW already have a blinky on pin b0 of the m162 :)
[12:07:37] <philfine> The commands that avrdude execute after the erase crash the thing :D
[12:08:01] <RikusW> ok so no problem programming with AS4
[12:08:07] <philfine> I guess I can leave without the erase
[12:08:16] <RikusW> I clicked erase and programmed without erasing
[12:08:38] <philfine> live
[12:08:41] <RikusW> you have to erase before rewriting flash..
[12:08:52] <RikusW> so erase seperately
[12:08:57] <RikusW> before flashing
[12:09:00] <philfine> BTW< the erase command is erasing but is also failing in avrdude
[12:09:22] <RikusW> try giving the erase command in mkit ?
[12:09:42] <RikusW> at least we're one step closer to the problem..
[12:09:51] <philfine> Much closer I guess
[12:09:57] <RikusW> and read the flash to see that its actually erased
[12:10:09] <philfine> Can you tell me what is the erase and flash sequence in AS4 ?
[12:10:23] <philfine> avrdude is doing something more after the erase
[12:10:41] <philfine> I guess it reinitialises after the erase and that might be the problem
[12:10:57] <philfine> I will comment the initialisation after the reset and see what happens
[12:11:32] <RikusW> first erase then flash...
[12:11:44] <philfine> Thats it
[12:11:49] <RikusW> the only way to know whats going on it to do a raw protocol dump...
[12:12:00] <RikusW> 8is
[12:12:00] <philfine> avrdude initi -> erases -> init -> write
[12:12:19] <RikusW> AS might do a similar thing
[12:12:22] <philfine> If I comment the second init it works
[12:12:31] <RikusW> ah, nice :)
[12:12:46] <RikusW> you can remove mki old avr restrictions too
[12:12:56] <RikusW> mine will handle new avrs
[12:13:15] <RikusW> I tested on m324a
[12:13:42] <philfine> BTW, what am I suppose to be able to do in debug with mki
[12:13:54] <philfine> It is pretty hard to debug with it
[12:14:02] <RikusW> any c/asm code
[12:14:10] <philfine> :D
[12:14:22] <RikusW> well avarice/gcc may not be the best UI
[12:14:23] <nas_> avr-gcc -g -mmcu=atmega8 -Wall -Os -o basic-in basic-in.o
[12:14:44] <nas_> whether i add -lm to link the math library or not it doesnt make the file any different
[12:14:48] <RikusW> philfine: find a old windows box and install AS4 sp3 and winavr
[12:14:50] <philfine> Ok, but can I see the registers, etc ?
[12:14:57] <RikusW> everything :)
[12:14:57] <nas_> like its not actually linking anything
[12:15:01] <philfine> breakpoints seem to fail very frequently
[12:15:14] <RikusW> philfine: you can see r0 r1 r32 and all io values too
[12:15:36] <RikusW> my clone only supports 3 hw breakpoints
[12:15:58] <RikusW> you could add break instructions to your code
[12:16:35] <philfine> I am not aware of those
[12:16:53] <philfine> How to embed those in C ?
[12:17:01] <RikusW> or a break function with its parameter being an index into an bit/bool array, then you can turn it on/off at will
[12:17:04] <RikusW> without reflashing
[12:17:06] <philfine> gcc's C\
[12:17:16] <RikusW> use embedded asm
[12:17:28] <RikusW> its documented in avr libc docs
[12:17:35] <philfine> Ok
[12:17:40] <philfine> I have to check it out
[12:18:06] <RikusW> avr got a "break" instruction
[12:18:18] <RikusW> only useful if you have a debugger
[12:18:38] <RikusW> maybe __asm { "break" }; might work
[12:18:55] * RikusW dislikes gcc embedded asm
[12:19:07] <RikusW> at&t style is bad news
[12:19:59] <philfine> RikusW: Likes ASM :D
[12:20:27] <philfine> philfine dislikes ASM :D
[12:20:42] <philfine> Not really but I prefer higher level software when possible
[12:20:58] <RikusW> I like intel style asm
[12:21:57] <RikusW> void breakpoint(char index) { if(array[index]) { __asm { "break" } } }
[12:22:30] <RikusW> philfine: with AS4 you can easlily change any variable or IO when the avr is in break mode
[12:23:38] <RikusW> philfine: avr asm is not that much different from avr C
[12:23:53] * RikusW does like AVR asm :)
[12:24:07] <RikusW> you know about using /me ?
[12:24:49] * philfine knows little of IRC
[12:25:05] <RikusW> try /msg alis help
[12:27:08] * philfine Do not really care about knowing about IRC
[12:27:24] * philfine I guess english too :D
[12:27:39] <philfine> Sorry for that
[12:27:47] <philfine> Rikus, seems to be working great now :D
[12:27:53] * philfine happy
[12:27:56] <RikusW> great :)
[12:28:08] <Tom_itx> what fixed it?
[12:28:19] <RikusW> doing chip erase seperately
[12:28:32] <Tom_itx> odd
[12:28:33] <RikusW> then he removed the second init code after CE
[12:28:53] <philfine> avrdude is re initialising jtagmkI after the erase. I removed that reinitialisation.
[12:29:28] <philfine> Hope I do not forget that in a couple of most
[12:29:44] <philfine> I tend to forget those details and come back to old problems :D
[12:30:02] <Tom_itx> problems that take a while to resolve you usually don't forget
[12:30:04] <RikusW> send me the patch ? just copy the relevant lines include a line nr and filename
[12:30:40] <RikusW> then you could always ask me if you lose it ;)
[12:30:46] <philfine> :D
[12:30:58] <philfine> Can I jut tell you the line to comment ?
[12:31:13] <RikusW> yes, in which file ?
[12:31:40] <philfine> comment pgm->initialize(pgm, p); in the function jtagmkI_chip_erase
[12:32:12] <philfine> In the file jtagmkI.c
[12:35:11] <RikusW> ok
[12:36:43] <philfine> Tom_itx: My life is full of big problems :D
[12:37:08] <RikusW> GF problems ? :-P
[12:37:27] <Tom_itx> those are minor
[12:37:35] <philfine> Yes
[12:37:36] <Tom_itx> after you say 'yes' they can become major
[12:37:39] <philfine> Those are minor
[12:38:01] <philfine> It was yes to the minor part
[12:38:09] <philfine> Not to the GF problems
[12:38:26] <philfine> I was meaning intellectual problems
[12:38:27] <philfine> :D
[12:38:28] <RikusW> lol
[12:38:50] * RikusW don't like the avrdude source too much...
[12:38:56] <RikusW> difficult to follow
[12:41:21] <philfine> Says the man that like to code assembly :D
[12:41:37] <philfine> Does any of you has experience with x86 ASM ?
[12:42:10] <RikusW> a bit
[12:42:19] <RikusW> I hacked a few exe's :)
[12:42:23] <RikusW> and dll's
[12:42:43] <RikusW> actually changing stuff is easy, finding the right place is not
[12:42:51] <philfine> Sure
[12:43:06] <philfine> There are plenty of strange protections this days
[12:43:22] <RikusW> yep, haven't tried hacking those
[12:43:44] <philfine> Actually, I tried to look into some game code and realised that the relevant code it not easily disassembled
[12:44:04] <philfine> Meaning I don't even know how to look into the code :D
[12:44:32] <RikusW> well, compile your own app, then view disassembly in the debugger
[12:44:42] <philfine> I am more interested into for the purpose of creating a small OS
[12:44:47] <RikusW> or view the asm generated by gcc
[12:45:06] <RikusW> thats the best way to start learning about asm
[12:45:31] <RikusW> there is plenty of good info on asm on the net
[12:45:42] <philfine> But not for the purpose of OS development
[12:46:06] <RikusW> OS fo x86 ?
[12:47:05] <philfine> Sure
[12:47:15] <RikusW> why not use Linux ?
[12:47:23] <philfine> Not that I would plan to release an OS
[12:47:26] <Grievre> why not zoidberg?
[12:47:32] <philfine> I just like the hacking of low-level stuff
[12:47:52] <RikusW> go read the intel cpu manuals first
[12:48:02] <philfine> Indeed
[12:48:21] <philfine> Do you know the place in the intel page to request for the free books ?
[12:48:43] * philfine BRB
[12:50:10] <RikusW> it is free
[12:50:17] <RikusW> just have a look on their site
[12:57:13] <philfine> I meant free paper copies
[12:57:24] <philfine> I know they ship it for free
[13:00:58] <Tom_itx> CapnKernel you around?
[13:08:38] <hackvana> Yes
[13:09:45] <hackvana> Tom_itx: Yes
[13:11:53] <Tom_itx> how long do you keep board quotes?
[13:12:00] <Tom_itx> was wondering what my last order cost me
[13:12:11] <Tom_itx> may need some more one of these days
[13:14:21] <Tom_itx> did i get blue ones from you yet?
[13:34:07] <hackvana> Tom_itx: I have the figures here (design files are offline)
[13:34:47] <hackvana> 29-Feb o22/1607 Tom_L adapter1 Arrived@Cust 25 2 2.86 1.53 1.6 Blue White Pb 1 oz (35u) HKPost $29.00
[13:38:17] <Tom_itx> i don't think that's the one i'm looking for
[13:38:28] <Tom_itx> i just found those last night :)
[13:40:35] <hackvana> Ok, let me have a look
[13:41:19] <Tom_itx> i may have not sent these yet
[13:41:27] <Tom_itx> maybe just the green ones
[13:42:01] <Tom_itx> those ^^ were little .5 x 1" boards or thereabouts
[13:42:19] <hackvana> You only ever made the one order, for 25 blue ones.
[13:42:38] <Tom_itx> ok, that's not them then
[13:42:57] <hackvana> My guide: http://tinyurl.com/hvpcbfaq
[13:44:12] <hackvana> I'm heading to bed soon (3:30am here).
[13:44:18] <hackvana> Merry Christmas to you all!
[13:44:32] <Tom_itx> merry christmas
[13:44:50] <Tom_itx> i'm in no rush on these but was curious how many and cost on those green ones
[13:44:57] <Tom_itx> i forgot how many i got last time
[13:45:11] <Tom_itx> probably 75-100
[13:45:37] <hackvana> Have a look in my guide for the info I need for a quote, and see how you go.
[13:46:34] <hackvana> My multiples there are 50x, 75x, 100x, and 125x
[13:47:03] <hackvana> If you have any questions, you're welcome to ask in #hackvana
[13:48:30] <Tom_itx> i'm not worried about it
[13:48:35] <Tom_itx> it'll be a bit anyway
[13:51:39] <hackvana> Sounds good. I'll talk with you later!
[15:04:01] <OndraSter> fucking eurocase PSU
[15:04:06] <OndraSter> I was using it to power the television
[15:04:34] <OndraSter> I have connected it as it should have been in the first place - powering it via +5VStandby a then switching it on by the green wire
[15:04:42] <OndraSter> so I measured it all, tested with bench PSU
[15:04:44] <OndraSter> worked fine
[15:04:47] <OndraSter> connected to the eurocase
[15:04:48] <OndraSter> BOOM
[15:04:56] <OndraSter> and the PC and all the power sockets went dead
[15:07:14] <Steffanx> oops
[15:07:39] <OndraSter> appearantly those rush 1A on the +5V standby (rated 2A btw) was too much
[15:07:49] <OndraSter> interesting that it did not trip my bench PSU limited to 1.5A or so
[15:08:27] <OndraSter> fucking Errorcase
[15:11:39] <OndraSter> time to buy another classic old 350W fortron
[15:11:44] <OndraSter> I bought a lot of those
[15:11:46] <OndraSter> they haven't failed
[15:11:47] <OndraSter> NONE of them
[15:12:19] <OndraSter> I could buy some 200W instead since we are talking 60W output or so max
[15:12:31] <OndraSter> they go from $10 to $20 shipped
[15:12:36] <Lionhearted> lol
[15:13:32] <OndraSter> huh. they sell !!NEW!! Eurocase SuperSilent (PFC) 400W for $25
[15:13:34] <OndraSter> holy cow
[15:16:48] <OndraSter> playing with fire
[15:16:49] <OndraSter> LITERALLY
[15:24:02] <Horologium> OndraSter, get an old AT power supply.
[15:24:11] <Horologium> I have some of those from the 90s that still work.
[15:24:12] <OndraSter> but AT is ON or OFF
[15:24:15] <OndraSter> no soft ON
[15:24:27] <Horologium> no phantom power waste either.
[15:24:28] <OndraSter> if I wanted that I would have kept shorted the POWER signal to the ground.
[15:24:33] <OndraSter> huh?
[15:24:35] <OndraSter> how come?
[15:24:47] <Horologium> when you switch an AT supply off you cut off the mains..
[15:24:51] <OndraSter> of course
[15:24:53] <Horologium> rather than doing a soft off
[15:24:59] <OndraSter> you could switch off the ATX PSU too
[15:25:01] <OndraSter> with a switch
[15:25:04] <Horologium> which needs phantom power to watch for the on signal.
[15:25:05] <OndraSter> but obviously that was not what I wanted
[15:25:32] <Horologium> heck, I have an old XT supply that still works...two of them actually as I have one in a working XT
[15:25:54] <specing> OndraSter: 10$ from where?
[15:26:01] <Horologium> with an 8 bit vga card and a 10MB hardcard!
[15:26:46] <OndraSter> specing, ebay-like website, local stuff
[15:26:55] <specing> OndraSter: link
[15:27:01] <OndraSter> http://aukro.cz/listing.php/search?change_view=1&order=d&sg=0&string=fortron
[15:31:46] <OndraSter> lol, beer "Duff" is actually real
[15:31:48] <OndraSter> somebody makes it :D
[15:32:18] <specing> nothing under 35 EUR on their official site
[15:32:24] <specing> and that is excluding shipping
[15:32:35] <OndraSter> obviously these are used
[15:32:38] <OndraSter> ..
[15:32:40] <specing> aha
[15:38:50] <MoL0ToV> hi to all! i'm trying to use the avr programmer with arduino ethernet . is a mkII . i followed the directives described at http://arduino.cc/en/Main/ArduinoBoardEthernet but don't work. what are the right driver in winxp to use with this programmer when flashing the arduino?
[15:45:20] <MoL0ToV> someone uses a avr mkII programmer with arduino?
[15:50:25] <MoL0ToV> avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00
[16:14:42] <MoL0ToV> i have problem usink avr mkII programmer for arduino. it tryes to use com6, but the programmer is usb, not serial
[16:24:15] <timemage> MoL0ToV, i don't have a mkII, but i would expect to have a usb<->serial chipset in it.
[16:25:21] <MoL0ToV> timeage, avr recognize the mkII device, and i have just updated the firmware
[16:25:31] <timemage> MoL0ToV, yeah?
[16:25:33] <MoL0ToV> but if i try to use with arduino don't work
[16:25:58] <MoL0ToV> says avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00
[16:26:41] <timemage> MoL0ToV, trying to upload arduino bootloader?
[16:26:55] <timemage> MoL0ToV, or "update"
[16:27:22] <MoL0ToV> yes says avrdude: usbdev_open(): did not find any USB device "usb"
[16:28:28] <timemage> MoL0ToV, what did you supply to avrdude as a programmer type?
[16:28:40] <MoL0ToV> yes
[16:28:43] <MoL0ToV> mkII
[16:28:56] <MoL0ToV> what's the right driver to use with mkiI avr programmer? not the original from avr?
[16:30:59] <Tom_itx> avrisp2
[16:31:03] <Tom_itx> driver?
[16:31:07] <Tom_itx> libusb
[16:32:14] <MoL0ToV> in device manager i view as
[16:32:25] <MoL0ToV> AVRISP mkII
[16:32:34] <MoL0ToV> and WinDriver Jungo
[16:32:47] <MoL0ToV> is right?
[16:32:54] <MoL0ToV> i tested on avr studio and works
[16:33:11] <MoL0ToV> i can use same driver with arduino ide or another is needed?
[16:33:43] <OndraSter_> two toolem are talking: "Dude, my neighbour yesterday came and rang on me at 3 in the night. He rang so unexpectedly, that I dropped my drill!"
[16:34:11] <Tom_itx> jungo won't work for that
[16:34:53] <MoL0ToV> what i must use?
[16:35:01] <MoL0ToV> is not documented on arduino documentation
[16:35:19] <Tom_itx> that's the mystery of arduino
[16:37:40] <timemage> Tom_itx, i take it setting up a mkii is more complicated than the old normal avrisp.
[16:38:08] <Tom_itx> not really
[16:38:22] <Tom_itx> jungo will work on mkii
[16:38:27] <Tom_itx> but i dunno about arduino
[16:38:39] <Tom_itx> mine are recognized as avrisp mkii
[16:38:47] <timemage> Tom_itx, i have no idea what jungo is. see references to it everywhere.
[16:38:50] <Tom_itx> with jungo or libusb
[16:39:00] <Tom_itx> jungo is a usb driver that studio used under windows
[16:39:18] <Tom_itx> and also conflicts with libusb under windows
[16:40:35] <timemage> Tom_itx, heh. sounds "more complicated" =) i haven't programmed under windows much. and mostly using an old programmer. my original died after i used it maybe three times. atmel was nice enough to just send me one no questions asked.
[16:42:02] <Tom_itx> mine work quite similar to the avrisp mkii
[16:42:26] <timemage> Tom_itx, mine what? programmers?
[16:43:04] <MoL0ToV> i found a libusb opensource driver to install... i try it
[16:43:04] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/boards/USBTiny_Mkii/USBTiny_Mkii_index.php
[16:44:45] <timemage> Tom_itx, nice. didn't know you were making them.
[16:45:01] <Tom_itx> yeah have been for quite a while
[16:45:17] <Tom_itx> it has a couple extra features over the original
[16:45:29] <timemage> Tom_itx, yeah. i see.
[16:45:30] <Tom_itx> recovery clock for mis set fuses for one
[16:45:41] <Tom_itx> makes that kinda handy
[16:45:53] <Tom_itx> and programs targets down to 1.75v
[16:46:51] <timemage> Tom_itx, i'll keep them in mind i need a new programmer.
[16:47:12] <Tom_itx> the blue one is the same just in a box
[16:47:55] <Tom_itx> been working on a couple batches of em today
[16:48:05] <OndraSter_> dude, it is CHRISTMAS!
[16:48:13] <OndraSter_> only I blow up stuff on xmas day
[16:51:14] <Tom_itx> i think i'll do one more batch and call it good for a bit
[16:51:19] <Tom_itx> this evening
[16:59:17] <soul-d> also need to solder few bits although my batch size is more like few wires parts :P
[19:23:06] <rue_mohr> anyone here have a pet turtle?
[19:23:53] <soul-d> not anymore had when i was young
[19:27:39] <bluwhale> Hey guys, has anyone here built the Scanalogic logic analyzer?
[19:30:39] <bluwhale> Sorry, disconnected. Just in case anyone answered my question and I missed it.
[19:30:58] <jadew> nobody answered :)
[19:32:08] <bluwhale> Ok, that's fine :)
[19:32:20] <jadew> bluwhale, what sample rate does that have?
[19:32:59] <bluwhale> jadew, Depends on your clock speed. I'm supposed to max out at 4 MHz with a 16 MHz external crystal.
[19:33:15] <jadew> that's decent for most stuff
[19:33:37] <jadew> but I guess the buffer isn't big enough
[19:33:44] <bluwhale> Yep, which is why I really, really want it to work. It would help me enormously!
[19:33:52] <bluwhale> It buffers in the software.
[19:33:54] <bluwhale> http://www.ikalogic.com/scanalogic-the-beginning
[19:34:27] <bluwhale> Oh wait, I know what you mean. I still think its sufficient.
[19:35:25] <jadew> yeah, I guess it's enough for most stuff
[19:35:51] <bluwhale> Wish I could figure out what's wrong with my setup :(
[19:36:05] <jadew> what's not working?
[19:36:35] <bluwhale> No idea. When I try to connect the hardware to the software, it just says that the connection failed.
[19:37:08] <bluwhale> I know the UART is working, I tested that. I also know the hex file was loaded correctly.
[19:37:22] <jadew> does the firmware work properly?
[19:37:43] <jadew> can you connect with a serial client and try to manually run something?
[19:37:54] <bluwhale> Well, the firmware is supposed to be working if an LED on PC0 turns on. Which it does.
[19:38:07] <bluwhale> jadew, Ya, I tested it that way.
[19:38:11] <Lionhearted> marry xmas
[19:38:26] <bluwhale> Lionhearted, You too!
[19:38:30] <jadew> marry christmas
[19:38:31] <Lionhearted> you are very happy to use avr :)
[19:38:41] <Lionhearted> i just got ripped with ti eval board
[19:38:58] <jadew> bluwhale, then maybe the client has issues with the firmware version?
[19:39:27] <bluwhale> jadew, I don't know. It seems to be working fine for others.
[19:39:46] <jadew> hmm
[19:40:10] <bluwhale> How can I check/change the firmware version?
[19:40:36] <jadew> I have no idea how to check it, changing it would mean to upload new firmware :)
[19:41:21] <bluwhale> Oh. The atmega16 I'm using for this came straight from Atmel a few weeks ago.
[19:41:36] <Lionhearted> small offtopic... has anyone got linux working with avr ?
[19:41:53] <bluwhale> Lionhearted, What do you mean?
[19:41:57] <jadew> bluwhale, and you didn't upload firmware to it?
[19:42:17] <bluwhale> jadew, I uploaded the hex file provided in the project.
[19:42:28] <jadew> bluwhale, well, that's the firmware
[19:42:34] <Lionhearted> i mean like ide for linux
[19:42:34] <bluwhale> Ya
[19:42:58] <bluwhale> Lionhearted, Oh, not sure. I use avrdude from the terminal. I'm sure something is out there.
[19:43:29] <jadew> Lionhearted, like AVR Studio?
[19:43:34] <Lionhearted> well
[19:43:45] <Lionhearted> i know there isnt
[19:44:27] <bluwhale> jadew, The instructions didn't seem to say so, but I set the fuse bits in order to use the external crystal. I assumed that I needed to do this. Am I right?
[19:44:42] <bluwhale> Sorry about the noob questions, am relatively new to this.
[19:44:42] <jadew> bluwhale, yeah
[19:44:57] <jadew> and if you're saying the led turned on as it was supposed to, I would guess it's working
[19:44:57] <bluwhale> jadew, Ok, that's good to know.
[19:45:12] <bluwhale> jadew, Yes, it did turn on.
[19:45:56] <jadew> bluwhale, did you close the terminal before trying to connect to it with the client software?
[19:46:12] <bluwhale> jadew, Yes, I did do that.
[19:46:31] <jadew> don't know what to say, you could ask on their forum or something
[19:46:39] <jadew> sounds like you did everything right
[19:47:21] <bluwhale> jadew, Yep, waiting for their reply. I'm just very eager to get this working, but even more to find out what I'm doing wrong.
[19:49:37] <bluwhale> avrdude -P usb -c usbasp -p m16 -U flash:w:LOGIC-ANALYZER-16Mhz.hex
[19:49:52] <bluwhale> That's the avrdude command I'm using. Maybe something in that is causing the problem.
[19:50:05] <jadew> looks good
[19:50:21] <bluwhale> Should I be setting F_CPU in there or something?
[19:50:22] <Lionhearted> usbasp?
[19:50:36] <jadew> bluwhale, no
[19:50:49] <bluwhale> Lionhearted, Yea. Super cheap programmer (~$3), and works great.
[19:50:54] <Lionhearted> i got one
[19:50:59] <Lionhearted> using khazama
[19:51:01] <Lionhearted> to upload
[19:51:02] <bluwhale> jadew, Ok, thanks.
[19:51:44] <jadew> np
[19:52:00] <jadew> afk
[20:11:58] <kennyd> .
[21:36:01] <philfine> Merry christmas for all believers and Happy Holidays for everyone else. ;-)