#avr | Logs for 2012-12-18

[00:32:48] <qartis> having some trouble with HMC5883L digital compass
[00:33:52] <qartis> I'm able to grab the x, y, z field strength values, but the resulting vector seems to be vertical...
[00:34:15] <qartis> as in, for each axis, the maximum and minimum values are when that axis is pointing straight up or down
[00:35:21] <qartis> is there something about magnetic flux lines that I don't understand.. haha
[00:43:12] <qartis> for example, I hold the sensor horizontal and spin it, and I see x and y change and z stays pretty constant
[00:44:17] <qartis> but once I spin it so that x is at its maximum, then tilting the board slightly so that the x axis points slightly below the horizon, makes the value grow much much greater than it had been when it was level
[00:44:31] <qartis> and the maximum value is when the x axis is pointing straight down
[00:45:26] <qartis> so it's not a matter of adding tilt compensation with an accelerometer, because the field strength is fundamentally pointing the wrong direction (down, instead of "north")
[09:15:31] <inflex> Tom_itx: well, converted my oven controller to a converted chest-freezer controller
[09:16:29] <inflex> At least just in the firmware. I'll make a dedicated controller hardware for it once I'm happy.
[13:58:19] <Roklobsta_> bah what time is it in .eu
[13:58:46] <yunta> which country?
[13:58:51] <yunta> or state
[14:04:16] <Roklobsta_> CET
[14:04:21] <Roklobsta_> i know i can google it.
[14:04:29] <Roklobsta_> i want to bug a human to tell me this time
[14:04:48] <Roklobsta_> jesus, and i am on the wrong channel!
[14:08:03] <yunta> lol
[14:10:55] <yunta> Roklobsta_: I happen to be in CET right now. It's 20:58.
[14:11:49] <Roklobsta_> ok
[14:12:54] <soul-d> ive got it 21:01:50
[16:01:17] <OndraSter> who was the guy here who used fpga with tap trace for analyzing?
[16:17:44] <soul-d> that was me
[16:21:57] * RikusW got too many mosquitoes buzzing around here :S
[16:22:23] <RikusW> 40 - 50 :(
[16:22:31] <OndraSter> soul-d, how did you get the signal tap running? I made simple design with four inputs (since I need four wires to watch), now I just pin them to specific pins and synthetise, upload to the FPGA and watch in signal trace?
[16:22:36] <OndraSter> signal tap*
[16:23:04] <RikusW> you want to listen in on jtag ?
[16:23:10] <OndraSter> no
[16:23:11] <OndraSter> on SPI
[16:23:17] <OndraSter> why my SD card does not work :(
[16:23:22] <OndraSter> on hardware SPI
[16:23:26] <OndraSter> on hardware UART in SPI mode
[16:23:30] <OndraSter> but works on software SPI
[16:23:32] <OndraSter> "works"
[16:23:34] <soul-d> first add a signal clk wich you hook up to target device clk usaly the fastest on board so not the clock from spi itself
[16:23:35] <OndraSter> it replies non-jibberish
[16:23:50] <soul-d> then in signaltap assign that gpio as clock
[16:24:07] <RikusW> OndraSter: some devices needs SS for each byte...
[16:24:09] <OndraSter> why not SPI clock itself?
[16:24:13] <OndraSter> RikusW, not this case
[16:24:13] <soul-d> then wire other gpio's as inputs on the lines
[16:24:16] <soul-d> to slow
[16:24:20] <OndraSter> ah ok
[16:24:22] <soul-d> you want more samples
[16:24:27] <soul-d> to watch signal transition
[16:24:38] <OndraSter> so I should set up clkout :)
[16:24:48] <RikusW> maybe just use the SCK to clock in the data ?
[16:24:51] <soul-d> no it;s just a wire naming
[16:25:07] <soul-d> so gpio x is a wire as input
[16:25:14] <soul-d> wired to target device clock
[16:25:16] <OndraSter> soul-d, I mean, clkout = clock out from the main chip (32MHz) vs SPI (something like 100kHz)
[16:25:34] <RikusW> OndraSter: did you try slowing down SCK ?
[16:25:38] <OndraSter> I did
[16:25:40] <OndraSter> to the lowest
[16:25:41] <soul-d> thats fine depending on max mk4 ram your cyclone has
[16:25:59] <OndraSter> I would hook up 1MB DRAM I have got here if it was any simple :D
[16:26:01] <soul-d> you will trigger anyhow on you sclk
[16:26:01] <RikusW> guess its protocol stuff then...
[16:26:03] <OndraSter> from 486
[16:26:07] <OndraSter> RikusW, it works in software SPI
[16:26:09] <OndraSter> but not in hardware
[16:26:17] <OndraSter> I am afraid I might have switched Rx/t
[16:26:18] <OndraSter> x
[16:26:54] <OndraSter> but in software SPI I think I have got them the right way
[16:26:55] <OndraSter> the same way
[16:27:27] * RikusW found a "bug" in U2S code... one variable that should have survived a mode change doesn't :S
[16:27:34] <soul-d> you can use
[16:27:36] <RikusW> now I have to store it in eeprom...
[16:27:46] <soul-d> the signal of the clock you put into the spi generator
[16:29:28] <OndraSter> I have added one more input pin in the visual designer and the Pin Planner does not show it
[16:29:29] <OndraSter> whyyy
[16:29:38] <OndraSter> I remember similar issue back in the school few years ago with Xilinx ISE
[16:29:47] <soul-d> always need to reccompile
[16:29:52] <OndraSter> oh
[16:29:56] <OndraSter> so
[16:29:57] <OndraSter> compile
[16:29:58] <OndraSter> assig
[16:29:58] <OndraSter> n
[16:29:58] <soul-d> also swithc in signal tap the pin type
[16:29:59] <OndraSter> compile
[16:30:13] <soul-d> to deseign entry names
[16:30:20] <soul-d> when you add nodesand such
[16:30:34] <soul-d> under filter :
[16:32:04] <soul-d> it's a bit of fiddling but when you get the hang of it you will apreciate it remmber not to put up more the 3,3v signals on unprotected pins to be sure get some cheap level converter
[16:32:21] <OndraSter> I am 3.3V person
[16:32:27] <OndraSter> all of it is in 3.3V logic
[16:33:14] <soul-d> then a buffer prehaps if you wanna really use it as logic analyser
[16:33:24] <OndraSter> just for this one case
[16:33:27] <OndraSter> because it is driving me nuts
[16:34:02] <soul-d> :)
[16:34:05] <OndraSter> Invalid JTAG chain... Instance not found
[16:34:06] <OndraSter> wtf :(
[16:34:10] <OndraSter> it sees the chip on the right
[16:34:25] <soul-d> if you pressed recompile
[16:34:29] <soul-d> then you have to reprogram
[16:34:31] <OndraSter> yes
[16:34:32] <OndraSter> oh
[16:34:34] <OndraSter> program..
[16:34:36] <OndraSter> I did not do that at all
[16:34:51] <soul-d> there is thingy on the right where you can load the sof
[16:34:56] <soul-d> and click a button
[16:34:59] <OndraSter> already flashed
[16:35:00] <soul-d> then chan chan
[16:35:06] <soul-d> it will say its ready
[16:35:09] <OndraSter> waiting for clock
[16:35:10] <OndraSter> niceeee
[16:35:10] <OndraSter> thanks
[16:35:19] <OndraSter> now to hook it actually up..
[16:35:26] <OndraSter> I don't have enough long USB cables :(
[16:36:12] <OndraSter> I need one for the USB Blaster, one for Dragon, one for the actual board, one for FT232 serial adapter..
[16:36:25] <OndraSter> and I have got only one long cable
[16:36:37] <OndraSter> and my USB hub has got only 2 ports
[16:36:39] <OndraSter> damnit
[16:37:27] <OndraSter> well, now that I know that it works I can go do something else and try this tomorrow
[16:37:29] <soul-d> :)
[16:37:59] <soul-d> don't forget if it's [powerd seperatly to hook up gnd together preferaly close to where you measure
[16:38:08] <OndraSter> of course
[16:38:40] <OndraSter> damn, why is the button "stop analysis" greyed out? :D
[16:39:14] <OndraSter> oh well
[16:39:18] <OndraSter> unplugging power from the FPGA works :D
[16:40:19] <OndraSter> actually the USB Blaster contains PIC inside IIRC
[16:40:22] <OndraSter> it is the only PIC in my house
[16:41:15] <OndraSter> hey, for $5..
[16:42:03] <soul-d> you have 3 buttions first only captures 1 sequence then stops
[16:42:09] <soul-d> second keeps captureing
[16:42:16] <OndraSter> ah
[16:42:18] <OndraSter> thanks
[16:42:19] <soul-d> also you have log options so you can save the data
[16:42:27] <soul-d> under be sure to turn on all the buttons
[16:43:21] * RikusW got 4 usb cables :)
[16:43:41] <OndraSter> I have got enough USB cables
[16:43:43] <OndraSter> but they are too short
[16:44:03] <soul-d> plenty few 5 meter ones to
[16:44:19] <RikusW> I got 3 x 3 feet and one 6 feet
[16:44:35] <OndraSter> I have got some 3m cables, but they rarely work with anything I need
[16:44:37] <RikusW> 1.2 and 1.8m
[16:44:46] <OndraSter> (like USB HDD lol)
[16:44:59] <RikusW> I have 1.2 for hdd
[16:45:05] <RikusW> 1.8 for printer
[16:45:23] <RikusW> and two 1.2m dedicated to dragon/U2S
[16:45:25] <OndraSter> I am using some very short (like 10cm) for HDD
[16:45:32] <OndraSter> that goes straight to the USB hub in my LCD
[16:45:38] <OndraSter> anything longer does not work anymore
[16:45:52] <RikusW> it should ?!
[16:45:57] <OndraSter> one wishes..
[16:46:34] <RikusW> fortunately my phone for a micro usb cable, I now use that for the coco
[16:46:43] <RikusW> s/for/got/
[16:47:57] <RikusW> I thought USB can easily reach 3m ?
[16:48:21] <RikusW> 5m with active cable (aka hub with one port ?)
[16:48:24] <OndraSter> for signal, yes
[16:48:38] <OndraSter> for power... with those chinese thinnny thinny thin wires hell no
[16:48:50] <RikusW> hmm yep...
[16:48:57] <soul-d> i got my fpga board powerd on usb cable only recently added it's power supply
[16:49:04] <RikusW> my new 1TB 2.5" hd got a THICK cable :)
[16:49:08] <RikusW> mini usb
[16:49:08] <soul-d> 5m cable
[16:49:12] <soul-d> alsways worked fine
[16:49:37] <RikusW> and the 3.5" hd got its own power
[16:52:21] <RikusW> 12:40...
[16:52:23] <RikusW> sleep time
[16:56:56] <asteve> sleep time
[16:57:13] <asteve> more like OCR0A = 255; AMIRITE?!
[17:04:44] <darknite> bor do you even pwm?
[17:05:01] <darknite> j/k, not sure what OCR0A is used for apart from timing pwm
[17:06:36] <Essobi> Hmm.. /4
[22:43:23] <slidercrank> yo, folks. This is a current stage of my project:) http://i.pixs.ru/storage/0/8/2/2012121810_3525257_6593082.jpg the image quality sucks. But there is a bell on the display. Its presence signifies that alarm is enabled. Under the bell there is "am" or "pm". And you can see a small dot below time. its position corresponds to seconds. For example, when it's at the leftmost position, it's 0 seconds. when it's in the middle, it's 30 seconds. when a
[22:43:23] <slidercrank> t the rightmost position it's 59 seconds.
[22:44:09] <slidercrank> now I'm gonna make the clock talk:) to say time in voice
[23:56:44] <Essobi> Anyone played with chip45's bootloader?
[23:57:11] <Essobi> I can't get the damned thing to work right. :\