#avr | Logs for 2012-12-15

[01:27:17] <megal0maniac> Last day :D
[03:49:03] <OndraSter> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QHIN66fXoM
[03:49:05] <OndraSter> this video is somewhat
[03:49:07] <OndraSter> creepy
[03:49:16] <OndraSter> not because of the vi
[03:49:18] <OndraSter> but because of the dude
[04:00:28] * RikusW is now using a i810 with a 900MHz cpu and 256mb of ram :-P
[04:05:08] <megal0maniac> OndraSter: He has silly hair
[04:05:42] <OndraSter> megal0maniac, and teeth
[04:05:51] <megal0maniac> http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&list=UU7BvmnfLf-HTRZmMlPXeWwA&v=1QHIN66fXoM#t=93s
[04:05:58] <OndraSter> why can't their like... read the script ?!
[04:06:10] <OndraSter> rather making up what they want to say right the second they want to say it?
[04:06:12] <megal0maniac> That moment between VI and keybindings :)
[04:06:25] <OndraSter> haha yep
[04:06:47] * RikusW didn't have a ups on the old pc....
[04:07:06] <megal0maniac> Lightning?
[04:07:12] <RikusW> brownout...
[04:07:23] <RikusW> or rather 10sec failure
[04:07:37] <RikusW> I should get my modem on ups too...
[04:07:45] <RikusW> with the pc
[04:08:03] <RikusW> but then again, thats how I blew my P4 motherboard...
[04:08:17] <RikusW> connected my external hdd at the back of the pc...
[04:08:18] <megal0maniac> Oh, anyone have a suggestion for a decent logic analyzer?
[04:08:26] <megal0maniac> < USD160
[04:08:44] <megal0maniac> Apart from Saleae
[04:08:50] * RikusW got a logic probe built into his dmm
[04:09:11] <RikusW> Wavetek DM27XT, don't think its made anymore
[04:09:18] <OndraSter> I have got this square thing on my DMM - I haven't noticed it till last month - I do wonder if it is signal output or input :P
[04:09:22] <OndraSter> and it measures frequency or what
[04:09:23] <jadew> megal0maniac, have you looked at the open bench logic sniffer?
[04:09:44] <jadew> what kind of dmm do you have?
[04:10:05] <jadew> I don't know of any dmm's that do logic stuff
[04:10:31] <megal0maniac> jadew: I have, but I'd like something a little more... polished. The Saleae is really nice, I'm just looking at alternatives
[04:10:48] <jadew> megal0maniac, you mean with a box?
[04:11:02] <megal0maniac> jadew: I suppose :) And a bigger sample buffer
[04:11:13] <OndraSter> saleae 2!
[04:11:22] <megal0maniac> megal0maniac: < USD160
[04:11:34] <OndraSter> ah
[04:11:38] <OndraSter> (I don't know how much it is)
[04:11:39] <megal0maniac> OndraSter: You mean 16?
[04:11:42] <OndraSter> yes
[04:11:44] <megal0maniac> $299 :)
[04:11:49] <OndraSter> wow
[04:11:50] <OndraSter> ..
[04:12:01] <OndraSter> time to build a clone then
[04:12:06] <megal0maniac> Double the channels, double the price. But a little more flexible
[04:12:23] <megal0maniac> Probably not as simple as the cypress chip with an eeprom :)
[04:12:36] <RikusW> jadew: (11:57:09 AM) RikusW: Wavetek DM27XT, don't think its made anymore
[04:12:50] <RikusW> its only a logic probe for cmos/ttl
[04:13:25] <RikusW> it will show hi, low, floating, pulsing, of even a single pulse
[04:13:36] <jadew> ah, got it
[04:14:12] <RikusW> might be handy if there is no other tools around
[04:14:26] <RikusW> not used it too much
[04:14:50] <jadew> megal0maniac, both of the salae seem to be relying on the pc's RAM
[04:15:05] <RikusW> although very useful when probing around in low speed logic
[04:15:28] <megal0maniac> Was also looking at the USBEE XS
[04:15:31] <megal0maniac> *SX
[04:15:37] <jadew> RikusW, yeah, doesn't seem particularly useful unless your lines stay a certain way :)
[04:15:59] <jadew> megal0maniac, the usbee is the same as the salae, just that the software is different
[04:16:19] <megal0maniac> Also has a signal generator though
[04:16:25] <megal0maniac> Cypress chip too?
[04:16:36] <RikusW> it can be used to verify the presence of a signal
[04:16:39] <jadew> yeah, you can output from that one as well
[04:16:58] <jadew> RikusW, ah it tells you that the line is switching?
[04:17:27] <megal0maniac> The saleae UI is just so nice... :)
[04:17:54] <RikusW> yes
[04:17:54] <RikusW> when low the dmm emits a beep, and there is up/down arrows on the lcd
[04:17:54] <megal0maniac> Just worrying that it's overpriced, and that I can get something better or more versatile for the same budget
[04:18:31] <jadew> megal0maniac, give the software a try
[04:20:45] <jadew> I might be biased, because I made my own LA software, but I found them all to suck balls
[04:21:49] <jadew> it's like they're either build by people with no clue or built to be pretty by people with no clue, leaving whatever functionality they have as a side effect
[04:21:56] <jadew> *built
[04:30:16] <megal0maniac> Can you give me an example? I haven't noticed what you're talking about, but I also haven't ever used the software with the hardware, so i'm curious
[04:32:22] <jadew> you can just use the programs with the samples they offer
[04:33:17] <megal0maniac> As in protocols?
[04:33:37] <jadew> as in the way they work, the overall experience
[04:35:27] <jadew> just saying, for the price they ask they should have spent a lot more time on the software and should have hired a competent software designer
[04:36:01] <megal0maniac> Heh :) Yeah, just checked out the USBee one, it's... iffy
[04:36:51] <megal0maniac> Saleae's one is very slick. And cross-platform. But you get 0 extra features
[04:38:17] <jadew> http://dumb.ro/files/usbee_ax_1wire.png
[04:39:03] <jadew> it didn't even decode it properly
[04:47:12] <megal0maniac> What's your opinion on Saleae then?
[04:47:38] <jadew> it's a bit better, but again, not impressed for that money
[04:48:00] <megal0maniac> How's your one coming along? :)
[04:48:22] <jadew> it's in alpha, usable and all, but I stopped working on it
[04:48:55] <megal0maniac> No time?
[04:49:24] <jadew> no motivation, people don't seem interrested in it, I already did what I had to do with it so...
[04:49:52] <megal0maniac> Bummer
[04:50:01] <jadew> but I think it's already better than both of them
[04:50:06] <jadew> WAY better
[04:50:32] <jadew> if I'd put another month of work into it, it would be a fully finished product, ready for beta
[04:50:54] <megal0maniac> Heh :) Perhaps I'll get the openbench an throw some money at you for motivation ;)
[04:51:27] <jadew> heh, that's not the motivation I was looking for :)
[04:51:54] <jadew> anyway, try the software for all of them
[04:51:56] <megal0maniac> I tried an early alpha, apart from some stuff that was just obviously not finished yet, it was definitely going in the right direction
[04:53:11] <jadew> maybe I'll make a video while using it
[04:55:20] <megal0maniac> The software is the reason that a 16 channel 100mhz logic analyzer isn't attractive to me
[04:55:28] <megal0maniac> For $50
[04:56:15] <megal0maniac> If it was $100 and used Saleae's client, then I'd already have one
[04:57:21] <jadew> let me find a program for screen capture and I'll make a short video on how my client works
[04:57:34] <megal0maniac> Cool :)
[05:09:42] <jadew> I'm kinda scared of recording audio as well :D
[05:10:32] <megal0maniac> Haha. Do it for science!
[05:10:48] <jadew> hehe
[05:11:01] <jadew> let me have a smoke first
[05:12:38] <megal0maniac> 2 hours until unemployment! :D
[05:14:19] <specing> wut?
[05:14:37] <megal0maniac> I finish work at 3pm, and it's my last day
[05:15:00] <megal0maniac> (GMT+2)
[05:30:07] <jadew> I'm so bad at this lol
[05:30:12] <jadew> I have to start over
[05:32:41] <megal0maniac> Heh :) I've got time
[05:36:46] <jadew> the default codecs seem to suck
[05:59:23] <jadew> lol, I screwed up so bad
[06:06:17] <megal0maniac> :D
[06:07:07] <jadew> I screwed up again
[06:07:09] <jadew> fuck
[06:07:21] <jadew> such a dumbass
[06:07:57] <megal0maniac> Woah. Just looking at the ikalogic scanalogic-2. Only 4 channels@20mhz, but it's based on a mega168
[06:07:57] <Richard_Cavell> Yes you are jadew
[06:08:20] <jadew> I know :(
[06:08:24] <megal0maniac> A wild Richard_Cavell appears
[06:08:34] <Richard_Cavell> ha ha ha
[06:08:36] <Richard_Cavell> How are you mate?
[06:08:42] <Richard_Cavell> I'm rendering some high-def video on a laptop
[06:08:45] * Richard_Cavell bangs his head softly
[06:09:28] <megal0maniac> WITH VUSB!!
[06:09:49] <megal0maniac> Other hardware is just sram and input/output buffers
[06:11:38] <megal0maniac> http://www.ikalogic.com/scanakit/
[06:11:49] <soul-d> ive read few times about vusb but don't get the license nor would i like to open projects cause im using that as communication
[06:13:58] <soul-d> if you want cheap locig analyzer
[06:14:06] <soul-d> buy a altera de0nano
[06:14:17] <soul-d> add 2 level converters
[06:14:31] <soul-d> and you got a 100mhz min 16 bit logic analyzer
[06:14:44] <soul-d> use signaltap as software
[06:14:48] <megal0maniac> That's the open bench logic sniffer, pretty much :)
[06:16:57] <OndraSter> <megal0maniac> Woah. Just looking at the ikalogic scanalogic-2. Only 4 channels@20mhz, but it's based on a mega168
[06:16:58] <OndraSter> lolwut
[06:17:01] <OndraSter> impossible
[06:17:46] <megal0maniac> OndraSter: http://www.ikalogic.com/wp-content/uploads/scanalogic2shm.png
[06:19:02] <OndraSter> huh
[06:19:48] <megal0maniac> Well that's the schematic
[06:20:00] <megal0maniac> Look at http://www.ikalogic.com/scanakit/
[06:20:30] <soul-d> does atmega have pll ?
[06:21:04] <soul-d> otherwise max samples is clock / 4
[06:21:21] <OndraSter> 20MHz MCU? yes
[06:21:26] <OndraSter> 20MHz sampling? hell no
[06:21:31] * megal0maniac shrugs
[06:21:38] <OndraSter> with xmega? yes, possible
[06:21:45] <Horologium> some atmega chips have pll..
[06:22:15] <OndraSter> only the ones with USB
[06:22:20] <Horologium> no
[06:22:25] <Horologium> or
[06:22:28] <OndraSter> and attinys have got PLL for PWM
[06:22:31] <Horologium> maybe it is some of the attinys
[06:22:38] <OndraSter> some attinys
[06:22:50] <Horologium> because they use the pll for clock sync when doing vusb
[06:23:07] <Horologium> so they can run without a crystal.
[06:25:48] <soul-d> :( battery death otherwise id take picture of my logic anylyzer
[06:28:54] <jadew> I think I got it lol
[06:37:20] <jadew> can you edit movies once you upload them on youtube?
[06:37:32] <jadew> like, cut shit out, directly from the browser?
[06:38:20] <megal0maniac> There is something called YouTube video editor, so I'd imagine so
[06:38:24] <jadew> I sound like a dumb kid :/
[06:42:00] <slidercrank> finally I managed to display an arbitrary image (from a bmp file) on my OLED display. http://i.pixs.ru/storage/0/8/3/2012121512_9279880_6570083.jpg I wrote a converter from bmp to display format. And then linked the file with my code
[06:44:20] <soul-d> anyone here prehaps played with microchips enc28j ethernet chip ? https://engineering.purdue.edu/ece477/Webs/S12-Grp10/nb/allen/enc28j60_interfacing.jpg i got everything the same except the 49,9 resistors
[06:44:38] <OndraSter> what do you have instead of those?
[06:44:57] <soul-d> tried 47 and 56 so assumed and hoped that is the problem
[06:45:08] <OndraSter> it must be 49.9
[06:45:23] <OndraSter> because 50R is termination and the 0.1 are traces/coils
[06:45:36] <OndraSter> what is the issue though?
[06:45:45] <soul-d> no cable connection shown
[06:45:57] <soul-d> just wired it up though and only provding clock
[06:46:12] <OndraSter> no cable connection shown = where?
[06:46:19] <soul-d> leds
[06:46:28] <OndraSter> you need to set up those LEDs via microcontroller first
[06:46:37] <soul-d> default operation it should try to make link
[06:46:54] <soul-d> http://eprojects.ljcv.net/2010/08/internetworking-with-microchip.html
[06:47:05] <OndraSter> I have got only enc424j600
[06:47:25] <soul-d> if i make it that you provide the led -b with the +voltage so it is full duplex mode
[06:47:33] <soul-d> the led stays on until i provide the clock
[06:48:00] <soul-d> it's all on breadboard to
[06:49:08] <jadew> megal0maniac, I sound like a little retard so I'
[06:49:14] <jadew> megal0maniac, I sound like a little retard so I'm not gonna make it public
[06:49:27] <jadew> I'll however share it with you so you can see the program
[06:49:50] <soul-d> but ill first fix the ristor part what do you mean with traces / coils thoguh i put those ceramic there like 102 ?
[06:49:56] <jadew> but please don't judge me :P I suck at expressing myself in my native language, so doing it in english is even worse
[06:50:57] <megal0maniac> Haha! That's okay
[06:51:01] <megal0maniac> I appreciate it
[06:51:09] <jadew> np, it's uploading now :)
[06:54:35] <jadew> also, the video quality kinda sucks and it's a bit laggy for some reason, the program itself is very snappy
[06:55:22] <jadew> 11 minutes remaining, youtube is pretty slow when uploading stuff, eh?
[06:55:52] <megal0maniac> I shall be unemployed in 17 minutes :|
[06:56:02] <jadew> heh
[06:56:11] <megal0maniac> But I can hang on until it's uploaded :P
[06:56:20] <jadew> :P
[06:56:33] <jadew> when do you start work at the other place?
[06:57:11] <megal0maniac> Already have. It's a "freelance" position
[06:57:23] <jadew> ah
[06:57:26] <megal0maniac> I'm not employed, just get work as it comes
[06:57:30] <RikusW> what kind of work ?
[06:57:31] <jadew> it's paying better?
[06:57:56] <megal0maniac> jadew: Much. And I'm much happier doing it
[06:58:07] <jadew> awesome
[06:58:46] <jadew> would love to find something similar, but at the current company I'm working at, because the people are great
[06:58:48] <megal0maniac> RikusW: "Solutions for media", mostly the technical side of broadcasting studios
[06:59:19] <RikusW> that would include sound engineering too ?
[06:59:39] <megal0maniac> A little bit
[07:00:07] <megal0maniac> I also freelance for an events company who do PA and lighting and staging for festivals, corporates, fashion shows etc
[07:00:25] * RikusW did solder a whole snake to canon connectors, but that was like 8 years ago
[07:00:40] <RikusW> and made jack/canon converter cables etc
[07:02:58] <megal0maniac> We do quite a bit of that. We build studios from scratch, where necessary
[07:03:13] <megal0maniac> From dry walls to patch bays
[07:03:34] <RikusW> quite easy to do, but time consuming...
[07:04:20] <megal0maniac> A lot of people try do do it quickly..
[07:04:31] <RikusW> and mess up ?
[07:04:41] <megal0maniac> Yeah, or just do a crappy job
[07:05:14] <megal0maniac> My boss said that 90% of the time, if you can see what we've done after we've done it, then we've messed up.
[07:05:49] <RikusW> just do nothing then :-D
[07:07:21] <jadew> wtf... after uploading for 20 minutes: "This video has been removed because it is too long. "
[07:07:39] <megal0maniac> Ha!
[07:07:50] <megal0maniac> Unlucky. How long is it?
[07:07:57] <jadew> 20 minutes
[07:08:07] * RikusW shouldn't even try to upload 1min of video, yt will think it uploads too long..
[07:09:50] <jadew> doesn't seem to work
[07:26:35] <megal0maniac> Cheers all :)
[07:44:39] <theBear> a lot of people go thru the motions but don;t understandt the maths.... most people that build studios actually, professional or otherwise
[07:46:05] <RikusW> you mean the acoustics ?
[08:03:33] <OndraSter> how can I be so tired..
[08:03:37] <OndraSter> while not doing anything
[08:10:18] <jadew> OndraSter, it's a general thing or it's a recent development?
[08:11:20] <jadew> there are several possible answers to that
[08:11:28] <jadew> 1) you don't sleep enough
[08:11:36] <jadew> 2) you're missing some vitamins
[08:11:47] <jadew> 3) you cought a virus or something
[08:12:52] <soul-d> or general food diet etc etc gazillion possibility 's
[08:16:53] <jadew> I went trough that too, apparently I had mono
[08:17:34] <jadew> so be careful where you put your tongue
[08:31:18] <OndraSter> jadew, just today
[08:31:41] <jadew> ah, nothing to worry about then
[08:32:11] <OndraSter> it is maybe KOPR (czech acronym)
[08:32:18] <OndraSter> because I am supposed to be learning law for monday's exam
[08:32:25] <OndraSter> I have watched 2 out of 12 videos..
[08:32:28] <OndraSter> and still know nothing
[08:33:09] <OndraSter> http://25.media.tumblr.com/6fcfd6a0016df6b72b7fbd48b7c5c4ac/tumblr_mf2ip6Eh8b1qdlh1io1_400.gif
[08:33:11] <jadew> what kind of class is that, aren't you studying CS?
[08:33:13] <OndraSter> pythagora'S sentence
[08:33:15] <OndraSter> I am
[08:33:21] <OndraSter> but we have got a class of "Law and IT"
[08:33:58] <jadew> that sounds like a random class they thrown in to fill some quota
[08:34:06] <OndraSter> heh
[08:34:07] <OndraSter> not really
[08:34:09] <OndraSter> it has got its purpose
[08:34:20] <OndraSter> so we know what to take care of when signing and/or writing contracts etc
[08:34:25] <jadew> sure, like my economy class used to have
[08:34:30] <jadew> micro and macro economy
[08:35:12] <jadew> at least some cool people got to speak durring that class (the teacher was well connected so he had cool guests)
[08:36:23] <jadew> that's how we learned (two years in advance) that our country won't have any money left for pensions.
[08:37:19] <jadew> one of the guests was advising the president on economical issues
[08:47:12] <Tom_itx> morning
[08:47:21] <jadew> morning
[09:17:43] <jadew> lmfao, youtube captions are hilareous
[09:22:01] <jadew> a cool feature == supposed teacher
[09:25:42] <jadew> to organize data like that == cool peruca nice people like that
[09:26:20] <Tom_itx> what are you babbling about now?
[09:26:31] <jadew> youtube does voice recognition
[09:26:36] <jadew> and it can generate subtitles
[09:26:53] <Tom_itx> hope it can senor itself too
[09:27:12] <jadew> I guess it can
[09:27:54] <jadew> I was talking about some protocol and this is what the subtitles looked like: michelle usually sham. peacok. electrical work happening in there.
[09:28:35] <jadew> I don't want to imagine what this looks like if you take advantage of the translate feature too
[09:29:23] <OndraSter> heh
[09:29:24] <OndraSter> I dare you
[09:31:14] <jadew> some are almost ok, for "I'm gonna make a feature in the future": I'm gonna make a future in the future
[09:31:32] <jadew> sci-fi
[09:33:46] <jadew> this function = dysfunction
[09:33:59] <jadew> run dysfunction
[09:34:08] <jadew> omg... I'm laughing out loud
[09:36:45] <jadew> Invalid channel == chocking buddies channel
[09:38:19] <jadew> logic sniffer device == logix invertebrates hahaha
[09:38:25] <jadew> omg, I can't stop laughing
[10:46:09] <chaoshax> How can I split up a double into two bytes?
[11:23:47] <julius_> hi
[11:27:32] <julius_> (transistor as ac amplifier) im looking at this diagram: http://terpconnect.umd.edu/~toh/ElectroSim/CommonEmitter.html (without reading the text) just using this as a basic diagram. i know that the transistor is biased through the voltage devider r1, r2. but even if you put Ube to 5v, isnt the transistor fully open at 0,7v.....i dont see a difference in 5v/0.7v ? even if the input signal goes down to 4,5 or anything thats more than 0,7 isnt
[11:27:33] <julius_> the transistor on all the time?
[14:07:49] <hackvana> !seen ferdna
[14:07:50] <tobbor> ferdna was last seen in #robotics on Dec 06 09:58 2012
[14:45:31] <dardizer> using the stk500 (with default firmware), is it possible to directly communicate with the microcontroller I am programming via serial?
[14:46:34] <dardizer> (for debugging)
[15:28:43] <julius_> (transistor as ac amplifier) im looking at this diagram: http://terpconnect.umd.edu/~toh/ElectroSim/CommonEmitter.html (without reading the text) just using this as a basic diagram. i know that the transistor is biased through the voltage devider r1, r2. but even if you put Ube to 5v, isnt the transistor fully open at 0,7v.....i dont see a difference in 5v/0.7v ? even if the input signal goes down to 4,5 or anything thats more than 0,7 isnt
[15:28:43] <julius_> the transistor on all the time?
[15:33:36] <eadthem> so whats the easyist style of color graphics LCD's
[15:34:32] <dardizer> using the stk500 (with default firmware), is it possible to directly communicate with the microcontroller I am programming via serial? (for debugging)
[15:34:49] <eadthem> no STK500 is ment for programming
[15:35:03] <dardizer> eadthem: uhm well, not only.
[15:35:16] <eadthem> to do device lvl debugging you need a ICE or JTAG
[15:35:22] <eadthem> unless im mistaken
[15:35:28] <dardizer> eadthem: no, I just want a serial connection
[15:35:40] <eadthem> mmm
[15:35:58] <eadthem> i think your best bet would be a MAX232 chip
[15:36:17] <eadthem> or a usb to rs232 adapter modifyed (the MAX232 chip removed)
[15:36:20] <dardizer> eadthem: well the stk500 has rs232...
[15:36:37] <eadthem> i think thats ment for talking to the STK500
[15:37:08] <eadthem> http://www.rlocman.ru/i/Image/2010/01/13/1.jpg
[15:37:10] <dardizer> yes it is
[15:37:11] <eadthem> himmm there is a spare
[15:37:34] <dardizer> I know, but I connected that, tried connecting to the port via screen, didn't work
[15:37:51] <dardizer> I didn't even see any traffic going through the spare rs232
[15:38:08] <eadthem> see the 2 pins in the middle left
[15:38:13] <eadthem> RS232 spare
[15:38:21] <eadthem> RXD TXD
[15:38:26] <eadthem> perhaps thats what you want
[15:38:30] <dardizer> eadthem: that's generally rs232
[15:38:41] <dardizer> but the spare isn't connected to the microcontroller RX/TX pins, is it?
[15:38:45] <dardizer> at least not by default
[15:38:53] <dardizer> wait
[15:38:55] <dardizer> ohhhh
[15:38:56] <dardizer> just found it
[15:39:08] <eadthem> now that may be raw rs232
[15:39:09] <dardizer> there are two pins on the testing part of the board
[15:39:16] <dardizer> for rs232 spare
[15:39:17] <eadthem> but i bet thats 0-5V
[15:39:52] <dardizer> so, I guess it doesn't work with the rs232 ctrl?
[15:40:21] <eadthem> if you think about that how could the same port that programs also work for general data transfer
[15:40:30] <dardizer> eadthem: it can work
[15:40:35] <dardizer> rs232 has quite a few pins
[15:40:40] <dardizer> and serial works in two directions
[15:40:41] <dardizer> always
[15:40:44] <dardizer> so when it's not programming
[15:40:51] <eadthem> i mean without special drivers on the computer
[15:40:54] <dardizer> it can theoretically communicate with the chip
[15:41:11] <dardizer> eadthem: special drivers? rs232 is serial, it's builtin, needs no drivers.
[15:41:36] <eadthem> yes but there are special commands that cause the programmer chip to do things those have to be avoided and would require software to avoid them
[15:41:52] <eadthem> so if the same port was used for both it would infact require xtra stuff
[15:42:07] <dardizer> eadthem: those special commands are on the arduino too, well, a bit different, but it's pretty much the same as arduino is based of the stk500
[15:42:17] <eadthem> by not using the same port (and mutiple RS232 ports were common when the STK500 came out years ago) it prevents the need for extra stuff
[15:42:21] <dardizer> eadthem: and on the arduino, serial communication just works, via usb
[15:42:27] <dardizer> it's the same port too there
[15:42:31] <dardizer> the baudrate is different
[15:42:32] <dardizer> that's all
[15:42:45] <eadthem> well your arduino never enters programming mode when the chip is programmed
[15:42:55] <dardizer> it does
[15:43:09] <dardizer> arduino is normal isp programming, how is that any different on the stk500?
[15:43:10] <eadthem> instaed the bootloader is run witch executes software on the chip that talks to the arduino software
[15:43:15] <dardizer> the only difference is auto-reset on the arduino
[15:43:25] <dardizer> eadthem: no, I can directly flash via avrdude to the arduino
[15:43:39] <dardizer> I mean, yes, it has an integrated avr isp programmer
[15:43:46] <dardizer> but that's pretty much an emulated stk500
[15:43:52] <eadthem> yes but i mean the normal arduino modules dont have 2 chips on them 1 for programming the main chip and the main chip
[15:43:55] <eadthem> but yet do have a usb port
[15:44:01] <eadthem> thus meaning they have to self program
[15:44:36] <eadthem> unless im grossly mistaken arduino modules with processors on them have usb and thats how you normaly program them
[15:44:37] <dardizer> afaik they have two chips
[15:45:14] <dardizer> they don't self program
[15:45:27] <dardizer> they're just normal atmel chips, lol
[15:45:48] <OndraSter> arduinos do have bootloader
[15:45:50] <OndraSter> with USB-serial adapter
[15:45:53] <OndraSter> (except Leonardo
[15:45:54] <dardizer> and the firmware, well, there is an arduino "firmware", but that's pretty much a framework
[15:46:18] <dardizer> OndraSter: but is that on the same chip that you program?
[15:46:23] <OndraSter> yes
[15:46:27] <OndraSter> there is no other chip
[15:46:33] <dardizer> for me there is
[15:46:38] <dardizer> on my arduino
[15:46:38] <OndraSter> there is just the usb-serial adapter
[15:46:43] <dardizer> well okay
[15:46:55] <dardizer> OndraSter: so, does it work on the stk500?
[15:46:59] <dardizer> OndraSter: serial connection
[15:47:03] <OndraSter> no idea
[15:47:03] <dardizer> besides the programming
[15:47:05] <OndraSter> never had stk500
[15:47:05] <dardizer> :/
[15:47:32] <eadthem> stk500 is very old
[15:47:38] <eadthem> like 1999 old
[15:47:58] <eadthem> and it was a pro tool more than say a hobby tool
[15:48:12] <eadthem> so they wouldnt of done anything fancy thats why thers a seperate port for programming than communication
[15:49:56] <dardizer> eadthem: I'm not trying to discuss why they would or would not do it, I just asked if it's possible :P
[15:50:17] <dardizer> eadthem: if you don't know, I can theoriticize on my own, I need somebody who has done it before, sorry :/
[15:50:20] <eadthem> im saying why they wouldnt of done it and why its likely not possable to use the same rs232 port for both
[15:50:26] <dardizer> or at least somebody who has the stk500
[15:50:36] <eadthem> i have used one
[15:50:37] <dardizer> eadthem: then, how does it work with the spare port? :P
[15:51:18] <eadthem> i would bet there is a max232 or equlivent chip to convert the rs232 to logic level serial and that comes out/goes in the 2 pin header on the center left of the board
[15:51:22] <eadthem> by the buttons
[15:52:15] <eadthem> ohm that out with a meter to the serial converter chip or port if it goes to the serial converter chip and dose not go to the port then your safe to hook it to the TX and RX pins of your atmel
[15:52:20] <eadthem> and then you have serial communications
[15:53:15] <dardizer> but it must work with the ctrl serial port
[15:53:39] <dardizer> I mean, programming just accesses three data and one reset pin
[15:53:43] <dardizer> which can be used as normal pins
[15:53:43] <dardizer> thus
[15:53:47] <dardizer> also as normal serial pins
[15:53:55] <eadthem> specificly they arnt normal pins
[15:54:04] <eadthem> there the SPI port
[15:54:10] <dardizer> eadthem: not only, but they can be used as normal pins
[15:54:12] <dardizer> that's all I said
[15:54:13] <dardizer> lol
[15:54:19] <dardizer> didn't say they *are* normal
[15:54:42] <eadthem> the programmer chip hold the reset pin in a funny way and then applys SPI data to and from the SPI port
[15:54:55] <eadthem> SPI requiers a clock and is not RS232 compatable
[15:55:03] <dardizer> ...
[15:55:04] <eadthem> in voltage or protocol
[15:55:10] <dardizer> wtf are you talking about?
[15:55:27] <dardizer> that's not even what I want to do, lol
[15:55:27] <eadthem> the programmer chip uses its UART to talk to the RS232 port and its SPI pins talk to the target chips SPI pins
[15:55:42] <dardizer> eadthem: yes, I know, but that's besides the point
[15:55:50] <dardizer> oh well, I get what you mean
[15:55:56] <dardizer> that the programmer chip doesn't do it
[15:55:58] <eadthem> well youve not done a great job of explaining what you want best i guess is you want to talk to yoru chip using serial
[15:55:59] <dardizer> hmm, well, that is possible
[15:56:31] <dardizer> eadthem: well, it makes sense... maybe that's why arduino is a *modified* version of stk500
[15:57:02] <dardizer> I could actually flash arduino on the programmer chip, not sure if that would really help though, I mean, basically it should, but then I could also just use the spare port
[15:57:06] <eadthem> thats also key there modifyed some are, most have only 1 atmel chip that requires a preloaded bootloader
[15:57:15] <eadthem> the boot loader dose wahts know as device programs its self
[15:57:29] <eadthem> and talks directly to the computer via usb
[15:57:44] <dardizer> usb lol
[15:57:50] <dardizer> eadthem: the stk500 has no usb connection
[15:57:53] <dardizer> it uses rs232 only
[15:57:55] <eadthem> yes
[15:58:09] <eadthem> STK500 as in the true stk500 had no rs232
[15:58:12] <eadthem> err USB
[15:58:35] <dardizer> exactly, neither does my stk500
[15:58:35] <dardizer> :P
[15:58:51] <eadthem> most STK500 "compatable" programmers use a logic converter and a atmel chip to emulate what the STK500 did
[15:59:01] <dardizer> eadthem: like the arduino
[15:59:09] <eadthem> i beleve 1 or 2 of them
[15:59:14] <eadthem> most of them do not
[15:59:21] <dardizer> all arduino chips do
[15:59:23] <eadthem> and use the single chip chip programs its self method
[15:59:45] <dardizer> eadthem: yes, yes, but I know that, lol. we're getting off topic again :P
[16:01:19] <eadthem> http://mlab.taik.fi/paja/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/arduino_ng_diecimila_schematic.jpg This is what i mean,
[16:01:42] <eadthem> FT232RL can trip the reset line
[16:01:46] <dardizer> eadthem: I know
[16:01:49] <eadthem> ie the auto reset you were talkinga bout
[16:02:04] <dardizer> afaik the diecimila doesn't have auto reset
[16:02:26] <eadthem> and it talks to the UART on the device meaning the device has to use a bootloader for self programming
[16:02:40] <eadthem> might not
[16:02:57] <eadthem> my knowlage of arduino is mostly from answering questions and knowing AVR
[16:03:10] <eadthem> i use the raw chips on breadboard with a AVRISP II
[16:04:00] <dardizer> lol okay
[16:04:06] <dardizer> eadthem: I'll just try to use the spare port
[16:04:18] <OndraSter> I don't have a guitar
[16:06:59] <eadthem> it appears the recent ones switched to a ATMEGA16 from a FT232 chips wired the same way
[16:07:14] <eadthem> so they still use a bootloader dispite having 2 AVR chips
[16:07:16] <dardizer> eadthem: well, thanks anyway, I'll read myself through the datasheets :P
[16:07:29] <eadthem> np
[16:13:01] <OndraSter> atmega16u2 to be precise
[16:13:57] <OndraSter> and on Leonardo they have got only 32u4
[16:14:19] <eadthem> ya the U is for usb
[23:37:04] <eadthem> Printing a AVR datasheet
[23:37:16] <eadthem> on cups 1.4.4 with the pause between pages bug
[23:37:54] <eadthem> need to get that fixed print pause cooldown warmup print pause cooldown warmup print print pause cooldown warmup print....
[23:43:10] <eadthem> almost enough to make me want to go out and buy a new printer just for duplexing
[23:43:51] <Casper> :D
[23:44:08] <Casper> I have one with a duplex unit.... man it's niiiiiice
[23:44:35] <eadthem> well with foxit you can do it easy if your printer gets along with cups
[23:44:58] <eadthem> could also be that i printed to a cups server in windows
[23:46:07] <Casper> hmmm do I have some 750 ohms resistors?
[23:47:03] <eadthem> purple green brow
[23:48:05] <Casper> I have some 1500
[23:48:18] <Casper> but do I have some 1800?
[23:48:54] <eadthem> whats it for
[23:50:42] <Casper> I'm installing a remote starter on a car tomorrow
[23:50:50] <Casper> need 750 and 1800 ohms
[23:52:54] <eadthem> http://www.ebay.com/itm/HP-LaserJet-4050N-Laser-Printer-w-Duplex-Parallel-Network-183-510-Pages-16MB-RAM-/300826285359?pt=COMP_Printers&hash=item460aa4d52f
[23:53:07] <eadthem> so this powers the unit?
[23:53:37] <eadthem> same printer i got my dad to buy his comment was Wholy shit this is big, and then OMG this is so much faster.
[23:54:04] <eadthem> Casper perhaps a 680 would suffice?
[23:54:12] <eadthem> not sure the exact applcation
[23:54:17] <Casper> the door lock and unlock work with a 1 wire system
[23:54:39] <Casper> 750 to 12V to unlock, 1800 to 12V to lock
[23:54:59] <Casper> so I'll use 1500 + 100 + 100 +100
[23:55:01] <eadthem> you could probably get by with 680 and 2K
[23:55:19] <Casper> and I'll use 1500|1500
[23:55:22] <eadthem> 820 and 1.6k would probably work to
[23:57:53] <Casper> man why don't car manufacturer make a standard connector somewhere for such stuff?
[23:57:57] <eadthem> i mean just thinking this is ment to travle a distance
[23:58:45] <eadthem> well if you plan to make 100k of something a year and they cost 20-40K each
[23:59:03] <Casper> 12 wires to tap on...
[23:59:20] <Casper> some of them are #10...
[23:59:22] <eadthem> its somewhat worthwile to go for a superior connector to what would be stock