#avr | Logs for 2012-12-08

[02:31:48] <RikusW> http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2012/09/tin-foil-hats-actually-make-it-easier-for-the-government-to-track-your-thoughts/262998/
[02:31:49] <RikusW> lol
[02:32:35] <Essobi> ....
[02:32:40] <Essobi> Haha.
[03:06:58] <RikusW> this is cool -> http://worrydream.com/Tangle/
[03:10:16] <megal0maniac> RikusW: Pretty clever, and simple
[03:11:00] <RikusW> I like that realtime updated audio filter
[03:11:12] <RikusW> very nice idea for a gui
[03:11:18] * RikusW like interactive stuff
[03:11:51] <megal0maniac> Just finished downloading a 8gb IDE :P
[03:13:29] <RikusW> which ide ?
[03:13:31] <RikusW> VS ?
[03:13:40] <megal0maniac> For xilinx fpga. Taking advantage of the internet at work before I leave. 1 week left!
[03:13:47] <RikusW> ah
[03:13:54] <RikusW> that big ?!!
[03:14:21] <megal0maniac> All FPGA IDEs are huge. The Windows / Linux only version is 6gb. Cross platform is 8
[03:14:39] <megal0maniac> Quartus is no different
[03:25:13] <OndraSter_> time to get up!
[03:25:43] <RikusW> this late ? :-P
[03:34:41] <OndraSter_> this early!!
[03:34:45] <OndraSter_> it is saturday
[03:43:47] <megal0maniac> I've been at work for 3 hours already
[03:49:14] <RikusW> megal0maniac: http://www.catonmat.net/blog/gnu-coreutils-cheat-sheet/
[04:49:43] * megal0maniac likes cheatsheets :)
[06:21:47] <megal0maniac> OndraSter_: How's it going?
[06:21:56] <OndraSter_> not much
[06:22:01] <OndraSter_> I overetched my oven boards
[06:22:04] <OndraSter_> oven controller boards
[06:22:07] <OndraSter_> so I have to re-do them
[06:22:16] <megal0maniac> Meh
[06:22:25] <megal0maniac> Just get some of that conductive paint :P
[06:22:37] <OndraSter_> lol
[06:32:21] <Malinuss> on your Xboards OndraSter_ ?
[06:32:32] <OndraSter_> for anything
[06:32:32] <Malinuss> oh oven controller
[06:32:38] <Malinuss> I should read first
[06:32:48] <OndraSter_> :)
[08:37:54] <widmo> Is there any avr uC in dip package with USB support?
[08:38:21] <jadew> no
[08:42:00] <widmo> too bad
[08:46:15] <Tom_itx> learn to solder smt
[08:49:04] <widmo> I would have to make my own pcb, and i don't have stuff to make it
[08:49:36] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/boards/USB_Breakout/USB_Breakout_index.php
[08:49:41] <Tom_itx> there's an answer for you
[08:50:11] <widmo> Actually, I'm thinking of using a PIC uC
[08:50:54] <widmo> They've got dip uC with USB support as far as i know
[08:51:10] <jadew> yep, they do
[08:51:37] <jadew> 18f14k50 is the one I know of
[08:52:21] <Tom_itx> those other ones are better usb but i forget what they're called and not sure they come in dip
[08:52:53] <Tom_itx> err no, that's ethernet.. sry i've only got one eye open
[08:53:04] <widmo> ;D
[08:53:40] <widmo> jadew: thanks, i'll check it out
[08:53:54] <jadew> np
[09:12:00] <Horologium> also the 18f25k50 and 18f45k50, nice little chips,,,,oh, wait, this is avr, not pic..bad Horologium ,,,bad bad..
[10:53:15] <rue_bed> lots of people have good reasons to go with avrs
[10:53:46] <rue_bed> I think its because of support
[10:55:00] <rue_bed> if microchip hadn't charged for their C compiler, if they didn't keep changing programming protocols to keep developers buying new overpriced programming hardware
[10:55:08] <rue_bed> if they didn't use paged memory
[10:55:28] <rue_bed> pics had their chance, people have chosen avr
[10:55:46] <rue_bed> and now people have moved on to arms
[10:57:01] <specing> I'll get my stellaris on monday
[10:57:32] <OndraSter_> so will I
[10:57:34] <OndraSter_> or tuesday
[10:57:42] <OndraSter_> they shipped it two days ago
[10:58:05] <specing> :D
[10:58:17] <specing> OndraSter_: have you joined ##stellaris already?
[10:58:24] <OndraSter_> no
[12:31:24] <methods> is there a way to get variadic macros to work with avr-g++ ?
[13:31:17] <jadew> methods, what's a variadic macro?
[13:33:54] <methods> it's a macro that accepts variable number of arguments
[13:34:13] <methods> #define p(f,...) printf(f,__VA_ARGS__)
[13:34:16] <methods> that's an example
[13:34:51] <jadew> ah, I have no clue about that, I never use the ... thingie
[13:36:32] <methods> it's useful
[13:39:08] <chupas> where is the AVR ONE self test option in AVR studio 6?
[15:30:22] <chupas> Whats the proper way to call this C wraped ASM function? http://sourceforge.net/p/abavr/lib/ci/e3429e3493e08015d94d9237699bf15c085970c7/tree/WS2811/WS2811.h#l141
[15:31:26] <chupas> WS2811(PORT, PIN, rgb, len); I dont understand the RGB part
[15:34:45] <eadthem> http://pastebin.com/xTEX2gUc Having a issue with sending data to a port
[15:34:54] <eadthem> *dataPort = data; is
[15:35:05] <eadthem> 000000ED LD R24,X Load indirect
[15:35:05] <eadthem> 000000EE OR R22,R24 Logical OR
[15:35:06] <eadthem> 000000EF ST X,R22 Store indirect
[15:35:11] <eadthem> Why is it makeing a OR statement
[15:38:17] <eadthem> chupas where is the function delcration at
[15:38:58] <chupas> at the very bottom of that header file... no?
[15:39:25] <eadthem> oic you didnt use c style highlithing
[15:39:41] <eadthem> typedef struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) {
[15:39:41] <eadthem> uint8_t r;
[15:39:41] <eadthem> uint8_t g;
[15:39:41] <eadthem> uint8_t b;
[15:39:41] <eadthem> } RGB_t;
[15:39:49] <eadthem> Your RGB is a structure
[15:40:27] <chupas> ok. so you just pass it like this: WS2811(PORTC, 0, rgb, 100); ?
[15:40:34] <chupas> well
[15:40:39] <chupas> ok. so you just pass it like this: WS2811(PORTC, 0, RGB_t, 100); ?
[15:40:46] <eadthem> i still do not see a exactly matching C function
[15:41:19] <eadthem> oic
[15:41:19] <eadthem> #define WS2811(PORT, PIN, RGB, LEN)
[15:43:00] <eadthem> i would expect (&PORTB,2,myRGBStructThatICreatedAndFilledOutOnTheLinesBefore, unknown lenght of some sort)
[15:43:23] <eadthem> chupas how much c or c++ programming experence do you have?
[15:43:53] <chupas> not enough to fully understand this. lol
[15:44:00] <eadthem> age?
[15:44:04] <chupas> if its as easy as just populating that struct i can do that
[15:44:30] <chupas> old enough to party.
[15:44:33] <eadthem> This code is old style c like the kind windows system librarys used such as winsock
[15:45:08] <eadthem> in this style you have a lot of structures you fill out and pass (normaly a pointer) to the function
[15:45:42] <eadthem> tbh there isnt a much better way to do it for C
[15:45:51] <chupas> Oh the author just send me an example http://sourceforge.net/p/abavr/lib/ci/21a95bf1f6c437cac414e8efb0c80558e5c369db/tree/WS2811/threepixeldemo.c
[15:50:27] <slidercrank> I have an atmega8a. How can I use avr-gdb to debug programs? I have a usb programmer (USBasp). Is it possible?
[15:52:14] <eadthem> it is a programmer
[15:52:24] <eadthem> i dont think it will acctualy do debugging
[15:52:37] <eadthem> for that you need to run in the avr simulator (assuming avr studio)
[15:53:01] <slidercrank> so I can't debug it on a real hardware?
[15:53:29] <eadthem> for that you need a ICE or JTAG
[15:53:46] <eadthem> what IDE or setup are you using?
[15:53:51] <slidercrank> command line
[15:53:53] <slidercrank> no IDE
[15:54:19] <eadthem> Then as far as i know you cant debug
[15:54:26] <slidercrank> does atmega8 support JTAG? I search for this word in the manual and found nothing
[15:54:33] <slidercrank> *searched
[15:54:34] <slidercrank> ok
[15:54:39] <Essobi> That reminds me.. Anyone bitbanged jtag with AVRs?
[15:55:26] <eadthem> slidercrank if you have a windows box just get avrstudio it has a simulator in it that will let you debug with your current setup
[15:55:39] <eadthem> it wont debug on chip however
[15:55:47] <slidercrank> eadthem, I use Linux. Well, I think Linux has an avr simulator too
[15:55:51] <eadthem> if you get a ICE or JTAG then you can
[15:56:06] <slidercrank> simulavr.i686 : An AVR Simulator
[15:56:10] <eadthem> i run linux but use windows for avrstudio
[15:56:43] <eadthem> mostly because i want it to just work and there are no just work setups for linux for compileing debugging simulating and programming AVR
[15:57:30] <eadthem> Essobi i think jtag is just a simple serial bus
[15:57:41] <eadthem> USART might beable to do it
[15:59:01] <eadthem> http://www.atmel.com/devices/ATMEGA8.aspx
[15:59:27] <karlp> needs more pins
[15:59:38] <eadthem> mega8 dose not have jtag
[16:00:08] <eadthem> a mega16 162 164 168 has jtag and 40 pins
[16:00:35] <eadthem> it comes enabled by default and can be disabled via a fuse using a avrISP II programmer or simiarl and avrstudio
[16:00:47] <slidercrank> I see
[16:01:15] <Essobi> I've bitbanged SPI over parallel.. And I know they used to make ARM JTAG wigglers for parallel...
[16:01:17] <eadthem> fuses are 1 thing that was alwase a pain in the ass unless you just bought there programmer and used studio
[16:01:38] <eadthem> mmm ya all these homemade serial and parralell programmers
[16:01:40] <eadthem> meh
[16:02:06] <eadthem> a avrISP II is 34$ and will just work and i know it has avrdude support as well
[16:02:43] <eadthem> its a matter of is getting your tools working fun or is getting your project working fun if both are then DIY isnt a issue
[16:02:47] <slidercrank> eadthem, they are pita indeed. I used a fuse online calculator
[16:03:50] <slidercrank> I was gifted at atmega8. So I'm making my project from what I have:)
[16:03:52] <slidercrank> *an
[16:07:30] <OndraSter> gee
[16:07:32] <Essobi> eadthem: I made my parallel port bitbanger in 10-minutes, and it just worked.
[16:07:33] <OndraSter> THANKS SOUTHPRAGUE
[16:07:39] <OndraSter> I had to write script that sets routing..
[16:07:40] <OndraSter> http://pastebin.com/JYXUQ2M9
[16:08:53] <eadthem> http://final.servegame.com/avrisp.jpg
[16:09:04] <eadthem> fuses are easy in studio
[16:09:13] <OndraSter> yep
[16:12:47] <slidercrank> eadthem, I got it running/simulated: 1) simulavr -d atmega8 -c 16000000 -g. This specifies my uC @ 16MHz 2) avr-gdb Debug.elf. this is familiar procedure of working with gdb. Then you specify target remote localhost:1212 and write "br main" and it's done
[16:14:25] <slidercrank> eadthem, yes, avrstudio looks good in the picture
[16:26:52] <eadthem> http://pastebin.com/xTEX2gUc Anyone have a theory on why its ORing the data sent to the port when the C++ code says = ?
[16:29:50] <eadthem> dataport is volatile uint8_t *
[16:30:18] <eadthem> The avr clib example shows setting it with a or
[16:30:52] <eadthem> but thats |= however it seams even if you use &= or just = it reads the ports data and OR's it before outputting it
[16:35:20] <eadthem> nvm
[16:35:35] <eadthem> gcc dosent warn you if youve included more tahn 1 library that are the same
[16:35:54] <eadthem> and aparently both the debug and release librarys were being linked
[16:44:01] <OndraSter> can't you put up the part of the .lss with the original lines of C code included in it?
[16:44:09] <OndraSter> ah
[16:44:12] <OndraSter> damn my internet
[16:44:14] <OndraSter> lagging behind
[16:49:48] <eadthem> OndraSter .lss?
[16:50:52] <OndraSter> well atmel studio in default also dumps the compiled stuff into .lss and disassembles it and writes what was the original C code for it
[16:50:58] <OndraSter> does work upto some optimization level
[16:53:00] <eadthem> is there a LCD command to jump to the next line?
[17:01:10] <Tom_itx>  /n
[17:01:19] <eadthem> realy that works?
[17:01:29] <Tom_itx> i doubt it
[17:01:34] <Tom_itx> but you can try
[17:01:41] <Tom_itx> one tick..
[17:01:56] * eadthem finishes his col counter and then trys Tom_itx idea as its just elegent
[17:02:37] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/avr/mega128/lcdtest/
[17:02:55] <eadthem> ironic my file is lcdtest.cpp
[17:03:00] <eadthem> for lcdlib
[17:03:22] <specing> OndraSter: take a look at the badvpn package
[17:03:26] <Tom_itx> go to a position first
[17:03:30] <Tom_itx> then print
[17:03:44] <specing> OndraSter: Also before you do that take a look at Quagga
[17:03:54] * eadthem wonders if he could make a ssh client with a avrxmega
[17:03:58] <specing> and setup OSPF/RIP routing
[17:04:06] <specing> eadthem: no
[17:04:23] <eadthem> it would work for console i bet
[17:04:57] <eadthem> if there was enough ram and flash for the network stuff
[17:05:38] <specing> eadthem: I has enaugh ram to "work"
[17:05:40] <Tom_itx> i had one that scrolled once
[17:05:41] <specing> it*
[17:05:44] <Tom_itx> that's kinda fun
[17:06:16] <specing> the problem is the complexity of all the underlying protocols that would make it very *very* difficult to implement
[17:06:46] <OndraSter> specing, I know quagga/zebra
[17:06:57] <OndraSter> ospf/..
[17:12:26] <OndraSter> but those animals are the #1 reason why my current internet does not work
[17:12:31] <OndraSter> plus they do not fit into 2MB flash on my router
[17:13:20] <eadthem> ssh is just a terminal with extra stuff for encryption right
[17:13:32] <eadthem> i mean when you consider only ssh not the file trasfer part
[17:14:03] <eadthem> i mean keys sent to server server sends back the character and color data for that character displayed at each location
[17:15:37] <eadthem> \n \r did not work
[17:15:38] <specing> eadthem: no
[17:15:46] <specing> ssh is just an encrypted tunnel
[17:15:48] <eadthem> but my lib handles them now
[17:17:05] <OndraSter> I wish I had enough time and enthusiasm to build RDP client for AVR with some 480x800 display :)
[17:17:51] <eadthem> ya well thats why they make arm and via nano
[17:17:55] <eric_j> wouldn't that be very slow?
[17:17:55] <Steffanx> LOL OndraSter
[17:18:01] <OndraSter> eric_j, no
[17:18:04] <OndraSter> Steffanx, :P
[17:18:06] <eadthem> not nessicarly
[17:18:19] <OndraSter> RDP = delta of the screen (with compression maybe even)
[17:18:20] <OndraSter> changes
[17:18:33] <OndraSter> compared to crappy VNC which is slow even on 1Gbit ethernets..
[17:19:11] <eadthem> i have fue issues with ultravnc between the line computer and the pick and place robots at work,
[17:19:16] <eadthem> well the ones running windows xp and higher
[17:19:47] <eadthem> the win2k ones slow down so much the robot will pause when vnc is run on them
[17:20:05] <eadthem> and i havent considerd trying the nt40 stencle printer :p
[17:21:22] <eadthem> Over the internet id use moog software's simple desktop, its a hell of a lot better than vnc for that.
[17:22:07] <OndraSter> I just use builtin RDP.
[17:23:35] <eadthem> ubuntu?
[17:23:45] <eadthem> or win?
[17:24:10] <OndraSter> Windows of course
[17:24:31] <eadthem> ms terminal services is good (windows RDP)
[17:24:40] <OndraSter> I run debian in VM just because of school
[17:24:41] <eadthem> if you trust it to be exposed to the internet
[17:24:49] <OndraSter> VPN :)
[17:25:27] <OndraSter> with firewall
[17:25:28] <eadthem> i did it from my computer to devry when i was there. had my firewall set to only allow connections from there.
[17:26:34] <eadthem> then there IT guys blocked me and thretednd to get me expelled for using it. Ironicly they were worred i was going to give them a virus:p
[17:27:04] <OndraSter> lol
[17:46:44] <eadthem> Is there a way to make the LCD not go lines 1 3 2 4 ?
[17:48:59] <OndraSter_> is it the 20x4 display?
[17:49:02] <eadthem> yes
[17:49:15] <OndraSter_> well, you have to make "pointers" to lines 1 2 3 4 :)
[17:49:36] <OndraSter_> aka offsets 0 40 20 60 or w/e are they
[17:51:21] <eadthem> trying to make a library that eliminates such issues
[17:51:30] <OndraSter_> no internet = no fun, gn
[18:37:37] <Tom_itx> realterm will send nearly anything
[18:40:32] <Tom_itx> eadthem
[18:40:37] <Tom_itx> it's how the memory map works
[18:40:38] <Tom_itx> no
[18:40:45] <eadthem> ya getting that now
[18:40:54] <Tom_itx> the code i posted was for a 20x4
[18:41:10] <eadthem> its just weard because the 4 line i had in collage if you told the LCD it was a single line display it would address it 1 2 3 4
[18:41:13] <Tom_itx> it's actually viewed as one line
[18:41:28] <eadthem> if you told it was a 2 line display it addressed like 1 3 2 4
[18:42:05] <Tom_itx> fleury's lib has that all figured out
[18:44:34] <eadthem> line[0] = 128;
[18:44:34] <eadthem> line[1] = cols + 128;//line 2
[18:44:34] <eadthem> line[2] = 0x40 + 128;
[18:44:34] <eadthem> line[3] = 0x40 + cols + 128;
[18:44:37] <eadthem> that shuld do it
[18:51:33] <eadthem> line 1 and 2 work
[18:51:37] <eadthem> line 3 and 4 fail
[18:52:25] <Tom_itx> check your memory locations in the data sheet
[18:53:21] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/pdf/hd44780.pdf
[18:54:17] <Tom_itx> dunno if that has it or not
[18:55:26] <eadthem> thats what i have
[18:59:52] <eadthem> my old datasheet for my 2 line display says line 3 starts at 16 for a 20x4 display
[18:59:56] <eadthem> dos not make sense
[19:00:15] <eadthem> 20 in hex is 14
[19:00:33] <eadthem> 0-13 hex is 0-19 in line 1
[19:16:11] <Tom_itx> eadthem, look in the lcd.h file around line 37 for the dram locations of the lines
[19:16:21] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/avr/mega128/lcdtest/
[19:16:22] <eadthem> lcd.h?
[19:16:34] <eadthem> ah
[19:16:48] <eadthem> arg your servers misconfigured firefox wont open it
[19:16:50] <Tom_itx> see how it jumps back and forth?
[19:17:04] <Tom_itx> i'll post it
[19:17:09] <eadthem> got it
[19:17:37] <Tom_itx> 0x40, 0x00, 0x14, 0x54
[19:18:01] <eadthem> well address command is 128
[19:18:12] <eadthem> address is 64 or 0x40
[19:18:23] <eadthem> so line 2 matches
[19:18:46] <Tom_itx> the other commands are mapped there as well
[19:19:00] <eadthem> line 4 would be + cols aka 20
[19:19:20] <Tom_itx> why are you rolling your own?
[19:22:30] <eadthem> y not
[19:22:39] <Tom_itx> #define LCD_DISP_LENGTH 20
[19:22:41] <Tom_itx> cols
[19:22:54] <Tom_itx> just wondered. i don't care
[19:23:05] <eadthem> and my isssue is for some reason 64+128 != 192
[19:23:20] <eadthem> o well
[19:23:31] <eadthem> c_lcd display;display.lcdConfigAndStart(&PORTB,&PORTD,lcdclock,lcdcmd,lcdrw,c_lcd::LINES_4,c_lcd::CURSOR_BLINK,20);
[19:23:33] <Tom_itx> is it supposed to?
[19:23:47] <eadthem> casio says it dose
[19:23:53] <eadthem> that or 1100 0000
[19:24:13] <eadthem> avr says something else one sec
[19:25:47] <eadthem> it says 190 or be or 1011 1110
[19:25:57] <eadthem> my lib is c++ so thats part of the reason
[19:26:11] <Tom_itx> #define LCD_IO_MODE 1 /**< 0: memory mapped mode, 1: IO port mode */
[19:26:22] <Tom_itx> does that make a difference in the addressing?
[19:26:43] <eadthem> doubt it as none of my code uses a define called LCD_IO_MODE
[19:27:00] <eadthem> infact it dosen't use defines for the lcd object
[19:27:12] <Tom_itx> maybe that's if you wanna define special characters
[19:27:32] <eadthem> the whole issue is casio says line[1] = 64 + 128; = 192
[19:27:36] <eadthem> casio is correct
[19:27:42] <eadthem> AVR says line[1] = 64 + 128; = 190
[19:28:07] <Tom_itx> ok
[19:28:53] <Tom_itx> is one starting with 0 and the other starting wiht 1?
[19:29:09] <eadthem> line[1] = 64 + 128;
[19:29:14] <eadthem> its just 64 + 128
[19:29:20] <Tom_itx> it's new math
[19:29:27] <eadthem> its fucked up
[19:32:05] <eadthem> ok thats hard coded
[19:32:11] <eadthem> issue must be a part of
[19:32:12] <eadthem> void newline(void)
[19:32:12] <eadthem> {
[19:32:12] <eadthem> currentCol = 1;
[19:32:12] <eadthem> currentLine++;
[19:32:12] <eadthem> if(currentLine>3)currentLine=0;
[19:32:13] <eadthem> lcdWide(line[currentLine],0);
[19:32:13] <eadthem> };
[19:32:31] <eadthem> or lcdwide wich is quite well tested at this point
[19:33:09] <eadthem> lcdwide writes 8 bits to a lcd the 0 means not data or cmd and affects that wire before writeing
[19:33:47] <eadthem> ******
[19:34:17] <eadthem> in lcd config i wrote the part that caclulates the addresses thinking ile just copy that over to configandstart later
[19:34:26] <eadthem> i never did and im calling config and start not config
[19:36:15] <eadthem> see Tom_itx my theroy is my upcomming projects will use avr a lot in conjuction with a mysqlserver
[19:36:52] <eadthem> by using c++ i can make use of my alredy existing sqlgen library
[21:22:07] <MrTrick> So I want to trigger actions that run in normal execution space, from my interrupt handlers.
[21:22:34] <MrTrick> If I have functions; void action_dothis() { ... } void action_dothat() { ... }
[21:22:51] <Tom_itx> use volatile declard vars to trigger them
[21:22:55] <MrTrick> and I have a function pointer; volatile void* action();
[21:23:22] <MrTrick> and the main loop does something like if (action != 0) action();
[21:23:41] <MrTrick> or is that (*action)(); ?
[21:58:45] <eadthem> input code
[21:58:47] <eadthem> display.write("test0x",90); display.write((uint8_t)255,3);
[21:58:47] <eadthem> display.write("\rtest1x",90); display.write((uint8_t)134,2);
[21:58:47] <eadthem> display.write("\rtest2x",90); display.write((uint8_t)67,1);
[21:58:47] <eadthem> display.write("\rtest3x",90); display.write((uint8_t)89,1);
[21:58:47] <eadthem> display.write(" ",90); display.write((uint8_t)0,1);
[21:59:32] <eadthem> out
[21:59:34] <eadthem> test0x255
[21:59:34] <eadthem> test0x134
[21:59:34] <eadthem> test0x67
[21:59:34] <eadthem> test0x89 0
[21:59:51] <timemage> eadthem, put your stuff on something like ideone.com; post links instead.
[23:16:15] <Tom_itx> is a ST7066U LCD controller the same as the HD44780?
[23:17:08] <Roklobsta> you men as a literal dropin replacement?
[23:17:15] <Tom_itx> compatible
[23:17:17] <Tom_itx> command set
[23:18:13] <Tom_L> http://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Newhaven-Display/NHD-0420DZ-NSW-BBW/?qs=sGAEpiMZZMt7dcPGmvnkBq9RSAvEJGmRmg9nuKVw%2f5Y%3d
[23:18:46] <Tom_itx> i could get one from china for $6 or so
[23:18:53] <Tom_itx> but i was ordering from mouser
[23:19:28] <Casper> Tom_itx: if it have a parallel interface, chance that it is...
[23:19:40] <Tom_L> http://www.ebay.com/itm/1pcs-2004-204-20X4-Character-LCD-Display-Module-Blue-Blacklight-/400347869193?_trksid=p5197.m1992&_trkparms=aid%3D111000%26algo%3DREC.CURRENT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D14%26meid%3D4026482467208008722%26pid%3D100015%26prg%3D1006%26rk%3D1%26sd%3D400347869193%26
[23:19:55] <Tom_itx> Casper, that was the option i selected
[23:20:08] <Tom_L> http://www.mouser.com/ds/1/291/NHD-0420DZ-NSW-BBW-22726.pdf
[23:24:36] <Casper> Tom_itx: appear to be the same pinout...
[23:25:03] <Tom_itx> yeah the pinout is, just wondered if they were software compatible
[23:27:52] <Tom_itx> what's the difference between Reflective, Transflective and Transmissive?
[23:28:03] <Tom_itx> i presume Transmissive would be brighter
[23:39:11] <eadthem> of the 4 lcd's i have owned or used not 1 has had a true hd44780
[23:39:45] <eadthem> in fact i dont think that exact chip has been made for many years.
[23:50:06] <soul-d> http://www.sureelectronics.net/category.php?id=29
[23:50:16] <soul-d> got a few of those i still need to use
[23:51:10] <Tom_itx> well i've got some here i can use but i wanted a blue one
[23:51:20] <eadthem> now that looks familar
[23:51:44] <Tom_itx> 1x8 clear up to a 1 x 40 LARGE font
[23:51:57] <Tom_itx> a few 20x4 and various 16x2
[23:52:14] <soul-d> building -> http://imgur.com/a/tVsni though so soon ill have plenty of chars <insert evil laugh>
[23:53:20] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/temp/lcd/lcd_txt.jpg