#avr | Logs for 2012-12-07

[00:01:56] <jadew> nice tricks
[02:00:59] <OndraSter_> specing, so my stellaris was shipped today too
[02:52:11] <OndraSter_> no response anywhere :(
[02:52:22] <OndraSter_> http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/video/2012/dec/06/dogs-drive-new-zealand-video
[03:52:19] <Tom_itx> http://www2.electronicproducts.com/Hacked_lamp_turns_ordinary_tabletop_into_touchscreen_computer-article-fajb_luminar_dec2012-html.aspx
[07:23:25] <inflex> Tom_itx: makes me think that should be written another way... "touchscreen hardware uses ordinary lamp for light source"
[08:20:06] <OndraSter_> specing, alive ?
[08:20:07] <OndraSter_> or dead?
[08:22:11] <Malinuss> OndraSter_, hows your Xboard coming along? :)
[08:48:38] <OndraSter_> Malinuss, do you want on?
[08:48:40] <OndraSter_> one
[08:54:38] <Malinuss> OndraSter_, free sample? Sure xD
[08:54:43] <OndraSter_> heh
[08:54:47] <Malinuss> ;)
[08:55:03] <Malinuss> OndraSter_, hey, that's how you would get the word out ;D
[08:55:07] <OndraSter_> :D
[08:55:10] <OndraSter_> I am poor student though
[08:55:20] <OndraSter_> I have got no money left after buying all the parts
[08:56:20] <Malinuss> OndraSter_, but in all seriousnes - I think the board is very cool, because it's like a 8-bit on steroids, I just don't have the money right now, and there is plenty of stuff for me to learn on my atmega :)
[08:56:45] <OndraSter_> yep
[09:01:32] <OndraSter_> Australia: http://www.jenproholky.cz/sites/default/files/node/photogallery/7710/987fdbfwdspider.gif
[09:02:48] <jadew> lol
[09:03:41] <rue_mohr> heh, missed eh?
[09:06:19] <Malinuss> OndraSter_, I was in aus once, the spiders were big, the weather were hot and the girls were slutty. Would live there 10/10
[09:08:17] <OndraSter_> spiders -- 0/10. Weather -- 2/10. Girls - 100/10
[09:08:21] <OndraSter_> that averages to 10 or thereabouts.
[09:11:21] <jadew> I heard stories about the spiders too
[09:11:29] <jadew> also about the girls :D
[09:11:32] <OndraSter_> :D
[09:11:38] <OndraSter_> Czech has got the best girls I heard
[09:11:58] <jadew> that's what everyone says about their country :P
[09:12:07] <Malinuss> OndraSter_, weather 2/10? wut, I loved the weather...
[09:12:17] <OndraSter_> I do not need 40C in the shadows :)
[11:40:10] <slidercrank> hi, folks. I was told it's necessary to remove a uC from its socket before soldering to avoid electrostatic discharge. Is it really necessary? I bent the pins of my uC when I tried to eject it from the socket. I'm afraid of completely breaking them when I repeat this procedure next time :)
[11:43:18] <hackvana> slidercrank: Try to avoid doing things which will build up static charge in the first place
[11:43:43] <hackvana> Don't walk across carpets, don't take off clothes, don't take plastic wrapping off things.
[11:44:01] <hackvana> Chips are much more ESD-resistant these days
[11:44:17] <hackvana> I think the risk of breaking a pin is higher than the risk from ESD
[11:45:07] <hackvana> I would suggest using a grounded soldering iron (three pins) and/or touching the soldering iron to a part of the circuit that is ground for that circuit
[11:46:02] <hackvana> If you do that, then when you go to solder a sensitive input pin, there will be no potential difference between your soldering iron and that pin, with respect to the circuit's ground.
[11:46:33] <r00t|home> <hackvana> [...] and/or touching the soldering iron to a part of the circuit that is ground for that circuit
[11:46:53] <r00t|home> i'd rather touch is to something that is ground for any possible static charge, than ground for the circuit ;)
[11:47:19] <r00t|home> especially if the circuit is not on a grounded power supply
[11:48:34] <hackvana> That too
[11:52:22] <slidercrank> okay. thanks guys.
[11:53:42] <jadew> so far I haven't damanged any chip by ESD and I'm doing all the above, I drag my feet across the carpet, I take of plastic, I undress, etc
[11:54:02] <jadew> when my g/f comes home, sometimes there's static discharge between us, when we touch
[11:54:18] <jadew> I'm not sure if it's from her or me tho
[11:54:43] <CoolBear> You undress before playing with your chips?
[11:54:52] <jadew> I'm almost naked right now
[11:55:22] <CoolBear> Well, as long as you're not sharing pics :P
[11:55:34] <CoolBear> (With us)
[11:55:34] <jadew> :)
[11:55:46] <slidercrank> :)
[11:56:23] <hackvana> The only time I've ever seen something that I think might have been ESD damage was when I worked at HP. We were pulling Intel NAND flash in and out of test devices, and we could usually only do that a few times before they wouldn't work any more.
[11:56:38] <slidercrank> jadew, so when you gf comes, you start walking over your carpet, get undress and start soldering?:)
[11:56:46] <slidercrank> *undressed
[11:56:51] <hackvana> I'm more worried about the discharge
[11:57:31] <hackvana> I think he was talking about taking the plastic off his girlfriend
[11:57:38] <jadew> haha
[11:57:40] <hackvana> <kidding>
[11:57:45] <CoolBear> Heh
[11:58:12] <Bustamove> how many volt is that charge
[11:58:27] <hackvana> ESD?
[11:58:51] <Bustamove> nah jadews gf
[11:59:13] <hackvana> I don't know but it's pretty shocking
[12:00:05] <CoolBear> It's about 10-30kV per cm or so afair.
[12:00:30] <jadew> yeah, something like that
[12:01:08] <jadew> it's nasty, there was a week in which we were afraid to kiss when she came home
[12:02:17] <Bustamove> :]
[12:02:37] <r00t|home> other people would be happy to have such an electric relationship
[12:03:13] <jadew> yeah, there are sparks between us
[13:06:56] <Essobi> what's up
[13:10:33] * RikusW is filling up a new 2.5" 1TB external driver :)
[13:10:36] <RikusW> -r
[13:13:51] * RikusW made a 850GB NTFS and 81GB ext3 partition
[13:15:36] <Malinuss> hey
[13:15:54] <OndraSter> why whenever I have got ringtone volume at half or more nobody texts/calls/no emails come and when I put it onto vibrate everybody calls, texts and sends emails,
[13:16:06] <OndraSter> and why my internet lately so sucks? :(
[13:21:14] <RikusW> be happy you have internet...
[14:48:24] <abetusk> What kind of decoupling caps do you guys usually use/recommend on your atmega328's at 8MHz?
[14:48:55] <Tom_itx> .1uf ceramic
[14:49:13] <abetusk> Tom_itx, and not an additional 1uf on top of that, just the .1uf?
[14:49:41] <Tom_itx> up to you
[14:49:56] <Tom_itx> and your noisy power supply
[14:50:04] <abetusk> coin battery
[14:50:59] <OndraSter> I use 100nF per Vcc/GND pair
[14:51:04] <OndraSter> and 10uF per three pairs
[14:54:37] <kline> from a systems point of view: what should happen as default behaviour where there is an unhandled exception: 1) continue 2) restart or 3) halt?
[14:54:55] <OndraSter> what kind of product it is?
[14:55:26] <kline> a uC that could potentially go anywhere from blinking leds to handling heavy mech
[14:55:33] <OndraSter> huh
[14:55:43] <OndraSter> user-selectable maybe?
[14:55:51] <kline> yes, but as a default
[14:56:39] <OndraSter> hmm
[14:56:43] <OndraSter> restart
[14:57:21] <kline> cool, thanks. ive just been talking to someone who decided: <hyoomin> I had a discussion with some engineering colleagues about that the other day... an empty ISR should either have a return in it, an interrupt disable and then a return, or a halt.
[14:57:32] <kline> and i just wanted to make sure i wasnt wrong in thinking him stupid
[14:57:42] <OndraSter> empty ISRs should return
[14:57:56] <kline> why?
[14:58:24] <OndraSter> well
[14:58:31] <OndraSter> they should not fire up in the first place if they weren't supposed to
[14:59:16] <kline> im of the opinion that it should be a halt based on the fact that there must be some error to fire it, and theres never any good in continuing to execute known-broken code
[14:59:41] <OndraSter> of course
[15:01:09] <kline> ok, so my next point would be, why is avr-gcc default to do a dirty restart? (im aware you can override it, and i would if it mattered in my situation, but it would be nice to have an answer for this guy)
[15:01:24] <OndraSter> ask atmel :)
[15:02:03] <Tom_itx> ask bro dean if he ever shows up again
[15:02:13] <Malinuss> kline, I don't understand why it shouldn't just continue, but the compiler should just give you a warning
[15:02:14] <kline> hah, ok. thats pretty much what i said to him, but he decided his engineer friends were better than atmel and wasnt taking any of that from me
[15:02:25] <kline> Malinuss: cant be detected at compile time
[15:02:34] <Tom_itx> yeah most engineers can't fit in their pants
[15:02:44] <Tom_itx> and their hat size is way way too big
[15:03:02] <Malinuss> kline, can unhandled exceptions not be detected by a compiler? oh..
[15:28:48] <jadew> kline, an empty ISR can be detected at compile time and it should: generate a simple reti in the interrupt table, instead of a jmp (as it normally is when you're not defining it)
[15:28:58] <jadew> yeah, a warning is ok, halting or stuff like that is not cool
[15:29:24] <jadew> because it wouldn't make sense from a language point of view
[15:29:34] <OndraSter_> well the ISR happened *for a reason*
[15:29:37] <OndraSter_> misconfiguration perhaps
[15:29:38] <jadew> empty function and restart? it's sort of a "wtf?" situation
[15:30:07] <jadew> if you want an empty function to crash, then you have to handle it yourself
[15:30:59] <jadew> for example you could have a macro NOT_IMPLEMENTED() and just add that wherever you think it's suited, but it's not the compiler's job to add code for this, it would be extremely wrong and enraging if it did that
[15:38:00] <slidercrank> I don't get what fuse settings must be applied to use an external 16MHz crystal.
[15:38:29] <slidercrank> I read the manual but it's not quite clear
[15:38:33] <OndraSter_> find fuse calculator
[15:38:36] <OndraSter_> your best option
[15:38:39] <OndraSter_> (or use atmel studio)
[15:38:42] <jadew> http://www.engbedded.com/fusecalc/
[15:39:07] <slidercrank> I'm already there. But it's still not clear. I have an atmega8
[15:39:29] <slidercrank> *atmega8a
[15:39:52] <OndraSter_> use that fusecalc
[15:39:53] <jadew> use one of the last options
[15:40:03] <OndraSter_> dump your current fuse from your chip and insert them into the calc
[15:40:07] <OndraSter_> and modify the oscillator
[15:40:58] <slidercrank> -U lfuse:w:0xff:m -U hfuse:w:0xd9:m
[15:41:25] <slidercrank> lfuse reads as E1, hfuse reads as D9. That's the current settings
[15:41:38] <slidercrank> so I guess d9 and ff must be ok
[15:41:55] <slidercrank> thank you
[16:13:16] <slidercrank> it worked
[16:14:27] <jadew> hurray
[16:15:36] <slidercrank> yep:)
[16:21:12] <Malinuss> darknite, have you tried running some dithering algorithms on a image and displaying on the nokia 3310 display?
[19:04:34] <nightwalk> anyone aware of anything like this atmega16 devel board but at about half the cost (and maybe 1/4 the relay outputs if necessary)? http://littlebirdelectronics.com/products/relay-development-board-for-atmega16
[19:06:39] <nightwalk> It's for a dual function project which will allow me to both add a bit more embedded work to my skill set and hopefully result in a low cost device that allows me to fence (physically turn on/off) clustered systems
[19:08:05] <nightwalk> Provided I can find a similar programmable board that fits in my price range, of course. Not much point paying that much for a board when a prefab, single outlet, usb-controllable unit can be had for slightly less
[19:12:24] <jet> where can I have more information about "The symbol is in the text (code) section"?
[19:13:11] <jet> after compiling a .c file, when I use avr-nm on the output, I see that one of my function is set as T
[19:13:51] <jet> but when I try to link all my projects, avr-gcc tells me that my function is "undefined reference"
[19:16:01] <jet> to compile my file : http://uu.zoy.org/v/bipuno#clef=xdogdbfcxuaofgnk to link my project : http://uu.zoy.org/v/henizo#clef=fxfedsgtvzofrmgz my file : http://uu.zoy.org/v/hechitsu#clef=jzfyowhlhgeceveh
[19:17:35] <jet> avr-nm on my output file http://uu.zoy.org/v/hiragi#clef=olnyeccjzozhsevt
[19:30:20] <jet> am I in the right channel to talk about avr linker problem?
[19:33:21] <Tom_itx> probably so
[19:34:14] <Tom_itx> you may have to hang around a bit for an answer though
[20:09:06] <TechIsCool> alright so I think I have completed my layout for the final time. Here is a link if anyone wants to give it a look before I send it off to be made http://techiscool.com/eagle/v4/
[20:26:36] <jet> I found my problem, the order of the files...
[20:31:51] <jet> I didn't thought the file order matters to link
[20:33:47] <timemage> jet, gcc mentions that early on in the man page. a lot of people run into it, usually with the math library.
[20:50:42] <jet> timemage: but how do I guess the file order when I want to write a generic tool to build a project?
[21:44:09] <Grievre> Can anyone point me to good example code for sending/receiving I2C and SPI on an ATMega
[21:44:10] <Grievre> in assembly?
[21:44:25] <Grievre> or something close to example code
[21:49:19] <Tom_itx> did you look in the data sheets?
[21:49:24] <Tom_itx> they usually give examples
[21:51:43] <Grievre> Tom_itx: I'm doing that now
[21:54:30] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/avr/i2c/
[21:54:40] <Tom_itx> that drives a rtc