#avr | Logs for 2012-12-06

[00:54:17] <w|zzy> :-)
[04:27:26] <Guest11255> hi what are link assymetries in a wireless communication?
[05:27:34] <Steffanx> You like being online with 2 accounts hackvana / CapnKernel ?
[05:31:40] <hackvana> Why not?
[05:31:41] <CapnKernel> Sure!
[05:32:15] <hackvana> All the cool kids are doing it. Rue's got two!
[06:39:08] <Tom_itx> CapnKernel, aluminum substrate?
[06:40:07] <CapnKernel> not yet
[07:01:28] <Roklobsta> hackvana is pcb only for now?
[07:14:25] <hackvana> This year yes. Concentrating on doing a good job in that area.
[07:14:36] <hackvana> And 35 people in #hackvana says I am.
[07:14:51] <hackvana> Latest blog post: http://nixotic.com/2012/12/relay-shield-rev002-pcb/
[07:23:31] * Tom_itx blogs that hackvana doesn't do aluminum substrate
[07:24:06] <Tom_itx> but then not many want that either
[09:03:43] <rue_mohr> hmm, 2 16A relays?
[09:13:38] * megal0maniac is tempted to buy an FPGA board again...
[11:06:56] <megal0maniac> OndraSter: How's the xboard coming along?
[11:40:40] <megal0maniac> Quiet in these parts
[11:43:40] <Malinuss> it sure is
[11:43:49] <Malinuss> what you working on megal0maniac ?
[11:44:13] <megal0maniac> Sort of kind of trying to learn avr-asm
[11:45:21] <Malinuss> avr-asm sure is fun
[11:46:03] <Malinuss> To learn some basicsy I've made a "delay" function in asm...
[11:46:54] <megal0maniac> Lots of nop? :)
[11:49:39] <megal0maniac> Also downloading xilinx webpack, just in case I end up getting an fpga dev board. And editing a recording. And eating cake. And looking at options for modifying my router
[11:56:19] <Malinuss> Nope, I've made it with a timer...
[11:57:09] <megal0maniac> Ah, cool
[12:03:52] <soul-d> just made working vga code for my fpga :)
[12:04:18] <soul-d> still celebrating with the 8 colors i can get trough switches
[12:04:48] <megal0maniac> soul-d: Which fpga/dev board do you have?
[12:04:54] <soul-d> altera
[12:05:05] <megal0maniac> cyclone?
[12:05:09] <soul-d> de1 playing on currently got 3 of them
[12:05:22] <soul-d> de0 and some maxII thingy
[12:05:42] <soul-d> dusted them of again since it's winter :)
[12:07:14] <soul-d> yes currently working on cyclone 2
[12:07:23] <Malinuss> I'm still working on my 8-bit 3D renderer... I can read .obj files, so now it's time to test how much the mcu can handle ;D. It displayed 3 cubes that rotated, and moved in the z plane, at 10+fps :O
[12:07:52] <Malinuss> pretty amazing, if you ask me, haha
[12:12:25] <soul-d> im not that far already glad i found the warning that my clock lines where not found with an exact location figures the clock asignments where buses and i assigne whole bus to input
[12:19:39] <Essobi> Sup peebles
[12:22:16] <Malinuss> hjello
[12:22:27] <Bustamove> yelo
[12:42:44] <Essobi> Herp.
[12:46:31] <Steffanx> Derp.
[14:33:31] <iSaleK> Hey guys I've created a simple BinHexDec convertor few minutes ago since I couldn't find a decent one on the internet. If anyone need's one you can find mine on http://sasakaranovic.com/main/binhexdec-convertor/
[14:33:45] <iSaleK> Any suggestions and comments are welcomed :)
[14:36:34] <Malinuss> iSaleK, oh that's pretty neat. I always have two tabs open - one for a dec-hex and one for bin-dec... Would be nice if you could just have it integrated in your HP instead of a stand-alone program only...
[14:38:22] <iSaleK> What is HP? :)
[14:38:33] <iSaleK> Home Page?
[14:39:09] <iSaleK> Malinuss I've created it as application so I can double click it and make it always on top or minimize it to tray if I don't need it right now :)
[14:39:20] <iSaleK> I'm keeping it in system tray so whenever I need it it's there :)
[14:39:24] <Malinuss> oh
[14:39:29] <Malinuss> let me try it out hehe
[14:39:42] <iSaleK> When you close it, it hides in system tray
[14:40:01] <iSaleK> Also, when you double click an empty space (in application) it makes it always on top :)
[14:43:25] <Malinuss> iSaleK, one thing: I don't like how it delets the 0's in the bin window.. I like to write 00001000 because it's more visual ;P
[14:43:52] <iSaleK> Malinuss I'll try to fix it now :)
[14:44:15] <iSaleK> I made it to be 16-bit, I think it's enough for what most of us need :)
[14:44:15] <Malinuss> haha ;D
[14:44:31] <iSaleK> It should be pretty simple, just something like sprintf in c :D
[15:27:16] <RikusW> Malinuss: was it you who was messing around with 3D math ?
[15:28:27] <Malinuss> RikusW, I sure am, haha. It's my first time, and on a 8-bit mcu ;D. I was kinda looking for a co-processor but it seems that there is only one chip of that kind on the marked, and it costs 20$...
[15:29:53] <RikusW> have you used matrices before ?
[15:30:03] <RikusW> its the way to go for 3D transforms
[15:30:59] <RikusW> basically you can combine any amount of transforms you want into a single matrix
[15:31:17] <RikusW> it save a lot of cpu cycles
[15:31:42] <Malinuss> RikusW, well I had calculus in uni ;D. And yeah I realised that, I just don't feel like writing a "matrix" library.. maybe I can find something though. And thanks for the tip
[15:32:06] <RikusW> DirectX and OpenGL use a 4x4 matrix
[15:32:27] <Malinuss> uh.. Why would I want a 4x4? that makes no sense... hehe
[15:32:31] <RikusW> the rightmost column is basically unused, well mostly...
[15:33:03] <Malinuss> oh.. I see. hmm
[15:33:10] <RikusW> well to give an translation transform
[15:33:45] <RikusW> and to easily be able to multiply them together
[15:34:20] <RikusW> rotations are easy, just a few cos+sin values in the matrix
[15:34:40] <RikusW> you probably know the order is important ? :-P
[15:35:45] <RikusW> translation ->
[15:35:46] <RikusW> 0 0 0 0
[15:35:46] <RikusW> 0 0 0 0
[15:35:46] <RikusW> 0 0 0 0
[15:35:46] <RikusW> 2 3 4 1
[15:35:55] <RikusW> x+2 y+3 z+4
[15:36:14] <Malinuss> RikusW, the order of what?rotation?
[15:36:34] <RikusW> multiplying the matrices toghether...
[15:36:41] <Malinuss> oh yeah ;D
[15:37:21] <Malinuss> but you are right, I will write some simple matrice math. Right now it's very, very slow
[15:37:47] <RikusW> I can imagine...
[15:38:10] <Malinuss> it can display mutliple rotating cubes though ;P
[15:38:14] <Malinuss> hah
[15:38:33] <RikusW> using an AVR ? at 20MHz ?
[15:38:38] <Malinuss> yes
[15:38:42] <RikusW> on what screen ?
[15:38:52] <Malinuss> nokia 3310 ;D
[15:38:57] <RikusW> nice
[15:39:03] <Malinuss> 16MHz actually ;D
[15:39:14] <RikusW> I have a 3330... used to use it...
[15:39:51] <RikusW> so how many transforms do you do on each vertex ?
[15:39:57] <Malinuss> RikusW, I think it's the same display and controller - take it out ;D
[15:40:06] <Malinuss> RikusW, well 3
[15:40:17] <Malinuss> I rotate around all axsis each frame, he
[15:40:22] <RikusW> there is a broken 3310 around here somewhere..
[15:40:47] <RikusW> how did you connect to the display ?
[15:40:59] <RikusW> SPI ?
[15:41:39] <Malinuss> RikusW, yeah the controller uses "SPI" (no MOSI, and a addition "command" pin)
[15:41:52] <Malinuss> I mean, no MISO
[15:41:55] <Malinuss> heh
[15:42:03] <RikusW> sound more sane :-P
[15:42:15] <RikusW> any links to more info ?
[15:42:16] <Malinuss> it's super-easy to use
[15:42:36] <Malinuss> RikusW, http://www.sparkfun.com/datasheets/LCD/Monochrome/Nokia5110.pdf it's so easy to use, it hurts ;P
[15:45:21] <Malinuss> 74855创创创创创创创创创创创创创创创创创创创创创创创创创2ewsd
[15:46:50] <Malinuss> greetings from my cat
[17:00:42] <powderhound> Anyone know what a realistic lower limit is for Zigbee?
[17:00:55] <powderhound> (power consumption that is)
[19:17:22] <iSaleK> By any chance any of you worked with dsPIC? :\
[19:46:30] <Horologium> think I have a couple here
[19:46:35] <Horologium> but never done anything with them.
[20:34:04] <e2580> Only a few days left to order an open source hardware encrypted storage device on indiegogo www.indiegogo.com/CryptX2 check it out, its based on AT32UC3A3256S mcu
[20:38:48] <Horologium> just let us know when they are no longer available.
[20:40:52] <Malinuss> Horologium, lol
[20:41:15] * Horologium was being totally serious.
[20:41:36] <Malinuss> Horologium, no nead to be mean :)
[20:49:02] <RoyOnWheels> anyone able to explain holding temperature on a thermal fuse/switch?
[20:55:47] <iSaleK> Where will be the output be for the sprintf or printf when you use it in MCU?
[20:56:03] <iSaleK> Is it possile to print it on serial port? :)
[20:57:12] <iSaleK> I'm trying to convert HEX value into ASCII representation
[20:57:31] <iSaleK> for example if HEX is 0xFF I want to output 255 on serial port
[20:58:30] <iSaleK> any ideas or is there allready a function for that? :)
[21:06:04] <iSaleK> Anyone? :)
[21:08:31] <Tom_itx> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb311038.aspx
[21:13:41] <iSaleK> In C :)
[21:16:45] <Tom_itx> http://www.avrfreaks.net/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=82364
[21:17:55] <Tom_itx> http://www.avrfreaks.net/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=printview&t=96321&start=0
[21:19:29] <Tom_itx> http://www.avrfreaks.net/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=printview&t=52151&start=0
[21:19:39] <Tom_itx> woops
[21:38:55] <iSaleK> Damn... no luck :\
[21:57:56] <inflex> oh boy... time to go fire up the reflow oven again - hello there Tom_itx
[21:59:01] <Tom_itx> hey
[22:15:03] <Essobi> inflex: sup
[22:15:14] <Essobi> inflex: You build your oven?
[22:20:38] <Tom_itx> close to the same time i did
[23:10:27] <Essobi> Tom_itx: Is all you have on your site the pics?
[23:11:33] * inflex really should reinsulate his. The balsa is good, but it was always not quite good enough to keep the oven hot over 235'C
[23:11:51] <jadew> this is so weird and annoying, I dropped an atmega8 from my hand (while at the desk) and now I can't find it, it's like it vanished
[23:12:24] <inflex> PDIP or TQFP?
[23:12:43] <jadew> pdip
[23:13:19] <jadew> searched for it for 10 minutes
[23:14:16] <damjan> maybe it's stuck on your pants or something :)
[23:14:31] <inflex> hah, was about to suggest that
[23:14:42] <jadew> that's the first thing I checked :)
[23:14:51] <jadew> but I heard it hit something
[23:15:19] <inflex> oh boy, so it could be within a 2m radius ow
[23:16:05] <Essobi> hehe
[23:16:13] <Essobi> do the cards thing
[23:16:14] <jadew> there's a lot of junk around here, but mostly wires (which I checked) and unopened anti-static bags with components and white labels (which are way further away)
[23:16:17] <jadew> what cards?
[23:16:25] <jadew> what thing?
[23:18:08] <jadew> you know that game when you have to find some object inside a picture?
[23:18:18] <jadew> I should take a photo of my room and post it somewhere as a game
[23:18:23] <jadew> find the atmega8!
[23:20:26] <jadew> oh well, I'll just use another one, I'm sure it will turn up, when I'll step on it and it's gonna pierce trough my skin
[23:54:48] <rue_mohr> but you can do so with assurance that its lead free
[23:55:00] <rue_mohr> we didn't have that in my day
[23:55:00] <jadew> hehe
[23:57:40] <Casper> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUv-Q6EgEFI 鈫 man he's crazy!