#avr | Logs for 2012-11-27

[01:24:08] <nickoe> Hello. Anyone using eclipse avr?
[03:20:00] <nickoe> Anyone using some NMEA lib on AVR?
[03:39:50] <OndraSter__> Kevin`, I am just a tiny bit from having full USB CDC virtual serial working on xmega :)
[03:39:59] <OndraSter__> it receives serial data but manages to send only the first packetg
[03:40:01] <OndraSter__> packet
[03:40:12] <OndraSter__> it is copmatible with usbser.sys and should be with linux thus too
[03:44:09] <Tom_itx> and windows?
[03:47:04] <OndraSter__> usbser.sys = windows
[03:47:15] <OndraSter__> usbser.sys = Microsoft's USB CDC driver
[03:47:43] <OndraSter__> so I just did the INF, signed it with my cert so it installs (it only gives you red warning that I am not a trusted authority :D)
[03:48:15] <Tom_itx> we already knew that
[03:53:59] <OndraSter__> ok.
[03:55:35] <Kevin`> I guess it's worth a try then
[03:56:31] <OndraSter__> it took me maybe 20 hours to get it to this state
[03:56:52] <OndraSter__> now I am waiting for a new boards, I managed to totally rip off all USB traces, I have got nothing to connect to :D
[07:50:10] <X-warrior> If I try to program my atmega328p with AVRISP MkII I get "avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding" if I use usb asp I get "avrdude: error: programm enable: target doesn't answer. 1 " :/ ideas? I did a mistake burning the fuses thinking it was my atmega8 but it was atmega328p so I defined the fuses as lfuses=0xFF, hfuses=0x99, lock=0xFF without erase options.
[07:50:35] <karlp> and do you have an external crystal like you specified with lfuse 0xff?
[07:51:29] <X-warrior> karlp, yes, I'm using arduino uno board that has a 16mhz external clock
[07:52:51] <Malinuss> X-warrior, why are you programming your arduino with the MkII, if I may ask? also, why were you changing the fuses?
[07:55:42] <X-warrior> Malinuss, isn't it the default arduino option?
[07:56:02] <Malinuss> X-warrior, idk. I'm asking you :)
[07:56:19] <Malinuss> X-warrior, I thought the arduino is normally programmed with the usb hehe
[07:56:33] <RikusW> arduino bootloader....
[07:57:02] <X-warrior> As I said, I was programming my atmega8 and wanted to set the fuses to external clock but I did a mistake and used the -F option and it was my atmega328p that was connected to the board
[07:58:19] <Malinuss> ohh
[07:58:33] <Malinuss> RikusW, yeah that's what I meant
[07:58:46] <Malinuss> X-warrior, well good luck :)
[07:59:33] <RikusW> X-warrior: do the arduino have a crystal connected ?
[08:00:11] <X-warrior> RikusW, yes arduino uno board has a 16mhz crystal on it
[08:00:46] <RikusW> then it should work...
[08:01:24] <X-warrior> the atmega328p runs my old program that is a fade rgb led and works good, but when I try to program it, I cant ;/
[08:01:42] <X-warrior> I changed the atmega328p just to have sure that arduino uno board is working, and it is
[08:02:12] <RikusW> X-warrior: you enabled DWEN ...
[08:02:19] <RikusW> explaining the problem...
[08:02:34] <RikusW> you can disable it though
[08:03:08] <RikusW> pull down reset for a bit
[08:03:40] <RikusW> then send 0x06 at 125kbps via a uart to the reset pin
[08:03:52] <RikusW> then without turning off connect avrisp
[08:04:24] <RikusW> *after releasing reset send 0x06...
[08:04:38] <RikusW> X-warrior: do you have a scope ?
[08:05:00] <RikusW> the 0x06 will temporarily disable dW
[08:05:44] <X-warrior> by scope you mean a oscilloscope?
[08:05:48] <RikusW> yes
[08:06:00] <X-warrior> nope I don't :/
[08:06:12] <RikusW> after releasing reset you can see the 0x55 sync char sent by dW from the m328p
[08:06:23] <RikusW> the default baud == clock / 128
[08:06:28] * RikusW hacked dW
[08:06:41] <RikusW> the docs is on ruemohr.org
[08:07:34] <RikusW> use another AVR to disable dW on the "broken" one....
[08:09:01] <RikusW> the 0x06 is only temporary, until powerdown..
[08:11:17] <X-warrior> RikusW, let me try
[08:13:11] <RikusW> You don't happen to know someone with a JtagICE mkii or AVRDragon ?
[08:13:18] <RikusW> those can disable dW easily
[08:13:51] <X-warrior> I know some lab on university has one
[08:14:53] <RikusW> you could try using that to repair your m328p
[08:15:20] <RikusW> or do it the hard way ;)
[08:15:34] <RikusW> (actually not that hard)
[08:26:56] <X-warrior> RikusW, not that easy x)
[08:34:59] <RikusW> X-warrior: you could always use a 14.745 MHz crystal and connect to a plain serial port
[08:35:07] <RikusW> and toy around with dW a bit in the process
[08:35:21] <RikusW> dW baud will be 115200
[08:35:55] <X-warrior> does 128000 (125k) a valid baud rate?
[08:36:22] <X-warrior> actually 126976
[08:36:32] <X-warrior> nope my mistake
[08:36:37] <X-warrior> 128000
[08:36:38] <X-warrior> :D
[08:36:50] <RikusW> no it must be 125k for 16MHz
[08:36:55] <RikusW> 115200 for 14.745
[08:37:02] <RikusW> clock / 128 = dW baud
[08:37:47] <X-warrior> ok so it is 125k
[08:40:07] <RikusW> if CKDIV8 is still on you'd need to take that into account too iirc
[08:43:05] <X-warrior> nope I wrote 0xFF to lfuse
[08:43:08] <X-warrior> so it is disabled
[08:44:00] <jadew> you guys should make a page that's titled "So you screwed up your avr?"
[08:44:08] <jadew> and have there a bunch of info on the issue
[08:44:54] <jadew> it seems 2 out of 3 people that start out with AVRs manage to write the wrong fuses in
[08:45:27] <RikusW> probably because they use avrdude instead of AS
[08:45:46] <X-warrior> x)
[08:46:38] <devcoder> I once disabled the internal clock by accident and wondered why I couldn't talk to it anymore.
[08:47:17] <jadew> same for me, my first one was enabling the external clock source
[08:47:24] <devcoder> fixed it by powering up an external osc. on a breadboard then laying a jumper wire on the trace of the circuit board just good enough to undo it
[08:47:50] <OndraSter__> am I the only one who never "bricked" his AVR?
[08:48:07] <RikusW> I also "bricked" avr's ;)
[08:48:19] <RikusW> but I have the tools to unbrick too
[08:48:35] <jadew> I guess that's part of the fun after you brick one
[08:48:41] <jadew> building/getting the tools
[08:48:43] <devcoder> I have never bricked one to the point if having to high voltage program it if that counts
[08:49:34] <jadew> well, the worst you can do is enable dW, isn't it?
[08:49:58] <yunta> I have like 3-4 bricked atmegas, but after trying xmega, those old megas do not feel worth spending time on anymore...
[08:50:09] <OndraSter__> exactly my words :D
[08:50:20] <OndraSter__> even such xmega32d4 is cheaper than mega328 I think
[08:50:33] <OndraSter__> and x32a4u is not far from that
[08:50:44] <jadew> they're not DIP
[08:50:46] <jadew> so screw that
[08:50:49] <RikusW> jadew: RSTDSBL is worse, it requires HV
[08:50:55] <OndraSter__> we are not in 1990 :)
[08:51:04] <OndraSter__> jadew, you want XBoard... :P
[08:51:08] <jadew> RikusW, ah
[08:51:48] <jadew> OndraSter__, my reasoning for DIP packages is that they are easy to replace when I screw up
[08:51:58] <jadew> also easier to mod a finished product
[08:52:13] <OndraSter__> why should you screw them up?
[08:52:29] <OndraSter__> nothing in fuses that would force you to do so (okay, they do have RSTDSBL too which can be then re-enabled via PDI)
[08:53:10] <jadew> OndraSter__, I mean like... trully screwing them up
[08:53:15] <jadew> damaging them
[08:53:32] <OndraSter__> good luck with that
[08:53:45] <specing> :)
[08:53:50] <jadew> you're underestimating me
[08:54:15] <specing> we'll if you plug it to 220V then chances are nothing else will survive either
[08:54:29] <specing> so you'd have to build another board
[08:55:03] <devcoder> there is the fact of overdriving the outputs. I could see that doing things
[08:55:30] <devcoder> more then 30ma
[08:56:16] <jadew> I guess smd wouldn't be that big of a deal if I had a hot air station tho
[08:56:59] <jadew> cuz then I could just heat it up and remove it with a tweezers
[08:57:45] <devcoder> I have been doing smd work for a while now and actually I hand iron most of the components on the board. removing i use a hot air station but for most soldering just an iron
[08:58:12] <jadew> yeah, I wasn't thinking of soldering them with the hot air station
[08:58:18] <jadew> my main concern was desoldering
[08:58:58] <devcoder> yeah very nice for that. if you get a hot plate also works even better
[08:59:19] <yunta> jadew: I don't have hot air. I'm removing burned xmegas by cutting their legs off, and desoldering them separately when chip is off.
[08:59:59] <jadew> yunta and what's your reaction when you realize something else was broken?
[09:00:03] <devcoder> chipquik works well also
[09:00:39] <RikusW> heatgun works too...
[09:01:05] <devcoder> get an old toaster oven and turn it into a reflow oven
[09:01:16] <yunta> haha
[09:01:28] <yunta> jadew: never had that problem actually :)
[09:02:17] <yunta> jadew: till now smoke was pretty good indicator of failed part :)
[09:02:17] <yunta> apparently xmegas don't like 12V input
[09:02:59] <OndraSter__> heh
[09:03:00] <devcoder> hmm so your saying the chips aren't 12v tolerant huh
[09:03:03] <OndraSter__> I was shoving it 5V just fine
[09:03:14] <OndraSter__> it was probably clamping it
[09:03:16] <OndraSter__> but it worked :D
[09:03:23] <OndraSter__> I realized it few days later :)
[09:03:36] <OndraSter__> that the IO on Arduino boards for FT232RL is tied to 5V rather 3.3V
[09:03:52] <OndraSter__> (I am using arduino board as USB-serial adapter right now, nothing else)
[09:05:01] <jadew> I had a short on my does-it-all board and it was heating up whenever I enabled SPI, used it like that for weeks
[09:05:23] <jadew> the first thing I thought when I noticed the increase in power consumption was "wow, SPI eats a lot of power"
[09:05:51] <jadew> then I noticed it's getting hot
[09:06:42] <OndraSter__> haha
[09:06:47] <OndraSter__> AVR stuff is hard to kill
[09:06:55] <OndraSter__> ARMs with their poor 4mA drive strength..
[09:37:55] <iSaleK> Any suggestions what other IC than 7805 to use to lower DC to 5v from 9-12v?
[09:38:42] <iSaleK> I have 7805 but it's getting hotter and hotter while working... It's normal and I should use heatsking but what are your experiences on this subject?
[09:39:09] <iSaleK> Are there some other IC that don't get hot as 7805? :)
[09:41:58] <devcoder> there are dc-dc converters that can go from 12v to 5v but they are a lot more complicated the a linear regulator
[09:42:52] <devcoder> take up more space and cost more, but hey probably won't get hot
[09:43:20] <yunta> oh, I've burned 3 of those pwm dc-dc converters last month. still no clue what did I do wrong....
[09:43:58] <iSaleK> :\
[09:44:29] <iSaleK> Mine is now converting 9v to 5v and it's not that hot but I fear he might get hotter and burn :)
[09:45:26] <devcoder> you could always drop the voltage in stages. that way it regulator has less power to dissipate. like a 12v - 8v feeding a 8v to 5v kinda thing
[09:45:55] <iSaleK> Well that could work pretty nice I guess :)
[09:46:58] <iSaleK> Also I was considering building simple development board for myself with AVR Mega, any suggestions on how to design it if someday I want to put Arduino bootloader on it?
[09:47:51] <rue_bed> yunta, if the converter burned up, it didn't have proper protection built in
[09:48:24] <rue_bed> yunta, know if your input voltage was in range? and you weren't pulling more than 50% the rated current cause everyone lies about their ratings?
[09:48:38] <darknite> as long as you put an icsp header on it you can program it with a bootloader
[09:48:42] <darknite> iSaleK: ^
[09:49:28] <devcoder> iSaleK: Well if you plan on doing the Arduino boot loader, probability should design it to take the shields for compatibility.
[09:49:55] <devcoder> even thought i feel the shields are an expensive way to expand a micro
[09:50:11] <yunta> rue_bed: input definitely in range, almost zero load, officially lots of protections in chip
[09:50:25] <iSaleK> devcoder: I was considering that... Actually my board will look very similair to the Arduino, just I don't want to pay 90$ to my local dealer for cheapest Arduino Mega when I can build one on my own for less than 10$ :)
[09:53:01] <devcoder> iSaleK: since the Arduino is open hardware, i would then start with one of the designs closest to what your looking for and tweak it to your tastes.
[09:54:06] <iSaleK> I'm planning to do something like that :)
[10:02:49] <iSaleK> I've mesured now, 7805 is rising to 50-51 celsius really fast... after that it stays around 50 +- few degrees...
[10:03:08] <yunta> 50 is low :)
[10:03:33] <yunta> mine gets to 95 without radiator
[10:04:25] <iSaleK> I'm building a LED watch for a gift and I just don't want to set something up on fire since it will be enclosed in plastic and cardboard :)
[10:06:03] <yunta> add 100C fuse :D
[10:06:49] <iSaleK> Can you send me the image of one? :)
[10:07:52] <yunta> http://www.partco.biz/verkkokauppa/index.php?cPath=1629_1320
[10:09:21] <iSaleK> And it needs to be in contact with overheating IC?
[10:41:44] <iSaleK> Is ATMEGA32-16PU same as the one Arduino uses for ATMEGA328 board?
[10:41:57] <karlp> no.
[10:42:14] <karlp> mega32 != mega328. hit up atmel's website and have a browse
[10:43:04] <iSaleK> Damn... None of my local suppliers has 328 or 168 :\
[10:43:54] <OndraSter__> iSaleK, I will be making an order from mouser today
[10:44:01] <OndraSter__> I can ship it to you in small letter
[10:44:08] <OndraSter__> (ofc if you pay me the price :D)
[10:44:38] <iSaleK> OndraSter__: I'm from Serbia :\
[10:44:47] <OndraSter__> I know
[10:45:47] <sirdancealot2> iSaleK, why would you need the one specific atmega?
[10:46:16] <iSaleK> I will be needing few other components (FT232) but I can't get my online payment card until 10. next month
[10:47:00] <iSaleK> sirdancealot2: I neeed it for arduino board
[10:47:27] <sirdancealot2> the arduino software will be happy with any atmega, even attiny
[10:48:15] <iSaleK> OndraSter__: If you happen to be ordering something from mouser around 10th next month I will pay you to order me one ATmega and one FT232 :)
[10:48:35] <OndraSter__> I am ordering tonight
[10:48:39] <OndraSter__> .. again
[10:48:45] <OndraSter__> http://clip2net.com/page/m12051/37629792
[10:48:48] <OndraSter__> I have got already this at home
[10:48:52] <OndraSter__> I messed up 2 parts though
[10:49:51] <iSaleK> sirdancealot2: Well I guessed that it works something like that. I just don't know what's board type used in arduinos IDE? To let IDE know how much memmory you have or something like that?
[10:50:05] <OndraSter__> board.txt or something I think?
[10:50:11] <sirdancealot2> boards.txt yes
[10:51:13] <sirdancealot2> id find it for you on github but i dont have mouse
[10:51:18] <iSaleK> Oh, so It's for fuses and hex files and etc...
[10:51:56] <sirdancealot2> yeah having another chip takes a bit of learning
[10:52:13] <iSaleK> Nice, I'm new to arduino... Well, I don't eaven have arduino yet. I'm making one for myself :)
[10:52:31] <sirdancealot2> have you build a programmer yet?
[10:53:00] <OndraSter__> the problem is.. you need to "bootstrap" even the programmer
[10:53:19] <sirdancealot2> you dont need to bootstrap parallel port
[10:53:56] <OndraSter__> who has got parallel port.. :)
[10:54:07] <sirdancealot2> me...but im too lazy to learn to use it
[10:54:16] <iSaleK> sirdancealot2: I have USBasp and Serial AVR programmer... 911 I think
[10:54:35] <sirdancealot2> great
[10:54:57] <iSaleK> OndraSter__: I had to buy 2xRS232 extension card few months ago :D
[10:55:10] <OndraSter__> uh
[10:55:22] <OndraSter__> I have got some ISA cards with serial ports.. want some? :D
[10:55:27] <OndraSter__> and some ISA VGA cards
[10:55:32] <OndraSter__> and ISA IDE controllers..
[10:55:42] <OndraSter__> and even few ISA Ethernets!
[10:55:56] <iSaleK> Hehe, I wish I knew you few months ago :D I'm set-up for now :D
[10:56:05] <OndraSter__> :D
[10:56:21] <iSaleK> I'll be getting myself some FT232 for USB2RS232 conversion, I guess Arduino uses the same thing?
[10:56:32] <OndraSter__> if you will be visiting Prague, PM me
[10:56:32] <Tom_itx> not now
[10:56:37] <Tom_itx> the uno uses an avr
[10:56:53] <OndraSter__> the older ones use FT232, the newer ones use mega16u2/they have builtin usb
[10:57:15] <Tom_itx> and the inbetween ones used the mega8U2
[10:57:50] <iSaleK> OndraSter__: Howdy neighbour :D
[10:58:04] <OndraSter__> Serbia is not directly neighbour :D
[10:58:11] <iSaleK> So 168 and 328 have USB support?
[10:58:17] <Tom_itx> no
[10:58:18] <OndraSter__> no
[10:58:18] <karlp> no.
[10:58:21] <iSaleK> Well, it's in the neighbourhood :D
[10:58:35] <Tom_itx> atmega32u2 16u2 8u2
[10:58:46] <Tom_itx> atmega32u4
[10:58:47] <Tom_itx> etc
[10:59:01] <Tom_itx> see a pattern there with the 'U'?
[10:59:09] <iSaleK> As for USB :)
[11:00:08] <iSaleK> So If I manage to get atmega32 I need FT232?
[11:01:26] <sirdancealot2> which one is 32?
[11:01:31] <Tom_itx> mega32 is an older chip
[11:01:44] <Tom_itx> 40pin dip
[11:01:49] <Tom_itx> or tqfp
[11:02:53] <Tom_itx> it was a good all around chip before the 48 88 168 328 etc came along
[11:03:19] <sirdancealot2> the cp1205 3$ boards from ebay arent bad either, especially if your atmega is gonna end up in some installation
[11:03:26] <sirdancealot2> i see
[11:06:07] <iSaleK> Damn... I have to go... see you all later and thanks for the info :)
[11:06:31] * sirdancealot2 forgot a pcb in the acid..
[11:06:35] <sirdancealot2> see ya
[11:08:08] <x-warrior> does this channel have a bot log?
[11:12:46] <OndraSter__> x-warrior, zlog
[11:13:37] <x-warrior> OndraSter__: I think it is offline but thanks :D
[11:14:04] <OndraSter__> zlog
[11:14:07] <OndraSter__> he is not
[11:14:46] <x-warrior> OndraSter__: nice! thanks :D
[11:14:57] <x-warrior> !seen
[14:06:24] <X-warrior> I have a mkII-cn here with me, that is not write where is the pin 1 on it... any ideas how to discover it? :S
[14:07:55] <OndraSter__> with scope?
[14:09:29] <X-warrior> Don't have one
[14:09:30] <X-warrior> Ç;
[14:09:34] <X-warrior> :/
[15:09:02] <Xotix> hi
[15:09:02] <tobbor> hi Xotix.
[15:10:32] <Xotix> I'm a newbie. Just tried to get my pocket controller working on win7. Using avrdude i get the error "init failed, rc=-1" with the command avrdude -c usbtiny -p atmega8515. Whats wrong? and more important, does even recognize my controller?
[15:13:03] <grummund> what's a pocket controller?
[15:14:37] <Tom_itx> that means it is communicating with the programmer but can't see the target chip
[15:14:48] <Tom_itx> check the wiring on the programmer to chip
[15:15:46] <Xotix> grummund just got my answer. Thanks. Pocket Usb controlelr is a controlelr based on usb tiny. Problem was a broken cable. Thanks
[15:15:57] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/usbtiny_programmer/testing_index.php
[15:16:05] <Tom_itx> you could use that as a guide
[15:16:18] <grummund> ok glad it's fixed
[15:17:04] <Xotix> yes. Couldn't see it until i moved it and the cable just sliped out of the brace. thansk for the guide.
[15:26:29] <X-warrior> So I enable DWEN by mistake and now I'm trying to use a jtag mkII to go back
[15:26:52] <X-warrior> I'm on ubuntu, but when I try to use avrdude I receive a lot of "jtagmkII_recv(): Got message seqno 65535 (command_sequence == 0)"
[15:27:09] <X-warrior> Ideas:
[15:30:53] <X-warrior> going to windows to try avr studio
[15:30:53] <X-warrior> brb
[15:42:01] <OndraSter__> X-warrior, aye, use atmel studio
[15:42:08] <OndraSter__> there it should be 1000 times easier
[15:42:17] <X-warrior> OndraSter__installing it
[15:42:26] <X-warrior> is it free?
[15:42:30] <OndraSter__> of course
[15:42:32] <OndraSter__> as6 is free
[15:42:35] <X-warrior> nice
[15:42:37] <OndraSter__> just as older releases
[15:42:45] <OndraSter__> it is probably the best IDE for embedded stuff
[15:42:53] <OndraSter__> because it is based on the best IDE:)
[15:43:03] <X-warrior> what is the best IDE?
[15:43:09] <OndraSter__> Visual Studio
[15:43:23] <X-warrior> dont know
[15:43:32] <OndraSter__> once you go VS you never go back :D
[15:43:49] <X-warrior> I'm a linux user, there is no VS to it
[15:43:54] <OndraSter__> :P
[15:44:01] <trafficone> that's what they said about vim
[15:44:14] <X-warrior> what?
[15:44:24] <trafficone> "once you go vim you never go back"
[15:44:40] <trafficone> and now I have to bring a .vimrc file with me everywhere I go
[15:46:39] <trafficone> also, I made the mistake of working on an embedded project on a shell server
[15:46:58] <X-warrior> lol
[15:47:02] <trafficone> boy did I feel silly when I finally wanted to run avrdude
[15:47:51] <slidercrank> OndraSter__, is atmel studio available for Linux?
[15:47:54] <OndraSter__> no
[15:48:08] <X-warrior> nope
[15:48:15] <slidercrank> OndraSter__, I'm a Linux user. I'm thinking of what to use for Linux
[15:48:17] <X-warrior> it takes forever to install as
[15:48:49] <X-warrior> slidercrank I don't know if it is good but I think I saw something about wine + as
[15:49:01] <X-warrior> otherwise, eclipse + avrdude
[15:50:14] <slidercrank> X-warrior, can I use avrdude in a debug session? or only to reprogram an atmel microcontroller?
[15:50:40] <X-warrior> slidercrank you could use gdb for debug iirc
[15:51:09] <X-warrior> but never used, actually I'm trying to leave this DWEN mode
[15:51:21] <slidercrank> cool. avrdude+gdb+simple text editor+makefile is ok for me. eclipse is too heavy
[15:52:01] * X-warrior need to learn how to use as
[15:52:02] <slidercrank> I have a 10 yo computer with 1GB of RAM. Installing eclipse is raping it
[15:52:21] <X-warrior> slidercrank yeap forget as too x)
[15:53:39] <slidercrank> I run "Proteus 7 Professional" and "VSM Studio for Proteus 7" in wine. They are not resources demanding
[15:54:15] <X-warrior> wow updating mkII
[15:54:25] <slidercrank> mortal kombat II?
[15:54:45] <X-warrior> jtagice mkII
[15:55:02] <X-warrior> i'm at university trying to debrick my atmega328 :/
[15:55:33] <slidercrank> everyone is doing something interesting
[15:55:37] <slidercrank> but me:(
[15:56:05] <slidercrank> X-warrior, I can't find electronic parts in my city. that sucks
[15:56:22] <slidercrank> also I suck at soldering and can't find breadboard
[15:57:04] <X-warrior> me neither
[15:57:09] <X-warrior> I have to buy from china
[15:57:42] <slidercrank> that's what everyone does:)
[15:59:38] <darknite> yeah. there used to be several electronics component stores in stockholm, now only one remains but it's quite far off from the city core. apart from that one, which is rather expensive (but carries a lot of stuff), all you can find are some leds, resistors and audiostuff (capacitors, dac's etc) at a few hardware stores
[16:00:24] <darknite> it sucks that every time you discover you need something to continue building it's a two-five week delivery wait ;p
[16:01:16] <slidercrank> how familiar!
[16:04:48] <OndraSter__> what about two-five week delivery
[16:04:50] <OndraSter__> but $60 shipping
[16:12:09] <darknite> OndraSter__: yeah, no, that's why i basically always do hong kong on ebay
[16:12:33] <darknite> shipping pisses me off. i don't even care if it's more expensive with free shipping, even if the total is the same
[16:12:39] <OndraSter__> :D
[16:21:33] <X-warrior> going home
[16:21:35] <X-warrior> see you later
[16:24:29] <Malinuss> just got my ultrasonic distance thingie today
[16:24:40] <Malinuss> thank you, almost free-china labour
[16:24:54] <slidercrank> :)
[16:25:03] <Malinuss> wish all devices were so easy to use, haha
[16:25:46] <Malinuss> no SPI no noting, just trigger one pin, and wait for a other to get low. now it almost won't get easier!
[16:28:41] <OndraSter__> lol
[17:55:19] <CESSMASTER> is there a particular assembler people here like to use for AVRs or does everybody just use gas?
[17:56:02] <Tom_itx> that or the one with studio
[17:56:54] <slidercrank> what about avra?
[17:57:18] <slidercrank> URL : http://avra.sourceforge.net/
[17:57:18] <slidercrank> Summary : Atmel AVR assembler
[17:57:47] <slidercrank> It is mostly compatible with Atmel's own assembler, but provides new features such as better macro support and additional preprocessor directives.
[17:58:06] <slidercrank> I have it installed but I haven't used it so far
[18:23:52] <Essobi> Hmm.
[18:24:00] <Essobi> ARVA kind of looks interesting..
[18:24:07] <Essobi> I'd need to learn AVR assm thou
[18:25:53] <slidercrank> it's in Fedora repos. Which is good. Probably in other Linux distros as well
[18:30:12] <Essobi> Hmmm. I guess.
[18:31:42] <Splats> :heart: fedora
[18:33:51] <slidercrank> Asm ftw
[18:39:52] * Essobi throws up BSD gangsignz.
[20:24:35] <TechIsCool> alright so I have finished version two and still not sure I like it. Tell me what you think http://techiscool.com/eagle/top.pdf http://techiscool.com/eagle/bottom.pdf
[21:18:16] <MrCurious> any chance anyone has a pcb diagram or circuit diagram for a atmega8a-au TQFP that requires the minimum of passive components?
[21:20:23] <Casper> MrCurious: that should be very easy to do
[21:20:49] <Casper> strict minimum would be a 0.1uF under it for all the powers...
[21:20:50] <Casper> that's it
[21:21:05] <MrCurious> regulator, xtal, 2 caps, usb connector?
[21:21:16] <MrCurious> right, crystal is opt
[21:31:43] <MrCurious> i need a board like this to pre-program the chips before putting them in their final board. http://i.imgur.com/6D4MC.jpg great idea
[21:33:27] <Tom_L> yeah
[21:33:36] <Tom_L> i've done similar with attinys
[21:36:07] <MrCurious> is AVRUSBBoot the preferred bootloader for the atmega8a for flashing it via usb?
[21:38:46] <Casper> usb connector is optional
[21:39:07] <Casper> and usb on atmega are hack
[21:40:15] <MrCurious> i thought the atmega8a had usb as a perk
[21:41:09] <Casper> nope
[21:41:21] <Casper> if the part do not have "usb" in it's name, it do not have native usb
[21:41:27] <Tom_L> no usb
[21:41:40] <MrCurious> so the usb + atmega8a arduino thing is a hack
[21:54:35] <MrCurious> oh! so atmega8a is not the ATmega16U2
[21:55:03] <MrCurious> well done, $20 worth of atmega8au's
[21:55:54] <MrCurious> Atmega8U2 is the one i wanted
[21:56:20] <MrCurious> if anyone needs me i will be in a corner with a dunce hat
[22:00:58] <MrCurious> so an atmega8a is in essence prettymuch a 328
[22:01:36] <Tom_itx> it's an antique
[22:01:42] <Tom_itx> use a 328 instead
[22:01:49] <MrCurious> even worse!
[22:05:41] <eric_j> the last digit indicates similarity, i think
[22:05:44] <eric_j> usually
[22:25:02] <MrCurious> ATMEGA8U2-AU's are a wee bit more expensive $3.70
[23:12:43] <AR_> anyone here?
[23:13:05] <AR_> trying to solve an AVR sudden death mystery
[23:17:13] <jadew> did you enable the short circuit fuse?
[23:18:36] <Casper> AR_: reverse polarity?, high voltage? ESD?
[23:23:17] <AR_> Casper, i think it may have been ESD
[23:23:31] <AR_> last week, it worked fine
[23:23:49] <AR_> came in today, fired it up (5v vcc all good)
[23:23:53] <AR_> shorted out
[23:24:15] <AR_> no idea what happened
[23:24:37] <Casper> you sure you didn't reversed the polarity? and that your 7805 ground didn't disconnect?
[23:24:39] <AR_> i have a sensor input that may have had some static
[23:25:08] <AR_> nope, circuit was as i remember
[23:25:12] <AR_> all correct
[23:25:33] <AR_> i was using 5v regulated bench supply
[23:25:51] <Casper> ok
[23:25:59] <Casper> might be static, or you forgot the crystal?
[23:26:09] <AR_> using internal osc
[23:26:18] <AR_> it had to be static
[23:26:24] <AR_> it shorted something
[23:27:01] <Casper> k
[23:27:28] <AR_> cant think of anything else that would have caused it
[23:34:45] <MrCurious> does atmega8-16pu have usb capabilities
[23:35:16] <jadew> no
[23:36:28] <MrCurious> ATmega8U2?
[23:38:16] <jadew> check the parametric tablle on atmel's site
[23:39:09] <TechIsCool> So I am getting closer to placing an order of parts is there anything intresting worth buying that I need?
[23:40:03] <TechIsCool> or don't need and just should buy
[23:40:28] <jadew> depends on what you already have
[23:40:37] <Casper> and what you want to do
[23:40:41] <TechIsCool> almost nothing
[23:40:46] <jadew> buy some opamps
[23:40:56] <jadew> some buffers
[23:41:30] <TechIsCool> I have about 3 arduinos, rasberrypi, and a atmega32u4. Plus some through hole resistors
[23:41:45] <jadew> capacitors
[23:42:02] <Casper> 1n4004 1n4148 2n3904 2n3906 2n2222 7805 lm317
[23:42:04] <jadew> 100nF, 1uF, 22pF
[23:42:34] <jadew> aligator clips and jumper wires
[23:42:47] <jadew> breadboards (if you don't have some yet)
[23:42:47] <TechIsCool> got the jumper wires and aligator clips
[23:42:52] <TechIsCool> gpt them
[23:43:07] <TechIsCool> the rectifiers are intresting
[23:43:10] <jadew> you want to build your own pcbs right?
[23:43:18] <TechIsCool> yes
[23:43:28] <jadew> pins
[23:43:38] <jadew> get packs of 80 in a row
[23:43:42] <jadew> single row and double rows
[23:43:45] <TechIsCool> oh yah
[23:43:50] <jadew> you'll need lots of those
[23:43:59] <jadew> sockets
[23:44:02] <jadew> for the chips
[23:44:06] <TechIsCool> whats the technical term?
[23:44:13] <TechIsCool> for the pins
[23:44:31] <jadew> don't know.. pins
[23:44:38] <TechIsCool> :)
[23:45:08] <jadew> pin headers
[23:45:25] <jadew> crystals
[23:45:36] <TechIsCool> 16MHz or something else
[23:45:44] <jadew> get some 12Mhz as well
[23:45:46] <jadew> some 20
[23:46:00] <jadew> IDC sockets
[23:46:28] <jadew> 10 and 6 pins, both male and female + ribbon cable so you can make your own cables
[23:46:56] <TechIsCool> I was wondering what they were called :) I need a 6 pin for isp
[23:47:03] <jadew> yep
[23:47:15] <jadew> jumpers
[23:47:21] <jadew> dib buttons
[23:47:25] <jadew> *dip
[23:47:39] <TechIsCool> still can't find a dirt cheap price on the dip buttons
[23:48:04] <jadew> if you can't find a good price, you can hold off on those
[23:48:29] <jadew> if you'll need one, you can find them in lots of stuff
[23:48:36] <jadew> like old mouses
[23:48:41] <Casper> irfz44
[23:49:18] <TechIsCool> Casper: That another interesting part
[23:49:45] <jadew> yeah, it's weird you mention it because I actually needed it last week for a project
[23:51:04] <jadew> some other mosfets are good to have as well
[23:51:18] <jadew> so you can turn on and off things, like the backlight of a lcd
[23:52:09] <Casper> mosfet driver IC
[23:52:17] <Casper> max232 equivalent
[23:52:33] <jadew> usb to serial chips
[23:52:39] <jadew> (kinda expensive tho)
[23:52:59] <jadew> but nice to have around
[23:53:10] <TechIsCool> I have a few micro's that can do that function until i need one also have a usb to ttl bridge
[23:53:35] <jadew> an lcd or two
[23:54:04] <Casper> hd44780 based (for the lcd) or serial one
[23:54:13] <jadew> yeah
[23:54:16] <TechIsCool> I scavenedge a single 16x2 display yup hd4480
[23:54:33] <TechIsCool> it was a great find they wanted a dollar for it :)
[23:54:41] <jadew> nice!
[23:55:30] <jadew> oscilloscope
[23:55:37] <jadew> :D
[23:55:39] <TechIsCool> yup
[23:55:41] <TechIsCool> got one
[23:55:44] <jadew> awesome
[23:55:48] <TechIsCool> well I don't own it but I have access
[23:55:53] <jadew> that's the most important part
[23:56:17] <jadew> leds
[23:56:18] <TechIsCool> true. Right now I have 12 strings of GE 35's on the house running off a stm32f4 glad I got it working
[23:56:59] <TechIsCool> I have a few but not enough I guess I should get some of them.
[23:58:24] <jadew> zener diodes, just a few
[23:58:53] <jadew> 3.3 ones
[23:59:59] <Casper> I need to order a bunch of white leds in like 10 months...