#avr | Logs for 2012-11-17

[01:59:58] <megal0maniac> Quiet in these parts
[02:06:57] <RikusW> yep
[02:07:15] <RikusW> Its the Saturday Silence (TM)
[02:13:51] <rue_mohr> oh thats what phase correct is all about
[02:19:29] <RikusW> rue_mohr: ot must be very early in the morning over there ?
[02:19:34] <RikusW> 8it
[02:19:48] <rue_mohr> !time
[02:19:49] <tobbor> My watch says its 12:09AM Sat Nov 17 2012
[02:20:15] <RikusW> GMT-8 ?
[02:20:32] <rue_mohr> yes
[02:21:10] <RikusW> this AM/PM thing is just wrong, it should be 12:09PM... :-P
[02:21:22] <RikusW> or 0:09 AM
[02:21:41] * RikusW likes military time better
[02:21:49] <rue_mohr> I realized that one day when I went to build a clock
[02:21:54] <rue_mohr> like WTF? 12 is 0?
[02:22:21] <RikusW> heh, doing time in code is hard work....
[02:22:23] <rue_mohr> it must have been designed by a society that didn't have 0
[02:22:44] <RikusW> dates are worse
[02:23:18] <RikusW> also dating and coding don't mix well :-D
[02:23:34] <RikusW> (couldn't resist :))
[02:23:52] * RikusW like puns
[02:28:41] * megal0maniac wants metric time
[02:30:08] <RikusW> measured how ? seconds since start of day ?
[02:31:16] <RikusW> or since 2000....
[02:31:24] <RikusW> good luck pronouncing that every time...
[02:32:07] <megal0maniac> Since 01/01/1970 :P
[02:32:13] <megal0maniac> Isn't that a standard?
[02:50:30] <megal0maniac> I'm pretty sure it is
[02:59:36] <RikusW> http://www.cashdollar.org/2012/11/01/are-microcontrollers-obsolete/
[03:06:24] <megal0maniac> "Now imagine you have a big drill attached to your PC and it starts checking for a Windows Update while the tool drills through your tabletop out of control!"
[03:07:51] <RikusW> heh
[03:08:09] <RikusW> megal0maniac: why are there so many holes in your table ? :-P
[03:27:39] <megal0maniac> Has anyone actually seen the 5th pin being used on a mini USB connector?
[03:31:56] <OndraSter> isn't it for USB OTG?
[03:32:00] <OndraSter> the ID pin
[03:34:23] <Amadiro> OndraSter, a quick google search suggests the sense wire is simply grounded in usb otg cables
[03:34:58] <Amadiro> maybe the otg device uses that to notice an otg wire is attached and switches to master mode or something
[03:38:59] <OndraSter> well on some phones (Samsung) you had to ground the ID pin to force bootloader
[03:39:08] <OndraSter> that's all I ever used it for
[03:44:44] <megal0maniac> OndraSter: It is, but I was asking whether anyone had actually seen it used on MINI usb
[03:45:28] <megal0maniac> On Sony Ericsson phones, you ground the sense pin for OTG and pull it low with 100K for OTG with external power source (which also charges the device)
[03:45:35] <megal0maniac> Those are the only configurations I know of
[03:46:00] <OndraSter> mini or micro does not matter :)
[03:46:02] <megal0maniac> But again, micro USB. Which is where we expect to see this.
[03:46:03] <OndraSter> old phones had miniUSB
[03:46:05] <OndraSter> and did OTG
[03:46:11] <megal0maniac> Really?
[03:46:19] <megal0maniac> (That answers my question, though)
[03:46:21] <OndraSter> old WM phones
[03:46:25] <megal0maniac> Ah
[03:46:35] <megal0maniac> Omnia?
[03:46:36] <OndraSter> none of this android jibberish
[03:46:40] <OndraSter> Omnia is too new
[03:46:44] <OndraSter> we are talking the oldest phones
[03:46:48] <OndraSter> like HTC Athena
[03:46:51] <OndraSter> it surely had USB OTG
[03:51:16] <megal0maniac> That is madness...
[03:51:24] <megal0maniac> But cool, I suppose :)
[03:51:24] <OndraSter> no
[03:51:26] <OndraSter> THIS IS SPARTA!
[03:51:34] <megal0maniac> doh!
[03:51:36] <OndraSter> w|zzy, Fringe, already downloading :P
[03:51:41] <megal0maniac> Saw that coming :P
[03:51:50] <megal0maniac> OndraSter: Did you ever fixed that bricked Samsung?
[03:51:56] <OndraSter> HTC*
[03:51:57] <OndraSter> no
[03:51:58] <megal0maniac> Might've asked already, I forget
[03:52:02] <OndraSter> reflashed - didn't power up
[03:52:06] <OndraSter> and it has got mega88
[03:52:14] <megal0maniac> I pointed that out to you :)
[03:52:21] <OndraSter> that connects all the sensors (or at least light and front button lights) to the MCU
[03:52:37] <megal0maniac> It's an AVR, so that's obviously not the problem
[03:52:46] <OndraSter> :D
[03:52:55] <OndraSter> I am thinking bad ribbon cable for the power buttons :D
[03:53:05] <OndraSter> because it should AT LEAST power up with nothing on the screen
[03:53:10] <megal0maniac> You said, did you ever actually test it? :P
[03:53:15] <OndraSter> I don't have spare one
[03:54:16] <OndraSter> I might buy it, it is $3
[04:00:23] <megal0maniac> OndraSter: http://i.imgur.com/Tmp4T.png
[04:01:25] <megal0maniac> On my damn phone!
[04:01:43] <megal0maniac> Which means I could be cool and use VIM and write real code.
[04:02:07] <OndraSter> LOL
[04:02:11] <OndraSter> install Mono
[04:02:16] <megal0maniac> Only issue:
[04:02:17] <OndraSter> and I will send you XIDE :D
[04:02:19] <megal0maniac> http://i.imgur.com/huWSf.png
[04:02:53] <megal0maniac> I'm tied to the phones kernel, which means CDC serial won't enumerate and avrisp mkii doesn't work
[04:03:00] <OndraSter> sucks
[04:03:37] <megal0maniac> Common sense said I could load a kernel module and it would work, but I haven't found the sources for my kernel, and even if i did, I'd have no idea what to do with them XD
[04:03:57] <OndraSter> just make call with your phone, much better use ;)
[04:04:04] <megal0maniac> Well...
[04:04:07] <megal0maniac> I can do that too :P
[04:04:09] <Amadiro> megal0maniac, does the programmer enumerate as serial device?
[04:04:21] <OndraSter> OMG USB CDC ENUMERATION
[04:04:23] <OndraSter> DIEEEE USB!
[04:04:36] * OndraSter had nightmares about USB and enumeration and CDC
[04:05:01] <megal0maniac> Amadiro: It's chrooted Debian, running on an Android kernel. dmesg just says "vid xxxx pid xxxx not supported"
[04:05:16] <OndraSter> didn't linux go through class?
[04:05:18] <OndraSter> rather pid vid
[04:05:34] <megal0maniac> Probably was
[04:05:40] <Amadiro> megal0maniac, well, I don't know what the android kernel supports, maybe there is a module you n eed to load
[04:05:43] <megal0maniac> I'm just remembering what I remember :)
[04:06:19] <megal0maniac> Amadiro: That's what I thought, but I don't know what module, or how to compile it for my kernel. Not Linux smart enough :P
[04:06:40] <OndraSter> brb, time to get up.
[04:06:45] <megal0maniac> For OpenWRT you just install kmod-usb-acm
[04:06:54] <megal0maniac> But that doesn't exist for my phone :)
[04:07:15] <Amadiro> megal0maniac, a quick google search indicates it should work without any additional modules
[04:07:38] <megal0maniac> Not on an Android kernel
[04:07:54] <Amadiro> megal0maniac, well, you can always try #android or #android-dev
[04:08:16] <megal0maniac> I might. The main point was that I can now write and compile code on my phone :P
[04:08:18] <Amadiro> megal0maniac, but it appears that per default its configured to need root
[04:08:29] <megal0maniac> Amadiro: I have root
[04:08:42] <Amadiro> http://code.google.com/p/usb-serial-for-android/ this might be a start
[04:10:48] <megal0maniac> Ah, thank you :) Will look into it
[04:11:13] <Amadiro> if you figure out how they do it, you should get some clarity on what is going on
[04:11:22] <Amadiro> I have no clue how any of that would interact with your chroot environment though
[04:13:24] <megal0maniac> Probably quite directly. Running dmesg or htop both give me the same output both in chroot and out
[04:13:59] <Amadiro> megal0maniac, yeah, but I have no clue whether android would expose the serial device to your chroot
[04:14:04] <Amadiro> or if android even usually does it that way
[04:14:22] <Amadiro> maybe android has some other custom way to talk to serial devices than the rest of the linux ecosystem
[04:14:40] <Amadiro> if thats the case, you'll probably need to write a little bridge to get the arduino IDE to work
[04:16:51] <OndraSter> OR
[04:16:53] <OndraSter> use XIDE!
[04:17:09] <megal0maniac> OndraSter: Pointless if I can't program anything :P
[04:17:14] <OndraSter> :D
[04:17:17] <Amadiro> whatever that is
[04:18:49] <megal0maniac> Some silly Arduino-inspired IDE
[04:18:51] <megal0maniac> :P
[04:18:54] <OndraSter> but better
[04:19:04] <OndraSter> and for xmegas
[04:19:07] <OndraSter> xboards
[04:19:24] <megal0maniac> Wow, you're obviously the dev to speak so highly of it :P
[04:19:29] <Amadiro> is it a fork of the arduino IDE?
[04:19:32] <OndraSter> no
[04:19:39] <OndraSter> it is not so godawful :P
[04:20:03] <Amadiro> well, regardless you'll probably be able to get it to run with the same bridge code as you'd need for the arduino ide.
[04:20:07] <OndraSter> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGRlGT1iK_U
[04:51:37] <MrTrick> I'm trying to write some event-driven button code, that on PRESS, RELEASE, HOLD, or REPEAT (held for longer) it'll call the associated handler. I'm after suggestions for how best to do this, seeing as I want to register the handlers at compile time and don't want unnecessary overhead.
[08:44:50] <nickoe> Hmmm, this is odd, http://dpaste.com/832530/ I cannot complete my uploading of firmware, I now get a timeout...
[08:45:10] <nickoe> Using optiboot as I have used many times before, yesterday it worked :O
[08:49:07] <OndraSter> nickoe, bloody mega2560 :)
[08:50:20] <Tom_itx> moin
[08:51:44] <OndraSter> moin
[08:52:12] <OndraSter> hmm where is my money mistake... my order is $2 off (out of $75) :D
[08:52:17] <OndraSter> from what I calculated it should have been
[08:52:26] <Tom_itx> inflation
[08:52:29] <OndraSter> heh
[08:52:32] <OndraSter> I calculated it yesterday
[08:52:42] <Tom_itx> yup, it's that bad
[08:53:05] <OndraSter> :P
[08:53:21] <OndraSter> oh
[08:53:24] <OndraSter> I am getting more LEDs
[08:53:28] <OndraSter> than what I calculated originally
[08:53:33] <Tom_itx> like you need more leds
[08:53:42] <OndraSter> well the price breaker is at 25 :P
[08:53:47] <OndraSter> I wanted originally 20
[08:53:49] <Tom_itx> just 25??
[08:53:57] <Tom_itx> i get em by the 100's
[08:54:00] <OndraSter> I am getting three different colours :D
[08:54:15] <OndraSter> no price breaker between 25 and 250
[08:54:22] <Tom_itx> so get 250
[08:54:24] <OndraSter> :D
[08:54:26] <OndraSter> I need 20
[08:54:32] <Tom_itx> and decorate your tree
[08:54:36] <OndraSter> I don't have more boards
[08:54:50] <Tom_itx> gonna make more boards?
[08:54:56] <OndraSter> sure
[08:55:02] <Tom_itx> then you will need more leds
[08:55:10] <OndraSter> but I haven't robbed the bank yet
[08:55:14] <Tom_itx> and at 20 cost more than at 250
[08:55:17] <OndraSter> I can not afford getting 250+ parts
[08:55:36] <OndraSter> I am not getting 25 xmegas either.. I had to go for 10 for now
[08:55:38] <Tom_itx> mkay
[08:56:13] <OndraSter> after I sell those 10+10 boards I will have money to make more
[08:56:17] <OndraSter> and have bigger profit
[08:56:19] <Tom_itx> just saying.. if you're selling, that's one of the few ways you will show a profit
[08:56:20] <OndraSter> (or lower the pricing)
[08:56:52] <Tom_itx> you don't believe me, ask inflex
[08:57:11] <OndraSter> <Tom_itx> just saying.. if you're selling, that's one of the few ways you will show a profit
[08:57:13] <OndraSter> what is the way?
[08:57:16] <OndraSter> to get 250 of them?
[08:57:25] <OndraSter> for 250 I'd pay something around $13
[08:57:27] <Tom_itx> rob a bank
[08:57:32] <OndraSter> for 20 I am paying <$1
[08:57:35] <OndraSter> heh
[08:57:55] <Tom_itx> then the markup isn't so bad for small quantity
[08:58:05] <OndraSter> on xmegas it is
[08:58:13] <OndraSter> I am starting with the "cheapest" ones
[08:58:25] <OndraSter> so I lose "the least" money :P
[08:58:37] <Tom_itx> better see if the boards take off first
[08:58:46] <OndraSter> exactly
[08:58:58] <Tom_itx> how many have you sold so far?
[08:59:23] <Tom_itx> i'd get one but the economy sucks here and i like eating
[09:00:17] <OndraSter> 2 out of 3 prototypes (I am keeping the third one for development) - but I am doing different board in the "next" run
[09:00:22] <OndraSter> arduino compatible ones
[09:00:24] <OndraSter> with smaller chip
[09:00:33] <Tom_itx> yeah, always keep a spare
[09:00:39] <OndraSter> yeah
[09:00:50] <Tom_itx> someone will have a problem and you need one to help fix it
[09:00:59] <OndraSter> aye
[09:01:08] <Tom_itx> i tried to keep one of every mod i did
[09:01:16] <OndraSter> the funny part is that on the arduino one there is a lot of unknowns - mainly the switchmode PSU
[09:01:26] <OndraSter> so I hope it works
[09:01:28] <OndraSter> without modding
[09:01:55] <Tom_itx> and i sent a couple out for alpha - beta testers
[09:02:47] <Tom_itx> you can't always find all your own problems
[09:02:51] <OndraSter> yep
[09:03:08] <OndraSter> luckily these are pretty much just breakout boards + some kind of power supply for it
[09:03:30] <Tom_itx> i got lucky with that sony ps3 hack that came out long time back
[09:03:49] <OndraSter> you made the first hack? :P
[09:03:52] <Tom_itx> seems my programmer would work on it
[09:03:53] <Tom_itx> no
[09:04:01] <OndraSter> oh
[09:04:05] <Tom_itx> gamers are nuts
[09:04:27] <OndraSter> hehe
[09:05:30] <Tom_itx> it was a fun ride but it's slowing down
[09:06:22] <OndraSter> how many programmers have you sold?
[09:06:30] <OndraSter> considering that you bought two trays of the megas it must be a big number :D
[09:06:39] <Tom_itx> i lost track, i could add them up but several hundred
[09:06:48] <OndraSter> wow
[09:06:49] <OndraSter> nice
[09:07:09] <Tom_itx> very few issues
[09:07:20] <OndraSter> congrats
[09:07:22] <Tom_itx> maybe less than 3 or 3
[09:07:23] <Richard_Cavell> Tom_itx: Yeah it's a nifty little programmer
[09:07:25] <Tom_itx> 4
[09:07:40] <Richard_Cavell> Tom_itx: And it's now my only programmer since I broke my STK600 :(
[09:07:45] <OndraSter> you are licensing LUFA, right?
[09:07:49] <Tom_itx> no
[09:07:49] <OndraSter> you broke the STK600? how?
[09:07:52] <Tom_itx> not needed
[09:08:05] <OndraSter> you are using the official avrisp mkII firmware? :D
[09:08:12] <Tom_itx> no i'm using lufa
[09:08:17] <Tom_itx> with permission
[09:08:19] <OndraSter> oh
[09:08:30] <Richard_Cavell> OndraSter: Pushed my chair into it and dislodged the USB breakout connector
[09:08:37] <OndraSter> Richard_Cavell, ...
[09:08:48] <Richard_Cavell> It's too tiny and finicky to resolder
[09:09:26] <OndraSter> I broke USB connector on my board too
[09:09:30] <OndraSter> with the paths
[09:09:36] <OndraSter> so I soldered USB cable on the ESD suppressor
[09:09:55] <OndraSter> but the cable was probably too long and awful for the board so it didn't enumerate properly sometimes
[09:10:06] <OndraSter> so I tried hacking on USB B ..
[09:10:16] <OndraSter> and lifted even the pad of the ESD suppressor :D
[09:10:25] <Tom_itx> reminds me.. i need to make a new test cable
[09:10:32] <Tom_itx> i've tested so much it's wearing out
[09:10:40] <OndraSter> heh
[09:10:48] <Tom_itx> broken wire i think
[09:15:47] <OndraSter> hmm I *think* I have got everything from farnell ready
[09:15:53] <OndraSter> let's order so they can ship it on monday
[09:15:57] <OndraSter> mouser = the rest
[09:18:14] <OndraSter> hmm anybody has any discount coupons for farnell? :P
[09:18:25] <Tom_itx> this time maybe i'll use the strain reliefs
[09:18:37] <Tom_itx> one strand left on one of the wires :)
[09:38:20] <nickoe> OndraSter, hmm, the programming issue seems to be when I add this: uart2_puts("Success!!! This is working pretty well!");
[09:38:53] <OndraSter> eh
[09:39:47] <nickoe> hmm, seems to be a problem when there is three exclamaiton marks in a row so "!!!" is bad.
[09:39:49] <OndraSter> FFS
[09:40:00] <OndraSter> Mouser has no stock for this SMPS
[09:40:05] <OndraSter> they had it
[09:40:07] <OndraSter> week ago
[09:40:08] <nickoe> i.e. uart2_puts("!!"); works but uart2_puts("!!!"); does not
[09:40:08] <OndraSter> .
[09:40:16] <OndraSter> they want 40€ for backorder ?!
[09:40:46] <nickoe> :O
[09:41:01] <nickoe> how could it be that !!! breaks programming?
[09:42:00] <specing> OndraSter: yup, we depleted their stock when you told us how good it was
[09:42:02] <specing> thanks
[09:42:16] <Tom_itx> new cable much better
[09:43:05] <OndraSter> specing, I didn't tell you what IC it is yet :P
[09:43:11] <Tom_itx> never let out your secrets until you own all the chips
[09:43:17] <OndraSter> :D
[09:43:43] * Tom_itx <- experience
[09:45:20] <OndraSter> why they want me to pay 40€ for back ordering anyway?
[09:46:13] <Tom_itx> never pay for that
[09:46:28] <Tom_itx> it's like rewarding them for not doing their job
[09:48:09] * Tom_itx has a better understaning of 'one wire' programming now
[09:48:23] <Tom_itx> that's all the strands that were left on my cable
[09:49:11] <OndraSter> I don't understand this
[09:49:12] <OndraSter> http://cz.mouser.com/search/include/aoo_popup.aspx?mouserpartnumber=621-AP5100WG-7
[09:49:17] <OndraSter> estimated dispatch date
[09:49:20] <OndraSter> 10 days from now
[09:49:25] <OndraSter> but 4 weeks factory lead time?
[09:49:35] <OndraSter> and why this chip is not on farnell? :(
[09:49:41] <Tom_itx> they may have ordered some and been promised so many chips
[09:49:49] <Tom_itx> i've seen that happen several times
[09:49:49] <OndraSter> yes, but 4 weeks != 10 days
[09:49:57] <OndraSter> which one applies to me then :)
[09:50:23] <Tom_itx> they will go ahead and break into a tray or such to fulfil the one/two order quantities
[09:50:37] <OndraSter> ah
[09:50:43] <Tom_itx> i would guess
[09:50:51] <Tom_itx> i've seen it happen several times
[09:51:25] <Tom_itx> the factory lead time is standard if you were to order alot
[09:51:33] <Tom_itx> ignore that for their stock time
[09:51:38] <OndraSter> ah
[09:51:39] <OndraSter> thanks
[09:51:46] <OndraSter> hmm nothing on farnell, tme or any local shop
[09:51:47] <OndraSter> damnit
[09:51:51] <OndraSter> I will have to wait those 10 days
[09:51:54] <OndraSter> hopefuly only 10 days
[09:51:57] <Tom_itx> if you wanted a bazillion you would have to wait 4 weeks
[09:52:48] <OndraSter> I wish I could order it from digikey
[09:52:52] <OndraSter> but digikey hasn't got all the parts
[09:52:56] <specing> if you wanted a bazillion you would contact the factory directly
[09:52:57] <OndraSter> and some parts cost much more than on mouser
[09:53:00] <OndraSter> hehe
[09:53:08] <Tom_itx> http://avnetexpress.avnet.com/store/em/EMController?action=products&catalogId=500201&storeId=500201&N=0&langId=-1&slnk=e&term=AP5100WG-7%2FBKN&mfr=DII&hrf=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.googleadservices.com%2Fpagead%2Faclk%3Fsa%3DL%26ai%3DCf69U7K-nUIqkPKTQ8gGhwoGoDuGevb0CiZKmukqTwsGLXQgAEAMgtlQoA1COxI7G-v____8BYMnW0Ij4o5wVmAHU8gegAb-dic4DyAEBqgQfT9B6buQKSISfhf9i7_1n8z3d4QZuBzDGi9HVwoLnBYAFkE6IBgE%26ohost%3Dwww.google.com%26cid%3D5GjKiCPxMi8zsbM3J03iMeEwOHryYjNo8NSGB
[09:53:11] <Tom_itx> wow
[09:53:17] <Tom_itx> i got my money's worth on that link
[09:53:19] <specing> and then all of china would rush together to make those chips
[09:53:41] <Tom_itx> OndraSter, 1706 in stock there
[09:53:42] <OndraSter> but how much is shipping from avnet?
[09:53:52] <OndraSter> :P
[09:53:53] <Tom_itx> i dunno
[09:54:16] <Tom_itx> change the region in your search
[09:54:28] <OndraSter> let's see
[09:54:51] <OndraSter> huh
[09:54:55] <OndraSter> nothing found on region europe?!
[09:56:32] <Tom_itx> i tried
[09:57:13] <OndraSter> future electronics
[09:57:25] <OndraSter> "international shipping based on target country and weight and dimensions"
[09:57:26] <OndraSter> let's see
[09:57:33] <OndraSter> but why does one always have to REGISTER to get such things?
[09:58:32] <Tom_itx> i find mouser to be cheaper overall
[09:58:59] <specing> OndraSter: bugmenot.com
[09:59:08] <OndraSter> :D
[09:59:12] <Tom_itx> tell them it will fit in a small envelope and to put a postage stamp on it
[09:59:32] <OndraSter> aye, I don't need fedex
[09:59:34] <Tom_itx> or you will get a box a plasma tv will fit in
[10:00:20] <OndraSter> LOL
[10:00:21] <OndraSter> http://clip2net.com/s/2vTLQ
[10:00:24] <OndraSter> fu.k no
[10:02:13] <OndraSter> I would have to be buying reels of parts to reach free shipping ($200) on digikey :(
[10:02:15] <OndraSter> meh
[10:02:17] <OndraSter> I will wait 10 days
[10:02:43] <Tom_itx> good call
[10:04:01] <OndraSter> I hope they won't sell out the microSD card slots
[10:04:13] <OndraSter> because after I sent my boards to the fab they were EOLed
[10:04:17] <OndraSter> and they are going away VERY QUICKLY
[10:04:36] <Tom_L> http://www2.electronicproducts.com/One_day_your_wallpaper_will_power_your_electronics-article-FANE_cable_free_power_Nov2012-html.aspx
[10:12:11] <OndraSter> http://cz.mouser.com/search/include/aoo_popup.aspx?mouserpartnumber=649-10118192-0001LF
[10:12:12] <OndraSter> haha
[11:07:29] <xjd> http://braineater.kicks-ass.tv/miscshite/liquid1.jpg isopropanol
[11:15:47] <r00t|home> xjd: very healthy... also probably more fun with ethanol
[11:16:52] <xjd> baahhh.. whats wrong with this amplifier
[11:17:22] <specing> non-conductive liquids... fun
[11:17:35] <specing> I heard destilled water is non-conductive aswell
[11:17:38] <xjd> scratchy sound out of the output channels, but clear sound on the headset
[11:19:23] <Amadiro> specing, it doesn't conduct so well, but it's still nothing you want to use in conjunction with electronics
[11:19:46] <r00t|home> anybody tried? ;)
[11:20:31] <specing> I still remember the fights I had with my chemistry teacher
[11:20:52] <specing> she claimed that certain stuff isn't conductive
[11:21:08] <Amadiro> If you just get a little bit of ions in there, it'd start conducting quickly... I also have no clue whether any of the electronics would start to rust or get other structural problems with destilled water
[11:21:19] <specing> while I told her that given a high enaugh voltage/current source, everything becomes conductive
[11:31:02] <nickoe> Amadiro, I think it will
[11:32:44] <nickoe> if the water is not completly pure
[11:33:26] <Amadiro> nickoe, yeah, probably
[12:21:51] <CROcodile> evenign
[12:41:56] <OndraSter> evenin
[12:41:59] <OndraSter> dem crocs
[12:42:03] <OndraSter> THAT'S NOT A KNIFE!
[12:42:08] <OndraSter> THIS IS A KNIFE!
[12:42:10] <OndraSter> (Dundee anyone?)
[13:04:43] <Nose51> Umm, for a task I am supposed to create two pwm outputs from one timer.
[13:05:47] <Nose51> Is the only way to do that via software or can I use hardware ppm?
[13:06:27] <Nose51> pwm*
[14:35:30] <Horologium> Nose51, depends on the timer.
[14:35:44] <Horologium> I suggest you read the datasheet on the particular chip you are using.
[14:42:37] <Malinuss> Nose51, I tried doing this too. I would be happy to hear what you figure out :)
[14:42:59] <Nose51> Malinuss, I found out that this avr chip has two channels for each timer.
[14:43:09] <Nose51> So it's fine, is possible.
[14:43:27] <Malinuss> Nose51, oh okay
[15:06:23] <xjd> any of you guys have any experience with fixing amplifiers?
[15:07:40] <Essobi> a bit
[15:07:50] <Essobi> Audio?
[15:10:11] <xjd> yeah.. the sound is a bit "scratchy" when you turn on the amp (doesnt matter if its cold/not used for some time or warm).. if you turn up and down the volume knob a bit the sound will come 100% .. its NOT the volume knob, and the output is good on the center channel and headphone output.. its just the rear and front output channels that have this problem
[15:11:05] <xjd> what components could possibly make that happen except the volume knob :S
[15:11:30] <xjd> at the time when the sounds cut out a bit I mesaure 0volt on the output
[15:14:16] <r00t|home> what makes you so sure it's not the volume pot?
[15:15:02] <Essobi> sounds like it could be the pot on the amp
[15:15:15] <xjd> the output is nice on center output and headphone output.. (same volume knob)
[15:15:28] <r00t|home> he already said it's not the knob... it's the pot behind it ofcourse
[15:15:47] <Essobi> but whenever I had a problem with an audio amp I check the pnp/npn transistors.
[15:15:52] <r00t|home> xjd: usually those are multi-channel pots... my 4-way amp actually has a 4-way pot...
[15:15:53] <Essobi> It's usually those.
[15:16:09] <r00t|home> xjd: so each channel can break separately
[15:16:32] <xjd> r00t|home: well.. FR/FL/RL/RR at the same time with the exact same problem?
[15:16:52] <r00t|home> but not center and phones, eh
[15:17:01] <xjd> exactly
[15:17:18] <r00t|home> well, 6-channel would be quite a lot to fit into a pot anyway
[15:17:51] <xjd> yes.. its multichannel.. four channels.. FR/FL/RR/RL, but the headphone output has to be connected to one of them, so it cant be the pot
[15:18:09] <r00t|home> maybe the four non-mixed channels share a common trace on the pot ;)
[15:19:07] <xjd> but why would all the other channels cut at exactly the same time and come back as well?
[15:19:31] <Essobi> power... shared signal input...
[15:19:52] <xjd> Essobi: its like.... 1000s of those :p (transistors that is)
[15:20:25] <Essobi> On car amps, there's usually a really big one.. anytime I get an amp that's got a dead channel, it's usually one of the big ones.
[15:22:36] <Essobi> Seems that's what blows when someone pushes the amp to hard, or lets the magic smoke out.
[15:22:58] <Essobi> Probably fixed 8/12 like that.
[15:25:36] <xjd> err.. its 5 channel this pot.. it has Center as well.. it was well hidden
[15:25:50] <xjd> maybe headphone is on same channel?
[15:26:24] <xjd> will try to change the set up to see if that helps
[15:32:19] <r00t|home> heh
[15:34:39] <xjd> why is it multi channel anyway?
[15:39:57] <xjd> this is like.... impossible! aghh
[15:43:16] <r00t|home> because they are too cheap to use semiconductors for volume control?
[15:43:56] <xjd> hmm.. I thought Denon was a quality brand
[15:44:18] <r00t|home> all pots die eventually, it's called friction
[15:45:10] <xjd> or maybe using semiconductor for volume control is a new thing?
[15:46:32] <r00t|home> i don't really see why they couldn't use a voltage controlled amplifier or such to control the volume
[15:48:24] <r00t|home> actually, my technics "dolby pro-logic" for-channel am uses a 4-way pot for volume control, but THEN uses a semiconductor solution for front/rear balance
[15:48:38] <r00t|home> *four-channel
[15:49:09] <xjd> this is also dolby pro-logic
[15:51:01] <r00t|home> note that "dolby pro-logic" has four channels, not five... left, right, center and rear... center is combined from left and right, and rear is a time-delayed copy of center... so silly...
[15:51:18] <r00t|home> and the two rear speakers share the same amp
[15:52:07] <xjd> the volume control card has this connection cable "RR RL C GND FR GND FL"
[15:52:51] <r00t|home> maybe it's just that abomination i have, then...
[15:57:56] <xjd> whisky+beer probably doesnt make me better at problem solving/fixing this amp anyway
[15:58:50] <xjd> problem is that you probably need some special tool to get the cables out the contact
[16:32:56] <specing> Hmm
[16:33:44] <specing> If I needed a 12V, 1A power source with automatic battery failover, what would you all suggest?
[17:10:02] <Casper> specing: 12.00V or 10-14V?
[17:10:29] <specing> I think the docs state it accept anywhere between 10V and 17V
[17:10:37] <specing> it runs at 12V atm
[17:11:57] <Casper> simplest way: current limited 13.5V -> 12V SLA -> output
[17:12:26] <Casper> simple way: 15V -> diode -> out batt -> diode -> out, the one with the highest voltage "win"
[17:12:29] <specing> No wait, 7-18V
[17:12:44] <Casper> then you can have other, more complex stuff...
[17:12:54] <specing> http://www.1wt.eu/articles/alix-ups/ :P
[17:13:29] <Casper> but really, if you have 13.5V current limited (lm317 perhaps?) then you will charge the batt, maintain it fully charged, and power your load, all at the same time
[17:13:52] <Casper> http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc6/188445_10151521006928102_868018837_n.jpg ← maybe that guy found another way?
[17:15:17] <Casper> is it to power such board?
[17:16:58] <Essobi> Casper: someone wants that double XP... where's the dorito cart I wonder..
[17:17:47] <specing> Casper: yes, exactly that one
[17:17:48] <Casper> Essobi: the dorito.... is in the bag
[17:18:15] <Casper> specing: the "ups" there is one way too, but I personally don't like it :D but might work
[17:18:34] <specing> its dirt cheap and well...
[17:18:44] <Casper> yes
[17:18:45] <specing> what do you mean by "one way"?
[17:18:56] <Casper> there is many way to do things
[17:19:01] <Casper> that's one of them
[17:24:17] <Essobi> Casper: oh yea... didn't see the bag. Is that you? lol
[17:24:25] <Casper> nope
[17:24:50] <Casper> I wonder why cisco chose "drrrriinng dring dring" as their ring tone on their ATA box....
[17:25:55] <Casper> time to go drill a brick wall :/
[17:26:24] <OndraSter_> yay there is xmega128a4u available! And only <$1 more expensive @1 off!
[17:27:53] <OndraSter_> that is tempting :)
[17:27:55] <OndraSter_> double the RAM..
[17:27:59] <OndraSter_> four times the flash
[17:28:02] <OndraSter_> same peripherals
[17:28:17] <OndraSter_> not that much price difference
[17:28:27] <OndraSter_> 1.9 vs 2.4 USD @ 100
[17:28:36] <OndraSter_> afk.
[17:43:25] <Tom_itx> OndraSter_ same pinout?
[17:46:07] <yunta> OndraSter_: what shop ? (I'm using 192a3u right now, and it's too much)
[17:46:17] <OndraSter_> Tom_itx, yes
[17:46:21] <OndraSter_> yunta, digikey
[17:46:34] <OndraSter_> *4* series = 44pin
[17:46:38] <OndraSter_> 3 series = 64pin
[17:46:41] <OndraSter_> 1 series = 100 pin
[17:46:52] <OndraSter_> a series = advanced = fast ADC(s), DAC(s)
[17:46:54] <OndraSter_> , ..
[17:47:01] <OndraSter_> d series = cheap, upgraded mega
[17:47:05] <OndraSter_> -u = with USB
[17:47:12] <OndraSter_> b series = support for backup battery
[17:47:29] <OndraSter_> (there are both b3 and a3bu - no idea what is the difference other than USB, haven't checked)
[17:47:39] <OndraSter_> pinout is always the same
[17:47:44] <yunta> oh, didn't know about b
[17:47:45] <OndraSter_> peripherals are always on the same pins
[17:47:55] <OndraSter_> (in the series that is, such as "a")
[17:48:52] <OndraSter_> https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=39692
[17:48:53] <OndraSter_> EPIC
[17:48:53] <OndraSter_> FAIL
[17:49:44] <inflex> lo all
[17:50:58] <OndraSter_> lo inflex
[18:15:08] <xjd> bah.. tired of sitting around this amp.. my plan for the evening
[18:15:24] <xjd> : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zDJYIpnncM