#avr | Logs for 2012-11-02

[17:06:50] <OndraSter> http://clip2net.com/s/2sJOk
[17:06:55] <OndraSter> I was expecting worse result
[17:07:00] <OndraSter> (like that it wouldn't work)
[17:07:13] <OndraSter> Left: Debian with Mono. Right: Windows with .NET
[17:10:41] <Tom_itx> awfully quiet today
[17:11:57] <OndraSter> hehe
[17:12:00] <OndraSter> quiet before the storm
[17:12:02] <OndraSter> ..
[17:12:05] <OndraSter> or is it too soon?
[17:12:14] <Tom_itx> for what?
[17:12:19] <OndraSter> for jokes about sandy
[17:12:31] <Blecha> not at all
[17:12:35] <Blecha> I was making them before it hit
[17:12:58] <Blecha> its not like the death toll was significant
[17:13:23] <Tom_itx> if you were one would it be?
[17:13:50] <Blecha> nope
[17:14:08] <Tom_itx> sad state of our world
[17:14:38] <Blecha> Hurricanes do more financial damage than anything
[17:14:48] <Blecha> more people die every day from random stuff than Sandy really caused
[17:15:02] <Blecha> am I supposed to constantly feel bad for them?
[17:15:29] <Tom_itx> yes
[17:15:45] <Blecha> then that is a sad state
[17:16:33] <OndraSter> I am fairly happy with the Mono
[17:16:35] <home> hey, do you guys think I can get some free avr chips?
[17:16:36] <OndraSter> it is better than I thought
[17:16:40] <OndraSter> home, for what?
[17:16:47] <OndraSter> sample services are for legit jobs
[17:16:50] <OndraSter> .. should be
[17:16:53] <home> like for a robotics project
[17:17:01] <home> I want to try an ave :D
[17:17:03] <home> avr really
[17:17:05] <Tom_itx> it takes forever to get them
[17:17:13] <Blecha> they are really cheap why not just buy them?
[17:17:14] <home> really?
[17:17:17] <Tom_itx> and they're cheap so buy one
[17:17:18] <OndraSter> yep
[17:17:21] <home> Tom_itx: how long is forever?
[17:17:22] <OndraSter> the prices are awfuly small
[17:17:39] <Blecha> ~$5 for some fairly beefy chips
[17:17:42] <OndraSter> yep
[17:17:50] <OndraSter> 5€ for 256kB flash/16kB RAM
[17:17:58] <Tom_itx> i got a whole arduino 2560 for $20
[17:18:03] <home> :o
[17:18:04] <OndraSter> china
[17:18:06] <Tom_itx> that's 2 chips on a board
[17:18:09] <Blecha> fuckin china
[17:18:11] <OndraSter> yep
[17:18:17] <home> Tom_itx: nice, how :o
[17:18:18] <Blecha> not if its the new leonardo
[17:18:20] <Tom_itx> i couldn't make a board for that
[17:18:27] <Tom_itx> ebay
[17:18:31] <Tom_itx> china :D
[17:18:32] <home> :o
[17:18:33] <OndraSter> Tom_itx, you will love xboard ultra then :D
[17:18:49] <OndraSter> 4 channels of DAC, 16 channels of ADC (always two conversions at once).. :)
[17:18:50] <Blecha> OndraSter do you have an FPGA model yet?
[17:18:53] <OndraSter> no
[17:18:55] <OndraSter> and I will not
[17:18:58] <Blecha> :O
[17:19:04] <Blecha> I thought it was a maybe still
[17:19:19] <OndraSter> where I would get some small FPGA IDE?
[17:19:21] <OndraSter> http://clip2net.com/s/2sJOk
[17:19:23] <OndraSter> something as small as this
[17:19:35] <OndraSter> (time spent on developing? About an hour including search for icons and such)
[17:19:44] <OndraSter> and booting linux in VM
[17:19:59] <Blecha> most people wont care about an IDE and with FPGAs they usually have locked down software you need anyways
[17:20:06] <home> clip2net is so slow
[17:20:19] <OndraSter> home, my internet is slow so I do not see the difference today :D
[17:21:29] <OndraSter> is slow today*
[17:22:14] <Blecha> Tom_itx the death toll of animals is more significant than previously factored... Sandy is kinda sad
[17:22:27] <home> Blecha: really? bull
[17:22:29] <Blecha> 3/10 on the standard sad scale
[17:22:53] <Blecha> thousands of lab rats not to mention the other random strays that were surely drowned
[17:23:16] <Blecha> animals dont really know what to do, most of the humans on the other hand were doing foolish things like trying to take pictures
[17:23:40] <Blecha> a few were from random tree fall and buildings falling
[17:32:23] <DrLuke> Hey guys, I am looking for a file format to compress images from a raw RGB stream on an AVR and save it on an sd-card
[17:32:38] <DrLuke> that's one 640x480 image every 10 seconds
[17:35:21] <OndraSter> jpg?
[17:35:24] <OndraSter> tiff?
[17:35:27] <OndraSter> bmp?
[17:41:34] <DrLuke> well, I only have 16 MHz at hand
[17:41:41] <DrLuke> so I don't have much of processing time
[17:41:48] <DrLuke> (or ram)
[18:00:42] <OndraSter> DrLuke, that's why I offered bmp
[18:00:43] <OndraSter> and tiff
[18:00:52] <DrLuke> hmm
[18:01:09] <DrLuke> are they compressed though?
[18:01:17] <DrLuke> I don't have too much space available
[18:01:21] <OndraSter> bmp is not compressed at all
[18:01:24] <OndraSter> nor is tiff
[18:01:32] <DrLuke> but I want some simple compression
[18:01:35] <DrLuke> like a simple huffman
[18:07:22] <DrLuke> I'll use gifs
[18:09:40] <OndraSter> gifs are not for photos..
[18:09:44] <OndraSter> gifs are for vector graphics
[18:09:53] <OndraSter> maybe png
[18:14:49] <DrLuke> OndraSter: I have very limited space though
[18:14:59] <DrLuke> I need to cram as many photos into 2gb as possible
[18:15:17] <DrLuke> and doing jpeg compression on an avr might not be the best thing to do
[18:16:06] <specing> DrLuke: ARM
[18:16:16] <DrLuke> not an option
[18:16:16] <specing> + external sram
[18:16:24] <specing> Well then
[18:16:28] <specing> see you in 10 years
[18:16:31] <DrLuke> :)
[18:18:34] <jadew> DrLuke, pcx used to use simple compression
[18:18:39] <jadew> you might want to look into that
[18:18:44] <DrLuke> thanks
[18:18:58] <jadew> np
[18:19:03] <jnd> DrLuke: what about getting cam which outputs jpeg?
[18:19:24] <DrLuke> jnd: that's boring
[18:20:12] <jnd> oh okay, then go for lzma :p
[18:20:25] <OndraSter> rar!
[18:20:33] <jadew> heh
[18:20:42] <jadew> there's nothing simpler than RLE
[18:20:47] <jadew> which is what pcx is using
[18:22:12] <jnd> tiff can using it too http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PackBits
[18:22:46] <jadew> didn't know tiff has compression
[18:23:07] <jadew> I was under the impression that each byte was padded with an 10000000 additional bytes
[18:23:44] <jnd> tiff has many options for compression
[18:24:29] <DrLuke> I guess I could also store the images in a raw format and do some some simple huffman
[18:25:17] <jadew> jnd, tbh, I thought tiff is some sort of bmp, didn't know it has compression
[18:25:43] <jadew> I avoided it since I noticed that all the .tiff files were 40mb+
[18:25:48] <jnd> this sums it pretty well http://www.verypdf.com/pdf2tif/compression.html
[18:26:05] <Tom_itx> !seen abcminiuser
[18:26:06] <tobbor> abcminiuser was last seen in #avr on Oct 27 09:18 2012
[18:26:31] <jnd> I was using tiff + zip (maybe it was that lzw) for edited photos for many years, I didn't know about anything better
[18:27:43] <jadew> I know the quality was great
[22:32:33] <JViz> if my avr is showing garbage data for transfers with the miso line disconnected, does that mean it's junk?
[22:33:08] <JViz> er, does that mean that the avr is damaged?
[23:09:06] <jadew> if it's disconnected, it picks up noise
[23:19:45] <JViz> jadew, so if i'm seeing the same behavoir connected and disconnected, it probably means that a connection isn't being made?
[23:19:56] <JViz> sweet
[23:20:22] <jadew> possibly, or what you're getting is not garbage
[23:23:55] <Xark> jadew: TIFF is kind of a non-standard there are so many different implementation "flavors" (including compression of several flavors or none). :)
[23:28:07] <jadew> Xark, will try to save in tiff format in the future :)
[23:28:29] <Xark> jadew: These days, PNG is probably better (and more standard).
[23:29:32] <jadew> it's deffinitely the best format for flat images
[23:30:34] <jadew> in the past it wasn't that well supported, but now it's everywhere
[23:30:51] <jadew> the compression is good and it doesn't loses quality like jpeg
[23:34:47] <Xark> jadew: Yep.
[23:35:39] <Xark> jadew: I typically always use PNG for non-compressed images (unless I want a simple to load format, then TGA).
[23:36:57] <Xark> s/non-comrpessed/lossless compression/ :)
[23:37:57] <jadew> now it makes more sense
[23:59:40] <rue_house> when is the us election over?
[23:59:51] <Richard_Cavell> When Obama wins
[23:59:54] <Richard_Cavell> 4 days to go