#avr | Logs for 2012-10-29

[00:02:24] <rue_house> JViz,
[00:03:07] <rue_house> if you write a program thats just int main(void) { return 0; }
[00:03:10] <rue_house> what does it do?
[00:03:45] <rue_house> oh hmm
[00:04:12] <rue_house> one of the earler files is prolly missing a brace, gcc wont detect that till the end of all the files
[00:04:22] <rue_house> then it'll say there was a problem with the end of the file
[00:04:54] <rue_house> TEENSY_CORE = hardware/teensy/cores/teensy/
[00:04:57] <rue_house> is relative
[00:05:15] <rue_house> cpp?
[00:05:22] <rue_house> dont suggest that
[00:05:59] <rue_house> is this your project or are you trying to compile someone elses
[00:06:18] * rue_house goes to the corner, sits and twiddles his thumbs
[00:20:43] <JViz> sorry rue_house
[00:21:01] <JViz> i was looking at reddit
[00:22:18] <JViz> all of the C files are from a different project and compile fine on their own
[00:22:41] <JViz> i'm trying to use them in my project
[00:23:52] <JViz> basically, i took a working project and converted the target file and the rest of my files from C to C++ by changing the extensions and modifying the contents some
[00:24:10] <JViz> the target used to be a C file
[00:24:51] <JViz> damnit
[00:32:38] <JViz> i tried just adding the C files one at a time and that doesn't work either
[00:33:12] <JViz> hmmm
[00:33:17] <JViz> hmmmmm
[00:41:15] <JViz> i'm gonna try building it back up from the base i used again
[00:41:21] <JViz> maybe i broke something
[00:43:05] <JViz> nope
[00:43:08] <JViz> it's doing the same thing
[00:50:33] <JViz> WHOA
[00:57:30] <JViz> a bunch of files had been deleted
[00:57:39] <JViz> the .c files
[00:58:04] <JViz> i restored the files, but strangely, it's still acting the same
[00:59:45] <JViz> actually, now it won't compile even if i comment out the SRC files
[01:05:49] <JViz> there was another file missing
[01:07:33] <JViz> ok
[01:07:42] <JViz> i guess a bunch of files got deleted somehow
[01:08:12] <JViz> now it's working
[01:15:23] <JViz> sort of
[01:15:34] <JViz> i'm at least getting a lot further than i used to, lol
[01:30:02] <JViz> wow, finally back to where i was in the middle of the day, lol
[03:56:51] <RLa> which to prefer uintXX_t or long type names?
[04:03:58] <Richard_Cavell> uintxx_t is more precise
[04:04:04] <Richard_Cavell> But it's only C99+
[04:04:07] <Richard_Cavell> so less portable
[04:37:01] <RLa> hm, shifting 8byte numbers too slow?
[04:37:45] <specing> there is always another way
[04:40:20] <RLa> hm, and reading bytes from it looks stupid too, does full shifts, with a function call!
[04:40:58] <specing> ?
[04:40:59] <specing> reading bytes shouldn't cause shifts
[04:41:05] <RLa> https://gist.github.com/3972589
[04:41:54] <RLa> this takes 3 __lshrdi3 calls
[04:42:17] <specing> I don't think you are doing it right
[04:42:21] <specing> see disassembly
[04:42:32] <RLa> i'm looking at it
[04:47:27] <RLa> specing, i updated with assembly output
[04:47:35] <RLa> does't look so pretty
[04:48:54] <RLa> i think it would work much better if i treated it as uint8_t array
[04:49:49] <specing> RLa: please do an avr-objdump -S dump
[04:50:05] <specing> this is not readable disasm
[04:50:37] <RLa> hm
[04:52:10] <RLa> uh oh its 8 bytes not 4
[04:52:45] <specing> yep
[05:09:43] <RLa> .L63: lds r24,200 sbrs r24,5 rjmp .L63 <- what the heck are these loops doing?
[05:11:03] <RLa> nvm, i think it's usart sending loop
[05:12:28] <specing> use avr-objdump -S
[05:18:54] <RLa> much better now
[06:20:24] <_raven> grah
[06:21:03] <Horologium> graph
[06:21:49] <_raven> need some help please with ftdi on a learning board and avrdude
[06:22:09] <Horologium> ask your question/post your problem
[06:22:23] <Horologium> and if anyone has any idea they may or may not answer.
[06:22:33] <Roklobsta> raven: go
[06:22:35] <Horologium> many are likely not online at the moment, however.
[06:24:11] <_raven> avrftdi expects id 0403:6010 but the ftdi has 0403:6001 - i changed the id for testing in the config file but now there is something like that:....
[06:26:44] <_raven> http://pastebin.com/BY162gnR
[06:27:37] <_raven> its a special bascom learning testboard with onboard ftdi and i think there are any fuses set i do not know about yet
[06:30:00] <Horologium> looks like avrdude version you are using is not compatible with that programmer. what I am seeing online, you need to patch it to support that programmer properly.
[06:30:33] <_raven> how to do that?
[06:31:36] <Horologium> what version of avrdude are you using?
[06:32:17] <_raven> 5.11.1
[06:32:55] <Roklobsta> is this in win or lin?
[06:33:41] <_raven> linux
[06:33:46] <_raven> xubuntu 12.04
[06:34:54] <Roklobsta> try something liek avrdude -c um232h -p m1280 -v -b 3750000 -U flash:w:ATmegaBOOT_168_atmega1280.hex
[06:35:28] <_raven> where to download the hex?
[06:35:36] <Horologium> use your hex file.
[06:35:50] <Roklobsta> that is an example. have a look here on what i did for avrdude in win
[06:35:57] <Roklobsta> http://helix.air.net.au/index.php/avrdude-and-ftdi-232h/
[06:37:04] <Horologium> and what ftdi chip does it use on that board?
[06:37:10] <Roklobsta> 232H
[06:37:10] <_raven> avrdude: Can't find programmer id "um232h"
[06:37:47] <_raven> not sure i think the d chip
[06:37:54] <Horologium> d chip?
[06:38:05] <Roklobsta> ok, open up avrdude.conf in a text file and search for "avrftdi"
[06:38:22] <Roklobsta> you should see some vid and pids for the avr chips
[06:38:30] <_raven> the chip is named as ft232rl
[06:38:38] <Roklobsta> um232h is based on a patch i made
[06:39:29] <_raven> i am in avrdude.conf now and next?
[06:40:13] <Roklobsta> oh stop. the rl is a serial only chip. it's not for you
[06:40:19] <_raven> as i said its the id 0403:6010 in the config file but 0402:6001 with lsusb
[06:40:34] <Roklobsta> you can't use avrdude afaik
[06:40:51] <Roklobsta> note i have only had experience with the x232H family
[06:41:09] <Horologium> that is that special bascom interface.
[06:41:24] <Horologium> that causes no end of troubles if you don't use the bascom tools.
[06:41:25] <_raven> yes i feared already
[06:41:29] <Roklobsta> the 232H family has an SPI engine which chitchats nicely with the ISP port
[06:41:46] <Roklobsta> i back away now as i know nothing of bascom
[06:42:05] <Roklobsta> you was robbed
[06:43:20] <Horologium> http://doswa.com/2010/08/24/avrdude-5-10-with-ftdi-bitbang.html this might help
[06:45:34] <_raven> i have a stk500 programmer too - would be possible to program the chip on its pins while the ftdi onboard is connected to it? would not be nice if i would have to destroy the connections betwe
[06:46:28] <Roklobsta> oh maybe bascom uses some bitbang mode of the 232rl. i don't know about that either
[06:47:41] <_raven> have to leave for 20 minutes will try to isp the thing then
[07:57:15] <MrTrick> I'm writing a library that will need to call a program function (eg compile-time callback) whenever an interrupt occurs.
[07:58:00] <MrTrick> Is there a good way to do this? Just defining the interrupt manually in the program (eg ISR(TIMER0_COMP_vect) { .. } )
[08:00:05] <MrTrick> or some way of defining a function in the program, and pass the pointer through to the library?
[08:14:57] <RLa> why not, that should quite doable
[08:22:15] <MrTrick> RLa: sure, was just not sure what the most reusable/elegant way is.
[08:24:10] <RLa> if you accept a function pointer the function could be specified at runtime too
[08:25:05] <RLa> it should translate into a normal function call, just the address depends on a variable
[08:25:51] <timemage> or if you don't care about latency you could set a flag and have the callback dispatched from a kind of event loop.
[08:26:39] <timemage> or, you could design for both.
[08:29:14] <RLa> uh, interrupts are making my head spin
[08:29:42] <RLa> expecially enabling/disabling them inside isr handlers
[08:30:48] <RikusW> its not that complicated ;)
[08:31:44] <RikusW> though sloppy coding + interrupt handles == CHOAS
[08:32:01] <RikusW> +r
[08:32:39] <RLa> i'm now trying to figure out how to use interrupts to send data through usart
[08:32:47] <RLa> figured i need some sort of buffer
[08:33:00] <RikusW> ring buffer
[08:34:19] <RikusW> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Point-to-point_construction
[08:35:52] <RLa> what if buffer is full and i send from rx handler
[08:36:04] <RLa> i cannot wait for buffer getting empty
[08:36:17] <RLa> because tx handler is not running
[08:36:36] <RLa> very easy to get a deadlock that way, isn't it?
[08:37:43] <RLa> i would need to drop sending into the main loop somehow?
[08:38:36] <RikusW> buffer overrun, and lost data...
[08:38:38] <RLa> then i can loop while waiting buffer to get emptier but tx handler can also run
[08:38:42] <RLa> oh
[08:38:47] <RLa> that easy :D
[08:39:00] <RikusW> with ring buffers yes
[08:39:20] <RikusW> I prefer to make it 16,32,64 or 128 bytes
[08:39:57] <RLa> i'm using 16byte buffer atm, but it's not ring buffer
[08:40:01] <RikusW> and index it like buffer[index & 0x0F] // 16=F 32=1F 64=3F 128=7F
[08:40:20] <RikusW> and use a start & end index
[08:40:53] <inkjetunito> i have problems understanding the documentation timer/counter 0 control register A of an atmega328p
[08:40:55] <RLa> i just set pos to 0 and length variable to the data length i put in the buffer last time
[08:41:13] <RLa> but that indexing is neat
[08:41:24] <RikusW> (aka head & tail index/pointer)
[08:42:17] <RikusW> inkjetunito: have you read the entire timer chapter in the datasheet ?
[08:42:23] <RikusW> it is a bit complicated yes...
[08:42:38] <Richard_Cavell> How overclockable are AVRs?
[08:42:40] <RikusW> but not that bad either
[08:42:53] <RikusW> Richard_Cavell: I've run a m32u2 at 3v3 and 16MHz
[08:43:00] <RikusW> so slightly overclocked
[08:43:01] <inkjetunito> RikusW: yeah. i will do one test now though. i might have finally got it :) brb
[08:43:02] <Richard_Cavell> That's 32 bit
[08:43:08] <Richard_Cavell> What about 8 bits?
[08:43:17] <Richard_Cavell> To be honest, I haven't even taken one off the internal oscillator + divider yet
[08:43:51] <RikusW> ATmega32U2...
[08:44:15] <OndraSter> Richard_Cavell, I have run xmega, official clock is 32MHz, I ran it at 80MHz :D
[08:44:18] <RikusW> Richard_Cavell: read the CLKPR docs
[08:44:44] <OndraSter> I would love to see High Resolution timer extension overclocked
[08:44:48] <OndraSter> it runs at 4 times the core's speed
[08:45:30] <OndraSter> so PWM can run at 128MHz with 32MHz base clock
[08:45:57] <OndraSter> requires a bit of logic involved when you are programming the peripherals, it is not as straightforward but it is nice addition to the peripherals
[08:53:03] <Essobi> Morning
[08:54:02] <OndraSter> mornin for you
[08:55:21] <inkjetunito> RikusW: no. i still haven't understood it :(
[08:55:52] <Richard_Cavell> Also, what's the technology that's used in AVRs? Is it all NMOS?
[08:56:31] <OndraSter> wait for Dean
[08:57:22] <rue_house> Richard_Cavell, whats the datasheet day?
[08:57:43] <Richard_Cavell> You got me. I haven't read the datasheet
[08:57:50] <rue_house> its a good start
[08:58:00] <Richard_Cavell> I thought I'd ask here instead :)
[08:58:14] <rue_house> I dont know anyone has ever cared
[08:58:35] <rue_house> do you mean xmega or 8 bit?
[08:58:36] <Richard_Cavell> Well 68000 was redone as CMOS and it can achieve ridiculously low-power operation
[08:58:42] <Richard_Cavell> all 8 bits
[09:01:21] <rue_house> huh
[09:01:28] <rue_house> back in the day they used to say
[09:01:53] <Richard_Cavell> yep
[09:02:05] <Richard_Cavell> There's a 68SEC000 that gets like microamps when idle
[09:02:23] <rue_house> well, a person can prolly go by the io voltages
[09:02:43] <rue_house> are you using embedded 68000?
[09:03:46] <RLa> does avr have macro to mark unused variable?
[09:04:11] <RikusW> RLa: unused RAM ?
[09:04:13] <rue_house> it has a compiler flag
[09:04:34] <Richard_Cavell> rue_house: I'm not but I'm just saying
[09:04:37] <RikusW> for variables there is a warning message
[09:04:38] <RLa> RikusW, to compiler warning
[09:04:42] <Richard_Cavell> I want to build or buy a 68000-based computer
[09:04:42] <OndraSter> LOL nice
[09:04:52] <OndraSter> MS Surface has got Atmel's touchscreen controller
[09:05:00] <RLa> i want to silence the warning
[09:05:02] <OndraSter> more actually
[09:05:03] <OndraSter> and MSP430
[09:05:04] <rue_house> Richard_Cavell, I have an atari board I can sell you cheap
[09:05:10] <OndraSter> (well, probably, it is marked as M430)
[09:05:14] <rue_house> $50 i might even work
[09:05:14] <RikusW> RLa: remove the variable ?
[09:05:24] <Richard_Cavell> rue_house: I'm looking for something custom
[09:05:29] <Richard_Cavell> a 68000 with flash/EEPROM
[09:05:41] <RLa> RikusW, docs say i must read UDR in the isr handler
[09:05:44] <RikusW> RLa: there is probably some directive like a #pragma
[09:05:55] <RLa> RikusW, but i do nothing with the value
[09:05:57] <rue_house> RLa, you can remove the flag that makes it do that warning
[09:06:14] <RLa> rue_house, that removes the check from everywhere?
[09:06:31] <rue_house> for unused variables, yes
[09:07:24] <rue_house> RLa, question, is -Wall or -Wpandemic set?
[09:07:43] <RLa> Wall
[09:07:50] <rue_house> yea
[09:10:03] <RLa> found gcc attributes
[09:10:06] <RLa> uint8_t __attribute__ ((unused)) received = UDR1;
[09:10:17] <RLa> it must not optimize it away
[09:10:35] <rue_house> interesting
[09:10:42] <rue_house> not heard of that one
[09:10:54] <rue_house> wonder if volatile does that
[09:11:29] <RLa> UDR must be read, otherwise interrupt flag is not cleared
[09:11:40] <RLa> that's why i need it
[09:11:54] <RLa> oh i guess i could clear it manually too
[09:12:26] <rue_house> it may still optimize out the instructons that read it
[09:12:44] <rue_house> what optimization level do you have set?
[09:13:43] <RLa> Os as usual
[09:13:50] <RLa> no fancy compiler args
[09:13:58] <RLa> ok, now i have another problem
[09:14:01] <rue_house> Os?
[09:14:10] <rue_house> -O0?
[09:14:15] <RLa> that optimizes for size
[09:14:18] <rue_house> -O3?
[09:14:33] <RLa> no, -Os
[09:14:43] <rue_house> not heard of that one
[09:14:53] <OndraSter> -Os is size
[09:14:53] <rue_house> I'm aware of 0, 1, 2, 3
[09:14:56] <OndraSter> -O3 is best speed
[09:15:08] <OndraSter> the best*
[09:15:32] <RLa> memcpy(tx1_data, data, length) <- warning: passing argument 1 of ‘memcpy’ discards qualifiers from pointer target type <- tx1_data is volatile, memcpy casts volatileness away?
[09:15:51] <RLa> i have no other qualifiers on it
[09:16:33] <rue_house> :) did you write a lot of code and then try to compile it?
[09:16:38] <RLa> this is how i put data into my tx buffer
[09:16:41] <RLa> yes :D
[09:16:45] <rue_house> void *memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, size_t n);
[09:17:20] <RLa> at least it's the last warning
[09:17:26] <rue_house> heh
[09:17:45] <rue_house> blocking warnings are great
[09:17:58] <rue_house> once you solve them, they enable the compiler to find another 2000
[09:18:30] <RLa> yeah
[09:18:48] <OndraSter> are there some "SMD jumpers"?
[09:18:53] <RLa> hm, googling gives that memcpy should be rewritten to accept volatile
[09:18:53] <OndraSter> small ones
[09:19:03] <RLa> 0r resistors?
[09:19:04] <rue_house> OndraSter, yea, look for 0 ohm resistors
[09:19:15] <OndraSter> I ment jumpers for (dis)connecting pins
[09:19:30] <OndraSter> so I can disconnect eg INT pin from ethernet to the MCU :P
[09:19:34] <rue_house> pins splay out instead of thru
[09:19:37] <rue_house> L
[09:19:50] <OndraSter> I know that there are SMD versions of regular through holes
[09:19:57] <OndraSter> but that is not what I am looking for...
[09:20:02] <OndraSter> I don't know what I am looking for even!
[09:20:06] <rue_house> they makes short ones that used to be used on hard drives
[09:20:27] <rue_house> OndraSter, a bowtie
[09:21:28] <RLa> ok, replace memcpy with a for loop :)
[09:22:23] <Richard_Cavell> So anyone here use AVR32s habitually?
[09:22:28] <Richard_Cavell> I'm not sure why they'd be necessary
[09:22:44] <Richard_Cavell> I know that e2580 guy uses them for crypto
[09:22:59] <Richard_Cavell> I like the idea of doing 32-bit arithmetic and having 32-bit ports
[09:23:12] <Richard_Cavell> but they're otherwise too complicated
[09:30:27] <RLa> maybe if you need more computing power
[09:30:48] <RLa> huh, i got my usart working with interrupts
[09:31:05] <RLa> now my main program is simple while(1); loop :)
[09:32:39] <RLa> if anyone wants to check https://gist.github.com/3973800 :)
[09:33:25] <OndraSter> Richard_Cavell, if you need more power check xmega
[09:33:33] <OndraSter> simplicity of mega but much more powerful
[09:33:34] <OndraSter> :P
[09:39:57] <inkjetunito> do atmega register bits have default values?
[09:40:02] <OndraSter> some
[09:40:13] <OndraSter> usually it is 0
[09:40:18] <OndraSter> but eg for SP it is RAMEND
[09:40:21] <Kevin`> inkjetunito: yes, the datasheet describes them
[09:40:50] <inkjetunito> ahh. right i can see them on the picture now
[09:44:10] <inkjetunito> the defaults are ok though. i don't get what i'm doing wrong with the timer. i've configured it to Clear Time on Compare Match mode and set the compare value to 1, but the rate i'm getting interrupts at makes it look like the counter makes a full cycle before it matches
[09:44:25] <inkjetunito> and yes, according to the documentation it should be incrementing in this mode
[09:44:41] <OndraSter> double the speed and double the compare register? :)
[09:44:52] <timemage> RLa, the closest thing standard C has to ISRs is signal handlers. for those, accessing anything in static storage other than volatile sig_atomic_t is undefined. not even sure they require that memcpy be reenterrant and allowed to be called from them. since your already in the realm of avr-gcc/avr-libc specific stuff, you may find in the docs that casting away volatile is exactly what make sense for this situation.
[09:44:59] <OndraSter> aren't you setting the registers while the counter is running?
[09:45:50] <timemage> RLa, or you may find that memcpy is not reenterant at all (though, i suspect it is)
[09:47:19] <inkjetunito> OndraSter: this is how i set up the timer http://pastebin.com/YZxwv2bS
[09:47:56] <OndraSter> inkjetunito, first set the OCR and THEN set the prescaler bits.
[09:48:07] <OndraSter> and what happens in OCIE interrupt?
[09:48:21] <inkjetunito> OndraSter: thanks, i will try changing the order
[09:50:12] <inkjetunito> OndraSter: the interrupt routine increments a big integer variable
[09:50:26] <RLa> hm, i think i start to understand it
[09:51:29] <RLa> timemage, is there an explicit cast for removing volatility?
[09:52:58] <timemage> RLa, to suppress the warning, that's what you'd have to do. again, with the blessing of whatever you find in the docs. it would be non-portable code.
[09:53:25] <timemage> RLa, then again, you are writing and interrupt handler =)
[09:53:32] <timemage> s/and/an/
[09:55:39] <RLa> i could inspect the code of memcpy too
[09:55:53] <RLa> i doubt it's doing anything "clever"
[09:56:05] <RLa> just a loop to copy data
[10:00:26] <timemage> RLa, it seems to be absent form the list of "known issues" for renterency in the avr-libc doc. so, that's a good sign.
[10:01:22] <inkjetunito> OndraSter: do you have any other ideas? the interrupt rate is quite exactly ~256 times what one would expect
[10:01:59] <OndraSter> what chip?
[10:02:29] <inkjetunito> OndraSter: atmega328p. it's an arduino uno
[10:02:56] <OndraSter> what is the base clock?
[10:02:57] <OndraSter> 16MHz
[10:03:02] <inkjetunito> OndraSter: yup.
[10:03:03] <OndraSter> let me download datasheet
[10:04:02] <timemage> RLa, -1G
[10:04:02] <inkjetunito> OndraSter: what i've calculated, 16 MHz together with the prescaler set to 64, the rate should be 4 microseconds
[10:04:09] <OndraSter> ye
[10:04:47] <RLa> hm
[10:06:54] <OndraSter> inkjetunito, and do you have the code in TIMER0_COMPA_VECT?
[10:08:22] <OndraSter> inkjetunito, what should be your timeout?
[10:08:26] <inkjetunito> OndraSter: yeah. the code there does work, but it seems to get executed once in a millisecond (4us * 256 would be 1,024 ms)
[10:08:32] <OndraSter> yes
[10:08:37] <OndraSter> even in emu it does 1024ms
[10:09:43] <inkjetunito> :O i want an emu aswell!
[10:09:57] <OndraSter> well
[10:10:05] <OndraSter> I think I got it
[10:10:07] <OndraSter> but you won't like it :)
[10:10:19] <inkjetunito> OndraSter: hehe
[10:10:20] <OndraSter> and will want to kick Atmel in their ass
[10:10:51] <OndraSter> now it fires up every 8us :)
[10:11:04] <OndraSter> wekk
[10:11:05] <OndraSter> well
[10:11:09] <OndraSter> open the datasheet
[10:11:13] <OndraSter> and look where WGM01 actually is
[10:11:14] <timemage> RLa, ignore that. just finger trouble.
[10:11:20] <OndraSter> HINT: Not in TCCR0B.
[10:11:39] <inkjetunito> OndraSter: a-ha! thank you very much!
[10:11:43] <OndraSter> ;)
[10:11:43] <OndraSter> np
[10:11:44] <RLa> i'm now looking how to generate sw pwm
[10:11:52] <OndraSter> RLa, with timers?
[10:12:00] <RLa> no, with software
[10:12:05] <OndraSter> ..
[10:12:07] <OndraSter> but the timeout
[10:12:15] <RLa> i can do it with compare registers
[10:12:24] <OndraSter> you can do it without PWM registers in hardware!
[10:12:34] <RLa> but now i have nothing to run in the main loop
[10:12:40] <OndraSter> heh
[10:12:46] <OndraSter> that's OK by my rules
[10:12:54] <RLa> i know i can use magnitude comparators etc
[10:13:19] <RLa> but they require soldering together a fairly complex circuit (by my standards)
[10:14:22] <OndraSter> .. that moment when you realize that you have been pinging some website for the past 3.5 days..
[10:14:36] <OndraSter> 247k of ping tries :)
[10:18:49] <RLa> hm, how one waits 2 instructions?
[10:18:55] <RLa> or clock ticks
[10:19:49] <OndraSter> nop nop
[10:20:47] <RLa> in C, is there a macro for that? :)
[10:21:06] <OndraSter> asm ("nop
[10:21:07] <OndraSter> nop");
[10:21:53] <Sefid_Par> I wanna program my at88 using this programmer: http://wiki.tldp.org/Avr-Microcontrollers-in-Linux-Howto
[10:22:50] <Sefid_Par> but I get this error: Failed to get direct I/O port access.
[10:22:56] <Sefid_Par> What should I do?
[10:23:43] <RLa> what port are you using, the built-in or some sort of extension (usb, pci)?
[10:24:10] <Sefid_Par> parallel
[10:24:51] <RLa> the port address is correct?
[10:24:51] <Sefid_Par> I use ubuntu
[10:25:15] <Sefid_Par> I got ioperm: Success
[10:25:20] <Sefid_Par> What does it mean?
[10:25:30] <OndraSter> that it got permission to use io
[10:25:45] <Sefid_Par> Oh, Ok
[10:25:58] <Kevin`> why not just use avrdude? it normally works with everything
[10:26:10] <Sefid_Par> Kevin: I love you
[10:26:14] <Sefid_Par> I will do this
[10:26:17] <Kevin`> the problem here is likely that you have parport or lp loaded using the parallel port, but aren't using those interfaces
[10:26:48] <Sefid_Par> They are kicking us out of labratory
[10:26:52] <Sefid_Par> Thank you all
[10:26:54] <Sefid_Par> Bye
[10:28:26] <RLa> jump takes one or two ticks?
[10:28:57] <OndraSter> depends on the ticks
[10:29:04] <OndraSter> check AVR Instruction Set
[10:29:05] <OndraSter> pdf
[10:29:09] <OndraSter> depends on the jump*
[10:30:48] <RLa> hm, i think i need no delay for my code
[10:40:15] <RLa> this is my software pwm loop: https://gist.github.com/3974182
[10:40:39] <RLa> trying to tune it near 20-30kHz
[10:42:01] <RLa> rjmp takes 2 cycles
[10:42:11] <RLa> according to instruction set docs
[10:43:08] <RLa> what the heck is subi doing there
[10:45:50] <megal0maniac> I'm getting really bad at going afk :/
[10:47:55] <megal0maniac> specing: No sign of fedex yet. They have 25 minutes...
[10:48:11] <RLa> and where is the increment instruction?!
[10:51:14] <eric_j> RLa: subi Rn, 255
[10:51:27] <RLa> now that is weird
[10:52:38] <RLa> hm, anyway, they code needs optimizations :)
[10:52:44] <RLa> this*
[10:53:53] <RLa> i think i could get rid of comparison
[10:54:31] <RLa> or rather jumps
[11:08:44] <RLa> hm, i can't seem to get rid of rjump in the code
[11:09:07] <RLa> the one that comes from comparison
[11:09:45] <RLa> there is no assembly instruction to turn comparison result into a byte?
[11:21:57] <tld> I'm curious about driving-voltage for Nixie tubes, and how to generate it. Seems to me I could take a low voltage, LM317, followed by a transformer that gives a much higher voltage out, a resistor-divider back from tharget-voltage to 1.25, and connect that to adjust pin of LM317?
[11:22:14] <tld> I can see a couple of potential issues, but is it worth considering?
[11:22:34] <tld> (transformer would resist voltage-changes, so the whole thing could end oscillating like mad?)
[11:24:37] <eric_j> tld: transformers only take AC
[11:25:15] <tld> What am I thinking!?? Definitively time for some rest.
[11:25:31] <tld> thanks, and sorry for the brainfart.
[11:25:35] <RLa> boost converter could be used
[11:25:47] <RLa> with high frequency, that would be relatively safe
[11:26:07] <OndraSter> tld, epic fail :D
[11:26:12] <OndraSter> 180V or so they usually taky
[11:26:12] <OndraSter> e
[11:26:21] <OndraSter> I had about 20 of them, already sold the bigger ones
[11:26:23] <Tom_itx> fwap
[11:27:11] <eric_j> RLa: no single instruction, but how about: in Tmp, SREG; bst Tmp, 0; bld PortTmp, PortBit; out PORT, PortTmp
[11:27:18] <tld> I started out with an idea of putting two transformers in series, to do something like 230V->X->230V, starting thinking about regulating, but somewhere in the chain of thought I obviously forgot to think.
[11:28:18] <tld> RLa: yeah, I'm thinking I'll probably end with boost.
[11:28:43] <tld> OndraSter: I'm buying, not selling… ;)
[11:28:59] <tld> OndraSter: Just nice to stock up on some old tech, to leave for the grandchildren or something.
[11:29:13] <OndraSter> lol
[11:29:21] <RLa> i used to have whole old telephone station in my backyard
[11:29:22] <OndraSter> I'd rather leave them with something programmable
[11:29:24] <OndraSter> which is more fun
[11:29:26] <OndraSter> dude
[11:29:30] <RLa> i'm still using parts from it
[11:29:32] <OndraSter> I would take the shit out of it apart
[11:30:36] <tld> the nixies is just for display, the thing will be programmable.
[11:31:15] <RLa> eric_j, the comparison result? where is that in this code? :)
[11:32:02] <RLa> i have some nixies (2cm high numbers) from old freq counter, should use them for display too
[11:32:51] <RLa> i also have rotary displays/counters (are they called like that?) in a phone line checking device
[11:32:57] <RLa> from 60'es or so
[11:33:23] <tld> RLa: ones that flip over display, sort of like a hinged calendar would?
[11:33:40] <RLa> no, something else
[11:33:47] <RLa> inside glass tubes
[11:34:14] <RLa> lot of electrodes in a circle and arc jumping between them
[11:36:27] <tld> detonator?
[11:36:48] <eric_j> RLa: in SREG bit 0 (=C)
[11:37:00] <RLa> no
[11:37:09] <RLa> nixie decatron: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRSgVnrHUcw
[11:37:51] <RLa> they were used for pulse counting
[11:39:23] <tld> cute. :)
[11:39:56] <RLa> eric_j, is it possible to access SREG in C? or i need to drop into inline asm for that?
[11:40:49] <RLa> hm, i think i cannot do comparison without it too
[11:56:42] <RikusW> megal0maniac: so does the U2S still contain the magic smoke ? :-P
[11:58:11] <Tom_itx> we can only hope so
[11:58:48] <OndraSter> RikusW, have you picked up the package yet?
[11:58:52] <OndraSter> or is it not available on post office?
[11:59:09] <RikusW> OndraSter: unfortunately it wasn't in town las Friday :-/
[11:59:25] <OndraSter> well on 23rd they let it through the customs
[11:59:38] <RikusW> ah, that might explain a lot
[11:59:48] <OndraSter> 1 bloody week on customs!
[11:59:48] <RikusW> 7 days in customs ....
[12:00:03] <RikusW> well at least some progress :)
[12:00:14] <megal0maniac> RikusW: It does :) Haven't killed it yet
[12:00:47] <RikusW> good :)
[12:00:54] <megal0maniac> Granted, I have done much uC stuff lately. Been pretty busy at work, and got other work coming up soon hopefully
[12:01:09] <RikusW> megal0maniac: so how much do you use it these days ?
[12:02:08] <OndraSter> I have done some changes for next revision - the microUSB connector will be through hole and ESD will be using off-the-shelf 6pin chip rather two (four/five) separate ESD chips
[12:02:59] <OndraSter> (IP4220CZ6 if anybody is interested)
[12:03:16] <OndraSter> actually the pins are double ESD protected, to ease up my layout and keep them more together :D
[12:03:50] <OndraSter> http://clip2net.com/s/2rJfV (from Ultra)
[12:07:07] <Tom_itx> those plugs don't come in smt?
[12:07:36] <OndraSter> microUSB?
[12:07:37] <OndraSter> they do
[12:07:39] <OndraSter> but well
[12:07:47] <OndraSter> I was too harsh when it didn't work
[12:08:02] <OndraSter> and now I know that SMT connectors that can be forcibly disconnected should not be SMT
[12:09:43] <OndraSter> btw megal0maniac the ICSP header on arduinos is the official SPI
[12:09:54] <OndraSter> althought I have just realized that I can not use /SS (/RESET on arduino) as Chip Select :D
[12:09:56] <RLa> eric_j, can't i copy with bst directly from SREG?
[12:10:11] <OndraSter> for the ethernet
[12:10:13] <OndraSter> bloody thing
[12:15:11] <megal0maniac> RikusW: Haven't really used anything lately. Just loads of work :/
[12:15:28] <megal0maniac> Tested out the nrf boards the other day, but that was it
[12:16:00] <RikusW> OndraSter: the U2S got a jumper for changing the ISP header reset pin from rst/ss
[12:16:39] <megal0maniac> Solder jumper though
[12:16:54] <RikusW> a real one can be inserted
[12:16:56] <megal0maniac> I soldered another pin onto the reset line :)
[12:17:07] <megal0maniac> Yeah, it's 0.1"
[12:17:19] <OndraSter> RikusW, tell that to arduino :)
[12:17:58] <RikusW> megal0maniac: what for ?
[12:18:05] <OndraSter> afk
[12:18:06] <OndraSter> WP8 launch
[12:18:22] <megal0maniac> RikusW: For if I want to program it
[12:18:24] <RikusW> if there is 3 pins then you can easily connect say a dragon
[12:18:29] <megal0maniac> Was planning on doing a flash dump
[12:18:48] <RikusW> if you really want that I can mail it ?
[12:19:03] <megal0maniac> It's chilled. Was just messing around :)
[12:24:37] <megal0maniac> I'm in need of one 100K 0805 resistor. Where can I get singles? :P
[12:28:32] <Richard_Cavell> Use through hole and you can buy them anywhere
[12:29:23] <Richard_Cavell> Guys, is there any value of crystal that is typically connected to TOSC1 other than 32768?
[12:30:54] <OndraSter> no
[12:30:58] <RikusW> megal0maniac: I might have some ;)
[12:31:00] <megal0maniac> I have through hole, I need smaller. And 1 :)
[12:31:08] <RikusW> maybe its 0603...
[12:31:19] <OndraSter> megal0maniac, I have got 4k7
[12:31:21] <OndraSter> reel of 'em
[12:31:47] <megal0maniac> I specifically need 100K. RikusW it probably isn't worth posting it down here :P
[12:32:01] <megal0maniac> Maybe RS...
[12:32:15] <megal0maniac> I bought 50, which is more than 1 but less than a rell
[12:32:17] <megal0maniac> *reel
[12:32:29] <megal0maniac> (Of 10K)
[12:32:48] <io53> farnell maybe?
[12:33:21] <io53> oh no, min 100pc/order of those :p
[12:33:23] <RikusW> OndraSter: I got plenty of 4k7 smd here too
[12:33:32] <RikusW> not as much as you though :-P
[12:33:37] <OndraSter> I have got two reels of 100nF 0603 caps :P
[12:33:41] <OndraSter> accidentaly bought the second one :D
[12:33:42] <megal0maniac> io53: Also shipping to ZA
[12:34:12] <RikusW> OndraSter: what did the 100nF reel cost ?
[12:35:19] <OndraSter> huh
[12:35:22] <OndraSter> $20 I think?
[12:35:24] <OndraSter> or 17 eur
[12:35:25] <OndraSter> or something
[12:35:30] <OndraSter> the other one was more expensive
[12:35:33] <OndraSter> one from germany, one from canada
[12:37:29] <megal0maniac> RikusW: Mantech's minimum quantity on SMD stuff is 5000. Suppose that means the whole reel :P
[12:37:30] <RikusW> fairly cheap, for 5k ?
[12:37:40] <RikusW> megal0maniac: I've gotten less
[12:37:55] <RikusW> mut for some items its whole reel only (if they don't have stock)
[12:38:00] <RikusW> *but
[12:38:41] <megal0maniac> Wow, they actually do singles...
[12:38:49] <megal0maniac> 22c :)
[12:39:03] <RikusW> cheaper to buy at least 100 or 200 from them
[12:40:34] <RikusW> megal0maniac: im
[12:42:24] <megal0maniac> I only need 1 :)
[12:42:49] <megal0maniac> It's for OTG cable. Signal line needs to be pulled low with 100K for it to be in host mode and charge simultaneously
[12:43:09] <megal0maniac> Will probably make some kind of dock for it
[15:06:07] <raven> hi
[15:07:15] <raven> i now was able to flash the atmega88 on the testboard but i still have problems to flash the atmega8 - avrdude tells me about wrong signature for atmega8
[15:07:55] <DarthielleEU> evening
[15:08:51] <DarthielleEU> how to use 2 ultrasonic sensors on one 8bit avr ?
[15:09:39] <Steffann> Totally depends on which sensor etc.
[15:09:48] <specing> DarthielleEU: 1) Download Python 2) import solution 3) ... 4) Profit!
[15:09:55] <Steffann> And i bet it's easier to use google to find some info about it
[15:10:05] <DarthielleEU> well
[15:10:13] <DarthielleEU> atm i have an "arduino" code
[15:10:17] <DarthielleEU> solving the problem
[15:10:24] <DarthielleEU> which "ISNT SOLVED" at all
[15:10:45] <DarthielleEU> may i post the code?
[15:10:57] <specing> no
[15:10:58] <DarthielleEU> *part of the code
[15:11:13] <DarthielleEU> :(
[15:12:15] <DarthielleEU> thought this is hardcore avr gcc channell :S
[15:12:28] <specing> we are.
[15:12:39] <Steffann> we - specing
[15:12:52] <specing> Part of the reason we wont look at softcore arduino code^Wmess
[15:12:58] <specing> :)
[15:13:13] <OndraSter> you know what is sad? That arduinos are even less compatible between themselves than my xboard between xboard and arduino!
[15:13:36] <DarthielleEU> yea
[15:13:43] <OndraSter> SPI? Only on ICSP header for sure!
[15:13:49] <OndraSter> mega2560 has it somewhere in the extended pins
[15:13:52] <OndraSter> Leonardo has it only on ICSP
[15:14:00] <DarthielleEU> grrr
[15:14:18] <DarthielleEU> i dont have any "arduino board at my house
[15:14:21] <OndraSter> I have got separate SPI on ICSP and the pins 11-13; then separate analog and digital pins, multiple uarts and TWIs
[15:14:30] <DarthielleEU> i just buy chips from ebay
[15:14:46] <OndraSter> but I am not sure how will arduinos cope with my ethernet shield - this thing requires about 100mA on tx :D
[15:15:07] <DarthielleEU> so anyone interested in helping ?
[15:15:10] <DarthielleEU> at least a bit ?
[15:15:20] <OndraSter> DarthielleEU, I don't now what is your problem
[15:15:25] <OndraSter> just plug it in
[15:15:27] <OndraSter> and make it work
[15:15:34] <DarthielleEU> well
[15:15:37] <RikusW> raven: did you change part nr from m88 to m8 ?
[15:16:19] <DarthielleEU> OndraSter: do you thing i should reject arduino and accept avr-gcc??
[15:16:28] <OndraSter> yes
[15:16:31] <OndraSter> that is the only option
[15:16:35] <specing> Uhm
[15:16:39] <OndraSter> (or commit harakiri is the other one)
[15:16:50] <DarthielleEU> OndraSter: well ok....
[15:16:55] <specing> Doesen't Arduino like... depend on avr-gcc(++)?
[15:17:08] <OndraSter> it does
[15:17:28] <DarthielleEU> i was thinking about going hardcore
[15:17:34] <DarthielleEU> like atmel studio
[15:17:46] <DarthielleEU> is that the way?
[15:18:55] <RikusW> yes
[15:19:10] <DarthielleEU> ok i got only one prob...
[15:19:17] <DarthielleEU> i want to program 8 bit avr's
[15:19:24] <RikusW> or even more hardcore: vim + avr-gcc + makefiles ;)
[15:19:47] <specing> avr-as :)
[15:20:05] <DarthielleEU> RikusW: why wouldnt i just learn assembly?
[15:20:05] <OndraSter> DarthielleEU, atmel studio IS for avrs
[15:20:09] <OndraSter> both 8 and 32bit
[15:20:20] <RikusW> thats another way too :)
[15:20:21] <OndraSter> why wouldn't you just write already translated binary!
[15:20:26] * RikusW likes avr asm
[15:20:28] <OndraSter> much faster
[15:20:29] <OndraSter> so do I
[15:20:40] <specing> :)
[15:20:45] <DarthielleEU> OndraSter: so you use avr asm?
[15:20:50] <RikusW> hex opcodes ? uhm no...
[15:20:53] <OndraSter> I used it on some projects, yes
[15:21:04] <RikusW> for nop maybe 0x0000 :)
[15:21:12] <DarthielleEU> how much is the code reduction ?
[15:21:21] <DarthielleEU> significant ?
[15:21:22] <OndraSter> code reduction?
[15:21:24] <RikusW> 50%
[15:21:26] <OndraSter> there is no "code" in asm
[15:21:29] <RikusW> or even more
[15:21:29] <OndraSter> there are only instructions :)
[15:21:38] <OndraSter> it looks longer, but it is smaller when translated
[15:21:50] <DarthielleEU> i was thinking about flash it takes
[15:21:53] <OndraSter> and it depends on whether you use gcc way registers
[15:21:56] <RikusW> 2 bytes for most instructions on AVr
[15:21:58] <OndraSter> or use it your way
[15:22:23] <OndraSter> because on my projects I dedicated few registers just for some tasks
[15:22:28] * specing facepalms everytime gcc starts overusing the stack
[15:22:34] <OndraSter> ZOMG STACK
[15:22:38] <specing> which is liek
[15:22:44] <specing> ALLL THE TIME!!!
[15:22:51] <OndraSter> specing, or what about when on -O3 it does 20 times STS someaddr, 0
[15:22:57] <OndraSter> not 20 times, 40 times!
[15:23:06] <OndraSter> which is actually a 4 byte long instruction
[15:23:08] <OndraSter> (because of the k)
[15:23:09] <specing> yeah, gotta count the LDS!
[15:23:11] <DarthielleEU> and before i start "going deep" ppl say avr is the arhitecture to go .. Is this true??
[15:23:18] <specing> god!
[15:23:23] <OndraSter> AVR is much simpler than PIC in many ways
[15:23:35] <DarthielleEU> cuz PIC have integrated usb...
[15:23:36] <specing> and it is much simpler than ARMs
[15:23:37] <OndraSter> and if you are bored with atmega, you can look at http://myxboard.net and look at atxmega :)
[15:23:37] <RikusW> DarthielleEU: AVR arch is nice to use yes
[15:23:39] <OndraSter> so do megas
[15:23:50] * specing is going full ARM in a month
[15:23:57] <RikusW> DarthielleEU: AVR got USB too, ATmega32U2 / 4
[15:23:59] <inkjetunito> DarthielleEU: just get going with avr-gcc/libc. you've the hardware already
[15:24:06] * OndraSter is going full ATxmega in -2 months
[15:24:25] <specing> Cortex-M4F core, 100DMIPS at 80MHz, floating point, protection unit,...
[15:24:52] <specing> AVRs are also faster than PICs
[15:24:57] <specing> much faster
[15:25:02] <DarthielleEU> i only got 5$ AVRasp, and a couple of tiny85's and 328's
[15:26:02] <DarthielleEU> in the future i will have to get avr isp mk2??
[15:26:02] <OndraSter> specing, but what about the DAC!
[15:26:06] <OndraSter> and the chip's size
[15:26:10] <OndraSter> and the board layout!
[15:26:12] <OndraSter> for it
[15:26:13] <specing> heh
[15:26:28] <specing> Well
[15:26:36] <specing> I guess I can live without the DACs
[15:26:57] <RikusW> DarthielleEU: wby not an AVRDragon ?
[15:27:05] <DarthielleEU> RikusW: idk
[15:28:31] <DarthielleEU> RikusW: i learned C programming language (for PC) and arduino was the easiest thing to "transfer" to, but now im lost, because i m not sure should i learn avr gcc
[15:29:12] <OndraSter> you definitely should
[15:29:16] <OndraSter> arduino is fairly "bloated"
[15:29:21] <OndraSter> in order to be dumb proof
[15:29:22] <specing> you don't learn "avr gcc"
[15:29:25] <specing> you learn C
[15:29:34] <specing> you don't learn a compiler
[15:29:51] <OndraSter> btw, http://clip2net.com/s/2rMDf
[15:29:54] <OndraSter> some layout changes
[15:29:58] <eric_j> there are AVR specifics about it, which you do need to know to practically use it
[15:30:00] <OndraSter> only one trace going between pads now
[15:30:28] <DarthielleEU> specing: i know C
[15:31:11] <specing> OndraSter: s/Made in Czeck Republik/Made on planet Earth/
[15:31:25] <OndraSter> :P
[15:31:28] <OndraSter> Czech*
[15:31:39] <specing> Earth*
[15:31:50] <OndraSter> (still better than when some chinese guy writes "Check Republic")
[15:31:55] <RikusW> DarthielleEU: You can use the Arduino bootloader and upload hex files made by studio
[15:32:30] <DarthielleEU> RikusW: well, i was uploading .hex files made by studio sucessfully
[15:32:52] <DarthielleEU> i was using 3rd party program
[15:32:57] <DarthielleEU> to upload the programs
[15:33:00] <RikusW> avrdude ?
[15:33:07] <DarthielleEU> khazama
[15:33:24] <RikusW> AS only supports Atmel programmers...
[15:33:30] <DarthielleEU> i know
[15:33:34] <DarthielleEU> but isnt a prob
[15:33:42] <DarthielleEU> to upload hex files with another prog
[15:35:43] <DarthielleEU> but if i decide to go big i should get AVRDragon?
[15:36:46] <OndraSter> it is cheap
[15:36:48] <OndraSter> but powerful
[15:37:04] <DarthielleEU> well since i know C
[15:37:11] <DarthielleEU> i still need to learn AVR
[15:37:19] <DarthielleEU> DDR, PORT, PIN ETC
[15:37:25] <DarthielleEU> and << logic
[15:37:33] <OndraSter> << is bit shifting
[15:37:35] <OndraSter> simple
[15:37:59] <DarthielleEU> y
[15:38:04] <specing> There is nothing hard here
[15:38:11] <specing> Try coding on an ARM
[15:38:21] <OndraSter> hehe
[15:38:25] <specing> whole buncha PIO registers to worry about!
[15:38:26] <OndraSter> 'tis the same, just more registers!
[15:38:30] <specing> like
[15:38:35] <specing> a bazillion more
[15:38:39] <OndraSter> pff
[15:38:42] <OndraSter> have you seen atxmega?
[15:38:49] <OndraSter> the base is the same
[15:39:01] <OndraSter> but if you want to unleash its full beast you have got bazillion of registers too
[15:39:05] * megal0maniac has a stellaris launchpad :)
[15:39:09] <OndraSter> :P
[15:39:15] <DarthielleEU> i forgot, i dont know timers and counters
[15:39:21] <OndraSter> 'tis simple too
[15:39:27] <OndraSter> just a bit of math before you write it
[15:39:34] * OndraSter is about to join an #arduino channel and rage about compatibility
[15:40:03] * megal0maniac joins #arduino
[15:40:08] * megal0maniac doesn't see OndraSter :)
[15:40:09] <DarthielleEU> every time i google avr gcc tutorials ---> i get nothin
[15:40:12] <OndraSter> not yet
[15:40:15] <OndraSter> I said "is about to"
[15:40:20] <megal0maniac> I'll be waiting
[15:40:20] <OndraSter> DarthielleEU, check topic
[15:40:27] <specing> megal0maniac: ALREADY?!?!?
[15:40:35] <megal0maniac> specing: FedEx :)
[15:40:41] <megal0maniac> It's in a nice box and everything
[15:40:46] <megal0maniac> Well, not anymore, but it was
[15:40:48] * specing beats megal0maniac senseless
[15:40:53] <specing> one or two?
[15:40:58] <megal0maniac> NOT THE TREE!!!
[15:40:59] <megal0maniac> One
[15:41:02] <OndraSter> I still haven't taken my MSP430 launchpad from my box.
[15:41:06] <specing> I ordered two
[15:41:11] <specing> $5 cheap :)
[15:41:17] <Tom_itx> DarthielleEU, http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/how_to/atmega168/mega168_howto_main_index.php
[15:41:18] <megal0maniac> They're more now
[15:41:24] <specing> OndraSter: me neither, lololol
[15:41:24] <OndraSter> how much?
[15:41:28] <RikusW> megal0maniac: how long did it take to arrive ?
[15:41:31] <specing> 13$
[15:41:33] <RikusW> and what did it cost ?
[15:41:42] <DarthielleEU> Tom_itx: dead links
[15:41:47] <DarthielleEU> Tom_itx: at least to me
[15:41:48] <OndraSter> $13... not so awesome anymore :P
[15:41:54] <specing> yeah
[15:41:56] <megal0maniac> RikusW: $5
[15:42:00] <specing> got two for $10
[15:42:01] <specing> :)
[15:42:02] <Tom_itx> DarthielleEU, is 81 blocked on your router?
[15:42:06] <OndraSter> DarthielleEU, work for me
[15:42:11] <OndraSter> works*
[15:42:12] <DarthielleEU> well
[15:42:16] <DarthielleEU> i got serious firewall
[15:42:16] <specing> works for me too
[15:42:21] <DarthielleEU> maybee its the reason
[15:42:22] <megal0maniac> Ordered ages ago, but it was pre-order. Shipped on Friday with FedEx. Arrived today :)
[15:42:23] <specing> here it begins...
[15:42:27] <specing> "serious firewall"
[15:42:36] <specing> = broken shit with many holes
[15:42:36] <DarthielleEU> want to define it?
[15:42:41] <OndraSter> :D
[15:42:41] <specing> :)
[15:42:45] <OndraSter> <DarthielleEU> want to define it?
[15:42:46] <OndraSter> China?
[15:42:49] <RikusW> megal0maniac: thats seriously fast :)
[15:43:02] <OndraSter> megal0maniac, I told you that fedex is fast :P
[15:43:02] <megal0maniac> OndraSter: US
[15:43:08] <OndraSter> and that they will be ringing on monday
[15:43:14] <OndraSter> I got samples from TI in 36 hours
[15:43:19] <OndraSter> shipped from the US, came through customs in the france
[15:43:26] <OndraSter> ordered monday around our midnight
[15:43:26] <specing> TI probably has $100 expenses from my order
[15:43:30] <OndraSter> heh
[15:43:50] <DarthielleEU> OndraSter: ok, the wifi is open (anyone can connect), then kerio.com screen awaits you to logg in, then i got many filters (+many ports blocked including port 443)
[15:44:00] <OndraSter> ugh
[15:44:00] <specing> probably $1000 just from this channel alone :)
[15:44:02] <OndraSter> get out of that network
[15:44:03] <OndraSter> NAO!
[15:44:16] <DarthielleEU> OndraSter: data loging included
[15:44:21] <DarthielleEU> OndraSter: :)
[15:44:22] <OndraSter> I SAID NAO!
[15:44:23] <specing> DarthielleEU: Why do you have 443 blocked? LOL
[15:44:34] <OndraSter> why are you being data logged?
[15:44:36] <specing> Thats like fucking retarded to say the least
[15:44:36] <OndraSter> (LOL)
[15:44:54] <DarthielleEU> specing: i live in "when you watch american pie == campuses
[15:44:55] * specing gives up hope on DarthielleEU
[15:45:07] <megal0maniac> specing: I think I may have gotten my launchpad for free...
[15:45:07] <DarthielleEU> my campus
[15:45:16] <OndraSter> eh?
[15:45:18] <DarthielleEU> has this crappy net
[15:45:21] <specing> megal0maniac: Now I'll seriously harm you :D
[15:45:27] <DarthielleEU> so its campus internet
[15:45:30] <OndraSter> specing, he lives too far away :P
[15:45:40] <specing> DarthielleEU: What are you waiting for? Go kick some sysadmin ass :D
[15:45:43] <OndraSter> our campus internet is logged but not anyhow limited
[15:45:50] <OndraSter> but once you start downloading warez you are kicked from the school
[15:45:52] <OndraSter> (eduroam anyone?)
[15:45:55] <specing> OndraSter: Im going to telefrag him
[15:45:57] <megal0maniac> On my order page it says "Status: Problem" and I checked my bank account and the funds haven't actually cleared
[15:46:04] <OndraSter> LOL
[15:46:15] <OndraSter> it has disappeared from my orders page
[15:46:16] <specing> OndraSter: I have eduoroalololol too
[15:46:17] <megal0maniac> But here I hold it in my hand :)
[15:46:20] <DarthielleEU> specing: actually i was using tor last year, but now 443 is blocked :)
[15:46:35] <specing> DarthielleEU: VPN home
[15:46:42] <specing> through port 80
[15:46:57] <DarthielleEU> VPN cost $$
[15:47:17] <OndraSter> not really
[15:47:20] <OndraSter> if you have public IP then nothing
[15:47:59] <DarthielleEU> well im screwed either way.....
[15:48:50] <specing> DarthielleEU: VPN HOME
[15:49:00] <specing> DarthielleEU: Don't you have a permanent residence?
[15:49:41] <DarthielleEU> i have
[15:49:46] <specing> so?
[15:49:59] <DarthielleEU> in fact i have pretty good residence
[15:50:11] <DarthielleEU> but i dont know how to do it :S
[15:50:24] <DarthielleEU> and my admin is watching couple of ppl who used tor
[15:50:37] <DarthielleEU> so idk if its wise to do that
[15:50:47] <specing> DarthielleEU: do it
[15:51:05] <specing> There is nothing legally preventing you from using it
[15:51:07] <DarthielleEU> i will try to make it happen soon :)
[15:51:14] <specing> also
[15:51:19] <specing> WTF campus is this?
[15:51:27] <DarthielleEU> its not campus
[15:51:34] <specing> What is it?
[15:51:36] <DarthielleEU> its more of a place where ppl sleep
[15:51:47] <specing> Is it a student home?
[15:51:50] <DarthielleEU> who go in university and highschool
[15:52:04] <DarthielleEU> or "students home"
[15:52:17] <specing> Here people torrent like the world is ending tomorrow in student homes
[15:52:21] <OndraSter> DarthielleEU, I know what you mean
[15:52:35] <OndraSter> we call them "rails" lol
[15:52:38] <OndraSter> in czech
[15:52:41] <OndraSter> ("koleje")
[15:53:04] <DarthielleEU> well
[15:53:06] <DarthielleEU> nice
[15:53:08] <DarthielleEU> i was in cze
[15:53:34] <DarthielleEU> recently
[15:53:37] <specing> Lmao DarthielleEU is from croatia
[15:53:42] <OndraSter> lol
[15:53:48] <OndraSter> I know some croatia guys
[15:53:51] <DarthielleEU> no :)
[15:53:55] <specing> thats like 100km "down" -- if you know what I mean
[15:53:56] <OndraSter> but I prefer Ibiza
[15:53:57] <DarthielleEU> chorvat you mean
[15:54:03] <OndraSter> chorvat = croatia
[15:54:08] <DarthielleEU> i knwo
[15:54:11] <DarthielleEU> know
[15:54:49] <DarthielleEU> OndraSter: so are you on university of somekind?
[15:54:54] <OndraSter> ye
[15:55:01] <specing> We are all @uni
[15:55:12] <OndraSter> really?
[15:55:13] <specing> except RikusW, he is a farmer or ... ?
[15:55:24] <OndraSter> what about Tom_itx ?
[15:55:27] <specing> rancher?
[15:55:36] <specing> Tom_itx is american, he doesen't count
[15:55:41] <OndraSter> :D
[15:55:44] <OndraSter> wait, you are not an american?
[15:55:45] <DarthielleEU> well nice to meet new guys
[15:55:52] <specing> ofcourse not
[15:55:56] <OndraSter> duh
[15:55:56] <specing> Im Slovenian
[15:56:00] <OndraSter> why did I think you were
[15:56:24] <DarthielleEU> specing: we can have a beer if you'r near the border
[15:56:31] <specing> DarthielleEU: LJ
[15:56:36] <OndraSter> I can have a beer and still be at home!
[15:56:40] <specing> Also beer is juck
[15:56:46] <specing> OndraSter: me too
[15:56:51] <OndraSter> slovenian beer might be yuck
[15:56:53] <specing> except not beer
[15:56:56] <OndraSter> czech beer (not all of them!) are awesome
[15:57:01] <specing> I've tried belgian too
[15:57:03] <specing> and german
[15:57:07] <OndraSter> I've had one belgian
[15:57:10] <specing> they are all crap
[15:57:11] <OndraSter> some cherry stuff
[15:57:15] <specing> also italian
[15:57:16] <OndraSter> it was actually quite different
[15:57:31] <OndraSter> I still have got the bottle, it was not regular beer :D
[15:57:34] <OndraSter> and not regular bottl
[15:57:34] <OndraSter> e
[15:57:45] <specing> yeah, they have those red beers there
[15:57:47] <DarthielleEU> OndraSter: specing are you often on #avr ?
[15:57:51] <OndraSter> nonstop
[15:57:53] <specing> DarthielleEU: 24x7
[15:58:00] <DarthielleEU> well
[15:58:04] <OndraSter> but I am not always connected to my home server from which I am connected here :D
[15:58:07] <specing> #avr is our cave!
[15:58:10] <DarthielleEU> this just became my n1 place to be :)
[15:58:21] <specing> which reminds me... I should install irssi onto my router
[15:58:28] <DarthielleEU> i can offer you knowladge from mechatronics :)
[15:58:51] <specing> On a silver platter, I hope?
[15:59:10] <DarthielleEU> ..
[16:00:00] <DarthielleEU> how did you find out that im from cro OndraSter ?
[16:00:25] <DarthielleEU> i thought that this web based crap protects me....
[16:00:35] <OndraSter> <specing> Lmao DarthielleEU is from croatia
[16:00:36] <OndraSter> this way
[16:00:47] <DarthielleEU> yep
[16:00:47] <OndraSter> I would have run trace on your IP
[16:01:02] <DarthielleEU> OndraSter: any way to hide it ?
[16:01:08] <OndraSter> register @ nickserv
[16:01:11] <OndraSter> /msg nickserv help
[16:01:19] <DarthielleEU> OndraSter: i did that on xchat
[16:01:25] <DarthielleEU> but now im on web based crap
[16:01:30] <DarthielleEU> browser irc
[16:01:30] <OndraSter> then login and there should be +x or something
[16:01:38] <DarthielleEU> ...
[16:01:50] <OndraSter> /msg nickserv help
[16:01:52] <OndraSter> whoops
[16:01:56] <megal0maniac> I'm cloaked and it doesn't help me :)
[16:02:26] <specing> Why are you so afraid about exposing your IP?
[16:02:36] <megal0maniac> First everyone gets a look at my IP when I join, then again when I change hosts
[16:02:39] <DarthielleEU> specing: idk...
[16:02:49] <specing> Well
[16:02:53] <DarthielleEU> specing: i got a cave at my home
[16:03:02] <megal0maniac> specing: You've somehow done it right
[16:03:07] <specing> Theres only like a few people here that aren't hackers...
[16:03:14] <specing> j/k
[16:03:15] <specing> :)
[16:03:30] <specing> megal0maniac: 10s connect wait ;P
[16:03:40] <OndraSter> :D
[16:03:45] <specing> megal0maniac: there is a server password thingie but Im just lazy
[16:04:04] <megal0maniac> I have no clue
[16:04:16] <megal0maniac> I asked to be cloaked, it happened, and then yeah
[16:04:32] <megal0maniac> I need dev tools for this launchpad, and they're over 1gb
[16:04:36] <megal0maniac> 1mbps line
[16:04:51] <specing> megal0maniac: ##stellaris
[16:04:54] <megal0maniac> specing might receive his before I finish downloading
[16:04:58] <specing> Hah
[16:05:00] <DarthielleEU> specing: OndraSter are you here tomorrow after 10 am?
[16:05:15] <OndraSter> we are both europeans
[16:05:15] <specing> 1GB @ 1Mbits is like 2 hours
[16:05:17] <OndraSter> use 24h mode
[16:05:37] <megal0maniac> specing: Theoretically
[16:05:49] <megal0maniac> But I'm going to be asleep way before then :)
[16:06:20] <DarthielleEU> 10am == 10
[16:06:40] <DarthielleEU> im still used to "english" sry
[16:06:47] <DarthielleEU> we could try slavenic language
[16:06:47] <OndraSter> yes I will be
[16:06:50] <specing> megal0maniac: Its not like Im recieving the stellaris tomorrow
[16:06:50] <megal0maniac> My harddrive chirped today :(
[16:06:52] <DarthielleEU> if you preferr
[16:06:52] <OndraSter> no, please no :D
[16:07:07] <megal0maniac> Only once
[16:07:09] <OndraSter> megal0maniac, my GPU keeps chirping almost every day
[16:07:13] <OndraSter> but I can not imagine RMAing it
[16:07:17] <OndraSter> what I would be doing without my GPU!
[16:07:26] <specing> Now we have to use non-ASCII charsets, oh my
[16:07:32] <specing> ????????????
[16:07:37] <OndraSter> specing, move on to the UTF world
[16:07:42] <specing> Never!
[16:07:47] <megal0maniac> I have a laptop with a brand new screen, two brand new LVDS cables, and a broken GPU :(
[16:08:02] <specing> megal0maniac: well atleast you have the LVDS cables!
[16:08:02] <OndraSter> fail
[16:08:06] <OndraSter> I had a laptop with broken GPU
[16:08:08] <megal0maniac> Is it possible to get a picture on the VGA output but not on the screen?
[16:08:08] <OndraSter> so I took it apart
[16:08:10] <OndraSter> and sold it for parts
[16:08:13] <OndraSter> yes
[16:08:19] <OndraSter> with dead GPUs anything is possible
[16:08:35] <megal0maniac> Meh.
[16:08:57] <DarthielleEU> ok see ya... specing and OndraSter since im limited to 22h :)
[16:09:13] <megal0maniac> A "professional" told me that he's 100% sure that the cable is the problem because he tested with an external display and it worked :/
[16:09:14] <DarthielleEU> the servers are shutting down :)
[16:09:16] <specing> limited?
[16:09:19] <megal0maniac> Some people...
[16:09:20] <specing> servers?
[16:09:26] <DarthielleEU> routers*
[16:09:29] <specing> Oh my
[16:09:29] <DarthielleEU> firewall*
[16:09:34] <specing> Oh my
[16:09:37] <DarthielleEU> big boxes
[16:09:37] <DarthielleEU> with pc-s
[16:09:40] <DarthielleEU> that limit the net
[16:09:44] <specing> Better kcik some admin ass
[16:09:46] <DarthielleEU> yea
[16:09:50] <specing> go!
[16:09:51] <specing> :D
[16:09:59] <DarthielleEU> i want 2W wifi card and yagi antenna
[16:10:00] <OndraSter> b
[16:10:00] <DarthielleEU> :)
[16:10:01] <OndraSter> b
[16:10:11] <DarthielleEU> and a backtrack disc
[16:10:14] <specing> you need to make a sneakernet!
[16:10:24] <specing> with sneakers!
[16:10:33] <specing> shoelace connections! :D
[16:10:43] <OndraSter> http://arduino.cc/en/Main/ArduinoBoardDue
[16:10:44] <OndraSter> fuck me
[16:10:53] <DarthielleEU> arm arduino?
[16:10:54] <DarthielleEU> nice
[16:10:55] <megal0maniac> Didn't you know?
[16:11:09] <DarthielleEU> bbb
[16:11:13] <megal0maniac> 'Night
[16:11:21] <DarthielleEU> ty^^
[16:11:25] <specing> LOL
[16:11:30] <specing> the stellaris is 5V tolerant
[16:11:37] <specing> failduino
[16:11:54] <megal0maniac> The header pins on the stellaris are really long...
[16:12:09] <specing> really?
[16:12:13] <specing> well then
[16:12:13] <OndraSter> I did not, megal0maniac
[16:12:28] <specing> we'll just make really long plugs!
[16:13:33] <megal0maniac> It's been coming for ages. I'm amazed it actually turned into something
[16:14:01] <specing> they just made 9/10 of shields incompatible
[16:14:04] <specing> great job.
[16:14:09] <OndraSter> yep
[16:14:13] <OndraSter> well
[16:14:19] <megal0maniac> What, with 3v3?
[16:14:20] <OndraSter> they will usually work on 3v3
[16:14:30] <OndraSter> unless they have some shitty 3v3 regulator that actually uses the 5v rail
[16:14:33] <specing> "The Due has a 32-bit ARM core that can outperform typical 8-bit microcontroller boards."
[16:14:34] <OndraSter> instead the 3v3 rail directly
[16:14:37] <specing> "can"
[16:14:41] <OndraSter> lol
[16:14:46] <specing> at 84MHz
[16:14:48] <specing> "can"
[16:14:51] <specing> ...
[16:14:54] <specing> /facepalm
[16:15:05] <megal0maniac> Well only if it's doing something
[16:15:17] <megal0maniac> And this is the reason for them having the IOREF pin
[16:15:51] <megal0maniac> Compliant shields are supposed to be able to work at whatever voltage they detect on IOREF
[16:16:13] <OndraSter> hmm I do wonder what would happen with my ethernet shield at 5V IO
[16:16:17] <OndraSter> although I read it is 5V IO compatible
[16:16:19] <OndraSter> I think
[16:16:27] <megal0maniac> I'm pretty sure it is
[16:17:08] <specing> -!- DarthielleEU [a135b3e8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[16:17:12] <specing> killed, lol
[16:17:38] <megal0maniac> At least it wasn't the peer guy
[16:17:49] <specing> brb Im going to try connecting to wifi with my laptop
[16:18:10] <specing> Hope it doesen't use the distcc-compile submission program as a dhcp client again!
[16:18:49] <OndraSter> The CS, SI and SCK input pins are 5V tolerant. The SO
[16:18:49] <OndraSter> pin is also 5V tolerant when in a high-impedance state.
[16:18:50] <OndraSter> nice
[16:19:00] <OndraSter> so my shield is 5V tolerant. Nice
[16:19:05] <OndraSter> megal0maniac, still waiting on #arduino?
[16:19:33] <megal0maniac> No :)
[16:19:49] <OndraSter> too bad
[16:20:05] <megal0maniac> Did you moan?
[16:20:09] <OndraSter> no
[16:20:37] <megal0maniac> I'm back just in case :P
[16:20:45] <OndraSter> :D
[16:21:04] <megal0maniac> Can VPN get through NAT?
[16:22:11] <specing> yeah
[16:22:13] <OndraSter> only as a client
[16:22:31] <specing> the tunnel goes both ways
[16:22:43] <specing> so client/server orientation doesen't matter
[16:22:52] <megal0maniac> I want to set up VPN so I can download at work
[16:23:00] <megal0maniac> Controlled from home
[16:23:14] <specing> SSH
[16:23:15] <megal0maniac> Through NAT and firewall
[16:23:31] <megal0maniac> Can't ssh, no way of getting in
[16:23:32] <specing> I have a public-facing ssh server
[16:23:44] <specing> with 6-char root password
[16:23:49] <specing> noone can break it ;P
[16:26:06] <megal0maniac> So there you have it
[16:26:16] <OndraSter> they are dorks
[16:26:19] <megal0maniac> 23:14 < sirdancealot> he's from around here
[16:26:20] <megal0maniac> 23:14 < sirdancealot> i will find him and demand the cookie
[16:26:23] <specing> Meh solaris is so broken I cannot even begin to describe it
[16:26:30] <OndraSter> specing, DON'T GET ME STARTED ON SOALRIS
[16:26:33] <OndraSter> SOLARIS*
[16:26:51] <megal0maniac> I like soalris moar
[16:27:15] <specing> It should go burn in a sun or something ;P
[16:27:29] <specing> server version comes with java preinstalled /o\
[16:27:47] <RikusW> solarsi
[16:27:58] <OndraSter> specing, yep
[16:28:01] <OndraSter> because it has got this awesome thing
[16:28:02] <OndraSter> called
[16:28:03] <OndraSter> wait for it
[16:28:04] <OndraSter> JAVA
[16:28:05] <OndraSter> DESKTOP
[16:28:06] <OndraSter> SYSTEM
[16:28:09] <OndraSter> lmao
[16:28:11] <megal0maniac> Eew
[16:28:29] <specing> :D
[16:28:30] <megal0maniac> A desktop system in a VM? I'll pass
[16:28:40] <specing> Im going to download the desktop version
[16:29:43] <OndraSter> lol
[16:29:47] <OndraSter> we are so poor people at the uni
[16:29:51] <OndraSter> we are supposed to WORK on this crap
[16:29:54] <OndraSter> Sun Ray v2 clients
[16:30:04] <OndraSter> with T5540 or something like that the server(s)
[16:30:06] <OndraSter> two servers
[16:30:09] <OndraSter> about 50? clients
[16:30:12] <OndraSter> works slow as shit
[16:30:16] <megal0maniac> Orly?
[16:30:20] <OndraSter> even with 1 person having opened firefox
[16:30:31] <OndraSter> and the others not touching mouse nor keyboard
[16:30:34] <sirdancealot> hh
[16:31:07] <OndraSter> it is faster to start VM on my singlecore Pentium M with 2GB RAM and no swap
[16:31:09] <OndraSter> and use nano there
[16:31:21] <OndraSter> instead pico/vim on the bloody sun
[16:31:24] <OndraSter> let alone netbeans!!
[16:31:37] <OndraSter> I dare anybody to launch netbeans :D
[16:31:53] <OndraSter> I can't even do cat /proc/cpuinfo
[16:32:06] <OndraSter> because there is nothing in /proc other than 1000 different numbered "files"
[16:32:24] <specing> OndraSter: we have some badass windows enterprise deployment
[16:32:30] <OndraSter> hmm?
[16:32:39] <OndraSter> we have got fags
[16:32:41] <OndraSter> who use suns
[16:32:58] <OndraSter> and on regular desktops we have got gentoo (where about 2 minutes takes "starting udev") or win7
[16:33:08] <OndraSter> first time I sat to a computer it had borked win7
[16:33:15] <specing> You have Gentoos on regular desktops? :D
[16:33:35] <specing> Awesome:D
[16:34:27] <OndraSter> heh
[16:34:35] <OndraSter> but before they boot the lesson is over
[16:36:41] <OndraSter> you know what is fun?
[16:36:45] <OndraSter> what we are doing in the tests
[16:36:47] <OndraSter> and in the lessons
[16:36:56] <OndraSter> in the lessons: "tee is for that, less for that, grep for that"
[16:36:57] <OndraSter> in tests:
[16:37:06] <OndraSter> 'cat /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f7 | sort | uniq | egrep (`cat shells.denied | tr "\n" " " | tr " " "|"`)
[16:38:29] <OndraSter> and the funniest part is that he says "meh, I don't remember all the parameters from top of my head"
[16:38:31] <OndraSter> but he wants it from us
[16:38:41] <OndraSter> linux distros
[16:39:35] <specing> lol
[16:39:51] <specing> OndraSter: slap him for the useless use of cat award
[16:39:59] <OndraSter> heh?
[16:39:59] <specing> 'cat /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f7 | sort | uniq | egrep (`cat shells.denied | tr "\n" " " | tr " " "|"`)
[16:40:14] <specing> cut -d: -f7 < /etc/passwd | sort | uniq | egrep (`cat shells.denied | tr "\n" " " | tr " " "|"`)
[16:40:21] <specing> note the < /etc/passwd
[16:40:22] <OndraSter> ..
[16:40:28] <OndraSter> any FUNCTIONAL difference?
[16:40:28] <specing> DO it!
[16:40:35] <specing> one less process spawned
[16:40:40] <timemage> you should be able to combine the tr commands.
[16:40:42] <specing> one pipe less
[16:40:47] <specing> and that
[16:40:51] <OndraSter> timemage, I'd be glad if I got at least half of it
[16:40:56] <OndraSter> in any kind of way
[16:41:04] <timemage> OndraSter, hmm?
[16:41:04] <specing> yeah, another useless use of cat award
[16:41:20] <OndraSter> timemage, so I would have enough points to pass the class
[16:41:24] <specing> cut -d: -f7 < /etc/passwd | sort | uniq | egrep (`tr "\n" " " < shells.denied | tr " " "|"`)
[16:41:37] <megal0maniac> 'night all
[16:41:44] <specing> Not to mention the horrible backtick use
[16:41:47] <timemage> OndraSter, i haven't been whole conversation.
[16:41:50] <specing> that is totally deprecated
[16:42:03] <specing> cut -d: -f7 < /etc/passwd | sort | uniq | egrep ($(tr "\n" " " < shells.denied | tr " " "|"))
[16:42:11] <timemage> you could use process substitution, if you wanted also.
[16:42:27] <timemage> egrep <( tr ... etc )
[16:42:30] <OndraSter> nn megal0maniac_afk
[16:44:28] <OndraSter> http://sphotos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/178617_10151162400784823_187690415_o.jpg
[16:44:30] <OndraSter> I prefer this
[16:44:31] <OndraSter> than the shell crap
[16:45:51] <specing> These are not the droids you are looking for!
[16:46:15] <timemage> specing, heh, are you sure?
[16:46:26] <OndraSter> I am pretty sure these are the droids I am looking for
[16:46:31] <specing> Hehe
[17:12:57] <specing> Ok, connecting through wifi works
[17:13:03] <specing> not sure why routing is all dead
[17:13:16] <specing> probably because the wired connection is still active, hmm
[18:03:28] <hyoomin> Hello.
[18:28:05] <hyoomin> Ah... finally.
[18:29:12] <hyoomin> Is clearing OC1A the best way to disable the output from Timer 1 appearing on the pin, or is there a better way to disable the output of the pin?
[18:32:47] <Rami_> Hello
[18:35:59] <Rami_> I just tried to program avr microcontrollers using atmel studio 6... but i can't find references to learn how to use it... I usually use avr codevision to program it.. can any one give me url for references...
[18:42:55] <Casper> use the datasheet
[18:43:14] <Casper> for the code, as for the shitty ide... well, it's shitty :D
[18:47:19] <Rami_> Casper.. I didn't understand...
[18:48:06] <Horologium> he doesn't like the interface of AVR studio 6.
[18:48:10] <Casper> don't know how to code or how to use the IDE?
[18:48:29] <Rami_> I don't know how to code...
[18:48:35] <Kevin`> Rami_: iirc there's a farily obvious menu item for programming/debugging, although I don't have it open to show it
[18:49:06] <Horologium> how to use AVR Studio 6 and how to code are two different things.
[18:49:45] <Horologium> I would suggest doing a google search for AVR tutorial.
[18:50:12] <Rami_> Horologium I did...
[18:51:54] <Horologium> http://www.pololu.com/docs/0J36/3.b
[18:51:57] <Rami_> I often use codevision to program AVRs .. I 'd like to know what' are the atmel studio instructions
[18:53:25] <Horologium> http://www.atmel.com/microsite/atmel_studio6/videos.aspx
[18:53:30] <Horologium> there...even in VIDEO format.
[18:55:07] <Rami_> for example: how to set ADC in atmega8??? how can I use it by coding?? If you can guide me to any books or something like that.
[18:55:31] <Horologium> what does that have to do with atmel studio 6?
[18:55:42] <Horologium> what language do you want to program in? C or Assembly?
[18:55:55] <Rami_> c language
[18:56:25] <Horologium> http://www.avrfreaks.net/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=56429
[18:56:41] <Horologium> first link on a google search for AVR tutorial ADC
[18:57:10] <Horologium> http://maxembedded.wordpress.com/2011/06/20/the-adc-of-the-avr/ second link in same search.
[18:59:05] <Rami_> Horologium.. Thank you.... but I'd like to learn how to use any atmel studio (ADC was an example)...
[18:59:05] <Horologium> granted, none of those requires atmel studio.
[18:59:10] <Horologium> they just use gcc-avr
[18:59:36] <Horologium> atmel studio is just an IDE.....and I posted link to how to use that.
[18:59:59] <Horologium> that is separate from learning to program AVR microcontrollers...it can be used for that but the programming part is different from using the IDE.
[19:00:56] <Horologium> if you can program in C with codevision then you can do so with avr-gcc and/or atmel studio.
[19:01:51] <Rami_> Oh Really??? I was thinking that it's very different
[19:02:16] <Horologium> C is C...the difference is that codevision has some abstraction libraries and the IDE looks a lot different.
[19:03:18] <Horologium> I don't know if codevision uses the atmel standardized names for registers and such, however.
[19:03:29] <Horologium> all that is available in the datasheet for the particular chip you are working with.
[19:03:38] <Horologium> along with C and assembly examples for doing most tasks.
[19:06:01] <Rami_> codevision didn't use the registers directly, it show a window to select the registers and ADC etc.. that's the reason of my question...
[19:06:29] <Horologium> so it abstracts stuff for you.
[19:06:33] <Horologium> so read the datasheet.
[19:06:38] <Kevin`> if you use a window to select registers, how can you change them at runtime =p
[19:06:40] <Horologium> the AVR datasheets are VERY VERY GOOD.
[19:06:53] <Kevin`> although I suppose it's useful sometimes to have the initial state handled simply
[19:06:55] <Horologium> then look at some of the online tutorials.
[19:07:09] <Horologium> go through other peoples' code.
[19:08:30] <Rami_> Kevin`... you can change registers at runtime using assembly code inside c code...
[19:08:50] <Kevin`> Rami_: you can change them using normal c code, at least with gcc
[19:09:04] <Rami_> Really...
[19:09:05] <Kevin`> REGISTER_NAME=0x27 f/e
[19:09:21] <Horologium> codevision just screws with you by abstracting things at the IDE.
[19:09:45] <Horologium> rather than learning to work with the chip you learn to work with the IDE and don't learn what is underneath...almost as bad as arduino.
[19:17:10] <Rami_> Horologium... do you know..?? the datashee isi very very good.... this the first time I navigate inside... :) ....
[19:17:53] <Horologium> atmel datasheets are better than any other manufacturer I've seen, in my opinion.
[19:19:31] <Rami_> Yes I'm with you in this opinion..
[19:19:47] <Horologium> I specially like the double examples, C and ASM.
[19:20:00] <Horologium> shows you how things are really done.
[19:20:33] <Rami_> yes it is...
[19:29:30] <Rami_> Thank you all... I've a new things to learn tomorrow .. good night and thanks again..
[19:30:16] <Horologium> welcome.
[19:43:40] <hyoomin> When people can't answer questions like "What are my options for disabling the output of the timer from the associated pin?", their opinions on hard-coding the registers vs. using an IDE wizard to do it are overrated.
[19:45:14] <hyoomin> Only someone who understands the microcontroller completely has the appropriate understanding to say whether encoding those values by a wizard vs. interacting with the register directly is the better choice for a given user.
[19:48:48] <Casper> hyoomin: thanks to arduino ide, people get stupider and stupider... :(
[19:49:22] <hyoomin> I disagree. I wouldn't be tweaking registers directly myself if I only had command-line tools and no IDE.
[19:51:29] <hyoomin> Now, admittedly, there are some stupid STUPID Arduino tutorials... but you know what? There are also COUNTLESS stupid YouTube videos...
[19:54:20] <hyoomin> It's not the quality of the programmers that you notice, it's the quality of the people stupid enough to post their work online. Anyone working on anything GOOD is more likely to keep it to themselves. :P
[19:54:49] <hyoomin> Either that, or it ends up as a project on sourceforge or something, at which point people have to wade through a sea of code to see if it's any good or not.
[19:57:17] <hyoomin> For instance... I ran across an Arduino project for making an LED clock, and I was shocked that the way they cut down the pulse period was by using an interrupt to start the timer a few ticks in, rather than using the existing timer mode that let's you configure a custom timer maximum so it can be done entirely without software.
[20:00:23] <hyoomin> Arduino is a good thing, because the longer someone uses them, the more they're going to care about those pesky little details involved with doing the job right.
[20:01:17] <hyoomin> But even for a hard-ass engineer like me, who wants EVERY register configured correctly, and always wants to do things the BEST way, rather than the way that is merely good enough, I wouldn't touch embedded development if it was command-line only, with no user-friendly IDE.
[20:04:12] <hyoomin> But I've got my beef with Arduino too, particularly using "Analog Write" for PWM output. And now that they're going to have an ACTUAL DAC to write to with the Arduino Due, they're just going to overload "Analog Write" to do both. :P
[20:24:05] <rue_house> hyoomin, hi
[20:24:20] <hyoomin> Hello.
[20:24:45] <rue_house> your macking a clock?
[21:00:49] <hyoomin> rue_house: I have a timer outputting a carrier signal; I want to figure out what is the best way of modulating that carrier signal. I could just set OC0A to 0b00, but I want to know if there is a better way of disabling the output at that pin, and if there are other options.
[21:01:28] <hyoomin> I don't want to stop the carrier timer, I just want the pin to stop outputting the results from the timer.
[21:20:55] <rue_house> what kinda modulation
[21:20:57] <rue_house> serial?
[21:20:59] <rue_house> fm?
[21:21:01] <rue_house> am?
[21:21:04] <rue_house> pm?
[21:21:14] <rue_house> pcm?
[21:22:39] <rue_house> heheh AM: Antiquated Method
[21:25:51] <rue_house> hyoomin, ?
[21:27:21] <hyoomin> I'm just turning the carrier on and off via another PWM. I'm not sure what it goes by. I'm not interested in the complexity of the modulation, just what the best ways are to enable and disable the pin from the timer.
[21:27:40] <rue_house> thats AM
[21:27:46] <rue_house> there is another name, but its AM
[21:27:57] <hyoomin> Technically, I suppose.
[21:28:03] <Kevin`> called ook normally
[21:28:05] <Kevin`> or cw
[21:28:07] <rue_house> how about disabling the feeding clock supply to it?
[21:28:11] <rue_house> ook, thats it
[21:28:34] <rue_house> On Off Keying
[21:28:39] <rue_house> "cw"?
[21:28:39] <hyoomin> I want the carrier to continue its timing uninterrupted... I just want to disable the timer's output to the pin.
[21:28:56] <rue_house> ah, you want it to stay in phase
[21:29:01] <hyoomin> Exactly.
[21:29:15] <rue_house> if you switch the pin to an input there will still be a weak signal on the pin
[21:29:32] <rue_house> I think there is a FOC flag, but I cant rememer how it works
[21:29:33] <hyoomin> I have a second timer managing when the carrier's pin should output carrier signal...
[21:29:46] <hyoomin> FOC?
[21:29:53] <rue_house> Force Output Compare
[21:30:03] <rue_house> it locks the comparitor output ... on?
[21:30:08] <Kevin`> I suggest reading the datasheet with an eye for exact behavior
[21:30:47] <rue_house> I think you can turn it on and off
[21:30:51] <hyoomin> No, Force Output Compare just triggers the Output Compare Condition early. You would have to do it for every carrier pulse, and invert the signal.
[21:30:59] <rue_house> hmm
[21:31:02] <rue_house> well
[21:31:17] <rue_house> parallel two open collector outputs
[21:31:25] <rue_house> give then a pullup resistor and call it done
[21:31:29] <hyoomin> I'm just looking to disable the pin from outputting anything, preferably low, though I could invert and go high if I had to.
[21:31:35] <rue_house> RTL
[21:31:57] <hyoomin> I'm looking for an in-IC solution. There has to be a simple way to disable the pin from outputting anything.
[21:32:19] <rue_house> if the pin is an input, setting and clearing the output state will toggle the pullup resistor
[21:32:34] <rue_house> its just paralleling two pins, its almost in the avr
[21:32:42] <hyoomin> For instance, I could set OC0A to 0b00, but I'd prefer not having to dig through the timer configuration register just to turn the pin off... I don't want to interfere with the timing by doing that.
[21:33:01] <rue_house> hmm
[21:33:13] <rue_house> maybe you can change the timer mode, the count wouldn't be effected
[21:33:45] <rue_house> change it to a mode where it dosn't change the output
[21:33:49] <rue_house> I think there are 2
[21:33:50] <hyoomin> OC0A is part of TCCR0A, which would be changing the timer mode...
[21:34:25] <rue_house> oh I see, sorry, I thought you meant the count registers
[21:34:27] <rue_house> heh
[21:34:32] <hyoomin> I'm wondering if there is another solution which would override the timer connection to the pin, and ground it.
[21:34:39] <rue_house> I been asleep all day, I'm goin to bed
[21:34:45] <Tom_itx> pfft
[21:34:47] <hyoomin> Or set it high, though I'd sort of prefer not to.
[21:38:13] <rue_house> the two pin solution takes 0 extra cycles
[21:38:52] <Tom_itx> sometimes it's hard to convince ppl your way is better rue_house
[21:39:10] <rue_house> Picasos brush
[21:39:37] <rue_house> my way is no better for him than ....
[21:40:18] <rue_house> "Anyone can hold Picasos brush, but only he was screwed up enough to paint what he did with it."
[21:42:33] <rue_house> which is why giving any advise to almost anyone is mostly just pointless
[21:42:52] <rue_house> even if its your best-of-all advise
[21:43:18] <rue_house> speaking of tornadoes, how are you and kat doing?
[21:43:30] <Tom_itx> was a fine day here
[21:43:37] <Tom_itx> a bit chilly but a nice day
[21:43:44] <rue_house> I hear it didn't go well in new york
[21:43:50] <Tom_itx> still isn't
[21:43:57] <Tom_itx> but
[21:44:00] <rue_house> maybe it'll be newer york next year
[21:44:03] <Tom_itx> it missed Ga which is good
[21:44:32] <Tom_itx> atlanta airport was hectic
[21:44:54] <Tom_itx> as i'm sure all the others were
[21:47:40] <rue_house> were really due for an earthquake here
[21:47:55] <rue_house> so if I dissapear for a while
[21:48:11] <rue_house> well, remember to water the robots
[21:48:26] <rue_house> f you dont they will uprise and take over the world
[21:53:02] <hyoomin> The IEEE Robotics & Automation Society has the robot problem well in hand.
[21:53:06] <hyoomin> Such as it is.
[21:54:14] <hyoomin> Regardless, I wanted to know if there was a clever way to disable the pin output in-IC... I was aware you could add hardware to simply cut off the output from another pin, but I chose not to go that route on purpose.
[21:56:37] <Tom_itx> set it as input?
[22:03:39] <hyoomin> It pulls high if you set it as input, doesn't it?
[23:11:55] <Timelord83> Hello
[23:12:04] <Timelord83> sooooooooo i screwed up bigtime
[23:12:22] <Timelord83> anyone care to help a noob de-brick an at90usb1268?
[23:15:18] <skorket> Don't ask to ask, just ask
[23:29:21] <Timelord83> i am asking
[23:31:21] <Timelord83> I am not even sure where to start i read a 2 second artical http://www.larsen-b.com/Article/260.html about using another micro avr to set the clock on mine so i can reprogram it but again i have no clue. i was trying to change the bootloader on my RepRap board so i could load firmware from arduino IDE
[23:48:09] <skorket> telling us what you did in the first place might help with understanding how to undo it