#avr | Logs for 2012-10-10

[02:06:49] <OndraVPS> what has happened to my free VPS? :P
[02:07:17] <Richard_Cavell> How's everyone?
[02:07:31] <OndraVPS> about the same as yesterday
[02:07:38] <OndraVPS> except that by this time I was almost done with school :D
[02:07:39] <Richard_Cavell> ok
[02:08:25] <OndraVPS> Richard_Cavell: if you want some bigass feature packed AVR, once you get comfy with your attinys or atmegas or w/e you have, you can buy my xboard :P
[02:09:44] <OndraVPS> btw megal0maniac_afk the basic stuff as GPIO ports still can use DIR and OUT registers the same way as on mega - but there are those extra OUTSET, OUTCLR, OUTTGL, ... to make it faster - instead ld, ori, st it simply does st :P
[02:10:00] <OndraVPS> but you can ofc still do PORTA.DIR |= 1<<5
[02:14:31] <Richard_Cavell> OndraVPS: are you the one who makes those xboards?
[02:15:04] <OndraVPS> yes
[02:15:12] <Richard_Cavell> ok
[02:15:23] <OndraVPS> I don't have any stocked right now
[02:15:27] <OndraVPS> all are gone :P
[02:15:54] <OndraVPS> I have just realized that eduroam in the library today works! :o
[02:16:01] <OndraVPS> that hasn't happened to me yet :P
[03:13:36] <zump> how can i force the avr to execute in this order? http://i.imgur.com/KuXPq.jpg sorry about the crappy picture
[03:40:50] <RikusW> LOL -> http://pastebin.com/uZtc7qZX
[07:38:25] * MrTrick tears his hair out.
[07:39:15] <MrTrick> I can't figure it out - why would I be able to program/debug an atmega328P using studio 6 and the AVR Dragon, but not use the programmer window or read the fuses?
[07:40:11] <Tom_L> try updating the dragon?
[07:42:47] <MrTrick> trying that now
[07:43:52] <MrTrick> nope
[07:44:56] <MrTrick> I'll try a different chip
[07:45:18] <MrTrick> This is persisting even with the latest service pack.
[07:46:34] <MrTrick> (This is the 'reading device ID....failed', componentID: 20100, ispEnterProgMode: Error status received: Got 0xc0, expected 0x00, ModuleName: TCF (TCF command: Device:startSession failed.)
[07:52:59] <MrTrick> augh, this new chip works.
[07:53:23] <MrTrick> I wonder if I'm doing something wrong about the debugWIRE stuff.
[07:55:31] <MrTrick> does avr studio have command-line tools to switch dW on and off?
[08:07:05] <MrTrick> Hmm, so maybe I'm supposed to switch off debugWIRE before going into the programmer and try to read the fuses...
[08:10:03] <MrTrick> And I found a reference to using 'disable debugWire and close' in the menu... and that fails!
[08:43:58] <creep> h
[09:31:42] <mssssm> Hi, I'm looking to build a little project around multilateration, but I need a very exact counter source with at least 2^-24 s resolution (just ticks since start is enough) for that. Do you know of a dedicated IC that can maybe use a 32Mhz Quartz and can be queried via 2C or something else?
[09:31:52] <mssssm> *I2C
[09:32:33] <karlp> you need that much resolution, and you're going to query it remotely via i2c?
[09:56:43] <mssssm> karlp: If the latency to query it is always the same, it's irrevelant
[10:01:58] <karlp> if the latency to query it is always the same, to the same precision as the clock, sure.
[10:07:13] <Kevin`> mssssm: why not run the mcu from a 32mhz quartz crystal?
[10:07:49] <mssssm> Can I run an Atmel microcontroller at 32 Mhz?
[10:08:08] <Kevin`> mssssm: some can, some can't. xmega in particular can
[10:08:32] <mssssm> Well, that would be a better solution.
[10:08:40] <karlp> any particular reason it has to be atmel?
[10:09:18] <mssssm> None. I don't have much experience with other micrcontrollers than Atmels
[10:09:33] <Kevin`> mssssm: oh, there's also some atmel (attiny etc) that can run the timer faster than the cpu, up to 64mhz I think
[10:10:01] <Kevin`> but I think it would be a benefit to have the cpu in sync with the timer, reading it in a single instruction time
[10:10:04] <Kevin`> ymmv
[10:10:19] <Kevin`> unless you use external triggers
[10:10:38] <mssssm> hmm
[10:12:20] <mssssm> A second microcontroller would interrupt the microcontroller and fetch the count of ticks. If the CPU is in sync, I could make up for the interrupt stop by adding the number of cycles the instructions took
[10:13:38] <AR_> no it wont work
[11:26:43] <r0b-> hi
[11:26:44] <tobbor> hi r0b-.
[11:26:48] <r0b-> sup tobbor :P
[11:27:11] <r0b-> hey rue
[12:38:47] <RikusW> OndraVPS: hi
[12:51:30] <megal0maniac> Hi RikusW
[12:51:43] <megal0maniac> I think that nano is gone forever
[12:51:55] <Tom_itx> nano who?
[12:52:00] <Tom_itx> nano nano?
[12:57:46] <Steffanx> $ nano
[12:57:56] <Steffanx> cltr+x to exit , that nano :)
[12:58:25] <tld> http://www.apexjr.com/images/Nippon50v33000uf.jpg <-- I'm wondering if those would be appropriate for my power-supply pi filter.
[13:00:32] <RikusW> Hi megal0maniac
[13:00:46] <RikusW> my connection is unstable... :S
[13:01:01] <RikusW> megal0maniac: will see next time we go to town
[13:01:11] <RikusW> I hope it does arrive
[13:01:30] <RikusW> cheap main = slow mail...
[13:01:34] <RikusW> *mail
[13:02:42] <Steffanx> At least that's something that applies here as well RikusW :D
[13:03:02] <RikusW> do you have strikes there too ?
[13:03:24] <RikusW> violent enough that it requires armed escorts for fuel trucks ?
[13:04:08] <RikusW> fuel truck drivers are striking here, and will attack anyone else driving it...
[13:04:27] <RikusW> megal0maniac: http://pastebin.com/uZtc7qZX
[13:05:34] <RikusW> Steffanx: I did get PDI to work on that 128A1 :)
[13:06:27] <Steffanx> Yeah, you said that before :P
[13:07:43] <RikusW> wasn't sure if you saw
[13:10:32] <OSterver> mF
[13:10:34] <OSterver> V
[13:10:38] <OSterver> 33mF
[13:10:39] <OSterver> 50V
[13:10:41] <OSterver> and so huge? :P
[13:10:45] <OSterver> is it from the 80s..
[13:16:32] <RikusW> OSterver: do you have a tracking number on that package ?
[13:25:47] <megal0maniac> RikusW: Your connection is GPRS :)
[13:26:08] <RikusW> its usually stable...
[13:26:17] <RikusW> megal0maniac: have you read that pastebin ?
[13:30:42] <megal0maniac> I did, it's brilliant :)
[13:32:08] <OSterver> RikusW, somewhere
[13:32:10] <OSterver> ask me tomorrow :)
[13:32:19] <OSterver> I am busy with trying to recover some old emails
[13:32:23] <OSterver> *-with
[13:32:29] <OSterver> some company is suing another or what
[13:32:48] <megal0maniac> Sounds exciting
[13:35:41] <RikusW> megal0maniac: So my combobox is more or less functional, and I the GUI is copied to Rtk instead of Qt
[13:36:12] <RikusW> now for the actuall app code to be transferred
[13:36:15] <megal0maniac> RikusW: Didn't you say you copied QT's styling for Rtk?
[13:36:23] <RikusW> no
[13:36:27] <RikusW> not yet anyways ;)
[13:36:30] <megal0maniac> Ah, I misunderstood
[13:36:36] <RikusW> that can be done much later
[13:37:06] <RikusW> I'm leaving the Qt app too
[13:37:23] <RikusW> but it can be a hassle to get it compiled...
[13:37:47] <RikusW> actually downloading the SDK is the problematic part...
[13:38:04] <RikusW> all my code zips to 250k or so
[13:38:11] <RikusW> including the GUI
[13:38:25] <megal0maniac> Nice! Much better than using Qt
[13:38:32] <megal0maniac> Or easier
[13:38:46] <megal0maniac> apt-get install *qt* :)
[13:38:59] <megal0maniac> RikusW: Been talking to an Afrikaans girl, and she keeps apologizing for her bad english (although she hasn't made any mistakes yet.) I warned her about the grammar nazis :P
[13:44:47] <OSterver> I hate when somebody keeps apologizing for their english :P
[13:45:13] <megal0maniac> Grammar nazis will get you for apologizing too
[13:45:19] <megal0maniac> http://www.amazon.com/Data-Cable-Nokia-3585-CA-42/dp/B000BI4HQY
[13:45:33] <megal0maniac> First, and still most used, USB to serial adapter :P
[13:45:41] <megal0maniac> It's 3v3, so xboard friendly
[13:46:16] <AR_> rx tx only please simple ftdi
[13:47:45] <OSterver> zomg prolific pl2303
[13:48:17] <Kevin`> OSterver: those are fine if it's either not a clone or you are using linux
[13:50:59] <megal0maniac> I've only ever had issues on mac
[13:51:15] <megal0maniac> Linux, including openwrt, is fine with it
[13:51:20] <megal0maniac> And Windows too
[13:51:49] <megal0maniac> I prefer CDC, but I didn't know the difference at the time :)
[13:52:56] <Kevin`> cdc is used with virtual serial, built into a microcontroller or such
[13:53:18] <Kevin`> technically hardware could use it, but i've never seen it
[13:53:24] <megal0maniac> Kevin`: So using a mega8u2 still counts :)
[13:53:50] <Kevin`> of course. the cdc serial is implemented in the firmware on the mega8u2
[13:53:57] <megal0maniac> It just seems to play much nicer than usb-serial hardware
[13:54:29] <Kevin`> should be quite a bit faster if you are talking to the uc
[13:54:54] <Kevin`> limited by usb and the fiwmare design, no actual serial line rate and such
[13:55:01] <megal0maniac> A single .inf file in Windows, a single kmod in Openwrt, and nothing in Linux or Mac. What a pleasure.
[13:55:35] <RikusW> Kevin` it is a lot faster
[13:56:22] <megal0maniac> I'm specifically talking about using it as USB-serial (firmware implemented CDC - hardware UART
[13:56:25] <megal0maniac> )
[13:56:38] <megal0maniac> And price wise, not much difference..
[13:56:44] <megal0maniac> FTDI chips are expensive
[13:57:13] <RikusW> I could get 8u2 for like R20 in bulk...
[13:57:36] <RikusW> but realized it was too small an used 32u2 instead
[13:57:38] <Kevin`> there are, of course, other options for hardware serial. silicon labs ones are pretty reasonable
[13:58:29] <RikusW> though using raw usb endpoints via libusb seems to be easier than messing with serial api's....
[13:58:58] <RikusW> the linux serial api is buggy :S
[13:59:05] <RikusW> especially on kernel 2.6.18
[13:59:17] <specing_> 2.6.18?
[13:59:25] <specing_> Even debian is on newer!
[13:59:37] <RikusW> heh..
[13:59:47] * RikusW is too lazy to upgrade
[14:00:01] <Kevin`> even I have all my etch boxes updated now
[14:00:01] * RikusW don't have the connection to do it either
[14:00:02] <Kevin`> I think...
[14:00:25] <RikusW> I used sarge for a long time before etch...
[14:05:48] <OSterver> I think I will die from this speed :(
[14:05:54] <OSterver> at least it is smart RDP and not dumb VNC
[14:06:25] <OSterver> VNC would run even much slower
[14:06:58] <RikusW> lack of speed ?
[14:07:42] <OSterver> lack of internet
[14:09:10] <OSterver> AND HALF OF IT IS IN FRENCH
[14:09:15] <OSterver> so I do not know if it is relevant :(
[14:11:26] <OSterver> there are five or six names which I should search for. Only one returns any emails.
[14:20:20] <megal0maniac> RikusW: I could mail you a DVD with software on it, but it would probably get lost :P
[14:21:06] <RikusW> megal0maniac: the new MINT is several dvd's....
[14:21:12] <RikusW> I'll get it from my brother
[14:26:00] <megal0maniac> I have a 10mbps line I need to abuse before I stop working here :P
[14:26:03] <megal0maniac> 'Night all
[14:26:13] <OSterver> ..
[14:26:14] <OSterver> gn
[14:27:23] <megal0maniac> 10mbps is a big thing here :P
[14:29:30] <OSterver> it was more
[14:29:31] <OSterver> to the
[14:29:32] <OSterver> "night all"
[14:29:37] <OSterver> I am here trying to do something
[14:30:41] <RikusW> megal0maniac_afk: sounds like you need to get a torrent client ;)
[14:30:58] <OSterver> heh
[14:31:00] <OSterver> on 10Mbit..
[14:31:08] <OSterver> sometimes it is killing my 20Mbit :P
[14:31:18] <RikusW> ouch
[14:31:26] <RikusW> you can't complain...
[14:32:39] <RikusW> unless I have a 4Tbit line :-P
[14:32:47] <OSterver> :D
[14:32:50] <OSterver> you have GPRS
[14:33:02] <RikusW> which is about 200 times slower than you
[14:33:05] <OSterver> :D
[14:38:29] <chupas> Is there a page that compares the UC3 A,B,C,L mircos?
[14:38:44] <chupas> and defines the differences
[14:53:23] <OSterver> nothin from atmel?
[14:53:24] <OSterver> nothing*
[14:56:11] <Essobi> RikusW: Meh.. RPI crashed and took all my SPI code with it.
[14:56:25] <Essobi> RikusW: Any chance you have that pastebin I sent you ages ago?
[14:56:41] <Kevin`> always keep backups. especially if you are using crap storage like sd cards or usb flash drives
[14:56:58] <Essobi> Kevin`: Derp.
[14:57:17] <Essobi> Kevin`: I was in the middle of deving the code, and it died in a fire.
[14:57:28] <Essobi> Kevin`: Obviously I should have backed it up.
[14:57:54] <Kevin`> yeah, I can see doing that. you know, the system would probably work FASTER if you booted it from nfs :)
[15:07:38] <RikusW> Essobi: don't think so, how about #avr logs ?
[15:07:40] <RikusW> zlog
[15:08:33] <Essobi> roger that
[15:08:34] <Essobi> ty
[15:10:17] <OSterver> <Essobi> RikusW: Meh.. RPI crashed and took all my SPI code with it.
[15:10:28] <OSterver> ..
[15:12:02] <RikusW> !thislog
[15:12:02] <tobbor> This one: http://rueshouse.dyndns.org:82/~ircjunk/irclogs/html/%23avr-2012-10-10.html
[15:16:15] <Tom_itx> Essobi how long ago?
[15:17:04] <Essobi> ehh, I can't remember exactly.. 4-6 weeks mby
[15:21:31] <Tom_itx> <Essobi> RikusW: http://paste.debian.net/188382/
[15:21:35] <megal0maniac> http://paste.debian.net/188382/
[15:21:37] <Tom_itx> ?
[15:21:42] <megal0maniac> Ah. Too quick :)
[15:21:42] <Tom_itx> haha
[15:22:27] <RikusW> megal0maniac: google magic ?
[15:22:44] <megal0maniac> site:tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~tom-itx/irc/logs Essobi SPI rpi
[15:22:59] <megal0maniac> Google has kindly indexed the logs
[15:23:10] <Tom_itx> i just searched my personal log
[15:23:29] <megal0maniac> I don't have your personal log :)
[15:23:39] <Tom_itx> nearly the same as zlog
[15:23:58] <Tom_itx> but one big file
[15:24:17] <RikusW> thats one BIG file...
[15:24:19] <megal0maniac> Tom_itx: What do you use to generate the web-based output? With colours and all that
[15:24:40] <Tom_itx> originally it had more colors
[15:24:49] <Tom_itx> but i changed it to red?
[15:24:51] <Tom_itx> i think
[15:24:55] <megal0maniac> You did
[15:25:10] <megal0maniac> Time stamps are hyperlinked too
[15:25:15] <Tom_itx> all the colors hurt my eyes :)
[15:26:08] <Tom_itx> http://psha.org.ru/cgit/psha/logbot/commit/?id=972c09aefe6645653abb97e9ff6608e0e98a63e5
[15:26:11] <Tom_itx> is where i got the code
[15:26:36] <Tom_itx> i'd like a better bot
[15:26:46] <Tom_itx> one that can relay messages etc
[15:26:56] <Tom_itx> but i haven't found one i like yet
[15:32:27] <megal0maniac> ...
[15:32:56] <megal0maniac> This computer is giving the most ridiculous problems, all because of a faulty IDE DVD writer :/
[15:33:38] <megal0maniac> Graphics issues, blue screens, won't boot. Remove DVD writer, and BAM! Everything is fine
[15:34:29] <RikusW> PATA ?
[15:34:42] * megal0maniac nods
[15:35:02] <megal0maniac> It's one of those transition boards with SATA and a single PATA port
[15:35:06] <RikusW> I've seen pata hd's crash a pc
[15:35:35] <megal0maniac> Oh nevermind. It still won't boot :/
[15:35:59] <megal0maniac> Harddrives are good at crashing machines
[15:36:12] <megal0maniac> Or freezing machines during post
[15:36:31] <OSterver> who would ever use DVD Driver nowadays :)
[15:36:50] <megal0maniac> All the boxes I sell still have them
[15:37:00] <RoyOnWheels> I would like to take a usb mouse and input its motion from probably a pot based joystick. Any ideas on how the optical signal becomes the xy?
[15:37:19] <megal0maniac> RoyOnWheels: It's relative, not absolute
[15:37:44] <megal0maniac> So I don't think that would work
[15:38:36] <RoyOnWheels> megal0maniac: right, my friend removed self centering on a joystick to an mbed
[15:39:04] <RoyOnWheels> megal0maniac: a gyro is also on my input list
[15:40:47] <OSterver> Kinect ftw.
[15:40:57] <megal0maniac> RoyOnWheels: I don't know if you've ever seen a mouse cursor while it's being held by an FPS, but it is constantly reset to the center of the screen. Each time that happens, the software measures how far from the center the cursor was, and in which direction. That's how it measures movement.
[15:41:33] <megal0maniac> Have you checked out Teensy?
[15:50:17] <RoyOnWheels> megal0maniac: yeah maybe a teensy is the way to go. I am disabled and trying to get an improved input setup. My current equipment is sensitive to vibration. A gyro as an earpiece is my dream device currently
[15:51:07] <OSterver> RoyOnWheels, just by a long shot, does your nickname have anything to do with The IT Crowd?
[15:51:10] <OSterver> there was also Roy..
[15:51:20] <OSterver> who "accidentaly" became disabled
[15:51:26] <RoyOnWheels> no
[15:51:28] <OSterver> oh
[15:52:13] <RoyOnWheels> not me, i'm in Seattle area
[15:52:24] <OSterver> ah
[15:52:33] <OSterver> The IT Crowd = british humour.
[15:53:07] <megal0maniac> British humour is good in both the Czech Republic and South Africa. Why not Seattle? :P
[15:53:33] <OSterver> not many USArs enjoy brits humour
[15:53:48] <OSterver> it is too complex
[15:53:53] <megal0maniac> :D
[15:54:16] <OSterver> I loved when Stephen Fry asked Jeremy Clarkson "There are not many americans named Jeremy, are there?"
[15:54:25] <OSterver> and Jeremy replied "nope. It is too hard for them - it has three syllables!"
[15:54:26] <megal0maniac> RoyOnWheels: I keep hearing that gyro is useless without accelerometer, and that accelerometer is useless without gyro.
[15:54:38] <OSterver> depends on the target use
[15:54:48] <OSterver> accel without gyro is (was) used in phones for ages
[15:54:56] <OSterver> has been (was) *
[15:55:01] <megal0maniac> Like my phone :)
[15:55:11] <OSterver> gyro without accel - haven't seen that
[15:56:03] * megal0maniac shrugs
[15:56:10] <RoyOnWheels> actually i found a gyro/accel combo chip
[15:56:27] <megal0maniac> RoyOnWheels: Was just about to say that
[15:57:59] <RoyOnWheels> 1 is http://www.pololu.com/catalog/product/1268
[15:58:54] <RoyOnWheels> whole writeup https://dev.qu.tu-berlin.de/projects/sf-razor-9dof-ahrs/wiki/Tutorial
[15:59:08] <megal0maniac> RoyOnWheels: My friend's brother has severe cerebral palsy, so I've looked into this kind of thing before.
[15:59:49] <megal0maniac> There are some chinese made ones on ebay for $10, but you're not guaranteed of anything :P Pololu's stuff is good
[16:00:21] <RoyOnWheels> megal0maniac: yeah, make any progress?
[16:02:02] <megal0maniac> RoyOnWheels: He doesn't have enough control over anything. Too much jerky movement etc. So wasn't able to implement anything, but I had a few ideas
[16:04:25] <RoyOnWheels> megal0maniac: ok, i have good control, just a matter of designing it, with a teensy, the input method is my only obstacle
[16:07:15] <megal0maniac> Well, as you probably know, CP isn't only physical... Rather have too many sensors than too few. They don't cost a fortune, and I reckon that a combination of accelerometer, gyro and compass (magnetometer) should sort you out for just about any application
[16:08:53] <RoyOnWheels> yeah
[16:09:51] <RoyOnWheels> megal0maniac: probably like http://www.alibaba.com/product-gs/604667611/Gyroscopes_L3G4200D.html, just need the chip i'd assume
[16:12:13] <megal0maniac> I'd suggest a module, personally. They have all the supporting circuitry etc and you don't need to print a pcb.
[16:12:54] <megal0maniac> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=261080395340
[16:21:46] <megal0maniac> Heh. Just saw the Windows 8 blue screen of death :)
[16:22:45] <OSterver> eh
[16:22:49] <OSterver> what do you run W8 on?
[16:23:06] <megal0maniac> I don't. Internet
[16:23:16] <OSterver> lol
[16:23:27] <megal0maniac> It was time for a change
[16:23:37] <OSterver> I saw BSOD when I forgot that you can not do a BitLocker and boot into VHD at once :D
[16:23:44] <OSterver> it hit me AFTER I enabled the bitlocker and rebooted
[16:23:44] <OSterver> .
[16:23:46] <OSterver> it was too late
[16:25:55] <megal0maniac> I'm getting a BSOD on Win7
[16:26:00] <megal0maniac> Care to help?
[16:26:08] <OSterver> do you have ATI GPU?
[16:26:11] <OSterver> or AMD
[16:26:12] <OSterver> or whatever
[16:26:13] <megal0maniac> AMD
[16:26:17] <OSterver> .
[16:26:17] <OSterver> there you go
[16:26:18] <megal0maniac> CPU
[16:26:19] <OSterver> problem solved
[16:28:49] <megal0maniac> Any other suggestions?... I know it won't BSOD if I remove the CPI, but that doesn't help
[16:29:24] <megal0maniac> It blue screens after Windows 7 logo. 0xF4
[16:29:36] <megal0maniac> Which is apparently critical process termination
[16:29:39] <megal0maniac> http://mikemstech.blogspot.com/2011/12/troubleshooting-0xf4.html
[17:00:04] <megal0maniac> OSterver: Really though...
[17:00:15] <OSterver> no idea
[17:00:23] <OSterver> I haven't seen W7 BSOD since ...
[17:00:24] <OSterver> duh
[17:00:26] <OSterver> for a long time
[17:00:37] <OSterver> probably when I bought this PC
[17:00:41] <OSterver> and started overclocking it :P
[17:00:48] <specing_> BSOD? lOL
[17:01:31] <megal0maniac> I'm getting pissed off because I HAVE to finish this today, and nothing is working
[17:01:39] <OSterver> I know that feeling
[17:01:52] <megal0maniac> tv?
[17:02:05] <OSterver> nah, I am not messing with that till this week ends
[17:02:13] <OSterver> nor the HTC HD2 I have here in JTAG jig
[17:02:19] <OSterver> that refuses to start even after whole NAND reflash
[17:02:51] <megal0maniac> Hardware damage/failure is still possible
[17:03:02] <OSterver> I am thinking front flex cable
[17:03:05] <OSterver> from buttons
[17:03:11] <OSterver> but I can't see anything broken on it
[17:03:17] <OSterver> but it is one awful piece of flat flex cable
[17:03:21] <OSterver> twisted many times
[17:03:26] <OSterver> and awful to put in
[17:05:11] <megal0maniac> I nearly got that laptop working
[17:05:26] <megal0maniac> New screen, new LVDS cable
[17:05:43] <megal0maniac> And I discovered that I ordered the wrong LVDS cable...
[17:06:18] <megal0maniac> Looks identical, pinout must be different
[17:07:05] <megal0maniac> This stupid machine is running sfc /scannow
[17:07:23] <megal0maniac> it fixes nothing. wastes lots of time
[17:20:42] <megal0maniac> Hate. This. Machine. So. Much.
[17:21:02] <megal0maniac> Stop being wrong!!
[18:10:35] * megal0maniac gives up and re-installs
[23:59:57] <r0b-> anyone around?