#avr | Logs for 2012-09-25

[01:11:19] <grosso> hi
[01:12:17] <grosso> I have a question about software serial implementation
[01:16:39] <theos> so?
[01:16:53] <grosso> how is a UART receiver supposed to discern between a start bit and a simple falling edge in the middle of data?
[01:21:54] <specing> grosso: by keeping a bit count
[01:24:00] <specing> \o/ my two stellaris devkits will be delivered at the start of december
[01:24:17] <grosso> how so? Imagine that it loses sync, or when you power on the receiver, data is already coming, then it would be a lot of falling edges around
[01:24:44] <specing> grosso: then chances are that the stop bit would be missing ;)
[01:25:06] <specing> or transmission suddenly stopped or....
[01:25:38] <specing> I once made a hardware serial port myself :)
[01:25:49] <specing> On a FPGA
[01:27:11] <learningc> specing: what fgpa are you using?
[01:28:06] <grosso> well... stop bit is a simple "1" bit... how you recognize a stop bit when data is coming continously?
[01:29:00] <specing> learningc: *were, a xilinx spartan 3E
[01:29:44] <learningc> specing: what programmer do you use?
[01:32:13] <specing> learningc: it was a nexys 2 devkit
[01:32:47] <grosso> my question is: when data is coming without any spacing between bytes, then it is possible to have a falling edge and 8 bits later a "1" logic just in middle of data, so UART receiver never gets in sync...
[01:35:05] <specing> then you got the baudrate wrong
[01:36:48] <grosso> i'm trying to implement a timer driven software serial implementation for my attiny85... the thing works, but when data has a lot of 0s, then it hangs
[01:40:56] <grosso> do you mean that serial is designed so that there is a gap between one byte and the next?
[03:05:47] <megal0maniac> specing: What do you think of this? Worthwhile? http://www.xess.com/prods/prod048.php
[05:54:24] <megal0maniac> Once you have 2 compilers installed (or more), how do you specify what you want to run when you type "make"?
[05:54:32] * megal0maniac says, as he installs MinGW
[05:54:44] <megal0maniac> Asks, rather
[05:57:27] <OndraSterver> megal0maniac, gcc-select? :D
[05:58:21] <megal0maniac> It's actually a little ridiculous. I'm installing MinGW in order to compile a newer version of AVR-GCC
[06:00:56] <RikusW> megal0maniac: why not just use the avr-gcc on the atmel site ?
[06:04:58] <megal0maniac> Hmmm...
[06:07:30] <megal0maniac> Atmel AVR 8-bit and 32-bit Toolchain 3.4.0 - Windows?
[06:07:55] <megal0maniac> Is that avrgcc?
[06:14:20] <Roklobsta> err, avr offer standalone avr-gcc
[06:14:29] <Roklobsta> you don't have to drag it along with avrstudio6
[06:19:08] <megal0maniac> I know that, but I wasn't aware that Amel's toolchain was AVRGCC. I thought they had their own toolchain
[06:27:45] <RikusW> yes atmel use gcc
[06:31:14] <RikusW> I have the Linux version, seems you only needs to include the bin dir in your path
[06:31:18] <RikusW> as easy as that :)
[07:39:43] <megal0maniac> I've read somewhere that you can use an IO pin as gnd by setting it to output and low. When is this _not_ a good idea?
[07:39:55] <OndraSterver> 20mA sinking max
[07:40:03] <OndraSterver> also
[07:40:14] <OndraSterver> also it is not GND all the time
[07:40:20] <OndraSterver> when the chip is in reset - it is HiZ
[07:40:23] <OndraSterver> and effectively floating
[07:40:30] <OndraSterver> just as if it is set as input without pullup
[07:40:58] <megal0maniac> I'd only use it for IO, if at all, so those limitations aren't... well, limitations :)
[07:43:07] <megal0maniac> But that's pretty cool. I like it. What happens if you, say, have an LED & resistor (drawing < 20mA) connected to 2 digital pins, and you set them both high?
[07:43:27] <megal0maniac> Or reverse polarity?
[07:45:21] <AnalogSound> megal0maniac, nothing is going to happen :)
[07:45:31] <megal0maniac> I like that answer
[07:45:44] <megal0maniac> No "magic smoke" or similar
[07:46:02] <AnalogSound> is like putting to signals of logical 1
[07:46:14] <AnalogSound> nop :) no magik smoke
[08:11:39] <OndraSterver> not sure how on mega (check datasheet) but on xmega almost every port has its own vcc/gnd pair
[08:11:44] <OndraSterver> through which can flow 100 or 200mA
[08:11:45] <OndraSterver> so do the math
[08:21:40] <RikusW> megal0maniac: some leds won't like 5V in reverse
[08:22:02] <RikusW> check the LED datasheet for max reverse voltage
[08:22:38] <megal0maniac> Will do. It was just hypothetical, though :)
[08:26:48] <megal0maniac> OndraSterver: Looking at the xmega datasheet
[08:26:53] <megal0maniac> SO MANY THINGS!! :D
[08:28:17] <megal0maniac> Busy trying to work out in my head how to get the real time counter to work as a battery backed-up real time clock, with 32.768 external xtal. It can work in sleep mode, so that's good.
[08:30:57] <megal0maniac> Oh look. Section 10 of the xmega au manual
[08:32:08] <megal0maniac> Also, the atmega only has vcc and avcc. Not one for each port
[08:32:26] <OndraSterver> they have more Vccs
[08:32:28] <OndraSterver> and one avcc
[08:32:38] <OndraSterver> (not all of them have more vccs, but those >32pinned do
[08:32:47] <OndraSterver> >=32pinned
[08:32:48] <OndraSterver> I think
[08:32:50] <OndraSterver> not sure
[08:33:06] <megal0maniac> 256a3u has 5
[08:33:11] <megal0maniac> and avcc
[08:34:22] <RikusW> megal0maniac: then you should see the AVR32 datasheets :-P
[08:34:45] <RikusW> it makes the xmega look simple and mega like childs play ;)
[08:34:49] <megal0maniac> RikusW: I'm not brave enough for that :)
[08:35:07] <RikusW> you can always take a peek and run :-D
[08:35:24] <AnalogSound> =))
[08:37:17] <RikusW> I have a 3A3 xplain board haven't even used it yet, apart from updating the fw it cost $29 R270
[08:37:40] <RikusW> it has high speed usb, which is why I got it in the first place
[08:41:29] <megal0maniac> What were you planning on doing with it?
[08:41:39] <RikusW> data capture
[08:41:43] <megal0maniac> I'm now looking for an xmega au with a Vbat pin :)
[08:42:21] * RikusW is thinking logic analyzer or scope
[08:42:23] <Amadiro> RikusW, which chip does that one have?
[08:43:06] <Amadiro> RikusW, I'm building a logic analyzer/scope right now, although I'm basing it on a spartan 6 with 128 megs of ram, and a bunch of 250MHz ADCs
[08:43:45] <RikusW> at32uc3a3256
[08:44:26] <RikusW> sounds good
[08:44:59] <Amadiro> RikusW, not sure how you would do it with the at32, most ADC converters want you to talk to them via LVDS or DDR, I think
[08:45:19] <megal0maniac> RikusW: The xula board is a spartan 6
[08:46:10] <RikusW> Amadiro: I just wanted something a bit faster than my U2S ATmega32U2 based board
[08:47:04] <RikusW> this one -> http://sites.google.com/site/megau2s/home
[08:47:27] <Amadiro> RikusW, ah. I'll probably try to go for the full 250-200 000 000 samples per second at 12 bits or so
[08:48:48] <megal0maniac> OndraSterver: The xmega256a3b has vbat. But no USB. Not really worth it
[08:48:52] <RikusW> will you be selling that ?
[08:49:09] <Amadiro> nah, just for fun & learning how to program sparta6 devices
[08:49:20] <Amadiro> I got the ADCs for free from TI
[08:49:34] <megal0maniac> I still can't decide whether the xula is worth getting...
[08:49:36] <Amadiro> I asked them if they want to send me some, didn't think they would (they cost like 50$ a piece), but they did
[08:52:17] <RikusW> lucky you :)
[08:52:37] <Amadiro> RikusW, yeah, TI seems to be really generous with samples.
[08:52:37] <megal0maniac> TI seems to be quite nice
[08:53:01] <Amadiro> RikusW, the interesting part will be the triggering, data compression, and then I also have some interesting ideas for the software side
[08:54:44] <RikusW> data compression ? is USB 2 too slow ?
[09:02:12] <Amadiro> RikusW, I wasn't planning on transferring data while I'm recording events
[09:02:20] <Amadiro> RikusW, so that's not the problem, but the 128 megabyte of ram are
[09:03:13] <Amadiro> at 12 bit precision and 250Msamples/s you get like 357MiB of data each second
[09:03:22] <Amadiro> so with 128 MiB RAM I can record like a third of a second
[09:03:57] <megal0maniac> OndraSterver: A1U should be available from 15 November
[09:06:02] <OndraSterver> you need a3bu
[09:06:03] <OndraSterver> oh
[09:06:04] <OndraSterver> nice
[09:06:09] <OndraSterver> the day before my bday!
[09:06:41] <megal0maniac> That's the estimated shipping date I got from sample center
[09:06:53] <OndraSterver> sample center sampled them to me month ago just fine
[09:07:02] <megal0maniac> Oh
[09:07:06] <megal0maniac> "0 Available)
[09:07:09] <megal0maniac> "
[09:07:34] <OndraSterver> I like that with the SMPS I take the same space as they do on arduino with LDO
[09:07:43] <OndraSterver> because they make big place for heat dissipation :P
[09:07:48] <OndraSterver> I just use SMPS!
[09:07:55] <OndraSterver> a bit more expensive but meh
[09:08:29] <OndraSterver> LDO is like .2€
[09:08:34] <OndraSterver> SMPS is about 1.3€
[09:08:43] <OndraSterver> but hey, arduino leonardo costs 19€!
[09:09:13] <megal0maniac> Are you going to try and write support for Arduino?
[09:09:39] <megal0maniac> There's something called xmegaduino already
[09:09:42] <RikusW> I'll just have to document and zip up the patch I already did
[09:13:51] <megal0maniac> Whoops :)
[09:14:05] <megal0maniac> OndraSterver: ^^
[09:14:57] <megal0maniac> RikusW: Tried to get it working myself, from an existing port by mattairtech. But kept getting "atmega32u2 supported by assembler only"
[09:17:11] <RikusW> I added 32u2 support by adding the right header file...
[09:22:03] <megal0maniac> brb..
[09:25:11] <Amadiro> Looks like the power supply for my USB hub outputs 12V instead of 6V, which would explain why it gets so hot that it almost de-solders itself
[09:25:22] <megal0maniac> Heh
[09:25:31] <megal0maniac> vreg dead maybe?
[09:25:47] <Amadiro> It's supposed to output 6V at a load of 2.1A, which the hub probably never manages to attain
[09:25:48] * megal0maniac offers captain obvious' solutions
[09:26:05] <megal0maniac> Amadiro: Ah. And it's a crappy transformer, yes?
[09:26:12] <Amadiro> megal0maniac, it's probably just that the load the hub gives is too light, and yes, the transformer being crap
[09:26:40] <megal0maniac> Amadiro: http://www.sparkfun.com/tutorials/103
[09:28:11] <Amadiro> with 4 devices attached, the transformer still spits out 8.5 volts, so it's clearly waaaaaay too big
[09:28:21] <megal0maniac> Probably nothing new to you, but interesting and relevant :)
[09:28:35] <megal0maniac> Throw a 7805 in there
[09:29:01] <Amadiro> megal0maniac, yeah, should've been the first thing to look for, but I kept probing the caps
[09:29:23] <Amadiro> megal0maniac, I think I'll just attach it to a less powerfull wall-wart, really...
[09:29:24] <OndraSterver> I am aware of xduino or something
[09:29:30] <megal0maniac> Ah. Sneaky :)
[09:29:34] <OndraSterver> but!
[09:29:38] <OndraSterver> I am not sure how much it is supported
[09:29:39] <OndraSterver> etc
[09:29:43] <OndraSterver> or how it is written
[09:29:53] <OndraSterver> I'd much prefer to give them atmel studio - there is ASF
[09:29:56] <OndraSterver> or you know
[09:30:03] <OndraSterver> write arduino-compatible libs
[09:31:07] <megal0maniac> I like that idea
[09:31:36] <megal0maniac> I saw some mention of "processing" which hasn't /really/ been a part of Arduino for ages...
[09:31:43] <megal0maniac> So I don't think it's very current
[09:32:02] <megal0maniac> Almost definitely pre version 1
[09:32:30] <OndraSterver> also
[09:32:33] <OndraSterver> when I write my bootloader
[09:32:34] <OndraSterver> USB bootloader
[09:32:37] <OndraSterver> it will be self-updatable
[09:32:51] <OndraSterver> it will have many warnings before you flash it
[09:35:13] <RikusW> self updateable bootloader ? !
[09:35:18] <OndraSterver> aye
[09:35:20] <OndraSterver> :)
[09:35:31] <RikusW> it would be advisable to have a programmer at hand....
[09:35:32] <megal0maniac> Be back in a few. Driving to work :(
[09:35:39] <OndraSterver> RikusW, that's the many warnings
[09:35:41] <OndraSterver> bb
[09:35:42] <RikusW> this time of day ?
[09:35:47] <OndraSterver> I will leave like half a kilobyte on the flash empty
[09:35:49] <OndraSterver> on the end
[09:35:50] <OndraSterver> in BL section
[09:35:59] <OndraSterver> first, it will download new BL
[09:36:07] <OndraSterver> and save it to somewhere in the flash
[09:36:16] <OndraSterver> then it will download updater, which will be the half kilobyte
[09:36:24] <OndraSterver> it will also copy current BL to the main flash
[09:36:26] <OndraSterver> as a backup
[09:36:41] <OndraSterver> then it will jump to the updater, which will update the BL
[09:36:42] <megal0maniac> RikusW: Yeah. Work 5pm to 9pm Monday to Thursday. And 9am to 3pm on Saturday. Just until the end of this year, then I'll be a student again :D
[09:36:44] <OndraSterver> verify it
[09:36:49] <OndraSterver> and if all goes okay, delete the backup
[09:36:54] <megal0maniac> OndraSterver: LOTS of steps
[09:36:57] <OndraSterver> aye
[09:36:59] <OndraSterver> but!
[09:37:01] <OndraSterver> self updatable BL
[09:37:03] <RikusW> I would put a new bootloader in main flash that accesses only a SPM instruction in the bootloader
[09:37:17] <OndraSterver> that is the other option, yes
[09:37:30] <OndraSterver> as a bootstrap itself
[09:37:32] <RikusW> then switch to the app side bootloader and update the main one using only a few bytes of bootloader flash
[09:38:23] <OndraSterver> there are many ways how to solve it
[09:40:00] <RikusW> if doing that you won't be able to protect the bootloader using the lockbits....
[09:40:23] <RikusW> alternately you can have a minimal bootloader and a addon bootloader with more features
[09:40:30] <RikusW> and only protect the minimal version
[09:40:54] <RikusW> and use that for rescue situations
[09:48:40] <Amadiro> megal0maniac_afk, attached a different powersupply that actually delivers 6V, hardly gets lukewarm now, even with 4 devices attached
[09:50:09] <Amadiro> this one actually delivers 6V (measured under load with 4 devices)
[09:55:20] <xam> Hello
[09:55:42] <xam> Anyone here know VUSB?
[09:56:07] <xam> I need help on what's the best way to pass my ADC conversion result into my host computer
[09:56:53] <OndraSterver> cdc?
[09:56:55] <xam> ADCH is of type uint8_t and I need to put it in a uchar buffer. How do I do that?
[09:56:56] <OndraSterver> virtual serial port?
[09:58:14] <Amadiro> xam, as OndraSterver said, virtual serial port is probably the easiest way to go -- you neither need a driver nor a libusb userland driver on the host side
[09:59:02] <karlp> xam: uint8_t and uchar are normally the same, have you tried just doing it?
[09:59:19] <xam> I can't go with the virtual serial port
[09:59:25] <xam> I'm using libusb
[09:59:36] <karlp> Amadiro: I think he's asking about the device side, using the vusb api
[09:59:51] <xam> karlp: yes, I tried. I'm doing buffer[0] = ADCH
[09:59:58] <karlp> and?
[10:00:01] <Amadiro> well, yeah, but the advantages on the host-side are still worth mentioning :)
[10:00:10] <xam> but I get 0-128 when i turn the pot knob halfway
[10:00:22] <xam> halfway to full, I get -128-0
[10:00:25] <xam> which is weird
[10:00:29] <karlp> Amadiro: using CDC just because you're used to a serial port is absurd when you don't actually want a serial port
[10:00:32] <OndraSterver> how do you interpret the received data?
[10:00:49] <karlp> switch the v++ and gnd pins on your pot...
[10:00:51] <xam> I don't. I just pass it to see if I have the correct 0-255 values
[10:01:12] <karlp> oh, never mind
[10:01:22] <Amadiro> karlp, eh, serial port works well to transmit single bytes, so why not
[10:01:33] <Amadiro> Everything else is more work, as far as I see it
[10:01:51] <karlp> yeah, because async byte streams are awesome ways to build apis
[10:02:01] <karlp> especially when you're stuffing single bytes into usb frames
[10:02:06] <xam> For this project, I'm using libusb (host) and vusb (device)
[10:02:08] <Amadiro> seems to work for the internet
[10:02:19] <karlp> umm, what?
[10:02:48] <karlp> name one internet protocol that's an async byte stream
[10:03:37] <Amadiro> karlp, define "async". Most TCP and UDP based protocols are async in the sense that they don't require a strict "request-response" pattern...
[10:03:53] <karlp> but they're still frame based.
[10:03:59] <Amadiro> sure
[10:04:05] <karlp> xam, I don't think your problem is on the vusb side,
[10:04:14] <karlp> I think it's in the interpration in your libusb code.
[10:04:17] <Amadiro> Doesn't matter so much for the API building, though, I thought that's what we're talking about.
[10:04:19] <LoRez> being frame based doesn't mean they're not async
[10:04:30] <xam> yes. I figured it's just the type incompatibility
[10:04:50] <karlp> no, uchar and uint8_t are the same as far as you're concerned on the vusb end
[10:05:03] <karlp> it's when you'e reading out of the buffer on the libusb side I suspect
[10:05:27] <xam> ok. I'll try again
[10:06:30] <karlp> the examples here http://vusb.wikidot.com/host-software show that the buffer is char, not a unsigned char.
[10:08:07] <xam> thanks for that. I'll try again
[10:09:15] <xam> so on my device side
[10:09:27] <xam> can I just do this?
[10:09:33] <xam> static uchar buffer[16];
[10:09:43] <xam> buffer = ADCH;
[10:09:52] <xam> ADCH is uint8_t and buffer is uchar
[10:09:55] <xam> is that valid?
[10:10:04] <xam> or should I do some kind of conversion?
[10:10:32] <OndraSterver> it's the same
[10:11:55] <xam> okay. thanks
[10:12:57] <xam> oops. "incompatible types when assigning to type 'unsigned char[16]' from type 'uint8_t'"
[10:17:46] <xam> I can't assign my ADCH to my buffer
[10:22:03] <nomis> xam: buffer[0] = ADCH;
[10:29:04] <xam> okay. it works. 0-128 halfway of the knob
[10:29:09] <xam> the rest are gibberish
[10:43:54] <megal0maniac> So some tiny eeprom arrived
[10:43:57] <megal0maniac> Now what? :D
[10:45:50] <Amadiro> upload all the data
[10:46:03] <megal0maniac> MAKE EVERYTHING F!
[10:46:06] <megal0maniac> I suppose
[10:46:20] <megal0maniac> Don't have breadboard at work, though
[10:47:09] <megal0maniac> 128K
[10:47:12] <megal0maniac> So many bits
[12:08:12] <RoyOnWheels> CapnKernel: hi there, heard you can source parts?
[12:09:03] <Tom_itx> not if he never answers
[12:18:44] <megal0maniac> He has been pretty quiet lately
[12:30:28] <RoyOnWheels> yeah
[12:39:24] <OndraSterver> he is in the ozieland
[12:39:26] <OndraSterver> with his wife
[12:39:28] <OndraSterver> so.. yeah
[12:45:03] <megal0maniac> OndraSterver: I really hope xboard arrives tomorrow...
[12:45:26] <megal0maniac> Was looking into adding Arduino lib support to Atmel Studio. It's easy. But there's a catch...
[12:45:46] <megal0maniac> The target needs to be supported by Arduino
[12:49:38] <OndraSterver> yes it does
[12:49:40] <OndraSterver> hmm
[12:49:44] <OndraSterver> enc424j600
[12:49:59] <OndraSterver> wiznet5100 is nice, but "only" 4 sockets support
[12:50:02] <OndraSterver> not much!
[12:50:17] <OndraSterver> I am looking for suitable magnetics for enc424j600
[12:50:24] <OndraSterver> so I can use low profile rj45
[12:50:30] <OndraSterver> regular magjacks are awfuly high
[12:52:15] <karlp> don't your awesome xmegas have enough ram/flash to run uIP or lwIP?
[12:52:24] <karlp> toss the wiz5100 stuff
[12:52:54] <OndraSterver> not sure how much RAM it requires
[12:53:01] <OndraSterver> but if it fits arduino - it will fit xmega
[12:53:11] <OndraSterver> that's why I wanted enc424j600
[12:53:20] <OndraSterver> and uIP/lwIP
[12:56:13] <OndraSterver> well
[12:56:15] <OndraSterver> that was easy
[12:56:17] <OndraSterver> the first one I found
[12:58:17] <OndraSterver> it would be nice if I could fit it on xboard ultra base
[12:58:18] <OndraSterver> but... no
[12:58:20] <OndraSterver> not happening
[12:58:41] <OndraSterver> the microSD is taking already a lot of space
[12:58:51] <OndraSterver> above that microUSB connector
[12:58:52] <OndraSterver> and above that SMPS
[13:06:43] <RikusW> megal0maniac: hi, I just mailed you my Arduino patch, for loading the first sketch use normal bootloader mode and then use "select" to go to app mode
[13:07:58] <RikusW> Is this channel just quite is is my connection dead ?.....
[13:08:07] <RikusW> *quiet..
[13:11:52] <Steffanx> both
[13:12:10] <RikusW> none now :)
[13:15:27] <TechIsCool> hey everyone I am working with pointers first time really and need a little help. I have the pointer setup and functioning inside a single void but when I move to another void it gives me gibberish. I thought all I had to to was declare it outside but that does not work. Any help would be awesome
[13:15:47] <RikusW> paste the code ?
[13:16:11] <RikusW> and pointers really isn't that difficult to understand
[13:16:18] <RikusW> *aren't
[13:17:04] <TechIsCool> http://pastebin.com/NFYN3Xpx
[13:18:08] <RikusW> which lines ?
[13:18:10] <TechIsCool> The device addresses listed at line 64 work correctly but when listed at 112 it does not
[13:18:52] <TechIsCool> http://pastebin.com/qg2QTpAY
[13:19:00] <TechIsCool> that's the serial dumpo with a single loop
[13:20:25] <TechIsCool> line 3 should match line 7
[13:23:09] <RikusW> hmm interesting problem
[13:23:42] <TechIsCool> I am not programing in arduino I am in as6 with full dragon for debug if that helps tracking it down
[13:24:12] <RikusW> you shouldn't declare uint8_t **TemperatureDeviceAddress inside the setup function too.....
[13:24:35] <TechIsCool> so just uint8_t**)malloc(sizeof *TemperatureDeviceAddress * DeviceCount);
[13:24:42] <TechIsCool> not uint8_t **TemperatureDeviceAddress = (uint8_t**)malloc(sizeof *TemperatureDeviceAddress * DeviceCount);
[13:25:10] <TechIsCool> compiling
[13:25:42] <megal0maniac> RikusW: Thanks, got it. Could you please mail me the ld.exe file? If you can.. I don't have a compiler on my laptop, and I'm not sure I'll be able to do it on my PC either...
[13:25:54] <RikusW> leave out -> uint8_t **
[13:26:11] <RikusW> megal0maniac: gmail blocks exe's :S
[13:26:17] <RikusW> it should compile
[13:26:33] <megal0maniac> With VS?
[13:26:33] <RikusW> its even simpler than Rtk
[13:26:37] <RikusW> yes
[13:26:47] <megal0maniac> Can I use something like mingw?
[13:27:07] <RikusW> you could try, I could try mangling the exe a bit too
[13:27:12] <RikusW> got a hex editor over there ?
[13:27:24] <megal0maniac> mmm... can download one :)
[13:27:31] <TechIsCool> RikusW: Thank you that worked.
[13:27:41] <megal0maniac> Or I can give you ftp credentials?
[13:27:59] * RikusW goes looking for ld.exe again
[13:28:48] <RikusW> my ld use debug versions of libc....
[13:28:56] <RikusW> probably won't work
[13:29:15] <megal0maniac> Okay, I'll try mingw
[13:29:35] <RikusW> its a very simple commandline app
[13:29:50] <RikusW> less than 50 lines
[13:32:38] <RikusW> TechIsCool: why do you use pointers at all ?!
[13:32:55] <RikusW> I'd simply have allocated 4 x 64 bits
[13:33:05] <TechIsCool> RikusW: Because the amount of devices is unknown at compile time it might be 2 might be 8
[13:33:24] <RikusW> still no need for pointers
[13:33:33] <TechIsCool> ?
[13:33:48] <TechIsCool> how do you do Tempsomething[?][8]
[13:33:54] <RikusW> simply allocate the memory for the 64bit x Amount array
[13:33:55] <TechIsCool> with ? being unknown
[13:34:17] <RikusW> use a struct ?
[13:34:28] <RikusW> struct OneWire ?
[13:34:39] <RikusW> containing the 8 bytes
[13:34:48] <RikusW> then an array of structs
[13:35:19] <RikusW> the struct itself can even contain an 8 byte array
[13:36:36] <megal0maniac> RikusW: No luck :) Will compile at home
[13:45:20] <megal0maniac> RikusW: Fixed it. Paths were wrong. What is the LED connected to again?
[13:49:03] <RikusW> C2
[13:49:12] <RikusW> so it compiled ?
[13:49:56] <megal0maniac> Yes
[13:50:10] <megal0maniac> But sketches won't. Still bashing around at it
[13:51:38] <RikusW> try Coretest ?
[13:52:04] <RikusW> some sketches like the isp programmer just refused to work....
[14:01:18] <megal0maniac> RikusW: No luck. Nothing compiles. Will dig through the source at home
[14:06:35] <RikusW> did you use arduino 0018 ?
[14:07:07] <megal0maniac> No, 1.0.1
[14:07:23] <RikusW> not sure if it will even work with that
[14:08:28] <megal0maniac> I'm trying to make it work :)
[14:08:45] <RikusW> then you're on your own for now....
[14:08:49] <megal0maniac> I know
[14:09:03] <RikusW> I'd suggest trying to make it work on 0018 first ?
[14:09:25] <RikusW> I'll probably get a hold of the new Arduino IDE sometime, maybe its source too
[14:09:36] <megal0maniac> I'll check it out at home. I see you didn't use the m32u2 as the target
[14:09:58] <RikusW> I "patched" gcc to support 32u2 :-P
[14:10:16] <RikusW> I compile for at90usb16u2 instead....
[14:10:22] <RikusW> *162
[14:10:27] <megal0maniac> I also had to "patch" power.h when I was playing with LUFA
[14:10:28] <OndraSterver> isn't 0018 quite.. old?
[14:10:35] <RikusW> it did work
[14:10:38] <RikusW> it is
[14:11:04] <megal0maniac> That's why I'm trying to make it work on 1.0.1
[14:11:33] <RikusW> megal0maniac: applying the ld.exe patch will probably break linking for other Arduino boards...
[14:11:51] <megal0maniac> Heh :)
[14:11:57] <megal0maniac> Well I backed up the old one
[14:12:02] <RikusW> or at least waste a bit of ram (14 bytes)
[14:12:43] <RikusW> how big is the 1.0.1 download ?
[14:14:37] <RikusW> seems 86MB for win and 15MB for lin
[14:15:00] <RikusW> and almost 10MB four source
[14:15:03] <RikusW> *for
[14:17:21] <RikusW> megal0maniac: you'll need to put the CDC code into the new core files instead of using the core files as is....
[14:17:53] <RikusW> and I did paste the CDC code into the other C files because Arduino would not compile the added file :S
[14:18:25] <RikusW> maybe #including a C file would've bee better....
[14:19:26] <OndraSterver> are we really talking about arduino?
[14:20:04] <megal0maniac> YES!
[14:20:07] <RikusW> yep....
[14:20:14] <RikusW> though I never use it
[14:20:21] <megal0maniac> OndraSterver: Aren't you making one? :P
[14:20:43] <RikusW> It gave me endless troubles to make that patch work right (well still not entirely either... :S )
[14:20:53] <megal0maniac> And besides, back-end core support is real C. Not Arduino code
[14:21:12] <megal0maniac> RikusW: The Linux version doesn't come with WinAVR. That's what makes it so big
[14:21:19] <OndraSterver> megal0maniac, I AM MAKING ARDUINO CLONE!
[14:21:20] <OndraSterver> lol
[14:21:21] <megal0maniac> I can host a version without it for you?
[14:21:33] <megal0maniac> (For Windows)
[14:22:05] <Amadiro> megal0maniac, but it comes with avr-gcc, which is the exact same thing as winavr, is it not
[14:22:53] <megal0maniac> Amadiro: Nope. WinAVR includes avr-gcc, gdb, avrdude, avarice etc.
[14:23:11] <Amadiro> megal0maniac, surely the linux version of arduino must include those as well?
[14:23:12] <megal0maniac> They didn't try to clean it up either. There's even an install file :)
[14:23:24] <RikusW> megal0maniac: still to big...
[14:23:38] <RikusW> I'll be on a 4MBit line again next month
[14:24:11] <megal0maniac> Amadiro: They don't. If you install from a repository, avr-gcc should be one of the dependancies. But it doesn't come with the download on the site
[14:24:25] <megal0maniac> Hence the huge size difference
[14:24:37] <megal0maniac> (86mb vs 15mb)
[14:25:20] <Amadiro> megal0maniac, weird, but oh well
[14:25:40] <Amadiro> megal0maniac, also, why does it come with gdb, I'm pretty sure the arduino IDE can't debug anything
[14:25:49] <TechIsCool> isp
[14:26:32] <TechIsCool> actually it would be onewire or jtag for debug
[14:26:34] <megal0maniac> Amadiro: It looks like they literally copy-pasted WinAVR from where it was installed. As I said, it even still has the Uninstall file. They made no attempt to trim it
[14:26:54] <RikusW> Amadiro: the Arduino guys are to lazy to remove unnecesary stuff
[14:26:55] <megal0maniac> (Uninstall file is useless, as you get Arduino in a .zip file)
[14:28:26] <megal0maniac> Or provide documentation on adding support for other boards :(
[14:28:52] <RikusW> thus my hackish way of adding it...
[14:28:57] <RikusW> it did mostly work
[14:29:08] <megal0maniac> It's actually how most people do it :)
[14:29:30] <megal0maniac> Except Arduino now looks in My Documents for a "hardware" and "library" folder
[14:30:03] <megal0maniac> So you don't have to tamper with the installation. You can keep everything seperate, and preserve your set up when you update Arduino (usually)
[14:34:03] * RikusW is off to go test -> http://blog.kalmbachnet.de/?postid=14
[14:34:12] <RikusW> VC++ 5 ftw !!
[14:55:48] <OndraSterver> bloody electronics
[14:55:51] <OndraSterver> something being in mil or inch
[14:55:54] <OndraSterver> and something being in mm
[14:56:09] <OndraSterver> something is 12mm, something is 0.03 inch
[14:56:39] <Tom_itx> adapt
[14:56:47] <OndraSterver> no, the US should adapt to metric system :P
[14:56:54] <Tom_itx> NEVER!
[14:57:18] <OndraSterver> soon my friend, soon
[14:57:22] <asteve> time should convert to a 10 based system
[14:57:30] <OndraSterver> I don't care about time tbh
[14:58:14] <asteve> that's a ridiculous statement to make in a microcontroller channel
[14:58:39] <OndraSterver> haha
[14:58:55] <OndraSterver> also, I know that they are trying to make the datasheets and recommended layouts as simple as possible
[14:59:14] <OndraSterver> but one needs pen & tablet to draw some lines to figure out the real and exact positions :/
[14:59:32] <OndraSterver> if they wrote pin middle rather its edges
[14:59:35] <OndraSterver> pin's*
[15:05:53] <OndraSterver> 0.76mm = 0.03inch
[15:05:55] <OndraSterver> = 30mil
[15:05:56] <OndraSterver> sounds okay
[15:05:59] <OndraSterver> but
[15:06:04] <OndraSterver> 1.27mm == 0.005inch
[15:06:07] <OndraSterver> aka 5mil ?!
[15:06:15] <OndraSterver> http://clip2net.com/s/2kR4L
[15:06:18] <OndraSterver> I smell that it is wrong!
[15:09:18] <OndraSterver> it should be 50mil
[15:09:30] <OndraSterver> aka 0.05"
[15:24:59] <Amadiro> asteve, is it so ridiculous, though? The weird part first kicks in when you get over 60 seconds, and that's like an eternity for a microcontroller
[15:25:19] <asteve> Amadiro: time zones
[15:25:24] <asteve> asteve hates time zones
[15:25:36] <Amadiro> most of the time you're only concerned about timing at a much smaller space, where you use normal scientific prefixes, at 60 seconds you might even start to question whether you even can keep time accurately enough on a uC
[15:25:45] <Amadiro> s/space/scale/
[15:25:59] <Amadiro> asteve, who doesn't... but I've never had to deal with them on a uC
[15:26:12] <asteve> Amadiro: do more things :)
[15:32:24] <megal0maniac_afk> Stupid car
[15:33:26] <Amadiro> asteve, I think I'll avoid anything to do with timezones, thank you very much :)
[15:33:52] <megal0maniac> Bonnet's locking mechanism decided to... well, go away. So I was threatened with it catching the wind and flying into my windscreen if I went > 60km/h on the highway :/
[15:34:18] <megal0maniac> So now I'm home late and someone's going to steal my battery tomorrow probably
[15:34:21] <megal0maniac> [rant over[
[15:36:07] <megal0maniac> There was a mega32u2 and mega32u4 and PL2303 dongle in the passenger seat, so relevant.
[16:05:03] <megal0maniac> Only now do I find out that Atmel's toolchain is, essentially, the continuation of WinAVR
[16:13:49] <megal0maniac> And it STILL doesn't have support for atmega328 (non-p) in avrdude.conf
[16:14:31] <OndraSterver> lol
[16:14:31] <megal0maniac> Or the 32u2
[16:14:32] <megal0maniac> What the hell?
[16:14:33] <OndraSterver> isn't p and non-p the same?
[16:14:36] <OndraSterver> except the p
[16:14:38] <megal0maniac> Nope
[16:14:55] <megal0maniac> In practice, yes, but they have different device signatures
[16:15:05] <OndraSterver> oh
[16:15:42] <megal0maniac> And there are some minor differences relating to power. Think you can't turn of BOD on the non-p version, but I could be wrong
[16:17:37] <megal0maniac> The P (picopower) version can go into a "deeper sleep" than the regular one. I didn't know there was a difference, until I bought two non-P versions and avrdude threw a fit
[16:21:44] <megal0maniac> Ah. You can't turn of BOD in _software_ with the non-p version
[16:22:15] <TechIsCool> what is the proper way to set DDRD as input excluding the serial ports on an mega328
[16:22:23] <TechIsCool> DDRD = B00000000; ?
[16:28:30] <specing> Lol, TI's launchpad sale timeout counter is br0ken
[16:29:20] <megal0maniac> Link?
[16:29:51] <specing> http://www.ti.com/ww/en/launchpad_site/stellaris.html
[16:31:29] <specing> Will get mine in december
[16:31:51] <megal0maniac> Haven't even gotten an email yet
[16:32:10] <Amadiro> me neither
[16:33:30] <Amadiro> specing, also, no huge surprise, TIs website is clearly made by a bunch of monkeys
[16:33:41] <Amadiro> I almost ragequit when I tried to order my launchpads, as it would keep emptying my shopping cart
[16:33:58] <Amadiro> and I'm pretty sure I encountered at least 6 404s and 500s on the way
[16:34:21] <Amadiro> its almost as if they don't want to me to buy their stuff
[16:34:39] <megal0maniac> It's almost impossible that they're actually making any money from this stuff
[16:34:59] <megal0maniac> The launchpads are sold by the PR department
[16:35:10] <megal0maniac> Samples too
[16:36:18] <megal0maniac> VSE2012 is horrible
[16:37:07] <Amadiro> VSE2012?
[16:37:15] <megal0maniac> Visual Studio Express
[16:37:45] <Amadiro> consider, though, that basically all of the parts they use on the board are produced in-house (and those that aren't, like perhaps the pin-headers they'll get at the cheapest-possible prices), so they know exactly which parts to select that cost them the least and still do the job
[16:38:48] <Amadiro> although I too think that they probably see it as more of a long-term investment, getting people hooked on their chips
[16:38:48] <specing> I got the mail after like 35 hours
[16:39:33] <specing> yep
[16:39:37] <megal0maniac> True, but they still can't be making much.
[16:40:02] <megal0maniac> specing: In that case, "EstimatedShipDate 11/09/2012"
[16:40:05] <specing> Its highly likely that they won't get more money from me ;)
[16:40:12] <specing> megal0maniac: D:
[16:40:17] <specing> megal0maniac: fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :)
[16:40:40] <specing> megal0maniac: So I take you got the mail? :D
[16:40:44] <megal0maniac> I only realised now that it's a retarded date format
[16:40:49] <specing> heh
[16:40:49] <megal0maniac> Yeah, on the 18th
[16:40:55] <specing> its the american format
[16:41:00] <megal0maniac> Almost immediately
[16:41:03] <megal0maniac> That
[16:41:04] <specing> M/D/Y
[16:41:15] <megal0maniac> I know. That's what I meant ;)
[16:41:29] <megal0maniac> It's still wrong
[16:41:29] <specing> november 9 is not almost immediately :D
[16:41:58] <megal0maniac> Well, having seen the site, I figured it was just a mistake
[16:42:40] <megal0maniac> Also, I didn't know that FTDI made uCs
[16:43:14] <specing> now you do
[16:43:28] <megal0maniac> Does anyone use them? :/
[16:43:37] <specing> probably not
[16:44:13] <megal0maniac> specing: What do you think of this? Worth it? http://www.xess.com/prods/prod048.php
[16:46:41] <Amadiro> megal0maniac, pretty neat
[16:46:43] <specing> judging from the sad state that is the currect FPGA Linux/opensource support, no
[16:47:09] <Amadiro> specing, I'm programming FPGAs from linux just fine
[16:47:16] <specing> + the free Xilinx ide takes 3 f**** minutes to compile a simple led blinker
[16:47:37] <Amadiro> 3? you must have a supercomputer
[16:47:42] <Amadiro> more like 10 on my intel i5
[16:47:46] <megal0maniac> That's because it has to make the circuit as well
[16:47:48] <megal0maniac> :P
[16:48:12] <megal0maniac> This is the alternative http://www.xess.com/prods/prod055.php
[16:48:13] <Amadiro> but all FPGA vendors have this problem, you can't really get around it.
[16:48:25] <specing> not buy FPGAs ;D
[16:48:45] <megal0maniac> I get this idea that it's something worth at least trying
[16:48:52] <Amadiro> megal0maniac, I'm mostly using this one: http://www.digilentinc.com/Products/Detail.cfm?NavPath=2,400,836&Prod=ATLYS it might be a bit out of your price-range at 200$, but it gives you a *lot* of bang for your buck
[16:49:30] <specing> megal0maniac: yes, but not worth spending money :D
[16:49:50] <specing> I had them at a voluntary university summer course
[16:50:48] <OndraSterver> FPGA *meh*
[16:50:53] <OndraSterver> I have got here cyclone i
[16:50:54] <OndraSterver> ii
[16:50:58] <OndraSterver> neat stuff
[16:51:09] <OndraSterver> upto 600MHz output I think?
[16:51:18] <OndraSterver> but... meh
[16:51:24] <OndraSterver> I could make nice LVDS controller from it
[16:51:37] <specing> VGA controller ;D
[16:51:40] <OndraSterver> lol
[16:51:46] <OndraSterver> one does not need THAT fast FPGA for that
[16:51:49] <specing> or LVDS...
[16:51:57] <OndraSterver> that's what I wrote
[16:52:00] <specing> depends on resolution
[16:52:08] <OndraSterver> how hard would it be to convert CCFL LCD into LED backlight?
[16:52:28] <Amadiro> OndraSterver, meh, those are low-end :P try a stratix or kintex or so, and put an 8-core CPU with floating-point unit on it :D
[16:52:38] <OndraSterver> hehe
[16:52:42] <OndraSterver> I got it for like $15
[16:52:51] <OndraSterver> I have got here some LG TV.. bad caps, changed, still doesn't work. The board itself works, the display is burnt
[16:52:53] <OndraSterver> err
[16:52:55] <OndraSterver> the board works
[16:52:57] <OndraSterver> the PSU is burnt
[16:53:10] <Amadiro> OndraSterver, why not try to implement your own little 8-bit cpu on it or so, that should be fun
[16:53:25] <OndraSterver> I would use some simple laptop adapter to get the 15V/5V rails... but what about the backlight
[16:53:33] <OndraSterver> I don't feel like doing 600V driver :)
[16:53:44] <OndraSterver> Amadiro, because I have got xmega!
[16:53:59] <Amadiro> OndraSterver, re-implement an xmega :P
[16:54:09] <OndraSterver> or just use xmega directly
[16:54:21] <Amadiro> then you can certainly claim to be the most knowledgeable person about the xmega architecture outside atmel
[16:54:51] <specing> I have a better idea
[16:54:59] <specing> Why not emulate an Intel i7?
[16:55:15] <specing> It surely can't be that hard, can it?
[16:55:17] <OndraSterver> because FPGA running i7 would be much slower and more expensive and more impossible than FPGA
[16:55:20] <OndraSterver> err
[16:55:22] <OndraSterver> than the real deal
[16:55:39] <Amadiro> specing, nah, all you need to implement is x86 and the extensions... the rest is "hidden" from you anyway...
[16:55:46] <OndraSterver> aye
[16:55:51] <OndraSterver> but x86 is utter mess
[16:55:51] <specing> 4004 ? :D
[16:56:05] <Amadiro> of course if you actually want it to behave *exactly* like the i7, you're in trouble
[16:56:11] <specing> I have a lqpf 286 here \o/
[16:56:20] <OndraSterver> so do I
[16:56:32] <OndraSterver> wait
[16:56:34] <OndraSterver> lqpf?
[16:56:37] <OndraSterver> what is that?
[16:56:49] <specing> the socketed QFP
[16:56:53] <Amadiro> FTDIs website sure looks professional... for the 90ies
[16:56:53] <specing> I think it is...
[16:57:01] <specing> Amadiro: lol
[16:57:07] <OndraSterver> oh, lqfp
[16:58:11] <OndraSterver> I have got one in CLCC socket
[16:58:15] <OndraSterver> it is a beauty
[16:58:27] <OndraSterver> 8MHz, it should be Intel original
[16:58:30] <OndraSterver> not any AMD copy :P
[16:58:46] <Amadiro> I can't seem to find any FTDI uCs, what are they called?
[16:59:01] <OndraSterver> FTDI does uCs?
[16:59:14] <megal0maniac> See? Nobody knows :)
[16:59:21] <megal0maniac> One sec...
[16:59:23] <Amadiro> <megal0maniac> Also, I didn't know that FTDI made uCs
[16:59:38] <Amadiro> ah, "vinculum"
[16:59:41] <megal0maniac> Vinculum
[16:59:43] <megal0maniac> II
[16:59:47] <megal0maniac> Yes :)
[17:00:07] <specing> OndraSterver: wait
[17:00:14] <specing> OndraSterver: it may be LCC indeed
[17:00:17] <megal0maniac> 256kb flash, 16kb RAM and 2 USB controllers
[17:00:23] <specing> says AMD on it ;P
[17:00:25] <Amadiro> looks like it's intended to basically just be a programmable usb device, though
[17:00:25] <specing> I think...
[17:01:19] <Amadiro> "which provides an easy to use ‘C’ based development environment" I'm not sure I like those quotes there
[17:01:40] <megal0maniac> http://www.ftdichip.com/Support/Documents/DataSheets/Modules/DS_Vinco.pdf
[17:01:54] <megal0maniac> You'll like this, OndraSterver :)
[17:02:04] <OndraSterver> I checked them out
[17:02:07] <OndraSterver> why will I like that?
[17:02:09] <megal0maniac> Vinco is a cost effective Vinculum-II (VNC2) development platform inspired by Arduino
[17:02:13] <OndraSterver> haha
[17:02:21] <megal0maniac> Arduino clone by FTDI
[17:02:25] <OndraSterver> mm
[17:02:28] <OndraSterver> and overpriced as well?
[17:02:34] <megal0maniac> But wait!
[17:02:37] <megal0maniac> There's more!
[17:02:37] <Amadiro> looks pretty cool, though, if you're doing very usb-centric work on an mcu, that might be something to look into
[17:02:39] <megal0maniac> Vinco is a cost effective Vinculum-II (VNC2) development platform inspired by Arduino
[17:02:45] <megal0maniac> fail.
[17:02:48] <megal0maniac> Vinco Shield is a prototyping board for interfacing additional custom circuitry to the Vinco motherboard.
[17:02:52] <Amadiro> assuming their usb libraries should be top-notch
[17:02:55] <OndraSterver> megal0maniac, heh
[17:03:18] <OndraSterver> also, I do wonder if I could fit the bloody enc424 + magnetics + jack on Mini and coco -Duino versions
[17:03:20] <megal0maniac> So yeah. Arduino clone and shield
[17:03:21] <OndraSterver> on Ultra not for sure
[17:03:38] <megal0maniac> Well magjacks, for one
[17:03:43] <OndraSterver> no
[17:03:45] <OndraSterver> magjacks are tall
[17:03:52] <OndraSterver> once you put on magjack, you won't put on shield
[17:03:52] <megal0maniac> So are you
[17:03:54] <OndraSterver> I am not
[17:03:57] <OndraSterver> I am only 170cm :P
[17:03:58] <megal0maniac> :)
[17:04:01] <megal0maniac> Shot in the dark
[17:04:26] <OndraSterver> that's why netduino has cutout space for the jack
[17:04:30] <OndraSterver> and burried it deeper
[17:04:46] <OndraSterver> because regular (mag)jack is taller than the regular headers
[17:04:49] <megal0maniac> MNC H1601CG
[17:05:11] <OndraSterver> megal0maniac, something available on mouser.
[17:05:13] <Amadiro> the vinco requires an additional programmer? I think they've missed the main point of the arduino there
[17:05:42] <OndraSterver> also something that doesn't cost a fortune
[17:05:46] <Amadiro> also, 35$, not cool
[17:05:49] <megal0maniac> They have another board with a Cyclone II and a FT2232
[17:05:49] <OndraSterver> lol
[17:06:04] <Amadiro> OndraSterver, yeah.. pretty weak
[17:06:26] <OndraSterver> Amadiro, I ment magjack that doesn't cost a fortune :P
[17:06:27] <megal0maniac> Which is funny, because it's an FPGA development board, but the USB chip gets most of the attention
[17:06:32] <Amadiro> especially now that you can get a stellaris or MSP430 launchpad for less than 5$
[17:06:36] <OndraSterver> ..
[17:06:36] <megal0maniac> OndraSterver: A short one too :)
[17:06:47] <OndraSterver> megal0maniac, have you found any on mouser yet?
[17:06:49] <Amadiro> OndraSterver, magjack?
[17:06:55] <megal0maniac> Haven't looked
[17:07:02] <OndraSterver> jack + magnetics = about 2.3 - 2.5 eur
[17:07:07] <OndraSterver> reasonable enough
[17:07:28] <megal0maniac> OndraSterver: Just read the top of the transformer on my desk :)
[17:07:43] <Amadiro> hm, the vinco has a usb host as well.. that kiiiinda justifies it, I guess
[17:09:19] <OndraSterver> hmm what is the height of the headers...
[17:09:57] <OndraSterver> 14.5mm
[17:10:06] <megal0maniac> Where I learnt about magnetics: http://www.raspberrypi.org/archives/781
[17:10:15] <OndraSterver> magjack is 14mm
[17:10:18] <OndraSterver> and metal
[17:10:20] <OndraSterver> no, not using that
[17:10:24] <OndraSterver> plus it costs more
[17:13:50] <megal0maniac> http://mightyohm.com/files/soldercomic/FullSolderComic_EN.pdf
[17:15:09] <megal0maniac> "If you don't wash your hands after soldering, the lead may get in your body, where it gets STORED IN YOUR BRAIN FOR YOUR ENTIRE LIFE. If enough collects there then you go insand, and you LOSE ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS."
[17:15:25] <megal0maniac> That's not very good
[17:15:32] <OndraSterver> I am off, getting up in 7.5 horus
[17:15:33] <OndraSterver> hours
[17:15:33] <OndraSterver> gn
[17:15:37] <Tom_itx> so don't eat lead
[17:15:48] <OndraSterver> or coppa
[17:15:53] <OndraSterver> or tin
[17:15:55] <Amadiro> OndraSterver, night
[17:15:58] <OndraSterver> or anything metallic at all
[17:15:58] <OndraSterver> gn
[17:16:00] <megal0maniac> OndraSterver: gn
[17:16:09] <megal0maniac> Or eat lead
[17:16:22] <megal0maniac> then you have a good excuse for having no friends :)
[17:16:27] <Tom_itx> u need 7.5 hrs sleep?!?!?
[17:17:08] <Amadiro> megal0maniac, that guide is kinda crap...
[17:17:19] <megal0maniac> It's funny sometimes
[17:18:50] <Amadiro> I'd really recommend people to solder in a well-ventilated room and/or get a proper ventilation system/filter for their soldering iron rather than "blowing on the tip"
[17:19:28] <megal0maniac> I have a 25W iron and I can't solder properly if the window is open and it's windy :)
[17:19:32] <Amadiro> Also, banging the PCB on the table to get rid of excess solder? Why not just recommend copper braid?
[17:19:50] <Amadiro> also, they leave out a lot of important details and mistake that newcomers tend to make
[17:20:12] <Amadiro> megal0maniac, 25W is not great, yeah.. mine at home is 35W, and that's sometimes too weak
[17:21:11] <megal0maniac> There's a really nice 50W one at work. DC as well. Would like one of those...
[17:21:53] <Amadiro> We have weller ones at our hackerspace, not sure how many watts those are
[17:22:15] <megal0maniac> This one is AC, but has temperature control. It pulses at 1hz and the pot changes the duty cycle. Works nicely
[17:22:28] <megal0maniac> We don't even have a hackerspace in this country :P
[17:23:19] <Amadiro> megal0maniac, sure?
[17:23:33] <megal0maniac> No. Think I just found one
[17:23:43] <Amadiro> south africa?
[17:23:55] <megal0maniac> Yep
[17:24:13] <Amadiro> Cool. I think we have at least 4 or 5 in oslo...
[17:25:01] <megal0maniac> R500/month membership??
[17:25:04] <megal0maniac> Pah!
[17:25:25] <specing> olol
[17:25:51] <specing> lol 25W iron is overkill
[17:25:58] <specing> I usually use a 5W one
[17:26:08] <Amadiro> the one I'm mostly hanging at is free, the other one has a 50$ fee for lifetime-membership
[17:26:20] <Amadiro> but for norwegians standards, 50$ equals like 4 cups of coffee, so
[17:27:09] <megal0maniac> R500 can buy an AVR dragon
[17:27:21] <megal0maniac> It's approx EUR48
[17:27:45] <megal0maniac> So R500/month is just stupid
[17:28:44] <Amadiro> yeah, its a bit high
[17:35:38] <megal0maniac> Well, I'm off. Bed is calling :)
[17:35:40] <megal0maniac> Gn
[17:36:12] <Tom_itx> bye bye
[17:37:15] <specing> UTC+1 is shutting down
[17:37:57] <megal0maniac> UTC+2 :)
[18:31:26] <Kre10s> I'm looking at the schematic for a dev boar i have. I see a jtag connector with tck,tdo,tms,tdi,vcc,gnd,reset, and 'evto'... what is evto? it does not appear in the datasheet under jtag connections.
[18:34:46] <Amadiro> Kre10s, event output
[18:34:46] <Amadiro> Kre10s, what board do you have and what chip is on it?
[18:34:46] <Kre10s> its the AVRUC3C-EK
[18:36:39] <Amadiro> Kre10s, are you using a jtagicemk2 or ...?
[18:36:52] <Kre10s> its got an at32uc3c0512 on it
[18:37:48] <Kre10s> Amadiro, im not using the jtag at all right now. I wnat to use the usbprog with level shifter. but i don't have the level shifter yet
[18:38:39] <Amadiro> Kre10s, well, according to http://support.atmel.com/bin/customer.exe?=&action=viewKbEntry&id=380, the EVTO is there for NEXUS compat., neither the jtagicemk2 nor the AVRONE support it at all.
[18:38:58] <Amadiro> apparently its used to do some things like creating timestamp for trace messages and such
[18:39:03] <Kre10s> cool. I'll just NC it then.
[18:39:18] <Amadiro> looks like it's basically useless and you can do about everything without it
[19:52:02] <Fleck> how do you compile asm for avr?
[19:56:53] <Casper> you don't compile, but assemble... as to how, I don't know :D
[19:59:14] <agile_aardvark> using.. an assembler :P
[19:59:25] <agile_aardvark> like the one in avr studio, avra, blabla
[19:59:26] <Fleck> :/
[20:00:07] <Fleck> i mean - got source code in asm...
[20:03:50] <Tom_itx> what little i do, i do in studio
[20:04:19] <Tom_itx> gcc will compile it if your makefile has rules for asm
[20:07:55] <Fleck> linux :) but i got it, i think, thanks!
[20:08:08] <Fleck> there was a mistake in makefile...
[21:41:55] <agile_aardvark> in case anyone's interested: rigol DS2002 teardown, eevblog. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWZXGzAVkD8&feature=ytfce
[21:43:08] <SoCo_cpp__> I am overwhelmed with incomprehensible results when looking for a circuit for creating an in circuit programmer for an ATTiny85. I'm also overwhelmed with the amount of programmer, which I'm starting to assume a home made circuit may not work with AVR Studio. (I have RS232 leveler chips available and would prefer to use my BeagleBone's output to facilitate programming some how). Any suggestions?
[21:44:40] <SoCo_cpp__> I'm having trouble determining if the programmer communication is SPI, or something else.
[21:51:55] <Kevin`> it's similar to spi, and you can use an spi controller to accellerate it
[21:52:20] <Kevin`> avrdude supports a lot more programmers than avr studio
[21:52:37] <Kevin`> including direct use of the legacy pc ports if you have any
[21:52:48] <SoCo_cpp__> basic level converted serial?
[21:54:42] <Kevin`> yeah, or paralle
[21:54:44] <Kevin`> l
[21:55:12] <SoCo_cpp__> found avrprogrammers.com looks promising....
[21:55:33] <SoCo_cpp__> ISP is the name of the programming header? I'm seeing that everywhere but not sure what it means.
[21:55:56] <Kevin`> yeah
[21:56:14] <Kevin`> it's specific to atmel stuff, but not very complicated
[22:33:11] <Tom_itx> SoCo_cpp__ you want to make one or buy one?
[22:33:33] <SoCo_cpp__> Tom_itx make one
[22:36:06] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/boards/USBTiny_Mkii/USBTiny_Mkii_index.php
[22:36:07] <SoCo_cpp__> Tom_itx I have a BeagleBone running Linux with a header that can output many serial spi i2c etc outputs. I thought I might be able to make one that would program though that.
[22:36:09] <Tom_itx> there's one i made
[22:36:58] <Tom_itx> you may
[22:38:26] <SoCo_cpp__> Tom_itx nice, I'm new to the avr flavor so some of this is confusing.
[22:42:44] <Tom_itx> sleep time here
[22:42:46] <Tom_itx> later
[22:42:58] <SoCo_cpp__> Tom_itx, thanks tom, later
[23:41:12] <inflex> lo Tom_itx