#avr | Logs for 2012-09-17

[00:31:18] <skorket> This is probably asking a lot, but I'm running into troubles getting a program that does an ADC conversion and communicates over USB using V-USB. When I take out line 128 from here: http://pastebin.com/BhwNVTtQ , it works, but when I put it back in, it doesn't. That is, when I enable the ADC interrupt, it just stops working. I'm using an atmega328 with a 20MHz crystal. Any help would be appreciated
[00:31:57] <jadew> skorket, that's because it's interfering with the USB interrupt
[00:32:33] <jadew> USB is on a very tight schedule so if you're doing software USB you can't use other interrupts
[00:32:48] <jadew> you'll have to poll the ADC instead, in the main loop
[00:32:55] <skorket> I can't use any other interrupts at all?
[00:33:01] <jadew> nada
[00:33:39] <jadew> you can use ADC with out the interrupt tho
[00:34:12] <skorket> I understand, but I was under the impression that you could use interrupts as long as you didn't spend too much time in them or you enabled other interrupts within them
[00:34:24] <skorket> "Interrupt latency:
[00:34:25] <skorket> The application must ensure that the USB interrupt is not disabled for more
[00:34:25] <skorket> than 25 cycles ..."
[00:34:57] <jadew> hmm, well that's good to know
[00:35:03] <jadew> but it means your interrupt is longer
[00:35:07] <skorket> "This implies that all interrupt routines must either have the "ISR_NOBLOCK"
[00:35:07] <skorket> attribute set (see "avr/interrupt.h") or be written in assembler with "sei"
[00:35:07] <skorket> as the first instruction."
[00:35:10] <skorket> sorry to spam...
[00:35:30] <skorket> that's why I put a sei() at the beginning of the ADC interrupt...
[00:35:42] <jadew> I noticed that, but it's possible the overhead of the ISR is already longer
[00:36:09] <jadew> it's also possible that your ISR gets triggered several times since you re-enable interrupts
[00:36:20] <jadew> so by the time it finishes, it could get triggered again
[00:36:33] <jadew> you might have a stack overflow issue
[00:36:53] <jadew> so you could try to disable your interrupt before sei()
[00:36:58] <jadew> and re-enable it on exit
[00:37:00] <jadew> that might work
[00:37:56] <jadew> so ADCSRA &= ~(1 << ADIE); sei();
[00:41:30] <jadew> hey, w|zzy are you there? http://dumb.ro/files/ols_front.png
[00:42:06] <jadew> still working on the UI, want to finish the interface before I start working on the analyzer part so that's random data I'm feeding it in order to test stuff
[01:02:44] <skorket> stupidity: I didn't name the ADC isr correctly. Supposed to be ADC_vect, NOT ADC_int
[01:02:51] <skorket> thanks for the help anyway jadew
[01:04:23] <skorket> and now it works like a charm. awesome
[01:04:44] <jadew> np, weird that it stopped working tho
[01:05:45] <jadew> you should still disable the that interrupt before enabling global interrupts again
[01:08:00] <jadew> consider this: you enter the isr, you do sei(); the usb interrupt fires up, another conversion is done in the meantime, usb interrupt finishes its work, instead of returning to the point where it was left in the ISR, it will trigger it again
[01:08:03] <skorket> I think it was going to the reset interrupt maybe? and then just freaking out?
[01:08:20] <jadew> and only after the second triggering finishes processing, your other one will finish
[01:08:37] <skorket> oh, yeah, the interrupt is doing some pretty minimal things, so I'm hoping I can just get away with keeping global interrupts disabled
[01:08:45] <skorket> all it's doing is setting a variable and doing an if
[01:08:55] <jadew> ah, cool
[01:09:13] <skorket> I put in the sei() because of paranoia and not being able to get it to work
[01:09:18] <skorket> just took it out, works fine
[01:09:43] <jadew> cool, it's dumb that ISR(somerandomvalue) evaluates to 0
[01:10:00] <jadew> should generate an error
[01:10:20] <skorket> Wish I could at least get a compiler warning, but whatever
[01:28:19] <w|zzy> jadew: its a start. And i prefer the toolbar setup for capture than the convoluted way it is done by OLS
[01:28:50] <jadew> w|zzy, yeah, it's way simpler to adjust settings that way
[01:29:38] <jadew> I'm considering doing the trigger config sort of like a pop-up dialog, more like a menu than anything
[01:29:43] <jadew> but a dialog
[01:29:50] <jadew> for quick access
[01:30:22] <jadew> the UI is not polished yet, but I'm gonna do that last, after everything is done
[01:30:31] <w|zzy> yeah.. but triggers arent as freqeuntly changed
[01:30:31] <jadew> so UI -> analyzer -> polishing :)
[01:30:36] <w|zzy> sounds good
[01:30:49] <jadew> I do change them quite often
[01:31:00] <jadew> cuz you decide to trigger on the other data channel
[01:33:33] <jadew> also decided to make the protocol analyzers as javascript modules, that way one can easily fix or add more/custom protocols
[02:29:16] <Essobi> sup
[02:50:41] <megal0maniac> Anyone here have a bus pirate?
[02:50:47] <megal0maniac> Essobi: Hey
[02:59:45] <jadew> megal0maniac, I don't but out of curiosity, what do you need?
[03:00:58] <megal0maniac> I'm basically just trying to decide between a bus pirate and a cheaper logic analyzer (Not the saelae one)
[03:01:18] <jadew> ah
[03:01:35] <megal0maniac> Although I would like the saelae one :)
[03:01:49] <jadew> heh, I just got a open bench logic sniffer
[03:02:06] <jadew> the software sucks tho, so I started writting a new one
[03:03:17] <megal0maniac> Was considering open bench. But I also found this... http://imall.iteadstudio.com/tools-and-equipment/measurement-and-diagnostic/im120911002.html
[03:03:38] <jacekowski> megal0maniac: you can get saelae for like £20
[03:03:41] <jacekowski> megal0maniac: or less
[03:03:49] <jadew> really?
[03:03:50] <jacekowski> megal0maniac: it's just a cypress usb chip
[03:03:53] <jacekowski> yeah
[03:04:08] <jadew> I'm waiting on a usbee clone from china
[03:04:15] <jadew> I paid $11 on it
[03:04:24] <jadew> don't know how good it will be
[03:04:37] <jacekowski> same shit
[03:04:40] <megal0maniac> jadew: Very interested to hear when you get it
[03:04:50] <jadew> megal0maniac, any day now really
[03:05:14] <jadew> the difference between the usbee and the openbench is that the openbench can do higher sample rate and has its own buffer
[03:05:29] <megal0maniac> jadew: Which is nice, if the software is good
[03:05:32] <jadew> however, the usbee has the advantage of longer sampling, inifnite basically
[03:05:47] <jadew> megal0maniac, yeah I noticed their software looked ok
[03:06:08] <jadew> however, if I don't like it, I'll just add support for it in my analyzer software
[03:06:08] <megal0maniac> jadew: Do you have a link for the one you bought?
[03:06:18] <jadew> let me check
[03:06:47] <megal0maniac> jacekowski: Where exactly does one start looking for a saelae clone?...
[03:06:57] <jacekowski> google
[03:07:04] <jadew> lol
[03:07:06] <jacekowski> i don't remember where i found it
[03:07:13] <jacekowski> and i'm not at home now
[03:07:22] <jadew> jacekowski, you bought one?
[03:07:27] <jacekowski> yeah
[03:07:31] <jadew> nice
[03:07:40] <jadew> looking as good as the original?
[03:07:48] <jacekowski> no
[03:07:55] <jacekowski> but does the same thing
[03:08:00] <jacekowski> not that i use it much
[03:08:09] <jadew> megal0maniac: http://dx.com/p/logic-analyzer-w-dupont-lines-and-usb-cable-for-scm-black-148945
[03:08:24] <jacekowski> i've got a scope that can do most of it
[03:08:46] <jadew> I relied on my scope too, until I had to sniff more than 2 channels
[03:09:10] <jacekowski> well, depends, i've used scope to sniff few channels
[03:09:17] <jacekowski> just link them with resistors
[03:09:32] <jacekowski> + mine is 4 channel anways
[03:09:36] <jacekowski> anyways*
[03:09:42] <jadew> nice
[03:11:13] <megal0maniac> http://sunbizhosting.co.uk/~spiral/blog/?p=117
[03:13:51] <megal0maniac> That's a little worrying... Not so much for the USBee clones at least
[03:14:58] <jadew> my clone didn't get a tracking number, so it pisses me off cuz I don't know when to expect it
[03:16:13] <megal0maniac> I ordered something from itead and it took 40 days
[03:19:16] <megal0maniac> The $45 one from itead is quite nice, in that it has 3 eeproms. 1 for saelae, 1 for usbee and 1 for altera bus blaster (fpga stuff)
[03:20:10] <jadew> you only need a good one
[03:21:02] <jadew> it seems to have only 8 channels, so take that into consideration as well
[03:21:45] <jadew> you could buy an open bench one for $50 and a cheapper clone with continous sampling (with 8 channels) for other needs
[03:22:29] <jadew> the open bench one can do 32 channels at 100Mhz and below and 2 channels at 200Mhz
[03:22:42] <jadew> sorry
[03:22:50] <jadew> 2 x 8 channels at 200
[03:24:56] <megal0maniac> The main thing for me is the software
[03:25:07] <jacekowski> sampling logic is easy
[03:25:29] <jadew> I'm making a kick ass analyzer software for the open bench one
[03:25:32] <jacekowski> i've made logic analyser - single channel with an avr
[03:25:50] <jacekowski> 16MHz AVR and it could sample at 80MHz
[03:26:05] <megal0maniac> If money was not an object, I think I'd still get the saelae one.
[03:26:14] <jadew> jacekowski, how is that possible?
[03:26:15] <megal0maniac> jacekowski: How in the world did you manage that?
[03:26:24] <jacekowski> serial in parallel out registers
[03:26:33] <jacekowski> that was clocked at 80MHz
[03:26:35] <megal0maniac> Which chip?
[03:26:53] <jacekowski> can't remember now
[03:26:59] <jacekowski> 74xx compatible stuff
[03:27:18] <megal0maniac> 8bit AVR?
[03:27:21] <jacekowski> yeah
[03:27:33] <megal0maniac> Now I want one of those :P
[03:27:57] <jacekowski> but avr only had to sample it every 6 cycles
[03:28:23] <jacekowski> and it was single channel
[03:29:01] <megal0maniac> Still...
[03:29:09] <megal0maniac> That would suit my needs at the moment :P
[03:29:16] <jacekowski> it's easy to make one
[03:29:35] <jadew> jacekowski, why 6 cycles?
[03:29:49] <jacekowski> 32bits at one time
[03:29:49] <jadew> 80 / 8 = 10Mhz
[03:30:14] <jadew> ah
[03:30:19] <jacekowski> you could probably do it with 8 bits at a time
[03:30:40] <jadew> you can't
[03:30:41] <jacekowski> but that would probably require slightly overclocked avr
[03:30:43] <jadew> not at 16Mhz
[03:31:04] <megal0maniac> A lot of them support 20mhz
[03:31:07] <jadew> you could probably do it at 20
[03:31:19] <jadew> you read the port and then store it
[03:31:29] <megal0maniac> jacekowski: How did you get data back to the PC?
[03:31:30] <jadew> let me check how many clocks it takes to store a byte
[03:31:39] <jacekowski> megal0maniac: usb
[03:31:41] <jacekowski> jadew: one
[03:31:50] <jadew> jacekowski, with +
[03:31:51] <jadew> ?
[03:31:59] <jacekowski> jadew: push onto stack
[03:32:00] <megal0maniac> It's an AVR. Everything takes one cycle :P
[03:32:09] <jadew> ah, good thinking
[03:32:22] <jadew> however, push on the 2313 takes 2 cycles
[03:32:59] <jadew> atmega8, still 2
[03:33:36] <jadew> you can't do 8 bits
[03:34:14] <jacekowski> well, i've got some notes at home
[03:34:20] <jacekowski> and math behind it
[03:34:51] <jacekowski> there was another thing i was thinking about
[03:34:57] <jacekowski> and just recording time when edge happens
[03:35:01] <jadew> 32 sounds doable
[03:35:13] <jacekowski> to be able to sample for longer
[03:35:44] <jadew> that's what open bench does
[03:35:47] <jadew> at least as an option
[03:36:16] <jadew> I guess it wouldn't serve you well if you had a fast clock in there :P
[03:36:23] <jadew> but usually it helps a lot
[03:38:12] <jadew> you'd have a timing issue tho
[03:38:36] <jacekowski> use external HW for that
[03:38:37] <jadew> because you'd overflow the timer quite fast, so you'd have to increment another value from an ISR
[03:38:47] <jadew> ah
[03:39:07] <jacekowski> 32bits of binary counter
[03:39:23] <jacekowski> and that would get latched into another set of register
[03:39:24] <jacekowski> s
[03:39:29] <jacekowski> and avr would read the time
[03:39:37] <jadew> yeah, that would be enough
[03:40:18] <jacekowski> i was thinking about using fast sram for that
[03:40:36] <jacekowski> and then i could probably do it even faster
[03:40:44] <jacekowski> and then avr would just read it slowly and transmit
[03:41:01] <jacekowski> but in my configuration it was just a thick pen size
[03:48:16] <megal0maniac> jadew: Quite keen to see your analyzer software when it's done :)
[03:48:33] <jadew> it's gonna be great :D
[03:50:03] <megal0maniac> How far are you?
[03:50:19] <jadew> there's still a lot of work to be done on it, I think about a full week of work, so about a month of spare time coding if nothing else will keep me busy
[03:50:37] <jadew> well, I already wrote the interface for the bus pirate
[03:50:41] <jadew> it's sampling fine
[03:51:01] <jadew> now I'm working on the UI
[03:51:10] <jadew> let me make a screenshot
[03:52:33] <jadew> http://dumb.ro/files/ols_front2.png
[03:52:50] <jadew> the data in there is rubbish, I'm randomly generating it so I can test things
[03:53:01] <jadew> http://dumb.ro/files/ols_front.png
[03:53:26] <jadew> the second link is from an hour or so ago
[03:53:34] <jadew> didn't have custom cursor back then :P
[03:54:02] <jadew> *custom cursors
[03:55:08] * megal0maniac can read Microsoft Visual Studio through the Aero title bar :)
[03:55:13] <megal0maniac> Looks good
[03:55:15] <jadew> hehe
[03:55:28] <jadew> yeah, it's gonna look a lot better when it's going to be done
[03:55:49] <jadew> I have to add a dockable window that will show the output from the protocol parsers
[03:56:34] <jadew> the parsers are going to be in js so you can add custom protocols really easy
[03:58:23] <megal0maniac> Sounds promising :)
[03:59:03] <jadew> I'm really exicited about it, which means it's gonna be awesome :P
[04:00:07] <megal0maniac> Lol
[04:00:18] <megal0maniac> Might have to get an open workbench LA
[04:00:38] <jadew> be warned tho, it has a small memory
[04:00:49] <jadew> so at 100Mhz you'll barely catch any data with out RLE
[04:01:26] <megal0maniac> Only flaw I see is cross-platformness. But it's a pay-off. Luckily I'm primarily on Windows
[04:02:42] <jadew> yeah, I considered doing the UI using a cross platform framework, but it would have been too much trouble to get used to that stuff
[04:02:50] <megal0maniac> QT?
[04:03:00] <jadew> yeah, that's what I was thinking
[04:03:25] <jadew> if I ever make linux my primary OS, I'll rewrite it :P
[04:06:09] <megal0maniac> 7 years and I still haven't found a distro that I like :/
[04:06:23] <jadew> neither have I
[04:06:28] <megal0maniac> Crunchbang was cool until they went debian
[04:06:29] <jadew> I keep finding bugs and problems
[04:06:44] <megal0maniac> Linux Mint isn't too bad
[04:06:54] <jadew> it's debian based
[04:07:01] <jadew> but it's what I'm using currently
[04:08:00] <jadew> thing about linux, is that no matter how much you want to like it, after several days of trying to get all the shit working, your enthusiasm kinda fades out
[04:08:26] <jadew> I haven't found a distro that works out of the box for me yet
[04:12:08] <megal0maniac> And Windows, for the most part, doesn't piss me of
[04:12:08] <megal0maniac> f
[04:12:28] <Roklobsta_> jadew: debian testing is hella nice
[04:12:47] <Roklobsta_> rolling updates, not mega upgrade every 6 months
[04:12:54] <Roklobsta_> not too behind and stable
[04:13:01] <jadew> nice
[04:13:09] <Roklobsta_> i agree win7 is nice and i use it more.
[04:13:10] <megal0maniac> Will download it at work :)
[04:13:31] <Roklobsta_> on my debian i am using testing and stable repos combined.
[04:13:44] <jadew> I don't want to bash any OS, but I was looking the other day at how the file explorer looks like
[04:13:59] <Roklobsta_> i tried the 3.4 kernel but Atheros WIFI is flaky. Sticking to 3.2 and it's fine.
[04:14:09] <jadew> you simply have way more info in windows explorer than in nautilus or the other common explorers in linux
[04:14:14] <jadew> and way better arranged
[04:14:14] <megal0maniac> I've got OSX 10.7 running extremely nicely on my PC. It's a pain to set up, but once it's up...
[04:14:45] <Roklobsta_> i am using kde with the original konqueror. the dolphin browser is arse
[04:14:59] <Roklobsta_> mega: oh what pc? is it maclike hardware wise?
[04:16:04] <megal0maniac> i5 2400 and DH61BE mb
[04:16:27] <megal0maniac> nvidia 9600 graphics and onboard realtek sound
[04:16:44] <jadew> lol, I just remembered I have a mac pc under my desk
[04:16:46] <megal0maniac> But good enough to run the vanilla kernel with a few extra drivers
[04:16:55] <jadew> it's brand new, haven't used it in a year
[04:17:02] <jadew> my server sits on top of it
[04:17:16] <Roklobsta_> mega: i tried hackintosh once in VM.
[04:17:29] <jadew> I think it has an i7 cpu, but I'm not sure
[04:17:45] <Roklobsta_> found OSX to be dull
[04:17:49] <megal0maniac> jadew: Why do you have it then?
[04:17:57] <jadew> megal0maniac, got it for work
[04:18:06] <megal0maniac> Roklobsta_: Never gotten it to work on a VM
[04:18:07] <jadew> had to build an app for iOS
[04:18:32] <jadew> and you need a freaking mac for that
[04:18:53] <megal0maniac> You might :P
[04:19:19] <jadew> and yeah, I never managed to get it running in a VM either, I tried several times before spending the $
[04:19:48] <megal0maniac> I use iAtkos
[04:20:09] <megal0maniac> OSX, nicely packaged with necessary kexts etc
[04:20:36] <megal0maniac> Roklobsta_: It isn't hacker friendly
[04:21:15] <Roklobsta_> jadew: i found a vm method that worked. and i was uninspired.
[04:21:26] <megal0maniac> (hardware hacker)
[04:24:24] * megal0maniac thinks that the buspirate is a good idea
[04:24:39] <jadew> megal0maniac, I built my own, avr based
[04:24:52] <megal0maniac> And the firmware?
[04:24:57] <jadew> I wrote it
[04:25:04] <megal0maniac> Compatible?
[04:25:10] <jadew> with what?
[04:25:16] <megal0maniac> The bus pirate :)
[04:25:31] <jadew> no, why would it have to be compatible?
[04:25:49] <jadew> it's got i2c, spi, serial, 1wire
[04:25:55] <jadew> and sniffers for each of them
[04:26:06] <jadew> and direct port access
[04:26:20] <jadew> and does lcd as well
[04:26:32] <megal0maniac> Very cool :) Which AVR?
[04:26:40] * megal0maniac begins rough mental plans
[04:26:40] <jadew> atmega328p
[04:26:52] * megal0maniac has 4 of those in a box :D
[04:27:14] <megal0maniac> jadew: It isn't by any chance an open project, is it?...
[04:27:30] <jadew> not yet, maybe after it's finished
[04:27:42] <megal0maniac> Ah, okay
[04:27:46] <jadew> not to mention that there are some hardware changes I'd like to make
[04:28:02] <jadew> I got a logic analyer so I can make get the avrisp protocol to work
[04:28:13] <jadew> so it can behave as a avrisp clone as well
[04:28:27] <jadew> so... now I'm writting the logic analyzer software lol
[04:29:11] <megal0maniac> Keeping your plate full :P
[04:29:20] <jadew> yeah
[04:29:57] <jadew> I think it sniffs i2c better than bus pirate, not sure tho
[04:30:37] <jadew> yeah "The I2C sniffer is implemented in software and seems to work up to 70kHz"
[04:30:43] <jadew> mine does 160kHz
[04:31:08] <megal0maniac> I2C can be up to 400khz, no?
[04:31:14] <jadew> yeah
[04:31:21] <jadew> it works at 400kHz too
[04:31:24] <jadew> but it can't sniff it
[04:31:51] <megal0maniac> Decoding too slow?
[04:31:52] <jadew> because the sniffer is done in software and the timing gets kinda tight at that speed
[04:32:05] <jadew> yeah
[04:36:48] <megal0maniac> I'll keep an eye out, sounds very cool. Maybe you can even implement jacekowski's logic analyzer :P
[04:36:58] <megal0maniac> I'm off to work, cheers all
[04:37:04] <jadew> see ya
[04:58:32] <Roklobsta_> jadew: how's the rigol cro?
[04:58:51] <jadew> it's awesome :)
[04:59:39] <jadew> thanks again for the suggestion, as I started learning more about electronics and AVR's I realized how invaluable an oscilloscope is
[04:59:49] <jadew> I couldn't have done lots of stuff with out it
[05:01:09] <jadew> my g/f hates it tho, somehow she associated the sight of that thing On, with the fact that I kick her out of my room
[05:01:53] <Roklobsta_> lol... competition
[05:02:11] <Roklobsta_> women hate that. and she's competing with a cro
[05:04:09] <jadew> kinda sad really lol
[05:08:04] <karlp> is your rigol as loud as mine?
[05:08:10] <jadew> yes
[05:08:29] <karlp> only downside :)
[05:08:30] <jadew> it's louder than the PC, which is a first for the electronics in my house
[05:09:18] <jadew> I got used to it, at least it's a continous noise and not some random crap that can distract you
[05:28:00] <theos> is there a way to send data to the pc from an atmega via the parallel port?
[05:28:46] <theos> all i see on google is serial communication :/
[05:30:44] <izua> you can dump bits on p2-p9 and clock them via one of the control pins
[05:32:13] <theos> the data pins. hmm
[05:32:37] <karlp> you have a parallel port? neat
[05:32:58] <theos> yeah karlp. i had to buy a new mobo just for the parallel port
[05:33:23] <theos> its kinda sad those ports are becoming rarer thesedays. screw usb
[05:37:00] <karlp> ok, have fun.
[05:39:50] <theos> but data pins are output pins!
[05:45:02] <theos> ah they are bidirectional
[06:32:10] <ptg> theos: all AVR pins are bidirectional
[06:32:34] <theos> ptg i was referring to parallel port pins
[06:33:50] <ptg> ah
[06:47:29] <Roklobsta_> parallel port is bidirectional. depends on mode and SPP EPP etc
[06:47:33] <Roklobsta_> ECP
[06:47:38] <Roklobsta_> IEEE1284
[06:48:14] <Roklobsta_> but pport has 8 data out pins and you can use some of the signalling for inputs
[06:51:21] <theos> data pins are bidirectional. all in one direction at one time
[06:57:50] <Roklobsta_> yes
[08:45:15] <megal0maniac> OndraSter: Sold any cocos?
[10:06:08] <megal0maniac> zlog
[10:06:28] <megal0maniac> So quiet :)
[11:41:02] <Vutral> mhm
[11:41:10] <Vutral> how do i clear CLKDIV/8 at runtime again ?
[11:43:41] <megal0maniac> Google: avr clear ckdiv at runtime
[11:43:45] <megal0maniac> first result
[11:44:11] <megal0maniac> (avrfreaks.net)
[11:46:37] <Vutral> my first result isnt avrfreaks.net
[11:48:59] <megal0maniac> Did you find it?
[11:49:22] <megal0maniac> That's why I specified, it might have not been the first result for you
[11:49:54] <megal0maniac> For me, the first 3 results answer your question
[11:50:28] <Vutral> i dont know which these results are at your side
[11:50:40] <Vutral> the first avrfreaks net is like 20 or so
[11:50:58] <Vutral> i got first hits from atmel.com :P
[11:51:21] <megal0maniac> We can't be using the same search string :/
[11:51:33] <megal0maniac> #include <avr/power.h>
[11:51:48] <megal0maniac> clock_prescale_set(clock_div_1);
[11:52:12] <megal0maniac> Credit goes to abcminiuser
[11:52:57] <megal0maniac> That being said, it might be a LUFA specific thing...
[11:53:21] <karlp> does that really clear the clkdiv8?
[11:53:32] <karlp> I was pretty sure that clkdiv was _after_ the clckdiv fuse...
[11:53:39] <megal0maniac> http://www.avrfreaks.net/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=printview&t=112531&start=0
[11:53:41] <karlp> but, I might be misremembering thingfs.
[11:53:59] <megal0maniac> karlp: Well, that was quoted from abcminiuser.
[11:54:51] <megal0maniac> But then he follows with "The clock division code I posted (which is included in all the LUFA projects/demos)..."
[11:55:01] <megal0maniac> Vutral: That link above is for you
[12:09:41] <Vutral> thx
[12:09:59] <megal0maniac> Did it work?
[13:10:31] <Vutral> eh
[13:10:50] <Vutral> binary rom image with avrgcc/binutils ?
[13:11:03] <Vutral> instead of an elf file ?
[13:11:48] <karlp> objcopy -O bin ?
[13:11:57] <Vutral> let me try
[13:12:45] <Vutral> Invalid bfd target
[13:13:07] <Vutral> think i got it
[13:13:09] <Vutral> thx
[13:31:43] <RikusW> hi megal0maniac any luck with the nano ? or is it shelved for now ?...
[13:31:55] * RikusW are downloading 95 emails.....
[13:32:25] <Tom_itx> http://www2.electronicproducts.com/Have_you_seen_this_Video_ads_in_print_magazines-article-fajb_marieclaire_dolcegabbana_sep2012-html.aspx
[13:32:26] * RikusW is using GPRS again.....
[13:34:08] <RikusW> now at 26/95 :-/
[13:35:02] <RikusW> have anyone here ever tried building -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrocardiography
[13:35:04] <Vutral> mhm
[13:35:14] <Vutral> sure
[13:35:20] <RikusW> or any related circuits like EEG ?
[13:35:22] <Vutral> strong opamp cheap adc == ecg
[13:35:36] <Vutral> @ RikusW
[13:35:45] <Vutral> openeeg.sf.net
[13:35:49] <RikusW> and a differential one at that
[13:36:04] <Vutral> fully differential
[13:36:06] <Vutral> ^^
[13:36:08] <RikusW> 48/95 now... GPRS is soooo sloooow
[13:36:12] <Vutral> if you want
[13:36:47] <Vutral> RikusW, you read the openeeg stuff ?
[13:36:48] <Vutral> they got examples for active probes
[13:37:07] <Vutral> theres no big difference between ecg and eeg
[13:38:04] <RikusW> I'd like to try building something like that sometime
[13:38:27] <Vutral> why sometime
[13:38:38] <RikusW> seems K and Na levels can be checked using ECG (well if its way wrong anyways)
[13:38:51] <Vutral> sure if you attach them correctly
[13:38:53] <Vutral> you can see that
[13:38:53] <RikusW> will have to get the right parts first
[13:39:02] <Vutral> because of the iono/chrono tropic characteristics
[13:39:18] <RikusW> How do you know so much about ECG ?
[13:39:20] <Vutral> i would prefer some subcutanous probes :P
[13:39:25] <Vutral> i am intrested in medicine
[13:39:30] <RikusW> needles ? :-P
[13:39:36] <Vutral> no needles
[13:39:37] <megal0maniac> RikusW: Check your email :)
[13:39:45] <megal0maniac> But shelved, I'm afraid
[13:39:52] <RikusW> megal0maniac: busy downloading
[13:39:56] <Vutral> didnt you know they can implant subdermal neural interfaces
[13:40:03] <Vutral> :P
[13:40:05] <Vutral> there is a project about this
[13:40:08] <Vutral> serious research
[13:40:17] <Vutral> they implanted a chip some years ago
[13:40:19] <Vutral> but its loosing resolution too fast
[13:40:25] <RikusW> just finished downloading 95 emails, 1.7MB, started at 20:19.....
[13:40:29] <Vutral> so they search for a new material which isnt getting decomposed slowly in the body
[13:40:39] <Vutral> you can directly attach it to a colony of neurons
[13:40:52] <Vutral> i wait for the chips which simulate neurons :P
[13:40:53] <RikusW> interesting
[13:41:07] <Vutral> yeah ibm blue gene and so
[13:41:27] <Vutral> well anyway there arent so many projects out there which are useful
[13:41:43] <RikusW> Vutral: does your interest in medicine go to say endocrinology too ?
[13:41:50] <Vutral> yeah
[13:41:56] <RikusW> and immunology ?
[13:42:08] <Vutral> immunology neurology and endocrinology
[13:42:10] <Vutral> histology etc.
[13:42:16] <megal0maniac> Interestingly, http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/medical-c-197.html
[13:42:19] <Vutral> dermatology ^^
[13:42:35] <megal0maniac> For RikusW, Seeedstudio has a medical category
[13:43:05] <megal0maniac> You can buy ECG electrodes, ear clip blood-oxygen sensors etc
[13:43:31] <RikusW> Vutral: what would your thoughts be on and IgE level of 433 UI/ml ?
[13:43:50] <RikusW> *an
[13:46:00] <Vutral> RikusW, without the other parameters ?
[13:46:15] <RikusW> which parameters ?
[13:46:30] <RikusW> the lab said normal is < 100
[13:46:53] <Vutral> hmm
[13:47:04] <Vutral> parasites
[13:47:06] <Vutral> allergenes
[13:47:29] <Vutral> chemicals
[13:47:35] * RikusW passes out after eating meat.....
[13:47:40] <Vutral> you got allergies ?
[13:47:47] <Vutral> which kind of meat
[13:47:50] <RikusW> seems badly so yes
[13:47:55] <RikusW> beef is worse
[13:47:58] <Vutral> benzoic acid
[13:48:06] <Vutral> nitrates
[13:48:08] <RikusW> and it seems curry agravates it greatly
[13:48:36] <RikusW> why would beef contain benzoic acid ?
[13:48:47] <RikusW> the beef I eat is straigh from the farm
[13:48:50] <RikusW> +t
[13:49:49] <RikusW> and taking say 5mg of hydrocortisone wakes me up quite fast
[13:50:20] <RikusW> Vutral: have you seen the ##medicine channel ?
[13:51:21] <RikusW> Vutral: and I don't eat any meat containing nitrates
[13:51:27] <Vutral> RikusW, nitrates benzoic acid other chemicals
[13:51:29] <Vutral> antibiotics
[13:51:48] <Vutral> mhm yeah well
[13:51:58] <RikusW> does beef naturally contain some of those or is it added during processing ?
[13:52:12] <RikusW> and we don't give our cattle antibiotics either
[13:52:13] <Vutral> industrial produced meat contains much shit
[13:52:28] <RikusW> thats is why I don't eat industrial meat...
[13:52:30] <Vutral> what do you feed them with
[13:52:37] <Vutral> ^^
[13:52:40] <Vutral> industrial produced wheat ?
[13:52:40] <Vutral> :P
[13:52:41] <RikusW> grass mainly
[13:52:55] <RikusW> and salt lick, urea,
[13:53:02] <RikusW> maize
[13:53:07] <RikusW> not really much wheat
[13:53:17] <RikusW> not too much maize either
[13:53:35] <Vutral> well i guess you are allergic against something very common
[13:54:14] <RikusW> seems my bermuda grass rast = 16.8......
[13:54:41] <RikusW> alternaria tenius = 16.7
[13:55:02] <RikusW> hay fever ?
[13:55:13] <Vutral> maybe
[13:55:26] <RikusW> I always had it
[13:55:29] <Vutral> you need a antibody test
[13:55:38] <Vutral> prick test or so
[13:55:46] <RikusW> rast ?
[13:55:59] <RikusW> it was done for some common stuff already
[13:56:13] <RikusW> seems its quite expensive :-/
[13:57:51] <RikusW> I've gotten harrisons internal medicine books on the torrents :)
[13:57:58] <RikusW> its like 400MB....
[13:58:08] <RikusW> and 5000 pages...
[13:58:17] <RikusW> that should take quite a while to read....
[13:58:24] <RikusW> the human datasheet :-D
[13:59:07] <RikusW> and then there is endocrinology, hematology, and more, probably another 5000 pages....
[13:59:53] <RikusW> Vutral: medical stuff fascinates me
[14:01:40] <RikusW> though its much harder and more expensive to debug than AVRs....
[14:03:45] <RikusW> Vutral: I got this -> http://isohunt.com/torrent_details/408617661/harrison+internal+medicine?tab=summary
[14:11:08] <RikusW> megal0maniac: I did /msg memoserv del all now there should be enough space, there were 30...
[14:15:16] <Vutral> RikusW, yeah
[14:15:17] <Vutral> nice
[14:15:37] <RikusW> this I don't have yet - >http://isohunt.com/torrent_details/408616529/harrison+internal+medicine?tab=summary
[14:15:45] <Vutral> i busy with my girlfriend atm
[14:15:50] <Vutral> would be cool if we can continue the talk later :P
[14:15:53] <RikusW> enjoy ;)
[14:15:59] <RikusW> it would :)
[14:16:23] <RikusW> seems like ##medicine is awfully silent....
[14:16:53] <RikusW> Vutral: those books is quite recent, 2010 or so
[14:17:34] <RikusW> I actually saw the Endocrinology one in a uni bookshop the other day
[14:19:41] <Landon> RikusW: yes, well we play with AVRs and spend all day debugging
[14:19:48] <Landon> they play with medicine and spend all day.....
[14:20:15] <RikusW> if an AVR crash its not too much of an issue.......
[14:20:33] <RikusW> giving a person the ITT can be lethal....
[14:20:45] <RikusW> Insulin tolerance test....
[14:21:13] <vsync_> umm
[14:21:17] <vsync_> they pump you up with it or?
[14:21:31] <vsync_> i'm diabetic but i've never heard of such a thing
[14:21:50] <RikusW> a little injected insulin lowers blood sugar by letting it go into the cells
[14:21:59] <RikusW> thats why diabetics need insulin
[14:22:02] <vsync_> I know what it does thanks 8)
[14:22:06] <RikusW> however too much is lethal
[14:22:11] <vsync_> I know that also 8))
[14:22:48] <vsync_> your system works out of the glucose in your blood but if the level is too low you're pmuch f'd
[14:22:53] <RikusW> afaik they measure glucose and then administer insulin and take several readings afterwards
[14:23:18] <RikusW> vsync_: do you know that cortisol raises blood sugar ?
[14:24:03] <vsync_> No but don't think it raises it like... hugely
[14:24:47] <RikusW> cortisol is sort of opposite of insulin, too little or none and you die....
[14:25:00] <RikusW> ever heard of Addisons disease ?
[14:25:24] <vsync_> yeah
[14:25:37] <vsync_> but I guess the scenario when cortisol kicks in is near insulin shock
[14:25:56] <vsync_> or, actually the alarm level varies, but I wouldn't survive it. Been there :-(
[14:30:27] <RikusW> everyone needs cortisol
[14:30:41] <RikusW> its highest in the morning
[14:30:48] <RikusW> (should be anyways)
[14:39:39] <RikusW> vsync_: seems ITT is used to test cortisol response among other things
[22:10:21] <Lt_Lemming> http://i.imgur.com/x0MAz.jpg <--- finished!
[22:12:10] <Tom_itx> for round one
[22:13:39] <Tom_itx> what's it for?
[22:15:27] <Lt_Lemming> RGB LED Array Driver
[22:15:31] <Lt_Lemming> with USB interface