#avr | Logs for 2012-09-15

[02:16:32] <budved> Hi all, from what I can tell, to enable the internal pull-up resistor, you simple have to set the desired pin to be an input pin, then write a 1 to it? Is this correct?
[02:17:13] <budved> for example, DDRB = 0x00; PORTB |= (1 << PORT0);
[02:21:01] <budved> and if my understanding is correct, this should reverse the logic of the input on that pin?
[02:22:13] <RikusW> not reverse the logic
[02:22:18] <RikusW> only enable the pullup
[02:22:34] <RikusW> os the pin will read 1 instead of a random value
[02:22:37] <budved> oh so it looks like I'm mistaken as to what the pullup resistor works
[02:22:38] <budved> ohhh
[02:22:41] <budved> I see
[02:22:56] <RikusW> pullup is Vcc -> about 40k -> pin
[02:23:11] <RikusW> read the AVR datasheet maybe its 50k...
[02:23:52] <RikusW> you can enable open drain output if you add an external pullup set PORT = 0 and toggle the DDR bit
[02:24:09] <RikusW> that is useful for a 1 wire bus
[02:24:37] <budved> I see, I dont think I need that quite yet, but thanks, I misunderstood what the pullup resistor did before
[02:24:41] <RikusW> and remember to read the port value from the PIN register....
[02:25:19] <RikusW> this is NOT PIC where its read from the PORT register..... (common newbie mistake (including me))
[02:25:30] <budved> yeah, when I'm reading the value, I'm doing it in this fashion:
[02:25:34] <budved> PINB & (1 << PORT0)
[02:25:37] <budved> is that orrect?
[02:25:39] <budved> correct*
[02:25:46] <RikusW> (when I was still a newbie that is ;) )
[02:26:08] <RikusW> if( PINB & (1 << PORT0) ) { }
[02:26:11] <budved> yup
[02:26:28] <budved> I'm trying to parse the NEC protocol from an IR remote right now
[02:26:30] <RikusW> some new AVRs allow output pin toggling by writing to the PIN register
[02:26:38] <budved> but it looks like I was doing it backwards, forgot that those IR receivers idle at 1
[02:26:43] <budved> :P
[02:27:07] <budved> you working on anything RikusW?
[02:31:56] <RikusW> not right now
[02:32:23] <RikusW> apart from some medical research
[02:34:38] <budved> oh wow, that's cool
[02:35:00] <budved> hey am I crazy, or is it possible that the NEC commands I'm receiving don't correspond to my remote's manual?
[02:35:33] <budved> but the bits I'm getting aren't random garbage, they're following the [address] [inverted address] [command] [inverted command] pattern
[02:44:57] <budved> oh what the hell, it IS correct, just the way they show 0x20 as a pulse train seems incorrect to me
[02:44:59] <budved> oh well
[02:49:25] <RikusW> which bit is first LSB or MSB ?
[02:49:38] <RikusW> you might need to flip all bits
[02:49:49] <budved> yeah, i swapped them since they did LSB then MSB
[02:49:52] <budved> but their diagram seems wrong to me
[02:49:57] <budved> they say they're sending 0x20
[02:49:59] <budved> but the bits are
[02:50:08] <budved> 1001 1010
[02:50:11] <budved> LSB -> MSB
[02:50:20] <RikusW> 9A ?
[02:50:26] <RikusW> 59 ?
[02:50:48] <budved> that's what i dont get, they have the diagram with "0x20" written under that section
[02:51:03] <budved> my code that follows the protocol actually receives 0x20 though
[02:51:10] <budved> so that works fine
[02:51:22] <budved> just weird how the diagram is labelled
[02:53:08] <budved> since mine works i'm satisfied, but if you're curious you the data sheet is here
[02:53:08] <budved> http://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&ved=0CCkQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fcontent.solarbotics.com%2Farchive%2Fdocumentation%2Frmb-cm11111_ver10_enpdf.pdf&ei=BTFUULuSEOXqiwLk4IDwBw&usg=AFQjCNFiIahyL9UO2ToHaYo0dw6GoLLJAA
[02:53:19] <budved> er..
[02:53:25] <budved> http://content.solarbotics.com/.../rmb-cm11111_ver10_enpdf.pdf
[02:53:36] <budved> but i'm satisfied with it working, just was confused tehre
[05:49:21] <teppic> hi, avr newbie here... i'm having a problem with _delay_ms() when called with a variable
[05:49:40] <teppic> when using a constant, it's quite accurate (measuring with an oscilloscope)
[05:50:19] <teppic> but when called using a variable the timings get weird (too long)
[05:50:35] <jadew> must be because it's computing the value
[05:50:57] <jadew> when called with a constant, the compiler does the math
[05:51:32] <teppic> hmm, didn't think of that. that's probably it
[05:51:32] <jadew> if you call it with a variable, it has to compute the value itself and it involves floating point variables
[05:52:09] <jadew> which also means bigger code, because the math is done in software
[05:52:44] <jadew> so once you call that, you basically import the floating point math library as well
[05:52:51] <teppic> how come _delay_us is using double and not an integer?
[05:53:34] <jadew> don't know, there might be an explanation in the header file
[05:53:40] <jadew> it's pretty well commented
[05:53:53] <teppic> ok, will check that. thanks a lot!
[05:53:57] <jadew> np
[05:54:56] <jadew> as a rule of thumb tho, try to call the delay functions only with constants so they get optimizied
[05:55:48] <teppic> ok
[05:56:46] <jadew> and if you need perfect timing: http://bretm.home.comcast.net/~bretm/avrdelay.html
[05:57:57] <jadew> I'm off to bed, have fun
[05:58:59] <teppic> ah, great link
[08:33:37] <OndraSterver> playing with piezzo transducer is a bad idea
[08:33:46] <OndraSterver> the sound drills into your head very quickly
[08:38:17] <theBear> heh, try aligning an old 2" horn diaphragm... i don't care how big yer muffs are, that SUCKS BALLS !
[08:38:48] <theBear> it struck me the other day at new work, even those of us who regularly do that kinda thing, haven't had to do that for YEARS... gotta love modern production tolerances and self-aligning diaphragms
[08:39:00] <OndraSterver> eh?
[08:41:41] <OndraSterver> http://www.ebay.com/itm/Solid-State-Relay-SSR-25DA-25A-250V-3-32VDC-for-Temperature-Controller-/280929962820?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4168bb0b44
[08:41:42] <OndraSterver> duh
[08:41:48] <OndraSterver> don't they usually sell for $15+?
[08:46:18] <OndraSterver> still cheaper than thyristor + optical isolation though
[08:46:27] <OndraSterver> eh
[08:46:30] <OndraSterver> more expensive than*
[08:48:23] <karlp> I think I only paid about 8-9
[08:48:30] <karlp> depends on how much you trust the current rating really.
[08:50:15] <OndraSterver> I need about 1Amp
[08:50:20] <OndraSterver> wait
[08:50:21] <OndraSterver> 3 amps
[09:20:22] <OndraSterver> hmm
[09:20:29] <OndraSterver> should I try adding soldermask to my board? :P
[09:20:39] <OndraSterver> if there won't be any aligning issues it should be great
[09:27:52] <Tom_itx> 3A for your toaster?
[09:27:59] <Tom_itx> you need more than that i think
[10:19:42] <OndraSterver> Tom_itx, I live in 240VAC part of the world
[10:19:49] <OndraSterver> there is 750W heater
[10:19:51] <OndraSterver> two 375
[10:20:38] <Tom_itx> k. mine has 4 but i'm well aware of the voltage difference. i learned about that when i did mine with inflex
[10:20:55] <Tom_itx> you don't wanna use a triac?
[10:32:32] * inflex used a single TRIAC for his 2kW oven
[10:32:39] <inflex> anyhow, I'm off to bed now - talk to you all later :)
[13:04:28] <abcminiuser> RikusW, hey
[13:04:38] <RikusW> hi abcminiuser
[13:05:01] <abcminiuser> Just got your memo - I haven't logged on in ages since our wifi is a bit flakey and the free library one doesn't allow IRC
[13:05:08] <RikusW> abcminiuser: seen my AS6 patch for the STK500 ?
[13:05:09] <abcminiuser> Something about XML files?
[13:05:31] <RikusW> yes adding support for all AVRs to STK500
[13:05:46] <RikusW> don't know why its so limited anyways
[13:05:54] <RikusW> it works perfectly on the ones I added
[13:06:09] <RikusW> I used a bit of bash and xslt to autogenerate those files
[13:06:09] <abcminiuser> Aha, there's an explanation for it but for reasons of breivety just believe me
[13:06:17] <abcminiuser> Incidentally, it's been fixed for the next public release
[13:06:32] <RikusW> good
[13:06:43] <RikusW> in meantime people can use my patch
[13:06:50] <RikusW> it seems to work
[13:07:02] <abcminiuser> Yeah it wasn't a physical incompatibility
[13:07:14] <RikusW> a political one ? :-P
[13:07:20] <abcminiuser> It was to do with the way the tools were classed internally inside AS6
[13:07:42] <abcminiuser> It didn't like devices that are programming only being supported on a debugger, so it wouldn't add it to the device support XMLs
[13:08:06] <abcminiuser> Now they've refactored it to account for that, and added some more devices to the test robot
[13:08:17] <RikusW> ah
[13:08:29] <RikusW> will they be adding jtagice mki support ? :-P
[13:08:35] <abcminiuser> No
[13:08:36] <RikusW> I guess probably not
[13:08:54] <RikusW> is there an SDK available for AS6 ?
[13:08:58] <abcminiuser> STK500 was forced in by management :P
[13:09:04] <RikusW> GOOD :)
[13:09:09] <abcminiuser> For doing what?
[13:09:09] <RikusW> I need it
[13:09:18] <RikusW> My U2S board use STK500v2
[13:09:37] <abcminiuser> I mean the STK
[13:09:44] <abcminiuser> SDK rather
[13:10:00] <RikusW> adding jtagice mki support ?
[13:10:12] <RikusW> and maybe better support for my U2S board ?
[13:10:17] <RikusW> is that allowed ?
[13:10:45] <RikusW> I know AS4 got an SDK, though I wasn't able to get it...
[13:10:55] <abcminiuser> Honestly I don't know, I'd love to see support for third party programmers, but for now you can add external command line tools as menu items, for AVRDUDE or whatever
[13:11:11] <abcminiuser> Since AS6 onwards is Visual Studio based, you should be able to make normal extensions for it
[13:11:25] <abcminiuser> And then just add the special manifest XML to make it compatible
[13:11:42] <RikusW> will have a look into that sometime
[13:45:07] <Vutral> main.c:50: error: 'UBRR0H' undeclared (first use in this function)
[13:45:07] <Vutral> mhm
[13:45:20] <Vutral> main.c:50: error: 'F_CPU' undeclared (first use in this function)
[13:47:46] <Vutral> but what should i set for the pll
[13:50:47] <Vutral> maybe i should read clksel and clkdiv
[13:55:32] <RikusW> just change UBRR as appropriate
[13:56:01] <RikusW> check the AVR datasheets, some use UBRRH others UBRR0H or UBRR1H for multiple uarts
[14:15:28] <OndraSterver> <Vutral> but what should i set for the pll
[14:15:30] <OndraSterver> what pll?
[14:15:32] <OndraSterver> what mega?
[14:15:34] <OndraSterver> show us the code
[14:17:38] <crazydiamond> Hi. What software may I use to for modelling of system with AVR microprocessor, and some devices controlled by it, like stepper motor? Modelling of motor is somewhat second step, now I want just model AVR itself. Is ISIS Proteus okay?
[14:24:36] <jacekowski> model what
[14:24:50] <jacekowski> as in which part of it
[15:58:59] <skorket> I'm not sure if you guys can help but I'm trying to get an atmega328 running VUSB running. I've followed an amalgimation of the tutorials here: http://codeandlife.com/2012/02/22/v-usb-with-attiny45-attiny85-without-a-crystal/ . When I plug in the flashed atmega328 I get an error "device descriptor read/64, error -71". I'm running Ubuntu 12.04. Do you guys think this is an Ubuntu issue, a wiring issue or a firmware issue on the ATMega
[15:58:59] <skorket> 328?
[15:59:47] <specing> wiring?
[15:59:54] <specing> #arduino
[16:02:03] <skorket> Wiring is this: http://codeandlife.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/tiny85_schematic2.png , except with attiny2313 replaced with an atmega328, PB with PD and a 20MHz crystal hooked up
[16:03:25] <specing> 20 MHz?
[16:03:29] <specing> Waiiiit
[16:03:40] <specing> Shouldn't you be using 12MHz?
[16:04:08] <skorket> ...it says in usbconfig.h that 20MHz is a valid clock speed
[16:04:55] <specing> interesting
[16:25:43] <irseeyou> I can write DDRB = 11111100; as DDRB = 252; right?
[16:27:20] <OSterver> yes
[16:27:32] <OSterver> or preferably as 0xFC
[16:27:36] <specing> no
[16:27:39] <OSterver> or
[16:27:48] <OSterver> DDRB = 1 << DDB0 | 1 << DDB1 ...
[16:27:49] <specing> DDRB = 0b11111100;
[16:28:06] <OSterver> that.
[16:28:15] <irseeyou> specing: what does the 0B do?
[16:28:20] <OSterver> that it is bit
[16:28:21] <OSterver> s
[16:28:27] <OSterver> rather regular base10 number
[16:28:31] <specing> OSterver: using that notation with DDR and PORT registers is just... stupid.
[16:28:34] <OSterver> that it is base2*
[16:28:38] <OSterver> specing, it is
[16:28:44] <OSterver> but people last time bashed me here for not using it :P
[16:28:56] <irseeyou> hehe ok
[16:28:57] <specing> irseeyou: 0b for base2, 0 for base8, 0x for base 16, else for 10
[16:29:37] <irseeyou> specing: Alright. Thank you!! I'm on my way from arduino to proper avr :)
[16:29:51] <irseeyou> I appreciate the help
[16:29:51] <specing> OSterver: In general I use the shifted notation only if the bit names are meaningfull and *could* change in an upcoming compiler version
[16:30:08] <OSterver> I use already premade bitmasks
[16:30:14] <specing> OSterver: the change for PORT bit 0 suddenly becoming pin 3 is like.... 0
[16:30:24] <OSterver> yep
[16:49:14] <OSterver> !seen rikusw
[16:49:20] <OSterver> tobbor, WAKE UP
[16:49:22] <OSterver> !time
[16:49:22] <tobbor> My watch says its 02:38PM Sat Sep 15 2012
[16:49:25] <OSterver> !seen rikusw
[16:49:26] <tobbor> RikusW was last seen in #avr on Sep 15 14:21 2012
[16:49:37] <OSterver> oh
[16:49:37] <OSterver> ..
[16:49:39] <OSterver> fail
[18:44:54] <OndraSter> hmm I thought that drivers have to be signed by some authority to be installable on Win7 x64?
[18:45:04] <OndraSter> I got red popup that they are not signed yet they still installed? :o
[18:46:45] <OndraSter> it is atmel's .inf with microsoft's stock usbser.sys driver
[18:47:30] <OndraSter> "Windows can't verify the publisher of this software"
[18:47:41] <OndraSter> I suppose that it is the issue that the .sys is from MS but the inf not
[18:47:44] <OndraSter> works good enough for me!
[18:56:55] <OndraSter> huh, how can be RELEASE build bigger than DEBUG build?!
[18:56:58] <OndraSter> that is in AS6
[18:57:49] <Tom_itx> kewel
[18:58:18] <OndraSter> ah garbage wasn't deleted by linker
[19:00:05] <OndraSter> hmm there are still some debug_* sections left in the file
[19:06:47] <Amadiro> OndraSter, some optimizations might make a release build bigger, who knows
[19:07:27] <OndraSter> I re-tuned it to make it the same
[19:07:31] <OndraSter> so now it is the same
[19:07:37] <OndraSter> unused sections weren't garbage colelcted
[19:07:39] <OndraSter> collected
[19:17:38] <Vutral> OndraSter, atmega328p
[19:17:48] <Vutral> i set it as mcu now
[19:17:50] <Vutral> mhm
[19:18:00] <Vutral> the avr-gcc documentation is a bit incomplete
[19:18:17] <Vutral> read the headers
[19:18:32] <Vutral> well i wonder if the integrated spi peripherial can run on the internal rc oscillator
[19:18:41] <Vutral> usually i would think i need different speeds for different voltages
[19:19:14] <OndraSter> what
[19:19:15] <Vutral> from the datasheet i guess it runs at 8mhz with 5 volt
[19:19:21] <Vutral> the internal rc oscillator
[19:19:23] <OndraSter> SPI can run on any clock source
[19:19:23] <Vutral> ^^
[19:19:27] <OndraSter> well
[19:19:29] <Vutral> the peripherial ?
[19:19:34] <OndraSter> the SPI peripherals
[19:19:36] <OndraSter> peripheral
[19:19:38] <Vutral> ok
[19:19:43] <OndraSter> check Electronic something in the datasheet
[19:19:45] <OndraSter> there is "curve"
[19:19:45] <Vutral> well in the documentation is a graphic
[19:19:48] <OndraSter> voltage vs clock
[19:19:50] <Vutral> it looks like it would need a crystal
[19:19:51] <OndraSter> graph
[19:19:55] <OndraSter> what for?
[19:20:03] <Vutral> the spi peripherial block diagramm
[19:20:30] <OndraSter> it does not matter where it runs from
[19:20:42] <OndraSter> only on RC it will not be precise 8MHz
[19:20:47] <OndraSter> (/prescaler)
[19:20:47] <Vutral> well in the block diagramm for the spi peripherial not the uart
[19:20:55] <Vutral> for spi it doesnt matter if its precise
[19:21:00] <OndraSter> ANY peripheral can run off any clock source
[19:21:01] <Vutral> as long as there are enough edges
[19:21:03] <OndraSter> yes
[19:21:20] <Vutral> i want to run with crc anyway
[19:21:33] <OndraSter> crc as control redundancy check?
[19:21:46] <Vutral> cyclic redunandcy check
[19:21:51] <OndraSter> yes, cyclic*
[19:21:55] <OndraSter> too late for me already
[19:22:06] <Vutral> well i cant do it on spi well mhm
[19:22:14] <OndraSter> why couldn't you?
[19:22:15] <Vutral> but the mcu is directly beside the device
[19:22:20] <Vutral> so it shouldnt be a problem
[19:22:27] <Vutral> because i talk to a state automaton
[19:22:33] <Vutral> which doesnt support it
[19:22:42] <Vutral> its just some registers and memory attached to a sigma delta adc
[19:22:46] <Vutral> ^^
[19:22:54] <OndraSter> then why did you talk about it in the first place :P
[19:23:01] <Vutral> eh
[19:23:05] <Vutral> i use crc for the uart
[19:23:18] <Vutral> i put a rs485 transceiver beside the atmega328p
[19:23:26] <Vutral> i need to program the atmega328p in 3.3 volt ^^
[19:23:37] <OndraSter> I am doing 8MHz SPI master on mega128, the SCK line is pure sinewave with all the capacitance on the bus
[19:23:39] <Vutral> but for running i run at 5 volt because everything else does too
[19:23:42] <OndraSter> it is connected across 24 chips
[19:23:44] <OndraSter> and it works just fine
[19:23:59] <Vutral> oh nice
[19:24:21] <Vutral> how long is your bus
[19:24:38] <OndraSter> it is 24 chained serial registers
[19:24:40] <OndraSter> actually 26
[19:24:43] <OndraSter> no, 25
[19:24:49] <OndraSter> 1 is on the same board as the MCU
[19:24:59] <OndraSter> the rest is always 6 on one board and then connected via wire
[19:25:27] <Vutral> you should use schmitt triggers
[19:25:28] <Vutral> ^^
[19:25:33] <OndraSter> I should have
[19:25:35] <OndraSter> but it worked luckily
[19:25:38] <Vutral> oh btw this is intresting
[19:25:47] <Vutral> instead of adding a logic gate
[19:25:52] <Vutral> for enhancing power of a output
[19:26:03] <Vutral> i thought about driving a diode directly with an digital output of the atmega328p
[19:26:19] <OndraSter> why would you use external logic gate?
[19:26:20] <Vutral> any suggestion on howto mirror from an digital input to an output efficiently ?
[19:26:27] <Vutral> because i got 100 of them
[19:26:28] <OndraSter> huh?
[19:26:28] <Vutral> :P
[19:26:32] <OndraSter> oh
[19:26:33] <OndraSter> at once?
[19:26:38] <OndraSter> what about multiplexing them?
[19:26:44] <Vutral> no i got 100 logic gates
[19:26:47] <OndraSter> I am actually driving 3072 LEDs
[19:26:47] <Vutral> they must be useful for something
[19:26:48] <Vutral> :P
[19:27:10] <Vutral> well i thought about abusing them for tristating my spi
[19:27:33] <Vutral> but anyway
[19:27:38] <Vutral> i just will put a pullup there
[19:27:44] <Vutral> but i dont think i can do in circuit programming
[19:27:51] <Vutral> maybe over the uart
[19:28:01] <Vutral> but i first need the rs485 implementation
[19:28:15] <Vutral> and working flow control
[19:28:16] <Vutral> lol
[19:29:18] <Vutral> capacitance is evil
[19:30:46] <Vutral> OndraSter, know whats ugly
[19:30:50] <Vutral> full duplex uart with interrupts
[19:31:14] <OndraSter> what's ugly about that?
[19:32:31] <Vutral> i need 2 buffers ^^
[19:32:47] <OndraSter> still don't see what is ugly about that
[19:33:12] <Vutral> i still wonder which mode i should use
[19:33:13] <Vutral> mhm
[19:35:13] <OndraSter> udi_cdc.c: 1238 Atmel lines
[19:35:19] <OndraSter> = about 400 regular person's lines :)
[19:36:31] <Vutral> lol
[19:36:35] <Vutral> atmel lines
[19:36:35] <Vutral> *g*
[19:37:03] <OndraSter> well
[19:37:08] <OndraSter> they have to have it compatible with help generators
[19:37:11] <OndraSter> I don't
[19:39:48] <OndraSter> I like USB's reply "NYET"
[19:39:52] <OndraSter> I feel like in motherland
[19:43:55] <Vutral> mhm
[19:44:02] <Vutral> cool
[19:44:14] <Vutral> why NYET
[19:44:23] <Vutral> woulndt NJET be more logic
[19:44:34] <Vutral> since a cyrillic letter y is like u
[19:44:35] <Vutral> ^^
[19:44:37] <Vutral> :P
[19:45:12] <Vutral> too bad i cant type cyrillic on this keyboard :P
[19:45:50] <Vutral> privet :P
[19:46:05] <OndraSter> I don't know cyrillic at all
[19:46:11] <OndraSter> http://bigclive.com/power.htm
[19:46:12] <OndraSter> lol
[19:46:17] <Vutral> lololol
[19:46:22] <OndraSter> china ftw
[19:46:29] <OndraSter> DAMNIT! why are thermocouple connectors so expensive?
[19:46:30] <Vutral> didnt they ask you
[19:46:36] <Vutral> "where you ever member of the communistic party?"
[19:46:44] <Vutral> i thought you need to write some waiver for atmel
[19:46:50] <Vutral> so you dont attach it to submarines or so
[19:46:53] <OndraSter> I can't actually find any connectors on mouser
[19:48:40] <irseeyou> OndraSter: Omega has them
[19:49:03] <irseeyou> and they are hard to find..they have to be precision things due to metal alloys and such
[19:49:23] <OndraSter> huh
[19:49:26] <irseeyou> otherwise they introduce bad seebeck junctions
[19:49:32] <Vutral> mhm
[19:49:32] <OndraSter> I know
[19:49:36] <OndraSter> that's why I wanted some official ones
[19:49:40] <Vutral> which connectors ?
[19:49:41] <OndraSter> rather just bodging it up
[19:49:42] <Vutral> oh ondras
[19:49:42] <irseeyou> OndraSter: omega.com
[19:49:48] <Vutral> i kicked them in a trash
[19:49:53] <Vutral> i had so many type k connectors
[19:49:57] <irseeyou> OndraSter: if you don't care about precision just cut off the ends and wire them to a screw block
[19:49:59] <OndraSter> male or feamel :P
[19:49:59] <Vutral> from general motors
[19:50:00] <Vutral> lololol
[19:50:04] <Vutral> male :P
[19:50:13] <OndraSter> obviously male is the one I have on my thermocouple
[19:50:17] <Vutral> but since they glue them
[19:50:18] <OndraSter> irseeyou, most likely will do that :D
[19:50:23] <OndraSter> I need precision about 5C :D
[19:50:28] <Vutral> 5C ?
[19:50:33] <Vutral> i got 0,0002 precision
[19:50:34] <OndraSter> 5 degrees celsius
[19:50:34] <Vutral> ^^
[19:50:40] <Vutral> with a pt1000
[19:50:40] <Vutral> lol
[19:50:46] <irseeyou> Vutral: you can't get that with a thermocouple
[19:50:57] <Vutral> 2 point calibration
[19:51:01] <Vutral> i got a small error
[19:51:02] <Vutral> from the polynom
[19:51:04] <Vutral> ^^
[19:51:06] <irseeyou> type K is already +/- 4F IIRC
[19:51:14] <Vutral> i use pt1000 ^^
[19:51:17] <Vutral> i only need 0,01
[19:51:22] <Vutral> but the resolution is so high
[19:51:26] <irseeyou> Vutral: /me has no idea what that is
[19:51:28] <Vutral> if you calibrate it on many points
[19:51:32] <irseeyou> RTD sensor ahh
[19:51:33] <irseeyou> ok
[19:51:41] <Vutral> yeah
[19:51:45] <Vutral> a PTC
[19:51:58] <Vutral> i guess ondra uses a NTC
[19:52:18] <Vutral> but wel it isnt so difficult
[19:52:24] <Vutral> i tried with a lm35 before
[19:52:27] <Vutral> but it resolution was so bad
[19:53:26] <Vutral> and basically the error doesnt matter as long as its proportional
[19:53:32] <Vutral> and its ratiometric 4 wire measurement :P
[19:54:10] <Vutral> i wouldnt call a rtd a sensor :P
[19:54:29] <Vutral> its basically a piece of platinum with 4 wires attached
[19:54:55] <irseeyou> would this be proper port manipulation case 0: PORTD = B0000001;
[19:55:41] <irseeyou> Vutral: the self heating just irritates me though :P
[19:56:42] <OndraSter> hmm that 128x64 display has serial option :o
[20:00:51] <Vutral> self heating ?
[20:01:05] <Vutral> i got a pga and 100 microampere measurement current
[20:01:26] <Vutral> mhm
[20:01:30] <Vutral> and the current source is temperature compensated
[20:05:07] <OndraSter> hmm tiny85 + two 74hc595 = 1 eur, one xmega16d4 = 1.5eur
[20:05:13] <OndraSter> lol
[20:05:15] <OndraSter> nice
[20:09:28] <Vutral> i prefer the tiny
[20:09:30] <Vutral> they are cool
[20:09:31] <Vutral> :P
[20:09:50] <Vutral> i should buy a bag full of them
[20:09:52] <OndraSter> I prefer the xmega... I can have more IOs
[20:10:05] <Vutral> but i got so many mcu here lol
[20:10:11] <OndraSter> yes, tiny is tiny
[20:10:19] <Vutral> i feel like in a warehouse
[20:10:19] <Vutral> :P
[20:10:21] <OndraSter> and tiny85 is selling for less than 0.8 eur per pcs
[20:10:34] * Vutral gives OndraSter a reel
[20:10:35] <Vutral> :P
[20:10:40] <Vutral> the reel is cheaper
[20:10:41] <Vutral> :P
[20:11:19] <Vutral> eh i will wear a atmel is cool shirt if they gimme a free exhibition through they factory :P
[20:11:56] <Vutral> lol i bet they dont let in anyone ^^
[20:18:52] <OndraSter> I am off
[20:18:53] <OndraSter> gn
[20:35:56] <irseeyou> how do I do a multi line comment in C?
[20:36:40] <irseeyou> got it! /* and */
[20:36:58] <Vutral> mhm
[20:37:09] <Vutral> so how do i clear the clkdiv/8 while running
[20:37:15] <Vutral> so i get 8mhz at 5 volt ^^
[20:37:18] <Vutral> for the rc oscillator
[20:59:15] <irseeyou> Would anyone mind checking my code to see if I have port manipulation down alright? only ~15 lines of code - http://pastie.org/4729643
[20:59:21] <irseeyou> (It's for an arduino btw)
[21:48:47] <zumpchke> how come i can't declare a uint16_t array greater than 255?
[21:49:25] <inflex> maybe the indexing type is uint8_t
[21:49:36] <inflex> try casting as uint16_t.
[21:52:22] <jadew> zumpchke, what's the error?
[21:52:28] <zumpchke> inflex: you're right, argh
[21:52:47] <jadew> maybe the compiler knows the target MCU doesn't have that much ram
[21:52:59] <zumpchke> jadew: nothing, except when i try to fill an array size 300, then iterate through the array, i only goes up to 255
[21:53:09] <zumpchke> no, i have 2k ram
[21:53:13] <jadew> ah, so the code works
[21:53:24] <jadew> well, it compiles
[21:53:34] <zumpchke> so does the indexing type have to 16 bits as well?
[21:54:02] <jadew> by indexing type, you mean i?
[21:54:06] <jadew> as in arr[i]
[21:54:49] <zumpchke> yep
[21:54:53] <jadew> because if that's what you mean, yeah, 8 bit can only take you from 0 to 255
[21:55:21] <jadew> 16 bit = 0 to 256^2 - 1 (65535)
[23:20:25] <irseeyou> How can i manipulate only one pin on a port? e.g. if I only want to manipulate PORTD = B00000001;?
[23:22:07] <Tom_itx> bit mask it
[23:22:23] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/avr/c_bits/bits_index.php
[23:22:23] <irseeyou> Tom_itx: Do you happen to have any info I can look up about it?
[23:22:28] <Tom_itx> sure do
[23:22:55] <irseeyou> Tom_itx: You're the best, thank you!
[23:24:31] <Casper> if only bots could be more intelligent and recognise words better... so we could have a QA bot
[23:24:51] <iR0b0t1> Casper, the QA bot is Tom_itx
[23:24:55] <Casper> that do not get annoying
[23:25:16] <iR0b0t1> Hmm I wouldn't call Tom_itx annoying.
[23:25:19] <iR0b0t1> Pedantic perhaps
[23:39:16] <Tom_itx> Casper it would take a while to get the knowledge base built up
[23:40:24] <Casper> yeah, but the main problem is to differenciate between a real question, and a question-responce from an answer or alike
[23:40:33] <Casper> which cause false triggering