#avr | Logs for 2012-09-14

[02:11:31] <irseeyou> Can anyone tell me what programmable gain is in relation to the AVR? is that just changing the internal VRef?
[02:11:39] <irseeyou> for the adc
[02:41:24] <Kevin`> irseeyou: it amplifies the signal, reducing the voltage range and increasing the sensitivity (of course). normally on differential inputs, so not just changing vref. it also increases the input impedence on some chips
[02:41:44] <Kevin`> (because of the extra analog buffer/amplifier)
[02:42:23] <irseeyou> Kevin`: Alright, thank you. Do I have to do anything special to measure differential voltages?
[02:43:04] <Kevin`> nothing the datasheet doesn't cover, just connect two inputs to it in the right places and configure it
[02:43:14] <irseeyou> Kevin`: fair enough. Thank you :)
[02:43:23] <Kevin`> inputs still have to be between gnc and vcc
[02:43:30] <irseeyou> yep
[03:52:08] <tmpvar> OndraSter, I'm happy to report that the board works! http://i.imgur.com/TEsqy.jpg
[03:52:36] <tmpvar> took ~30 minutes to push the bootloader on, but after that it was painless :)
[03:53:14] <tmpvar> maybe I'll try an xmega tomorrow :)
[05:03:05] <OndraSter> tmpvar, congrats :D
[05:43:23] <OndraSter> tmpvar, which xmega btw?
[06:28:11] <jadew> \o/ finished writting the wrapper for the sniffer
[06:29:46] <Tom_itx> yay
[06:30:41] <jadew> gonna start working on the GUI tomorrow, I'm starting work in an hour and haven't slept last night
[06:31:14] <Tom_itx> tmpvar, typically you want the xtal caps close to the xtal
[06:31:33] <Tom_itx> jadew good luck at work
[06:31:34] <Tom_itx> :D
[06:31:42] <jadew> hehe, thanks
[06:31:43] <Tom_itx> good it's friday, huh?
[06:32:07] <jadew> yeah, I think it's what keept me awake
[06:32:11] <Tom_itx> tmpvar, as well as the usb
[06:35:47] <RikusW> usb programming is good if you have too much spare time :-P
[06:49:55] <OndraSter> hmm
[06:50:12] <OndraSter> do I feel like doing SPI (only data in, no data out) in software?
[06:51:10] <OndraSter> it has got 32bit data transfers anyway
[06:51:32] <OndraSter> it eases up my layout quite significantly
[06:51:36] <OndraSter> since I am doing one layer only
[06:52:04] <jadew> why not i2c if you're concerned about the layer
[06:52:11] <jadew> layout
[06:53:03] <jadew> you need 2 more tracks for spi, than you would need for i2c
[06:54:20] <jadew> and why do you want to do it in software?
[06:55:43] <OndraSter> jadew, because the thermocouple controller is SPI?
[06:55:50] <OndraSter> because xmega d3 has only two SPIs
[06:55:57] <OndraSter> one will be used for SD card
[06:56:05] <OndraSter> the other is right in between of display pins
[06:56:15] <jadew> ah
[06:56:16] <OndraSter> SPI is dirt simple really to do in software
[06:56:21] <jadew> yeah
[06:56:26] <jadew> can't you move the display pins tho?
[06:56:56] <OndraSter> no
[06:56:58] <OndraSter> well I can
[06:57:04] <OndraSter> but how would I route out the controller?
[06:57:05] <OndraSter> ..
[06:59:37] <jadew> damn, just took a look at the datasheet, that chip looks awesome
[06:59:48] <jadew> what are you building?
[07:00:13] <OndraSter> oven controller
[07:00:17] <OndraSter> wait, which chip do you mean?
[07:00:26] <jadew> xmega d3
[07:00:31] <OndraSter> oh
[07:00:34] <OndraSter> it is dirt cheap
[07:00:36] <OndraSter> but spec wise it sucks :)
[07:00:44] <OndraSter> check out xmega a3u, a4u or a1u
[07:00:48] <jadew> are you serious?
[07:00:50] <jadew> 3 usarts
[07:00:54] <OndraSter> so?
[07:00:58] <OndraSter> check xmega32a4u
[07:01:02] <OndraSter> costs a bit more, but has DAC
[07:01:04] <OndraSter> 2MSPS ADC
[07:01:06] <jadew> lots of flash memory
[07:01:07] <OndraSter> DMA
[07:01:14] <OndraSter> wait, which xmega d3?
[07:01:22] <OndraSter> I am using actually xmega d4*
[07:01:23] <jadew> http://www.atmel.com/Images/doc8134.pdf
[07:01:24] <OndraSter> my fault
[07:01:43] <OndraSter> jadew, if you check out http://myxboard.net/compare.html
[07:01:48] <OndraSter> you'll be amazed by those specs
[07:02:15] <OndraSter> a* is the series you want to be considering :)
[07:02:22] <OndraSter> d* series had too much erratas
[07:02:35] <OndraSter> d3 still has
[07:02:38] <OndraSter> d4 has got new revision
[07:02:48] <OndraSter> but a* series is much better
[07:02:59] <OndraSter> I like the 256A3U personally :)
[07:03:15] <OndraSter> 64 pins, 7 USARTs, 5 SPIs + some USARTs can be converted to SPI
[07:03:16] <OndraSter> DMA
[07:03:18] <OndraSter> 16kB RAM
[07:03:36] <OndraSter> 1MSPS DAC, two 2MSPS ADCs!
[07:03:41] <jadew> you're right, they're not that expensive
[07:03:46] <OndraSter> 24 PWM channels
[07:03:47] <OndraSter> yep
[07:03:58] <jadew> difficult package tho
[07:04:03] <OndraSter> that's why xboard exists!
[07:05:58] <jadew> might get into that at some point, I can think of several issues this things would have solved
[07:07:29] <OndraSter> hehe
[07:14:39] <OndraSter> btw I got response from atmel - they do not give out USB PIDs :(
[07:14:47] <OndraSter> you can use only theirs under some conditions
[09:22:28] <rue_house> has to be something they want to produce?
[09:59:35] <CapnKernel> OndraSter: If your product is free software or open source, you can get a VID/PID from openmoko: http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/USB_Product_IDs
[09:59:44] <CapnKernel> If your product is Linux based, you can ask the Linux Foundation for one: http://libusb.6.n5.nabble.com/USB-VID-PID-for-open-source-projects-tp4259925p4259935.html
[09:59:53] <CapnKernel> Another idea is to buy a V-USB license just for the VID/PID: http://www.obdev.at/products/vusb/license.html
[10:00:12] <karlp> voti still has a few doesn't he?
[10:01:05] <karlp> xioafan turns up all over the place in my life over the last year or so.
[10:01:16] <karlp> python, usb, linux, openwrt, avrs, you name it, he's doing it.
[10:02:37] <CapnKernel> VOTI has stopped selling them, I just checked.
[10:04:09] <CapnKernel> Interesting blog post+comments from abcminiuser: http://fourwalledcubicle.com/blog/2010/03/obtaining-a-vid-and-pid/
[10:15:19] <OndraSter> CapnKernel, thanks :)
[10:15:23] <OndraSter> yes
[10:15:25] <OndraSter> I saw that
[10:15:29] <OndraSter> from abc
[10:15:31] <CapnKernel> You're welcome
[10:16:25] <OndraSter> Entry Level License: For up to 150 units, including one VID/PID pair licensed exclusively to you.
[10:16:30] <OndraSter> for 200€
[10:16:31] <OndraSter> :/
[10:16:43] <OndraSter> WHY doesn't USB-IF sell 8 PIDs for $10!
[10:16:46] <OndraSter> they would make $80 grand
[10:20:02] <Tom_itx> they're not interested in you. they're interested in making money and large corporations
[10:20:42] <CapnKernel> OndraSter: you've making a fundamental mistake of logic: You're assuming you're dealing with rational people.
[10:20:50] <OndraSter> :(
[10:21:01] <OndraSter> Tom_itx, they would make much more money
[10:21:20] <OndraSter> 8 PIDs for $10, 32 PIDs for $20, 256 PIDs for $100
[10:21:30] <OndraSter> 4096 PIDs for $500
[10:21:33] <OndraSter> boom!
[10:21:37] <OndraSter> MOAR MONEY!
[10:21:47] <CapnKernel> OndraSter: See "rational people", "assuming"
[10:21:52] <OndraSter> :(
[10:22:10] <OndraSter> http://release.blackmesasource.com/pages/download_manager.html#
[10:22:20] <OndraSter> works more times a year than the whole blackmesasource.com
[10:22:51] <OndraSter> too bad that all download sources are overloaded :D
[10:23:03] <OndraSter> the torrent webpage is trying to load for past 5 minutes
[10:23:11] <OndraSter> the cdn link failed with Forbidden
[10:23:24] <OndraSter> why am I writing it here where are linux users that do not play games
[10:34:36] <CapnKernel> OndraSter: Not true. Go to http://www.humblebundle.com/
[10:34:44] <CapnKernel> About 25% of their customers are Linux users
[10:34:56] <CapnKernel> Their system is "pay what you want"
[10:35:08] <CapnKernel> And the Linux users consistently pay far more for games than Windows users.
[10:35:27] <Tom_itx> doesn't say much for them
[10:36:12] <OndraSter> I know what humblebundle is
[10:36:14] <OndraSter> and they have to get that
[10:36:18] <OndraSter> because there is not much anything else
[10:36:19] <OndraSter> ..
[10:37:33] <CapnKernel> Yes. My theory is that Linux users pay more, as their way of sending a signal (in an economic sense).
[10:37:46] <Tom_itx> well this conversation is going down the toilet. http://www2.electronicproducts.com/Toilet_bike_runs_on_poo-article-FANE_toilet_bike_Sept2012-html.aspx
[11:29:04] <GuShH> amee2woof: is this your new, permanent nick?
[11:29:49] <skorket> I just programmed the fuse bits for an atmega328 to run on an external clock and now I'm having trouble programming it. I'm using avrdude, running on an ubuntu installation, using avrtinyisp as the programmer and a target board from evil mad scientist. I have put a 20MHz crystal along with two 25pf caps in parallel onto the target board, but now avrdude is telling me "initialization failed, double check your connection"
[11:29:54] <skorket> any suggestions on how to proceed?
[11:31:03] <skorket> oh, and I have tried it with two different chips, both of which failed. The chip was already loaded with a program to turn on an led and when hooking it up to a breadboard with the appropriate components (crystal, caps, decoup. caps, resistor, led) it turns on the LED just fine
[11:31:46] <OndraSter> wait
[11:31:49] <OndraSter> it works on rbeadboard
[11:31:50] <OndraSter> breadboard*
[11:31:54] <OndraSter> doesn't work on target?
[11:32:10] <skorket> no, it works on a breadboard after I programmed the fuse bits for the external clock
[11:32:20] <skorket> I'm not able to program it though
[11:32:38] <OndraSter> so the code works, but avrdude can not access it?
[11:33:43] <skorket> I have the code on my PC. The code, as far as I can tell, is working on the atmega328. I cannot program the atmega, nor access the fuse bits, or use avrdude to communicate with it in general
[11:56:48] <amee2woof> GuShH: not that i planned on it, but it kinda seems to stick for the moment
[11:57:43] <GuShH> if you say so...
[11:57:54] <amee2woof> don't you like it?
[11:58:45] <GuShH> whatever
[11:58:54] <amee2woof> ^_^
[11:59:11] <GuShH> just recieved something from china, it came smashed to bits...
[11:59:25] <GuShH> that's the local post service for ya.
[11:59:56] <GuShH> I even had to get my arse to the customs office, 80KM from here!
[12:00:12] <GuShH> Then I had to explain the dude what an airbrush was, because apparently he had no clue and he thought it was a tattoo machine.
[12:07:23] <karlp> you didn't program the "don't allow programming" bits too while you were at it?
[12:07:44] <GuShH> amee2woof: then the dude next to him got on ebay to look up the price... friggin clowns
[13:00:09] <Tom_itx> skorket, i'm betting you set it for external clock
[13:00:13] <Tom_itx> not crystal
[13:00:27] <Tom_itx> and now you need an external clock source to make it work
[13:00:41] <Tom_itx> it's a very common mistake
[13:00:54] <Tom_itx> common enough i put a clock source on my programmers
[13:02:02] <amee2woof> a spare tiny24 that does PORTB++; in a loop works wonders as ghetto clock source :)
[13:02:59] <Tom_itx> it needs to be 4x the spi programming rate to work reliably
[13:03:26] <amee2woof> that move instantly gives you 8 different log spaced clock rates to try :)
[13:34:09] <RikusW> amee2woof: actually next: inc r16 out PORTB,r16 rjmp next; might give a higher clock thatn your code
[13:34:36] <RikusW> or doing PINB = 0xFF will be even faster
[13:34:47] <RikusW> or just enable the CKOUT fuse
[13:35:13] <amee2woof> i set the fuses so it starts off with 1/1 divider which i think gives 4MHz clock
[13:35:27] <RikusW> ever used CKOUT ?
[13:35:37] <amee2woof> yeah, but not on the ghetto clock generator
[13:35:40] <RikusW> even works if you use RC osc
[13:35:48] <amee2woof> i know :)
[13:36:10] <amee2woof> i wasn't sure what would work since i had set a mega8 to the wrong osc type
[13:36:23] <amee2woof> so i though what would be the easiest way to get lots of different frequencies to try
[13:36:48] <RikusW> and that does work quite well
[13:36:58] <amee2woof> yep :)
[14:23:46] <Vutral> eh
[14:23:56] <Vutral> someone knows howto clear clkdiv/8 in avrdude ?
[14:24:45] <tmpvar> OndraSterver, you are right, I could have tightened all that up a bit more
[14:28:16] <OndraSterver> "a bit" :)
[14:28:29] <OndraSterver> Vutral, read fuses, flip the clkdiv bit, write fuses
[14:28:34] <OndraSterver> or do it in the MCU's control register
[14:28:43] <OndraSterver> in the program itself
[14:28:52] <OndraSterver> tmpvar, which xmega are you going to try out?
[14:30:05] <RikusW> Vutral: clear it using firmware
[14:30:16] <RikusW> there is a CLKPR register to change it
[14:30:19] <tmpvar> OndraSterver, I have in my posession a few ATXMEGA32D4
[14:30:24] <OndraSterver> ah
[14:30:38] <OndraSterver> I am going to buy xmega16d4 for my oven controller, I don't think I need more
[14:30:48] <OndraSterver> in the worst case I can write simple avr-simulator in asm and read the program from SD card :)
[14:31:01] <tmpvar> haha, yes
[14:31:18] <tmpvar> i need to read through the datasheet and come up with a schematic
[14:31:25] <OndraSterver> do you want mine? :D
[14:31:30] <OndraSterver> it has got few peripherals around it
[14:31:36] <OndraSterver> I can give you eagle library with some parts
[14:31:37] <tmpvar> wouldn't hurt!
[14:31:38] <OndraSterver> including the (x)mega
[14:31:46] <tmpvar> i think i have one?
[14:32:24] <tmpvar> ah, im using the atmel lib that comes with eagle
[14:32:57] <OndraSterver> does it have xmega d4?
[14:33:20] <OndraSterver> http://tempah.myxboard.net/eagle.zip
[14:33:29] <OndraSterver> in the oven project it is the controller
[14:33:37] <OndraSterver> I have also modified the footprint a bit
[14:33:46] <OndraSterver> I can not do 0.8mm pitch on my printer
[14:33:49] <OndraSterver> had to make the pins a bit smaller
[14:33:55] <tmpvar> looks like they have XMEGA16A4
[14:34:25] <OndraSterver> different
[14:34:31] <OndraSterver> footprint might be the same, not sure
[14:35:03] <OndraSterver> regular tqfp44 pins are 0.5mm pin, 0.3mm space, I have flipped the ratio
[14:35:36] <OndraSterver> because on my printer when there are two pins too much close to each other, they do not separate enough
[14:35:40] <OndraSterver> stock tqfp44 was fail
[14:37:04] <OndraSterver> the "top" layer is just jumper wires, I am not doing doublesided for two wires :)
[14:39:01] <tmpvar> yeah, I've had some problems with the pads on the atmel parts
[14:39:06] <Vutral> RikusW, thx
[14:39:08] <Vutral> OndraSterver, thx
[14:39:24] <tmpvar> i end up using a razor to clean it up.. which is so tedious
[14:39:49] <RikusW> tmpvar: to clean the solder ?
[14:39:50] <OndraSterver> np Vutral
[14:40:03] <RikusW> use flux and an iron
[14:40:05] <tmpvar> RikusW, to clear the toner before teching
[14:40:13] <tmpvar> s/teching/etching
[14:40:16] <RikusW> use acetone
[14:40:40] <tmpvar> i think you missed something?
[14:40:55] <RikusW> cleared in between pads ?
[14:41:23] <tmpvar> yeah, acetone isn't very precise, heh
[14:41:34] <RikusW> the so toner transfer isn't that perfect :-/
[14:41:44] * RikusW got some laser printer transparencies
[14:41:54] <tmpvar> right, so a razor is used to ensure we get proper clearance
[14:41:55] <RikusW> I also have photoresist
[14:42:02] <RikusW> much easier
[14:42:29] <tmpvar> maybe
[14:42:48] <OndraSterver> I use photoresist
[14:42:59] <OndraSterver> but I wish I had better printer
[14:43:00] <RikusW> even plain paper will work if the tracks isn't too thin, I oil the paper with cooking oil and driy it off, works quite well for 50mil
[14:43:06] <OndraSterver> well, the printer is good, but bad at line separation
[14:43:19] <tmpvar> which printer are you using?
[14:43:29] <RikusW> laser HP 1102 iirc
[14:43:41] <RikusW> P1102 ? iirc
[14:44:06] <RikusW> though the solid areas isn't as dark as I would like it to be
[14:44:13] <tmpvar> ah, I'm using a brother hl-2230.. works pretty ok
[14:44:24] <RikusW> maybe I should set it to heavy toner use...
[14:44:44] <RikusW> photoresist works great
[14:45:18] <RikusW> print on transparency / paper + (oil afterwards) and expose for 10 min in the sun
[14:45:26] <RikusW> make sure the print side is facing the pcb
[14:45:38] <tmpvar> hrm, I'm happy with the price per board with toner transfer and copper clad garolite
[14:45:48] <RikusW> then develop in 1g or NaOH per liter water
[14:46:03] <OndraSterver> I have got hp lj 2300
[14:46:11] * RikusW have like 2m2 of copper clad FR4
[14:46:26] <RikusW> though its offcuts and some are a bit corroded
[14:47:13] <RikusW> after developing I dip in the etch (FeCl3) and make sure all developed areas turn pink....
[14:47:23] <RikusW> otherwise rinse and develop some more
[14:47:24] <OndraSterver> boom, solved, no bridges required
[14:49:54] <tmpvar> RikusW, ah. I print on glossy paper, cut out the dimensions, clean the copper clad with sandpaper then acetone, iron it on, throw it in water for ~1 minute, peal off with thumb ,and etch with CuCl2
[14:50:21] <tmpvar> then water bath and acetone to remove toner
[14:51:06] <tmpvar> i feel like there is a way to make a robot do all of that for me
[14:51:16] <OndraSterver> heh
[14:51:20] <OndraSterver> you can build one with xmega!
[14:52:21] <tmpvar> :)
[14:53:30] <OndraSterver> why is my internet going <1kB/s in browser
[14:53:36] <OndraSterver> but torrent is fairly happily downloading 150
[14:53:54] <OndraSterver> (and no, when I stop torrent it goes still slow)
[15:03:35] <RikusW> sounds weird...
[15:03:45] <OndraSterver> ye
[15:10:09] <karlp> OndraSterver: there's not really any "regular" tqfp.
[15:10:17] <karlp> some of them are 0.8, some 0.6 some 0.5mm, anything goes
[15:23:58] <tmpvar> woops! looks like I need a 32AU4
[15:25:54] <OndraSterver> tmpvar, 32a4u?
[15:25:57] <OndraSterver> what do you need it for
[15:26:04] <OndraSterver> karlp, I know, that's why I said 0.8mm modified
[15:27:23] <tmpvar> OndraSterver, it has the usb stuff, where the 32d4 is lacking
[15:29:13] <OndraSterver> yes
[15:29:14] <OndraSterver> it has :)
[15:29:20] <OndraSterver> would you be interested in XBoard Mini?
[15:29:25] <OndraSterver> it will have xmega32a4u
[15:29:46] <OndraSterver> it will be breadboardable
[15:30:26] <RikusW> OndraSterver: I'm still thinking, but maybe we can swap a board or two ?
[15:30:49] <OndraSterver> well
[15:30:57] <OndraSterver> I don't need u2s board :)
[15:31:17] <tmpvar> OndraSterver, possibly.. the goal here is to move into production mode for some boards
[15:31:28] <RikusW> hmm, loaded with abc's avrisp mkii and a level translator it can be used to PDI programming
[15:31:36] <OndraSterver> RikusW, I have Dragon for that :D
[15:31:37] <tmpvar> atmega32u4 works pretty great for me right now to be honest
[15:31:54] <RikusW> ah and the PDI works for 32a4u ?
[15:32:03] <OndraSterver> PDI works everywhere now
[15:32:12] <RikusW> even on the old 128a1 ?
[15:32:19] <OndraSterver> haven't really tried
[15:32:24] <OndraSterver> but on all chips where was only PDI it always worked
[15:32:25] <RikusW> that would be GREAT if so :)
[15:32:35] <OndraSterver> and where were both it works with new revisions
[15:32:39] * RikusW have AS6, will try upgrading the dragon
[15:32:43] <OndraSterver> I will never try it on 128a1 because I grab only USB chips :)
[15:32:57] <OndraSterver> I already have got here a1u chips
[15:33:04] * RikusW have a 128a1, Steffanx sent if over :)
[15:33:16] <RikusW> *it
[15:33:17] <OndraSterver> plus I can use JTAG to burn the bootloader
[15:33:18] <Steffanx> A long long long time ago
[15:33:26] <RikusW> yeah.....
[15:33:41] <RikusW> if PDI actually works I'll start hacking away sometime
[15:34:01] <RikusW> can you remember how long ago ? :-P
[15:34:07] <Steffanx> No
[15:34:20] <RikusW> me neither....
[15:34:29] <OndraSterver> no idea if they fixed it with newer dragon revision (software or hardware) or with new chip revision
[15:35:15] <RikusW> guess I'll just have to check it myself then
[15:35:38] <OndraSterver> but I know for sure that there are two or more Dragon revisions (hardware)
[15:36:15] <RikusW> hmmm
[15:37:31] <OndraSterver> xboards won't have nonUSB version... at least not for now
[15:37:45] <OndraSterver> I will be glad if I make the a1u working with external SDRAM :)
[15:37:51] <OndraSterver> the errata is still pretty long
[15:43:53] <vorsorken> anyone had success with a USBasp?
[15:48:54] <OndraSterver> does anybody have eagle part for the chinese 128x64 display?
[16:42:41] <Vutral> mhm
[16:42:44] <Vutral> just wondered
[16:42:51] <Vutral> if someone programs avr over modbus ^^
[16:43:02] <OndraSterver> doubt it
[16:43:15] <Vutral> i would just need to make a loader ?
[16:43:37] <OndraSterver> with modbus driver, yes
[16:44:15] <Vutral> mhm k
[16:47:04] <OndraSterver> hmm I am playing with thought about using that 128x64 display rather the 7segment 4 digits display from microwave
[16:49:43] <OndraSterver> I could show pie chart "how much time is left"!
[16:50:16] <tmpvar> anything for the pie charts :P
[17:09:42] <skorket> If I have a chip that has a full swing crystal oscillator as it's clock source, can I replace the crystal oscillator with the clock output (CLKO) from another chip and still have it function properly?
[17:12:35] <OndraSterver> yes
[17:12:36] <skorket> very nice, I believe so
[17:12:42] <OndraSterver> but connect it to clock INPUT! :)
[17:12:45] <OndraSterver> should be xtal1 iirc
[17:12:58] * megal0maniac knods
[17:13:00] <skorket> yep, xtal1
[17:13:05] <megal0maniac> *nods
[17:13:06] <skorket> thank you, thank you
[17:13:10] <OndraSterver> np
[17:13:21] <OndraSterver> that reminds me when I was searching for the "easiest" oscillator circuit
[17:13:27] <OndraSterver> I used some CD74whatever
[17:13:40] <OndraSterver> (that was few years ago)
[17:13:46] <OndraSterver> ((when I was starting with electronics)
[17:14:05] <OndraSterver> 2 weeks ago I tried simple inverter + xtal.. :D
[17:15:36] <skorket> Well, I feel like an idiot. I set the fuses to be 'external clock source' and was confused why it didn't work with the crystal hooked up. whoops! need to set the fuse bits for full swing crystal oscillator
[17:15:53] <Kevin`> OndraSterver: I assume it worked?
[17:16:40] <OndraSterver> yep
[17:16:57] <OndraSterver> with the loading caps and feedback resistor you can tune the oscillator even
[17:16:59] <OndraSterver> https://www.sparkfun.com/products/9803 lmao
[17:17:05] <OndraSterver> tune it a bit of course
[17:17:20] <OndraSterver> I have got freq meter, but I have no idea what class xtal is inside
[17:17:29] <OndraSterver> it is almost the same as Mike took apart on youtube
[17:17:37] <OndraSterver> just 80MHz model
[17:17:48] <OndraSterver> and with regular xtal
[18:04:15] <amee2woof> GuShH: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZA6EQVw9Jr8 << that beats your shit russian music video any day with 3 seconds of CSI reject suits
[18:09:18] <Vutral> hmmhm
[18:09:30] <Vutral> are there any useful libraries
[18:09:56] <Vutral> i got fucking headache
[18:19:56] <GuShH> amee2woof: waaait... the shark is just a hoodie!
[18:22:16] <GuShH> "a foreskin roaster" what the hell, why do you watch this shit?
[18:24:01] <GuShH> also I think this dude shouldn't go out when it's windy, he could end up in china.
[18:37:49] <amee2woof> :P
[18:37:58] <amee2woof> it was on flayrah
[18:38:16] <amee2woof> but unlike the russian shit it has some decently built ones too
[18:38:38] <amee2woof> namely that husky partial and the green/pink bunny
[19:26:27] <Tom_itx> OndraSterver what ver eagle are you using?
[19:26:49] <OndraSterver> the latest one
[19:26:50] <OndraSterver> 6.2.0
[19:27:25] <OndraSterver> why? :)
[19:28:07] <Tom_itx> just curious
[19:28:40] <OndraSterver> I am seeing that sometimes it does not "tie" the pin connection to the wire in schematics
[19:28:59] <Tom_itx> never use wire
[19:29:01] <Tom_itx> use net
[19:29:04] <Tom_itx> silly boy
[19:29:14] <OndraSterver> eh
[19:29:24] <Tom_itx> net 'snaps' to the pin
[19:29:29] <Tom_itx> wire just stops where you stop
[19:29:41] <OndraSterver> well usually it snapped to the pin as well
[19:29:49] <OndraSterver> but in this version not always
[19:29:50] <Tom_itx> USE NET!
[19:29:54] <OndraSterver> OKAY!
[19:30:03] <Tom_itx> then you don't need to worry
[19:33:48] <Tom_itx> OndraSterver, you've been lucky so far apparently
[21:02:35] <OndraSterver> meh can't be bothered, screw pie chart with time left etc... will use some parts that I have at home - piezzo buzzer or w/e it is, the display..
[21:02:44] <OndraSterver> I have got too much stuff here
[21:11:07] <OndraSterver> graphic display means bigger flash and what not
[21:11:07] <OndraSterver> meh
[21:11:36] <OndraSterver> Tom_itx, your oven controller has mega168 or 328?
[21:11:46] <Tom_itx> 168
[21:11:51] <Tom_itx> but it could be smaller
[21:12:47] <OndraSterver> k
[21:12:51] <Tom_itx> how do you search for a seller on ebay?
[21:13:11] <OndraSterver> just his name doesn't work?
[21:13:46] <OndraSterver> I would open another seller and see if there is his name in the URL and possibly change it for the other seller you need
[21:13:51] <Tom_itx> no
[21:14:06] <Tom_itx> ahh i found it
[21:24:05] <OndraSterver> gn
[21:25:21] <Tom_itx> bye bye