#avr | Logs for 2012-09-12

[01:38:04] <ferdna> do i need to always connect my ground in a logic analyzer?
[01:38:26] <ferdna> or can i leave my ground out...?
[01:44:32] <RikusW> leave it ?!
[01:45:22] <ferdna> RikusW, leave it? meaning leave it alone? or leave it plugged in?
[01:49:49] <RikusW> it must be connected...
[01:50:25] <RikusW> you might get away without connecting it, but it will be unreliable at best
[01:51:05] * RikusW noted that a 8kV pulse is detected by a logic analyzer from a few meters away :-P
[01:55:46] <ferdna> RikusW, thanks =)
[02:14:48] * RikusW saw that both a pig and cat have 38 chromosomes... imagine crossbreeding them :-D
[02:15:23] <RikusW> will probably result in an agile creature the loves rolling in mud :-P
[02:15:30] <RikusW> *that
[02:22:16] <specing> RikusW: No, it would probably result in nothing
[02:23:46] <RikusW> and if its done IVF ?
[02:28:26] <specing> IVF?
[02:30:22] <RikusW> in vitro fertilisation aka test tube babies
[02:30:53] <specing> Im not sure it would live long enaugh
[02:31:32] <RikusW> who knows....
[02:31:57] * RikusW thinks this has become the Avdvance Verterinary Research channel now :-P
[02:32:05] <RikusW> *Advanced
[02:32:13] <specing> Well since Im on a different continent... go for it
[02:32:39] <RikusW> scared it will bite you ?
[02:32:44] <specing> yep
[02:33:24] <RikusW> pigs are quite dangerous themselves....
[02:33:59] <RikusW> wild ones can easily kill a human
[02:34:04] <specing> really?
[02:34:51] <RikusW> really
[02:35:30] <specing> I think I saw a pig a month ago
[02:35:41] <specing> But I don't know if it was wild or just loose
[02:36:11] <specing> since a cow once came running around the corner on the road
[02:36:25] <specing> Or was it a bull, since it had horns?
[02:36:26] <RikusW> domestic pigs are usually harmless
[02:36:38] <RikusW> cows also have horns
[02:36:47] <specing> yeah it was probably a cow
[02:36:54] <specing> otherwise I wouldn't be here today...
[02:37:01] <RikusW> you need to look between the hind legs to be sure ;)
[02:37:02] <specing> I was biking on that hill
[02:37:24] <specing> when it came running downhill
[02:37:46] <specing> It started running towards me
[02:37:54] <RikusW> though I would be able to see the difference at a distance (usually anyways) bulls are more masculine (usually)
[02:38:00] <specing> and then jumped sideways in the last moment
[02:38:05] <specing> I almost shat my pants
[02:38:09] <RikusW> ooooh
[02:38:22] * RikusW can read cattle behaviour quite well
[02:38:29] * RikusW knows when to RUN
[02:38:49] <specing> well I was on a bike, I couldn't get away in time
[02:38:51] <RikusW> and when to chase it instead
[02:38:52] <specing> no way.
[02:39:22] <RikusW> cows with very young calves is particularly aggressive....
[02:40:58] <specing> RikusW: maybe they have read animal farm from Orwell
[02:41:42] <RikusW> I caught plenty of young calves for tagging, some cows will hurt you badly others just watch and make noise
[02:43:05] <specing> Does it hurt them to have their ears punctured?
[02:43:24] <RikusW> yes
[02:43:36] <RikusW> what do you think ?...
[02:43:47] <specing> Well I don't know...
[02:43:56] <ferdna> good night guys
[02:43:58] <RikusW> branding is worse.... but its illegal not to
[02:44:14] <specing> Why can't you hang those tags around their necks instead?
[02:44:30] <RikusW> will get lost easier ?
[02:44:40] <RikusW> though eartags also get lost....
[02:44:51] <specing> How come no animal rights organisation hasn't made noise about this yet?
[02:45:08] <RikusW> its common practice all over the country
[02:46:07] <RikusW> and they get a tattoo in the ear too
[02:46:17] <RikusW> humans can tolerate that...
[02:47:04] <RikusW> and humans does have earbells too :-P
[02:47:13] <RikusW> *earrings
[02:47:55] <RikusW> The pill for anyone ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemical_castration :-D
[02:53:22] <ferdna> good night
[05:16:29] <OndraSter> I don't get it..
[05:16:36] <OndraSter> Bit 4 – SETUP: SETUP Transaction Complete Flag
[05:16:37] <OndraSter> This flag is set when a SETUP, IN, or OUT transaction has completed successfully. This flag is cleared by writing a one
[05:16:37] <OndraSter> to its bit location.
[05:16:40] <OndraSter> I write 1 to that bit
[05:16:49] <OndraSter> and all I get is that THIS bit only is 1
[05:16:55] <OndraSter> then
[05:16:56] <OndraSter> Bit 1 – BUSNACK0 : Data Buffer 0 Not Acknowledge Flag
[05:16:56] <OndraSter> When this flag is set, the USB module will discard incoming data to data buffer 0 in an OUT transaction, and will not
[05:16:56] <OndraSter> return any data from data buffer 0 in an IN transaction. For control, bulk, and interrupt endpoints, a NAK handshake is
[05:16:57] <OndraSter> returned. This flag is cleared by writing a one to its bit location.
[05:16:59] <OndraSter> and now only THIS bit is 1
[05:17:06] <OndraSter> the USB module doesn't like me!
[05:18:21] <OndraSter> I can't even trace it in sample files because once I set breakpoint the whole USB goes into trash because of the delays I cause
[05:22:30] <OndraSter> I am also having hard time understanding this instruction:
[05:22:37] <OndraSter> LAC - Load And Clear
[05:22:38] <OndraSter> (Z) ← Rd • ($FF – (Z))
[05:42:04] <OndraSter> why isn't it clearing the NACK0 flag? :(
[05:42:09] <OndraSter> I know that it is "clear with 1"
[05:42:15] <OndraSter> I LAC it
[08:21:19] <megal0maniac> OndraSter: ping
[08:21:28] <OndraSter> ey
[08:21:31] <OndraSter> OMG I AM DUMB
[08:21:35] <OndraSter> I know why the transaction was firing up
[08:21:39] <OndraSter> I absolutely forgot about FIFO
[08:21:42] <OndraSter> :(
[08:21:43] <megal0maniac> Then maybe I shouldn't ask you... :P
[08:21:47] <OndraSter> why?
[08:21:48] <OndraSter> :D
[08:22:11] <megal0maniac> I don't know what you're talking about :)
[08:22:17] <OndraSter> USB
[08:22:34] <megal0maniac> First In First Out?
[08:22:36] <megal0maniac> http://pastebin.com/FKPdic9j
[08:22:50] <OndraSter> yes
[08:23:04] <megal0maniac> Bits 6 and 7 in p1 are always 0
[08:23:10] <OndraSter> what is it supposed to do?
[08:23:29] <megal0maniac> Output: http://pastebin.com/QrW9pupK
[08:24:56] <OndraSter> OndraSter> what is it supposed to do?
[08:25:18] <megal0maniac> Bit 1 is 1, bits 2-5 are channel, bit 6-8 are upper data, bit 9 is 0 and bits 10-16 are lower data (upper data and lower data make a 10bit ADC value)
[08:25:47] <megal0maniac> But I'm only getting the last 8 bits because 6 and 7 are always 0, and they're the first 2 bits of upper data :/
[08:25:49] <OndraSter> ((value&(uint8_t)0x380)>>7);
[08:25:50] <OndraSter> I don't like this
[08:25:57] <OndraSter> uint8_t0x380 = 0x80
[08:26:07] <megal0maniac> char upper_data=(char)((value&(unsigned int)0x380)>>7)
[08:26:13] <megal0maniac> That's from the original
[08:26:18] <OndraSter> sorry, have to afk for 15 minutes
[08:26:23] <megal0maniac> Sure
[08:26:50] <megal0maniac> That looks like it might be the issue though :)
[08:27:04] <karlp> just shift it right first, and then return it masked off.
[08:27:21] <karlp> trying to mask at the top and then shift aftwareds needs bigger masks
[08:27:46] <megal0maniac> :D
[08:27:57] <karlp> and masks that are prone to truncation... :)
[08:28:00] <megal0maniac> uint8_t temp = (uint8_t)((value&(uint16_t)0x380)>>7);
[08:28:16] <karlp> write code for humans first, machines second.
[08:28:17] <megal0maniac> That works, thank you
[08:28:31] <karlp> you don't need the uint8_t cast there
[08:28:44] <megal0maniac> I do that, but writing code in general is an art I have yet to master :/
[08:28:46] <karlp> doesn't it work without either cast?
[08:29:00] <karlp> value >>= 7;
[08:29:04] <megal0maniac> Once it works, however ugly the code, I'll print it out and optimize
[08:29:09] <karlp> return value & 0x7
[08:29:48] <megal0maniac> Seems to
[08:29:57] <karlp> no, I mean, trying to get code to work, that is getting uglier and uglier makes it so hard to read you ccan't follow it.
[08:30:24] <karlp> write it in as many steps as you like to make it easier in your head.
[08:30:38] <karlp> in (most) cases, the compiler will do a good enough job of combining it all anyway.
[08:31:57] <megal0maniac> It seems to be working as expected now
[08:38:17] -calvino.freenode.net:#avr- [freenode-info] if you're at a conference and other people are having trouble connecting, please mention it to staff: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#gettinghelp
[08:39:48] <megal0maniac> How naughty is it, really, to use V-USB to implement CDC Serial?
[08:39:59] <megal0maniac> On, say, an ATtiny85
[08:40:49] <specing> Im sure 9k6 would work...
[08:41:43] <megal0maniac> Oh damn. Forgot about the baud rate :/
[08:41:48] <megal0maniac> I have to use 38400
[08:43:05] <specing> maybe
[08:43:09] <specing> try it!
[08:44:01] <megal0maniac> Well the issue is not so much with the chip, rather the PC. It violates standards so there's NO guarantee that it will work on a particular machine
[08:45:11] * megal0maniac wonders if an overclocked non-usb xmega could achieve full or high speed bit-bashed USB...
[08:49:08] <specing> usbtinyISP worked for me
[08:51:50] * megal0maniac thinks this http://www.simpleavr.com/avr/vusbtiny/ is clever
[08:52:58] <OndraSter> megal0maniac, the only reason to use software USB on xmega would be the possible use of those lower specced (D3) chips
[08:52:58] <megal0maniac> Also this http://diy.elektroda.eu/uprog-maly-szybki-przenosny-programator-avr-z-sd/?lang=en
[08:53:02] <nomis> wow. While incredibly cool I somehow doesn't trust this to work reliably :)
[08:53:08] <OndraSter> but the price point of A series is not much different
[08:53:12] <OndraSter> even with USB hardware
[08:53:57] <megal0maniac> OndraSter: It makes way more sense to go with a chip with built-in USB, but I'm just curious as to whether or not it will work :)
[08:53:58] <OndraSter> but yep, vusb on attiny85 is not bad
[08:54:23] <OndraSter> you are welcome to try it out :)
[08:54:45] <OndraSter> in xmega you could actually save even more instructions
[08:54:53] <OndraSter> because some parts of that had to be done in software on mega can be done in hardware
[08:54:55] <OndraSter> (pin inversion etc)
[08:54:59] <megal0maniac> nomis: The cool thing is that you can literally "sit" the target chip on top of the programmer chip. I've got an HV programmer, so maybe I'll try...
[08:55:45] <megal0maniac> OndraSter: Problem is, there isn't a bit-bashed implementation of high speed USB that I know of. And you might have gathered by now that I'm not the guy to make it ;)
[08:55:52] <OndraSter> oh
[08:55:55] <OndraSter> high speed? no
[08:56:00] <OndraSter> full speed? maybe
[08:56:09] <OndraSter> high = 480Mbit
[08:56:11] <OndraSter> full = 12Mbit
[08:56:14] <OndraSter> low = 1.5Mbit
[08:56:22] <OndraSter> xmegas have full speed in hardware only themselves
[08:57:03] <megal0maniac> Full speed is enough for higher baud rate serial connections though
[08:57:20] * megal0maniac is glad that the confusion between full and high speed has been cleared up
[08:57:39] <OndraSter> yes
[08:58:12] <OndraSter> but really - xmega32a4u costs like 3€/1pcs
[08:58:17] <OndraSter> 1.7€/100pcs
[08:58:22] <OndraSter> cheaper than megas really :D
[08:58:38] <OndraSter> those have not just USB, but DACs, fast ADCs
[08:59:10] <OndraSter> mega with external DAC and fast ADC would cost much more
[08:59:18] <OndraSter> plus these xmegas have dedicated space for bootloader etc
[08:59:33] <OndraSter> so you have actually 36kB flash rather 32kB
[08:59:41] <OndraSter> aaaand so on
[09:00:02] <OndraSter> twice the RAM...
[09:00:15] <megal0maniac> You comparing to 32u4?
[09:00:21] <OndraSter> yes
[09:00:24] <OndraSter> twice the clock speed
[09:00:37] <megal0maniac> Theoretically over-clockable
[09:00:44] <OndraSter> atmega32u4 @ 5.25€/1pcs ?!
[09:00:49] <OndraSter> 2.98€/100pcs
[09:00:49] <OndraSter> fail
[09:01:31] <OndraSter> that explains the arduino leonardo price
[09:01:52] <megal0maniac> Funny. Because there's less hardware than on the Uno, but it costs the same
[09:04:00] <OndraSter> well the chip is more expensive
[09:04:19] <OndraSter> my xboard mini with xmega32a4u is priced for now at 13€
[09:04:37] <OndraSter> and I still have some profit on the boar
[09:04:37] <OndraSter> d
[09:05:05] <OndraSter> hmmm let's see
[09:05:06] <OndraSter> uint16_t trncomplat = *(usb_ram.FIFO + (XBOOT_ENDPOINTS + 1) * 2 - (0x1F-USB.FIFORP) * 2);
[09:05:10] <megal0maniac> I was considering getting the mini instead, actually. Purely to try out a different platform
[09:05:10] <OndraSter> could this be alright?
[09:05:24] <OndraSter> I need to order boards for Mini first thoguh :)
[09:05:36] <OndraSter> though*
[09:05:38] <megal0maniac> I know. I just can't decide which one I want more :)
[09:05:50] * megal0maniac promises that he will buy something from OndraSter
[09:06:03] <OndraSter> for 7€ more you have one extra ADC with 4 more channels, almost twice the number of GPIOs
[09:06:11] <OndraSter> more SPIs/UARTs
[09:06:26] <OndraSter> and 8 times the flash
[09:06:29] <OndraSter> and 4 times the RAM
[09:06:36] <megal0maniac> Hmmm...
[09:06:59] <megal0maniac> ZAR265
[09:07:08] <megal0maniac> Shipping incl.
[09:13:36] <OndraSter> damn, I have been trying to get this working for the past two days
[09:13:40] <OndraSter> PC still refuses my answer :(
[09:13:47] <OndraSter> and I am already properly clearing NACK flag!
[09:14:02] <megal0maniac> What are you trying to do?
[09:14:40] <OndraSter> write USB stack
[09:15:43] <OndraSter> the data are sent - either the NACK is "down" or the "TOGGLE" bit is already flipped to the other side :(
[09:15:58] <OndraSter> if the data are sent before I dump the memory again
[09:16:04] <OndraSter> (and NACK is high again)
[09:16:04] <megal0maniac> Ask RikusW, maybe?
[09:16:16] <OndraSter> mega's have a bit different USB stack
[09:16:18] <OndraSter> a bit
[09:16:20] <OndraSter> not sure how much
[09:16:28] <OndraSter> RikusW, do you remember something from the USB days? :D
[09:22:45] <rue_house> OndraSter, what are your goals for your usb stack?
[09:22:57] <rue_house> slimmer and more trim than lufa?
[09:24:49] <OndraSter> rue_house, and not paying licensing fees
[09:24:55] <OndraSter> :)
[09:25:06] <rue_house> ah commercial
[09:25:09] <OndraSter> yes
[09:25:13] <OndraSter> also LUFA is still in beta phase for xmegas
[09:25:47] <rue_house> I'd say its because lufa is gradually encomasing all the processors ever made
[09:26:28] <OndraSter> what is "encomasing"?
[09:26:39] <rue_house> ^p
[09:28:03] <rue_house> its when a project tries to take on so much that due to the fact its one project, it becomes useless for anything
[09:30:00] <rue_house> so do you get paid more or less than the liscencing fees to write the stack?
[09:30:27] <megal0maniac> tobbor's clock has advanced by about 36 seconds in the last 3 days. Or mine has gone back.
[09:30:38] <megal0maniac> NTP makes that unlikely
[09:30:58] <rue_house> 12 Sep 07:19:17 ntpdate[20475]: step time server offset -138.897493 sec
[09:34:06] * megal0maniac shrugs
[09:34:13] <megal0maniac> Just being observant :)
[09:34:42] <megal0maniac> Probably isn't exactly 1 hour between reconnects then
[09:35:22] <specing> rue_house: he can fit it into 500 bytes ;D
[09:35:42] <specing> to hell with licensing fees :D
[09:36:24] <megal0maniac> Off to work :)
[09:36:46] <rue_house> echo waiting 24 hours
[09:36:46] <rue_house> sleep 7200
[09:36:52] <rue_house> :)
[09:38:15] <OndraSter> rue_house, did you write anything?
[09:38:18] <OndraSter> I got random disconnect
[09:38:54] <rue_house> <rue_house> echo waiting 24 hours
[09:38:54] <rue_house> <rue_house> sleep 7200
[09:38:54] <rue_house> <rue_house> :)
[09:38:59] <rue_house> !thislog
[09:38:59] <tobbor> This one: http://rueshouse.dyndns.org:82/~ircjunk/irclogs/html/%23avr-2012-09-12.html
[09:39:05] <rue_house> oops
[09:39:10] * RikusW is a bit sidetracked....
[09:39:15] <RikusW> will scroll up in a bit
[09:40:02] <rue_house> fixe
[09:40:03] <RikusW> This is what makes curry HOT -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capsaicin
[09:40:04] <rue_house> d
[09:42:10] <RikusW> OndraSter: pin inversion can be done on newer AVR's by doing PINA |= 1; etc
[09:43:24] <rue_house> yea, write to the input of the port
[09:43:24] <rue_house> it makes sense :)
[09:44:40] <RikusW> OndraSter: so have you built the xmega32a4u boards already ?
[09:48:08] <OndraSter> RikusW, that is one option on AVRs, but I mean like "you write 1 but the output is automaticaly inversed"
[09:48:33] <OndraSter> no, xboard mini is still in eagle only :)
[09:56:25] <OndraSter> RikusW, bloody USB. I receive setup packet, set up data pointer of the IN setup endpoint to the reply data and set CNT to the length of it. Then I flip the NACK0 bit and I get Transaction complete interrupt
[09:56:31] <OndraSter> but it doesn't send another setup packet? :(
[09:57:21] <OndraSter> ooo
[09:57:23] <OndraSter> I AM DUMB AGAIN!
[09:57:32] <OndraSter> I wasn't clearing NACK at the OUT endpoint!
[09:57:38] <OndraSter> lovely!
[09:59:37] <OndraSter> http://pastebin.com/iUZkGbQe
[09:59:38] <OndraSter> WOO
[09:59:38] <OndraSter> HOO
[10:00:17] <OndraSter> it should be command SET ADDRESS
[10:06:17] <RikusW> OndraSter: writing to the PINx register toggles the port bit if set as output
[10:06:24] <OndraSter> yes
[10:06:32] <OndraSter> that is 1time operation
[10:06:47] <OndraSter> xmega can invert the pin permanently
[10:06:58] <OndraSter> aka you write 1, it outputs as 0
[10:07:15] <RikusW> well by now you seem to have discovered the _joys_ of USB programming :-P
[10:07:34] <rue_house> you write to the PIN register to toggle
[10:07:44] <rue_house> the PORT register is still literal output
[10:07:59] <rue_house> provided the DIR port is set to output
[10:07:59] <OndraSter> we are both talking about something else
[10:08:06] <rue_house> excellent
[10:08:23] <OndraSter> example:
[10:08:29] <OndraSter> you have got on port A pin 5
[10:08:44] <RikusW> OndraSter: unless you do EVERYTHING exactly RIGHT there will be trouble....
[10:08:49] <OndraSter> and you want to invert its output.
[10:08:54] <OndraSter> RikusW, yes :)
[10:09:04] <OndraSter> PERMANENTLY invert its output
[10:09:16] <OndraSter> Bit 6 – INVEN: Inverted I/O Enable
[10:09:28] <OndraSter> Setting this bit will enable inverted output and input data on pin n.
[10:09:28] <RikusW> getting a HID descriptor to work can be painful...
[10:09:31] <RikusW> ah, I see
[10:10:01] <OndraSter> also there are 8 types of output and pull configuration (no idea what it is good for lol)
[10:10:02] <OndraSter> Bit 5:3 – OPC: Output and Pull Configuration
[10:10:02] <OndraSter> These bits set the output/pull configuration on pin n according to Table 13-5 on page 158.
[10:10:10] <rue_house> my understanding is that writing 1's to the pin register toggles the bits in the PORT register
[10:10:20] <OndraSter> yes
[10:10:37] <OndraSter> but setting this bit to 1 inverts its PORT value
[10:10:46] <OndraSter> http://www.atmel.com/Images/doc8331.pdf - page 157
[10:10:52] <OndraSter> (28MB big PDF btw)
[10:11:44] <RikusW> rue_house: xmega port registers is very different from mega...
[10:11:57] <rue_house> :( cant get 0.1R resistors off ebay for $1
[10:12:46] * RikusW got a 8GB USB stick for free from SANSA -- South African National Space Agency :)
[10:13:15] <rue_house> any good firmware on it?
[10:13:21] <RikusW> blank
[10:13:25] <rue_house> awe
[10:13:35] <rue_house> I want 3d star charts
[10:13:44] <RikusW> just had to answer some question after a talk they gave
[10:14:09] <rue_house> I started work 2 mins ago,
[10:14:09] <RikusW> they gave away quite a few
[10:14:22] <rue_house> I need to be at a customers place in a half hour
[10:14:26] <rue_house> its a 7 min drive
[10:14:27] <RikusW> rue_house: get google sky map for Android ;)
[10:14:48] <rue_house> the phne system I need to take with me is ready
[10:14:48] <specing> RikusW: you have a space agency? :O
[10:14:48] <OndraSter> wait, somebody is actually USING android? :
[10:15:12] <OndraSter> :D
[10:15:18] <RikusW> specing: actually yes ;) I didn't even know
[10:15:21] <rue_house> I'd like to try an andriod smartphone
[10:15:23] <specing> RikusW: also 32G sticks are like $15
[10:15:26] <rue_house> but $600 is stopping me
[10:15:29] <RikusW> they have a magnetic observatory
[10:15:43] <specing> rue_house: get an $50 one, then
[10:15:56] <rue_house> no, the plans cost $550
[10:16:01] <rue_house> over the 5 years
[10:16:05] <specing> dafuq?
[10:16:12] <rue_house> I'm in canada
[10:16:39] <rue_house> the only way to get a $50 smartphone is to sign up for a plan that costs atleast $550
[10:16:48] <rue_house> over like 5 years
[10:16:49] <RikusW> seems like the magnetic field having north poles in the southern hemisphere....
[10:17:01] <RikusW> patches of north anyways....
[10:17:12] <specing> RikusW: shit be broken :D
[10:17:29] <specing> rue_house: Im sorry to hear you live there
[10:17:32] <rue_house> RikusW, are we about to have a pole swap?
[10:17:49] <specing> earth is the best pole dancer
[10:17:52] <rue_house> aren't we overdue?
[10:18:00] <RikusW> they don't know how long it will take... maybe not even in our lifetime
[10:18:09] <RikusW> so they say
[10:18:25] <rue_house> we dont live verry long
[10:18:26] <RikusW> seems the magnetic strength is in decline....
[10:18:45] <RikusW> like 8% since they started measuring many years ago
[10:18:49] <rue_house> its because of greenhouse gasses!
[10:19:03] * RikusW don't see the relation
[10:19:45] <rue_house> well I better grab a power cord and get going
[10:35:04] <megal0maniac> zlog
[10:36:22] <megal0maniac> [02:14:48] * RikusW saw that both a pig and cat have 38 chromosomes... imagine crossbreeding them :-D
[10:36:39] <megal0maniac> You saw that with a logic analyzer??
[10:36:43] <megal0maniac> :P
[10:37:53] <RikusW> no, with google :_P
[10:38:28] <RikusW> megal0maniac: didn't you know this is the Advanced Veterinary Research channel ? :-P
[10:38:29] <specing> Wait, you have google? Since when?
[10:38:40] <RikusW> since always ;)
[10:39:02] <megal0maniac> Also since dynamic.isadsl.co.za
[10:39:02] <specing> I thought google doesen't like 4KB links?
[10:39:19] <RikusW> it works fine
[10:39:33] <RikusW> specing: and I now have a 4MBit link :)
[10:39:51] <RikusW> only temporarily though :(
[10:41:03] <megal0maniac> [10:12:46] * RikusW got a 8GB USB stick for free from SANSA -- South African National Space Agency :)
[10:41:21] <megal0maniac> I got a free 8GB SANSA mp3 player for free
[10:41:26] <RikusW> megal0maniac: do you know about the Hermanus Magnetic Observatory ?
[10:41:28] <megal0maniac> Because my previous one died
[10:41:37] <specing> RikusW: 4MBIT?>?!??!!
[10:41:41] <specing> HOW THE
[10:41:45] <RikusW> specing: yes :)
[10:41:53] <megal0maniac> Maybe or maybe not due to #rockbox ;)
[10:41:54] * specing quickly upgrades to 50/50 FTTH to compensate
[10:41:58] <megal0maniac> RikusW: I have
[10:42:32] <RikusW> they gave a talk at UOVS today, I happened to visit my brother there :)
[10:42:53] <RikusW> specing: upload speed is about 400kb/s
[10:43:25] <RikusW> Its my brothers line, shared among 3 people (4 now :) )
[10:43:52] <RikusW> about 90 Euro / m
[10:44:32] <specing> 90EURO/m?!!?!?
[10:45:39] <RikusW> its uncapped
[10:45:52] <RikusW> but still, expensive.... :(
[10:45:53] <megal0maniac> http://www.speedtest.net/result/2175359353.png
[10:46:01] <RikusW> welcome to the SA internet experience
[10:46:29] <megal0maniac> That's the fastest commercially available internet in the country. 10mbps business uncapped.
[10:47:21] <megal0maniac> About EUR180/m
[10:47:27] <megal0maniac> including line rental
[10:47:53] <KebabBob> Since we're doing the speedtest thing... :) http://speedtest.net/result/1190181215.png
[10:48:18] * megal0maniac thwacks KebabBob with specing's tree
[10:49:01] <KebabBob> Bastards dropped me to 50mbit tho... Here's a speedtest I did just now: http://www.speedtest.net/result/2175365895.png
[10:49:23] <RikusW> 2.94 down 0.3 up (MBit/s) 73ms ping
[10:49:33] <RikusW> grade D+.....
[10:50:38] <megal0maniac> RikusW: Notice how KebabBob's speed is actually ABOVE what he's paying for? I'm using business uncapped and I can only achieve 83% of rated speed. Note for everyone else, this is the norm.
[10:50:49] <megal0maniac> Also I'm the only one in the building
[10:51:48] <RikusW> lucky you
[10:54:12] <megal0maniac> Apparently not :/
[10:59:22] <RikusW> http://www.volksblad.com/Wereld/Nuus/Kyk-hoe-lyk-die-wereld-se-vetste-worshond-20120911
[10:59:40] <RikusW> now thats fat...
[11:00:11] <OndraSter> RikusW, so, SET ADDRESS command... when I receive that, I shall cache somewhere the address, wait for GET_STATUS packet, reply to that AND THEN switch to new address? :D
[11:00:37] <RikusW> not quite sure
[11:00:48] <RikusW> what does LUFA do ?
[11:01:13] <OndraSter> LUFA seemed to be giant
[11:01:18] <OndraSter> .. if my internet maybe worked
[11:01:25] <OndraSter> I could check out the internet, what does it have to say
[11:02:16] <OndraSter> my internet is now going somewhere between 1kB/s and zero
[11:02:34] <specing> lol
[11:02:36] <RikusW> ugh
[11:02:45] <RikusW> even slower than my GPRS...
[11:02:56] * specing offers dialup to OndraSter
[11:14:50] <OndraSter> http://pastebin.com/TrXpq8bm
[11:14:52] <OndraSter> what :D
[11:15:09] <OndraSter> who has taught avr-gcc asm?
[11:17:44] <megal0maniac> Examples of random instructions?
[11:18:01] <OndraSter> pretty much
[11:20:07] * RikusW don't like gcc asm much....
[11:21:34] <OndraSter> bloody in/out being the other way around :P
[11:28:24] <megal0maniac> Hmmm...
[11:28:27] <megal0maniac> http://www.recursion.jp/avrcdc/cdc-232.html#schematic
[11:29:16] <megal0maniac> Looks like attiny85 can handle max 4800bps, probably due to clock accuracy
[11:29:50] <megal0maniac> However, a mega328 would be able to deal with 38400. Yes, it's the absolute maximum, but it's specified.
[11:30:21] <megal0maniac> Then again, the whole CDC thing is out of USB specification, so what does that matter? :D
[11:31:36] <megal0maniac> AH! Limited baud on the attiny is due to the lack of a UART
[11:35:41] <OndraSter> tiny85 has uart
[11:37:23] <megal0maniac> Nope
[11:37:27] <megal0maniac> It has USI
[11:38:56] * megal0maniac double checks
[11:39:10] <specing> t85 doesen't have uart
[11:39:52] <megal0maniac> "Using the USI Data Register in three-wire mode it is possible to implement a more compact and higher performance UART than by software, only."
[11:40:12] <megal0maniac> But no dedicated UART.
[11:40:42] <megal0maniac> :D
[11:41:04] <RikusW> USI uart is painfull...
[11:41:16] <RikusW> why not get t2313 or t4313 ?
[11:41:20] <megal0maniac> The ignorant one is chuffed at his rare moment of knowing stuff.
[11:41:29] <megal0maniac> Well...
[11:41:34] <RikusW> or just get m168 its cheaper than most tiny chips over here anyways
[11:42:11] <megal0maniac> It looks like any chip with a UART will do 38400. Performance is software based, so it doesn't change between chips.
[11:42:26] <RikusW> t2313 does have a uart, but I paid like R26 for it, m168 is like R20....
[11:42:32] <megal0maniac> I'll probably use the m168 or m328, depending on how I implement it...
[11:42:53] <OndraSter> hmm why did I live thinking that 85 has UART? :(
[11:42:55] <OndraSter> or was it SPI?
[11:43:03] <megal0maniac> R20 is cheaper than the $15 for a knock-off Arduino Nano
[11:43:09] <OndraSter> tiny85 is super dirt cheap on mouser
[11:43:19] <megal0maniac> OndraSter: It does have SPI, unlike the tiny4 or 10
[11:43:22] <OndraSter> ah
[11:43:29] <OndraSter> and unlike 13
[11:43:30] <megal0maniac> Yes :)
[11:43:31] <OndraSter> which has SPI only for ISP
[11:43:53] * OndraSter is still fighting with the bloody USB
[11:43:54] <RikusW> megal0maniac: take a hint, develop the app on a bigger chip first ?
[11:44:09] <karlp> 4800bps?! are you kidding?
[11:44:22] <OndraSter> 4800bps sounds... 70s
[11:44:22] <karlp> I'm writing at 19200 on a t85 right now, and it's spending most of it's time doing nothing at all.
[11:44:27] <megal0maniac> Oh... I thought the only chips which used TPI were the ones without SPI. Thought SPI implied ISP support
[11:44:29] <OndraSter> karlp, doing V-USB?
[11:44:38] <karlp> no, of course not.
[11:44:56] <karlp> what, this is 4800 bps over cdc over v-usb?
[11:45:04] <karlp> what sort of absurd idea is that?
[11:45:06] <megal0maniac> karlp: With internal PLL clock, which has 1% accuracy. And yes :)
[11:45:20] <megal0maniac> karlp: It's an idea which is absurd enough to maybe work :P
[11:46:01] <megal0maniac> BOOM!
[11:46:03] <megal0maniac> http://www.obdev.at/products/vusb/usbasploader.html
[11:46:33] <megal0maniac> I can't not try this
[11:46:38] <megal0maniac> It would be wrong
[11:46:39] <karlp> why not just drop a cp2102 chip on and call it a day?
[11:47:17] <OndraSter> price
[11:47:27] <OndraSter> if you are fine with 4800bps you can save a buck
[11:47:39] <megal0maniac> But I won't use the tiny
[11:47:47] <OndraSter> oh
[11:48:00] <megal0maniac> I'll use something with a UART, which means that I can achieve my desired 38400
[11:48:05] <OndraSter> ft232rl?
[11:48:06] <megal0maniac> karlp: Because QFN :)
[11:48:12] <OndraSter> QFN is no problem :)
[11:48:35] <megal0maniac> OndraSter: The current plan uses a knock-off Arduino Nano, which is a m328 and FTDI chip.
[11:49:05] <megal0maniac> BUT. I'd like to see this work first, even if it isn't really practical
[11:49:18] <OndraSter> what is it going to be for?
[11:49:27] <megal0maniac> Picoboard project, still
[11:49:40] <megal0maniac> Hence my figuring out the protocol
[11:49:46] <OndraSter> picoboard?
[11:50:03] <megal0maniac> www.sparkfun.com/short/10311
[11:50:25] <megal0maniac> $50 for a m328, an FTDI chip and $3 worth of sensors
[11:50:33] <OndraSter> wait
[11:50:34] <OndraSter> is that
[11:50:35] <OndraSter> serious?
[11:50:39] <megal0maniac> Yes :)
[11:50:58] <OndraSter> should I cheer or cry?
[11:50:59] <OndraSter> not sure
[11:51:22] <megal0maniac> Cheer for me making a cheaper local alternative. And for making it better instead of just cloning it
[11:51:32] <OndraSter> ah
[11:51:36] <OndraSter> (the sparkfun is still loading btw)
[11:51:40] <megal0maniac> Local IT teacher wants to use that in his classes, but doesn't want to pay what they cost.
[11:51:51] <OndraSter> why not xboard mini? :)
[11:51:57] <OndraSter> and put on it LUFA
[11:52:01] <OndraSter> or sample CDC serial
[11:52:12] <megal0maniac> Hmmm...
[11:52:19] <OndraSter> it has got even more peripherals!
[11:52:41] <OndraSter> oh
[11:52:42] <megal0maniac> Not a bad idea, but for now, it will be Arduino based
[11:52:45] <OndraSter> there is stuff on the board
[11:52:56] <megal0maniac> I'm redesigning the board
[11:53:40] <OndraSter> I could also offer version with stand headers rather breadboard headers and on that you could plug your own board with sensors :)
[11:53:50] <OndraSter> but I found standing headers to be ridiculously expensive
[11:55:27] <megal0maniac> It's kind of ridiculous. It has an LDR, a button, a slider and a microphone (with op-amp) and then 4 aux inputs which are connected to ADC. What I want to do, is enable the use of digital sensors and software manipulated sensor values by using Arduino as a base with the protocol implemented as a library.
[11:55:50] <OndraSter> :)
[11:56:43] <megal0maniac> Because the sketch can query the digital values, and parse numeric values to serial using the protocol implemented in the original board
[11:57:25] <megal0maniac> I'm amazed that nobody has done this before, because it wasn't that hard. And I've been learning as I go, so a seasoned programmer could do this in a day or two
[11:58:34] <megal0maniac> I'm afraid I'll probably have to stick to the m328 for compatibility purposes though... My programming skills aren't what they need to be to implement CDC serial yet, and Arduino probably doesn't like xmegas
[12:00:36] <OndraSter> no
[12:00:41] <OndraSter> it is quite a different
[12:03:26] <OndraSter> Atmel has fixed a lot of things regarding the "layout"
[12:03:35] <OndraSter> finally the registers are on "fixed" positions across different chips
[12:03:53] <OndraSter> so you do not have to check when porting whether this chip has that bit in that register or in different one
[12:04:51] <megal0maniac> Across ranges as well, though? (mega, xmega etc)
[12:04:53] <megal0maniac> http://i.imgur.com/Lx9wal.jpg
[12:05:22] <megal0maniac> http://i.imgur.com/bfynpl.jpg
[12:07:18] <OndraSter> only through all ranges of xmega of course
[12:07:27] <megal0maniac> So yeah. That's where I'm at :) You can see why I'm keen to design a PCB for this
[12:07:37] <megal0maniac> Ah. But that's still helpful
[12:08:06] <megal0maniac> RikusW: ^^ have a look at my amazing veroboard abilities :P
[12:19:30] <RikusW> will do
[12:20:31] <RikusW> nice
[12:20:40] * RikusW should take some photos too
[12:20:53] <RikusW> I did a breakout for m128......
[12:21:05] <RikusW> using only perfboard and wire wrapping wire
[12:21:59] <RikusW> I tried a eeprom emulator for an 8051 in 2004, never quite finished it, the amount of wiring is incredible.
[12:22:54] <RikusW> megal0maniac: did you know you can actually use smd components on veroboard ?
[12:22:54] <megal0maniac> I haven't tried...
[12:23:02] <megal0maniac> But didn't know :)
[12:23:08] <megal0maniac> #define JUMPER_BIT 7 /* jumper is connected to this bit in port D, active low */
[12:23:09] <RikusW> 0805 or 0603 will nicely fit between tracks, just do get good tweezers
[12:23:26] <megal0maniac> I need various tools...
[12:23:50] <megal0maniac> What do I define for PD4?
[12:23:50] <RikusW> its absolutely essential, stainless steel is best, with a fine tip
[12:23:50] <megal0maniac> Just 4?
[12:23:54] <RikusW> yes, it will work
[12:23:55] <megal0maniac> Mantech has stuff like that, but... I don't know
[12:24:10] <RikusW> its fairly cheap if you buy 100x
[12:24:55] <megal0maniac> Lol
[12:25:01] <megal0maniac> Don't need 100 tweezers :)
[12:25:09] <megal0maniac> PORTD |= (1 << 4); is resultant code
[12:25:10] <RikusW> megal0maniac: just look on their pricelist there is some cheap 100nF 0603 caps
[12:25:27] <RikusW> I meant caps or resistors ofcourse...
[12:26:01] <RikusW> doing PORT bits like that is ok
[12:26:07] <megal0maniac> Yes, but I won't need 100 of... well, anything any time soon.
[12:26:13] <RikusW> but don't do that with other config registers
[12:26:22] <RikusW> sometimes the bits move around and the code won't be portable
[12:26:42] <megal0maniac> But that's okay. It's specifically for one chip
[12:26:51] <RikusW> megal0maniac: 100x of 100nF and 4k7 cannot hurt
[12:26:55] <megal0maniac> I'm editing the config.h file for the v-usb bootloader
[12:28:33] * RikusW lost interest in v-usb since having over 100 U2S boards around...
[12:29:12] <RikusW> megal0maniac: is that gluegun blobs makeshift feet ?
[12:29:59] <megal0maniac> Haha! No, sticky feet from Checkers :)
[12:30:14] <megal0maniac> Used them for coasters made from hard drive platters
[12:30:16] <megal0maniac> Very shiny
[12:30:40] <RikusW> hmm
[12:31:09] <RikusW> I should try and get some good photos of my stuff
[12:32:11] <megal0maniac> I can take some of the U2S if you want? Got some nice cameras at work. And the HV board
[12:32:33] <RikusW> already have the U2S photo on my site
[12:32:44] <RikusW> there is some of my other prototyping stuff
[12:32:54] <megal0maniac> Send it to me :P
[12:33:05] <RikusW> I'm not at home right now...
[12:33:11] <RikusW> will probably post it sometime
[12:33:24] <megal0maniac> Was kidding :)
[12:33:48] <RikusW> (post the photos online I mean ;) )
[12:34:04] <RikusW> I've built some working ISA cards
[12:34:26] <RikusW> one to connect a BIOS Flash chip to the ISA bus
[12:34:35] <RikusW> another for an 8255 chip
[12:34:55] <RikusW> and another to access a 64k ram chip acting as ram for 8051 too
[12:35:28] <RikusW> I actually rescued a incorrectly flashed motherboard with it :)
[12:35:55] <RikusW> took me quite a while to figure out how to get the flashing working 55 AA etc commands....
[12:36:04] <RikusW> reading was very easy
[12:36:52] <RikusW> now most motherboards come with SPI flash, that will make it very easy to reprogram
[12:37:52] <megal0maniac> There was a project with alternative BIOS firmware. Looked pretty cool, but not widely supported.
[12:37:58] <RikusW> nice sw, hectic prices -> http://www.labcenter.com/ordering/cprices.cfm
[12:38:08] <RikusW> I've seen it
[12:38:22] <RikusW> open source bios.
[12:39:04] <RikusW> coreboot ?
[12:39:49] <RikusW> www.coreboot.org
[12:45:10] <specing> RikusW: soon the flash will be embedded in the southbridge
[12:46:41] <RikusW> how will it then be repaired ?! :-/
[12:47:04] <RikusW> hopefully ther will be some kind of interface, preferably SPI
[12:47:55] <RikusW> "capsaicin nasal spray" sound painfull !!
[12:47:56] <megal0maniac> IDIOT!
[12:48:18] * RikusW would rather not try that....
[12:49:22] <megal0maniac> If I use CDC-232, then that's the firmware. I can't have both that AND an Arduino sketch, unless I change the whole thing into a library...
[12:49:27] <megal0maniac> Which I can't do
[12:49:52] <RikusW> on the U2S ?
[12:50:16] <megal0maniac> Easy solution is to use 2 chips, in which case I may as well make one of them FTDI. Or use an AVR with built in USB
[12:50:22] <megal0maniac> No, on a bare mega328
[12:50:36] * megal0maniac sigh
[12:50:48] <megal0maniac> Seemed like such a clever plan in my head...
[12:50:52] <RikusW> you can, with some work...
[12:51:09] <specing> megal0maniac: go for FT232H
[12:51:33] <RikusW> what does a FT232H board cost ?
[12:51:33] <specing> $20
[12:51:38] <specing> the chip is $5
[12:52:01] <RikusW> thats almost the price of an U2S board :-P
[12:52:02] <specing> usb 480Mb/s ==> JTAG + serial + SSP + ...
[12:52:09] <RikusW> ah, but high speed
[12:52:22] <specing> yeah, 30MB/s parallel transfer
[12:52:31] <megal0maniac> Only need 38400 serial :/
[12:52:34] <specing> for FPGAs
[12:52:40] <RikusW> isnt that FT2232H ?
[12:52:44] <specing> no
[12:56:02] <megal0maniac> (Like the one on the U2S)
[13:00:03] <megal0maniac> Serial.begin(baud); is the current standard
[13:00:22] <megal0maniac> USBSerial.begin(baud,plusPin,minusPin); would be amazing
[13:00:49] <OSterver> vusb? :D
[13:01:09] <megal0maniac> Arduino implementation of it
[13:03:30] <RikusW> no baud for USB CDC
[13:03:36] <RikusW> its irrelevant
[13:04:38] <megal0maniac> Unless you're using it to interface to the hardware UART
[13:06:05] <megal0maniac> Which brings to light the fact that using V-USB CDC in Arduino would be even more of a mission, because right now, the firmware is designed to interface the PC and the hardware UART. I'd be using it so that an application on the AVR can talk to the PC
[13:06:21] <megal0maniac> Using serial protocol and USB stack implemented with V-USB CDC
[13:06:33] * megal0maniac dies thinking about the complexity
[13:07:14] * RikusW got a similar feeling on first contact with USB docs ;)
[13:08:35] <Blecha> yeah... even with V-USB its a bit daunting
[13:08:57] <RikusW> 0100100100100000011100110110010101100101001000000111100101101111011101010010000001110101011011100110010001100101011100100111001101110100011000010110111001100100001000000110001001101001011011100110000101110010011110010010000001110100011011110110111100100001
[13:09:28] <RikusW> anyone familiar with ascii ? :-P
[13:09:39] <Blecha> 01001001 00100000 01100011 01101000 01100101 01100001 01110100 01100101 01100100 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01110101 01110011 01100101 01100100 00100000 01100001 00100000 01110100 01110010 01100001 01101110 01110011 01101100 01100001 01110100 01101111 01110010 00101110
[13:11:20] <tmpvar> huzzah! I was able to etch a board for an atmega32u4 and get it to boot up! unfortunately it requires the avrispmkii to be attached to work. has anyone seen that before?
[13:11:56] <megal0maniac> What happens without the programmer attached?
[13:12:19] <RikusW> tmpvar: there is the builting flip bootloader ofcourse
[13:12:33] <tmpvar> megal0maniac, it doesn't enumerate on the host machine
[13:12:37] <megal0maniac> 01001101011001010010000001110100011011110110111100101110
[13:12:38] <Blecha> reset line ok?
[13:12:56] <tmpvar> Blecha, from what I can see, yes. that was actually my thought as well :/
[13:13:04] <megal0maniac> Will refer to logs when I get home :)
[13:13:06] <megal0maniac> Bye
[13:13:39] <tmpvar> RikusW, what do you mean?
[13:14:04] <RikusW> before erasing the 32u4 the first time, the atmel flip bootloader is on it
[13:14:12] <Blecha> That is really strange, can you get a blinky light without the programmer?
[13:14:46] <tmpvar> Blecha, I'm guessing no, but I haven't tried.. yet
[13:15:34] <tmpvar> i was banking on enumeration at the host
[13:16:03] <Essobi> sup guys
[13:16:59] <RikusW> nothing much
[13:26:17] <bakers> Does a crystal dictate the MHZ a chip runs at?
[13:26:44] <Tom_itx> uh huh
[13:26:46] <OSterver> not necessarily
[13:26:53] <OSterver> it can be further divided
[13:26:59] <Tom_itx> uh huh
[13:27:17] <bakers> Like the atmega 328 says Max 20MHz
[13:27:18] <OSterver> also only part of the chip runs at that speed
[13:27:31] <bakers> so I can put a 16Mhz crystal on it and it'll run at 16mhz?
[13:27:36] <OSterver> yes
[13:27:37] <Tom_itx> lazy chip
[13:27:38] <bakers> or an 8mhz and it'll run at 8mhz?
[13:27:38] <OSterver> the core
[13:27:49] <OSterver> with appropriate capacitors - yes
[13:27:53] <OSterver> Tom_itx, lazy? :)
[13:27:56] <OSterver> megas top up at 20
[13:27:58] <OSterver> officially!
[13:28:33] <bakers> So you don't NEED a crystal to run the chip... it has a built in one right?
[13:28:54] <OSterver> no
[13:28:56] <OSterver> it has RC oscillator built in
[13:29:18] <bakers> what MHZ does it run at if you use that?
[13:29:49] <Tom_itx> 8
[13:30:16] <OSterver> approximately
[13:30:22] <Tom_itx> exactly
[13:30:31] <OSterver> there is quite a tolerance
[13:30:33] <OSterver> 1% I think?
[13:30:43] <Tom_itx> i'm very tolerant
[13:30:44] <bakers> I bought a raw ATTiny85 from ebay... and it'll run at 8Mhz on it's own
[13:30:48] <bakers> without a crystal?
[13:30:54] <Tom_itx> yes
[13:30:59] <Tom_itx> they do that on purpose
[13:31:05] <RikusW> does t85 have the CKDIV8 fuse ?
[13:31:05] <bakers> Do what?
[13:31:06] <Tom_itx> for those that forget to get crystals
[13:31:12] <bakers> ah ok
[13:31:27] <RikusW> then it might run at 1MHz instead
[13:31:30] <Tom_itx> the default clock is an internal oscillator when you first start the chip
[13:31:34] <Tom_itx> yes
[13:31:40] <Tom_itx> it will probably be set for 1Mhz
[13:31:45] <OSterver> hmh?
[13:31:51] <Tom_itx> check the data sheet for a ckdiv8 fuse
[13:31:53] <OSterver> two bits in endpoint status:
[13:31:54] <OSterver> Bit 4 – SETUP: SETUP Transaction Complete Flag
[13:31:54] <OSterver> This flag is set when a SETUP, IN, or OUT transaction has completed successfully. This flag is cleared by writing a one
[13:31:54] <OSterver> to its bit location.
[13:31:54] <OSterver>  Bit 4 – TRNCOMPL1: Transaction Complete Flag
[13:31:55] <OSterver> This flag is set when a SETUP, IN, or OUT transaction has completed successfully. This flag is cleared by writing a one
[13:31:58] <OSterver> to its bit location.
[13:32:00] <OSterver> do you see ANY difference? :D
[13:32:28] <specing> yes
[13:32:32] <specing> the register name
[13:32:33] <OSterver> except the name
[13:32:36] <OSterver> ..
[13:32:41] <specing> Ha, I SAID IT FIRST!
[13:32:45] <bakers> Are there dedicated pins for a crystal? and if you DON'T use a crystal you can use those as GPIO pins?
[13:32:49] <OSterver> yes
[13:32:57] <Tom_itx> bakers, yes
[13:32:59] <specing> bakers: d.a.t.a.s.h.e.e.t.
[13:33:12] <specing> bakers: g.o..r.e.a.d..i.t.
[13:33:15] <Tom_itx> you must read the data sheet or insert a quarter for further help
[13:33:21] <specing> YES!
[13:33:25] <RikusW> lol
[13:33:31] <bakers> It's worth a quarter for me to have you guys explain it to me
[13:33:38] <bakers> I get bogged down by datasheets
[13:33:43] <specing> datasheet.
[13:33:44] <Tom_itx> so?
[13:33:47] <specing> Now where is my quarter?
[13:33:48] <Tom_itx> should i care about that?
[13:34:06] <Tom_itx> it's half dollar now
[13:34:06] <bakers> You should if you want a quarter! :p
[13:34:13] <RikusW> bakers: once you've read at least one AVR datasheet the rest will be quite familiar
[13:34:18] <bakers> ok
[13:34:23] <Tom_itx> i take paypal or cc no with pin
[13:34:44] <Tom_itx> at least scan thru it once or thrice
[13:34:51] <bakers> How long has the mega line been around?
[13:34:59] <Tom_itx> how old are you?
[13:35:02] <Tom_itx> longer than that
[13:35:02] <bakers> it's not exactly a new chip
[13:35:10] <bakers> I'm 33
[13:35:11] <OSterver> 98?
[13:35:12] <bakers> it's older than that?
[13:35:14] <OSterver> was the beginning?
[13:35:17] <Tom_itx> i'd say so
[13:35:31] <OSterver> Alf had some video about it
[13:35:34] <OSterver> Atmel's ALF
[13:35:35] <Tom_itx> it has improved quite a bit though
[13:35:41] <RikusW> then it was still at90s instead of atmega
[13:35:42] <OSterver> "quite" :D
[13:35:44] <bakers> OSterver: ALF the TV show?
[13:35:57] <tmpvar> someday ill get one to work over usb ;)
[13:35:59] <bakers> He liked to eat cats! What a great show
[13:36:57] <Tom_itx> the crystal connects to xtal1 and xtal2 pins
[13:37:10] <bakers> Running a mega @ 1mhz is just to save power?
[13:37:18] <Tom_itx> now to figure out what physical pins those are you must read the data sheet
[13:37:24] <Tom_itx> no
[13:37:25] <OSterver> bakers, no
[13:37:30] <OSterver> I said Atmel's ALF
[13:37:31] <Tom_itx> it's the lowest common denominator
[13:37:42] <Tom_itx> for getting the chip to talk etc
[13:38:00] <specing> bakers: I run all my megas at 1Hz, YO
[13:38:01] <Tom_itx> they leave it up to you to fsck it up from there
[13:38:07] <Tom_itx> and trust me, many have
[13:39:51] <bakers> When the chip boots it checks the XTAL pins, and if nothing is there you can use it as a GPIO pin?
[13:39:57] <OSterver> no
[13:40:06] <Tom_itx> it checks the fuse bits
[13:40:33] <Tom_itx> it is a gpio by default
[13:40:47] <OSterver> datasheet, section CLOCKS
[13:40:49] <OSterver> it's all there
[13:40:49] <Tom_itx> which is also in the data sheet
[13:40:58] <bakers> Ok I'll read
[13:54:56] <megal0maniac> zlog
[13:56:17] <bakers> Are fuses just at Atmel way of storing configuration options?
[13:56:42] <megal0maniac> FWIW, the ATtiny85's factory default is 8mhz internal oscillator with CKDIV8 set
[13:56:44] <megal0maniac> So 1mhz
[13:56:48] <megal0maniac> :)
[13:57:11] <bakers> 8mhz oscillator = 1mhz CPU speed?
[13:57:28] <megal0maniac> CKDIV8 = Clock Divide by 8
[13:57:35] <megal0maniac> 8 divided by 1 = 1
[13:57:36] <bakers> ah
[13:57:38] <megal0maniac> FAIL
[13:57:44] <megal0maniac> 8 / 9 = 1 :)
[13:57:47] <megal0maniac> ...
[13:57:48] <Essobi> :D
[13:57:54] <megal0maniac> 8 / 8 = 1
[13:57:57] <megal0maniac> There.
[13:58:05] <Essobi> lulz
[13:58:16] <megal0maniac> Can't believe I got that wrong twice
[13:58:20] <bakers> So the oscillator always runs at 8mhz, and if you want the chip to run at 1mhz you turn on CKDIV8
[13:58:33] <karlp> that's one way.
[13:58:44] <karlp> you can also use clock prescalars in the chip.
[13:58:46] <RikusW> or use the CLKPR register
[13:58:58] <karlp> and that 8 mhz is only for the internal rc oscillator
[13:59:04] <karlp> there's plenty of options
[13:59:43] <megal0maniac> bakers: Read all the things :)
[14:01:16] <megal0maniac> karlp: Can you callibrate the clock to different speeds? I know you can do it with the peripheral clock on the attiny, but can you do it with the default oscillator? I.e. on a different AVR?
[14:02:30] <RikusW> OSCCAL register
[14:04:03] <megal0maniac> Hmmm... 8.8mhz max
[14:04:07] <megal0maniac> Not really worth it
[14:04:09] <karlp> megal0maniac: osscal, as RikusW said, but also, clikdiv 8 applies to whatever is being clocked in. which doesn't have to be an 8mhz crystal.
[14:05:22] <megal0maniac> karlp: I know this :)
[14:05:34] <megal0maniac> "Note that this oscillator is used to time EEPROM and Flash write accesses, and these write times will be affected accordingly. If the EEPROM or Flash are written, do not calibrate to more than 8.8MHz. Otherwise, the EEPROM or Flash write may fail."
[14:08:02] <megal0maniac> Which makes sense, because the PLL clock isn't linked to any of that
[14:08:17] <megal0maniac> Hence 16.5mhz :)
[14:08:20] * megal0maniac must try that...
[15:13:10] <OSterver> xmega a3u, Y U ONLY 2 DACs!
[15:13:18] <OSterver> one can not generate awesome VGA signal :(
[15:13:22] <OSterver> it needs 3 colours!
[15:13:24] <OSterver> channels
[15:13:48] <specing> OndraSter: heh
[15:29:04] <OndraSter> ok, srsly
[15:29:09] <OndraSter> what should I do with SET_ADDRESS command
[15:29:16] <OndraSter> I clear NACK flag
[15:29:23] <OndraSter> on the OUT endpoint
[15:29:27] <OndraSter> and... nothing happens
[15:29:34] <bakers> OndraSter: FWP! My uC only has two DAVs
[15:29:37] <OndraSter> I should receive another packet on the old address still
[15:29:37] <bakers> DACs
[15:29:42] <OndraSter> so does mine
[15:29:48] <OndraSter> one two-channels DAC
[15:29:54] <OndraSter> 1MSPS
[15:29:59] <OndraSter> aka 500ksps/channel
[15:31:58] <OndraSter> the packet should be
[15:32:01] <OndraSter> SETUP -> DATA -> STATUS
[15:32:03] <OndraSter> wtf :D
[15:32:30] <OndraSter> SETUP packet - I get setup flag? but I already have data while checking out the SETUP packet
[15:32:35] <OndraSter> let alone status part ?!
[15:34:08] <bakers> OndraSter: Do you work professionally on AVRs?
[15:34:30] <OndraSter> no
[15:35:13] <bakers> How'd you learn so much about them?
[15:35:19] <specing> I taught him
[15:35:21] <OndraSter> no
[15:35:27] <OndraSter> I am self-teacher!
[15:35:31] <specing> a*
[15:35:38] <specing> See?
[15:36:26] <OndraSter> ..
[15:36:30] <specing> :)
[15:47:03] <OndraSter> I need
[15:47:07] <OndraSter> THE Dean
[15:47:10] <OndraSter> !seen abcminiuser
[15:47:11] <tobbor> abcminiuser was last seen in #avr on Sep 02 02:09 2012
[15:47:14] <OndraSter> :(
[15:47:15] <OndraSter> 10 days
[16:27:39] <OndraSter> The internet
[16:27:42] <OndraSter> is awesome medium!
[16:27:45] <OndraSter> rikusw is already gone
[16:27:48] <OndraSter> BUT I CRACKED IT
[16:27:50] <OndraSter> ONCE AGAIN!
[16:27:54] <OndraSter> it wanted ZLP IN :)
[16:27:56] <xpoqz> nice observation OndraSter :)
[16:28:03] <OndraSter> and then once trncompl comes through I set the new address
[16:28:52] <OndraSter> http://pastebin.com/FmpBycHf
[16:28:58] <OndraSter> the transaction fifo 00 00 is a bug in my code
[16:29:03] <OndraSter> (reading wrong offset, but I am lazy to fix it)
[16:34:03] <OndraSter> I found the reply finally here
[16:34:04] <OndraSter> http://www.edaboard.com/thread8674.html
[16:34:07] <OndraSter> but yeah
[16:34:11] <OndraSter> it took me like 4 hours
[16:34:12] <OndraSter> lol
[16:37:53] <OndraSter> you know why it took me so long?
[16:37:54] <OndraSter> because of this
[16:37:55] <OndraSter> /*if (i % 2 == 1) // IN
[16:37:55] <OndraSter> usb_ram.endpoint[i].CNT = USB_EP_ZLP_bm; // auto manage ZLP for me, thanks dude!
[16:37:55] <OndraSter> else*/
[16:37:56] <OndraSter> :(
[16:37:59] <OndraSter> I PUT IT INTO A COMMENT!
[16:38:01] <OndraSter> lol
[17:23:38] <jadew> hey, do you guys have any suggestions on soldering stations?
[17:24:09] <jadew> I'm currently oscillating between hakko fx 888 and a weller (whatever I can find in my budget)
[17:24:37] <jadew> the reason for that is because I don't know how easy it is to find tips for the hakko
[17:24:58] <jadew> and I don't know if the "genuine" hakko from dx.com is actually genuine
[17:25:20] <jadew> the price looks right tho
[17:26:26] <Tom_itx> i forget the brand i was looking at when i was looking
[17:26:46] <Tom_itx> i never got one since i built a toaster oven instead and already have a decent weller iron
[17:27:43] <OndraSter> huah it is 0014 already
[17:27:47] <OndraSter> and I do not need Dean... for now
[17:27:48] <jadew> everybody seems to say that they can't believe how awesome a soldering station is
[17:28:02] <OndraSter> hehe
[17:28:03] <jadew> I want one too
[17:28:06] <OndraSter> I will have both, Tom_itx
[17:28:16] <OndraSter> soldering iron, heat gun and hopefuly soon the reflow oven
[17:28:23] <OndraSter> but I have yet to order from mouser all the parts for it
[17:28:27] <bakers> What does a soldering station do?
[17:28:32] <bakers> it's just a stand to hold your iron?
[17:28:39] <OndraSter> usualy it has soldering iron + stand for it + sometimes even hotair gun
[17:28:46] <jadew> bakers, it keeps the temperature constant
[17:28:50] <OndraSter> that too
[17:28:56] <bakers> hotair gun?
[17:28:59] <OndraSter> yes
[17:28:59] <jadew> and quickly reheats it when you start soldering
[17:29:05] <OndraSter> it blows really hot air
[17:29:11] <bakers> well that's a good name then
[17:29:17] <bakers> what does one use a hotair gun for?
[17:29:20] <OndraSter> SMD
[17:29:25] <jadew> yeah, smd and desoldering
[17:29:31] <bakers> ah ok
[17:29:37] <Tom_itx> i've used other methods to desolder smt
[17:29:40] <Tom_itx> so far
[17:29:50] <OndraSter> I can't imagine doing it any other way :o
[17:29:56] <jadew> by adding more solder?
[17:30:02] <Tom_itx> you have no imagination then
[17:30:03] <Tom_itx> no
[17:30:08] <OndraSter> reflow oven
[17:30:17] <OndraSter> let it heat up
[17:30:20] <Tom_itx> jadew, for single sided i've used a clothes iron and set the board on it
[17:30:24] <OndraSter> eh
[17:30:31] <jadew> ah
[17:30:31] <Tom_itx> i've also used a toaster oven for that
[17:30:33] <jadew> nice
[17:30:40] <Tom_itx> it works really well
[17:30:44] <Tom_itx> either one
[17:31:38] <jadew> I just blow hot air on the board till it starts bending
[17:31:49] <jadew> then I shake it and stuff starts falling off
[17:31:54] <Tom_itx> that's a bit extreme
[17:32:09] <jadew> that's when I don't need the board anymore
[17:32:26] <Tom_itx> toaster is wonderful for that
[17:33:45] <OndraSter> board starts bending?
[17:33:46] <OndraSter> wtf
[17:33:58] <OndraSter> stop watching hollywood movies dude :D
[17:34:06] <OndraSter> FR4 doesn't easily bend or so
[17:35:02] <jadew> trust me, I've done that to two motherboards
[17:35:05] <skorket> I'm thinking about making a capacitive sensing rig out of the bit on my CNC relative to the PCB that I would like to drill. Is this just as simple as making an RC circuit, driving the RC portion high and then timing it to find C?
[17:35:15] <jadew> and several boards I recovered from a car stereo
[17:36:11] <OndraSter> jadew, you must be using something well over 400C :o
[17:36:32] <jadew> let me check what it says on the box, it only has 2 settings
[17:37:00] <OndraSter> heh
[17:37:04] <OndraSter> "off" and "on"?
[17:37:29] * Tom_itx gives OndraSter an easy bake oven
[17:37:42] <OndraSter> isn't that actually... some kind of hot air gun from Baumax or Obi or whatever you have there (walmart-like but for garden, ..)
[17:37:47] <OndraSter> Tom_itx, heh
[17:37:58] <jadew> yeah, it doesn't say anything, so two settings and it says 2000W on the gun
[17:38:03] <OndraSter> heh
[17:38:06] <OndraSter> my hotair is few watts
[17:38:22] <OndraSter> I found that the best temp settings is at #4
[17:38:24] <OndraSter> (out of 10)
[17:38:26] <OndraSter> no idea what temp it is
[17:38:31] <OndraSter> but it is just above the melting point
[17:38:46] <OndraSter> it reaches the temperature in about 10 seconds
[17:39:06] <jadew> nice, I wish I found a soldering station that had a hot air gun as well
[17:39:12] <OndraSter> I actually want to modify it to allow to put the compressor speed even lower, it still blows parts from the board :(
[17:39:20] <OndraSter> I paid like $80 for mine
[17:39:26] <OndraSter> or was it $110... can't remember now
[17:39:30] <OndraSter> it is hotair + soldering
[17:39:32] <OndraSter> iron
[17:39:34] <jadew> nice
[17:39:52] <jadew> how's the soldering iron?
[17:39:58] <OndraSter> great really
[17:40:04] <OndraSter> it goes upto 400 or 450C lol
[17:40:11] <OndraSter> I am on the 300 mark or lower
[17:40:20] <OndraSter> it has got actually "compressor" (or pump or whatever it is) in the box rather in the handle itself
[17:40:47] <OndraSter> it is no small unit
[17:41:06] <OndraSter> it is china of course, I bought it on local ebay-like website from some polish guy that sells here as well
[17:41:09] <jadew> I figured, that's what's putting me off from getting one
[17:41:18] <OndraSter> free shipping since I grabbed also bench PSU with it
[17:41:21] <OndraSter> but it is dangerous PSU
[17:41:28] <OndraSter> it has metal chassis but no earth pin on wall socket :D
[17:41:33] <jadew> lol
[17:41:40] <OndraSter> the earth output pin goes to the chassis
[17:41:43] <OndraSter> lovely isn't it
[17:42:07] <OndraSter> I will either upgrade the cable (also with some longer one, this has like 40cm long wire) or completely rebuild it
[17:42:13] <OndraSter> it has got 15V/3A output
[17:42:18] <OndraSter> via single transistor on the back
[17:42:22] <OndraSter> few steps on the transformer
[17:42:28] <jadew> I love my PSU, since it's powered from a transformer
[17:42:42] <jadew> which means it's both isolated and it can't get me electrocuted
[17:42:45] <OndraSter> bench PSU should be huge toroid transformer
[17:42:47] <xpoqz> since you guys were talking of soldering stations, does anyone have experience with WHS40?
[17:42:52] <jadew> from an external transformer
[17:42:59] <OndraSter> hmm?
[17:43:25] <jadew> well, I power it from one of those power sources that are used to power other stuff
[17:43:38] <OndraSter> if I wanted only 19V output I'd go for some HP's docking station PSUs. I could get them very cheap probably. 19.something volts, 6.7Amps
[17:43:53] <OndraSter> I have already used one to power high power LED
[17:43:55] <jadew> you need more?
[17:44:05] <OndraSter> I sometimes need even 24 or 30V :(
[17:44:06] <jadew> xpoqz, WHS, that's a weller, right?
[17:44:12] <xpoqz> jadew, indeed
[17:44:16] <OndraSter> but I suppose I could get around that
[17:44:18] <OndraSter> build two PSUs
[17:44:31] <OndraSter> and chain them :P
[17:44:31] <OndraSter> I don't think that laptop PSUs are earthed
[17:44:33] <OndraSter> I should measure that...
[17:44:43] <jadew> xpoqz, I guess anything weller is pretty good
[17:44:57] <OndraSter> but it should be isolated
[17:45:00] <Tom_itx> it's made by
[17:45:02] <Tom_itx> umm
[17:45:10] <Tom_itx> cooper industries
[17:45:52] <OndraSter> on the other hand, depends on the price. I could get some 24VAC (34VDC) toroid
[17:45:56] <OndraSter> with like 4A output
[17:46:06] <jadew> Tom_itx, what's made by tehm?
[17:46:25] <Tom_itx> weller products
[17:46:30] <jadew> oh
[17:46:33] <jadew> didn't know that
[17:46:53] <OndraSter> so, today's progress: USB's SET_ADDRESS command works
[17:46:59] <OndraSter> tomorrow plan: GET_CONFIGURATION
[17:47:04] <OndraSter> and if I manage to do more - even better! lol
[17:47:11] <jadew> what are you working on?
[17:47:22] <OndraSter> my own USB stack
[17:47:24] <OndraSter> for xmega
[17:47:26] <jadew> neat
[17:47:29] <jadew> asm?
[17:47:36] <OndraSter> a) Dean's LUFA's xmega support is not officially finished yet
[17:47:37] <OndraSter> hell no
[17:47:41] <OndraSter> in the end parts of it
[17:47:44] <OndraSter> because gcc does some crazy junk
[17:47:52] <OndraSter> b) who wants to pay fees :P
[17:48:21] <OndraSter> hmm I should start checking out requirements for USB CDC
[17:49:07] <Tom_itx> $20k license fees
[17:49:26] <Tom_itx> and a per unit royalties fee
[17:49:30] <jadew> you could take a look at the pic library that dangerous prototypes is using for their projects
[17:49:50] <jadew> it's quite easy to follow
[17:49:55] <Tom_itx> made payable to: Tom itx
[17:50:34] <OndraSter> Tom_itx, for LUFA you are paying too much?
[17:50:35] <OndraSter> oh :P
[17:50:56] <OndraSter> jadew, I already figured how to send back data, how to "reply" to set address
[17:50:58] <OndraSter> I am pretty far!
[17:51:13] <OndraSter> on PIC I don't think I have ever heard anybody not to use Microchip's library lol
[17:51:16] <jadew> just saying, if you need some inspiration, their CDC stack works
[17:51:31] <jadew> I have, the microchip library was too slow
[17:51:47] <OndraSter> wow
[17:51:50] <jadew> so I used the one from dangerous prototypes
[17:51:55] <jadew> had to modify that one as well
[17:52:03] <jadew> because it wasn't playing well with the memory
[17:52:20] <jadew> in the end I got it to work at 750000 Hz
[17:52:33] <OndraSter> also, Dean's LUFA is IMHO fairly bloated with support for 1000 things. I need it as small as possible since it needs to fit 4kB flash... and I want to add some extra stuff to that space as well
[17:52:45] <OndraSter> 75kHz?
[17:52:53] <jadew> 750kHz
[17:52:57] <OndraSter> oh
[17:53:00] <OndraSter> 750kHz of what?
[17:53:05] <jadew> of USART
[17:53:08] <jadew> the baud rate
[17:53:08] <OndraSter> oh
[17:53:33] <jadew> since I was basically getting data from usb and passing it over to usart and the other way around
[17:53:49] <OndraSter> oh crap, why does the atmel's studio get stuck sometimes when I connect over RDP? :(
[17:54:07] <OndraSter> and then I have to reboot the PC
[17:54:11] <OndraSter> completely
[17:54:13] <jadew> remote desktop connection?
[17:54:16] <OndraSter> yes
[17:54:22] <OndraSter> it gets so stuck that the PC won't even turn off :P
[17:54:26] <jadew> it probably has issues drawing something
[17:54:37] <OndraSter> I am more leaning towards issue with the windriver
[17:54:43] <OndraSter> for the Jungo
[17:55:15] <jadew> I don't know why a driver would cause that over RDP
[17:55:21] <OndraSter> neither do I
[17:55:29] <OndraSter> but it gets stuck sometimes even when not connected over RDP
[17:55:39] <OndraSter> and refuses to connect to any debug session
[17:57:54] <jadew> gonna give up on the soldering station purchase... too expensive
[17:58:09] <OndraSter> heh
[17:58:27] <OndraSter> Tom_itx, how would you go about toaster oven reflow of dual sided boards?
[17:59:01] <jadew> put the smd parts on one side only :P
[17:59:11] <OndraSter> not happening
[18:01:19] <Kevin`> how would you normally do it? I would expect most components to stick. if not use some glue maybe? two sided smd is pretty common in the industry
[18:01:33] <OndraSter> no idea how they do that
[18:01:39] <OndraSter> http://pastebin.com/TrXpq8bm
[18:01:40] <OndraSter> still
[18:01:49] <OndraSter> if I was presented with THAT in disassembly
[18:01:56] <OndraSter> I would have real trouble decoding what it is trying to do
[18:02:56] <OndraSter> why not just
[18:03:10] <OndraSter> lds r25, 0x04C5
[18:03:18] <OndraSter> com r25
[18:03:24] <OndraSter> shl r25
[18:03:40] <OndraSter> ldi zl, 0x22
[18:03:43] <OndraSter> ldi zh, 0x30
[18:04:02] <OndraSter> sub zl, r25
[18:04:05] <OndraSter> sbc zh, r1
[18:04:07] <OndraSter> DONE
[18:04:40] <OndraSter> (maybe preferably ldi r24 0x1F, sub r24, r25 because usb.fiforp is only 5 bits long)
[18:04:50] <OndraSter> oh well
[18:05:01] <OndraSter> once I get it working I will learn in-line assembl
[18:05:01] <OndraSter> y
[18:05:04] <OndraSter> and fix bloody gcc's errors
[18:23:48] <jadew> inline asm is not that big of a deal
[18:24:08] <OndraSter> ye
[18:24:12] <jadew> you just have to specify what data you're importing from the c++ environment, so what's your input and your output
[18:24:22] <OndraSter> yep
[18:24:36] <jadew> that way it knows to load your stuff and push/pop the registers used
[18:24:50] <OndraSter> yes
[18:25:00] <jadew> be careful tho, it doesn't push/pop registers when you're using ISR_NAKED
[18:25:08] <jadew> I think that's a bug with gcc
[18:25:18] <OndraSter> I have done more asm than C actually
[18:25:47] <jadew> up until two weeks ago, I haven't done asm since more than 10 years ago
[18:26:06] <OndraSter> that is, avr asm and avr gcc
[18:26:49] <jadew> ah, I can't say I enjoy it
[18:48:04] <OndraSter> hmm will windows use its own stock CDC driver?
[18:48:08] <OndraSter> if it complies with the specs
[18:54:03] <NTQ> Hi. I want to use the pow-function from math.h to pre calculate the gamma correction of a rgb led matrix, but I got this error from avr-g++. I am using eclipse-cdt with the avr-plugin and avrdude under linux mint 13: http://nopaste.info/410fed3dc8.html
[18:54:26] <NTQ> I have added m (libm.a) to the libraries as you can see in the nopaste
[18:56:02] <NTQ> this is the code where I get this error: http://nopaste.info/e615a8caaa.html
[19:19:43] <NTQ> WTF? After some other changes in the code I don't get an error anymore.
[19:32:12] <rue_house> yay, its fixed.
[19:32:45] <rue_house> I really dont suggest using c++ on an avr
[19:34:05] <OndraSter> lol
[19:34:08] <OndraSter> what were you doing?
[19:34:12] <OndraSter> to that poor chips
[19:34:40] <rue_house> I meant that NTQ's problem is fixed
[19:34:53] <rue_house> and the suggestion was to him/her/it
[19:35:11] <OndraSter> oh
[19:35:24] <NTQ> but C++ is nicer to program :)
[19:35:43] <OndraSter> no
[19:35:48] <OndraSter> both C and C++ are awful languages
[19:35:56] <OndraSter> that were made just to want to kill somebody
[19:35:59] <OndraSter> (hint, Reiser)
[19:36:02] * Casper throws a paper ball at rue_house
[19:36:29] * rue_house dosn't wake up
[19:36:29] <OndraSter> well, mostly C++ was made from hatred to people
[19:36:37] <OndraSter> C is just awful because of its age
[19:36:54] <rue_house> oneday people will say that about you
[19:36:59] <OndraSter> I know
[19:37:03] <OndraSter> I am expecting that
[19:37:06] <Tom_itx> rue knows
[19:37:09] <OndraSter> lol
[19:37:17] <Casper> hehe
[19:37:23] <NTQ> It looks like the problem is not fixed.
[19:37:26] <Tom_itx> :)
[19:37:27] <OndraSter> heh
[19:37:32] <rue_house> damn, I have to remmeber to breathe
[19:37:49] <OndraSter> rue_house, I sometimes think "did I breathe in the last minute..."
[19:37:54] <Tom_itx> i lost a friend that forgot that
[19:38:25] <OndraSter> doesn't brain force you to breathe?
[19:38:56] <Tom_itx> unless it fails to work
[19:38:58] <OndraSter> oh
[19:39:02] <OndraSter> broken brain sucks
[19:39:15] <rue_house> NTQ c++ chews up more memory resources, that an avr does not have
[19:39:29] <Tom_itx> sleep apnea
[19:39:54] <Tom_itx> he just forgot to wake up
[19:40:29] <NTQ> It depends on which code I activate while compiling. I have programmed different demos for my rgb led matrix project and I switch between them with different #if DEMOx and #endif.
[19:40:49] <rue_house> so the code is a real mess then
[19:40:55] <OndraSter> that reminds me... my mum's friend's son was 25 years old. He wasn't replying to his gf. They found him sitting dead on toilet
[19:41:09] <OndraSter> autopsy didn't reveal anything
[19:41:39] <NTQ> rue_house: the code is not a real mess.
[19:42:00] <rue_house> k
[19:42:05] <rue_house> did you remember -lm
[19:42:43] <NTQ> yes. as you can see in my nopaste link I added the option to the end of the avr-g++ command.
[19:42:43] <rue_house> I'm running out of $1/free shiping items from ebay
[19:42:56] <rue_house> I'm gonna hve to start buying a $2/free shipping ever second day
[19:43:01] <NTQ> http://nopaste.info/410fed3dc8.html
[19:43:39] <OndraSter> rue_house, lol
[19:44:18] <OndraSter> btw, I found interesting thing. I have got three breadboards - two were bought as "middle with two power strips" and one was "two middles with one power strip between them"
[19:44:31] <OndraSter> I can't push the xboard into the bigger one without using a lot of force
[19:44:36] <OndraSter> but just fine into the separate ones
[19:44:47] <OndraSter> it sounds like they are 0.9mm instead of regular 1mm? :o
[19:45:45] <OndraSter> multiple definition of `__floatunsisf'
[19:45:52] <OndraSter> check your #includes
[19:46:05] <OndraSter> bloody hell it is 0233 already
[19:46:12] <OndraSter> I wanted to get up at 0800 and work on the USB
[19:46:14] <OndraSter> gn
[19:49:19] <NTQ> I don't know what I have to check with my includes. I get the same error without including <math.h>
[19:54:47] <NTQ> the error keeps the same
[20:20:45] <rue_house> cnvert it to C
[20:20:53] <rue_house> just that snipper of code
[21:10:07] <NTQ> I will not convert it to C. It's too much code. The compilers today are good enough to produce optimized binaries from well written code. I don't want to code a fft or something like this, just this little rgb led matrix:
[21:10:08] <NTQ> http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=DHSUkZd9d5Q#t=105s
[21:11:51] <rue_house> heh
[21:11:59] <rue_house> just convert the part that breaks
[21:12:15] <rue_house> its one of the steps of diagnosing a problem
[21:13:16] <rue_bed> rue_house, be nice or I'll banish you to ##c
[21:20:56] <NTQ> hmm... I don't get it to work. Maybe I should go to bed. ;) It's 4:09
[21:21:36] <NTQ> gn8
[21:21:51] <Tom_itx> gn9