#avr | Logs for 2012-09-11

[01:27:42] <w|zzy> http://www.etiquettescholar.com/dining_etiquette/table_manners/dinner_etiquette/desserts/desserts.html
[01:41:56] * amee2woof idly fluffles theBear
[01:42:25] <amee2woof> theBear: GuShH thinks, because i didn't bother telling him until he asked, that noone else could have known either ;)
[01:42:58] <GuShH> I think you just recently discovered that side of you
[01:43:10] * GuShH stares at amee2woof
[01:43:52] <amee2woof> i'm hanging around with others now a lot, but that wasn't the beginning of it
[01:44:03] <GuShH> o.o
[01:44:24] <amee2woof> i used to read Freefall and other CRC related comics since secondary school
[01:44:25] <GuShH> you should get rid of your sandero and get the dumb and dumber truck, the one that looked like a dog
[01:44:32] * GuShH nods
[01:44:59] <amee2woof> since when do trucks look like dogs? o.O
[01:45:07] <amee2woof> well, other than maybe a pitbull
[01:45:16] <GuShH> it was a van
[01:45:26] <GuShH> http://peoplethings.com/andblog/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/pipandco_dumbcar_090527_01.jpg
[01:45:51] <GuShH> you have to lift the leg to get the fuel in!
[01:45:55] <amee2woof> lol
[02:15:36] <ferdna> guys i have a question on a logic analyzer...
[02:15:44] <Casper> 42
[02:15:47] <ferdna> i have the saleae logic 16
[02:16:07] <ferdna> and i was wondering if i really need to plug ground to whatever i am analizing?
[02:16:18] <ferdna> what if i dont know which one is ground?
[02:16:23] <ferdna> can i just plug them randomly?
[02:16:23] <w|zzy> You need a reference surely.
[02:16:28] <ferdna> and the program tells me what they are?
[02:17:03] <Casper> in doubt, use the negative supply
[02:17:14] <w|zzy> +1
[02:17:18] <ferdna> Casper, negative supply?
[02:17:27] <Casper> negative supply of the psu
[02:17:48] <ferdna> well... what if this is an uknown device?
[02:17:52] <ferdna> and you dont know the pins at all
[02:18:25] <Casper> just find the psu negative
[02:18:26] <Casper> or
[02:18:32] <Casper> find out a copper pour
[02:19:16] <Casper> ground is generally easy to find
[02:19:28] <Casper> visually at that
[02:19:38] <ferdna> how?
[02:21:05] <Casper> battery negative, powersupply negative (test with DMM), connector shield, copper pour, metal shield over RF components
[02:21:33] <Casper> almost all device use the negative supply as the reference
[02:21:37] <Casper> so ground
[04:25:36] <OndraSterver> Kevin`, yes
[04:53:51] <OndraSterver> LOL wtf
[04:53:52] <OndraSterver> USB.CTRLA = USB_ENABLE_bm | USB_SPEED_bm | XBOOT_ENDPOINTS | USB_FIFOEN_bm;
[04:53:52] <OndraSterver> 286: c0 ec ldi r28, 0xC0 ; 192
[04:53:53] <OndraSterver> 288: d4 e0 ldi r29, 0x04 ; 4
[04:53:53] <OndraSterver> 28a: 82 ee ldi r24, 0xE2 ; 226
[04:53:53] <OndraSterver> 28c: 80 93 c0 04 sts 0x04C0, r24
[04:53:59] <OndraSterver> gcc loads the target address to Y register
[04:54:04] <OndraSterver> and then uses the address again?
[04:54:06] <OndraSterver> that is on -Os
[04:59:35] <OndraSterver> surprisingly on -O3 it uses Y reg
[06:03:23] <OndraSterver> how can gcc tell me
[06:03:24] <OndraSterver> Error 2 unknown type name 'USB_DeviceRequest_t' D:\Atmel Studio\XBoardBL\XBoardBL\XBoardBL\usb\usb.c 190 2 XBootloader
[06:03:32] <OndraSterver> when few lines above this there is the struct ?!
[06:03:50] <OndraSterver> USB_DeviceRequest_t* request = (USB_DeviceRequest_t*) ((uint8_t*)usb_ram.endpoint[0].DATAPTR);
[06:04:18] <OndraSterver> on the beginning..
[06:04:18] <OndraSterver> struct USB_DeviceRequest_t
[06:04:21] <OndraSterver> yada yada
[06:09:17] <karlp> because USB_DeviceREquest_t is a struct, not a type....
[06:10:51] <OndraSterver> struct != type?
[06:11:02] <OndraSterver> how do I talk to the data as a struct then?
[06:13:05] <karlp> either add typedef, or wherever you refer to the "type" include the word struct before it.
[06:13:30] <OndraSterver> uh
[06:15:03] <OndraSterver> WOW
[06:15:03] <OndraSterver> nice
[06:15:04] <OndraSterver> thanks
[06:59:57] <Vutral> fucking shi
[07:00:01] <Vutral> mhm
[07:03:20] <OndraSterver> shimhm?
[07:07:32] <OndraSterver> !seen rikusw
[07:07:33] <tobbor> RikusW was last seen in #avr on Sep 10 15:23 2012
[07:07:38] <Vutral> mhm
[07:07:41] <OndraSterver> !timezone
[07:07:41] <Vutral> i wonder which attiny i need
[07:07:46] <OndraSterver> !time
[07:07:46] <tobbor> My watch says its 04:58AM Tue Sep 11 2012
[07:07:50] <Vutral> for rs485 with hw flow control to spi converter
[07:08:05] <Vutral> at least 14 pins i guess
[07:08:07] <Vutral> would be 12 usable
[07:08:10] <Vutral> 6 pins arent enough probably
[07:08:17] <OndraSterver> why does he use 24h format for !seen but 12h mode for !time?
[07:08:21] <Vutral> or well maybe if i used miso mosi on same and halfduplex spi
[07:08:30] <OndraSterver> Vutral, how many lines is rs485?
[07:08:33] <OndraSterver> two?
[08:09:19] <Vutral> OndraSterver, 4 ?
[08:09:29] <Vutral> OndraSterver, i can do rs485 half duplex
[08:09:35] <Vutral> but i wonder if i need hardware flow control
[08:09:37] <Vutral> i think so
[08:10:02] <Vutral> i got receiver and driver enable lines
[08:12:37] <OndraSterver> ah
[08:12:42] <OndraSterver> what speeds does rs485 operate at?
[08:12:50] <Vutral> 10mbit
[08:13:07] <Vutral> but lower and higher speeds work too
[08:13:25] <Vutral> but my transceiver is standard compilant
[08:13:32] <Vutral> i can limit slew rate
[08:13:35] <Vutral> to 500 or 115kbps
[08:13:47] <Vutral> but there are faster ones
[08:13:52] <Vutral> it should be able to do 115 kbps on 4000 feet
[08:14:11] <Vutral> and probably you can just put the same transceivers in the bus as repeaters
[08:15:02] <Vutral> mhm
[08:15:56] <Vutral> or well as long as you got a line with one of these babies every couple of meter
[08:16:00] <Vutral> you can go with 10mbit
[08:57:31] <OndraSterver> how do you tell the USB module "here, I have set pointer and cnt of data, NOW SEND IT WHEN YOU CAN!"?
[08:57:43] <OndraSterver> I can't find it in the datasheet
[09:04:58] <megal0maniac> Amazing how many users are on this channel and how few of them actually say anything
[09:05:38] <megal0maniac> canuck?
[09:05:58] <megal0maniac> CANUCK!
[09:07:31] <asteve> they're all busy calculating timers
[09:08:03] <megal0maniac> asteve: That doesn't explain very much
[09:08:14] <megal0maniac> Unless it's just you?
[09:08:24] <asteve> it actually explains a lot
[09:08:48] <rue_house> ?
[09:08:48] <rue_house> !time
[09:08:48] <tobbor> My watch says its 06:59AM Tue Sep 11 2012
[09:09:47] <megal0maniac> Did I spell it incorrectly?
[09:10:21] <megal0maniac> asteve: I don't understand :) Likely due to my not understanding timers either
[09:12:04] <rue_house> what do you want to do with timers?
[09:13:08] <OndraSterver> rue_house, why does !seen reply in 24h mode but !time inn 12h? :)
[09:13:17] <megal0maniac> Nothing, yet. I just didn't understand what I think was a joke, probably because I don't know much about timers yet
[09:13:20] <rue_house> cause I just changed time?
[09:13:58] <megal0maniac> !seen fuzzybugkilla
[09:14:23] <megal0maniac> !seen fuzzbugkilla
[09:14:24] <tobbor> I have never seen fuzzbugkilla
[09:14:27] <rue_house> oh
[09:14:38] <rue_house> also, seen should use GMT, and time is local to me
[09:14:47] <rue_house> megal0maniac, ok, timers 101
[09:15:03] <rue_house> a timer is a counter
[09:15:08] * megal0maniac is on his phone...
[09:15:13] <rue_house> the counter has a selectable clock source
[09:15:19] <megal0maniac> But I'll listen :)
[09:16:01] <megal0maniac> (I did read abc's newbie guide)
[09:16:26] <rue_house> :) my fileserver drive has 62k hours and 54 powercycles
[09:16:40] <OndraSterver> hehe
[09:17:06] <rue_house> the counter has a number comparitor on its output
[09:17:51] <rue_house> the counters overflow and match of the comparitor can trip interrupts, and do things to the counter
[09:18:03] <xam> Question: what to use if I want to make a GUI controller for my circuit in a Mac? I understand that you use Visual C in windows
[09:18:38] <megal0maniac> trip interrupt = set flag?
[09:18:42] <OndraSterver> either
[09:18:48] <rue_house> the counters inputs consist of a selection of: a divided system clock, input pins, or a secondary crystal osc
[09:18:49] <OndraSterver> set flag and then call interrupt, IF interrupts are enabled
[09:19:03] <OndraSterver> and on compare matches it can also generate PWM
[09:19:08] <rue_house> megal0maniac, no, cause an interrupt, do you know about interrupts?
[09:19:21] <OndraSterver> aka either goes high on match, low on match etc
[09:19:37] <megal0maniac> more or less. I've got the basics of what they are and why you want them
[09:20:31] <rue_house> the system clock source has a settable divider, you can divide it by 1, and a few larger numbers like 256 and 1024
[09:21:03] <megal0maniac> prescaler?
[09:21:18] <rue_house> yes, for the counters
[09:21:31] <rue_house> it dosn't effect the cpu rate
[09:22:23] <megal0maniac> makes sense
[09:22:40] <rue_house> as a timer, you select a system clock that creates the count rate you want, then you either use the comparitor or the overflow of the counter to interrupt your program
[09:23:05] <rue_house> your interrupt takes care of the tasks to be dealt with on the time intervals
[09:23:11] <rue_house> i have to go to work soon
[09:24:05] <rue_house> but hte drive has 0 reallocated sectors, which is my point of interest
[09:25:08] <megal0maniac> impressive for such a long run time. either that or SMART is wrong :)
[09:25:17] <megal0maniac> thanks for the mini tut
[09:25:22] <rue_house> we have to trust in something
[09:25:31] <megal0maniac> will re-visit dean's guide
[09:25:40] <OndraSterver> rue_house, trust in Dean :)
[09:25:59] * rue_house mumbles something about murphy
[09:26:28] <megal0maniac> is Dean always this quiet?
[09:27:12] <OndraSterver> quiet?
[09:27:16] * rue_house deletes the 2009 backup while trying to get his pants on..
[09:27:36] <megal0maniac> as in offline
[09:27:46] <OndraSterver> yes
[09:27:54] <OndraSterver> since he is now working for Atmel
[09:28:00] <megal0maniac> can't use !seen because of the varying number of underscores in his nick
[09:28:21] <OndraSterver> simpl
[09:28:21] <OndraSterver> e
[09:28:22] <OndraSterver> !seen abcminiuser
[09:28:24] <OndraSterver> !seen abcminiuser_
[09:28:25] <tobbor> abcminiuser was last seen in #avr on Sep 02 02:09 2012
[09:28:26] <tobbor> abcminiuser_ was last seen in #avr on Sep 01 15:18 2012
[09:28:27] <OndraSterver> !seen abcminiuser__
[09:28:27] <tobbor> abcminiuser__ was last seen in #avr on Sep 01 16:54 2012
[09:28:31] <OndraSterver> done
[09:28:40] <megal0maniac> lol
[09:28:51] <megal0maniac> !seen fuzzybugkilla
[09:28:52] <tobbor> fuzzybugkilla was last seen in #avr on Sep 08 08:35 2012
[09:29:03] <rue_house> tobbor is busy deleting a 2009 backup I cant give you the nick list
[09:29:43] <megal0maniac> he seems awful talkative to me :)
[09:30:09] <rue_house> abcminisuser
[09:30:09] <rue_house> abcminiuser
[09:30:10] <rue_house> abcminiuser_
[09:30:10] <rue_house> abcminiuser__
[09:30:10] <rue_house> abcminiuser_vb
[09:30:10] <rue_house> abcminiuser|afk
[09:30:12] <rue_house> abcminiuser|brb
[09:30:14] <rue_house> abcminiuser|show
[09:30:18] <rue_house> abcminiuser|tuto
[09:30:20] <rue_house> abcminiuser|uni
[09:30:21] <rue_house> abcminiuser|work
[09:33:11] <megal0maniac> Extensive...
[09:39:08] <megal0maniac> I'm off to get clean and learn some things. Bye :)
[09:39:34] <OndraSterver> bb
[09:39:37] <OndraSterver> get clean?y
[09:39:40] <OndraSterver> you stole something?
[09:39:43] <OndraSterver> you killed somebody? :D
[09:40:22] <megal0maniac> Can't learn things with a guilty conscience ;)
[09:53:41] <OndraSterver> how do you #define some string as UNICODE?
[09:54:36] <profil> wat
[09:54:39] <OndraSterver> well
[09:54:50] <OndraSterver> in default is it in ASCII
[09:54:51] <OndraSterver> rather unicode
[09:55:00] <OndraSterver> USB requries to send all USB strings in unicode
[10:01:22] <profil> OndraSterver: use wide chars
[10:03:46] <profil> OndraSterver: or use ints with 0xC0 or greater sequences
[10:43:06] <CapnKernel> OndraSter: Unicode yes, but I think the question you really want to be asking is, "Which encoding of Unicode"
[10:43:13] <CapnKernel> And I think the answer is "UTF-16"
[10:48:03] <CapnKernel> OndraSter: Maybe this will help: http://unicode.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=241&sid=af5e725dcd0776c0e07b508c520bf469#p241
[10:53:32] <specing> OndraSterver: use a normal string and then in the send routine intermix it with unicode prefix
[11:15:52] <OndraSterver> thanks CapnKernel & specing
[11:15:58] <OndraSterver> <specing> OndraSterver: use a normal string and then in the send routine intermix it with unicode prefix
[11:16:07] <OndraSterver> do you mean that seriously? :P
[11:16:45] <OndraSterver> you do know that I am not sending it anywhere, the DMA built into USB controller takes it on its own
[11:16:51] <OndraSterver> :P
[11:19:19] <specing> oh then you're screwd
[11:19:34] <specing> just flash it in, you have 256KB anyway.
[11:19:34] <OndraSterver> or you know
[11:19:37] <OndraSterver> just add "u" to it
[11:19:39] <OndraSterver> yes
[11:19:42] <OndraSterver> err, L
[11:19:47] <OndraSterver> or something
[11:20:15] <OndraSterver> I will have to learn inline asm syntax
[11:20:23] <specing> heh
[11:20:26] <OndraSterver> because the bloody thing wastes CPU cycles on both -Os and -O3
[11:20:27] <OndraSterver> A LOT
[11:20:48] <specing> indeed
[11:21:59] <OndraSterver> http://pastebin.com/JgC5Ms4P
[11:22:02] <OndraSterver> I want to cry
[11:22:03] <OndraSterver> from both
[11:22:20] <OndraSterver> second one: why does it touch R28 and 29 when it uses direct address?
[11:22:30] <OndraSterver> also why it re-loads R25/22/23 again?
[11:22:46] <OndraSterver> :(
[11:22:50] <OndraSterver> I am sad panda because of gcc
[11:22:54] <specing> lol
[11:23:11] <OndraSterver> the first one: just use X and Y
[11:23:18] <OndraSterver> and increment them by 8 or 64
[11:23:20] <OndraSterver> boom, done
[11:23:49] <specing> OndraSterver: asm volatile ("": : "x" (ptr));
[11:24:00] <OndraSterver> hmm
[11:24:01] <OndraSterver> ?
[11:24:02] <specing> should force it into doing so
[11:24:08] <OndraSterver> huh?
[11:24:18] <OndraSterver> oh
[11:24:21] <OndraSterver> I see what you mean
[11:24:25] <OndraSterver> it is not _that_ easy :)
[11:28:41] <OndraSterver> damnit, I need SECOND USB B CABLE
[11:36:22] <nomis> that sounds like an achievement. "SECOND USB B CABLE unlocked"
[11:36:47] <OndraSterver> nomis, stop playing TF2 or Portal or whatever :)
[11:36:51] <Steffanx> The AVR-app
[11:37:26] <nomis> sounds like a great concept for a hackerspace. Clean up the kitchen, get access to more tools :)
[11:37:34] <OndraSterver> :D :D
[11:37:38] <Steffanx> No thanks
[11:40:05] <OndraSterver> clean up my room: get access to more tools
[11:40:08] <OndraSterver> that is not just achievement
[11:40:09] <OndraSterver> that is reality :D
[11:40:15] <nomis> :]
[11:40:30] <OndraSterver> I should check out the mess of wires behidn the table, it could have fallen there
[11:40:35] <OndraSterver> it was like 20cm long USB B cable
[11:40:45] <OndraSterver> just enough to reach from my LCD's USB hub to anything on my tablet
[11:40:46] <OndraSterver> table*
[11:40:56] <OndraSterver> but there might be spiders in the mess! :(
[11:41:51] * nomis sometimes still is looking for a source for *good* USB-Cables. I have a really great 30cm cable (A->mini-B) which is quite handy. I tried to get more of these, but ebay just has quite flimsy ones.
[11:43:15] <OndraSterver> I bought recently A -> microB
[11:43:17] <OndraSterver> and they are great
[11:43:40] <Landon> does monster do USB cables?
[11:43:45] <OndraSterver> lol
[11:43:48] <OndraSterver> would they transfer music better?
[11:43:54] <Landon> give them all the shit you want, they are sturdy
[11:43:59] <OndraSterver> just as special hifi fuses?
[11:48:04] <karlp> OndraSterver: are you actually having performance or code size problems?
[11:48:15] <OndraSterver> I am having a bad feeling about code size
[11:48:28] <OndraSterver> I have got 8kB for BL but with this speed of growth it is going to be a bad
[11:48:29] <karlp> right, but have you run out?
[11:48:32] <OndraSterver> not yet
[11:48:37] <OndraSterver> plus another chip has only 4kB
[11:48:45] <OndraSterver> and I have barely made working clock + few descriptors
[11:48:58] <karlp> so, go and write it all in assembly.
[11:49:05] <karlp> come back in 4 months when you're obsolete.
[11:49:07] <OndraSterver> :D
[12:17:08] <RikusW> Richard_Cavell: IgE was 433.9 max is 100 (IU/ml)
[12:31:10] <OndraSterver>  Bit 4 – SETUP: SETUP Transaction Complete Flag
[12:31:10] <OndraSterver> This flag is set when a SETUP, IN, or OUT transaction has completed successfully. This flag is cleared by writing a one
[12:31:10] <OndraSterver> to its bit location.
[12:31:19] <OndraSterver> okay
[12:31:22] <OndraSterver> so just simple
[12:31:31] <OndraSterver> usb_ram.endpoint[0].STATUS = USB_EP_SETUP_bm;
[12:31:33] <OndraSterver> should do it?
[12:31:40] <OndraSterver> because then it reads ONLY that bit in memory viewer
[12:32:55] * RikusW would rather forget the usb intricacies :-P
[12:33:16] <OndraSterver> heh
[12:33:23] <RikusW> my CDC stack works, so I don't cat too much about it anymore...
[12:33:52] <RikusW> I did a HID descriptor too for a steeringwheel + pedals, it was even more PAINFULL than the CDC....
[12:34:23] <RikusW> the docs are hard to understand until you start to understand it sort of.....
[12:34:38] <RikusW> it was written for insider reference only :-P
[12:35:07] <RikusW> OndraSterver: there is books like USB Complete on the torrents
[12:35:32] <OndraSterver> this is xmega's thingy
[12:35:43] <OndraSterver> also I have just noticed
[12:35:51] <OndraSterver> ooo
[12:35:53] <OndraSterver> I AM DUMB
[12:35:56] <OndraSterver> I know why it happens!
[12:35:57] <OndraSterver> lol
[12:36:03] <OndraSterver> well
[12:36:04] <OndraSterver> maybe
[12:36:22] <OndraSterver> EPPTR should be pointing to the FIFO BEFORE or directly on the beginning of the EP table?
[12:36:24] <RikusW> USB is finicky...
[12:36:37] <RikusW> ask abcminiuser he should know
[12:36:53] * RikusW don't have a usb xmega....
[12:37:28] <OndraSterver> hmm nope EPPTR shows at the beginning of the table
[12:37:31] <OndraSterver> the thing is
[12:37:50] <OndraSterver> the 13/53 from the original STATUS register appear 0x20 bytes after the EP storage
[12:38:48] <OndraSterver> but not always
[12:39:13] <OndraSterver> RikusW, there is no data stage for GET_DESCRIPTOR setup packet, right?
[12:39:54] <RikusW> err, not sure
[12:40:06] <RikusW> don't have the docs close by either...
[12:40:12] <OndraSterver> the bLength is for return data length
[12:40:16] <OndraSterver> says the usb spec
[12:40:21] <RikusW> yes
[12:40:37] <RikusW> examine the working example ;)
[12:40:59] <OndraSterver> well the working example is one big mess
[12:41:07] <OndraSterver> made to work on both xmegas and avr32 I think
[12:41:11] <OndraSterver> and maybe even at91 :D
[12:41:19] <OndraSterver> hmm
[12:41:23] <OndraSterver> wasn't there something about aligning..
[12:41:41] <OndraSterver> The pointer to the endpoint configuration table must be aligned to a 16-bit word; i.e., EPPTR[0] must
[12:41:41] <OndraSterver> be zero.
[12:41:42] <OndraSterver> ...
[12:41:44] <OndraSterver> oh well
[12:41:47] <OndraSterver> happens lol
[12:41:58] <OndraSterver> although it is aligned to zero
[12:43:08] <OndraSterver> nothing in errata
[12:43:19] <OndraSterver> but on A1U in errata there is "alignment on 16 bytes rather 16 bits"
[13:10:50] <basiclaser> guy's I'm having pc trouble can someone run a py script for me and just send me a txt of the output, I'm going mad and have given up trying to run it on my pc. I'm *not* asking for help troubleshooting just want the output now I've wasted all day with people trying to help me run it :P
[13:16:15] <asteve> run some random python script?
[13:16:21] <asteve> pass
[13:16:32] <karlp> curl blah -O- | sudo python ?
[13:16:35] <karlp> what could go wrong?
[13:16:54] <xaxes> RikusW: good evening! we talked about baudrates on my mkI clone.. and I would like to say thank you for your hint to use a 7,3crystal.. now it works :) Thank you!
[13:27:15] <RikusW> xaxes: nice :)
[13:27:37] <xaxes> you say it ^^
[13:28:09] <OndraSterver> yes, the original clone required 7.3something :)
[13:28:15] <OndraSterver> it used to be hard to get
[13:28:18] <OndraSterver> anyway
[13:28:26] <OndraSterver> it seems to be even harder to find the USB B cable :(
[13:28:30] <OndraSterver> in my room
[13:28:54] <RikusW> I have 2x 1.2m ones connected to my PC at home
[13:29:04] <xaxes> have some here :) (bought few years a go a set of old crystals ^^) .. that was a good idea,.. they had external clock sources too, so I was able to rewrite wrong clock fuses ^^
[13:29:16] <RikusW> one for the U2S and the other for the dragon, not useing both much now
[13:29:38] <OndraSterver> I have got one for Dragon
[13:29:45] <OndraSterver> which came with some printer I bought years ago
[13:29:54] <OndraSterver> and then I had one which came with my USB DVD box
[13:29:56] <RikusW> xaxes: just supplying a clock to XT1 will fix that too
[13:29:57] <OndraSterver> which I can not find
[13:30:21] <xaxes> RikusW: a real clock ?( looking at my wall) ^^
[13:30:33] <RikusW> buy a few they are cheap if you buy at the right places, like 1E in the wrong places its like 8E :S
[13:30:50] <xaxes> ouch ^^ but I have a few (enough ;) )
[13:30:50] <OndraSterver> yes, they are like 1.2€ for 1.8m here
[13:31:00] <RikusW> xaxes: a clock generator, even an AVR can be programmed to be a clock source
[13:31:04] <OndraSterver> but I need it now :)
[13:31:19] <xaxes> RikusW: ah, I understand what you mean
[13:35:21] <OndraSterver> WOOO
[13:35:23] <OndraSterver> I HAVE JUST
[13:35:23] <OndraSterver> FOUND
[13:35:24] <OndraSterver> THE USB
[13:35:25] <OndraSterver> CABLE!!
[13:35:26] <OndraSterver> lmao
[13:36:01] <OndraSterver> it was in my cable mess
[13:39:00] * RikusW try not to be too messy :-P
[13:39:13] <RikusW> but cables become a mess anyways....
[13:39:16] <xaxes> mhh.. thunder and flashes.. I have to shutdown my stuff.. bye ;)
[13:39:25] <RikusW> bye
[13:39:35] <OndraSterver> bb
[13:41:00] <OndraSterver> hey
[13:41:05] <OndraSterver> YOU TOOK HALF OF MY NICKNAME!
[13:41:05] <OndraSterver> lol
[13:55:55] * RikusW have a problem :( ----> http://allergies.ygoy.com/2010/04/22/bermuda-grass-allergies-symptoms/
[13:58:01] * RikusW is degrassing the front lawn......
[13:58:10] <RikusW> *debugging ;)
[14:09:32] <specing> THe TI stelaris launchpad ARM for $5 even has a floating point unit
[14:09:40] <specing> 100DMIPS
[14:09:49] * specing wants
[14:09:53] <Steffanx> Get it
[14:14:02] <specing> Steffanx: 8 UARTs, dude
[14:14:17] <Steffanx> And 6 times I2C iirc
[14:14:21] <specing> I could make it a 10Mbit dialup server!
[14:14:37] <Steffanx> ( beats OndraSter's xmega easily :P )
[14:16:04] <OndraSter> :(
[14:16:20] <OndraSter> but
[14:16:20] <OndraSter> ADC
[14:16:21] <OndraSter> DAC
[14:16:24] <OndraSter> ..?
[14:16:49] <specing> IEEE754-compliant single-precision Floating-Point Unit (FPU)
[14:17:02] <specing> 16-bit SIMD vector processing unit
[14:17:26] <specing> It has a 12-bit ADC
[14:17:33] <OndraSter> speed?
[14:17:56] <specing> Hardware division and fast digital-signal-processing orientated multiply accumulate
[14:18:00] <specing> OndraSter: 80MHz
[14:18:04] <specing> 100DMIPS
[14:18:09] <OndraSter> of the ADC
[14:18:11] <Steffanx> :)
[14:18:19] <OndraSter> and DAC
[14:18:23] <asteve> multiply accumulate - daleks
[14:18:31] <specing> Memory protection unit (MPU) to provide a privileged mode for protected operating system
[14:18:35] <specing> functionality
[14:18:43] <specing> Heck one could run linux on it
[14:18:46] <OndraSter> no
[14:18:53] <OndraSter> not regular one
[14:18:58] <OndraSter> maybe uclinux
[14:19:07] <OndraSter> if 32kB RAM is enough
[14:19:14] <Steffanx> You want a mmu specing
[14:19:50] <Steffanx> External s(d)ram OndraSter :)
[14:19:58] <OndraSter> this has EBI?
[14:20:04] <OndraSter> of some kind of SDRAM interface
[14:20:12] <Steffanx> Wouldn't surprised
[14:20:16] <OndraSter> I highly doubt it
[14:20:19] <OndraSter> :P
[14:20:20] <Steffanx> I don't
[14:20:35] <specing> ARM PrimeCell 32-channel configurable uDMA controller
[14:20:35] <OndraSter> did they fix the datasheet with real number of PWMs?
[14:20:37] <OndraSter> (other than 0)
[14:20:50] <asteve> my raspberry pi came in
[14:20:57] <asteve> i need to pick up an sd card and card reader
[14:21:02] <Steffanx> heh
[14:21:05] <asteve> along with a 5v mini usb charger
[14:21:15] <specing> Two 12-bit Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADC) with 12 analog input channels and a sample rate
[14:21:19] <specing> of one million samples/second
[14:21:32] <OndraSter> BOOOORINNNGGG
[14:21:35] <asteve> i'm thinking of building something using a xilinx fpga and the raspi
[14:21:36] <specing> Two analog comparators
[14:21:40] <specing> 16 digital comparators
[14:21:42] <specing> ? On-chip voltage regulator
[14:21:51] <asteve> with an avr uC inside the xilinx
[14:40:19] <skorket> is it possible to do wifi with an avr? Is it possible to do wifi with an avr through USB? Can someone point me to some relevant references?
[14:42:29] <OndraSter> there are wifi cards for arduino..
[14:42:31] <OndraSter> so it is possible
[14:42:57] <OndraSter> OMG, I have added few usart_send to give me some debug hints... but guess what... there are no SETUP packets anymore ?!
[14:46:15] <basiclaser> any idea what sort of hardware/software is used in basic digital watches? If i wanted to make my own unique digital readouts for example..
[14:46:46] <rue_house> find any controller that can direclty drive lcd segments
[14:47:00] <OndraSter> and can run off 32kHz watch crystal
[14:47:05] <OndraSter> and eats few nanoAmps
[14:47:37] <rue_house> I wonder what the Ah rating of a watch abtery is
[14:47:47] <rue_house> CR2032 must be descent
[14:48:36] <rue_house> 225mAh
[14:49:45] <rue_house> continious std current is .2mA
[14:49:53] <rue_house> so 200nA
[14:50:10] <rue_house> http://panasonic.com/industrial/includes/pdf/Panasonic_Lithium_CR2032_CR2330.pdf
[14:50:36] <rue_house> er no
[14:50:39] <rue_house> 200uA
[14:50:47] <OndraSter> 200nA would be.. really small lol
[14:50:50] <OndraSter> damnit
[14:50:52] <OndraSter> bloody FT232
[14:50:59] <OndraSter> breaking USB enumeration again :(
[14:51:21] <rue_house> on what os?
[14:51:37] <OndraSter> windows
[14:51:46] <OndraSter> no new USB devices are recognized
[14:51:53] <OndraSter> which sounds just like if there is error in device enumeration
[14:52:01] <OndraSter> and it is waiting for the one broken device to say something
[14:52:03] <specing> Ah windows problems...
[14:52:05] <OndraSter> :D
[14:52:33] <OndraSter> nice, storm is coming
[14:52:35] <OndraSter> rebootl
[14:52:36] <OndraSter> .
[14:54:18] <rue_house> you oprolly have to delete it from the unknown usb devices list
[14:54:43] <rue_house> in the extra apps of the install cd there used to be some usb diagnosis utils, but I suggest a knoppix cd
[14:59:29] <OndraSter> how would knoppix cd help crappy windows drivers?
[15:00:03] <OndraSter> I should plug it to the USB3 controller to avoid using Intel's USB drivers but rather marvel's or whoever's chipset it is
[16:26:26] <OndraSter> chmpf
[16:26:27] <OndraSter> I receive:
[16:26:28] <OndraSter> setup packet: 80 06 00 01 00 00 40 00
[16:26:49] <OndraSter> endpoints (ep0 = 0in, ep1 = 0out)
[16:26:49] <OndraSter> EP0: 13 43 08 00 A6 21 00 00 => 02 43 08 00 A6 21 00 00
[16:26:49] <OndraSter> EP1: 53 43 12 00 64 21 00 00 => 42 43 12 00 64 21 00 00
[16:27:06] <OndraSter> after => is after doing endpoint.STATUS = USB_EP_BUSNACK0_bm
[16:27:13] <OndraSter> even though the bit #2 should be cleared
[16:27:22] <OndraSter> instead bits 0x11 are cleared?!
[16:50:38] <skorket> is it bad practice to tie an input pin directly to 5v or ground?
[16:51:15] <OndraSter> as long as you don't make it an output..
[16:53:10] <skorket> hmm, what about the interim between when the chip 'reboots' and you set your line to input? Is it better to have some small resistor there as a buffer for those scenarios?
[16:54:31] <Kevin`> skorket: I would. it's an input by default though
[16:54:47] <skorket> I see
[16:55:03] <OndraSter> yes
[16:55:06] <OndraSter> and during reset it is in HiZ
[16:55:31] <Kevin`> except isp and jtag and similar pins
[16:55:43] <Kevin`> why are you tying an input pin to a rail?
[16:56:28] <skorket> um, I thought it was needed for an ADC conversion for a continuity test, but in retrospect I don't need it
[16:56:32] <skorket> more of a general question
[16:56:49] <skorket> I do it sometimes, tie input to the +5V rail or the ground to get a 0 or 1 logic level
[17:01:50] <Casper> skorket: on avr, you are not required to do so, you could simply set the pin to output in code
[17:02:02] <Casper> or tie to VCC or GND
[17:02:17] <Casper> but if you tie it, beware that a software bug could destroy the IC
[17:10:51] <bakers> OndraSter: you here man?
[17:15:48] <OndraSter> no
[17:16:00] <OndraSter> I am trying to figure out why TRNCOMPL flag is being set and firing up the interrupt
[17:16:05] <OndraSter> I ack it
[17:16:09] <OndraSter> and that's it
[17:16:14] <OndraSter> it is raised again immediatily
[17:17:02] <OndraSter> hmm
[17:17:05] <OndraSter> this is weird
[17:17:22] <OndraSter> now I have added \0 at the end of the debug string that is sent to serial and it doesn't do anymore
[17:17:38] <OndraSter> yet on other strings there doesn't have to be \0
[17:17:40] <OndraSter> on the end ?!
[17:26:31] <bakers> OndraSter: What's TRNCOMPL
[17:26:39] <OndraSter> transaction complete
[17:26:55] <OndraSter> I think I know where the bug comes from
[17:27:05] <OndraSter> because gcc pads the data
[17:27:17] <OndraSter> so if there is odd number of bytes, it adds one \0
[17:27:28] <OndraSter> and so far almost all my strings were odd
[17:27:30] <OndraSter> their length
[17:31:40] <OndraSter> huhm
[17:31:43] <OndraSter> recompiled - does again?!
[17:31:44] <OndraSter> wtf
[17:48:13] <OndraSter> I have lagged that poor dragon+atmel studio :(
[17:48:20] <OndraSter> I should go back to blinkey!
[17:56:04] <OndraSter> hmm hmm
[17:56:23] <OndraSter> clearing UNF flag on IN endpoint which is probably not ready is NOT a good idea! lol
[18:35:54] <OndraSter> I need a Dean lol
[18:57:55] <Tom_itx> !seen abcminiuser
[18:57:56] <tobbor> abcminiuser was last seen in #avr on Sep 02 02:09 2012
[18:58:21] <Roklobsta> he must be frlocking in the northern sun
[18:58:28] <Roklobsta> or frolicking
[18:58:35] <OndraSter> on what? :P
[18:58:43] <OndraSter> we had sun here only today and yesterday in the past 2 weeks or so
[18:59:00] <Roklobsta> no sun today
[18:59:14] <OndraSter> you are not here...
[18:59:21] <OndraSter> :P
[18:59:44] <Roklobsta> i am sitting in a carpark at a beach looking for whales actually. sun would make them easier to see.
[19:00:03] <Tom_itx> are they gonna walk up to your car?
[19:00:07] <Roklobsta> they were here last week
[19:00:16] <Roklobsta> frolcking and flippering
[19:00:27] <Tom_itx> and killing baby seals?
[19:00:35] <Roklobsta> no
[19:00:46] <Roklobsta> on irc and looking for whales. werido.
[19:02:25] <OndraSter> you know what bugs me about any wires?
[19:02:28] <OndraSter> that they are not wireless.
[19:02:41] <OndraSter> I get an idea what I could try but I am too lazy to get up, walk to the PC and connect it again
[19:03:23] <Roklobsta> i bet even the whales have wireless tags on them
[19:04:01] <w|zzy> Its all good. abcminiuser will be here more often soon! Bring on winter
[19:04:59] <Roklobsta> yeah coz hs door will be frozen shut
[19:05:03] <Roklobsta> until april
[19:06:05] <Roklobsta> no whales today. pah.
[19:08:15] <GuShH_> theBear: what's "electronex show" ?? you should head over there and punch dave for me
[19:08:46] <GuShH_> a die you asshole punch, not a how's it going buddy punch!
[19:09:43] <OndraSter> lol why?
[19:10:10] <GuShH_> because hes not worth the plane ticket for me to go
[19:10:23] <GuShH_> even if punching him would be priceless!
[19:10:45] <OndraSter> lol
[19:10:47] <OndraSter> I mean
[19:10:50] <OndraSter> why would you punch him?
[19:10:56] <OndraSter> u jelly? :P
[19:11:30] <GuShH_> nope
[19:11:42] <GuShH_> There are people I like and people I don't like, why is it hard to understand? :(
[19:12:02] <OndraSter> why would you not like Dave? :D
[19:12:26] <GuShH_> He's the definition of idiocy
[19:12:54] <GuShH_> A guy willing to talk shit about his nation's industry just for personal gain is a guy you'd like?
[19:13:08] <OndraSter> I have got no idea what you just said :D
[19:13:18] <OndraSter> <GuShH_> A guy willing to talk shit about his nation's industry
[19:13:34] <GuShH_> Then I know him better than you do.
[19:13:45] <OndraSter> I don't know him, I just watch videos
[19:13:59] <GuShH_> Do you even know who he is? the guy used to do monkey work tying fpgas to secondary modules that he didn't even design, he was the cable boy! - Hes been giving you bread crumbs that you could've picked up from any 60 year old book.
[19:14:20] <GuShH_> in far less time than it would take you to watch all his crap
[19:14:34] <GuShH_> Biased prick.
[19:14:36] <OndraSter> yes, some of his videos are awfuly long for no reason
[19:14:40] <OndraSter> (well, all of them)
[19:14:58] <GuShH_> Because hes got egoistic tendencies.
[19:15:01] <GuShH_> serious ones.
[19:15:06] <OndraSter> heh
[19:15:09] <OndraSter> what about Mike?
[19:15:11] <GuShH_> And hes just not a good teacher, since his ego gets in the way.
[19:15:24] <GuShH_> Mike goes down to the point and doesn't fool around with bullshit at least.
[19:15:27] <GuShH_> And hes a real engineer.
[19:15:29] <OndraSter> yep
[19:15:34] <OndraSter> his teardowns are awesome
[19:15:50] <GuShH_> The guy cares about the engineering aspect, not just me-money-me-money-me
[19:16:39] <GuShH_> Not exactly a fan though, but goes to show I don't hate -everyone- for no good reason pft.
[19:16:43] * GuShH_ blinks at theBear
[19:17:57] <OndraSter> ARRRRRRRRGH bloody flash. One wants to watch video - in IE with flash it runs about 10 FPS on my laptop. In Opera with HTML5 video player it runs about 30FPS or whatever and then suddenly drops to 0.02FPS.
[19:18:11] <OndraSter> I used to watch videos on flash just fine.
[19:18:15] <OndraSter> BLOODY TECHNOLOGY
[19:26:34] <GuShH_> OndraSter: blame the newmedia programmers fresh out of school
[19:26:53] <OndraSter> I sometimes wonder how we, humans, could have survived for so long
[19:26:54] <GuShH_> "oh so everyone has at least 4GB of ram these days? and how many GBs free in disk?? LETS USE IT ALL"
[19:27:01] <OndraSter> my laptop has 4GB RAM
[19:27:05] <OndraSter> it is the CPU that is the problem
[19:27:10] <OndraSter> 2GHz dualcore AMD Turion.
[19:27:12] <GuShH_> "and let's not bother with writing proper code, let's our managed gods do it all for us"
[19:28:19] <GuShH_> your average furry is also your average C#, ASP, JAVA coder: http://gushh.net/furryfox.jpg
[19:28:52] <GuShH_> should I even mention PHP?
[19:29:06] <GuShH_> I haven't seen as many clusterfucks in any other language so far.
[19:29:17] <GuShH_> They take the cake!!
[19:29:24] <GuShH_> Followed by ActionScript bois.
[19:29:34] <GuShH_> And naturally, Java.
[19:29:47] <OndraSter> PHP is the best language.
[19:29:53] <OndraSter> no other language allows you to make so many fuckups!
[19:30:05] <OndraSter> don't touch my C#
[19:30:14] <GuShH_> It's not just the language, those who use it are to be blamed for all the crap they put out
[19:30:27] <GuShH_> .NET is for scared boys
[19:30:58] <OndraSter> do you have something comparable to .NET?
[19:31:10] <OndraSter> .NET is fast for development and fast when running really
[19:31:17] <OndraSter> Java is much worse
[19:31:20] <OndraSter> Much much worse
[19:31:49] <GuShH_> Java is for the weak.
[19:32:10] * GuShH_ turned his bias dial up to 11 just then
[19:33:27] <GuShH_> OndraSter: have you ever used a Java application that made you go "this is neat!"
[19:33:45] <GuShH_> My experiences are mostly "why the hell is this piece of shit using so many resources to do so little?"
[19:33:56] <GuShH_> and "WHY IS THE RUNTIME SO MASSIVE"
[19:34:08] <GuShH_> All from the end-user point of view.
[19:34:35] <OndraSter> I am staying away from java as possible
[19:35:41] <OndraSter> have you heard about Microsoft Singularity project?
[19:38:12] <OndraSter> also about Xamarin
[19:38:21] <OndraSter> when they wrote Java->C# "translator"
[19:38:25] <OndraSter> and translated android to .NET
[19:38:38] <OndraSter> and on many places it is significantly faster on Mono than in the Dalvik LOL
[19:38:49] <OndraSter> that reminds me...
[19:38:49] <OndraSter> http://www.harbaum.org/till/nanovm/index.shtml
[19:38:50] <OndraSter> :( :(
[19:41:02] <OndraSter> there are more even
[19:41:49] <OndraSter> I am off
[19:41:50] <OndraSter> bb