#avr | Logs for 2012-09-06

[00:09:08] <w|zzy> Internet
[00:50:07] <Essobi> w|zzy: I see what you did thar.
[01:00:25] <w|zzy> essobi I know the avr32 datasheets have a 'how to setup as slave' diagram
[01:02:05] <Essobi> w|zzy: already on it. Thanks. :D
[01:34:29] <Essobi> w|zzy: boooyaa - RPI talking I2C to a bare 328P. now to whip the slave/master software
[01:35:23] <budved> Sorry to ask again, but I must be making an absolutely basic electronics mistake here. My circuit looks like this (schematic): http://i.imgur.com/8wvIS.png and I can't figure out why the LED will always stay on if both the atmega328p AND MAX232 are BOTH connected to the circuit, as shown in the diagram. But if one of them are disconnected, the LED stays off unless I press a button on my remote and the IR receiver gets some data, which causes
[01:35:24] <budved> the LED to light up accordingly like it should. The desired behaviour is that both the atmega328p and MAX232 are connected to the circuit, AND the LED is off until some data is received by the IR Receiver. Sorry for the spam, thanks in advance
[01:43:24] <Essobi> budved: What's the pin1/2/3 header in the middle?
[01:43:53] <budved> oh whoops, forgot to label that
[01:43:54] <budved> that's the IR receiver
[01:44:17] <Essobi> Hmm.. Is the power sagging when both is hooked up?
[01:44:22] <budved> TSOP4038 Infrared Receiver
[01:44:39] <budved> sorry, I'm pretty new, where do I measure from to see if its sagging, just the VCC / ground going into the breadboard?
[01:45:01] <Essobi> yup
[01:45:20] <Essobi> or at a chip
[01:45:23] <Essobi> doesn't matter really
[01:45:32] <Essobi> just want to see if you're giving it enough amps.
[01:45:37] <Essobi> RikusW: what's cracking? :D
[01:46:14] <Essobi> RikusW: I'm programming my bare 328Ps from my raspberry pi in AVRdude. :DDDD
[01:47:02] <budved> no voltage drop :(
[01:47:07] <budved> you were thinking it was shorting?
[01:47:39] <RikusW> Hi Essobi
[01:47:44] <Essobi> dunz0r: Yea.. was.
[01:47:48] <RikusW> using the RPi as programmer ?!
[01:48:00] <Essobi> RikusW: YEP. :D :D
[01:48:04] <RikusW> how ?
[01:48:08] <Essobi> GPIO.
[01:48:14] <RikusW> and what sw ?
[01:48:24] <Essobi> A patched up AVRdude.
[01:48:28] <dunz0r> Essobi, Hm?
[01:48:29] <RikusW> your patch ?
[01:48:37] <Essobi> RikusW: No sir.
[01:48:43] <dunz0r> Oh. Just tabfail :(
[01:49:00] <Essobi> RikusW: But I got it working on my lil bare 328p. No arduino. :D
[01:49:12] <RikusW> Essobi: I'm on a 4MBit line now :-|D
[01:49:22] <RikusW> only temporarily though.....
[01:49:31] <RikusW> nice
[01:49:33] <Essobi> RikusW: Now to figure out SPI master/slave mode so I can use the same lines I program with to talk to the AVR.
[01:50:05] <RikusW> you'll probably use the RPi as master
[01:50:18] <Essobi> That should work, no?
[01:50:30] <Essobi> I'm sticking a raspberry in a gutted one of these... http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/wi-voip/7960.jpg
[01:50:30] <RikusW> there is a bit to change to slave mode, and remember /SS
[01:51:06] <RikusW> and using the LCD ?
[01:51:08] <Essobi> Need to hack out the LCD interface, but I'm prototyping a board to use the buttons.
[01:51:29] <RikusW> phone abuse !! ;)
[01:51:36] <Essobi> :D
[01:51:51] <Essobi> Then... I'm going to load up a softphone on the RPI, and a PBX.
[01:51:58] <Essobi> PBX in a phone.
[01:52:07] <Essobi> :D
[01:52:38] <budved> oh man that's cool
[01:52:48] <budved> gotta drop that off outside some company's door
[01:52:52] <Essobi> Or an incognito on-site penetration device.
[01:53:07] <Essobi> You got it. Go go red team.
[01:53:07] <RikusW> oooh
[01:53:18] <Essobi> :D
[01:53:25] <RikusW> a new kind of phreaking :-P
[01:53:26] <Essobi> "I'm here to fix your phone mam."
[01:53:28] <Essobi> :D
[01:53:46] <RikusW> of phreaking phishing
[01:53:49] <Essobi> RikusW: I swear i should write a bluebox trunk for freeswitch. :D
[01:53:53] <budved> we'll call it
[01:53:53] <Essobi> That'd be awesome.
[01:53:55] <budved> phrucking
[01:54:17] <RikusW> does blueboxes still work ?
[01:54:34] <Essobi> Naw... I hear there's some in a few 3rd worlds still.
[01:54:58] <Essobi> Last INWATTS that was known to operate was a little LEC in rural indiana back in the early 90s.
[01:55:18] <Essobi> In the USA anyways.
[01:55:55] <Essobi> Speaking of blue boxing... I'll probably see kevin mitnick in a few weeks.
[01:56:13] <Essobi> He was at DerbyCon last year. It was hella fun.
[01:56:55] <Essobi> Oh yep. He's on the speaking schedule.
[01:56:56] <Essobi> http://www.derbycon.com/schedule/
[02:02:55] <Essobi> Daherp.. That's SPI not i2c.
[02:08:02] * RikusW is wondering if mitnick is still forbidden to use a computer ?...
[02:09:39] <Essobi> Hah.. no.
[02:09:51] <Essobi> He runs a security consulting business now.
[02:11:09] <Essobi> He probably still can whistle ICBM launch codes.
[02:11:12] <Essobi> ;)
[02:12:18] <w|zzy> what a time that would have been to live in.
[02:16:56] <Essobi> I was.
[02:19:51] <RikusW> http://www.atmel.com/Images/novice.pdf for newbies
[02:20:33] <RikusW> well if there is one guy that will know how to secure a network its him
[02:20:41] <Essobi> ;D
[02:20:54] <Essobi> I want to do redteam.
[02:21:02] <Essobi> It looks SO much more fun.
[02:21:04] <Essobi> *sigh*
[02:24:26] <budved> hmmm
[02:24:47] <budved> so i'm not sure why, but i connected a resistor between VCC and the MAX232's VCC pin
[02:24:52] <budved> and the LED has settled down
[02:25:12] <budved> but why is that...
[02:25:35] <budved> i guess it's just masking the problem really
[02:28:02] <Essobi> wl
[02:28:08] <Essobi> *shrug*
[02:28:14] <Essobi> I'm no EE.. I do this for fun. :D
[02:28:20] <budved> haha it's okay :)
[02:28:27] <budved> me too!
[05:50:36] <OndraSterver> so, I have checked local post again
[05:50:45] <OndraSterver> and it seems that itnernational shipping will be cheaper than local shipping lol
[05:50:49] <OndraSterver> if it is <100g
[05:51:05] <OndraSterver> if it is 100 - 249g it will be nearly the same
[05:51:16] <OndraSterver> (that is for economical, priority mail is a bit more expensive)
[06:03:15] <OndraSterver> I don't have any digital scale that would go in such low steps
[06:03:20] <OndraSterver> .. yet
[06:06:23] <OndraSterver> actually
[06:06:28] <OndraSterver> for the int'l shipping
[06:06:49] <OndraSterver> I might grab more expensive option (about those 5€ as I am using right now), because the cheaper one is withotu any guarantees or any tracking or whatever
[06:40:19] <mitsakos> hello, i read some digital values from an accelerometer using AVR. Is there any formula to stabilize these values i read? For example i get 39 or 40 for the same accelerometer position. The variation is +-1
[06:43:36] <OndraSterver> read it few times
[06:43:37] <OndraSterver> and average it
[06:44:07] <Richard_Cavell> Does anyone know a graphics chip like they used to have with the old 8-bit computers that will work with AVR 8bit?
[06:44:15] <Richard_Cavell> Especially something that requires no external RAM
[06:48:55] <jacekowski> Richard_Cavell: well, probably same chips they used with old 8bit computers
[06:49:07] <jacekowski> Richard_Cavell: iirc, jerri done something with that kind of stuff
[06:50:47] <jadew> mitsakos, there's a beautiful thing called oversampling and decimation
[06:51:00] <jadew> that noise you're getting is actually good for you
[06:51:26] <jadew> sample 4 times and divide by 2 and you'll get 1 more bit of resolution
[06:51:51] <OndraSterver> Richard_Cavell, old ISA GPU card? :)
[06:52:01] <Richard_Cavell> yeah, maybe
[06:52:12] <Richard_Cavell> there's gotta be something similar
[06:52:18] <OndraSterver> yes, old ISA GPU card
[06:52:20] <OndraSterver> it has VGA out
[06:52:22] <OndraSterver> onboard memory
[06:52:25] <OndraSterver> just feed it data
[06:53:24] <OndraSterver> they are either 8bit data (the oldest ones) or 16bit data (the "newer" ones)
[06:53:44] <OndraSterver> and either 20bit address or 24 bit address - but you need like 4 bits of address on these things only I think
[06:53:54] <OndraSterver> http://www.tinyvga.com/avr-isa-vga
[06:54:34] <Richard_Cavell> I think even that's a little too complex
[06:54:38] <Richard_Cavell> I'm talking about the old school video display
[06:54:39] <Richard_Cavell> s
[06:55:18] <OndraSterver> huh?
[06:56:56] <Richard_Cavell> I mean like what they had on the Commodore 64
[06:57:11] <Richard_Cavell> I don't need 3D polygons, I just want to be able to display text
[06:57:28] <Richard_Cavell> Communicate with the people of Earth through something other than LEDs
[06:57:44] <jadew> Richard_Cavell, old isa cards didn't have 3d polygons either
[06:58:48] <Richard_Cavell> still requires software drivers etc
[06:58:59] <Richard_Cavell> I want to just peek and poke the data into a framebuffer
[06:59:00] <jadew> the 3d polygons were calculated in software back then and rendered directly in the video memery
[06:59:01] <OndraSterver> so does the "simple gpu"
[06:59:17] <jadew> which was a section of memory mapped to the card's memory (IIRC)
[06:59:21] <OndraSterver> if you want something easy then you can use 4x20 display
[06:59:32] <OndraSterver> with HD44780
[06:59:59] <Richard_Cavell> No, come on, surely they still sell something comparable to what the 8-bit computers ahd
[07:00:02] <Richard_Cavell> had back in the day
[07:00:14] <OndraSterver> do you want to hook it up to TV?
[07:00:25] <jadew> Richard_Cavell, the comodore and hc where outputting a tv signal
[07:00:39] <jadew> well, the comodore I know had its own tv
[07:00:46] <jadew> but it was still a tv I think
[07:00:57] <OndraSterver> surely
[07:01:38] <OndraSterver> check this
[07:01:38] <OndraSterver> http://www.freeinfosociety.com/electronics/schemview.php?id=2405
[07:01:40] <OndraSterver> full NES schematics
[07:01:46] <jadew> I'm kinda proud I had the chance to use those PCs :)
[07:02:05] <OndraSterver> I was too young
[07:02:13] <OndraSterver> but my cousin had an NES
[07:02:23] <jadew> I had a NES clone lol
[07:02:33] <jadew> how old are you?
[07:02:59] <OndraSterver> 19
[07:03:08] <jadew> yeah, you were too young
[07:03:16] <OndraSterver> yep
[07:03:21] <OndraSterver> I started on 386 or 486
[07:03:24] <OndraSterver> or whatever we had
[07:03:31] <OndraSterver> with transport tycoon :P
[07:04:05] <Richard_Cavell> OndraSterver: Those schematics are nice, but where do I get the chips?
[07:04:11] <jadew> yeah, you didn't get the chance to experience casete tape storage :D
[07:04:17] <Richard_Cavell> They used to manufacture them by the hundred thousand
[07:04:25] <OndraSterver> Richard_Cavell, I ment to say by that that it requires a bit of electronics
[07:04:27] <jadew> and copying games with a casete player
[07:04:30] <OndraSterver> lol jadew
[07:04:39] <OndraSterver> I had atari 800xe here, but I didn't have use for it.. so I sold it
[07:04:54] <OndraSterver> it was working, had casette player for it and one joystick as well
[07:05:21] <OndraSterver> I doubt the casette player was used at all, it was in original box and it looked like brand new
[07:05:29] <jadew> nice, should have kept it
[07:05:29] <OndraSterver> I sold it for a lot lol
[07:05:35] <OndraSterver> like I said, I had no use for it
[07:05:42] <OndraSterver> it was just taking space here
[07:07:54] <jadew> I'm still holding on to my 486sx, it was my first PC after the HC
[07:08:02] <jadew> till then I was only using them in clubs
[07:08:35] <jadew> PCs were kinda expensive back then
[07:08:38] <jadew> or we were poor
[07:08:40] <OndraSterver> yep
[07:08:49] <OndraSterver> we had 386 and then pentium I
[07:09:01] <OndraSterver> I still have the 386 board here with the 80MB HDD
[07:09:04] <OndraSterver> it is 3.5" but thick as two
[07:09:14] <OndraSterver> last time I tried it still worked
[07:09:18] <OndraSterver> the disk
[07:09:21] <OndraSterver> the motherboard did not
[07:09:31] <OndraSterver> I have got here 486 dx2 with 32MB RAM though :)
[07:09:32] <jadew> mine is still in working condition
[07:09:42] <jadew> 100Mb scsi hdd
[07:09:45] <OndraSterver> heh
[07:10:07] <jadew> and 16mb of ram (I upgraded from 8)
[07:21:27] <OndraSterver> aand I am off
[07:21:28] <OndraSterver> bb
[07:21:35] <jadew> see ya
[09:59:01] * phantoxe is now away: gone
[09:59:35] * phantoxe is now away: gone
[10:06:33] * phantoxe is back from: gone (been away for 6m)
[10:35:58] <jdiez> hello, I just bought a usbasp programmer; it doesn't seem to work, and the d1 led dims when I connect vcc and gnd to the target chip.
[10:35:59] <jdiez> halp.
[10:40:07] <jdiez> basically, is there any way I can run diagnostics on the usbasp and ensure it's working properly? also, it's this kind: http://www.jyetech.com/Products/073/e073.php
[10:40:16] <Essobi> :D
[10:41:26] <Corwin> jdiez, have you connected it to pc?
[10:42:03] <jdiez> yep
[10:42:12] <Corwin> is it detected as usb device?
[10:42:17] <specing> phantoxe is using bitchX
[10:42:27] <jdiez> yes, it recognises it as a usbasp
[10:42:39] <jdiez> but I can't even use the self prg jumper
[10:42:41] <Essobi> specing: O_o
[10:42:51] <specing> Essobi: ?
[10:43:54] <Essobi> specing: Oh.. didn't see why you were commenting on what irc client he was using... just looked up and saw the /away.
[10:44:27] <specing> yep
[10:44:46] <phantoxe> wtf
[10:44:48] <specing> bitchX is the only client retarded enaugh to have this enabled by default
[10:45:09] <specing> True story.
[10:45:14] <phantoxe> I've found a great way of waking up freenode
[10:45:25] <phantoxe> it's just an away message *away*
[10:46:09] <phantoxe> not a single shitty channel missed the away message
[10:50:25] <Essobi> Heh.
[10:50:51] <Essobi> specing: I used to <3 bitchX.
[10:51:10] <jdiez> so, can anyone give me a hand with my usbasp¿
[10:51:13] <jdiez> ?*
[10:52:46] <Essobi> jdiez: I bit bang my interfaces. Sorry..
[11:39:02] <OndraSterver> oh hello there Corwin
[11:46:14] <Corwin> hm?
[11:49:23] <karlp> he wants your moneh
[11:49:33] <Corwin> too bad, i dont have any
[11:50:02] <Corwin> only about $4 on my account
[11:50:29] <Steffanx> I can help you make it 4.01$ Corwin :P
[11:54:06] <Corwin> unless you make it 401 dollars, im not interested :P
[11:57:09] <en0> I am trying to use an arduino as a ISP. i am unsure of what programmer to identify from avrdude. would anyone know? thanks.
[11:57:44] <Corwin> en0, depends on what sketch you used on arduino
[11:57:59] <OndraSterver> Corwin, are you a student?
[11:58:08] <Corwin> OndraSterver, no
[11:58:10] <Corwin> should i?
[11:58:13] <OndraSterver> are you married?
[11:58:37] <Corwin> eh, why so currious?
[11:58:44] <en0> ArduinoISP version 04m3
[11:58:44] <OndraSterver> <Corwin> too bad, i dont have any
[11:58:51] <OndraSterver> only students and married men are allowed to have no money
[11:58:53] <en0> Corwin: ArduinoISP version 04m3
[11:58:54] <Corwin> OndraSterver, :D
[12:00:00] <OndraSterver> Corwin, http://clip2net.com/page/m12051/33599393
[12:00:37] <Corwin> OndraSterver, wtf? so big box for such small board?
[12:02:10] <OndraSterver> I said it last night
[12:02:13] <OndraSterver> it is not that big box
[12:02:21] <OndraSterver> czech post allows 14x9cm as minimum
[12:02:36] <OndraSterver> these are 16x10 I think
[12:02:46] <mitsakos> In SPI Slave mode is there any other way than SS pin to seperate bytes? If i disable SPI and i enable it the time i know that a byte will come will it work?
[12:03:41] <Corwin> OndraSterver, still way too big for shipping small board... whats wrong with bubble wrap? :)
[12:03:43] <OndraSterver> also I wouldn't send it in bubblewrapped envelope even if it didn't have soldered headers - I would have no confirmation or RMA possibility. Once I sent RAM in bubblewrapped envelope and it never reached the target address. ONCE
[12:03:58] <OndraSterver> and with soldered headers it is >2cm in height :P
[12:04:35] <OndraSterver> mitsakos, will you enable it fast enough?
[12:04:39] <OndraSterver> also what is wrong on SS pin?
[12:06:44] <Corwin> OndraSterver, you can get receipt (with tracking number) even for bubblewrap envelopes
[12:07:22] <mitsakos> the master third party device hasn't an SS pin output for the slave. The proble is that when a byte comes i can't catch it. I'm looking for a way like changing the SS pin state in software or reseting the SPI
[12:07:55] <mitsakos> in order to reset the bit counter so it can read the incoming bytes
[12:08:08] <Corwin> mitsakos, you are doing SPI in software?
[12:08:50] <mitsakos> now what i see in logic analyzer is a byte which comes and after AVR receives it it sends it back what means that it hasn't read it am i right? If you a byte come at the SPDR and you don't read it it send back
[12:09:06] <mitsakos> no for now i'm using AVR's SPI
[12:09:26] <mitsakos> it looks to work for transmission
[12:09:43] <OndraSterver> Corwin, the only available envelope with tracking and confirmation is this http://www.ceskaposta.cz/cz/sluzby/psani/cr/cenne-psani-id553/
[12:09:50] <OndraSterver> and they want you to use special envelopes from them
[12:10:26] <Corwin> http://www.ceskaposta.cz/cz/sluzby/psani/cr/doporucena-zasilka-id222/ , Stvrzení podání Ano
[12:10:44] <Corwin> no need for special envelopes
[12:12:15] <OndraSterver> oh I have missed that one
[12:12:20] <Corwin> well... it depends on how expensive stuff you are sending.... maybe you right
[12:12:40] <OndraSterver> I prefer bigger box
[12:12:51] <OndraSterver> more space if they cut through it
[12:12:55] <OndraSterver> .. as it has happened to me as well
[12:12:59] <OndraSterver> also once it was completely wetted
[12:13:09] <OndraSterver> (when they cut it they put stickers POST over all the holes LOL)
[12:13:18] <Corwin> :D
[12:13:40] <mitsakos> is there anyway to reset SPI by software?
[12:14:20] <OndraSterver> the difference between envelope and my package is <1€
[12:14:27] <OndraSterver> yet I can include much more
[12:14:30] <OndraSterver> (USB cable for example)
[12:14:47] <Corwin> i use pur foam to stuff bigger box :)
[12:15:22] <OndraSterver> and again - the envelope is just thinner, the width & depth are bigger (for common bubblewrapped envelopes)
[12:15:26] <OndraSterver> IMHO it is worth it
[12:16:23] <OndraSterver> and for international this http://www.ceskaposta.cz/cz/sluzby/psani/zahranici/doporucena-zasilka-do-zahranici-id235/
[12:17:16] <Corwin> btw... why there are no QR codes on it? allmost all china sellers use it to make the stickers use "cooler" :)
[12:19:02] <OndraSterver> :D
[12:19:18] <OndraSterver> I don't have 200 producs
[12:19:19] <OndraSterver> products
[12:19:41] <Corwin> who cares how many products you have?
[12:20:14] <Corwin> btw, does your boards have serial numbers?
[12:23:56] <OndraSterver> no
[12:24:03] <Corwin> :(
[12:40:04] <OndraSterver> also Corwin http://myxboard.net/beginning.html
[12:42:13] <karlp> dude, hold the reset button and also wire a pin to ground? to use the bootloader?
[12:42:14] <Corwin> java is required for FLIP only, right ?
[12:42:16] <karlp> that's a bit complicated
[12:42:37] <OndraSterver> karlp, well the bootloader needs to know to stay in BL
[12:42:45] <OndraSterver> and yes, java requires FLIP
[12:42:47] <OndraSterver> err, the other way around
[12:43:03] <OndraSterver> for now I am using stock atmel BL
[12:47:44] <Corwin> OndraSterver, anyway... which boards are available?
[12:47:50] <OndraSterver> coco
[12:48:28] <Corwin> hmm
[13:41:58] <Essobi> Anyone played with AVR SPI slaves recently?
[13:52:20] <mbertens> i have serial routines interrupt driven, but when i control some port (PORTA and PORTC) i got some gargoyled characters in my serial stream, anyone knowns how to prevent this ?
[13:56:41] <RikusW> fix the bug in your code ;)
[13:57:15] <OndraSterver> I do wonder, what happens when you modify PORT register for tx pin?
[13:57:18] <Essobi> :D
[13:57:19] <OndraSterver> will it screw the transmit?
[13:58:21] <RikusW> OndraSterver: I think the uart registers overide it
[13:58:35] <OndraSterver> I remember seeing in datasheet something like that, yes
[13:58:40] <OndraSterver> but has anyone ACTUALLY tried it? :D
[13:59:06] <RikusW> http://isohunt.com/torrent_details/401495605/everyday+practical+electronics+2012?tab=summary
[13:59:22] <RikusW> maybe can't remember
[13:59:38] <RikusW> nice cap reformer in that mag
[13:59:53] <RikusW> and sonic cleaner
[14:11:01] <mbertens> all very smart remarks, but thats all it is first the uart is on a seperate port/pins (its a m640)
[14:16:17] <RikusW> mbertens: is it the characters from or to the AVR that gets corrupted ?
[15:01:54] <OndraSterver> <Essobi> Anyone played with AVR SPI slaves recently?
[15:01:57] <OndraSterver> yes, we enjoy BDSM
[15:06:40] <OndraSterver> why are these headers so expensive? :(
[15:06:41] <OndraSterver> http://cz.mouser.com/ProductDetail/3M-Electronic-Solutions-Division/929850-01-09-RB/?qs=sGAEpiMZZMtsLRyDR9nM12iB%2fJha0Jy%2f6vR8NLtskxo%3d
[18:37:09] <jadew> how often have you guys encountered bugs?
[18:37:13] <jadew> hardware bugs
[18:37:34] <jadew> I'm wondering what are the chances I hit one
[18:38:32] <Erlkoenig> that's very unlikely with modern AVR chips. the very old ones had some known bugs
[18:39:00] <jadew> then it must be the code gcc generates
[18:39:04] <Erlkoenig> most likely your code is broken, or have some circuit problem, unstable voltage source or something
[18:39:13] <jadew> I've been pulling my hair out for the last two hours
[18:39:22] <Erlkoenig> also somewhat unlikely, although possible
[18:39:23] <Erlkoenig> show the code...
[18:39:34] <jadew> it's too big, too complex
[18:39:38] <jadew> even the bug is hard to explain
[18:39:46] <jadew> thing is I basically took out most of the code
[18:39:57] <jadew> and the little shit still refused to work
[18:40:05] <jadew> now it magically works again
[18:40:20] <jadew> I just added something completely unrelated
[18:40:25] <jadew> there are no overflows
[18:41:56] <Erlkoenig> there are lots of possible error sources...
[18:42:05] <jadew> what basically happens is that a variable remains in a state specific state, while a timer gets turned off
[18:42:12] <jadew> the timer turns itself off (from the isr)
[18:42:20] <jadew> and ONLY when that variable is in a specific state
[18:42:29] <Erlkoenig> (forgot volatile? :D )
[18:42:34] <jadew> nope
[18:42:39] <jadew> they're all volatile
[18:43:00] <jadew> however, somehow it manages to stop itself with that variable in the weird state
[18:43:21] <Erlkoenig> forgot cli/sei around multibyte accesses?
[18:43:30] <Erlkoenig> e.g. around "int" access
[18:43:38] <jadew> now, there's another ISR that starts the timer, but only when the variable is in the state in which the timer would stop itself
[18:43:46] <Erlkoenig> well, show the code
[18:43:54] <Erlkoenig> the shortest code possible that doesn't work
[18:44:13] <jadew> ok, give me a sec to start commenting stuff out
[18:45:34] <Erlkoenig> yeah, and provide comments about what it should do and what it does instead
[18:46:02] <jadew> oh, I forgot to mention, it doesn't die on the first go :)
[18:46:15] <jadew> it only dies if certian events happen really fast
[18:46:34] <Erlkoenig> sounds like problems with interrupts. they like messing stuff up
[18:49:19] <w|zzy> You aren't compiling with optimisaitons?
[18:49:26] <jadew> I am
[18:51:39] <jadew> ffs, it's not crashing anymore
[19:02:54] <OndraSterver> Britis humour ftw
[19:02:54] <OndraSterver> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIpMQoRYabA&feature=relmfu
[19:02:55] <OndraSterver> lmao
[19:25:10] <Fleck> OndraSterver http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UfMJJAzvbI
[19:29:13] <jadew> made it work, don't know how
[19:29:22] <jadew> I just rewrote a part of it
[19:31:03] <Erlkoenig> the error will return.... :P
[19:31:19] <jadew> hope not :)
[19:32:25] <jadew> I failed my goal anyway
[19:35:48] <jadew> if it's possible to make a full duplex async USART in software, that works properly... well, I can't do it
[19:37:16] <jadew> I suppose it would work if you'd give up on interrupts, but then it would be useless
[19:38:45] <OndraSterver> Fleck, creepy
[19:38:50] <OndraSterver> I just also threw out spider from my bed
[19:38:57] <Fleck> ;p
[19:39:08] <OndraSterver> I have arachnophobia or whatever
[19:39:10] <OndraSterver> I hate them
[19:39:22] <OndraSterver> I have to use really thick piece of cloth and threw them in that out
[19:49:57] <Erlkoenig> wat... spiders are nice, they eat mosquitos and fly's and moths and bugs
[19:50:47] <Erlkoenig> @OndraSterver
[19:51:46] <jadew> I opened that, watched it, clicked a few more "related videos" and ended up here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tVqVo9tbys&feature=related
[19:51:48] <jadew> NSFW
[19:53:22] <Essobi> that's like saying, "CLICK ME! CLICK ME!!"
[19:54:14] <jadew> well, you don't have to click it if you don't want to :P
[19:54:37] <jadew> it's good stuff tho
[19:55:26] <OndraSterver> Erlkoenig, but I hate them :X
[19:55:30] <OndraSterver> they have more legs than me
[19:55:32] <OndraSterver> more eyes than me
[19:56:23] <Erlkoenig> more eyes to see mosquitos, more legs to painfully kill mosquitos
[20:01:53] <OndraSterver> more eyes to see me
[20:01:56] <OndraSterver> more legs to annoy me
[20:02:00] <OndraSterver> and run away from me
[20:02:04] <OndraSterver> anyway I am off
[20:02:05] <OndraSterver> bb
[20:22:04] <Richard_Cavell> Hi, guys. My STK600 and accessories have just arrived
[20:22:09] <Richard_Cavell> As well as my oscilloscope
[20:22:16] <Richard_Cavell> Guess I'll be learning how to use them for the rest of the year
[20:36:56] <Casper> oscope is a nice thing
[20:37:32] <Casper> just beware, the probe ground is often connected to the wall ground, which is bound to the neutral... so beware of the hot when doing live mesurements
[20:53:22] <Kevin`> Richard_Cavell: what oscope did you get?
[21:07:20] <SuperMiguel> what is CPU_RXD and CPU_TXD for??
[21:08:51] <Erlkoenig> UART?
[21:09:52] <SuperMiguel> Erlkoenig, can i use it for something else??
[21:09:58] <SuperMiguel> like serial com??
[21:10:31] <Erlkoenig> erm. UART is a unit designed for serial communication. the AVR's UART, e.g., are compatible with the RS-232 standard
[21:10:44] <Erlkoenig> when connected to an external voltage shifter
[21:11:32] <SuperMiguel> well what i meant was
[21:12:02] <Essobi> SPI slave code anyone?
[21:12:18] <SuperMiguel> This is what im looking at: http://support.robotis.com/en/images/product/auxdevice/controller/cm700_connector.bmp
[21:12:23] <Erlkoenig> Essobi: Datasheet
[21:12:32] <Erlkoenig> bmp image oO
[21:12:39] <SuperMiguel> Erlkoenig, im using PD2, PD3 to do some serial TX/RX
[21:13:08] <SuperMiguel> but not sure if i can use PE0/PE1 for the same thing, not sure what the CPU part was doing there
[21:13:21] <SuperMiguel> like if it was doing some CPU fixed communication
[21:13:43] <Erlkoenig> well check the schematic wether that pin is connected to something else than the AVR?
[21:14:00] <Erlkoenig> if not, do whatever you want?
[21:14:10] <Essobi> Maybe I should just write a loopback.
[21:15:16] <SuperMiguel> Erlkoenig, it is connected to a MAX3443E
[21:15:51] <Erlkoenig> so, you can do serial communication over a RS-485 line
[21:16:36] <SuperMiguel> Erlkoenig, umm
[21:18:19] <SuperMiguel> Erlkoenig, so i can do what ever with it?
[21:18:56] <Erlkoenig> probably. i guess the MAX344E doesn't care about weird input signals
[21:19:25] <Erlkoenig> oh wait you can't use the RXD line as an output probably
[21:19:39] <Erlkoenig> because that might interfere with the MAX344E's output
[21:19:46] <SuperMiguel> why do they call it CPU_Rx? instead of just rx?
[21:20:11] <SuperMiguel> like the other RX pin is named RXD_LINK
[21:20:24] <Erlkoenig> nobody knows...
[21:20:57] <SuperMiguel> but they are =?
[21:22:01] <Erlkoenig> i don't know the device and the schematics...
[21:57:10] <Richard_Cavell> Casper: What do you mean by that? Are you saying I can electrocute myself?
[21:57:10] <Richard_Cavell> I
[21:57:16] <Richard_Cavell> I have a Rigol DS1520E
[21:57:56] <Kevin`> Richard_Cavell: you could, but the most likely result would be damage to the scope probe or internals
[22:41:43] <Casper> Richard_Cavell: no, but you can short the circuit you work on
[22:41:50] <Casper> if it's non-main isolated
[23:16:14] <Essobi> So... if I use SPI slave on an AVR. After I receive a packet, I'm supposed to send a packet, right?
[23:59:01] <Casper> Who here use seeeeed? is the pcb of good quality? what about the reject rate?