#avr | Logs for 2012-08-15

[01:09:59] <grosso> hello
[01:10:19] <grosso> can i ask a question?
[01:10:44] <R0b0t1> yes
[01:10:48] <R0b0t1> you don't need to ask to ask
[01:11:25] <grosso> is there any way to control timer operation from an external signal?
[01:11:53] <grosso> in hardware
[01:11:59] <R0b0t1> No. You can write your program to modify the timer control registers based on input but the process will always need software intervention.
[01:13:12] <grosso> i'm trying to do a serial IR transmitter
[01:14:55] <grosso> i see this scheme: serial TX is routed to a AND gate, in the other pin we send a 38KHz generated from a timer
[01:15:07] <grosso> (sorry for my bad english)
[01:15:38] <rue_bed> uh, the menu bar in xchat dissapeared, anyone here able to tell me the shortcut to get it back?
[01:15:42] <grosso> i'm wondering if the AND gate can be emulated by the AVR itself
[01:19:13] <rue_bed> ctrl-f9
[01:19:21] <rue_bed> grosso, yes
[01:19:37] <rue_bed> you can even use pin change interrupts to make it happen as fast as can be
[01:20:34] <grosso> i'm wondering if using pin interrupt will not disturb serial transmition?
[01:22:05] <grosso> i go to try it
[01:22:12] <grosso> thank you very much
[03:10:31] <grosso> it worked!
[05:18:13] <OndraSter> ... must... make... this http://www.behance.net/gallery/SandTime-Watch/197269
[05:19:21] <Essobi> hehe
[05:20:09] <specing> Why not just buy sand instead? It doesen't require batteries...
[05:21:25] <OndraSter> but it can't be switched to numbers
[06:05:51] <OndraSter> !seen abcminiuser
[06:05:51] <tobbor> abcminiuser was last seen in #avr on Jul 31 10:58 2012
[06:05:54] <OndraSter> !seen abcminiuser_
[06:05:54] <tobbor> abcminiuser_ was last seen in #avr on Jul 31 10:46 2012
[06:05:57] <OndraSter> hmmm
[06:06:02] <OndraSter> has he been drinking again
[06:15:42] <Essobi> Heh
[08:17:51] <RikusW> http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=1926692
[08:21:18] <Essobi> RikusW: heh
[08:23:52] <RikusW> sound like the time I messed around in Pick Basic on a live database.....
[08:24:08] <RikusW> there were some fireworks....
[08:25:37] <RikusW> though my bosses were happy with me solving the user management problem, the DB company were NOT
[08:26:38] <RikusW> basically I found a way of detecting disconnected users, since there was only a limited number of licences this was a big issue
[08:26:53] <RikusW> so then I knew who to logout
[08:30:09] <Essobi> RikusW: you tell the db folks to eat it? I would have.
[08:35:48] <RikusW> I couldn't really... the supplied the financial sw on top of the db
[08:36:11] <RikusW> but I still managed to easily gain shell access....
[08:37:03] <RikusW> there was on special way to get in, a certain command on the menu chained to an app, which if missing went to the shell...
[08:37:07] <RikusW> and it was missing
[08:37:14] <RikusW> so they fixed that
[08:37:39] <RikusW> then I replaced it with an app checking my username and dropping only to the shell if it was me :-D
[08:37:52] <RikusW> so to them it would appear to still be "fixed"
[08:38:15] <Essobi> Haha
[08:38:17] <Essobi> :)
[08:38:26] <Essobi> Takes me back to 1994.
[08:38:35] <RikusW> when I started to work there all users had admin priviliges.....
[08:38:51] <RikusW> and blank passwords
[08:39:09] <Essobi> login to mutt/pine only shell... change the path to the print spooler to /bin/sh... hit print. :D
[08:39:37] <RikusW> those people were seriously screwed up they changed the concept of username and password around the wrong way for their fin sw....
[08:39:52] <Essobi> heh
[08:39:55] <Essobi> yea
[08:39:58] <Essobi> makes me cringes
[08:40:00] <Essobi> cringe
[08:40:05] <Essobi> I'm a security officer
[08:40:19] <RikusW> they said a users "password" cannot be changed besides recreating the entire account...
[08:40:25] <RikusW> I proved them wrong....
[08:40:27] <Essobi> O_o
[08:40:28] <Essobi> hehe
[08:40:42] <OndraSter> lol
[08:40:48] <RikusW> just wrote a small pick basic app to duplicate the record in the db
[08:59:31] <RikusW> http://eli.thegreenplace.net/2012/08/13/how-statically-linked-programs-run-on-linux/
[09:05:32] <vanquish> hey
[09:05:37] <vanquish> is atmel.com down for anybody else?
[09:05:51] <Landon> looks like it
[09:06:15] <GuShH> lots of sites down today
[09:06:18] <jacekowski> http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/atmel.com
[09:06:27] <jacekowski> It's not just you! http://atmel.com looks down from here.
[09:08:40] <vanquish> hrm
[09:08:43] <vanquish> lots of sites?
[09:10:09] <vanquish> seems like a dns problem
[09:11:58] <specing> refresh wars anyone?
[09:12:25] <GuShH> ...
[09:12:38] <RikusW> dos maybe ?
[09:12:44] <specing> DDOS!
[09:14:49] * GuShH DDoSes RikusW's phone
[09:15:24] * GuShH stares at RikusW as his pants catch on fire
[09:17:17] * RikusW have a firewall in place, can't set me on fire :-P
[09:17:43] <Essobi> :D
[09:17:51] * RikusW installs DOS on GuShH's pc....
[09:17:58] <Essobi> haha
[09:18:01] <GuShH> lol
[09:18:25] <specing> RikusW: We could still remove ya off the 'net :P
[09:18:29] <GuShH> sir, your firewall was constructed with regular bricks, it shall explode in 5 seconds.
[09:18:41] <specing> What is your pipe now RikusW ? 4K?
[09:19:43] <RikusW> 115200bps
[09:19:54] <Essobi> hehe
[09:20:02] <RikusW> actually a bit slower
[09:20:21] <RikusW> 9KB/s
[09:20:27] <RikusW> if I'm lucky
[09:20:31] * GuShH clogs RikusW's pipe with a chunk of salami
[09:20:52] <specing> let's see what an ICMP flood can do to RikusW ...
[09:21:00] <GuShH> >_<
[09:21:11] * RikusW gives the salami to hackkitten
[09:21:20] <GuShH> why would hack
[09:21:27] <GuShH> err shes not around or my tab completion failed.
[09:21:31] <GuShH> well, why would she want it
[09:21:42] <RikusW> she is on ##electronics ;)
[09:21:55] <RikusW> cats like meat..
[09:21:55] <GuShH> I'm not there and this is #avr!
[09:22:06] <GuShH> salami is hardly meat anymore.
[09:22:09] <Essobi> lulz
[09:22:17] <specing> :D
[09:22:20] <RikusW> tell that to the cats
[09:22:46] * GuShH chokes RikusW with a longcat scarf
[09:23:18] <RikusW> whats that ?
[09:23:21] <specing> Hey, RikusW is still coming through... guess a ping flood can't do much...
[09:23:33] <specing> 5286 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 82721ms
[09:23:37] <specing> right.
[09:23:41] <GuShH> lol
[09:24:02] <specing> I set them to 1400 bytes ;P
[09:24:05] <RikusW> specing: My ISP blocks pings :-D
[09:24:06] <GuShH> a friend used to attempt to DOS websites and would end up DOSing himself
[09:24:08] <specing> Grrr
[09:24:31] <GuShH> fun times...
[09:24:35] <OndraSter> DOS?
[09:24:43] <GuShH> denial of service
[09:24:44] <OndraSter> DDoS? :)
[09:24:49] <OndraSter> or just himself
[09:24:49] <RikusW> denial of service
[09:24:51] <GuShH> no, not distributed.
[09:24:55] <GuShH> just one peer.
[09:24:59] <OndraSter> ohh
[09:25:10] <GuShH> his router wasn't up for the task.
[09:25:12] <OndraSter> heh
[09:25:19] <specing> Wait, I have an idea... I'll netcat /dev/zero to a random port there
[09:25:38] * RikusW feels quite safe behing the ping blocking firewall :)
[09:25:48] <GuShH> this is starting to sound like a cheap tv series
[09:25:59] <specing> :D
[09:26:02] <OndraSter> I feel quite safe behind 2 NATs :)
[09:26:04] <OndraSter> NAT inside NAT
[09:26:06] <OndraSter> NATception!
[09:26:13] <specing> NATception!
[09:26:15] <GuShH> "let's overflow his flux capacitor with a double rainbow query"
[09:26:30] <OndraSter> specing, too late
[09:26:49] <specing> OndraSter: Yo dawg, I see you like NATs so I put a NAT inside a NAT"
[09:26:51] <RikusW> sounds like this has become the new ##electronics channel ;)
[09:27:49] <GuShH> I don't see any naked retards though
[09:27:53] <GuShH> so, not yet.
[09:28:02] <OndraSter> naked retards
[09:28:07] <OndraSter> uhm
[09:28:39] <GuShH> how do you pronounce "specing" ?
[09:28:50] * RikusW streaks through #avr :-D
[09:29:26] <Kevin`_> yo dawg, I hear you hate nats so I advertised internet service and gave you nat instead ;p
[09:29:48] <OndraSter> "specin'"
[09:29:51] <OndraSter> this way
[09:29:52] <GuShH> yo dawg, i herd u got late to da party so we put a party in yo party.
[09:29:54] <OndraSter> (or at least I would)
[09:30:31] <specing> 0.o netcat lagged me out
[09:33:14] <specing> dstat shows 150MB sent 0.o
[09:33:25] <specing> I wonder where that went...
[09:33:58] <OndraSter> 150MB
[09:34:05] <OndraSter> that is 1/4th of my monthly FUP on my phone
[09:34:06] <RikusW> to my ISP ?
[09:35:24] <OndraSter> on the other hand I often do few gigabytes (if I am lucky few tens of gigabytes) on my computer and server together ... per day
[09:35:51] * RikusW can only dream about that... :-/
[09:36:02] <OndraSter> you know, regular 40min TV shows are 1.0something GB :P
[09:36:04] <OndraSter> 720p
[09:36:17] <OndraSter> there used to be days twhen there was 3 shows in a single day!
[09:36:29] <RikusW> I'm used to the 350MB ones or the 120MB h264 ones
[09:36:47] <OndraSter> yayyy tomorrow = Futurama!
[09:37:01] <RikusW> anyways the hidef ones crash my i845 pc when in XP and just don't work on Linux
[09:37:05] <OndraSter> it now sucks, only Warehouse 13 and Futurama :)
[09:37:12] <OndraSter> heh
[09:37:20] * RikusW have WH13 s1,2,3 :)
[09:37:23] <OndraSter> OOOH and Robot Chicken starts in 2 months!
[09:37:27] <OndraSter> err
[09:37:28] <OndraSter> 2 weeks
[09:37:44] <OndraSter> and new red dwarf next month
[09:37:53] <OndraSter> and then it ALL starts again =)
[09:38:04] <OndraSter> HIMYM, South Park, Big Bang, Fringe, American Dad, Dexter, Family Guy and The Simspons
[09:38:12] * RikusW wants Dexter S7
[09:38:17] <OndraSter> :D
[09:38:23] <RikusW> is there Fringe S4 ?!
[09:38:24] <OndraSter> 30th Sep
[09:38:33] <OndraSter> Fringe S05 already starts on Sept 28
[09:38:50] <OndraSter> so yes, there is Fringe S04
[09:39:05] <RikusW> oh well I'm behind then, not finished watching S3 even, and dont even have S4
[09:39:57] <OndraSter> it sucks mate
[09:41:45] <jacekowski> i've got S4
[09:41:53] <OndraSter> I will soon have S4 Pro!
[09:41:54] <OndraSter> in my phone
[09:42:00] <jacekowski> i may have to redownload it in 720p though
[09:42:14] <jacekowski> Flashforward is nice as well
[09:42:30] <OndraSter> :)
[09:42:33] <OndraSter> only 1 series happening
[09:42:39] <OndraSter> and in V it was 2 series I think only
[09:42:42] <OndraSter> with tragic end
[09:42:52] <OndraSter> (one of the few TV shows that ends really tragically = which I love)
[09:43:00] <jacekowski> Stargate
[09:43:42] <OndraSter> seen all
[09:43:50] <OndraSter> but SGU was... well :/
[09:44:01] <OndraSter> I enjoyed Zelenka in SGA
[09:44:01] <OndraSter> mostly when he spoke in Czech :D
[09:44:04] <Kevin`_> stargate has new episodes? I thought all the shows were out of productino
[09:44:07] * RikusW finally got some more SG1 s3,4,5,6
[09:44:13] <OndraSter> once he even said something like "I give up. I can't do this with these actors anymore!"
[09:44:14] <RikusW> and part of 7,8
[09:44:33] <jacekowski> well, first half of second season wasn't the best
[09:44:46] <jacekowski> but second half was much better
[09:45:55] <jacekowski> Kevin`_: there is stargate infinity from 2002 that you probably haven't seen
[09:46:06] <OndraSter> o_O
[09:46:15] <OndraSter> animated
[09:46:16] <OndraSter> ..
[09:46:28] <jacekowski> so?
[09:46:29] <OndraSter> no O'Neill
[09:46:31] <OndraSter> no Carter
[09:46:33] <OndraSter> screw that
[09:46:38] <RikusW> and many books related to SG
[09:47:13] <RikusW> I actually have the very first SG movie
[09:47:28] <karlp> did sg universe ever finish?
[09:47:39] <RikusW> O'Neill was played by a different actor back then
[09:48:04] <OndraSter> yes
[09:48:20] <Kevin`_> jacekowski: I was aware that existed, but I forget what it was called and indeed have never seen it
[09:48:23] <jacekowski> and few movies
[09:48:24] <OndraSter> Russell
[09:48:25] <OndraSter> I think
[09:48:35] <jacekowski> i've got 128GB of stargate series
[09:49:01] <jacekowski> and then there is
[09:49:01] <jacekowski> Stargate.Continuum.2008.STV.DVDRiP.XviD-DvF
[09:49:01] <jacekowski> Stargate.The.Ark.Of.Truth.2008.Proper.DVDRIP.XVID-iGNiTE
[09:49:21] <jacekowski> + first movie from 1994
[09:49:56] <OndraSter> also there is Mac Gyver :D
[09:49:58] <jacekowski> OndraSter: talking about Carter - there is Sanctuary with here
[09:49:59] <OndraSter> MacGyver
[09:50:01] <jacekowski> her*
[09:50:02] <OndraSter> I know
[09:50:07] <OndraSter> I've seen Sanctuary :)
[09:50:17] <jacekowski> sanctuary is canceled as well
[09:50:22] <OndraSter> ay
[09:50:50] <RikusW> jacekowski: I have all 3 movies :)
[09:51:30] <GuShH> I'm glad they cancelled that crap, it ran long enough.
[09:51:31] <jacekowski> there was meant to be another movie
[09:51:35] <jacekowski> GuShH: DIE
[09:51:38] <GuShH> it was shit.
[09:51:45] <GuShH> you just watched it because of the stargate gal.
[09:51:46] <jacekowski> GuShH: you should leave this planet and die
[09:51:47] <RikusW> its was not...
[09:52:00] <GuShH> it was a piece of shit of a show.
[09:52:08] <OndraSter> yes, Amanda is "Tapping"
[09:52:08] <RikusW> lets send him to the blackhole gate ;)
[09:52:08] <OndraSter> lol
[09:52:26] <GuShH> RikusW: No thanks, also leave your mom alone.
[09:52:30] <OndraSter> and as much as she is old she looks great
[09:52:36] <GuShH> old?
[09:52:40] <OndraSter> over 50
[09:52:58] <OndraSter> I lied
[09:52:59] <OndraSter> 47
[09:54:30] <GuShH> jacekowski: people like you are known to have started holocausts.
[09:55:02] <GuShH> learn to accept the fact that not everyone thinks like you do and that you may be holding onto the short straw.
[09:55:22] <Richard_Cavell> What's that rule about when an Internet conversation mentions Hitler?
[09:55:35] <GuShH> I didn't, you assumed it was Hitler.
[09:55:39] <GuShH> Other holocausts have happened.
[09:55:47] <GuShH> Much worse in scale, with christians for example.
[09:55:55] <GuShH> You are just an uneducated idiot for assuming Hitler.
[09:56:19] <GuShH> And to the scale of other massacres it was a pebble.
[09:57:21] <jacekowski> Richard_Cavell: goodwin's law
[09:57:42] <jacekowski> Stargate.Continuum.2008.STV.DVDRiP.XviD-DvF
[09:57:42] <jacekowski> Stargate.The.Ark.Of.Truth.2008.Proper.DVDRIP.XVID-iGNiTE
[09:57:44] <GuShH> They'll always play victim, even when no ones talking about them.
[09:57:44] <jacekowski> ehh
[09:57:49] <jacekowski> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin's_law
[09:57:53] <GuShH> If you are such a fan of it, why are you ripping them off
[09:58:01] <GuShH> Buy the movies / series.
[09:58:21] <OndraSter> not happening here
[09:58:31] <GuShH> ...
[09:58:41] <OndraSter> they just do not like selling movies here :P
[09:58:45] <OndraSter> no online distribution available
[09:59:14] <GuShH> Learn to use your legs
[09:59:26] <OndraSter> no offline distribution available either
[09:59:28] <GuShH> Perhaps you'll be able to see the sun for the first time as well
[09:59:32] <jacekowski> GuShH: i did
[09:59:33] <GuShH> Do you live in a hole?
[09:59:38] <OndraSter> I live in the CZE
[09:59:54] <Kevin`_> have someone in another country buy it, decrypt it, change the region code, encrypt it, and give it to you
[10:00:00] <Kevin`_> although that's still illegal =p
[10:00:01] <OndraSter> yeah
[10:00:05] <OndraSter> or just download it
[10:00:07] <jacekowski> GuShH: i've got DVDs with stargate and downloaded it
[10:00:17] <jacekowski> mainly because downloading is faster
[10:00:46] * GuShH steps on jacekowski's glasses
[10:01:10] <Kevin`_> the real correct answer is "just accept that the company doesn't want to sell to you"
[10:01:25] <OndraSter> that's what I keep telling myself
[10:01:32] <OndraSter> they want to charge me over $1 per song? ARE THEY KIDDING ME
[10:01:40] <GuShH> Or as any American would suggest "why don't you just move"
[10:01:46] <OndraSter> just go to youtube => done
[10:01:51] <GuShH> They all seem to live in motorhomes.
[10:02:02] <OndraSter> old czech movies (from 80s and 90s) are on youtube as wel
[10:02:03] <OndraSter> well
[10:02:10] <GuShH> who would want to watch them
[10:02:15] <OndraSter> and actually they are much better than nowadays american stuff
[10:02:23] <OndraSter> better jokes
[10:02:29] <GuShH> american stuff is just comprised of remakes.
[10:02:41] <GuShH> they've run out of ideas and are idly remaking it all hoping to stay alive.
[10:03:04] <GuShH> the idea is that the new generations haven't seen the movies they are remaking.
[10:03:20] <OndraSter> Total Recall?
[10:03:27] <specing> yeah, old movies are awesome :D
[10:03:54] <GuShH> total fail.
[10:04:13] <GuShH> OndraSter: oh and the whole superhero bullshit movies are not stretching it?
[10:04:20] <OndraSter> humour that is not based on farting, killing or dying
[10:04:34] <OndraSter> I was never into stuff like Flash, Superman, ..
[10:04:37] <OndraSter> batman
[10:04:38] <OndraSter> xman
[10:04:41] <GuShH> This fall... Aquaman meets Robin. <love scene>
[10:04:44] <specing> randomman
[10:04:51] <GuShH> two birds with one stone right there.
[10:05:15] <specing> the new star treks are also rubbish
[10:05:28] <GuShH> as are new games?
[10:05:53] <specing> I abandoned windows 10 years ago
[10:06:01] <GuShH> I think we just got too old for this stuff.
[10:06:08] * RikusW too :)
[10:06:09] <specing> Im 19.
[10:06:10] <GuShH> you could be playing on xbox or psp
[10:06:15] <GuShH> ps3 I mean.
[10:06:25] <specing> What would I buy that crap for?
[10:06:30] * GuShH shrugs
[10:06:36] <GuShH> to reflow it?
[10:06:46] <GuShH> because it's clear whoever is in charge of these products is a clueless cunt
[10:06:53] <specing> I'd only be wasting my time on it
[10:07:00] <GuShH> as you are right now
[10:07:17] * GuShH pokes specing's belly
[10:07:19] <specing> What?
[10:07:49] <specing> What makes me clueless?
[10:07:59] <GuShH> You?
[10:08:06] <GuShH> I said whoever was in charge of those gaming consoles is.
[10:08:12] <specing> < GuShH> as you are right now
[10:08:16] <GuShH> Are you unware of their multiple problems
[10:08:20] <GuShH> yes you are wasting your time.
[10:08:22] <GuShH> IRC.
[10:08:44] <specing> I consider IRC time as socialising
[10:08:55] <GuShH> with weird ass people
[10:09:04] <specing> that is another thing I stopped doing 10 years ago
[10:09:05] <GuShH> At least it's not as bad as facebook though.
[10:10:02] * GuShH kicks Landon's head right through his screen
[10:10:07] <GuShH> Indeed.
[10:10:31] <RikusW> so this is what happens when #avr people gets bored.......
[10:10:32] * GuShH hopes it wasn't a plasma screen or his eyeballs will light up
[10:11:03] <Essobi> hehe
[10:11:15] <GuShH> This is what happens when anyone gets bored on IRC.
[10:11:17] <specing> I think GuShH somehow escaped ##electronics
[10:11:23] <GuShH> lol
[10:11:32] <GuShH> I'll have you know it's a dump and not because of me.
[10:13:01] <RikusW> a
[10:13:08] <GuShH> e
[10:13:43] * specing kicks GuShH back to ##electronics
[10:14:04] <GuShH> specing: Why don't you bring the channel back to topic?
[10:14:15] <GuShH> You are part of the "problem" otherwise.
[10:14:23] <GuShH> If not the biggest part.
[10:14:36] <specing> me??!
[10:14:52] <specing> It was you who started this nonsense in the first place!
[10:14:56] <theBear> days like this irc isn't any better than facebook
[10:14:58] <GuShH> niet
[10:15:50] <GuShH> I wouldn't know, I've never been to facebook other than their dev site.
[10:16:21] <theBear> i haven't even been there and i still know
[10:23:13] <GuShH> theBear: hows the toe
[10:23:59] <theBear> painful, not broken
[10:24:16] <theBear> trackball needs work
[12:08:39] <r2k> hi, im a bit mystified, maybe someone could help me out here
[12:08:53] <r2k> wrote a simple c program and compiled it with avr-gcc
[12:09:00] <r2k> winavr really
[12:09:02] <r2k> anyway
[12:09:13] <r2k> end result is
[12:09:20] <r2k> interrupt table is undefined
[12:09:43] <r2k> and functions in .hex are random order
[12:10:03] <r2k> so that main() does not run when mcu starts
[12:10:11] <r2k> instead some other random function runs
[12:10:39] <r2k> and the mcu never gets to main()
[12:11:09] <r2k> there should atleast be jmp main at 0x00000000 right?
[12:14:55] <r2k> fuuuuuu
[12:15:13] <r2k> some bloody bastard bad put a -nostartfiles flag into makefile
[12:15:48] <Kevin`_> r2k: there's setup code for c that runs before main
[12:16:04] <Kevin`_> although obviously you have other problems :)
[12:16:17] <r2k> mhmh yeah i see that from assembly problem is it doesnt run main after it has run
[12:16:35] <r2k> cleared the nostartfiles flag but it still doesnt seem to work
[12:16:45] <r2k> atleast now i have an interrupt table
[12:17:13] <Kevin`_> bbl
[12:43:29] <OndraSter_> aaand the display is gutted out and the phone still works! :D
[12:43:34] <OndraSter_> I love the display
[12:43:39] <OndraSter_> power off = still shows the last thing ;D
[12:43:58] <Corwin> e-ink display ?
[12:44:08] <OndraSter_> yep
[12:44:10] <OndraSter_> motorola f3 :)
[12:44:14] <OndraSter_> 89 CZK with shipping :D
[12:44:21] <OndraSter_> no battery and no back cover
[12:46:24] <Corwin> SPI interface?
[12:46:28] <OndraSter_> yep
[12:46:35] <OndraSter_> there is almost full datasheet available on the internet for the phone :
[12:46:37] <OndraSter_> :)
[12:47:04] <OndraSter_> I'd love to track the JTAG for the ARM processor that sits inside, but it is some TI-Motorola made just for this phone :(
[12:47:11] <OndraSter_> and use it
[12:47:15] <OndraSter_> but that is not happening
[12:52:39] <Corwin> hmm... that display looks nice.... no idea what to use it for
[12:52:51] <OndraSter_> neither have I any ideas yet
[12:52:56] <OndraSter_> but for that price I couldn't pass it :)
[12:52:59] <Corwin> :D
[12:54:16] <Corwin> that why i have two dragons, 2 arduino boards, avr db101, avr butterfly, ..... no idea why
[12:56:31] <OndraSter_> :)
[12:56:49] <OndraSter_> I have ordered TI Launchpad
[12:56:54] <OndraSter_> $4.30 incl. shipping
[12:56:59] <OndraSter_> directly from TI's website
[12:57:03] <OndraSter_> free shipping ftw :D
[12:57:15] <Corwin> i had those too.... sold them two days after i got them
[12:57:53] <OndraSter_> why?
[12:58:49] <Corwin> no real use for them... it dont even have real uart/usb
[13:04:08] <Corwin> http://hackaday.com/2011/07/08/chibimo-an-avr-based-usb-display/ ... too bad i dont have x86 win xp anymore
[13:04:09] <megal0maniac> OndraSter_: What do you plan on using them for? Just a cheap Arduino sort of thing?
[13:07:43] <Corwin> OndraSter, do you have any website with interesting stuff on it?
[13:08:19] <OndraSter> as in mine?
[13:08:33] <Corwin> yes, yours website
[13:08:47] <OndraSter> well my homepage is dying on error 500
[13:08:54] <OndraSter> and in the future will be working http://myxboard.net
[13:09:06] <OndraSter> (only home/boards/compare works)
[13:09:13] <Corwin> why 500 ?
[13:09:23] <OndraSter> because I simply copied it from old hosting
[13:09:32] <OndraSter> I don't have any stuff there
[13:09:36] <OndraSter> beats me why 500
[13:09:43] <OndraSter> pipni freehosting :D
[13:09:48] <Corwin> lol
[13:10:00] <Corwin> "pipni" explains all
[13:10:16] <OndraSter> I don't need my homepage anytime soon, nor there was anything useful so I didn't bother
[13:10:22] <OndraSter> hell I haven't even uploaded database backup
[13:10:33] <Corwin> so no X boards any time soon too ?
[13:10:44] <OndraSter> actually XBoard coco should be ready very soon
[13:10:51] <OndraSter> the boards should have been here already damnit
[13:17:12] <megal0maniac> Ooh! Coco looks nice
[13:17:27] <megal0maniac> Pity I'm so friggin far away from everything :/
[13:19:01] <megal0maniac> Been looking for something a little more powerful than the mega328
[13:20:06] * megal0maniac would like to give OndraSter his money
[13:21:07] <OndraSter> :)
[13:21:13] <OndraSter> for now only coco will be available
[13:21:31] <OndraSter> mini can be done fairly quickly
[13:21:34] <OndraSter> but Ultra will take time
[13:24:15] <megal0maniac> Coco exceeds my needs at the moment, but for the price, wouldn't make sense for me to get Mini
[13:24:49] <megal0maniac> By 2x16, do you mean two 16bit ports? (i.e. 32 channels)
[13:25:12] <OndraSter> datasheet says 16 channels and two hardware ADCs
[13:25:24] <OndraSter> aka two ports, each has its own ADC
[13:26:49] <megal0maniac> Ah, okay. AFAIK, the channels are multiplexed. When do you expect to start selling?
[13:27:01] <OndraSter> no idea yet
[13:27:04] <OndraSter> btw are you US or EU based?
[13:27:09] <megal0maniac> Neither
[13:27:14] <megal0maniac> South Africa
[13:27:18] <OndraSter> ah
[13:27:19] <megal0maniac> Hence my previous comment
[13:27:29] <OndraSter> I thought that rikusW was the one from the south :)
[13:27:45] <megal0maniac> Somebody's said that before (could've been you)
[13:27:58] <OndraSter> :D
[13:28:00] <megal0maniac> So it's probably both of us
[13:28:09] <OndraSter> or you are the same person :D
[13:28:13] <megal0maniac> I'm not here that often :)
[13:28:41] <megal0maniac> I wouldn't even mind an initial revision (potentially still with errors)
[13:29:58] <Corwin> hmm... South Africa... about 5 euro for shiping
[13:30:01] <Corwin> not bad
[13:30:24] <megal0maniac> http://www.reworld.eu/re/en/products/x3dil/
[13:30:39] <OndraSter> the boards are REALLY small
[13:31:41] <Corwin> btw, 20euro for Coco board, just pcb or completed board ?
[13:31:46] <Corwin> OndraSter ^
[13:31:52] <OndraSter> completed
[13:32:04] <OndraSter> the price will be confirmed, but it should be around that price
[13:32:09] <OndraSter> for now I will be them hand assembling manually here
[13:32:31] <megal0maniac> What the heck?
[13:32:39] <megal0maniac> Can't access atmel.com
[13:32:49] <OndraSter> in the past few days atmel.com is working half a day only :)
[13:32:54] <OndraSter> 5 mins works, 5 mins doesn't
[13:33:04] <Corwin> hmm.... i want photo of completed board (too see how good you are at assembling)... but i see 500czk waiting to transfer to your account OndraSter :)
[13:33:26] <megal0maniac> Likewise. Smaller and cheaper than the x3dil
[13:34:07] <OndraSter> heh disassembled 29€ assembled 30€
[13:34:11] <megal0maniac> (Except 200zar)
[13:34:57] <Corwin> If you have any questions regarding XBoard, you can send them to ???? @ ????.??? e-mail.
[13:35:02] <Corwin> ^ nice email address OndraSter
[13:38:58] <OndraSter_> <Corwin> If you have any questions regarding XBoard, you can send them to ???? @ ????.??? e-mail.
[13:39:00] <OndraSter_> <OndraSter> still in progress :D
[13:39:01] <OndraSter_> * Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).
[13:39:04] <OndraSter_> bloody internet
[13:39:21] <Corwin> :D
[13:46:37] <Corwin> ok, time to go learn some basic electronics :)
[13:47:07] <Corwin> need to know practical difference between 125khz and 134.2khz antenna for RFID :)
[13:47:17] <DanyO83> Corwin: lookup you local Hackerspace, see if they have electronics workshops or classes
[13:47:32] <Corwin> not in this country
[13:47:39] <megal0maniac> Mine neither
[13:47:51] <megal0maniac> Corwin: Where are you?
[13:47:56] <OndraSter_> there is hackerspace in Prague
[13:48:09] <Corwin> prague is 100kilometers far away
[13:48:27] <Corwin> too far compared to importance of this project :)
[13:50:20] <Corwin> well i think i will get 125khz one and see if that works on 134.2khz too first :)
[13:51:04] <megal0maniac> The two seem to fall into the same category. But I seriously doubt that one will work with the other
[13:51:28] <megal0maniac> (Not the antenna, but the system)
[13:52:00] <Corwin> i was thinking about RDM630 rfid module, which (by datasheet) supports both
[13:52:26] <megal0maniac> Antenna shouldn't make a huge difference, the difference would be in the diameter of coil windings, making them more sensitive to a specific frequency.
[13:52:27] <Corwin> and $10 for that module is not "that" much
[13:52:48] <megal0maniac> Check out the tutorials on making your own antenna :)
[13:52:55] <Corwin> http://www.goodluckbuy.com/125khz-em4100-rfid-card-reader-module-rdm630-uart.html
[13:53:36] <Corwin> megal0maniac, making my own antenna would involve too much theory about radiowaves and stuff
[13:53:41] <Corwin> too lazy for that :)
[13:54:07] <megal0maniac> But skimming over the theory will help you understand if, and why the one antenna would work with the other frequency
[14:00:50] * megal0maniac wants D/A
[14:01:12] * megal0maniac also wants to know what DMA is for (practically)
[14:02:11] <Splats> DMA means teh devices has write access to memory, so you're not having to poll or query it
[14:02:34] <megal0maniac> But how would that be useful?
[14:02:38] <Splats> speed
[14:02:47] <Splats> efficiency
[14:03:48] <Splats> instead of "loop {Give me a byte? write to emory } work with memory" you just "work with memory"
[14:05:57] <Splats> its asynchronous, paralell processing if you like
[14:27:11] <megal0maniac> I can't figure out a useful implementation, but I will in time I suppose :)
[15:45:34] <OndraSter_> this is creepy
[15:45:39] <OndraSter_> the Motorola with E-INK is yelling at me NO SIM
[15:45:43] <OndraSter_> although there is no battery inside
[15:46:13] <Essobi> OndraSter_: Really don't understand how e-ink works, huh?
[15:46:28] <OndraSter_> I do know how it works
[15:46:31] <OndraSter_> but it is creeeeepy
[15:46:40] <Essobi> O_o
[15:46:55] <OndraSter_> it is like if it was running on dark energy or something :D
[15:46:59] <OndraSter_> I am not used to that
[16:23:46] <Casper> ondraSter: nbow imagine color e-ink, and make it a full wall
[16:25:07] <OndraSter_> :))
[16:25:10] <OndraSter_> <3
[16:30:17] <DarkSector> yo guys
[16:30:21] <DarkSector> I got my Dragon
[16:30:24] <DarkSector> I told you I'd get it
[16:30:30] <DarkSector> no wait, I didn't tell you actually
[16:30:38] <GuShH> does it bite? how are you dealing with the fire?
[16:30:39] <DarkSector> BUT the important thing is, I got it
[16:30:45] <GuShH> and does it poop lava?
[16:30:56] <DarkSector> yeah, damn thing went on the carpet.
[16:30:59] <DarkSector> mom's furious.
[16:31:01] <GuShH> :(
[16:32:07] <Essobi> lulz
[16:36:11] <Casper> DarkSector: beware, your fire insurance do not cover dragon lava poop that burn down your belonging
[16:36:37] <DarkSector> I hope ATMEL doesn't question when you try to claim warranty
[16:37:01] <Casper> what waranty?
[16:37:15] <DarkSector> wonderful
[16:37:37] <Essobi> lol
[16:38:03] <Casper> it's waranted until you touch it
[16:40:47] <Casper> DarkSector: did you really tought you had any waranty on stuff that is static sensitive and user modifiable?
[16:41:13] <DarkSector> I don't know, I thought it came with warranty like everything else
[16:41:59] <Tom_itx> out of box voids the warranty
[16:42:13] <DarkSector> oh I get the joke.
[16:42:22] <OndraSter> what joke
[16:42:34] <DarkSector> Out of box voids warranty
[16:43:16] <Tom_itx> i haven't heard of anyone trying to claim a warranty repair / replacement on one
[16:44:00] <Casper> thing is: if you modified it in any way, they will claim user damage
[16:44:01] <lifeeth> :
[16:44:02] <lifeeth> :D
[16:44:20] <lifeeth> I have had 2 dragons die on me
[16:44:34] <DarkSector> Hagrid must be sad.
[16:45:02] <Tom_itx> lifeeth maybe you should put the buffer chip on it next time
[16:45:08] <DarkSector> aaand that was the last thing I will say this evening
[16:45:17] <Tom_itx> no that was
[16:45:27] <DarkSector> yeah
[16:45:30] <DarkSector> :|
[17:44:20] <spec_> Hi all. I'm struggling with compiling a bit of assembly. The error is: spi.S: Assembler messages: spi.S:50: Error: `)' required spi.S:50: Error: garbage at end of line"
[17:44:39] <spec_> Line 50 is: ldi r24, lo8(F_CPU / (100000))
[17:45:12] <OndraSter_> are you using gcc-asm or avr-asm?
[17:45:32] <spec_> From what I've read the preprocessor is choking on the division inside the lo8 macro
[17:45:40] <spec_> gcc-asm
[17:45:49] <OndraSter_> hmm
[17:45:56] <OndraSter_> was just askig because of the lo8 - avr-asm uses low
[17:46:26] <SuperMiguel> Im trying to get data from this resistor: https://www.sparkfun.com/products/9673 into my a 2561 chip, here is the code: http://ideone.com/wjCbI but im not getting accurate data :(
[17:47:08] <OndraSter_> define not accurate
[17:47:21] <OndraSter_> spec_, why is the 100000 in ()?
[17:47:51] <spec_> Just trying things to see if it made a difference.
[17:48:12] <spec_> Same error with or without
[17:48:29] <OndraSter_> hmm
[17:48:37] <OndraSter_> any reason to use avr-asm instead avr-asm?
[17:48:40] <OndraSter_> gcc-asm instead avr-asm*
[17:49:34] <jacekowski> same thing
[17:49:41] <OndraSter_> no
[17:50:02] <OndraSter_> spec_, and if you do somewhere else something like
[17:50:06] <spec_> Fine question, and I'm still too much a noob to answer definitively. I'm using CrossPack-AVR, so I assume it's gcc-avr. Does avr-asm some as part of that same package?
[17:50:18] <OndraSter_> .equ F_CPU10K = F_CPU/100000
[17:50:25] <OndraSter_> ldi R24. lo8(F_CPU10K)
[17:50:34] <OndraSter_> cross-pack-avr
[17:50:36] <OndraSter_> sounds linuxey
[17:51:06] <spec_> I see that I have avr-as installed. It appears to be an assembler.
[17:51:22] <spec_> Yes, I'm in a *NIX-oid environment.
[17:51:26] <OndraSter_> oh
[17:53:37] <spec_> Error: expected comma after "F_CPU10K"
[17:53:44] <OndraSter_> hmm
[17:53:50] <OndraSter_> not sure how does gcc-asm do .equ
[17:54:04] <OndraSter_> check manual for it :)
[17:54:46] <specing> it doesen't
[17:54:51] <specing> the linker does it
[17:55:22] <specing> oh that was for org
[17:55:36] <specing> you can do normal bla = tra/lol
[17:55:41] <specing> or #define
[17:59:30] <SuperMiguel> OndraSter_: define not accurate?
[17:59:42] <OndraSter_> "but im not getting accurate data :("
[18:00:23] <SuperMiguel> OndraSter_: well im getting 1s and 2s
[18:00:36] <OndraSter_> 1d snf 2d?
[18:00:38] <OndraSter_> 1s and 2s?
[18:00:51] <SuperMiguel> OndraSter_: a 1 and a 2 but they switch back and forth
[18:01:05] <SuperMiguel> putting preasure to it doesnt make the number go higher or lower
[18:01:08] <OndraSter_> of the ADC result?
[18:03:17] <SuperMiguel> yes
[18:03:27] <OndraSter_> do you have it wired up correctly?
[18:03:40] <SuperMiguel> hope so
[18:03:48] <OndraSter_> that doesn't help
[18:04:51] <specing> Hah
[18:08:59] <spec_> I think I've got a better idea why this isn't working. F_CPU is defined as 16000000ul, but according to the avr-as manual, "lo8 Takes the least significant 8 bits of a 16-bit integer"
[18:11:25] <spec_> Works when you hard code the number!
[18:11:43] <spec_> What a PITA
[18:20:39] <SuperMiguel> OndraSter_: but the code looks good right?
[23:45:04] <spec_> Hi all. Getting an error while compiling assembly. Error is: Error: garbage at end of line
[23:45:37] <spec_> Line generating error is: lds BufEndL, low(bufferEnd);
[23:46:54] <spec_> BufEndL is R4, bufferEnd is an unsigned int