#avr | Logs for 2012-08-02

[00:04:45] <Sefid_Par> Who can check this code? http://www.heypasteit.com/clip/0FCK
[00:21:08] <Casper> look like the algo is: CC to 14.75V, CV until C<0.75A, 13.8V ad infinitum
[04:59:40] <to8> hello
[05:04:57] <OndraSter> ELOO
[05:05:30] <specing> ugh freenode is falling apart
[05:06:05] <to8> I'm using LUFA and its TWI library on atmega32u4 but I can't figure out how to make I2C work. I used example code form the doc with TWI_Init(TWI_BIT_PRESCALE_4, 10) and when I send bytes with TWI_WritePacket SCL line remain low. Curiously it works fine with my Arduino/Leonardo example code. Does anyone have a hint ? Is it a prescaler problem or could it be the setup of SDA/SCL pins ?
[05:08:46] <OndraSter> to8, are you using external pullups?
[05:12:07] <to8> OndraSter: yes, 4k7
[05:20:32] <to8> OndraSter: My fault, i2c address for TWI lib with LUFA is 8bit. I was using 7bit address - that's lame. Sorry for the noise.
[05:39:28] <OndraSter> :)
[06:03:20] <karlp> why does lufa have a twi lib?
[06:04:08] <theos> because it can :P
[07:30:25] <specing> Wow the t2313 is quite warm in an infinite loop
[07:30:44] <specing> I MIGHT NEED A HEATSINK!
[07:32:42] <Richard_Cavell> Do any AVRs have on-die thermometers?
[07:32:59] <specing> YES
[07:33:24] <specing> Look into the ADC multiplexer
[07:33:34] <specing> tx5 has it
[07:47:54] <theos> ...
[07:48:03] <theos> does atmega8 have a thermometer?
[07:48:28] <specing> check the datash*t
[07:48:33] <theos> that would be awesome!
[07:54:59] <OndraSter> no
[09:18:40] <OndraSter> damnit my Samsung charger has died
[09:18:43] <OndraSter> I want to take it apart
[09:18:49] <OndraSter> but cutting the top cover off with knife seems impossible
[09:19:06] <OndraSter> I shall use universal screwdriver
[09:19:08] <OndraSter> = hammer
[09:43:17] <OndraSter> hmm
[09:43:21] <OndraSter> PCB name: B1
[09:43:23] <OndraSter> what is it?
[09:43:39] <OndraSter> it looks like resistor
[09:43:44] <OndraSter> without the number
[09:43:49] <OndraSter> there is zero resistance on it
[09:43:56] <OndraSter> it crosses over from the output of rectifier
[09:44:06] <OndraSter> err
[09:44:10] <OndraSter> yes
[09:44:20] <OndraSter> and then to the SMPS chip itself
[09:46:38] <karlp> that would be an inductor
[09:46:49] <karlp> have you used smps much?
[09:48:20] <OndraSter> inductor is right next to it
[09:48:29] <OndraSter> and that would be L
[09:48:44] <OndraSter> and yes I did
[09:50:20] <specing> Someone should hax gcc so it moves SREG to r2 or sth instead of pushing/popping two regs
[09:50:30] <specing> upon entering an interrupt vector
[09:50:42] <OndraSter> specing, you can do it yourself :)
[09:50:44] <OndraSter> in theory
[09:50:47] <OndraSter> that's what opensource is about
[09:51:10] <specing> indeed
[09:51:20] <specing> there must be some flag for it
[09:51:33] <specing> #define STUPID_ENTRY or sth like that
[09:53:03] <OndraSter> hah I think that the output diode is burnt
[09:53:09] <OndraSter> in forward the DMM shows 200mV
[09:53:21] <OndraSter> in reverse it shows 1.4V instead infinite
[09:53:37] <Steffanx> Go for a naked isr and implement everything yourself specing (good luck with that though ) :P
[09:56:28] <specing> :S
[09:56:48] <Steffanx> S:
[09:59:26] <OndraSter> D:
[10:02:40] <specing> Maybe redefining ISR would be the way to go
[10:04:39] <Steffanx> Why not use the ISR_NAKED attribute and store SREG in R2 ? :)
[10:06:54] <OndraSter> why not use ASM :)
[10:07:08] <Steffanx> or use asm
[10:07:12] <Steffanx> and windows
[10:07:19] <OndraSter> yes, use windows
[10:09:16] <Steffanx> And AS6
[10:10:33] <OndraSter> and AS6 :)
[11:52:42] <Blecha> Hello everyone :D
[12:01:17] <OndraSter_> hello Blecha
[12:01:23] <OndraSter_> I suppose you are not CZE?
[12:02:07] <OndraSter_> ok, I don't think so. :)
[12:02:12] <OndraSter_> "Blecha" was one of our teachers :D
[12:24:28] <Blecha> ONdraSter_ blecha is my last name, its a czech name :D
[12:24:39] <Blecha> it means flea in russian/czech
[12:24:44] <Blecha> or "little guy"
[12:25:38] <OndraSter_> obviously
[12:25:49] <OndraSter_> but your DNS leads to AT&T I think?
[12:26:04] <OndraSter_> just askin' if it isn't you :D
[12:27:29] <Blecha> I am in the US yes
[12:27:39] <Blecha> at work actually, which is why i was slow to respond
[12:27:57] <Blecha> I am a noob to microcontrollers actually
[12:27:59] <OndraSter_> yay @ chatting from work!
[12:28:22] <Blecha> Ive done some hardware hacks and work in IT, but its time to step past the arduino i think
[12:28:31] <Blecha> no baby ide and dev boards
[12:29:12] <Blecha> What chip and programmer should I start with or will the arduino work as a programmer for now?
[12:29:20] <Blecha> in your opinion that is
[12:29:47] <OndraSter_> depends on what chip :)
[12:29:50] <OndraSter_> you want to use it with
[12:31:35] <Blecha> I like the ATtiny85 kinda
[12:32:09] <OndraSter_> hmm
[12:32:15] <Blecha> but I wondered if you had a recommendation on a cheap and flexible chip i could get maybe 5-10 of to play with
[12:32:19] <OndraSter_> check arduino website if it can programm that
[12:32:25] <OndraSter_> price?
[12:32:30] <Blecha> cheapest
[12:32:36] <OndraSter_> well cheapest is attiny4 :D
[12:32:40] <OndraSter_> the cheapest*
[12:32:42] <Blecha> mostly looking for a general place to get started
[12:33:00] <OndraSter_> why not grab some atmega328 as are in arduinos?
[12:33:06] <Blecha> so if you had a programmer/chip combo to recommend that would be cool
[12:33:16] <Blecha> They are a bit bigger than I need honestly.
[12:33:20] <OndraSter_> programmer: Tom_itx 's
[12:33:34] <OndraSter_> or if you want debugger, grab AVR Dragon
[12:33:44] <OndraSter_> if 328 is too big, grab 168 then
[12:35:33] <Blecha> still large, im not talking flash size but actual I/O count
[12:35:54] <OndraSter_> oh
[12:38:56] <Blecha> but im a noob so I may just go with what you say
[12:39:31] <Blecha> I am also thinking of getting a cheap wireless router with openwrt soon, so that I could network my projects :D
[12:40:02] <OndraSter_> china is selling cheaply wr701 - wr703 from tp-link? linksys?
[12:40:06] <OndraSter_> $20
[12:40:21] <OndraSter_> ethernet, wifi, USB/wall charger powered
[12:40:35] <Blecha> I was looking at the tl-mr3020
[12:40:37] <Blecha> about $35
[12:41:50] <Blecha> also from tp-link
[12:41:57] <Blecha> ill look at the wrt70*
[12:45:36] <OndraSter_> wr700n
[12:45:55] <OndraSter_> 700N, 702N and 703N
[12:46:39] <OndraSter_> funny thing - it is cheaper to buy this + ethernet for Arduino/AVR than regular wifi board for AVR/Arduino :D
[12:47:30] <Blecha> You can skip the ethernet :d
[12:47:41] <Blecha> Just do a serial connection to the board
[12:47:57] <Blecha> Thats what im planning on doing, expanding the storage with a usb stick and running python
[12:48:07] <specing> I have a packet based protocol over serial :P
[12:48:08] <karlp> mr3020 is the same as 703n isn't it?
[12:48:39] <OndraSter_> seems like so, karlp
[12:48:46] <OndraSter_> except that those 70x were not made for outside china/japan
[12:49:10] <karlp> they're listed as "coming soon" on tplink australia
[12:49:21] <karlp> we've got a 703 here to play with
[12:49:25] <karlp> it's insanely cute
[12:49:29] <Blecha> Yeah, thats why im going for the mr3020 its cheaper with shipping i think
[12:49:35] <Blecha> and if not china post is way too slow
[12:49:51] <Blecha> mr3020 i can get in a couple days the 703 would take weeks
[12:49:59] <karlp> done deal then :)
[12:50:15] <OndraSter_> I see 3020 from $38
[12:50:19] <OndraSter_> that is twice as much :o
[12:50:50] <Blecha> yeah, nbd
[12:50:58] <Blecha> compare that to even an ethernet shield
[12:51:03] <Blecha> let alone a wifi shield
[12:51:15] <OndraSter_> afk, to the pool!
[12:51:16] <Blecha> plus it has its own GPIO to play with
[12:51:24] <Blecha> have fun, dont drown :P
[12:52:03] <OndraSter_> I'll try
[12:54:04] <dreamer> ok, back to trying to understand binary code manipulation ...
[12:54:38] <dreamer> eh, modulation*
[13:01:59] <megal0maniac> I am back
[13:02:09] * megal0maniac gets ready to leech knowledge
[13:03:28] <specing> dreamer the seeder
[13:05:26] <dreamer> specing: what am I seeding?
[13:06:53] <specing> knowledge...
[13:12:32] <megal0maniac> Does Atmel Studio use avr-libc or its own thing?
[13:12:42] <megal0maniac> (thing as in set of libraries)
[13:15:01] <Kevin`> megal0maniac: yes, it does
[13:15:49] <Kevin`> megal0maniac: they have their own higher level library on top of that, be aware, that some examples may use
[13:15:55] <dreamer> specing: not exactly seeding, since I don't have any knowledge ..
[13:16:09] <dreamer> just wish I had a single clue on how to implement BCM/BAM ..
[13:16:31] <Kevin`> megal0maniac: has common drivers for peripheral functions and such
[13:16:46] <Blecha> You have some knowledge, i dont know what those acronyms even mean :P
[13:17:07] * megal0maniac gets ready to learn what BCM/BAM is
[13:17:34] <megal0maniac> Kevin`: Thanks
[13:17:59] * megal0maniac begins to peruse avr-libc documentation
[13:18:44] <Blecha> So now that some more people are semi active, can anyone recommend a good chip/programmer/dev board combo to start with?
[13:19:04] <Blecha> If it matters I will be using linux
[13:19:08] <megal0maniac> ATmega328P & Pololu USB AVR programmer
[13:19:16] <megal0maniac> Just my 2cents
[13:19:30] <Kevin`> Blecha: avr dragon
[13:19:53] <Kevin`> Blecha: used with a cable to your target board
[13:19:54] <megal0maniac> Kevin`: I've heard many horror stories of them blowing up
[13:20:00] <Kevin`> (or a cable to a breadboard)
[13:20:23] <Kevin`> megal0maniac: yes, you do have to be careful not to connect 12v to the data pins and such
[13:20:41] <Blecha> yeah im going to breadboard then later etch stuff
[13:21:12] <Blecha> looking to get a programmer and 5-10 chips to play with, preferably of the same type to save on costs
[13:21:36] <Blecha> Won't need a ton of I/O or anything fancy
[13:22:00] <megal0maniac> Apparently even touching one of the pins with 12V can kill it. Don't have any personal experience with it, just what I've read. Was keen on it for the HVP
[13:22:08] <OndraSter_> for example Arduino has terribly few IOs...
[13:22:16] <Kevin`> Blecha: attiny45, atmega328p, axmega32a4u, are interesting
[13:22:28] <OndraSter_> xmega = no breadboard
[13:22:38] <Kevin`> Blecha: just get whatever you want that seems appropriate for your task though
[13:22:40] <OndraSter_> until I get my Xboard coco :)
[13:23:12] <megal0maniac> Batsocks sells xmega breakouts. Still don't really see the advantage over atmega
[13:23:42] <Kevin`> megal0maniac: the peripheral configuration on them is really really nice to work with
[13:23:59] <OndraSter_> yes
[13:24:00] <Kevin`> megal0maniac: plus they have a pll, run at 32mhz, dac, etc
[13:24:08] <OndraSter_> not all of them have DAC
[13:24:14] <OndraSter_> not all of them have good ADC either :)
[13:24:21] <OndraSter_> "good" = "as good as it can be"
[13:24:34] <OndraSter_> that d4 series has some serious lacks
[13:24:40] <megal0maniac> Peripheral configuration? What is that? DAC sounds very interesting though.
[13:24:41] <Kevin`> oh yeah, didn't think of that. some of the xmegas have a nice 2msps pipelined adc
[13:25:02] <OndraSter_> c3, a3 and a1
[13:25:05] <OndraSter_> not sure how about B series
[13:26:04] <Blecha> No specific task yet other than learning
[13:26:25] <Blecha> but i want chips to put into stuff so i can make finished projects when i do
[13:26:38] <megal0maniac> I currently have a few atmega328p and attiny85 chips
[13:26:44] <megal0maniac> Quite happy with the decision
[13:26:57] <megal0maniac> (Also just for mucking about)
[13:27:34] <Kevin`> attiny85 (same as 45 with twice the memory) is a really neat chip
[13:28:06] <megal0maniac> And they're cheap. And can run V-USB
[13:28:34] <Blecha> brb and thanks Kevin'
[13:29:00] <Blecha> Im thinking i may start with some attiny85s actually
[13:30:14] <Kevin`> Blecha: be aware, one important thing it lacks is a uart. you can do it in software or with usi, but it requires careful coding
[13:30:54] <megal0maniac> I started on the 328 and got the 85 afterwards
[13:31:22] <megal0maniac> In my (humble) opinion, the 328 is easier to start with
[13:31:56] <Kevin`> Blecha: it also of course only has 5 io pins, so no large complicated projects with it
[13:31:59] <karlp> 328/85/84 are effectively identical for starting with
[13:32:29] <karlp> it's only reall interrupt names and some of the register names that change between parts
[13:32:30] <Kevin`> Blecha: i've used several of them in projects though
[13:32:34] <megal0maniac> But the 328 does have UART and more IOs, and isn't much more expensive
[13:39:11] <megal0maniac> karlp: Otherwise yes, using the tiny85 and the mega328 was pretty much the same thing
[13:39:30] <megal0maniac> Only wanted the 85 because it's so little :)
[13:41:17] <OndraSter_> wow tiny85 starts at 1 EUR
[13:41:22] <OndraSter_> not bad
[13:41:29] <OndraSter_> but the V version is at 1.85 EUR :(
[13:41:37] <megal0maniac> V version?
[13:41:42] <OndraSter_> (nonV works only 2.7V+ by datasheet, V version down to 1.7V)
[13:41:54] <megal0maniac> Hmmm...
[13:42:01] * megal0maniac checks own chips
[13:42:52] <megal0maniac> non-V. Go figure :/
[13:44:14] <dreamer> anyone an idea/tip how to rewrite this example for an at90usb162? http://www.batsocks.co.uk/readme/art_bcm_3.htm
[13:47:18] <karlp> dreamer: what bits aren't working?
[13:47:33] <karlp> you'll have to carefully check led_init to get the right clocks
[13:47:52] <karlp> and the interrupt vector name probably needs checking, but it shouldn't need anything else
[13:49:00] <dreamer> I tried a few parts
[13:49:03] <dreamer> changing
[13:49:07] <dreamer> let me pastebin the errors
[13:50:59] <dreamer> http://pastebin.com/sT0LKwas
[13:51:39] <dreamer> http://pastebin.com/YDiwadBj << changes I made so it at least compiles
[13:51:46] <dreamer> that's really all I did
[13:52:30] <dreamer> (modified from what I could find in the datasheet)
[13:52:41] <dreamer> mind you: I did this with 0 expert knowledge ;)
[13:53:43] <xoriath> dreamer: and what does not work now?
[13:53:54] <megal0maniac> I've done the same thing trying to port stuff from a mega328 to a mega32u4. Also got it to compile, also no success, also 0 expert knowledge. So I'm listening intently now...
[13:54:22] <xoriath> ah, the code fails to run properly?
[13:56:20] <dreamer> xoriath: yes. it compiles, but doesn't do the led-fade-thingy
[13:56:34] <xoriath> :P
[13:56:53] <xoriath> to bad that the at90 is unsupported in the simulator
[13:57:06] <xoriath> do you program using jtag or isp?
[13:58:11] <dreamer> hmm, it comes on a board (originally sold as Teensy1) that has usb. I guess that uses the ISP?
[13:58:35] <megal0maniac> Uses Paul's proprietary bootloader :)
[13:58:54] <megal0maniac> So none of the above
[13:58:55] <dreamer> *lalala*
[13:59:17] <dreamer> yeah and this is a cheap chinese knockoff. which I can program using the old teensyloader
[13:59:36] <xoriath> no hope for debug then :P
[13:59:46] <Blecha> Kevin' what would you recommend as an easy jumping off point then? Limited I/O isn't really an issue, if I needed something crazy I could always add a shift register
[14:00:05] <dreamer> xoriath: meh
[14:00:20] <Blecha> For the most part it will just be serial communication stuff, a few leds, a motor, or a relay on each thing.
[14:00:39] <dreamer> so no idea if I'm using the wrong clocks or 'interrupt vector name' ?
[14:01:49] <Kevin`> Blecha: atmega328p is a resonable choice. it's fairly common due to the arduino use, and has a standard set of peripherals. nothing fancy though
[14:02:10] <megal0maniac> dreamer: Datasheets :)
[14:02:38] <xoriath> looking at the datasheet, I don't see a TIMER2 interrupt
[14:03:26] <xoriath> dreamer: http://www.atmel.com/Images/doc7707.pdf
[14:03:29] <Blecha> and I could use my arduino as a programmer correct Kevin'?
[14:04:17] <dreamer> I already have the datasheet, I just don't have a clue what I'm doing :)
[14:04:46] <Kevin`> Blecha: yes, i've seen firmware to use an arduino for isp
[14:04:48] <megal0maniac> dreamer: I feel I have an affiliation with you :P
[14:05:05] <dreamer> :P
[14:05:12] <xoriath> dreamer: then you should really read through the timer tutorials on freaks
[14:05:15] <xoriath> dreamer: http://www.avrfreaks.net/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=50106
[14:05:25] <dreamer> http://pastebin.com/YDiwadBj << this is what I changed it too. which seemed appropriate at the time
[14:09:23] <megal0maniac> Finished at work. Goodnight all. And good luck dreamer
[14:09:29] <dreamer> bleh :P
[14:10:21] <xoriath> and I have to go too...
[14:10:26] <xoriath> Good read dreamer
[14:11:18] <megal0maniac> Just printed the PDF for both timers and interrupts
[14:11:48] <megal0maniac> Need to know all the things
[14:12:22] <dreamer> *yawn*
[14:12:30] <dreamer> I wonder if I'll ever understand this stuff -_-
[14:12:59] <xoriath> there is also a new youtube clip about the timer module in asf (general module) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_wTcaWywL4&feature=plcp
[14:13:36] <xoriath> I know... I use timers so seldom that I need to relearn each time
[14:14:32] <asteve> you prefer to sleep?
[14:15:18] <megal0maniac> My advice, if it looks like greek to you, then glance over it, put it aside and look at it again when you've played around some more. I always figure stuff out like that
[14:15:22] <megal0maniac> Goodnight
[14:30:38] <Blecha> Does anyone actually program avrs in asm?
[14:30:47] <dreamer> I think I'd have more success with greek ..
[14:30:58] <dreamer> Blecha: according to avrbeginners.net everybode does :P
[14:31:06] <dreamer> (hence I don't like the site: ASM is way over my head)
[14:31:14] <dreamer> I can barely read/write C
[14:31:18] <Blecha> Yeah thats where I was looking at getting started :d
[14:31:18] <dreamer> let alone ASM
[14:31:25] <Blecha> Im trying to learn C...
[14:31:29] <Blecha> but it sucks without internet
[14:34:09] <dreamer> there's books for that you know ;)
[14:34:30] <Blecha> yeah i know
[14:34:36] <Blecha> local library is shit
[14:34:37] <Blecha> and im broke
[14:36:43] <dreamer> pdf?
[14:41:30] <Blecha> yeah, dont have my thumb drive right now :(
[14:43:39] <Blecha> I also have a book that loosely covers it
[14:43:49] <Blecha> so idk ill play with it tonight when i get home
[14:52:55] <Blecha> dreamer know any good pdfs on it?
[14:53:11] <Blecha> C in general as well as for avrs
[14:53:50] <dreamer> nope :)
[14:53:54] * dreamer <- total noob
[14:55:06] * GuShH hands dreamer amee2k's n00b jacket
[14:55:25] <dreamer> no way dude, that's way too hip for me
[14:55:56] <GuShH> it's a hi-vis jacket
[14:56:14] <GuShH> for some reason cops here are using them now, they look like traffic cones
[14:56:15] <Blecha> <- 85% noob by volume
[14:56:30] <GuShH> makes you want to squish them with your tyre a bit
[14:57:32] <specing> Time to code a HD44780 LIB
[14:57:34] <amee2k> lemme fill in the reference for ya
[14:57:40] <amee2k> http://th06.deviantart.net/fs42/PRE/f/2009/146/9/c/TeH_N000B_by_amee2k.png
[14:58:02] <OndraSter_> ol
[14:58:16] <amee2k> the description reads "I have no clue and I intend to use it *nod*"
[14:59:02] <GuShH> >_<
[14:59:23] <specing> 0.o GuShH is here
[14:59:27] <GuShH> wait, is that a friggin harpoon on the bottom left corner?
[14:59:37] <GuShH> specing: is that a good or a bad thing?
[14:59:51] <specing> you tell me
[15:00:02] <GuShH> dunno
[15:00:11] <amee2k> harpoon??
[15:00:47] <GuShH> arrow thingy used to catch fish and small game?
[15:00:55] <GuShH> usually under water.
[15:01:49] <amee2k> i know what a fucking harpoon is
[15:01:49] <nevdull> maybe n00bs use harp00ns
[15:02:02] <amee2k> i just don't get where you just got one from
[15:02:44] <GuShH> amee2k: on that picture, bottom left.
[15:02:47] <GuShH> it -looks- like one
[15:02:54] <GuShH> the very tip of it.
[15:03:01] <GuShH> do you use it to hunt fat chicks?
[15:03:12] <GuShH> nevdull: harp000ns
[15:03:13] <amee2k> thats a shitty plastic water level i have there
[15:03:18] <GuShH> :/
[15:03:21] <nevdull> heh
[15:03:52] <GuShH> amee2k: you could've used it to kill frogs
[15:04:00] <GuShH> and then make a movie about it, and shove it in tarantino's face.
[15:04:16] <GuShH> or arse, if applicable. don't know about his fetishes.
[15:04:28] <GuShH> might want to coat it in cocaine first, I guess.
[15:04:32] <amee2k> my alarm clock, err coffee mug, bed table lamp, memo holder gadget, i don't know what other junk
[15:04:32] * GuShH runs
[15:04:39] <amee2k> i made that pic like 3+ years ago
[15:05:03] <amee2k> speaking of which. i came across the most hysterical video this morning
[15:05:07] <GuShH> amee2k: oh, someone else didn't take the picture?
[15:05:18] <amee2k> GuShH: no?
[15:05:21] <GuShH> bah.
[15:05:38] <GuShH> "third person pictures ... 'cos it makes you look like you've got friends and shit"
[15:05:39] <amee2k> why shouldn't i be able to use my own camera to make pics
[15:05:47] <GuShH> haha
[15:06:00] <amee2k> more like "because this way you can be on your own pics too, ya know"
[15:06:08] <GuShH> next up, photoshop copies of yourself to make it look like you were having a party.
[15:06:13] <amee2k> kinda sucks when you want to make a pic of yourself and can't because its not cool
[15:06:19] <GuShH> and the next logical step, self pr0n.
[15:06:47] <GuShH> which brings back memories of an old friend, sigh.
[15:06:57] <amee2k> that next step was already taken by half the internet like three steps before myspace mirror portaits
[15:07:13] <GuShH> :(
[15:07:47] <amee2k> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3cXsKeWm_Q << this one (kinda NSFW... he is ranting about cybersex)
[15:08:38] <amee2k> found it this morning in the "related" list on another entirely unrelated video...much to the disapproval of my coffee soaked keyboard
[15:09:49] <GuShH> I haven't tested this cheapo slim keyboard with coffee or any other fluids yet
[15:09:55] <GuShH> but it seems to be able to handle it
[15:10:00] <GuShH> ...not so much the previous one
[15:10:12] <GuShH> the traces just melted off with the thick sludge I call coffee
[15:10:14] <amee2k> could test it right now. get a coffee and watch that video
[15:10:26] <GuShH> I want mugs that won't flip over easily
[15:10:30] <GuShH> with a friggin square base.
[15:10:38] <GuShH> not these rounded stupid things.
[15:10:43] <amee2k> i didn't exactly flip over the mug
[15:10:53] <GuShH> oh when I spill coffee that's what happens.
[15:10:56] <GuShH> usually a spaz moment.
[15:11:09] <OndraSter_> amee2k, what is he talking about? :D
[15:11:14] <OndraSter_> what is yiffing?! _D
[15:11:39] <GuShH> hmm I seem to recall that word.
[15:11:48] <GuShH> it means something you've never done.
[15:11:50] <amee2k> OndraSter_: yiffing is furry sex and yiff is furry porn
[15:11:57] <OndraSter_> holy shit :D
[15:11:59] <GuShH> lol
[15:12:00] <OndraSter_> is that some game or what?
[15:12:17] <GuShH> it's a state of mind more like.
[15:12:26] <amee2k> furry == anthropomorphic art
[15:12:42] <GuShH> furry == sweaty sex in costumes, step up from cosplay
[15:13:00] <GuShH> it's only art if you kill them all and put them on a wall where they serve no function.
[15:13:07] * GuShH runs
[15:13:12] <amee2k> http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&global=1&q=furry
[15:13:53] <OndraSter_> oh
[15:14:19] <amee2k> the stereotypical furry is a 19 years old caucasian gay male who likes to dress up in animal costumes and hump each other all day long
[15:14:37] <OndraSter_> urban?
[15:14:38] <amee2k> when you see that, you know you're looking at like the bottom 3% of the furry fandom barrel
[15:17:03] <OndraSter_> ugh
[15:17:15] <OndraSter_> [.cseg] 0x000000 0x0002e6 646 96 742 1024 72.5%
[15:17:27] <OndraSter_> yet in the .lss is the last used address 000172
[15:17:30] <amee2k> the remaining 97% usually do what pretty much everyone else does anyway, make drawings, write stuff, hang out with friends, go bowling, roleplay, go to conventions, whatever. and maybe occasionally watch some yiff too.
[15:18:14] <GuShH> amee2k: I'd take it you've turned into a furry by now?
[15:18:23] <amee2k> i have?
[15:18:32] <GuShH> why defend them otherwise!
[15:19:14] <amee2k> because unlike some other people, i figured out that some assholes writing comments on youtube and livejournal don't make an entire subculture yet
[15:19:20] <GuShH> now they're calling it a fursona.
[15:19:30] <GuShH> makes me want to hit someone in the face.
[15:19:36] <GuShH> quit.making.up.words.dammit.
[15:19:48] <amee2k> which words did i make up? "youtube"?
[15:19:56] <GuShH> not you, whoever coined "fursona"
[15:20:04] <GuShH> from "persona" or "person", ie. avatar or whatever.
[15:20:20] <amee2k> i'd assume furry + persona
[15:20:29] <GuShH> yes. made-up nonetheless.
[15:20:50] <amee2k> fair enough
[15:22:11] * GuShH idly spray paints amee2k
[15:22:17] <amee2k> ...
[15:22:22] <GuShH> got an air compressor, it's friggin orange.
[15:22:25] <GuShH> literally speaking.
[15:22:35] * amee2k sticks GuShH into a skunk fursuit
[15:22:36] <GuShH> I think that would've been a selling point for ya
[15:22:49] * GuShH goes around dry humping everyone in the channel
[15:23:07] <amee2k> well, welcome to the bottom 3% of the IRC barrel :P
[15:23:19] <GuShH> [citation needed]
[15:23:32] * amee2k quotes himself
[15:24:08] <amee2k> GuShH: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npOkOyVXLPI&feature=related << like this one better?
[15:24:17] <GuShH> now I'm waiting for an airbrush I ordered off of ebay... it'll take probably a month to arrive sigh :(
[15:25:23] <amee2k> i've got a bright red 24 liter pressure tank rated 6 bar that i want to make into a compressor
[15:25:41] <GuShH> get a fridge compressor, I made an air compressor with one before I got the real deal
[15:25:45] <GuShH> only issue is dealing with the oil
[15:25:57] <GuShH> but it's very silent and you can even draw a pretty good vacuum with it, so it serves dual purpose.
[15:26:12] <GuShH> mine was free, but I'm sure you can find a cheapie that still works
[15:26:22] <GuShH> although 6 bar is a bit low
[15:26:28] <amee2k> the air has to be completely oil free, otherwise it is kinda useless for cleaning shit out
[15:26:30] <GuShH> but for air brushing it's plenty pressure
[15:26:37] <GuShH> amee2k: use an oil-water trap
[15:26:42] <GuShH> and clever piping
[15:26:55] <GuShH> there are cheapie in-line traps you can use too
[15:27:00] <amee2k> yeah, the tank is rather huge too so even a small compressor is going to work fine
[15:27:42] <GuShH> the one I made would've been ideal for airbrushing with up to 0.5 nozzles at 40-50PSI for up to a minute before you had to let it pick up pressure again.
[15:27:51] <amee2k> mmh there was a video of the dude ranting about guns too but i can't find it in my history right now :/
[15:27:54] <GuShH> cut out at 7bar because my pressure switch was rated 9bar
[15:28:04] <GuShH> the tank was an old oxygen tank, rated for ridiculous psi.
[15:28:20] <GuShH> amee2k: I'm looking for propane tanks now, as air vessels. they are usually rated 320PSI
[15:28:31] <GuShH> because at certain temperatures the gas expands wildly.
[15:28:52] <GuShH> only modification is a drain valve, very important aspect.
[15:29:00] <amee2k> the 6 bar tank was from a water pump. the rubber bag thingy inside had started to leak and it was losing pressur all the time
[15:29:01] <GuShH> shit will get accumulated inside whether you filter it or not.
[15:29:13] <amee2k> i cut the seal off the bag so i can use it for air now
[15:29:35] <GuShH> only issue with the regular fridge compressors is they won't start under load, you'll need an unloader valve too.
[15:29:51] <amee2k> it has a stem valve on the back, so to let the water out i can just turn it upside down and press on the valve
[15:29:52] <GuShH> but the pressure switch used in most air compressors costs under 15 dollars shipped.
[15:30:12] <GuShH> as do the water traps, 16 bucks or so.
[15:30:14] <GuShH> with regulator
[15:30:29] <GuShH> so I'll rebuild the homemade one for airbrushing when I get some spare change.
[15:30:48] <GuShH> (it's so silent you can't tell it's on, compared to a regular direct drive compressor that makes your floor vibrate...)
[15:31:18] <amee2k> GuShH: ooh, you'll like this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTWc2223riY&feature=related
[15:31:22] <GuShH> amee2k: I'd be scared to drill and weld a nut for the purging valve on those propane tanks I've been looking for :Y
[15:31:35] <amee2k> "English"
[15:31:41] <GuShH> so using them upside down could be the ideal solution
[15:32:13] <GuShH> just have to remove the original fitting, flush it clean with hot water and soap multiple times, let it air out.... and then paint it inside with some rust inhibiter
[15:32:42] <GuShH> (ideally just either spray paint into it until I'm tired or throw a bucket of paint inside and start rolling it about so it covers every surface inside)
[15:33:06] <GuShH> even if you purge them on a daily basis they'll rust anyway because water condensates on the walls
[15:33:07] <amee2k> galvanic gold plating
[15:33:18] <GuShH> feel free to do it for me
[15:33:28] <amee2k> if you buy the electrolyte
[15:33:32] <GuShH> what about sacrificial anodes, do they work with air? heh
[15:33:45] <GuShH> or only when they're completely covered in an electrolyte?
[15:33:56] <GuShH> I'd guess the latter applies.
[15:34:18] <GuShH> how would the electrons travel otherwise
[15:34:19] <amee2k> i'd get the cheapest zinc paint and just pour the entire can in and roll it around
[15:34:41] <GuShH> that would ensure a thick layer too, but hard to make sure it covers every surface
[15:34:50] <GuShH> unless you use a huge amount of paint and then drain the remaining out
[15:35:03] <amee2k> i'd put the entire can in
[15:35:06] <GuShH> and also you don't mind waiting a week or two for it to dry out
[15:35:12] <GuShH> cans come in many sizes.
[15:35:29] <GuShH> usually 250cc, 500cc, 1000cc and up, and of course smaller ones too.
[15:35:38] <amee2k> get one of the cheap shit USB endoscopes to check that you covered it all
[15:35:49] <GuShH> lol
[15:35:54] <GuShH> I needed one for a car repair...
[15:36:04] <GuShH> temperature sensor almost hidden from plain view.
[15:36:32] <GuShH> and when you pull it out, R12 and water flows through the whole friggin engine, even if the cap is on which supposely would "pull a vacuum" (bullshit)
[15:36:59] <GuShH> and you can't purge from the bottom because you can't access the bolts without removing half the metal panels from the chassis.
[15:37:10] <GuShH> god damn VW.
[15:37:41] <GuShH> well, it only lost about 300cc of refrigerant but it wasn't an enjoyable fix.
[15:38:05] <GuShH> it also bothers me that the sensor is held in place with a plastic clip, in fact the new clip snapped when I put it on....
[15:38:23] <GuShH> should it snap, the sensor would shoot out under pressure and your refrigerant would go bye-bye, cue overheating engine.
[15:38:49] <GuShH> no sensing on that, the car doesn't know the sensor is on or out.
[15:39:34] * GuShH can't believe how dumb most cars really are, they sprinkle "technology" just to make your ass vibrate while you drive, but the rest is still all primitive shit on a powder keg waiting to go boom.
[15:43:43] * amee2k idly fluffles GuShH's tail
[15:44:14] <OndraSter_> amee2k, :D
[15:45:24] <amee2k> :)
[15:45:51] <OndraSter_> does GuShH have butt plug with tail on it? :D
[15:46:01] <amee2k> i wouldn't know
[15:46:22] <amee2k> but now that i'm a GuShH Certified Furry, i can freely fluffle other people \o/
[15:47:40] <amee2k> this Ranting Gryphon dude is awesome though. after i cleaned the coffee off my keyb and monitor i've been watching his stuff like all day long
[15:48:30] <amee2k> except for a few opening remarks about his gryphon character, most of his stuff isn't even furry anyway
[15:50:39] <amee2k> i don't know when and where yet, but i HAVE to see him live sometime
[15:58:37] <GuShH> amee2k: theres a local guy selling conversion kits for air compressors using fridge compressors (just found out) he seems to use a system that pretty much returns the oil via the intake of the compressor, probably using gravity.
[15:58:49] <GuShH> forgot to mention if the compressor is used you might want to replace the oil with motoroil of similar viscosity.
[15:59:03] <GuShH> otherwise it'll have refrigerant trapped in it and other nasties.
[15:59:36] <GuShH> I think I flooded mine because it takes a while to startup now, probably gummed up inside... might have to cut the cover off and see whats going on :/
[16:00:11] <GuShH> the way they oil themselves up is by a hollow shaft with a spiral inside that picks up the oil from the sump and flings it off the top, spraying it everywhere.
[16:00:42] <GuShH> if the oil is cool and you added enough to cover part of the motor, starting it cold may prove difficult come to think of it.
[16:01:32] <GuShH> they're ideal otherwise in the sense that they already have thermal protection and a starter built in, otherwise you can build your own cheapily with a PTC for the starter.
[16:02:43] <GuShH> anyway you should build yourself one of these compressors.
[16:03:00] <GuShH> with dual ganged fridge compressors the recovery rate is pretty damn good actually.
[16:03:12] <GuShH> and some of them are designed to start under load as well.
[16:03:19] <GuShH> so less moving parts, less cost.
[16:04:21] <GuShH> (and if you want more pressure you can put them in series, instead of parallel for a two stage compressor, the gain isn't huge but it's worth it if you need the higher pressure -- we're talking over 150PSI )
[16:05:37] <GuShH> got mine up to 90PSI constant because of the limit imposed by the pressure switch I had available though.
[16:07:25] * amee2k idly fluffles GuShH's tail
[16:18:10] <GuShH> amee2k: :|
[16:19:10] <amee2k> what?
[16:19:42] <amee2k> i'm a GuShH Certified Furry now, remember?
[16:19:49] <amee2k> with the license to fluffle \o/
[16:20:15] <GuShH> certification expires on a monthly basis and will cost ya $10 furry-bucks
[16:21:08] <amee2k> can i pay in pizzas?
[16:21:26] <OndraSter_> can I pay in fluffles?
[16:21:38] <specing> Can I pay in trolls
[16:21:39] * amee2k fluffles OndraSter_ \o/
[16:21:49] <GuShH> pizzas or yiffing only
[16:21:50] <OndraSter_> can I pay in pictures of redheads?
[16:21:57] <GuShH> well, depends.
[16:21:58] <amee2k> specing: nah, sorry. i'm growing my own ones already
[16:22:07] <OndraSter_> http://redheads.amk.to
[16:22:08] <OndraSter_> WATCH OUT
[16:22:10] <OndraSter_> some are NSFW :)
[16:22:15] <GuShH> only some?
[16:22:20] <OndraSter_> well
[16:22:22] <OndraSter_> like half of them?
[16:22:35] <GuShH> \o/
[16:22:40] <GuShH> find me that half?
[16:23:00] <OndraSter_> not those only numbered ones
[16:23:02] <OndraSter_> on the beginning
[16:23:05] <OndraSter_> those are sfw
[16:23:06] <OndraSter_> but then.. :)
[16:23:15] <GuShH> clicked 10, all safe...
[16:23:17] <GuShH> you fail.
[16:23:19] <OndraSter_> go to the end
[16:23:23] <OndraSter_> and randomly pick few
[16:23:38] <GuShH> yey
[16:23:44] <amee2k> i clicked on like 5 and they were rather suggestive
[16:23:46] <GuShH> wget much
[16:24:04] <OndraSter_> there should be even burried one .zip
[16:24:05] <OndraSter_> :)
[16:24:09] <amee2k> seems like the imagination-free fap hasn't been invented yet
[16:24:10] <OndraSter_> that one is highly nsfw
[16:24:14] <GuShH> some are NOT redheads.
[16:24:18] <OndraSter_> yeah
[16:24:20] <OndraSter_> some are gingers :/
[16:24:24] <GuShH> double fail
[16:24:33] <OndraSter_> but that is not my archive :)
[16:24:47] * amee2k shows GuShH a pic of a hot red fox lady in a highly suggestive pose
[16:24:47] <GuShH> others seem blonde to me
[16:25:10] <OndraSter_> there is somewhere burried awesome picture of redhead with butt plug that has got fox tail on it
[16:25:16] <OndraSter_> I used it as a wallpaper on my phone for a month .)
[16:25:17] <GuShH> others plain ugly and I wouldn't touch them with a laser.
[16:25:26] <GuShH> lol
[16:25:36] <GuShH> amee2k: don't stop until you find it!
[16:25:54] <OndraSter_> http://clip2net.com/s/2aM61
[16:25:55] <OndraSter_> here
[16:25:56] <OndraSter_> I found it
[16:26:35] <GuShH> not attracted at all. I guess I'm not a furry after all
[16:26:52] <GuShH> but on second thought, a tail inspection wouldn't hurt
[16:27:03] <GuShH> also how did you manage to turn this channel into 4chan?
[16:27:54] <amee2k> http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b131/Dark_Fox25/cards.jpg (NSFW)
[16:28:20] <amee2k> thats about the best for your crude sense of erotica that i can find this quick :P
[16:29:12] <GuShH> I take it theres a fetish around freckles too?
[16:29:44] <amee2k> lol
[16:29:56] <amee2k> there is internet. there is a fetish around everything
[16:30:24] <amee2k> http://www.angryblacklady.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/yiffing.jpg (actually, largely sfw)
[16:35:03] <rhumbot> hi all, does anyone know how i can deactivate jtag on a atmega16?
[16:35:56] <jacekowski> fuses
[16:36:05] <specing> obviously...
[16:36:25] <jacekowski> sounds like a lack of RTFM
[16:37:34] <specing> avrdude: erase-rewrite cycle count is now 63
[16:37:39] <specing> yay im making progress
[16:37:53] * amee2k hands jacekowski a copy of "The Yiff Guide to Safer Sex"
[16:37:59] <rhumbot> was the "fuses" ment for me?
[16:38:23] <specing> rhumbot: no
[16:38:33] <specing> rhumbot: We have no idea how to do it, sorry :(
[16:38:39] <amee2k> ...
[16:39:17] <specing> amee2k: :P
[16:40:18] <specing> rhumbot: http://th06.deviantart.net/fs42/PRE/f/2009/146/9/c/TeH_N000B_by_amee2k.png
[16:40:21] <specing> :D
[16:40:28] <amee2k> well, you guys actually have one upside sometimes
[16:40:44] <amee2k> when i look at you, i don't feel bad for being a furry anymore
[16:40:50] <amee2k> (not that i ever did, but still.)
[16:40:51] <specing> lol
[16:41:30] <amee2k> because it took me like 30 fucking seconds that you have to unprogram the JTAGEN fuse in the fuse high byte
[16:41:48] <amee2k> and i've never even laid eyes on a fucking mega16 or anything else with jtag
[16:41:58] <jacekowski> amee2k: no shit
[16:42:03] <specing> :)
[16:42:04] <jacekowski> amee2k: how did you know that
[16:42:12] <amee2k> female intuition?
[16:42:16] <jacekowski> have you read the manual by any chance?
[16:42:25] <jacekowski> it couldn't be so simple, could it?
[16:43:07] <amee2k> like three years ago i was sitting in front of the mega8 that i just got
[16:43:18] <amee2k> and scratching my balls over how to wire up the ISP programmer
[16:43:42] <amee2k> three years later i can't stop facepalming
[16:44:15] <amee2k> like wtf, this shit is so simple why didn't they feed me the fucking manual with the breast milk
[16:44:42] <amee2k> how about because 350 pages don't fit into a boob?
[16:46:36] <specing> RAAAAAGEEEE
[16:46:48] <amee2k> my thought exactly.
[16:47:34] <OndraSter_> :D
[16:48:07] <OndraSter_> http://clip2net.com/s/2aMeQ GuShH
[16:48:09] <OndraSter_> (sfw)
[16:52:46] <GuShH> OndraSter_: who is that?
[16:52:59] <OndraSter_> no idea
[16:53:06] <OndraSter_> but I'd love to meet her
[16:53:21] <GuShH> you'd love to meet anyone from that redhead site too
[16:53:29] <OndraSter_> well, not anyone
[16:53:43] <GuShH> oh?
[16:53:48] <OndraSter_> but ay, redheads fw
[16:53:49] <OndraSter_> ftw
[16:54:01] <GuShH> what about orangeheads?
[16:54:20] <OndraSter_> pix
[16:54:46] <GuShH> well, think fry from futurama but with boobs
[16:54:54] <OndraSter_> lol no
[16:54:57] <OndraSter_> leila? yes
[16:56:11] <GuShH> oh why did I use google search...
[16:56:20] <OndraSter_> lol what did you search for?
[16:56:29] <GuShH> just orange hair.
[16:56:34] <OndraSter_> I'm fine
[16:56:38] <GuShH> I got bombarded with emos and such.
[16:56:41] <OndraSter_> lol
[16:56:54] <GuShH> oh well how about a stock photo that looks right out of 1999 http://www.colourbox.com/image/topless-girl-in-shades-with-orange-hair-image-2537179
[16:57:14] <GuShH> wth 10 euros? http://www.colourbox.com/image/topless-girl-in-shades-with-orange-hair-image-2537109
[16:57:28] <OndraSter_> mm I'd tap her
[16:57:30] <OndraSter_> ;D
[16:57:47] <GuShH> but if a photo of her costs 10 euro imagine a night with her...
[16:57:54] <OndraSter_> also I AM NOW A CELEBRITY! I was on a TV last night
[16:57:57] <OndraSter_> lol
[16:58:19] <GuShH> on the news?
[16:58:23] <OndraSter_> nah
[16:58:27] <GuShH> oh, on A TV
[16:58:34] <GuShH> that means you feed the camera output to it's input.
[16:58:36] <OndraSter_> lol no not that way
[16:58:36] <GuShH> right.
[16:58:47] <GuShH> so you were standing on the tv?
[16:58:49] <OndraSter_> it was some TV magazin
[16:58:49] <OndraSter_> e
[16:58:58] <OndraSter_> and they stopped me when I was in the centre like a week ago
[16:59:01] <OndraSter_> and had some question(s)
[16:59:07] <GuShH> pft
[16:59:11] <OndraSter_> a) which czech celebrity would I tap
[16:59:12] <GuShH> tv magazine
[16:59:12] <OndraSter_> b) why
[16:59:17] <OndraSter_> c) how much would I pay for it
[16:59:21] <OndraSter_> THEY CUT OUT MY THIRD ANSWER!
[16:59:30] <OndraSter_> I said "I am poor student so I could only give her my knowledge"
[16:59:31] <GuShH> and then you drooled.
[16:59:34] <OndraSter_> lol
[17:00:02] <GuShH> this channel has been oficially defaced by you, congratz.
[17:01:05] <OndraSter_> here is more people who have been on TV
[17:02:24] <OndraSter_> also, nobody knows why:
[17:02:28] <OndraSter_> Segment Begin End Code Data Used Size Use%
[17:02:28] <OndraSter_> ---------------------------------------------------------------
[17:02:28] <OndraSter_> [.cseg] 0x000000 0x0002e6 646 96 742 1024 72.5%
[17:02:37] <OndraSter_> yet the last instruction is at
[17:02:38] <OndraSter_> 000172
[17:02:39] <OndraSter_> ..
[17:02:41] <OndraSter_> wtf is that?
[17:02:46] <rhumbot> uart question: i send integers from java to my microcontroller and display them on a 7 segment. there is quite a delay between the integer changeing in java and changeing on the 7 segment. is it because of my crappy uc code or is the uart connection too slow?
[17:03:11] <OndraSter_> rhumbot, try it with something else. I was doing almost a megbit per second with C# just fine
[17:03:11] <rhumbot> the delay is like 10ms or so...
[17:03:13] <OndraSter_> immediate response
[17:03:22] <OndraSter_> but Java is pretty crappy :P
[17:03:28] <rhumbot> java rocks :)
[17:03:57] <rhumbot> so the uc code is probably the problem?
[17:04:15] <OndraSter_> show us the code!
[17:04:47] * OndraSter_ is taking out his revolver and pointing it at rhumbot
[17:04:51] <OndraSter_> SHOW IT!!
[17:04:57] <rhumbot> =)
[17:04:59] <GuShH> Java sucks.
[17:05:24] <rhumbot> you would have to explain why.
[17:05:43] <OndraSter_> speed and memory
[17:05:49] <OndraSter_> backwards compatibility
[17:05:56] <OndraSter_> bugs & security holes
[17:06:17] <other019> i read it's only myth
[17:06:25] <OndraSter_> which one?
[17:06:37] <amee2k> you're welcome to upgrade to javascript if you want
[17:06:37] <other019> about speed and memory
[17:06:48] <OndraSter_> other019, no, it is a fact
[17:06:54] <OndraSter_> amee2k, I am fine with my C# and .NET, thanks :)
[17:07:23] <other019> Yaeah but U have so fast PC so U can't notice it
[17:07:33] <OndraSter_> I know I have a fast computer
[17:07:45] <OndraSter_> with a plenty of memory
[17:07:57] <OndraSter_> on the other hand - my OS hasn't touched java in a few years
[17:07:58] <amee2k> http://ompldr.org/vM2dsMw
[17:08:02] <OndraSter_> I run it only in VM
[17:08:12] <OndraSter_> amee2k, not funny
[17:08:28] <other019> but now i have dilema which language to lern Java or c# or sth else
[17:08:42] <amee2k> if there is a weird delay i'd rather check out if there is any buffering enabled than blame the choice of language
[17:08:51] <OndraSter_> C# -- much, much more better syntax, speed, support, it is much more logically written and designed
[17:09:00] <OndraSter_> on the other hand - there is only Mono for nonMS systems
[17:09:15] <other019> what it means
[17:09:16] <other019> ?
[17:09:17] <amee2k> buffering improves throughput at the cost of latency, and sorry to ruin the fun but throughput is the higher profile figure
[17:09:42] <OndraSter_> there should be buffering settings in windows
[17:09:45] <OndraSter_> if you open device manager
[17:09:56] <amee2k> java could do its own buffering
[17:10:32] <amee2k> never did java + serial terminal, but if it abstracts it as a terminal it would probably be line buffered
[17:10:43] <OndraSter_> arduino
[17:10:44] <OndraSter_> ..
[17:11:42] <other019> but Ondra last question have U know any game in C# ?
[17:12:09] <OndraSter_> whole Unity framework
[17:12:18] <other019> ok
[17:12:18] <rhumbot> OndraSter_ dont want to judge you programming skills, but i think the problem with java is the incompetence of the programmers - im one of them i confess
[17:12:30] <other019> no more questions
[17:12:35] <OndraSter_> no, Java sucks on its own, rhumbot :)
[17:12:52] <OndraSter_> srsly, what's with NOT having proper "string" datatype with proper .compareTo?
[17:13:05] <amee2k> well, if the programmer sucks then pretty much every language can produce shit programs
[17:13:09] <rhumbot> what do you mean? String.equals ... ?
[17:13:29] <OndraSter_> you have to do String.equals
[17:13:34] <OndraSter_> and not string1 == string2
[17:13:41] <OndraSter_> as with int or anything
[17:13:47] <rhumbot> :) if thats the reason java sucks i dont care
[17:13:53] <OndraSter_> no
[17:13:55] <OndraSter_> backwards compatibility
[17:14:00] <OndraSter_> amongst other things
[17:14:12] <OndraSter_> srsly, one of our banks here uses Java for its online banking (or at least part of it)
[17:14:17] <OndraSter_> and with anything newer than, wait for it
[17:14:21] <OndraSter_> Java 6 update 26
[17:14:24] <OndraSter_> it DOESN'T WORK
[17:14:29] <OndraSter_> stops loading in the middle of the process
[17:14:36] <OndraSter_> and note that there is Java 7
[17:14:39] * other019 is set as away : Reason(sleeping)
[17:14:42] <OndraSter_> and even from J6 series there is even J6U31
[17:15:12] <OndraSter_> I had to drive to one company so I could go onto boss' computer and reinstall that stuff and then disable automatic updates
[17:15:24] <rhumbot> :) not much i can say about this ... all i use it for are simple administration programs and i never had a problem
[17:15:26] <OndraSter_> that was 1.5 hours wasted
[17:15:45] <Landon> OndraSter_: I've used terrible programs with the QT interface, so I shouldn't use QT?
[17:15:49] <rhumbot> also i looked into 3d engines and java computer games. they seemed to work quite fine as well
[17:15:53] <OndraSter_> Landon, no
[17:15:58] <OndraSter_> do they break compatibility?
[17:16:19] <Landon> every release they do breaks compatibility
[17:16:27] <OndraSter_> well then fu*k them
[17:16:31] <rhumbot> allright im off. ill complain again tomorrow about the speed of my uart connection! good night ppl
[17:16:38] <OndraSter_> if they can't maintain that, get rid of it
[17:16:43] <Landon> lol.
[17:17:02] <OndraSter_> .NET has (nearly) zero issues with backward compatbility
[17:17:23] <OndraSter_> I don't want to say completely zero, but because of the way it works it is quite possible
[17:17:43] <OndraSter_> (unless the app was using some bug in it of course)
[17:17:53] <Landon> shitty programmers will do shitty things and WILL find ways to break backward compatibility
[17:18:22] <OndraSter_> well then one should try using something where are good programmers
[17:18:41] <Landon> now imagine a world where _you_ are the programmer
[17:19:00] <OndraSter_> not very hard to imagine
[17:19:19] <OndraSter_> if I can't maintain direct compatibility I have to provide a way so the old stuff still works even on newer framework
[17:21:41] <GuShH> Landon: shitty programmers should be shot on site.
[17:21:46] <GuShH> so, most of them really.
[17:21:48] <Landon> GuShH: I am a shitty programmer
[17:21:54] <GuShH> Then line up.
[17:21:59] <Landon> :P
[17:22:00] * GuShH grabs OndraSter_'s revolver
[17:22:08] <OndraSter_> if I want to maintain something I have to take the responsibility
[17:22:15] <OndraSter_> and not be like government
[17:22:18] <GuShH> dude, this thing is all sticky.
[17:22:29] <GuShH> and why does it have sauce on it?
[17:22:30] <OndraSter_> GuShH, yeah about the gum...
[17:22:30] <Landon> OndraSter_: if only it was all cut and dry like that
[20:57:37] <Serisium> Hello.
[20:57:56] <Serisium> Could someone please help me set up my fuses correctly?
[20:58:27] <Serisium> I've broken two chips, and I'd like to see what I'm doing wrong.
[21:01:47] <Tom_L> just a sec
[21:03:21] <CapnKernel> Serisium: Have you checked your fuse values against one of the internet's fuse calculators? (here's one: www.frank-zhao.com/fusecalc/fusecalc.php)
[21:03:50] <Tom_L> yeah the other one timed out on me
[21:03:59] <Serisium> I've been using the other one before.
[21:04:12] <Tom_L> what chip?
[21:04:17] <Serisium> atmega328p
[21:04:30] <Serisium> I'm trying the one on frank-zhao.com now, but the different crystal settings are confusing me.
[21:04:30] <Tom_L> what fuses need changed?
[21:04:38] <Tom_L> or what are you changing that requires a fuse change
[21:04:54] <Tom_L> what crystal?
[21:05:03] <Serisium> I need to configure it to use a 16mHz ceramix resonator
[21:06:21] <Serisium> Not sure whether to use Crystal Osc. or Crystal Full-Swing.
[21:07:25] <Tom_L> try full swing
[21:07:38] <Tom_L> it gives full voltage to the oscilator
[21:07:59] <Serisium> Will it be reversible?
[21:07:59] <Tom_L> i hope so
[21:08:08] <Serisium> I'm trying not to lose another chip.
[21:08:24] <Tom_L> you know you can fix those with an external clock source?
[21:08:30] <Tom_L> ie like my programmer has :)
[21:08:45] <Serisium> Yeah, I was able to save one of the other chips
[21:09:05] <Serisium> Not for long, unfortunately.
[21:09:09] <CapnKernel> Serisium: What programmer do you use?
[21:09:14] <Serisium> usbTiny
[21:15:11] <Tom_L> the recovery clock needs to be 4x the isp program rate
[21:20:29] <Serisium> I believe 0xFF is the correct lfuse setting.
[21:24:41] <Serisium> And it appears to be working!
[23:17:51] <SuperMiguel> why this is not working: http://ideone.com/6bPl7 ?
[23:42:06] <skorket> SuperMiguel, what do you expect it to do?
[23:46:52] <SuperMiguel> skorket: sec
[23:47:47] <SuperMiguel> skorket: so this works: http://ideone.com/5OlT3
[23:47:58] <SuperMiguel> but how do i control the timer?
[23:49:00] <SuperMiguel> i mean this prescaler: TCCR0|=(1<<CS02)|(1<<CS00); sets most of it, but how can i specify an exact timer?
[23:49:30] <skorket> why not count yourself?
[23:49:56] <skorket> you're doing servo pwm?
[23:50:15] <SuperMiguel> yes servos are going to specific angle
[23:50:27] <skorket> yeah, two ways to do this, that I know of
[23:50:36] <skorket> 1) use the built in pwm for the chip
[23:50:48] <skorket> I haven't used it myself, but it's there
[23:50:53] <skorket> depending on your chip, of course
[23:50:59] <skorket> 2) count yourself
[23:51:22] <skorket> you know how many times a second the timer fires. Count properly, figure out what the pulse width should be yourself
[23:51:27] <Grievre> do AVR pins change state atomically?
[23:51:51] <Grievre> that is, when I execute an instruction to flip a pin from 0 to 1, is it done flipping to 1 by the time the next instruction executes?