#avr | Logs for 2012-07-27

[01:47:29] <codematic> Any one here use LUFA ?
[01:48:47] <theBear> heh, bunch of people, the guy that wrote it is often here too :)
[01:48:49] <theBear> but not me yet
[01:57:13] <theos> whats lufa?
[01:57:50] <theos> oh usb framework
[02:00:35] <theBear> yerp
[03:31:27] <Lt_Lemming> grarg! fuck you atmel fuck you!!!!!
[03:31:45] <Lt_Lemming> atmega 1280/2560 are programmed via the hardware SPI pins for ICSP
[03:32:05] <Lt_Lemming> atmega 1281/2561 are programmed via TX/RX port 0 >_<
[03:33:17] <Lt_Lemming> so putting the serial bootloader on the same pins for reprogramming via an FTDI becomes a bit more difficult >_<
[03:46:11] <CapnKernel> Lt_Lemming: Tell us what you REALLY think!
[03:46:14] <CapnKernel> (poor bugger)
[03:46:51] <Lt_Lemming> just one of those "what the fuck did they do that for?" moments
[03:47:01] <Lt_Lemming> I really can't think of a legitimate reason for it
[03:48:56] <CapnKernel> Maybe it's because of an illegitimate reason (in other words, they're bastards)
[03:49:32] <theBear> hehe
[03:49:42] <Lt_Lemming> yeah
[04:45:49] <Lt_Lemming> http://i.imgur.com/g7pgX.jpg <--- nice'n'compact
[04:46:34] <OndraSter_> are those through holes?
[04:49:43] <Lt_Lemming> the LED's?
[04:50:40] <opx> hi OndraSter_
[04:50:50] <OndraSter_> yes, the LEDs Lt_Lemming
[04:50:52] <OndraSter_> hi opx
[04:51:28] <Lt_Lemming> OndraSter_, 0603 single colour
[04:51:28] <opx> I ordered a dragon :p
[04:51:41] <OndraSter_> Lt_Lemming, it looks like through hole, it has dots in the middle of the pads :P
[04:51:43] <OndraSter_> opx, congrats
[04:52:08] <Lt_Lemming> the dot is just a connection point
[04:54:00] <OndraSter_> ah
[07:14:46] <karlp> anyone know why RAMEND in iom168.h is 0x4ff, not 0x400, when it only has 1K of ram?
[07:27:00] <tomatto> hi
[07:27:23] <tomatto> where and how to load bootloader to my atmega8 please?
[07:29:10] <day> maybe that hep´lps?: http://www.procyonengineering.com/embedded/avr/bootloader/index.html
[07:35:35] <Kevin`> tomatto: you load it with the isp interface (or hvsp/hvpp/jtag/etc)
[08:06:34] <Posterdati> hi
[08:07:44] <Posterdati> I'm using avr-gcc on linux and I'd like to know if there's a way to have formatted output over serial port. What vfprintf stand for on a filesystem-less system?
[08:12:26] <Kev> http://www.nongnu.org/avr-libc/user-manual/group__avr__stdio.html#gaa3b98c0d17b35642c0f3e4649092b9f1
[08:18:06] <Posterdati> Kev: yes I was reading that
[08:19:27] <Posterdati> Kev: I used sprintf a lot :) for string formatting and printing on a serial console
[08:20:44] <Posterdati> aaah I understand, thanks
[08:22:31] <Posterdati> I must provide a character input output function :) good
[08:57:03] <tomatto> Kevin`: i am using avrdude and isp interface for that, how can i upload bootloader and firmware to avoid rewrite each other?
[08:57:35] <Kevin`> tomatto: normally you'd just upload the firmware using the bootloader
[08:57:54] <Kevin`> tomatto: you could combine the two files or explicitly tell avrdude not to repeat the erase operation though
[08:58:14] <tomatto> Kevin`: so i can't upload firmware using spi after i upload bootloader?
[08:59:43] <Kevin`> as I just said, you can, but you would have to be careful not to erase the bootloader
[09:09:18] <tomatto> Kevin`: yeah, so is enough to avoid avrdude to erase chip?
[09:10:04] <Kevin`> try it and read it back
[09:13:01] <codematic> anyone know how to tell how much usb host data the host has sent on the atmega32U4 ? IE, how much data is waiting in the receive banks... ?
[10:13:56] <Posterdati> hi
[10:13:56] <tobbor> hi Posterdati.
[10:14:37] <Posterdati> is it possible to assign a variable to an atmega2560 register to read a write it?
[10:14:41] <Posterdati> like
[10:14:58] <Posterdati> uint8_t *pUDR0;
[10:15:03] <Posterdati> pUDR = 0xc6;
[10:15:04] <Posterdati> ?
[10:16:38] <OndraSter_> register8_t is the datatype for registers I think
[10:18:38] <Posterdati> I did a struct of 8 bits for every register
[10:19:01] <specing> wtf are you doing Posterdati ?
[10:19:52] <specing> u8* pregs = (u8 *)(0x20);
[10:20:00] <Posterdati> a struct for every registers
[10:20:45] <specing> ...
[10:21:05] <Posterdati> only for usart register
[10:21:05] <specing> What is wrong with u8 b = UDR?
[10:21:57] <Posterdati> I'm programming a c++ class
[10:22:16] <Posterdati> as atmega2560 programming interface
[10:24:36] <Posterdati> for serial port
[10:29:28] <Posterdati> so one can extract bits directly from the union/struct easily
[10:36:20] <specing> Posterdati: Has nobody taught you about getters and setters?
[10:56:19] <Tom_itx> the who and the whom?
[10:56:43] <CapnKernel> the where and the whence!
[11:31:25] <Posterdati> specing: your code should work :) uint8_t *pData; pData = 0xc6; then *pData = value
[12:14:06] <codematic> hey abcminiuser you around ?
[12:14:46] <OndraSter_> abcminiuser, WOO HE IS HERE!
[12:14:50] <OndraSter_> he has got a weekend :)
[12:15:01] <OndraSter_> welcome back
[12:15:04] <CapnKernel> He could just be lurking
[12:15:17] <OndraSter_> OR he doesn't have any brain cells left for drinking
[12:15:17] <codematic> yea... :(
[12:15:22] <codematic> haha
[12:15:28] <CapnKernel> or after drinking
[12:15:31] <OndraSter_> :D
[12:43:16] <codematic> arg
[12:43:20] <codematic> dang thing...
[12:43:22] <codematic> :(
[12:43:57] <codematic> Im trying to do usb_bulk_writes to an endpoint on an atmel32u4...
[12:45:20] <codematic> How can i indicate to the host that the device cannot accept another packet ?
[12:46:13] <codematic> i'm supposed to send a NAK... does the atmel do that automatically if its banks are empty ?
[12:46:45] <codematic> <codematic> Im trying to do usb_bulk_writes to an endpoint on an atmel32u4...
[12:46:54] <codematic> <codematic> How can i indicate to the host that the device cannot accept another packet ?
[12:47:02] <codematic> <codematic> How can i indicate to the host that the device cannot accept another packet ?
[12:47:18] <SuperMiguel> how can i create a data type word ??? and then do arithmetic with it?
[12:47:27] <codematic> <codematic> i'm supposed to send a NAK... does the atmel do that automatically if its banks are empty ?
[12:47:37] <codematic> abcminiuser you around ?
[12:47:42] <SuperMiguel> this is how it gets created? number: .dw 0
[12:59:32] * RikusW is now back on GPRS :-/
[13:03:28] <Steffann> RikusW, not sure what's worse…. 4mbit here with at least 2 torrent downloaders active
[13:04:43] <RikusW> I was on 4mbit for a week :)
[13:04:51] * specing is on 10M
[13:04:54] <RikusW> the speed is incredible :) :)
[13:05:08] <specing> 224.0 / 0.0 KB Uploaded: 1465448.4 MB
[13:05:18] <OndraSter_> lol
[13:05:57] <Steffann> Yeah, but two others one the same network downloading torrents 4mbit is nothing RikusW :(
[13:06:40] <specing> Heh, when I started seeding this there were 1200 lechers, now there are only 800
[13:07:35] <Steffann> I guess the others in the house you live in don't know what torrents are? :)
[13:07:40] <RikusW> Steffann: my brother also share the line with two other guys
[13:07:48] <RikusW> one plays WOW
[13:08:09] <Steffann> WoW isn't that heavy is it?
[13:08:15] <RikusW> I think they do
[13:08:24] <specing> I have QoS on my router so all ports < 1024 have a priority
[13:08:29] <RikusW> my brother is busy downloading SG1, its 29GB
[13:08:42] <RikusW> so now I have s3,4,5,6 :)
[13:09:00] <specing> s3,4,5,6 of what?
[13:09:04] <Steffann> Who watches SG ? :P
[13:09:05] <RikusW> will get the rest later when its finished
[13:09:07] <specing> and where are s1,2?
[13:09:12] * RikusW does !
[13:09:25] <RikusW> already had it
[13:09:29] <specing> Nobody watches that stinking pile of egyptian crap.
[13:09:48] * RikusW and OndraSter_ does...
[13:10:17] <RikusW> OndraSter_: lets kick specing :-P
[13:10:19] <specing> Yeah but OndraSter_ is a windows nub anyway
[13:10:31] <specing> figures.
[13:10:33] <specing> :S
[13:12:17] <OndraSter_> wat
[13:12:32] <Steffann> Don't feed him OndraSter_ :)
[13:12:39] <OndraSter_> I am SG-1 fan
[13:12:40] <OndraSter_> and SGA fan
[13:12:41] <OndraSter_> SGU was crap
[13:12:58] <SuperMiguel> how can i increase .byte data?
[13:13:27] <OndraSter_> add new big variable?
[13:13:37] <SuperMiguel> ?
[13:13:48] <OndraSter_> I have got no idea what do you mean :D
[13:13:50] <SuperMiguel> add new big variable?
[13:14:07] <RikusW> .byte 0x11,0x22,0x33 ?
[13:14:13] <specing> nobody can understand SuperMiguel anyway
[13:15:28] <SuperMiguel> OndraSter_: http://ideone.com/ZEqKI
[13:15:50] <SuperMiguel> i cant do inc number since num is not a register
[13:16:03] <OndraSter_> LDS INC STS
[13:16:29] <OndraSter_> LDI ZL, LOW(number)
[13:16:33] <OndraSter_> LDI ZH, HIGH(number)
[13:16:40] <OndraSter_> LDS R16, Z
[13:16:44] <OndraSter_> INC R16
[13:16:47] <OndraSter_> STS Z, R16
[13:16:51] <specing> never gonna learn C, never...
[13:17:00] <OndraSter_> what's wrong on assembly? :P
[13:17:11] <SuperMiguel> specing: motherfucker i know C how many times i have to tell u...
[13:17:18] <SuperMiguel> specing: go masturbate or something :)
[13:17:19] <OndraSter_> also
[13:17:23] <OndraSter_> cpi number,300
[13:17:26] <OndraSter_> what is this :o
[13:17:34] <OndraSter_> I dare you to fit 300 into one byte .)
[13:17:46] <specing> Actaully I should grab some asm too but it is booring and time consuming
[13:18:10] <OndraSter_> some time-consuming things (as in that they run often and such) I do in asm to be sure they are the fastest possible way
[13:18:17] <specing> OndraSter_: watch out, he knows C
[13:18:18] <OndraSter_> like DRAM read/write/refresh purely in software :)
[13:19:18] <SuperMiguel> OndraSter_: is there a way to create .dw and add to it?
[13:19:23] <OndraSter_> ?
[13:19:56] <SuperMiguel> how can u get a variable larger than 255?
[13:20:03] <SuperMiguel> only by separating it in high/low?
[13:20:06] <OndraSter_> two bytes
[13:20:07] <OndraSter_> or more
[13:20:07] <OndraSter_> yes
[13:20:48] <SuperMiguel> then i dont even need to create that byte number
[13:24:05] <specing> He knows C...
[13:25:22] <Steffann> Can't you quit and join ##C specing ?
[13:25:43] <Steffann> *part
[13:25:45] <specing> No
[13:26:41] <specing> Actually that is a great idea
[13:26:50] <specing> (the join)
[13:28:46] <RikusW> SuperMiguel: .db 0,0,0,0,0,0
[13:28:55] <RikusW> make sure you use an even number
[13:29:01] <RikusW> of bytes
[13:30:31] <specing> Hmmm it feels cosy in ##C
[13:31:33] <SuperMiguel> RikusW: if i do "age: .dw 561910919" would i be able to increase age?
[13:32:26] <RikusW> you'll need to load it into ram first, or put it in the datasegment
[13:32:29] <SuperMiguel> OndraSter_: is this what u meant: http://ideone.com/lV7Wz ?
[13:32:45] <RikusW> .desg or .cseg or .eseg for eeprom
[13:33:13] <SuperMiguel> ill copy into ram with STS right?
[13:33:36] <RikusW> LDS
[13:33:44] <RikusW> err
[13:33:50] <RikusW> LPM then STS
[13:33:51] <specing> sts ;P
[13:34:00] <specing> no
[13:34:11] <specing> LPM then ST ptr,+ :)
[13:34:43] <specing> SuperMiguel: open up crt0.c once you C master ;)
[13:35:31] <SuperMiguel> ...
[13:36:07] <specing> From now on Im just going to reffer to you as the C master.
[13:36:14] <OndraSter_> the C MAGICIAN!
[13:36:16] <OndraSter_> magiCian
[13:36:23] <specing> Hehe
[13:36:28] <SuperMiguel> wizard?
[13:41:05] <specing> Ugh the crt is sooo inefficient
[13:41:11] <specing> I have an idea
[13:41:17] <specing> lets write an improved crt!
[13:41:19] <OndraSter_> crt
[13:41:24] <OndraSter_> sounds like something from the 80s?
[13:41:27] <specing> 00000026 <__ctors_end>: 26: 11 24 eor r1, r1
[13:41:28] <OndraSter_> from pascal
[13:41:42] <specing> noops, noops everywhere
[13:41:47] <OndraSter_> lol
[13:41:50] <specing> 28: 1f be out 0x3f, r1 ; 63
[13:41:51] <specing> 2a: cf ed ldi r28, 0xDF ; 223
[13:41:58] <specing> hmm
[13:42:05] * specing opens datash*t
[13:43:18] <specing> 3f is SREG
[13:43:43] <OndraSter_> what is in R1?
[13:43:59] <specing> I have no idea
[13:44:06] <OndraSter_> check the disassembly
[13:44:10] <specing> 00000026 <__ctors_end>:
[13:44:15] <OndraSter_> oh
[13:44:15] <specing> 26: 11 24 eor r1, r1
[13:44:15] <specing> 28: 1f be out 0x3f, r1 ; 63
[13:44:15] <specing> 2a: cf ed ldi r28, 0xDF ; 223
[13:44:15] <specing> 2c: cd bf out 0x3d, r28 ; 61
[13:44:16] <OndraSter_> empty
[13:44:22] <OndraSter_> or not?
[13:44:39] <specing> yeah r1 should be the blank reg
[13:44:48] * specing opens up avr asm
[13:44:51] <specing> *guide
[13:45:15] <specing> __zero_reg__ = r1
[13:46:05] <specing> It first clears it and then writes it to sreg
[13:46:20] <specing> then writes 0xDF to SPL
[13:46:34] <specing> SPL is the almighty stack ptr, right?
[13:46:37] <OndraSter_> ye
[13:46:39] <OndraSter_> SPH:SPL
[13:47:02] <specing> Im looking at the t2313 code
[13:47:16] <specing> <257b ram
[13:47:40] <specing> looks like reset
[13:47:41] <OndraSter_> ah
[13:47:45] <OndraSter_> reset?
[13:47:51] <specing> yeah
[13:47:59] <specing> well not a reset in the traditional sense...
[13:48:05] <specing> 0000002e <__do_copy_data>: 2e: 10 e0 ldi r17, 0x00 ; 0
[13:48:07] <specing> follows
[13:48:19] <specing> I'll better slap this onto a pastebin
[13:48:25] <specing> This will get interesting
[13:48:28] <OndraSter_> yep
[13:48:33] <OndraSter_> quickly before I launch AS6
[13:48:42] <specing> :)
[13:49:01] <OndraSter_> what all does it have to do prior entering main? set stack, copy dseg to ram
[13:50:49] <specing> hmm pastie has no asm highlighting
[13:50:58] <specing> rafb is gone :(
[13:51:14] <OndraSter_> now this is boring, really all it does is clear R1, set stack, copies data to dseg, clears bss
[13:51:18] <OndraSter_> and then jumps to main()
[13:53:06] <OndraSter_> oh god I can't watch what it has produced
[13:53:12] <OndraSter_> otherwise I'd never use gcc ever again
[13:53:38] <OndraSter_> DDRC = 0xFF; DDRB = 0xFE;
[13:53:43] <studdentt> someone can help with AVR UC3-C microcontroler?
[13:53:44] <OndraSter_> about 10 lines of assembly
[13:53:44] <OndraSter_> good god
[13:53:55] <OndraSter_> me: two lines
[13:53:59] <studdentt> which routing card must i use with the stk600 ?
[13:54:46] <specing> http://pastebin.com/yDPUHhWa
[14:01:53] <RikusW> studdentt: the stk600 docs will tell you
[14:01:55] <specing> OndraSter_: LOOK AT IT
[14:02:01] <OndraSter_> I did
[14:02:09] <OndraSter_> I looked even at disassembly of my simple program
[14:02:13] <OndraSter_> that dumps EEPROM to serial port
[14:02:41] <specing> Im going to do a main (){} dissassembly just to have everything at one place
[14:03:08] <studdentt> RikusW: not really
[14:03:28] <studdentt> RikusW: the UC3-C devices is not listed for TQFP64 package
[14:10:38] <specing> http://pastebin.com/DZ4f1NxD
[14:10:42] <specing> OndraSter_: better one
[14:14:56] <specing> Im going to comment it
[14:26:35] <OndraSter_> http://pastebin.com/0EGD60sA
[14:26:37] <OndraSter_> check this out
[14:26:39] <OndraSter_> you will puke :D
[14:27:16] <OndraSter_> funny thing - there is no OUT or STS?!
[14:27:18] <OndraSter_> for registers
[14:27:28] <OndraSter_> b8: 11 e0 ldi r17, 0x01 ; 1
[14:27:29] <OndraSter_> ba: 01 2f mov r16, r17
[14:27:31] <OndraSter_> SERIOUS JOKE
[14:27:53] <RikusW> gcc ?
[14:28:02] <OndraSter_> yes
[14:28:16] <RikusW> to be expected :-P
[14:28:50] <OndraSter_> oh the OUTs are much after where one would expect them to be
[14:29:03] <specing> lol
[14:29:20] <OndraSter_> f6: 00 c0 rjmp .+0 ; 0xf8 <main+0x56>
[14:29:20] <OndraSter_> wtf
[14:29:23] <OndraSter_> lol
[14:29:25] <specing> maybe it is copying that value for some reason?
[14:29:43] <OndraSter_> no
[14:31:01] <specing> http://pastebin.com/4LFjzhYS
[14:31:06] <specing> commented ;)
[14:31:06] <RikusW> rjmp +0 is useful as a delay
[14:32:04] <OndraSter_> I don't want that delay
[14:32:49] <specing> AHA
[14:32:58] <specing> crt shouldn't even initialize SPL
[14:33:09] <specing> it is set to RAMEND by the chip on restart anyway
[14:33:34] <OndraSter_> really?
[14:33:36] <OndraSter_> never heard about that
[14:34:34] <RikusW> I always init SP
[14:35:09] <OndraSter_> everyone does
[14:36:26] <OndraSter_> specing, no it is not
[14:36:29] <specing> datasheet page 11
[14:36:31] <OndraSter_> checking atmega8 datasheet
[14:36:35] <OndraSter_> initial value: 00000
[14:36:40] <specing> Initial value => ramend
[14:36:45] <specing> well in t2313 it is ramend
[14:37:18] <OndraSter_> hmm
[14:37:22] <OndraSter_> on xmega it is ramend as well
[14:37:23] <OndraSter_> nice find
[14:37:24] <OndraSter_> thanks
[14:37:43] <specing> :)
[14:37:56] <specing> hmm
[14:37:57] <OndraSter_> although I am not sure that it would bug me at all ;D
[14:38:06] <specing> how does one ever rewrite crt?
[14:38:25] <OndraSter_> gets source of it
[14:38:27] <OndraSter_> rewrite
[14:38:28] <OndraSter_> s
[14:38:42] * OndraSter_ is Cpt. Obvious
[14:39:00] <specing> I wonder what SREG is init to
[14:39:11] <specing> Initial value: 0
[14:39:13] <OndraSter_> 000000
[14:39:18] <specing> 26: 11 24 eor r1, r1
[14:39:18] <specing> ;0x3f = SREG:
[14:39:19] <specing> 28: 1f be out 0x3f, r1 ; 63
[14:39:23] <specing> Fuck you crt0
[14:39:25] <specing> :P
[14:40:40] <specing> Hmm doesen't .bss come after .data?
[14:40:47] <OndraSter_> it should
[14:40:54] <specing> no need to reinit the X ptr :)
[14:41:00] <specing> - 4 bytes
[14:41:19] <OndraSter_> the only chips where it matters are attiny13 and similar
[14:41:23] <OndraSter_> where one uses assembly anyway
[14:43:23] <specing> remember the usbtinyisp that woulndn't fit with gcc 4.4?
[14:43:36] <specing> it was off by ~12 bytes
[14:43:41] <specing> we can do eet!
[14:43:58] <OndraSter_> lol
[14:44:05] <R0b0t1> Needs more optimization1
[14:44:09] <R0b0t1> 11!!!11!!1!!
[14:44:18] <OndraSter_> MOAR OPTIMIZATION!
[14:44:33] <OndraSter_> that reminds me
[14:44:34] <OndraSter_> http://img.imgur.com/uxjhq.gif
[14:44:40] <R0b0t1> Reminds me of Gentoo kernel ricers
[14:44:46] <R0b0t1> COMPILE WITH ALL THE FLAGS
[14:44:56] <OndraSter_> lol
[14:45:01] <R0b0t1> OndraSter_, lol at kitteh
[14:53:30] <specing> R0b0t1: I am a Gentoo user
[14:56:01] <OndraSter_> I have got debian and gentoo in my virtual computers
[14:56:17] <specing> on*
[14:57:20] <R0b0t1> specing, I hope you aren't... one of them.
[14:58:12] <specing> We can save 12 bytes instantly!
[14:59:23] <etharooni> Hey #avr people. So the mega328 datasheet says that the sleep mode POWER_MODE_IDLE keeps the I/O working but in my program, once it goes into sleep, PORTB goes to 0. Any ideas?
[14:59:49] <etharooni> Probably other ports too, heh. I only care about PORTB though.
[15:01:06] <etharooni> (page 40 of doc8271)
[15:02:30] <R0b0t1> Hmm. What it might mean is the IO <technical name for relevant piece of circuitry> is enabled, but the drivers are not.
[15:02:56] <R0b0t1> A brushless ESC on a tiny13 would be quite a squeeze, wouldn't it? Hmm. Might not even have enough pins.
[15:04:23] <etharooni> R0b0t1: Meh, that kinda sucks. Alas. I guess I'mma just let it pull full power.
[15:04:55] <OndraSter_> etharooni, isn't there "pullups disabled in sleep" bit somewhere?
[15:05:18] <etharooni> Oh really? I don't know. Never heard of that.
[15:08:45] <OndraSter_> I remember some pull up disable flag global and there was maybe one more for sleep mode
[15:08:45] <etharooni> PUD: PULLUP DISABLE ?
[15:08:45] <etharooni> I don't know. Maybe avr/sleep.h does something weird. I'll look.
[15:36:55] <R0b0t1> The more I keep considering this, the more useless the attiny13 becomes.
[15:37:31] <OndraSter_> lol why?
[15:37:35] <OndraSter_> it is super dirt cheap
[15:37:39] <OndraSter_> and superdirt small
[15:41:24] <R0b0t1> Almost TOO small.
[15:41:55] * GuShH_ pats R0b0t1
[15:42:01] <R0b0t1> Only useful in applications requiring like,
[15:42:02] <R0b0t1> like,
[15:42:05] <GuShH_> It's not the size that matters...
[15:42:15] <R0b0t1> Can only do one thing. One very simple thing.
[15:42:16] <OndraSter_> it's how you use it
[15:42:20] <OndraSter_> R0b0t1, work?
[15:42:29] <GuShH_> NO --- It's how many people you can kill with it.
[15:42:34] <OndraSter_> lol
[15:42:37] <R0b0t1> Like I doubt I have enough room to decode IR pulses AND send them out. That's how small its memory is.
[15:42:47] <OndraSter_> if you use assembly
[15:42:48] <R0b0t1> decode/send over softserial
[15:42:49] <GuShH_> Or how shitty your coding is.
[15:42:49] <OndraSter_> you can fit a LOT of code
[15:43:10] <GuShH_> Sorry buddy, your arduino libs ain't gonna fit.
[15:43:16] <OndraSter_> lol
[15:43:17] <R0b0t1> derp
[15:43:25] * GuShH_ shakes R0b0t1
[15:43:35] <OndraSter_> isn't arduino with empty project something like 2.5kB?
[15:43:40] <GuShH_> >_<
[15:43:41] * R0b0t1 is wondering wtf he could do with it.
[15:43:47] <R0b0t1> OndraSter_: Yes.
[15:43:49] <GuShH_> make a 555 with it
[15:44:04] <R0b0t1> I could make electronic dice. I'm feeling pretty lame. Is that project lame enough?
[15:44:22] <GuShH_> meh
[15:44:26] <GuShH_> nothing beats a blinking LED
[15:44:30] <OndraSter_> hehe
[15:44:39] <OndraSter_> one shift register and attiny13 can do a dice, yes
[15:44:45] <OndraSter_> actually
[15:44:47] <OndraSter_> with charlieplexing
[15:44:51] <OndraSter_> only tiny is needed :P
[15:44:53] <R0b0t1> You can add the pips in pairs.
[15:45:04] <R0b0t1> OndraSter_, there's a project that did two dice at once with only attiny
[15:45:09] <OndraSter_> :)
[15:45:20] <R0b0t1> m4d sk1llz
[15:45:35] <GuShH_> u want da codez?
[15:45:40] <R0b0t1> But I've got so many other things I want to test out. Why is making boards so hard :(
[15:45:44] <GuShH_> u cant handle da codez.
[15:45:48] * R0b0t1 stares at his stacks of surface mount components.
[15:45:55] * GuShH_ sneezes
[15:46:09] <OndraSter_> lol
[17:04:36] <Posterdati> hi
[17:08:58] <OndraSter_> hi
[17:11:03] <specing> Posterdati: liek totaly tell us about the project!
[17:11:18] <OndraSter_> :D
[17:11:58] <specing> meanwhile SuperMiguel^Wthe C master is still grasping assembly
[17:19:42] <Steffann> Get a live specing
[17:19:52] <Steffann> +f -v :)
[17:20:11] <OndraSter_> get what?
[17:20:17] <OndraSter_> what is life?
[17:20:20] <Steffann> life.zip
[17:20:23] <OndraSter_> oh
[17:20:27] <OndraSter_> is drunk.rar enough?
[17:20:31] <OndraSter_> with "extract to desktopL
[17:20:33] <OndraSter_> "
[17:20:38] <OndraSter_> and "move to recycle bin"?
[17:20:50] <Steffann> if that helps you :)
[17:21:09] <OndraSter_> http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-sPdAUmpqPfA/T005M1n3CyI/AAAAAAAAAnY/212aX1lZlPE/s1600/drunk_rar.jpg
[17:22:23] <Steffann> :)
[17:36:03] <specing> Maan we got the heaviest noob in existance in ##c
[17:41:07] <Steffann> Thanks for the info
[19:29:03] <codematic> What does everyone have hot dates or some shit ? Freakin quiet here... :)
[19:42:43] <OndraSter> codematic, not all of us
[19:42:47] <OndraSter> some of us are forever alon... available
[19:43:12] <codematic> haha
[20:25:04] <spybert> thats why they need avrs for their robotic lovers :))
[23:59:44] <SuperMiguel> is there a way to return to the next expression that called a function?