#avr | Logs for 2012-07-21

[04:45:51] <hetii> Hi :)
[04:47:05] <hetii> Did some of you use maybe some signaling converter for SD card that allow to use SDR50 mode?
[05:07:29] <hetii> or maybe some of you know fromwhere i can grab such sd card module with signaling level translator
[05:07:30] <hetii> ?
[05:35:21] <Sefid_Par> What does this do: "DDRD = 1<<PD2"?
[05:35:48] <Sefid_Par> That is written here:http://www.avr-tutorials.com/interrupts/avr-external-interrupt-c-programming
[05:39:42] <MannImMond> It sets PortD2 as an output
[05:49:20] <Sefid_Par> What does this code do: "DDRD = 1<<PD2"?
[05:49:59] <MannImMond> "It sets PortD2 as an output"
[05:50:18] <Steffanx> Sefid_Par time to read something about bit manipulation etc.?
[05:50:45] <MannImMond> well depends on which of part the statement is a problem for you
[05:51:16] <MannImMond> if it is the 1 << PD2 then yes. If it's about DDRD and PD2 then you should read a datasheet
[05:51:38] <Steffanx> And when both, read both? :P
[05:51:39] <Sefid_Par> Does 1<<PD2 implement anything on PD2?
[05:52:01] <Sefid_Par> Steffanx: I ;). What documentation do you advice?
[05:52:40] <Sefid_Par> Do you *offer
[05:53:20] <Sefid_Par> Why should we write such this code. we could easyly tell DDRD=FF
[05:54:19] <MannImMond> Well to make it portable and easier to read
[05:54:57] <Steffanx> Some basic info is here http://www.avrfreaks.net/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=37871
[05:55:12] <Sefid_Par> Would you please tell me the output of 1<<PD2?
[05:55:27] <Sefid_Par> Sterffanx: Thank you.
[05:55:33] <Steffanx> And more interesting tutorials are here : http://www.avrfreaks.net/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewforum&f=11
[05:56:09] <MannImMond> PD2 is simply 2 which means the result is just 1 shifted by 2 which results in 0x04.
[05:56:35] <MannImMond> you can find those definitions in the header file corresponding to your avr
[05:58:00] <Sefid_Par> I think it means that when ever PD2==1 then PD2 acts as INT, Am I right?
[05:58:10] <MannImMond> eh no
[05:58:15] <Sefid_Par> Oh
[05:59:06] <MannImMond> it means that the specific Pin PD2 on your controller can be used as general output e.g. to switch an LED on and OFF
[06:00:40] <Sefid_Par> Why did you say that PD2 is 2?
[06:00:48] <Sefid_Par> Hou could you find that?
[06:01:13] <Sefid_Par> Isn't PD2 one bit?
[06:01:53] <MannImMond> no it is a number used to control exactly one bit
[06:02:52] <Sefid_Par> I think I should read about i/o registers.
[06:03:00] <Sefid_Par> I can not understand the PD2 at all!
[06:03:22] <MannImMond> it is specified in the corresponding header file e.g. iom88.h(which you don't include directly when using GCC)
[06:04:13] <Sefid_Par> How can I understand PD2!
[06:04:30] <Sefid_Par> I do not know what it is and how does it work/change.
[06:07:25] <MannImMond> I guess you should have a look around at the tutorial section at AVRfreaks
[06:08:05] <Sefid_Par> Would you mind tell which tutorial is better to read in order to understand this?
[06:08:17] <Sefid_Par> I am reading avr-tutorials.com
[06:08:39] <Sefid_Par> My problem is obout this page: http://www.avr-tutorials.com/interrupts/The-AVR-8-Bits-Microcontrollers-External-Interrupts
[06:10:38] <MannImMond> Well I guess you should read some other tutorials before moving to interrupts
[06:11:11] <Sefid_Par> Oh, Ok. Going to avrfreaks.
[06:11:39] <MannImMond> I didn't read any of the tutorials on that site but the one about the Digital I/O seems like a better start
[06:13:34] <Sefid_Par> You mean The avr-tutorials has better tutorial about I/O?
[06:21:34] <MannImMond> I don't know. I didn't read the basic I/O tutorials on freaks either
[07:43:31] <elektrinis> hi
[07:43:32] <tobbor> Hello elektrinis
[07:43:41] <elektrinis> anyone has a jtagice mkII?
[07:43:48] <elektrinis> I have a strange problem
[07:44:07] <elektrinis> I have enabled the debugwire via ISP mode
[07:44:33] <elektrinis> when I start the debugging, my programmer restarts, loses USB connection
[07:45:00] <elektrinis> the AVR is running previous program fine, but now I have no access to it
[07:45:14] <elektrinis> since ISP does not work when dW is eanbled
[08:08:18] <Kevin`> elektrinis: you can switch to isp mode via dw
[08:08:32] <Kevin`> elektrinis: avrdude will do it automatically. studio does it somehow too
[08:08:36] <elektrinis> yes I know, but you have to start the debugging first
[08:09:07] <elektrinis> and I fail at it.
[09:50:27] <damjan> how would I specify a custom crtxxx.o to the linker? can I just put it in the gcc command line?
[11:24:28] <damjan> what's the difference between ./avr/lib/avr2/attiny25/crttn25.o and ./avr/lib/avr25/attiny25/crttn25.o
[12:15:30] <kunguz> is avr-gcc-c++ included into avr-binutils? or avr-gcc? 0r
[12:15:39] <kunguz> is avr-gcc-c++ included into avr-binutils? or avr-gcc? 0r avr-libc?
[12:16:12] <OndraSter> avr-c++ should be part of avr-gcc one would guess
[12:16:17] <OndraSter> (avr-g++?)
[12:16:27] <OndraSter> ((or are they not using the same naming scheme?))
[12:19:14] <kunguz> OndraSter: so when I have avr-gcc on my system that means I have avr-g++ or is it a seperate package?
[12:19:45] <OndraSter> linux?
[12:20:21] <kunguz> OndraSter: yep
[12:20:35] <specing> kunguz: depends on the configuration options
[12:20:35] <OndraSter> hmm can't help there, sorry, I am Win guy
[12:21:19] <kunguz> specing: at the moment, I do not have it so I was wondering if I miss something. I should better check configuration options before compiling it
[12:21:52] <specing> GCC is the gnu compiler COLLECTION
[12:22:10] <specing> meaning you could, technically compile FORTRAN and ADA for AVRs
[12:22:23] <kunguz> specing: I have --enable-languages="c,c++" flag already set, I should have avr-gcc-g++ by now, is that so?
[12:22:47] <specing> there is no avr-gcc-g++
[12:22:59] <specing> only WHATEVERPREFIXYOUUSEDg++
[12:23:40] <kunguz> specing: here is more explanation to my problem. I am trying to make arduino 1.0.1 ide work. It returns error as couldn't find avr-gcc-g++
[12:23:59] <kunguz> specing: ofcourse it returns this message whenever I try to compile anything with it.
[12:24:44] <kunguz> specing: Cannot run program "avr-g++" is the warning it gives
[12:25:44] <kunguz> specing: http://arduino.cc/playground/Learning/linux says I need to have avr-gcc-c++package as dependency, is this a seperate package then avr-gcc?
[12:25:55] <OndraSter> hmm no avr-gcc in Portage?
[12:26:13] <OndraSter> only avr-libc
[12:26:51] <kunguz> This is what returns when I tab avr under the terminal: http://sudrap.org/paste/text/176908/
[12:27:34] <kunguz> Although I have avr-gcc, avr-binutils, avr-libc installed. I am facing this problem and now I am trying to make sense of it.
[12:27:47] <specing> kunguz: make wrapper shell scripts?
[12:28:05] <kunguz> specing: you mean not to use ide?
[12:28:13] <kunguz> arduino ide
[12:28:36] <specing> kunguz: wtf dude id it is broken and you cant fix it, work around it
[12:28:39] <specing> if*
[12:29:26] <specing> If it expect a fucking avr-gcc-whatever entry just make a shell script OR EVEN A LINK to the proper program?
[12:29:31] <kunguz> specing: just curios, does your system have such command as avr-g++ ?
[12:29:37] <specing> Yes
[12:29:42] <OndraSter> alias avr-gcc-g++=avr-g++
[12:29:44] <OndraSter> or something
[12:29:52] <specing> avr-g++
[12:29:53] <specing> avr-g++: no input files
[12:30:15] <kunguz> specing: maybe it is best if I recompile avr-gcc because it seems like something is missing, there is no avr-g++ in my system
[12:31:52] <specing> find(1) may help you
[12:42:50] <OndraSter> there we go
[12:43:12] <OndraSter> avr-gcc 4.5.3, --enabled-languages=c,c++,fortran
[12:43:20] <OndraSter> why, in the name of hell, would it default to enable fortran
[12:43:32] <Corwin> :D
[12:43:36] <Corwin> dont like fortran ?
[12:44:09] <OndraSter> I know that it is old-school matlab
[12:44:11] <OndraSter> and that's all I know
[12:46:29] <OndraSter> mostly - why does it default to fortran on avr gcc lol
[12:46:41] <Corwin> btw, what about your boards? already got them ?
[12:47:27] <OndraSter> there we go
[12:47:28] <OndraSter> Corwin, no
[12:47:31] <OndraSter> I was away for a week
[12:47:34] <OndraSter> and still don't have any $$
[12:47:41] <Corwin> :(
[12:48:07] <OndraSter> also I need to write to mouser and ask about the chips - there might be issues with exporting them from USA to CZE because USA does not allow exporting stuff with ciphering support
[12:48:18] <OndraSter> and well, XMEGAs have hardware support for DES or AES or something
[12:48:31] <Corwin> afaik CZ is not on ban list
[12:48:32] <OndraSter> ciphering = encryption*
[12:48:34] <OndraSter> ooo
[12:48:36] <OndraSter> that would be lovely
[12:49:00] <OndraSter> but I need to sell something first (the other phone(s) I have lying here could be a good deal)
[12:49:05] <OndraSter> I am a poor student :(
[12:49:14] <Corwin> what phone?
[12:49:28] <OndraSter> Lumia 710
[12:49:35] <OndraSter> useless since I have got 800 :)
[12:49:43] <Steffanx> OndraSter and his expensive poor student phone ..
[12:49:54] <OndraSter> yes, but I got 800 for free :D
[12:49:57] <OndraSter> as a developer
[12:50:02] <OndraSter> and I won the 710...
[12:50:03] <OndraSter> lol
[12:50:13] <Steffanx> Poor students sell it :)
[12:50:21] <Corwin> Steffanx, me as a poor student got htc hd2.... costs more than lumia
[12:50:32] <OndraSter> I had HD2 long time ago and sold it already :D
[12:50:45] <OndraSter> actually it is about a year since I bought Omnia 7 for 199€ + 13€ shipping from Germany :D
[12:51:12] <OndraSter> yes, it is almost exactly a year ago, +- few days
[12:51:51] <Corwin> oh... lumia 710 is ugly
[12:52:19] <OndraSterver2> on pictures - yes
[12:52:25] <OndraSterver2> in white - yes
[12:52:28] <OndraSterver2> in black - not that much
[12:52:33] <OndraSter> why did I fall out
[12:52:50] <OndraSterver2> and again off he goes
[12:52:54] <OndraSter> or not
[12:58:19] <Corwin> ok... i need board (probably ARM based) capable of running linux, with LAN interface and usb host (to connect usb 3g modem).... any recomendations?
[12:59:42] <OndraSterver2> panda is the firs thing that comes to my mind
[12:59:45] <OndraSterver2> but that is not cheap :)
[12:59:49] <OndraSterver2> what about Raspberry?
[12:59:53] <Corwin> define "not cheap" ?
[13:00:20] <Corwin> i need somethink available faster than Raspberry
[13:00:26] <OndraSterver2> $200 I think are pandas
[13:00:27] <drgreenthumb> you may have better luck asking in #arm-netbook btw
[13:00:40] <OndraSterver2> I haven't studied or looked into ARM boards at all
[13:26:46] <elektrinis> um
[13:27:00] <elektrinis> trying AVR GCC on AVRstudio 4
[13:27:10] <elektrinis> I cant see a normal file tree
[13:27:24] <elektrinis> there is a folder named 'source files'
[13:27:43] <elektrinis> how do I add existing files within a subfolder?
[13:28:32] <Corwin> rightclick that folder, and use "Add existing..." command from the menu
[13:39:22] <elektrinis> and when I point to a file in a subfolder, is says that the file contains illegal character, such as \ or /
[14:10:12] <damjan> Corwin: beaglebone is $80
[14:18:23] <xSmurf> join ##dd-wrt
[14:18:36] <OndraSter> I dare you :D
[14:43:47] <elektrinis> Error 1 __builtin_avr_delay_cycles expects an integer constant. c:\program files (x86)\atmel\atmel studio 6.0\extensions\atmel\avrgcc\\avrtoolchain\bin\../lib/gcc/avr/4.6.2/../../../../avr/include/util/delay.h 164 28 BLDC
[14:43:52] <elektrinis> since when??
[14:44:00] <elektrinis> in eclipse it was running ok
[14:44:07] <elektrinis> _delay_ms(getThrottle());
[14:53:50] <elektrinis> ok I see
[14:57:15] <tomatto> hi
[14:57:16] <tobbor> tomatto! like, totally tell us about the project!
[14:57:51] <OndraSter> hi
[14:58:49] <tomatto> i need to control rgb led connected to atmega8 via usb serial device in pc, how can i do it? with obdev, what example have to use please?
[15:00:09] <tomatto> i am asking about usb part
[15:01:12] <tomatto> can you lead/help me please?
[15:01:32] <elektrinis> use FT232 and virtual com port
[15:02:54] <specing> tomatto: Install ubuntu, open /dev/ttyUSB0 and read/write to it
[15:03:20] <tomatto> i don't want to use ftdi or other chips
[15:03:39] <tomatto> i need to implement this virtual usb com port into mega8
[15:04:07] <specing> I bet V-usb has such an implementation
[15:04:57] <tomatto> specing: i searched their source codes, but i didn't find virtual com port there
[15:05:09] <RikusW> CDC ?
[15:07:43] <tomatto> i tried cdc with tiny45, and it cause problems with detection
[15:10:10] <tomatto> btw. it needs minimally 16MHz crystal?
[15:22:48] <RikusW> V-USB can work with a few different crystals
[15:22:57] <RikusW> eg: 12 15 16 20MHz
[15:23:08] <RikusW> read its docs
[15:25:40] <tomatto> and with 14.7456MHz?
[15:25:50] <specing> probably not
[15:27:13] <OndraSter> this is crazy, I have got here 8x smaller nixie tubes, 9x big nixie tubes (ZM566M) and one nixie tube with +-~
[15:27:17] <OndraSter> Z567M
[15:27:35] <RikusW> what are you going to do with them ?
[15:27:51] <OndraSter> powersupply for them has been on my breadboard for like a year already lol
[15:27:58] <OndraSter> probably build a retro clock?
[15:28:05] <OndraSter> I am thinking whether I should add seconds as well
[15:28:19] <day_> ...
[15:28:22] <OndraSter> I heard that it is not good for the nixies to change the numbers quickly
[15:28:28] <RikusW> hmm, what kind of voltages are involved ?
[15:28:34] <OndraSter> 100 - 200V
[15:28:43] <day_> they also say multiplexing them is bad
[15:28:45] <OndraSter> well, to be more precise, 130 - 170V
[15:28:54] <RikusW> so it can actually shock you :-P
[15:28:58] <OndraSter> I don't want to mux them
[15:29:00] <OndraSter> RikusW, ye
[15:29:05] <OndraSter> MC34063 on the input though :)
[15:29:06] <day_> imo its bullshit my nixie clock runs 24/7 multiplexed for 2years ZERO problems so far
[15:29:18] <OndraSter> day_, how many times does it switch per second?
[15:29:25] <OndraSter> I have got many 74 141 drivers here :D
[15:29:50] <day_> hmm, i dont remember :/
[15:30:01] <OndraSter> well it is definitely more than 1 times per second :D
[15:30:36] <day_> more like 150 i think
[15:30:40] <OndraSter> yeah
[15:30:45] <OndraSter> poor nixies :D
[15:30:48] <day_> but i totally dont remember...dont have the code anymore
[15:30:58] <day_> but as i said NO problems
[15:31:48] <day_> can anyone explain me why its not allowed to write: out SPL, low(RAMEND)?
[15:31:57] <OndraSter> it is
[15:32:05] <OndraSter> what does it error out on?
[15:32:24] <OndraSter> maybe low vs LOW? not sure if it is (not) case sensitive
[15:34:02] <day_> well im obviously not allowed to transfer things directly into the spl register..but i dont understand why
[15:34:24] <OndraSter> you are
[15:34:29] <OndraSter> the error please :)
[15:34:33] <day_> if i transfer the value to a normal register and then into spl itsok
[15:34:38] <OndraSter> ohh
[15:34:38] <day_> it say invalid register
[15:34:39] <OndraSter> yeah
[15:34:45] <OndraSter> you can not do intermidiate -> reg
[15:34:50] <day_> i know
[15:34:52] <day_> but why
[15:34:53] <day_> :D
[15:35:08] <day_> i mean both are register :P
[15:35:17] <OndraSterver2> <OndraSter> you have to put it into R16 - 31 first
[15:35:17] <OndraSterver2> * Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).
[15:35:28] <OndraSterver2> only those 15 registers are allowed to load intermidiate value
[15:36:02] <day_> yes i realize that but why is that? :/
[15:36:58] <OndraSter> because AVR architecture has only 3bits left for register for intermidiate instructions
[15:37:04] <OndraSter> which fits those 16 registers
[15:37:08] <OndraSter> err
[15:37:10] <OndraSter> 4bits*
[15:40:12] <day_> that explains why the register is invalid. that makes me wonder tho, why doesnt the uC use the same addressing technique it uses when r16 -> SPL
[15:40:34] <OndraSter> because that is not intermidiate instruction anymore :)
[15:42:08] <day_> then why is there a special way to handle intermediate instructions? is it faster this way? there must be a reason :/
[15:42:25] <OndraSter> architecture design
[15:42:33] <OndraSter> less space occupied
[15:42:44] <OndraSter> STS instruction takes three bytes (1 + 2 address)
[15:42:51] <OndraSter> while intermidiate load only two (1 + 1 data)
[15:43:29] <day_> thanks
[15:43:51] <OndraSter> that's my guess really
[15:43:55] <OndraSter> !seen abcminiuser
[15:43:55] <tobbor> abcminiuser was last seen in #avr on Jul 11 10:37 2012
[15:43:57] <OndraSter> hmm
[15:44:05] <OndraSter> do they drink up the north?
[15:44:11] <Tom_itx> the missing child
[15:44:28] <Tom_itx> or possibly the missing link?
[15:45:08] <OndraSter> and who is the Zelda?
[17:29:47] <OndraSter> oh screw it, I shall sell the nixie tubes, I have a lot of them and I can live without the clock as well
[17:30:02] <OndraSter> and they sell for really a lot
[17:30:06] <OndraSter> I will have money to make the boards!
[17:30:09] <OndraSter> hooray corw
[17:30:12] <OndraSter> hmm he is gone
[17:30:16] <OndraSter> !seen Corwin
[17:30:16] <tobbor> Corwin was last seen in #avr on Jul 21 12:37 2012
[17:30:18] <OndraSter> ye
[17:30:22] <OndraSter> !time
[17:30:23] <tobbor> My watch says its 15:28 Sat Jul 21 2012
[17:30:31] <OndraSter> wtf
[17:30:35] <OndraSter> 15:28?
[17:30:52] <OndraSter> what timezone is that? -7.2?
[17:35:41] <jacekowski> looks like somebody is not using ntp
[17:36:12] <OndraSter> tobbor, NTP dude
[17:37:23] <Steffanx> bug rue_* : OndraSter
[17:37:36] <OndraSter> :)
[17:37:48] <OndraSter> I would expect master to have notification on his kid
[17:37:57] <OndraSter> rue_shop3, NTP NTP NTP on tobbor!
[17:43:28] <OndraSter> anyway, I am looking for some headers. I am pretty sure you know which ones arduino has, right?
[17:43:36] <OndraSter> well I am looking for those which would also have LONG legs
[17:43:51] <OndraSter> so one could both plug them into breadboard and/or put wire into the hole
[17:46:16] <OndraSter> err drawing anybody?
[17:46:17] <OndraSter> http://clip2net.com/s/28Eml
[17:46:19] <OndraSter> green = PCB
[17:46:25] <OndraSter> grey = inside
[17:46:34] <OndraSter> yeah, it is not easy to draw stuff
[20:14:20] <day_> are the assembler commands in the datasheets actually represented by hardware? what i mean is, is there a "unit" which does nothing but "ADD" or "xor" or .... ? so if i write ADD R2, R3. it actually connects these two registers with this Hardware "ADD" unit?
[20:15:51] <Richard_Cavell> day_: kind of, yes
[20:16:09] <Richard_Cavell> the assembler commands are the machine language, which is processed by the CPU
[20:16:33] <Richard_Cavell> However, some CPUs use microcode, which means that the core actually interprets a different instruction set from the one that is fed into the CPU. But that's transparent from the programmer.
[20:16:38] <Richard_Cavell> I don't know whether AVRs use microcode
[20:20:38] <CapnKernel> AVR is a RISC processor, along with others such as the ARM. In general, RISC processors are designed to not use microcode.
[20:21:04] <CapnKernel> The binary format of the instruction opcodes is designed to be able to drive the different units of the core directly.
[20:21:44] <CapnKernel> On a CISC CPU, the instructions can be very complex, so microcode is like a small program that executes for each instruction.
[20:22:03] <CapnKernel> I don't think there's any such thing for the AVR, just some opcode decoding logic.
[20:52:05] <day_> thanks for the explaination