#avr | Logs for 2012-07-19

[00:00:27] <R0b0t1> Well, I think the most we could have hoped for was for one of them to be standing in the doorway when it fell
[00:01:25] <GuShH> I can picture the 8 little cunts tweeting about it while secretly hiding the piss in their pants.
[00:02:23] <R0b0t1> lol
[00:02:25] <R0b0t1> okay
[00:02:27] <R0b0t1> yeah
[00:02:30] <R0b0t1> I can too
[00:03:03] <w|zzy> R0b0t1: They prbably tripped the overspeed
[00:08:59] <GuShH> too bad Darwin wasn't around at the time.
[02:12:52] <SuperMiguel> where is tn13def located?
[02:13:05] <SuperMiguel> .inc
[02:15:03] <SuperMiguel> nvm found it
[02:17:36] <SuperMiguel> any one uses AVR avs?
[02:39:42] <theBear> nah, it's just a coincidence that the channel is called #avr ... we all use pics and 68k
[02:39:51] * theBear smiles
[02:39:59] <theBear> oh, avs, stupid half asleep eyes
[02:40:09] * theBear apologises for a bad joke that didn't even make sense
[04:53:32] <rhumbot> hi all, ive got a problem with uart: i dont recieve the proper signal from the microcontroller. http://pastebin.com/ucLDDT42 this is the c code + the compilation/flash code. anyone around willing to help me?
[05:11:15] <specing> rhumbot: are you sure the STH in the "recieved & STH" tests if of the form 0b11...0...11?
[05:11:33] <specing> s/if/is/
[05:35:48] <rhumbot> specing: no i dont. but i dont even see the line you are talking about. this is a test program i downloaded from peter fleurys website
[09:23:41] <SuperMiguel> whats the difference between ldi and move?
[14:39:17] <RikusW> dreamer: the Atmel reply about DDRC0
[14:39:20] <RikusW> It is not recommended to modify the functionality of PC0/XTAL2 pin when external crystal is being used as a clock source for the device. This is not a bug in the device, this is the expected behavior.
[14:40:20] <dreamer> ok, well I understand why touching it is a booboo :)
[14:41:04] <dreamer> same holds for PORTC I guess?
[14:41:06] <RikusW> DWEN was on when I messed with it, locking me out of the chip :(
[14:41:20] <dreamer> DWEN?
[14:41:29] <RikusW> debugWIRE
[14:42:15] <RikusW> Setting PORTC1 high will enable the pullup, I don't think it will disable the clock, but its better to leave it alone ;)
[14:45:22] <theBear> erm, if yer using an exterrnal crystal you NEED xtal1 and 2
[14:47:55] <SuperMiguel> is there an avr retailer in US?
[14:47:58] <dreamer> RikusW: well, from the specs it basically says "doesn't do anything useful for you, move along"
[14:48:04] <SuperMiguel> avr wants $19 for shipping :S
[14:48:05] <dreamer> so I'll listen to that ;)
[14:48:31] <specing> SuperMiguel: who is AVR?
[14:48:39] <SuperMiguel> atmel sorry
[14:48:46] <dreamer> RikusW: anyway, I'm going to look if I can add some more functionality. the chip is a bit overpowered for this project so I think I need some more blinking-light activity ;)
[14:49:29] <dreamer> thinking just a row of leds doing a KITT imitation will do (would be my first major led-hack .. seems ok to start with :) )
[14:49:36] <SuperMiguel> specing: digikey my best bet?
[14:50:00] <specing> SuperMiguel: I dont know, Im in Europe
[14:58:52] * RikusW likes KITT :)
[15:00:32] <RikusW> theBear: the problem is messing with DDRC0/XT2 on m32u2 turns of the clock....
[15:04:39] <theBear> well if yer using a crystal, of course it does, that pin needs to stay as xtal2 or the clock source no longer exists
[15:05:12] <theBear> if you mean internal r-c clock, that's a little different
[15:18:19] <RikusW> I would have thought that the fuses overrides DDRC0....
[16:14:10] <amee2k> http://ompldr.org/vZXNweQ/captcha.png
[16:14:11] <amee2k> ...
[22:55:45] <SuperMiguel> avr asm is not that simple as u guys say
[22:56:29] <Casper> it's asm, but still simple enought
[22:56:56] <SuperMiguel> Casper: is it a bad idea to use avr as your first asm language?
[22:57:15] <Casper> no
[22:57:40] <Casper> the main problem with asm is when you need to do divisions and use multi-bytes variables
[22:59:26] <SuperMiguel> Casper: any tips on learning?
[23:00:59] <Casper> start simple, with a goal :D
[23:01:25] <SuperMiguel> but as far as online resources? guides/books?
[23:01:56] <Tom_itx> SuperMiguel i did some simple stuff with asm
[23:02:01] <Tom_itx> if i can, anybody can
[23:02:32] <Tom_itx> follow others' code and learn from it
[23:03:32] <SuperMiguel> Tom_itx: not a bad idea, ill look in the forums see what ppl got
[23:03:34] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/avr/tiny10/
[23:03:42] <Tom_itx> some of that is mine, some isn't
[23:03:58] <SuperMiguel> also i think doesn't avr studio lets u see ur C code in asm?
[23:04:08] <Tom_itx> view the list file
[23:04:15] <Tom_itx> it's asm with notes
[23:04:17] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/avr/atmega32U4/asm/
[23:04:20] <Tom_itx> there's some more
[23:04:23] <Tom_itx> for the u4
[23:05:25] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/avr/blinkled/asm/
[23:05:41] <SuperMiguel> cool thanks bud
[23:06:08] <Tom_itx> wander around in the avr dir there, you may find some more
[23:06:33] <Tom_itx> the t10 will show you how to set up interrupts i think
[23:06:39] <Tom_itx> one of them does i know
[23:06:42] <Tom_itx> i forget which one
[23:07:50] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/avr/tiny10/test/tn10_pwm_test.asm
[23:07:59] <Tom_itx> i list them at the top
[23:08:48] <Tom_itx> i think i use studio's asm on those, i'm not sure about gcc asm
[23:08:57] <Tom_itx> anyway, gnite
[23:09:07] <SuperMiguel> Thanks =) u out?
[23:09:15] <Tom_itx> yup
[23:09:21] <SuperMiguel> take it easy
[23:47:00] <Sefid_Par> How does "Z flag" work? why does it vary in several instructions?
[23:47:17] <Sefid_Par> Does it depend to the instruction?
[23:47:34] <Casper> you just answered your question
[23:48:09] <Sefid_Par> Casper: Oh, Thank you.
[23:54:32] <Sefid_Par> Do you know any document whitch explains the changes in flags and registers?
[23:55:49] <Sefid_Par> Of course I need changes in flags. I want to understand when do the flags change.
[23:57:24] <Sefid_Par> I found it. Googled :D
[23:59:20] <Sefid_Par> I do not understand the BRNE in the subroutine "Delay" at the end of theis page:http://www.avr-tutorials.com/assembly/writing-assembly-subroutines-avr-microcontroller