#avr | Logs for 2012-07-18

[00:04:36] <k-man> CapnKernel, yeah, i think i was one of his first customers iirc
[00:04:55] <k-man> funny thing is that its so long ago i forgot all about the fact i got it from tom
[00:05:03] <CapnKernel> :-)
[00:05:12] <k-man> came here to ask about it and then someone else mentioned they got a board off tom and it call came back to me
[00:05:17] <CapnKernel> k-man: If you're in Sydney, get thee to #ozhs
[00:05:42] <k-man> done
[00:05:51] <k-man> i do go on that channel from time to time
[00:20:32] <CapnKernel> Oh I see.
[01:57:53] <w|zzy> What happens on ozhs?
[01:58:11] <w|zzy> oz hackerspace
[01:58:12] <w|zzy> ?
[02:22:02] <k-man> w|zzy, yeah
[02:22:13] <k-man> its sort of an umbrella channel for all .au hacker spaces
[02:22:28] <k-man> there are other channels for specific .au hacker spaces
[02:22:52] <k-man> so can i program any avr with the usbtiny?
[02:23:03] <k-man> and err... can i do it from mac osx?
[02:25:09] <w|zzy> Yes.
[02:25:14] <w|zzy> thats Tom_itx's board right?
[02:25:32] <w|zzy> Ill let robodojo know
[02:25:39] <w|zzy> Campbelltown hackerspace
[02:52:04] <specing> k-man: no
[02:52:19] <specing> k-man: you can only program those with ISP
[02:52:40] <specing> k-man: there are some 6 pin AVRs with TPI and the xmegas come with PDI
[04:57:38] <k-man> specing, ah ok thanks
[04:59:09] <specing> RikusW's programmer can program them all
[04:59:49] <k-man> thats ok, i only currently need isp
[05:00:00] <k-man> for programming the turnigy 9x rc transmitter
[05:01:23] <k-man> any idea if there is a way to use the usbtiny from os x?
[05:02:59] <k-man> ah, i think its in brew
[05:03:41] <specing> stop using os x?
[05:04:32] <k-man> ;p
[06:39:13] <theBear> memory says that something common like avrdude or pony maybe is available on osx
[06:39:23] <theBear> but my memory aint been good recently
[06:43:18] <sabesto> k-man: http://www.obdev.at/products/crosspack/index.html
[06:44:10] <sabesto> works perfectly
[06:44:35] <sabesto> that "getting started" explains it all
[06:59:54] <Tom_itx> k-man, my new one will program them all as well
[07:23:30] <k-man> Tom_itx, cool, if i need to program something else, I'll get one
[07:23:55] <k-man> Tom_itx, not sure if you have ever considered this, but i wish there was something on the board that would have helped me locate where i had bought it
[07:24:19] <k-man> like a web url or something more than just Tom_L :)
[07:30:59] <Tom_itx> k-man, Tom_itx ?
[07:31:04] <Tom_itx> google that :)
[07:31:53] <Lt_Lemming> http://www.52-photos.com/hsbne/pano.jpg <--- 12MB pano of part of the hackerspace
[07:33:15] <Tom_itx> http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-813243
[07:33:20] <Tom_itx> same one? different one?
[07:33:32] <Tom_itx> err no, that's maker faire
[07:34:11] <Tom_itx> nice space it appears
[07:37:05] <Lt_Lemming> yeah, it's pretty good
[07:37:16] <Lt_Lemming> we're about to move to a much bigger one though
[08:28:20] <k-man> Lt_Lemming, where is your space?
[08:28:57] <Lt_Lemming> Brisbane
[08:29:00] <Lt_Lemming> www.hsbne.org
[08:29:11] <k-man> oh cool
[08:29:26] <k-man> if i ever make it to brisbane i'll have to drop in
[08:29:31] <Lt_Lemming> for sure
[08:29:38] <Lt_Lemming> we're actually working on a new space atm
[08:30:01] <k-man> Lt_Lemming, cool
[08:30:38] <Lt_Lemming> that's also only about 1/3 of the current space
[08:30:51] <k-man> downsizing?
[08:30:58] <Lt_Lemming> nooo
[08:31:03] <Lt_Lemming> we're moving to a HUGE site
[08:31:25] <k-man> oh sorry, missunderstood what you meant
[08:31:27] <k-man> thats great
[08:31:37] <Lt_Lemming> http://goo.gl/maps/JGuD
[08:31:53] <Lt_Lemming> bit of a size increase :-D
[08:38:57] <k-man> great
[09:08:35] <Fleck> http://wstaw.org/m/2012/07/18/plasma-desktopW32737.png << i understand that powe supplu should be 3.3V, but SPI interface i can wire to 5V avr directly, right?
[09:09:11] <Fleck> ohh my
[09:09:23] <Fleck> *power supply
[09:13:13] <Lt_Lemming> yes
[09:17:28] <Fleck> thx
[09:17:36] <Fleck> will try! :)
[13:51:04] <dreamer> wewt, this channel actially exists \o/
[13:51:22] <Steffanx> No, it's myth
[13:51:57] <dreamer> so, ehm. I'm trying to recreatie (sort of) the 'brain machine' of mitch altman, but using a 90usb162 instead of an attiny2313
[13:52:02] <dreamer> (total noob here btw)
[13:52:34] <dreamer> so, I've figured everything out pin-wise, except I'm not getting any output over OC1A
[13:52:51] <specing> DDR?
[13:52:54] <dreamer> (which provides the 'Offset Frequencies for binaural beats' )
[13:54:54] <dreamer> specing: I'm not from east germany .. or what do you mean? :)
[13:55:10] <Steffanx> DDR as in Data direction register :)
[13:55:25] <Steffanx> at least .. that's the only AVR related options
[13:55:26] <Steffanx> -s
[14:00:20] <dreamer> specing: I see DDR8 being set twice in the main(void), in the beginning to 0xFF and at the end to 0x00, but that doesn't explain why the other outputs work fine
[14:02:02] <specing> DDR8?
[14:02:06] <specing> there is no such port...
[14:07:18] <dreamer> specing: hey, I'm just using the code he provided, but compiled for this µC, so I bet there's all kinds of things wrong :)
[14:07:30] <dreamer> except the leds and sound on the other ports do work
[14:07:41] <dreamer> and it shuts down after it's 14minute sequence
[14:08:53] <dreamer> specing: oh sorry, it's DDRB (monospace 5 isn't always the best font to use ...)
[14:10:39] <RikusW> thats tiny !
[14:11:41] <specing> that explains it
[14:12:27] <dreamer> what does it explain? :)
[14:15:08] <RikusW> אוארעתינג
[14:15:59] <dreamer> ah, this is a hebrew channel?
[14:16:14] <RikusW> nah
[14:16:37] <RikusW> just changed my keyboard to hebrew and typed -> everything ;)
[14:17:10] * RikusW actually knows the hebrew alphabet
[14:17:49] <RikusW> greek too
[14:17:50] <dreamer> I could've learned when I was in india. almost all the menu's in tourist places where also in hebrew
[14:17:50] <RikusW> understanding the language, well... thats another matter altogether
[14:18:19] <RikusW> hebrew in india ?!
[14:20:23] <dreamer> yes, they get a lot of israeli tourists
[14:20:44] <dreamer> mostly kids who did their military draft
[14:21:18] <dreamer> at particular hotspots literaly all the signs and menus are primarily in hebrew, with english on the side. all the waiters speak it etc.
[14:21:30] <RikusW> interesting
[14:22:15] <dreamer> aaahnyway, any ideas how I could debug this attiny code so it will run properly on my hardware? :)
[14:22:30] <dreamer> http://makezine.com/images/10/SLMfirmware.zip << this is the firmware btw
[14:22:37] <RikusW> zlog
[14:26:13] <RikusW> dreamer: I got an jtagice clone that will work on at90usb162
[14:26:38] <RikusW> it can be used to debug the old mega16/32/64/128 avrs
[14:30:47] <dreamer> ah, hmm, maybe I should set DDRC to the same
[14:31:35] <RikusW> did you change the MCU from tiny2313 to at90usb162 ?
[14:31:43] <RikusW> before compiling that is..
[14:32:13] <dreamer> yes
[14:32:21] <dreamer> like I said: everything else works
[14:32:23] <RikusW> MCU = attiny2313
[14:32:24] <RikusW> F_CPU = 8000000 # 8 MHz
[14:32:30] <RikusW> the first line in the makefile
[14:43:50] <RikusW> dreamer: OCOA = B7 and 0C1A = C6
[14:44:13] <dreamer> yes, I know
[14:44:30] <dreamer> the wiring is correct. I just don't get any output on 0C1A
[14:44:56] <dreamer> but that's why I thought to set DDRC as well, but then B7 stops
[14:47:38] <RikusW> DDRC |= (1<<6);
[14:48:07] <dreamer> RikusW: I don't know what that means
[14:48:08] <RikusW> if you doe DDRC = ?? you might stop the avr.... what value did you assign ?
[14:48:24] <dreamer> the same as DDRB
[14:48:38] <dreamer> in the code it says: DDRB = 0xFF; // set all PortB pins as outputs
[14:48:46] <dreamer> so I just did DDRC = 0xFF;
[14:49:19] <dreamer> but i'm guessing the DDRC register works differently
[14:49:24] <RikusW> that might actually crash the at90usb162.... I had a similar problem with mega32u2
[14:49:30] <dreamer> ok
[14:49:41] <RikusW> leave the low 4 bits of ddrc alone....
[14:49:46] <SuperMig1el> is there a good book explaining how to use all that (i.e. registers)
[14:49:56] <RikusW> you could try -> DDRC |= (1<<6);
[14:50:09] <dreamer> RikusW: do I need to unset it afterwards?
[14:50:13] <RikusW> or DDRC = 0x40
[14:50:16] <dreamer> like: DDRB = 0x00; // make PORTB all inputs
[14:50:45] <RikusW> **or DDRC |= 0x40
[14:50:53] <RikusW> not really
[14:51:28] <dreamer> but, to do it similarly as DDRB, how would I do this for DDRC?
[14:51:29] <RikusW> but you could do DDRC &= 0xBF; or DDRC &= ~(1<<6);
[14:52:19] <dreamer> ok, I do get sound now
[14:52:49] <RikusW> on OC1A ?
[14:53:06] <RikusW> C6 ?
[14:53:16] <dreamer> yes
[14:53:24] <RikusW> nice :)
[14:54:14] <RikusW> seems like messing with the low 4 bits of DDRC is a BAD idea on at90usb162 / mega16u2/32u2....
[14:54:50] <dreamer> heh, yeah it freezes it
[14:54:58] <RikusW> I had debugWire enable and everything simply locked up.... I suspect it stops the clock or something :-P
[14:55:05] <RikusW> do you have a crystal connected ?
[14:55:09] <dreamer> but, it's not setting DDRC to input at the end.
[14:55:31] <RikusW> use this to set it to input -> DDRC &= ~(1<<6);
[14:55:33] <dreamer> it's a (fake) teensy 1.0, not sure if it has a crystal
[14:55:44] <dreamer> ok, why is that so different from DDRB?
[14:55:46] <RikusW> for usb it should
[14:56:38] <RikusW> for DDRB you actually only needed to set it to 0x80 not 0xFF
[14:56:48] <RikusW> since you're only using B7
[14:56:55] <dreamer> ah ok
[14:57:06] <dreamer> it's doing 0x00 though
[14:57:08] <dreamer> ah ok
[14:57:12] <dreamer> sorry, I see what you mean now
[14:57:27] <RikusW> but you need bitwise operations on DDRC because you shouldn't change the low 4 bits...
[14:57:39] <dreamer> yeah I may want to do different things with the other pins, so I guess it makes sense to just do that one pin
[14:57:53] <dreamer> hmm, I now see it also does: PORTB = 0x00; // all PORTB output pins Off
[14:58:05] <RikusW> you can actually do DDRB |= (1<<DDB7); and DDRB &= ~(1<<DDB7);
[14:58:10] <dreamer> should I do that for PORTC as well?
[14:58:27] <dreamer> RikusW: ok, that makes it more readable I guess
[14:58:36] <RikusW> DDRC &= ~(1<<6); for PORTC
[14:58:42] <dreamer> so first sets the output and 2nd the input?
[14:59:02] <RikusW> DDRC |= (1<<DDC6); and DDRC &= ~(1<<DDC6);
[14:59:15] <RikusW> YES
[14:59:16] <dreamer> cool
[14:59:17] <RikusW> yes
[14:59:31] <RikusW> don't you know bitwise operations ?
[14:59:41] <dreamer> 20:41.08 < dreamer> (total noob here btw)
[14:59:57] <dreamer> I know close to NOTHING about C anyway
[15:00:05] <dreamer> even less about avr programming ;)
[15:00:06] <RikusW> there is something about it on http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/ iirc
[15:00:27] * dreamer test new code
[15:01:02] <dreamer> oh shit hah, it turned off the leds ;)
[15:01:17] <RikusW> it will ;)
[15:01:17] <dreamer> those are PB1 and PB0
[15:01:20] * dreamer fix
[15:01:42] <RikusW> setting multiple bits -> DDRB |= (1<<DDB7) | (1<<DDB4);
[15:01:50] <dreamer> cool
[15:02:21] <RikusW> unsetting multiple -> DDRB &= ~((1<<DDB7)|(1<<DDB4));
[15:02:40] <RikusW> & --- and
[15:02:44] <RikusW> | ---- or
[15:02:55] <RikusW> ~ invert bits
[15:03:41] <RikusW> a = a + b ---> a+=b;
[15:10:10] <SuperMig1el> RikusW: how do you learn registers?
[15:12:16] <Steffann> one doesn't learn registers
[15:12:22] <Steffann> one reads the datasheet when he needs it :p
[15:12:51] <SuperMig1el> Steffann: ya but how do you learn to understand what the data sheet says :P
[15:13:17] <Steffann> Practice .. trial and error etc.:)
[15:13:30] <SuperMig1el> page 94: http://www.atmel.com/Images/doc8271.pdf this seems to be the most important page of it right?
[15:18:43] <SuperMig1el> Steffann: whats is the input pin address?
[15:25:08] <RikusW> SuperMig1el: which pin ?
[15:26:12] <SuperMig1el> RikusW: any pin, you have PORT which is the data register, DDR data direction register and PIN which is the input pin address.. what is PIN for?
[15:26:36] <RikusW> PIN is for reading the input values
[15:26:58] <RikusW> unlike PIC where you read from the PORT on AVR you read PIN
[15:27:21] <RikusW> PORT IN -> PIN
[15:27:41] <SuperMig1el> PORT is equal to D0,D1 in asm? and DDR is equal to A0,A1 ?
[15:27:58] <RikusW> it is a 8 bit register
[15:28:07] <RikusW> so D0, D1 is the bits inside
[15:29:08] <RikusW> the actual address for PORTB on mega168 is 0x25 (or 0x05 IO address)
[15:30:01] <RikusW> IO addresses is used with the in/out instructions, memory addresses with lds/sts
[15:35:22] <RikusW> SuperMig1el: there is many IO registers in an AVR not just the PORT ones...
[15:35:55] <RikusW> See chapter 30 on page 532
[15:36:28] <SuperMig1el> dam
[15:36:31] <RikusW> (it should be around there, the datasheets may not be exactly the same, I have 8271C)
[15:37:58] <RikusW> almost 90 ;)
[16:12:39] <RikusW> dreamer: is appears doing DDRC |= 1; stops the crystal :-P
[16:13:16] <RikusW> it forces XT2 hi or lo and stops the feedback loop
[16:18:45] <SuperMig1el> is there an avr simulator to like write code, not actually owning the hardware?
[16:19:15] <RikusW> yes, AVRStudio
[16:20:09] <RikusW> and then there is Proteu$$$$$$
[16:20:24] <SuperMig1el> RikusW: where in AVR studio?
[16:20:35] <RikusW> on www.atmel.com
[16:20:39] <RikusW> for free
[16:20:45] <SuperMig1el> RikusW: i mean, where in the program?
[16:20:57] <RikusW> Debug -> start
[16:21:19] <RikusW> first you need to select the simulator as debug platform
[16:21:46] <SuperMig1el> RikusW: is it a bad idea to start programming avr that way?
[16:21:49] <RikusW> that is in AVRstudio 4
[16:22:00] <RikusW> its a good idea I'd say
[16:22:08] <SuperMig1el> RikusW: should i get 4? or 6?
[16:22:25] <RikusW> 4 is much smaller to download
[16:22:41] <SuperMig1el> RikusW: but as far as simulation features?
[16:22:48] <RikusW> if thats not a problem get both ;)
[16:22:56] <RikusW> and see which you like better
[16:23:09] <SuperMig1el> RikusW: ok
[16:23:22] <RikusW> 6 is likely a gig or so
[16:23:42] <RikusW> 4 is 130MB
[16:23:44] <RikusW> iirc
[16:24:09] * RikusW still use AS4
[16:25:52] <SuperMig1el> RikusW: any one uses asm to program them? any reason to do so?
[16:26:15] <RikusW> I do use asm
[16:26:31] <RikusW> AVR asm is fairly easy to learn
[16:26:51] <SuperMig1el> fairly easy :) i seem that before :P
[16:27:33] <RikusW> x86 asm got MANY instructions and will take much longer to learn :-P
[16:28:23] <SuperMig1el> but the AVR asm, I'm sure is specific to micro controllers, how easy is to change to another micro manufacture? like pic or parallax and program in asm?
[16:28:33] <SuperMig1el> they are fairly similar/same?
[16:28:34] <RikusW> you cannot
[16:28:46] <RikusW> AVR asm is specific to AVR
[16:28:46] <SuperMig1el> i can not?
[16:29:14] <SuperMig1el> but still asm? so how hard would i be to change to another platform asm?
[16:29:15] <RikusW> and even C source is specific to AVR and will need porting if you want to switch to PIC
[16:29:39] <RikusW> to port asm you need a total rewrite
[16:29:54] <RikusW> you can keep the idea, but not the code
[16:30:42] <SuperMig1el> like you that use asm avr, if they give you a parallax micro that uses asm.. wouldn't you just have to spend few minutes reading about and good to go? since asm=asm?
[16:30:45] <RikusW> every processor got its own instruction set
[16:31:11] <RikusW> AVR asm IS NOT PIC asm
[16:31:24] <RikusW> its quite different
[16:31:56] <RikusW> and besides that the registers, etc differ too
[16:32:18] <RikusW> If only it was that easy :-P
[16:32:24] <SuperMig1el> :P
[16:32:35] <SuperMig1el> so why asm and not c?
[16:33:02] <RikusW> You can use C, but its still handy to be able to read asm at least
[16:33:35] <RikusW> go read -> http://www.atmel.com/Images/doc0856.pdf
[16:33:35] <SuperMig1el> ok, sold :) is there a good book? guide on how to get stared in AVR asm?
[16:35:31] <RikusW> and reading the C disasm in the simulator will be helpful too
[16:35:58] <SuperMig1el> cool
[16:37:45] <SuperMig1el> do you know a good gook in avr asm?
[16:38:06] <SuperMig1el> does it even exist?
[16:38:58] <RikusW> there is books
[16:39:21] <RikusW> I knew x86 asm before, so AVR asm wasn't too difficult to learn
[16:39:46] <RikusW> (part of x86 asm anyways, mostly the integer instructions)
[16:40:01] <SuperMig1el> RikusW: worth it? learning x86?
[16:40:39] <RikusW> I learnt it in 2000 and written a assembler/disassembler for it too ;)
[16:41:02] <RikusW> only worth it if you want to hack some apps...
[16:41:20] <RikusW> but its sometimes useful to find compiler bugs ;)
[16:42:55] <RikusW> specing: I don't support TPI or PDI, but you could load abc's programmer onto my board if TPI is required...
[16:43:21] <RikusW> I actually did it to program a tiny10
[16:43:42] <RikusW> for xmega leveltranslators will need to be added....
[16:48:10] <SuperMig1el> RikusW: so to get to the simulator ill go to debug, and click on start debugging?
[16:48:29] <RikusW> yes
[16:48:42] <RikusW> but select debug platform first
[16:50:53] <SuperMig1el> RikusW: u taking about this: http://imakeprojects.com/Projects/avr-tutorial/Gfx/medium-res/m_2.JPG
[16:51:06] <SuperMig1el> RikusW: not in avr 6 :( new is not always better :P
[16:53:08] <RikusW> exactly (try running Win7 on a P1 :-D )
[17:02:01] <learningc> Hi, I have a question regarding eagle. Should there be holes in the copper layer for thru-hole pads in the Gerber top/bottom layer?
[17:06:38] <Tom_itx> yes
[17:06:59] <Tom_itx> well the viewer may not show them
[17:07:02] <learningc> Hi Tom
[17:07:04] <Tom_itx> but they are there
[17:07:33] <Tom_itx> if you view all 7 files at once they will show
[17:07:35] <learningc> When I make the Gerber, it doesn't not allow me to check off the "fill pad"
[17:07:53] <Tom_itx> where are you sending it?
[17:08:36] <learningc> I'm make it through CapnKernel.
[17:09:05] <Tom_itx> want a cam job for it?
[17:09:17] <learningc> sure
[17:09:30] <Tom_itx> except i use layer 121 122 for the top and bottom silk so i can make changes i want
[17:09:41] <Tom_itx> you'll have to mod that or use 121 122
[17:09:48] <learningc> Ok, no problem
[17:09:52] <Tom_itx> there's a silkgen ulp for that
[17:10:01] <Tom_itx> you can have it too if you want it
[17:10:11] <Tom_itx> just run it when you have everything how you want it
[17:10:33] <learningc> Is it important to have these holes in pads even if they gonna drill through it later using the drill file?
[17:10:45] <Tom_itx> i don't think so
[17:11:03] <Tom_itx> they'll tell you if they don't like it
[17:11:39] <learningc> Ah ok
[17:12:10] <Tom_L> also, i put the outline on layer 20
[17:12:16] <Tom_L> which you probably did anyway
[17:12:47] <learningc> Yeah
[17:13:59] <Tom_L> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/eagle/
[17:14:19] <learningc> Thanks Tom_itx.
[17:14:31] <Tom_L> you want SILK_GEN.ulp
[17:14:42] <Tom_L> and i would use goldphoenix.cam
[17:15:06] <Tom_L> run the silk_gen to get layers 121 122
[17:15:19] <Tom_L> then my cam will output those 2 layers as top and bottom silk
[17:15:28] <Tom_L> and you can ignore the rest
[17:15:47] <SuperMig1el> Tom_itx: whats the difference between AVR simulator and AVR simulator 2?
[17:15:49] <Tom_L> then if there are symbols etc you don't want on the board it's easy to get rid of them
[17:16:00] <Tom_L> SuperMig1el the chips supported in each
[17:16:12] <Tom_L> if you don't find it in one, it'll be in the other
[17:16:35] <SuperMig1el> Tom_L: like the 328p is in both any difference between one and the other? besides that
[17:16:38] <SuperMig1el> ?
[17:16:44] <Tom_L> i dunno
[17:18:06] <Tom_L> learningc, you could use seeed's cam too
[17:18:08] <Tom_L> either one works
[17:18:34] <Tom_L> one doesn't like non 45 deg corners and will bitch about it
[17:18:40] <Tom_L> i think it was seeed's
[17:19:14] <Tom_L> also, i have a txt file i zip with the other files that explains to the mfg what each layer is
[17:19:57] <Tom_L> grab the 'readme.txt' from that same folder
[17:20:04] <Tom_L> i just put it there
[17:21:06] <Tom_L> there may or may not be a .pls file depending if you have txt on the bottom silk or not
[17:55:24] <SuperMig1el> is there a good avr asm book? i can get?
[17:56:26] <kline> nope
[17:56:44] <kline> well, the avrasm documentation.
[20:41:43] <Pyms`> hey all. anyone used avr-ada? im having a little trouble kicking it all off, the examples all fail with rts path not valid
[20:48:08] <Pyms`> i have checked, and read about making the runtime system, but i installed from the .deb, and dont see the needed makefile
[20:52:22] <Pyms`> sure, but it implies that i dont have the sources needed to build (i certainly dont see them(
[21:04:05] <SuperMig1el> is the dragon any good?
[21:07:35] <Tom_itx> it works
[21:07:54] <Tom_itx> it's not buffered
[21:08:02] <SuperMig1el> Tom_itx: buffered?
[21:08:04] <Tom_itx> so you need to be cautious with it
[21:08:10] <Tom_itx> one sec
[21:09:25] <Casper> the buffer act as a kind of booster
[21:09:28] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/pdf/atmel/dragonhide.pdf
[21:09:30] <Tom_itx> read that
[21:09:34] <Casper> booster/conditionner
[21:10:03] <Tom_itx> with that said, mine doesn't have it
[21:10:13] <Kevin`> dragon is buffered, but it isn't well protected
[21:11:26] <SuperMig1el> stk500 a better device?
[21:11:51] <Tom_itx> the dragon is fine if you want debugging
[21:12:29] <Kevin`> I recommend having a dragon.
[21:12:34] <Kevin`> whether you have other stuff or not..
[21:13:00] <Tom_itx> yeah, mine helps keep my shelf clean
[21:16:50] <Tom_itx> i doubt you need a ribbon cable 10' long like in the pic in the pdf either
[22:17:40] <SuperMig1el> Tom_itx: Kevin` with the dragon, after you program the chip you have to put it on a breadboard? you can't test while is in there? like for quick test/prototyping?
[22:18:02] <zypher27> does anyone know a starers guide to AVR u3 C series
[22:18:24] <zypher27> I have been playing with ASF alot but still having troubles with starting
[22:18:55] <Tom_itx> SuperMig1el i use an isp cable
[22:19:59] <SuperMig1el> Tom_itx: ?
[22:20:18] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/attiny2313/attiny7.jpg
[22:20:30] <Tom_itx> i've never used a chip onboard the dragon
[22:21:00] <SuperMig1el> isn't easier to use a dip socket?
[22:21:14] <SuperMig1el> zif*
[22:21:29] <Tom_itx> i suppose you can if you want
[22:21:34] <Tom_itx> but i never have
[22:21:47] <Tom_itx> lots of pluggin and unpluggin
[22:22:06] <Tom_itx> it's just easier to use isp with a cable
[22:22:31] <SuperMig1el> that green board it only has a chip on it? don't you need resistors and a cap?
[22:23:38] <Tom_itx> i used it as a quick programmer fixture
[22:23:58] <Tom_itx> not for running
[22:24:23] <SuperMig1el> gotcha
[22:24:42] <SuperMig1el> i wish i had never sold my stk500
[22:25:07] <Tom_itx> why did you?
[22:25:31] <SuperMig1el> because i had the great idea to move to PIC =)
[22:25:47] <Tom_itx> how's that workin for ya :)
[22:28:41] <SuperMig1el> very good :) (i wish i had never sold my stk500) :P
[22:29:22] <SuperMig1el> i actually want to learn avr asm, was going to do it using the debugger inside avr studio
[22:29:23] <Kevin`> Tom_itx: the chip on that board isn't soldered, right, just held on with the clamp?
[22:29:29] <Tom_itx> i started with pic and moved to avr
[22:29:46] <Tom_itx> Kevin`, i wound up holding them on with my thumb
[22:29:53] <Tom_itx> but no they're not soldered
[22:30:08] <Tom_itx> it's the chicken / egg thing
[22:30:21] <SuperMig1el> what is?
[22:30:27] <SuperMig1el> avr/pic?
[22:30:32] <Tom_itx> programming the chip for a programmer
[22:30:54] <Tom_itx> those were for the old bit banged usb programmers
[22:31:10] <SuperMig1el> why don't you use ur stk500 inst easier?
[22:31:19] <Kevin`> SuperMig1el: it's a surface mount chip
[22:32:04] <Kevin`> i'm suprised you didn't/couldn't just include isp pads on the target boards though
[22:32:40] <SuperMig1el> Kevin`: o nvm tough the pins where going down that board
[22:33:18] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/usbtiny_programmer/usbtiny_top_txt.jpg
[22:33:21] <Kevin`> yeah I think the cable is connected to nothing else, just has multiple ends for different connectors
[22:33:24] <Tom_itx> that's what it was for
[22:33:43] <Tom_itx> the early ones were programmed back thru the connector but the buffer chip prevents that on those
[22:33:54] <SuperMig1el> Tom_itx: i have one of those some where in my house :)
[22:34:12] <Tom_itx> i still have a few
[22:34:23] <Kevin`> those are a really neat design in general
[22:34:36] <SuperMig1el> u still sell them right?
[22:34:43] <Tom_itx> not those
[22:35:41] <Tom_itx> in the news... some idiot woman in an electric wheelchair tried to go up the escilator and wound up tumbling assholes over elbows
[22:36:06] <SuperMig1el> Tom_itx: yup just saw that
[22:36:11] <Tom_itx> sry, sittin here watching the news
[22:36:15] <SuperMig1el> Tom_itx: in spanish news tough
[22:37:51] <SuperMig1el> this is cool http://www.ecrostech.com/AtmelAvr/DragonRider/index.htm
[23:54:40] <w|zzy> When will people learn that escalators are dangerous?
[23:55:13] <R0b0t1> Only somewhat related, some retards in this dorm I'm staying at broke the elevator
[23:55:43] <w|zzy> damn...
[23:55:53] <w|zzy> Trapped passenger ?
[23:56:08] <R0b0t1> Yeah. "MAXIMUM OCCUPANCY 8"
[23:56:15] <R0b0t1> So they put 8 people in there, and all jumped.
[23:56:18] <R0b0t1> Aaaand it broke.
[23:56:36] <GuShH> It's not broken, just mechanically disabled for safety reasons.
[23:56:50] <R0b0t1> That's reassuring :p
[23:56:55] <R0b0t1> They were stuck there for 4 hours
[23:57:55] <GuShH> they should've died.
[23:58:02] <R0b0t1> GuShH: 'course we can argue the semantics of "broken"
[23:58:05] <R0b0t1> and "disabled"
[23:58:06] <GuShH> 8 less air stealing monkeys to feed.
[23:58:18] <R0b0t1> GuShH, you're not a happy person, are you? :)
[23:58:25] <GuShH> I don't like dorm retards.
[23:58:58] <GuShH> And anyone fucking with something I'd hop on is someone I'd rather punch than let them roam around fucking with everything.
[23:59:29] <GuShH> They're not accountable for anything and their daddy will pay for it.