#avr | Logs for 2012-07-16

[13:01:39] <Tom_itx> it's bad when you read the scroll back and the last thing said, you said and that was yesterday
[13:02:29] <Corwin> :D
[13:02:32] * RikusW wonders why #avr is so silent...
[13:02:51] <LukaszST> not bad
[13:03:20] <Casper> Tom_itx: and even worse when it's you that talk the next :D
[13:03:30] <LukaszST> my channel #AVR in other server also have silent...
[13:03:52] <LukaszST> Tom_itx, you have great site :>
[13:05:15] <Tom_itx> ty
[13:23:43] <CapnKernel> Someone asked me today how to speak with an Australian accent.
[13:23:53] <CapnKernel> I said "you lure vowels up into the nasal area, and strangle them"
[13:24:02] <CapnKernel> Then I pointed them to a Dave Jones video.
[13:25:00] <Steffanx> Noooooo
[13:25:13] <Steffanx> CapnKernel how could you?
[13:25:47] <CapnKernel> :-)
[13:26:21] <LukaszST> :>
[13:27:22] <Steffanx> You should be banned for live
[13:27:26] <Steffanx> life or whatever
[13:28:15] <CapnKernel> You're blaming me? I didn't make the bloody videos! :-)
[13:28:57] <Steffanx> pointing to them is just as bad
[13:40:28] <DSOlover> hi guys,
[13:41:18] <DSOlover> i have an atmega 16 with an onchip bootloader for downloading the code.
[13:41:50] <DSOlover> is it possible to programme the same chip using an isp ,would that affect the bootloader??
[13:43:18] <RikusW> it will erase the bootloader
[13:43:46] <RikusW> but you might be able to download the bootloader first if the lockbits arent set
[13:45:07] <DSOlover> ok
[13:46:18] <konsgn> how do i combine a a hex file of flash, a hex of eeprom, and fuse bits into an .elf file for the atmega32u4?
[13:47:25] <RikusW> konsgn: I thinks there is an EEMEM directive, not sure about fuses
[13:47:29] <DSOlover> i purchased a dev. kit ,it came with the bootloader but the the cd (documentation +software ) is missing.
[13:48:10] <DSOlover> RikusW: i purchased a dev. kit ,it came with the bootloader but the the cd (documentation +software ) is missing. so it wont harm the chip if i programme it using isp?
[13:48:19] <RikusW> DSOlover: avrdude might be able to interfave to the bootloader
[13:48:56] <RikusW> you'll have to do a chip erase when using isp... but it won't harm the chip
[13:49:09] <RikusW> I'll try interfacing avrdude to the bootloader first
[13:49:28] <DSOlover> are u sure it will erase the bootloader?
[13:49:35] <RikusW> it will
[13:49:45] <DSOlover> thanx RikusW , i will try
[13:50:05] <RikusW> ask the people whom you bought it from what protocol the bootloader uses
[13:50:30] <RikusW> maybe its stk500 or something supported bu avrdude
[13:51:42] <RikusW> DSOlover: I do have a jtagice mki clone that will work with a mega16, it can be loaded onto another avr
[13:52:03] <jacekowski> DSOlover: make sure to change fuses
[13:52:10] <jacekowski> DSOlover: so it's not trying to boot from bootloader
[13:52:39] <DSOlover> i need to change the fuses before burning the target with isp?
[13:53:30] <RikusW> jacekowski: BOOTRST won't be too much of a problem when the bootloader is erased, it will wrap around...
[13:53:33] <DSOlover> jacekowski: i purchased a dev. kit ,it came with a custom bootloader but the the cd (documentation +software ) is missing. so it wont harm the chip if i programme it using isp?
[13:53:36] <grummund> konsgn: are you using avr studio?
[13:54:26] <grummund> DSOlover: as said, it won't harm the chip but you'll lose the bootloader
[13:54:37] <DSOlover> ok
[13:54:54] <DSOlover> thanx gusy for ur support
[13:55:11] <RikusW> but you might be able to save the bootloader before erasing
[13:55:25] <RikusW> check the lockbits
[14:02:47] <konsgn> how do i combine a hex file of flash, a hex file of eeprom, and fuse bits into an elf file for the atmega32u4?
[14:03:14] <konsgn> Does anyone have experience with that?
[14:04:32] <grummund> konsgn: are you using avr studio?
[14:05:08] <konsgn> combo of avr studio and arduino
[14:05:33] <konsgn> i need an independent program to combine them
[14:05:46] <grummund> why not use avr studio?
[14:05:59] <grummund> to do that
[14:06:31] <RikusW> gcc already does that, then seperates it into hex and eep
[14:06:48] <RikusW> konsgn: avr-objcopy
[14:07:18] <grummund> wrong wrong wrong :)
[14:07:18] <konsgn> How would i do that?
[14:07:30] <grummund> gcc creates a combined .elf already
[14:07:32] <konsgn> I have bootloader code an
[14:07:46] <konsgn> I do
[14:07:50] <konsgn> Sorry
[14:08:29] <konsgn> I have arduino code as well i need that to be in the elf file too
[14:08:37] <grummund> konsgn: avrstudio progarmmer dialog does what you asked. is there a reason you don't want to use that?
[14:08:50] <RikusW> there is some gcc directives for that...
[14:09:16] <grummund> yes it's possible to do in code too.
[14:09:48] <konsgn> It doesnt give me the option to generate elf
[14:10:04] <zumpchke> Hi, on the attiny2313 is it possible to get data from a number of devices from i2c and then send them by uart?
[14:10:10] <grummund> ok one sec.
[14:10:47] <RikusW> konsgn: the obj files gcc creates is linked into an elf
[14:11:00] <grummund> konsgn: what version avr studio? i'm looking at 4.18 and it has the ability to combine files
[14:11:27] <konsgn> Version 6 and 4 ive tried
[14:11:43] <grummund> 4.18 definitely has it
[14:12:02] <grummund> or there are other ways...
[14:12:18] <konsgn> I havr 4.19
[14:12:28] <grummund> should be okay
[14:13:19] <konsgn> I dont see how
[14:15:33] <grummund> Tools --> Program AVR... it opens a dialog.
[14:16:16] <konsgn> Ok i think i got ot.
[14:16:33] <RikusW> he wants to know how to get gcc to include that data into ghe elf file I think
[14:16:35] <grummund> on the Program tab there is ELF Production File Format
[14:16:39] <konsgn> Clicking save rather than load, well that was easy
[14:17:15] <konsgn> and i spent all this time looking into command line options
[14:17:16] <RikusW> that might work
[14:18:56] <grummund> should work... might work... modulo various avr studio bugs ;)
[14:22:17] <grummund> http://www.nongnu.org/avr-libc/user-manual/group__avr__fuse.html
[14:22:28] <grummund> konsgn: shows how to do it in code ^^
[14:35:27] <konsgn> thank you very much
[15:07:41] <LukaszST> hello
[15:16:26] <elektrinis> hi
[15:16:41] <elektrinis> anyone using eclipse with avr studio for debugging?
[15:20:04] <RikusW> no thanks
[15:20:28] <RikusW> you might get it to work with avarice + gdb though
[15:27:14] <LukaszST_> who use atmel studio with usbasp?
[15:27:35] <RikusW> it won't work
[15:27:54] <RikusW> use avrdude
[15:27:59] <elektrinis> RikusW, trying it now
[15:28:09] <elektrinis> it sort of connects to my mk2
[15:28:15] <elektrinis> but I get this error:
[15:28:17] <elektrinis> set paramater command failed
[15:28:33] <elektrinis> AVaRICE version 2.9, Jan 7 2010 22:42:57
[15:28:33] <elektrinis> JTAG config starting.
[15:28:33] <elektrinis> Found a device: JTAGICEmkII
[15:28:33] <elektrinis> Serial number: 00:b0:00:00:28:96
[15:28:33] <elektrinis> set paramater command failed
[15:29:11] <RikusW> try getting a newer version of avarice ?
[15:30:02] <RikusW> I have avarice 2.10 source and even that is oldish
[15:30:14] <elektrinis> m
[15:30:57] <RikusW> which firmware do you have on the jtagice ? AS 4 5 6 ?
[15:31:53] <LukaszST__> this support only avrisp mk2, avr dragon and avrisp
[15:35:09] <LukaszST> probably usbasp is suport when i add shortcut
[15:35:31] <LukaszST> i dont know exatly
[15:35:46] <LukaszST> exactly*
[15:36:56] <elektrinis> RikusW, where do I check the fw version?
[15:39:08] <elektrinis> 0607 0607
[15:41:23] <RikusW> elektrinis: 0606 was for AS4
[15:45:48] <RikusW> I'd say try a newer avarice
[16:51:09] <sparr_L> Are there any AVR dev/breakout boards other than the Arduino Fio that incorporate battery charging into the primary design?
[19:37:57] <educr0w> Hello, I'm reading the newbie timers guide from tutorial forum, I don't speak/read english very well, I don't get the idea about in which scenario is usefull to use CTC or overflow CTC