#avr | Logs for 2012-07-12

[00:03:03] <zump> is that what the programmer does?
[00:03:26] <drgreenthumb> holds reset low, yeah.
[00:03:42] <drgreenthumb> you could connect up reset lines of other ICs to get them to shut up too ;)
[00:08:06] <theBear> awesome ! found all the code and schems and stuff for the awesome 'real' project i did about 5 years ago !
[00:34:47] <zump> Can anyone see whether there are any major flaws in this schematic? I'm trying to create a board with an avr and accelerometer and have them communicate over i2c (http://i.imgur.com/fnIi6.png)
[01:23:21] <specing> zump: are you sure the isp header should have 3v3 on it?
[01:23:38] <specing> Isn't it 5v?
[01:49:28] <ferdna> can anyone tell me how to test a CARLI MPX40/100/21
[01:49:36] <ferdna> i just need to know if it is good...
[03:07:54] <theBear> don't suppose there's an avr/C whaddya callit? err, disassembler? out there ? you know, the thing that takes raw asm and tries to turn it back into code
[03:09:12] <specing> you mean a decompiler?
[03:09:20] <specing> no
[03:09:36] <specing> It is very hard to do it
[03:46:15] <theBear> yeah, that's the word, haven't used it since the 90's, or maybe 80's <grin> oh well, if i wrote it once, i can do it again :)
[03:46:24] <theBear> i'm just lazy this year
[04:09:51] <Xark> theBear: There is certainly a disassembler (but it doesn't produce assembler ready input). Just "avr-objdump -d file" (however beware, a few opcodes disassemble incorrectly last I looked [lpm can add post increment incorrectly]).
[04:13:06] <theBear> might have a peek, nothing too major, like i said, i'm just lazy this year
[04:13:32] <Xark> theBear: Well, avr-objdump is a standard part of the toolchain (so if you have avr gcc, you probably already have this).
[04:17:10] <theBear> yeah, i've seen it, even used it, i'm just very outta practice and too distracted to be spending enough time to remember things properly :)
[04:18:21] <Xark> theBear: Ok. What type of file do you want to disassemble? Raw binary (or do you have an .elf)?
[04:20:27] <theBear> it'd be a dump from a 90s2313 i programmed maybe jeez, wow, a LONG time ago, 8 years or so <grin>
[04:20:35] <theBear> but seriously, it's not a big issue
[04:24:44] <Xark> theBear: OK, but in the off chance it is helpful, the incantation to get objdump to disassemble a raw binary file is this (change avr5 to your target chip architecture version): avr-objdump -D -m avr5 -b <binaryfile>
[04:25:21] <Xark> Er, rather: avr-objdump -D -m avr5 -b binary <file>
[04:25:51] <theBear> cool, even if it doesn't help i'll give it a go... gotta remember this stuff if i'm gonna do anything usefull again
[05:31:07] <theBear> anyone i can trust with my name and details of some references in the mood to tell me if a resume looks professional and appropriate to general tech/electronics related work ?
[06:11:37] <GuShH> theBear: me, if only I wasn't half asleep..
[06:12:04] <GuShH> just make sure on the resume photo you aren't wearing a tie on your head.
[06:12:05] <theBear> heh, i'm on the first round of obvious revisions, if yer half awake for the next round yer in :)
[06:12:14] <theBear> photo ? seriously, this is a standard thing ?
[06:12:23] <GuShH> sometimes
[06:13:16] <theBear> hmmm... i'm so foreign to the world of 'real businesses'
[06:13:42] <theBear> but i aint young anymore, i excel in my field(s), i gotta try to step up my game before it's too late
[06:14:00] <Steffanx> You are a phishing expert :P
[06:14:00] <GuShH> pfft you are still young at heart
[06:14:19] * GuShH frowns at Steffanx
[06:14:44] <Steffanx> One leg .. one sweep and mr theBear has a fish out of the water :P
[06:15:16] <GuShH> do people call him "mr" out of fear?
[06:15:35] <Steffanx> I call everyone Mr. :P
[06:15:41] <GuShH> or does it have anything to do with the crazy haircuts
[06:15:52] <theBear> did somebody say bluebox ?
[06:15:57] <theBear> oh phishing :)
[06:16:20] <theBear> GuShH, heh, yet another reason to avoid pictures :)
[06:16:44] <theBear> i think i gonna have to shave again ! not only twice in a year, twice in a month ! outrageous !
[06:17:13] <GuShH> theBear: I think I'll have to shave to use this fume mask I'm planning on buying...
[06:17:16] <GuShH> scary stuff..
[06:17:24] <GuShH> it's recommended for a proper seal
[06:17:27] * GuShH pouts
[06:17:57] <GuShH> but it's either that or ruining the lungs with crap
[06:18:00] <theBear> mmm... it's very necesary too, at least on the contact surfaces... back when i dealt with rockwall and rockwool and asbestos regularly even i made an effort
[06:18:20] <GuShH> spray painting in this case
[06:18:24] <theBear> what yer dealing with ? out of interest
[06:18:32] <theBear> oh, yeah, you don't want that stuff setting inside yer
[06:18:43] <theBear> and they're TINY particles too
[06:18:44] <GuShH> also the solvent fumes will get you high.
[06:18:45] <GuShH> I think
[06:19:03] <GuShH> yeah a regular mask won't cut it, need the expensive fancy 3M stuff.
[06:22:37] <theBear> mmm, i don't know a lot about filters for fume/gas stuff, but i do agree that it's worth getting the 'expensive fancy' mask and filters if there's any doubt
[06:22:59] <GuShH> the regular ones are for dust only
[06:23:01] <theBear> hallegedly the air we breathe every day is bad enough, no need to push things
[06:23:21] <GuShH> let's see... the 6200 mask with 6003 filters... that's what I need. damned 3M and their weird model numbers.
[06:23:38] <theBear> i've got a big single-filter rubber mask, from memory there are about 5 different filters you can stick in the front for varying degress of nasty
[06:23:44] <GuShH> I'm worried this seller may be dealing with expired catridges...
[06:24:04] <GuShH> the absolute best mask for painting is a closed one with forced air feed
[06:24:08] <GuShH> but I can't afford that!
[06:24:50] <theBear> nah, noone can afford that :) and i'm guessing you're not making a 40hr/week living out of this
[06:25:04] <GuShH> nope
[06:25:28] <theBear> also take note of how long a non-expired catridge is good after you open the packet, some of them are very limited in life
[06:27:02] <GuShH> hmm
[06:27:15] <GuShH> there are filters _and_ catridges, it seems.
[06:27:47] <GuShH> but the filter they recommended me seems best suited for other things.
[06:28:58] <theBear> hmmm... maybe try to confirm you don't need a catridge in order to mount the filter... i've seen people buy 'suitable' filters then get back to work and notice they don't have a way to attach them
[06:29:45] <GuShH> that would be unfortunate :p
[06:30:27] <GuShH> I'll try to paint outdoors mostly from now on anyway, since I'm not painting cars it doesn't matter if I get some dust on the parts.
[06:30:45] <GuShH> unless, a bird decides to give me a present.
[06:31:16] <GuShH> they've been eating some dark berries and thus dropping ink bombs.
[06:33:49] <theBear> mmm, that's no good
[06:56:35] <GuShH_> jeez
[06:56:43] <Steffanx> Where?
[06:58:02] <GuShH_> -here-
[07:29:05] <GuShH_> theBear: passed out on the keyboard?
[07:40:32] <theBear> nah, got distacted :) i do that these days
[07:40:40] <theBear> wtf, i'll throw yer a copy
[08:34:57] <OndraSter> http://www.engadget.com/2012/07/12/japanese-company-releasing-do-it-yourself-pius-electric-vehicle/
[08:34:59] <OndraSter> talking about electronics
[08:35:00] <OndraSter> lol
[08:35:52] <theBear> oh dear, general public building their own vehicles for public roads ? that can't be good
[08:36:08] <Landon> they already do that?
[08:36:29] <Landon> I had an art teacher who built his own plane as well
[08:37:12] <theBear> i suppose you'd still have to get it registered at some point... and SOME of us are capable of this kinda thing, but there are many who aren't :)
[08:37:28] <OndraSter> 25km on full charge
[08:37:30] <OndraSter> max 35km/h
[08:37:31] <OndraSter> not bad!
[08:37:32] <OndraSter> lol
[08:38:39] <theBear> hehe
[08:56:45] <Kevin`> theBear: the people who aren't cable won't even bother getting the kit, and probably wouldn't be able to assemble it
[08:57:50] <theBear> hopefully... over the years i seen a lot of things from furniture to rc models assembled, err, poorly :)
[08:57:58] <OndraSter> :D
[09:00:09] <specing> 35 km/h and 25 km range is crap for a car
[09:00:26] <specing> I can do 50km/h on a bike goddamit
[09:00:33] <specing> with my bare legs
[09:01:06] <OndraSter> :)
[09:01:11] <OndraSter> overclocking will be needed :D
[09:03:11] <specing> How powerfull would a 2cm wide motor with a radius of 20 cm be?
[09:04:53] <specing> *brushless
[09:05:50] <Kevin`> I would expect you could make something quite powerful at that size. efficient brushless motors are scary
[09:06:38] <specing> Im talking about those dimensions because I could throw out the rear disc brake on my bike
[09:06:40] <Kevin`> perhaps not 'power a car' powerful though
[09:06:46] <specing> and put the motor in
[09:07:41] <specing> I need to make some calculation first
[09:07:59] <specing> I'd be cool if it could go 20 km/h
[09:08:41] <specing> add that to my legs and voila, 40km/h continous
[09:10:09] <specing> Would be cool to have regenerative braking, too
[09:12:09] <Steffanx> 20kh battery pack on your back?
[09:12:13] <Steffanx> kg*
[09:13:07] <specing> I can manage.
[09:13:08] <Kevin`> Steffanx: more likely mounted to the bike, otherwise you'd have to have chunky wires attaching you to the bike, which is a nono
[09:13:16] <specing> heh
[09:13:31] <specing> if it is aerodinamyc, no problem
[10:24:12] * Casper found a nice little IC
[10:24:27] <OndraSter> BGA1156? :D
[10:24:35] <Casper> it's an h-bridge synchronious driver
[10:24:40] <OndraSter> ah
[10:24:41] <Casper> MIC5022
[10:25:03] <Casper> feed smps output to it, and it drive 2 fets for synchronious rectification
[10:25:16] <Casper> might actually fix my issue :D
[12:18:15] <OndraSter> yay @ AD converter from 89
[12:18:19] <OndraSter> that can do 250ksps
[12:18:47] <OndraSter> I do wonder how much was original price
[12:20:08] <OndraSter> or D/A with 100ns settling time!
[12:20:12] <OndraSter> from 85
[12:24:41] <specing> OndraSter: 85 onions?
[12:24:48] <OndraSter> '85
[12:24:51] <specing> That is a lot of onions!
[12:25:12] <specing> Oh you mean 85% of one onion?
[12:25:20] <OndraSter> no
[12:25:21] <OndraSter> year 85
[12:25:24] <OndraSter> 1985
[12:25:32] <specing> ah
[12:25:46] <specing> that clears it
[12:42:38] <RikusW> 1981
[12:43:06] <OndraSter> no
[12:51:11] <Jordan_U> I would hate to smell onions from 1985.
[12:51:22] <tech2077> 0.o
[12:52:06] <RikusW> There will be no smell left ;)
[12:52:23] <RikusW> unless it was left in a sealed container :-D
[12:52:33] <tech2077> then someone just was being cruel
[12:53:13] <Jordan_U> tech2077: Could be an honest mistake. When was the last time you looked at the things in the back of your refrigerator?
[12:53:27] <tech2077> recently
[12:53:33] <tech2077> i generally don't keep things long
[12:53:50] <Jordan_U> Well, you're entirely too reasonable then.
[14:08:07] <RikusW> SA got a problem with chronic name changing of road, places and buildings, eg: 99 Mathews Meyiwa Rd, formerly Stamfordhill Rd
[14:09:38] <Steffanx> ok
[14:12:48] <RikusW> it makes maps obsolete :S
[14:16:41] <OndraSter> SA = San Andreas?
[14:16:50] <karlp> south africa
[14:16:55] <karlp> keep up mang
[14:16:58] <OndraSter> ah
[14:17:31] <karlp> replacing afrikaans/english names with "anything but" names I presume
[14:21:38] <RikusW> yes
[14:21:59] <RikusW> usually black politicians names...
[14:33:14] <RikusW> So now you can relocate without moving an inch :-P
[14:55:07] <cehteh> and the spam wont reach you anymore
[16:40:21] <vectory> OndraSter: everything alright?
[16:40:30] <vectory> hmm
[17:20:20] <Jordan_U> How much power does a Atmega microcontroller generally use, maximum. How much does it use when in the lowest sleep mode which allows it to be woken up by the real time clock? Just looking for ballpark figures.
[17:21:14] <LoRez> less than an amp for both.
[17:21:33] <LoRez> sweeping generalizations for a whole line of products are probably useless.
[17:32:44] <Jordan_U> LoRez: Thanks.