#avr | Logs for 2012-07-05

[05:23:46] <OndraSter> Tom_itx, what do you use to make the soldering paste more fluid again? :D
[05:23:50] <OndraSter> isopropyl alcohol?
[05:30:01] <theos> ?
[05:31:12] <OndraSter> well it dries out in few months
[05:31:34] <Corwin> then you throw it away and buy new one
[05:31:58] <OndraSter> not really, I remember Tom_itx mentioning something
[05:32:45] <theos> :P
[06:56:33] <Tom_itx> OndraSter yes
[06:57:17] <OndraSter> yes = isopropyl alcohol?
[06:57:36] <Tom_itx> uh huh
[06:57:57] <Tom_itx> just a few drops, mix it well and let it sit for a while
[06:58:02] <OndraSter> okay, thanks
[06:58:10] <OndraSter> need first to get some isopropyl alcohol
[06:58:16] <OndraSter> I have got only different kinds of alcohol here
[06:58:21] <Steffanx> Good stuff
[06:58:24] <Tom_itx> it's not quite as good as new but it's useable
[07:00:10] <CapnKernel> Re solder pastes, indium has the most unusual blog I've read in a long time.... http://blogs.indium.com/
[07:00:27] <OndraSter> indium
[07:00:30] <OndraSter> sounds chemically
[07:03:25] <CapnKernel> Read this article about solder paste lifetime, and why adding IPA doesn't make it as good as new: http://blogs.indium.com/blog/eric-bastow/solder-paste-expirationshelf-life
[08:35:31] <Flecks> 50Hz mains, after full wave bridge rectifier ill get 100 waves/sec, right?
[08:37:14] <Flecks> also, 220V AC is RMS voltage or peak?
[08:44:03] <Flecks> ok, its RMS...
[08:44:30] <OndraSter> yes
[08:44:33] <OndraSter> 100 half waves
[08:44:42] <OndraSter> peak is about 320V or 330V or something
[08:44:47] <OndraSter> 230*sqrt(2)
[08:44:47] <Flecks> 310
[08:44:51] <Flecks> 220
[08:44:55] <OndraSter> 230 in CZE
[08:45:02] <OndraSter> 242V in our sockets :D
[08:47:13] <Flecks> lookin at http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f5/Weltkarte_der_Netzspannungen_und_Netzfrequenzen.svg << i have 230V too!
[08:49:09] <Flecks> 325V then!
[08:49:53] <Flecks> (peak)
[09:54:42] <solidoodlesuppor> hi, does anyone know how to do download currently loaded firmware from an ATMEGA 644p using avrdude+
[10:27:56] <izua> avrdude -c (your programmer here) -p m644 -U flash:r:hope-its-not-locked.hex
[12:15:21] <Steffanx> zlog
[12:26:26] <RikusW> Is Steffanx bored enough to read the logs ? :-P
[12:26:45] <karlp> those who don't read logs are destined to repeat them
[12:26:52] <Steffanx> It wasn't for myself RikusW
[12:27:00] <theBear> it's all just another case of history repeating
[12:31:41] <Steffanx> i exactly know what i was looking for RikusW :)
[12:31:50] <Steffanx> *knew or whatever
[14:36:35] <vuln> hello, so I was wondering how to easily simulate my code to my avr microcontroller
[14:37:33] <OndraSter> AVR Simulator
[14:37:36] <OndraSter> inside Atmel Studio
[14:42:22] <vuln> is it inside AVR Studio?
[14:44:44] <RikusW> yes
[14:46:49] <vuln> RikusW Could you help me to get to it?
[14:49:22] <RikusW> In Studio 4 its rather easy, compile, set the debug platform as simulator, Debugmenu->start debug
[14:50:53] <vuln> it's Studio 5
[14:51:01] <vuln> didn't see the option to set the debug platform as smiulator
[14:51:31] <vuln> Richard_Cavell
[14:51:34] <vuln> ooops, sorry
[14:51:36] <vuln> RikusW
[14:55:31] <RikusW> I havent used AS5 much yet...
[14:55:40] <vuln> =(
[14:55:43] <RikusW> but I expect it to be somewhat similar
[14:55:51] <vuln> I saw I can use simulavr from the command line
[14:55:57] <vuln> but what's the file I'm gonna use it to open?
[14:56:37] <RikusW> the hex or object files...
[14:56:47] <RikusW> err hex or elf
[14:57:08] <vuln> how can I get those?
[14:57:16] <vuln> I compile, I build and no hex/obj files are returned =/
[14:57:28] <vuln> oh! found it
[14:58:56] <vuln> I did simulavr.exe arq.hex and it says WARNING: Device not supported
[14:59:50] <RikusW> did you specify the device used to compile it ?
[15:00:35] <vuln> hm.. maybe that's the issue
[15:02:45] <vuln> it worked.
[15:03:01] <vuln> So I have three files RikusW, cause I'm trying to communicate three microcontrollers through SPI
[15:03:58] <RikusW> hmm, I don't know of a way to link simulators...
[15:04:13] <vuln> it's ok then
[15:04:14] <vuln> ty =}
[15:04:18] <vuln> brb
[20:51:10] <AR_> hi
[20:51:11] <tobbor> hi AR_.
[20:51:28] <AR_> i would like to basically make my arduino uno into a mini computer
[20:51:51] <AR_> i want to put iOS on the avr and hook it up to a computer monitor to view it
[20:52:23] <AR_> how would i do this
[20:52:50] <Tom_itx> for what purpose?
[20:53:17] <AR_> to impress girls
[20:53:37] <Landon> I can think of a handful of better ways
[20:54:00] <Tom_itx> it may be his best shot
[20:54:11] <Landon> staying in the dungeon for all hours of the night does not impress girls :( in fact, it annoys mine
[20:54:47] <AR_> im a virgin and i just want to try
[20:59:39] * Casper wonders...
[20:59:48] <Casper> way too young or troll... can'T say
[22:47:58] <Casper> inflex: ya there?
[22:48:32] <inflex> kinda
[22:49:19] <Casper> have you done part research for synchronious smps IC?
[22:51:04] <Casper> I'm starting to get headache searching for the "ideal" one
[22:51:22] <inflex> nope, I haven't sorry.
[22:51:25] <Casper> all I find are parts that are hard to solder (exposed pad under it)
[22:52:02] <inflex> oh joy, yes, exposed/active pads on the underside can be a bit of a pain, esp without a reflow oven
[22:52:11] <Casper> yeah
[22:52:30] <Casper> I have a project that I want to do, ideally I'ld need a buck boost controller
[22:53:04] <Casper> and I'ld like high efficiency since it will run off battery and somewhat "mission critical"
[22:53:13] <Casper> basically, it's the backup for VoIP phone
[22:53:49] <Casper> those damn inverter/ups eat too much power
[22:54:28] <inflex> they do, unless you really cough up a lot of $$$$
[22:55:48] <Casper> my current setup (backups pro 350) use 0.8A by itself... and the total load (without voip equipment) is 1.6A
[22:55:57] <Casper> so half of the runtime goes poof
[22:56:08] <Casper> the router is dieing, the new one will use more power
[22:56:24] <Casper> I'm soon switching to cable instead of dsl, the modem also use more power
[22:56:31] <Casper> and I'll be adding the ATA box...
[23:11:19] <inflex> yeah... I can totally appreciate your concerns.... I think we should mostly switch over to having DC-UPS-ports on devices
[23:11:45] <inflex> would save a lot of power and still give failover protection... of course, not as good as active-UPSs though
[23:13:40] <Casper> or if atleast the device would give an acceptable input range
[23:13:52] <Casper> there is a chance that the regulator isn't needed, but how can we be sure?
[23:24:29] <DanFrederiksen> DC ups. and lithium.
[23:25:07] <Casper> DanFrederiksen: I considered lipofe4
[23:25:25] <Casper> but it's expensive, and I couln't find any study of standby application of them
[23:26:03] <Casper> liion/lipo isn't good for standby
[23:27:02] <DanFrederiksen> buy some A123 20Ah off ebay
[23:27:06] <DanFrederiksen> you don't need much. remember lead might give you 40% capacity or less
[23:27:33] <DanFrederiksen> and A123 will do 20+C discharge
[23:28:11] <DanFrederiksen> maybe you only get 20% capacity in typical ups use of lead. anyone know?
[23:33:07] <Casper> actually SLA would be closer to 65%