#avr | Logs for 2012-06-30

[00:27:41] <vectory> i wonder how the innards of a cmos/ttl 3-8 mux look like, i.e. do they just transfer the nand/nor logik or is it a special circuit and where would i find a schematic
[00:32:16] <Corwin> try datasheet of such mux chip
[00:32:42] <Corwin> lot of datasheets for "simple" ttl chips contains schematics (logic diagram)
[00:37:59] <Casper> vectory: probably some open collector AND gates followed by buffer stage
[00:38:34] <vectory> i know the logik diagramms
[00:39:29] <vectory> or well, i guess i have seen them
[00:39:37] <vectory> but i didnt mean abstraction
[00:39:49] <vectory> Casper: maybe you are right, lol
[01:29:16] <rue_more> vectory, old datasheets usually have schematics
[01:29:37] <rue_more> vectory, the newer ones are just remaking the old chips, they dont know how they work anymore
[01:30:21] <vectory> hm, okay
[01:31:03] <rue_more> did you want the equiv logic diagram of a 74ls138?
[01:32:04] <vectory> i was thinking of an electronic schematic, with real transistors
[01:32:08] <Casper> some of the old schem even have the full schematics, with resistor values!
[01:32:31] <vectory> oy, well, gotta have a search
[01:32:40] <vectory> but now im off to bed
[01:32:50] <vectory> its 8 in the morning -_-
[01:32:55] <vectory> already!
[01:33:09] <vectory> nighty night
[04:25:18] <Steffanx> Mr RikusW
[04:25:30] <RikusW> Hi Steffanx
[04:26:02] <OndraSter> hi RikusW
[04:26:09] <RikusW> hi OndraSter
[04:26:14] <RikusW> hi vectory
[04:26:17] <OndraSter> hi others as well
[11:49:45] <amee2k> http://ompldr.org/vZWtmNg/CIMG9656b.jpeg << this is distinctly not cool :(
[11:50:43] <specing> That is distinctly hot.
[11:51:36] <amee2k> thats what she said too
[11:51:58] <OndraSter> 50.4?!
[11:52:06] <OndraSter> must be some error
[11:52:07] <OndraSter> :D
[11:52:12] <amee2k> not really
[11:52:12] <OndraSter> it shows 37C here outside
[11:52:17] <OndraSter> maybe on direct sun
[11:52:48] <amee2k> it is the sunny side of the building, but the sensor isn't directly exposed
[12:02:38] <Corwin> OndraSter, im on north side of building, currently still in shadow... shows 39.3 outside :)
[12:02:54] <OndraSter> heh
[12:03:41] <Corwin> in about 10 minutes, i will have direct sun on sensor... will show more :)
[12:04:05] <Tom_itx> high for today 106F
[12:04:40] <Corwin> 41 celsius... nice
[12:06:18] <Tom_itx> last year it was drier than during the 30's dust bowl. google dust bowl if you don't know what that is. over 50 days last year were over 100F consecutively
[12:07:20] * Tom_itx sprinkles some heat on abcminiuser
[12:08:19] <Corwin> im bored
[12:08:34] <amee2k> no poop
[12:08:40] <amee2k> same here
[12:08:41] <Corwin> i want faster mail from US
[12:08:53] <CapnKernel> Tom_itx: Don't do that, you'll melt his glaciers :-)
[12:08:54] <Tom_itx> the dust during that time blew all the way from the midwest (Ks, Ok etc) to washington DC which led to legislation to better manage farmland
[12:09:10] <amee2k> i went shopping earlier when it was "only" just over 40 and when i came home i was soaked in sweat
[12:09:28] <amee2k> like err, if i had showered with my clothes on or something
[12:11:51] <OndraSter> yeah
[12:11:55] <OndraSter> happens to me often too
[12:13:06] <amee2k> why can't it get winter again :(
[12:13:21] <Tom_itx> then you'll gripe about cold
[12:13:48] <CapnKernel> OndraSter: Most people shower without clothes.
[12:13:57] <Tom_itx> CapnKernel
[12:14:05] <Tom_itx> can you get motors?
[12:14:07] <Tom_itx> servos
[12:14:20] <CapnKernel> Short answer: Yes and no.
[12:14:36] <CapnKernel> You're probably better off going to my friend's website: http://www.goodluckbuy.com/
[12:14:59] <CapnKernel> Unless you were looking to make a bulk buy
[12:15:22] <amee2k> Tom_itx: not really. if i find it too cold, i can always put on warmer clothes
[12:15:34] <amee2k> but at some point i simply can't get any more naked
[12:16:19] <Tom_itx> CapnKernel, larger like for CNC
[12:16:29] <Tom_itx> NEMA23 or 32
[13:05:42] <Corwin> heh... temp sensor exposed to sun.... 43 celsius (110 fahrenheit) and raising
[13:15:13] <OndraSter> heh
[13:19:38] <Corwin> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daVDrGsaDME
[13:19:43] <Corwin> ^ someone had too much free time
[13:22:37] <OndraSter> Corwin, woah
[13:22:39] <OndraSter> cool
[16:39:04] <Makdaam> hello, I've got a beginner question: does ATmega8 require anything else to run besides 5V on VCC, AVCC and RESET (pullup), 0V on both GND pins... MISO, MOSI, SCK and RESET connected to the programmer?
[16:39:25] <Makdaam> I've got a PCB that does not work and I'm not sure what else I can check.
[16:53:40] <Casper> Makdaam: yes and no and no
[16:54:04] <Casper> VCC, AVCC need to be to 5V
[16:54:15] <Casper> all GND and AGND (if avail) to ground
[16:54:22] <Makdaam> check
[16:54:26] <Casper> pullup from reset to 5V
[16:54:29] <Makdaam> check
[16:54:39] <Casper> that is what is needed to make it work, but maybe not all
[16:55:05] <Casper> by default, the fuses are set for internal oscillator. If you didn't touched them then the chip will run
[16:55:29] <Casper> if you touched them, then it might require more parts, depending on the setting you set
[16:55:34] <Casper> now
[16:55:38] <Casper> the programmer
[16:55:47] <Casper> many programmer do not release the reset pin
[16:56:02] <Casper> so the avr stay in reset mode all the time when the programmer is connected
[16:57:22] <Casper> so... if you got a brand new chip, connected the vcc/avcc, gnd/agnd, did not touched the fuses, uploaded a valid program, and disconnected the programmer, it should run the program
[16:57:28] <Casper>
[16:57:51] <Makdaam> hmm
[16:57:57] <Makdaam> well new chip
[16:58:18] <Makdaam> but It gives me 3.75V on reset when the programmer is connected instead of 4.93
[16:58:42] <Casper> a brand new chip do not have anything programmed on it, the content of the flash is all "0xFFFF", which is a nop (no operation), which just skip until it hit the end of the flash, then the program start over, which is again nothing :D
[16:58:51] <Casper> so if you have 3.75V it's still in reset mode
[16:59:30] <OndraSter> actually
[16:59:35] <OndraSter> when it is 3.75V it is not in reset anymor
[16:59:36] <OndraSter> e
[16:59:49] <OndraSter> isn't high Vcc*0,6?
[16:59:59] <OndraSter> or even something like 2V?
[17:00:47] <Casper> the reset do not obey the 1/3 2/3 rules
[17:01:15] <Makdaam> i reduced Vcc to 3.4V
[17:01:22] <Makdaam> RST is 3.35 now
[17:01:28] <Makdaam> but it still doesn't work
[17:01:39] <OndraSter> Casper, hmm
[17:01:39] <Makdaam> what pullup value do you use on RST?
[17:01:43] <Casper> disconnect the programmer
[17:01:45] <Casper> and you will see
[17:01:46] <OndraSter> 10k or 4k7
[17:02:01] <OndraSter> 10k before, 4k7 now (because I have whole reel of them)
[17:02:15] <Casper> bbs, going to see if I can install a trailer hitch on my car...
[17:02:54] <Makdaam> so about 15k might be too much
[17:03:13] * Makdaam looks for RST thresholds in the datasheet
[17:03:18] <OndraSter> no, 15k is still fine
[17:03:32] <OndraSter> I know people who use even one digit more
[17:04:43] <Makdaam> 0.2 - 0.9 Vcc
[17:04:58] <Makdaam> so it's well within limits
[17:05:28] <Makdaam> maybe it's a miso-mosi mess up :( but it's according to a random pinout I found on the net
[17:06:42] <Makdaam> it's like this http://www.batsocks.co.uk/readme/isp_headers.htm
[17:06:49] <Makdaam> the 10 pin variant
[17:52:49] <OndraSter> to all ozies: http://9gag.com/gag/4642282
[18:26:48] <Tom_itx> :)