#avr | Logs for 2012-06-28

[03:50:19] <DSOlover> hello members i need some very basic tutorials to kickstart AVR using c
[03:50:50] <DSOlover> programming basically
[03:53:25] <specing_> topic
[03:53:50] <OndraSter> what specing_ said :)
[03:56:31] <DSOlover> tutorials on some basic programmes like blinking led, using stepper motor etc
[03:56:58] <OndraSter> yes
[03:57:00] <OndraSter> check topic
[03:57:09] <OndraSter> mostly the tom-itx.etc
[03:58:02] <DSOlover> im fluent with electronics but not good as aprogrammer.i will learn things fast if i can get some explainatory tutorials /notes etc
[03:58:27] <OndraSter> DSOlover, do you read what we write?
[04:00:24] <DSOlover> yes OndraSter , i have gne through thbis website
[04:03:10] <DSOlover> OndraSter: i need evry thing in series , as i said iam a begginner, using atmega16+avrstudio.
[04:04:10] <OndraSter> well then
[04:04:15] <OndraSter> Tom's webpage is a good start
[04:06:39] <DSOlover> but it doesent have much tutorials for beginners for e.g configuring i/o lines etc
[04:07:25] <OndraSter> really?
[04:07:35] <DSOlover> the page is good for soemone whos has some experience with programming but in my case im a nobody in programmer
[04:08:35] <OndraSter> check the datasheet of the IC itself
[04:08:37] <OndraSter> it is described there.
[04:10:00] <DSOlover> OndraSter: do i need to learn c firs
[04:10:21] <OndraSter> huh
[05:49:51] <grummund> i know it's a rude word, but anyone here used PIC 16-bit micros?
[05:53:16] <Steffanx> Unfortunately, yes
[05:54:12] <grummund> world of pain?
[05:57:55] <Steffanx> In was some basic stuff in assembly, so no not really
[05:58:23] <Steffanx> Except for the bank switching and W-register, that's a world of pain
[05:59:47] <grummund> which tool-chain?
[06:00:04] <Steffanx> Standard mplab
[06:00:11] <grummund> i'm looking at a job that would involve 16-bit PIC and wondering what i might be letting myself in for.
[06:00:42] <Steffanx> oh, nvm :P
[06:00:49] <Steffanx> You said 16-bit
[06:00:52] <grummund> generally, me and IDEs do not get on well :D
[06:00:55] <Steffanx> Not the 16F family
[06:00:57] <Steffanx> ARh
[06:01:06] <Steffanx> So ignore what i said
[06:01:29] <grummund> ok, i have used 16F.
[06:02:00] <grummund> given that agents usually don't know what they are talking about it might even be that :p
[06:20:31] <grummund> heh. looking at my cv it turns out i *have* used pic 16-bit ;)
[06:22:04] <Steffanx> Hmpf
[06:22:48] <Steffanx> With C I hope for you grummund ?
[06:23:18] <grummund> yes with C
[06:56:46] <Tom_itx> grummund, i used CCS C with them a bit
[06:58:17] <Tom_itx> but that was long ago in a far away place
[06:58:40] <Steffanx> The moon?
[06:59:06] <grummund> Once upon a time...
[09:10:42] <rue_mohr> Once upon a time people went to the moon for vaccation, since then, they have found closer destinations
[11:06:14] <JyZyXEL> can i replace "char" with "int8_t"?
[11:07:34] <JyZyXEL> nvm, works great
[12:33:03] <iSaleK> Hi everybody :)
[12:44:05] <amee2k> whats buzzin'
[12:45:18] <iSaleK> I'm doing a thermometer based on Tiny2313 and DS18B20
[12:45:30] <specing_> cool
[12:45:33] <amee2k> neat
[12:45:36] <specing_> POST ITT
[12:46:00] <amee2k> hm.. speaking of thermometer. i wanted to order some i2c temperature sensors last week >_<
[12:46:12] <amee2k> i can't find the two that i used to have in my junk box anymore
[12:46:42] <iSaleK> Can someone tell me what is the easiest way to convert two 8-bit values to decimal since I want to implement RS232 and some other stuff later so I want to use as less memory as possible for conversion?
[12:47:46] <amee2k> generic base conversion algorithm... divide by base (10) with residue. residue is the next digit, repeat with result until you get 0 (i.e. it divides evenly)
[12:49:00] <amee2k> note that you get the digits out LSD first, so for printing you either need to do it recursively or store the digits in some array first
[12:49:56] <iSaleK> I've already captured temperature in 2 8bit char values
[12:51:21] <amee2k> you mean, one 12 bit value split up across two 8 bit variables?
[12:52:21] <specing_> iSaleK: I suggest you send them in hex
[12:52:32] <specing_> since you don't need division
[12:52:36] <iSaleK> readTemp(temp,n); int temperatura=(((temp[1])<<8) | temp[0]);
[12:52:58] <amee2k> yeah, send it as hex if you can
[12:53:08] <iSaleK> I have to store that 12bit value in 2x8bit
[12:53:20] <iSaleK> I want to display it on 2 sevensegment displays first
[12:53:34] <iSaleK> later I will implement serial communication and send it as hex values
[12:54:35] <amee2k> once you have assembled the two 8 bit pieces into the 12 bit value stored in a 16 bit integer variable, you can do the successive division with residue algorithm to convert it to base 10
[12:54:51] <amee2k> or just display it in binary and declare it a novelty feature :)
[12:55:35] <amee2k> wtf. somehow ebay is boring as fuck about i2c stuff this week
[12:56:09] <iSaleK> amee2k: Shouldn't I now have the integer value of the temperature?
[12:56:32] <iSaleK> when I do the int temperature =(((temp[1])<<8) | temp[0]);
[12:56:33] <amee2k> probably. i don't know whats in these two 8 bit variables.
[12:57:05] <amee2k> check the documentation for your sensor IC for the format
[12:58:00] <amee2k> at least conrad has a shitty DS1620, but wrong bus >_<
[13:00:09] <amee2k> wtf. 2 euroquid for a shitty LM75??
[13:11:29] <Other019> Hi guys I have a problem (again)
[13:17:55] <Other019> When i'm trying to use JHD 162A LCD display (standart HD44780 controler), with my atmega 88 pa it doesn't work 4bit mode with R/W
[13:19:06] <specing_> Other019: have you tried with a lib?
[13:19:54] <Other019> Yes im using lib from this site http://radzio.dxp.pl/hd44780, and just month ago it was working
[13:20:02] <Other019> but wait im checking sth
[13:22:28] <iSaleK> Can I use something like pos_3 = 8*((var) & (1<<(pos))) to get pos_3 to be 8 if bit 3 is set and 0 if it's not?
[13:23:35] <Other019> Could low voltage couse this. When i turn it on and try to initialize it 1,5 row is black
[13:24:26] <Landon> low voltage = low contrast
[13:25:00] <Other019> Yes but why 1,5 row is working when it should be clear
[13:25:03] <Other019> ??
[13:25:22] <Landon> where is your cursor and what is it set to?
[13:27:00] <Other019> I'dont know it isn't blinking (i thought it should be because thats is seting when i initialize it)
[13:28:37] <Landon> well I can't read that site, so here is what I used when I was debugging my hd44780 routines
[13:28:38] <Landon> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hitachi_HD44780_LCD_controller
[13:28:58] <Landon> and specifically the How to Use Intelligent LCDs article in External Links
[13:30:26] <Other019> Yeah i'm sorry it's in polish here is link directli to this lib
[13:30:28] <Other019> http://radzio.dxp.pl/hd44780/hd44780_4bit_rw.zip
[13:30:55] <Landon> well, I didn't want to mention it
[13:30:58] <Landon> but I'm also extremely lazy
[13:31:10] <Other019> just like me
[13:31:32] <Landon> but it should be pretty simple to track down the commands you've issued and match them up against the datasheet/wikipedia/article
[13:32:52] <Other019> Maybe i try to fix it tommorow thank U very much
[13:33:07] <Other019> I'll writie if I fix it
[13:38:55] <iSaleK> Can someone please take a look at this code -> http://pastebin.com/KTj6naXK
[13:39:17] <iSaleK> When I compile it and send to uC sevensegments are all off
[13:40:50] <iSaleK> Temperature is around 25 degrees so I should get temp[1] as 0x01 and temp[0] as 0x91
[13:41:08] <iSaleK> (according to datasheet of DS18B20)
[13:55:48] <iSaleK> And can someone tell me how can I see if my DS18B20 is working at all with multimeter?
[14:10:55] <Xark> iSaleK: Hmm, testing I2C sounds difficult with a multimeter...you want something like a Bus Pirate to test that protocol AFAIK.
[14:33:20] <prpplague> iSaleK: unless you are running down low around 10KHz, you are going to have trouble using a multimeter to debug, and even at the 10KHz you have to really know what to look for
[14:33:37] <prpplague> iSaleK: investing a low cost LA is a good idea
[14:39:53] <Tom_itx> CapnKernel you alive?
[16:21:36] <Marcel_> +d
[16:21:43] <Marcel_> +=test
[16:22:07] <OndraSter> -=nothing
[16:22:18] <OndraSter> +d + test = test?
[16:22:26] <OndraSter> what has happened to the "d"?
[16:22:32] <OndraSter> POOR D!
[16:22:35] <OndraSter> you got rid of it
[16:48:18] <OndraSter> that's some closing happening
[17:29:28] <Tom_itx> CapnKernel alive?
[18:41:06] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> hi, I don't know if it's the right channel but I've an issue with the 8u2 of the arduino: I tried modifying the 8u2 code (wich is avr-libc ): I changed VID/PID to the arduino ones but /dev/ttyACM0 doesn't appear
[18:43:31] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> background: basically I did my own program in avr-libc for flashing BIOS chips with flashrom(a program for flashing BIOS chip that runs on a computer and talks to the programmer), but It had many issues: flashrom was waiting for serial input and got nothing etc.... at the end I found that it was the 8u2 code because attaching an FTDI to the arduino uno solves the problems
[19:45:34] <rue_mohr> GNUtoo-hplaptop,
[19:45:36] <rue_mohr> hi
[19:45:57] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> hi
[19:45:58] <tobbor> GNUtoo-hplaptop! like, totally tell us about the project!
[19:46:27] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> http://www.flashrom.org/Serprog#Arduino_Uno_flasher_by_GNUtoo
[19:46:33] <rue_mohr> whats 8u2
[19:46:53] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> 8u2 is in reality that avr microcontroller:
[19:47:11] <rue_mohr> oh
[19:47:17] <rue_mohr> atmega8u2
[19:47:22] <rue_mohr> opposed to a u4
[19:47:32] <rue_mohr> ok
[19:47:49] <rue_mohr> so your trying to make an eeprom programmer?
[19:47:57] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> at90usb82
[19:48:02] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> yes
[19:48:06] <rue_mohr> ok
[19:48:12] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> the eeprom programmer already works
[19:48:17] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> with the external serial
[19:48:18] <rue_mohr> you have someone elses code that suppo... ok
[19:48:22] <rue_mohr> so..
[19:48:47] <rue_mohr> so it works or it dosnt?
[19:48:50] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> basically with /dev/ttyACM0 from the 8u2 it doesn't work(flashrom waits for serial)
[19:49:07] <rue_mohr> your using linux yes?
[19:49:10] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> with an ftdi connected to the real serial port(pins 0 and 1 on the arduino) my code works
[19:49:15] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> yes I'm using GNU/Linux
[19:49:18] <rue_mohr> ok
[19:49:26] <rue_mohr> shouldn't that be ttyUSB0 ?
[19:50:05] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> the 8u2 firmware create makes it appear as /dev/ttyACM0 on GNU/Linux
[19:50:08] <rue_mohr> can you prove it, by unplugging/replugging the usb converter and showing me the last 10 lines of a dmesg command?
[19:50:27] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> yes I've to reflash the default 8u2 firmware tough
[19:50:31] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> let me do it
[19:50:44] <rue_mohr> ok...
[19:51:22] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> [138298.289277] cdc_acm 3-1:1.0: ttyACM0: USB ACM device
[19:51:34] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> Bus 003 Device 089: ID 2341:0001 Arduino SA Uno (CDC ACM)
[19:51:53] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> that's with their default 8u2 firmware
[19:53:06] <rue_mohr> hmmm
[19:53:06] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> the firmware of the 8u2 is programmed with avr-libc and that library:http://www.fourwalledcubicle.com/LUFA.php
[19:53:26] <rue_mohr> where is master lufa?
[19:53:30] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> the firmware on the atmega328p is made by me with avr-libc too
[19:53:50] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> I think there is a clone at github
[19:53:55] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> but the source looks like svn
[19:53:55] <rue_mohr> ah
[19:54:01] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> and arduino requires that version:
[19:54:23] <rue_mohr> your throwing too much at me, what dosn't work
[19:54:26] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> 100807
[19:55:12] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> Basically they used external code combined with 100807, other version are not guaranteed to work, but I could give a try or convert their code if needed
[19:55:29] <rue_mohr> what dosn't work?
[19:55:29] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> I'll explain more for telling what doesn't work
[19:55:45] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> you have:
[19:55:59] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> computer with flashrom<->arduino<->BIOS chip
[19:56:18] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> flashrom talks to the arduino trough the serprog protocol which is a serial protocol
[19:56:23] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> then now:
[19:56:27] <rue_mohr> so this is for a chip copier? yes?
[19:56:37] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> no, it's for coreboot
[19:56:40] <rue_mohr> of flashrom is a program
[19:56:58] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> yes flashrom is a program that is in most GNU/Linux distributions
[19:57:04] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> it can be dowloaded from SVN too
[19:57:07] <rue_mohr> hmm
[19:57:12] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> it's usually used for flashing BIOS
[19:57:16] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> or for flashing coreboot
[19:57:38] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> coreboot is a free replacement for the proprietary BIOS
[19:57:46] <rue_mohr> yup, ok
[19:58:01] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> it was known as linux-bios some years ago
[19:58:14] <rue_mohr> funny, I'm half way thru a eeprom flasher you just send an intel hex file to
[19:58:30] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> anyway flashrom send commands to the arduino
[19:58:38] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> like for instance SPI commands
[19:58:47] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> the whole logic is implemented in flashrom
[19:58:53] <rue_mohr> ok
[19:58:55] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> which is great, that way it supports tons of chips
[19:59:15] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> so basically flashrom send command to read/write to spi
[19:59:25] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> the command is formated like that:
[19:59:41] <rue_mohr> I didn't knwo the eeproms were programmable via spi
[20:00:00] <rue_mohr> all I'v seen is for programming them via parallel interface
[20:00:05] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> ok
[20:00:16] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> so 0x13 is for the command for performing spi operation
[20:00:21] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> flashrom sends that
[20:00:47] <rue_mohr> ok
[20:01:23] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> then it sends 24bit of length of the data it will send, 24bit length of the result it expect and then the data to send
[20:01:23] <CapnKernel> Tom_itx: For values of alive. I'm pre-coffee :-)
[20:01:37] <rue_mohr> hmm
[20:02:09] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> it expects an ACK and the result of the data
[20:02:15] <rue_mohr> is it all based on arduino code or is there raw avr firmware for this?
[20:02:24] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> it's in avr-libc
[20:02:30] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> both my code and the 8u2
[20:02:37] <Tom_itx> CapnKernel, can you get motors?
[20:02:41] <rue_mohr> hmm
[20:02:46] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> so basically it goes like that:
[20:02:51] <rue_mohr> CapnKernel, small gearmotors?
[20:03:03] <Tom_itx> rue_mohr take a number
[20:03:14] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> with the ftdi sparkfun serial adaptor that I connect to the serial pins it works as expected
[20:03:22] <rue_mohr> GNUtoo-hplaptop, so, your sure the program works cause it operates with the arduino, but your code isn't working
[20:03:35] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> my code is working
[20:03:46] <rue_mohr> so the avr code isn't working?
[20:03:55] <CapnKernel> rue_mohr: I'll PM you.
[20:03:56] <rue_mohr> er, the arduino code isn't working
[20:04:07] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> but the problem is the 8u2 that is between the atmega328p and the USB port
[20:04:19] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> so with the USB port on the arduino uno it does that
[20:04:24] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> flashrom send the commands
[20:04:29] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> and read back the result
[20:04:40] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> only that it goes like that on strace:
[20:04:47] <rue_mohr> so there is an avr in the middle not passing on data?
[20:04:48] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> it reads some stuff
[20:05:10] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> and then read(fd,"some stuff", 255 ) = 254
[20:05:13] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> read(fd,
[20:05:17] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> and it's blocked there
[20:05:22] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> 255 and 254 is an example
[20:05:27] <rue_mohr> ok
[20:05:38] <rue_mohr> so your losing a character and its hanging up the comms
[20:05:42] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> but the diff is real it sometimes wait for one more byte
[20:05:48] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> yes something like that
[20:06:02] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> <rue_mohr> so there is an avr in the middle not passing on data? yes that's the 8u2
[20:06:08] <rue_mohr> ok
[20:06:17] <rue_mohr> where did the code on the 8u2 come from?
[20:06:45] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> there are two versions of the code for the 8u2
[20:06:51] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> there is the binary version that works
[20:07:02] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> and the version with source code that I fail to make work
[20:07:16] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> they are both in the arduino repository on github:
[20:07:45] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> https://github.com/arduino/Arduino/tree/master/hardware/arduino/firmwares/arduino-usbserial
[20:08:06] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> oops
[20:08:09] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> I meant
[20:08:23] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> the binary version is the one who makes the flasher wait
[20:08:29] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> and the source version fails differently
[20:08:33] <rue_mohr> are there any warning when you compile it?
[20:08:43] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> let me look
[20:09:10] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> no warnings
[20:09:28] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> my main problem is making the source version work as bad as the binary version
[20:09:45] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> so after that I could try to fix
[20:10:08] <Tom_itx> rue_mohr they are a modded version of dean's lufa
[20:10:23] <rue_mohr> ok
[20:10:40] <rue_mohr> GNUtoo-hplaptop, in that code, whats CPU_FREQ set to?
[20:10:46] <Tom_itx> to make it fit on the 8u2 chip
[20:11:19] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> let me look
[20:11:54] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> there is F_CPU = 16000000 in the Makefile
[20:12:20] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> and then it defines it with -D
[20:12:20] <rue_mohr> ok
[20:12:31] <rue_mohr> whats the speed of the chip on your board?
[20:12:47] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> you mean the atmega328p?
[20:13:16] <rue_mohr> no the 8u2
[20:13:32] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> how to find out?
[20:14:05] <rue_mohr> is there a crystal on it?
[20:14:47] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> there is on the arduino board
[20:14:55] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> let me find the schematics
[20:15:09] <rue_mohr> we need to focus on the board that dropping the characters, ignore all other partrs
[20:15:18] <rue_mohr> we will just talk about the baord beng the problem
[20:15:33] <rue_mohr> which, as I usnerstand, is the firmware on the 8u2 dropping characters
[20:17:45] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> yes it is
[20:18:10] <rue_mohr> so tell me the speed that processor runs at
[20:18:26] <Tom_itx> 200 jigahertz
[20:18:48] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> 16Mhz
[20:18:51] <rue_mohr> JIGAHERTZ! GREAT SCOTT!
[20:19:04] <rue_mohr> GNUtoo-hplaptop, do you know the baud rate they use?
[20:19:17] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> with my code I used 2000000
[20:19:39] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> I guess it's something that works for all atmega328p rate
[20:19:55] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> I've no idea how tough
[20:19:58] <rue_mohr> your code on the 8u2?
[20:20:03] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> no
[20:20:08] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> atmega328p
[20:20:19] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> sorry for the confusion
[20:20:22] <rue_mohr> the CPU_FREQ must match the actual avr the code is running on
[20:20:32] <rue_mohr> if the 328 isn't part of the problem, ignore it
[20:20:58] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> ok
[20:21:50] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> https://github.com/arduino/Arduino/blob/master/hardware/arduino/firmwares/arduino-usbserial/Arduino-usbserial.c is where the 8u2 code is
[20:22:19] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> there is inside : Serial_Init(9600, false);
[20:22:22] <rue_mohr> so computer -->8u2--->328--->eeprom chip
[20:22:23] <rue_mohr> right?
[20:22:26] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> let me grep for that
[20:22:26] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> yes
[20:22:40] <rue_mohr> the 8u2 is usb -> rs232 right?
[20:23:23] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> Serial_Init seem part of LUFA
[20:23:28] <Tom_itx> rue_mohr uh huh
[20:23:44] <Tom_itx> they used it to replace the ft232 for cost
[20:23:47] <rue_mohr> is the 8u2 running the lufa usb to serial adapter demo code?
[20:23:51] <rue_mohr> ok
[20:23:53] <Tom_itx> similar
[20:23:56] <Tom_itx> but modified
[20:24:09] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> there is a code from the arduino git that uses LUFA
[20:24:13] <Tom_itx> so it would fit i believe
[20:24:17] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> but it uses the serial demo VID/PID
[20:24:28] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> but my main problem is the following:
[20:24:55] <rue_mohr> the code is dropping characters
[20:25:00] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> http://pastie.org/private/3c2vrjifzl4fyi6smkzrtw
[20:25:10] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> that will be the next problem
[20:25:17] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> my main problem is in this pastebin
[20:25:38] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> I compile the stock unmodified code
[20:25:53] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> and pluggin the arduino creates an usb error
[20:26:13] <rue_mohr> http://www.goodluckbuy.com/serial-bluetooth-rf-transceiver-module-rs232-w-backplane-enable-and-state-pin-1.html
[20:26:15] * rue_mohr drools
[20:26:21] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> Bus 003 Device 095: ID 03eb:204b Atmel Corp. LUFA USB to Serial Adapter Project <- lsusb with the unmodified code
[20:26:33] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> I even changed vid/pid to the arduino ones
[20:26:36] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> still no luck
[20:26:36] <rue_mohr> ok
[20:26:44] <rue_mohr> hmm
[20:27:42] <rue_mohr> http://www.goodluckbuy.com/w13pro-8-android-4-0-arm-cortex-a9-1-5ghz-tablet-pc-16gb-1g-ram-dual-core.html
[20:27:49] <rue_mohr> is THAT the new google tablet!?
[20:28:04] <rue_mohr> GNUtoo-hplaptop, I know what your problem is!
[20:28:19] <rue_mohr> your home-brew usb to serial converter dosn't work!
[20:29:04] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> ?
[20:29:57] <rue_mohr> hmm
[20:30:12] <rue_mohr> I cant help you more than that, its a usb problem, I'm not much of a usb guy,
[20:30:17] <Tom_itx> :)
[20:30:22] <Tom_itx> i wonder when...
[20:30:31] <rue_mohr> you need to find someone who can help you make a 8u2 work as a reliable usb to serial ocnverter
[20:30:43] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> rue_mohr, btw you pasted a link about a bluetooth adapter
[20:30:46] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> rue_mohr, http://pfalcon-oe.blogspot.it/2012/04/opensource-sensor-node-firmware-for.html
[20:31:09] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> it could be great to run code directly on the bluetooth adapter
[20:31:15] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> for instance to save power
[20:31:50] <rue_mohr> ooo
[20:33:24] <rue_mohr> http://www.goodluckbuy.com/wipad-10-7-capacitive-touchscreen-android-4-0-os-tablet-flat-pc-mid-with-camera-weike-.html
[20:33:30] <rue_mohr> does that seem like a good toy?
[20:33:45] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> anyway for my 8u2 problem, I just need to be able to get it to work as bad as the binary arduino firmware
[20:34:08] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> is it a chinese tablet?
[20:34:19] <rue_mohr> if I could code usb stuffs I'd help, a usb to rs232 converter should be easy
[20:34:32] <rue_mohr> is there something I should know about chinese tablets?
[20:35:03] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> yes, they are often buggy and don't give away any source code, even the linux kernel code
[20:35:18] <rue_mohr> but its android based
[20:35:27] <rue_mohr> an iphone is $600
[20:35:30] <rue_mohr> not paying that
[20:35:44] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> yes possible, maybe the spark/vivaldi tablet?
[20:35:48] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> or some galaxy tab?
[20:36:06] <rue_mohr> I want one to play with, for controlling robots
[20:36:15] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> ah ok
[20:36:20] <rue_mohr> all I really need is a touchscreen wifi browser
[20:36:21] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> then get something rootable and such
[20:36:25] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> with source code
[20:36:33] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> because else it's like iphone
[20:36:35] <rue_mohr> suggestions?
[20:36:49] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> I'm not that much into tablets but maybe the galaxy tabs
[20:37:00] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> or the spark/vivaldi tablet
[20:37:13] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> you could buy a chinese tablet that the spark/vivaldi cloned
[20:37:21] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> then you run the spark/vivaldi software on it
[20:37:32] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> that would be dead cheap
[20:37:34] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> and may work
[20:38:22] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> just be sure that it's the same tablet
[20:40:17] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> btw -84 is that one: #define EILSEQ 84 /* Illegal byte sequence */
[21:52:49] <GNUtoo-hplaptop> [145566.922227] cdc_acm 3-1:1.0: ttyACM0: USB ACM device