#avr | Logs for 2012-06-23

[04:29:42] <inflex> ja, avr doesn't hate FP, it's just that realistically doing FP sucks up a huge amount of codespace
[04:31:18] <Tom_itx> hey inflex
[04:31:46] <inflex> hiya Tom_itx
[04:31:55] <inflex> how's things on your side of the world?
[04:33:20] <Tom_itx> doin ok i suppose
[07:37:24] <amee2k> if i run a tiny45 off 3.3V, are the pins still 5V tolerant?
[07:44:07] <RikusW> there are protection diodes, so I don't think so
[07:44:17] <RikusW> unless you use resistors
[07:44:34] <Corwin> afaik datasheet states Vcc+0.5V max for pins
[07:50:40] <amee2k> hm. :/
[07:52:07] <theos> :/
[07:53:20] <amee2k> mh?
[07:53:25] <theos> hmm
[07:54:32] <Steffanx> hmh
[07:54:44] <amee2k> mhm
[07:54:55] <Corwin> i think you all are crazy
[07:55:02] <amee2k> thats what she said too
[07:55:34] <Steffanx> Hey, you are part of the gang Corwin ..
[07:55:54] <Corwin> no... you are all crazy... i am squirrel
[07:55:58] <RikusW> mmmh what gang ? ;)
[07:56:07] <Steffanx> The crazy people gang
[07:56:33] * amee2k idly turns orange
[07:56:49] <theos> :P
[07:56:52] <Corwin> crazy anoying orange? nooooooooo
[07:57:12] <amee2k> more like neon orange
[07:58:54] <RikusW> maybe the bored gang...
[07:59:31] <amee2k> bored? is that edible?
[07:59:40] <OndraSter> is that eatable?
[07:59:53] <Corwin> nom nom
[08:02:18] <Corwin> ...
[08:06:17] <OndraSter> why were always the 8042 keyboard controllers in:
[08:06:17] <Corwin> need to connect 80 leds but LED driver is capable of driving only 77 LEDs.... :(
[08:06:19] <OndraSter> a) DIP
[08:06:21] <OndraSter> b) socket?!
[08:06:33] <OndraSter> (old 486 tops motherboards)
[08:06:45] <OndraSter> I'd understand DIP, but why socketted?!
[08:07:01] <Corwin> DIP? because it was cheaper and size didnt matter
[08:07:21] <Corwin> socket? simply because lot of different kbd manufacturers used same IC
[08:07:30] <Corwin> was easier with sockets
[08:07:50] <amee2k> all the cheap ass keybs i've seen either had soldered DIPs or epoxy blobs
[08:07:59] <Corwin> and lot of manufacturers didnt used sockets
[08:08:20] <Corwin> ^ yes, keyboards made in china
[08:08:23] <Corwin> no sockets
[08:08:51] <OndraSter> amee2k, no, I mean on the motherboard itself
[08:09:00] <OndraSter> the only DIP thing was this kbd controller and BIOS
[08:09:09] <OndraSter> the rest was SO14 or so
[08:09:58] <amee2k> hmm isee
[08:10:02] <amee2k> i see* even
[08:10:29] <Corwin> i found 80387 chip yesterday.... wonder how to make 32bit bus to connect it to avr :)
[08:10:37] <OndraSter> hehe
[08:10:40] <OndraSter> I had similar ideas :D
[08:10:45] <OndraSter> FPU would be nice
[08:10:48] <OndraSter> but 32 bit bus
[08:10:50] <OndraSter> data
[08:10:57] <OndraSter> and xy bit address bus
[08:16:55] <abcminiuser> http://www.parl.clemson.edu/~ahoover/theses/drennan-thesis.pdf <- My new favourite LUFA project, how did I miss this one?
[08:17:41] <OndraSter> lol
[08:18:00] <Steffanx> Lol @ title
[08:18:04] <OndraSter> yeah
[08:21:12] <abcminiuser> There's been some WACKY uses of it
[08:21:46] <abcminiuser> That one is actually narrowly beat out by the guy hooking it to a MRI, and the guy using it an an interface to his experiment for analysing magnetic yeast
[08:25:35] <Corwin> http://www.dealextreme.com/p/sound-and-music-activated-velcro-spectrum-vu-meter-el-visualizer-t-shirt-black-size-l-4-x-aaa-141092
[08:25:43] <Corwin> ^ anyone have idea how this could possibly work?
[08:26:01] <Corwin> interested in replacing included controller with something else
[08:26:37] <Steffanx> buy one and find out :)
[08:26:49] <Steffanx> it's only 15$ :)
[08:27:17] <Corwin> 14.40... and i have 13.20 free credit in that shop :)
[08:41:15] * Other019 love avr's
[08:59:21] <matessim> Corwin, Its chinise magic vodoo probably
[08:59:25] <matessim> like most of the stuff on Dealextreme
[08:59:33] <matessim> shake it too strongly and it will stop working forever is the magic rule usually
[08:59:36] <matessim> or 1 drop of water.
[08:59:40] <Corwin> :)
[08:59:52] <Corwin> i like magic
[09:00:06] <matessim> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCbUFzx33T8&feature=player_embedded#!
[09:00:10] <matessim> this is MAGIK
[09:00:12] <matessim> VAVAVAVAVA
[09:00:23] <OndraSter> skrillex?
[09:00:24] <OndraSter> really?
[09:02:55] <OndraSter> one has to love xmega.
[09:02:57] <OndraSter> on port:
[09:02:59] <OndraSter> TWI
[09:03:01] <OndraSter> UART
[09:03:03] <OndraSter> SPI
[09:03:09] <OndraSter> all fit there at once
[09:03:17] <OndraSter> this is on three ports
[09:03:29] <OndraSter> OR you can have TWI, UART, UART
[09:03:35] <OndraSter> there is BAZILION peripherals
[09:03:49] <OndraSter> I need all the people to pay the debts to me so I can order the board already!
[09:04:26] <Corwin> :D
[09:07:02] <Steffanx> Go STM32/LPCwhatever and you have that incl. a 32bit processor OndraSter :P
[09:11:03] <amee2k> hmm... any ideas what i could salvage an I2C temperature sensor from?
[09:11:19] <amee2k> like a DS1621 or so
[09:11:41] <amee2k> i used to have one around here but i can't find it again >_<
[09:12:05] <GuShH> salvage it from digikey
[09:12:22] <Steffanx> digikey … $50 shipping for 1 sensor :D
[09:12:29] <GuShH> totally.
[09:12:36] <GuShH> Steffanx: make it $100 in my case
[09:12:46] <GuShH> not a lot of consumer products use these :(
[09:12:49] <amee2k> last time i checked it was 18EUR here
[09:13:07] <Steffanx> Oh, that's just 18$ nowadays
[09:13:13] * GuShH offers amee2k some orange jam
[09:13:47] <amee2k> or for that matter, any sensor IC that is supported by lm-sensors
[09:13:54] <amee2k> i need something to test my I2C adapter with
[09:14:02] <GuShH> i2c eeprom?
[09:14:18] <GuShH> did you really build an adapter and have nothing to test it with
[09:14:19] <GuShH> >_<
[09:14:25] <amee2k> except for a pair of temp sensors, i don't have any I2C shit
[09:14:36] <amee2k> but i can't find the sensors right now
[09:14:47] <amee2k> turned the entire junk box upside down already
[09:14:52] <GuShH> :/
[09:14:55] <GuShH> were they new?
[09:15:04] <amee2k> yeah
[09:15:07] <GuShH> you should keep them in their original bag even if the thermal stickers fade out :p
[09:15:14] <amee2k> well, one was soldered to a break-out board. they were SO8
[09:15:48] <GuShH> code an i2c device with an avr?
[09:15:56] <amee2k> ...
[09:15:58] <GuShH> oh but how do we test that
[09:16:08] <GuShH> we would need another chicken for this egg
[09:16:18] <GuShH> you do have a dso, quit whining.
[09:18:13] <amee2k> i'm more wondering about the software interface right now
[09:18:39] <theAdib> GuShH, amee2k : I was using a stm32 discovery board to test my avr I2c. I visualised via http://www.saleae.com/ adapter
[09:18:58] * GuShH doesn't like toys
[09:19:01] <amee2k> hmm
[09:19:13] <amee2k> found a 93C46 eeprom on an old mainboard
[09:19:19] <GuShH> good
[09:19:23] <GuShH> now rip it out with your teeth
[09:19:48] <GuShH> and growl.
[09:20:42] <amee2k> ...
[09:20:51] <amee2k> did you smoke something that we should know of?
[09:21:05] <GuShH> is that eeprom actually i2c?
[09:22:14] <amee2k> could be SPI too
[09:23:01] * GuShH executes an engineer rush towards amee2k's base
[09:29:16] <amee2k> you're high are you?
[09:29:53] <GuShH> amee2k: no, I'm just not upset for not being able to find parts today
[09:30:03] <amee2k> make your own party?
[09:30:10] <GuShH> engineer rush is a reference to the game Red Alert.
[09:30:22] <GuShH> where you'd start by quickly sending engineers to take over the enemy base...
[09:44:48] <jacekowski> there is a zeg rush as well
[09:44:51] <jacekowski> zerg*
[11:47:23] <x29a> hmm, can i burn the internals of an MCU so that setting PORTx, then DDRx to output has no effect? programming the MCU works just fine, but it seems to not execute the code or not configure the outputs correctly (tiny26). the testpin (PA0) is not connected any further, so no circuit influence there, vcc and gnd are at correct levels...
[11:48:14] <x29a> PORTA = 0xFF; DDRA = 0xFF; while(1); should result in about 5V on PA0 compared to GND, right?
[11:50:10] <Steffann> Yes x29a
[11:51:10] <x29a> Steffann: how would $person do that? i am debugging a pretty simple circuit for somebody else ("here check this, its not working") and im pretty sure the circuit is allright, leaves me with the MCU
[11:51:39] <x29a> i just tried performing an oscilator callibration (-O on avrdude) and that failed, is that an indication that the MCU is fubar?
[11:52:27] <x29a> fuses are ok, btw
[11:52:47] <x29a> and writing (verifying, erasing, reading) works smoothly
[11:53:18] <theos> ldi r17, 0xff - out DDRA, r17
[11:54:12] <x29a> theos: whats the effect?
[11:54:35] <OndraSter> sets DDRA to 0xFF
[11:54:53] <x29a> yeah, but thats what the compiler is doing for me
[11:55:04] <theos> x29a put an led between vcc and any portA pin. it should light up
[11:55:12] <x29a> i dont have a debugging board here (hence im not even sure the tiny26 supports any live stepping)
[11:55:47] <x29a> theos: im using a voltmeter and i see no effect whatsoever on the pins (neither 0 nor 1, they are totally unimpressed)
[11:55:50] <jacekowski> i just have simple PORTA++; for debigging
[11:56:01] <x29a> i somehow have to strike down the revolting mcu
[11:56:08] <theos> :)
[11:56:15] <jacekowski> and two leds in parallel opposite to each other between two pin
[11:56:16] <jacekowski> pins
[11:56:21] <x29a> jacekowski: same here, i shift both ports with a delay
[11:56:23] <jacekowski> and if any of them goes off or something like that
[11:56:34] <jacekowski> i know something ain't right
[11:57:07] <x29a> can i route the internal oscilator signal to an output?
[11:57:15] <x29a> i could use timers, i guess
[11:57:44] <x29a> any other lowlevel/simple method of checking whether the MCU is acutally running through its instruction stack?
[11:57:52] <jacekowski> no
[11:58:00] <jacekowski> some avrs have clock out
[11:58:03] <jacekowski> not all though
[11:58:07] <jacekowski> and i doubt tiny has that
[11:58:15] <x29a> true story
[12:07:51] <Steffann> WTF at your 404 pages abcminiuser
[12:08:03] <abcminiuser> Steffann, :D
[12:17:58] <Steffann> is that you abcminiuser ?
[12:19:09] <OndraSter> well I doubt they had such arctic weather back in the aussieland
[12:19:10] <abcminiuser> Nope, my friend, the "Knitwear Ninja"
[12:19:17] <abcminiuser> I'm the guy in the new Atmel video :P
[12:19:42] <Steffann> and that one on the about me page ..
[12:21:52] <abcminiuser> Indeed
[12:32:11] <theos> what page?
[12:32:38] <chupas> does digikey carry anything like pogo pins?
[13:34:36] <amee2k> GuShH: http://narf-archive.com/dp/e0d7cfe2e7c60c688c3d980cae9fc4b46d4bcd21.jpeg
[13:42:28] <Corwin> ^ omg.... but nice zombie killing machine :)
[13:42:50] <OndraSter> lol
[14:35:31] <GuShH> amee2k: yeah, not sure if that's vintage russian tech :p
[14:36:06] <amee2k> :P
[14:36:35] <GuShH> what's up with all the pr0n on that site :/
[14:36:46] <amee2k> dunno
[14:42:11] <mitsakos> hello, i have built a clock with an Atmega168. When power lose detect via analog comperator the mcu is going to sleep mode and wakes up once per second to update the time. If an external reset occurs while in battery power the mcu looks it crashes and comes back if an external reset occurs with power plugged
[14:42:30] <mitsakos> and only
[14:42:49] <mitsakos> can anybody imagine what is going wrong?
[14:47:51] <specing> mitsakos: I can't even imagine what you said
[14:49:04] <mitsakos> hah nice :P
[14:49:07] <mitsakos> let me try again
[14:49:19] <mitsakos> i have built a real time clock using atemga168.
[14:49:45] <mitsakos> the mcu when detects voltage less than 4 volt (which means power lose) it goes in power save mode
[14:50:14] <mitsakos> the clock is trigger using asynchronous timer2 with external crystal 32.768
[14:50:33] <mitsakos> in power save mode the clock is wakedup once per second (RTC crystal interrupt)
[14:50:44] <mitsakos> updates the time and goes again to power save mode
[14:50:50] <mitsakos> right up here?
[14:51:41] <mitsakos> also in power save mode the mcu runs using a 3Volt coin cell battery
[14:52:06] <mitsakos> which is connected in parallel with the main power supply in series with a diode
[14:52:30] <mitsakos> so if power loss the battery continues powering the circuit but in a lower voltage of 3Volt
[14:52:51] <mitsakos> specing ok?
[14:55:06] <Kev> you could just use an actual rtc chip
[14:56:00] <specing> mitsakos: And what doesen't work?
[14:56:13] <mitsakos> well when it is running on battery
[14:56:20] <mitsakos> and an external reset is occured
[14:56:26] <mitsakos> the mcu looks it crashes
[14:56:59] <mitsakos> and it doesn't come back until an external reset is occured while the power is recovered
[14:58:10] <specing> Isn't that what you are planning to do? To have it use *really* small amounts of power -> appear dead?
[14:58:42] <mitsakos> well i didn't explained it again correct
[14:59:02] <mitsakos> i occure an external reset on battery mode and then i recover the main power and it doesn't wakes up
[14:59:35] <mitsakos> but if i unplug the main power leave it to run on battery with out any external reset and then plug again the supply
[14:59:39] <mitsakos> it works right
[15:00:02] <mitsakos> the problem comes when an external reset occures while in battery mode with the main power unplugged
[15:08:35] <mitsakos> to reduce power i also reduce the clock by
[15:08:36] <mitsakos> CLKPR = (1<<CLKPCE);
[15:08:36] <mitsakos> CLKPR = (1<<CLKPS3);
[15:08:56] <mitsakos> what if an external reset occure just after these two instructions?
[15:14:38] <mitsakos> i also have a switch with i switch on/off the main power. If i have the cables connected on the clock and just switch off the switch for "power lose" and reset the mcu in battery mode the clock doesn't crashes. The clock crashes only if the cables are unplugged
[15:14:56] <mitsakos> the switch cuts the positive
[15:16:47] <mitsakos> no i think it was my idea...
[15:18:19] <OndraSter> cutting the wire
[15:18:21] <OndraSter> MacGyver?
[15:19:42] <mitsakos> metaphorically
[15:19:58] <mitsakos> it's a greek expression
[15:20:22] <OndraSter> shouldn't you be moaning about the result of football match? :P
[15:20:43] <mitsakos> where are you from?
[15:20:47] <OndraSter> not Germany
[15:20:55] <mitsakos> nice
[15:21:15] <mitsakos> no i don't have any problem they had a good team and the goals they scored where really good
[15:21:24] <mitsakos> so no problem
[15:21:32] <mitsakos> we didn't have such a good team
[15:21:48] <OndraSter> <mitsakos> and an external reset is occured
[15:21:55] <mitsakos> i think it was coach's player selection also wrong
[15:21:55] <OndraSter> external reset means via the RESET pin?
[15:22:00] <mitsakos> yes
[15:22:05] <mitsakos> by grounding it
[15:22:18] <OndraSter> <mitsakos> the mcu looks it crashes
[15:22:18] <OndraSter> <mitsakos> and it doesn't come back until an external reset is occured while the power is recovered
[15:22:24] <OndraSter> how do you detect the "doesn't come back"?
[15:22:27] <OndraSter> show us your whole code
[15:22:36] <mitsakos> it is about 2000 lines :P
[15:22:50] <mitsakos> it powers on an lcd
[15:22:56] <mitsakos> when it wakes up
[15:23:14] <mitsakos> i have also measured the draw current
[15:23:21] <mitsakos> and i can see that there is no current flow
[15:23:22] <OndraSter> well I wanted to take a look whether it doesn't skip some part of the code when you power it from the battery
[15:23:26] <OndraSter> because it goes immediatily to the power save mode
[15:23:32] <OndraSter> but I ain't going through 2k lines
[15:23:49] <mitsakos> i'm trying to simulate some of possible crash situations now on the circuit
[15:24:23] <mitsakos> the first time the mcu crashed
[15:24:36] <mitsakos> was by my hand while i was holding the pcb
[15:24:53] <mitsakos> after that i realised that i occured an external reset by my fingers
[15:26:03] <mitsakos> now what i'm realising is that it doesn't always crashes on external reset on battery mode
[15:28:23] <mitsakos> it looks like it crashes if a noise reset occures (lot of reset signals in a small time duration) or if a reset occures in a specific line of code while it has wakedup from sleep mode before the next sleep
[15:30:16] <specing> < mitsakos> it is about 2000 lines :P
[15:30:19] <specing> W.T.F.
[15:30:43] <specing> 2000 LOC for a simple clock?!
[15:31:14] <mitsakos> specing have a look http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8004/6998539870_aa8f5b72d7_b.jpg
[15:31:25] <OndraSter> yay
[15:31:26] <mitsakos> it isn't that simple
[15:31:27] <OndraSter> not bad
[15:31:31] <OndraSter> actually...
[15:31:33] <OndraSter> it is :o
[15:31:45] <OndraSter> 74 141 drivers :P
[15:31:47] <specing> ugly as hell
[15:31:51] <OndraSter> original from the 70s/80s/whatever
[15:32:06] <Tom_itx> before your time?
[15:32:11] <mitsakos> the main function of the clock it is but it has more thinks than an RTC
[15:32:32] <mitsakos> specing thanks
[15:32:40] <specing> :D
[15:33:09] <mitsakos> never mind
[15:33:27] <Tom_itx> were you the one that made one of those and made a nice box to house it?
[15:33:35] <Tom_itx> i saw the finished box version..
[15:33:38] <mitsakos> yeah maybe
[15:34:07] <mitsakos> you mean this one http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8150/7211134940_8169006e1a_b.jpg ?
[15:34:29] <Tom_itx> yeah now see, that's not near as fugly
[15:34:53] <Tom_itx> where's the snooze button?
[15:35:02] <OndraSter> :D
[15:35:04] <OndraSter> hammer
[15:36:14] <mitsakos> what do you mean snooze button?
[15:36:44] <Tom_itx> aka an alarm clock usually has a snooze button
[15:36:57] <mitsakos> to do what
[15:37:03] <mitsakos> to close the alarm?
[15:37:10] <mitsakos> to stop it
[15:37:10] <mitsakos> ?
[15:37:36] <Tom_itx> generally intended to give you another 10 min sleep before it rudely awakes you again
[15:38:07] <mitsakos> ahh? now i understood :P
[15:38:12] <mitsakos> no there is no such a button
[15:38:31] <mitsakos> it isn't for lazy boys :P
[15:38:38] <Tom_itx> any lazy fat american would have gotten that right away :D
[15:38:40] <mitsakos> there is only one button to stop it
[15:38:52] <mitsakos> hah
[15:38:54] <OndraSter> power button?
[15:39:04] <mitsakos> http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7221/7211135292_68c21d7a0b_b.jpg
[15:39:11] <mitsakos> three buttons
[15:39:56] <OndraSter> I have got here something for the future as well:
[15:39:56] <OndraSter> http://clip2net.com/s/23MHJ
[15:40:04] <OndraSter> or
[15:40:05] <OndraSter> http://clip2net.com/s/23MHM
[15:40:11] <mitsakos> nice this is nixie
[15:40:15] <OndraSter> yea
[15:40:15] <mitsakos> mine is fluracent
[15:40:26] <Tom_itx> holy crap that's bright
[15:40:29] <mitsakos> small diference in driving
[15:40:33] <Tom_itx> that would KEEP you awake at night
[15:40:34] <OndraSter> that's because it was taken in the dark :)
[15:40:38] <mitsakos> :P
[15:40:44] <OndraSter> about 150V under load
[15:40:49] <mitsakos> it depends on the supply voltage
[15:40:50] <OndraSter> they are specced upto 180V for regular use I think
[15:41:11] <OndraSter> I have got 8 or 9 of the first ones
[15:41:12] <mitsakos> it is a good voltage for electric sock :P
[15:41:15] <OndraSter> :D
[15:41:24] <OndraSter> and 6 or 7 of the second one
[15:41:47] <OndraSter> plus for the first one I have also DC/AC signs :D
[15:41:56] <OndraSter> or was it + and -
[15:41:58] <OndraSter> hmm
[15:46:41] <mitsakos> OndraSter btw where are you from?
[15:46:50] <OndraSter> right next to germany
[15:46:51] <OndraSter> to the east
[15:47:00] <OndraSter> geography quiz!
[15:47:18] <mitsakos> i bet that you where from europe
[15:47:37] <mitsakos> if you know about the Greece-German football match
[15:47:50] <OndraSter> <OndraSter> right next to germany
[15:47:50] <OndraSter> <OndraSter> to the east
[15:47:56] <mitsakos> *were :P
[15:48:12] <OndraSter> still am
[15:48:17] <mitsakos> hah
[15:48:29] <mitsakos> Polska?
[15:48:47] <mitsakos> Ceska republika?
[15:49:24] <OndraSter> ye
[15:49:24] <OndraSter> CZE
[15:50:13] <mitsakos> nice
[15:50:22] <mitsakos> cold place
[15:52:29] <OndraSter> you wish
[15:52:51] <mitsakos> i wish?
[15:54:04] <mitsakos> isn't it?
[15:54:14] <OndraSter> outside maybe
[15:54:16] <OndraSter> but not in my room :D
[15:54:25] <OndraSter> outside is right now 22C, during day it goes way above 30
[15:54:42] <mitsakos> nice
[15:54:47] <mitsakos> here outisde is 32
[15:54:50] <OndraSter> in my room it is about 46 right now. At least it feels like that
[15:54:51] <mitsakos> :p
[15:54:53] <OndraSter> heh
[15:55:00] <mitsakos> in day it goes 36-37
[15:55:26] <tech2077> here 27C inside is nice and cool
[15:55:47] <mitsakos> nice
[15:55:51] <tech2077> never goes below 35-37 in the day
[15:55:52] <mitsakos> 27 is really cool
[15:55:56] <tech2077> or the night
[15:55:57] <mitsakos> but 32 is too much for sleeping
[15:56:22] <mitsakos> where are you from tech ?
[15:56:37] <tech2077> texas
[15:57:07] <mitsakos> holdem? :P
[15:57:12] <tech2077> heh
[15:57:27] <tech2077> i'm in the cooler coastal part
[15:57:29] <mitsakos> nice.. texas is texas greece is greece etc..
[15:57:40] <tech2077> yeah
[15:57:51] <tech2077> theres the US, then theres texas kinda
[15:58:27] <tech2077> night and day it's around 33-43
[15:58:42] <tech2077> some places i know it's up to 47
[15:59:03] <mitsakos> it is very hot do anything
[15:59:18] <mitsakos> here with 32 to 34 in the night i can't sleep without aircondition
[15:59:25] <mitsakos> actually i can't even sit on a chair
[15:59:42] <mitsakos> i get sweat
[16:00:43] <OndraSter> mmm
[16:00:43] <OndraSter> http://d24w6bsrhbeh9d.cloudfront.net/photo/4571572_700b_v1.jpg
[16:00:48] <OndraSter> what country is that from :o
[16:00:52] <OndraSter> I NEED TO KNOW
[16:01:43] <mitsakos> :P
[16:15:30] <Corwin|away> what country is death star from ?
[16:16:44] <OndraSter> Corwin, no
[16:16:48] <OndraSter> what country is SHE from
[16:17:02] <Corwin> most likely US, San diego
[16:17:12] <OndraSter> hmm
[16:17:19] <OndraSter> adding San Diego to "move to" list
[16:17:27] <Corwin> ... since that pic is from San diego Comic-con, 2011
[16:17:29] <OndraSter> heh
[16:17:42] <OndraSter> you have been there?
[16:17:49] <OndraSter> you were there?*
[16:17:52] <Corwin> no... not enough money
[16:19:39] <Corwin> .... ok, im switching back to linux tomorrow.... Eclipse 4 is way too slow on my windows machine
[16:20:18] <OndraSter> that has 2 simple reasons:
[16:20:20] <OndraSter> a) Java
[16:20:22] <OndraSter> b) Eclipse
[16:20:25] <OndraSter> c) Java
[16:20:30] <OndraSter> *3 simple reasons*
[16:20:32] <Corwin> no.... a) Java, b) windows
[16:22:50] <Corwin> when i tried e4 on linux on same machine, it was pretty usable
[21:47:21] <TechIsCool> where is make16() in avr?
[21:53:47] <CapnKernel> What is make16()
[21:59:14] <TechIsCool> CapnKernel: its basically union but a built in c function
[21:59:23] <TechIsCool> http://www.scribd.com/doc/41617037/138/MAKE16
[22:06:22] <Casper> TechIsCool: are you sure it's not a c++ thing?
[22:08:00] <TechIsCool> Casper: I think so since the document that I linked was a c compiler ref guide
[22:29:19] <CapnKernel> Never seen it.
[22:31:23] <TechIsCool> CapnKernel: did you find it
[22:31:36] <TechIsCool> or just the link I was talking about
[22:37:14] <deffrag_> Hello! How 2Mbps the maximum baud rate supported by Atmega64 working at 16 MHZ?
[22:37:52] <deffrag_> First page of datasheet says Up to 16 MIPS Throughput at 16 MHz
[22:43:02] <TechIsCool> I think I figured it out I was googling something wrong
[22:43:25] <Casper> deffrag_: MIPS != Mbps
[22:44:01] <deffrag_> Er, yes
[22:44:09] <deffrag_> It isn't
[22:45:01] <Casper> what is your question?
[22:45:08] <Casper> because what you said made no sense
[22:45:37] <deffrag_> I would like to know how 2Mbps the maximum baud rate supported by Atmega64 working at 16 MHZ.
[22:46:12] <Casper> x2 speed
[22:46:28] <Casper> which cause a /8 divider for the uart prescaller
[22:46:45] <Casper> so 16e6/8 = 2e6
[22:46:57] <Casper> however
[22:47:27] <Casper> it's stupid to use such high speed, as it leave almost no processing power
[22:47:46] <Casper> so you usually end up with buffer overflow
[22:48:51] <deffrag_> Gotcha, thanks
[22:49:13] <CapnKernel> TechIsCool: "where is make16() in avr?" seems to imply that make16() is some kind of standard function. First I've heard of it.
[22:49:47] <TechIsCool> CapnKernel: I thought it was a standard function but I guess its not. I was trying to convert two bytes to a single word
[22:49:54] <CapnKernel> "OMG where is make_pink_ponies() in my 8051!"
[22:50:00] <TechIsCool> :)
[22:50:08] <Casper> seems to be a macro used on some obscure compiler
[22:50:25] <Casper> actually, seems to be for pic
[22:51:34] <CapnKernel> unsigned char msb = 4; unsigned char lsb = 0x82; unsigned short s = msb << 8 + lsb;
[22:51:48] <CapnKernel> (may need to cast msb to short first, I've forgotten
[22:51:56] <TechIsCool> is that better then union
[22:52:07] <Casper> s = msb<<8 | lsb ?
[22:52:24] <CapnKernel> Same diff, likely to end up being the same object code anyway.
[22:52:31] <TechIsCool> alright
[22:52:48] <TechIsCool> thanks for the info I was not sure how to do it
[22:52:54] <CapnKernel> You're welcome.
[22:55:01] <TechIsCool> it compiles let see if it works
[23:21:28] <deffrag_> Is there a channel for uCOS RTOS discussion?