#avr | Logs for 2012-06-22

[00:00:23] <mv--> I need AVR Assembler syntax highlighting for the latex listings package... can someone help me here?
[00:29:05] <w|zzy> SuperMiguel: Its not hard.. Its just another language.
[00:29:20] <SuperMiguel> w|zzy: worth it?
[00:30:04] <w|zzy> it wouldnt.
[00:30:10] <w|zzy> Sorry
[00:30:21] <w|zzy> I meant to say.... It wouldnt hurt
[00:30:26] <w|zzy> Its just another oop..
[00:30:39] <w|zzy> All codeis good experience
[06:07:02] <sgupta> Hi all
[06:07:28] <sgupta> Could I get a quick expert advice? I am a bit confused
[06:08:02] <sgupta> On the ATxmega128B1 page, it says ADC Speed 2000 ksps
[06:08:05] <sgupta> http://www.atmel.com/devices/ATXMEGA128B1.aspx?tab=parameters
[06:08:38] <sgupta> However, the datasheet says "up to 300 thousand samples per second" on Page 52
[06:08:45] <sgupta> also on front page of course
[06:08:49] <sgupta> http://www.atmel.com/Images/doc8330.pdf
[06:09:17] <sgupta> I am just lost as to what happened here. I must be missing something obvious?
[14:03:23] <Xata> hi
[14:16:16] <OndraSter> hi xa
[14:16:18] <OndraSter> hi Xata
[14:24:11] <rhumbot> hi all, im still getting started with microcontrollers. is there an efficient way to communicate between a computer and a µc or between two µc? could you tell me a concept i could look into?
[14:24:41] <OndraSter> uart
[14:26:34] <rhumbot> i think thats what i was looking for. thank you!
[14:30:10] <specing> lol
[14:31:25] <amee2k> could it be that a PS/2 port is extremely similar to an 11 bit variation of I2C?
[14:32:57] <amee2k> well, really 9 bit, because it models the start condition as extra bit and includes the ack bit too
[14:47:15] <asteve_> something something something
[14:56:00] <Steffanx> I think you need more something, asteve_
[15:02:08] <Xata> Guys, how do i connect electroguitar to ADC? I need to create an effect-processor, quick, i have one day.
[15:05:16] <OndraSter> Last night my girlfriend told me that I am a pedophile. THAT'S A STRONG WORD FOR A TWELVE YEAR OLD!
[15:05:23] <OndraSter> Xata, do you have a scope?
[15:05:32] <Xata> OndraSter: nope.
[15:05:36] <OndraSter> hmm
[15:05:39] <OndraSter> gl then
[15:05:43] <Xata> i dont' even have that guitar
[15:05:53] <Xata> i can not find anything acceptable
[15:06:00] <Xata> i mean in google
[15:06:07] <Landon> well, most guitars have a quarter inch jack
[15:06:23] <Xata> Landon: you don't say?
[15:06:31] <Landon> yep
[15:06:33] <Landon> I do
[15:06:40] <Landon> and from there, you just hook up the leads
[15:07:24] <OndraSter> </trollface>
[15:07:25] <Landon> 1) why do you only have one day? 2) do you already have the DSP stuff done for effects processing?
[15:08:15] <Xata> yeah, and if it has -9v to +9v my birthday gift in frame ov toy-MIG will just burn.
[15:08:31] <Xata> *burn out, or how it is said
[15:09:04] <Landon> correct me if I'm wrong, but electric guitars aren't powered?
[15:09:13] <Xata> Landon: 1)because birhday is on sunday 2) no, but this is not a problem
[15:09:13] <GuShH> they're passive.
[15:09:23] <GuShH> acoustic-electric are often powered, can even contain an equalizer.
[15:09:44] <Xata> but they have 9v poer-source, don't thay?
[15:09:53] <Xata> *they. damn
[15:09:55] <GuShH> this guy seems rather clueless, no amount of help will get him to where he wants to go in a day.
[15:09:58] <Xata> *power
[15:10:17] <Landon> they just generate a signal from the strings over the pickups, hence electric
[15:10:22] <Landon> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pickup_(music_technology)#Output
[15:10:25] <Xata> hm
[15:10:26] <Landon> The output voltage of magnetic pickups varies between 100 mV rms to over 1 V rms for some of the higher output types[citation needed]. A hard strum on all 6 guitar strings can produce a larger output voltage swing, typically peak voltages of +/- 5 volts for single coil pickups and +/- 10 volt peaks on dual coil pickups[citation needed]
[15:10:36] <Landon> so it looks like you really need to know how the guitar is set up
[15:10:50] <GuShH> you don't if you use agc
[15:10:59] <GuShH> hes going to trash the signal anyway
[15:11:01] <Landon> possibly finish everything but the hookup for the birthday and then let them know that you need to figure out the voltage range
[15:13:37] <Xata> it has humbucker and two singles as far as i remember
[15:13:50] <GuShH> not all pickups are the same.
[15:13:58] <GuShH> you adjust input levels manually, you clearly never used a guitar.
[15:14:15] <Xata> yes. because thi is a gift, you know?
[15:14:27] <GuShH> you can't do it because you don't even have a guitar.
[15:14:44] <Xata> why? i can simulate it.
[15:14:48] <GuShH> buy an effect pedal if it's a gift.
[15:15:26] * amee2k smacks GuShH
[15:15:55] <Xata> naaah, this is not interesting. with such success i can just gift that toy plane that had to be a frame
[15:16:07] <GuShH> amee2k: hm?
[15:16:17] <amee2k> GuShH: where have you been hiding lately?
[15:16:23] <GuShH> amee2k: away from frogs
[15:16:27] <amee2k> lol
[15:16:29] <amee2k> what for?
[15:16:35] <GuShH> tired of his shit
[15:16:46] <amee2k> mmh... /ignore?
[15:16:53] <GuShH> keeps taunting and then making stuff up
[15:16:56] <Xata> well, what we have - nobody knows, and one says i can not because i have no guitar. nice.
[15:16:59] <amee2k> lol
[15:17:09] <amee2k> so you let him win. cool strategy, bro.
[15:17:16] <OndraSter> Xata, withotu scope you can pretty much _guess_ everything
[15:17:22] <OndraSter> you have to
[15:17:31] <GuShH> Xata: your question makes it known that you've never used a guitar, never done dsp, never worked with audio, clearly.
[15:17:33] <OndraSter> then you need some kind of DSP
[15:17:43] <OndraSter> and that's not something that is wise to do in software on small MCUs
[15:18:10] <GuShH> you don't have the equipment, you don't have the instruments, you don't have the knowledge and you want to do it in a day... well guess what, you should've tought about it a year ago.
[15:18:22] <GuShH> sorry but no irc user will be able to help you.
[15:19:05] <GuShH> amee2k: clearly no one cares if I'm at ##e or your channel.
[15:19:37] <amee2k> GuShH: you do know that you can be in more than one channel, right?
[15:20:09] <OndraSter> amee2k, NO YOU CAN NOT, YOU WOULD KILL THE INTERNET! lol
[15:20:10] <GuShH> amee2k: huh?
[15:20:17] <GuShH> amee2k: those two are where hes at
[15:20:23] <Xata> OndraSter: strange distorting effect? can not be made on atmega? man, just an array with 4 samples from adc, constantly renewing, while sending parsed sample from some logic to port, where dac will be
[15:20:24] <amee2k> lol
[15:20:33] <GuShH> amee2k: the last straw to break the camel's back was when frogs started saying I was jealous of someone who got a free tek 465 scope, and kept talking shit about how I can't import used scopes and how I can only get ancient equipment, and so forth. Hes always doing the same crap over and over again.
[15:21:10] <OndraSter> GuShH, ignore :)
[15:21:14] <OndraSter> him, not me
[15:21:20] <GuShH> amee2k: all this after I had helped this same person for a week
[15:21:24] <amee2k> shrug
[15:21:29] <amee2k> fuck frogs
[15:21:55] <GuShH> why would I be jealous of anything, I friggin helped the guy with his project when no one else cared to.
[15:22:03] <GuShH> idiot
[15:22:10] <Xata> thaat's all, enough for weird made-buy-my-hands gift from a friend. maybe he will even use it. two times. most likely it will stand as souvenier somewhere in hall
[15:22:30] <GuShH> amee2k: and really, the fact that the guy hadn't used a scope before was also a reminder of how clueless some idiots can be in that channel
[15:22:56] <amee2k> GuShH: i was in that channel too when i held a scope in my hands for the first time
[15:23:01] <amee2k> and asked some pretty dumb questions
[15:23:36] <amee2k> everyone has to learn shit /somewhere/
[15:23:42] <GuShH> amee2k: that's not the point
[15:23:47] <Xata> so - voltage follower on op-amp or not?
[15:23:57] <OndraSter> definitely
[15:24:24] <amee2k> then what is it?
[15:24:40] <GuShH> overall it's a stagnant channel where nothing productive ever happens.
[15:24:59] <Landon> sounds like IRC
[15:25:01] <GuShH> couple theoretical dicks and a bunch of trolls and random newbies.
[15:25:03] <OndraSter> Xata, without knowing the operating voltage you have no idea whether to amp it or not
[15:25:16] <OndraSter> you could do opamp with pot for feedback
[15:25:30] <Xata> OndraSter: and than pre-amp from dac so that it will be not burned out?
[15:25:40] <GuShH> OndraSter: he needs to manually limit the input level, he can clamp with a zener for protection, it'll simply clip the audio
[15:25:52] <OndraSter> yes, clamping is the only thing he can be sure of
[15:25:53] <amee2k> where a combination of some theoretical dicks and the trolls are the reasons why the noobs don't stay after they finish noobing :P
[15:25:56] <OndraSter> err, he can protect it with
[15:25:59] <GuShH> it's just a potentiometer for the input level.
[15:26:07] <GuShH> you can use the one on the guitar ....
[15:26:15] <OndraSter> hmm that's right
[15:26:16] <GuShH> guitars have pots to adjust the level of the pickups
[15:26:23] <GuShH> and rotary switches to select combination of pickups
[15:26:29] <OndraSter> my brother used to play on both accoustic and on electric
[15:26:33] <OndraSter> but I never took one apart ;D
[15:26:37] <GuShH> but your device should always have an input level pot anyway
[15:26:46] <GuShH> look at how pedals are made
[15:26:54] <Xata> OndraSter: i use that pot on voltage-follower feedback?
[15:26:55] <GuShH> with a bypass, input level adjust and that's it.
[15:26:58] <OndraSter> I know only pedals in the car :X
[15:27:03] <GuShH> lol
[15:27:15] <OndraSter> Xata, honestly, I have no idea, without knowing the voltage range...
[15:27:18] <OndraSter> etc
[15:27:44] <GuShH> amee2k: well that's the thing, because of some idiots the nooblets can't get help, because some people left long before, or during the process.
[15:27:48] <Xata> so pot on input or pot on feedback ov v-follower?
[15:28:00] <Xata> *of
[15:28:05] <GuShH> you clamp to protect your adc anyway
[15:28:26] <GuShH> why would you worry so much about the input level... you simply attenuate it.
[15:28:26] <OndraSter> you can use regular pot on input, then opamp follower (if you want to put there opamp at all) with clamping diodes
[15:28:29] <OndraSter> and then to ADC
[15:28:37] <OndraSter> if no opamp on the input => clamping diodes at the ADC
[15:28:47] <GuShH> you can then have a pre-amp section before the adc, in case the signal is too low and / or you want to distort.
[15:28:53] <OndraSter> I don't know what is the output impedance of the guitar
[15:29:01] <amee2k> GuShH: you mean like me? :P
[15:29:08] <GuShH> couple K ohms I think
[15:29:42] <Xata> if someone could tell me hou is clamping in russian...
[15:29:54] <OndraSter> who here speaks russian? :D
[15:29:59] <GuShH> amee2k: everyone has the right to ask all sort of questions, but you can't call me a bully when you are doing it yourself -- specially not if you hide like a cockroach like he does.
[15:30:15] <GuShH> Xata: vodka!
[15:30:31] <OndraSter> haha
[15:30:32] <Xata> balalaika
[15:30:33] <OndraSter> "da"
[15:30:37] <amee2k> GuShH: when did i call you a bully? o.O
[15:30:39] <GuShH> Xata: the zener will shunt excess voltage to ground, limiting the voltage level to your adc, thus protecting it.
[15:30:44] <GuShH> amee2k: he does
[15:30:51] <amee2k> how about
[15:30:53] <GuShH> amee2k: don't be a drama queen I'm not talking about you >_<
[15:30:53] <amee2k> fuck him?
[15:31:10] <GuShH> can't fuck a ghost.
[15:31:12] <amee2k> well, i'm not talking about him :P
[15:31:15] <amee2k> yes you can
[15:31:19] <amee2k> call the ghostbusters
[15:31:30] * GuShH blinks
[15:31:32] <Xata> this? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transient-voltage-suppression_diode
[15:31:39] <GuShH> no
[15:31:45] * amee2k idly humms the ghost busters theme
[15:31:52] <OndraSter> lol ghost busters
[15:31:59] <GuShH> doob doop do doo DOOO... doob doop do doo DOOOO
[15:32:12] <OndraSter> I've seen one or two episodes only
[15:32:18] <GuShH> I've only seen the movies...
[15:32:24] <OndraSter> movies?
[15:32:28] <OndraSter> are we talking about the same thing?
[15:32:28] <amee2k> movies.
[15:32:30] <GuShH> are you kidding me
[15:32:34] <amee2k> yes :P
[15:32:46] <amee2k> there is a bunch of movies and an animated show
[15:32:48] <OndraSter> oh
[15:32:51] <OndraSter> THOSE ghost busters
[15:32:52] <OndraSter> nvm
[15:32:54] <GuShH> don't care for animated crap
[15:33:11] <OndraSter> I missed with some TV show
[15:33:14] <amee2k> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghostbusters_%28franchise%29#Films
[15:33:28] <OndraSter> (that's because I know ghostbusters only in CZE, but I saw the other thing in english)
[15:33:32] <GuShH> Xata: I don't think you can do this in a day...
[15:34:03] <amee2k> oh, there are even two shows
[15:34:17] <GuShH> why would they have two shows!
[15:34:27] <amee2k> because people watched it?
[15:34:35] <amee2k> anyway, when someone says ghostbusters everyone thinks about http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghost_busters
[15:35:16] <GuShH> so you're saying I show throw a modded toaster to frogs and push a button?
[15:35:31] <amee2k> >_>
[15:35:38] <GuShH> I could do the bill murray face while I'm at it
[15:36:10] <Xata> GuShH: maybe, but i'll try ;)
[15:36:31] <Xata> What about this? looks like atmegas have internal clamp http://www.rcrowley.com/images/ATMdiodes.jpg
[15:36:58] <amee2k> OndraSter: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyRqR56aCKc
[15:37:00] <amee2k> \o/
[15:37:15] <GuShH> You don't design hoping internal protection will just-do unless you are chinese.
[15:37:29] <GuShH> some of that is just for ESD protection
[15:37:38] <OndraSter> yeah
[15:37:56] <GuShH> it'll go to hell if you try to shunt half a watt through them.
[15:37:58] <OndraSter> atmegas can withstand a LOT of nasty stuff
[15:38:13] <GuShH> I think hes secretly using an arduino
[15:38:13] <OndraSter> but don't bet on that
[15:38:22] * GuShH lights up the torches
[15:38:29] <OndraSter> wait till my XBoard makes it into public
[15:38:42] <GuShH> Then I'll have something new to hate?
[15:38:46] <OndraSter> maybe
[15:38:55] <GuShH> Yey
[15:39:04] <OndraSter> imagine mix of arduino and netduino -.-
[15:39:13] <GuShH> don't know what netduino is, don't want to know.
[15:39:20] <OndraSter> something like arduino but with ARM
[15:39:23] <Xata> GuShH: but any diode will do? i have that classic 1n4148 - will it do?
[15:39:25] <OndraSter> and running .NET micro framework lol
[15:39:29] <amee2k> arduino with an ENC shield?
[15:39:31] <OndraSter> but it is fairly cool
[15:39:33] <OndraSter> no
[15:39:37] <GuShH> Xata: did I not mention zener just about 127 times? :/
[15:39:45] <GuShH> .net arduino!
[15:39:49] <OndraSter> it has actually onboard eth phy transceiver and eth connector (netduino pro)
[15:39:52] <OndraSter> pretty much
[15:39:57] <OndraSter> but unlike arduino it is great
[15:40:03] <GuShH> amee2k: really this is all an arduinian needs http://gushh.net/tmp/arduinoshield.png
[15:40:08] <GuShH> no question about it.
[15:40:16] <OndraSter> you can debug it just like regular application for PC
[15:40:17] <amee2k> an arduino is a megaX8 and a 7805
[15:40:19] <OndraSter> through visual studio
[15:40:24] <GuShH> amee2k: no ftdi?
[15:40:29] <Xata> oooh. stabilitron, as it called in russian
[15:40:29] <OndraSter> GuShH, some
[15:40:33] <amee2k> the only thing distinctly uncool about them is the price tag and the image
[15:40:48] <amee2k> GuShH: the original one didn't. i think there is a USB version though
[15:41:07] <GuShH> stabilitron sounds like the tube counterpart of the solidstate part.
[15:41:13] <amee2k> Xata: that sounds like a weird form of "regulator tube"?
[15:41:26] <GuShH> yeah go ahead and use tubes, you audio freak :p
[15:41:44] <Xata> no, i am not using arduino. i have lon-term project of synt on two atmegas, and this quick thing more like a joke, than a something adequate
[15:41:47] <amee2k> tubitis
[15:43:03] <Xata> amee2k: a bit. but it name makes more sense than zener
[15:43:09] <amee2k> something tells me my paraport isn't set up for EPP :/
[15:43:38] <amee2k> shit ending in "-tron" is pretty much always a tube
[15:43:53] <GuShH> lol
[15:43:54] <OndraSter> what about Tron?
[15:44:00] <GuShH> and tron fans should stick a tube up their..!
[15:44:05] <OndraSter> :P
[15:44:07] <Tom_itx> har har
[15:44:10] <OndraSter> I haven't seen the new Tron
[15:44:14] * amee2k idly sticks a light bike up GuShH's ...
[15:44:18] <GuShH> an EL tube obviously
[15:44:41] <amee2k> <3 the one with the orange glowing stripes \o/
[15:45:06] <GuShH> you should get an EL kit for your bike
[15:45:16] <amee2k> i have a bike?
[15:45:20] <OndraSter> what is a bike
[15:45:25] <OndraSter> can I eat it?
[15:45:35] <amee2k> something you sit on and drive around :P
[15:45:43] <OndraSter> you mean
[15:45:45] <GuShH> hopefully not dying in the process
[15:45:47] <OndraSter> a car?
[15:45:51] <GuShH> amee2k: no, but that's a small detail.
[15:45:52] <OndraSter> driver's seat?
[15:45:57] <Xata> no, not always -trom is a tube, at least in russian. http://goo.gl/t8LFH
[15:46:15] <amee2k> perfect match if you wear a leather jacket, look like you haven't showered in two weeks and behave like an asshole
[15:46:29] <OndraSter> mm wearing a leather
[15:46:33] <GuShH> I need a bike then
[15:46:46] <amee2k> GuShH: ride frogs?
[15:46:53] <GuShH> amee2k: with a shotgun.
[15:47:08] <amee2k> perfect match right there :P
[15:47:37] <GuShH> amee2k: people kept talking to me about "flux" the other day and I didn't know why, turns out someone submitted my site to hackaday...
[15:48:25] <GuShH> the things people get excited about! -- beats me. And to think I was working on a project to get featured on that site, just to prove frogs wrong.
[15:48:52] <amee2k> GuShH: /again/?
[15:49:03] <GuShH> I think it was "MAKE" before that
[15:49:07] <amee2k> oh
[15:49:11] <amee2k> well, same difference
[15:49:27] <GuShH> probably, don't really browse those sites myself, but some people love them.
[15:49:47] <OndraSter> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXwB8SoQdQ4 LOL
[15:50:01] <amee2k> :/
[15:50:27] <amee2k> my /proc says my parport does EPP mode, but i always get "Invalid argument" when i try to write to it :/
[15:50:40] * amee2k tries SPP mpde
[15:50:43] <amee2k> mode* even
[15:51:34] <GuShH> turn it to eleven and tick the "orange" option.
[15:56:33] <asteve_> goes to 11!!
[16:06:08] <Xata> i need lm317 to power atmega from 6f22?
[16:13:00] <Corwin> you need any voltage regulator... lm317 is one of possible choices
[16:13:28] <asteve_> or you could just supply 5v...
[16:13:34] <asteve_> the nerve of some peoples children
[16:16:38] <GuShH> lol
[16:24:52] <Xata> Corwin: thanks
[16:28:10] <OndraSter> 7805 is better, you don't need to set the output voltage by resistors
[16:29:13] <OndraSter> what a thievery
[16:29:18] <OndraSter> IMAX = two images, left and right?
[16:29:23] <OndraSter> what is using Cinestar then? :(
[16:30:19] <LoRez> imax 3d is two differently polarized images
[16:30:27] <OndraSter> so is the cinestar
[16:30:49] <OndraSter> hmm I didn't realize that my LCD wouldn't polarize it anyway :P
[18:27:59] <hexorg> does 4.6.3 gcc for avrs hate floating values?
[18:30:30] <hexorg> I'm trying to output numbers from 0 to 1023 in UART, if I just increase them, everything works fine, but if I even just declare a float variable, everything dies and burns in a digital fire
[23:14:08] <Xark> hexorg: Out of memory perhaps (i.e., float support code too large)?