#avr | Logs for 2012-06-20

[00:03:54] <sacryo> is crosspack good?
[00:04:02] <sacryo> for mac osx
[00:08:46] <theos> is it free?
[00:09:07] <Holism> yeah. I think it was board interference. Must have been. I had a trimpot connected to one of the ADC headers. Otherws were haywire.
[02:35:00] <_droid> hi people, when trying to flash an atmega644 via commandprompt i get the following error message
[02:35:01] <_droid> http://pastebin.com/0v2r6rUw
[02:35:05] <_droid> can someone help
[02:35:19] <mitsakos> hello, if you have a two side pcb with routes to top and bottom layer and a ground plane on the bottom what is better to do, fill top layer's plane area with ground plane also or leave it empty?
[02:36:37] <_droid> mitsakos: i would make only one ground whether top or bottom
[02:37:59] <mitsakos> what i was think is that if i put a ground plane on the top layer also it will work as an EMC protection for bottom layer routes for EMC comming from top
[02:39:31] <mitsakos> is there an important reason that it is better not to use ground plane in both sides?
[02:41:58] <_droid> well, in that case use a aluminum casing then
[02:42:16] <_droid> that should shield 100%
[02:51:10] <mitsakos> did anyone answered my question? my client crashed and i lost the logs
[03:49:34] <_droid> hi can someone help me with this problem http://pastebin.com/0v2r6rUw
[03:52:26] <_droid> i have a stk500 that i use but it displays me a stk600
[03:52:27] <_droid> y?
[04:08:26] <_droid> can anyone help?
[04:09:53] <OndraSter> abcmu is not here
[04:10:02] <OndraSter> who else has stk500?
[04:10:11] <OndraSter> _droid, they most likely share commands
[04:10:17] <OndraSter> stk 5/600
[04:10:28] <OndraSter> are you sure about the COM4?
[04:10:34] <OndraSter> and are you sure that nothing else is using that port?
[04:11:05] <_droid> im pretty sure about the port. i only have this eval board connected to my pc
[04:20:05] <_droid> OndraSter: when i use avrStudio6 and connect to the board, it works i read out all values, like ISP clock. BUT when i click on "Read Device Signature", it tells me that "Unable to enter programming mode."
[04:20:29] <OndraSter> hmm..
[04:20:35] <OndraSter> never had stk myself
[04:31:24] <_droid> OndraSter: ok, i solved the problem. i lowerd the isp frequency and went well here. But in turn of that i get this message when trying to flash it: avrdude: Device signature = 0x1e96ff
[04:31:38] <_droid> sry wait
[04:31:59] <_droid> http://pastebin.com/2hWhejmV
[04:32:00] <_droid> this
[04:35:52] <OndraSter> wrong device?
[04:35:55] <OndraSter> or it misread the signature
[04:36:07] <OndraSter> try lowering the programming speed?
[04:36:30] <_droid> lowered it to 1.747 kHz
[04:36:38] <OndraSter> hmm
[04:38:35] <_droid> OndraSter: wokring haha, thank you
[04:38:41] <OndraSter> what was the last step? :D
[04:39:01] <_droid> well i had 2 "-V" in the command
[04:39:17] <OndraSter> hrh
[04:39:19] <OndraSter> heh
[04:39:21] <OndraSter> I overlooked that
[04:39:34] <_droid> but thank you alot anyway
[04:39:51] <OndraSter> npú
[04:39:52] <OndraSter> np
[07:05:07] <iSaleK> Can someone please take a look at my code. My seven segment display is flashing like crazy instead of multiplexing like it should... http://pastebin.com/RQJaKN4Y
[07:05:28] <_droid> hi people, i have an stk500 and wrote some simple c code where 1 button increments an 8bit value and a 2nd button decrekments the value, and that value is being displayed in the leds of the stk500
[07:07:28] <iSaleK> Anyone?
[07:07:44] <iSaleK> _droid: What do you need help with?
[07:08:25] <_droid> hi people, i have an stk500 and wrote some simple c code where 1 button increments an 8bit value and a 2nd button decrekments the value, and that value is being displayed in the leds of the stk500
[07:09:04] <amee2k> that line ends with "... leds of the stk500". did it get truncated?
[07:09:21] <Tom_itx> iSaleK what chip is it?
[07:09:27] <Tom_itx> 2 things to check
[07:09:29] <iSaleK> Tom_itx: Tiny2313
[07:09:33] <Tom_itx> ckdiv8 fuse
[07:09:41] <Tom_itx> which that chip may not have
[07:09:53] <Tom_itx> and the TIMSK mask
[07:09:58] <Tom_itx> make sure it's not too slow
[07:11:24] <Tom_itx> 1024 prescalar may be too much. you may be visually seeing the mux
[07:11:38] <iSaleK> Tom_itx: ckdiv8 fuse is set and TIMSK is set for TOIE0
[07:12:02] <Tom_itx> if ckdiv8 is set, it will be /8 more than you think it is
[07:12:13] <iSaleK> Tom_itx: I was afraid it would be too fast so seven segment woldn't be able to follow changes
[07:12:19] <Tom_itx> so if you think you have an 8Mhz crystal it will really be 1
[07:12:28] <Tom_itx> check that first
[07:13:28] <amee2k> does anyone know of an RS232 to I2C adapter that works with the linux i2c stack?
[07:13:32] <Tom_itx> also, you need to turn on each segment of the digits yourself
[07:13:36] <iSaleK> Tom_itx: Now I set it to no prescaling and it's still flashing
[07:14:15] <amee2k> the system i want to add it to is short on USB ports, so to fit a USB one, i'd need an extra hub too
[07:14:25] <amee2k> but it does have a spare RS232 port
[07:15:29] <Tom_itx> 7 seg leds will be able to keep up
[07:16:23] <iSaleK> Well I'm still unsure why it keeps flashing really fast
[07:16:46] <iSaleK> It shows numbers that I want but it's still flashing
[07:18:07] <Tom_itx> i don't have time to get my head around it this morning. must leave soon. those are the quick thoughts i had for you. double check that your ckdiv8 fuse is not set so you are at least getting the frequency you think you are
[07:18:48] <iSaleK> Tom_itx: I unset it but I'm stil leaving timer0 to overflow, maybe I should shorten it...
[07:19:14] <Tom_itx> try it
[07:19:22] <amee2k> 1MHz * 1/1024 * 1/178 = 5.4Hz -> that is visible!
[07:19:36] <Tom_itx> start with teh clock and make sure you know what it is. then go to the prescalar and make sure you know what that is
[07:20:14] <Tom_itx> amee2k what's the 1/178?
[07:20:23] <iSaleK> Ooo, that's why it is flashing...
[07:20:31] <amee2k> TCNT0 = 0xB2; // 255-77 za 10ms overflow
[07:20:59] <amee2k> not really awake yet either, but thats where i took the number from
[07:21:07] <Tom_itx> me either
[07:21:36] <amee2k> absolute minimum is 25Hz framerate (i.e. 25 *complete* display updates per second - NOT just 25 digit updates)
[07:21:58] <Tom_itx> yeah, that's what the eye will see
[07:22:02] <iSaleK> amee2k: So every time I get timer0 overflow interrupt I need to do TCNT0= 0xB2;
[07:22:07] <Tom_itx> below that and it will flicker
[07:22:11] <amee2k> if you want smooth flicker free display, go for >>50fps
[07:23:00] <amee2k> iSaleK: you could try changing the prescaler for the time
[07:23:22] <amee2k> 1/128 should get you 44Hz, thats a start
[07:23:25] <iSaleK> amee2k: prescaler is set to no prescaling
[07:23:46] <amee2k> the comment in your source code says "Start timer0 with FCPU/1024 prescaler"
[07:23:50] <Tom_itx> have fun. i'm outta here
[07:24:11] <iSaleK> amee2k: I changed it and it still flickers
[07:24:18] <amee2k> did it get better?
[07:24:31] <iSaleK> A little I guess
[07:24:45] <iSaleK> Still flickering thou
[07:25:20] <amee2k> with 1/1 prescaler that int should fire at like 4kHz
[07:27:54] <iSaleK> Then it's something else because here is the init function -> http://pastebin.com/79WNtQLX
[07:28:10] <amee2k> i'm also not sure why you're setting TCNT0 there
[07:28:28] <iSaleK> Forgot to remove it...
[07:29:08] <Tom_itx> umm are you on the right port? i see PORTB and PORTD
[07:29:11] <Tom_itx> double check that
[07:29:33] <iSaleK> I have to split my seven segment outputs to port D and B
[07:29:34] <Tom_itx> not sure what you're doing with both of them
[07:29:42] <amee2k> do you have an oscilloscope by chance?
[07:29:49] <iSaleK> amee2k: no :(
[07:30:13] <iSaleK> And my high 5bits are on portB and low 3 bits on portD
[07:30:30] <Tom_itx> you don't have a full port on that chip?
[07:30:34] <amee2k> even with the div8 fuse set, the 1/1 prescaler should yield smooth display
[07:30:49] <amee2k> Tom_itx: might be routing considerations
[07:30:54] <Tom_itx> yeah
[07:31:02] <iSaleK> Analog compare is on portb and I have just port d and b
[07:31:12] <Tom_itx> k, i gotta go
[07:32:11] <iSaleK> I dont know why it flickers... Prescaler is disabled, timer0 runs to the full until overflow and then updates sevensegmen display and it stil flickers :\
[08:52:18] <rue_mohr> whats flickering?
[08:52:41] <amee2k> a pair of multiplexed 7-seg displays made by iSaleK
[08:53:07] <amee2k> from the description, low multiplexing rate, but hard to tell.
[08:53:25] <OndraSter> I bet :)
[08:53:36] <OndraSter> one needs to go above 40Hz
[08:53:41] <OndraSter> to see it as lighted up
[08:53:44] <OndraSter> without flicker
[08:54:14] <amee2k> with his prescaler settings he should get a worst case of 2kFPS
[08:58:18] <rue_mohr> just a pair?
[08:58:29] <amee2k> looks like it from the code
[08:58:45] <rue_mohr> the duty should be almost 49%
[08:59:07] <rue_mohr> 100Hz rate would be better
[08:59:30] <amee2k> 100Hz as in 100FPS?
[08:59:42] <amee2k> or 100Hz as in 50FPS * 2 digits
[09:00:12] * rue_mohr looks at the code again
[09:01:20] <amee2k> either way, he said he set the prescaler to 1/1 (multiplexing is controlled by the OV int of an 8 bit timer) and said it still flickers badly
[09:01:25] <rue_mohr> I dont think he's transitioning properly
[09:01:42] <rue_mohr> I think he has a function call between clearing the leds and posting the new data
[09:01:45] <amee2k> even at only 1MHz that should yield 4kHz or 2kFPS
[09:01:59] <rue_mohr> dosn't matter, if the duty isn't right
[09:02:09] <amee2k> yeah, the sequence is weird but with only two digits it shouldn't matter
[09:02:39] <amee2k> i usually do, turn common driver off, update parallel output, turn next common driver on
[09:04:27] <rue_mohr> its sad we dont have a plethra of segmented displays with digitial interfaces
[09:04:49] <amee2k> what about character LCD displays?
[09:04:56] <amee2k> ;)
[09:04:58] <rue_mohr> meh
[09:05:09] <rue_mohr> sometimes we need big digits :)
[09:05:28] <amee2k> thought about making a generic character LCD to i2c/spi interface with a tiny24 or something
[09:05:38] <rue_mohr> I cant tell how he has the 7 segs wired
[09:06:07] <rue_mohr> why is he writing to 16 bits of ports...
[09:06:08] <amee2k> from the code i'd say PD4 and PD5 are the common drivers using PNP switches
[09:06:25] <amee2k> he can't put all on one port because the analog comparator is in the way
[09:06:36] <amee2k> said he'd need that one free
[09:07:04] <rue_mohr> iSaleK, ?
[09:07:22] <amee2k> segments are on PB0 throug PB2 and PD3 through PD7
[09:07:36] <rue_mohr> hmm
[09:07:38] <amee2k> err, wait
[09:07:58] <rue_mohr> and with all that bitmasking its gonna take well over 10 cycles to work all that out
[09:07:59] <amee2k> PD4 and PD5 are the common drivers
[09:08:13] <amee2k> but why are these bits written to in displayNumber() too?
[09:08:18] <amee2k> could that be the problem?
[09:08:28] <rue_mohr> :) need to know more
[09:08:38] <amee2k> you seen the code paste?
[09:08:47] <amee2k> http://pastebin.com/79WNtQLX
[09:09:08] <rue_mohr> if its just 2 displays, he should use 1 bit to flip the common driver and use the other 7 bits of the port for the segments so he can flip it all at once
[09:09:19] <amee2k> lines 43/44 and 49/50 set the common driver
[09:09:29] <amee2k> lines 33/34 overwrite these bits though
[09:10:02] <rue_mohr> he would see that if he slows down the scan rate to a hz or so
[09:10:11] <amee2k> hehe, if you're clever you could do that with just two transistors if you use one common-anode and one common-cathode display
[09:10:29] <rue_mohr> huh
[09:10:41] <rue_mohr> just as many transistors
[09:10:49] <amee2k> the single common driver select line thing
[09:10:59] <rue_mohr> (you use the driver for one as the inverter for the othr driver)
[09:11:07] <amee2k> hmm.
[09:11:11] <rue_mohr> :)
[09:11:35] <amee2k> sounds fiddly to get to work right
[09:11:41] <rue_mohr> ? no
[09:11:56] <amee2k> okay :)
[09:11:56] <rue_mohr> npn common emitter driver for the first 7 seg
[09:12:16] <rue_mohr> npn driver for the second driver, but switched off the collector of the first
[09:12:40] <amee2k> hmm i think you're right
[09:12:49] <amee2k> would need a pullup though IMO
[09:12:59] <amee2k> otherwise if all segments are driven low, it wouldn't float high
[09:13:06] <rue_mohr> the leds will act as enough of a pullup
[09:13:42] <rue_mohr> I'v learned to do it, THEN say how it works :)
[09:13:45] <amee2k> not if all segments are driven low?
[09:13:55] <rue_mohr> last time I was mux'ing 7 segs is was 6 for a clock
[09:14:26] <rue_mohr> yup, good point, but
[09:14:53] <rue_mohr> if all the segments are not on, dosn't matter if the common transistor it on either :)
[09:15:26] <rue_mohr> its morning, I better be carefull of I'm gonna get something backwards
[09:16:00] <amee2k> how do you know none of the segments on the second digit are on either?
[09:16:16] <rue_mohr> its one at a time, dosn't matter
[09:16:31] <amee2k> hmm
[09:16:49] <amee2k> makes sense
[09:17:20] <rue_mohr> the first display acts as the bias supply for the second transistor
[09:17:39] <rue_mohr> if you keep the current really low, any glowing wouldn't be noticable...
[09:17:53] <rue_mohr> easy enough to throw in a pullup
[09:20:44] <rue_mohr> gain of a 2222 is about 200?
[09:21:02] <amee2k> sounds like it
[09:21:03] <rue_mohr> if you assume your operaing at 10mA, and you can see down to 3ma
[09:21:15] <rue_mohr> 2ma * 200 still leaves enough room
[09:21:42] <rue_mohr> you could go down to .5mA
[09:22:23] <rue_mohr> the way they design bvh files are annoying
[09:43:58] <amee2k> anyone know an I2C adapter that is supported by the linux i2c subsystem *and* uses a serial or parallel port (i.e. NOT USB) ?
[09:55:26] <CapnKernel> A video card?
[09:55:42] <CapnKernel> (I'm not kidding. There's I2C on the VGA plug for DDC)
[09:57:04] <CapnKernel> http://www.paintyourdragon.com/?p=43
[09:59:47] <amee2k> i know
[10:00:05] <amee2k> it has an onboard video card, but i have a monitor on it. would need some cable splicing
[10:00:21] <amee2k> how do i tell if the kernel supports it as an i2c adapter?
[10:01:09] <CapnKernel> Search in the article for i2cdetect
[10:01:24] <amee2k> the PCI slot already has an ethernet card in it, and i'd like to keep that so i can't add a second video card
[10:02:35] <CapnKernel> If the first one has accessible I2C you can tap into it
[10:03:14] <CapnKernel> You could use a Y cable, splice into a cable, or tap the signal on the VGA connector on the card itself.
[10:08:14] <amee2k> hmm...Cyrix Corporation 5530 Video
[10:09:16] <amee2k> can't find i2cdetect
[10:09:32] <CapnKernel> need pronoun
[10:09:41] <amee2k> ?
[10:09:48] <CapnKernel> what can't find i2cdetect?
[10:09:51] <CapnKernel> Not on your system?
[10:09:55] <amee2k> i can't find it.
[10:10:03] <CapnKernel> Or do you mean i2cdetect can't find any I2C controllers?
[10:10:11] <CapnKernel> Did you read the article?
[10:10:20] <amee2k> no, i can't find i2cdetect itself. lmsemsors is installed though
[10:10:27] <amee2k> lmsensors* even
[10:10:35] <CapnKernel> How recent is the lm-sensors?
[10:11:05] <amee2k> version 3.0.2
[10:12:58] <iSaleK> rue_mohr and amee2k thank you for your help. Now my sevensegments are not flickering but ON segments are glowing and off segments are almost off but not completely...
[10:14:11] <amee2k> iSaleK: i think to help with that one we'd need a schematic of how you connected the displays
[10:14:35] <amee2k> as a side note, what was the problem with the flickering?
[10:15:13] <amee2k> CapnKernel: aah, found it. it is in a package called i2c-tools, but for some weird reason it didn't show up when searching the package database for the program name
[10:15:34] <CapnKernel> great
[10:15:48] <OndraSter> amee2k, linux world :D
[10:15:57] <amee2k> it doesn't detect any busses though
[10:16:05] <CapnKernel> Read that article
[10:16:09] <CapnKernel> It's not a miracle worker
[10:16:18] <amee2k> i ran sensors-detect earlier, but it only detected an unsupported super IO chip
[10:16:39] <CapnKernel> It will only detect buses if you have loaded a kernel module (or there's in-built support) for something that registered an I2C controller.
[10:16:59] <amee2k> i know :)
[10:17:10] <CapnKernel> For example, in their example, they can see an I2C controller, because the radeonfb module registered it with the I2C core.
[10:17:19] <amee2k> thats why i asked if anyone knows a *supported* adapter meeting my criteria in the first place ;)
[10:17:37] <CapnKernel> amee2k: How much are you paying for this help?
[10:17:43] <CapnKernel> I'm trying to do my best here.
[10:17:45] <iSaleK> amee2k: I'm not sure, I have moved the code from timer overflow to main just to see will it work, and also I have disabled any other interrupts and code and now its standing still
[10:17:50] <CapnKernel> I had and have no idea of what hardware you have
[10:18:19] <CapnKernel> If your computer is capable of identifying the monitor, then the VGA card is capable of doing I2C.
[10:19:03] <amee2k> doesn't mean it is supported ;)
[10:19:57] <amee2k> still digging for info on that card
[10:22:28] <specing> 30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 37 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
[10:22:28] <specing> 40: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 48 49 -- -- -- -- -- --
[10:22:29] <specing> 50: 50 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
[10:22:40] <specing> A philips monitor
[10:22:50] <CapnKernel> May those numbers be lucky for you.
[10:23:06] <abcminiuser> Tom_itx, kobsu you guys were looking for me?
[10:23:18] <CapnKernel> amee2k: Tell us why you can't do USB
[10:23:27] <specing> 50: 50 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
[10:23:36] <specing> ^ builtin LCD panel
[10:23:57] <amee2k> because the box has two USB ports and two RS232 ports and one paraport
[10:24:11] <CapnKernel> And?
[10:24:22] <CapnKernel> That's not why you can't do USB
[10:24:26] <amee2k> the USB ports are definitely the most useful ones and one is taken up by the keyb
[10:24:30] <CapnKernel> Sounds like a good reason why you can do USB
[10:24:41] <amee2k> so i'd MUCH rather use the other two options first
[10:24:44] <CapnKernel> Get a $5 hub!
[10:25:27] <specing> amee2k: Why arent you doing serial then?
[10:25:35] <CapnKernel> One of USB's many advantages it that it dragged us kicking and screaming away from the era of one-device, one-port.
[10:25:42] <specing> amee2k: VGA i2c works quite well for me though ;)
[10:25:43] <amee2k> one of the RS232 ports is a header so i could even put the i2c adapter completely into the case
[10:26:15] <specing> amee2k: So you specifically need to access an i2c device?
[10:26:23] <amee2k> yeah
[10:26:33] <CapnKernel> Seems a fine idea to me.
[10:26:33] <specing> Just plug it into VGA then
[10:26:35] <amee2k> thats the plan
[10:26:47] <specing> What card do you have?
[10:26:54] <CapnKernel> specing: Not all VGA controllers have accessible I2C
[10:26:56] <amee2k> i found a module for that video card, but i still can't detect an i2c port
[10:27:03] <amee2k> 00:12.4 VGA compatible controller: Cyrix Corporation 5530 Video [Kahlua]
[10:27:04] <CapnKernel> Just don't understand why amee2k's allergic to using USB...
[10:27:10] <specing> LOL
[10:27:27] <specing> I have a NVidia card with their badass drivers
[10:27:33] <CapnKernel> I'm sorry.
[10:27:54] <specing> It does work, but that is not the issue
[10:27:58] <CapnKernel> "I'm going to imagine a limit, then make life difficult for myself by constraining myself to working in that limit"
[10:27:58] <amee2k> a) consumer USB sucks and b) using a USB port for i2c is kind of a waste if i have three other ports that are still uncommitted
[10:28:07] <specing> I guess its better than crappy and closed drivers that AMD does
[10:28:21] <CapnKernel> Do you think the serial port cries at night because it feels unloved?
[10:28:28] <specing> Haha
[10:28:58] <amee2k> do you think i'm crying while the stack of USB hubs on my shelf grows even further?
[10:29:13] <specing> i2c_dev 5451 0
[10:29:13] <specing> i2c_i801 7990 0
[10:29:14] <specing> i2c_core 18269 3 i2c_dev,nvidia,i2c_i801
[10:29:17] <CapnKernel> You've already got hubs? You could solve this problem in 10 minutes and be home for cornflakes.
[10:29:25] <specing> ^ modules + i2c-tools @ lm-sensors
[10:29:31] <amee2k> or crying when the shitty chinese 3$ USB hubs have even more hickups and kick out devices while i'm using them
[10:29:45] <CapnKernel> Put it behind the computer, and tell yourself that you really are using the serial port.
[10:30:02] <CapnKernel> Well use a $10 hub! <sheesh>
[10:30:21] <CapnKernel> There's a word for this pathology, let me find it...
[10:30:34] <amee2k> CapnKerneling?
[10:30:45] <specing> hehe
[10:31:02] <amee2k> desperately trying to answer every question except the one asked is a pathology too :P
[10:31:03] <CapnKernel> Oh no, that's different, and far more serious.
[10:31:05] <CapnKernel> Found it: http://changingminds.org/explanations/behaviors/coping/help-rejection.htm
[10:31:24] <CapnKernel> I have no interest in answers "how do I poke myself in the eye"
[10:31:28] <CapnKernel> *answering
[10:31:41] <amee2k> i didn't ask that ;)
[10:32:22] <lambdanaut> I think the point is that you might as well have, though an answer is deserved regardless.
[10:32:32] <amee2k> i'm asking for non-USB I2C solutions to optimize my port usage. you keep telling me to use USB. notice that someone is slightly missing a point here?
[10:33:06] <CapnKernel> optimise for what?
[10:33:20] <amee2k> for freeing up USB ports
[10:33:42] <amee2k> what was pretty good was the suggestion to use the VGA port, but i'm not having much luck accessing that yet
[10:34:23] <specing> amee2k: do you have those modules & tools?
[10:34:34] <amee2k> yeah
[10:35:07] <amee2k> sensors-detect is detecting a PC87351 super-io but doesn't support that one
[10:35:33] <amee2k> loaded the cs5530 module for the video driver, but i2cdetect doesn't detect any busses
[10:36:44] <OndraSter> cs553
[10:36:45] <OndraSter> 0
[10:36:49] <OndraSter> what chipset is that?
[10:36:56] <OndraSter> GPU chip*
[10:37:02] <amee2k> Cyrix Corporation 5530
[10:37:14] <OndraSter> hah
[10:37:16] <OndraSter> I have the same thing :D
[10:37:24] <OndraSter> IBM NetVista N2200
[10:37:26] <amee2k> contains video, audio, IDE and ISA bridge
[10:37:39] <amee2k> said so only twice i think
[10:37:50] <OndraSter> yeah
[10:37:53] <OndraSter> now third time :D
[10:37:57] <amee2k> did you get the i2c in the video to work?
[10:37:58] <specing> cs5530? Sound like a Geode companion
[10:38:09] <amee2k> it is
[10:38:23] <OndraSter> amee2k, since it supports only upto 1024x768 and you set the resolution in BIOS
[10:38:31] <OndraSter> it doesn't work there
[10:38:33] <OndraSter> it has some DDC option
[10:38:36] <OndraSter> but it.. doesn't work
[10:38:42] <OndraSter> on my LCD
[10:38:47] <OndraSter> in defaults to 75Hz
[10:38:49] <OndraSter> funny thing...
[10:39:00] <amee2k> i'm using a fb console on it, no X
[10:44:38] <CapnKernel> Mmm, cornflakes
[11:03:06] <iSaleK> If I want to discharge a cap on AIN1 on tiny2313 by applying 0 to it. Do I have to restore DDB afterwards or analog comparator continues to work ?
[13:33:43] <Jordan_U> OK, I feel like an idiot, but I just bought a JTAGICE3 for my XMEGA-A1 XPlained board. How do I actually connect one to the other?
[13:34:43] <OndraSter> JTAG
[13:34:44] <OndraSter> or PDI
[13:36:48] <Jordan_U> If you're asking me which I want to use, I have no idea.
[13:37:40] <OndraSter> it is your choice :D
[13:37:43] <OndraSter> usually PDI is disabled
[13:37:47] <OndraSter> or JTAG is disabled?
[13:37:52] <OndraSter> you can use either of those :D
[13:38:40] <Jordan_U> I just want to start developing software, getting it onto this thing, and debugging it. Should I flip a coin to determine which to use?
[13:40:12] <Jordan_U> Coin has been flipped, I'll go with JTAG. What next?
[13:46:27] <OndraSter> connect the cable
[13:55:52] <Jordan_U> OndraSter: It's not completely clear to me how the cable is supposed to connect. If I send you a picture of what I have would you mind confirming that it's correct / won't fry my board?
[13:56:23] <OndraSter> it is regular 2x5 pin connector
[13:56:25] <Jordan_U> (that and there are multiple cables, and some adapterish things, in the box.
[13:56:33] <OndraSter> with little notch(? or whatever you call it)
[13:56:36] <OndraSter> so you can't put it backwards
[13:56:39] <OndraSter> do you have a photo?
[13:56:42] <OndraSter> I have only Dragon
[13:58:20] <Jordan_U> Making photos now.
[14:15:31] <Jordan_U> OndraSter: Completely connected Board and ICE3: http://imagebin.org/217253 "Adaptor" connected to board: http://imagebin.org/217254 All wires and "Adaptors" that came in the box, plus the XPlained board: http://imagebin.org/217255
[14:16:21] <OndraSter> huah
[14:16:43] <OndraSter> parkinson's?
[14:16:47] <OndraSter> anyway
[14:16:52] <OndraSter> if you have the JTAG connected the right way
[14:16:54] <OndraSter> you can't burn it
[14:17:15] <Jordan_U> OndraSter: And do I have the JTAG connected the right way?
[14:18:34] <Jordan_U> And does this supply power, or do I need to have the ICE3 connected *and* a USB connection from the computer to the miniUSB port on the board?
[14:19:59] <specing> lol
[14:20:14] <specing> Wtf questions are these?
[14:20:38] <specing> You sound like a 90 yearold grandma facing a computer for her first time
[14:21:44] <profil> that's some pro grandma
[14:23:29] <OndraSter> Jordan_U, I don't know if it is connected correctly - I can't read or see anything on those pictures. And yes, you need to connect the USB to the Xplain as well
[14:40:48] <abcminiuser_> Tom_itx, where you after me yesterday?
[14:40:59] <abcminiuser_> *were
[14:41:24] <Steffanx> Too much norwegian for abcminiuser_ ?
[14:42:33] <OndraSter> abcminiuser_, Tom_itx was stalking you with a knife if I remember correctly
[14:42:40] <OndraSter> and he was mumbling something about "zombie apocalypse"?
[14:43:33] <Corwin> :)
[14:43:38] <abcminiuser_> Uh oh
[14:43:56] <abcminiuser_> Steffanx, ja, mue Norsk
[14:45:36] <kobsu> abcminiuser_: hi, I noticed that you have committed changes to LUFA somehow related to virtual serial and UC3 support... any news on that?
[14:46:55] <abcminiuser_> kobsu, UC3 support is still a bit rough. but device mode should work
[14:47:08] <abcminiuser_> You'll need to tweak the demos, but that's now much easier with the new build system
[14:47:33] <Steffanx> Don't forget to say "EXPERIMENTAL" abcminiuser_
[14:47:36] <abcminiuser_> Next is to fix up the board system but that's a big job so I've been putting it off until the weekend :P
[14:47:42] <Steffanx> ( or is isn't experimental anymore )
[14:47:48] <abcminiuser_> Steffanx, it now warns you for all builds for XMEGA and UC3
[14:48:01] <abcminiuser_> Not getting hit by that again
[14:48:09] <abcminiuser_> I also added more warnings to the manual
[14:48:09] <kobsu> abcminiuser_: :) yes I'm the guy who tried that and it got stuck on EVENT_USB_Device_ControlRequest()
[14:48:11] <Steffanx> it should error :)
[14:48:18] <abcminiuser_> I want to re-write the whole thing, but no time :(
[14:48:25] <Steffanx> And add a define they HAVE TO change
[14:48:27] <abcminiuser_> kobsu, oh right, bugger
[14:48:55] <abcminiuser_> Aha, right, the crazy UC3 framework
[14:49:13] <abcminiuser_> You're one of 27 emails currently waiting for me to poke around and diagnose :S
[14:49:54] <abcminiuser_> kobsu, I've got 20 mins, lemme download the latest version and see if I can spot anything
[14:50:24] <kobsu> abcminiuser_: you know where to find it from avrfreaks?
[14:50:33] <abcminiuser_> Yep, rebuilding it now
[14:51:04] <abcminiuser_> IIRC, you tried with a lower F_USB right?
[14:51:13] <kobsu> abcminiuser_: yes
[14:51:34] <Tom_itx> abcminiuser_, no.. Jordan_U was needing help programming a newer style xplain board
[14:51:50] <Tom_itx> trying to figure out how to use FLIP with it
[14:51:52] <kobsu> abcminiuser_: if it helps you i could send you the board too, you wouldn't need to send it back
[14:52:27] <abcminiuser_> Tom_itx, lemme just see if I can narrow down this one first -- but what board is it exactly?
[14:52:49] <abcminiuser_> kobsu, no worries, I can try to work it out here with what I have, I have essentially unlimited AVR gear remember
[14:53:42] <Tom_itx> abcminiuser_ he got it very recently, you'd have to ask him for the details
[14:53:47] <Tom_itx> Jordan_U, you around?
[14:54:02] <kobsu> Tom_itx: I would recommend you to use batchisp instead of flip that's only the gui front-end for batchisp
[14:54:24] <kobsu> abcminiuser_: ok
[14:54:34] <abcminiuser_> kobsu, hrm, have you got a schematic?
[14:55:12] <kobsu> abcminiuser_: https://github.com/aery32/aery32-devboard/blob/master/aery32_schematics.pdf?raw=true
[14:56:40] <abcminiuser_> kobsu, and the mouse multi-arch demo worked?
[14:57:36] <kobsu> abcminiuser_: well I don't know as it was not clear to me what it was supposed to do... i only managed to get it compiled
[14:58:20] <kobsu> abcminiuser_: though, i should have been checked if the device was unknown... just realised that
[14:58:22] <abcminiuser_> Ah, that doesn't rule out hardware faults then
[14:58:43] <abcminiuser_> It should enumerate as a mouse at least, showing up to the host as such
[14:59:00] <kobsu> ok i have to try if that works
[14:59:07] <abcminiuser_> If it doesn't, we can start to look at the hardware (such as the oscillator not starting, etc)
[15:00:51] <OndraSter> huh
[15:00:52] <OndraSter> when I have:
[15:00:53] <OndraSter> void Debug_Write(char * Message);
[15:01:00] <OndraSter> then I have
[15:01:01] <OndraSter> Debug_Write("Preparing clocks\r\n");
[15:01:15] <OndraSter> how come that it classifies that "Preparing clocks" as integer?
[15:01:16] <OndraSter> or char
[15:01:20] <OndraSter> instead char[] or char*
[15:01:23] <OndraSter> wtf
[15:01:56] <Steffanx> pebkac OndraSter :)
[15:02:10] <OndraSter> most likely
[15:02:16] <OndraSter> but I am C# guy in the heart
[15:02:17] <OndraSter> :D
[15:02:27] <OndraSter> so I hate all this stuff really
[15:04:55] <abcminiuser_> Tom_itx, let me know when you hear from the guy
[15:06:24] <OndraSter> oh ignore me
[15:06:26] <OndraSter> it refers to another lines
[15:06:35] <Steffanx> See OndraSter :)
[15:07:03] <kobsu> abcminiuser_: can I remove all the code from CALLBACK_HID_Device_CreateHIDReport()? as I do not have those leds in mouse demo
[15:07:17] <abcminiuser_> Yeah
[15:07:28] <abcminiuser_> Compile with BOARD=NONE in the makefile too
[15:07:41] <kobsu> abcminiuser_: yes it's NONE already
[15:08:37] <kobsu> abcminiuser_: this is Unkown Device too
[15:09:24] <abcminiuser_> Right, so it's either a UC3A1 thing, or your hardware
[15:09:40] <abcminiuser_> I actually haven't tried with the UC3A1, but the USB controller is identical
[15:09:48] <abcminiuser_> Lemme just check the datasheet for the PLLs, one sec
[15:13:45] <abcminiuser_> Sweet jesus I hate the UC3 datasheets
[15:13:54] <kobsu> lol
[15:14:17] <kobsu> maybe you should do something about that ;)
[15:14:35] <Tom_itx> abcminiuser_ well he was just here
[15:14:39] <abcminiuser_> kobsu, you have no idea :P
[15:17:23] <kobsu> abcminiuser_: btw. it cannot be the hardware problem as I have managed to get usb cdc working with asf in this board
[15:18:57] <abcminiuser_> Ah, well that helps narrow that down then :P
[15:18:58] <abcminiuser_> Hrm
[15:19:16] <abcminiuser_> Ohgodtellmetheexceptiontableisthesame
[15:21:02] <abcminiuser_> Hrm, that's not it then
[15:23:30] <abcminiuser_> Do any of the clock control functions return false?
[15:23:49] <kobsu> lets see with the LED
[15:26:18] <kobsu> abcminiuser_: nope
[15:26:59] <kobsu> abcminiuser_: the PLL freq can be assignd to GPIO pin too and I have checked with the scope that it's o
[15:27:02] <kobsu> k
[15:27:57] <abcminiuser> Ok, both the A1 and the B0 devices share the same revision INTC, so it's not that
[15:28:03] <Jordan_U> Tom_itx: abcminiuser_: I'm back from lunch. Before today I didn't have the JTAGICE3, and so I was trying to program my XMEGA-A1 XPlained board via the USB to UART bridge. I now have the JTAGICE3 working for programming, but I would still like to know how to program the board via the USB to UART bridge because the company I'm working for is planning to build a board which our customers can easily program if needed, and requiring them to wait for a $300 ...
[15:28:09] <Jordan_U> ... tool to be shipped to them isn't the greatest solution. I've contacted Atmel support about this and I'm expecting an email from them describing how to accomplish this some time today.
[15:32:07] <abcminiuser> Jordan_U, well the response won't be from me, I'm off support this week ;)
[15:32:21] <abcminiuser> I can check the ticket tomorrow to make sure it's answered tho
[15:32:35] <abcminiuser> But if you've reprogrammed the XMEGA already, you've lost the bootloader and would have to reload it
[17:02:53] * Tom_itx snickers... either way abcminiuser is gonna hear about that one
[17:47:16] <cehteh> is the 100k writes to eeprom guranteed and in practice most devices will endure much more writes or is it a number like "80% of all devices reach 100k writes to a eeprom cell" ?
[17:59:18] <jacekowski> it's a number that you shouldn't exceed
[17:59:35] <jacekowski> but it's 100k writes that all devices should endure
[17:59:52] <jacekowski> but if you are coming anywhere close to it, then you have a problem
[18:01:23] * cehteh just recalculated .. i think i am certain thats no problem for me
[18:01:45] <cehteh> (maybe 200 writes per week, that will last a bit :))
[18:02:50] <jacekowski> i managed to get something under 300k writes
[18:04:17] <cehteh> i am just lazy and want to avoid wear leveling and block writing, at worst this means writing a cell more than once in one go
[18:05:03] <cehteh> but the device is absolutely non critical and even under conservative estimations this will hold many years of usage
[18:08:20] <OndraSter> there is simple way how to avoid wearing :)
[18:08:23] <OndraSter> by a LOT
[18:08:35] <OndraSter> let's say that your record is 3 bytes long
[18:08:41] <OndraSter> or whatever
[18:09:13] <OndraSter> you add another bit anywhere (or whole byte, if you don't have space anywhere) that marks "used"
[18:09:22] <OndraSter> when the application starts, it searches the EEPROM for last used "sector"
[18:09:34] <OndraSter> and when writing it always goes to another and another sector
[18:09:49] <OndraSter> when it reaches last "sector", it formats whole EEPROM and starts from the beginning again
[18:09:56] <OndraSter> boom, wearing problem solved!
[18:21:02] <cehteh> I know that, but i want to avoid any care for it as long its feasible for the application
[18:21:54] <cehteh> as i saied i have 200 writes per week at worst, typically maybe 50 or even less
[18:22:18] <cehteh> for a device which may be in use a few years
[18:23:18] <cehteh> and when it fails, nothing bad will happen anyways
[21:20:56] <SuperMiguel> so when programming avers there is no main? or whats the name of main in it?
[21:23:31] <LoRez> why would there be no main?
[21:24:47] <SuperMiguel> LoRez: is there a function named int main (); ?
[21:24:53] <SuperMiguel> like a reg c program?
[21:25:00] <LoRez> only if you want it to work
[21:25:12] <SuperMiguel> LoRez: arduino doesn't call it main.. they call it loop
[21:25:29] <LoRez> arduino is not avr, it's a pile of stuff on top of avr
[21:26:31] <SuperMiguel> LoRez: so this is the correct way to do it? http://kartikmohta.com/tech/avr/tutorial/ports/port_test.c.html
[21:26:57] <LoRez> yeah
[21:28:31] <SuperMiguel> LoRez: this code: http://www.societyofrobots.com/robot_ERP.shtml#voice_control doesnt
[21:28:42] <SuperMiguel> ERP for WebbotLib v2.08
[21:29:07] <LoRez> so?
[21:29:34] <SuperMiguel> LoRez: how can it run?
[21:29:35] <timemage> SuperMiguel, http://arduino.cc/en/Hacking/BuildProcess <- you may find that helpful to see how arduino sketches map onto regular source.
[21:30:01] <timemage> SuperMiguel, it explains how main() is cobbled together.
[21:30:52] <SuperMiguel> timemage: well i was just looking at that guys code that societyofrobot link and dint see a main
[21:31:51] <SuperMiguel> timemage: LoRez he calls his main loop this -> TICK_COUNT appControl(LOOP_COUNT loopCount, TICK_COUNT loopStart)
[21:38:50] <timemage> SuperMiguel, not sure where i'd look for that.
[21:39:05] <SuperMiguel> timemage: ?
[21:39:48] <SuperMiguel> timemage: code is here: http://www.societyofrobots.com/robot_ERP.shtml#voice_control
[21:41:38] <timemage> SuperMiguel, not sure what to tell you. that lands me on a page. but i'm not exactly looking at an obvious place to look at code.
[21:42:43] <SuperMiguel> timemage: here is the code: http://www.societyofrobots.com/downloads/ERP_code_020110.zip
[21:42:56] <SuperMiguel> timemage: i just want to know how it runs, since it was no main
[21:44:47] <timemage> SuperMiguel, i would say it doesn't, by itself. it's meant to be used as a library.
[21:45:07] <SuperMiguel> timemage: u know what webbot is?
[21:45:28] <timemage> SuperMiguel, i don't.
[21:47:56] <SuperMiguel> timemage: see this runs fine http://pastebin.com/zFBT6F2R
[21:49:50] <timemage> SuperMiguel, not sure what to tell you. try something like avr-objdump --syms executable | grep main
[21:58:55] <timemage> SuperMiguel, http://www.societyofrobots.com/member_tutorials/book/export/html/381
[22:00:12] <SuperMiguel> timemage: ya I'm doing that in my mac, but on my other computer I'm using avr studio
[22:00:36] <SuperMiguel> i guess ill ask the guy that made webbot how does the no main works
[22:01:05] <timemage> SuperMiguel, ? it doesn't. they fully expect you to have an actually program source that links against the library.
[22:02:08] <SuperMiguel> timemage: well i just used the lib and got that code i sent u (http://pastebin.com/zFBT6F2R) and it works and there is no main :(
[22:02:12] <SuperMiguel> the light turns on
[22:06:07] <timemage> SuperMiguel, i don't follow that at all. there's the main() you're looking for. notice the call to appControl http://ideone.com/D5V2b
[22:08:13] <SuperMiguel> timemage: where u fund that?
[22:09:20] <timemage> SuperMiguel, in the source code to the library from their website.
[22:09:49] <timemage> SuperMiguel, this is part of what running avr-objdump was for. i didn't hear back on that, so i just downloaded a copy of the library source.
[22:10:46] <timemage> SuperMiguel, search for a chunk of it, in particular the call to appControl verbatim. you'll find stuff.
[22:10:46] <SuperMiguel> timemage: gotcha
[22:16:07] <SuperMiguel> timemage: I'm trying to convert my self from regular c (software) programming && arduino programming to avrs wondering if using something like webbot would be a good idea, or just go straight for it with out using libraries
[22:16:51] <timemage> SuperMiguel, funny thing is, i didn't actually pay attention to what the code does at all.
[22:17:40] <SuperMiguel> timemage: using an interface like this: http://webbot.org.uk/iPoint/1-33.media
[22:18:20] <SuperMiguel> timemage: lets u add elements to ur board, and then it generates the code for you in avr
[22:18:50] <timemage> SuperMiguel, a case tool?
[22:19:25] <SuperMiguel> timemage: not sure what case tool is
[22:20:19] <SuperMiguel> computer aided software engineering?
[22:20:33] <timemage> SuperMiguel, not sure the people in marketing ever knew either. yup. that's what i'm talking about.
[22:21:10] <SuperMiguel> i guess u can put it in that category
[22:26:21] <timemage> SuperMiguel, that term had a few cobwebs growing on it.
[22:26:37] <SuperMiguel> timemage: hehe
[22:32:35] <timemage> SuperMiguel, any idea why it's called webbot?
[22:33:54] <SuperMiguel> timemage: no idea but it is used in robotics, so bot=robot
[22:34:07] <SuperMiguel> i think thats where the bot part comes from
[22:34:29] <SuperMiguel> timemage: still wondering if i should waste time in this or just start programming from scrash
[22:34:42] <timemage> yeah, i'm about dead right now. i knew that when we started. but then i got hung up on "web bot" like "spider".
[22:37:45] <timemage> SuperMiguel, depends on what it buys you i guess. when i got an arduino i didn't think i'd use it except as a demoboard with plain c. but i actually have used the regular arduino setup()/loop() and some of their libraries when testing out something simple. dunno that i'd ever make a finished project using that sort of code though. i get the feeling that i'd treat this webbot library the same way.
[22:42:04] <SuperMiguel> timemage: I'm going to school to get a CE degree but the program is not that good, not enough programming micro lectures etc
[22:42:27] <SuperMiguel> timemage: so i guess ill have to do most of my learning alone
[22:46:36] <timemage> SuperMiguel, need to go before i collapse at the keyboard. will check in when i see you online again.
[22:54:33] <w|zzy> heya SuperMiguel
[23:12:00] <SuperMiguel> w|zzy: yo w|zzy
[23:12:08] <w|zzy> how ya going?
[23:12:16] <SuperMiguel> good u?
[23:12:20] <w|zzy> good
[23:12:39] <w|zzy> keeping busy?
[23:13:13] <SuperMiguel> w|zzy: trying to get back to avers :( been doing lots of physics and math latelly
[23:14:16] <w|zzy> yay!