#avr | Logs for 2012-06-07

[00:23:19] <wirehead> does anyone here have an avr project that involves communicating with a nand chip over GPIO
[00:23:24] <wirehead> or know of
[00:24:01] <Casper> usually people use SD cards
[00:30:56] <nevdull> wirehead: i've mostly done SPI (and maybe I2C a couple of times) with Flash but have used a cypress chip with parallel I/O and multiplexed data thru a latch and the ALE pin. i think i got the setup straight out of one of the datasheets for AVRs that can directly access RAM, if that's what you're looking for.
[00:36:29] <wirehead> nevdull, appreciate the help but it seems like a stretch, already somewhat confused
[00:37:22] <nevdull> wirehead: sorry to add to any confusion. is the datasheet for your nand ram ic not very clear?
[00:40:55] <wirehead> a sample project to work off of would help greatly
[00:48:03] <wirehead> Casper, you sort of helped though, thanks (am going to look for smartmedia-related projects)
[00:48:26] <wirehead> they're pretty much nand chips in card form
[00:53:54] <theBear> smartmedia ? c'mon man, come back from the 90's ... memory cards are 1/4 the size and a billion times the capacity now :)
[00:55:14] <wirehead> the function of this is very specific
[01:08:37] <theBear> ok, but seriously, does anyone even make them anymore ?
[01:55:44] <iR0b0t1> I'm having problems using timer/counter 1 on a tiny85.
[01:56:04] <iR0b0t1> I set up the registers but it doesn't seem to clock - I am testing this by enabling the overflow register and having a pin toggle when the counter overflows.
[01:56:59] <iR0b0t1> oops
[01:57:02] <iR0b0t1> I'm a tard
[01:57:07] <iR0b0t1> Thank you for your consideration
[01:57:14] <wirehead> np
[04:57:45] <fenrig> Hi i'm looking for Tom_L
[04:58:07] <fenrig> Tom_itx: got your programmer ;)
[04:59:29] <fenrig> Tom_itx: but ubuntu (12.04) can't seem to find the usbtiny it only registers a "new full-speed USB device" using ehci_hcd :)
[05:17:02] <fenrig> Tom_itx: what bothers me is that no serial device (/dev/ttyUSBx) get's created by the system :s
[05:20:53] <karlp> is it a tty?
[05:23:07] <fenrig> karlp: for what I understand is that this is a usbtiny that emulates of imitates an avr isp mkII
[05:23:15] <fenrig> *or
[05:23:43] <Tom_itx> ispmkii yes
[05:24:34] <Tom_itx> do you have serial permissons? there is something in linux about having permissions before it will work. i don't use linux for this so i'm not sure exactly what to tell you about it
[05:28:05] <fenrig> Tom_itx: before that's able their should be a ttyUSB device which I doesn't get created
[05:28:56] <mrfrenzy> fenrig: lsusb
[05:29:23] <fenrig> mrfrenzy: it lists the avr isp mkII
[05:29:47] <mrfrenzy> then it probably creates some device
[05:29:53] <Tom_itx> what ver avrdude do you have?
[05:29:54] <mrfrenzy> alas, I do not use linux for such things either
[05:30:09] <fenrig> avrdude 5.11.1
[05:30:13] <Tom_itx> ok
[05:31:50] <fenrig> Tom_itx: I'm trying to pinpoint the problem so I can google it :o i'll try googling the permissions
[05:32:53] <Tom_itx> i really should document these steps for linux since it seems everyone goes thru this. i just don't use it for my programming so i can't verify the process
[05:33:29] <fenrig> Tom_itx: okay i fixed it, you wanna know how?
[05:33:35] <Tom_itx> sure
[05:33:39] <Tom_itx> group permissions?
[05:33:49] <fenrig> Tom_itx: well no udev permissions
[05:34:00] <Tom_itx> ok
[05:34:45] <Tom_itx> the difference between windows and linux is windows gives permisson for everything and linux gives permission for nothing
[05:34:49] <Tom_itx> unless you add it
[05:34:58] <fenrig> Tom_itx: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5412727/avrisp-mkii-doesnt-work-with-avrdude-in-linux add these udev rules
[05:35:47] <fenrig> Tom_itx: but then (this is my mistake) I forgot to notify avrdude to use the usb port so (avrdude -c avrispmkII -P usb -p ...)
[05:36:02] <Tom_itx> also try avrisp2 as the programmer
[05:36:29] <fenrig> Tom_itx: what are the differences?
[05:36:40] <Tom_itx> i'm not really sure but i know it works
[05:36:56] <Tom_itx> it may be the same
[05:37:21] <fenrig> Tom_itx: i think it is the same, cause they both call stk500v2 so I think they map to the same library
[05:37:34] <Tom_itx> could be
[05:38:22] <fenrig> Tom_itx: now I'm going to try to get a testprogram on my atmega 1284p and then back to studying XD
[05:38:40] <Tom_itx> does it see the programmer now?
[05:38:43] <Tom_itx> and device
[05:39:02] <fenrig> Tom_itx: it sees the programmer, didn't try the device jet
[05:39:23] <fenrig> Tom_itx: what does the power jumper btw?
[05:40:23] <Tom_itx> when it is toward the blue headers the target is target powered
[05:40:41] <Tom_itx> when it is toward the usb plug the target is powered from the usb port
[05:40:57] <Tom_itx> allows for programming 3.3v devices etc
[05:41:00] <fenrig> so if i don't have a power source for it i should use the usb port :)
[05:41:08] <Tom_itx> i've programmed them clear down to 1.75v
[05:41:22] <Tom_itx> yeah if it's a 5v device
[05:41:27] <fenrig> jep
[05:42:17] <Tom_itx> avrdude -c usbtiny -p m128 -B 1 -U flash:w:"/usr/local/avr/avrtest/atmega128/blink_led.hex":a -e
[05:42:22] <Tom_itx> err wait...
[05:42:44] <Tom_itx> avrdude -c avrisp2 -p m128 -P usb -C "C:\WinAVR\bin\avrdude.conf" -U flash:w:C:\avrtest\atmega128\blink_led.hex:a -e
[05:42:50] <Tom_itx> that's one line i use
[05:43:17] <Tom_itx> you probably won't need to specify the .conf file
[05:43:52] <Tom_itx> or -e
[05:44:03] <Tom_itx> i think it auto erases before programming anyway
[05:45:19] <fenrig> Tom_itx: I initialized the device or mcu properly but should I use atmega128 for programming my 1284?
[05:45:28] <Tom_itx> no
[05:45:32] <Tom_itx> pick your device
[05:45:50] <Tom_itx> if you have trouble make sure it's in the avrdude.conf
[05:45:59] <fenrig> Tom_itx: there is no explicit entry for the 1284p (only 1280 and 1281)
[05:46:15] <Tom_itx> you may have to add one
[05:46:40] <Tom_itx> is the memory map and peripherals the same for the 1280?
[05:46:49] <fenrig> okay I'll look into that later then ;) now I've got to study got an exam web engineering tomorow
[05:47:06] <Tom_itx> np, i won't reply email then
[05:47:36] <fenrig> Tom_itx: I don't know, but I'll look into it ;-) no it's fine now thx for helping me out :p
[05:49:10] <Tom_itx> it's in the studio list so i know it will program it
[05:50:04] <karlp> fenrig: a usbtiny style device should _not_ turn up as a /dev/ttyUSB, because, well, it's not a serial device. it's a usb device in it's own right
[05:50:35] <karlp> you don't need to give it a port or /dev/blahsoemwhere name,
[05:50:39] <karlp> it finds it by usb ids
[05:51:46] <fenrig> karlp: okay thx ;-)
[05:52:23] <karlp> which is why you just list the part and the programmer type, "avrdude -p atmega168 -c usbtiny"
[05:52:27] <karlp> you don't need a "port"
[05:52:49] <karlp> (yes, there's nto really any support for having multiple attached programmers)
[05:53:21] <karlp> that can be fixed with udev rules to create links in /dev/somewhere, but they should never be /dev/ttyXXXX unless they really are terminals
[08:41:19] <budwaa> Hi, trying to write a bootloader for my ATMEGA645. I am using AVR studio 5.1, how do I set the bootloader memory position for the compiler?
[08:42:42] <specing> You mean the entry vectors?
[08:42:44] <OndraSter> in asm or c?
[08:43:02] <budwaa> in c,
[08:43:05] <budwaa> basically LDFLAGS += -Wl,--section-start=.text=0x3000
[08:43:09] <specing> Ah
[08:43:17] <budwaa> but the makefile is autogenerated by avr studio
[08:43:18] <specing> budwaa: mod your own linker file
[08:43:31] <specing> if using gcc
[08:44:09] <specing> I have never done it though
[08:44:18] <budwaa> the .map file?
[08:44:25] <specing> maybe
[08:44:28] <specing> I don't know
[08:45:01] <budwaa> I have set the bootsz and the bootrst fuse and my bootloader seems to be running but I have no idea if it is in the bootloader section lol
[08:45:18] <budwaa> if there is no bootloader would the AVR jump from the bootrst vector to the main app on its own
[08:46:15] <specing> budwaa: Actually if your code doesen't use the CALL instruction, you can just offset the .hex file
[08:46:27] <specing> It would basicaly be position independent
[08:47:34] <budwaa> the bootloader position, I think this means the flash memory address the bootrst vector points to is 0x7C00.
[08:48:08] <budwaa> would the programmer usually just pad the hex file so that the code starts at position 0x7C00
[08:50:19] <specing> No
[08:50:38] <specing> The programmer would flash whatever is in the .hex file to the position requested
[08:51:01] <specing> and most programers would erase the whole memory before doing that
[08:51:12] <karlp> budwaa: I just made my own makefile for the bootloader, with -Wl,--section-start,.text=$(BOOT_ADR) like you said you wanted.
[08:51:30] <budwaa> how do you stop avr studio from overwriting it?
[08:51:45] <karlp> I don't use avr studio :)
[08:52:13] <specing> Hehe :)
[08:52:18] <specing> karlp: +1
[08:52:26] <budwaa> what do you guys build with?
[08:52:34] <specing> SCons
[08:52:58] <karlp> I'm using regular make. netbeans for editing and jenkins running make for the CI
[08:54:35] <budwaa> CI?
[08:57:07] <budwaa> So would I just write the hex file directly into the flash memory pages in the AVR?
[08:57:16] <budwaa> starting from 0x00?
[08:58:35] <budwaa> I've got the bootloader FAQ but it falls a little short on some of the details
[09:04:14] <specing> budwaa: Do the following: take a piece of paper, draw your chip's memory map on it, then do some thinking
[09:06:04] <budwaa> I did this and the application section starts at 0x00, also the bootloader command to start the main application is a jmp to 0x00.
[09:06:32] <budwaa> So if the hex file is a byte copy of the application code I should be able to just write it page by page into the flash.
[09:21:30] <budwaa> If I have boot rst fuse enabled would a jump to 0x00 always result in the bootloader looping?
[09:22:06] <jacekowski> no
[09:22:14] <jacekowski> jump to 0x0 is a jump to 0x0
[09:22:27] <jacekowski> and it will start executing normal program from then
[09:22:30] <budwaa> where is the boot rst vector enabled?
[09:22:48] <jacekowski> it's always enabled
[09:22:52] <budwaa> I thought maybe when the uC runs it starts at 0x00 then gets a jmp instruction to the bootloader.
[09:23:01] <jacekowski> no
[09:23:17] <jacekowski> all that fuse and few others are doing is changing reset vector
[09:23:24] <jacekowski> it's default location
[09:23:46] <jacekowski> so from reset rather than starting execution from 0x0 it starts from bootloader address
[09:24:01] <budwaa> ok and thats controlled outside of the application flash
[09:25:17] <jacekowski> yes
[09:25:19] <jacekowski> by fuses
[09:25:22] <budwaa> I did a test where my bootloader would start, turn the LED on and off with a 100ms delay and the jump to 0x0000, the LED would flash constantly. I saw the same thing when I changed the jump address to 0x7c00
[09:26:02] <jacekowski> what did you have in normal program
[09:26:16] <jacekowski> you can try debugging it in emulator or with jtag
[09:27:16] <budwaa> I was trying to figure if the bootloader was actually located in the bootloader section, but the results were confusing ...
[09:27:44] <budwaa> I expected the jump to 0x0000 to stop the LED's from flashing if the bootloader was actually at x=0x7c00
[09:27:57] <jacekowski> yeah, but then you may have two twings
[09:27:59] <jacekowski> things*
[09:28:08] <jacekowski> either normal program doing same thing
[09:28:35] <budwaa> I will erase the flash
[09:28:40] <jacekowski> or it just runs from 0x0 to 0x7c00 because there are no instruction in there
[09:28:44] <jacekowski> as in, just NOPs
[09:29:22] <budwaa> oh, well I guess either way the bootloader must be at 0x7c00 as otherwise the jump would fail? Unless it can NOP to the end of flash and then start from beginning?
[09:29:49] <jacekowski> it can nop to the end
[09:29:55] <jacekowski> i'm not sure if it wraps
[09:30:04] <jacekowski> but i don't see why it wouldn't wrap
[09:30:26] <budwaa> Well then I am going to make it write a page starting at 0 for one page containing 0's and see what happens.
[09:31:04] <jacekowski> i'm not sure what avr is doing when it encounters illegal instruction
[09:31:10] <jacekowski> i think it's just skipping it
[09:31:40] <budwaa> At least if I write a page starting at 0x00 I will kill the bootloader if it is located there and the LED shouldn't flash
[09:31:57] <jacekowski> if it's there
[09:32:04] <jacekowski> but you may have one at correct location
[09:32:15] <jacekowski> dump flash
[09:32:18] <jacekowski> and show me the file
[09:33:16] <budwaa> just dumped it, how do I share?
[09:33:23] <budwaa> pastebin it?
[09:33:57] <jacekowski> i think it may be too big for pastebin
[09:33:57] <budwaa> http://pastebin.com/kDHcBxCs
[09:34:01] <budwaa> looks like its ok
[09:34:08] <budwaa> looks like code is at the start so...
[09:35:05] <budwaa> I think the AVR must loop back to the beginning
[09:35:06] <jacekowski> what's the processor?
[09:35:09] <budwaa> AVR645
[09:35:15] <budwaa> 8-bit
[09:36:15] <specing> 645?
[09:36:20] <specing> Never heard of that
[09:36:38] <specing> Must be sth *really* exotic
[09:37:43] <budwaa> ATMEGA645
[09:38:16] <budwaa> 64k flash 2k eeprom and quite a bit of IO
[09:39:38] <jacekowski> no memory map for my disassembler
[09:39:43] <jacekowski> and i don't feel like making one
[09:39:50] <jacekowski> but it looks like there is no bootloader there
[09:39:55] <jacekowski> and code starts at 0x0
[09:40:00] <theBear> aww c'mon, be adventurous
[09:40:16] <jacekowski> it's booooring
[09:40:29] <jacekowski> i've typed one for avr i was using some time ago
[09:40:37] <jacekowski> and it takes a lot of typing
[09:40:51] <Steffanx> abcminiuser fix atmel.com now!
[09:41:16] <abcminiuser> Steffanx, we got an update, it's being fixed
[09:41:21] <Steffanx> :P
[09:41:22] <abcminiuser> Some datacenter is out
[09:41:42] <theBear> mmm probly... i don't mind doing basic mem-maps, but well, i aimagine a disassembler one is somewhat more involved than a general spec one :)
[09:42:10] <specing> abcminiuser: How can a datacenter be out?
[09:42:46] <specing> FFS even my home link has less downtime than atmel.com
[09:43:03] <budwaa> I take it that the AVR flash does not contain all the intel hex file formatting but that when you dump it the dump program adds it back in?
[09:43:26] <jacekowski> theBear: it's simple thing
[09:43:31] <specing> budwaa: look it up on wikipedia
[09:43:49] <abcminiuser> budwaa, yes, the AVR contains just a binary
[09:43:55] <abcminiuser> HEX is just a storage format
[09:44:00] <abcminiuser> specing, turn off the power?
[09:44:32] <budwaa> abcminiuser: thanks
[09:44:36] <theBear> jacekowski, yeah, but simple doesn't mean non-tedious or uninvolved :)
[09:45:18] <jacekowski> http://pastebin.com/Dv3ZQxsF
[09:45:21] <jacekowski> that's all it is
[09:45:55] <jacekowski> it's pretty much copy&paste from datasheet
[09:46:06] <theBear> yeah, that's about what i figured
[09:47:20] <jacekowski> it's just there so it renames 0x0 with __RESET and other things like that
[09:47:45] <specing> abcminiuser: -.-
[09:48:22] <jacekowski> so you don't have to look it up in the manual
[09:48:27] <jacekowski> datasheet(
[09:50:15] <OndraSter> budwaa, seriously, your bootloader starts on address 7C00?
[09:50:17] <OndraSter> what a coincidence lol
[09:50:22] <OndraSter> (x86 anyone?)
[09:50:36] <budwaa> huh?
[09:50:37] <OndraSter> on address 7c00 on x86 is loaded MBR :)
[09:51:01] <budwaa> Coincidence I think because it depends on bootloader size
[09:51:09] <OndraSter> yes
[09:51:14] <OndraSter> but DAMN it is coincidence :D
[09:51:18] <budwaa> lol
[09:52:54] <budwaa> Damn you AVR studio!
[09:54:28] <OndraSter> :
[09:54:29] <OndraSter> :D
[09:57:03] <budwaa> It has a memory settings page but when you put in .boot=0x7C00 the link command flags adds -section-start=.boot=0xf800 ....
[09:58:10] <budwaa> And it still places the code at 0000 anyway :D
[10:03:53] <jacekowski> you have to define bootloader code
[10:04:02] <jacekowski> i'm not sure how it's done though
[10:04:09] <jacekowski> i've always done bootloaders in asm
[10:06:22] <budwaa> $(QUOTE)C:\Program Files\Atmel\AVR Studio 5.1\extensions\Atmel\AVRGCC\\AVRToolchain\bin\avr-gcc.exe$(QUOTE) -o$(OUTPUT_FILE_PATH_AS_ARGS) $(OBJS_AS_ARGS) $(USER_OBJS) $(LIBS) -Wl,-Map="AugSplice.map" -Wl,-lm --section-start=.boot=0x7C00 -mmcu=atmega645
[10:06:26] <budwaa> thats the linker command
[10:06:35] <OndraSter> I have to wonder, why there are no USB code samples in assembler? :P
[10:06:38] <OndraSter> for xmegas
[10:06:41] <budwaa> looks like its telling the linker to place it at 0x7C00
[10:06:44] <OndraSter> (just joking)
[10:06:55] <budwaa> but I wonder if the linker knows its supposed to be a bootloader..
[10:07:28] <Casper> why would it need to?
[10:07:39] <jacekowski> budwaa: bootloader is a normal code
[10:07:50] <OndraSter> because the .text section needs to be relocated to different offset
[10:07:52] <jacekowski> budwaa: except it's at different place in flash
[10:08:06] <jacekowski> rather than 0x0 it's at 0xsomewhere_else
[10:08:10] <OndraSter> hmm there are only relative jumps in avr?
[10:08:13] <Kevin`> you might want to look at how lufas bootloader code works
[10:08:18] <jacekowski> OndraSter: no
[10:08:21] <OndraSter> hmm
[10:08:25] <jacekowski> OndraSter: but that's linker problem
[10:08:26] <OndraSter> then it needs to be relocated :)
[10:08:29] <OndraSter> well yes
[10:08:38] <OndraSter> but does the linker want to move whole .obj file
[10:08:40] <OndraSter> or just part of it?
[10:08:45] <jacekowski> and i think gcc doesn't use absolute jumps anyways
[10:08:49] <budwaa> avr-gcc.exe" -o AugSplice.elf AugSplice.o -Wl,-Map="AugSplice.map" -Wl,-lm -section-start=.boot=0x7C00 -mmcu=atmega645
[10:08:52] <jacekowski> it's all compiled as PIC
[10:08:53] <budwaa> thats the linker command
[10:09:04] <budwaa> its telling it where the boot section starts
[10:09:30] <budwaa> but the hex file doesn't reflext that offset
[10:09:30] <OndraSter> but you need to define that the code is in the boot section
[10:09:56] <budwaa> Any idea how?
[10:10:14] <budwaa> I have the boot.h file included ofc
[10:10:21] <karlp> unless you're trying to make a unified image, with both a .boot and a regular .text,
[10:10:33] <budwaa> no just a bootloader atm
[10:10:40] <karlp> you don't need to change sections, just use your very first idea, --section-state,text= blah
[10:12:05] <budwaa> -section-start=.text=0x7C00 ?
[10:12:39] <karlp> whatever your particular chip and boot fuse settings say it should be
[10:13:05] <budwaa> the address is correct according to the fuses and chip
[10:13:20] <jacekowski> http://blog.schicks.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/bootloader_faq.pdf
[10:13:24] <budwaa> but I just ran a build with that and its still generating a hex that places the code at 0000
[10:13:57] <budwaa> jacekowski: I read all this but its just not that detailed.
[10:14:00] <karlp> whatever, you're doing something wrong :) it's all mine does.
[10:14:12] <karlp> I based mine off the example in the petitefatfs distro
[10:14:19] <karlp> there's an avr sd card bootloader there
[10:15:27] <budwaa> --section-state=.text=0x7C00 is that format correct?
[10:16:23] <karlp> -Wl,--section-start,.text=$(BOOT_ADR)
[10:16:34] <karlp> is mine, depends who's linking, gcc or ld
[10:16:50] <jacekowski> start not state
[10:17:08] <budwaa> karlp: that did it thanks :D
[10:17:41] <littlebit> hi people,
[10:17:56] <littlebit> i have installed the avr studio6 and want to use my stk500 on it
[10:18:15] <karlp> 13:32 < budwaa> basically LDFLAGS += -Wl,--section-start=.text=0x3000
[10:18:25] <karlp> so, what changed in the last couple of hours?
[10:18:46] <littlebit> created a blank gccapplication and when i want to choose the programmer/debugger is not listed
[10:18:52] <littlebit> any idea y
[10:21:17] <abcminiuser> littlebit, you need to add the STK500
[10:21:17] <abcminiuser> Since it's serial and not auto-detected
[10:21:26] <abcminiuser> Tools->Add STK500
[10:22:04] <littlebit> ah k
[10:22:05] <littlebit> thx
[10:22:17] <littlebit> thank yoiu
[10:55:42] <OndraSter> hmm
[10:55:44] <OndraSter> atmel website down?
[10:56:00] <OndraSter> keeps showing me error after loong time trying to be loaded
[10:57:50] <timemage> OndraSter, not responding for me either.
[10:58:03] <OndraSter> okay
[10:58:05] <OndraSter> it's not just mt
[10:58:06] <OndraSter> me
[10:58:13] <OndraSter> oh well, 9gag time!
[10:58:22] <specing> OndraSter: atmel.com has longer and more often downtimes than my home connection!
[10:58:37] <OndraSter> heh
[10:58:56] <specing> Maybe the microchip guys are DDoSing them
[11:08:04] <Kevin`> i've actually never noticed it being down (before now), but I keep datasheets in a folder
[11:18:31] <abcminiuser> Whelp, that ECROS guy finally annoyed me enough to basically tell him to take a hike
[11:21:39] <Kevin`> can you link the thread again?
[11:26:48] <OndraSter> abcminiuser, oh c'mon, what are you doing with the website :)
[11:27:12] <abcminiuser> OndraSter, we have dispatched a team of trained monkeys to plug the cable back in
[11:27:20] <OndraSter> inspired by google eh?
[11:27:23] <OndraSter> or do they have hamsters?
[11:29:54] <abcminiuser> Depends on the day, hamsters are on strike IIRC this week
[11:30:13] <OndraSter> ah
[11:30:18] <OndraSter> not giving them enough money or food?
[11:31:09] <abcminiuser> Ask HR :P
[11:31:19] <OndraSter> :D
[12:16:26] <OndraSter> abcm
[12:16:28] <OndraSter> he's gone
[12:16:28] <OndraSter> hmm
[12:16:33] <OndraSter> they should train the monkeys better
[12:16:36] <OndraSter> they still have not arrived there
[12:16:38] <OndraSter> arrgh :D
[12:22:47] <budwaa> boot_page_erase_safe(address) would address in this instance mean a page?
[12:23:59] <budwaa> i.e 0 would be the first 128 words (assuming 128 word page) and 1 would be 128-255.
[12:24:39] <RikusW> I'm guessing a page aligned address
[12:26:46] <RikusW> then there is the issue with word or byte addressing too......
[12:27:40] <budwaa> I think its a byte address
[12:27:58] <RikusW> its better to read the avr datasheet and the avr-libc docs to make sure about the facts..
[12:33:37] <OndraSter> hmm
[12:33:41] <OndraSter> they have changed datasheets
[12:33:44] <OndraSter> I see updated: 05/2012
[12:33:48] <OndraSter> and they look.-.. different
[12:33:52] <OndraSter> blue headers and footers!
[12:34:28] <OndraSter> and there we go
[12:34:32] <OndraSter> datasheet revision history:
[12:34:34] <OndraSter> 1. Updated the manuel using the Atmel new FM template.
[12:34:35] <OndraSter> 2.
[12:34:36] <OndraSter> ....
[12:34:39] <OndraSter> MANUEL
[12:34:45] <OndraSter> and second update is NOTHING
[12:34:46] <OndraSter> oh well
[12:39:07] <littlebit> um a question about the stk500. i only programmed a simple program, making 4 led blink and the others dont. the ones that are supposed not to be blinking are kind of dimming
[12:40:01] <littlebit> any idea what the problem is?
[12:40:27] <RikusW> paste the code in codepad ?
[12:41:21] <littlebit> RikusW: 1 sec
[12:42:45] <littlebit> http://pastebin.com/3bsP6Vsf
[12:42:55] <budwaa> Is the data in intel hex 32 big endian?
[12:43:30] <budwaa> It seems to be little endian in intel 16 but wiki states that the formats differ by there byte order. But this may not mean endiness..
[12:43:33] <RikusW> budwaa: I think little 16bit
[12:44:04] <budwaa> Ok
[12:44:26] <littlebit> RikusW: im using freeRTOS on it, i only put a part of the code.
[12:44:36] <RikusW> ok
[12:45:11] <CapnKernel> I knew there was a deep and fundamental problem with the datasheets!
[12:45:39] <RikusW> littlebit: using that PORTA++; code will give the LSB a high frequency and the MSB a low frequency
[12:45:52] <littlebit> RikusW: means?
[12:45:54] <RikusW> that is why the leds on A0 seems to be dimming
[12:46:12] <RikusW> it switches on and off to fast to be visible
[12:46:21] <RikusW> but at only 50% light
[12:46:31] <littlebit> RikusW: ok, and can it be fixed?
[12:46:52] <RikusW> you'll need to change the code...
[12:47:25] <RikusW> btw on stk500 a low output turns on the led afaik
[12:48:45] <RikusW> and a switch being pressed will pull the input pin low
[12:49:09] * RikusW have the stk500 schematics ;)
[12:49:31] <littlebit> RkusW: i know that it changes the state of the leds
[12:50:12] <RikusW> if(!(input&0x01)) { switch 0 pressed }
[12:50:45] <RikusW> you could test with PORTA = PIND;
[12:51:03] <RikusW> assuming the leds is on PORTA and the switches on PIND
[12:51:33] <littlebit> i will try it with "!"
[12:51:54] <RikusW> what do you want the code to do ?
[12:53:33] <littlebit> RikusW: when i press 1 button it increments a value and puts it out on the leds and the other decrements the value
[12:53:56] <littlebit> RikusW: btw, tried to build it got 3 wierd errors
[12:54:12] <RikusW> you'll barely notice the difference between the 2
[12:54:52] <littlebit> http://pastebin.com/xixzreZG
[12:55:39] <RikusW> and it built before ?
[12:55:51] <littlebit> from a friend yes
[12:56:04] <littlebit> i installed avrstudio 6 today
[12:56:50] * RikusW only have AS5 and still uses AS4
[12:57:29] <littlebit> RikusW: well version 5 must be similar
[12:57:34] <littlebit> what did u set it up
[12:57:35] <littlebit> ?
[12:57:48] <RikusW> try unsigned char input; instead of uint8_t input;
[12:59:16] <littlebit> nope, all 3 errors are in stdint.h
[13:00:33] <RikusW> weird...
[13:00:50] <littlebit> u online 2morrow?
[13:01:01] <littlebit> tierd of all the freeROTS reading and porting
[13:01:17] <littlebit> c u 2 morrow
[13:01:40] <RikusW> ok
[13:01:46] <RikusW> I might be online
[13:02:45] * RikusW don't use and OS on AVR ;)
[13:02:54] <RikusW> not yet anyways........
[13:40:39] <RikusW> the MC68HC908AB32.pdf file is 392 pages and only 1.1MB, Atmel should go and learn a thing or two from Motorola :-P
[13:45:49] <Steffanx> or people should get a decent internet connection
[13:47:23] <specing> Haha
[13:51:35] <mrfrenzy> have a look at this http://www.boxer.se/Global/Swedish/pdf/kanalplatser.pdf
[13:51:43] <mrfrenzy> if done properly, it would have been 50kB
[13:53:33] <RikusW> the EDN pages load so slowly and timeouts so often that I don't even bother trying to look at them anymore :(
[13:53:53] <mrfrenzy> it's one page of text with some shaded backgrounds, 20 fucking MB
[13:57:32] <RikusW> 20 MB ?! ugh
[13:57:53] <RikusW> seems like people just don't care about size anymore...
[13:58:20] <specing> RikusW: seems like you are the only one still stuck on a 2400b modem :D
[13:59:05] <RikusW> I have 115200bps
[13:59:10] <mrfrenzy> I have 200 Mbit
[13:59:16] <Landon> I have 200kbit
[13:59:17] <Landon> wait
[13:59:19] <RikusW> oooh, nice
[13:59:21] <Landon> kbyte* :P
[13:59:22] <mrfrenzy> still that page takes 20 seconds to load due to their slow web server
[13:59:27] <mrfrenzy> and acrobats rendering time
[14:00:37] <RikusW> mrfrenzy: it will take like an hour or so for me to download
[14:00:49] <mrfrenzy> lol
[14:01:07] <RikusW> and currently I only have 50MB of data per month
[14:01:09] <mrfrenzy> you on isdn?
[14:01:14] <RikusW> GPRS
[14:01:21] <mrfrenzy> aha
[14:01:28] <mrfrenzy> no 3g or large data plans?
[14:01:47] <Kevin`> using a cellular provider for internet would be horrible. although this in the US where they are especially horrible
[14:01:48] <RikusW> unfortunately no 3G signal here
[14:03:16] <specing> RikusW: LMAAAOOO
[14:03:31] <specing> RikusW: You can't be serious, right?
[14:03:55] <RikusW> I'm serious
[14:03:57] <Kevin`> can't you get something more reasonable like dialup over CB radio? :)
[14:04:16] <RikusW> the 50MB costs like 2.5 Euro
[14:04:34] <RikusW> so almost for free
[14:04:45] <mrfrenzy> 3.5 euros gives me 500 MB over 3G
[14:04:52] <mrfrenzy> around 1-8 Mbit/s
[14:05:05] <specing> RikusW: Still much more expensive /amount than my conn :)
[14:05:10] <Kevin`> mrfrenzy: 3g has shorter timeslices per byte
[14:05:21] <mrfrenzy> yes, that's why it's cheaper
[14:05:28] <mrfrenzy> but I pay the same even if I use edge/gprs
[14:05:37] <mrfrenzy> which is common when outside the city
[14:05:44] <Landon> mrfrenzy: you're assuming companies price due to technical differences? :P
[14:05:52] <specing> RikusW: How much time would it take for you to do this: Uploaded: 534336.9 MB ?
[14:05:55] <mrfrenzy> they price as high as possible ;)
[14:06:27] <RikusW> specing: forget it
[14:06:56] <Kevin`> RX bytes:100433271481 (93.5 GiB) TX bytes:21915261904 (20.4 GiB)
[14:06:57] <Kevin`> wee
[14:07:01] <Kevin`> probably rolled over a few times too
[14:07:20] <Landon> heh kevin, my server is 2.6/16.8Gb
[14:07:47] <Kevin`> I really should set something up to do long term logs
[14:07:49] <Landon> but it's only been up for 12 days right now
[14:07:56] <Kevin`> it would be nice to know what actual usage is
[14:08:09] <RikusW> I could get 1GB for 10E / month
[14:08:32] <RikusW> but thats too much for plain surfing and too little to download a few movies :S
[14:09:00] <specing> RikusW: Its enaugh to download a movie in normal TV quality
[14:09:01] <Landon> sure, but just right for downloading ridiculous PDFs
[14:09:06] <specing> 700MB / CD
[14:09:09] <specing> 2h
[14:09:26] * Landon gets better bandwidth by hopping into the car and driving to the theater
[14:09:34] <specing> LOL
[14:09:37] <Landon> latency kind of sucks though, as well as availability
[14:10:03] <RikusW> specing: for the price I would rather go and rent a movie :-P
[14:10:06] <RikusW> it would be cheaper
[14:10:33] <sabesto> hm, got this brand new stk600 with a m2560. vtarget does not light up, i tried jtag and isp
[14:11:05] <sabesto> vtarget lit up and i was able to program an uc3 xplained with the programmer part
[14:11:17] <sabesto> maybe the m2560 card is broken
[14:11:44] <RikusW> maybe you need to put on the vtg jumper for the onboard m2560 card
[14:11:49] <specing> RikusW: Have you tried rfc1149?
[14:12:08] <specing> RikusW: That RFC would be perfect for your situation
[14:13:47] <sabesto> RikusW: the jumper is on
[14:14:43] <RikusW> sabesto: if you do connect the usb cable to the xplain board you should remove the vtg jumper...
[14:15:10] <sabesto> 0 volts on the vtg jumper
[14:15:38] <sabesto> guess thats the problem...
[14:15:52] <RikusW> there is ofcourse the voltage setting for the stk600 too
[14:16:37] <sabesto> now atmel.com is up again, i could see if i find some documentation on it myself
[14:16:46] <sabesto> been down all day or was it just me?
[14:17:04] <RikusW> there is stk600 docs with AVRStudio
[14:17:48] <sabesto> RikusW: i hardly use it, mostly on linux. but now i'm on windows, thanks for the tip
[14:20:02] <RikusW> RFC1149 lol specing
[14:20:04] <RikusW> April 1st 1990, rfc 1149 was written. This rfc specifies a protocol for
[14:20:06] <RikusW> IP over avian carriers, CPIP (carrier pigeon internet protocol).
[14:20:06] <Landon> well, you can always grab it and poke around for the (.chm?) files
[14:20:09] <specing> RikusW: xD
[14:20:36] <specing> RikusW: You can be first to implement it! :D
[14:21:05] <RikusW> specing: the latency will be way too high
[14:21:25] <RikusW> unless you feed them rocket fuel :-P
[14:22:23] <specing> RikusW: Atleast you could transfer jigabytes per day
[14:23:26] <RikusW> by strapping a DVD to each pigeon ?
[14:25:21] * RikusW thinks that will increase the latency even more....
[14:26:00] <specing> RikusW: uSD cards
[14:26:17] <RikusW> that might work
[14:26:33] <specing> they weight one gram and can hold up to 64 Gigabytes of data
[14:27:34] <OndraSter> one uSDXC per leg :)
[14:27:59] <SuperMiguel> programming wise, is there a difference between 16bit vs 32bit micros?
[14:28:07] <OndraSter> sure
[14:28:16] <OndraSter> the speed with 32bit data will be MUUUUUCCCCHHHHH faster on 32bit micro
[14:28:20] <OndraSter> (as long as they work 1 IPC)
[14:29:15] <RikusW> AVR32 is 1.5 IPC
[14:29:31] <SuperMiguel> but for like learning same thing right? one easier than other?
[14:29:38] <OndraSter> well you are using C
[14:29:49] <OndraSter> so nothing really differs except that you have 32bit registers
[14:29:53] <RikusW> AVR8 would be easier to learn
[14:30:06] <SuperMiguel> RikusW: reason?
[14:30:23] <RikusW> simpler architecture
[14:31:20] <RikusW> there is much more registers to setup on AVR32 too
[14:32:32] <RikusW> But using ASF would simplify it
[14:32:52] <RikusW> that is if you don't care about lowlevel stuff
[14:33:44] <specing> ASF seems more like official arduino than anything else
[14:34:23] <RikusW> lol
[14:34:54] <specing> just saying...
[14:36:11] <SuperMiguel> whats a good dev board?
[14:36:42] <specing> SuperMiguel: A tiny2313-PU on a protoboard
[14:37:33] <RikusW> or ATmega328 or ATmega324A
[14:38:39] <specing> Or a simple ATmega8
[14:38:52] <SuperMiguel> STK500 outdated?
[14:39:08] * specing takes out a large trout
[14:39:16] * specing beats SuperMiguel senseless
[14:39:38] <RikusW> STK500 is somewhat old, but it will work
[14:40:17] <SuperMiguel> specing: a atmega8 is not a dev board...
[14:40:31] <RikusW> SuperMiguel: do you have an AVR programmer ?
[14:40:55] <SuperMiguel> i have the mkII
[14:41:01] <SuperMiguel> AVR ISP MKII
[14:41:37] <RikusW> then a breadboard + some AVR would work just fine
[14:42:13] <SuperMiguel> but to run it like that by it self don't i also need crystals?
[14:42:32] <RikusW> not if you use the internal RC oscillator
[14:42:42] <RikusW> which is the default fuse setting
[14:43:23] <SuperMiguel> gotcha, so it will run by itself with just 5v vcc
[14:43:25] <RikusW> you could easily plug a crystal into the breadboard if you need the correct UART speeds though
[14:43:48] <RikusW> and remember to connect Vcc->AVcc
[14:44:22] <SuperMiguel> so Vcc->Avcc, GND->GND and thats it no need anything extra?
[14:45:29] <RikusW> some leds and switches would be nice to have
[14:45:58] <SuperMiguel> hehe
[14:46:07] <RikusW> and remember a 270 or 300 Ohm resistor in series with the led ;)
[14:46:31] <SuperMiguel> hehe/
[14:46:34] <SuperMiguel> what do u use to write code to it? avr studio?
[14:46:45] <RikusW> Normally yes
[14:47:12] <RikusW> SuperMiguel: do you normally use Windows or Linux ?
[14:47:21] <SuperMiguel> Linx or osx
[14:48:13] <RikusW> you could use avrdude on Linux to program the AVR
[14:48:35] <RikusW> or you could use http://sites.google.com/site/megau2s/home -> Software -> RavrProg for a Qt GUI
[14:48:43] <RikusW> you'll have to compile it yourself...
[14:49:30] <RikusW> do qmake make
[14:50:26] <SuperMiguel> i can use avrdude to set the chip to use its internal rc oscillator and fuses settings ?
[14:51:15] <RikusW> its already set to tha by default
[14:51:42] <RikusW> my GUI includes a nice fuse calculator
[15:13:47] <asteve> anyone here hiring embedded engineers in the DMV area?
[15:20:59] <karlp> where's DMV?
[15:21:44] <karlp> dalvik, möðrudalur, vopnafjörður?
[15:29:08] <asteve> karlp: the general area around Washington DC, USA
[15:30:15] <asteve> karlp: I figured I would phrase it that way because someone that actually was in the area and hiring would know what I was speaking about - versus announce to the world where I live :)
[15:30:29] <asteve> which I ended up doing anyway
[15:30:42] <asteve> next time I'll use DC, USA; live and learn :)
[15:32:31] <karlp> DMV is what, dc, maryland, virginia then?
[15:34:30] <OndraSter> so I have got here four IBM Netvista N2200
[15:34:39] <OndraSter> it has got some old Geode CPUs
[15:34:44] <OndraSter> few hundreds of MHz
[15:34:49] <OndraSter> with 256 + 32MB RAM :D
[15:35:03] <OndraSter> integrated everything, instead IDE connector there is slot for CF card
[15:35:09] <OndraSter> plus it has got tokenring!
[15:35:19] * OndraSter is thinking about starting a cloud
[15:35:54] <specing> CloudSter
[15:36:47] <OndraSter> yes!
[15:41:10] <asteve> karlp: yup!
[15:44:34] <OndraSter> btw the Netvistas can boot from NFS network shares directly from "BIOS"
[15:44:42] <OndraSter> it has some effed up BIOS that has builtin bootloader
[15:44:57] <Landon> and their efficiency? :>
[15:45:02] <OndraSter> hehe
[15:45:06] <OndraSter> about 6W under load
[15:46:50] <OndraSter> didn't people say that right angles are bad for high frequencies?
[15:47:02] <karlp> electron tunneling is real
[15:47:24] <karlp> you need to be a serious board geek though
[15:47:44] <karlp> depends on current, speed and turn angle.
[15:48:33] <asteve> OndraSter: right angles should completely stop current flow
[15:48:39] <asteve> a true 90*
[15:49:10] <OndraSter> eh
[15:49:24] <OndraSter> darn, Lumia 800 has got issues with macros and low lights..
[15:49:32] <OndraSter> Carl Zeiss Fail
[15:50:23] <OndraSter> anyway, used my older Omnia 7
[15:50:23] <OndraSter> http://clip2net.com/s/20Sdv
[15:50:27] <OndraSter> 100MHz SDRAM
[15:50:31] <OndraSter> right angles
[15:50:34] <OndraSter> _almost_ right angles
[15:50:47] <OndraSter> there is a bit miltering
[15:57:06] <karlp> nah man, it's a software issue, it runs windows ;)
[15:57:32] <karlp> I take it that's to equalize trace lengths?
[15:58:12] <karlp> 100mhz isn't that fast really, but given how much space you have, I'd go for marginally longer and more curvy, less squary
[15:58:21] <karlp> but also, I've never laid out sdram :)
[16:00:07] <mrfrenzy> what doesn't have issues with macros and low lights? use an LED ring
[16:05:22] <OndraSter> karlp, it runs linux actually
[16:05:26] <OndraSter> I dare you to boot windows over NFS
[16:05:31] <OndraSter> on such piece of old hardware :)
[16:05:43] <OndraSter> sure it was to equalize trace lenghts
[16:05:48] <OndraSter> but they were close to right angles
[16:06:06] <OndraSter> and people were almost yelling at me for doing right angles at 2MHz ;D
[16:08:05] <karlp> I was making the windows joke about the phone :)
[16:08:09] <OndraSter> oh lol
[16:08:41] <OndraSter> OK, I dare you to run android on such hardware :D
[16:10:05] <specing> OndraSter: It takes ~0.4 ns for a signal to travel a 10cm cable, go figure ;)
[16:10:20] <OndraSter> sure
[16:11:02] <specing> 2 MHZ is like 500 ns/access
[16:11:09] <specing> overkill ;P
[16:11:23] <OndraSter> yeah
[16:11:47] <Kevin`> OndraSter: windows can't boot via nfs (or cifs for that matter), unless i missed something?
[16:12:00] <OndraSter> one of the many reasons why it wouldn't work, yes
[16:12:00] <specing> At 800 MHz... 1.25 ns /access
[16:12:15] <specing> that's when you start to worry about track length
[16:12:47] <OndraSter> :P
[16:13:05] <specing> Actually I wouldn't, but j/k
[16:13:25] <specing> the difference in length would be at most 3cm...
[16:13:41] <Kevin`> although modern windows versions can boot from iscsi, kind of neat. same horrible driver issues as normal hardware though, no making portable systems :/
[16:13:53] <specing> 0.1 ns
[16:45:31] <OndraSter> https://github.com/jmechner/Prince-of-Persia-Apple-II/
[16:45:34] <OndraSter> drgreenthumb, https://github.com/jmechner/Prince-of-Persia-Apple-II/
[16:45:35] <OndraSter> DO IT
[16:45:37] <OndraSter> DO IT NAO
[16:45:42] <OndraSter> NAAAOOOOO
[16:46:13] <drgreenthumb> heh
[16:46:53] <OndraSter> you know what I mean >:-)
[17:06:12] <Posterdati> hi
[17:06:12] <tobbor> Posterdati! like, totally tell us about the project!
[17:06:42] <Posterdati> yes :)
[17:06:58] <Posterdati> I'm porting a pic based firmware to atmega328 :) lol
[17:07:06] <Posterdati> xc8 is a mess
[17:07:41] <Posterdati> it even mess with array of struct
[17:17:15] <OndraSter> Posterdati, FYI, tobbor is a bot ;D
[17:17:21] <OndraSter> and he randomly says that :D
[17:17:30] <Posterdati> I know :)
[17:17:38] <OndraSter> ok
[17:17:43] <OndraSter> just making sure :D
[17:20:37] <Posterdati> I talk to bots due to my xc8 interaction :(
[17:20:45] <Posterdati> please don't use it
[17:22:49] <iR0b0t1> rofl
[17:22:52] <iR0b0t1> that's an awesome bot
[17:23:04] <Posterdati> don't use xc8
[17:35:20] <OndraSter> so one of my friends wants to try out AVR, because he got pissed on PICs :P
[17:37:00] <Tom_itx> hurray!
[17:37:10] <OndraSter> yeah
[17:37:21] <OndraSter> he had to make 3 boards to get his USB at least working on hardware level
[17:37:27] <OndraSter> but software level... nope :D
[17:44:54] <specing> :D
[17:45:10] <specing> reminds me of the issues I had with them 3 years ago
[17:45:40] <specing> For me it was both hardware and software -- NOPE