#avr | Logs for 2012-05-28

[01:04:44] <inflex> heh
[02:32:43] <mitsakos> hello. I have an issue about spi. In two device master-slave connection with slave's ss pin grounded, is master clock enough for the slave to start transmitting data on SPDR?
[03:10:59] <grummund> mitsakos: the slave will often use SS to detect start of data, so permanently grounding it is not enough.
[03:13:47] <drgreenthumb> also make sure the SS pin of the AVR *never* goes low. set the DDRx of it to output. that one tripped me up for a while x_x
[03:14:21] <drgreenthumb> oh sorry, if you're using master mode. not clear from original statement.
[03:53:43] <mitsakos> sorry for delay
[03:54:02] <mitsakos> i'm trying to use modem chip with an avr
[03:54:34] <mitsakos> the modem is always in MASTER mode so i have to put AVR in slave mode. To do this i have set the apropriate bits on the control registers and i have alos grounded the SS pin
[03:55:15] <mitsakos> the modem sends all the time clock and when i try to send data from the AVR i can't
[03:55:34] <mitsakos> i can see the clock on the bus but no data are transmitted from the AVR to the modem
[03:56:37] <mitsakos> what i have read in an article is that the spi works like a shift register. So i want to send data from the AVR to modem, modem has to send some dummy bytes for the AVR to shift "out" the data to modem
[03:57:01] <mitsakos> is this tre?
[03:57:03] <mitsakos> *true?
[03:57:24] <mitsakos> or clock is enough for SLAVE AVR to transmitt ?
[04:07:39] <Kevin`> mitsakos: are you sure the modem doesn't use the cs pin?
[04:08:06] <Kevin`> the cs pin is normally used to indicate the start and end of the logical data
[04:55:01] <mitsakos> yes
[04:56:13] <Steffanx> CapnKernel found his way to Chinese land? :)
[04:56:37] <Steffanx> Your IP says you did
[04:56:48] <CapnKernel> Yep in China land now
[04:56:57] <CapnKernel> Send off a few PCB orders today :-)
[04:57:05] <Steffanx> Nice nice
[07:14:17] <abcminiuser> Greetings gentlemen
[08:43:29] <Tom_itx> hello dean
[08:43:35] <abcminiuser> Hey Tom
[08:47:35] <Steffanx> He's still made abcminiuser :P
[08:47:45] <abcminiuser> ?
[08:47:54] <Steffanx> The guy who doesn't like lufa
[08:48:03] <Steffanx> because you screwed up
[08:48:07] <Steffanx> :P
[08:48:13] <abcminiuser> Christ, it could only get worse if he actually sends me a bill :P
[08:48:23] <abcminiuser> Funnily enough the fix to make it work was 3 lines, and 10 mins of debugging
[08:48:25] <Steffanx> Would be funny
[08:48:43] <abcminiuser> I understand that not everyone could debug it, but I literally did it in 10 mins with just LEDs
[08:49:19] <Tom_itx> post the fix on the forum
[08:49:22] <Steffanx> Yeah, but you know EVERYTHING about the inners of LUFA
[08:49:36] <abcminiuser> Tom_itx, I did
[08:49:47] <Tom_itx> Steffanx so it takes a little reading...
[08:50:02] <Tom_itx> off to mow..
[08:50:06] <Steffanx> Have fun
[08:59:44] <w|zzy> what happened to LUFA?
[08:59:57] <abcminiuser_> w|zzy, https://groups.google.com/group/lufa-support/browse_thread/thread/b805062cfc84004b
[09:00:56] <abcminiuser_> Guy wanted to use LUFA on XMEGAs, I said it wasn't ready but uploaded some semi-working code
[09:01:11] <abcminiuser_> Guy ignored all the caveats, complained the code wasn't finished then ranted that I've cost him money
[09:02:31] <w|zzy> lol
[09:02:36] <w|zzy> silly people
[09:04:18] <CapnKernel> fuggin fuggin
[09:04:30] <CapnKernel> groups.google.com - yet another service blocked in China :-(
[09:05:46] <Steffanx> he
[09:05:51] <abcminiuser_> CapnKernel, lolwut, why?
[09:05:54] <abcminiuser_> CapnKernel, VPN?
[09:06:22] <w|zzy> hmmm ecros!
[09:07:02] <Steffanx> w|zzy ?
[09:07:26] <w|zzy> looking at http://www.ecrostech.com/index.htm
[09:07:27] <CapnKernel> I'm having trouble getting my VPN working, as I can't ssh into my home server
[09:08:56] <w|zzy> http://www.tritium.com.au/products/TRI86/index.html <-- interesting product.. msp430 with source code... Have to build an interface for it... the one they have sucks..
[09:10:15] <abcminiuser_> Interesting, he sells a knock-off JTAG
[09:10:30] <abcminiuser_> Apparently it can debug, so it's most likely ripping off Atmel's firmware :P
[09:11:08] <abcminiuser_> Does anyone here know a way of bypassing VAT"?
[09:11:29] <abcminiuser_> I want to get a Kindle, but the cheapest one is US$80 to US residents, or US$160 for me :(
[09:13:12] <w|zzy> why a kindle?
[09:13:30] <w|zzy> can you use a forwarding company?
[09:13:44] <abcminiuser_> I was gifted $130 by a kind but PayPal hating LUFA user
[09:13:58] <abcminiuser_> And there's buggerall else Amazon will ship here
[09:14:20] <w|zzy> Gifted $130 amazon gift card?
[09:14:35] <w|zzy> nice.
[09:14:57] <w|zzy> All i was getting at is there are quite easy ways of removing the protection from the kindle files and reading them on your other readers
[09:15:20] <abcminiuser_> I've got a Touchpad already
[09:15:34] <abcminiuser_> But an E-Ink reader would be nice
[09:15:41] <abcminiuser_> And again, nothing else I can spend it on :P
[09:16:24] <w|zzy> eink is nice :P
[09:16:46] <w|zzy> i ahve a kobo myself(jbhifi voucher)
[09:17:30] <w|zzy> surely you can find someone in USA willing to ship it on for you :P
[09:18:14] <DrLuke> Does anybody know how I include a .S file in a C-project in studio 5?
[09:36:13] <abcminiuser_> Tom_itx, fancy acting as a one-time reshipper? ;)
[09:48:58] <Tom_itx> i could
[09:50:40] <Tom_itx> not sure you'd save much
[10:02:53] <abcminiuser_> Shipping + tax is $80 :S
[10:03:04] <abcminiuser_> I'm sure shipping to you + reshipping would be lower than that
[10:06:32] <Tom_itx> usps would be
[10:06:38] <Tom_itx> fedex or ups may not
[10:09:03] <Tom_itx> DrLuke, abcminiuser_ probably does but he's on a spending spree right now
[10:09:39] <DrLuke> Hehe :P
[10:09:56] <abcminiuser_> DrLuke, just add it to the solution via the solution explorer
[10:09:56] <Tom_itx> you may include it like you do the other files, i'm not sure
[10:10:37] <DrLuke> Oh, that is fairly easy, thanks!
[10:11:14] <Tom_itx> technology.
[10:11:29] <Tom_itx> an american nudging an aussie in norway to help a german
[10:12:59] <DrLuke> It's amazing
[10:15:38] <Tom_itx> and in payment the aussie gets his toys cheaper
[10:22:43] <DrLuke> studio 5 makes me more and more wish that it also was available for linux
[10:31:16] <CapnKernel> Newsflash: Seems my printer back in Australia has died, and it stops my sheevaplug from booting
[10:31:25] <CapnKernel> No sheevaplug => no SSH, no VPN
[10:31:31] <specing> Logical.
[10:31:51] <CapnKernel> The printer is borking the USB bus
[10:31:58] <specing> Ha
[10:32:22] <specing> And that plug happens to have a rootfs on an usb key?
[10:33:30] <CapnKernel> specing: You're on fire baby!
[10:33:40] <specing> ?
[10:33:46] <CapnKernel> Short answer: Yes
[10:33:50] <specing> :O
[10:34:11] <abcminiuser_> CapnKernel, wha?
[10:34:17] <CapnKernel> ?
[10:34:21] <abcminiuser_> Oh, USB shenanegins
[10:34:33] <CapnKernel> What would you know?
[10:34:36] <OndraSter> ey
[10:34:39] <CapnKernel> Oh, USB guru :-)
[10:34:41] <OndraSter> so I have finished my finals! :)
[10:34:47] <CapnKernel> CONGRATS!
[10:34:54] <specing> OndraSter: Already?
[10:34:58] <specing> OndraSter: that was fast
[10:34:59] <OndraSter> thanks CapnKernel
[10:35:02] <CapnKernel> Now imagine all that guilt-free game playing you have to look forward to!
[10:35:03] <OndraSter> specing, yeah
[10:35:08] <OndraSter> one day, 3 exams :)
[10:35:15] <CapnKernel> Tough
[10:35:18] <specing> Thats it?
[10:35:31] <OndraSter> programming (I had question "basics of MS SQL Server, creating interface for two users")
[10:35:38] <specing> LOL
[10:35:43] <OndraSter> yeah.
[10:35:54] <OndraSter> electronic computers ("parity, hamming's code, viruses, spyware, ...")
[10:35:59] <OndraSter> and czech literature (with czech author)
[10:36:04] <OndraSter> I was lucky in the literature :P
[10:36:09] <OndraSter> I got 1 (aka the best) in all LOL
[10:36:15] <OndraSter> now we still don't have the results of the essay
[10:36:18] <OndraSter> which is real PITA
[10:37:08] <specing> My finals will look like this: 1 essay written 7.5 and then ~10 exams over 10 days and then 3 oral exams
[10:37:18] <OndraSter> oh
[10:37:23] <specing> beginning saturday.
[10:37:24] <OndraSter> I wrote the essay about 3 weeks ago
[10:37:31] <OndraSter> and another czech test + math
[10:37:50] <DrLuke> I've also finished my finals recently, finally I can apply for Electrical Engineering at my favourite university
[10:37:54] <OndraSter> :)
[10:38:14] <specing> s/favourite/nearest/
[10:38:26] <DrLuke> it's both
[10:38:35] <DrLuke> it's the second best in germany
[10:38:40] <DrLuke> with the best one being unafforable for me
[10:38:46] <specing> TUV?
[10:38:47] <CapnKernel> DrLuke: CONGRATS!
[10:38:57] <DrLuke> Thanks
[10:39:05] <DrLuke> specing: KIT in Karlsruhe
[10:39:14] <DrLuke> It's like the MIT, but with a K
[10:39:24] <DrLuke> http://www.kit.edu/english/index.php
[10:39:34] <OndraSter> lol "like the MIT but with a K"
[10:39:48] <DrLuke> :P
[10:40:31] <DrLuke> Anyways I can't wait to turn my Hobby into a Job I hopefully will enjoy
[10:40:54] <DrLuke> But if we will be forced to use PICs over AVRs I will be really angry
[10:41:43] <OndraSter> lol
[10:42:01] <CapnKernel> You're in the right channel :-)
[10:42:35] <specing> DrLuke: PICs are official at my highschool
[10:42:50] <DrLuke> Sucks ;(
[10:43:04] <specing> I've tried
[10:43:10] <specing> I have 3 PICs here
[10:43:12] <DrLuke> Well, here in germany doing anything with electronics is still highly experimental
[10:43:15] <DrLuke> and we used arduinos
[10:43:34] <specing> But at one point I was like WTF IS THIS SHIT?! and started using AVRs
[10:43:39] <DrLuke> Which was good, because everyone was forces to do this course
[10:43:59] <DrLuke> Well, I don't like the way PICs are propietary
[10:44:04] <DrLuke> like there's only one programmer for it
[10:44:07] <DrLuke> and only one IDE
[10:44:18] <specing> Is it any different for avrs? LOL
[10:44:24] <DrLuke> uh, yes?
[10:44:33] <specing> Not with the examples you've given
[10:44:41] <DrLuke> which ones
[10:44:46] <specing> both PICs and AVRs have many programmers available
[10:44:52] <specing> and both have only one IDE
[10:45:06] <specing> Also, microchips IDE works on Linux
[10:46:08] <DrLuke> AVR only has one official IDE
[10:46:23] <DrLuke> but you can compile code for it with basically any IDE capable of C
[10:46:37] <specing> The same you can do with PICs
[10:46:44] <DrLuke> well
[10:46:54] <DrLuke> AVRs still are better [/fanboy]
[10:46:58] <specing> I've been there, dude
[10:47:08] <specing> I know, PICs don't have a GCC port
[10:47:12] <OndraSter> okay, this is bad
[10:47:16] <OndraSter> I have now nothing to do
[10:47:18] <specing> OndraSter: wut?
[10:47:18] <OndraSter> no school, no nothing
[10:47:22] <specing> OndraSter: Ha
[10:47:23] <OndraSter> BUT THERE ARE NO TV SHOWS!
[10:47:27] <OndraSter> this week
[10:47:30] <OndraSter> next week only Eureka
[10:47:33] <OndraSter> daaamn
[10:47:34] <specing> On
[10:47:43] <specing> Wait a sec
[10:47:44] <OndraSter> on my Schedule list!
[10:48:09] <OndraSter> last week... Family Guy, mythbusters, simpsons, house, eureka
[10:48:13] <OndraSter> this week.. nohting
[10:48:15] <OndraSter> nothing*
[10:48:19] <specing> OndraSter: https://thepiratebay.se/search/star%20trek/0/7/200
[10:48:22] <OndraSter> lol
[10:48:27] <OndraSter> I will watch Lost...
[10:48:29] <OndraSter> but only till 2nd series.
[10:48:42] <specing> OndraSter: https://thepiratebay.se/search/the%20X%20files/0/7/200
[10:48:44] <OndraSter> just need to make space for it on my download PC
[10:49:14] <specing> OndraSter: https://thepiratebay.se/search/House/0/7/200
[10:49:20] <OndraSter> seen house
[10:49:51] <OndraSter> and I've seen X-Files as well
[10:49:55] <OndraSter> only first 3 or 4 series though
[10:50:01] <specing> Also, mythbusters are garbage
[10:50:03] <OndraSter> I should finish with Californication
[10:50:08] <OndraSter> catch up*
[10:50:36] <CapnKernel> Firefly?
[11:03:49] <DrLuke> OndraSter: I totally share your feeling
[11:03:53] <DrLuke> my life is so empty now
[11:03:56] <OndraSter> :D
[11:03:59] <DrLuke> While I'm waiting for my PCBs to arrive
[11:04:02] <DrLuke> I need projects
[11:04:08] <OndraSter> :P
[11:04:10] <OndraSter> what are you working on?
[11:04:17] <DrLuke> A tesla coil
[11:04:21] <OndraSter> WOW
[11:04:23] <OndraSter> :)
[11:04:28] <DrLuke> Thanks :P
[11:04:32] <DrLuke> I've got a prototype working
[11:04:43] <DrLuke> but it didn't have enough power to actually output any sparks
[11:06:57] <specing> CapnKernel: Are you in .cn now?
[11:07:58] <CapnKernel> Yes
[11:08:06] <OndraSter> finally :)
[11:08:10] <CapnKernel> LOL
[11:08:29] <CapnKernel> I picked up some PCBs for a customer today. (The customer is in this channel at the moment)
[11:08:38] <DrLuke> lol
[11:08:45] <CapnKernel> The boards are a beautiful red colour. My god they look so beautiful.
[11:08:50] <OndraSter> wow
[11:08:52] <OndraSter> is red extra?
[11:09:22] <CapnKernel> Yes
[11:09:30] <OndraSter> how much?
[11:09:32] <CapnKernel> He still got a good price because he ordered 100 boards.
[11:09:36] <OndraSter> oh
[11:10:00] <CapnKernel> I can't give you a specific dollar or percentage figure, as it depends on so many other factors.
[11:10:55] <OndraSter> oh
[11:11:03] <OndraSter> maybe if I get enough customers for my breakout board :)
[11:11:11] <OndraSter> but now... time to shoot some enemies :P
[11:11:26] <specing> CapnKernel: Do you maybe know how much 512 MB SDRAMs cost? (4 Gbit with 32-bit data access) (TSSOP packaging (or similar hobby-friendly one))
[11:11:33] <specing> OndraSter: define "shoot"
[11:11:37] <OndraSter> TF2
[11:11:38] <OndraSter> -.-
[11:11:51] <specing> OndraSter: Try Xonotic
[11:11:53] <OndraSter> wow half gig SDRAMs
[11:12:07] <CapnKernel> specing: Short answer: no
[11:12:28] <OndraSter> TF2 is better.
[11:12:30] <OndraSter> than anything.
[11:12:33] <OndraSter> (everything?)
[11:12:33] <specing> Wait a sec... I don't think they've made them of that size yet
[11:12:37] <specing> well nvm
[11:13:22] * specing back to maths
[12:40:44] <xata> hello
[12:40:44] <tobbor> xata! like, totally tell us about the project!
[12:43:02] <xata> tobbor: abiut my project? still halted on how to automate filter cutoff
[12:44:54] <specing> Ha, we have a CANUCK here ;)
[12:44:55] <tobbor> SOMEONE MAKE HIM SHUT UP! or I'll cry.
[12:44:59] <xata> fet way is not an option untill i get some new eu/usa (non-soviet) adequate replacement for my old soviet stuff, and op-amp way, that i got from radio am-modulation does not work as it has to, so fuck it.
[12:46:39] <xata> specing: what is CANUCK?
[12:47:27] <specing> Oh boy, he still doesen't get it....
[12:47:36] <xata> tobbor: why are you so excited about my project?
[12:47:53] <Corwin> xata why are you talking to bot?
[12:47:59] <xata> oh
[12:48:31] <Corwin> tobbor, hi
[12:48:50] <xata> tobbor: #help
[12:49:04] <Corwin> still i would like to see tobbor cry
[12:49:15] <xata> it is useless? just chat bot without use?
[12:49:22] <Corwin> it has use
[12:49:29] <Corwin> like logs everything here
[12:49:35] <xata> to distract me?
[12:49:43] <Corwin> yes :)
[12:49:53] <Corwin> distracion is cool thing sometimes
[12:51:34] <Steffanx> CANUCK
[12:51:34] <tobbor> Yankie!
[12:51:55] <Corwin> hello
[12:51:55] <tobbor> Hello Corwin
[12:51:58] <xata> but not when you have sort of problems with attention
[12:52:23] <xata> CANUCK
[12:52:23] <tobbor> Yankie.
[12:52:35] <xata> CANUCK CANUCK CANUCK
[12:52:35] <tobbor> YANKIE.
[12:52:40] <Corwin> tobbor suffers from attention deficit.... not many ppl talk to him
[12:53:49] <drgreenthumb> whoa is flyback contagious or something? quit talking about canadians.
[12:54:05] <Steffanx> Hehe
[12:54:17] <Corwin> whats wrong with canadians?
[12:54:23] <xata> Corwin: i suffer from attention deficit too, to many stuff talk to me, and i can not get even a single one. so distraction is something bad for me. not clinical case, but still annoying
[12:54:26] <Steffanx> Corwin why do you think that bot says that ?
[12:54:29] <Steffanx> http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=flyback <= :P
[12:55:07] <drgreenthumb> nothing Corwin but some dude named "flyback" in ##electronics shouts CANUCK continuously. and now it's spread to xata.
[12:55:07] <tobbor> yankie, yankie, yankie.
[12:55:17] <Corwin> :D
[12:55:32] <Steffanx> He's also in ##stm32 nowadays drgreenthumb
[12:55:36] <xata> CANUCK
[12:55:37] <tobbor> yankie, yankie, yankie.
[12:55:53] <specing> Steffanx: I saw him there more than 5 days ago... hmmm
[12:56:04] <specing> Steffanx: Maybe the admins are gone
[12:56:05] <Steffanx> in ##stm32? sure?
[12:56:05] <Corwin> weird ppl are on irc
[12:56:08] <specing> yeah
[12:56:19] <xata> curious thing - i am ukrainian, and ukraine has one of the biggest diaspora in CANUCKland
[12:56:19] <tobbor> Yankie!
[12:56:21] <specing> and #43oh
[12:56:22] <Steffanx> The admins are still there specing
[12:57:02] <Steffanx> All 3 ops are online :)
[12:57:06] <specing> Not sure if incompetent admins or flyback stopped spamming CANUCK
[12:57:07] <tobbor> SOMEONE MAKE HIM SHUT UP! or I'll cry.
[12:57:25] <Corwin> cry
[12:57:33] <Steffanx> You consider me as incompetent? :)
[12:57:53] <specing> Well either that or he stopped spamming :)
[12:58:08] <Steffanx> Ask zlog he knows
[12:58:14] <xata> tobbor: YANKIE!
[12:58:34] <xata> c-c-cognitive dissonance
[12:58:52] <Corwin> beer anyone?
[12:59:09] <Steffanx> 0.5 liter?
[12:59:21] <Corwin> 0.33 foy you
[12:59:24] <xata> no thanks. i saw my photos from this holidays. go damn it.
[12:59:24] <Corwin> *for you
[12:59:29] <xata> *god
[13:02:07] <Corwin> i hate git on windows
[13:03:57] <specing> s/git on //
[13:04:13] <Corwin> :D
[13:05:04] <Corwin> cant make it push to remote FTP repository
[13:05:12] <Corwin> or clone it
[13:06:10] <drgreenthumb> you could try the one in cygwin.
[13:06:42] <specing> Corwin: Haha, FTP, haha
[13:07:03] <Corwin> sure, have fun
[13:15:38] <xata> going to dist-upgrade. good luck to me
[13:20:19] <DrLuke> good luck xata
[13:21:34] <drgreenthumb> hey, karlp question: have you seen the MRF return strange things in the "Sequence Number" field of the MHR? in outgoing packets, I set it and then sprintf() same # into the payload message to verify. the messages come out in order, but sequence numbers are sometimes repeated http://pastebin.com/vj8XXcK6 . weird, right?
[13:23:33] <Casper> mrf? mhr?
[13:24:34] <drgreenthumb> Casper, the "MRF" is this http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/MRF24J40MA-I%2FRM/MRF24J40MA-I%2FRM-ND/1867972?cur=USD
[13:25:13] <drgreenthumb> MHR stands for MAC Header Request or something like that. it's the header of ethernet or in this case 802.15.4 packets.
[13:25:58] <DrLuke> I can't stop playing with my spool of solder, I've already lost 30 cm of it because bit fall off of it
[13:26:03] <DrLuke> bits*
[13:26:19] <drgreenthumb> calm down spaz :P
[13:27:06] <DrLuke> :(
[13:27:14] <Casper> drgreenthumb: are you sure that it simply didn't concatened 3 packets in one?
[13:27:18] <DrLuke> it's just perfect for playing around: it's round, it's heavy
[13:28:54] <Casper> DrLuke: leadfree or lead based?
[13:29:10] <DrLuke> leaded for increased digesting performance of course
[13:32:27] <xata> i weld with lead. just lead.
[13:33:00] <drgreenthumb> Casper, heh well it's my own software recognizing the start of packets and making that list that I pasted. so if it's combining packets it's doing it transparently. I don't think it can actually do that though, I can only write one packet to this device to one single memory location.
[13:33:20] <xata> got ~3kilos of pure soviet glory
[13:34:24] <xata> When i'll run of it people will be welding with eye sight
[13:38:15] <drgreenthumb> karlp, hrm I wonder if the "Frame Version" field is part of my issue here. I'm leaving it at zero. Spec says "This subfield shall be set to 0x00 to indicate a frame compatible with IEEE Std 802.15.4-2003 and 0x01 to indicate an IEEE 802.15.4 frame". I'll try changing it to 0x01.
[13:43:03] <drgreenthumb> hmm nope, works same.
[13:43:55] <drgreenthumb> guess I just can't use this field.
[14:01:14] <OndraSter> Corwin, good news everyone, I am done with middle school :P
[14:02:42] <drgreenthumb> wow you're young.
[14:03:05] <drgreenthumb> now I feel all old ;_;
[14:04:10] <OndraSter> :S
[14:04:11] <OndraSter> :D
[14:04:21] <OndraSter> well I am almost -ty
[14:04:32] <drgreenthumb> eleventy? :P
[14:04:36] <OndraSter> :D
[14:04:47] <OndraSter> 110? :P
[14:06:39] <drgreenthumb> I thought middle school was 8th grade, going in freshman in HS. you sure are an old eighth grader :P
[14:07:31] <drgreenthumb> held back for four years for playing mean in the sandbox in kindergarden? :P
[14:07:36] <OndraSter> no
[14:07:42] <OndraSter> we have it different than in the US
[14:07:47] <drgreenthumb> ah
[14:07:55] <OndraSter> 9 years primary, 4 years secondary (middle), many years university
[14:08:05] <OndraSter> thus now I am almost twenty after finishing secondary
[14:08:26] <drgreenthumb> no "high" school for you!
[14:09:13] <RikusW> we have primary for 6-13 years and high for 14-18
[14:09:37] <RikusW> in South Africa
[14:10:17] <specing> Never mind, drgreenthumb works in one of those >backward< countries
[14:10:32] <specing> s/works/lives/
[14:10:44] <drgreenthumb> our HTML tags have reversed gt, lt symbols, yeah.
[14:11:03] <drgreenthumb> >p<this is a paragraph>/p<
[14:11:22] <drgreenthumb> it's all messed up here!
[14:19:56] <drgreenthumb> ugh someone made a milk based alcoholic drink my my batman mug and then left it sitting half full for three days >:-(
[14:22:48] <drgreenthumb> my country is messed up, my batman mug. it never ends!
[14:23:25] <DrLuke> Oh no, not your batman mug!
[14:23:40] <DrLuke> they must pay deerly for those atrocities
[14:23:42] <drgreenthumb> I know for reals.
[14:24:42] <drgreenthumb> smelled like a White Russian. or maybe Baileys and coffee. had to disinfect it for like half an hour under scalding water to take away the smell.
[14:30:47] <iR0b0t1> Why would you ever mix milk and alcohol?
[14:33:04] <DrLuke> because apparently it's good
[14:33:12] <DrLuke> I once mixed vodka with my mouth
[14:33:16] <DrLuke> it was a good evening
[14:33:25] <drgreenthumb> baileys and coffee with a little cream is alright. but the thought of a white russian makes me feel a bit ill.
[14:35:37] <Steffanx> #php-nlbe
[14:35:39] <Steffanx> oops
[14:40:31] <specing> Did you mean: #php-lube?
[14:40:57] <Steffanx> I mean /ignore specing
[14:41:00] <Steffanx> +t
[14:41:17] <specing> lol
[14:43:14] <Steffanx> Worst misstyping ever
[14:43:22] <Steffanx> -s
[14:43:29] <specing> :)
[14:44:19] <drgreenthumb> I always need a bit of brain lubricant before writing PHP.
[14:50:14] <DrLuke> Good thing I've recently bought some WD-40, I certainly need it now that I'm diving into ASM
[14:51:01] <drgreenthumb> I was thinking more along the lines of vast quantites of alcohol.
[14:51:25] <drgreenthumb> the Ballmer peak for PHP is much higher than for C. you have to really chug.
[14:53:46] <Steffanx> blablabla :P
[14:54:08] <drgreenthumb> oh right Steffanx takes PHP banter srsly.
[14:54:18] <drgreenthumb> why? :P
[14:54:34] * drgreenthumb uses it professionally every day, but it's still a big source of WTF-ness :P
[14:56:13] <drgreenthumb> I think Steffanx must work for Zend or something.
[14:56:18] <Steffanx> Nope
[14:56:47] <Steffanx> Hmm, I just sent an email using my normal client. It hanged while sending, but it's in the sent messages when i look in the web client
[14:57:03] <Steffanx> but it's not when i look in the sent messages in my 'normal' client
[14:57:34] <Steffanx> So the question is.. is it really sent or is it going nowhere :(
[14:59:32] <Steffanx> Nah, we'll see :)
[15:04:16] * drgreenthumb sips coffee from the batman mug
[15:05:14] <Steffanx> Coffee is your brain lube?
[15:06:00] <drgreenthumb> heh yeah actually I do have some PHP-ing to do today. so I guess it'll have to suffice.
[15:06:45] * drgreenthumb distracts self by writing a Haskell compiler for AVRs
[15:06:58] <Steffanx> ...
[15:07:26] <specing> Good luck; See you in 10 years
[15:07:34] <drgreenthumb> ;)
[16:13:27] <karlp> drgreenthumb: what was your problem with the frame tyðpe field?
[16:13:31] <karlp> what were you trying to use it for?
[16:14:29] <drgreenthumb> not frame type, I was just guessing maybe it was set wrong. sequence number is the field that's acting up.
[16:14:47] <drgreenthumb> http://pastebin.com/vj8XXcK6
[16:15:01] <drgreenthumb> left col == seq num. and it's also sprintf()d into the payload message.
[16:15:10] <drgreenthumb> but clearly... something odd happening ;)
[16:16:21] <drgreenthumb> wait let me make sure my software isn't changing this value by mistake between the two calls.
[16:17:03] <drgreenthumb> ok well, barring some serious stack smashing weirdness, the value should not have changed.
[16:25:22] <drgreenthumb> so in other words, it appears that the MRF is ... rewriting the sequence numbers? that can't be right can it? it must be a bug in my code I think.
[16:26:29] <drgreenthumb> I mean it's not that big of a deal I can make the seq number part of my protocol instead of getting it from MHR. it just seems very weird.
[16:46:47] <karlp> doesn't the mrf handle seq itself?
[16:47:06] <karlp> it's not a retry or anything?
[16:47:26] <karlp> why are you trying to use the seq number in your own app anyway?
[16:47:38] <karlp> 802.15.4 seq nums are for handling retries and things,
[16:47:48] <karlp> not for a pristine message id for the application layer
[17:02:58] <drgreenthumb> karlp, it just seemed like a handy ID to use in a request/response system. I thought I was supposed to write the entire MHR header myself during TX. or ... what? just the frame length and payload?
[17:03:48] <karlp> hmm, seems I just write it as 1 all the time in my code :)
[17:03:56] <drgreenthumb> heh
[17:04:18] <karlp> I haven't noticed any problems, but I'm not trying to do any sort of reliable messaging either.
[17:05:06] <drgreenthumb> well, the messages and packets do arrive in order, far as I can see. so I'll just put this ID into the payload.
[17:06:53] <xata> brand new ubuntu yay!
[17:06:57] <xata> yay....
[17:07:00] <drgreenthumb> heh to make it more robust I should probably use more than 8 bits for message queuing anyhow.
[17:07:32] <drgreenthumb> heh xata I just did that too. it borked my udev rules for AVRISPMk2 :p
[17:07:54] <xata> it was not supposed to be one... thus - anybody worked with puredata?
[17:09:29] <xata> drgreenthumb: i did that just because mint is still too strange for me. not like i am noob, i used to be on arch and gentoo, but it is still a bit... strange, yeah. and upgrade system on debian-based systems suck.
[17:10:35] <xata> all this coupled + BRAND NEW LINUX IS ALWAYS SO CUTE = i have to recover some my backups.
[17:10:38] <karlp> drgreenthumb: be careful you're not inventing toomuch of your own protocol.
[17:10:46] <karlp> 6lowpan exists already
[17:11:21] <xata> backups with p0rn and datasheets >:3
[17:12:10] <xata> ow yeees, that filthy lm324n, i want to see its pinouts
[17:15:58] <drgreenthumb> karlp, heh well it doesn't need to speak to the internet. just my own little server that will give it hierarchical menus and a few images and text. and it'd be really cool if I made this whole thing work in an atmega :)
[17:16:41] <Landon> ok, done gaming today for serious
[17:16:48] * Landon reboots for some avr action
[17:18:06] <Landon> xata: I'm kind of glad major upgrades are only once every few months :P gives me a chance to mentally prepare for "Do you want our config file or your config file?"
[17:20:26] <xata> Landon: but that's ok if ugay^W you use rolling-release distro. all the precious hurt comes in little enjoyable portions. that's why i used to love archlinux.
[17:23:14] <Landon> yeah, but is there a reliable way to tell what upgrades will be big hurt vs little hurt?
[17:23:36] <Landon> even then I imagine there'd still be some packages that have whoppers of config changes that you don't want to try to do before bed
[17:24:00] <Landon> (thinking of LDAP's huge config change a couple years ago and dovecots config change between ubuntu 10.04 and 12.04)
[17:24:18] <drgreenthumb> karlp, but the main idea behind this ID is that the remote control could send off a few requests at once (fetch video text metainfo, fetch icon, start playing video) and the ID just means it can keep track of what it sent.
[17:25:38] <xata> Landon: yes, the most reliable way - saturn phase in reflection of chemical prediction strength.
[17:25:38] <xata> also it asks. sometimes. and makes backup.
[17:30:18] <drgreenthumb> but heh after talking that out seqence number is a bad way to do it anyway. sorry for the noise =)
[17:33:42] <xata> got to go. bye!
[17:34:33] <OndraSter> such a great feeling knowing that you have most likely passed the middle (high, secondary) school! :)
[17:34:38] <OndraSter> just essays are left..
[17:34:45] <OndraSter> but... I doubt I would NOT pass that
[17:42:13] <DrLuke> It's an even better feeling to be completely done with school, except for that oral exams
[17:42:20] <DrLuke> but even if I get 0 points on that, I've passed 8)
[17:42:49] <OndraSter> hmm
[17:42:56] <OndraSter> here you have to pass all parts of each class
[17:42:59] <OndraSter> czech has got three...
[17:43:07] <OndraSter> essay, literature oral and written test
[17:43:09] <DrLuke> here you just have to get a minimum of total points
[17:43:19] <OndraSter> that used to be last year
[17:43:29] <OndraSter> here you need 44% or so from each stage
[17:43:34] <DrLuke> sucks
[17:43:35] <OndraSter> (from czech)
[17:43:37] <OndraSter> 33% from math
[17:43:56] <DrLuke> well the german system is pretty complicated
[17:43:59] <DrLuke> and it changes every year
[17:44:08] <DrLuke> so they have to release a new 50 page manual every year
[17:44:17] <OndraSter> few people already told me "come to germany and study university here"
[17:44:20] <OndraSter> heh
[17:44:21] <DrLuke> and even then most of the really important questions and what-ifs aren't answered
[17:44:44] <DrLuke> heh
[17:44:47] <DrLuke> come to Karlsruhe
[17:44:48] <DrLuke> :P
[17:45:28] <OndraSter> I don't speak German so..
[17:45:37] <OndraSter> well, Ich hatte deutsch fur vier jahren
[17:45:38] <OndraSter> :P
[17:45:43] <DrLuke> haha
[17:45:47] <OndraSter> on the primary (first) school
[17:45:50] <DrLuke> Well I had latin for 5 years
[17:45:53] <DrLuke> don't remember much
[17:45:57] <DrLuke> Crustulum volo.
[17:46:07] <DrLuke> Also every course is offered in english, too
[17:46:20] <OndraSter> omg latin
[17:46:23] <OndraSter> it is like learning Pascal
[17:46:26] <DrLuke> ^
[17:46:37] <DrLuke> well
[17:46:39] <DrLuke> it was fun
[17:46:46] <DrLuke> but I sucked at it really hard
[17:46:50] <DrLuke> all the grammar
[17:46:51] <DrLuke> meh
[17:46:56] <DrLuke> but it still was fun
[17:47:12] <OndraSter> I have been learning English since...
[17:47:12] <OndraSter> hmm
[17:47:17] <OndraSter> 3rd grade on primary school
[17:47:31] <OndraSter> that is... 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 primary and 1 2 3 4 middle (high, secondary)
[17:47:41] <DrLuke> I've been playing english games before I even went to school
[17:47:42] <OndraSter> that is... 11 years now
[17:47:43] <OndraSter> holy cow
[17:47:44] <OndraSter> heh
[17:47:48] <DrLuke> I didn't understand a word
[17:47:50] <OndraSter> :D
[17:47:53] <DrLuke> but I puzzled together some words
[17:48:12] <DrLuke> And yet I suck at english haha
[17:48:30] <OndraSter> :D
[17:48:31] <DrLuke> although I'm a much better english writer than speaker
[17:48:36] <DrLuke> my german accent is horrible
[17:49:49] <OndraSter> heh
[17:50:05] <OndraSter> ziz iz not yourz zerman akzent? :P
[17:50:18] <DrLuke> It's not THAT bad :P
[17:50:29] <DrLuke> I know how to pronounce a th
[17:50:54] <DrLuke> best one is the bassroom (bathroom)
[17:50:57] <OndraSter> :D
[17:51:11] <Tom_itx> do you know the difference between to two too
[17:51:20] <Tom_itx> this that those them
[17:51:28] <OndraSter> I bet he does way better than half of the US
[17:51:31] <OndraSter> even than vs then
[17:51:47] <OndraSter> I always link people to oatmeal
[17:51:48] <OndraSter> http://theoatmeal.com/comics/misspelling
[17:52:19] <DrLuke> I know what your talkin about, and I know them to
[17:52:23] <Tom_itx> and some words are spelled the same but have different meaning depending on the context
[17:52:48] <DrLuke> than is comperative, then is temporal
[17:52:51] <DrLuke> how hard can it be
[17:53:14] <DrLuke> but it's the same with seit and seid in german, everbody does it wrong
[17:53:30] <DrLuke> also they use apostrophes where they don't belong (I blame the USA for this)
[17:54:28] <DrLuke> Tom_itx: do you mean the infamous homophones? ;P
[17:55:05] <Landon> Ï thöüght gërmän wäs wrïttën lïkë thïs
[17:55:21] <drgreenthumb> no that's heavy metal band names
[17:55:24] <DrLuke> yep
[17:55:31] <DrLuke> we only have ö ä ü
[17:55:35] <DrLuke> and ß
[17:56:02] <OndraSter> we have much more "weird" letters
[17:56:04] <OndraSter> like
[17:56:05] <DrLuke> also our y and z keys are switched
[17:56:07] <OndraSter> ěščřžýáíé
[17:56:12] <DrLuke> heh
[17:56:14] <DrLuke> yeah
[17:56:15] <drgreenthumb> vr \m/
[17:56:17] <OndraSter> DrLuke, yeah, ours too... ze germans started that!
[17:56:21] <DrLuke> :P
[17:56:30] <DrLuke> Well, a german invented the computer
[17:56:32] <OndraSter> I think that only GER + CZE keyboards have switched Z and Y
[17:56:38] <DrLuke> we we have all the right to dictate the keyboard layout
[17:56:45] <OndraSter> and French AZERTY is something unbelievably terrible
[17:56:54] <Landon> drgreenthumb: lead solder all the way! heavy metal ävr! \m/
[17:57:00] <OndraSter> trying to input your password when the letters on the keyboard are AZERTY but you have set ENG layout is PAIN
[17:57:06] <OndraSter> one has to close his eyes :D
[17:57:06] <DrLuke> well, most european countries have the y and z different than the american keyboard
[17:57:16] <DrLuke> haha
[17:57:23] <OndraSter> did that once
[17:57:30] <OndraSter> that was more than enough!
[17:57:42] <DrLuke> I should buy a keyboard without the letters printed on the keys
[17:57:55] <OndraSter> :D
[17:58:02] <OndraSter> you can buy mine keyboard
[17:58:07] <DrLuke> haha
[17:58:08] <OndraSter> half of the keyes are not visible anymore
[17:58:14] <DrLuke> I have a G15
[17:58:22] <DrLuke> they keys are molded into the plastic
[17:58:23] <OndraSter> and I think there might be something growing in my keyboard...
[17:58:27] <DrLuke> so they don't wear off
[17:58:39] <OndraSter> I just need the small stuff on J and F keys
[17:58:40] <DrLuke> yeah that's normal though
[17:58:48] <OndraSter> so I know where my hands are
[17:58:57] <DrLuke> well my left hand always lies on wasd
[17:59:00] <OndraSter> smart man who invented that was!
[17:59:04] <OndraSter> hehe
[17:59:07] <OndraSter> too much gaming? :P
[17:59:10] <DrLuke> yep
[17:59:13] <Landon> I tried an alphagrip, but didn't have enough patience :(
[17:59:14] <DrLuke> grew up with it
[17:59:25] <Landon> had to remap all my games and that got tiring :P
[17:59:31] <DrLuke> basically the first place my hand automatically wanders is always wasd
[17:59:45] <OndraSter> when you talk about that... mine does too :D
[17:59:59] <OndraSter> I will be reaching 600 hours in TF2 soon!
[18:00:15] <DrLuke> if someone with a machete entered my room and hacked off all my fingers, sending them flying across the room, they'd land on WASD
[18:00:39] <DrLuke> 337 hours in counter strike source
[18:00:51] <DrLuke> not counting the countless hours before steam actually started counting them
[18:01:03] <DrLuke> and 1900 in eve online
[18:01:03] <DrLuke> heh
[18:01:19] <DrLuke> I've got problems
[18:01:35] <OndraSter> yes!
[18:01:59] <DrLuke> I need 1000 more hours in CSS
[18:03:01] <DrLuke> does anbody if toggling a pin each clock cycle at 20 MHz still produces clean flanks?
[18:03:10] <DrLuke> sadly my scope is too old for this kind of stuff
[18:06:55] <drgreenthumb> heh I thought I was bad with 400 in HL2 and about 200 in Portal 2. you guys make me feel like a casual weekend gamer :p
[18:07:28] <DrLuke> Portal 2 was amazing
[18:07:40] <DrLuke> I've just recently replayed it
[18:07:58] <drgreenthumb> yeah fired it up again recently to do the challenges and check out the testing initiative thing.
[18:08:01] <OndraSter> I have got about 50 hours in P2 only
[18:08:01] <DrLuke> the new map editor, while being obviously limited, is really well done
[18:08:06] <OndraSter> finished SP once, MP about 3 times
[18:08:08] <OndraSter> with 3 friends
[18:08:15] <OndraSter> and now I am doing maps from WOrkshop :P
[18:08:20] <DrLuke> eh, the coop has 0 replayability worth
[18:08:20] <OndraSter> I suggest maps made by Devious
[18:08:22] <OndraSter> (Mevious?)
[18:08:26] <OndraSter> they are suppppppppppppper hard
[18:08:46] <DrLuke> I don't know
[18:08:51] <drgreenthumb> I like the speed challenges
[18:08:53] <DrLuke> portal without a real story somehow is boring
[18:09:07] <OndraSter> "don't die and make it to the end" is enough story
[18:09:15] <OndraSter> the challenge in the way how hard it is!
[18:09:16] <DrLuke> I loved the coop story
[18:09:20] <OndraSter> hehe
[18:09:25] <DrLuke> and I wish the testing initiative would allow for creating coop maps
[18:09:30] <DrLuke> THAT would've been interesting
[18:09:36] <DrLuke> also finding maps is kind of tedious
[18:09:41] <DrLuke> atleast at first glance
[18:09:46] <OndraSter> I thought there were coop maps on workshop?
[18:09:49] <DrLuke> I didn't dive deeper into it
[18:09:52] <OndraSter> I know somebody spoke about them
[18:10:00] <DrLuke> I don't know
[18:10:05] <OndraSter> I know I couldn't find them
[18:10:07] <OndraSter> on the internet - yes
[18:10:10] <OndraSter> but not on the workshop
[18:10:28] <DrLuke> yeah
[18:10:37] <DrLuke> most of the coop maps on the internet are pretty bad
[18:14:43] <OndraSter> anyway, gotta get up at 10:00 or so
[18:14:44] <OndraSter> gn
[18:15:49] <DrLuke> night
[20:26:40] <DrLuke> Ah crap... trying to find that one special crystal that I've seen so many times when I didn't need it...
[20:34:05] <Casper> hehe
[20:34:09] <Casper> always like that
[20:34:18] <Casper> you're tired to see something
[20:34:24] <Casper> but when you need it you can't find it
[20:51:45] <DrLuke> Well, I just went ahead and used another avr to rescue my avr instead :P
[20:55:07] <DrLuke> well, that's enough action for one night
[20:55:09] <DrLuke> good night
[20:55:36] <Casper> see ya
[21:55:18] <iR0b0t1> I got my IR decoding finished :)
[22:09:14] <inflex> anyone know if the PL2303 supports proper flow control?
[23:58:22] <iR0b0t1> If you set the fuse bits to enable IO on the reset pin, how do you reprogram the device?
[23:59:52] <nevyn> high voltage programming?