#avr | Logs for 2012-05-20

[00:49:49] <rue_mohr> what kinda rf?
[02:51:19] <gidna> Hi
[02:51:36] <gidna> Can I program the atmega168 with this http://www.nekhbet.ro/wp-content/progavr1_d.jpg?
[02:51:58] <Corwin> yes
[02:52:53] <Corwin> as long as you connect wires from par. port to proper pins on mega168 (or any other avr with ISP) you can do it
[02:53:57] <Corwin> just make sure those wires wont be too long
[02:54:35] <gidna> Corwin, What could happen if they are long?
[02:55:14] <Casper> data error
[02:57:53] <Corwin> i know it may be considered blasphemy here, but.... gidna, how about getting arduino board (or cheap clone)?
[02:58:57] <gidna> Corwin, Arduino is not a programmer is a bootloader, I want to program them in c
[03:00:01] <Corwin> arduino bootloader is stk500v2 compatible (mostly)... you can program in whatever you want
[03:01:39] <gidna> on the site I read that it has the Arduino programming language
[03:02:05] <Corwin> yes
[03:02:13] <Corwin> but you dont have to use it if you dont want to
[03:03:03] <gidna> Can you use it as a stand alone programmer and code with avr-gcc?
[03:03:47] <Corwin> you can code with avr-gcc and then use avrdude to transfer your code to onboard mcu, using default arduino bootloader
[03:04:07] <Corwin> after all... thats what arduino IDE does
[03:07:03] <OndraSter> in the worst case the arduino itself can work as ISP for another mega :)
[03:07:14] <Corwin> :)
[03:07:32] <OndraSter> duh, what are those "long opcodes"? nasm translates for example:
[03:07:33] <OndraSter> 66678904 mov [si], ax
[03:07:36] <OndraSter> 3E6667891C mov [ds:si], bx
[03:07:52] <OndraSter> even IDA is absolutely freaked from the 3E
[03:08:01] <Corwin> 32bit instructions
[03:08:01] <OndraSter> can't find anything in the datasheet for 286 either
[03:08:11] <OndraSter> then nasm ignores the "cpu 286" :(
[03:08:54] <OndraSter> although the datasheet for the 286 speaks already about long opcodes
[03:10:41] <OndraSter> even in 8086 mode!
[03:10:51] <OndraSter> but it won't pass "push 11h" in 8086 mode so it is aware of it
[03:10:53] <OndraSter> darn!
[03:13:47] <gidna> here it seems that you need 2 boards two program an avr http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/ArduinoISP
[03:14:44] <Corwin> yes, in case you want to replace its bootloader or using empty avr chip
[03:14:52] <OndraSter> no, the arduino can be programmed itself or it can program any other mega
[03:15:24] <OndraSter> so yes, you need two boards if you want to flash something else... your arduino and the second board with the second chip
[03:15:59] <gidna> if I buy an avr chip.. it would be empty...so I couldn't program it with justy one board...
[03:16:35] <Corwin> gidna, what is your project? what you want to build ?
[03:18:09] <gidna> Corwin, I want to start programming avr with avr-gcc so I'm looking for a programmer..
[03:18:56] <Corwin> get avr dragon then :)
[03:19:10] <Corwin> afaik its still $49
[03:19:28] <Corwin> or get programmer from Tom
[03:20:04] <Corwin> if you want cheap solution try STK200
[03:20:32] <gidna> I'm working under gnu/linux Is it compatible?
[03:20:52] <Corwin> stk200 is that printer port thingy you asked before
[03:21:02] <Corwin> yes, works on linux
[03:21:14] <Corwin> still, i would suggest "real" programmer
[03:21:35] <Corwin> or some dev board that comes with bootloader preprogrammed AVR chip
[03:21:40] <Corwin> so no programmer would be needed
[03:24:20] <Corwin> there are many development boards that comes with bootloader... like http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/
[03:25:48] <Corwin> or http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/boards/USB_Breakout/USB_Breakout_index.php
[03:45:26] <Corwin> avr dragon + dragon raider board looks like nice combo for beginners too
[03:45:43] <Corwin> but bit expensive
[04:05:08] <OndraSter> AHA!
[04:05:31] <OndraSter> the nasm compiles it with 32bit registers but without possible instructions
[04:05:42] <OndraSter> it allows me to do mov [ds:esi], bx on 8086 :)
[04:06:44] <Corwin> i hope 0x66 is some destructive instruction on 8086
[04:06:54] <OndraSter> :D
[04:07:28] <OndraSter> the most destructive is HLT which is 0xF4
[04:15:24] <OndraSter> oh
[04:15:24] <OndraSter> OH
[04:15:27] <OndraSter> that was lame
[04:15:34] <OndraSter> I used some tutorial where they used -f coff
[04:15:35] <OndraSter> ...
[04:15:38] <OndraSter> it took me a while
[04:16:12] <Corwin> while (1) { nop(); } ?
[04:16:19] <OndraSter> :)
[04:16:31] <OndraSter> I found two bugs in Atmel studio yesterday... :(
[04:16:39] <Corwin> 6.0 ?
[04:16:42] <OndraSter> yes
[04:16:56] <Corwin> its still beta, isnt it?
[04:16:59] <OndraSter> not anymore
[04:17:03] <OndraSter> for over a week
[04:18:01] <Corwin> hmm... 2 image boards at 4chan downloaded.... 1.4gb of images... 3 more boards to go :)
[04:18:05] <Corwin> at least im on fast cable
[04:18:11] <OndraSter> :D
[04:19:33] <Corwin> studio 6 is based on ms Visual IDE like 5.0 ?
[04:19:46] <OndraSter> on Visual Studio 2010, yes
[04:20:27] <OndraSter> HAH
[04:20:34] <OndraSter> I know what is the 3E!
[04:20:36] <OndraSter> it is "assume"
[04:20:42] <OndraSter> segment override prefix
[04:23:42] <OndraSter> but... wondering if this is for the all upcoming instructions or just the one
[04:23:52] <Corwin> just one
[04:23:57] <Corwin> like 0x66
[04:24:05] <OndraSter> what is the 0x66 then?
[04:24:19] <Corwin> 0x66 means 32bit register used in next instruction
[04:24:23] <OndraSter> oh
[04:24:39] <OndraSter> thanks :)
[04:24:43] <OndraSter> nasm is back in business
[04:24:51] <Corwin> never used nasm
[04:24:58] <Corwin> TASM only :)
[04:25:25] <OndraSter> the thing is - even IDA doesn't know what to do with those 2E/3E prefixes etc
[04:36:47] <Corwin> um... anyone here worked with NRF24L01+ wireless modules?
[04:39:02] <OndraSter> hmm there is some "int" without type specified and it is supposedly "type 3" in default
[04:39:06] <OndraSter> duh :)
[06:45:17] <OndraSter> whoever writes "kernal" instead of "kernel" and doesn't mean the Commodore stuff should burn in fire
[07:17:24] <CapnKernel> OndraSter: Nucular fire?
[07:17:33] <OndraSter> :)
[07:17:49] <OndraSter> you had to
[07:18:31] <`Wedge> Naclear fourier
[07:19:01] <Corwin> http://www.drinkalot.com/pics/This_Is_A_Fire.jpg
[07:24:53] <CapnKernel> Well that's cheery!
[08:14:51] <OndraSter> duhm, xmega128a1 for 6€
[08:15:00] <OndraSter> no higher versions available
[08:46:11] <OndraSter> Dear Atmel, support LPC ARMs with AVR Dragon and Atmel studio, thanks :)
[08:46:24] <Corwin> lol
[08:46:24] <OndraSter> NXP ARMs*
[08:46:28] <OndraSter> the LPC series looks great
[08:51:56] <abcminiuser_> Tom_itx, you around?
[09:22:42] <Tom_itx> abcminiuser ping
[09:23:07] <abcminiuser> Tom_itx, pong
[09:23:12] <Tom_itx> abcminiuser 'gong'
[09:23:19] <Tom_itx> what's up?
[09:23:25] <abcminiuser> I have a patch from a user for the programmer firmware, so that the compat mode is toggled when the chip is reset
[09:23:41] <abcminiuser> Won't work with your programmer at the moment since the one reset button also fires the bootloader
[09:23:42] <Tom_itx> what does that mean?
[09:23:54] <abcminiuser> But might be something for a future version
[09:24:06] <Tom_itx> is it in the git?
[09:24:17] <abcminiuser> Meaning if you reset the chip via /RESET line low, the programmer will re-initialize in either Jungo or LibUSB compatibility mode
[09:24:20] <abcminiuser> No, working on it now
[09:24:29] <Tom_itx> oh
[09:24:47] <Tom_itx> and how do you select which mode?
[09:24:55] <abcminiuser> It will toggle with each reset
[09:25:10] <abcminiuser> On power on it's in Jungo by default, but if you keep power and just reset the chip, it'll toggle
[09:25:11] <Tom_itx> then ppl would lose track of what mode they were in
[09:25:42] <Tom_itx> that won't work on mine as you said because i take HWB low with a resistor
[09:25:52] <Tom_itx> it puts it into bootloader mode
[09:26:55] <Tom_itx> i feel it would require some sort of visual indicator to know what mode you were in
[09:27:07] <abcminiuser> Indeed, that would definetely be required
[09:27:15] <Tom_itx> or it would lead to more confustion than it's worth
[09:27:21] <Tom_itx> and confusion
[09:27:24] <abcminiuser> I can make it save the config mode to EEPROM, so it's a one-button mode switch that is retained
[09:28:39] <Tom_itx> i still feel the fix is in the driver
[09:29:35] <Tom_itx> the main code i load on shipping works with windows studio and linux avrdude which covers the bulk of users
[09:29:51] <Tom_itx> the odd ones are the ones that use avrdude in windows
[09:30:21] <Tom_itx> there are a few that do, but very few
[09:30:44] <abcminiuser> There's a patch for avrdude but it's not accepted yet
[09:31:03] <Tom_itx> i know and that could take years
[09:33:35] <Tom_itx> the bootloader looks for those pins before it turns control over to the program right?
[09:34:40] <Tom_itx> i was gonna suggest making HWB an output and take it high but it would be too late for the bootloader to see it by then
[09:35:31] <tomatto_> hi
[09:35:52] <tomatto_> please from when is SIG_INT0 poisoned? error: attempt to use poisoned "SIG_INT0"
[09:36:07] <Tom_itx> don't use signal
[09:36:15] <Tom_itx> what chip?
[09:36:41] <tomatto_> attiny2313
[09:37:18] <abcminiuser> Tom_itx, use the newer INT0_vect names
[09:37:24] <abcminiuser> And use ISR() over SIGNAL()
[09:37:36] <Tom_itx> that's what i'm suggesting
[09:37:56] <Tom_itx> but it is defined that way for that chip
[09:37:59] <Tom_itx> i just looked
[09:38:10] <Tom_itx> tomatto_ did you include io.h?
[09:38:11] <tomatto_> this is used as #if defined SIG_INT0 so replace SIG_INT0 with INT0_vect?
[09:38:20] <tomatto_> yes i did
[09:38:21] <Tom_itx> no
[09:38:33] <Tom_itx> External Interrupt Request 0 */
[09:38:33] <Tom_itx> #define INT0_vect _VECTOR(1)
[09:38:33] <Tom_itx> #define SIG_INTERRUPT0 _VECTOR(1)
[09:38:33] <Tom_itx> #define SIG_INT0 _VECTOR(1)
[09:38:46] <Tom_itx> those are your choices for names
[09:39:51] <Tom_itx> if it doesn't see it then you're doing something else wrong
[09:40:54] <Tom_itx> it's bad that they define multiple interrupts just to support various avr-gcc versions
[09:41:02] <Tom_itx> imo
[09:41:48] <tomatto_> #define SIG_INT0 _VECTOR(1) is wrong?
[09:41:55] <Tom_itx> no
[09:42:00] <Tom_itx> it's already defined
[09:42:27] <Tom_itx> the newer method would likely prefer you use INT0_vect
[09:42:46] <Tom_itx> but you can use any of those 3 names
[09:44:31] <tomatto_> and SIG_TIMER1_COMPA replace with TIMER1_COMPA_vect, right?
[09:44:56] <Tom_itx> probably so
[09:46:09] <Tom_itx> #include <avr/io.h>#include <avr/interrupt.h>
[09:46:15] <Tom_itx> make sure you have those
[09:46:24] <tomatto_> i already have it
[09:46:30] <Tom_itx> both?
[09:47:30] <tomatto_> yes
[09:47:59] <tomatto_> it is cause of these errors or warnings came
[09:49:03] <Tom_itx> well then open your iotn2313.h and see how they define them
[09:49:12] <Tom_itx> or make sure you have it
[09:49:34] <Tom_itx> in avr/include/avr/.h files
[09:50:09] <Tom_itx> or winavr/avr/include/avr/
[09:50:32] <tomatto_> ok
[09:50:42] <Tom_itx> did you define the chip in your makefile?
[09:52:06] <Tom_itx> TARGET_ARCH = -mmcu=attiny2313
[09:52:09] <Tom_itx> or such
[09:52:30] <tomatto_> of course
[09:52:45] <Tom_itx> just checking. you said it's not working...
[09:54:20] <tomatto_> i said, it cause error because of SIG_INT0, when i replace it with _vect it can be compiled now...see if it really works :)
[09:54:53] <Tom_itx> it should
[09:55:36] <Tom_itx> make a habit of checking your device.h file when you have these types of problems
[09:59:53] <Tom_itx> abcminiuser
[10:00:08] <Tom_itx> one indicator mode might be to blink one of the leds in a sequence
[10:00:22] <Tom_itx> ie 2 blips for one mode 3 for another
[10:02:33] <abcminiuser> Hrm, that's an idea
[10:03:00] <Tom_itx> it would have to be after it was initialized though or it would be confusing
[10:03:02] <Tom_itx> maybe...
[10:03:16] <Tom_itx> or blink the red / green in a sequence
[10:04:07] <Tom_itx> as it is, the red comes on first, then both briefly then it goes to green
[10:04:11] <Tom_itx> indicating it's ready
[10:04:55] <Tom_itx> adding more blinks to that may just be confusing.. i dunno
[10:06:14] <Tom_itx> maybe use the green one before that sequence occurs
[10:07:09] <Tom_itx> that may not be possible, i'm not sure
[10:12:40] <OndraTabby> THE INTERNET is Down!
[10:16:14] <OndraTabby> for an Hour!
[10:17:56] <Sordna> imagine what would happen if the internet did go down for an hour?
[10:18:02] <Sordna> there would be panic in the streets!
[10:18:16] <Sordna> heck, if facebook went down for an hour there would be withdrawls and convulsions galore.
[10:18:33] <OndraTabby> LOL yes
[10:21:28] <DarkSector> I wish facebook did go down for an hour
[10:21:40] <Tom_itx> or a year
[10:21:41] <DarkSector> collective human efficiency would rise by atleast 10 percent.
[10:22:38] <Tom_itx> they should flush their servers and make everyone start over
[10:26:57] <OndraTabby> Corwin: http://rychlost.cz/rh/2012206801-72025dfcf0.html
[10:27:05] <OndraTabby> through phone that tethers through wifi to my laptop
[10:27:18] <OndraTabby> living on the edge of Prague..
[10:27:34] <OndraTabby> 600MB FUP/150 CZK
[10:35:27] <OndraTabby> hmm Riff Box could add support for Cortex =)
[10:35:29] <OndraTabby> that would be cool
[10:35:36] <OndraTabby> maybe there is support for M3s already!
[10:35:45] <OndraTabby> but not debugging through some Keil/... such
[11:09:26] <OndraTabby> anybody familiar with this?
[11:09:26] <OndraTabby> http://www.ebay.com/itm/Ulink-2-USB-JTAG-Emulator-ARM9-Cortex-Keil-Ulink-II-GH2-/170836001446?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_100&hash=item27c69e82a6&vxp=mtr
[11:09:33] <OndraTabby> looks like cheapo JTAG for USB for ARMs
[11:09:37] <OndraTabby> that works with Keil
[11:09:52] <OndraTabby> (or if anybody has something better that works with something else than Ecilpse/Netbeans, throw it here tooú
[11:09:54] <OndraTabby> too)*
[11:36:54] <grummund> OndraSter: the Olimex USB-ARM jtag is available from Sparkfun, Farnell, and... from Olimex!
[11:37:19] <OndraSter> what windows apps can talk to it? :)
[11:37:45] <RikusW> OndraSter: you might be able to make your own using thatxmega board
[11:37:59] <RikusW> JTAG is rather easy to do
[11:38:01] <grummund> OndraSter: OpenOCD
[11:38:11] <OndraSter> okay, what app can talk with OpenOCD :)
[11:38:19] <OndraSter> and is OpenOCD Windows version usable without cygwin?
[11:38:22] <OndraSter> :P
[11:39:07] <grummund> OndraSter: Eclipse should do it (i'm using emacs)
[11:39:16] <OndraSter> I said nonEclipse and nonNetbeans
[11:39:18] <OndraSter> I hate those two
[11:40:03] <grummund> hmm, well start with the editor of your choice...
[11:40:15] <grummund> ...and add an OpenOCD plugin.
[11:40:20] <OndraSter> Visual Studio?
[11:40:33] <grummund> <shrug>
[11:40:41] * grummund <-- emacs
[11:41:02] <RikusW> vim ;)
[11:42:22] <grummund> OpenOCD can be scripted. it's possible to flash devices just from the command line
[11:44:15] <prpplague> OndraSter: *cough* the flyswatter and flyswatter2 are also from TinCanTools.com
[11:44:25] <OndraSter> ?
[11:44:59] <prpplague> OndraSter: instead of the olimex usb-arm
[11:45:04] <OndraSter> oh
[11:45:45] <OndraSter> what about just raw ft2232
[11:46:07] <OndraSter> http://modularcircuits.tantosonline.com/blog/projects/development-tools/usb-port-jtag-programmer/
[11:46:14] <OndraSter> I know that my friend is using it succesfully
[11:47:15] <prpplague> OndraSter: yea that is a decent device if you are capable of doing the assembly yourself
[11:47:16] <grummund> why not just get an arm-jtag ?
[11:47:43] <OndraSter> grummund, what arm-jtag?
[11:47:44] <prpplague> or flyswatter, hehe
[11:48:08] <grummund> OndraSter: well you have had two suggested to you in the last few minutes.
[11:48:14] <OndraSter> well yes
[11:48:23] <prpplague> OndraSter: either way, here is our pages on building openocd , including windows - http://elinux.org/Compiling_OpenOCD
[11:48:24] <OndraSter> and I suggested 3rd one
[11:48:44] <prpplague> OndraSter: the 3rd you have to build yourself, iirc
[11:48:45] <grummund> OndraSter: yes, and i asked why not get a dedicated prgrammer
[11:48:55] <OndraSter> I don't mind building it myself
[11:49:02] <OndraSter> grummund, because I am poor student
[11:49:03] <OndraSter> :P
[11:49:35] <OndraSter> oh flyswatter is real?
[11:49:43] <prpplague> OndraSter: hehe, trust me, it will end up costing more in the end
[11:49:44] <OndraSter> the first link on the internet was some fly killing
[11:49:48] <grummund> OndraSter: i'll bet it costs you more to biuld something (that probably won't work), than it would to buy one (that is know to work).
[11:50:06] <prpplague> OndraSter: uh yes, the flyswatter and flyswatter2 are the best selling jtag low cost jtag devices
[11:50:40] <prpplague> OndraSter: http://www.tincantools.com/product.php?productid=16153&cat=0&page=1&featured , http://www.tincantools.com/product.php?productid=16134&cat=0&page=2&featured
[11:50:50] <OndraSter> thanks
[11:50:56] <OndraSter> (appearantly the lower links worked)
[11:51:22] <prpplague> lower links?
[11:51:30] <grummund> OndraSter: where are you based?
[11:51:30] <OndraSter> the other ones than 1st one and videos
[11:51:33] <OndraSter> CZE
[11:51:35] <OndraSter> middle europe
[11:51:58] <grummund> OndraSter: http://olimex.com/dev/arm-jtag.html
[11:52:13] <grummund> 15 EUR
[11:52:23] <prpplague> OndraSter: not sure which one you are referring to
[11:52:24] <OndraSter> more like usb-jtag, I don't remember seeing LPT port on my last few PCs
[11:52:38] <OndraSter> prpplague, nevermind
[11:52:48] <specing> "Parallel port JTAG dongle interface"
[11:52:51] <specing> GTFO
[11:52:54] <grummund> OndraSter: http://olimex.com/dev/arm-usb-tiny.html
[11:53:02] <OndraSter> (I found it) thanks grummund
[11:53:08] <grummund> great
[11:53:12] <prpplague> OndraSter: anyway, full openocd documentation and howtos can be found here - http://elinux.org/OpenOCD
[11:53:27] <grummund> anyone else want to employ me to google search for them ?
[11:57:22] <prpplague> hehe
[11:57:45] <prpplague> grummund: i need some new shoes..... get ready , get set, google
[11:58:27] <grummund> prpplague: lol. i private forum i use had exactly such a question
[12:00:11] <grummund> prpplague: http://forums.contractoruk.com/general/78731-time-new-shoes.html
[12:00:45] * prpplague is at a lose for words
[12:01:25] <grummund> prpplague: http://forums.contractoruk.com/general/78742-time-new-socks.html :P
[12:02:27] <prpplague> jeeze
[12:08:05] <drgreenthumb> why is it that most of the plastic enclosures I think would work for my project look like a bar of ivory soap :<
[12:08:31] <drgreenthumb> they seem incapable of making these boxes less than 1" high
[12:09:32] <prpplague> drgreenthumb: hehe
[12:09:43] <specing> drgreenthumb: build yourself a reprap :P
[12:09:44] <prpplague> drgreenthumb: you shopped around at pactec and okwusa?
[12:10:04] <drgreenthumb> heh yeah pactec is like the first thing that always comes up in search :)
[12:10:15] <drgreenthumb> I like hammond's stuff better. but it's still too freaking tall.
[12:10:28] <prpplague> drgreenthumb: okwusa has some great "cool" looking items
[12:11:11] <prpplague> drgreenthumb: i have a couple of these i am testing on a proof-of-concept now - http://www.okwusa.com/products/okw/blob.html
[12:11:28] <drgreenthumb> the round looks cool
[12:11:43] <drgreenthumb> but my rectangular LCD is going to look dumb in the middle of that ;)
[12:11:54] <drgreenthumb> maybe not.
[12:12:55] <drgreenthumb> hmm the big one is a possibility I guess
[12:13:44] <drgreenthumb> hmm, blonde girl in datasheet.
[12:14:09] <drgreenthumb> bleh and that turtle shaped thing is 36mm high. grr.
[12:14:44] <drgreenthumb> http://www.hammondmfg.com/1553colors.htm
[12:14:48] <drgreenthumb> is what I'm thinking
[12:15:29] <drgreenthumb> I wish it were half as tall :/
[12:21:05] <OndraSter> http://www.rouming.cz/roumingShow.php?file=El_party_-_17-05-2012.jpg
[12:21:08] <OndraSter> :D
[12:21:43] <drgreenthumb> quick, what's the ressistance between his left foot and right hand
[12:21:56] <OndraSter> :D
[12:22:46] <drgreenthumb> his butt is a voltage divider :P
[12:31:00] <drgreenthumb> oh and btw specing I'd rather that my enclsure didn't look like plastic vomit. so I'l steer clear of reprap for now ;p
[12:32:44] <drgreenthumb> there must be a market for better enclosures. I should design some.
[12:36:30] <drgreenthumb> hmm these aren't bad. bit plain. http://www.gainta.co.uk/enclosures/moddetail.php?mid=34&ur=remote_controller_enclosure
[12:42:06] <Sordna> drgreenthumb, pac-tec.com
[12:42:25] <Sordna> oops.
[12:42:27] <Sordna> wrong one...
[12:42:40] <Sordna> pactecenclosures
[12:42:48] <prpplague> drgreenthumb: the UP printer is much better, hehe
[12:42:50] <drgreenthumb> yeah yeah. more soap :P
[12:42:50] <Sordna> http://www.pactecenclosures.com/
[12:42:53] <Sordna> there...
[12:42:55] <Sordna> that works..
[12:42:56] <prpplague> drgreenthumb: i use it on a regular basis
[12:43:07] <Sordna> plastic enclosures of all kinds.
[12:43:20] <prpplague> Sordna: hehe we already discussed that one
[12:43:44] <drgreenthumb> Sordna, looking for something a bit slimmer.
[12:43:57] <drgreenthumb> why do they all have to be > 24mm high?! ;)
[12:44:30] <prpplague> drgreenthumb: what are the dimensions you are looking for?
[12:44:44] <drgreenthumb> prpplague, I'm a bit flexible but this is for my TV remote
[12:44:54] <drgreenthumb> so handheld, thin
[12:45:21] <drgreenthumb> it'll have a small 160x160 LCD on it
[12:45:22] <prpplague> drgreenthumb: did you look at the rest of the cases at okw?
[12:45:39] <drgreenthumb> prpplague, yeah. they do at least have some interesting shapes
[12:45:50] <drgreenthumb> they've apparently heard of this thing called "design" ;)
[12:46:15] <drgreenthumb> the turtle one could actually work
[12:52:38] <drgreenthumb> http://www.okwenclosures.com/products/okw/smart.htm
[12:52:48] <drgreenthumb> I like the basic shape of the ones in the upper left corner
[12:53:08] <drgreenthumb> oh heh I guess the others are examples of it. but the thing is still 1" high.
[12:53:45] <RikusW> Steffanx: there is a guy here on irc that can do decapping and stole firmware of a pic :)
[12:54:03] <Steffanx> pic … :P
[12:54:32] <RikusW> maybe he could try the dragon ?
[12:54:54] <RikusW> -> #homecmos
[12:59:05] <prpplague> drgreenthumb: http://okwusa.com/products/okw/soft-case.htm
[12:59:10] <prpplague> drgreenthumb: 0.551"
[13:00:09] <drgreenthumb> yeah those are pretty good
[13:00:35] <Steffanx> I wonder if it's really that easy RikusW ..
[13:00:43] <drgreenthumb> I'm kinda liking the small "unit" version from the first page you posted prpplague
[13:00:48] <Steffanx> Why there are now dragon clones yet?
[13:00:53] <drgreenthumb> looks like an exclamation point :)
[13:01:25] <RikusW> Steffanx: there are that jtagice mkii clone...
[13:01:45] <Steffanx> Yes, but a jtagmkii isn't an AVR Dragon
[13:02:02] <drgreenthumb> hmm prpplague is there techincal drawings somewhere? the "datasheet" is very sparse on details. pretty girl though.
[13:02:14] <RikusW> almost, the protocols are the same
[13:02:40] <prpplague> drgreenthumb: over to the far right should be pdf and dwg drawings
[13:02:42] <RikusW> and why clone the cheap stuff when you can get more money for the better version ?
[13:03:42] <drgreenthumb> heh prpplague guess http://www.okwenclosures.com/products/okw/blob.html are too new or something. those drawings fields are blank.
[13:03:56] <prpplague> ahh indeed
[13:04:08] <prpplague> i got mine from the rep
[13:04:18] <prpplague> drgreenthumb: you can email them for info
[13:04:52] <drgreenthumb> heh if I'ma spend 17 bucks on a case it better have drawings ;) yeah I'll try emailing them.
[13:05:36] <drgreenthumb> hah that costs far more than any other part in my design
[13:05:56] <prpplague> yea okw is pretty expensive on the small qty
[13:05:59] <prpplague> but worth it
[13:06:10] * prpplague has used them for many years
[13:06:20] <drgreenthumb> better be careful when I'm cutting it :P
[13:06:28] <drgreenthumb> [slip] whoops there goes 17 bucks :P
[13:08:15] * prpplague damaged a $1k FDM a few weeks back
[13:08:41] <Steffanx> It's not that much better imho RikusW
[13:08:56] <Steffanx> and it has no parallel programming interface
[13:10:04] <RikusW> its more expensive than the dragon....
[13:10:21] <RikusW> though I don't know why
[13:10:34] <RikusW> maybe the nice case ?
[13:10:48] <OndraSter> because dragon is so cheap that it is not worth it, Steffanx
[13:11:04] <Steffanx> Ofcourse it's worth it
[13:11:09] <Steffanx> If you can make it 15$
[13:11:12] <OndraSter> hmm
[13:11:20] <Steffanx> Or hack it to make it 'better'
[13:11:23] <OndraSter> chinese are cheap, right, they can work for free...
[13:28:20] <drgreenthumb> http://imgur.com/skOKu
[13:28:31] <drgreenthumb> that totally could work. I wish I knew the dimensions :)
[13:29:24] <drgreenthumb> prpplague, thanks for pointing out OWK. I've looked at them before but didn't see these :)
[13:33:50] <prpplague> drgreenthumb: glad to be of assistance
[13:34:14] <prpplague> drgreenthumb: dandy looking
[13:36:29] <drgreenthumb> search.digikey.com/us/en/products/1ZW09/679-2607-ND/2411664 for control
[13:36:51] <drgreenthumb> still shopping around for LCD. if all else fails I'll use that lame Nokia one from sparkfun.
[13:38:04] <OndraSter> I couldn't find any price-usable 320x240 LCD on mouser.... but there is plenty of them on ebay (and once CapnKernel will be in Shenzen, I will surely ask him someday :)
[13:38:45] <drgreenthumb> yeah mouser and digikey suck for LCDs
[13:39:05] <OndraSter> http://www.ebay.com/itm/2-0-TFT-High-Resolution-240-x-320-Dots-LCD-Module-262K-Colors-/170742972412?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27c112fffc
[13:39:08] <OndraSter> for example
[13:39:20] <OndraSter> or bigger 2.4"
[13:39:25] <drgreenthumb> serial ones are difficult to find too. I don't want to send 24 lines of RGB data ;)
[13:39:28] <OndraSter> or even 2.8" or 3.2"
[13:39:38] <OndraSter> they all have the same controller
[13:39:41] <OndraSter> heh
[13:39:45] <OndraSter> more like 18 lines :)
[13:39:48] <OndraSter> these are 8bit ones
[13:39:53] <OndraSter> + two or three control lines
[13:40:23] <drgreenthumb> heh. well all I need for this is a very small display. SPI would be nice.
[13:40:38] <OndraSter> well then
[13:40:43] <OndraSter> those 1.6" serial ones are good
[13:40:58] <OndraSter> http://www.ebay.com/itm/1-8-Serial-SPI-TFT-Color-LCD-Module-Display-128X160-/200554112312?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2eb1f4e538
[13:40:58] <OndraSter> :)
[13:41:15] <drgreenthumb> yeah sparkfuns one would be pretty ideal except it's $35 and the breakout board with power supply has a huge coil, taller than the display :o
[13:41:22] <OndraSter> eh
[13:41:23] <OndraSter> link?
[13:41:51] <drgreenthumb> http://www.sparkfun.com/products/11062
[13:42:00] <drgreenthumb> easy to drive
[13:42:04] <OndraSter> duh that coil
[13:42:07] <drgreenthumb> craptastic form factor :/
[13:42:15] <OndraSter> it must require some funky voltages
[13:42:35] <drgreenthumb> yeah but they could have designed it so the screen mounts on the back
[13:42:38] <drgreenthumb> duh ;)
[13:43:55] <OndraSter> hmm it looks like it is just constant current supply for the LEDs
[13:44:01] <drgreenthumb> yep
[13:44:02] <Corwin> ^ that display... is it just 132x132px ?
[13:44:04] <drgreenthumb> of course ;)
[13:45:28] <drgreenthumb> huh I forget what that nokia pixel size is. 160 IIRC.
[13:45:40] <drgreenthumb> why doesn't this page say?!
[13:45:43] <drgreenthumb> sparkfun is sloppy
[13:47:52] <Corwin> nokia specs says 128x128
[13:48:56] <drgreenthumb> oh heh yeah just found it too (on arduino.cc x_x)
[13:49:34] <drgreenthumb> heh I should just make my own power circuit
[13:49:39] <Corwin> siemens s65 has better resolution
[13:49:46] <drgreenthumb> there's some ICs that make a constant current driver pretty easy to make
[13:50:12] <drgreenthumb> then I can put the coil somewhere sane.
[13:50:26] <drgreenthumb> like far, far away from everything else :P
[13:50:26] <OndraSter> how hard can be some 4" OLED with 240x320 resolution... srsly...
[13:50:36] <OndraSter> not above $10 to be sure... but they are all so expensive and small!
[13:51:42] <Corwin> i have only 1650x1080px displays
[13:51:51] <OndraSter> :)
[13:51:55] <OndraSter> 4"? :D
[13:52:00] <Corwin> 20" :)
[13:52:21] <OndraSter> in that case I have 24" 1200p, 22" 1080p, both @ my PC
[13:52:22] <OndraSter> :P
[13:52:33] <Corwin> and one 1600x900 from laptop i took apart yesterday
[13:52:39] <OndraSter> oh
[13:52:44] <Corwin> ^ i have them as "spare"
[13:52:50] <OndraSter> if you mean disassembled - I have 22" 1680x1050 then
[13:52:58] <OndraSter> and some 15" 1024x768 :D
[13:53:12] <OndraSter> and I had 17" and 19" CRTs, but I took them apart
[14:05:00] <Corwin> avr studio is weird.... if i want to connect to dragon it says update required, if i manually start firmware update, it says only "update recomended"
[14:05:21] <Steffanx> :)
[14:06:49] <Corwin> and during update dragon made weird sounds
[14:08:07] <Corwin> hmm... no mega169 support
[14:08:15] <Corwin> only A, V and P models
[14:08:26] <Corwin> i want old one.... :(
[14:17:56] <Corwin> woah... avr db101 is $103 at digikey
[14:25:14] <OndraSter> Corwin, what avr studio?
[14:25:21] <Corwin> 6
[14:25:32] <OndraSter> what fw update do you have there now? 7.15?
[14:25:56] <Corwin> 7.18
[14:26:01] <OndraSter> oh so updated already
[14:26:03] <Corwin> i think
[14:26:49] <Corwin> yes, 7.18
[14:32:50] <Corwin> .... avr gcc stuff is so much different from php stuff i was doing for last year... my head hurts
[14:35:18] <Steffanx> You'll get into it
[14:35:32] <Corwin> dont think so... i will give up first
[14:36:03] <Steffanx> I wrote the C code of my first project with only some basic knowledge of PHP :)
[14:36:27] <Sordna> I wrote C code before PHP existed.
[14:36:28] <Sordna> but,,,
[14:37:46] <Steffanx> The 'good' old times
[14:38:05] <Corwin> dont say old
[14:38:38] <Steffanx> PHP is 17 years old, so "the old times" :P
[14:39:25] <Corwin> interfacing text displays is so much simpler than graphics
[14:39:44] <Steffanx> A little, yes
[14:39:53] <Corwin> a little? :)
[14:40:09] <Corwin> atm i cant make it put letters one to each other
[14:40:26] <Corwin> simple text output is not so simple
[14:40:53] <Steffanx> No, buy diagrams/images on a text display is also pretty hard :)
[14:40:57] <Steffanx> *Yes
[14:40:59] <Steffanx> but
[14:41:01] <Steffanx> ARh
[14:41:40] <Sordna> I started using C in the military in 1987
[14:42:27] <Corwin> while (enemy) { kill_more(); }
[14:42:38] <Sordna> on Sun 3/260 workstations running Unix System V Release III with the Suntools graphic user interface.
[14:43:17] <Corwin> like real unix?
[14:43:23] <Sordna> yes, real unix.
[14:43:50] <Sordna> and an optical mouse! only, it would only work on this metal checkerboard mousepad.
[14:43:57] <Sordna> I do so miss those days.
[14:44:14] <Corwin> i dont... no internet
[14:44:23] <Sordna> we had internet...after a fashion.
[14:44:26] <Sordna> darpanet
[14:44:34] <Sordna> well,,,arpanet really
[14:44:48] <Sordna> the DDN...defense data network.
[14:46:24] <Sordna> hmmmm...actually it was 1988 when I got to play with those toys.
[14:53:15] <specing> derpnet.
[14:53:28] <Corwin> :D
[14:59:49] <specing> Meanwhile in soviet Russia: HERPNET!
[15:03:46] <Steffanx> I guess specing went to "soviet Russia" :P
[15:04:27] <Corwin> and no atmega1281V in studio 6 either :(
[15:07:22] <specing> Steffanx: The cold war was full of herp derp, obviously.
[15:10:59] <drgreenthumb> hmm is there a cheap way to fake hot bar soldering? heat gun with some carefully placed tinfoil? :P
[15:12:22] <drgreenthumb> this display looks pretty easy to deal with, other than that. http://search.digikey.com/us/en/products/NHD-2.4-240320SF-CTXI%23-T1/NHD-2.4-240320SF-CTXI%23-T1-ND/2626411
[15:12:33] <abcminiuser_> Bwahahaha
[15:12:49] <abcminiuser_> In 5 minutes, I made an awesome LUFA prank for Monday
[15:13:05] <abcminiuser_> It's on a TINY TINY usb board that's only slightly bigger than a USB connector
[15:13:12] <abcminiuser_> Every 20 seconds, it reduces the system volume by 1
[15:13:18] <Corwin> :D
[15:13:40] <drgreenthumb> heh abcminiuser_ I've used LUFA for jokes before :P
[15:13:46] <abcminiuser_> drgreenthumb, oh?
[15:13:49] <drgreenthumb> my boss is like "WHY IS MY MOUSE ALL CRAZY!!" :D
[15:14:18] <drgreenthumb> bumble-b casually attached via a cable and hidden behind machine
[15:14:46] <abcminiuser_> This board is super tiny so I can plug it into a docking station
[15:14:59] <abcminiuser_> And it'll be hidden
[15:15:05] <drgreenthumb> heh use RNDIS and control it over the network :P
[15:15:19] <abcminiuser_> Oh man this is gonna be awesome
[15:15:30] * abcminiuser_ is hoping he'll still be employed on Tuesday :P
[15:15:38] <Corwin> :D
[15:15:55] <drgreenthumb> heh you're not doing this on a presenters machine before a big investor meeting right? :P
[15:16:04] <abcminiuser_> Awesome it's juuuust subtly enough so that you don't really notice it until you think "where the hell is my music"?
[15:16:16] <abcminiuser_> drgreenthumb, nah, people in the office listen to music
[15:17:05] <Tom_itx> i misread what you were doing
[15:17:12] <Tom_itx> i thought you were messing with hdd volumes
[15:17:30] <abcminiuser_> Tom_itx, nah, sound volume
[15:17:38] <Tom_itx> i approve then
[15:17:39] <drgreenthumb> haha that goes from "prank" to "sabotage" :P
[15:17:48] <abcminiuser_> Plug it in, and it'll just wind down the system volume gradually so it's not noticible
[15:17:58] <specing> abcminiuser_: You should make it so that it sets a random volume between 0-100 every 20s :P
[15:18:06] <abcminiuser_> drgreenthumb, indeed, no destructive pranks, those aren't fully
[15:18:08] <abcminiuser_> *funny
[15:18:12] <abcminiuser_> And also harder to do
[15:18:25] <specing> or first reduce it to 5%, then put it to max after 30s ;P
[15:18:25] <abcminiuser_> specing, that might destroy someone's ears :(
[15:18:45] <abcminiuser_> Pranks are only funny if they take actual skill and can't hurt anyone
[15:18:52] <abcminiuser_> Anything else is just dickish :P
[15:21:04] <Kevin`> hey, can anyone recommend a really cheap device capable of doing simultaneous defice+host usb?
[15:21:14] <Kevin`> device*
[15:21:38] <specing> Kevin`: Only ARMs have OTG usb, afaik
[15:22:55] <OndraSter> avr32 doesn't?
[15:23:14] <Kevin`> specing: a few avr chips do, but I don't care about that part, as long as the whole device is cheap
[15:23:36] <drgreenthumb> http://www.atmel.com/devices/at90usb1287.aspx
[15:23:46] <Sordna> there are some 8bit USB avr chips that do USBOTG
[15:23:49] <Sordna> but not full host.
[15:24:34] <Sordna> and not simultaneous....have to switch modes.
[15:24:36] <drgreenthumb> hmm full host? yeah 32 bit ones.
[15:24:59] <Sordna> 32bit avr32 chips or ARM chips for full host.
[15:25:01] <Kevin`> drgreenthumb: doesn't need full host, just one HID device connected
[15:25:08] <specing> Why are there not 100 MHz+ 8-bit micros?
[15:25:10] <Kevin`> it does need to be simultaneous though
[15:25:28] <drgreenthumb> oh then OTG is fine. the at90usb1286 or 87 then, for 8 bit.
[15:25:44] <Kevin`> drgreenthumb: yeah, but those only have one usb interface
[15:25:46] <Sordna> could go with two chips, one doing otg and one doing device with an SPI or I2C interconnect.
[15:25:46] <prpplague> specing: just doesn't make sense computational wish to do a 100MHz 8 bit micro
[15:25:55] <drgreenthumb> oh sorry I was typing that too soon :)
[15:27:15] <OndraSter> specing, 8bit at 100MHz would be sick... but 100MHz requirement belongs to bigger applications
[15:27:26] <OndraSter> and bigger applications = more use for bigger amounts of data
[15:27:33] <OndraSter> = 32bits :)
[15:27:53] <Corwin> why sick ?
[15:28:04] <OndraSter> sick as cool
[15:28:08] <Corwin> :)
[15:28:38] <Sordna> must go along with the new math I guess.
[15:28:54] <OndraSter> plus nowadays everybody who uses C tends to work with 32bit numbers
[15:29:04] <OndraSter> which is slowww on 8bit micros
[15:29:11] <Sordna> not everybody.
[15:29:17] <OndraSter> the broad does
[15:29:22] <Sordna> I try to stick with 8 bit numbers...16 at most.
[15:29:25] <OndraSter> well, you
[15:29:28] <OndraSter> but not everybody
[15:29:30] <Sordna> but, I'm strange.
[15:29:33] <OndraSter> yep
[15:29:38] <Corwin> ds80c320 can run at 82mhz... thats not slow for 8bit micro :)
[15:29:44] <Sordna> I also use fixed point math rather than floating point.
[15:30:32] <OndraSter> Corwin, 33MHz, but optimalized core that "seems like 82.5MHz"
[15:31:14] <Corwin> thats what counts... how fast it executes intructions... not how fast the clock is
[15:31:17] <specing> What manufacturer is that?
[15:31:23] <Corwin> dalas
[15:31:35] <Corwin> i mean maxim
[15:31:36] <OndraSter> Corwin, well xmegas are 32MHz and most of the instructions are 1 cycle only
[15:31:38] <OndraSter> hehe
[15:31:45] <OndraSter> this is 33MHz with 4 cycles per instruction
[15:31:55] <Corwin> i dont care about xmega
[15:32:02] <OndraSter> but.. it is evolution
[15:32:10] <OndraSter> and the prices are low, compared to regular megas
[15:32:25] <OndraSter> anyway, I will go ARM route for faster projects
[15:32:29] <OndraSter> faster & 32bit projects
[15:32:53] <Kevin`> Corwin: xmega is nice
[15:33:20] <OndraSter> wow, cortex m0 device with 16kB flash/4kB RAM for 1.4€
[15:33:32] <OndraSter> 50MHz
[15:33:35] <Corwin> get big enough FPGA... upload avr core inside.... result is FAST multiplecore AVR :)
[15:33:42] <OndraSter> :)
[15:34:37] <specing> OndraSter: Which one?
[15:34:42] <OndraSter> lpc1111
[15:34:47] <OndraSter> (the cheap one)
[15:34:57] <OndraSter> http://cz.mouser.com/Semiconductors/MCU-MPU-DSP-DSC-SoC-Processors/Microcontrollers-MCU/_/N-6hpeg?P=1yzud1yZ1yzud1pZ1yzud8sZ1yztkjiZ1yzonn5Z1yzud1cZ1yzsvcrZ1yzudvyZ1yzrtsmZ1yzrbilZ1yzrsavZ1yzuppmZ1yzud2pZ1yzsp20Z1yzuqfbZ1yzudi9Z1yzudc0Z1yzuqehZ1yzoxkiZ1yzuda4Z1yzud9hZ1yzud54Z1yzud55&Ns=Pricing|0
[15:34:59] <OndraSter> bunch of them
[15:35:01] <OndraSter> with different specs
[15:36:04] <Corwin> that looks nice
[15:36:15] <Corwin> but its not avr so :P
[15:36:19] <OndraSter> :D
[15:36:39] <OndraSter> yeah, AVRs are, from my POV, much more "plug & play"
[15:36:49] <Tom_itx> nxp is ok
[15:39:23] <OndraSter> wow
[15:39:26] <OndraSter> they have ISP over serial
[15:39:28] <OndraSter> builtin bootloader
[17:11:26] <tomatto_> may bad. i tried to write define for adding else where defined number behind SIG_INT but it isn't work with INTx_vect
[17:15:03] <tomatto_> OndraSter: ^^^
[17:15:21] <OndraSter> duh?
[17:15:23] <OndraSter> link to code? :)
[17:17:35] <tomatto_> OndraSter: http://pastebin.blesmrt.net/2434/
[17:19:37] <OndraSter> sorry, my laptop BSODed again (bloody ATI)
[17:19:56] <OndraSter> duh what is that :)
[17:20:03] <OndraSter> two cats?
[17:22:24] <tomatto_> OndraSter: for something else eighter
[17:30:29] <tomatto_> OndraSter: what do you think?
[17:30:35] <OndraSter> I have no idea :)
[17:32:18] <specing> OndraSter: lol ATI
[17:32:33] <OndraSter> yes, my laptop has X1250Pro :(
[17:32:48] <OndraSter> I said "I won't be gaming on this laptop anyway"
[17:32:49] <OndraSter> oh well
[17:32:54] <OndraSter> flash is enough!
[17:32:56] <OndraSter> flash on youtube
[17:33:08] <specing> "lalalala"
[17:33:15] <OndraSter> yep
[17:48:46] <OndraSter> hmm they say that cortex m3 is harvard
[17:48:55] <OndraSter> but it has the same addressing space for both flash and SRAM
[17:49:01] <OndraSter> so can it execute from the SRAM or not?!
[22:52:07] <Casper> somehow I doubt my ups report on the remaining time is right...
[22:52:09] <Casper> 56 mins....
[22:53:14] <Casper> actually could be...