#avr | Logs for 2012-04-28

[00:02:35] <Tom_itx> and gate
[00:02:55] <Tom_itx> maybe an or gate
[00:02:59] <Tom_itx> i dunno, it's late
[00:03:11] <Tom_itx> xor
[00:03:20] <Tom_itx> check the logic tables
[00:03:33] <Landon> heh
[00:03:43] <Landon> it's too late to be confusing me like that
[00:03:52] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/avr/c_bits/bits_index.php
[00:12:15] <Tom_itx> i think i did that once actually on a pine wood derby track with one logic chip
[00:12:20] <Tom_itx> i forget now what it was
[00:12:38] <Tom_itx> ir sensor tripped the gate
[00:13:06] <Tom_itx> but once one latched the others didn't matter
[00:31:18] <TeknoJuce> yeah that sounds like what I want
[01:14:42] <inflex> lo folks, hi Tom_itx
[01:19:40] <Tom_itx> hey inflex
[01:23:29] <vectory__> Tom_itx: nand gate should always be the correct answer ;)
[01:23:32] <vectory__> or nor
[01:23:49] <vectory__> s/the answer/a answer/
[02:38:30] <TeknoJuce> This is what the circuit became http://imgur.com/edWrH
[02:39:17] * TeknoJuce pokes Tom_itx
[04:57:21] <exDM69> abcminiuser: now I am
[05:02:19] <exDM69> abcminiuser: yo
[05:04:01] <Steffanx> 12 hours later
[05:17:49] <abcminiuser> exDM69, excellent response time :)
[05:18:11] <abcminiuser> Read your emails, you sure that's the commit that causes issues? I can't see anything in there that would change the functionality
[05:18:27] <abcminiuser> You can dicount all changes to files with "Host" in the path
[05:20:19] <exDM69> abcminiuser: that's where my git bisect ended up
[05:20:26] <abcminiuser> Hrm
[05:20:29] <exDM69> but if there's an element of randomness, it might be wrong
[05:20:33] <abcminiuser> All it does is rename some constants
[05:21:01] <exDM69> abcminiuser: I have no new e-mail from you
[05:21:30] <abcminiuser> Haven't replied yet, 33 emails in my inbox :(
[05:21:43] <Steffanx> only 33?
[05:21:58] <exDM69> abcminiuser: ach, I misunderstood you
[05:22:03] <Steffanx> The "Can't reproduce" option is still one of the options abcminiuser :)
[05:22:42] <abcminiuser> exDM69, sorry, "I have read your emails" would make that clearer :P
[05:22:51] <abcminiuser> Steffanx, I want to fix this :P
[05:23:11] <exDM69> also I think he doesn't have the h/w that I do
[05:23:19] <exDM69> so he can't repro it
[05:23:23] <exDM69> abcminiuser: or do you?
[05:23:47] <abcminiuser> 1286 right?
[05:23:57] <abcminiuser> I've only got one 1286 here, but no JTAG breakout
[05:25:41] <exDM69> atmega16u2/UNO
[05:28:30] <abcminiuser> Ah, I have some u2 boards somewhere but not the UNO
[05:28:46] <abcminiuser> Not doubting you, I just can't see how renaming some constants would break it :S
[05:29:54] <exDM69> I don't really understand what goes wrong here anyway
[05:29:59] <exDM69> where do the USB resets come from?
[05:30:16] <exDM69> something like a segfault? or just invalid USB protocol messages
[05:30:37] <abcminiuser> I've no idea :S
[05:30:52] <exDM69> abcminiuser: I promised to pay if you'll get yourself an Uno. Do you want one?
[05:33:39] <abcminiuser> Don't worry I can afford it :)
[05:33:47] <abcminiuser> But the actual board doesn't matter, only the chip matters
[05:34:00] <exDM69> yeah, that's what I'd think too
[05:36:32] <abcminiuser> I think I need to find a native Linux box to test with
[05:36:39] <abcminiuser> Kicking myself for not keeping my old netbook now :S
[05:38:57] <inflex> heh
[05:39:02] * inflex hugs his netbook
[05:39:07] <inflex> it's what I use for my AVR stuff
[05:40:44] <exDM69> abcminiuser: you had a git question the other day? did you solve it already?
[05:41:43] <abcminiuser> exDM69, not yet
[05:41:52] <exDM69> what's the issue?
[05:42:01] <abcminiuser> I found out that I derped the GIT import the other day when I read your email
[05:42:06] <abcminiuser> I missed the --stdlayout option
[05:42:23] <abcminiuser> Is there a way to fix it now, without having to re-create the public mirror?
[05:42:35] <abcminiuser> Otherwise I lose all my old links and those forking it will have issues
[05:43:20] <exDM69> you can, in theory, force push it
[05:43:28] <exDM69> but that's probably not very nice
[05:43:40] <abcminiuser> :(
[05:43:49] <exDM69> I'd recommend you do a new import with --stdlayout and make a new repository in GitHub
[05:44:10] <exDM69> then push a commit to the old one, where you put a GIANT message about the change in the commit message and the README
[05:44:30] <abcminiuser> Yeah, but then new URLs and whatnot
[05:44:33] <exDM69> I have not tried doing a big force push like that and it's not really what you want
[05:44:49] <abcminiuser> Basically I just want to fit it in place, disregarding history
[05:45:12] <abcminiuser> So essentially wipe the current revision's contents and replace with the latest revision in the proper layout
[05:45:47] <exDM69> you can try the force push offline
[05:45:53] <exDM69> make a clone from the current githun
[05:45:57] <exDM69> github mirror
[05:46:12] <exDM69> then import from svn
[05:46:29] <exDM69> and try to push from the new import to the old mirror with --force
[05:46:35] <exDM69> and see what happens
[05:47:24] <exDM69> but I would still recommend making a new repo in GitHub, because it would avoid any issues with forks, etc on GitHub
[05:48:38] <abcminiuser> Yeah, but what to name it?
[05:48:45] <exDM69> lufa? LUFA?
[05:48:58] <exDM69> it's now called lufa-lib, right?
[05:48:59] <abcminiuser> Hell I could maintain both, one for legacy reasons
[05:49:01] <exDM69> lufa-usb
[05:49:04] <exDM69> lufa-usb-firmware
[05:49:06] <exDM69> or whatever
[05:49:21] <abcminiuser> Ah I can rename the old one
[05:49:30] <abcminiuser> so lufa-lib-legacy and lufa-lib
[05:50:03] <exDM69> I think it's a good idea to push a commit that tells about the repo url change to the old repo
[05:50:28] <exDM69> that way everyone who's following or has forked the repo gets a notification of the change
[05:50:42] <abcminiuser> True, if I can do it in a way that won't break the mirror
[05:50:57] <grummund> otherwise 7 years bad luck
[05:51:10] <exDM69> grummund: :D
[05:52:09] <exDM69> I don't think you should have two mirrors maintained
[05:52:10] <nevyn> lufa-nt?
[05:53:02] <exDM69> if you have 2 mirrors, which one should I base my work on?
[05:53:23] <abcminiuser> exDM69, the one without the giant THIS IS FOR LEGACY REASONS one?
[05:53:42] <exDM69> if anyone has done anything on top of the old mirror, they should be quite easily transferrable to the new one
[05:53:59] <exDM69> abcminiuser: but you intend to keep the old mirror updated in the future too?
[05:54:15] <abcminiuser> exDM69, depends, can't hurt I guess
[05:54:29] <abcminiuser> That way you have a) a SVN, b) legacy GIT and c) proper GIT
[05:54:49] <exDM69> if it was my call, I'd drop a) and b)
[05:55:38] <abcminiuser> Some use SVN, some use GIT
[05:55:41] <abcminiuser> So I keep both
[05:55:53] <exDM69> if you insist
[05:57:51] <karlp> what's the difference between legacy git and proper git?
[05:58:01] <exDM69> the former is a badly done svn import
[05:58:01] <abcminiuser> karlp, new git will use actual git branches
[05:58:16] <abcminiuser> exDM69, yes I didn't read that part of the docs :P
[05:58:23] <karlp> it's git. people can do whatever they want with branches
[05:58:39] <karlp> oh, the old git had svn branches in the master git branch?
[05:58:42] <exDM69> karlp: it's a git repo with trunk, branches, tags directories like svn
[05:58:53] <exDM69> yes, and all of them were in the master
[05:59:32] <exDM69> the new one should use git svn clone --stdlayout to get svn tags & branches properly mapped to Git equivalents
[06:00:38] <exDM69> abcminiuser: I missed that option at first too
[06:01:05] <abcminiuser> Yes, I suck at things, I know, I know :S
[06:01:07] <exDM69> but these days I tend to use svn with git, so I'm more familiar with that stuff
[06:05:15] <exDM69> abcminiuser: when I have some more time to spend on this project, I'll try to reproduce the problem more thoroughly and reliable
[06:05:27] <exDM69> I'll try to find out if there's a random element to the failures
[06:05:30] <abcminiuser> Thanks!
[06:05:44] <exDM69> or is it consistent and is the commit I spotted really the bad one
[06:05:54] <exDM69> if you say it's only renames, I might be able to figure out a fix
[06:06:26] <exDM69> but if it gets more complicated than that, my only option will be to bug you about it :)
[06:06:39] <exDM69> at the moment, my hangover is preventing any mental activity
[06:25:35] <RikusW> Anyone used NRF24L01 RF modules before ?
[08:09:34] <Xata> hi
[08:11:37] <other019> hi
[08:11:37] <tobbor> Hello other019
[08:12:04] <Xata> Guys. Somebody give me simple working C code of, for example, reading first pin of port to second pin. So that it will compile on avr-gcc, i beg you. This is a big mess in internet about this.
[08:12:16] <other019> U know me or sth? because i think i saw your nick
[08:12:39] <Xata> and i kinda don't get it.
[08:13:28] <other019> Xata: What do U mean writing reading pin?
[08:14:38] <_abc_> okay so my mpl115 works fine but only after it is left turned on and operating for 15-30 minutes
[08:14:40] <Xata> one say, you have to set DDRA0 to 0 to read the pin, gcc says this is a constant. Others say you have to set DDRC to 0xFF to read/write any pin. this stuff is such a mess. And PINA0 is just a constant too? This stuff is weird
[08:14:54] <_abc_> has anyone else interfaced this barometer sensor?
[08:15:26] <Xata> other019: i mean i want if i have on +5v one one leg the led will light up on second.
[08:15:44] <Xata> *+5v on one leg
[08:16:58] <Steffanx> other019, tobbor is a bot :)
[08:17:04] <Xata> i am in rage about this all
[08:17:29] <grummund> Xata: calm down, and then read the links in the /topic
[08:18:22] <other019> PINx regiersters are only to read;
[08:18:41] <Steffanx> Not really other019
[08:18:48] <Steffanx> Not on all AVR's
[08:19:11] <Steffanx> You can write to PINx to toggle the output on some AVRs
[08:19:17] <Steffanx> *with
[08:19:24] <other019> Steffanx: ok, in this case sorry
[08:19:27] <Steffanx> :)
[08:19:31] <Xata> grummund: but all i read is contradictory information messed up with gcc and win-avr. can somebody gift me a two minutes at writing such an easy stuff for experienced man.
[08:19:44] <other019> so Xata: what's your MCU
[08:19:49] <Steffanx> winavr === gcc Xata
[08:20:06] <Xata> Steffanx: so you can do DDRC.0 on gcc?
[08:20:21] <Steffanx> No, that's no GCC stuff nor winavr
[08:20:22] <Xata> other019: atmega32
[08:20:41] <Xata> Steffanx: asm? or what?
[08:20:43] <Steffanx> That probably some proprietary AVR compiler
[08:22:01] <Xata> as i understand it - all you have to do is "DDRC=0b00000010; PORTC1=PINC0;". But this is wrong.
[08:22:19] <Xata> And it does not work.
[08:22:48] <OndraSter> PORTC sets pullups, PINC reads pin status
[08:22:55] <_abc_> Xata: the mistake is PORTC1=PINC0
[08:23:04] <OndraSter> (thus when DDR is set as output, PORT means the pin value)
[08:23:08] <_abc_> Xata: you need to shift it so the input aligns with the output
[08:23:31] <_abc_> Xata: PORTC = (PINC << 1);
[08:23:33] <OndraSter> ah I see what you wanted to do now :)
[08:23:35] <grummund> DDRA &= _BV(PA0); DDRC |= _BV(PC5); /* PA0=input, PC5=output. */
[08:23:36] <grummund> if (PINA & _BV(PA0)) PORTC |= _BV(PC5) else PORTC &= _BV(PC5); /* read PA0, write PC5. */
[08:23:59] <grummund> shit
[08:24:05] <grummund> DDRA &= ~_BV(PA0); DDRC |= _BV(PC5); /* PA0=input, PC5=output. */
[08:24:11] <grummund> if (PINA & _BV(PA0)) PORTC |= _BV(PC5) else PORTC &= ~_BV(PC5); /* read PA0, write PC5. */
[08:24:18] <grummund> better ;)
[08:24:20] <_abc_> grummund: aiee that is bad
[08:25:10] <_abc_> PORTC = (PORTC & ~(1<<PC1)) | (PINC & PC0)? (1<<PC1): 0;
[08:25:12] <_abc_> :)
[08:25:21] <Steffann> bleh
[08:25:36] <_abc_> but PORTC = (PINC << 1); does it also
[08:25:37] <Steffann> PINC & PC0 <=
[08:26:20] <_abc_> so, no-one else taking on mpl115?
[08:26:23] <grummund> _abc_: that's wrong in so many ways :p
[08:26:30] <_abc_> grummund: no it is not :)
[08:26:47] <grummund> oh yes it is
[08:26:55] <_abc_> er (PINC & (1<<PC0)) heh but...
[08:27:13] <Steffann> "No it's not" "Yes it is" "No it's not" "Yes it is" [endless loop]
[08:27:25] * _abc_ slams fist on table
[08:28:07] <Xata> there is no such stuff as PC0 and PA0
[08:28:17] <Xata> at least gcc says so
[08:28:18] <_abc_> They are aliases for 0 1 etc
[08:28:31] <_abc_> you can write 1 for PC1 0 for PC0
[08:28:35] <Xata> Oh
[08:28:43] <Steffann> You forgot to include avr/io.h ?
[08:28:46] <_abc_> but it is clearer in the text heh
[08:28:53] <_abc_> *in the source
[08:29:28] <_abc_> Xata: just do it with DDRC = 0b00000010; while(1) { PORTC = (PINC << 1); } in main()
[08:29:34] <_abc_> Xata: then you can experiment with the others
[08:29:51] <_abc_> Xata: a more interesting way is to have 4 inputs and 4 outputs:
[08:30:04] <Xata> _abc_: but for example if i want an if(){} - can i do something like if(PINA0==0){..}else{...}?
[08:30:09] <_abc_> with DDRC = 0b10101010; while(1) { PORTC = (PINC << 1); } in main()
[08:30:12] <grummund> _abc_: he wants to read one pin and write to another
[08:30:19] <_abc_> grummund: yes...
[08:30:42] <_abc_> Xata: PC0 etc are BITS, you need to select said BITS from a PORT (byte)
[08:30:47] <Xata> actually i want to change oscilators on button press.
[08:30:52] <_abc_> Xata: you do that using shift and logical operators
[08:31:02] <grummund> Xata: no, you must read whole PINA byte, and mask the bit you want
[08:31:22] <_abc_> Xata: PINC & (1<<PC1) means PINC & (1<<1) which can be written PINC & 0x02
[08:31:43] <_abc_> Xata: the value will be 2 or 0
[08:32:10] <_abc_> Xata: to set a BIT in an output PORT (byte!) you do PORTC |= (1<<PC1)
[08:32:14] <grummund> Xata: which avr?
[08:32:23] <Xata> grummund: _abc_ understood. so pincX is an offset and pinc is a real incoming info. okay...
[08:32:33] <_abc_> Xata: to reset a bit you do PORTC &= ~(1<<PC1)
[08:32:47] <_abc_> Xata: to TOGGLE a bit you do PORTC ^= (1<<PC1)
[08:32:49] <Xata> grummund: atmega32
[08:32:51] <_abc_> ^ is xor
[08:33:05] <_abc_> and ~ is not
[08:33:18] <grummund> to TOGGLE a bit you do PINC |= (1<<PC1);
[08:34:12] <_abc_> e.g. ~(1<<PC1) is ~(2) which is ~(0b00000010) and that is 0b11111101
[08:34:18] <_abc_> grummund: that is a special case ...
[08:35:05] <_abc_> Xata: also the macro _BV used above does the same as 1<<bitname
[08:35:55] <_abc_> so no takers for mpl115 ?
[08:35:57] <_abc_> pity
[08:36:39] <karlp> what is it?
[08:36:40] <Xata> thanks. got go wash my brain from surroundings
[08:38:13] <_abc_> karlp: barometer chip from freescale
[08:39:06] <karlp> what, do you have hundreds to give away and post to people?
[08:39:30] <grummund> Xata: http://pastebin.com/ZNPPQdaG
[08:41:16] <grummund> should have a while(1) {...} in there too
[08:41:25] <Xata> grummund: uh! no i got it. thanks. i understand code better than text
[08:42:50] <grummund> http://pastebin.com/d7RxVK6J
[08:44:29] <Xata> grummund: nah, thet while loops is not needed for me, i do everything on interrupts. the mess in my head was about reading pins state. but yes, i read that: no while - avr power offs
[08:45:26] <grummund> s/power off/halt/
[08:45:28] <Xata> grummund: thanks anyway no i got to check this several times so it will be as steel in my memory
[08:50:34] <OndraSter> I am trying to wrap my head around the "new" way of setting bits on xmega/c++ (not sure which one has the new PERIPHERAL.REGISTER syntax)
[08:50:35] <OndraSter> http://pastebin.com/kvkJKE2H
[08:50:39] <OndraSter> I suppose this is correct, right?
[08:53:11] <OndraSter> hah and this line
[08:53:12] <OndraSter> this->SPI.CTRL = (1 << SPI_ENABLE_bp) | (1 << SPI_MASTER_bp) | (SPI_PRESCALER_DIV128_gc);
[08:54:30] <Steffann> OndraSter goes c++ ?
[08:54:40] <OndraSter> yeah
[08:54:42] <OndraSter> wanna try it out =)
[08:54:58] <OndraSter> when I am supposed to do final exams from C++ lol
[08:55:02] <OndraSter> month from now
[08:55:04] <OndraSter> +- few days
[08:57:12] <Steffann> It's not for AVR's but it prefer how it's done here
[08:57:13] <Steffann> http://cgit.jvnv.net/suzumebachi/tree/main.cpp
[08:58:09] <Steffann> AHRS ahrs(i2c); it uses Initialization lists, so everything is sort of know at compile time
[08:58:32] <Steffann> When you use that you can get rid of DDS::CSPI::CSPI(SPI_t SPI) and all the this-> stuff
[08:58:53] <OndraSter> I can not, I want it to be able to use both SPIs on the chip
[08:58:57] <OndraSter> thus I am doing it "universal"
[08:59:32] <Steffann> You want to use both in a single class/
[08:59:33] <Steffann> ?
[08:59:36] <OndraSter> no
[08:59:46] <OndraSter> create instance of the class CSPI for each
[09:00:05] <OndraSter> CSPI *mySpiE = new CSPI(SPIE);
[09:00:14] <Steffann> new :)
[09:00:27] <OndraSter> although one can go with stack init as well
[09:00:32] <OndraSter> rather heap
[09:02:37] <Steffann> You really want to use dynamic memory allocation .. ok :P
[09:02:54] <Casper> . . . 0C this morning.... a month ago... we got 28C...
[09:03:10] <OndraSter> Casper, 28C right now, feels like 38C outside... 10C week ago :)
[09:03:14] <Casper> we skipped spring, summer and autumn? or what? :(
[09:03:15] <Steffann> At least we're somewhere in between ~10C
[09:06:06] <Casper> time to go
[09:06:07] <Casper> see ya
[09:06:31] <Steffann> Have fun
[09:10:03] <abcminiuser__> exDM69, hrm, git-svn didn't pull the tags and branches
[09:11:16] <exDM69> abcminiuser__: strange, maybe you need to specify trunk, tags, and branches
[09:11:32] <exDM69> I don't have any branches either
[09:11:48] <abcminiuser__> I did, I used --stdlayout
[09:11:49] <exDM69> you probably want to set an author map too
[09:11:58] <abcminiuser__> This is what I get: RenameTrunkToMaster
[09:12:02] <exDM69> yeah, --stdlayout should do it if I understand correctly
[09:12:15] <abcminiuser__> Err https://github.com/abcminiuser/lufa-lib-stdlayout rather
[09:13:05] <exDM69> yeah, I'm not seeing the V2 branch there
[09:13:11] <exDM69> or any tags
[09:13:18] <Tom_itx> morning
[09:15:51] <MoldyOrange_> hi
[09:16:13] <MoldyOrange_> anybody around
[09:16:15] <MoldyOrange_> ?
[09:16:30] <Tom_itx> nope
[09:18:10] <abcminiuser__> Aha, "git push --mirror" does everything
[09:22:12] <exDM69> it seems like --stdout worked after all
[09:22:40] <exDM69> I was looking at git branch output, that doesn't list any branches because there are no local branches
[09:23:45] <exDM69> but the branches and tags are still there, I can git checkout them just fine
[11:30:59] <exDM69> abcminiuser__: I must have fucked up something when doing the bisect
[11:31:31] <exDM69> seems that the bad commit it's *not* the commit I earlier ended up with
[11:34:39] <abcminiuser__> exDM69, ah good, so I'm not going crazy then :)
[11:49:13] <exDM69> abcminiuser__: no, but it seems I am going crazy, though
[11:49:39] <exDM69> abcminiuser__: I'm starting to take a look at the joystick demo which I used as a test case
[11:50:22] <abcminiuser__> Mmm
[11:51:16] <exDM69> abcminiuser__: how's your ordeal with github going?
[11:52:01] <exDM69> I might want to share some stuff with you soon, it would be helpful if you had the git mirror up
[12:03:31] <da78> uF5Lm3y9
[12:04:11] <da78> äu647yn$
[12:04:24] <da78> upps, sorry.
[12:04:50] <Steffann> Yes yes
[12:05:27] <Steffann> This is no the right window for your passwords da78
[12:06:55] <da78> :-)
[12:07:02] <Steffanx> It's not the first time you do it da78
[12:07:29] <Steffanx> You did it before in 01/08/2009 :P
[12:07:32] <Steffanx> Google knows it all
[12:07:35] <Steffanx> *on
[12:07:59] <Steffanx> With the exact same password
[12:18:01] <specing> Haha
[12:34:11] <exDM69> abcminiuser__: I can't seem to make any sense into this. Now I'm being told that the bad commit is something related to AudioInput
[12:34:27] <abcminiuser__> exDM69, I tried the Git mirror today, couldn't convince it to push the branches
[12:34:34] <abcminiuser__> Current mirror will have to do until I figure it out
[12:34:43] <exDM69> abcminiuser__: how about git push --all?
[12:35:37] <abcminiuser__> Tried it, it said it would do it then didn't :P
[12:35:51] <abcminiuser__> They were def. added as remote tracking branches tho
[12:35:57] <abcminiuser__> I'll figure it out eventually S
[12:39:04] <exDM69> I'm not too familiar with git remotes, because we use a bastard shell script for git stuff at work
[12:39:13] <exDM69> ie. repo and gerrit. stay the fuck away from them
[12:39:20] <exDM69> if you have a choice
[12:39:58] <Landon> I use gitolite and it's pretty fantastic
[12:41:35] <exDM69> gerrit and repo are used by google on android, they were originally "designed" to work around the lack of git submodules
[12:41:50] <exDM69> now that git submodules is available, repo has become deprecated
[12:46:21] <exDM69> abcminiuser__: do you have suggestions what I should do next
[12:46:22] <exDM69> ?
[13:02:48] <Xata> people, what can be wrong with this function? http://pastebin.com/jVRsX9vE
[13:05:00] <Steffanx> I don't really understand what you try to do Xata
[13:06:31] <Jagged> Also, what is it *not* doing?
[13:06:56] <Jagged> why not just oscs[PORTC & 0x3]=value;
[13:07:55] <Steffanx> 0x6 actually, he starts at pc1
[13:08:02] <Steffanx> 0x06
[13:08:12] <Jagged> oright :|
[13:08:27] <Steffanx> but that's still wrong :P
[13:08:36] <Jagged> (PORTC&0x06)>>1
[13:08:40] <Jagged> but eh
[13:08:45] <Jagged> Xata: what are you trynig to do
[13:08:51] <Jagged> and what is that function not doing correctly?
[13:15:20] <Xata> Jagged: Steffanx i am trying to set the value of incoming int to value in massive that is at offset set electricaly on pins
[13:18:07] <Jagged> and its not working?
[13:20:15] <grummund> Xata: read PINC for input
[13:20:31] <exDM69> abcminiuser__: I'm starting to get the impression that the bug is probablty in the Joystick demo, not the library
[13:20:32] <Xata> Jagged: it makes chip working far not like it supposed to. without using it is working
[13:20:42] <exDM69> abcminiuser__: I have not verified that but that's the hunch I'm working on
[13:21:29] <Xata> grummund: but other pins on port c are used for other uses
[13:21:54] <grummund> Xata: you're reading PORTC, that is the output state
[13:23:48] <grummund> Xata: also read it once and cache the value so both inputs captured together
[13:27:17] <OndraSter> can I build both bootloader AND main application in one AVR Studio project? Like having two mains, one linked to .bootloader section and one to the regular .text section
[13:27:31] <RikusW> exDM69: Maybe the HID descriptor ?
[13:27:39] <OndraSter> int main(void) { } int main(void) __attributte__((section (".bootloader"))) doesn't work ofc
[13:28:10] <exDM69> RikusW: that's one possibility
[13:28:20] <exDM69> that would explain why it resets
[13:28:30] * RikusW had some trouble getting that descriptor right...
[13:28:52] <exDM69> yeah, it's not very easy but I'm having trouble with LUFA's demos
[13:29:01] <RikusW> also removing some stuff from the atmel CDC descriptor still allowed it to work in XP but not in Linux
[13:29:14] <grummund> OndraSter: i believe there are ways to do that but mostly you wouldn't want to
[13:29:26] <RikusW> so I just put it back in, was only a few bytes anyways...
[13:29:45] <OndraSter> kk grummund, will create separate projects then :)
[13:30:15] <RikusW> OndraSter: you can put entrypoints say at the end of the bootloader
[13:30:20] <RikusW> and jump to that from the app
[13:30:21] <grummund> OndraSter: there's a decent bootloader howto on avrfreaks.net that explains that stuff
[13:30:52] <OndraSter> I think I will use my older bootloader, just port to xmega
[13:30:54] <OndraSter> it is in asm
[13:30:58] <OndraSter> nothing can beat ASM
[13:31:16] * grummund used xboot on xmega
[13:31:40] <RikusW> exDM69: Maybe your problem is of a similar nature ? maybe a Linux driver not up to spec or a windows one that allows an invalid descriptor
[13:31:55] <exDM69> RikusW: that might be the case
[13:32:22] <exDM69> at the moment I'm looking at the changes to that particular demo
[13:32:43] <exDM69> I can get the descriptors from the elf binary using objdump or something, I guess
[13:33:08] <RikusW> it is somewhere in the source too
[13:33:30] <RikusW> getting that right can be fairly tricky
[13:35:07] <OndraSter> duh, programm size grows quite rapidly with C++ :o)
[13:35:36] <RikusW> on avr or pc ?
[13:36:08] <OndraSter> AVR
[13:36:32] <RikusW> why use C++ on avr ?
[13:37:09] <OndraSter> I wanted to try it out
[13:37:11] <OndraSter> how good is it
[13:37:16] <OndraSter> and how much space it uses
[13:37:29] <RikusW> arduino does use it a bit
[13:38:00] <OndraSter> yeah
[13:38:03] <OndraSter> arduino is C++ powered
[13:38:45] <Steffanx> xboot on xmega grummund ?
[13:39:03] <Steffanx> oh, another xboot
[13:45:09] <_abc_> Aarghduino
[13:45:42] <_abc_> has something been done about ease of compilation of the avrg-gcc toolchain?
[13:45:51] <_abc_> Last time I tried (a dozen times) it was not okay
[13:46:01] <_abc_> I ended up using the binary distribution from Atmel
[13:49:58] <exDM69> errr?
[13:50:23] <exDM69> building binutils+gcc+libc for avr was quite easy last time I tried
[13:50:56] <exDM69> it takes a while but it wasn't hard
[13:51:31] <RikusW> _abc_: ask specing, afaik he compiled it
[13:51:44] <_abc_> okay, I was just inquiring
[13:52:02] <_abc_> gpl3 stuff is still out, right? I mean out of avr-gcc?
[13:52:56] <nevyn> how?
[13:54:31] <da78> Steffanx: Last failed attempt from: Steffanx!~Steffanx@ip4da726ae.direct-adsl.nl on Apr 28 17:08:21 2012.
[13:54:43] <da78> :-)
[13:59:14] <specing> _abc_: compiling is easy
[13:59:18] <specing> _abc_: atleast on Gentoo
[13:59:29] <specing> compiling in general is very easy on Gentoo
[13:59:48] <_abc_> everything is very easy on gentoo because someone did the scripts for you before
[14:01:25] <specing> Nope, crossdev way is broken atm
[14:01:37] <specing> atleast for the AVR toolchain
[14:04:21] <Steffanx> da78, ha :P
[14:04:28] <Steffanx> I had to try da78
[14:12:38] <exDM69> _abc_: are you dean camera? with another nickname than usual?
[14:13:59] <exDM69> 'coz if you are: I think I just solved the LUFA problem!
[14:14:34] <RikusW> exDM69: no he is someone else
[14:14:45] <specing> LOL
[14:15:05] <RikusW> it confuses quite a few people ;)
[14:15:23] <specing> RIKUSW!?
[14:15:32] <specing> I was looking for you yesterday
[14:16:06] <specing> About you programmer code
[14:16:14] <specing> but now I again have no time
[14:16:19] <specing> my phone is bricked
[14:16:33] <specing> and I have to do 66 pages of deutsch homework in 10 days
[14:16:44] <exDM69> well I guess I'll write an e-mail to Dean then
[14:17:06] <Tom_itx> no abcminiuser is not abc
[14:17:35] <_abc_> truth, I am _abc_
[14:17:41] <_abc_> mind the underscores
[14:17:59] <exDM69> in IRC, people sometimes abbreviate their nicks, so it can easily get confusing
[14:18:16] <_abc_> no, leading character stays the same usually
[14:18:23] <_abc_> for sanity's sake...
[14:20:53] <RikusW> specing: phone bricked ?
[14:22:17] <RikusW> specing: was fairly tired yesterday... not even online
[14:22:46] <RikusW> we slaughtered a cow, the work isn't even finished yet...
[14:26:51] <specing> ugh
[14:26:58] <specing> thats messy bussiness
[14:28:45] <RikusW> somewhat yes
[14:29:42] <RikusW> specing: so you want SPI + UART ?
[14:31:43] <RikusW> which pin do you use for ISP reset ?
[14:33:21] <specing> RikusW: yes
[14:33:24] <specing> RikusW: sec
[14:33:38] <specing> slave select is reset
[14:33:57] <specing> chip is atmega8u2
[14:35:03] <RikusW> so B0, same as me
[14:36:05] <RikusW> I could probably compile something for you, but my asm wants AS4...
[14:36:17] <RikusW> you also use a 16MHz crystal right ?
[14:36:44] <specing> yes
[14:37:16] <RikusW> how about using some pin to change the mode between uart/programmer ?
[14:37:28] <RikusW> would you prefer any particular pin ?
[14:37:57] <RikusW> and does your board have a led ?
[14:38:03] <specing> Does you code require a mode change?
[14:38:14] <specing> I was thinking about concurrent usage...
[14:38:28] <RikusW> hmm
[14:38:45] <RikusW> that might be possible
[14:38:48] <specing> the board has no leds or buttons
[14:39:03] <RikusW> but will require rewriting some usb code...
[14:39:17] <specing> I have time...
[14:39:25] <specing> err
[14:39:41] <specing> I mean I dont need this right now
[14:39:51] <RikusW> the other option would be to encapsulate the uart data in the stk500 protocol
[14:40:05] <specing> Do you have to keep compatibility with stk500?
[14:40:15] <RikusW> that would be fairly easy
[14:40:25] <RikusW> you could add more commands easily
[14:42:08] <RikusW> Now I'm wondering if 2 CDC ports can be done on a single 8u2... might be possible, only just
[14:42:58] <specing> RikusW: Keeping compatibility in this case would be very counter productive
[14:43:01] <specing> like x86
[14:43:26] <RikusW> thats an extreme example ;)
[14:43:59] <specing> Its an >what would happen with your programmer in 30 years< kind of an example
[14:44:38] <specing> think about the things we could stuff into an atmega32u4 programmer
[14:44:52] <RikusW> do you have an 32u4 ?
[14:45:12] <specing> SPI, PDI, TPI, usart, normal spi, i2c, adc readouts, pwm control,...
[14:45:20] <specing> No, this is a hipothetical example
[14:45:34] <specing> Now imagine doing all those things over the stk500 protocol
[14:45:53] <RikusW> I did extend my programmer with some custom spi commands already ;)
[14:46:38] <Xata> why would ever this http://pastebin.com/TuvTy3bk work only with first pin? DDRC=0b11111111
[14:47:43] <RikusW> specing: sounds like you want a swiss army knife programmer
[14:47:45] <Xata> i can post the whole src, if i have too or asked, but it is uncommented.
[14:47:55] <specing> RikusW: everything strives for perfection
[14:48:15] <specing> why have 10 devices around if one can do it all?
[14:48:41] <specing> this is what I am doing currently...
[14:48:50] <specing> programmer + pl2303
[14:49:00] <specing> all those wires...
[14:49:06] <RikusW> and if you need to use both at once ?
[14:49:23] <RikusW> it might be possible in some cases...
[14:49:24] <specing> I *always* use them together
[14:49:43] <specing> i use the serial port for debugging
[14:49:54] <specing> and so I always need it
[14:50:01] <RikusW> sounds like you need a dragon :-P
[14:50:17] <specing> I don't need/want a dragon
[14:50:37] <specing> I excercise coding to perfection
[14:50:59] <specing> because if I don't write 100% correct code 100% of the time, I have no means to debug
[14:51:20] <RikusW> hmm
[14:51:36] <exDM69> no-one writes 100% correct code 100% of the time
[14:51:45] <RikusW> certain things are difficult to debug even with a dragon, like realtime stuff
[14:54:32] <RikusW> specing: if you use the uart via the stk500 protocol you won't be able to connect a terminal app to it directly...
[14:57:15] <specing> exDM69: I do
[14:57:31] <specing> RikusW: But I want to
[14:57:43] <specing> RikusW: I want a /dev/ttyMEGA8
[14:58:02] <RikusW> and a programmer port too ?
[14:58:10] <RikusW> so 2 cdc ports ?
[14:58:36] <specing> yes
[14:59:00] <specing> Can the mega8u2 handle that?
[14:59:20] <RikusW> possibly
[14:59:45] <RikusW> there is 4 endpoints
[14:59:51] <RikusW> so 2 pairs
[14:59:58] <RikusW> and forget about the interrupt ep
[15:00:09] <RikusW> thats only for the modemlines anyways
[15:01:17] <specing> Well, it would be possible to encapsulate and then use CUSE to implement the /dev/tty part
[15:01:36] <RikusW> CUSE ?
[15:02:12] <Steffanx> CUSE
[15:03:46] <specing> Character device in userspace
[15:03:56] <specing> Linux kernel stuff
[15:04:27] <seba-> hey
[15:04:34] <specing> But that puts the requirement for users to have CUSE support
[15:04:40] <specing> and is not really portable
[15:04:45] <seba-> how would I add the atmega324a signature to atmega324p
[15:04:49] <specing> go with CDC
[15:04:53] <seba-> so that i don't have to do -F
[15:05:22] <specing> seba-: Can't you specify -P atmega324p?
[15:05:35] <seba-> specing, i can, but it doesn't work
[15:05:39] <seba-> it has a different signature
[15:05:48] <seba-> avrdude: Device signature = 0x1e9515
[15:05:48] <seba-> avrdude: Expected signature for ATMEGA324P is 1E 95 08
[15:06:47] <specing> then wtf do you have/
[15:06:55] <seba-> 324a
[15:07:04] <seba-> is same shit as p
[15:07:06] <seba-> only newer
[15:07:48] <Steffanx> find the avrdude.conf and add your avr
[15:07:55] <Steffanx> or maybe update avrdude
[15:10:49] <RikusW> seba-: try m324pa
[15:10:57] <RikusW> its sig = 1e 95 11
[15:11:48] <RikusW> you could just create a new part in avrdude.conf
[15:11:54] <OndraSter> I am trying to make any sense out from this
[15:11:55] <OndraSter> http://www.analog.com/static/imported-files/data_sheets/AD9834.pdf
[15:12:01] <OndraSter> about the SIGN BIT OUT output
[15:12:21] <OndraSter> whether I can internally connect the internal DAC to the output
[15:12:30] <OndraSter> or whether I have to use the feedback to the comparator
[15:12:40] <OndraSter> (page 22)
[15:17:25] <RikusW> seba-: what programmer do you use ?
[15:19:06] <seba-> RikusW, nvm, i've just used -F
[15:19:07] <seba-> works
[15:19:23] <RikusW> it should
[15:19:40] <RikusW> just curious about your programmer type ?
[15:21:35] <specing> RikusW: What is your decision wrt the programmer
[15:21:40] <specing> ?
[15:22:19] <RikusW> just curious about what people use ;)
[15:23:14] <RikusW> specing: meaning ?
[15:24:01] <RikusW> 2 cdc ports would be nice but will require quite a bit of usb coding, ask dean if he thinks its possible...
[15:24:16] <specing> RikusW: What is your decision with regard to the programmer
[15:26:43] <RikusW> which decision ?
[15:28:41] <specing> Are you going to persue 2 cdc ports or stk500 overload?
[15:29:28] <RikusW> 2 cdc ports might run into driver issues too, not sure
[15:29:59] <RikusW> ask abcminiuser what he thinks, he's the usb expert around here
[15:30:31] <RikusW> stk500 encapsulation would be far easier
[15:30:38] <specing> RikusW: Maybe it would be better if you create your own protocol
[15:31:53] <RikusW> custom protocols needs custom sw :-P
[15:32:31] <Steffanx> Just take a look at lufa's DualVirtualSerial code?
[15:32:49] <RikusW> ah so it does exist :)
[15:32:56] <Steffanx> http://code.google.com/p/lufa-lib/source/browse/trunk#trunk%2FDemos%2FDevice%2FClassDriver%2FDualVirtualSerial
[15:33:06] <karlp> I've used dual serial on lufa on a 32u4
[15:33:13] <karlp> it works pretty well
[15:33:19] <Steffanx> pretty well as in perfect?
[15:33:31] <karlp> I used it to stream received radio data on one port, and the locally generated sensor data on the other port
[15:33:44] <karlp> well, it's been running for months now, no problems
[15:34:00] <Steffanx> Hobby bobby project or .. ?
[15:34:09] <karlp> it was a bit more of a hassle getting the pc side software to deal with multiple receiving serial ports
[15:34:11] <RikusW> how many ep's does that use ?
[15:34:12] <karlp> just hobby
[15:34:26] <RikusW> 32u2 only got 4
[15:34:27] <RikusW> 32u4 6
[15:34:40] <karlp> there's a few niggles with pluggin and unplugging and making sure they both turn up again, and making sure they kept the same names
[15:34:50] <karlp> no idea how many endpoints, that computer's not plugged in now.
[15:34:54] <karlp> 5 probably?
[15:34:55] * karlp shrugs
[15:35:11] <RikusW> at least 4
[15:35:17] <Steffanx> 6
[15:35:29] <RikusW> irq ep x 2 also ? :(
[15:35:44] <RikusW> is that really required ?...
[15:36:52] <Steffanx> or maybe 5 ..
[15:38:00] <Steffanx> The manual states the u2 isn't compatible RikusW
[15:38:35] <RikusW> maybe omitting the irq ep will allow it...
[15:38:49] <RikusW> but that will be a hack...
[15:40:33] <Xata> looks like i got PC2 disabled or something (alternate mode? this is some TCK mode). how do i fix this? looks like
[15:41:18] <Steffanx> atmega32?
[15:41:21] <Steffanx> JTAG probably
[15:41:25] <Xata> *looks like it hase to be switched to normal operation manually. pc1 works, and when i replace all pc1 with pc2 - programm just hase no reaction on it
[15:41:55] <Xata> Steffanx: yes, a32. how do i turn jtag off? jtagen fuse? but it is zero
[15:42:20] <RikusW> Xata: you can turn off jtag in fw
[15:42:22] <Steffanx> http://www.avrfreaks.net/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&p=728899#728899
[15:42:33] <OndraSter> yeah
[15:42:34] <OndraSter> MCUCSR
[15:42:35] <RikusW> there is a bin in a register too
[15:42:36] <OndraSter> JTD bit
[15:42:51] <Xata> _HASE_. lol. has obviously. i am so tired already
[15:42:54] <RikusW> safer than messing with fuses too
[15:43:03] <OndraSter> yep
[15:43:24] <Xata> Steffanx: OndraSter RikusW thanks. got to read it.
[15:43:33] <Steffanx> it's also in teh datasheet :)
[15:44:09] <OndraSter> I had the same problem on mega32 back when I was starting with AVR :P
[15:44:10] <OndraSter> and micros
[15:45:12] <Xata> OndraSter: well, i am starting with avr. and micros. got real hardware 2 weeks ago.
[15:45:30] <OndraSter> :)
[15:53:28] <Xata> you know what? MCUCSR |= 1<<JTD; didn't help, jtagen to 1 - did. maybe that's why there is no description for mcucsr in atmega32 datasheet
[15:55:46] <RikusW> Xata: you need to set JTD twice afaik
[15:57:13] <RikusW> Xata: check the MCUCR register
[15:58:22] <OndraSter> damn, it is MCUCR
[15:58:23] <OndraSter> sorry
[15:58:43] <RikusW> When this bit is zero, the JTAG interface is enabled if the JTAGEN Fuse is programmed. If this
[15:58:44] <RikusW> bit is one, the JTAG interface is disabled. In order to avoid unintentional disabling or enabling of
[15:58:44] <RikusW> the JTAG interface, a timed sequence must be followed when changing this bit: The application
[15:58:44] <RikusW> software must write this bit to the desired value twice within four cycles to change its value. Note
[15:58:44] <RikusW> that this bit must not be altered when using the On-chip Debug system.
[15:58:51] <OndraSter> no, it is in MCUCSR
[15:59:10] <RikusW> MCUCR in m324a
[15:59:13] <OndraSter> oh
[15:59:15] <OndraSter> I thought he had m32
[15:59:18] <RikusW> there is MCUSR too
[15:59:28] <RikusW> err...
[15:59:55] <RikusW> seba- had the 324a....
[16:00:04] <OndraSter> Xata, which one you have? m32, right?
[16:01:46] <Xata> OndraSter: m64
[16:01:51] <OndraSter> oh
[16:02:23] <Xata> and this bit is in mcucsr, i checked
[16:02:29] <OndraSter> yep
[16:02:39] <OndraSter> weird it didn't help
[16:02:47] <RikusW> Xata: you need to set it twice within 4 clocks
[16:02:48] <OndraSter> did you place it to the beginning of the main?
[16:02:49] <Xata> but it has no power. as i understood - i have to set it twice in a row?
[16:02:54] <OndraSter> Xata, and that too :)
[16:05:10] <Xata> yeah, that helped. thanks
[16:07:48] <Xata> now i can select waveforms for oscillators on-fly. yay!
[16:09:51] <Xata> writing to eeprom takes much cpu cycles?
[16:10:00] <OndraSter> it is done in the background
[16:11:17] <Xata> OndraSter: good. good. :3 one step closer.
[16:16:50] <Xata> OndraSter: and ihave atmega32, yes. my fault. i am already havin sex with avr for 12 hours, without food and other rest. you know.
[16:16:57] <OndraSter> :D
[16:17:05] <OndraSter> I was today starting with C++ in AVR Studio
[16:17:08] <OndraSter> since it is now oficially supported
[16:17:18] <OndraSter> I don't remember seeing it in AS5.0
[16:17:33] <OndraSter> but it is in AS5.1
[16:18:15] <Xata> yes, it is in. but what the point? object-oriented language on 16mhz? common, that is not sane, i suppose
[16:18:22] <OndraSter> 32MHz :)
[16:18:43] <Xata> OndraSter: where? O_O do want (or it is opn avr32?)
[16:18:48] <OndraSter> xmega
[16:18:51] <OndraSter> evolution of mega
[16:19:06] <OndraSter> still "regular" AVR core
[16:19:13] <OndraSter> but waaaaaaaaaay more enhanced peripherals
[16:19:19] <OndraSter> and the core is clocked at 32MHz
[16:19:20] <Xata> ah... smd again. i really need to buy that break-out stuff one day
[16:19:23] <OndraSter> heh
[16:19:27] <OndraSter> I am going for QFN in my project
[16:20:06] <Xata> OndraSter: but how do you solder it?
[16:20:12] <OndraSter> hotair is the easiest
[16:20:28] <OndraSter> solder paste on pads, put the chip on it and reflow it
[16:20:40] <OndraSter> you can do whole board at once pretty much :)
[16:20:54] <OndraSter> http://clip2net.com/s/1RwUy
[16:21:21] <Xata> still needs >200$ soldering station
[16:21:36] <OndraSter> mine was $80 or so
[16:21:43] <OndraSter> hotair + regular iron
[16:22:18] <OndraSter> you can go with hotair guns to $50 even I suppose
[16:22:33] <Xata> but when thet come here they cost at least 100$, i checked
[16:23:03] <Xata> so you make synthesizer...
[16:23:12] <OndraSter> http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-ATTEN-858D-858D-SMD-Hot-Rework-Station-AT-Air-Solder-Blower-/260896532602?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cbea5287a
[16:23:16] <OndraSter> people buy this often
[16:23:21] <OndraSter> $57 shipped
[16:23:31] <OndraSter> yep, waveform generator
[16:23:50] <OndraSter> I am struggling with reading the datasheet of the DDS itself, AD made awesome job on making it unreadable :(
[16:24:08] <OndraSter> there are 2 parts I am struggling with:
[16:24:13] <OndraSter> there are two outputs: IOUT and IOUTB
[16:24:32] <OndraSter> they don't say anything about them, just that they should be tied to ground through 200R
[16:24:38] <OndraSter> and that IOUTB can be tied directly
[16:25:26] <OndraSter> b) and that IOUT can be brought to the comparator input and used for square wave output
[16:25:29] <Steffanx> Fancy tiger OndraSter
[16:25:32] <OndraSter> but they also talk about internal connection of the MSB
[16:25:34] <OndraSter> MSb*
[16:25:44] <OndraSter> Steffanx, thanks lol, doubt it will come out good really
[16:25:51] <OndraSter> the one on the back will, but the one on the front :/
[16:26:31] <Steffanx> Also check the gerbers in a gerber viewer..
[16:26:34] <OndraSter> I thought about using IOUTB as a main input (that is fed through 200R to ground and also to opamp)
[16:26:36] <OndraSter> sure
[16:26:38] <OndraSter> I did that many times :)
[16:26:43] <Steffanx> okok
[16:26:43] <OndraSter> I am still far from order
[16:26:47] <OndraSter> month at least
[16:26:52] <OndraSter> not before I finish school :P
[16:27:16] <OndraSter> and IOUT to be fed only to the comparator input
[16:27:34] <OndraSter> but if I can get rid of the comparator input and use the internal MSb connection, I can use IOUT as the main output as everybody else uses
[16:27:56] <OndraSter> and ground IOUTB through 200R
[16:29:02] <Xata> OndraSter: maybe you know then some good low-pass filter circuit with resonance/q/whatever it is called?
[16:29:24] <OndraSter> I am using LPF on the sinus output (I have separate square/triangle/sin output)
[16:29:28] <OndraSter> I used some online calculator
[16:29:56] <OndraSter> I counted the first one manually, the math is not that hard... but for more staged one it gets boring :)
[16:30:11] <Xata> OndraSter: but it has rezo?
[16:30:34] <Xata> just like in that fabfilter stuff, you know
[16:30:41] <OndraSter> nope, I don't have them in parallel
[16:30:50] <OndraSter> so I don't think it can resonate
[16:31:13] <OndraSter> resonance is band stop/pass
[16:31:35] <Xata> OndraSter: so as i get it - easiest way to have something like resonance is lpf+bpf in parallel at same freq?
[16:31:57] <OndraSter> you have LC in parallel
[16:32:00] <OndraSter> and that's all
[16:32:07] <OndraSter> you have pass band filter
[16:32:17] <OndraSter> err
[16:32:22] <OndraSter> in parallel is pass band stop
[16:32:30] <OndraSter> damn
[16:32:31] <OndraSter> it is late
[16:32:38] <OndraSter> in parallel is band pass
[16:32:42] <OndraSter> duh
[16:32:46] <OndraSter> let me think about what I wanna say
[16:33:55] <OndraSter> http://www.allaboutcircuits.com/vol_2/chpt_8/6.html
[16:34:27] <OndraSter> here
[16:34:37] <Xata> lpf is ---\___ bpf is __/--\__, so summ will sound like, i suppose
[16:35:58] <Xata> OndraSter: but variable capacitors... this is so 1960.
[16:36:22] <OndraSter> variable caps where?
[16:36:27] <OndraSter> oh
[16:36:28] <OndraSter> that pic
[16:37:39] <OndraSter> on absolutely unrelated note - anybody know about ANY GOOD BLUETOOTH headphones? The cable always break within a month on every headphones I ever had... Thanks :)
[16:37:50] <OndraSter> I have now Nokia BH 503 for over 2 years, but the sound is .... bad
[16:38:08] <Steffanx> Why you do with your headphones with cables?!?!
[16:38:14] <Steffanx> */why/what
[16:38:28] <OndraSter> just shove them in my pocket and they stop working after a while :(
[16:38:45] <Xata> i heard there is some wireless senchieser earphones, and they _have_ to be good
[16:39:04] <OndraSter> ofc I am cheap student, so take that into account ll
[16:39:10] <OndraSter> lol*
[16:39:33] <OndraSter> I thought about changing the speakers and possibly tuning the circuitry a bit... I need to take them apart to see what's inside
[16:39:55] <P1upp> hello, under what subject in an avr sheet is the threshold for a one or zero described for digital i/o pins?
[16:40:23] <OndraSter> P1upp, electric characteristics or IO pins section
[16:40:30] <Xata> i am using ultimate pop-tarded KOSS PortaPro, and that's enough for me already for 5 years, so i am not interested in nothing new-> can not help
[16:41:04] <OndraSter> I am now using stock Sammy headphones, because I broke my Koss and got refund after 4 or 5 RMAs actually lol
[16:41:30] <P1upp> OndraSter: Thx!
[16:41:34] <OndraSter> P1upp, np
[16:48:01] <OndraSter> btw Xata that 32MHz is maximum freq, I will be fine running on 1MHz. I need just some IO pins (about 30 - 40 IO pins, xmega32d4 costs only 0.05€ more than mega328 => I had no reason not to grab it!), hardware SPI, I2C, UART
[16:48:10] <OndraSter> it will be driving just the DDS, DAC and front display
[16:48:12] <OndraSter> and few buttons :)
[16:48:35] <OndraSter> I am not scared about perfomance really :P
[16:49:01] <OndraSter> the display itself has some fairly long pixel on-off delay
[16:49:12] <OndraSter> (regular HD44780 controller with regular cheap display)
[16:50:51] <Xata> OndraSter: my problem is that m32 can not reach my desired frequency in synthesis without skiping each n samples
[16:51:06] <OndraSter> you are doing some synthetiser too?
[16:51:22] <Xata> 32 -> twice freq of cpu, twice max rate
[16:51:24] <Xata> OndraSter: yes
[16:51:30] <OndraSter> oh
[16:51:40] <OndraSter> well, I went for external chip :)
[16:52:14] <OndraSter> 75MHz in, upto 37.5MHz sin out... but I doubt it would resemble sinus enough, thus I am going for 0 - 20MHz, possibly 25MHz
[16:53:39] <OndraSter> no arbitrary waveform
[16:53:42] <Xata> OndraSter: well, idea of my chip is that you can program, for example, 128 different arrays-oscilator waveforms, and combine it in addictive synthesiz. i thought about FM, but it is too complicated, and i have no enough cpu time for this
[16:54:01] <OndraSter> ah
[16:54:26] <Xata> table-lookup synth, kinda.
[16:55:13] <Xata> and global idea of using some exotic waveforms and resonant filters is god damn WOBBLE
[16:55:26] <OndraSter> you wanna implement wobble too? :P
[16:55:31] <Xata> wub wub wub, you know
[16:55:42] <OndraSter> oh
[16:55:45] <OndraSter> different wobble lol
[16:56:31] <Xata> OndraSter: all wobbles are quite same.
[16:56:51] <OndraSter> wait, what wobble do you mean?
[16:56:59] <Xata> i want to controll filter with second synchronized atmega with dac and transistor
[16:57:54] <Xata> OndraSter: like in dubstep. all tha kids here love it. i don't, but i love fame and moneyz, and got no money for clavia nord lead
[16:58:02] <OndraSter> :D
[16:58:54] <Xata> only problem is to finish stable redy-to-go synth before dubstep deceases
[16:59:44] <OndraSter> Xata, lol
[17:00:11] <Xata> on the other hand - reconfigure real hardware to be glitch generator is easy as access to my ex-crush's vagina (not 4 me, ofc)
[17:00:15] <OndraSter> honestly, not sure if mega can go to usable frequencies - if you want to do it with some lookup tables, you need definitely few CPU cycles per each sample
[17:00:29] <OndraSter> :D
[17:04:03] <Xata> OndraSter: with 16mhz quartz and interrupts - yes, it can.
[17:04:23] <OndraSter> you need at least 44k samples per second
[17:04:44] <OndraSter> that is 360 cycles... I suppose you can do that then
[17:07:22] <Xata> OndraSter: i supposed to have 52631 samples now. 16mhz, 8 timer divider, minimum 37 OCR0
[17:08:01] <Xata> more OCR0 -> less frequency of oscs, less samples
[21:04:47] <molavy> hi
[21:06:08] <molavy> i want create embedded device for image processing
[21:07:09] <molavy> i need at least 1M cmos sensor
[21:07:27] <molavy> can i do it via avr
[21:07:32] <molavy> ?
[21:14:27] <molavy> any idea?
[21:14:48] <vectory> whats the role of the avr?
[21:15:29] <vectory> receive the data from the sensor and save it?
[21:36:26] <molavy> i bought 5 webcam that write on it from 1M and 3M and 5M,but all was VGA, A4tech and some other brand, i want create something like custom webcam ,but with at least 1M sensor
[22:07:50] <seba-> i'm having a problem, i want to upload on an atmega324 the arduino bootloader
[22:07:57] <seba-> how do i do that?
[22:08:07] <seba-> i've tried, the led flashes 3 times
[22:08:11] <seba-> but it doesn't work
[22:37:07] <nevyn> 324? or 328?
[22:39:07] <seba-> nevyn, 324a
[23:35:23] <Essobi> sup