#avr | Logs for 2012-04-23

[03:43:00] <RikusW> googling for OCD gives me obsessive compulsive disorder :S
[03:43:18] <RikusW> maybe I should stop googling for that ;)
[03:50:53] <Tom_itx> what did you expect?
[03:51:40] <RikusW> on chip debug, I do get a few pages on that too, but nothing worthwhile...
[03:51:52] <RikusW> mostly official atmel docs
[03:52:24] <Tom_itx> search engines have gone to crap lately
[03:52:27] <RikusW> I did see a few sites copying my dW post
[03:52:40] <RikusW> the one on wikipedia anyways
[03:53:26] <RikusW> Tom_itx: maybe because there is too much crap on the net ? ;)
[03:53:53] <Tom_itx> and / or meta crap?
[03:55:33] <RikusW> you're talking about the meta tags ?
[03:55:44] <RikusW> people probably abuse those too
[03:55:48] <Tom_itx> i'm sure
[03:56:49] <RikusW> google is said to penalize such pages...
[04:19:08] <RikusW> hi scuzzy
[04:21:14] <scuzzy> hey
[04:21:19] <scuzzy> how you doing?
[04:22:15] <RikusW> fine, how about you ?
[04:22:52] <RikusW> there was a little rain here this morning, only a few mm
[04:22:59] <CapnKernel> Is it autumn in ZA?
[04:23:06] <RikusW> yes
[04:23:17] <scuzzy> I'm ok, on crutches again
[04:23:21] <scuzzy> just got out of hospital
[04:23:23] <scuzzy> teh suck
[04:23:28] <scuzzy> can barely concentrate
[04:23:33] <scuzzy> on such strong pain meds
[04:23:35] <RikusW> CapnKernel: I live in a summer rainfall area, further south is winter rain
[04:23:42] <scuzzy> supposed to do my 6002 work
[04:23:47] <scuzzy> and I can barely think
[04:23:49] <RikusW> scuzzy: that do suck :(
[04:23:56] <RikusW> 6002 work ?
[04:24:17] <CapnKernel> It's autumn here, beautiful weather. Few days of glorious sunshine, then some rain. Repeat.
[04:24:19] <scuzzy> mitx
[04:24:51] <RikusW> CapnKernel: on the east coast ?
[04:25:37] <RikusW> CapnKernel: we had a very dry year, haven't rained much if any lately
[04:25:46] <RikusW> the grass is all dry
[04:26:21] <CapnKernel> Yes, I'm on the east coast. South end. We've had quite a wet 18 months.
[04:26:28] <CapnKernel> Before that we had 10 years of drought.
[04:29:17] <CapnKernel> http://melbournewater.com.au/content/water_storages/water_report/zoom_graph.asp
[04:31:57] <OndraSter> I need to invent a timemachine
[04:31:58] <OndraSter> any hints?
[04:33:07] <RikusW> ask Rodney, maybe he can help ;)
[04:33:43] <CapnKernel> People who say that are usually late for either an assignment, or a mortgage payment
[04:34:19] <OndraSter> hehe
[04:34:42] <OndraSter> I wanna tell myself "watch out for footwalkers". I didn't stop and I failed the test. Again (no, I did not run him over)
[04:34:44] <RikusW> besides, changing your own past isn't such a good idea, you'll get yourself into a time loop
[04:34:53] <OndraSter> screw timeloop
[04:35:34] <RikusW> If you tell yourself to watchout, then there won't be an accident, and you won't warn yourself....
[04:35:43] <OndraSter> I did not have an accident
[04:35:57] <OndraSter> I would add to the note "and warn myself again!"
[04:37:39] <RikusW> you failed the drivers licence test ?
[04:38:02] <OndraSter> yes
[04:38:04] <OndraSter> again.
[04:38:10] <OndraSter> lol
[04:39:44] <OndraSter> because pedestrian have priority above cars on crossovers.
[04:39:54] <RikusW> I failed the first time.... on the three point turn I stopped over the centerline...
[05:00:33] <OndraSter> hmm I have just noticed that I have got... two orders on iteadstudio, I am not sure where the other one came from, but it is the same as the 1st one lol
[05:00:50] <OndraSter> that means, 1x 5x5 board, 1x 5x10 board and 3x 10x10 boards lol
[05:00:54] <OndraSter> already paid :o)
[05:01:13] <OndraSter> I don't remember paying it twice
[05:01:28] <OndraSter> it is from january lol
[05:02:45] <CapnKernel> Bonus. Not even I can match that value-for-money, but good luck repeating it.
[05:02:51] <OndraSter> hehe
[05:02:58] <OndraSter> It was $150 order incl. DHL shipping
[05:03:05] <OndraSter> appearantly I got it for the second time free lol
[05:03:11] <OndraSter> (just the custom's VAT)
[05:07:46] <OndraSter> why I prefer my tablet PC over regular pen and paper: you can delete anything, you don't have to check if the pen actually writes or is empty and you DON'T HAVE TO SEARCH FOR THE PEN AT ALL
[05:08:02] <OndraSter> perfect for school :P
[05:08:24] <OndraSter> plus W7 can decode hand written equations fairly good
[05:08:31] <OndraSter> just as my handwritten text...
[05:08:35] <OndraSter> and I write really terribly :P
[05:11:57] <RikusW> heh
[05:13:45] <jacekowski> latex FTW
[05:16:30] <OndraSter> hmm
[05:16:31] <OndraSter> http://pdf1.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-pdf/view/194377/BITECH/SWT6-M.html
[05:16:36] <OndraSter> this tactile switch, SWT6-M
[05:16:40] <OndraSter> the SMD variant
[05:16:47] <OndraSter> why does the numbers look so weird, when put into eagle? :P
[05:17:07] <OndraSter> it is not rectangle at all
[05:17:09] <OndraSter> 6x6
[05:18:07] <OndraSter> and yes, the numbers fit
[05:18:12] <OndraSter> (9.1 and 4.5mm)
[05:20:24] <OndraSter> hmm nvm
[05:20:33] <OndraSter> I added the actual button there and it now fits :)
[06:01:33] <OndraSter> guys, when I am doing floodfil of really simple board (display + few buttons), does it matter if the floodfill is Vcc or GND?
[06:01:44] <OndraSter> because I would like to put Vcc on one side and GND on the other one
[06:02:13] <kline> and make the entire board a charged cap?
[06:02:20] <OndraSter> that would work too
[06:02:20] <kline> generally, its done with gnd
[06:02:29] <OndraSter> what's wrong with the cap? :P
[06:04:09] <kline> whats right about it? xD
[06:04:28] <OndraSter> that it is a giant cap? :)
[06:05:02] <mrfrenzy> it's quite normal to have VCC and GND layers
[06:05:34] <kline> make sure no debris can short them
[06:08:37] <ziph> The capacitance of a couple of planes through 1.6mm of FR-4 is fairly pissweak.
[06:11:13] <CapnKernel> short-wise, the planes are usually covered with soldermask, so very little chance of accidental shorts
[06:13:19] <kline> well, happy days :)
[06:15:20] <ziph> There's lots of good reasons not to have pointless fills though.
[06:15:57] <RikusW> why not ?
[06:16:07] <ziph> Why not have pointless fills?
[06:16:34] <RikusW> yes
[06:16:40] <RikusW> how anout ground fill ?
[06:16:55] <ziph> They capacitively couple with any signals that run near them.
[06:17:10] <OndraSter> ergo no good for high frequencies
[06:19:08] <ziph> And when they do so they make nice antennas with the ground plane below them.
[06:36:01] <Tom_itx> OndraSter you don't run them over, you sit an honk at them until they clear the intersection
[06:36:23] <OndraSter> I did not run them over, I just passed by him
[06:36:26] <OndraSter> not caring about him.
[06:36:42] <Tom_itx> did he care about you?
[06:36:52] <OndraSter> he was typing on his phone
[06:36:55] <OndraSter> doubt that he knew about me
[06:37:02] <Tom_itx> meh it's all fair then
[06:37:51] <Tom_itx> ppl don't realize they already have time machines
[06:38:06] <Tom_itx> seems they are always somewhere else when txting
[09:55:13] <OndraSter> cool
[09:55:24] <OndraSter> when trying to generate gerber files, eagle freezes :(
[09:55:29] <OndraSter> failtastic
[09:56:14] <ziph> DipTrace doesn't. ;)
[09:57:15] <Tom_itx> it shouldn't
[09:57:17] <Tom_itx> mine doesn't
[09:57:41] <OndraSter> with different preset job it doesn't fail
[09:57:43] <OndraSter> but this one does
[09:58:01] <Tom_itx> you have a defective model
[09:58:45] <OndraSter> it is from itead's website
[09:58:52] <OndraSter> it worked before :(
[09:58:59] <OndraSter> on different project and in older version of eagle
[09:59:20] <Tom_itx> save the files and rename a pair of the backup files to test
[09:59:30] <Tom_itx> they're numbered
[09:59:44] <Tom_itx> in sequence so use the same numbered sequence for the schematic and board
[09:59:52] <OndraSter> duh?
[09:59:53] <Tom_itx> just to test
[09:59:58] <Tom_itx> gotta run...
[10:01:17] <OndraSter> hah
[10:01:20] <OndraSter> it is the drill file
[10:01:21] <OndraSter> that fails
[10:05:01] <OndraSter> it is not like I have got there much holes
[10:05:22] <OndraSter> just one 2x10 header, 2x3 header, then 6 holes for transformer, 2 for input and 4 for screws
[10:27:56] <OndraSter> appearantly eagle 6.2.0 doesn't crash anymore
[10:28:02] <OndraSter> but... I ain't got license for it :-)
[11:32:58] <cyanide> i use eagle 5.11.0
[11:33:02] <cyanide> eagle 6 sucks
[11:35:48] <Tom_itx> i still use 4.16 :)
[11:50:43] <raek> cyanide: what about it sucks?
[14:09:30] <Xata> hi. how do i use external 16mhz quartz resonator? CKOPT=0 CKSEL0..3=? ? In datasheet there is 101, 110, 111 for more than 1mhz. so wich one?
[14:10:49] <specing> the first one that works (tm)
[14:12:14] <Xata> specing: but without clock source there will be no way to reprogram it.
[14:12:48] <Xata> if i will do something wrong. no clock -> not working ic
[14:12:59] <specing> read: it doesen't matter
[14:13:54] <Xata> specing: oh. and there is info on internet, that using CKOPT=1 and all CKSEL to 1 is a good choise
[14:16:11] <Xata> *choice
[14:16:25] <Xata> specing: is that legit?
[14:40:18] <Tom_itx> Xata treat it like a full swing crystal
[14:41:20] <Tom_itx> http://www.engbedded.com/fusecalc/
[14:46:03] <asteve> what's the point of the fuse calculator?
[14:47:08] <Tom_itx> to calculate your fuse settings
[14:47:27] <Tom_itx> to get the hex number for lf hf and ef
[14:48:24] <asteve> ah, I've never understood the use of fuses
[14:49:36] <Tom_itx> they help configure the chip
[14:50:01] <specing> LOl, asteve never used an actual chip before ;)
[14:50:15] <Tom_itx> sounds that way
[14:50:17] <asteve> an actual chip? you mean an actual avr? I have
[14:50:23] <asteve> many actually
[14:50:23] <specing> Orly?
[14:50:36] <Tom_itx> and you don't know about fuses?
[14:50:36] <specing> And you've never had to calculate fuses?
[14:50:45] <Steffanx> Some people don't need moooar speed specing ..
[14:50:46] <asteve> Tom_itx: specing nope
[14:51:03] <asteve> and that's probably why, it looks like the most prominent reason would be for clock changes
[14:53:03] <specing> Steffanx: speed?
[14:53:12] <Steffanx> Poaw
[14:53:15] <Steffanx> *powa
[14:53:24] <specing> Ah
[14:53:51] <specing> I just write everything for 16MHz so I don't have to brainf*ck with hardcoded timing
[14:54:09] <karlp> what parts are you getting that come preconfigured for 16mhz?
[14:54:25] <karlp> half of them come with the damn clkdiv8 fuse set.
[14:54:27] <asteve> he spends a lot of time changing fuses? :)
[14:54:43] <asteve> which seem to be quite inaccurately named
[14:55:57] <taos> Anyone alive in here?
[14:56:04] <Steffanx> No, you?
[14:56:10] <taos> Pretty dead thanks
[14:56:17] <Steffanx> ok, welcome
[14:56:30] <taos> Anyone know where I can get good advice on how to use tables in asm on the AtMega8353?
[14:56:44] <Steffanx> specing, that's your job
[14:56:47] <taos> Also anyone know a good tutorial for interupts and the clock
[14:56:53] <LoRez> 8535?
[14:56:53] <specing> Instead, he has come to #avr to have people write the code for him :D
[14:56:58] <taos> specing: I said tutorial.
[14:57:03] <specing> :)
[14:57:04] <taos> specing: I never said do it for me
[14:57:05] <taos> >.>
[14:57:22] <specing> tables:
[14:57:37] <taos> Is what I have so far http://paste.pocoo.org/show/586180/
[14:57:39] <specing> allocate bytes
[14:57:42] <specing> load pointer
[14:57:49] <specing> add to pointer
[14:57:53] <specing> profit!
[14:57:56] <taos> but rcall next and then looking at r0 it never changes and takes nearly 6000 odd operations to get anything out
[14:58:55] <asteve> someone is doing homework?
[14:59:02] <taos> asteve: Me unfortunatly
[14:59:11] <taos> And I promise once im done with this im never coming back
[14:59:12] * specing has a math exam tomorrow
[14:59:20] <asteve> math, orly?
[14:59:26] <specing> seems so
[14:59:34] <asteve> i'll have something due in 2 years
[14:59:38] <specing> Haha
[15:00:03] <specing> I useually don't sleep on the hand-in day
[15:00:16] <specing> for obvious reasons :)
[15:00:59] <asteve> i've graduated; i'm in that awkard middle where I have a high paying job in a field I don't give a shit about
[15:01:14] <asteve> and I need to get my masters in robotics but that involves too many life changes to happen on a whim
[15:01:28] <Steffanx> Who cares about live changes? :p
[15:01:50] <specing> taos: load array of 2**n size on a 2**n boundary; load Z on its start, ld Z+, andi ZL, 2**n-1
[15:01:55] <asteve> i think mostly debt collectors
[15:02:19] <taos> specing: that kinda went over my head but I kinda get it too
[15:03:29] <specing> you can also do an unnaligned/variable array but you will have to do some additional lifting to ensure it doesen't overflow
[15:05:19] <specing> Ok, math now... focus, focus, concentrate...
[15:05:29] <Steffanx> /quit
[15:05:54] <asteve> math, prove 1 + 1 == 2
[15:13:06] <taos> I think I might call it a night soon
[15:13:17] <taos> come back tomorrow after gouging out my eyes
[15:13:52] <taos> Least then Ill have an excuse to not finish the coursework
[15:14:43] <specing> Are you at a uni?
[15:21:30] <asteve> taos: don't wait until 3 days before it's due to start working on it
[15:21:41] <asteve> a lesson that I think takes most people 4+ years to learn :)
[15:24:51] <specing> asteve: I usually do it during my most productive times: e.g. 3 pm to 7 am
[15:25:00] <specing> last day.
[15:25:28] <asteve> ya
[15:25:47] <specing> I learned that in 4 years ;D
[15:26:03] <specing> If I start earlier, I just end up wasting time with procrastinating
[15:26:34] <specing> and the end result is no better
[15:26:36] <asteve> some projects I could make that happen, others needed months of work
[15:27:02] <asteve> i did infinitely better when I began working earlier on labs/projects
[15:27:08] <specing> These are highschool projects Im talking about, ofc :)
[15:27:16] * specing is still in highschool :(
[15:27:17] <asteve> usually I would do an A worth of work but turn it in a week late for 33.3% off
[15:27:47] <asteve> ah, high school…university is much, much harder :)
[15:28:00] <Steffanx> Not really
[15:28:23] <specing> Not if you like what you are studying
[15:28:39] <Steffanx> You cant like EVERYTHING
[15:29:00] <specing> That is true, I dislike PICs and windoze
[15:29:06] <asteve> I don't see how you equate difficulty to whether or not your like it
[15:29:18] <specing> actually I only dislike windoze
[15:29:30] <specing> PICs were very difficult to code for
[15:29:41] <asteve> if you go into engineer that's all you'll use; you'll find the occasional linux client for some things
[15:29:53] <Steffanx> I .. I dislike people who complain about windows all the time
[15:30:11] <specing> windoze still has its use cases
[15:30:26] <Steffanx> Can you repeat that specing ?
[15:30:28] <asteve> if I didn't have osx I'd use xp or 7; if I couldn't find a copy of those I'd use a linux distro…and I'm linux sys admin :)
[15:30:30] <specing> e.g. games
[15:30:49] <Xata> Tom_itx: thanks
[15:31:04] <Steffanx> The only game i play.. is a game i run on linux specing :D
[15:31:11] <Steffanx> It doesn't work on os x
[15:31:21] <specing> Steffanx: What if you can't run Linux (school computers)?
[15:31:26] <asteve> diabo III is coming out soon, I played the beta over the weekend; I'm pretty excited for it
[15:31:29] <specing> :)
[15:31:39] <Steffanx> Then you're screwed and buy yourself a notebook specing
[15:31:45] <specing> Nah
[15:31:52] <specing> counterstrike does fine
[15:31:59] <Steffanx> Yeah
[15:38:02] <gafanhoto> im a noob
[15:38:14] <asteve> hello a noob
[15:39:33] <gafanhoto> wats up
[15:39:43] <specing> noobs raining from the sky
[15:40:09] * specing deploys nubrella
[15:40:29] <gafanhoto> wats down
[15:42:46] <gafanhoto> im that guy running around with m plasma bistol br
[17:13:11] <jadew> hey, where do you guys buy LCDs from? I'm currently paying about $7-8 per LCD and I feel like I'm being robbed
[17:13:22] <jadew> that's 16x2 LCDs
[17:13:34] <OndraSter> ebay, $2.88
[17:13:41] <OndraSter> but I don't like supporting china :/
[17:13:49] <Tom_itx> ask inflex when he shows
[17:13:59] <CapnKernel> Hello folks
[17:13:59] <OndraSter> but everywhere else it is 2 - 2.5 times more expensive
[17:14:02] <OndraSter> hello CapnKernel
[17:14:04] <jadew> thanks Tom_itx
[17:14:05] <Tom_itx> he's got a good source for them i think
[17:14:07] <OndraSter> actually CapnKernel might have some
[17:14:14] <jadew> OndraSter, yeah, I noticed
[17:14:16] <Tom_itx> or that
[17:14:27] <CapnKernel> I know someone that has a lovely range, but I'm not carrying them at the moment.
[17:14:42] <jadew> I see
[17:14:46] <Tom_itx> capn got deported
[17:14:56] <OndraSter> yeah :/
[17:15:35] <Tom_itx> he still does boards though
[17:16:08] <CapnKernel> Not deported, but near enough. I'm about to go try my luck for another visa
[17:16:48] <CapnKernel> Ahh, I just found the brochure: http://www.topwaydisplay.com/
[17:17:08] <jadew> thanks CapnKernel
[17:17:19] <jadew> where are you originally from?
[17:17:24] <CapnKernel> From memory, the lady in the market's name is Sophie, I have a nice talk with her every time I go past.
[17:17:31] <CapnKernel> Melbourne Australia. That's where I am now.
[17:18:17] <CapnKernel> They have both character and pixel displays.
[17:18:41] <jadew> yeah, they seem to have a wide range
[17:19:33] <OndraSter> gn
[17:19:39] <CapnKernel> Good night!
[17:19:44] <jadew> night
[17:19:48] <CapnKernel> Someone loves their animated gifs :-) http://www.topwaydisplay.com/Product/index.htm
[17:19:52] <jadew> I don't see any prices there tho
[17:20:15] <Tom_itx> it's china. everything is negotiable
[17:20:24] <jadew> heh
[17:22:24] <CapnKernel> They won't talk with you for ones and twos.
[17:22:48] <jadew> yeah, I figured
[17:23:02] <jadew> I want to get about 10, but I guess that's not a good number either
[17:23:12] <CapnKernel> I think you can.
[17:23:21] <CapnKernel> Tell me what model you're interested in, and I'll get you a price.
[17:23:23] <Tom_itx> what are you looking for?
[17:23:52] <jadew> I'm looking for standard 16x2 lcd's with green backlight
[17:25:28] <jadew> was looking on eevblog's shop and I noticed they're selling 10 packs for $25, only to AU tho
[17:27:16] <CapnKernel> They all come out of China, so you might as well buy from eBay.
[17:27:34] <jadew> that's what I'm looking at right now
[17:27:54] <jadew> found some for $1.6 + postage
[17:28:35] <CapnKernel> Hard to beat
[17:28:42] <jadew> yeah
[17:33:32] <jadew> the bastard doesn't ship to romania
[17:34:09] <Tom_itx> move
[17:34:16] <jadew> heh
[17:39:03] <CapnKernel> Seems like jadew found some for $unobtanium :-(
[17:41:56] <jadew> yeah, I'm sure I'll find some good source if I keep looking
[18:49:47] <vectory> is alibaba usually a good ẁay to find a source?
[18:55:12] <ThersiT> Has anyone got code for an uart command interpreter that you would'nt mind sharing with me. I'm new to programming and I can't seem to wrap my head around using scanf
[18:55:44] <Tom_itx> not I
[18:55:57] <Tom_itx> somebody stole all my code and never brought it back
[18:56:05] <ThersiT> heh
[18:56:32] <Essobi_> Meh... Still can't find my f'ing 328p prototype. :(
[18:56:58] <Essobi_> Tom_itx: Can I borrow a cup of bits? :D
[18:57:04] <ThersiT> I think scanf is the right track to go down. I'm playing with an example I got off avr-libc's site.
[18:57:29] <Essobi_> ThersiT: Umm.. I think I saw someone who made an interactive serial shell somewhere..
[18:57:44] <vectory> why use scanf, use getchar :D
[18:57:53] <Landon> Essobi_: I don't know if tom has any spare bits, but I've got a couple pointers laying around
[18:57:57] <ThersiT> I saw a few of those.
[18:58:07] * Landon tosses Essobi_ a 0x55D4
[18:58:14] <vectory> Landon: i heard they are exceptionally great :>
[18:59:15] <vectory> anyone know if the variable argument list of scanf is hardcoded in the compilers, cause i cant find a headerfile for va_list macros
[18:59:17] <Essobi_> ThersiT: AVRSH.
[18:59:38] <ThersiT> vectory: i'll try it that way.
[18:59:58] <vectory> no dont pay attention to me
[18:59:58] <vectory> im a newb
[19:00:16] <vectory> ThersiT: Essobi_ why not listen to Essobi_
[19:00:53] <Essobi_> O_o
[19:01:18] <ThersiT> Essobi_: I saw that one. Looks cool but i really only need to do a few things. I thought that'd be too much.
[19:02:01] <ThersiT> I guess I should at least dl it to see how they do it.
[19:05:10] <Essobi_> ThersiT: http://www.avrfreaks.net/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=107152&view=next
[19:05:19] <Essobi_> There's a simple one it appears..
[19:05:49] <Essobi_> Looks like I gotta f'ing build my programmer again. :|
[19:12:36] <ThersiT> Essobi_: I ran into that earlier at second glance
[19:12:57] <ThersiT> it looks pretty helpful.
[19:22:13] <Essobi_> You're welcome.
[19:33:07] <Essobi_> *sigh*
[19:38:53] <Essobi_> guess, I'll break down and buy a f'ing *uino from shadio rack. G'damnit.
[19:40:23] <Tom_itx> pfft
[19:57:28] <Essobi_> Tom_itx: :( Really don't want to build a programmer and an RS-485 protoboard from scratch again. :\
[19:57:40] <Essobi_> Think someone pinched my gear when I was moving.
[21:42:50] <ThersiT> damn think I burnt up some pins
[21:43:18] <JyZyXEL> how did you manage this
[21:44:46] <ThersiT> I'm not sure when it happened but I think they were working before I put a transistor on them to control a LCD backlight.
[21:47:08] <ThersiT> I've got one out of three that will switch on/off (using portb =) but pwm dosent seem to work and the other two won't do anything.
[22:29:14] <Casper> try basic i/o function
[22:29:25] <Casper> so try to output a 1 and a 0, see if you can get the output
[22:29:34] <Casper> forget the pwm and all other functions
[22:29:43] <Casper> just do a basic testing
[22:34:32] <ThersiT> Yea, I'm loading it up with nothing but DDR and PORTx = for each pin now. But I swapped the AVR for a new one and that one was acting up.
[22:35:06] <ThersiT> So now I'm taking my bread board apart looking for a HW bug.