#avr | Logs for 2012-03-28

[02:39:31] <zii> I've got an usbasp programmer and atmega88. It worked like a minute ago, but then it messed up, told it hard written something incorrect and that fuses are now wrong. I restarted the process and now I can't write with this error: http://sprunge.us/Hbge
[02:41:28] <CapnKernel> well that's annoying
[02:41:51] <zii> Is there something simple to edit the fuses with?
[02:41:53] <CapnKernel> How are you clocking your chip?
[02:42:19] <CapnKernel> There are several websites that provide UIs to help you determine fuse values
[02:42:28] <CapnKernel> But changing the values is done with the tool, as you're doing.
[02:43:14] <zii> I am changing them?
[02:43:29] <zii> Am I*
[02:49:03] <CapnKernel> It's possible that something messed up, and they were magically changed for you, and that's why your chip no longer IDs.
[02:49:09] <CapnKernel> Possible.
[02:50:52] <zii> Hmm, the extremeburner GUIish soft tells it can't communicate to the chip. :/
[02:53:25] <Casper> zii: if you have a spare chip, burn an "insane led flasher" code
[02:53:34] <Casper> ad feed that to the xtal2 pin of your broken avr
[02:53:39] <Casper> and see if it reply now
[02:53:49] * Casper goes to bed, nite
[02:53:56] <mrfrenzy> yep, most likely wrong clock settings
[02:54:00] <mrfrenzy> nite
[02:54:07] <mrfrenzy> (I just got to work ;)
[03:01:52] <zii> Woo, this helped: http://www.logikdev.com/2011/02/15/reset-clock-fuse-bits-on-avr/
[03:14:17] <CapnKernel> zii: I wrote this about avrdude, fuses, and an atmega328. There's also a link on that page to a fuse calculator: http://capnstech.blogspot.com.au/2010/11/usb-doodad-4-blinkenleds.html
[03:45:26] <cyanide> why is the planet not one continuous land mass
[03:45:29] <cyanide> shipping would be so cheap
[03:47:39] <mrfrenzy> are you sure?
[03:47:50] <mrfrenzy> isn't boat freight cheaper per km than truck/rail?
[03:49:51] <cyanide> i would assume so, but only once you get past a certain volume/weight.
[03:52:42] <cyanide> my engine's crankshaft is in the us. weighs about 25 lbs. ive brought down heavier stuff loads of times in the past. but nothing this delicate
[03:52:55] <cyanide> and even the best shipping company is going to drop this
[03:53:00] <cyanide> dhl, in my case
[03:53:08] <mrfrenzy> where are you in the world?
[03:53:22] <cyanide> india
[03:53:41] <mrfrenzy> If I were to get it from US to Sweden I would put it on a pallet and send with jetcarrier
[03:53:54] <mrfrenzy> cost about $50
[03:54:06] <cyanide> that's just half-way :)
[03:54:15] <cyanide> let me calculate what dhl would ask for, brb
[03:54:33] <mrfrenzy> hah, you probably don't want to know what dhl charges ;)
[03:54:35] <cyanide> 145 usd
[03:54:43] <mrfrenzy> that's not too bad
[03:54:45] <cyanide> got an account with dhl
[03:54:57] <cyanide> without that, it'd go to upwards of 500 usd lol
[03:55:02] <mrfrenzy> yeah
[03:55:18] <cyanide> shipping is actually 108. the rest is tax/duty
[03:55:27] <cyanide> but its delicate and im scared to ship it
[03:55:42] <cyanide> i mean, it's forged steel. but one hit in the wrong place and the crank will be bent and toast
[03:56:17] <cyanide> the packing will probably double the weight
[03:56:40] <cyanide> although, with the weight of the crank, there's no way i'm going to be charged by volumetric weight
[03:57:01] <cyanide> volumetric weight is just a bunch of bullshit
[03:57:04] <mrfrenzy> look at hot TVs and PCs are packaged
[03:57:17] <mrfrenzy> a crankshaft is a lot less fragile
[03:57:21] <CapnKernel> That thing needs a wooden box, and custom cut polystyrene foam
[03:57:29] <mrfrenzy> yep
[03:57:50] <cyanide> yea wooden box for sure
[03:58:00] <CapnKernel> Or a wooden box, and some little supports, and wrap the crank in cling film, then fill it with that expanding foam-in-a-can
[03:58:01] <cyanide> my friend's making one for me
[03:58:56] <mrfrenzy> that's actually quite clever
[03:59:11] <mrfrenzy> foam-in-a-can is cheaper than the polystyrene stuff to cut out
[03:59:51] <cyanide> foam in a can?
[04:00:32] <mrfrenzy> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xk_gojAEwJA
[04:04:05] <cyanide> crap that is good stuff
[04:05:22] <CapnKernel> I'm pretty sure that the car's crankshaft didn't get bent in that experiment.
[04:05:38] <CapnKernel> Of course, what they don't show you is what the hell to do with a foam-filled car afterwards...
[04:37:23] <ureif> burn it
[04:41:29] <CapnKernel> Then you have a burned ex-foam-filled car. Next?
[04:42:13] <CapnKernel> I'm starting to regret this china visa fiasco a little less: As a result of being back in Australia, I can accept my kind friend's offer of a free ticket to see Joe Satriani and Steve Vai this weekend!
[04:44:51] <crazy_pete> satriani kicks arse, hes in oz now?
[05:11:14] <CapnKernel> Wellington now, MEL on Saturday
[06:35:10] <molavy> hi
[06:37:16] <Tom_itx> medium
[06:38:13] <molavy> i have rj45 female connector with just 12 pin out
[06:38:50] <molavy> without any name on it and without pin number
[06:39:53] <molavy> i know about led green and yellow pin in and ground,but how can find pin number for other 8 pin
[06:40:18] <molavy> i want create something like this
[06:40:20] <molavy> http://www.tuxgraphics.org/electronics/200611/embedded-webserver.shtml
[06:41:30] <molavy> i found this:
[06:41:33] <molavy> http://www.mojoimage.com/free-image-hosting-05/1692Screenshot.png
[06:42:06] <molavy> but it has 10 pin out and don't have all pin number
[06:42:17] <Tom_itx> that uses a pic chip
[06:42:34] <Tom_itx> talk to someone in here... they have a different chip wiht a hardware stack
[06:43:13] <Tom_itx> sparkfun has a rj45 with the builtin choke
[06:44:20] <Tom_itx> sgt_lemming
[06:44:28] <Tom_itx> i think made one
[06:44:29] <Sgt_Lemming> jah?
[06:45:17] <Sgt_Lemming> ah, Wiz820IO is the module I am, using
[06:48:27] <danielson2> Is this muted?
[06:48:27] <danielson2> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZimoH1FFHA
[06:49:10] <Tom_itx> it is on mine but i don't have sound
[06:49:16] <danielson2> :)
[06:49:26] <Sgt_Lemming> works fine for me
[06:49:38] <danielson2> Thanks. Interesting, they had blocked me before.
[06:49:59] <danielson2> Magically, youtube has unblocked the sound. I sense some backroom licensing deals going on
[07:03:21] <Tom_itx> someone else mentioned that yesterday
[07:21:15] <danielson2> It's about time they figured out that user generated content can lead to music sales...
[07:38:18] <EbiDK> http://dmitry.co/index.php?p=./04.Thoughts/07.%20Linux%20on%208bit
[07:38:58] <EbiDK> "Because you can" I guess.
[07:41:28] <Tom_itx> *TM
[08:27:48] <specing> EbiDK: that guy is nuts
[08:28:00] <EbiDK> Well yes
[08:28:48] <EbiDK> Of course now I want copy that to a C=64. If only I could be bothered to write the emulator part :p
[08:29:14] <EbiDK> I wonder how many weeks it'd take to get a bash prompth.
[08:29:51] <EbiDK> Takes about 2 hours on his AVR but that's running at 24MHz and the C=64 run at ~1MHz
[08:32:26] <EbiDK> Hmm
[08:33:20] <EbiDK> I winder if it would be profitable to make an Arduino shield and a library to plug 2.5" PATA and SATA disks into and use them as storage on the Arduino.
[08:34:50] <danielson2> It's useless, so probably not profitable
[08:43:20] <OndraSter> SATA requires some heavy stuff :)
[08:43:28] <OndraSter> you'd need dedicated chip for it
[08:59:59] <rue_house> and yet nobody will port linux to a 286
[09:00:04] <rue_house> !?!?!1
[09:00:28] <OndraSter> haha
[09:00:55] <OndraSter> what does 286 miss? Paging and the option to jump out to real mode?
[09:01:00] <OndraSter> it is not like the 2nd matters
[09:01:03] <OndraSter> and 1st ... dunno
[09:01:56] <OndraSter> well, also 24bit addresses... :D
[09:01:58] <EbiDK> I'm fairly sure it's not missing anything more than the AVRs he used
[09:02:34] <OndraSter> :D
[09:02:44] <OndraSter> he is actually emulating different CPU
[09:02:54] <OndraSter> you could probably clear out some part of the code to have it working on 286
[09:02:57] <OndraSter> directly
[09:02:59] <EbiDK> Yup, ARM5
[09:03:14] <EbiDK> Effective CPU speed of about 6.5KHz
[09:03:21] <OndraSter> -.-
[09:03:40] <rue_house> 'It takes about 2 hours to boot to bash prompt' hahahahaha
[09:03:46] <rue_house> I love that
[09:04:09] <rue_house> The effective emulated CPU speed is about 6.5KHz
[09:04:11] <EbiDK> If you have time and patience it'll boot all of ubuntu, X and all
[09:04:11] <OndraSter> :D
[09:04:12] <rue_house> hahah
[09:04:12] <OndraSter> yeah
[09:05:28] <EbiDK> Anyway, time to head home for me. Laters.
[09:05:56] <OndraSter> he doesnt say how much RAM he used
[09:06:02] <rue_house> I'm glad its done, cause that will satisfy the university gits
[09:06:16] <rue_house> at the same time, it will prolly make them think that 8 bit avrs are useless for anything
[09:06:26] <OndraSter> lol
[09:06:43] <OndraSter> AVR32 looks a bit like... too much for home stuff
[09:06:45] <OndraSter> just as ARM does :/
[09:06:50] <OndraSter> it feels so big!
[09:06:52] <OndraSter> lol
[09:06:58] <OndraSter> (that's what she said)
[09:07:20] <rue_house> its sad that most university kids cant understand about efficient resource application
[09:07:55] <rue_house> just dont understand a processor running a dedicated application without threading
[09:08:45] <specing> university + kids?
[09:08:54] <rue_house> :)
[09:09:17] <rue_house> kids/newbs
[09:09:29] <specing> Oh well Im not at a university yet, so that doesen't include me :D
[09:09:39] <rue_house> those who try to apply multitasking and threading to an 8 bit avr with 1k of ram
[09:10:07] <specing> But even an 8 bit avr is quite often overpowered
[09:10:25] <rue_house> not if your using it for what its properly applied to
[09:10:40] <specing> I have this MSP430 Launchpad here
[09:10:50] <specing> waiting for some time....
[09:10:53] <specing> :(
[09:11:12] <specing> I have a SMPS project due in friday
[09:11:13] <rue_house> are those 16 bit or 32?
[09:11:15] <specing> 16
[09:11:27] <rue_house> so tell me what you need the 16 bits for
[09:11:35] <specing> But they run at like 4 Mhz and have 128 bytes of ram...
[09:11:46] <specing> the cheapest is 0.25$ or sth like that
[09:27:58] <cyanide> msp430 runs at 4 mhz?
[09:42:56] <asteve> cyanide: the one i have runs at 20mhz
[09:43:00] <asteve> or something around there
[09:43:04] <asteve> …ithink
[09:43:04] <Kre10s> CapnKernel, Yesterday you told me that some electric stoves use an electrode to sense presence of a flame. You also said they often use the same electrode for the piezo lighter... How would one protect the sensing input from the high voltage produced by the lighter?
[11:09:32] <DarkSector> Uh how do I know what is pin no 1 on the Atmel isp mkII
[11:09:49] <DarkSector> the one with the head, the end with the red marking
[11:09:54] <DarkSector> is that pin 1?
[11:19:13] <DarkSector> nevermind it's got a triangle on it :\
[11:22:11] <asteve> DarkSector: damn those triangles
[11:22:53] <DarkSector> inorite, very small
[11:22:55] <DarkSector> twss btw
[11:57:13] <Hfuy> Hello
[11:58:15] <Hfuy> I'm attempting to build effectively this: http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/how_to/atmega168/mega168_howto_main_index.php
[11:58:43] <Hfuy> The AVR involved has been used in this project before, but we needed the breadboard so it got taken apart.
[11:59:12] <Hfuy> Now I have a situation where PB0 seems to be toggling with a period of (according to my scope) about 0.1 microseconds.
[11:59:38] <Hfuy> I can correctly read the signature from the AVR in AVR Studio so it seems to be basically working, but I can't get it to respond to changes to the code. Any ideas what to try next?
[12:00:31] <specing> Hfuy: did you check for programming errors?
[12:00:49] <Hfuy> I'm not sure how I would. It seems to compile OK.
[12:00:58] <Hfuy> I'm wondering if I've made some sort of error with fuse bits.
[12:01:20] <Hfuy> Hitting the "auto" button will trigger a compile, yes?
[12:03:20] <specing> Are you actually uploading it?
[12:03:51] <Hfuy> There's about ten different buttons that suggest uploading, but I'm using one with the tooltip "write flash memory using current settings"
[12:03:58] <Hfuy> The light on the programmer blinks.
[12:05:03] <Hfuy> http://pastebin.com/cmraiLgF is the code
[12:05:09] <Hfuy> It may have been slightly altered.
[12:05:15] <Hfuy> We're also using an external crystal.
[12:15:44] <Hfuy> Hm. Nothing seems to change even if I set the fuses to "internal 8MHz clock" and "divide clock by 8", which should have made an immediately noticeable difference to what it's doing
[12:16:11] <Hfuy> The thought occurs that this thing is deader than A-line flares with pockets in the knees.
[12:16:56] <DarkSector> Just a word of advice, don't plug in the external power to the circuit when your USB is connected to the ATMEL mk II, the surge knocks it off
[12:17:09] <DarkSector> Plug in the USB after the device power up
[12:17:26] <Hfuy> Ah.
[12:17:31] <Hfuy> Nobody said that.
[12:17:45] <Hfuy> And yes, that's immediately fixed it.
[12:17:53] * Hfuy facepalms extensively
[12:19:14] <Hfuy> One more query. None of the clock selection options include a 20MHz crystal, which is what we have.
[12:19:32] <Hfuy> (and yes, this is an ATMEGA168-20)
[12:19:53] <Hfuy> oh no, belay that, it's 8-to-whatever.
[12:28:39] <Hfuy> Hm, now it's doing it again. I should be able to modify the code, compile, and reprogram repeatedly without powering everything off inbetween yes?
[13:32:00] <RikusW> Steffanx: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_English_words_of_Dutch_origin ;)
[15:53:01] <budwaa> Hi, trying to do some math in avr http://pastebin.com/5UTcuhDf but its throwing some spurious results when the input is around 1200-1400. Would appreciate if someone could check the casting. Its only one line of code...
[15:58:22] <budwaa> Not sure if that message got through, got some trouble with some AVR math. Throwing some spurious results with an input around 1200-1400 http://pastebin.com/5UTcuhDf
[15:58:55] <budwaa> Output seems to skip all over the place even with a very small input change.
[16:22:23] <grummund> budwaa: i can't see why that would fail. must be something else
[16:23:18] <budwaa> Seems to work in the AVR simulator too.
[16:29:20] * OndraSter is dumping some EEPROM ... half megabyte EEPROM
[16:29:23] <OndraSter> and you won't like it
[16:29:28] <OndraSter> but I am using Arduino to do it :P
[16:29:48] <OndraSter> three 595s to shift in addresses, one 165 to get the data from it
[16:30:36] <grummund> madness
[16:35:28] <OndraSter> heh
[16:35:31] <OndraSter> well, yes
[16:35:43] <OndraSter> but where would I get 18 bits for address and another 8 bits for data so quickly :P
[16:35:50] <OndraSter> just grab arduino and done
[16:36:23] <OndraSter> few wires.. :D
[16:56:44] <Tom_L> http://www2.electronicproducts.com/How_to_Build_a_Twittertape_Machine-article-fajb_twittertape_march2012-html.aspx
[16:56:49] <Tom_L> everybody needs one
[16:57:56] <Xata> hi guys, me again
[16:59:32] <Xata> why this does not want to work? it should produce *insane* frequency. but instead of this it can not even make a period in 5ms
[16:59:36] <Xata> http://pastebin.com/8quyDvwk
[17:01:48] <Kevin`> I don't want to check the register settings :(
[17:04:23] <Xata> Kevin`: registers are ok. tccr is set to use CTC mode and to run on speed of clock. even on speed of clk/64 difference between OCR0=4 and OCR0=8 is not two times :C
[17:05:24] <Xata> This is due to MC can not do things that fast or because i use simulation?
[17:05:55] <Kevin`> you aren't expecting the simulation to run in realtime, right?
[17:07:53] <Xata> Kevin`: no, i am using graph builder
[17:08:42] <Xata> hm. looks like timer is dumb. or me. got to make some calculations
[17:12:54] <Xata> Kevin`: CLKi/o means clock of cpu? or something else?
[17:13:26] <Xata> i mean i make calculations as if CLKi/o=cpu speed=8mHz
[17:13:53] <Xata> maybe it is not and maybe that's why everything fails.
[17:18:08] <Xata> ahh, ehatever
[18:04:13] <cyanide> wee
[18:04:24] <cyanide> next project, developing active suspension for racing
[18:05:13] <cyanide> assuming my suspension manufacturer deems it safe to do suspension/damping adjustments while the car is moving.
[18:07:13] <cyanide> im going to be banned after my first race. lol
[18:21:09] <cyanide> what should i look for in the datasheet if i want to see which pins have pwm functionality?
[18:22:35] <Tom_itx> cyanide ocrx
[18:22:41] <Tom_itx> output compare or pwm
[18:23:11] <cyanide> ok
[18:23:22] <cyanide> thanks, found the info
[18:26:20] <cyanide> Tom_itx, you have any atmega/xmega datasheets with you? i just want to confirm
[18:26:40] <Tom_itx> be specific
[18:26:59] <cyanide> umm, xmega__a4u
[18:27:05] <cyanide> or xmega__a1
[18:27:18] <Tom_itx> no
[18:27:19] <cyanide> either is fine. if you have something else, ill download that and check
[18:27:31] <Tom_itx> i haven't done much with xmega
[18:59:55] <nrdb> I am having trouble with the at90usb1287 datasheat page 326 ... it says that when using the ADC in differential mode the result is a 2-compliment number .... example 1 says -400 = 0x270 ... ok ... and example 2 says -41 = 0x29 ... this doesn't seem correct to me ... should -41 = 0x3D8 ?
[19:01:52] * nrdb oops ... -41 = 0x3D7
[19:17:28] <timemage> nrdb, figure it out?
[19:18:51] <nrdb> timemage, it is wrong 0x29 = +41 not -41
[19:19:50] <nrdb> timemage, plus with the formula giving and the voltages in the example the answer should be -40 not -41
[19:35:42] <timemage> nrdb, yeah, that is wierd.
[19:35:49] <timemage> nrdb, or, as you said, just wrong.
[19:37:15] <nrdb> I wonder if atmel know of the mistake.
[19:42:27] <Tom_itx> turn it in
[19:42:35] <Tom_itx> then they will
[19:42:55] <nrdb> Tom_itx, how? do I just send them an email?
[19:43:44] <Tom_itx> yeah, give them the document, line and error and any other information they need
[19:44:42] <nrdb> ok
[19:51:37] <nrdb> Tom_itx, the only email I can find is for sales... do you know what one to use?
[19:54:17] <Tom_itx> http://support.atmel.com/bin/customer.exe
[19:54:28] <Tom_itx> login and you should get something then
[19:55:42] <nrdb> i am not a member
[19:57:05] <Tom_itx> http://support.atmel.com/bin/customer.exe?=&action=registerCust
[19:57:36] <Tom_itx> http://www.atmel.com/About/contact/default.aspx?contactType=Online%20Directory
[19:57:40] <Tom_itx> try one of those
[20:14:06] <inflex> lo folks
[20:14:40] <Tom_itx> hi inflex
[20:18:41] <CapnKernel> inflex: hi
[20:20:22] <CapnKernel> Damn, ^W in wrong window
[20:21:35] <mog> inflex, you never emailed me!
[20:36:29] <inflex> guess I ddin't
[20:36:33] <inflex> :(
[20:36:57] <inflex> well, packaging surplus wins again... full 24-HDD carrying box fedex'dfrom overseas... containing 1 2.5" HDD
[20:38:52] <Casper> LOL
[20:38:59] <Casper> they could have cut the box
[20:40:29] <mog> will i inflex ?
[20:49:34] <inflex> PM me your email again
[23:12:52] <rue_house> ok 1 minute
[23:13:47] <rue_house> inflex, did they put the drive in the middle?