#avr | Logs for 2012-03-27

[00:00:32] <Roklobsta> oh the #arm channel is dead.
[00:01:20] <Roklobsta> gkwhc: use DMA, have as many blocks as you can sitting in RAM waiting to be played.
[00:01:46] <Roklobsta> get friendly with linked lists.
[00:04:18] <CapnKernel> Shouldn't be necessary to have linked lists. Sounds far too fancy
[00:04:45] <CapnKernel> FIFO with head and tail pointers. Keep it all contiguous except for where you wrap around.
[00:05:09] <CapnKernel> Most DMA engines will require some amount of alignment to powers-of-two boundaries.
[00:15:45] <Casper> circular buffer
[00:26:51] <Roklobsta> linked lists are worth the effort to learn.
[00:33:45] <rue_house> oh dear, not linked lists for an avr...
[00:33:51] <rue_house> not an 8 bit one I hope
[00:40:59] <neil__> Hi, I have a teensy++ 2.0 board. I got the HID example working, but not every message sent by the AVR gets though to the PC ... :-( ... is the USB protocol not reliable .. or is likely to be a mistake somewhere in the code on the PC or AVR? I rigged the LED to flash when it sends a response, and it does every time.
[00:42:14] <Casper> neil__: usb protocol is reliable
[00:42:16] <Casper> however
[00:42:18] <grummund> sounds like a bug at one end or the other (or both)
[00:42:24] <Casper> I bet it's a code bug
[00:42:32] <Casper> check dmesg for errors
[00:42:52] <Casper> it can also be because the avr is not usb capable, so they bitbang, so that cause problems
[00:43:50] <neil__> Casper, ok will do ... now ... it isn't bitbang I am using a at90USB1286
[00:44:05] <Casper> ok, check for code bug then
[00:44:24] <Kevin`> the usb library function you are using might not be reliable, check
[00:44:26] <neil__> Casper, it is a really nice chip
[00:44:51] <neil__> Kevin`, how could I do that?
[00:45:13] <Kevin`> in the documentation, or look what the code does when it's impossible to send data (buffers full etc)
[00:45:49] <Roklobsta> rue_house :and what's wrong with lists on an AVR?
[00:49:41] <neil__> Casper, Kevin` , ok so no message reported by dmesg when it misses a packet.
[00:50:07] <Casper> so electrically it should be fine
[00:50:12] <Casper> so probably a code bug
[00:50:59] <neil__> Casper, Kevin` , as I am using the USB stack in the example, I suppose I could try doing it with the LUFA library... but that will have to wait for another day.
[00:51:48] <grummund> neil__: what software are you using at the PC end?
[00:53:17] <neil__> grummund, the OS is ubuntu 10.10 , and I am using an example from HID program from the manufactures website.
[00:53:50] <grummund> manufacturer?
[00:54:26] <neil__> grummund, would you like me to post it?
[00:54:55] <grummund> neil__: we need more detail if you are to get a useful answer... so far all you have from here are guesses.
[01:21:36] <neil__> grummund, sorry about this but my computer went offline ... and didn't tell me when it came back
[01:24:43] <neil__> grummund, been looking more closely at the PC side of the code... it is more complex that I originally thought.
[05:14:03] <nrdb> can any help here... I have a USB HID device that sends a response to the PC every 2 seconds ... but the PC doesn't get every one of the responses ... the is at http://paste.ubuntu.com/901890/ ... what is wrong?
[05:15:13] * Roklobsta hears crickets.
[05:25:53] <Roklobsta> anyone used avrstudio 6?
[05:26:03] <lifeeth> :D
[06:29:44] <nrdb> now I have found something very strange... if I vary the timeout for reading the response ... every thing goes fine ... :-) ... I wonder why.
[08:59:00] <rue_house> Roklobsta, 8 bit avrs have really limited memory space, dynamically linked lists are much less practical than arrays
[10:51:13] <OndraSter> lately AVR STudio 5.1 is being real bi.ch.
[10:51:16] <OndraSter> it just won't launch
[10:51:23] <OndraSter> the logo shows and... that's all
[10:51:26] <OndraSter> 5.0 works fine
[10:51:31] <OndraSter> but 5.1 can not be launched till I reboot
[10:51:34] <OndraSter> = half hour task :/
[10:57:16] <mog> OndraSter, i never have any problems with avr-gcc and make ^_^
[10:57:35] <OndraSter> -.-
[10:57:40] <OndraSter> I could do that as well
[10:57:45] <OndraSter> but debugging through that must be pain :P
[10:57:53] <mog> i use simavr
[10:57:55] <OndraSter> I just set breakpoint (borked in AVR Studio btw too)
[10:57:58] <mog> which is pretty nice for most things
[10:58:10] <OndraSter> I set breakpoint to break in file.asm on line 100, but it sets in the main entry file on line 1
[10:58:28] <OndraSter> or w/e is the first JMP from reset vector
[13:10:43] <OndraSter> is it just me, or did Atmel miss clk/16 prescaler for timer0 on mega128a?! lol
[13:10:47] <OndraSter> there is /8 and /32
[13:11:11] <OndraSter> gonna have to do manual /8 then
[13:36:20] <asteve> /32 and then use ticks :)
[13:40:11] <OndraSter> what ticks?
[14:14:23] <cyanide> when designing the board layout, i understand it is frowned upon to have bends any more acute than 45 degrees.
[14:14:39] <cyanide> however, can i use vias to change directions by 180 degrees?
[14:15:15] <cyanide> its not like i have place and im just using vias to change directions. i just want to know if i can have sharper angles when using vias
[14:19:48] <Casper> probably not
[14:19:58] <Casper> use curve
[14:20:38] <cyanide> im not going to use curves. that just looks like a 4 year old designed it.
[14:21:27] <Casper> is it high frequency signal?
[14:22:53] <Landon> cyanide: the reasoning I've heard behind avoiding sharp angles is because of manufacturing faults corroding the corner, I'd say a via would be safe unless you're doing high frequency signals
[14:23:23] <cyanide> not high frequency
[14:25:40] <mog> cyanide, its an urban legend you shouldnt have a more than 45 degree bend
[14:25:44] <mog> what do you think a via is?
[14:26:10] <LoRez> it's a manufacturability thing, not a signal thing
[14:28:25] <cyanide> mog, the board looks neater with 45 degree bends anyways. and ive seen enough professionally designed boards to know that 90+ degree bends are fine too. just wanted to confirm if using vias with 180 degree direction switch was fine or not
[14:28:39] <cyanide> which it seems is perfectly fine
[14:29:11] <mog> cyanide, its fine
[14:50:40] <superkuh> You could calculate the capacitance of the two copper trips overlap.
[14:51:03] <superkuh> Get a quantitative idea of how it'd effect frequency.
[14:53:04] <mog> at anything under gighaertz and fat traces it wont matter
[14:59:55] <jaeckel> is someone of you into digital circuit design? I'm looking for a CAN 2.0b controller with simple FIFO interface, but can't find one...
[15:10:32] <OndraSter> jaeckel, I prefer digital over analog <3
[15:11:27] <OndraSter> cyanide, I am pushing 8MHz SPI, SCK line is connected to 24 devices (+ atmega as master), five PCBs connected through wires alltogether
[15:11:29] <OndraSter> it is pure sinus
[15:11:33] <OndraSter> but.. it works
[15:11:46] <cyanide> haha
[15:11:47] <OndraSter> so I'd say, unless you are doing high freq signals, 90°is ok
[15:12:43] <jaeckel> OndraSter: yes, me too
[15:13:01] <jaeckel> but I still need that CAN IP core
[15:13:29] <jaeckel> but every CAN ip core seems to have a bus interface...
[15:16:30] <mog> OndraSter, that is how i understand it, its nothing to worry about in most cases
[15:16:43] <mog> OndraSter, because thats all a via is
[15:16:58] <OndraSter> :)
[15:17:00] <mog> 2 90 degree turns
[15:17:05] <OndraSter> yeah
[15:17:21] <mog> radio engineers just scared whole industry
[15:17:31] <mog> and now its so common people just are used to it
[15:17:33] <OndraSter> :D
[15:17:51] <mog> i want to make a board one day with all right angles and auto routed
[15:17:54] <mog> just to bother people
[15:18:39] <OndraSter> lol
[15:18:44] <OndraSter> well autorouter :/
[15:18:48] <OndraSter> I don't like that
[15:18:50] <OndraSter> never use that
[15:18:55] <mog> no one likes autorouting
[15:19:16] <mog> i think its great way to start and look how it thought things were efficient
[15:19:31] <mog> especially for a few components can speed up a design
[15:19:45] <mog> but so many engineers i know have never even clicked the button even by accident
[15:20:44] <OndraSter> autorouter has always failed for me :)
[15:20:57] <OndraSter> I always managed to make really simple traces compared to what autorouter did
[15:21:03] <OndraSter> and it didn't even finish!
[15:21:11] <mog> so far ive never seen a board that wasn't better routed by hand
[15:21:25] <mog> but its still a useful tool
[15:22:05] <OndraSter> I've had simple board where was 6 ICs on SPI bus chained with one input and one output wiring, each IC had its own capacitor and one resistor
[15:22:06] <OndraSter> and that's it
[15:22:10] <OndraSter> autorouter miserably failed
[15:22:40] <mog> hmm i guess the geda router is a lot better than whatever you are using
[15:22:59] <mog> as its auto component placement and routing seems to work
[15:23:10] <mog> but often it will route in 4 layers that can easily be routed in 2
[15:23:37] <mog> but the more you help it the closer it will do to what i would have done anyways
[15:23:39] <OndraSter> I am using Eagle
[15:23:47] <OndraSter> I've placed the components on my own
[15:24:10] <mog> ive never used eagle so i couldnt say anything about it really
[15:25:56] <cyanide> eagle autorouter is a joke
[15:26:29] <mog> I haven't heard many good things about eagle in general, other than that it is gratis
[15:26:30] <asteve> and happiness
[15:26:40] <Casper> cyanide: all autorouter are
[15:26:47] <OndraSter> Eagle has IMHO good way to handle mouse
[15:26:55] <OndraSter> I just miss some quick shortcuts to different function
[15:26:59] <OndraSter> (or I just missed them)
[15:27:09] <Casper> like?
[15:27:20] <OndraSter> like handle mouse or like shortcuts?
[15:27:24] <cyanide> with manually placed components, manual routing did it in 34 vias and nice clean lines. autorouter didnt route the board completely, made a hash of whatever was routed and did it in about 78 vias
[15:27:32] <Casper> shortcut
[15:27:35] <OndraSter> oh
[15:27:37] <OndraSter> "place a wire"
[15:27:39] <OndraSter> for example
[15:27:41] <OndraSter> or "move"
[15:27:43] <Casper> "net"
[15:27:43] <cyanide> you can create your own shortcuts in eagle
[15:27:49] <OndraSter> oh
[15:27:50] <Casper> just type...
[15:27:51] <OndraSter> I must have missed that
[15:27:52] <Casper> "move"
[15:27:53] <OndraSter> type :/
[15:27:56] <OndraSter> I know about that
[15:27:57] <cyanide> ive done ctrl+g for grouping
[15:28:00] <BlueProtoman> Remember me?
[15:28:00] <OndraSter> but I want simple ctrl-m
[15:28:04] <OndraSter> for move
[15:28:04] <OndraSter> etc
[15:28:07] <Casper> you can also shortcut the names
[15:28:08] <cyanide> or ctrl+m for move
[15:28:11] <BlueProtoman> Anyway...
[15:28:12] <cyanide> OndraSter, you can do that
[15:28:14] <OndraSter> oh
[15:28:15] <OndraSter> cool!
[15:28:22] <cyanide> options -> assign
[15:28:32] <BlueProtoman> Anyone here mind helping me out with my quest to burn a program to my Arduino?
[15:28:37] <BlueProtoman> Without the Arduino IDE?
[15:28:51] <LoRez> BlueProtoman: man avrdude
[15:28:53] <cyanide> compile it and use avrdude?
[15:28:53] <Casper> it's not burn, but flash
[15:29:05] <BlueProtoman> Casper: Flash, right.
[15:29:06] <Casper> and the programmer is avrdude
[15:29:07] <OndraSter> oh that is cool, cyanide, I must have missed that _)
[15:29:12] <BlueProtoman> cyanide: I've been trying for days, but I've had no luck.
[15:29:39] <OndraSter> thanks cyanide
[15:29:57] <BlueProtoman> CapnKernel?
[15:30:14] <OndraSter> the mouse controls is just <3 in Eagle. I tried Altium Designer but the mouse control was ... weird
[15:30:24] <OndraSter> panning around with middle click = good idea
[15:33:49] <mrfrenzy> the mouse controls is just <3 in Altium. I tried Eagle but the mouse control was ... weird
[15:33:58] <mrfrenzy> it all comes down to what you learn first ;)
[15:34:59] <OndraSter> hehe
[15:36:30] <mog> ya i dont really pan in pcb as much as i zoom in and out
[15:37:02] <OndraSter> I pan instead zooming usually :)
[15:38:36] <mog> ya i think what mrfrenzy says is right its just habit
[15:43:29] <skorket> sorry for the newby question, but is it alright to drive 8 LEDs directly from an ATMega168/ATMega328? Assuming I only want 20mA or so...Where would I find that information in the datasheet? When is it not a good idea to drive LEDs directly from an avr?
[15:43:44] <OndraSter> you will be better sinking the current
[15:43:49] <OndraSter> check the ds for maximum sinking current
[15:44:00] <asteve> you want 20mA per LED?
[15:44:09] <cyanide> OndraSter :) i tried altium too.
[15:44:19] <cyanide> it's nice but a bit too complex for someone like me
[15:44:24] <OndraSter> (honestly, LEDs shine A LOT on 20mA... at least the ones I use...)
[15:44:55] <skorket> asteve, yes. OndraSter, I'm actually thinking of driving an LED matrix by using one ATMega chip so I'm considering driving and sinking from the same chip
[15:45:06] <OndraSter> LED MATRIX!!!
[15:45:08] <OndraSter> let me find one pix
[15:45:31] <OndraSter> https://skydrive.live.com/redir.aspx?cid=40bf7833586103ab&resid=40BF7833586103AB!464&parid=40BF7833586103AB!111&authkey=!AE7x4QPjwQxDs7g skorket
[15:45:33] <asteve> you can provide at most 40mA peak current from a pin
[15:45:44] <Landon> I thought sinking vs sourcing current was a thing of the past D:
[15:45:45] <asteve> i think they say not go past 160mA total draw
[15:45:57] <asteve> on the entire chip
[15:46:12] <OndraSter> I have added few shades of red & green today :)
[15:46:12] <skorket> asteve, yes, that was what I was looking for. Where did you get that number?
[15:46:20] <cyanide> folks
[15:46:22] <asteve> skorket: the datasheet 2 years ago
[15:46:26] <Landon> skorket: Electrical Characteristics section
[15:46:43] <skorket> OndraSter, nice. Red/Green 8x8 (24 of them)?
[15:46:45] <OndraSter> ye
[15:47:26] <OndraSter> with just one color variation (red/green/yellow/nothing) I was going away with 1953 times per second refreshing (122 times per second each line)
[15:47:42] <cyanide> i want to make an alarm system for my bike. when someone moves it or tries to sit on it, it should make some noise. should i use an accelerometer or something cheaper and equally functional?
[15:47:42] <OndraSter> with 4 different "color depths" I had to go way, way faster :P
[15:48:07] <OndraSter> I am setting TCNT register to A0 value...
[15:48:08] <cyanide> i have a big bike in a country where they are a rarity. people try to sit on it the moment im out of sight
[15:48:46] <OndraSter> where when the routine finishes, I have about D0 in the TCNT register already :P
[15:48:58] <OndraSter> about or a bit over 50% CPU load...
[15:49:03] <OndraSter> just to refresh few LEDs :D
[15:50:09] <skorket> So I see in the ATMega328 datasheet in the electrical characteristics section a line that says "DC Current Vcc and GND Pins .... 400mA" and "DC Current per I/O Pin.... 40mA". Is that total draw for all pins? Meaning I could source a total of 400mA from the chip as long as each pin didn't exceed 40mA?
[15:50:14] <skorket> (thanks Landon)
[15:50:30] <OndraSter> seems so
[15:50:36] <OndraSter> but I would keep some reserve myself :)
[15:50:38] <Landon> skorket: that's what I read it as, since there's nothing else related
[15:50:38] <mog> ya i thought it was closer to 500mA last time i tried
[15:50:42] <mog> but i could be wrong
[15:51:01] <asteve> skorket: why don't you use shift registers?
[15:51:12] <OndraSter> I am using MOSFETs to drive rows and constant current serial LED latches to do columns
[15:51:37] <cyanide> anyone?
[15:51:40] <cyanide> i want to make an alarm system for my bike. when someone moves it or tries to sit on it, it should make some noise. should i use an accelerometer or something cheaper and equally functional?
[15:51:40] <OndraSter> SP8J3 MOSFET (two P-channels in one SO-8 package)
[15:52:03] <skorket> asteve, 2 shift registers = 2 x .30 cents = .60 cents, 2 7407s = 2 x .75 = 1.5 for a total of about $2.10. Pay an extra dollar and get a full featured ATMega328
[15:52:04] <Landon> cyanide: the seat seems like a perfect spot for a pressure sensor
[15:52:38] <Landon> if that's also part of the problem (people sitting on it, but not moving it)
[15:52:48] <skorket> Landon, thanks again
[15:53:38] <cyanide> would a single axis accelerometer be enough?
[15:53:57] <asteve> skorket: yes but your shift registers and source/sink more current than your atmega
[15:53:57] <cyanide> not sure how i'd mount the pressure sensor
[15:54:23] <asteve> and you can use 1 atmega to control 5 sets of 8
[15:54:29] <skorket> asteve, but if I'm only ever driving 8 LEDs at a time, staying within the 400mA total current draw, then theres no reason to use that feature
[15:55:32] <skorket> asteve, again, for a (what I find to be) neglectable increase in cost, I get a full featured ATMega328. It also cuts down on complexity, wiring, etc.
[15:55:38] <BlueProtoman> Oh fuck.
[15:55:45] <BlueProtoman> I think I know why I'm having problems.
[15:55:51] <BlueProtoman> My binary is too big. :(
[15:55:55] <OndraSter> heh
[15:55:59] <skorket> asteve, if there are better reasons to use the shift registers for this purpose, then I'm all ears
[15:56:02] <cyanide> how big?
[15:56:40] <OndraSter> http://dx.com/0603-blue-smd-led-silicone-strip-122494
[15:56:44] <OndraSter> why they call it silicone strip?
[15:56:44] <asteve> skorket: if all you want to do is control 8 leds then maybe the atmega is the right choice
[15:56:45] <OndraSter> it is reel!
[15:56:49] <OndraSter> well, cut reel
[15:56:57] <asteve> but if you want to control 64000 leds, you'll want to save that dollar
[15:57:14] <OndraSter> even my 3072 LEDs is harder than what one would expect
[15:57:41] <asteve> i need new shoes
[15:57:48] <skorket> asteve, of course. But I'm thinking of driving two LED matrices in total, both 8x8. I would rather just spend the extra $2 to drive each with an ATMega
[15:58:18] <asteve> 8x8? you'll need 8 atmegas which would be an additional $8?
[15:58:29] <OndraSter> nah, multiplexing I'd guess
[15:58:35] <OndraSter> but still...
[15:58:39] <OndraSter> 8 LEDs to share 40 mAmps?
[15:58:44] <OndraSter> 5mAs...
[15:58:48] <OndraSter> well, it is your choice, really :(
[15:58:50] <OndraSter> :)
[15:58:53] <asteve> 8 leds to share 400mA is his decision
[15:59:02] <OndraSter> his*
[15:59:43] <skorket> asteve, ? Drive each row at a time, meaning at any given instant a maximum of 8 LEDs are ever lit. Do it fast enough so POV takes effect and cycle through the 8 rows....
[16:00:09] <OndraSter> yeah, that's how I do it (except I multiplex 16 lines and push over 70mAmps per diode for the few nanoseconds)
[16:04:14] <BlueProtoman> Roklobsta?
[16:04:22] <OndraSter> btw skorket https://skydrive.live.com/redir.aspx?cid=40bf7833586103ab&resid=40BF7833586103AB!470&parid=40BF7833586103AB!111&authkey=!AA4RbaHWG1OujCU
[16:04:26] <OndraSter> trying out colors
[16:04:31] <OndraSter> not so easy to catch with camera during night
[16:04:47] <OndraSter> (it works all over the LED board, I was just too lazy to do more than 9x9 lol)
[16:05:04] <skorket> Nice. with that color scheme you could even get a few nintentdo characters...luigi perhaps?
[16:05:08] <OndraSter> I found that 16MHz atmega is starting to be slow for this
[16:05:09] <OndraSter> haha
[16:05:13] <OndraSter> mario!
[16:05:19] <OndraSter> I am doing it all in asm so far
[16:05:37] <skorket> and that deal on dealextreme is really good. The best I could find, at least in the quantity I wanted, was about $.05 per LED
[16:05:48] <OndraSter> I am not planning on switching to C for the code :)
[16:06:04] <skorket> OndraSter, you're using shift registers?
[16:06:09] <OndraSter> ye
[16:06:13] <OndraSter> LED drivers to be precise
[16:06:17] <OndraSter> I got them from my teacher
[16:06:19] <OndraSter> Allegro A6275
[16:06:22] <OndraSter> constant current drivers
[16:06:27] <cyanide> this is awesome
[16:06:28] <cyanide> http://iteadstudio.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=50_51&products_id=537
[16:06:32] <OndraSter> with serial chaining
[16:06:54] <BlueProtoman> Tom_itx?
[16:07:23] <OndraSter> heh cyanide
[16:08:27] <cyanide> if someone gets off their high horse and forgets the arduino part, there is serious value in there for 55 bucks
[16:08:42] <cyanide> not talking to you, just saying
[16:09:18] <OndraSter> http://www.fit.vutbr.cz/~strnadel/ipr/bipol_tranz/tr_hradlo.png
[16:09:20] <OndraSter> wrong pic
[16:09:23] <OndraSter> http://iteadstudio.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=35_37&products_id=190
[16:09:23] <OndraSter> this
[16:09:27] <OndraSter> it looks cool
[16:09:32] <OndraSter> but the price
[16:09:36] <OndraSter> imagine buying 24 of those lol
[16:09:50] <OndraSter> I got 25x RG ones for $34.5
[16:10:03] <cyanide> LOL
[16:10:17] <BlueProtoman> Is it bad if a compiled .hex file is larger than an AVR's flash memory?
[16:10:24] <OndraSter> yes
[16:10:26] <OndraSter> it won't fit
[16:10:27] <cyanide> lol
[16:10:43] <BlueProtoman> But the accompanying .elf is smaller...
[16:10:50] <OndraSter> oh hex
[16:10:52] <BlueProtoman> And even with a few compiler flags turned on...
[16:10:52] <OndraSter> hex != binary
[16:10:56] <asteve> roll around you'll be iight
[16:11:11] <OndraSter> .hex is format made by Intel
[16:19:11] <BlueProtoman> Looks like I might have to move this project to my PC...
[16:19:16] <BlueProtoman> That's gonna take so much more time...
[16:19:24] <skorket> BlueProtoman, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_HEX . "Intel HEX is a file format for conveying binary information..." "The format is a text file...". Intel Hex is a human readable ASCII text file that has some meta information on what the data is (i.e. CRC checks) and where it goes (i.e. Address lines). This extra information along with the fact that it's representing hexadecimal digits as ASCII readable ones makes it larger than t
[16:19:24] <skorket> he corresponding binary data given to the micro
[16:19:39] <BlueProtoman> skorket: Oh, well OK.
[16:19:47] <BlueProtoman> Thanks for clearing that up.
[16:21:22] <BlueProtoman> Hm...
[16:21:39] <BlueProtoman> In the Arduino IDE, I successfully compiled a "blinky" LED program, and it ran.
[16:22:02] <BlueProtoman> Here I threw a brief bit of blinky into my program, but even thought it compiles it's not blinking.
[16:22:06] <BlueProtoman> *though it
[16:22:59] <BlueProtoman> OK, fuck this, I'm moving to SDL.
[16:24:27] <grummund> you get the code size by running avr-size on the elf file
[16:36:42] <OndraSter> oh I am so glad I chose to use assembler on day 1 :)
[16:36:53] <OndraSter> if I were doing it in C, I doubt I could get it running at this speed
[16:37:00] <OndraSter> right guest39
[16:37:06] <OndraSter> right Guest39719
[16:37:24] <mog> OndraSter, what are you doing ?
[16:37:39] <OndraSter> mog, that LED matrix
[16:37:41] <mog> ah
[16:37:50] <OndraSter> I posted pix earlier and many times before :)
[16:38:29] <nrdb> OndraSter, where?
[16:38:43] <OndraSter> here
[16:39:04] <mog> lol...
[16:39:05] <OndraSter> full board test 1:
[16:39:06] <OndraSter> https://skydrive.live.com/redir.aspx?cid=40bf7833586103ab&resid=40BF7833586103AB!464&parid=40BF7833586103AB!111&authkey=!AE7x4QPjwQxDs7g
[16:39:19] <nrdb> grummund, are you here?
[16:39:25] <OndraSter> PC side: https://skydrive.live.com/redir.aspx?cid=40bf7833586103ab&resid=40BF7833586103AB!465&parid=40BF7833586103AB!111&authkey=!AN3lh5x8Ebg1HYs
[16:39:51] <OndraSter> shades of colors test (bad pic, it is hard to focus with my phone during night hours)
[16:39:51] <OndraSter> https://skydrive.live.com/redir.aspx?cid=40bf7833586103ab&resid=40BF7833586103AB!470&parid=40BF7833586103AB!111&authkey=!AA4RbaHWG1OujCU
[16:39:57] <mog> so many pixels
[16:40:02] <OndraSter> yeah
[16:40:09] <mog> whats your resolution?
[16:40:15] <OndraSter> 32x48 pixels
[16:40:18] <mog> nice
[16:40:25] <OndraSter> 12cm * 18cm real size :)
[16:40:32] <asteve> OndraSter: what's the point?
[16:40:34] <nrdb> nice
[16:40:41] <OndraSter> asteve, my school project mostly
[16:40:44] <grummund> who called?
[16:40:45] <asteve> cool
[16:40:48] <nrdb> how do you control that many leds?
[16:40:53] <OndraSter> nrdb, smartly :)
[16:41:03] * nrdb ha ha ha
[16:41:06] <asteve> how are you getting orange?
[16:41:09] <OndraSter> one 595 shift register that outputs to 154 decoders
[16:41:14] <OndraSter> who output to MOSFETs
[16:41:26] <OndraSter> and then bunch of Allegro A6275 LED drivers (serial chained)
[16:41:32] <OndraSter> asteve, well, it should be yellow
[16:41:40] <OndraSter> but appearantly red + green is not yellow anymore on this world
[16:41:41] <mog> how is it only 32x48 pixels?
[16:42:00] <OndraSter> mog, ?
[16:42:03] <asteve> each pixel is 3 leds? red green and blue?
[16:42:10] <OndraSter> no, just red and green
[16:42:12] <OndraSter> blue is not there
[16:42:16] <OndraSter> blue was too expensive
[16:42:23] <asteve> blue was too expensive? how dare you say that
[16:42:25] <OndraSter> RGB modules are 10 times the price :(
[16:42:30] <OndraSter> of just RG
[16:42:31] <mog> each of those boxes is 10 x 10 right?
[16:42:34] <OndraSter> 8x8
[16:43:06] <mog> oh
[16:43:10] <nrdb> what is the frame rate?
[16:43:23] <OndraSter> hard to say, but not much
[16:43:30] <OndraSter> the 16MHz atmega is pushed to the limit :/
[16:43:53] * nrdb I bet, that is a lot of shift registers.
[16:44:06] <OndraSter> shift registers are not the problem
[16:44:34] <OndraSter> problem is that to get enough colors you need to have a lot of fast refreshes
[16:44:53] <OndraSter> I can get away with 100 refreshes per second with single red/green/yellow colors
[16:45:10] <OndraSter> but I have to go to at least 400 refreshes if I want more colors
[16:45:25] <OndraSter> I am more closer to 500 refreshes per second
[16:45:47] <OndraSter> I haven't done the math again, but ye, it is pushing the limits
[16:46:04] <nrdb> well done on that, what are you using it for?
[16:46:14] <OndraSter> showing pictures right now...
[16:46:31] <OndraSter> hopefuly I will be able to fit some simple game engine into it when it will be rendered on the device rather via serial :)
[16:46:40] <Xata> hi.
[16:46:43] <OndraSter> hi
[16:46:44] <tobbor> OndraSter! like, totally tell us about the project!
[16:46:57] <OndraSter> it is nearly at the end, I need just case for it :P
[16:47:11] <OndraSter> well, need to drill the main hole in the case I got for it
[16:47:36] <OndraSter> anyway, anyone feeling like doing simple mario game in assembler? :D
[16:47:49] <OndraSter> you have about 1MHz left, with being interrupted every so often!
[16:47:55] <Landon> I recommend you go put your sanity in a little box in the corner so you can find it later
[16:48:08] <OndraSter> :D
[16:48:32] <mog> OndraSter, add another atmega and use that for video
[16:48:38] * Landon never wants to do a full assembly program again
[16:48:43] <OndraSter> Landon, hehe
[16:48:51] <Landon> <3 me some control structures, but not naming labels out the wazoo
[16:48:53] <OndraSter> mog, well, they need to communicate..
[16:49:04] <OndraSter> I can do that on PC right now
[16:49:06] <OndraSter> put all logic there
[16:49:20] <Xata> i have a problem, with interrupts. i need to increment a value on timer/counter match, and than send it to another function. how do i make this? "extern int counter" in ISR(TIMER0_COMP_vect) only?
[16:49:27] <mog> ahh
[16:49:30] <OndraSter> but serial is not interrupt driven
[16:49:45] <Landon> Xata: how are your files set up?
[16:49:46] <nrdb> Xata, what language?
[16:49:48] <OndraSter> and the loading stuff and such can happen only when there isnt running routine for refreshing
[16:49:51] <mog> thatt works too but thought you were trying to do without a pc
[16:49:57] <Xata> nrdb: C
[16:50:06] <OndraSter> mog, sure I wanto try that too :-)
[16:50:09] <OndraSter> start with pong
[16:50:15] <Xata> Landon: what files?
[16:50:16] <nrdb> Xata, sound like you need a volatile variable.
[16:50:17] <Landon> Xata: are the ISR and other function in the same source file?
[16:50:21] <mog> heh OndraSter
[16:50:32] <Xata> Landon: yes
[16:50:38] <Landon> ok, you don't need extern
[16:50:41] <Landon> but you absolutely need volatile
[16:50:48] <Landon> like nrdb suggested
[16:50:59] <OndraSter> and if I can say "kk, one or two color depth is enough for me", I can lower the refresh rate exponentially and get a lot more speed
[16:51:28] <OndraSter> I am using 4bits color depth (actually 8 distant images, so I can go upto 8, but it doesn't make that much effect anymore)
[16:51:39] <Landon> I have "volatile uint8_t counter" as a global variable, but I'm not sure how kosher that is
[16:52:07] <OndraSter> err, not 4bits color depth* but 4 distant images
[16:52:17] <OndraSter> that are quickly swapped on the display...
[16:52:18] <Xata> Landon: so something like ISR(TIMER0_COMP_vect){extern volatile int counter; other_function(counter);} will do?
[16:52:31] <OndraSter> each one goes 120 times per second or so :-)
[16:52:36] <Xata> oh, and counter++
[16:52:48] <nrdb> Landon, that is the construct... C will not buffer it, it will be read each time it is accessed by any function.
[16:53:04] <grummund> Xata: is the ISR function and the other function in the same .c file?
[16:53:17] <Xata> grummund: yep
[16:53:28] <nrdb> Landon, it needs to be a global variable.
[16:53:36] <Landon> nrdb: ok, that's the part I was wondering about
[16:54:15] <grummund> Xata: at the top of the .c file put static volatile uint8_t counter; then just use it in both functions.
[16:55:49] <nrdb> Landon, any variable updated by a interrupt should be 'volatile' else it most likely wont be read properly by other functions.
[16:55:50] <OndraSter> Landon, http://pastebin.com/D4ieWCkt :P
[16:55:51] <Xata> grummund: oh. thanks. also i have to #include <inttypes.h>
[16:56:05] <OndraSter> check DISPLAY_TIMER routine... (till the RETI instruction)
[16:56:15] <grummund> Xata: no, #include <stdint.h>
[16:57:41] <Xata> grummund: oh... yeah. i know C by k&r book, but i have very little practise == dumb mistakes. thanks again.
[16:58:27] <Landon> OndraSter: D:
[16:58:53] <OndraSter> :)
[16:59:13] <OndraSter> this is what happens when you need it optimalized more than "as much as possible"
[16:59:41] <grummund> you write the entire program inside an isr :p
[17:00:02] <OndraSter> lol
[17:00:05] <Landon> OndraSter: it's actually a lot simpler than I was expecting, looks pretty straightforward
[17:00:05] <OndraSter> almost, yeah
[17:00:08] <OndraSter> yeah
[17:00:09] <Landon> it's just dense :P
[17:00:16] <OndraSter> Landon, btw, SCK line, the top one: https://skydrive.live.com/redir.aspx?cid=40bf7833586103ab&resid=40BF7833586103AB!462&parid=40BF7833586103AB!111&authkey=!ABPxBtdpktQIhqk
[17:00:55] <Landon> what are the divisions on that:?
[17:01:19] <OndraSter> well, it is 8MHz
[17:02:04] <Landon> WHOA
[17:02:10] <Landon> and suddenly I saw a face
[17:02:17] <OndraSter> lol
[17:02:21] <OndraSter> yeah
[17:02:32] <OndraSter> *almost* facebook-ready profile photo! lol
[17:02:58] <Landon> you'll have to make it hdd44780 compatible and you can play my game on the display :P
[17:03:07] <OndraSter> :D :D
[17:03:17] <OndraSter> HD44780 does characters rather pixels :P
[17:03:20] <Landon> I'm doing a cheapo run-n-jump game for my blog
[17:03:26] <OndraSter> yay
[17:03:30] <OndraSter> on HD44780 display?
[17:03:34] <Landon> yeah
[17:03:38] <OndraSter> aren't those cheap displays... slow to refresh?
[17:03:43] <Tom_itx> looks all serious...
[17:04:01] <Landon> OndraSter: well... let's put it this way, by the time I get to where it has problems, I'm either a superhuman or lost the game :(
[17:04:15] <OndraSter> in your game?
[17:04:22] <Landon> yeah
[17:04:23] <OndraSter> heh
[17:04:37] <OndraSter> some links to the game? :)
[17:04:39] <Landon> extremely simple right now, scrolls characters every tick
[17:04:49] <Landon> none until I'm finished and have a writeup
[17:04:52] <OndraSter> oh
[17:04:59] <OndraSter> keep us (me :D) posted :)
[17:05:06] <Landon> it'll be at blog.lfowles.org
[17:05:20] <OndraSter> btw these are the LED drivers:
[17:05:20] <OndraSter> https://skydrive.live.com/redir.aspx?cid=40bf7833586103ab&resid=40BF7833586103AB!401&parid=40BF7833586103AB!111&authkey=!ANe8BxipGvUHV60
[17:05:39] <OndraSter> one is hidden behind each every "segment" (segment = six 8x8 matrices... there are 4 segments)
[17:05:43] <OndraSter> I am driving two rows at a time
[17:05:57] <Landon> hm
[17:08:11] <neil__> OndraSter, A really large HD44780 type display say 4x20 characters might sell.
[17:08:28] <OndraSter> hmm
[17:08:38] <OndraSter> you mean, implementing it to my project?
[17:08:56] <neil__> yes
[17:09:03] <OndraSter> oh hmm
[17:09:20] <OndraSter> but the price of this was astronomic, compared to regular 4x20 display :P
[17:10:03] <OndraSter> I'd redesign it if I were to put it onto sell... get rid of all the wiring I have in the back of it
[17:10:10] <OndraSter> few hundreds of small wires...
[17:10:18] <OndraSter> I changed the design after I ordered the boards :(
[17:10:22] <neil__> but a regular cant be read from a long distance
[17:10:28] <OndraSter> :)
[17:10:57] <OndraSter> hmm HD44780 displays have 7 pixels high characters, right?
[17:11:06] <OndraSter> and 5px wide
[17:11:36] <OndraSter> that's 13 matrices... *4
[17:11:39] <OndraSter> yay!
[17:11:51] <Landon> I think there's a bit of a gutter too
[17:12:06] <Xata> why this does not want to work? http://pastebin.com/7UHtuZKY
[17:12:28] <Landon> so, 5x8
[17:12:33] <OndraSter> TIMSK
[17:12:56] <OndraSter> you need to unmask the interrupt in TIMSK register :)
[17:13:10] <Landon> Xata: you don't need to redeclare wave_pos, just use it
[17:13:19] <nrdb> bad phone line, keep getting disconnected.
[17:13:43] <Xata> Landon: ok...
[17:13:49] <Landon> extern is for when you're trying to use a variable from another source file as well
[17:14:09] <Xata> OndraSter: uh? got fint that register in datasheet
[17:14:19] <OndraSter> what mega do you have?
[17:14:25] <Xata> 32a
[17:14:28] <OndraSter> ok let me check ds
[17:15:24] <OndraSter> I can see TIMSK in the datasheet
[17:15:31] <OndraSter> page 87
[17:15:34] <OndraSter> http://www.atmel.com/Images/doc8155.pdf
[17:15:39] <Xata> OndraSter: TIMSK |= 1<<OCIE0
[17:15:47] <Xata> yes?
[17:16:05] <OndraSter> ye
[17:16:27] <Xata> thanks :3 got to proteus that
[17:16:33] <OndraSter> np :)
[17:16:36] <OndraSter> glad to help
[17:16:45] <OndraSter> you've got no idea how much pain was my project causing me
[17:17:08] <OndraSter> and how many times I found here the fix
[17:17:23] <OndraSter> sometimes it was simple mistake that needed extra set of new eyes :P
[17:17:55] <Xata> OndraSter: It works! thanks. one step closer to my insane synthesizer.
[17:18:10] <OndraSter> synthesizer? wow
[17:18:21] <OndraSter> I wanted to get AD9850 or w/e is the number
[17:18:37] <OndraSter> 175MHz input clock, output half of that... sinus, triangle, square wave
[17:18:39] <OndraSter> DDS
[17:18:44] <nrdb> I when I was doing some coding for a company ... standard practice was to show it to another and explain it ... often found the problem quickly.
[17:18:45] <OndraSter> but it costs a lot
[17:19:11] <OndraSter> ad9833 or 32 might be better choice for me
[17:19:17] <OndraSter> I don't need high freqs anyway
[17:19:59] <OndraSter> actually, ad9834CRUZ was the other option
[17:20:45] <Xata> yes, i sometimes even have mistakes in while(){} like i<number instead of i>number. i think this is because i have low-to-no practise. also idea is actually to make fm-synthesizer on atmega. mono, but FM :3
[17:21:20] <OndraSter> :o)
[17:21:27] <OndraSter> gl with that :D
[17:21:30] <Landon> that sounds pretty intense for software
[17:22:15] <Xata> than 3 of them -> AM -> lpf -> insanity
[17:23:23] <Xata> Landon: even if it will be not really precise and glitchy - i'm ok with that, this even adds some interesting feeling.
[17:23:43] <Landon> Xata: yes, follow up when you're done
[17:23:52] * Landon enjoys reading project writeups
[17:25:50] <Xata> Landon: what means to "follow up"? Hole in my knowledge of Ingrish
[17:26:21] <Landon> come back and let us know how awesome it is when you're done ;)
[17:27:23] <Xata> Landon: oh. i will. i think i will come here much frequently, than just when i'll be done :3
[17:27:36] <Xata> *much more
[17:28:39] <CapnKernel> BlueProtoman ran away!
[17:28:58] <OndraSter> hey CapnKernel
[17:29:06] <CapnKernel> OndraSter: Hi
[17:29:16] <OndraSter> any news about your visa?
[17:29:32] <CapnKernel> You're all invited to the funeral
[17:29:39] <CapnKernel> It is an ex-visa
[17:29:45] <CapnKernel> (I'm back in Melbourne now)
[17:29:57] <CapnKernel> I will try again in two months
[17:30:19] <OndraSter> :(
[17:30:39] <CapnKernel> "If this shit was easy, everyone would do it"
[17:30:57] <Steffanx> Too bad CapnKernel ..
[17:31:08] <CapnKernel> Anyway, y'all want me to get my PCB business going, right? :-)
[17:31:17] <Steffanx> ofcourse
[17:31:23] <CapnKernel> Well I can do that right here.
[17:31:29] <CapnKernel> And that's my plan.
[17:31:43] <OndraSter> I was more interested in knowing how much would it cost to get those 8x8 LED matrices, both red&green and RGB versions of it as well :P
[17:32:03] <CapnKernel> Buy from my friend.
[17:32:43] <OndraSter> link? :)
[17:33:14] <CapnKernel> http://www.goodluckbuy.com/5pcs-8x8-dot-matrix-3mm-dia-bicolor-led-display.html?&sl=en
[17:33:29] <OndraSter> thanks :)
[17:33:47] <Xata> got go sleep(); thanks everyone and bye
[17:34:06] <Steffanx> sleep(3600*7) ?
[17:34:20] <nrdb> OndraSter, futerlec sell something similar for $USD3.90 and $USD10.90
[17:34:30] <OndraSter> I got 'em already :-)
[17:34:39] <OndraSter> I was just asking if somebdoy asked me to make some more for him... :D
[17:34:57] <OndraSter> well, the school did, but I am not sure how to transfer all the payments to them...
[17:34:58] <CapnKernel> That price inc free shipping
[17:35:04] <nrdb> OndraSter, ok sorry
[17:35:11] <OndraSter> no problem nrdb
[17:35:21] <OndraSter> I paid $35 for 25 pieces
[17:35:47] <CapnKernel> Well then my friend is cheaper :-)
[17:35:49] * nrdb that was cheap
[17:36:19] <OndraSter> CapnKernel, they don't seem to be bicolor
[17:36:37] <OndraSter> the pin count fits, but why would be there the red/green dropdown?
[17:36:43] <OndraSter> and somebody mentioned they are not bicolor :/
[17:37:10] <CapnKernel> So it seems :-(
[17:37:20] <CapnKernel> Ask their customer support if they have bicolour.
[17:37:50] <OndraSter> I am more interested in finding CHEAP RGB ones
[17:37:55] <OndraSter> I don't seem to be able to do that
[17:38:10] <CapnKernel> If only you'd told me before I left.
[17:38:13] <OndraSter> not that I would have any use for them now anymore... too late, going to show them my project on friday...
[17:38:24] <OndraSter> it was too late anyway, I bought them back in September :D
[17:39:01] <OndraSter> damn it is late
[17:39:03] <OndraSter> 0029
[17:39:04] <OndraSter> gn
[17:39:28] <Steffanx> gn
[17:41:16] <cyanide> pfft
[17:41:20] <cyanide> 0401 here
[17:41:32] <CapnKernel> OndraSter: gn
[17:41:51] <cyanide> hello mitch
[17:41:59] <CapnKernel> cyanide: hi
[17:42:12] <CapnKernel> I was thinking of your bike alarm
[17:42:25] <CapnKernel> But having a fart noise when someone sits on it
[17:42:39] <CapnKernel> But I think you may get more people sitting on it, not less :-)
[17:43:03] <CapnKernel> I'm pretty sure you can buy something off the shelf (== cheap) to do motion sensed alarm
[17:43:31] <cyanide> haha
[17:44:00] <cyanide> i don't know. shit's expensive here. or hilariously bad. usually both.
[17:45:25] <cyanide> and ive got an adxl345 just chilling here
[17:55:52] <CapnKernel> cyanide: http://www.goodluckbuy.com/vibration-activated-120db-bicycle-anti-theft-security-alarm-1-2.html
[17:57:21] <CapnKernel> http://www.goodluckbuy.com/wireless-remote-control-door-window-vibration-alarm-detector-.html
[18:04:56] <nextdrift> Привет
[18:14:52] <Roklobsta_> gkwhc: how'd your WAV player work out?
[18:56:20] <Kre10s> If you had to sense if a propane stove was on or not how would you do it?
[18:56:34] <Kre10s> on == burning
[18:57:38] <Tom_itx> stick your finger over the burner?
[18:58:00] <Tom_itx> or an ir temp sensor
[18:59:12] <CapnKernel> Two electrodes in the flame - the flame should be conductive.
[18:59:13] <Kre10s> where would you stick a temp sensor? it would have to be really fast acting.
[18:59:24] <Kre10s> CapnKernel, nice.
[18:59:56] <CapnKernel> This is how many stoves do it (although it's usually one electrode, and use the stove frame as a common.
[19:00:05] <CapnKernel> The same electrode is often also used for the piezo lighter
[19:01:31] <CapnKernel> If you want an electrode which won't be eroded by the flame, an old burner is an ideal place to steal one
[19:01:52] <CapnKernel> I think they're platinum coated or something
[19:05:33] <Kre10s> What kind of resistances could i expect from burning propane?
[19:06:12] <Tom_itx> ok i feel like a noob at this. but i'll ask here because i can. is phython .py the same as php?
[19:06:22] <Tom_itx> and do you know of a good python reference?
[19:07:23] <Valen> i got a book on python it was good
[19:07:38] <Valen> but as to .py being .php uhh how do you mean?
[19:07:54] <Tom_itx> is it the same?
[19:08:03] <Tom_itx> i mean.. i use php in my webpages
[19:08:12] <Tom_itx> but these files i'm after are .py files
[19:08:36] <Kre10s> python != php
[19:08:42] <Valen> generally no
[19:08:43] <Tom_itx> mkay
[19:08:48] <Kre10s> those are different languages
[19:09:01] <Tom_itx> i didn't think so but figured asking and looking stupid may save time
[19:09:01] <Valen> you can use python through CGI but its less common
[19:09:16] <Tom_itx> well i need to mod a couple .py files
[19:09:25] <Tom_itx> and just want to know enough about it to get the job done
[19:09:57] <Landon> Tom_itx: if you already know php, maybe you want something like the python cookbook
[19:10:07] <Valen> python is a general purpose language but you can use it through CGI and then use it like php
[19:10:21] <Tom_itx> Valen, that's not the intent here
[19:10:32] <Tom_itx> i just need to get a handle on the syntax mostly
[19:11:51] <Valen> there isnt much of it ;->
[19:12:10] <Tom_itx> low level file functions etc
[19:12:11] <Valen> there are a few intro to python things on the interweb that are pretty good
[19:12:14] <Tom_itx> and basic syntax
[19:12:30] <Tom_itx> i'm looking one over atm
[19:12:32] <Valen> skip over lambda functions for the time being ;->
[19:12:55] <Tom_itx> i may not get that luxury
[19:13:00] <Valen> you can get into python reading and writing and parsing files in ~5 pages worth of tutorials
[19:13:17] <Valen> if you want a hand i'm not a python god, but i have been paid for doing stuff in it
[19:13:25] <Tom_itx> i'm just tryign to mod a file to do something a bit different
[19:14:24] <Landon> http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/ is the cookbooks online site, looks like it has lots of noise though :\
[19:15:17] <Tom_itx> z-log
[19:15:24] <Tom_itx> zlog
[19:17:17] <CapnKernel> The Python Cookbook is an excellent book, if you already know how to program. It will show you the Python way of doing things without teaching you what a loop is.
[19:18:14] <CapnKernel> I also use and love Python, but I don't really use it how it's supposed to be used.
[19:18:46] <CapnKernel> Tom_itx: We could go over to #python if it's off-topic for #avr.
[19:19:17] <CapnKernel> Personally I think it's fine here, because it's "Australian hour". All we're missing is theBear and inflex.
[19:19:42] <CapnKernel> (I've forgotten, who is Australian? ziph? theBear?)
[19:24:09] <Tom_itx> i believe so
[19:24:14] <Tom_itx> inflex
[19:24:26] <Tom_itx> and a few other shady characters
[19:29:24] * nevyn hides in the shade
[19:31:03] * Roklobsta_ hides in his study.
[19:31:47] <Roklobsta_> Oh it's such a nice day out I should get a real tan and not an LCD tan.
[19:51:59] <Valen> me too
[19:52:11] * Valen walked on a nail
[19:52:13] <Valen> :-<
[19:52:18] <Valen> my foot has a hole
[19:56:51] <Tom_itx> better get a tetnus shot
[20:03:10] <Valen> its just wide, not that deep
[20:11:31] <CapnKernel> Valen: Ouch
[20:49:01] <inflex> O_o
[20:49:03] <inflex> I'm not shady
[20:54:41] <Valen> your dodgy
[20:54:43] <Valen> thats worse
[20:58:46] <Roklobsta_> valen: nail or soldering iron?
[20:59:01] <Valen> nail
[20:59:15] <Roklobsta_> the world is a dangerous place when you leave the saftey of the computer.
[21:01:22] <Roklobsta_> is anyone using a linix VM for their Atmel work?
[21:50:17] <theBear> i use real linux for avr stuff... and i got a machine with vmware that'll run any os without a hiccup
[22:10:19] * Casper wonders...
[22:10:46] <Casper> flu? allergic reaction to paint? or throat irritation due to the paint?
[22:18:56] <CapnKernel> Plague
[22:19:07] <CapnKernel> Anthrax
[22:27:36] <Casper> doubtfull
[22:48:34] <Roklobsta_> solder fumes and lead poisoning
[22:53:27] <emile> hi guys, I've messaged alis already, but can't find any channel for tinyos.
[22:55:40] <emile> we're attempting to change the rf channel on a UCMINI
[22:55:48] <emile> and the documentation is nonexistant
[22:59:53] <rue_house> never heard of it
[22:59:58] <rue_house> what chipset it use?
[23:03:35] <emile> I believe that we just figured it out, but the way was completely undocumented.. not a good sign. RFA1
[23:04:55] <emile> /join #kfc
[23:05:02] <emile> hai
[23:05:05] <emile> chickenz