#avr | Logs for 2012-03-17

[01:39:26] <theBear> yup, you know what i'm talkin about !
[01:39:43] <theBear> found a couple nice ssh and vnc apps for little green robot so far
[01:40:25] <theBear> also a 'fake' hercules dj desk on the screen with a remote midi-generator app that seems to run fine in my xorg setup
[01:40:38] <theBear> surprisingly good latency on wifi
[01:54:06] <Valen> i'm getting my first android phone soon
[01:54:11] <Valen> galaxy note
[01:54:21] <Valen> 5.3 inch screen w0000t ;->
[02:02:59] <Landon> I wouldn't mind getting an ipad with my tax refund...
[02:03:15] <Landon> but then the refund would disappear :(
[02:15:27] <Valen> feh ipad
[02:15:31] <Valen> more crap to carry
[02:15:44] <Valen> and you don't even get root on it
[02:16:01] <Valen> i spose the same could be said of android
[02:16:03] <Valen> but still
[02:16:04] <Valen> ;->
[02:16:05] <Landon> I've got enough machines I have root on :P
[02:16:19] <Landon> I just want a youtube tablet :>
[02:16:28] <Valen> check out the galaxy note
[02:16:33] <Valen> 5.3 inch screen
[02:16:41] <Valen> youtube, but in your pocket ;->
[02:16:44] <Landon> what's the screen res?
[02:16:57] <Landon> I watch a lot of lets plays/higher detail stuff
[02:17:14] <Valen> i believe 1280
[02:17:42] <Valen> 5.3” WXGA (1280 x 800) screen*
[02:17:59] <Valen> has pen input too
[02:18:13] <Valen> and Glonass + gps
[02:18:15] <Landon> hm, not too hot on the screen size
[02:18:28] <Landon> I'm looking at my nook now which has a 6" screen, doesn't seem very big
[02:18:44] <Valen> yeah still
[02:18:50] <Valen> for your phone its big ;->
[02:19:20] <Landon> heh
[05:03:48] <molavy> hi
[05:04:00] <DexterLB> hey
[05:04:09] <molavy> i have problem on this code:
[05:04:35] <molavy> at line 68
[05:04:38] <molavy> http://www.fpaste.org/OneT/
[05:05:04] <molavy> in fact i must use 0b01100110
[05:06:25] <molavy> but in seven segment when i use 0b01100110 number 4 show up wrong,
[05:13:20] <DexterLB> molavy: I can't understand your question
[05:14:08] <molavy> i want show up 4 on seven segment
[05:14:46] <molavy> using avr and port PA
[05:15:09] <molavy> i use this code http://www.fpaste.org/OneT/
[05:16:32] <DexterLB> yes
[05:17:15] <molavy> all number from (1-3 and 5-9) are ok, but i show up number 4 in wrong
[05:17:28] <DexterLB> so, edit the binary
[05:24:04] <molavy> but what happened ,it must be 0b01100110 (10 in first two binary )but when i use this HI 01 instead of 10
[05:24:24] <molavy> i change it to 0b01100101 at it is ok, but i wonder how this work
[05:27:38] <DexterLB> well each bit represents a pin
[05:40:35] <RikusW> molavy: get a 7segment datasheet, should help you to understand
[08:42:36] <sabesto> I'm guessing there is no STK600 schematics laying around?
[08:43:05] <sabesto> got 2 with broken power switches, would like to order replacements
[09:01:13] <Tom_itx> abcminiuser, what's up?
[09:01:50] <Tom_itx> can you program the A1 on the xplain via the onboard usb?
[09:01:56] <Tom_itx> if so, how?
[09:02:08] <Tom_itx> someone was asking about the newer ver of xplain
[09:03:44] <abcminiuser> Yahoyoy
[09:04:55] <Tom_itx> <micahf> can you program an xmega-a1 xplained board on linux over USB without a separate programmer?
[09:05:44] <abcminiuser> Yes, you can
[09:06:18] <Tom_itx> well that's what i told him but i wasn't sure if you needed to do something special to get it into program mode
[09:06:46] <Tom_itx> the only available user guide says it's not available
[09:07:32] <Tom_itx> Programming of the ATxmega128A1 through the USB is not supported in the
[09:07:32] <Tom_itx> preliminary release.
[09:07:43] <Tom_itx> they should really update that doc
[09:08:51] <abcminiuser> They come with DFU bootloaders
[09:08:51] <abcminiuser> There's a jumper on the board, solder a header and jumper that, plug it in
[09:08:51] <abcminiuser> Then FLIP can be used to program it
[09:08:55] <abcminiuser> Afterwards, remove the jumper
[09:08:55] <abcminiuser> It should be
[09:08:55] <abcminiuser> Perhapd the A1 doesn't have it for some reason
[09:08:55] <abcminiuser> Oh wait, A1 not A1U
[09:08:55] <abcminiuser> Hrm
[09:08:57] <abcminiuser> IIRC they come with a serial batchisp and a special passthrough mode
[09:08:58] <abcminiuser> So still possible, but needs command line flip
[09:09:59] <abcminiuser> I was able to do it in my project last year, but apparently that was never released
[09:10:01] <Tom_itx> are there any docs explaining this?
[09:10:05] <abcminiuser> So what they actually ship with I've no idea
[09:10:39] <abcminiuser> No, I'll have to find out what they ship with on Monday
[09:10:41] <Tom_itx> well i knew you had done it is why i figured you'd know how
[09:11:41] <Tom_itx> i can't find the discussion on it right now but there also seems to be a discrepancey on the JTAG pinout of the new ones for PDI
[09:11:53] <Tom_itx> someone here a while back was asking me about that
[09:12:15] <Tom_itx> btw, how many revs of that board are out there?
[09:12:21] <Tom_itx> i think i count at least 3
[09:12:53] <abcminiuser> Err, a couple
[09:13:19] <abcminiuser> 4?
[09:13:19] <abcminiuser> Whatever is the latest revision doc on the Atmel site
[09:13:50] <Tom_itx> 1907 was the only one i could locate
[09:15:55] <abcminiuser> Just search for "A1 Xplained Hardware Users Guide"
[09:15:55] <abcminiuser> The little CD icon contains a zip with the schematics
[09:16:06] <abcminiuser> And yes, the site is horrible, no, it won't be changed, and yes, we all hate it too
[09:16:33] <Tom_itx> i wasn't gonna complain this time :)
[09:20:08] <Tom_itx> did they add a PDI / JTAG connector to the new ones?
[09:20:17] <Tom_L> http://www.atmel.com/Images/doc8398.pdf
[09:20:30] <Tom_itx> looks that way unless that is a different board
[09:22:44] <Tom_itx> i suppose you missed that last bit
[09:39:31] <Tom_L> there's quite a few more docs for the xplain than when i got mine
[12:20:34] <micahf> hey abcminiuser, I heard you might know a thing or two about programming an xmega-a1 "xplained" board on linux through USB?
[12:20:54] <micahf> such as whether or not it is possible, for example?
[12:21:34] <abcminiuser> micahf, I designed a frontend to some beta code that could do it last year, but it was never released (AFAIK)
[12:21:43] <abcminiuser> Other kits have a USB FLIP bootloader
[12:21:50] <abcminiuser> But the A1 has the seperate board controller, so I'm actually not sure
[12:21:57] <abcminiuser> I can check on Monday when I'm at the office
[12:23:40] <micahf> abcminiuser, interesting, the bootloader is something in addition to the LUFA xplain stuff?
[12:23:51] <micahf> er, frontend i mean
[12:25:20] <micahf> i'm glad i ordered a maple last night, sounds like it might be a little tricky to get the xplained board working from what i've read
[12:25:51] <abcminiuser> micahf, no, this was an internal Atmel thing
[12:26:28] <micahf> I see
[13:53:44] <RikusW> http://www.cncsolutions.co.za/
[13:54:01] <RikusW> seems some of those steppers can step at 20kHz
[13:54:44] <specing> RikusW: their page looks crap
[13:55:48] <RikusW> yeah
[13:56:07] <RikusW> but the machines looks nice, though expensive, like 3500 Euro and more
[13:56:26] <RikusW> I want to build something like that sometime
[13:56:32] <RikusW> XYZ table
[13:56:51] <specing> reprap?
[13:57:08] <RikusW> pcb mill ;)
[13:57:21] <RikusW> and multi purpose as well
[13:57:36] <RikusW> I've seen reprap before, nice idea
[13:58:18] <RikusW> I have some printer steppers around, but I'll probably want geared steppers for more accuracy
[13:58:52] <RikusW> and my U2S board will be the PC interface of course
[13:59:27] <RikusW> specing: how did you get involved with AVR ?
[14:00:22] <specing> ehm
[14:00:46] <RikusW> who told you about it ?
[14:04:01] <specing> not sure
[14:04:23] <specing> I started with PICs which I've read about in a magazine
[14:04:47] <specing> And I was fairly unsatisfied with them
[14:04:58] <specing> (This was still in primary school)
[14:05:03] <RikusW> wow
[14:05:35] <RikusW> I've heard something about microcontrollers when I was 18, but was fairly clueless
[14:06:08] <RikusW> then got something on PIC on the net, built my own serial bitbang programmer and assembler
[14:06:22] <RikusW> and programming sw
[14:06:29] <RikusW> but didn't really do much with it
[14:06:43] <RikusW> that was about 2004/5
[14:07:01] <RikusW> then heard about AVR in 2009
[14:07:35] <RikusW> don't quite know what to di with my 16F627's and 16F877 anymore ;)
[14:07:52] <RikusW> AVR is so much easier to use, and I have OCD on it too
[14:08:54] <RikusW> wish someone introduced me to AVR when I was 18... don't even know if it existed then...
[14:12:10] <specing> RikusW: I have 627 too
[14:13:00] <RikusW> I've gotten to PORT = x++; to make leds flash on those...
[14:13:12] <specing> I've dona a school project with them
[14:13:14] <RikusW> in asm
[14:14:13] <RikusW> I only started programming at 17 using turbo pascal 3
[14:14:31] <RikusW> got VC++ 5 a year later
[14:15:09] <RikusW> and was unable to use it at first, the windows api is totally different from DOS programming
[14:15:54] <RikusW> I still use it, its faster than VS2005/2010
[14:16:41] <OndraSter> VS2010 <3
[14:17:01] <RikusW> VC++5 == VS1997 :-P
[14:17:19] <RikusW> 15 years old....
[14:18:09] <specing> I started with C++ when I was at the end of 7th grade
[14:18:22] <dirty_d> jeez
[14:18:29] <dirty_d> i think i started in 10th
[14:18:31] <specing> primary school
[14:18:45] <dirty_d> c was the first language i learned
[14:19:46] <RikusW> seems like programming is an uncurable disease :-P
[14:21:45] <dirty_d> yes
[14:21:58] <dirty_d> I got my pcbs in the mail for the quadcopter
[14:22:01] <Landon> I started with visual basic in high school :>
[14:22:07] <dirty_d> its all soldered up and working!
[14:22:11] <RikusW> nice
[14:22:44] <dirty_d> http://i1186.photobucket.com/albums/z372/dirty_d2285/Quadcopter/IMG_0886.jpg
[14:22:47] <RikusW> on the first try ?
[14:22:50] <dirty_d> they look freakin nice
[14:22:53] <dirty_d> yea first try, lol
[14:22:56] <dirty_d> oddly enough
[14:23:01] <dirty_d> purple with gold plating
[14:23:04] <dirty_d> $15 for those 3
[14:23:55] <RikusW> what avr goes on there ?
[14:24:16] <OndraSter> dirty_d, where were they made in? :)
[14:24:21] <dirty_d> http://i1186.photobucket.com/albums/z372/dirty_d2285/Quadcopter/IMG_0894.jpg
[14:24:24] <dirty_d> i made it in eagle
[14:24:29] <dirty_d> then ordered from dorkbotpdx
[14:24:44] <OndraSter> AH, dorkbotpdx
[14:24:50] <OndraSter> was asking because of the color :)
[14:24:53] <dirty_d> http://i1186.photobucket.com/albums/z372/dirty_d2285/Quadcopter/IMG_0897.jpg
[14:24:57] <dirty_d> i hooked it all up
[14:25:01] <dirty_d> seems to work fine
[14:25:11] <dirty_d> im nervous to put the propeller on though
[14:25:14] <dirty_d> its very powerful
[14:25:32] <dirty_d> i tried it last night with just the reciever and esc i could bareley control the thing with one arm
[14:25:40] <OndraSter> how did you solder it?
[14:25:44] <dirty_d> felt like about 20 pounds of thrist with one motor
[14:25:45] <OndraSter> paste + reflow?
[14:26:05] <dirty_d> i tried paste but it sucked, when it got hot hte resistors and caps started flying off the board
[14:26:17] <dirty_d> little bubbles popping in the paste or something
[14:26:27] <dirty_d> so i just tinned all the pads then reflowed with my hot air tool
[14:26:28] <OndraSter> lower the air speed :P
[14:26:36] <dirty_d> i had it all the way low
[14:26:40] <dirty_d> the solder paste is shit
[14:26:41] <OndraSter> oh
[14:26:47] <OndraSter> which one did you use?
[14:26:55] <dirty_d> no-name i guess
[14:26:57] <dirty_d> off ebay
[14:27:02] <OndraSter> oh
[14:27:10] <OndraSter> I ordered Lodestar one from dx
[14:27:16] <OndraSter> they still haven't posted it
[14:27:17] <dirty_d> the qfn24 was kinda a pain in the ass
[14:27:18] <OndraSter> after a month of waiting :(
[14:27:22] <dirty_d> i resoldered it like 5 times
[14:28:00] <dirty_d> i wasnt sure if it centered soi kept touching it with the tweezers to see if it would snap back, but it wouldnt because the rosin flux got really sticky and it would get stuck
[14:29:02] <RikusW> dirty_d: I used a Plato EW-103 tip to solder a whole lot of tqfp 32 mega32u2's
[14:29:11] <RikusW> it works like magic
[14:29:28] <RikusW> a little liquid flux, and some solder
[14:29:35] <dirty_d> whats that
[14:29:45] <RikusW> and it can easily remove solder bridges too
[14:29:51] <OndraSter> btw
[14:29:51] <OndraSter> https://skydrive.live.com/redir.aspx?cid=40bf7833586103ab&resid=40BF7833586103AB!457&parid=40BF7833586103AB!111&authkey=!AG3V4Myf39U7WYA
[14:30:06] <RikusW> it a 5mm wide flat tip for my soldering iron
[14:30:08] <specing> dirty_d: OMFG Purple PCB... AWWW HOW CUTEEE
[14:30:29] <dirty_d> OndraSter, thats cool
[14:30:36] <OndraSter> I kno rite
[14:30:38] <dirty_d> purple power
[14:30:55] <RikusW> dirty_d: the 90 degree corners suck up any solder bridges
[14:31:58] <RikusW> dirty_d: google -> Plato EW-103
[14:32:28] <RikusW> there is a Weller LTD tip that looks about the same too
[14:32:42] <RikusW> Railgun used that one
[14:33:15] <dirty_d> RikusW, yea i just did
[14:33:19] <dirty_d> you dod qfn with that?
[14:33:26] <RikusW> yes
[14:33:30] <dirty_d> how?
[14:33:32] <RikusW> works VERY well
[14:33:46] <RikusW> you put the tqfp on the pads
[14:33:56] <RikusW> and apply some liquid flux
[14:34:13] <RikusW> then apply a little solder to the tip
[14:34:29] <dirty_d> wait you talkin about tqfp or qfn?
[14:34:42] <RikusW> tqfp
[14:34:57] <dirty_d> oh yea, i used the flat tip to solder the tqfp xmega
[14:35:07] <dirty_d> i meant the tiny qfn accel/gyro on that board
[14:35:11] <dirty_d> i used the hot air tool for that
[14:35:42] <RikusW> the 90 degree corner is important for removing excess solder
[14:36:01] <RikusW> if its greater than 90 degrees it won't work well
[14:36:15] <RikusW> it simply sucks it up
[14:36:28] <dirty_d> i soldered it with the pads already tinned
[14:36:48] <RikusW> my pcb's came as hasl
[14:37:03] <RikusW> so already tinned
[14:37:15] <dirty_d> damn, i cant find anything to hold this quadcopter down with so i cna measure the power draw from the motor
[14:37:22] <dirty_d> i got a cool little power analyser
[14:37:25] <dirty_d> 60V 100A max
[14:37:36] <RikusW> get a buddy to do that ?
[14:37:41] <dirty_d> i mean i like put a little mound of solder on each pad first
[14:37:44] <dirty_d> not flat
[14:37:59] <dirty_d> i wouldnt wqant anyone to hold it lol
[14:38:05] <dirty_d> it would mess you up bad
[14:38:10] <dirty_d> take fingers off etc
[14:38:16] <RikusW> weigh it down ?
[14:38:19] <dirty_d> its about 800W
[14:38:35] <dirty_d> yea i dont have anything ehavy enough
[14:38:36] <dirty_d> i have things that are too heavy too
[14:38:37] <dirty_d> lol
[14:38:40] <dirty_d> like tool boxen
[14:39:25] <RikusW> in my experience its easier to solder the tqfp onto flat pads
[14:39:42] <RikusW> but you must use flux then
[14:39:45] <dirty_d> yea i have no problem with tqfp
[14:39:52] <dirty_d> i cna do it any way
[14:40:05] <dirty_d> qfn is a little tricky
[14:40:13] <RikusW> I would think so...
[14:40:14] <dirty_d> but so far i havent messed any up
[14:40:33] <dirty_d> forget using solder paste unless you have a stencil
[14:40:53] <RikusW> maybe I'll just pull of some qfn's from scrapped motherboards to get some practice
[14:41:01] <dirty_d> the only way i can do it is to tin the pads, then clean, then reflux then lay it on top and heat it on a skillet or use the air gun
[14:41:06] <RikusW> and then put them back
[14:41:28] <dirty_d> the more you worry the worse you will do
[14:41:38] <dirty_d> im sure i had it right the first time, but i kept fucking with it
[14:42:41] <RikusW> I do have a heatgun RYOBI CPS-200K
[14:42:46] <RikusW> CPS-2000K
[14:42:58] <RikusW> it got a variable power heat control too
[14:43:10] <dirty_d> might work
[14:43:21] <dirty_d> the hot air rework tool is a lot less volume of air though
[14:43:29] <dirty_d> i didnt expect it to be that much different
[14:43:36] <RikusW> I used it on m128 it those still work
[14:44:21] <OndraSter> I've resoldered few parts with hot air rework station
[14:44:23] <OndraSter> or w/e they call it
[14:44:35] <RikusW> And I stripped a few motherboards entirely
[14:45:03] <RikusW> but too much heat == stinking smoke
[14:45:08] <dirty_d> the hot air tool makes some things really easy
[14:45:15] <dirty_d> like you you need to remove a header or something
[14:45:19] <dirty_d> its a bitch with just an iron
[14:46:01] <RikusW> removing a header on a through hole plated pcb is nearly impossible....
[14:46:19] <RikusW> maybe pulling out the pins one by one will work
[14:46:34] <RikusW> hot air tends to melt the plastic
[14:47:06] <dirty_d> the ones i have dont melt
[14:47:36] <RikusW> I've seen some bend and deform badly...
[14:47:43] <RikusW> maybe I used too much heat
[14:47:52] <dirty_d> mines some kinda high temp plastic
[14:47:55] <RikusW> some others came out intact
[15:11:46] <ben1066> hmmm does LUFA support the audio class?
[15:12:15] <abcminiuser_> ben1066, yup
[15:12:16] <abcminiuser_> 1.0
[15:12:35] <ben1066> Hmm, I saw a USB soundcard but only 16 bit due to the dac used...
[15:12:45] <ben1066> lufa could allow for a much higher resoloution dac :)
[15:13:09] <abcminiuser_> Sure, if the DAC is fast
[15:13:18] <abcminiuser_> You only get a few hundred cycles between samples
[15:13:39] <ben1066> id try to use an audio dac
[15:13:52] <ben1066> wolfsron or w/e seem to have some decent dacs designed for audio
[15:14:51] <ben1066> they have I2C, Serial and SPI
[15:15:04] <dirty_d> hmmm
[15:15:10] <dirty_d> gotta set the timeing on this esc or something
[15:15:16] <dirty_d> it only drew 35A at full power
[15:15:27] <Landon> only o.O
[15:15:34] <Landon> how much are you expecting it to draw?
[15:16:39] <dirty_d> 50 - 70
[15:19:42] <RikusW> at what voltage ?
[15:25:21] <dirty_d> 14 - 17
[15:30:19] <ben1066> thats quite a lot....
[15:30:30] <ben1066> 1.05KW
[15:30:51] <dirty_d> yup
[15:30:59] <dirty_d> and there are 4 of these motors
[15:31:02] <dirty_d> so 4kw
[15:31:08] <OndraSter> yay
[15:33:56] <RikusW> what kind of batteries can handle that ?
[15:34:07] <RikusW> or rather for how long ?
[15:35:47] <OndraSter> ... I'd use few AAs... :D
[15:36:09] <RikusW> maybe a zpm will work :-P
[15:36:14] <OndraSter> haha ZPM
[15:36:18] <OndraSter> I want new SGA...
[15:36:32] <RikusW> season 5 was the last ?
[15:36:35] <OndraSter> yewah
[15:39:05] <RikusW> thats unfortunate :(
[15:40:19] <dirty_d> RikusW, LiPo
[15:40:46] <RikusW> http://www.cncsolutions.co.za/images/S-400%20Fraesmaschine%20CNC%20STEP_2.jpg
[15:40:52] <RikusW> this would be a nice toy
[15:41:15] <dirty_d> each one of my packs is 14.8v 5Ah and can discahrge at 100A continuous
[15:41:38] <dirty_d> and there are 4
[15:41:38] <dirty_d> one for each motor
[15:41:55] <dirty_d> hmm, i just tested it again 38A at full throttle with 15deg timing
[15:42:12] <dirty_d> thought itd be more
[15:42:16] <RikusW> so 5 minute flights ?
[15:42:17] <dirty_d> its loud as hel in the house
[15:42:34] <dirty_d> RikusW, no it wont take that much power to hover
[15:42:41] <dirty_d> it if im carrying 10 pounds it might
[15:42:54] <dirty_d> i hoped that it would lift about 15 pounds of payload
[15:43:02] <dirty_d> but im not sure now
[15:43:24] <dirty_d> it made my ceiling fan start spinning and blowing everything in the room
[15:43:39] <RikusW> heh
[15:44:07] <RikusW> so how long do you think will it be able to hover ?
[15:44:16] <dirty_d> 15 at least id say
[15:44:35] <RikusW> sounds better than 5 ;)
[15:44:39] <dirty_d> yea
[15:44:43] <OndraSter> 15 minutes?
[15:44:51] <dirty_d> it should
[15:44:51] <RikusW> yes
[15:44:55] <OndraSter> what are you gonna use it for? :P
[15:44:56] <dirty_d> its got 20 amp hours of batteries onboard
[15:44:58] <dirty_d> lol
[15:45:46] <RikusW> about 300W/h
[15:46:49] <dirty_d> at 15A it weels like its pushing about 5 pounds
[15:46:53] <dirty_d> feels*
[15:47:09] <specing> how much is a pound?
[15:47:16] <RikusW> 500g about
[15:47:24] <dirty_d> so thats 20 lb and 60A
[15:47:41] <dirty_d> so thats 20 minutes of runtime
[15:47:49] <dirty_d> and should be enough to lift more than itself
[15:48:48] <RikusW> iirc 2.2 lb == 1kg
[15:48:51] <dirty_d> i gotta do more drilling and shit to mount the other 3 motors
[15:48:56] <dirty_d> yup
[15:49:36] <RikusW> so 454g == 1 lb
[15:49:45] <dirty_d> i shoulda got the 18" propellers instead of 15"
[15:50:18] <RikusW> dirty_d: are you American ?
[15:50:39] <RikusW> since you're still using imperial ;)
[15:50:53] <dirty_d> yea
[15:51:56] <RikusW> you should get a unit system upgrade ;)
[15:52:03] <dirty_d> its hard to use metric when everything around you when measured in inches and pounds comes out to nice round numbers like 1 2 3 4 5 and metric is like 0.23232231
[15:52:29] <RikusW> hmm
[15:52:30] <dirty_d> the dimensions of structeral materials is all in inches
[15:52:33] <dirty_d> here
[15:52:53] <dirty_d> i use metric on the computer though
[15:52:58] <dirty_d> like in simulations etc
[15:53:11] <RikusW> I'm used to mils with pcb design by now
[15:53:22] <dirty_d> yea stuff like that
[15:53:31] <dirty_d> too much stuff is stil in inches
[15:53:47] <RikusW> first time I heard someone referring to a mil I wondered what the heck ?!
[15:54:49] <dirty_d> yea it doesnt sound like thousandth
[15:55:30] <RikusW> took me a while to figure out what it meant
[15:59:28] <dirty_d> i want a mill
[15:59:44] <dirty_d> im getting tired of lain shit out with a combination square and a scratch awl
[15:59:47] <dirty_d> laying
[16:01:14] <RikusW> yeah, having a mill would be nice
[16:02:09] <RikusW> I've seen some plasma cutters
[16:02:16] <dirty_d> i have one
[16:02:18] <dirty_d> it broke
[16:02:27] <dirty_d> its not good for precise stuff
[16:02:40] <RikusW> it cuts through 20mm steel easily
[16:02:52] <dirty_d> yea
[16:03:06] <RikusW> and its all automatic too
[16:03:12] <RikusW> but its EXPENSIVE
[16:03:35] <dirty_d> a oxy-acelelyne torch will cut through 7cm easy
[16:04:18] <RikusW> I've seen it mounted on a xyz table
[16:04:50] <RikusW> the plasma generator is about 1x1x1m
[16:05:34] <dirty_d> you can get small ones
[16:05:51] <RikusW> that one is industrial grade
[16:06:00] <RikusW> used by a local steelworks
[16:06:24] <RikusW> they have a smaller one too
[16:06:24] <dirty_d> i prefer cutting discs over a plasma cutter
[16:06:24] <OndraSter> I don't suppose that plasma = high voltage this time?
[16:06:37] <RikusW> its amazing to see how fast and smooth it cuts
[16:06:38] <dirty_d> you can cut real accurately with those
[16:07:11] <RikusW> OndraSter: probably HV
[16:07:17] <OndraSter> oh
[16:07:26] <dirty_d> about 220v
[16:07:26] <RikusW> it uses ionized gas
[16:09:56] <Kevin`> btw, for those of you who don't know, the acetalyne part of an oxy-acetalyne torch isn't necessary at all for cutting steel. all you need is preheat and oxygen
[16:10:06] <dirty_d> yup
[16:10:06] <Kevin`> of course, it's pretty common to have such a torch for other purposes
[16:11:50] <dirty_d> time to drill some holes
[18:19:46] <OndraSter> I just realized how lucky I was when I forgot about my idea when I was designing my boards---
[18:19:59] <OndraSter> I wanted to split 4bits into each decoder from the 595 register
[18:20:05] <OndraSter> to be able to address them independently
[18:20:15] <OndraSter> but I would lose the output enable functionality :P
[18:20:22] <OndraSter> lucky me, I forgot about that!
[18:20:31] <OndraSter> and I can not control them separately, but I have output enable pin control :P
[18:48:08] <SianaGearz> :)
[18:49:13] <OndraSter> anyway, one row doesn't lit up. I checked it, the LEDs aren't burnt as I thought... so either my cable I created (grabbed those self-cutting connectors for ribbon cables) or half of the dual MOSFET is dead
[18:49:21] <OndraSter> it can be checked quite easily even
[18:49:46] <OndraSter> I used old floppy cable... it has exactly the right amount of pins, only cut it on one side and split into two LOL
[18:50:22] <OndraSter> CapnKernel, man, so how did it work out?
[19:20:15] <dirty_d> its verking!
[19:25:01] <dirty_d> i gotta figure out how hte hell to mount this thing in a safe way so i can test the flight stability
[19:28:37] <Casper> X ropes?
[19:30:12] <dirty_d> im afraid they will get stuck in the props
[19:30:33] <dirty_d> i was thining some kinda ball joint to the bottom and a rod that can slide up to a certain point
[19:33:21] <dirty_d> hmm, i wonder why this charger is only charging at 3.3A when i set it to 5
[19:33:38] <dirty_d> maybe my computer's psu cant supply enough current
[19:33:57] <dirty_d> it says the 12V supply is good for 20A though
[19:36:26] <Casper> dirty_d: what are you charging?
[19:40:10] <dirty_d> lipos
[19:41:03] <dirty_d> the 12V rail is at 11.85V
[19:41:08] <dirty_d> so its not that
[19:41:14] <Casper> via a charger?
[19:41:23] <Casper> or straight to the batt?
[19:41:40] <Casper> and is the state of charge around like 85%?
[19:42:21] <dirty_d> its a charger
[19:42:26] <dirty_d> yea i think its because its almost charged
[19:42:30] <dirty_d> it probablt tapers at the end
[19:42:50] <Casper> lithium and lead acid does reduce the current near the end
[19:43:59] <dirty_d> this thing is HEAVY
[19:44:22] <dirty_d> its gotta be at least 10 pounds ready to fly
[19:45:30] <Casper> iirc, my cousin's bf heli is 17lbs
[19:46:06] <Casper> kinda frightening actually
[19:46:06] <dirty_d> wow
[19:46:19] <dirty_d> i didnt know ones taht big existed
[19:46:22] <Casper> he pushed over 8000W into his motor
[19:46:31] <dirty_d> electric?
[19:46:32] <Casper> peak, but still
[19:46:34] <Casper> yup
[19:46:42] <Casper> t-rex E700
[19:46:52] <dirty_d> this is only gonna be 4000W 4 motors combined
[19:48:29] <Casper> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROq0IvgmVBw
[19:48:36] <Casper> that is whta the heli is capable of
[19:53:21] <dirty_d> jesus, thats some matrix shit
[19:53:49] <dirty_d> wouldnt wanna take that in the face
[19:54:21] <Casper> that kind of heli would chop your arm clean off
[19:57:26] <dirty_d> how can anyone have refelxes that fast
[19:57:55] <Casper> is that reflex? or automation?
[19:59:26] <dirty_d> pretty sure hes flying it alone
[20:00:04] <dirty_d> http://i1186.photobucket.com/albums/z372/dirty_d2285/Quadcopter/IMG_0901.jpg
[20:00:16] <dirty_d> so many wires
[20:19:24] <R0b0t1> So um
[20:19:28] <R0b0t1> Anyone use PIC32?
[20:19:39] <R0b0t1> I know this is #avr, buuuuut. Any useful comparisons you could offer?
[20:19:46] <dirty_d> never tried one
[20:20:22] <skorket> I haven't used one myself but we use them at where I work. They're pretty burly
[20:32:32] <draco003> hello
[20:32:52] <draco003> I'm trying to program an ATMEGA32 using parallel port on FreeBSD
[20:33:00] <draco003> but avrdude is not reading it
[20:33:34] <draco003> I tried changing the -i delay parameter
[20:33:45] <draco003> but everytime it reads a different device signature
[20:35:51] <Kevin`> draco003: try -B
[20:36:14] <draco003> I'm using the simple (BSD programmer) on parallel port
[20:36:24] <draco003> yes also tried with -B 4 and -B 6
[20:36:39] <draco003> but same issue Kevin` it gives wrong signatures
[20:36:58] <Kevin`> that's normally due to a communication error
[20:37:16] <draco003> so something is wrong with my breadboard or connectors ?
[20:37:25] <Kevin`> 6 microseconds isn't long enough for all the modes the device could be in
[20:38:27] <draco003> ok I'll try higher values
[20:38:31] <draco003> in what range ?
[20:38:31] <Kevin`> it's correct for the stock 1mhz clock though
[20:38:50] <draco003> also yes my code is using 1 MHz
[20:38:58] <Kevin`> what's the CHIP using though
[20:39:19] <draco003> ATMEGA32A
[20:39:27] <draco003> and also tried with an ATMEGA8
[20:40:29] <Kevin`> the lowest clock that could be configured on chips i've seen is 16khz, but I suppose 4096khz may be possible too. you'd normally have to go out of your way to end up with those modes though
[20:40:39] <Kevin`> 4096hz*
[20:41:37] <Kevin`> it's also possible for the chip to be configured for an external cystal or cmos clock input, in which case it wouldn't work at all by itself
[20:41:50] <draco003> I see
[20:41:53] <Kevin`> but the chips are shipped from the factory with 8mhz/8 clock
[20:42:00] <draco003> I'll try with 4MHz
[20:42:04] <draco003> will it work ?
[20:42:12] <Kevin`> it doesn't matter what you have set in your code
[20:42:20] <Kevin`> that only affects the timing loops in your code
[20:42:25] <Roamin> everytime you read the busy flag of a hd47780 controller, the address counter increases by 1 ?
[20:43:47] <Kevin`> draco003: try a pullup or pulldown on your data-input line, make sure it's not just picking up noise
[20:44:14] <Kevin`> draco003: and indeed, your connections could be wrong
[20:44:25] <draco003> ok thanks very much Kevin` I'll try your suggestions and let you know
[20:45:01] <Kevin`> (1/(32767/8/4))*1000^2
[20:45:01] <Kevin`> 976.5923000000
[20:45:20] <Kevin`> worst case for a clock that you could actually connect to the chip without randomly generating it externally
[21:22:52] <CapnKernel> dirty_d: Re your solder paste sputtering and popping
[21:23:24] <dirty_d> hi
[21:23:25] <tobbor> Hello dirty_d
[21:28:46] <CapnKernel> I bought some fresh Amtech solder paste from an authorised seller, and it sputtered like a bitch.
[21:29:53] <CapnKernel> My conclusion is that this solder paste is designed to be used for reflow, rather than hand soldering.
[21:30:29] <CapnKernel> My guess is that the preheat of reflow gets all the fluxes working nicely, and that when we hand solder, the preheat step is skipped.
[21:30:53] <CapnKernel> I don't know if that's true, just sounds like a reasonable explanation for why that good solder paste sputters
[21:31:43] <Tom_itx> ramp up and bake off temps evaporate part of the flux
[21:32:05] <CapnKernel> Yeah
[21:32:20] <vectory_> hi CapnKernel
[21:32:29] <CapnKernel> vectory_: hi there
[21:32:51] <vectory_> CapnKernel: got to know if you will be staying?
[21:35:02] <dirty_d> CapnKernel, it might be my fault
[21:35:08] <dirty_d> i added some alcohol to make it more fluid
[21:37:26] <CapnKernel> Was a bit annoying, as I'd had no problem with the cheapy DX solder paste, but I spent the money on the good stuff, then couldn't use it.
[21:37:36] <Tom_itx> why not?
[21:37:45] <CapnKernel> Well, for hand soldering at least
[21:37:54] <CapnKernel> Would be perfectly fine for reflow
[21:37:56] <Tom_itx> i have DX stuff that's been sitting out for a long time and i still use it
[21:38:32] <CapnKernel> Tom_itx: Do you clean your boards after soldering?
[21:38:45] <CapnKernel> Or do anything to passivate the flux?
[21:39:00] <dirty_d> i scrubbed mine with a toothbrush and alcohol
[21:39:12] <Tom_itx> sometimes
[21:39:36] <Tom_itx> i have cleaned them in iso in my ultrasonic cleaner before
[21:39:50] <CapnKernel> cool!
[21:40:07] <Tom_itx> only takes a few secs
[21:40:21] <CapnKernel> vectory_ OndraSter: Re my visa problem
[21:40:28] <CapnKernel> I'm staying in Hong Kong now.
[21:40:37] <CapnKernel> I can appy tomorrow morning
[21:40:40] <CapnKernel> apply
[21:41:09] <CapnKernel> Because I've been a bad boy (rolls eyes), I can't get an express visa, so if they deign to sell me one, I'll get it next Friday.
[21:41:36] <Tom_itx> but you can stay in the interim
[21:41:46] <CapnKernel> In China, or in HK?
[21:41:52] <Tom_itx> oh
[21:41:55] <Tom_itx> you're in HK
[21:42:04] <Tom_itx> are you like a prisoner of war?
[21:42:05] <CapnKernel> Yes. Australians can stay up to 90 days without a visa
[21:44:20] <CapnKernel> No, I can leave HK any time I like.
[21:46:22] <CapnKernel> After my visa was cancelled, I then had to wait 8 days for an exit visa. And yes, at that time, I was a prisoner, as I couldn't have left China even if I'd wanted to.
[21:46:48] <Tom_itx> is it really worth the hassle?
[21:52:28] <vectory_> sounds ... complicated
[21:52:35] <vectory_> g2g, cyas
[21:52:42] <CapnKernel> Tom_itx: What's worth the hassle?
[21:52:58] <Tom_itx> setting up shop and china in general
[21:53:25] <CapnKernel> Well obviously I think so :-)
[21:53:53] <CapnKernel> Cures my two itches of speaking Chinese, and helping people build things.
[21:55:29] <CapnKernel> brb
[22:23:23] <ferdna> where can i get ir leds? no smd stuff...
[22:24:18] * Tom_itx pokes CapnKernel
[22:25:44] <Landon> ferdna: how many are we talking about?
[22:26:11] <ferdna> 10
[22:26:13] <Landon> if you just need a handful, I've got a couple throughhole from sparkfun
[22:27:03] <CapnKernel> I'm back now Tom_itx
[22:27:13] <ferdna> Landon, can i priv msg?
[22:27:25] <Landon> sure