#avr | Logs for 2012-03-13

[00:01:20] <Landon> Casper: praise be to maxwell!
[00:01:53] <theBear> erm, am i maxwell ?
[00:01:58] <theBear> i DO have a shoe-fone if it helps
[00:03:03] <Landon> I had a slightly different maxwell in mind: http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/3774/628/0/maxwell-711898.gif (Maxwell's equations)
[00:04:19] <ferdna> theBear, linux supported one?
[00:04:25] <ferdna> that would be the buspirate right?
[00:04:42] <ferdna> i hear that the bus pirate is not that good... any thoughts on that?
[00:04:42] <theBear> i dunno, like i said, only difference i see from here is the name, but i never used either
[00:05:06] <ferdna> i see
[00:05:14] <ferdna> theBear, do you know anything on:
[00:05:14] <ferdna> http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/preorder-open-workbench-logic-sniffer-p-612.html?cPath=75
[00:09:44] <theBear> never seen one
[00:10:44] <theBear> i mean, i used pen based logic analysers, a few custom made jigs, but consider the last 3 years or so before i was disabled, i used a 10mhz single channel scope older than me for EVERYTHING at work, way beyond 250khz digital streams...
[01:27:14] <ziph> Linux.
[04:02:40] <Metalsutton> Hello all
[04:03:10] <Metalsutton> Could anyone spare a minute or two for the most BASIC questions imaginable?
[04:03:28] <Metalsutton> ISP programmer etc.
[04:04:20] <Tom_itx> not if you don
[04:04:23] <Tom_itx> t ask
[04:04:32] <Metalsutton> Ah right ....
[04:06:19] <Metalsutton> Well first things first. I cannot get my programmer to work. This is my first one. In the manual for my generic programmer it has a Pinout for MISO, MOSI, VCC etc. are those usualy displayed in the order of how it looks when its looking down on it getting plugged in. Or as if u were looking at the female socket INTO the holes?
[04:07:33] <Metalsutton> more info can be found here: http://www.avrfreaks.net/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=118450
[04:09:20] <Tom_itx> looking down on the plug should give you the proper pinout
[04:10:07] <Metalsutton> oh nice! so I changed it tonight for the good then. However, still can't get it to detect the chip :/
[04:10:49] <Tom_itx> using avrdude?
[04:11:01] <Metalsutton> I am using a front end for it.
[04:11:13] <Tom_itx> try a -B 32 to slow the spi clock down a bit
[04:11:23] <Metalsutton> Called Sinaprog
[04:11:47] <Tom_itx> the stock mega8 has an internal osc set as the clock by default
[04:11:56] <Tom_itx> i forget the clock freq on it
[04:12:04] <Tom_itx> probably 1Mhz
[04:12:42] <Metalsutton> Did you see the screenshots in the forum post? Would the clock too fast make it not detect the chip at all?
[04:13:12] <Tom_itx> the standard ISP pinout can be found about 1/3 the way down on this page: http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/boards/USBTiny_Mkii/USBTiny_Mkii_User_manual_index.php
[04:13:55] <Tom_itx> oh and if you're using a breadboard double and triple check the connections
[04:15:39] <Tom_itx> you should have a pullup on reset also
[04:15:56] <Tom_itx> ~10 - 100k
[04:16:21] <Metalsutton> Yeah I definaly have checked the connections :) also this is a 10 pin pinout. But only 6 pins are used.
[04:17:01] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/how_to/atmega168/using_avrdude_index.php
[04:17:09] <Tom_itx> 10 pin is at the bottom there
[04:18:39] <Tom_itx> notice mosi and miso are reversed on pin 1 between the 6 and 10 pin headers
[04:19:02] <cyanide> yay
[04:19:09] <cyanide> i got my akafuino-x
[04:19:10] <Metalsutton> I am not familiar with the pull up. I read on the forum that its a connection between the VCC and the RESET. I don't have a 10-100k handy :? By having not having this u definaly think this is the cause of this? Might have to go shopping for an array of resisters
[04:19:30] <Tom_itx> you need a pullup
[04:19:50] <Metalsutton> Also, The pinout on my programmer is diffrent according to the manual that came with it.
[04:19:55] <Tom_itx> it may not be the cause of the problem here but it is probably contributing to it
[04:20:13] <Tom_itx> the pinouts i showed you are standard atmel pinouts
[04:20:31] <Metalsutton> ah k. I think this is an odd programmer.
[04:20:44] <Tom_itx> mine isn't odd :)
[04:20:46] <Metalsutton> I have 1.5k and 68
[04:21:00] <Tom_itx> 68 ohm or 68k?
[04:22:57] <Metalsutton> 68ohm. I only brought the components for the circuit i was going to program! hhmmm. So I could build a programming board with a proper socket to pins + a pullup and a ZIF and then I could just transfer the programmed chip to my target board which doesnt have a "pullup"
[04:23:37] <Tom_itx> the target board needs a pullup
[04:23:53] <Tom_itx> or it may cause it to reset while it's running
[04:24:06] <Metalsutton> (i dont wanna build programming pins into each board, just build one that I will programm all chips from)
[04:24:17] <Tom_itx> that's up to you
[04:24:28] <Tom_itx> the target board still needs a pullup
[04:25:07] <Metalsutton> hhmmm. I have all compents on this schematic: http://www.raphnet.net/electronique/snes_nes_usb/sch-revD.png .... where is the pullup?
[04:25:35] <Tom_itx> it's not there
[04:25:38] <Tom_itx> it should be though
[04:26:21] <Metalsutton> hmmm
[04:27:11] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/how_to/atmega168/mega168_led_sch.png
[04:27:15] <Tom_itx> similar to that
[04:28:32] <Metalsutton> hhmmm hang on a minute. Is this limiting power from an external source? This is going to be USB powered. That still matters?
[04:29:11] <Tom_itx> yes
[04:30:10] <Tom_itx> vbus from usb will supply 5v to it with limited current capability
[04:30:27] <Metalsutton> Thankyou for your help. Looks like ill be buying some 10k resistors!
[04:30:28] <Tom_itx> up to around 400-500ma iirc
[04:30:51] <Tom_itx> the 10k resistors may not be the reason you can't see the chip but they need to be there
[04:32:09] <Metalsutton> all those links are from your own site? very nice.
[04:32:26] <Tom_itx> you should look over my tutorials
[04:32:41] <Tom_itx> and read Dean camera's pages there
[04:32:44] <Tom_itx> off the menu links
[04:33:05] <Metalsutton> actualy. hang on a minute.
[04:33:25] <Tom_itx> you got 1
[04:33:27] <Tom_itx> then i'm gone
[04:34:08] <Metalsutton> when I say, once I program it. and I take it out of the programming board, and put it into my project. It will be fully programmed. So there then would be any need for the reset pin to be connected to anything.
[04:34:21] <Tom_itx> yes
[04:34:23] <Metalsutton> *wouldn't
[04:34:31] <Tom_itx> it still needs a pullup
[04:35:36] <Metalsutton> I see. So no matter what. In order for the chip to not reset itself, it needs a constant 10k resistance from the +5v ?
[04:35:57] <Tom_itx> yeah or thereabouts. something to hold the pin high
[04:36:23] <Metalsutton> Ah. Now that makes a little sence. Thankyou for your time.
[04:36:34] <Tom_itx> np
[04:36:37] <Tom_itx> i'm out.
[04:36:43] <Metalsutton> chur
[04:51:38] <cyanide> uhh
[04:51:49] <cyanide> "MCU 'atxmega32a4' supported for assembler only"
[04:51:52] <cyanide> any help?
[04:52:00] <cyanide> when trying to compile
[04:53:45] <mrfrenzy> obviously your compiler doesn't suppot xmega32
[04:53:52] <mrfrenzy> code in assempler or get another compiler
[04:54:23] <cyanide> gcc doesn't support xmega32?
[04:55:44] <cyanide> http://8515.avrfreaks.net/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=88353
[04:55:48] <cyanide> where can i get 4.4.2?
[04:56:01] <cyanide> avr-gcc in google links me to winavr which is useless
[04:59:41] <mrfrenzy> sorry I'm a windows user ;)
[05:00:47] <cyanide> im using windows too
[05:00:54] <theBear> heh, we might forgive you one day :)
[05:01:04] <cyanide> the latest version of winavr from sourceforge has the older version of avr-gcc
[05:01:10] <cyanide> which doesnt support xmega32a4
[05:01:13] <mrfrenzy> so I would suppose if you just install avrstudio 6 it will work with all device
[05:01:17] * wollw was going to say building gcc wasn't that hard but windows...
[05:03:05] <cyanide> im not going to build gcc lol
[05:03:19] <cyanide> it took hours on gentoo. i think im past the masochistic stage of learning
[05:03:49] <wollw> eheh
[05:03:50] <cyanide> avr studio. hmm
[05:03:55] <theBear> BUT it was damned easy on gentoo, and came out all nice and up2date :)
[05:04:06] <cyanide> true
[05:04:35] <theBear> word on the street is crossdev builds mingw32 well these days, can't see why you couldn't then use another crossdev to build a win-avrgcc with that
[05:04:44] <wollw> I think it just took like a hour to build binutils + gcc on this computer, and this is a 5 year old core 2 duo laptop
[05:04:47] <theBear> but that WOULD take ages :)
[05:04:50] <wollw> not that i recommend building it...
[05:05:24] <theBear> if you got a few current (gcc/binutils/etc wise) *nix kinda machines, distcc helps a lot (i'm used to having ancient underpowered hw)
[05:05:25] <wollw> probably less than an hour actually
[05:06:03] <theBear> this is a 2nd gen p4-ht i dunno, 2.6ghz or so, pretty sure it did the last full toolchain (crossdev style) in under 2hrs
[05:06:16] <cyanide> like i said, ive grown past the masochistic learning stage
[05:06:27] <cyanide> id rather do it easily :)
[05:06:30] <theBear> then again, the 2.6 1st gen non ht p4 in the old lappy took AGES to do a avr-gcc
[05:07:27] <mrfrenzy> heh, distcc was fun back in the days
[05:07:38] <mrfrenzy> we were a bunch of guys compiling for each other
[05:07:41] <cyanide> yeah
[05:07:46] <Roklobsta> oh for the Olden Days
[05:07:57] <cyanide> distcc, local portage caches, etc
[05:07:57] <cyanide> :)
[05:08:33] <mrfrenzy> then we discovered debian, and compiling was not required anymore ;)
[05:08:36] <Roklobsta> using make -j 8 on my i7 compiles my avr projects pretty damned fast
[05:08:42] <theBear> hehe, i remember a time when distcc'ing over a long distance net connection was actually faster than building within your lan :)
[05:08:44] <wollw> yeah... i never understood gentoo
[05:08:52] * wollw prefered slackware
[05:09:35] <theBear> i love gentoo, and i've grown to understand it and linuxey toolchainey kinda stuff infinitely better in the ooh, 8 or so years i been using it 'fulltime' and 'exclusively', but i learned years ago not to advocate it... it aint for everyone
[05:10:12] <wollw> I learned a heck of a lot using slackware
[05:10:23] <wollw> I just didn't get the point of compiling _everything_
[05:10:33] <wollw> compiling slackbuilds was enough for me
[05:11:03] <wollw> though i guess most people wouldn't get the point of manually configuring a linux distro at all
[05:11:03] <cyanide> i didn't 'get' slackware
[05:11:07] <cyanide> true
[05:11:12] <cyanide> i preferred gentoo as well
[05:11:52] * wollw is using ubuntu right now ;_;
[05:12:21] <theBear> there is very little point... i've got various reasons i stick with the concept tho... several of them due to extreme bitterness re: old old old redhat updates on production servers and 'dependency hell' ... sure, gentoo can get itself into similar pickles, but with a little practice and some sneakiness, it can also avoid them quite amazingly.... many say that 'normal' distros sorted this out years ago, but i was badly burned a couple times, and had t
[05:12:21] <theBear> o clean up after others mistakes more than a few.... i don't forget or forgive easy :)
[05:12:22] <cyanide> i never understood their love of the color brown
[05:13:12] <theBear> by around 2005 even my single proc 50mhz sparc (my slowest machine by a LONG LONG LONG way) was running 100% gentoo :)
[05:13:33] <wollw> ubuntu was supposed to be a stop-gap measure in the middle of last semester because i was fed up with my brief foray back into mac osx but i'm still running it
[05:13:49] <theBear> i also kinda liked the novelty that those old sparcs ran it, my alpha box ran it, my current(ish) pcs ran it, on occasion my modem, and all of them could distcc with each other :)
[05:14:09] <wollw> theBear: neat
[05:14:33] <theBear> ooh reminds me, should get out mums modem-router-thingy and workout wtf it keeps crashing and rebooting in the next couple days before i go back and get stuck largely netless again
[05:15:56] <theBear> and her dtv-box remote and i dunno, solder or bend the battery terminals or maybe the led so the damned thing works ... as it is sometimes it's perfect, other times it won't work at all, and other times you give it the tiniest tap and it repeats a key 6 times, and when it for some strange reason accepts up to 4 digit channel numbers, and being early is a little slow in the thinker, makes using it quite infuriating
[05:16:29] <wollw> technology :|
[05:16:37] <theBear> indeed :)
[05:17:41] <theBear> was kinda refreshing not having the net... recently WHEN the reception is o.k, i end up reconnecting 5 times in a 10minute irc conversation, waiting for the stupid ssh to resync for the bouncer to work, then having to walk all the way upstairs to unplug and reset the damned thing :(
[05:17:47] <theBear> that gets old REAL quick
[05:18:21] <wollw> my wireless card in this laptop has been on the fritz recently like that
[05:18:32] <wollw> randomly disconnecting while in good range
[05:18:35] <wollw> over and over
[05:18:52] <wollw> now it won't even connect to my router so I'm using a usb dongle
[05:19:11] <theBear> i'm thinking/hoping that both the resetting and the reception issues are due to hopelessly dead caps or MAYBE a dud (ac in/out, no components) wallwart... seems to be non-original and match another in her office... exactly right specs ... gotta remember to take a meter this time too, check if maybe she got stupidly low/high voltage
[05:21:40] <wollw> well i have class in a few hours so i should sleep
[05:21:59] <wollw> night
[05:22:07] <theBear> cya :) thanks for listening to my ramblings
[05:22:12] <wollw> np
[05:22:26] <theBear> and as usual Tom_itx , thanks for tolerating them, you know i try to keep it 'clean' in here
[05:22:36] <theBear> we all have our shortcomings :)
[06:52:25] <konsgn> Goot morgen!
[06:52:43] <Tom_itx> shhh the aussies are getting sleepy
[06:53:32] <konsgn> can someone explain usb circuit layout? I'm getting strange glitches
[06:55:10] <konsgn> only short (20cm ) cables work woth one of my prototypes, and the other protorype gets recognized correctly but cannot communicate
[07:22:25] <ziph> konsgn: What boards are you using?
[08:27:06] <theos> hi
[08:27:20] <theos> has anyone ported linux to avr systems yet?
[08:28:03] <RikusW> the ap7000 avr32 series could handle it, but its not made anymore afaik
[08:28:12] <RikusW> the other avr32's don't have a mmu
[08:28:22] <RikusW> so need an adapted kernel
[08:28:29] <theos> so no way to run linux on avrs?
[08:28:56] <RikusW> there might be a avr32 port for at32uc
[08:29:08] <RikusW> but definitly not on 8 bit avr
[08:35:28] <theos> thanks
[08:38:36] <akira42> hello; I'm trying to program an atmega8 with mySmartUSBlight programmer with the following 'selfbuild' evaluation board: http://www.mikrocontroller.net/articles/Datei:Tutorial_grundschaltung_breadboard.jpg , but which programmer do I have to choose with avrdude (option -c)?
[08:39:33] <specing> akira42: check avrdude.conf
[08:40:36] <akira42> you mean the list which it spits out if there is no programmer specified?
[08:40:54] <specing> I mean the actual configuration file on your filesystem
[08:41:46] <akira42> eh ... I have no idea what to do there
[08:42:07] <specing> Its in /etc/avrdude.conf
[08:42:17] <akira42> yeah I found it, what do I do with it
[08:43:06] <RikusW> avrdude -F -p m168 -c stk500v2 -P /dev/ttyUSB0
[08:43:13] <specing> Now call the ceiling cat to bless it
[08:43:23] <RikusW> seems it might me stk500v2
[08:44:00] <RikusW> http://www.google.com/search?q=mySmartUSBlight+avrdude
[08:44:35] <RikusW> and remove the -F....
[08:44:49] <RikusW> and change -p m8
[08:44:59] <akira42> stk500v2 was it, thanks
[09:05:16] <konsgn> anyone have experience making usb circuits?
[09:08:47] <rue_house> its funny it cant just read the sig and automatically adjust itself to the avr your trying to program
[09:09:07] <rue_house> I mean its not like you ever plug in the wrong avr
[09:09:20] <rue_house> ok once and a while but that usually gets figured out quick
[09:26:13] <cyanide> Tom_itx, i want to buy one avr-isp mk2 clone
[09:30:38] <dirty_d> i have one
[09:46:01] <cyanide> how much do you want?
[09:47:28] <dirty_d> oh, i dont wanna sell it, jsut sayin i have one if his, lol
[09:47:49] <cyanide> oh
[09:48:06] <cyanide> i have a paypal link on his website
[09:48:09] <cyanide> ill go through that
[09:48:15] <dirty_d> thats what i did
[09:48:27] <cyanide> bbl, bad headache
[09:50:48] <specing> oh my
[09:51:08] <specing> my tablet just produced a message in chinese
[09:51:17] <specing> with two buttons belo
[09:51:18] <specing> w
[09:51:25] * specing is unsure what to click
[09:51:46] <dirty_d> whatever looks least like a dragon
[09:51:54] <specing> they are both the same
[09:52:20] <dirty_d> then youre screwed
[09:53:33] <specing> :(
[09:55:14] <specing> Its supports ext4! :D *reformats SD*
[09:56:15] <theBear> what supports ext4 ?
[10:03:27] <specing> My tablet
[10:03:51] <specing> Im going to make it run Gentoo, period.
[10:04:47] <theBear> good boy :)
[11:02:27] <Mawhonic> Hey. I got a code written for Tiny15, and trying to apply it to a Tiny45. In the start of the code for Tiny15 I got an include: include "tn15def.inc". Any idea what this would be for Tiny45? Can I use the same code? It's written in assembly.
[11:02:52] <Mawhonic> Im a total AVR noob btw. In practical projects at least
[11:04:07] <OndraSter> tn45def.inc? :)
[11:05:00] <Mawhonic> Already tried ;P
[11:05:11] <Mawhonic> Easy solution, hehe. Didnt work
[11:06:41] <OndraSter> it should
[11:06:46] <OndraSter> my avr studio has tn45def.inc
[11:06:50] <OndraSter> (avrs 5.1)
[11:10:37] <OndraSter> away
[11:10:38] <OndraSter> bb
[13:04:14] <cyanide> anyone have sample code for interrupts on xmega?
[13:04:50] * RikusW havent even coded for xmega yet ;)
[13:05:06] <cyanide> neither have i
[13:05:12] <cyanide> my akafuino was just delivered
[13:05:18] <cyanide> i want to try it out
[13:05:34] <dirty_d> i think so
[13:05:42] <dirty_d> its pretty simple
[13:06:36] <dirty_d> cyanide, youre gonna like xmega once you get used to it
[13:06:46] <dirty_d> whats an akafuino?
[13:07:09] <cyanide> it's a dev board with a atxmega32a4. but in an arduino footprint
[13:07:26] <cyanide> and the creators have released arduino-compatible libs for xmega, plus a bootloader
[13:07:49] <dirty_d> screw all that arduino stuff
[13:07:52] <dirty_d> lol
[13:08:00] <dirty_d> just write all the code from scratch
[13:08:07] <cyanide> http://www.akafugu.jp/posts/products/akafuino/
[13:08:11] <cyanide> http://tronixstuff.wordpress.com/2012/01/15/initial-review-akafuino-x-microcontroller-board/
[13:08:13] <cyanide> i will
[13:08:25] <dirty_d> you didnt ge the a4u?
[13:08:34] <cyanide> i dont care much for the arduino part. but it's there if i ever want it. and the board was cheap
[13:08:43] <cyanide> no, they only include a a4, no usb version
[13:08:51] <cyanide> they have an ft232 there, so its fine
[13:08:53] <dirty_d> i think the a4 might have hardwqare bugs not sure
[13:08:59] <dirty_d> thats what ive heard about the older xmegas
[13:09:06] <dirty_d> theyre fixed in the U versions
[13:09:25] <cyanide> probably. ive just bought one to try out the xmegas. my traction control system has the 32a4u
[13:10:51] <dirty_d> yea i dont have the code with me that has interrupts
[13:11:03] <cyanide> is there some guide on how to migrate from arduinos to 'from-scratch'?
[13:11:04] <dirty_d> its pretty much the same as on mega
[13:11:10] <dirty_d> sei enable the interruopt you want
[13:11:19] <dirty_d> thers another reg too though
[13:11:32] <dirty_d> that globally enables interrupts by level
[13:11:57] <dirty_d> cyanide, cany you jsut stick a programmer on it and just progrma it?
[13:12:49] <cyanide> pdi or via usb
[13:12:56] <cyanide> these xmegas dont have jtag
[13:13:10] <dirty_d> pdi is what i use
[13:13:48] <cyanide> yeah, i want to buy that pdi programmer too
[13:14:00] <cyanide> ill go through some docs, brb
[13:14:05] <dirty_d> cyanide, it has a frequency capture mode
[13:14:18] <dirty_d> you might find that useful for measuring the freq of the rising edges from the hall sensor
[13:14:44] <cyanide> hmm
[13:14:44] <dirty_d> requires no processing or interrupts, youll just need to read a reg thats constantly kept updated
[13:14:50] <cyanide> wow, nice
[13:14:56] <RikusW> cyanide: Tom got a pdi programmer
[13:15:04] <dirty_d> yea has pulse width capture mode too that works the same way
[13:15:09] <cyanide> i know. i need to talk to him before i buy it
[13:15:12] <cyanide> shipping issues
[13:15:23] <cyanide> awesome dirty_d :)
[13:15:46] <cyanide> bahaha
[13:15:55] <cyanide> im streaming crystal method on grooveshark
[13:15:58] <dirty_d> yea its a pretty damn good chip
[13:16:04] <cyanide> the most popular youtube background song came up
[13:16:09] <dirty_d> automatic clock calibration too
[13:16:19] <cyanide> techno opener by crystal metho
[13:16:21] <cyanide> method*
[13:19:13] <dirty_d> holy crap, they sell that for $45
[13:41:28] <cyanide> i know, expensive
[13:42:38] <cyanide> the xplain board can't be shipped to my country due to some retarded shipping restriction
[13:42:54] <cyanide> back in an hour
[13:45:41] <dirty_d> just get the raw chip
[13:45:43] <dirty_d> and make a board
[13:46:35] <specing> Or make someone ship it to you as a family gift
[13:47:04] <specing> cyanide: Whah county is that again?
[13:48:19] <RikusW> isn't that the encryption stuff again ? :-/
[13:49:07] * specing lives in Europe, that is where most of the sanity is left
[14:18:24] <cyanide> specing, india
[14:18:47] <cyanide> although the sanity, or the lack of it, is on the part of the states for not allowing these things to be shipped outside a selected few countries
[14:21:11] <specing> cyanide: So, your country does not allow importing encryption devices?
[14:21:58] <cyanide> goes both ways i suppose
[14:22:32] <cyanide> the mouser page says i need a license to export it out of the us
[14:23:29] <specing> then buy from farnell
[14:23:38] <cyanide> let me check there
[14:23:46] <specing> farnell has a storage complex in UK
[14:24:52] <cyanide> i checked my local farnell page. i think i might be able to buy it
[14:25:04] <cyanide> is the atavrxplain good or is there a better dev board?
[14:32:27] <dirty_d> thats kinda stupid
[14:34:34] <abcminiuser> Greetings all
[14:34:46] <abcminiuser> I am back from the lands of pot smoking hippies
[14:36:59] <Steffanx> Thank you
[14:37:18] <Steffanx> I'm NOT a pt smoking hippy!
[14:37:21] <Steffanx> pot
[14:39:07] <naftilos76> hi everyone, i need to know what will the max pwm frequency be of a 16bit timer and a xtal of 20MHz
[14:39:25] <naftilos76> will it be 20 million / 65536 ?
[14:39:35] <abcminiuser> Steffanx, Amsterdam
[14:39:50] <abcminiuser> Tom_itx, this is one UGLY programmer based on my firmware: http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=pl&u=http://allegro.pl/avr-prog-mkii-gratis-tasma-uniwersalna-blt-i2200518552.html&ei=xp1fT8LoPNHItAbuls2YBg&sa=X&oi=translate&ct=result&resnum=9&ved=0CH8Q7gEwCDgy&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dlufa%2Busb%26start%3D50%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-nightly%26sa%3DN%26tbo%3D1%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:unofficial%26biw%3D1920%26bih%3D986%26tbs%3Dqdr:w%26
[14:39:56] <abcminiuser> prmd%3Dimvns
[14:40:15] <abcminiuser> Tom_itx, err this rather: http://allegro.pl/avr-prog-mkii-gratis-tasma-uniwersalna-blt-i2200518552.html
[14:41:08] <cyanide> that looks badass
[14:41:09] <cyanide> lol
[14:41:10] <Steffanx> I know abcminiuser
[14:42:08] <abcminiuser> Steffanx, you're from Amsterdam?
[14:43:15] <dirty_d> naftilos76, no
[14:43:23] <dirty_d> naftilos76, how much resolution do you need?
[14:44:15] <naftilos76> dirty_d: i need all 16 bits
[14:44:26] <dirty_d> then youre right
[14:44:36] <Steffanx> No, but it's the capital of this country abcminiuser
[14:44:58] <naftilos76> dirty_d - thanks
[14:45:01] <dirty_d> np
[14:46:27] <abcminiuser> Steffanx, if ONE MORE DIRTY POT SMOKING HIPPY blew pot smoke into my face I was going to kick them into one of the canals
[14:46:29] <abcminiuser> Rest was fun tho
[14:46:49] <Steffanx> Ha, it was a wrong choice to go to amsterdam anyway
[14:50:08] <specing> aww fugly
[14:50:39] <specing> abcminiuser: Have you went swimming in norway?
[14:50:51] <specing> abcminiuser: In a river and/or sea?
[14:51:50] <abcminiuser> specing, no not yet
[14:52:00] <specing> abcminiuser: You should try it, its amazing
[14:52:07] <abcminiuser> How so?
[14:52:13] <specing> abcminiuser: Just don't stay in there for too long
[14:52:32] <cyanide> can i use this to program xmegas? http://in.element14.com/atmel/atavrisp2/programmer-avr-mcu-isp/dp/1135517
[14:52:34] <specing> abcminiuser: The feeling you have for days after is ... amazing
[14:52:35] <cyanide> pdi
[14:52:40] <abcminiuser> cyanide, yes
[14:52:43] <Steffanx> uh specing ?
[14:52:44] <cyanide> cool
[14:52:45] <abcminiuser> specing, ....
[14:52:49] <specing> ?
[14:53:52] <specing> I was in Finland last march
[14:53:59] <specing> been swimming there :D
[14:54:49] <Steffanx> me too, last summer .. wasn't that special :P
[14:56:36] <Steffanx> hmm, the summer before that one
[14:58:08] <specing> Steffanx: was the river frozen?
[14:58:15] <specing> In my case, it was
[14:58:16] <Steffanx> No
[14:58:35] <specing> There was a 10*10m hole with a peer from which we jumped in
[14:58:56] <Steffanx> It was like 30C when i was in Finland
[15:04:37] <cyanide> where's CapnKernel
[15:05:17] <dirty_d> cyanide, yea that one will work
[15:05:20] <dirty_d> you cant buy tom's?
[15:06:25] <Steffanx> chupas !
[15:06:45] <specing> CapnKernel!
[15:06:54] <Steffanx> No, chu pas
[15:07:08] <dirty_d> sounds like mexican food
[15:07:13] <cyanide> dirty_d, found the avrisp from an indian seller. no shipping hassles
[15:07:19] <dirty_d> cyanide, ahh
[15:07:24] <cyanide> as much as id like to support him
[15:07:39] <dirty_d> just make sure you get the mk II
[15:07:46] <dirty_d> the original one doesnt do PDI
[15:07:50] <cyanide> http://in.element14.com/atmel/atavrisp2/programmer-avr-mcu-isp/dp/1135517
[15:07:57] <cyanide> i bought this one. says it does pdi
[15:08:33] <dirty_d> yea i think 2 is the same as mk II
[15:08:50] <cyanide> yes. this is the official programmer
[15:09:07] <cyanide> farnell has a local distributor for hobbyists
[15:16:45] <dirty_d> cool
[15:30:48] <Tom_itx> abcminiuser_
[15:30:53] <abcminiuser_> Yo
[15:31:03] <Tom_itx> how come the verify cycle is so slow?
[15:31:13] <Tom_itx> .63 to write 8.xx to verify
[15:32:35] <Tom_itx> same file on a ft232 was .43 to write
[15:39:06] <abcminiuser_> Don't ask me, sounds like the V2 protocol is just slow for that
[15:39:20] <abcminiuser_> Wait, woah, that's slow
[15:39:24] <abcminiuser_> What platform?
[15:43:11] <Tom_itx> avrdude under linux
[15:43:59] <abcminiuser_> COMPAT compile option enabled?
[15:44:10] <Tom_itx> i don't think so
[15:44:17] <Tom_itx> it shouldn't need it under linux
[15:46:11] <Tom_itx> maybe it does according to you notes
[15:46:21] <Tom_itx> we didn't used to do that i think
[15:46:59] <Tom_itx> i thought LIBUSB_DRIVER_COMPAT was just for avrdude under windows
[15:47:54] <mrfrenzy> who was it here again without a credit card?
[15:48:05] <Tom_itx> i'll recompile it and test it later tonight
[15:48:18] <Tom_itx> mrfrenzy, you can't be here unless you have a credit card?
[15:48:51] <mrfrenzy> yes you can, but this guy often has grief with ebay and pcb manufacturing etc
[15:49:05] <mrfrenzy> cause credit cards appearently are expensive in DE
[15:49:12] <Tom_itx> oh
[15:49:20] <Tom_itx> i wouldn't pay for a cc
[15:50:29] <cyanide> Tom_itx, you got any samples for interrupts on xmegas?
[15:50:58] <Tom_itx> no
[15:51:00] <mrfrenzy> aah checked logs, it was amee2k
[15:51:20] <mrfrenzy> amee2k: have you checked out ukash.com? seems like you can get a free prepaid cc
[15:51:36] <Tom_itx> a couple guys have done quite a bit with em but not me
[15:52:36] <cyanide> ok
[15:52:45] <Tom_itx> abcminiuser, did you get any of that?
[15:53:18] <abcminiuser> Tom_itx, think so, one sec
[15:53:24] <Tom_itx> zlog
[15:53:53] <abcminiuser> Right, well depending on how the host USB driver works, the switch can still help
[15:54:01] <Tom_itx> maybe i need a refreher course on the compiler options
[15:54:12] <Tom_itx> it's been a while
[15:54:20] <abcminiuser> Try with the switch, it can help AVRDude
[15:54:27] <Tom_itx> i will later on
[15:54:41] <abcminiuser> Since currently AVRDude tries to pull in all unused bytes from USB devices after each packet, which can lead to long timeouts with the programmer
[15:59:37] <cyanide> how's the xplain dev board?
[15:59:39] <Tom_itx> abcminiuser, somebody here wanted to compare the ft232 to mine was all
[15:59:54] <Tom_itx> cyanide, it's just fine sitting in the box on my shelf
[16:00:01] <cyanide> haha.
[16:00:23] <cyanide> i just bought one to test
[16:00:32] <Tom_itx> i use it to test my programmer
[16:03:43] <cyanide> lol
[16:04:00] <cyanide> someone ported the psgroove crap to an xplain board http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZyIW4WowtA
[16:05:45] <OndraSter> lol
[16:48:45] <cyanide> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqynT-deDuo&feature=related
[20:08:51] <virtuald> happy pi day!
[20:16:17] * Tom_itx throws a pi in virtuald's face
[20:16:29] <nevyn> silly americans
[20:17:17] <Tom_itx> would it be as popular if it were named a stupid name?
[20:18:28] <nevyn> it's all about Tau now anyway
[20:20:22] <virtuald> tau means you get to celebrate pi day twice on the same day, and tau day too!
[20:26:22] <nevyn> you get TWO pi on tau day
[20:29:06] <Tom_itx> how you gonna slice your pi?
[20:31:02] <nevyn> Tom_itx: solaris style
[20:51:26] <Sgt_Lemming> woot, NERFID PCB's have arrived.
[20:52:41] <Tom_itx> no oopsies yet?
[20:53:35] <Sgt_Lemming> nope
[20:54:54] <Tom_itx> good stuff
[21:01:20] <CapnKernel> cyanide: I'm here (sort of)
[21:04:38] <Tom_itx> what part isn't?
[21:18:25] <CapnKernel> The part that thinks. Going back to bed :-(
[22:13:56] <Sgt_Lemming> https://picasaweb.google.com/115277388924201849210/PCBS?authkey=Gv1sRgCK73t-Cw3pmLmwE#5719581864302351778 <---- NERFID PCB
[22:17:33] <Roklobsta> sgt: question does the AVR talk to the ethernet thing over SPI?
[22:18:07] <Sgt_Lemming> yes
[22:18:09] <Roklobsta> and do you have some blurb on the specification and function of the nerfid
[22:18:16] <Sgt_Lemming> not yet
[22:18:19] <Sgt_Lemming> working on it
[22:18:30] <Sgt_Lemming> been more interested in getting a working board first :-P
[22:18:32] <Roklobsta> will you use a main loo pand interrupts or some rtos?
[22:19:10] <Sgt_Lemming> loop and interrupts
[22:19:12] <Sgt_Lemming> we already have it
[22:19:22] <Roklobsta> www.bertos.org rtos now supports 328s I already use it on a 1280
[22:19:29] <Roklobsta> it's nice.
[22:23:05] <Roklobsta> aw no SMT. you chicken. <be-gerk!>
[22:24:46] <skorket> Please excuse the noob question but I've just programmed my ATMega328 to run on a crystal oscillator and now I'm having trouble programming it with avrdude...does it want to be connected to a crystal oscillator to be programmed now?
[22:26:41] <theBear> yes
[22:27:16] <Sgt_Lemming> Roklobsta, this is designed to be as easy for people to assemble and make as possible
[22:27:23] <Sgt_Lemming> I am working on an SMD version though
[22:27:32] <Roklobsta> i jest. i agree it should be easy
[22:27:46] <Roklobsta> and applaud that you found all through hole components.
[22:28:04] <Sgt_Lemming> the board uses all 24mil traces as well so it's nice and easy to hand etch
[22:28:09] <Sgt_Lemming> i.e. toner transfer
[22:28:28] <Sgt_Lemming> sorry, 24mil or larger
[22:28:31] <Roklobsta> yeah i got a new toner cartridge today having lost one to a baking paper experienmt.
[22:29:01] <Roklobsta> anyway, from what I could tell the toner absolutely did not stick to the baking paper.
[22:29:25] <Roklobsta> i was hoping it would but would release easy onto a pcb
[22:29:31] <Roklobsta> i'll just stick to photo paper.
[22:29:51] <Roklobsta> not even sticky tape can get a grip on baking paper
[22:30:16] <skorket> theBear, thanks
[22:30:40] <Roklobsta> do you have an oscialltor?
[22:31:05] <skorket> roklobsta, was that to me?
[22:31:11] <Roklobsta> yes
[22:32:00] <skorket> Roklobsta, yes, I've got a few 20MHz crystal oscillators, just none attached to my target board currently. I just changed the fuses and was unable to program afterwards
[22:32:23] <skorket> Roklobsta, next step is to make a target board with an oscillator I suppose
[22:33:09] <Roklobsta> yeah, well don't use baking paper in your laser printer
[22:34:37] <Roklobsta> sgt: what rfid will you sniff out?
[22:38:48] <skorket> Can I run by a calculation with you guys? I have a 20MHz crystal that has 18pf load capacitance. I'm hooking this up to an ATMega328 in a parallel configuration. I've seen the formula that states that '2*(Cload - Cstray) = C'. Using Cstray equal to about 3pf or so, I should be using two 30pf capacitors? Does this sound good?
[22:39:30] <skorket> For example, here's where they run through the formula: http://www.oscilent.com/spec_pages/PNDescrpt/Load_Cap.htm
[22:41:57] <Roklobsta> suck it an see
[22:42:05] <Roklobsta> it might be good enough to get you going.
[22:42:33] <Roklobsta> What is the tolerance of the 30pF caps?
[22:43:44] <skorket> +-5%
[22:43:57] <Roklobsta> i don't see why it won't work.
[22:44:11] <Roklobsta> do or do not. there is no try
[22:45:00] <skorket> I've just hooked up a 'hello world' program (i.e. a blinking light) with the 20MHz crystal (plus 30pf caps) and it seems to work fine...it's really just a question of whether I've done everything as I should have...
[22:46:19] <Casper> the caps ain't critical for proper function
[22:46:37] <Casper> you would just lose some precision
[22:48:01] <skorket> The 'right' answer in choosing caps is to get proper test equipment to measure what the frequency is for a given cap selection?
[22:49:13] <Casper> depend on the precision needed
[22:49:32] <Casper> standard range is 13-33pf iirc
[23:01:43] <mog> does anyone know where to source a tiny lcd? im thinking like a pager display sized one. I can't seem to find anything
[23:02:24] <Tom_itx> 1 x 8?
[23:02:32] <Roklobsta> ask capnkernel
[23:02:40] <Tom_itx> inflex used some
[23:02:42] <Roklobsta> mog where do you live?
[23:02:48] <mog> usa
[23:02:56] <Roklobsta> tomitx did you try new avrdude andyour programmer?
[23:03:07] <mog> it needs to display 6 digits at least
[23:03:09] <Tom_itx> not yet
[23:03:14] <mog> and be small as possible
[23:03:27] <Tom_itx> oh btw, i need to change the firmware for that test anyway
[23:03:29] <mog> im trying to make soemthing watch sized
[23:03:44] <Tom_itx> mog, think OLED
[23:03:46] <mog> i have an oled setup
[23:03:48] <Tom_itx> they're small
[23:03:54] <mog> but it cant run off coin cells
[23:03:59] <mog> draws too much current for the battery
[23:04:01] <Tom_itx> next best would be a 1 x 8
[23:05:20] <mog> those tend to be huge. but ill keep looking i guess
[23:05:49] <skorket> Casper, I see 22pf in the datasheet everywhere..
[23:06:03] <mog> ya smallest one of those i can find is 60mm long
[23:06:17] <learningc> Tom_itx: do you know how to get the menu bar back in eagle?
[23:13:28] <CapnKernel> Noooo! Don't make me watch Dave Jones!!!!
[23:16:16] <learningc> hi CapnKernel :)
[23:16:27] <CapnKernel> learningc: hi!
[23:17:56] <Roklobsta> capn: are the compnents you source as complex at lcd modules?
[23:18:05] <Roklobsta> as
[23:18:42] <CapnKernel> I have a supplier with a very nice range of LCDs
[23:18:50] <Roklobsta> backlit?
[23:18:55] <Roklobsta> catalogue?
[23:18:59] <CapnKernel> But I won't be able to do anything about it until next week
[23:19:02] <Roklobsta> ok
[23:19:17] <CapnKernel> Unfortunately I'm in pull-out-of-China mode at the moment
[23:19:21] <Roklobsta> what1?
[23:19:25] <Roklobsta> oh noes
[23:19:35] <CapnKernel> You didn't hear about my visa woes?
[23:19:37] <Roklobsta> for good?
[23:19:38] <Roklobsta> nono
[23:20:08] <Roklobsta> will you still operate but only as a busines visitor?
[23:20:40] <CapnKernel> http://www.chinese-forums.com/index.php?/topic/36854-check-dates-carefully-or-you-may-lose-your-visa/
[23:21:44] <CapnKernel> Friday I found out whether I can come back.
[23:21:58] <CapnKernel> Watching Dave Jones' anti-static rant
[23:22:29] <CapnKernel> If it was all as horrible as he says, then shouldn't every device ever shipped with the wrong kind of foam be a toasty mess?
[23:23:29] <chupas> Working with AVR studio 5.1 and an Xmega SPI... Its working cocrectly If I use SPID_DATA = data; but not if i use the "XMEGA FRIENDLY" SPID.DATA = data; Any ideas as to why that could be?
[23:24:04] * Roklobsta groans
[23:24:21] <CapnKernel> Hardly surprising that you can kill a chip with a piezo - something that can make a 1cm spark through air...
[23:24:31] <Roklobsta> reminds me of my time at the Rechts and Ordnungsamt in Germany with my visa.
[23:24:44] <Roklobsta> Even the Germans can get befuddled by their own rules
[23:26:28] * CapnKernel detects a beat-up
[23:38:04] <Roklobsta> 'cept in germany not only do you need a visa the council has to also grant you permission to stay
[23:39:23] <learningc> hi Roklobsta
[23:39:30] <Roklobsta> howdy
[23:39:37] <learningc> busy
[23:39:55] <learningc> need to finish a board for tomorrow
[23:40:23] <Roklobsta> yeah time for sinus tablets and coffee
[23:43:08] <learningc> is it safe to take both together?
[23:47:33] <inflex> mog: get some OLED 96x16 or similar display units, they're incredibly small, about 0.8 x 0.3" in size
[23:47:48] <inflex> mog: else, just 8x2 CoG LCD matrix units with FPC connector
[23:48:01] <inflex> the OLEDs are a bit hard to work with as they need a hot-bar solder for the connection
[23:50:58] <Roklobsta> leanrinc: yes, i did just that for the three day marathon on my undergrad thesis and got a Distinction.
[23:51:47] <Roklobsta> though by the third day i was wide awake and brain's clutch was out.
[23:53:31] <learningc> lol
[23:55:01] <Roklobsta> that was the time I did "rm -rf *" in /.
[23:55:16] <Roklobsta> as root
[23:56:05] <learningc> Roklobsta: that ground ring all around the board, it's grounded, right? Because I cannot see any ground wires connected to it. Maybe in inner layers?
[23:56:18] <Roklobsta> yes.
[23:56:32] <Roklobsta> also, see the rule i sent concerning ground ring
[23:56:44] <learningc> ok
[23:57:09] <Roklobsta> all layers connected in the ring but it's connected to ground only at one point
[23:57:09] <learningc> didn't have time yet to check the rule though..
[23:57:45] <learningc> at one point? any special reason for that?
[23:57:49] <Roklobsta> the groun connection is where the board actually connects to external ground, like the -ve wire.
[23:57:55] <Roklobsta> that's what we did
[23:58:02] <Roklobsta> i can't recall the reasoning
[23:58:08] <learningc> ah.. makes sense
[23:58:30] <Roklobsta> so it's like an independant ground ring.
[23:58:47] <Roklobsta> the idea is it catches the electric fields flying off the PCB
[23:58:56] <Roklobsta> well, some of them at least
[23:59:01] <learningc> it must be so that the noise go back to the power source faster
[23:59:07] <Roklobsta> yer
[23:59:20] <Roklobsta> anyway, th rf guy seemed happy with it
[23:59:24] <Roklobsta> RF
[23:59:36] <learningc> and he is still using the rules? :)