#avr | Logs for 2012-03-12

[00:44:48] <Redbluefire> On the Xmega, what happens if I give the ADC a voltage above it's reference voltage. Will it be damaged?
[00:45:33] <Casper> Redbluefire: on tiny/mega, it will survive unless you excede VCC or GND
[00:46:00] <Landon> hm, don't the datasheets have max ADC voltages?
[00:51:08] <Redbluefire> I'm poking through but I don't see it
[00:51:25] <Casper> check the electrical section
[00:52:14] <Redbluefire> Basically, I need to check for a high or low voltage, but the signal is not TTL high. (9V high)
[00:53:36] <Casper> voltage divider
[00:53:57] <Casper> else you will kill your chip, NEVER excede VCC or GND
[00:54:26] <Casper> use like a 20k/10k divider
[00:54:51] <Redbluefire> I did exactly that, but the circuit I'm grabbing the voltage off of starts acting funky when I do that.
[00:55:47] <Redbluefire> I think it's because the circuit is pulled up to 9v, and when it tries to pull it low, my resistors mess with it
[00:56:05] <Casper> then you might want to put an opamp in voltage follower mode, powered off an higher voltage than the signal (like 12V), then feed that to the divider...
[00:56:32] <Casper> the opamp basically have like a 10M input resistance, so is virtually not loading the line
[01:01:16] <Redbluefire> Actually, I think the board I'm using has voltage followers before all the ADC schematics, let me check.
[01:01:29] <Redbluefire> inputs, let me check the schematics*
[01:01:45] <Redbluefire> thought too fast for my fingers to type there :P
[01:08:18] <Redbluefire> Hmmm, looks about right, but Vbus = 5V, so I'm unsure how it will take it
[01:08:21] <Redbluefire> http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/7056/41183386.png
[01:08:41] <Redbluefire> ADCA0-7 are the actual port a pins from the xmega
[01:13:04] <Casper> so already buffered
[01:13:28] <Redbluefire> Yes, but with a lower supply voltage.
[01:14:02] <Casper> in general, never have an input higher or lower than the supply rails
[01:16:58] <Redbluefire> Do you think a voltage divider with higher resistances will affect the pulled-up signal less?
[01:17:03] <Redbluefire> say, 100k/200k?
[01:20:39] <Casper> yeah, but the higher the more issues you will have to get a stable readout
[01:39:24] <Redbluefire> Got it working, thanks for your help, Casper
[01:40:14] <Redbluefire> Mostly thanks for dignifying my questions with an answer ;)
[01:42:24] <Casper> :D
[01:52:39] <ziph> There's IC's that let you go well above VCC.
[01:52:46] <ziph> "Over the top" opamps for instance.
[01:53:51] <Casper> over the rail
[01:54:34] <ziph> over the top is the more common term
[01:59:07] <rue_house> so they have a gain of less than 1?
[01:59:13] <rue_house> I can do that with resistors
[01:59:27] <rue_house> voltage wise anyhow
[02:00:30] <rue_house> are you trying to use the adc for the main supply battery voltage?
[02:00:46] <Casper> rue_house: do you have some MAPP gas cylinders?
[02:00:55] <rue_house> nho :(
[02:01:01] <Casper> good
[02:01:09] <Casper> there is a recall on them
[02:01:32] <rue_house> wait, are those ones yellow or blue?
[02:01:39] <Casper> yellow
[02:01:48] <rue_house> oh
[02:02:01] <rue_house> I have one that leaks so I leave the nozzel on
[02:02:32] <Casper> there is a recall, empty it and return it to the store for a refund or exchange
[02:02:42] <Casper> be sure that the new one have a black diamond on it
[02:02:51] <rue_house> mines pretty old ...
[02:02:55] <Casper> http://www.mapcylinderrecall.com/
[02:03:03] <rue_house> is it cause the valve leaks?
[02:03:09] <Casper> yes
[02:03:27] <rue_house> thats why I keep the nozzel on
[02:03:42] <Casper> how old is it?
[02:03:59] <rue_house> heh, well the valve leaks..
[02:04:37] <rue_house> its almost empty, wonder if I can get a nice new free full one
[02:05:31] <Casper> mine don't leak
[02:05:40] <Casper> so I'll still exchange it
[02:06:27] <rue_house> I like how this works, 'take in empty cylinder for a completel refund
[02:06:41] <Casper> yup
[02:07:00] <rue_house> I know it laeks, I could smell it right away
[02:07:13] <rue_house> for more than a year or two I'v just left the head on
[02:07:25] <rue_house> which I usually dont like to do cuase the heads usually leak
[02:07:26] <Casper> mine seems to be emptier and emptier each time I weight it
[02:07:40] <rue_house> do the soapy water test
[02:07:48] <Casper> but fail the soapy water test
[02:07:52] <Casper> well
[02:07:53] <Casper> pass
[02:08:02] <Casper> so probably a very slow leak
[02:08:03] <Casper> or
[02:08:07] <Casper> the leak stopped
[02:08:12] <Casper> but now it's empty
[02:08:27] <rue_house> yay free mapp gas bottle
[02:08:59] <Casper> hehe
[02:09:32] <Casper> I suspect there is a second reason for the recall
[02:09:42] <Casper> some of those bottle also have a neck defect
[02:09:49] <Casper> and the neck split open
[02:10:09] <randomnze> On m64, using timer3 in CTC mode 12 (ICR), should it be possible to have OCR3A set many times (update in ISR/COMPA) during a count cycle?
[02:11:24] <Casper> without looking in the datasheet, there is basically 2 update mode, depending on which one you use...
[02:11:33] <Casper> but all allow any number of setting
[02:11:44] <Casper> it's just when it get applied that change
[02:11:48] <randomnze> Now the interrupt happens just once during a counter cycle
[02:12:48] <randomnze> I've been reading the datasheet over and over, and I can't see the reason why it doesn't work
[02:14:07] <Casper> what is your expectation and the actual result?
[02:17:37] <randomnze> I have a sorted array containing desired OCR3A values, on a match/interrupt I do OCR3A = array[g_i++]; and hope to get here again before the counter overflows and everything starts over
[02:18:56] <randomnze> there is very little executed in the ISR and the next value is big enough not to be passed in the mean time
[02:19:52] <randomnze> It just never happens. So maybe I have missed a line (over and over) in the datasheet that says there can be only 1 OCRA match during a single counter run?
[02:21:07] <randomnze> I have some bytes send to USART for debug so I know the values are correct
[02:23:28] <randomnze> I guess I'll try it in normal mode (0) next and do timer resolution with OCR3C
[02:29:56] <randomnze> The idea is to have base frequency (tmr resolution) and a few things done at varying times in between (OCRnA values in sorted array)
[03:08:27] <randomnze> hmh.. /me = fool. had an indexing offset by -1 by a line that I "couldn't see" in my own code.. Debug was placed so that data was correct. LoL
[06:51:42] <Alexer> jimlay, I'm not sure if you solved the "tried to toggle pin state, and it didn't really change" yet
[06:52:07] <Alexer> but in case you didn't... make sure you have decoupling capacitors :P
[06:52:11] <RikusW> did he set it to output ?
[06:53:06] <Alexer> RikusW, probably, since he said they don't "always" toggle
[06:53:17] <RikusW> using the PIN register to toggle IO only works on newer avrs
[06:54:18] <Alexer> ah, I think he didn't use the word "toggle"
[06:54:50] <Alexer> but he was driving a H-bridge out of those pins
[06:55:40] <Alexer> I debugged my stepper driving code for ages a while ago, turned out to be missing decoupling capacitors
[06:55:43] <RikusW> the high transistors will probably need level translation...
[06:56:31] <RikusW> debugging fw when hw is the problem can be problematic ;)
[06:56:58] <Alexer> the AVR was resetting itself every time I changed the outputs :P
[06:57:07] <RikusW> ugh
[06:57:40] <RikusW> that can be a hard to find bug....
[06:58:54] <Alexer> yeah, I only figured it out after I put an incrementing number on every debug message sent out over serial... ...and it reset to zero every time I tried to change the stepper state :D
[07:00:02] <RikusW> so you don't have a debugger like the dragon ?
[07:00:02] <Alexer> and of course, it sometimes worked, since moving from 00 to 11 doesn't cause any load..
[07:01:59] <Alexer> ah, no, I prefer to DIY, so I've just got a buffer and some resistors on a paraller port for programming :P
[07:02:31] <RikusW> on chip debug is nice to have
[07:03:12] <RikusW> http://sites.google.com/site/megau2s/home on the jtag link there is a free jtag mki clone
[07:03:29] <RikusW> will need AS4 or 5 to compile
[07:03:37] <Alexer> but hey, random debugging is kind of fun ;)
[07:05:14] <RikusW> I have another idea for debugging without any tools
[07:05:28] <RikusW> make a break(n) function
[07:05:55] <RikusW> n will address a bitarray so that a breakpoint can be turned on or off
[07:06:06] <RikusW> it will have to be compiled into the fw itself
[07:06:34] <RikusW> then add support for reading and writing memory while in break mode
[07:06:50] <RikusW> that will nearly get you on chip debug support ;)
[07:06:58] <Alexer> hehe
[07:07:04] <RikusW> via the serial port
[07:07:30] <Alexer> well, thus far I've been fine with outputting debug lines over serial and toggling leds
[07:08:20] <Alexer> btw, 2-pin bi-color leds are awesome for debugging
[07:08:57] <RikusW> I prefer ocd when the going gets tough ;)
[07:09:07] <RikusW> but even that is sometimes of no use....
[07:09:12] <Alexer> put one across your stepper motor leads and it tells you the direction, if any :P
[07:09:16] <RikusW> like debugging a soft uart....
[07:09:24] <RikusW> nice
[07:11:30] <Alexer> I also built a rs323<->ttl adapter, which detects if the connected wire is crossed or straight with a bipolar led (two jumpers to configure the board to work with either one)
[07:12:37] <Alexer> though someone would probably say I should just make a usb<->ttl-serial -one instead :P
[07:18:15] <RikusW> my board can do that ;)
[11:43:10] <monkeyisl> How do people erase clcd so next text won't get overraped?
[11:47:55] <CapnKernel> overwritten?
[11:56:42] <OndraSter_> lol overrapted
[11:56:47] <OndraSter_> overraped
[12:02:24] <monkeyisl> CapnKernel : yup
[12:03:05] <monkeyisl> what i doing is lcd_str("11231312"); lcd_str(" "); lcd_str("lol");
[12:05:07] <CapnKernel> Did you write lcd_str, or did someone else?
[12:05:48] <monkeyisl> idid
[12:07:11] <CapnKernel> So, you're asking advice about a routine you wrote, that we don't know does what.
[12:07:29] <CapnKernel> (Excuse my English, Chinese has really messed with my grammar)
[12:09:00] <cyanide> CapnKernel
[12:09:16] <cyanide> you've got time to ship a few more components before you go to hong kong?
[12:09:30] <CapnKernel> Yes
[12:09:40] <cyanide> cool. ill email you tonight
[12:09:41] <CapnKernel> Have your PCBs arrived yet?
[12:09:54] <cyanide> nope
[12:10:13] <cyanide> indian postal service is perhaps the worst in the world
[12:10:19] <cyanide> they deliver when you've forgotten about it
[12:10:53] <CapnKernel> I heard that the Indian and Italian postal systems have arguing matches about who is worse :-)
[12:11:07] <OndraSter_> haha
[12:11:29] <OndraSter_> I always see on ebay "shipping worldwide except Italy" xD
[12:11:35] <CapnKernel> There's a little trophy they vie for.
[12:12:00] <CapnKernel> Actually there's two little trophies, one in each country.
[12:12:13] <CapnKernel> The losing country keeps it hidden away until they win again.
[12:12:29] <CapnKernel> Because, like, they don't DARE send the trophy to the other country via post!
[12:13:10] <OndraSter_> :D
[12:15:04] <cyanide> lol
[12:15:11] <cyanide> [22:31] <OndraSter_> I always see on ebay "shipping worldwide except Italy" xD
[12:15:17] <cyanide> quite a few of them have india too
[12:15:38] <cyanide> i ordered about 15 things via ebay. all of them on the same day, same shipping method, all from china
[12:15:59] <cyanide> one was delivered in 8 days, a few came after 20+ days. and im still missing about 5 of them and it's been over 45 days
[12:16:07] <cyanide> it's just random
[12:16:36] <cyanide> if they dont feel like it, it'll sit in the post office and i'll get a letter from them about 5 months later informing me of a parcel lying there
[12:17:05] <CapnKernel> These people fail because they're not passionate.
[12:17:31] <CapnKernel> Granted, they're probably not being paid enough to be passionate, but *still*, the feeling that people are relying on me drives me.
[12:18:42] <cyanide> i dont think i would be passionate about my job if it was to walk and deliver stuff to people's houses
[12:18:55] <cyanide> the postmen here don't get a fancy truck/car/bike
[12:18:57] <cyanide> they walk
[12:19:19] <cyanide> so i can understand their problem of not carrying big parcels
[12:19:33] <CapnKernel> This is an honest, meaningful job. Can't say that about the finance fatcats.
[12:22:00] <CapnKernel> Goldangit I am SO COLD
[12:22:28] <CapnKernel> Got two jumpers on, and the doona (comforter for you yanks, duvet for anyone else) and I'm STILL cold.
[12:22:32] <CapnKernel> Lost feeling in my arms and hands.
[12:23:26] <Steffanx> Aussies really can't handle anything :P
[12:23:42] <CapnKernel> MARP MARP, troll alert!
[12:23:47] <CapnKernel> (ziph has taught me well)
[12:23:58] <Steffanx> Yes, another aussie
[12:24:17] <CapnKernel> What are you saying, eh? What you saying? Want to make something of it?
[12:24:58] <CapnKernel> Take it back or I'll force you to drink Foster's Lager. (Heaven knows, we don't drink the stuff)
[12:25:20] * Steffanx googles
[12:26:28] <cyanide> i actually drink foster's :)
[12:26:29] <Steffanx> I'll take it back
[12:26:48] <cyanide> it's stronger than the usual stuff we get here like kingfisher, bud, etc
[12:27:09] <cyanide> meh, have to go out and buy smokes. bbl
[12:28:09] <Steffanx> Poor you
[12:29:03] <chupas> Is there any difference between the jtag ice 3 and the AVR one?
[12:29:13] <Steffanx> Yes
[12:30:56] <chupas> The AVRONE! is the only one with NEXUS high speed trace support.
[12:31:16] <chupas> i guess thats it
[12:31:39] <Steffanx> And it seems to have buffers for all kind of things
[12:31:53] <chupas> I gues the question is.. they are both $200 now
[12:32:00] <chupas> which one to get?
[12:32:34] <Steffanx> abcminiuser has a avrone ..
[12:32:48] <Steffanx> Maybe you should wait for him
[12:32:57] <Steffanx> (he's on a holiday if iirc, though)
[12:33:06] <chupas> Im reading his post on the forums now reguarding i
[12:33:07] <chupas> it
[12:33:19] <Steffanx> -if
[12:33:30] <CapnKernel> I think I have worked out why I am shivering violently
[12:33:41] <chupas> But iirc the One was $500 last time i checked
[12:33:44] <CapnKernel> Ill :-(
[12:33:48] <chupas> and now its down to $200
[12:33:49] <chupas> strange
[12:33:50] <CapnKernel> Last thing I need
[12:33:50] <Steffanx> Yes indeed chupas
[12:34:54] <Steffanx> The avrone is uses an FPGA iirc chupas. I remember abcminiuser said something about that
[12:35:08] <Steffanx> It had to load different 'fw' for different devices, which sometimes takes a while
[12:35:15] <chupas> oh
[12:35:17] <chupas> humm
[12:35:21] <Steffanx> Not sure if that's REALLY an issue (or if it's even true)
[12:35:27] <Steffanx> Just wait for abcminiuser :)
[12:35:40] <Steffanx> Or buy one and find out yourself
[12:35:43] <chupas> heh
[12:35:54] <Steffanx> I don't think many people here own a avrone
[12:35:56] <Steffanx> *an
[13:06:32] <Tom_itx> dean is on vacation?
[13:06:40] <Tom_itx> vacation from what?
[13:06:52] <CapnKernel> 'e only just got there!
[13:07:14] <CapnKernel> I saw his blog post - it said "snow, I can never get enough" :-)
[13:21:11] <Steffanx> I guess he found some cocaine in Amsterdam :P
[13:21:43] <Steffanx> There's no other snow in Amsterdam nowadays
[13:38:43] <CapnKernel> LOL
[13:50:50] * RikusW is a bit curious as to what would have happened had the ga'uld and wraith met.... ;)
[13:51:04] <dirty_d> lol
[13:54:05] <OndraSter_> I think we should try it out :P
[13:54:41] <CapnKernel> Parse error.
[13:55:02] <RikusW> wraith feeds on ga'uld and becomes super strong :-P
[13:55:44] <mrfrenzy> that would have been very interesting ;)
[13:55:48] <RikusW> or worse ga'uld takes over a wraith....
[13:55:50] <vectory> or goa'uld posses wraith
[13:55:55] <vectory> ye :)
[13:56:16] <RikusW> wonder why that never made it into the story....
[13:59:10] <vectory> hi CapnKernel, are you still in shenzen?
[14:00:11] <vectory> because a friend was looking for some chips all over the place and only found offers of 1000+ deliveries
[14:00:22] <CapnKernel> Yes I'm still here for the moment.
[14:00:29] <CapnKernel> Friday is my find-out day.
[14:00:55] <vectory> ough, tense. wanna stay?
[14:01:07] <CapnKernel> Yes of course. I love what I do.
[14:01:12] <vectory> :)
[14:01:40] <CapnKernel> And on the flip side, I've spent eight months of my time and my family's money getting this thing started. Just between you and me, I'd rather not walk away just when it's getting fun.
[14:01:55] <vectory> gl, hope you do it good, but not that good that they want you at home :)
[14:02:03] <vectory> the firm, i mean
[14:02:22] <CapnKernel> There's no firm, I'm my own boss. Except for my wife of course, she's definitely boss.
[14:02:26] <CapnKernel> (She's in Australia)
[14:03:08] <mrfrenzy> what does it take to get permanent permit to live in shenzen?
[14:03:13] <vectory> then i mesinterpreted your blog post. i had the impression you were send there and figured you were still with "them"
[14:03:21] <specing> I bet she has problems getting through the great firewall :D
[14:03:45] <CapnKernel> mrfrenzy: It's basically not possible.
[14:03:57] <mrfrenzy> that bad ey
[14:04:04] <CapnKernel> You will always be on some kind of visa where you regularly have to leave the country and re-enter.
[14:04:19] <OndraSter_> if youi marry locally?:
[14:04:21] <vectory> well, that aint too bad, get to see the family.
[14:04:21] <CapnKernel> I run a VPN to my home, and the Hackvana website
[14:04:31] <vectory> got 2 run. talk to you later
[14:04:45] <CapnKernel> I don't know. And unlikely to be in a situation to find out :-)
[14:04:56] <CapnKernel> vectory: Bye, thanks for the chat. PM me about the chip quote.
[14:06:24] <CapnKernel> I shipped mrfrenzy's chips out same day last week.
[14:07:17] <CapnKernel> (gratuitous pic of my family visiting me: http://imagebin.org/203082)
[14:18:47] <vectory> CapnKernel: can you get some sort of lpram bigger than 128mb?
[14:20:36] <CapnKernel> The vendors here aren't willing to help choose components. All you can do is give them a part number.
[14:21:42] <CapnKernel> The ability for me to get parts is proportional to how popular that part is in current production of electronics.
[14:22:03] <CapnKernel> So if a chip is not being used today, it's generally very hard to get.
[14:27:51] <cyanide> your family is chinese?
[14:28:00] <cyanide> :)
[14:28:10] <cyanide> your wife i mean, lol
[14:29:42] <vectory> cyanide: < CapnKernel> You will always be on some kind of visa [...] < OndraSter_> if youi marry locally? < CapnKernel> I don't know. And unlikely to be in a situation to find out :-)
[14:29:50] <vectory> so, not chinese i guees
[14:29:57] <CapnKernel> Hmm?
[14:30:24] <vectory> CapnKernel: is your wife chinese?
[14:31:07] <CapnKernel> She is Asian: (gratuitous pic of my family visiting me: http://imagebin.org/203082)
[14:31:27] <CapnKernel> She wasn't born in Australia, but she is well and truly an Aussie now.
[14:31:51] <cyanide> that's nice though
[14:32:00] <cyanide> i had a friend who married a chinese girl
[14:32:09] <cyanide> though it was the girl who moved to the states to be with him
[14:32:11] <CapnKernel> I have been with her 25 years next year.
[14:32:16] <cyanide> wow
[14:32:32] <CapnKernel> Most amazing person I ever met, I'm still deeply in love :-)
[14:32:37] <CapnKernel> (You can all vomit now)
[14:33:02] <CapnKernel> A lot of Chinese girls want to pick up a western guy
[14:33:12] <OndraSter_> is it because of the size? :D
[14:33:20] <CapnKernel> Part of it is the Xenophilia thing: Exotic is always appealing
[14:33:21] <cyanide> hahaha
[14:33:26] <asteve> my girlfriend's Taiwanese
[14:33:38] <CapnKernel> And it's so cook to brag if you have a foreign boyfriend
[14:33:47] <asteve> lum pia
[14:33:55] <CapnKernel> And a certain percentage definitely see the foreigner as a meal ticket out of China
[14:34:06] <asteve> or as I call it, Taiwanese taco is delicious
[14:34:07] <CapnKernel> asteve: Welcome! We don't often hear from you!
[14:34:15] <CapnKernel> asteve: TMI!
[14:34:27] <asteve> CapnKernel: hah, it's a dish
[14:34:34] <CapnKernel> Riiight
[14:39:12] <specing> CapnKernel: How cheap are AVRs down there in Shenzen?
[14:40:41] <Kevin`> does china have any clone avrs? (something that actually works, not just a random broken chip with 'avr' etched on it)
[14:42:29] <jacekowski> yes
[14:42:37] <jacekowski> i bought 100 of them
[14:43:13] <jacekowski> the ones i got, only jtag was broken ( out of things i've found out )
[14:43:20] <CapnKernel> I've bought some ATtiny85s for a project of mine that wouldn't program.
[14:43:44] <CapnKernel> They are usually genuine, but factory sweepings.
[14:44:01] <CapnKernel> That's why it's absolutely vital to have trusted suppliers.
[14:44:11] <CapnKernel> You rock up to a supplier and ask for stuff, you could get anything.
[14:44:46] <CapnKernel> The suppliers I use are the same suppliers that SeeedStudio uses. Eric Pan kindly had his buyers introduce me to their suppliers.
[14:45:03] <CapnKernel> I'm deeply grateful to him for that.
[14:45:28] <CapnKernel> It means that if the supplier tries to shift me some crap stuff, I tell Seeed, and Seeed then starts worrying about when they're going to get crap.
[14:45:57] <CapnKernel> This "elder brother" effect is a huge incentive for the supplier to get it right first time, every time.
[14:46:22] <CapnKernel> I wrote a very detailed essay about this: http://hackvana.blogspot.com/2011/09/suppliers-look-inside-component-markets.html
[14:46:55] <CapnKernel> I see stuff happening every day that would make your hair curl
[14:47:17] <CapnKernel> Sellers running their flash chips over bunsen burners to make the solder on the leads shiny again
[14:47:30] <dirty_d> wow
[14:47:35] <jacekowski> well, that's not so bad
[14:47:41] <jacekowski> because those chips work in most cases
[14:47:44] <jacekowski> and they test them
[14:47:46] <CapnKernel> Sellers unreeling caps and re-reeling back onto name-brand reels, so you think you're buying genuine
[14:47:57] <CapnKernel> Often they don't. They just don't care.
[14:48:12] <CapnKernel> And there's actually a market for second-grade stuff, for example, in toys and things.
[14:48:42] <RikusW> CapnKernel: did you try HVSP on the t85's ?
[14:48:48] <CapnKernel> One of the value adds I give (compared to something you might find on the net) is having that trusted supply chain
[14:49:01] <CapnKernel> No. Not worth my time. I returned them, and the seller replaced them on the spot.
[14:49:08] <CapnKernel> (And probably resold them)
[14:49:15] <CapnKernel> Note, that was a seller I didn't get from Seeed.
[14:49:24] <CapnKernel> So I was happy to try it for my own project.
[14:49:34] <CapnKernel> I'm reluctant to use that supplier for someone else's project.
[14:50:14] <CapnKernel> The way I look at it, if I buy 100 chips and they're 99% good, 99% of people have a good experience, but 1 person has a 100% failure. I can't accept that person having an experience like that.
[14:50:48] <RikusW> what did those t85's cost you ?
[14:51:08] <CapnKernel> I can't remember.
[14:51:19] <specing> Yeah, right :D
[14:51:38] <CapnKernel> Things happen so fast here that I can't remember last week.
[14:51:46] <CapnKernel> The local term for it is "Shenzhen speed"
[14:51:55] <CapnKernel> And anyway, the market is volatile and the prices change daily.
[14:52:22] <jacekowski> well, if you use cheap suppliers, then you test components yourself
[14:52:26] <CapnKernel> I like the t85 very much, there's so much you can do for it.
[14:52:30] <jacekowski> or finished product
[14:52:41] <jacekowski> rather than relying on somebody else doing it for you
[14:52:50] <CapnKernel> I could, but in factoring in my labour cost, I couldn't sell them competitively.
[14:53:14] <CapnKernel> If I spend an hour doing X, it's an hour I can't spend doing something more vital, such as getting my PCB ordering engine online :-)
[14:53:32] <CapnKernel> I'm really desperate to finish that.
[14:54:09] <CapnKernel> And I promise the website will look better than this: http://www.fbt-chinavisa.com.hk/
[14:54:12] <CapnKernel> But not much better...
[14:54:26] <CapnKernel> As I won't use the blink tag :-)
[14:54:46] <CapnKernel> Tonight's project: Design a PCB for my friend, power distributor board for a quadcopter
[14:55:12] <CapnKernel> It's a single pattern rotated 8 times.
[14:55:18] <CapnKernel> I have a python script which generates the PCB file.
[14:55:20] <specing> dirty_d?
[14:55:33] <CapnKernel> So I can tweak the script and change the geometry of the board.
[14:56:33] <dirty_d> specing, yes?
[14:56:49] <dirty_d> specing, oh, not me
[14:56:54] <asteve> one pineapple should not suffice for 7
[14:56:59] <asteve> remember this
[14:57:06] <CapnKernel> hmm?
[14:57:12] <CapnKernel> That's very Zen.
[14:57:26] <asteve> i'll be here all week
[14:57:31] <asteve> (work week)
[14:57:47] <CapnKernel> Tip the veal, try your waitress?
[15:10:54] <cyanide> is so-16 and soic-16 the same package?
[15:11:45] <cyanide> guess they are
[15:13:18] <RikusW> afaik it is
[15:16:15] <vectory> CapnKernel: mind if i refer my friend to you?
[15:16:29] <vectory> with regards to the chip
[15:16:43] <dirty_d> vectory, how are you doing in 6002?
[15:16:55] <vectory> not good at all
[15:17:01] <vectory> say, when was the first assignment due?
[15:17:05] <dirty_d> lol
[15:17:14] <dirty_d> not yet is it?
[15:17:22] <dirty_d> i finished everything waiting for week 3
[15:17:34] <dirty_d> i like to stay ahead, because eventually i get very lazy and fall behind
[15:17:35] <vectory> CapnKernel: or should i refer him to hackvana.com?
[15:18:16] <vectory> dirty_d: my problem is a) im working days, and b) now that i got a day off im lazy as cat
[15:18:32] <dirty_d> vectory, i try to get some done while im at work, lol
[15:18:44] <vectory> haha
[15:18:45] <dirty_d> thats actually where the most gets done
[15:19:53] <vectory> i didnt watch anything besides the introduction. i found the slides rather bad, without a vid, i rather had a script. alas, theres only the book and that is rather heavy with what, 2 chapters of 30 pages per week?
[15:24:45] <dirty_d> i havent read the book at all
[15:25:20] <dirty_d> i just solved the work any way i could
[15:25:24] <dirty_d> mostly google
[15:25:35] <dirty_d> maxima is very helpful
[15:25:48] <dirty_d> i got very tired of solving big simultaneous equations
[15:31:21] <vectory> did you solve the one you posted the other day? i tried forming linear equations with kvl but it was beyond me. is ac solvable with linear equations anyhow?
[15:31:50] <dirty_d> yea it was easier than i thought
[15:31:57] <vectory> it always is :D
[15:32:06] <dirty_d> i think i used kcl
[15:32:31] <vectory> k, you aint supposed to tell me the solution tho, i think ^^
[15:32:36] <dirty_d> lol
[15:32:47] <cyanide> any formula1 fans here?
[15:33:06] <cyanide> offtopic, i know
[15:35:03] <CapnKernel> vectory: either way.
[15:35:48] <vectory> i told him to use the site already. he seems reluctant. like he doesnt wanna bother you.
[15:36:26] <CapnKernel> Well he's going to miss out! :-)
[15:36:38] <CapnKernel> He can use the site to drop me a message.
[15:37:47] <dirty_d> time to get the mustang on the road
[15:37:50] <dirty_d> its springtime!
[15:38:05] <dirty_d> gonna get new doorhandles, ignition coil, and harmonic balancer
[15:38:13] <dirty_d> i hope that fixes the vibrations
[15:39:13] <cyanide> checked the engine mounts?
[15:40:35] <dirty_d> they look ok
[15:40:40] <dirty_d> its kinda wierd
[15:40:51] <dirty_d> its worst in like 1st around 3500rpm
[15:40:59] <dirty_d> fine on the highway
[15:41:17] <dirty_d> just rodered it all, lol
[15:41:18] <dirty_d> ill find out
[15:41:33] <dirty_d> i had a wierd electrical problem last year before i took it off the road
[15:41:35] <dirty_d> i think it was the coil
[15:41:54] <cyanide> i hope the harmonic damper isn't the issue lol. because that would've meant some bad abuse to your bearings
[15:42:06] <dirty_d> it wasnt severe
[15:43:18] <dirty_d> i need to hook my parking brake up sometime too
[15:43:21] <cyanide> single coil with distributor?
[15:43:39] <dirty_d> lol ive contemplated buying a disk brake conversion kit jsut to avoid it
[15:43:47] <dirty_d> putting drum brakes together is horrible
[15:43:55] <dirty_d> yea single with distributor
[15:44:03] <cyanide> i was planning on using an ignition coil from a corvette on my bike lol
[15:44:11] <dirty_d> will that work?
[15:44:37] <dirty_d> its possible to have too hot a spark isnt it
[15:44:41] <cyanide> ill be using a microsquirt ecu, so yes. that coil + ignitor is well supported
[15:44:47] <dirty_d> ahh
[15:44:54] <cyanide> not with the power these 250cc bikes make
[15:45:01] <dirty_d> yea
[15:45:06] <dirty_d> alright time to go home
[15:45:06] <dirty_d> later
[15:45:18] <cyanide> but i prefer hotter+shorter sparks compared to longer dwell
[15:45:24] <cyanide> later!
[15:45:47] <cyanide> its nice to find some car guys on irc :)
[15:46:33] <cyanide> wtf http://i.imgur.com/23kUN.gif
[15:46:43] <Steffanx> Hehe
[15:48:37] <CapnKernel> vectory: You can pass this link to your friend. From that, he can PM me. http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=avr
[15:48:53] <vectory> he is on freenode :)
[15:49:16] <CapnKernel> Even better.
[15:49:36] <vectory> as i said, he is just reluctant. has no money atm, too. bummer
[15:50:14] <vectory> on the other hand, he is looking at offers over 1000 x 1gb lpram chips for 50$
[15:50:15] <vectory> xD
[15:50:49] <CapnKernel> I see.
[15:55:32] <CapnKernel> Time for me to turn in folks.
[15:56:08] <mrfrenzy> sleep well
[15:56:25] <cyanide> night
[15:56:26] <CapnKernel> Thank you.
[15:56:36] <CapnKernel> mrfrenzy: So did you get your pig?
[15:56:49] <mrfrenzy> not yet
[15:57:02] <mrfrenzy> I will let you know for sure
[15:57:03] <CapnKernel> What are they doing with it??? :-|
[15:57:25] <CapnKernel> Ok, night
[15:58:00] <vectory> n8
[15:58:23] <RikusW> bb
[17:08:39] <Roklobber> hey tomitx
[17:09:05] <Roklobber> did that dll help with v5.11?
[17:53:38] <dirty_d> http://i1186.photobucket.com/albums/z372/dirty_d2285/quad.jpg
[17:53:47] <dirty_d> satan!
[17:59:57] <Kevin`> is that with the motors? I would expect them to be bit enough to see
[18:30:13] <vectory> that looks cool, hope its not arduino >_<
[18:33:38] <Tom_itx> hey Roklobsta i didn't try it
[19:38:17] <dirty_d> Kevin`, no motors
[21:15:32] <ziph> !thislog
[21:17:32] <Tom_itx> thislog had a power outtage this morning sir
[21:17:36] <Tom_itx> you want a log?
[21:17:42] <Tom_itx> zlog will help you too
[21:19:26] <learningc> Tom_itx: do you know of a solution to get rid of short airwires when terminating traces in eagle?
[21:19:41] <Tom_itx> fine grid
[21:19:52] <Tom_itx> or just route them until they're all gone
[21:20:05] <learningc> even fine grid there is still
[21:20:06] <ziph> Tom_itx: Thanks.
[21:20:52] <Tom_itx> learningc, yeah that one pain eagle has that i don't like
[21:21:01] <learningc> Tom_itx: is there a way to not get thise annoying short airwires?
[21:21:05] <Tom_itx> i just route them and leave the little trace
[21:21:12] <learningc> oh ok
[21:21:13] <Tom_itx> they're usually hidden anyway
[21:21:22] <Tom_itx> kindof annoying but it works
[21:21:43] <Tom_itx> i try hard to get all my parts on somewhat of a similar grid
[21:21:54] <Tom_itx> to minimize that problem
[21:23:42] <learningc> ah ok
[21:23:45] <learningc> thanks
[21:24:37] <ziph> One trick for things on irregular grids is to start from one pad, finish the trace half way, then start again from the other pad and connect in the middle.
[21:25:31] <Tom_itx> they still usually have a wiggle somewhere but i have tried that too
[21:25:55] <Tom_itx> at least the trace gets put on a standard grid that way
[21:26:11] <ziph> If they're purely vertical/horizontal yes but otherwise they should meet nicely at the grid points.
[21:34:47] <inflex> ja, those are something I do find a bit annoying
[21:34:59] <inflex> mostly when you're trying to move a part and you get this ugly trace pulled out
[21:35:35] <ziph> Diptrace is less annoying that way. :)
[21:36:01] * inflex was waiting for that
[22:21:04] <Tom_itx> does newark allow paypal?
[22:22:37] <inflex> no
[22:22:42] <inflex> at least, not that I've ever seen
[22:22:55] <Tom_itx> i couldn't find any reference to it
[22:36:50] <Casper> Tom_itx: do you know if there is a minimum distance for ceiling light to the wall?
[22:37:09] <Casper> I'm installing a light track, need to install a new box and all
[22:38:28] <Tom_itx> dunno
[22:38:55] <Tom_itx> wouldn't be too practical to get it too close anyway
[22:39:32] <Tom_itx> the lights themselves may have some clearance data with them
[22:44:53] <Casper> where's rue?
[22:45:31] <Tom_itx> power outtage
[22:45:58] <Casper> ahh
[23:03:28] <Roamin> if you had a 3.3v hd47780 compatible lcd display with an absolute maximum power rating of 7v, would you risk running and driving it on 5v?
[23:11:36] <Casper> depend if the inputs are 5V tolerant
[23:11:48] <kdub_> with avrdude and avrdragon, i get something about RSP_FAILED, anyone know what that means?
[23:23:42] <learningc> Casper: you fixed your PSU?
[23:26:01] <learningc> Tom_itx: do you know what is thermal in eagle? also there's something called orphan, not sure what that is.
[23:26:04] <Casper> learningc: didn'T worked on it
[23:26:05] <Casper> but
[23:26:11] <Casper> I have done some house work
[23:26:16] <Casper> now installing new lights
[23:26:40] <learningc> now: special lightings?
[23:26:50] <learningc> Casper: special ligntings?
[23:27:47] <Casper> learningc: just plain track
[23:27:53] <Landon> learningc: http://www.cadsoftusa.com/training/faq/#15 this might pint you in the right direction for your orphan question
[23:28:12] <learningc> ok, thanks Landon
[23:28:20] <Casper> done: ceiling hole, wire run, wire in the new box, box screwed
[23:28:35] <Casper> to do: connect the wire, block the old light hole
[23:34:06] * Casper hates old style marette
[23:42:38] <ferdna> guys...
[23:42:57] <ferdna> Bus Pirate v3... vs ... Saleae USB Logic Analyzer...
[23:43:05] <ferdna> whats the difference?
[23:49:22] <theBear> from where i'm standing, mostly the name
[23:49:36] <theBear> beyond that, you'd have to compare specs and os/software support :)
[23:59:31] <Casper> and there is light! ! !