#avr | Logs for 2012-02-29

[01:40:21] <Landon> oh darn I missed the raspberry pi launch
[01:44:25] <CapnKernel> RS and Farnell are going to carry it.
[01:45:04] * Landon just saw
[01:45:14] <Landon> all the excited geeks brought down farnells site, apparently :P
[01:45:43] <CapnKernel> AWESOME
[01:47:03] <Roklobsta> oh poop
[01:47:12] <Roklobsta> well, i'll wait for rev2
[01:47:18] <Roklobsta> rev1 will have some nasties
[01:48:07] <alexh> the nasty part is the broadcom chip itself
[01:48:13] <alexh> won't really change with any rev :)
[01:48:39] <Roklobsta> yeah
[01:48:51] <Roklobsta> but as long as it runs xbmc at 1080p i will be happy
[01:49:13] <Landon> that's pretty much what I'll have it for too
[01:49:16] <Roklobsta> well, not even, my plasma is only 13nnx768
[01:49:41] <Roklobsta> that's all i want it for a cheap networked myth frontend
[01:50:34] <Landon> I have an acer aspire revo for xbmc right now
[01:50:40] <Landon> and I was impressed at how small it was when I got it :p
[01:57:56] <Roklobsta> it's only cheap because the RPi foundation is subsidising it
[01:58:08] <Landon> how much, do you know?
[02:00:26] <CapnKernel> They say they are making a little on each board
[02:00:40] <CapnKernel> Like me with my PCB service
[02:04:39] <Roklobsta> a little? meh
[02:04:53] <Roklobsta> but they have subsidised all the dev etc
[02:05:09] <Roklobsta> and they might be getting special rates from broadcom
[02:05:34] <Roklobsta> bcause of the nature of the project... it might be partly funded by broadcoms marketing budget
[02:05:42] <Roklobsta> or subsidies
[02:05:55] <Roklobsta> anyway, i'll wait and see how this 1st batch goes
[02:06:10] <CapnKernel> Quite possibly, but all the same, I'm not sure your original assertion is right
[02:06:43] <CapnKernel> "it [the unit cost of each board] is only cheap because the RPi foundation is subsidising it"
[02:07:41] <dehuman> dont vendors offer deals all the times to OED/OEMs as part of marketing and market penetration
[02:08:06] <dehuman> it would seem that would hardly be an unique leveraging tool for a manufactuer
[02:10:04] <CapnKernel> you know guys, it is actually possible that the BoM really is that cheap.
[02:10:16] <CapnKernel> And that it's not subsidised at all
[02:52:59] <Landon> 1MHz clock speed == 1000000Hz or 1048576Hz? silly question, but it's so late that I'm confusing myself
[02:53:22] <theBear> it's only megabytes that are silly, a megahz is a megahz
[02:53:39] <Landon> phew
[03:52:03] <Roklobsta> what's a mibihetz?
[03:53:06] <theBear> oooh it's been a while, i've got a funny feeling mibi/mega gibi/giga etc might be 1000/1024, possibly not in that order :)
[03:53:24] <theBear> either that, or completely different multiplier
[03:53:26] <theBear> :)
[03:54:08] <Landon> I'd imagine the bi would make that the funky 1024 one
[03:54:21] <Landon> regardless, doesn't sound pleasant
[03:56:07] <ziph> So is a mibbibyte 2^-10?
[03:56:15] <ziph> ;)
[03:56:28] <Landon> nopenopenopenope
[03:56:32] <Landon> :P
[03:57:12] <ziph> It's all a bit silly, the whole thing came about because some marketing people decided they'd be clever and sell things under the SI definitions instead of the ones people actually used.
[04:06:16] <scuzzy> also the fact that it only applies to multiples of 1000's doesn't make things any easier
[04:06:39] <scuzzy> it's like the imperial system all over again
[04:40:26] <skorket> does anyone have any experience with grbl? How do I communicate with an arduino running grbl?
[04:44:11] <ziph> Just define a "bit" as 1.024 real bits. ;)
[04:45:31] <theBear> hhehe
[05:07:12] <amee2k> rue_house: yeah, for mains. for SMPs you can pretty much forget that
[06:35:35] <Tom_itx> hah
[06:35:44] <Tom_itx> does your watch handle leap year? mine doesn't
[06:40:57] <elektrinis> many petrol stations in my country doesn't either
[06:47:30] <mansfeld> hi there.. I'm trying to use the event routing on an ATXMEGA, but for some reason I can't seem to write EVSYS.CH0MUX... it always comes out as zero if I read it. Is there something I'm missing?
[06:51:30] <sw33tlull4by> hi there !currently I seem a bit dense. Can someone tell me how I can change the PIND0 for an ATmega328p from RXD to a simple output?
[06:51:48] <theBear> lol
[06:52:13] <theBear> been a while, it's a register, serial maybe ? that's where i'd check in the datasheet
[06:55:26] <sw33tlull4by> Will keep on looking,havent found anthing so far
[06:56:49] <sw33tlull4by> Serial is on PINB together with MISO and MOSI
[06:57:37] <jadew> sw33tlull4by, you don't have to do anything special
[06:58:33] <jadew> just set the pin as output and it should work
[06:59:14] <jadew> serial comunication is not enabled by default anyway
[07:00:08] <sw33tlull4by> I know i only wrote about PINB as to say that i don't think it is serial, I konw I only have to write a couple or registers,In the datasheet it is described that USART will use this pin if usart is enabled, having a USB-vCOM interface i thought strange but took out all the usartcode in my code and flashed it again,
[07:00:56] <jadew> and to output on that pin you don't use PINB
[07:00:59] <jadew> you use PORTB
[07:00:59] <Tom_itx> you still have to set it as output on the tx
[07:01:38] <sw33tlull4by> I have an LED attached to PIND0 as to see if it works, while LED is attached so Circuit PIND0->RES->LED->GND is closed flashing is not possible, taking it out it is possible, putting LED back in it is constantly on not flashing
[07:01:41] <Tom_itx> or rx whatever the case
[07:02:10] <Tom_itx> umm, xmega is 3.3v is the led within it's range to work?
[07:02:42] <Tom_itx> i haven't used xmega yet so i dunno how much drive current it has
[07:02:56] <jadew> by flashing you mean programming?
[07:03:34] <sw33tlull4by> yes putting the program on the chip
[07:03:50] <Tom_itx> the led may be interferring with PDI
[07:03:55] <Tom_itx> is it on the same pin?
[07:04:16] <sw33tlull4by> LED is geting VSS over a resistor from PIND0
[07:04:20] <Tom_itx> or port for that matter
[07:04:21] <sw33tlull4by> and directing it to GND
[07:04:50] <Tom_itx> is it on the same pin as the programmer?
[07:05:11] <Tom_itx> what port / pins is PDI on?
[07:05:54] <Tom_itx> it may need upwards of 10k in order to work
[07:06:10] <Tom_itx> i bet if you read the docs about using the programming pins it may enlighten you
[07:06:15] <sw33tlull4by> No the PDI(i assume it stands for ProgrammerDeviceInterface) is a USB-Connection, The board is an Arduino UNO with an ATmega328p chip,
[07:06:47] <sw33tlull4by> DDRD = 1;
[07:06:48] <sw33tlull4by> PORTD = 0;//or one whatever
[07:06:51] <Tom_itx> my bad. mansfeld has the xmega
[07:07:11] <Tom_itx> and yours isn't pdi
[07:07:11] <Tom_itx> it's isp
[07:07:20] <sw33tlull4by> while(1);PIND=1;/*toggels connection*/_delay_ms(1000);
[07:07:24] <Tom_itx> same applies though
[07:07:56] <jadew> sw33tlull4by, I told you earlier
[07:07:56] <mansfeld> (found what my problem was btw, I hadn't enabled the event system clock...)
[07:08:01] <jadew> you don't output to PIND
[07:08:10] <jadew> from PIND you read the state of the pins
[07:08:14] <Tom_itx> PIN is for reading
[07:08:15] <jadew> you output to PORTD
[07:08:20] <Tom_itx> PORT is for output
[07:08:25] <sw33tlull4by> ahh ok
[07:08:28] <sw33tlull4by> Will try
[07:09:10] <Tom_itx> don't forget to set DDRD too
[07:09:23] <Tom_itx> it's the direction register
[07:10:21] <Tom_itx> brb
[07:12:43] <jadew> do you guys have any idea why lab equipment is so expensive? most of the stuff don't even seems to have fantastic specs
[07:12:50] <jadew> they're just... expensive
[07:13:13] <Tom_itx> becaus it can be?
[07:13:46] <jadew> I'm looking at function generators and there's this almost $300 one (which is quite cheap) that does 0.5 to 5Mhz
[07:13:47] <Tom_itx> just like medical equipment. the name brings a price
[07:13:59] <CapnKernel> It's also volume
[07:14:01] <jadew> when a chip that does 0.1 to 25Mhz is $10
[07:14:07] <CapnKernel> Companies need to recoup development costs
[07:14:11] <jadew> add an avr and a box to it and you get a function generator for $20
[07:14:13] <mansfeld> and testing, certification, calibration
[07:14:16] <CapnKernel> It's not about the bill-of-materials cost, it's the R&D cost
[07:14:48] <jadew> come on.... what R&D, R&D for this stuff has been done 40-50 years ago
[07:15:06] <jadew> now it's just D based on that R
[07:15:23] <Tom_itx> every one that comes along must reinvent the wheel though
[07:16:09] <Tom_itx> does intel call motorola and ask them what their latest wafer process is and how to do it?
[07:16:55] <Tom_itx> btw, that's pretty cool stuff. i talked to a guy the other day that wrote tests for those process
[07:16:56] <Tom_itx> s
[07:17:44] <jadew> yeah, but for some stuff is not really like that, think about power sources and function generators, they're easy and cheap to build, yet so expensive if you buy them off of the shelf
[07:18:38] <CapnKernel> Buy them off my shelf then, they're not expensive :-)
[07:18:40] <jadew> my power source exceeded my expectations by a lot and I'm a freaking noob, I properly started learning electronics a month or two ago
[07:18:43] <Tom_itx> alot is volume
[07:18:58] <CapnKernel> (If you need a benchtop power supply, ask me in PM)
[07:19:07] <Tom_itx> back when ipaq was popular i got a program for mine that ran me $900
[07:19:11] <Tom_itx> 3x the cost of the device
[07:19:52] <sw33tlull4by> ok that is interesing, I thought of PORT only for configuring inputpins, however interesting that it does work using PIND, anyways following code works on e.g. PORTD3 BUT DOES NOT WORK on PORTD0 http://nopaste.info/d845fdf54d.html
[07:20:29] <sw33tlull4by> same flashingproblem
[07:20:39] <CapnKernel> Tom_itx: Some programs like that are expensive because they embody specialist knowledge
[07:20:42] <sw33tlull4by> and LED does not flash but rather glimmer all the time
[07:20:47] <jadew> programming is differnet, closed source, patents, licensing, with electronics you take care of that as soon as you buy the chip
[07:22:02] <Tom_itx> sw33tlull4by, is it flashing too fast to see?
[07:22:25] <Tom_itx> is F_CPU defined?
[07:22:36] <Tom_itx> that affects _delay_ms iirc
[07:22:37] <jadew> PORTD = PIND & ~1;
[07:22:44] <jadew> change that to PORTD = 0;
[07:22:57] <sw33tlull4by> F_CPU is defined, otherwise my compiler would be complaining, set PORTD to 0 LED is still lit
[07:22:59] <jadew> or PORTD &= ~1
[07:23:11] <Tom_itx> or PORTD ^ 0xff
[07:23:36] <sw33tlull4by> I just wanted to be thourough since u told me PIND is for reading and PORTD &= ~1; expandes to PORTD = PORTD & ~1
[07:24:15] <jadew> yeah, but since that PIN is set for output, you don't read from it anymore
[07:24:20] <Tom_itx> there is a hidden fact that you can write PINx but that's not what it's for
[07:25:16] <Tom_itx> it is for reading the port pin input
[07:36:10] <Fleck> specing is this any good schematic: http://sodoityourself.com/max232-serial-level-converter/ ?
[07:36:21] <Fleck> or maybe other guys have comments... welcome! :)
[07:37:52] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/misc_stuff/rs232_sch.png
[07:38:13] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/misc_stuff/rs232_3.jpg
[07:38:18] <Tom_itx> that's what it looks like
[07:38:37] <Fleck> ill use creamic caps
[07:38:43] <Fleck> *ceramic
[07:38:49] <Tom_itx> i think i did too
[07:39:00] <Fleck> ohh i see
[07:39:09] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/misc_stuff/rs232_2.jpg
[07:39:11] <Fleck> Tom_itx u sell those?
[07:39:15] <Tom_itx> some are different
[07:39:24] <Tom_itx> i may have one or two left
[07:39:30] <Fleck> i see ;)
[07:39:49] <Tom_itx> want one?
[07:39:53] <Tom_itx> i can look later
[07:40:09] <sw33tlull4by> that is why my program "worked" in the first place while on another pin.pretty convinietn by the way.
[07:40:09] <sw33tlull4by> you write a value to PINx and the same value again to set the pinx to 0 again, however, the datasheet states that PIND0 is used by usart, not using usart, should take care of the RXD-problem I currently have,but it is still lit, and datasheet tells me USARTReceiver enabled =>RXD enabled, I do not use usart(page82), looking at the diagram drawn (page72) i cannot find the value WRx which might be interesting for me,
[07:41:30] <Tom_itx> Fleck, i'm sure that schematic is similar
[07:41:46] <Fleck> Tom_itx no, ill build one by my self! :)
[07:41:52] <Fleck> thx anyway!
[07:42:00] <Tom_itx> there are a couple of pairs of level shifters you can use on it so the pinout may be different slightly
[07:42:22] <Tom_itx> i know my schematic works if you wanna use it
[07:42:23] <Fleck> yeah, ill look at schematics
[07:45:30] <Tom_itx> jan has one she's not gonna use if you dare ask her for it
[07:49:44] <theBear> lol
[07:49:46] <sw33tlull4by> ah sry just saw I forgot the link to the datasheet http://www.atmel.com/Images/doc7810.pdf
[07:50:04] <theBear> actually i do recall her raving the other night about micros are beyond her and she got some to get rid of
[07:50:39] <Tom_itx> theBear, doesn't she rave every time she joins?
[07:51:17] <Tom_itx> i bet phil has his hands full
[07:53:21] * CapnKernel is tempted to make his "love the way she moans" comment again, but decides he better not.
[07:58:50] <theBear> Tom_itx, more recently than in the past, but she's far away, i have no idea what's going on
[07:58:57] <theBear> hehe
[08:05:57] <jadew> took some pics, here's my power source in action: http://dumb.ro/files/ps/index.html
[08:08:12] <Tom_itx> good stuff
[08:08:20] <mansfeld> jadew: looks nice!
[08:08:21] <jadew> yep, works nice
[08:08:25] <jadew> thanks
[08:09:50] <jadew> sadly, I can control voltage only in increments of 10mV, because I only had a 10bit PWM and 10V / 1024 = ~10mV
[08:09:58] <jadew> but it's more than enough
[08:10:36] <mansfeld> do you have any schematics yet?
[08:11:42] <mansfeld> (if you plan to document your build)
[08:12:06] <jadew> I'll upload it tomorrow or something, needs to be cleaned up a bit
[08:12:16] <mansfeld> cool
[08:12:23] <jadew> made a mistake and need to take it out
[08:12:33] <mansfeld> I'm still looking for ideas for the power source I haven't made yet
[08:12:59] <jadew> I used only one data bit for both rotary encoders
[08:13:18] <jadew> and sometimes one gets stuck in the middle
[08:13:29] <jadew> so if you turn the other one, it just goes up
[08:13:48] <jadew> can be easily fixed by using one of the button inputs for the data bit of one of the rotary encoders
[08:27:39] <sw33tlull4by> ok back to drawingboard again, anyways thx for the lesseons tought and till later
[08:29:08] <jadew> mansfeld, http://dumb.ro/files/ps/schmeatics.jpg
[08:29:27] <jadew> I'm sure it can be improved, I'm just learning this stuff so I might have overlooked a lot of things
[08:29:53] <mansfeld> jadew: cool, thanks
[08:30:01] <jadew> np
[08:30:25] <Tom_itx> We are sorry
[08:30:25] <Tom_itx> The requested page cannot be found
[08:30:31] <Tom_itx> :/
[08:30:34] <jadew> hmm
[08:30:48] <mansfeld> schematics is misspelt, switch the e and a around
[08:30:53] <mansfeld> and then it works :)
[08:31:03] <mansfeld> (also Altium Designer FTW)
[08:31:31] <jadew> http://dumb.ro/files/ps/schematics.jpg
[08:32:01] <jadew> yeah, got it from school, I quit in the meantime tho :P
[08:33:13] <Tom_itx> at least you got something out of it
[08:33:45] <jadew> heh, yeah, the teachers pissed me off
[08:39:45] <jadew> btw, to make sense, the specs are 0-10V, 0-1A, it doesn't get to true 0, because of the opamp, but it's close
[08:39:59] <jadew> 15mV and 3mA
[08:42:10] <mansfeld> I suppose you could add a pull-down to -5V on the output if you wanted a real 0V, no?
[08:42:34] <mansfeld> http://www.ti.com/product/tps60403
[08:43:35] <jadew> yeah, it should be quite easy to do, but I didn't really need it
[08:43:48] <mansfeld> yeah, I can't see the point either :)
[08:55:17] <OndraSter_> about opamp offset - what about chopper opamps? :)
[08:57:45] <jadew> had to google to know what they are, they sound nice
[08:59:47] <dirty_d> damn im tired
[09:02:42] <OndraSter_> yeah, I heard about them on Dave's video blog
[09:02:43] <dirty_d> a class D amplifier should be pretty easy with an xmega right?
[09:02:47] <OndraSter_> the 1st time
[09:03:03] <dirty_d> sameple audio at 100Khz, output pwm at 100khz
[09:03:07] <dirty_d> to a power mosfet
[09:03:17] <dirty_d> well driver to a power mosfet
[09:03:35] <OndraSter_> audio is never easy :P
[09:04:00] <dirty_d> easier than analog though
[09:04:34] <dirty_d> actually i think i have everything i need to test that out
[09:05:00] <dirty_d> i was working on a big 200W bass amp a while ago
[09:05:03] <dirty_d> analog though
[09:05:20] <dirty_d> class b?
[09:05:22] <dirty_d> i forgot
[09:05:29] <dirty_d> whatever the push-pull config is
[09:05:52] <dirty_d> i had a big microwave transformer wound that misteriously dissapeared
[09:06:08] <dirty_d> mystery
[09:06:11] <OndraSter_> pushpull is B, yes
[09:06:30] <dirty_d> that was quite a lot of work to tear apart and wind
[09:07:13] <OndraSter_> I can imagine..
[09:07:25] <dirty_d> i could add in some audio effects too
[09:07:28] <dirty_d> like distortion etc
[09:08:10] <dirty_d> actually the avr probably isnt fast enough for anything but distortion
[09:08:43] <dirty_d> 320 clock cycles per sample to do whatever
[09:08:47] <rue_house> I think across 8 channels I get 8Khz
[09:08:55] <dirty_d> not enough for vibrato or anything
[09:08:58] <rue_house> free running interrupt driven
[09:09:32] <dirty_d> are you building a giant robot?
[09:09:53] <rue_house> ...maybe...
[09:10:18] <rue_house> do you have washing machine valves to donate?
[09:10:50] <dirty_d> i alrady used mine for a beer vending machine
[09:11:03] <rue_house> ah
[09:11:13] <OndraSter_> heh
[09:11:15] <OndraSter_> beer vending machine xD
[09:11:20] <dirty_d> it didnt work very well and i didnt make any money, lol
[09:11:36] <dirty_d> yea lol, i bought a cash acceptor and used a solenoid valve out of a washing machine
[09:12:01] <dirty_d> there used to be a lot of parties at my old apartment with 2 other roommates
[09:12:27] <dirty_d> hooked it up to a homebrew keg
[09:22:36] <cyanide> whats the whole noise about the raspberry pi?
[09:23:13] <OndraSter_> imagine 1080p capable computer in size of 10x10cm box
[09:23:56] <cyanide> i dont live in a shoe box
[09:30:41] <specing> OndraSter_: tablet?
[09:32:20] <OndraSter_> I said computer
[09:32:47] <specing> And what is a tablet? An abacus or what?
[09:32:53] <OndraSter_> tablet has touchscreen
[09:32:56] <OndraSter_> this is just box with HDMI out
[09:32:57] <OndraSter_> and few USBs
[09:33:17] <specing> BTW
[09:33:27] <specing> 10*10 cm is huuge in this day and age
[09:33:29] <OndraSter_> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raspberry_Pi
[09:33:36] <specing> RP is way smaller than that
[09:33:39] <OndraSter_> yeah
[09:33:54] <OndraSter_> Size: 85.60 × 53.98 mm (3.370 × 2.125 in)[45]
[09:37:52] <specing> Which is still way too big
[09:38:06] <specing> Fuck them, Im going to roll my own motherboard
[09:52:57] <dirty_d> I tried to order one last night
[09:53:15] <dirty_d> farnell was swamped
[09:53:23] <dirty_d> alrady all sold out before i could even load a page
[09:57:13] <cyanide> they shouldve gone with digikey
[09:57:38] <dirty_d> is it worldwide?
[09:58:01] <cyanide> yeah
[10:07:32] <dirty_d> oh
[10:11:35] <amee2k> OndraSter_: what was the cool switching reg you used on your LED matrix board again?
[10:22:52] <OndraSter_> TPS54527
[10:54:34] <jadew> how do you call the caps that you put on potentiometers?
[10:55:29] <jadew> knobs!
[10:55:49] <dirty_d> yes
[10:55:50] <theBear> lol
[10:55:52] <dirty_d> lol
[10:56:03] <jadew> :)
[11:27:05] <OndraSter_> guys, any tips on regular TO220 MOSFETs (P or N doesn't matter... probably... preferably N channel though) that can be driven as switches, where gate voltage is 5V (N, 0V for P channels) and voltage on drain is 5 - 10V?
[11:32:36] <theBear> OndraSter_, you mean you want one that 'turns on' with a negative g-d voltage ?
[11:33:28] <OndraSter_> nvm, got another solution
[11:56:14] <dirty_d> WTF
[11:56:32] <dirty_d> i have a cart with $368 of rc crap and theyre gonna charge $90 for shipping!?
[11:57:17] <OndraSter_> lol
[12:01:43] <dirty_d> fuck it, i did it
[12:01:58] <Steffanx> No thanks
[12:02:42] <dirty_d> I'm so cheap
[12:02:46] <dirty_d> that was literally painful
[12:03:00] <dirty_d> I'm too far in not to actually buy yhe stuff now though
[12:03:03] <Steffanx> Noo, you did it?!
[12:03:05] <dirty_d> too much time spent, lol
[12:03:08] <dirty_d> yes
[12:03:32] <Steffanx> Sorry, you probably have no idea what i mean (or you ignore it)
[12:03:34] <dirty_d> its probably a good thing to have to use the express mail on an order of that value
[12:03:44] <dirty_d> lol what do you mean
[12:04:34] <Steffanx> [18:52:18] dirty_d fuck it, i did it
[12:04:34] <Steffanx> [18:52:31] Steffanx No thanks
[12:04:34] <Steffanx> [18:53:17] dirty_d I'm so cheap
[12:04:34] <Steffanx> [18:53:21] dirty_d that was literally painful
[12:04:34] <Steffanx> [18:53:37] Steffanx Noo, you did it?!
[12:04:40] <Steffanx> Sorry :P
[12:06:00] <amee2k> its not rape if your wallet consents
[12:06:33] <dirty_d> oh, hahaha
[12:06:47] <amee2k> >_>
[12:06:50] <dirty_d> hopefully i cna sell this when its done
[12:06:59] <dirty_d> if not ill sell myself
[12:07:01] <dirty_d> lol
[12:07:13] <amee2k> 0.0
[12:07:26] <amee2k> you could sell sexual favours to your wallet?
[12:07:33] <dirty_d> someone elses
[12:08:21] <amee2k> can i trade a pair of MC34063s for a blowie?
[12:09:26] <dirty_d> lol
[12:09:49] <amee2k> what.
[12:10:37] <Steffanx> amee2k gone wrong
[12:11:02] <amee2k> thats what i usually do, yes.
[12:12:00] <dirty_d> my projects are way too expensive
[12:12:28] <Steffanx> mine too
[12:12:34] <Steffanx> That's why i don't start them :P
[12:12:46] <dirty_d> i guess i make up for it by being the cheapest person alive
[12:12:55] <dirty_d> no cable or internet bil
[12:13:08] <dirty_d> cheap $500 apartment including utilities
[12:13:34] <Steffanx> No, i'm the cheapest person alive :P
[12:13:41] <dirty_d> lol
[12:14:27] <dirty_d> i fill up on 3 bowls of free soup at the olive garden and order breadsticks right before we leave so i can bring home a full meal, breadsticks and soup
[12:14:28] <dirty_d> lol
[12:14:53] <dirty_d> gotta stop goin there, that shit'l kill you
[12:15:28] <dirty_d> my girlfriend is actualy cheaper than i am
[12:15:52] <ureif> what's her number ?
[12:15:59] <Steffanx> How can you be the cheapest person alive WITH a gf?!
[12:16:09] <dirty_d> because shes cheap too
[12:16:34] <dirty_d> lol
[12:18:30] <dirty_d> why doesnt farnell have a usa page?
[12:19:21] <amee2k> because they're in eurofagland?
[12:19:27] <amee2k> well, part of it anyway
[12:19:48] <dirty_d> they have sites for like every country in the world, except for the us, lol
[12:20:29] <Steffanx> That's a good thing
[12:20:37] <Steffanx> Screw the yankies
[12:20:37] <amee2k> the US are special
[12:20:37] <dirty_d> rs-electronics said the rpi resulted in the highest demand theyve ever experienced for a single product
[12:20:58] <dirty_d> jeez i didnt think it was gonna be that big
[12:21:09] <Steffanx> I did
[12:21:19] <dirty_d> rs components i mean
[12:21:59] <dirty_d> i wonder when i can have one
[12:22:04] <Steffanx> Next year
[12:22:08] <dirty_d> nah
[12:22:11] <Steffanx> You can order from newark..
[12:22:29] <dirty_d> its not going to take them that long to have them made
[12:22:38] <dirty_d> they already had 10,000 made
[12:22:38] <Steffanx> Which is pretty much the US version of Farnell :)
[12:22:49] <dirty_d> now theyre handing manufacturing off to rs-components and farnell
[12:23:16] <dirty_d> so the works already done
[12:23:29] <dirty_d> now they have to just be like "make a million of these for us"
[12:24:40] <Steffanx> And we raise the price with at least 100%
[12:25:22] <dirty_d> theyre not gonna raise the price
[12:25:24] <dirty_d> its fixed
[12:25:44] <Steffanx> You think so?
[12:25:45] <dirty_d> theyre under a liscence from the rpi foundation
[12:26:05] <Steffanx> "We add the shippingcosts .. oh and extra taxes"
[12:26:06] <Steffanx> and ..
[12:26:45] <dirty_d> pshhh
[12:26:48] <dirty_d> i doubt it
[12:26:51] <dirty_d> just shipping
[12:30:49] <dirty_d> ill wait till i can have it shipped from the us
[12:54:02] <dirty_d> whats a good way to cut 0.062" aluminum sheet into clean square pieces?
[12:54:19] <dirty_d> no plasma cutter
[12:54:21] <RikusW> tin shears
[12:54:22] <amee2k> whats that in millimeters?
[12:54:29] <dirty_d> RikusW, i dont want it to bend
[12:54:32] <dirty_d> 1.6mm
[12:54:37] <amee2k> tin snips followed by straightening
[12:54:46] <dirty_d> what about a dremel cutoff wheel?
[12:54:50] <amee2k> alternatively, nibbling tool or dremel tool + cutting disk
[12:55:10] <amee2k> the cutting disks work on aluminium, but the aluminium dust makes a huge mess
[12:55:25] <dirty_d> i wonder if a piece of sharpened tool steel could be used to repeatedly gouge along a straightedge
[12:55:31] * amee2k used cutting disks to cut off heatsinks before
[12:55:41] <RikusW> amee2k: add some rust to that ;)
[12:56:23] <dirty_d> I miss the shop in high school
[12:56:28] <amee2k> how about a fretsaw?
[12:56:38] <dirty_d> the 10 foot hydraulic shear woulda been nice
[12:56:41] <dirty_d> maybe
[12:57:23] <amee2k> most coarse metal blades for hacksaws work fine on aluminium too
[12:57:41] <dirty_d> yea
[12:57:47] <amee2k> he fine ones tend to clog sometimes
[12:58:30] <dirty_d> aluminum cloggs everything
[12:59:01] <amee2k> not the cutting disks :)
[12:59:05] <dirty_d> i think im gonna try gouging it somehow
[12:59:31] <dirty_d> then it will probably break if bent along that line
[13:00:34] <dirty_d> like the hardened tooth of a bandsaw blade etc dragged along a straight edge
[13:00:48] <dirty_d> but it would need to be attached to something
[13:10:58] <dirty_d> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvpLkneuDbM&feature=related
[13:11:00] <dirty_d> i want one
[13:12:02] <Kevin`> yeah angle grinders are nice tools
[13:12:24] <Kevin`> guaranteed to make most things disappear
[13:12:30] <theBear> mmm... i like ankle-biters... i can do art with those suckers, by which i mean usefull stuff and not art at all
[13:13:27] <theBear> finally got this little dremel-kit (minus dremel, or working die-grinder) sorted out today, found something that can hold those little 1" cutting discs without instantly snapping them... only did a little test cut, and they aint no ankle-biter, but damn, it'll make future panels and things MUCH nicer looking
[13:13:49] <theBear> even moreso again if i can ever get a new bearing into the die-grinder
[13:16:10] * RikusW have angle grinders around
[13:16:39] <dirty_d> what the... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlZfbXb9FRk&feature=related
[13:16:59] <dirty_d> i alrady have griders, i guess i just need some of those saw type wheels
[13:17:51] <dirty_d> ive done magic with a grinder and a cutoff wheel
[13:18:11] <Kevin`> dirty_d: that seems somewhat silly, real welders aren't exactly expensive. it's not like training to fly an airforce jet
[13:18:41] <theBear> between a grinder wheel, a cutoff and a diamond cutoff you can do just about anything but polish, and well, i don't much care for the idea of 16krpm flap discs anyway :)
[13:19:23] <dirty_d> http://endless-sphere.com/forums/download/file.php?id=3878
[13:19:31] <dirty_d> http://endless-sphere.com/forums/download/file.php?id=3900
[13:19:41] <dirty_d> i did all that with a grinder mostly
[13:21:17] <theBear> looks like it was done mostly with a welder <grin>
[13:21:37] <theBear> what the forks for ? you know what yer doing (looks good in the pic at least) or you gonna smash your face off next week ?
[13:22:48] <dirty_d> http://endless-sphere.com/forums/download/file.php?id=4336
[13:22:53] <dirty_d> wow i forgot that i made that, lol
[13:23:07] <dirty_d> theBear, i havent touched that thing i na few years
[13:23:14] <dirty_d> the motor blew up
[13:23:28] <theBear> heh, i guess yer welding was ok then <grin>
[13:23:28] <dirty_d> i had it going 45mph though
[13:23:37] <dirty_d> yea it was way over-engineered
[13:23:48] <theBear> fwoar, bit rough for a cog, but not bad for an anklebiter
[13:24:17] <theBear> actually gives me ideas.. maybe i SHOULD go grab that whippersnipper from round the corner on top of the salvos bin
[13:24:41] <theBear> not old at all, unless it's had something like unmixed fuel thru it or no airfilter for a LONG time, should be fine
[13:25:09] <dirty_d> tghis was electric
[13:25:41] <theBear> hmm
[13:28:05] <dirty_d> this was it in its prime, http://endless-sphere.com/forums/download/file.php?id=11593&t=1
[13:35:50] <dirty_d> what the... http://digg.com/newsbar/topnews/exposed_the_cruel_dog_spinning_ritual_to_ward_off_rabies_that_is_still_being_practised_in_rural_bulgaria
[13:36:27] <Landon> I know, surprising digg is still around!
[13:36:35] <OndraSter_> heh Landon
[13:37:10] <theBear> oooh, looks a lot nicer than i guessed from the pic, spose i got the front/back forks mixed up :)
[14:10:49] <cyanide> can someone dcc send or upload bmp.scr from Eagle\ulp for me?
[14:12:20] <theBear> erm, sure that's what it's called ? i aint got that file
[14:12:27] <theBear> i aint got any scr's in that dir
[14:12:40] <cyanide> eagle freeware?
[14:13:29] <theBear> yeah, umm, 5.11.0
[14:14:40] <cyanide> nevermind, using something else
[14:14:41] <cyanide> thanks!
[14:16:29] <theBear> k
[15:31:49] <Fleck> Tom_itx alive?
[15:32:10] <Tom_itx> what is it?
[15:32:26] <Tom_itx> woops, scroll back got me
[15:32:38] <Fleck> :)
[15:32:59] <Tom_itx> so.
[15:33:04] <Tom_itx> what can i do for you?
[15:33:50] <Fleck> Tom_itx i uploaded arduino bootloader on atmega168, i wrote small serial sketch, connected max232 - uploaded - works, but i cannot upload any more sketch :( got error: not in sync
[15:34:12] <Fleck> if i reflash boot loader - then again - i can upload sketch 1 time
[15:34:24] <Fleck> 2nd time it just doesnt work
[15:34:26] <Kevin`> Fleck: what does the bootloader you are using expect you to do to go into programming mode?
[15:34:28] <OndraSter_> do you have set proper fuses?
[15:34:39] <Fleck> no clue ;/
[15:34:41] <Kevin`> Fleck: you obviously can't send the new firmware to your application =p
[15:34:43] <Kevin`> do some reading
[15:34:54] <Fleck> ?
[15:35:06] * specing slaps Fleck with a large trout
[15:35:16] <Tom_itx> umm is the code being loaded in the right place?
[15:35:26] <Tom_itx> for having a bootloader present?
[15:35:40] <Fleck> no clue, all i know is that it does work first time
[15:35:44] <Fleck> with arduino app
[15:35:55] <Kevin`> the bootloader goes at the end of the flash, normal code is the same in either case
[15:36:02] <Tom_itx> ok
[15:36:08] <Tom_itx> i haven't done a bootloader yet
[15:36:21] <Tom_itx> i do know you have to set the fuses for it
[15:36:57] <Fleck> made simple sketch that prints number to serial port - after trying to upload again - i see that counter keeps counting - did not reset
[15:36:59] <RikusW> Fleck: you need to reset the m168
[15:37:02] <Fleck> yeah
[15:37:07] <RikusW> and immediately upload
[15:37:20] <RikusW> there is a timeout in the bootloader afaik
[15:37:45] <Fleck> RikusW manually i need to reset?
[15:37:56] <RikusW> yes
[15:38:04] <RikusW> or using a serial control line
[15:38:07] <Fleck> why is that? for arduino mega 2560 i dont have to reset it
[15:38:36] <RikusW> its already connected correctly
[15:38:40] <RikusW> for auto reset
[15:39:01] <Fleck> how do i connect my atmega168 for autoreset?
[15:39:08] <specing> -.-
[15:39:17] <Fleck> :P
[15:39:34] <specing> Since when is #avr the new #arduino?
[15:40:02] <Fleck> since u guys can answer more q. that they at #arduino
[15:40:15] <Fleck> everything i asked in there was like in abyss :D
[15:40:24] <RikusW> arduino use DTR->RST
[15:40:31] <RikusW> with a cap iirc
[15:42:28] <Fleck> http://arduino.cc/playground/Main/DisablingAutoResetOnSerialConnection << there are some schematics
[15:42:43] <Tom_itx> they are all noobs in arduino
[15:42:53] <Tom_itx> we get stuck with the overflow
[15:43:43] <Fleck> thx for understanding Tom_itx :)
[15:43:52] <Tom_itx> always
[15:52:18] <Fleck> yep, the problem is reset :D
[15:52:31] <OndraSter_> yeah, I use that DTR -> RST trick aswell :P
[15:52:32] <Fleck> thx guys, u helped again! :)
[15:52:34] <OndraSter_> on my board
[15:52:59] <OndraSter_> at least for debugging, will probably remove it once finished
[15:53:02] <Tom_itx> always glad to help a noob
[15:53:07] <Tom_itx> now shoo
[15:53:11] <Tom_itx> :)
[15:54:56] <dirty_d> lol
[16:10:50] <Fleck> http://arduino.cc/en/uploads/Main/Arduino-Pro-Mini-schematic.pdf << reset button! :D
[16:59:44] <BusError> a confirmation guys; a mega644 needs AREF and AVCC to work ?
[17:00:52] <Steffanx> AVCC yes, AREF no .. (afaik)
[17:01:45] <mrfrenzy_> as always, RTFDS
[17:02:06] <Steffanx> Yes mrfrenzy_
[17:03:09] <BusError> did I mention I was asking a confirmation here ? there is datasheet, and there's reality
[17:03:33] <specing> And the reality is well described within the datasheet
[17:03:39] <Steffanx> Sure?
[17:03:54] <BusError> thats why there is never any errata in them
[17:04:37] <BusError> mu question was "in the world of actual avr users, not the world of pedant twats, would the avr WORK, or not"
[17:05:40] <Steffanx> In your simulator, which is pretty close to reality, it'll work BusError :P
[17:07:08] <jadew> any idea what's the difference between RG58 and RG59 when it comes to coax cables with BNC connectors?
[17:07:20] <mrfrenzy_> thickness and dampening
[17:07:37] <jadew> thinkness of the cable?
[17:07:51] <mrfrenzy_> yes
[17:07:51] <theBear> thinkness of your head
[17:07:56] <jadew> heh
[17:07:57] <jadew> thanks
[17:08:03] <theBear> hehe, crazy spelling all day today
[17:08:21] <jadew> I was worried it's the thinkness of that little pin
[17:09:18] <mrfrenzy_> that is also thicker
[17:09:26] <Steffanx> No, RTFDS this time mrfrenzy_ ?
[17:09:26] <mrfrenzy_> aah no not in the bnc connector
[17:09:30] <mrfrenzy_> those are identical
[17:09:35] <jadew> I want to make a probe for the ext trigger of the oscilloscope, bought a bnc connector for $3 last time, now I realized I can buy 5m long coax cables with bnc connectors on both ends for the same money
[17:09:37] <mrfrenzy_> I thought he ment inner conductor
[17:09:43] <OndraSter_> talking about thickness of pins... did you know that there is powerplug with outter diameter 5.5mm and inner ones 2.1 and 2.5mm?
[17:09:45] <OndraSter_> I did not
[17:09:52] <OndraSter_> till I bought five wrong adaptors :(
[17:10:10] <jadew> lol, OndraSter_ I did the exact same thing
[17:10:11] <mrfrenzy_> there are hundreds of different powerplugs unfortunately
[17:10:12] <jadew> last time
[17:10:20] <jadew> I have to buy new ones this time
[17:10:23] <mrfrenzy_> I've done the same thing
[17:10:56] <Steffanx> You should've RTFDS
[17:11:21] <OndraSter_> I have bought next time just the plugs, grabbed five of some molex -> fan+molex adaptors I had here
[17:11:26] <OndraSter_> (I have another 10000 in another box lol)
[17:11:31] <OndraSter_> cut the wires
[17:11:40] <OndraSter_> and now I am powering all 5 units from one old AT PC PSU :P
[17:12:00] <OndraSter_> well, I will power them from that, it is now waiting to start working
[17:12:05] <OndraSter_> old IBM Thin Clients
[17:12:24] <dirty_d> there are way too many kinds of connectors
[17:12:27] <OndraSter_> (and returned the adaptors... lucky me, they are generous company)
[17:18:18] <jadew> damn, the prices on some stuff baffles me
[17:18:28] <jadew> test hooks for example
[17:19:34] <OndraSter_> dealextreme -.-
[17:19:41] <OndraSter_> but ye, those SMD hooks are super expensive
[17:19:44] <OndraSter_> everywhere :(
[17:20:01] <jadew> not talking about smd hooks
[17:20:42] <jadew> normal hooks, 1 bent wire at the top, 2 pieces of plastic and a spring
[17:21:04] <jadew> from $3 to $50+
[17:21:14] <OndraSter_> oh
[17:21:15] <OndraSter_> those
[17:21:18] <OndraSter_> I got those from dx
[17:21:28] <OndraSter_> for something near to nothing I think
[17:21:55] <jadew> this kind of hooks: http://www.dealextreme.com/p/electrical-wire-testing-hooks-10-pack-7218
[17:22:04] <jadew> on the site I'm shopping
[17:22:09] <jadew> 1 costs $1
[17:22:16] <jadew> or more
[17:22:18] <jadew> just like that one
[17:22:34] <jadew> and I see that's a 10 pack on DX
[17:24:09] <jadew> any idea if they ship to europe?
[17:24:22] <OndraSter_> dx ships to everywhere
[17:24:23] <OndraSter_> for free
[17:24:32] <jadew> wow
[17:24:53] <jadew> I have to start browsing that site then
[17:25:22] <jadew> maybe I'll get real probes if the prices are as good
[17:25:45] <OndraSter_> haha
[17:25:48] <OndraSter_> I have bunch of these
[17:25:53] <OndraSter_> of all different types!
[17:25:59] <OndraSter_> and like 50 crocodiles
[17:26:08] <jadew> damn, wish I knew about this site
[17:26:13] <OndraSter_> haha
[17:26:55] <jadew> they have lots of stuff I've been looking for
[17:31:16] <OndraSter_> welcome to china :)
[17:31:19] <OndraSter_> you can also ask CapnKernel
[17:31:27] <OndraSter_> he is now doing orders from shenzen aswell
[17:31:58] <jadew> the only problem I see is that it'll come troug regular post and it will take at least 2 weeks to get here
[17:33:55] <OndraSter_> yeah
[17:33:57] <OndraSter_> it will
[17:34:09] <OndraSter_> if you order from DX, it takes even 2 weeks before they process your order
[17:34:10] <jadew> the probes are cheap as well
[17:34:11] <OndraSter_> => ebay :P
[17:34:14] <jadew> I'm gonna get probes!
[17:34:27] <OndraSter_> actually, try also buyincoins.com
[17:34:30] <OndraSter_> but try CapnKernel first
[17:34:55] <OndraSter_> BIC has good prices and they use some kind of post that takes less than a week to get to CZE from HK
[17:35:04] <OndraSter_> and process order within 2 - 3 days tops
[17:35:13] <OndraSter_> (if you buy it on ebay, they send it immediatily)
[17:37:15] <pingec> DX takes 1 month to receive for me
[17:37:16] <jadew> sorry got side tracked
[17:37:18] <jadew> I
[17:37:27] <jadew> I'll have to give them a try
[17:39:05] <jadew> why would they put ads for sexy lingerie on that kind of sites?
[17:39:05] <dirty_d> whats CZE
[17:39:17] <jadew> now I have to look at all the pictures
[17:39:36] <OndraSter_> dirty_d, Czech Republic appearantly
[17:39:49] <OndraSter_> jadew, because they run also naughtygadgets.com
[17:39:52] <OndraSter_> or w/e the address is
[17:40:00] <OndraSter_> and you know, business is a business
[17:40:01] <dirty_d> 1 X Sexy Leopard Teddy
[17:40:03] <jadew> hah, will take a look :D
[17:40:12] <OndraSter_> :D
[17:40:24] <OndraSter_> jadew, if you want it fast, ask CapnKernel what he can offer
[17:40:34] <OndraSter_> (he is not here right now most likely, it is morning at his stay)
[17:41:10] <jadew> we'll see, at the moment I'm considering if the extra $$ is worth to get my stuff in a few days
[17:43:12] <dirty_d> http://www.buyincoins.com/details/sexy-charming-cheetah-cut-out-bra-top-with-thong-lingerie-product-9266.html
[17:43:16] <dirty_d> daaayyyyyuuuuum
[17:43:18] <dirty_d> lol
[17:43:43] <dirty_d> you cant beat the price either
[17:43:50] <OndraSter_> now have some gf that will put that on :P
[17:44:17] <dirty_d> http://www.buyincoins.com/details/1-x-insert-false-nail-art-practice-training-tool-finger-product-1458.html
[17:44:20] <dirty_d> yea what the hell is that?
[17:44:28] <jadew> lol
[17:44:35] <dirty_d> "the hook"
[17:44:59] <OndraSter_> :D
[17:45:01] <OndraSter_> I am off
[17:45:02] <OndraSter_> bb
[17:45:02] <dirty_d> mt gf has better stuf than that
[17:45:11] <dirty_d> made in the usa!
[17:45:12] <OndraSter_> pix?
[17:45:14] <dirty_d> none
[17:45:15] <OndraSter_> pix!!?
[17:45:17] <dirty_d> never
[17:45:17] <dirty_d> lol
[17:45:18] <OndraSter_> dude
[17:45:26] <OndraSter_> ..
[17:45:26] <OndraSter_> bb
[17:45:29] <jadew> see ya
[17:45:33] <dirty_d> later
[17:45:41] <specing> OMG, you guys actually have girlfriends?!
[17:45:42] <jadew> I ended up here: http://www.intimatease.com/cosplay.html
[17:45:48] <dirty_d> specing, yea isnt that wierd?
[17:46:03] <specing> Not sure where you find them and/or time
[17:46:26] <dirty_d> who said i have time for her?
[17:46:30] <dirty_d> lol
[17:46:37] <jadew> lol, what I was about to say
[17:47:27] <jadew> it's so hard to leave that site
[17:47:29] <dirty_d> she gets pretty mad at my projects
[17:47:38] <specing> Why?
[17:47:45] <dirty_d> too time consuming
[17:47:46] <jadew> because she gets no attention
[17:47:51] <dirty_d> yea
[17:48:05] <specing> Haha
[17:48:08] <dirty_d> lol
[17:51:23] <dirty_d> i still have a few minutes of freedome before she gets outa the shower
[17:51:33] <dirty_d> freedome, i wish
[17:51:59] <jadew> mine is already sleeping
[17:52:08] <dirty_d> you got it easy
[17:52:18] <jadew> luckly, byt the time I finish work she's already asleep
[17:52:22] <jadew> *by
[17:52:29] <dirty_d> id never hear the end of it if i let her fall asleep without me
[17:52:31] <dirty_d> lol
[17:52:32] <dirty_d> oh
[17:52:51] <dirty_d> she has a shirt that describes her pretty well
[17:52:55] <dirty_d> "high maintenance"
[17:53:13] <jadew> but I work from home, which means she gets to bother me whenever she wants
[17:53:26] <dirty_d> i did that for a while
[17:53:28] <dirty_d> it was hell
[17:54:39] <jadew> I've been working like this for 6 years
[17:54:45] <dirty_d> what do you do?
[17:54:46] <Tom_itx> lock your door
[17:54:52] <jadew> programmer
[17:54:55] <dirty_d> yea me too
[17:54:56] <Tom_itx> and wear headphones
[17:55:08] <dirty_d> i was working for a cloud computing company
[17:55:12] <dirty_d> their only programmer
[17:55:28] <jadew> Tom_itx, nah I kinda enjoy the visits
[17:55:29] <dirty_d> i work at a school now, its much much better
[17:56:05] <jadew> the only downside to my job is the hours
[17:56:09] <Tom_itx> then 'bother' = visit
[17:56:27] <dirty_d> i worked like 80 hours a week when i worked from home
[17:56:29] <jadew> Tom_itx, well it's somwhere in between
[17:56:36] <dirty_d> but it was probably my own fault
[17:56:48] <jadew> I only work 45
[17:57:01] <dirty_d> i cared too much
[17:57:09] <dirty_d> i shoulda just worked 8 hours a day then forgot about it
[17:57:26] <jadew> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wS5xOZ7Rq8
[17:57:27] <dirty_d> unfinished stuff bothers me
[17:57:33] <dirty_d> so id work till i was satisfied
[17:57:38] <jadew> yeah, I learned to live with it
[17:58:14] <dirty_d> lol, nice video
[17:58:27] <jadew> :)
[17:58:58] <dirty_d> i need a movie to watch
[17:59:29] <jadew> tucker and dale vs evil
[18:00:11] <dirty_d> i see a girl in a bikini, my gf will hate that
[18:00:23] <dirty_d> if theres anything remotely sexual
[18:00:23] <jadew> nah, it's not like that
[18:00:24] <dirty_d> lol
[18:00:25] <Tom_itx> good to keep them in check
[18:00:34] <jadew> best comedy of last year
[18:01:14] <dirty_d> thats weird ive never heard of it
[18:01:38] <jadew> well, of two years ago
[18:02:06] <jadew> it's deffinitely the last commedy I remember watching and that I enjoyed
[18:03:43] <dirty_d> downloading
[18:06:10] <jadew> damn... the stuff on dx is amazing
[18:06:15] <jadew> they have lots of shit
[18:06:25] <Tom_itx> you think?
[18:06:26] <pingec> you dont say :)
[18:06:41] <Tom_itx> they'll ship it right to your door too
[18:06:51] <jadew> that's nice
[18:07:12] <jadew> can't believe it's the first time I hear about this site
[18:07:27] <Tom_itx> who blew the secret?
[18:07:41] <jadew> OndraSter
[18:07:56] <Tom_itx> what are you looking for?
[18:08:07] <Tom_itx> i get my solder paste from them
[18:08:13] <Tom_itx> several pairs of tweezers
[18:08:20] <Tom_itx> all sorts of goodies
[18:08:21] <jadew> I'm currently getting lots of stuff I couldn't find anywhere else
[18:08:27] <inflex> yeah, DX is good for that stuff
[18:08:31] <jadew> like cables for breadboards, cheap probes
[18:08:37] <dirty_d> i bought solder paste but i dont use it anymore
[18:09:03] <dirty_d> i couldnt put down a small enough amount not to bridge the pins of a tqfp44
[18:09:11] <dirty_d> it was easier to just hand solder it
[18:09:25] <dirty_d> i guess id need to use a stencil
[18:10:29] <pingec> chinese crap... you love and hate it at the same time :/
[18:10:34] <dirty_d> hah
[18:10:43] <dirty_d> i bought the rest of the chinese crap for my quadcopter today
[18:11:00] <pingec> how much did you spend?
[18:11:05] <dirty_d> too much
[18:11:12] <dirty_d> $450
[18:11:26] <dirty_d> i dont wanna think about it
[18:11:38] <Tom_itx> then don't
[18:11:47] <dirty_d> im not
[18:11:48] <Tom_itx> i never add up toy costs
[18:12:10] <dirty_d> i purposely buy stuff a little at a time so i dont see the full cost
[18:12:16] <Tom_itx> that would distract from the fun
[18:14:15] <pingec> i'd love to have one
[18:14:21] <pingec> but dont have time right now
[18:15:32] <dirty_d> ive got all the hard stuff done
[18:15:45] <dirty_d> board and software designed and tested
[18:15:55] <dirty_d> i just gotta put it all together when all the parts get there
[18:16:13] <dirty_d> my only problem may be the ESCs
[18:16:35] <dirty_d> they will probably work with 400Hz servo pulse signal
[18:16:49] <dirty_d> but the input filter might be too slow for good stability control
[18:17:04] <dirty_d> im hoping that since this is so big and heavy, that it wont matter so much in my case
[18:21:38] <specing> dirty_d: ESCs?
[18:25:58] <dirty_d> electronic speed contrllers
[18:31:52] <theBear> rc talk for a motor driver that takes the same input as a servo
[18:32:49] <jadew> I love the descriptions they add on DX
[18:33:02] <jadew> was checking out a digital caliper: - Gift for your father generation/Boy friend\
[18:33:09] <dirty_d> lol
[18:35:18] <jadew> I'll delay this purchase till tomorrow, I'm sure my g/f would like to buy some stuff from there as well
[18:38:28] <specing> dirty_d: 90$ on shipping? Don't they all have free shiping down there in China?
[18:39:43] <jadew> lmfao, what a subcategory Hobby & Toys => Gun Supplies
[18:41:12] <specing> Actually guns are toys until you kill someone
[18:42:12] <jadew> any idea if they have project boxes or should I stop looking?
[18:54:44] <Tom_itx> jadew what sort of box are you looking for?
[18:55:12] <jadew> like this one: http://dumb.ro/files/ps.jpg
[18:58:51] <Tom_itx> http://www.polycase.com/
[18:59:54] <jadew> thanks
[19:00:24] <Tom_itx> http://www.hammondmfg.com/
[19:00:33] <Tom_itx> you've seen my little blue programmer?
[19:00:41] <Tom_itx> i got those from hammond
[19:00:51] <jadew> nice
[19:01:11] <Tom_itx> http://www.hammondmfg.com/dwg8.htm
[19:02:17] <jadew> looks good, will consider them, the distance is a big problem tho
[19:02:33] <Tom_itx> yeah
[19:02:52] <Tom_itx> all the part houses carry them
[19:02:59] <Tom_itx> at least mouser and digikey
[19:03:46] <jadew> yeah, the one I'm shopping at has them too, but I couldn't find the exact sizes I was looking for
[19:03:52] <dirty_d> specing, yea i think they make the express shipping on orders over a certain value mandatory
[19:04:02] <dirty_d> specing, so i had to use the EMS shipping
[19:05:21] <Tom_itx> http://www.hammondmfg.com/dwg8TBU.htm
[19:05:26] <Tom_itx> they sampled me a couple of those
[19:05:58] <Tom_itx> little smaller than what you're after
[19:06:23] <dirty_d> Tom_itx, did you cut these out with a dremel?
[19:06:30] <Tom_itx> no
[19:06:37] <dirty_d> how?
[19:06:43] <Tom_itx> i wrote a cnc program and did it on my mill
[19:07:00] <dirty_d> oh cool, what kind of mill do you have?
[19:07:42] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/boards/USBTiny_Mkii/Boxes/milling2.jpg
[19:07:43] <specing> dirty_d: lmao
[19:08:03] <specing> dirty_d: why didnt you segment the purchase?
[19:08:46] <dirty_d> whats that mean?
[19:08:56] <dirty_d> Tom_itx, thats not one of those chinese mini-mills huh?
[19:09:03] <Tom_itx> no
[19:09:05] <Tom_itx> sherline
[19:09:08] <specing> I mean you could buy one thing and have it shipped
[19:09:15] <specing> And then another, and then another
[19:09:27] <specing> instead of combining them all
[19:09:32] <dirty_d> oh, possibly
[19:09:34] <dirty_d> im not sure
[19:09:41] <specing> LoL
[19:09:57] <specing> You could have spent those 90$ better
[19:12:00] <dirty_d> probably, they have shipping on everyhting thoughso it would probably come outthe same price
[19:12:07] <dirty_d> except be standard shipping instead of express
[19:13:05] <specing> Who are you buying from?
[19:13:24] <specing> Every chinese store I have found has free shiping
[19:13:50] <dirty_d> hobbyking.com
[19:15:11] <inflex> HK doesn't give free shipping
[20:44:33] <jadew> anyone ever used those dds chips?
[20:47:55] <rue_house> dds?
[20:48:03] <jadew> waveform generators
[20:48:25] <jadew> I wonder how fragile they are, I tend to burn chips quite a lot
[20:48:42] <jadew> and they're not cheap, so I was planning to only buy 1
[20:52:33] <Tom_itx> rule #1: never just get one
[20:52:50] <jadew> that's my rule as well, but this bill is already high enough
[20:53:19] <Tom_itx> how much are they?
[20:53:30] <jadew> $12/pcs
[20:53:59] <jadew> and if I get one right, I won't be using the other one... ever
[20:54:02] <Tom_itx> like a function generator?
[20:54:06] <jadew> yeah
[20:54:09] <Tom_itx> sure you will
[20:54:14] <Tom_itx> build 2 and sell one to a bud
[20:54:48] <jadew> that's a good idea, but I have no friends that are interrested in this stuff
[20:56:33] <jadew> it's crappy, cuz $12 is nothing, but when you have so many items on the shopping list it seems like a lot
[20:56:52] <Tom_itx> start another shopping list
[20:56:55] <jadew> haha
[21:03:24] <Roklobsta> what frequency do you want for dds?
[21:03:30] <Roklobsta> max
[21:03:44] <jadew> well, this one does 25Mhz, I'll go with that
[21:04:07] <Tom_itx> got a pn?
[21:04:19] <jadew> AD9833BRMZ
[21:04:41] <jadew> it does 25Mhz in 0.1Hz increments
[21:04:49] <jadew> which is great
[21:05:42] <rue_house> hmm
[21:05:46] <Tom_itx> http://search.digikey.com/us/en/products/AD9833BRMZ/AD9833BRMZ-ND/751220
[21:05:50] <Tom_itx> 0 in stock
[21:05:54] <rue_house> where did my high freq VCo schematics go?
[21:06:59] <jadew> Tom_itx, http://www.tme.eu/en/katalog/?idp=1#search=AD9833BRMZ&cleanParameters=1&
[21:07:43] <jadew> hold on, the site says 10bit resolution
[21:07:48] <jadew> the pdf says 28
[21:09:33] <jadew> what am I missing?
[21:09:56] <jadew> rue_house, is it using dds?
[21:10:01] <Tom_itx> i'd tend to believe the chip mfg
[21:10:11] <Tom_itx> over the vendor
[21:10:17] <jadew> yeah, but the pdf says AD9833
[21:10:22] <Tom_itx> maybe capn can get you one cheap
[21:10:28] <jadew> not AD9833BRMZ
[21:10:49] <Tom_itx> what's BRMZ indicat?
[21:10:51] <Tom_itx> e
[21:10:54] <Tom_itx> packaging?
[21:10:57] <jadew> I don't know
[21:11:03] <Tom_itx> temp range?
[21:11:07] <Tom_itx> well time to find out
[21:11:09] <jadew> it's a mistery to me
[21:11:28] <Tom_itx> P.24
[21:11:49] <jadew> ah
[21:11:53] <jadew> so 28bits
[21:11:55] <jadew> neat
[21:12:14] <Tom_itx> z=rohs
[21:13:23] <Tom_itx> email them for a sample
[21:13:37] <jadew> lol
[21:13:43] <Tom_itx> i'm not kidding
[21:14:00] <Tom_itx> are you a student?
[21:14:05] <jadew> not anymore
[21:14:13] <Tom_itx> did you learn something today?
[21:14:29] <jadew> I learn something every day
[21:14:32] <Tom_itx> you are a student of the university of life
[21:17:31] <jadew> interresting, if you have a .edu e-mail you can get free chips
[21:19:49] <Tom_itx> http://www.analog.com/en/rfif-components/direct-digital-synthesis-dds/ad9833/products/product.html
[21:20:14] <Tom_itx> SPI
[21:20:26] <jadew> yep
[21:21:10] <Tom_itx> there's a sample button at the bottom
[21:21:41] * wollw is looking into schools to transfer to right now.
[21:22:29] <wollw> For computer engineering and art.
[21:22:39] <jadew> art?
[21:23:02] <wollw> yeah, I started out working on an art degree
[21:23:23] <jadew> interresting choice
[21:23:24] <wollw> and I'm planning on double majoring
[21:23:50] <nevyn> visual performing, or "arts"
[21:24:03] <wollw> like sculpture and stuff
[21:24:23] <nevyn> visual
[21:24:52] <wollw> I'm looking at Cal Poly and RIT right now.
[21:28:56] <Tom_itx> jadew
[21:28:59] <Tom_itx> it was that easy
[21:29:06] <jadew> what?
[21:29:21] <Tom_itx> however the description says 10 bit
[21:29:33] <Tom_itx> you didn't push the button did you?
[21:29:48] <jadew> lol, no
[21:29:54] <jadew> it feels wrong
[21:30:50] <Tom_itx> just answer the questions they ask
[21:31:24] <Tom_itx> if you still feel that bad about it by the time you reach the end cancel it
[21:31:33] <jadew> ok
[21:31:46] <jadew> how will they deliver it? in an envelope?
[21:31:51] <Tom_itx> i put 'research for future project'
[21:31:57] <Tom_itx> on the design phase
[21:32:06] <Tom_itx> probably
[21:32:24] <Tom_itx> i did however have a company
[21:32:58] <Tom_itx> maybe we can make 2 now :)
[21:33:06] <jadew> well, I have a company e-mail too, but I'm not sure if I should use that one
[21:33:14] <jadew> my other one is @dumb.ro
[21:33:23] <jadew> which is stupid, if they check the e-mail addresses by hand
[21:33:28] <Tom_itx> not sure i'd use that one for anything :)
[21:33:35] <jadew> lol
[21:33:47] <Tom_itx> get a gmail
[21:33:57] <jadew> it's not allowed
[21:34:12] <Tom_itx> not allowed where?
[21:34:19] <jadew> in the sample program
[21:34:28] <Tom_itx> oh
[21:34:34] <Tom_itx> well i didn't use mine
[21:35:05] <Tom_itx> i may just have to make one of these
[21:35:26] <Tom_itx> what waveforms does it output?
[21:35:26] <jadew> oh wait, I have other domains as well.. doh
[21:35:39] <jadew> square, triangle and sine
[21:35:44] <Tom_itx> standard oens
[21:35:45] <Tom_itx> ones
[21:35:47] <jadew> yeah
[21:35:51] <Tom_itx> cool
[21:35:58] <Tom_itx> i always wanted one of those
[21:36:11] <jadew> can deffinitely be useful
[21:36:36] <jadew> I guess you can use it as a clock for screwed up MCUs :)
[21:36:47] <Tom_itx> my programmer has a clock on it
[21:36:58] <jadew> nice
[21:37:06] <jadew> I just use another MCU with the output clock fuse
[21:37:16] <Tom_itx> yeah
[21:38:20] <jadew> too bad it doesn't do sawtooth waves as well
[21:38:45] <jadew> other than that, seems great with that range
[21:40:04] <jadew> that chip + t2313 + 16x2 lcd + 2 rotary + 1 switch + 1 box = cheapest decent function generator you can get
[21:40:05] <Roklobsta> make your own dds
[21:40:21] <jadew> Roklobsta, that was my first tought
[21:40:27] <jadew> but it's not that easy
[21:40:40] <Roklobsta> i have made an audio bandwisth dds
[21:40:40] <Tom_itx> how many selectors on the rotary?
[21:40:50] <Tom_itx> i forget what these are...
[21:40:55] <jadew> Tom_itx, what's a selector?
[21:40:59] <Tom_itx> i set them for 3 and 4
[21:41:01] <Roklobsta> embedded cpu, dac and dds code. it wa sa proper phase incrementer
[21:41:03] <Tom_itx> the rotary
[21:41:16] <jadew> like how many clicks per turn?
[21:41:25] <Tom_itx> yeah
[21:41:31] <jadew> 24 on the ones I have
[21:41:37] <Tom_itx> you're talking about a rotary switch aren't you?
[21:41:44] <jadew> no, rotary encoder
[21:41:46] <Tom_itx> like in the pic
[21:41:48] <Tom_itx> oh
[21:41:57] <Tom_itx> what's that for?
[21:42:00] <jadew> to select the frequency
[21:42:20] <Tom_itx> is 1024 cpr enough?
[21:42:23] <Tom_itx> :)
[21:42:38] <jadew> heh, those must be expensive
[21:42:45] <Tom_itx> use a pot on an adc input
[21:42:56] <Tom_itx> and have it read out the freq
[21:42:58] <jadew> Roklobsta, it's hard to get the frequency right
[21:43:29] <jadew> Tom_itx, you'd only get 10bit resolution then
[21:43:40] <Tom_itx> mmm
[21:43:54] <Kevin`> oversample
[21:44:07] <jadew> still, with a pot... it's a pain
[21:44:13] <Kevin`> or use a digital rotary switch thing
[21:44:14] <Roklobsta> not really
[21:44:58] <jadew> I figured I would use one of the encoders to move the cursor inside the frequency like, if I wanted to change the frequency in the Mhz range I would move it on the Mhz position
[21:45:05] <Roklobsta> http://www.minikits.com.au/kits4.html
[21:45:06] <jadew> and start using the other rotary to change it
[21:45:08] <Roklobsta> look
[21:47:29] <jadew> where's the fun in building my own? :)
[21:48:10] <jadew> altho, now that I look at the photos
[21:48:15] <jadew> those pins are painfully close
[21:48:21] <jadew> I can't solder that
[21:48:30] <Tom_itx> can't solder what?
[21:48:44] <jadew> don't think I can even etch the traces right
[21:48:49] <Tom_itx> you have a decent iron don't you?
[21:48:55] <Tom_itx> get the board made
[21:49:00] <Tom_itx> not that costly
[21:49:10] <jadew> yeah, I have a fine tip too
[21:49:19] <Tom_itx> you can solder it
[21:51:59] <jadew> oh well, I'll just give it a try
[21:52:19] <jadew> do you have better ideas on selecting the frequency?
[21:52:42] <Tom_itx> i haven't looked at the data sheet
[21:53:05] <jadew> well, you have to provide 0 to 250 000 000 data
[21:53:11] <Tom_itx> you could also use 2 buttons to increment / decrement thru a count
[21:53:18] <jadew> a pot is deffinitely not gonna cut it
[21:53:44] <Tom_itx> and also have a 10x range etc
[21:53:59] <jadew> so we're back to the rotary :P
[21:54:33] <Roklobsta> look here too: http://www.minikits.com.au/kits5.html
[21:54:42] <Tom_itx> there are programmable rotary switches
[21:54:53] <Tom_itx> somebody posted some here quite a while back
[21:55:13] <jadew> Tom_itx, what do you mean programmable?
[21:55:21] <jadew> Roklobsta, yeah, I wanted to use a keyboard too
[21:55:27] <Tom_itx> it may have been another channel..
[21:55:31] <Tom_itx> programmable count
[21:55:33] <jadew> but it seems a bit over the hand to type stuff in
[21:55:37] <Tom_itx> per rev
[21:55:46] <jadew> Tom_itx, ah, it doesn't matter
[21:56:11] <jadew> all you really care about is clock wise and counter clock wise
[21:56:45] <jadew> you don't have to have the entire range in one turn
[21:57:14] <Tom_itx> well i've got these little 512cpr ones i hooked to the pin change interrupt
[21:57:33] <Tom_itx> not quite for this app though
[21:57:42] <jadew> why not?
[21:57:51] <jadew> they would work great
[21:57:58] <Tom_itx> how many counts do you need total?
[21:57:59] <jadew> altho 512 is a bit much
[21:58:10] <Tom_itx> hard to get just one count from them
[21:58:34] <jadew> well, you could count 1 ever x counts
[21:58:44] <jadew> but that would be a waste of an expensive encoder
[21:59:13] <jadew> the ones I use cost like $2/pcs
[21:59:45] <jadew> and if you want to go faster, you simply add acceleration code
[21:59:50] <jadew> as I have on my psu
[22:00:24] <jadew> so if you turn it faster it goes faster
[22:02:11] <jadew> ah Roklobsta, I just noticed, it also has a knob, that's nice
[22:03:06] <Tom_itx> jadew, so did you register?
[22:03:28] <jadew> no, I decided that I'll register if I screw up the one I'll buy
[22:03:52] <jadew> I'll have to ask for permission to use the work e-mail for this too
[22:06:44] <jadew> ah, I just noticed the AD9833 doesn't go to 25Mhz
[22:06:50] <jadew> it only goes to 12.5Mhz
[22:07:05] <jadew> still enough tho
[22:07:43] <jadew> but I was hoping to go above 20Mhz
[23:57:31] <Roklobsta> 20MHz sine only?
[23:57:37] <Roklobsta> what other waveforms?
[23:58:31] <Roklobsta> If you want to have some fun how about your own DDS with FPGA? http://www.fpga4fun.com/DDS2.html