#avr | Logs for 2012-01-18

[00:02:50] <pingec> I don't understand this .db directive. What happens if I place it in the middle of program code won't the cpu try to execute it when it gets to it? Or do I have to jump over it?
[00:03:16] <pingec> Or is this something I should use at the beginning, before the program code.
[00:03:50] <Casper> pingec: code get executed only if allowed to go there
[00:04:10] <Roklobsta> oh f*ck./ Wikipedia's on strike.
[00:04:19] <pingec> So I have to jump over that block?
[00:04:19] <Casper> if you put some data in the middle of your program, your program should be made in such a way that you can not jump to it
[00:04:34] <pingec> I just cant find any full examples
[00:04:37] <pingec> of how .db is used
[00:09:43] <jadew> pingec, .db defines a few bytes of data, that's it
[00:10:57] <jadew> and when you use it, you have to take into consideration that the assembler doesn't generate code that jumps over the db section
[00:11:02] <jadew> you have to do it yourself
[00:11:17] <jadew> (in case you have it somewhere in the middle of the code)
[00:11:20] <pingec> Oh now I see I can put a label to it
[00:11:28] <pingec> label: .db 1,2,3
[00:11:50] <pingec> so basically I can put all .db's at the bottom of the code right?
[00:11:59] <pingec> and reference them via labels?
[00:12:00] <jadew> yes
[00:12:12] <pingec> that sounds liek the easiest way for me
[00:13:31] <pingec> thanks
[02:06:33] <impulze> hey, can i use the PORTA etc. defines from avr-libc directly in my asm register instructions? i'm not quite sure about the text in sfr_defs.h
[02:11:08] <Roklobsta> jadew: how's teh CRO?
[02:11:21] <jadew> awesome
[02:11:57] <jadew> being able to see exactly what's going on is a huge plus
[02:14:06] <jadew> helped me a lot today actually
[02:15:50] <jadew> I set the DWEN fuse on a attiny13, thinking I'll drive it from an external crystal and couldn't have guessed what was going on with out it, apparently attiny13 can not be used with a crystal
[02:15:58] <jadew> it needs an actual clock
[02:16:14] <_abc_> wire up a 555 as oscillator so you can unbrick it
[02:16:31] <jadew> I used the clock output from a 2313
[02:18:49] <jadew> figured it would be better to make sure they have the same clock, since I was trying to get it to communicate with the t13's dW
[02:46:49] <jadew> this shop I'm buying stuff from is freaking annoying tiny25 has the same price with tiny45
[02:47:35] <jadew> *annoying,
[02:51:51] <inflex> supply/demand
[02:51:57] * inflex has seen places where the 45 is cheaper
[02:52:27] <jadew> that's weird
[02:52:36] <jadew> why would anyone pay more for the inferior version?
[02:54:31] <Roklobsta> jadew: http://www.eevblog.com/forum/index.php?topic=553.0
[02:55:32] <jadew> I know it, I don't feel the need for 100mhz yet
[02:56:05] <jadew> Roklobsta, did you try it?
[03:01:54] <Roklobsta> not yet... don't need to at the moment
[03:01:59] <Roklobsta> what formware did yous come with?
[03:02:12] <jadew> .5 sp2
[03:02:16] <Roklobsta> mine has 2.5.2 which has the screen flciker bug
[03:02:24] <jadew> same here
[03:02:50] <jadew> it doesn't bother me much tho
[03:04:47] <jadew> going to take a nap, have to work in a few hours
[03:04:48] <jadew> see ya
[04:12:09] <nofxx_> Attiny85 datasheet says ADMUX[0:3] 0001 reads from PB2 (pin 7) ... but it's reading from PB3 (pin 2), can't manage to make it read from PB2... tips?
[04:13:41] <nofxx_> in other words, instead of ADC1 is is reading ADC3 .... from datasheet => "0001 ADC1 (PB2)"
[04:15:08] <inflex> what's your code to setup ADMUX ?
[04:16:22] <nofxx_> inflex, at first ADMUX = (1 << ADLAR) | (1 << MUX0) ; but since I tryed every combination I could think
[04:16:40] <nofxx_> includint the bits ADMUX = 0b00000001;
[04:18:41] <amee2k> wtf
[04:19:24] <amee2k> www.raspberrypi.org/ << anyone else getting redirected to some funny spam page how the internet is off line?
[04:20:27] <inflex> amee2k: yep
[04:20:35] <inflex> amee2k: it's anti SOPA/PIPA day
[04:20:40] <inflex> Wikipedia is the same too :D
[04:21:11] <inflex> nofxx_: and nothing else touches ADMUX anywhere in your code?
[04:24:20] <nofxx_> inflex, nothing..grep proof
[04:24:43] <nofxx_> (1 << FOO) to set 1.. to clear (0 << FOO) ?
[04:24:44] <inflex> So, which pin have you got this on? Pin 7 / ADC1 ?
[04:24:59] <inflex> no, to clear you have to use reg &= ~(1<<FOO);
[04:25:04] <nofxx_> inflex, yup
[04:25:22] <amee2k> inflex: wikipedia works. disable javascript and clear your cache
[04:25:29] <nofxx_> inflex, gonna try to set the rest of the MUX 0 ...
[04:25:31] <amee2k> trying to find what exact script is causing it right now
[04:25:37] <amee2k> wtf is this bullshit
[04:25:40] <inflex> amee2k: yeah, np - just thought you weren't aware of the SOPA thing :p
[04:26:09] * inflex wonders if he should eBay some of his booger collections
[04:26:34] <amee2k> seems to be us specific
[04:27:15] <inflex> not overly - since it means they can cull your site even if you're not in the US
[04:28:09] <amee2k> then the world will evolve on and start replacing the internet with this really new thing called books
[04:28:24] <amee2k> it is kinda expensive and not a lot of people use it yet, but pretty cool
[04:28:26] <inflex> heh
[04:29:05] <inflex> Personally I don't have a problem with MPAA/RIAA stopping pirates, that's fine... what I dislike is the tools they ask to perform their job... "We'd like a nuke please to squash this ant".
[04:29:21] <inflex> I also dislike their campaign of wailing and lies.
[04:29:45] <amee2k> blocking ".wikipedia./.*Special:BannerController" (privoxy style pattern) seems to do the trick
[04:30:20] <amee2k> apparently rhaspbery pi doesn't want to sell their boards too
[04:32:19] <karlp> amee2k: you're meant to spend the day calling local polititions, regardless of country, and say, "don't even think about this sort of shit"
[04:32:33] <karlp> not just, "damn hippies caring about things, just give me my free stuff" :)
[04:33:06] <amee2k> karlp: if they're displeased with their politicians they're supposed to blow their cars up and set their houses on fire
[04:33:27] <amee2k> not take a royal dump on my fucking desk
[04:34:04] <amee2k> the politicians didn't take the sites down. wanabe political vandals did who think they're changing the world by handcuffing themselves to train tracks
[04:34:54] <inflex> Still, I wonder how far the raspberry is REALLY going to go
[04:35:15] <inflex> because despite the "Open open open" chanting and thrills - it's actually a propriatory blob under it
[04:35:44] <amee2k> don't pretty much all open dev boards have a similar problem?
[04:35:54] <inflex> no
[04:35:56] <amee2k> i mean, there aren't many open source MCU options
[04:36:19] <inflex> the problem really lies with the broadcom block / gfx driver
[04:36:48] <amee2k> wait, there are no specs on their video chip available?
[04:39:42] <karlp> it's a broadcom soc,
[04:39:51] <karlp> so yeah, almost zero docs publically available.
[04:40:14] <karlp> broadcom network drivers are becoming more open, graphics, hasn't even started thinking about maybe
[04:40:25] <amee2k> ouch
[04:40:29] <amee2k> that is quite open fail
[04:40:56] <karlp> it's as open as linux on any modern computer with accelerated graphics.
[04:41:35] <karlp> better to start with mostly open, yet working, and push for change, than to refuse the entire project because parts of it aren't open
[04:41:40] <inflex> except that being a SoC, you're in a far tighter box.
[04:42:07] <amee2k> i don't care if video drivers are open, i care whether they work stable and reliably
[04:42:44] <amee2k> if their proprietary drivers work and are available for free with the board, i'm fine with it
[04:42:47] <pingec> hmm 1KB of ram is barely enough to merge 2 text messages :(
[04:43:05] <karlp> that is the plan, yes. and the drivers have open gles bindings for them all that.
[04:43:15] <amee2k> unfortunately i wanted to look into their board today, but ... >_>
[04:43:18] <karlp> it's just like the binary nvidia driver or the binary ati driver.
[04:44:01] <karlp> the fact that's in soc just means you can't plug in a different video card, but... I fail to see how that is even relevant for a business card sized pc
[04:44:20] <amee2k> well, it isn't
[04:44:31] <amee2k> well, maybe it is for a proper, ideologically pure debian user
[04:45:15] <amee2k> that chip in an otherwise open project is kinda open fail but if it works for what i want i wouldn't really care much
[04:45:45] <amee2k> too bad that they're so incredibly open they're closed today >_>
[05:45:11] <inflex> eh.... OSCCAL has nothing to do with the xtal/clk-in right?
[05:45:21] * inflex always thought OSCCAL was purely for the internal RC
[07:36:12] <amee2k> ooh, the megaX8 rc osc runs up to almost 14MHz on its own?? 0.0
[07:37:02] <Steffanx> uh?
[07:38:03] <amee2k> put the osccal pedal to the metal
[07:39:23] <amee2k> i always thought it can pull the osc around by maybe 10% or so. just read one of the xmega datasheets that said it can do full speed usb if you calibrate the 32MHz rc osc to 48MHz using the osccal register
[07:42:22] <amee2k> so i always stuck 16 or 20MHZ xtals on when i needed more than the usual 8MHz
[08:17:15] <OndraSter> mornin lads
[08:17:30] <OndraSter> Texas Instrument doesn't fuck around
[08:17:38] <Steffanx> uh?
[08:17:40] <OndraSter> I ordered some samples in the evening of 16th
[08:17:45] <OndraSter> they came today
[08:17:49] <OndraSter> barely 36 hours later
[08:17:50] <Steffanx> Yeah, that's soo nice
[08:18:25] <OndraSter> that's faster than our local post would even deliver lol
[08:18:32] <OndraSter> across one city
[08:19:34] <OndraSter> local post goes like... first day - pick it up on local post
[08:19:37] <OndraSter> second day - travel
[08:19:39] <OndraSter> third day - deliver
[08:19:45] <OndraSter> sometimes it takes two days to travel even
[08:19:58] <Steffanx> Here it's one day most of the time
[08:20:57] <jadew> same here, but not trough the regular mail
[08:21:16] <jadew> and most curriers get the stuff to you the same day you order if you did it before a specific hour
[08:23:17] <jadew> with regular post however, it can take up to 2 weeks and they can even lose / damage your packet
[08:23:59] <Steffanx> lolol
[08:27:32] <jadew> true story, got a t-shirt once, it arrived moulded, because they managed to keep half of it in the water, somehow
[08:27:52] <Steffanx> :S
[08:36:09] <amee2k> ...
[08:36:14] <amee2k> now that was somewhat disgusting
[08:37:38] <amee2k> hmm... in how far are skinny board traces useful to implement low precision low value resistors, eg. for a short circuit protection shunt (i'd need something around 0.3 - 0.8 ohm)
[09:13:09] <rue_house> amee2k,
[09:13:17] <rue_house> !assist tutorials/elex/
[09:13:18] <tobbor> Possibly http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/tutorials/elex/
[09:13:31] <rue_house> http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/tutorials/elex/cursense/main.html
[09:17:15] <rue_house> jadew, sounds like UPS ?
[09:23:57] <jadew> yeah, pretty much the same thing, but in my country
[09:58:49] <amee2k> rue_house: that is a very small value resistor compared to what i want
[09:59:10] <amee2k> i want like 100x that kind of value
[10:00:14] <amee2k> it is just for the over-current protection shunt on a regulator (ref. is 200mV iirc)
[10:00:37] <amee2k> and the exact value is almost entirely uncritical as long as it is the right order of magnitude or so
[10:00:56] <amee2k> so i was wondering if i could get away without having to buy a single resistor of ridiculous value just for that
[12:40:00] <OndraSter> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaqvEftw7aI&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL
[12:40:02] <OndraSter> I want this
[12:44:07] <Steffanx> I want a few million euro OndraSter
[12:53:25] <OndraSter> yeah
[12:53:32] <OndraSter> but not euro
[12:53:38] <OndraSter> euro is bad choice now lol
[13:16:11] <nofxx_> Haha.. this is crazy! So I set my MUX to read PB2.... 5 hours trying yeasterday, no matter what I did it just read from PB3. Now I check the circuit and realize I was feeding PB2 with 12volts!! It didnt burned or nothing, its working fine, reading from PB2 now!
[13:16:49] <nofxx_> Now in 5v. Is this some kind of (auto) protection of the chip ?
[13:19:04] <nofxx_> BOD related or something
[13:19:14] <Kevin`> nofxx_: there are diodes on each pin (except reset) that shunt excess voltage to vcc or gnd. putting vcc at 12v would normally cause damage by itself though, so I suppose you weren't providing infinite current?
[13:20:34] <nofxx_> Kevin`, yes.. infinite.. I pull down the ADC (resistor to ground, correct?)
[13:21:49] <Kevin`> that's the normal definition of a pulldown, yes
[13:24:32] <nofxx_> well...what matters is that it's working
[13:24:56] <Kevin`> it is normally not necessary to have a pulldown on an adc input
[13:25:20] <Kevin`> you kind of WANT the input floating usually... although you might want a capacitor to ground, for different reasons
[13:25:51] <nofxx_> Kevin`, no floating.. this one is a pot
[13:26:16] <nofxx_> btw, the ADCL ADCH read will give me 0-255 or 0-1023 ?
[13:26:38] <nofxx_> dumb question... 2 bytes
[13:26:43] <nofxx_> sorry.. just wake up
[13:29:37] <Kevin`> nofxx_: 0-1023 for a 10-bit adc
[13:31:20] <raek> how many AVR assembly languages/dialects are there?
[13:32:30] <Kevin`> raek: there's at least two, for avr8 and avr32. I don't know whether there are multiple incompatible assemblers or not. I would guess no though.
[13:33:53] <OndraSter> note that some chips do not have some instructions
[13:34:02] <OndraSter> also note*
[13:36:09] <raek> I was only thinking about avr8 at the moment. I once tried to run the .asm files from http://home.versanet.de/~b-konze/blc_4428/blc_4428.htm through this tool: http://compilers.cs.ucla.edu/avrora/cfg.html
[13:36:20] <raek> but that didn't work very well
[13:36:52] <raek> that code seems to use the C preprocessor
[13:37:09] <Casper> raek: all avr of the same familly have the same opcode. BUT not all of the opcode is implemented on each avr model. For example, for the jump instruction, one work with a small address jump. this is fine until a certain flash size is reached. then it can not jump elsewhere in the code without a second jump. in that case those avr have the "extended" jump opcode, which can jump directly anywhere
[13:37:43] <Kevin`> raek: is that an electrical feedback bldc controller?
[13:37:45] <OndraSter> yap, CALL vs RCALL etc
[13:37:55] <OndraSter> (I think)
[13:38:12] <Casper> so they cleanup the opcode list on some of them to remove the useless opcodes that basically have zero gain over the simpler one
[13:38:20] <raek> Casper: but are the mnemonics and the directives (.equ and friends) the same?
[13:38:25] <Casper> I don't remember the name, as I don't code in assember
[13:38:29] <raek> Kevin`: yes, it is
[13:38:31] <OndraSter> how are AVR cores made inside? More like 486 or more like Pentium? :)
[13:38:45] <Casper> OndraSter: none, more like RISC one
[13:38:52] <OndraSter> oh
[13:38:53] <Kevin`> raek: neat. i'm gonna have to build or buy a few of those soon
[13:39:39] <raek> I was going to port that code to C, but it turned out to be simpler to rewrite everything from scratch in C
[13:39:57] <raek> Atmel have some nice whitepapers about ESCs
[13:41:10] <Kevin`> hmm, using premade fet drivers. that makes things simpler I suppose :)
[13:42:25] <Casper> I should order some fet driver on my next digikey order
[13:42:50] <asteve> http://www.c-span.org/Live-Video/C-SPAN2/
[13:42:54] <asteve> interesting to listen to while at work
[13:43:51] <amee2k> i've got some nice 1.5A gate drivers from IR here
[13:43:56] <raek> it's a bit tricky to write an ESC that only uses the back-EMF to determine the rotor position. the speed must be high enough for the detection to work, but spinning the motors requires working detection
[13:44:05] <amee2k> <3 them, but they only do low side
[13:45:05] <raek> so basically everything has to work at the same time before you can start testing it :-)
[13:46:11] <amee2k> i would imagine at least atmel's own assembler and avr-gcc's assembler are incompatible
[13:46:59] <amee2k> hmm wasn't there some dude who wanted to crack open some PICs and reverse engineer to gate level?
[13:47:39] <raek> hrm. maybe I was thinking about C compilers. (avr-gcc vs. IAR or what it's called)
[13:48:39] <raek> don't they use incompatible conventions for register names, interrupt vectors, etc?
[13:51:35] <Kevin`> raek: yes, they do
[13:51:46] <Kevin`> raek: well, to some extent. enough that it's sometimes annoying
[13:58:56] <OndraSter> if you use AVR Studio's device.def file and edit the beginning to match IAR's requirements (if there are any), it will be the same
[16:33:57] <Xeli> Hello, I've build this: http://www.societyofrobots.com/member_tutorials/files/USB_servo.png and now I'd like to program it with my USBtinyISP. Am I correct that I can just connect it with the 10pin cable but using only 5 of them and connect those to SV1?
[16:34:22] <Xeli> so I would discard 4xground + vcc
[16:40:28] <Kevin`> Xeli: usbtinyisp has a buffer, so you want to connect vcc (whether or not you are powering it from the programmer)
[16:40:41] <Kevin`> vcc on the connector defines the io voltage for the programmer
[16:43:16] <Xeli> Kevin`: hmm oke, could you perhaps point me to some documentation on what pins to connect everything to?
[16:43:46] <Kevin`> Xeli: the relevant pin functions are actually listed on the schematic you pasted
[16:43:55] <Kevin`> Xeli: otherwise, there's the datasheet for the avr chip
[16:44:39] <Xeli> Kevin`: is the first picture on this site, the pins for what comes out of the USBtinyISP?
[16:45:02] <Kevin`> "this site"?
[16:45:09] <Xeli> So I can just connect those to the similar ones on the sheet I just linked and it should work
[16:45:15] <Xeli> Kevin`: whops http://www.ethernut.de/en/isp/index.html this one
[16:45:36] <Kevin`> Xeli: yes it should be, but you could also just look at the usbtinyisp schematic
[16:46:15] <Xeli> ah right
[16:47:11] <Xeli> Kevin`: that seems doable, thanks! :)
[17:13:06] <Tom_itx> what's up today?
[17:13:53] <Bushman> same as usual...
[17:14:05] <Bushman> if(strncmp("POST ",(char *)&(buf[dat_p]),5)=0){ can never work
[17:14:06] <Bushman> :P
[17:14:48] <Bushman> or maybe i should say "will always work" :P
[17:15:41] <Kevin`> I hate those typos
[18:01:42] <Steffanx> Does that even compile Bushman? Assign 0 to a function?
[18:04:04] <BrentBXR_> more like hes trying to assign strncmp's output to 0
[20:38:35] <rue_house> !seen abcminiuser
[20:38:35] <tobbor> abcminiuser was last seen in #avr on Jan 18 14:04 2012
[20:38:42] <rue_house> !time
[20:38:42] <tobbor> My watch says its 18:34 Wed Jan 18 2012
[20:39:06] <Tom_itx> he's on norway time now
[20:39:08] <rue_house> anyone here familiar with an ihex library for avr?
[20:44:46] <rue_house> it looks like nobody has ever made a ihex interpertation library for avr
[20:45:16] <rue_house> odd, cause if you made a serial bootloader that took ihex files, you wouldn't too much need to have a working programmer or configured avrdude
[20:52:05] <rue_house> http://www.atmel.com/dyn/resources/prod_documents/doc1497.pdf
[20:52:15] <rue_house> thats looks like a nifty document
[20:57:43] <vectory> where can i see which instructions wont work on the lower 16 registers? didnt read ot in the instruction set pdf, had a book, but gave it back to the .lib :)
[20:59:14] <vectory> oh well, its there i the instruction set descriptions, but not in the table :/
[21:07:35] <vectory> ok, other question. generating a clock signal from 32khz crystal with a schmidt-trigger sounds like a good idea?
[21:08:30] <Kevin`> vectory: several avr chips have efficient onboard 32khz crystal oscillators. building one seems a bit strange
[21:09:17] <vectory> i expected something from that direction, but i have a t2313 here, that i want to work with
[21:09:44] <Kevin`> well, it should work.. (inverter, that is)
[21:10:10] <vectory> kewl then, have no idea how to build it tho x)
[21:10:54] <Kevin`> vectory: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierce_oscillator (well, yeah.. stupid laws)
[21:11:17] <vectory> Kevin`: what?
[21:11:29] <vectory> turn off javascript and it works fine :)
[21:11:35] <Kevin`> that's the common type of oscillator used for crystals
[21:13:40] <vectory> great, thanx
[21:34:12] <rue_house> wahts up with cyrstal oscs?
[21:34:45] <rue_house> wait till the reprocussions come up on copying 3d objects
[21:35:02] <vectory> reprocussions?
[21:35:03] <rue_house> illegal to scan a cup and distribute the pattern on the internet
[21:35:10] <rue_house> for 3d printers
[21:35:17] <rue_house> I cant type on this keybaord, sorry
[21:35:33] <rue_house> they screwed up the layout just enough
[21:36:00] <vectory> oh lol, i get it
[21:36:11] <vectory> did you mean _repercussion_?
[21:36:20] <vectory> google didnt get it tho :(
[21:37:25] <vectory> yeah, next it will be illegal to upload images of a cup, too
[21:37:45] <vectory> one image, ok, but more images from different directions, bad
[21:38:59] <vectory> i was thinking, a pierce oscilator with frequency divider on external interupt might work just as well for me, as long as i dont need pwm or sumsuch
[21:40:41] <vectory> 128 divider isnt common though, afaik
[21:41:56] <vectory> divide by ten or divide by 8 more so
[21:42:48] <Kevin`> vectory: I assume none of the timers on that device can be clocked externally?
[21:42:58] <vectory> oh they can
[21:43:08] <vectory> T0 input
[21:43:25] <Kevin`> why not use that?
[21:44:03] <vectory> because it doesnt wake up from tiemr over flow, when in power down
[21:44:18] <vectory> that is, powerdown turns of clk sources
[21:44:52] <vectory> idle mode can use timerinterupts, but it has higher current usage, so
[21:45:15] <Kevin`> the power usage of your oscillator+divider, unless you make it extremely well, is gonna be more than the microcontroller ;p
[21:45:35] <vectory> im not sure that makes sense tho, because im thinking of 300mAh cells, although i wanna light leds, as always :D
[21:49:31] <vectory> pwming a 30mA LED at 128Hz with a dutycycle of 1 to 7 should last for a year or so
[21:50:51] <vectory> Kevin`: oh, missed that
[21:51:50] <vectory> i assumed cmos should be low power
[21:51:53] <vectory> didnt check
[21:52:34] <vectory> and hoped the rc circuit could run low amps, too, as long as the voltage fits
[21:54:57] <litropy> Are the higher priced debuggers really worth it forr a hobbyist doing a project with an atmega32? I think I just need a dragon ...
[21:55:39] <Tom_itx> dragon is fine but do you really need a debugger?
[21:58:11] <litropy> Tom_itx, are you saying I don't need a debugger to tell the chip what to do?
[21:58:25] <vectory> you only need a programmer
[21:58:52] <litropy> vectory, wanna point me in the right direction?
[21:59:09] <vectory> better ask Tom_itx, he builds/sells programmers
[21:59:36] <litropy> Also, what if something goes wrong and I want to find out what happened?
[21:59:55] <vectory> a debugger is used to examine the chip at runtime, which would be much of a black box otherwise
[22:00:34] <litropy> found Tom_itx's web page ...
[22:01:18] <litropy> Ha! which I visited recently while doing research.
[22:01:57] <litropy> Lots of usbtiny ...
[22:02:02] <vectory> ye
[22:11:07] <litropy> hmm ... I'll spend the extra $11 for more functionality. I like what he's got going, though.
[22:11:38] <rue_house> use an led to debug, a scope if you have one
[22:11:40] <Tom_itx> you can debug most things with an led or serial dump
[22:11:41] <rue_house> much much better
[22:11:52] <rue_house> promotes proper coding style too
[22:11:57] <Tom_itx> unless you're doing something really complicated
[22:13:20] <vectory> doesnt that increase the write/load/debug cycle time imensely?
[22:14:12] <vectory> also, i think timing critical stuff is better done with jtag.
[22:14:28] <vectory> but what do i know :D
[22:14:45] <vectory> im fucked up, need to sleep, get up in 6 hours T_T
[22:28:58] <vectory> n8
[22:29:06] <Tom_itx> litropy, you might consider adding a buffer to the dragon
[22:29:16] <Tom_itx> if you go that route
[22:30:46] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/pdf/atmel/dragonhide.pdf
[23:53:52] <Roklobsta> lirpoy: get a dragon at least
[23:55:23] <Roklobsta> they are so cheap. I have a mkii-cn from mcuzone.com for about $80 as i does avr32 as well. but the dragon is fine
[23:56:12] <BrentBXR_> what i miss
[23:56:16] <Roklobsta> being able to single step and see registers is handy too. and also invest in a CRO to uncover those problems sofwtare can't seem to fix.
[23:56:52] <Roklobsta> Atmel were just here giving away free AVR devkits. You just missed out by 2 mins.
[23:57:14] <BrentBXR_> ah i own to many atmel products as it is
[23:57:36] <BrentBXR_> just likie the MSP420 launch pad
[23:57:42] <Roklobsta> oh and free use of a Norwegian model for a week.
[23:57:46] <BrentBXR_> bunch of people bought it no one uses it
[23:58:07] <BrentBXR_> you got a male?
[23:58:31] <Roklobsta> knowing my luck i'll get a hand model.
[23:58:39] <BrentBXR_> id take that
[23:58:41] <BrentBXR_> :D