#avr | Logs for 2012-01-04

[01:16:02] <OndraSter> I just noticed
[01:16:10] <OndraSter> 74hc595 has no CLOCK ENABLE pin ?!
[01:20:23] <pepsi> oh so dean comes here
[01:21:33] <OndraSter> maybe holding MR at low (active) could help?
[01:21:37] <OndraSter> could work*
[01:21:47] <pepsi> can i export aes/3des to china?
[01:49:53] <inflex> 3DES probably is okay these days... but hey, that's something check up on for sure... wow, can't believe I had completely forgotten about 3DES these days.
[02:09:56] <Valen> I *think* the reccomendation for 3des is "not for high security"
[02:10:30] <inflex> hiya Valen
[02:10:40] <Valen> zup homie
[02:11:24] <inflex> meh... broke *yay*... production stalled while I wait for another batch of AVRs to arrive. Thank goodness E14 will price match for me
[02:11:36] <Valen> handy
[02:14:03] <Valen> don't spose you happen to have a single cell high current lipo charger module handy?
[02:14:26] <inflex> mine only go up to 300mA
[02:14:42] <inflex> can push to 500mA but only with good sinking
[02:14:57] <Valen> might take a while to charge 10Ah
[02:15:02] <inflex> Just a little bit, yes
[02:15:14] <pepsi> i shouldnt have drank all that caffiene before bed
[02:15:15] <pepsi> now its 2am
[02:15:19] <inflex> should be a monolithic chip out there that can do it though, or at least linked up to an external MOSFET
[02:15:22] <pepsi> crap
[02:15:41] <Valen> yeah, theres a few but not worth the time to make a board
[02:16:00] <Valen> I'll just use a headphone jack (6mm) and a hobby charger
[02:17:13] <pepsi> SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail hates me :(
[02:30:02] <inflex> Valen: trying to work out which path to walk... buy another batch of existing design boards that I've been making now for over a year, using the T13... or leap to the new design that uses the T10 chips... the latter is faster to build but means I'll have to momentarily pay higher price on T10's and everything would have to wait 3wks before the new boards would arrive
[02:30:43] <inflex> the other downside is that the T10 leaves me with a little less scope for development possibilities if I want to use the boards for alternative purposes
[02:30:56] <pepsi> hah, 5... not 8
[02:30:57] <pepsi> fuckin thing
[02:40:51] <Tom_itx> pepsi, yes
[02:41:01] <pepsi> yes what
[02:41:37] <Tom_itx> 15
[02:41:53] <pepsi> available?
[02:41:57] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/boards/USB_Breakout/USB_Breakout_index.php
[02:42:08] <Tom_itx> i don't know how many i have
[02:42:13] <pepsi> oh, price
[02:42:16] <Tom_itx> a handfull
[02:42:21] <pepsi> k
[02:42:28] <pepsi> i want 3
[02:42:32] <pepsi> does $50 get them shipped?
[02:42:46] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/commerce/commerce_index.php
[02:43:10] <Tom_itx> yeah
[02:43:22] <grummund> $50 for shipping is a bit much :p
[02:43:23] <Tom_itx> mmm i took out quantity
[02:43:30] <Tom_itx> not for pepsi
[02:43:59] <Tom_itx> U2 lacks adc
[02:44:06] <pepsi> ok, expect an order soon
[02:44:10] <pepsi> aint that a bitch
[02:44:11] <pepsi> ok
[02:44:32] <pepsi> i dunno if the order will be from me or my employer
[02:44:34] <pepsi> either way...
[02:45:50] <pepsi> i have some calls to make for pricing and help selecting the various avr options here
[02:46:17] <pepsi> but ill take the mega32u to play with
[02:47:34] <jacekowski> Tom_itx: how much do you want for one?
[02:48:14] <jacekowski> Tom_itx: do you have other options than paypal, i would rather not use them if i don't have to
[02:48:23] <pepsi> send cash
[02:48:35] <grummund> send cookies
[02:48:40] <pepsi> mmm
[02:49:33] <pepsi> dude what is sizeof struct {dword; char[1];}? 5 or 8?
[02:49:37] <jacekowski> i'm just trying to avoid paypal whenever i can because their provisions are robberies and they seem to don't give a fuck about people using them
[02:49:46] <jacekowski> 5
[02:49:49] <pepsi> perhaps the problem is that its 8 on 64 bit
[02:49:54] <pepsi> could that be?
[02:49:55] <grummund> pepsi: it's undefined
[02:50:36] <pepsi> SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail has been giving me hell cause i tell it 8
[02:50:52] <jacekowski> it shouldn't
[02:50:53] <pepsi> i think AutoiIt is on crack
[02:50:57] <jacekowski> dword is quite specific size
[02:51:11] <grummund> but struct is not
[02:51:21] <jacekowski> if it's packed it is
[02:51:25] <pepsi> yeah, but might the alignment of the next member be different for 64 bit?
[02:51:27] <pepsi> unpacked
[02:51:30] <jacekowski> if it's not then it will end up aligned
[02:52:07] <grummund> C language soesn't specify packing. sizeof(struct {...}) is always undefined
[02:52:14] <pepsi> oh i do have a 64bit compiler installed.. i can check
[02:52:27] <pepsi> im talking about on windows, x86 or x64, specifically
[02:52:45] <grummund> nothing to do with #avr then...
[02:53:36] <pepsi> its 5 when compiled with my 64bit compiler too
[02:53:39] <pepsi> fuckin autoit
[02:53:50] <pepsi> im using windows to interface to my um.. ahem.. avr
[02:58:03] <pepsi> omg its 3am now
[03:03:29] <Tom_itx> pepsi, if you just want one use the site order thingy
[03:03:39] <Tom_itx> pp is all i have set up
[03:04:50] <Tom_itx> jacekowski^^
[03:05:30] <Tom_itx> i did western union for a guy once but it's a pita
[03:09:26] <Tom_itx> i bet pepsi crashed finally
[03:45:00] <tomatto_> any luck with color music for avr?
[03:46:58] <karlp> sizeof (struct{}) is still defined to be _right_ even if sizeof (dword,char) can be either 5 or 8 or anything else.
[08:00:43] <problems> hello everybody
[08:01:33] <shrimpandrice> hello
[08:03:08] <problems> i am trying to get started with atxmega128a1, i need just to program it to get some data from a sensor and send a message in a can bus, does somebody know something that could help me to start?
[08:03:08] <mrfrenzy> welcome ;)
[08:03:40] <problems> hey hello mrfrenzy, thanks
[08:06:57] <shrimpandrice> I'm just lurking, sorry I don't have an answer
[08:08:59] <mrfrenzy> the channel is more active during the evenings
[08:19:46] <OndraSter> mrfrenzy, who's evenings
[08:19:48] <OndraSter> you gotta specify timezone :P
[08:20:16] <mrfrenzy> europe evenings
[08:20:22] <mrfrenzy> so probably midday for americans
[08:20:32] <OndraSter> so, is there some kind of CHIP ENABLE or SCK ENABLE or whatever kind of pin on 74hc595? I found only master reset which _might_ forbid any serial pushing...
[08:20:42] <OndraSter> if it is kept active
[08:20:51] <OndraSter> or some alternative
[08:21:01] <OndraSter> 74hc164 does not have either
[08:21:11] <OndraSter> (or was it 165.. one is SIPO, the other one is PISO)
[08:23:26] <crazy_pete> in California we are 8 hours behind GMT so it is very early morning here, the sun will rise in about 1.5 hours
[08:23:47] <crazy_pete> so it is between an hour before and 3 hours after sunrise in the USA
[08:23:50] <eatyourguitar> if you want high, pull it up, if you want low, ground it. all my problems were from floating pins or not reading the datasheet
[08:24:08] <crazy_pete> hahah that should be in the topic message, eatyourguitar :)
[08:24:44] <eatyourguitar> I just don't see how you can get stuck on something like that
[09:27:15] <OndraSter> OMG AVR ICE JTAG is driving me crazy
[09:27:16] <OndraSter> seriously
[09:27:19] <OndraSter> the "connect" dialog connects
[09:27:24] <OndraSter> I can read device id, set fuses etc
[09:27:28] <OndraSter> but when I press debug
[09:27:31] <OndraSter> it says "could not connect"
[09:27:36] <OndraSter> "can't find avr ice"
[09:29:18] <OndraSter> or I am not sure what is vref (pin 4) and vtarget (pin 7) or whatever. Pin7 is connected to ADC? on the avr ice, measuring voltage of the system. Pin4 is normal power supply
[09:29:49] <OndraSter> if I connect external power supply to the circuit and connect gnd + vtarget on the board to the JTAG, AVR Studio refuses to see the JTAG
[10:05:53] <OndraSter> guys, when you design board with JTAG connector, what vcc/vref/... pins do you connect?
[10:08:51] <OndraSter> huh
[10:08:57] <OndraSter> vref should be pin4
[10:09:01] <OndraSter> but pin4 works as vcc
[10:09:03] <OndraSter> huhhh
[10:09:17] <eatyourguitar> they are the same thing maybe?
[10:09:22] <OndraSter> nope
[10:09:34] <OndraSter> vsupply should supply the JTAG box with power actually
[10:09:53] <eatyourguitar> if your ref is 5v and your VCC is 5v then just tie them together right?
[10:10:03] <OndraSter> in theory
[10:10:11] <OndraSter> but my jtag box is powered through USB
[10:10:13] <eatyourguitar> it should only be a problem if your Vcc is not exactly 5.000v
[10:10:16] <OndraSter> so I should not need to do that
[10:10:29] <OndraSter> well the jtag ice's voltage is about 4.95V
[10:11:02] <eatyourguitar> well whatever you use for Vcc, it becomes your Vref
[10:11:13] <OndraSter> yes
[10:11:27] <OndraSter> how come that I can measure the 4.95V on the Vref pin though?
[10:11:30] <eatyourguitar> test your usb ports. they should be really close to 5.0
[10:11:32] <OndraSter> when it is not connected to the board itself
[10:12:06] <eatyourguitar> put a 10k resistor to ground and test with a meter
[10:12:29] <OndraSter> it should be pin leading to some ADC pin on the JTAG ICE
[10:12:34] <OndraSter> a sec
[10:12:35] <eatyourguitar> wait, how do you have power if its not connected to usb?
[10:12:49] <eatyourguitar> don't connect two power supplies together at V+
[10:12:53] <OndraSter> the jtag ice is in USB
[10:12:58] <OndraSter> that's what I am trying to avoid
[10:13:03] <OndraSter> but vref has 4.95V on it
[10:13:23] <eatyourguitar> thats the output of the ICE?
[10:13:28] <OndraSter> ye
[10:13:51] <eatyourguitar> did you test the V+ pin on the USB port. one of the outside pins I think
[10:14:05] <eatyourguitar> right where it comes into the ICE board
[10:14:05] <OndraSter> yes, it is the +- 4.95V or so
[10:14:33] <OndraSter> but the question is, WHY there is any voltage on the pin WHEN it should be ANALOG INPUT
[10:14:37] <eatyourguitar> ok so there is no regulator or anything. the ICE has your vref and VCC connected already
[10:14:42] <OndraSter> why it feels like pulled up internally
[10:14:46] <eatyourguitar> they are connected with a wire
[10:15:25] <eatyourguitar> oh I see
[10:15:50] <OndraSter> on the other hand
[10:15:55] <OndraSter> Vsupply pin is at 0
[10:16:09] <OndraSter> seems like the pins are swapped
[10:16:31] <eatyourguitar> just cause they are not connected on the AVR does not mean the programmer wont connect them during programming
[10:16:44] <eatyourguitar> its different when you take the chip out and use it
[10:16:52] <OndraSter> ???
[10:16:56] <OndraSter> I am testing it in breadboard
[10:17:24] <eatyourguitar> right. I don't think you need vref to program anything
[10:17:35] <OndraSter> program nope, but debug yes
[10:17:42] <OndraSter> it says "target voltage below 1.7V"
[10:17:55] <eatyourguitar> oh ok, I never did debugging on a AVR.
[10:18:06] <eatyourguitar> and definitely not a breadboard
[10:18:33] <eatyourguitar> well 1.7v is usually the turn on for any digital logic
[10:18:39] <OndraSter> yes
[10:19:17] <eatyourguitar> so you have 5v and the computer gives you an error. that sucks
[10:19:23] <OndraSter> ye
[10:19:27] <eatyourguitar> :(
[10:29:03] <OndraSter> huh
[10:29:07] <OndraSter> I connected both vcc and vref
[10:29:14] <OndraSter> I can open fuses, read signature etc
[10:29:17] <OndraSter> btu when I press debug
[10:29:25] <OndraSter> it says "could not find avr ice"
[10:29:26] <OndraSter> damnit
[10:33:28] <OndraSter> using it for ISP is useless
[10:37:09] <OndraSter> http://clip2net.com/s/1sh9F
[10:37:10] <OndraSter> STINKY LIAR
[10:37:56] <OndraSter> the weird part is
[10:38:00] <OndraSter> IT WORKED like 2 hours ago
[10:39:32] <OndraSter> I wish I could use RiffBox for this stuff
[10:39:34] <OndraSter> lol
[10:50:57] <eatyourguitar> maybe the AVR got damaged?
[10:51:14] <OndraSter> nope
[10:51:23] <OndraSter> it can't find the ICE JTAG itself
[10:51:26] <OndraSter> gonna try on 2nd machine
[10:51:31] <eatyourguitar> ask yourself this, what did you do differently when it worked
[10:51:44] <eatyourguitar> maybe your breadboard has a bad connection
[10:52:21] <eatyourguitar> well if it can't find the ICE then its already in use.
[10:53:30] <eatyourguitar> like if your USB device closes the connection and reopens it after every time you program an AVR. windows is scanning to see what it is. it could make the USB device unavailable to your software
[10:54:18] <eatyourguitar> only for like 2 seconds but that is enough to mess up your programming software if it is made for an older version of windows
[10:54:46] <eatyourguitar> thats what I would investigate
[11:03:57] <OndraSter> hmm
[11:04:33] <OndraSter> what did I do differently? I disconnected it all and connected it all again lol
[11:04:55] <OndraSter> I can open programming menu, program the chip and stuff
[11:04:58] <eatyourguitar> oh wait, did you have the software open already?
[11:05:02] <OndraSter> but once I press OCD
[11:05:10] <OndraSter> it refuses to connect
[11:05:13] <OndraSter> I restarted it ofc
[11:05:18] <eatyourguitar> the software scans for hardware when you start the program
[11:05:32] <OndraSter> nah, the original JTAG ICE is on serial port
[11:05:39] <eatyourguitar> lots of USB devices have more than one device
[11:05:43] <OndraSter> and there is builtin USB <> serial converter
[11:06:14] <OndraSter> the avr studio opens virtual COM port created by the driver
[11:06:32] <eatyourguitar> right so there might actually be 3 devices in use by the program. 2 devices hiding inside that one usb device
[11:06:46] <OndraSter> hmm
[11:06:56] <OndraSter> but it works just fine for program downloading
[11:06:58] <OndraSter> flashing EEPROM
[11:07:02] <OndraSter> changing FUSEs
[11:07:16] <eatyourguitar> if you plug it in after the program boots, it finds the USB programmer but not the USB debugger
[11:07:35] <OndraSter> it is one device only
[11:07:40] <OndraSter> it was originaly serial device
[11:07:45] <OndraSter> so it can not make more devices
[11:07:58] <eatyourguitar> are you on windows or linux?
[11:08:44] <OndraSter> I am using AVR studio
[11:08:46] <OndraSter> => windoze
[11:09:09] <eatyourguitar> like on my printer that has built in SD card, I can see more than one device apear in device manager when I plug it in
[11:09:32] <OndraSter> that is not possible through serial port
[11:09:46] <eatyourguitar> but you said you also have a usb debugger?
[11:09:48] <OndraSter> in USB case yes
[11:09:55] <OndraSter> well it has builtin serial <> USB converter
[11:10:02] <OndraSter> one
[11:10:06] <eatyourguitar> but not plugged in?
[11:10:11] <OndraSter> ???
[11:10:15] <OndraSter> the JTAG ICE
[11:10:19] <OndraSter> was originally RS232 device
[11:10:31] <OndraSter> the one I have has builtin PL2303 or something that converts serial to USB
[11:10:39] <OndraSter> and on PC the drivers create virtual serial port
[11:10:40] <eatyourguitar> ok so you are using USB
[11:10:49] <eatyourguitar> right
[11:11:04] <OndraSter> but it is not possible for the device to create more virtual serial ports
[11:11:35] <eatyourguitar> no but there could be something else
[11:11:50] <OndraSter> AVR studio fucked up for example :D
[11:11:54] <OndraSter> trying on 2nd PC
[11:11:56] <eatyourguitar> yeah probably
[11:12:16] <eatyourguitar> what is the chip used to convert to usb?
[11:12:46] <OndraSter> <OndraSter> the one I have has builtin PL2303 or something that converts serial to USB
[11:13:47] <eatyourguitar> the website is down for datasheets
[11:14:15] <eatyourguitar> could also be a messed up windows driver for the PL2303. that is highly possible
[11:14:39] <eatyourguitar> http://www.prolific.com.tw/
[11:14:49] <eatyourguitar> they can't even get a website to work
[11:15:19] <OndraSter> no need for datasheet really
[11:15:22] <OndraSter> I know what it is capable
[11:16:39] <eatyourguitar> did you try to reboot the computer, plug in your programmer, wait, start AVRstudio
[11:16:48] <OndraSter> that's why I am trying 2nd computer
[11:16:55] <OndraSter> rebooting my PC = not happening anytime soon
[11:17:12] <eatyourguitar> serving and rendering and stuff
[11:17:29] <OndraSter> mostly too much apps opened with too much "open don't save" stuff
[11:23:50] <OndraSter> hmm vmware machine can be turned off
[11:23:55] <OndraSter> I can reboot
[11:26:44] <_abc_> avr-gcc expert question: Is it possible that some versions of avr-gcc under studio4 generate up to 128 bytes larger object hex from the same source, than avr-gcc under linux?
[11:26:52] <_abc_> Because I have had that happen to me and it sort of stumped me
[11:27:12] <_abc_> Using the exact same makefile
[11:27:36] <ziph> Exactly the same versions and avr-lib?
[11:32:16] <juanico> hello there
[11:32:56] <juanico> somebody knows where to find example code for atxmega128a1?
[11:34:17] <_abc_> ziph: Not sure. They may be different. studio4+winavr vanilla install and atmel supplied avr-gcc and libc also vanilla from Atmel
[11:34:30] <_abc_> ziph: The Linux version makes the smaller code. I will check versions.
[11:34:34] <_abc_> They cannot be too far apart.
[11:34:59] <ziph> _abc_: Might be different avr-libc's.
[11:35:08] <_abc_> ziph: For a moment I thought it was pushing in some bootloader there, but no
[11:35:24] <_abc_> Are there Stuxnet versions for studio4 :) >:~
[11:37:42] <ziph> :)
[11:39:04] <juanico> mmm...i am sorry i am quite new on this, i am using eclipse and a plugin to work with avr
[11:39:31] <juanico> runnin on linux
[11:40:47] <soul-d> look at avr freaks basic C tutorials
[11:40:52] <soul-d> blink a led etc
[11:47:01] <OndraSter> WHAT the hell
[11:47:03] <OndraSter> didn't connect
[11:47:07] <OndraSter> so I changed FUSEs
[11:47:09] <OndraSter> DISABLED OCD
[11:47:11] <OndraSter> unchecked it
[11:47:13] <OndraSter> and guess wht
[11:47:15] <OndraSter> it works ?!!!!???
[11:49:03] <OndraSter> doesn't work again
[11:49:05] <OndraSter> DAMNIT
[12:06:11] <_abc_> look hard for flaky hardware. Just touching pins or such
[12:07:30] <OndraSter> I have here one completely empty breadboard
[12:07:31] <OndraSter> let's see
[12:08:56] <OndraSter> huh
[12:09:07] <OndraSter> AVR studio supports only COM1 to COM9 in connect dialog
[12:09:14] <OndraSter> and COM1 to COM4 in debug connect dialog ?!
[12:09:23] <OndraSter> it has just connected to COM11 when I tried different USB port
[12:20:42] <OndraSter> hmm
[12:20:48] <OndraSter> one port on my PC can work as COM4
[12:20:53] <OndraSter> the others are installed way above 10
[12:21:06] <OndraSter> I rebooted to disable the onboard COM port even :(
[12:22:52] <Steffann> Just try to force your usb serial thingy to use com1-4 OndraSter :D
[12:22:58] <OndraSter> yeah
[12:23:00] <OndraSter> it should
[12:23:02] <Steffann> Most of the time that works
[12:23:04] <OndraSter> I have it now on COM4
[12:23:09] <Steffann> Ah
[12:23:34] <OndraSter> remapped to COM2 to be sure
[12:23:51] <OndraSter> omg
[12:24:04] <OndraSter> "connected to board fine, but no target device" (no shit sherlock, I haven't connected any)
[12:24:08] <karlp> windows doesn't list past com9,
[12:24:10] <OndraSter> but debug says "could not connect"
[12:24:17] <karlp> you need \\com\.9 or some crazy shit.
[12:24:21] <karlp> it's in the putty FAQs
[12:24:27] <OndraSter> who said anything about putty
[12:24:34] <Steffann> karlp
[12:24:51] <karlp> for anyone having trouble addressing any com port higher than 9 on windows....
[12:25:39] <karlp> sorry, I was stuck on it for a long time, just trying to be helpful :)
[12:29:13] <OndraSter> huh
[12:29:22] <OndraSter> it just said "no power on the target"
[12:29:26] <OndraSter> then it said "could not connect"
[12:29:58] <OndraSter> ok
[12:30:05] <OndraSter> fuse "OCDEN" mut be unchecked
[12:30:31] <Bushman> hi
[12:30:32] <OndraSter> isn't that weird
[12:30:37] <OndraSter> hi Bushman
[12:31:34] <Bushman> what you guys prefer to use as WinAVR and AVR studio equivalent for linux (debian/ubuntu, etc)
[12:32:54] <OndraSter> okay, it gets weirder
[12:33:02] <OndraSter> I have to check and then uncheck the OCDEN fuse
[12:33:06] <OndraSter> between each debug sessions ?!
[12:33:32] <Bushman> weird is good, right? it's better than boring, isn't it?
[12:33:33] <Bushman> :P
[12:33:38] <OndraSter> not really
[12:33:45] <OndraSter> I just spent last hour worrying what have I burnt
[12:33:49] <OndraSter> and I still have no idea why this happens
[12:33:53] <OndraSter> maybe I burnt something inside the atmega
[12:33:54] <OndraSter> who knows
[12:34:00] <Bushman> heh
[12:34:03] <OndraSter> I don't have any 2nd atmega with JTAG that I could try it with
[12:34:37] <Bushman> get another one and see if it happens, then get back to the one your using now and either look for the problem again or throw it waya
[12:34:41] <Bushman> *away
[12:34:50] <Bushman> oh
[12:35:07] <OndraSter> I don't feel like throwing it away... ISP flashing through JTAG works fine without single problem
[12:35:11] <Bushman> now that's a problem :P
[12:35:12] <OndraSter> but OCD is jsut bugging
[12:35:47] <Bushman> if it is just some debuging stuff, debug it old fashion way :D
[12:35:54] <OndraSter> LEDs? :))
[12:36:07] <OndraSter> ok it worked now again just fine without re-unchecking the OCDEN fuse
[12:36:11] <OndraSter> THIS IS DRIVING ME NUTS
[12:36:18] <Bushman> yup, LEs and switches
[12:36:18] <Bushman> :P
[12:36:22] <Bushman> *LEDs
[12:36:42] <Bushman> also, my sesion is lagging ;/
[12:37:38] <Bushman> i can't see what i just wrote until few seconds later, every time i make a typo i have to wait few seconds to see where i made it
[12:38:01] <Steffann> Windows? :P
[12:38:03] <Bushman> (or send stuff "as is" and send *corrections later) -_-'
[12:38:15] <Steffann> Linux :(
[12:38:37] <Bushman> Steffann: yuckh, no
[12:38:47] <Steffann> Your client is :D
[12:38:52] <Bushman> it's linux
[12:39:15] <Bushman> ok, this lag makes thic conversation look stupid
[12:39:21] <Steffann> Haha
[12:39:50] <Bushman_> echo
[12:39:58] <Steffann> Boe
[12:40:07] <Steffann> Ah, you are from poland
[12:40:08] <Bushman_> all better now
[12:40:13] <Bushman_> duh
[12:40:14] <Steffann> Polish always lag
[12:40:19] <Steffann> Polish people
[12:40:19] <Bushman_> not always
[12:40:28] <Steffann> Yes, in games they always do :P
[12:40:32] <Bushman_> it's just a bad day for painkiller
[12:40:57] <Steffann> Especially in some FPS games
[12:41:03] <Bushman_> anyway...
[12:41:22] <Bushman> what you guys prefer to use as WinAVR and AVR studio equivalent for linux (debian/ubuntu, etc)
[12:41:38] <karlp> I think that depends what parts you were using...
[12:41:52] <Steffann> WinAVR is just avr-gcc.. you can use that on linux too (avr-gcc)
[12:42:00] <karlp> I use netbeans for the editor
[12:42:03] <Steffann> AVR Studio.. use any IDE you like
[12:42:06] <Steffann> D:
[12:42:20] <karlp> avrstudio has more debugger support though doesn't it?
[12:42:39] <Bushman_> please notice i've asked "what you prefer"
[12:43:06] <Steffann> Ooooh :)
[12:43:17] <Bushman_> meaning that i would like to try out something that someone already has tried out and is happy with it
[12:43:33] <karlp> well, I never used avrstudio, so I don't have a preferred equiv :)
[12:43:44] <Steffann> Eclipse has a AVR plugin.. not sure if i prefer Eclipse
[12:43:48] <Bushman_> ok, i'll rephrase that
[12:43:49] <karlp> but yes, I use netbeans with the C dev tools,
[12:43:55] <karlp> (mostly because I'm not a fan of eclipse)
[12:44:04] <karlp> I'm decently happy with netbeans
[12:44:12] <Bushman_> what you guys prefer to use when you code/compile for AVR in linux
[12:44:19] <Steffann> avr-gcc ofcourse
[12:44:25] <Steffann> and a makefile
[12:44:39] <Bushman_> hmm...
[12:45:02] <Bushman_> what about something that does not require me to manualy prepare the make file?
[12:45:33] <Bushman_> cause i'm uber-n00b if it goes for coding, not mentioning preparing the enviroment XD
[12:46:01] <Steffann> I think you can use Eclipse with the AVR plugin .. when you don't want to mess with makefiles
[12:46:07] <Steffann> Not sure though
[12:46:09] <Bushman_> (i've coded for gameboy long time ago but that was easy, some guy made an SDK)
[12:49:06] <karlp> I just use the winavr sample makefile
[12:49:13] <karlp> there's only a line or two you need to change,
[12:49:16] <karlp> the list of source files.
[12:49:22] <Steffann> and target?
[12:49:32] <karlp> yes yes.
[12:49:36] <karlp> and frequency
[12:50:19] <Bushman_> hmm...
[12:50:42] <Bushman_> are the debian/ubuntu repos any good or outdated?
[12:52:10] <karlp> good enough
[12:52:29] <karlp> except for some of the newest chip definitions, but mostly good enough
[12:52:44] <karlp> (they've been good enough for me so far)
[12:55:29] <Steffann> karlp doesn't use vi?
[12:55:39] <Steffann> You look like a Vi user to me :p
[12:57:32] <karlp> I use vi for editing text files.
[12:57:50] <karlp> I long ago gve up using vi and ctags/id and that whoel ball game for anythign else
[12:57:53] <karlp> ctrl-click ftw
[12:58:20] <karlp> just because I don't use osx doesn't mean I insist on living in a green on black text world :)
[12:58:52] <Steffann> You do use irssi :P
[12:59:13] <karlp> irssi is excelltn
[12:59:17] <karlp> it lives well in screen
[13:00:29] <dofidum> can I just power an atmega via a couple of batteries or do I need more involved circuitry?
[13:00:53] <karlp> you can, depending on whether you expect to try and use vcc as a stable adc or anything
[13:01:28] <Bushman_> and you don't use some silly high freq
[13:01:33] <Bushman_> :P
[13:01:45] <Steffann> Silly :(
[13:03:19] <dofidum> karlp, not planning to use adc
[13:04:00] <dofidum> karlp, but was contemplating adding a regulator or something
[13:06:51] <dofidum> Bushman, do you mean internal clock frequency?
[13:07:34] <Bushman> um, no
[13:07:44] <Bushman> more like external clock
[13:09:41] <karlp> well, for clocks, you just need to stick to the voltage/freq envelope, same as any other way of powering the device
[13:09:55] <dofidum> Bushman, ah right...
[13:10:49] <dofidum> karlp, thanks, one step close to finishing my first atmega schematic now :)
[13:10:57] <Bushman> dofidum: adding a reg is always a good idea
[13:11:36] <Bushman> as long as you have this extra volt or two and willing to add another buck to the project, go for it
[13:11:50] <dofidum> Bushman, oh right, i'm never quite sure what kind of regulator i need if i just want to power it via two batteries or so
[13:12:03] <Bushman> two?
[13:12:13] <Bushman> that's what? like ~3V?
[13:12:13] <dofidum> Bushman, too little?
[13:12:57] <Bushman> i'm not a pro but i thing you have to stay really low on the clock to make it work stable on 2 batts
[13:13:23] <Bushman> But hey! I could be wrong! (tm)
[13:13:48] <dofidum> Bushman, ok so i need more batteries
[13:14:13] <karlp> dofidum: check the power part of the datasheet, it will have a voltage vs cpu freq diagram
[13:14:20] <dofidum> Bushman, don't regulators convert voltages? isn't it the case that if the battery has enough power you can use fewer of them?
[13:14:46] <karlp> 3xaa works pretty damn well, which is why so many devices use it, but it's an ugly number.
[13:14:51] <Bushman> well, yea, if you use a step-up converter
[13:14:55] <dofidum> karlp, i am not too bothered if it runs at a really low frequency but it would be nice if it didn't drain the batteries every hour
[13:15:08] <Bushman> karlp: heh, yea, 3 sucks
[13:15:17] <Bushman> you always stay with one left
[13:15:23] <karlp> 2xAAs should be just fine for any of the newer picopower parts
[13:15:29] <karlp> they normally run happily down to 1.8v
[13:16:06] <dofidum> if you have two batteries and a step-up converter, would that be stable?
[13:16:18] <Bushman_> yes, but not efficient
[13:16:48] <dofidum> Bushman, you mean the converter has a limited efficiency?
[13:17:00] <Bushman_> if it suppose to be a device that stays on for long time, use lower clock and 2xAA will do
[13:17:18] <karlp> Bushman: be careful :) switch mode converters can be _very_ efficient
[13:17:40] <Bushman_> karlp: but they drain power even when not in use ;>
[13:18:11] <karlp> again, check the part datasheet, but the queiescant current can be jsut as low as any LDO
[13:18:35] <karlp> you certainly can't go making claims that all stepups will have poor efficiency
[13:18:53] <Bushman_> ok, my bad
[13:18:59] <Bushman_> haven't use them for a while
[13:19:44] <karlp> the downside is normally the part count is higher and pricier
[13:19:56] <Bushman_> yup
[13:20:15] <dofidum> sounds like it'd be easier to just use three batteries and a regulator
[13:20:22] <karlp> or just three batteries
[13:20:25] <Bushman_> that's why i use normal in-line regulators
[13:20:42] <Bushman_> or just regulator ;>
[13:20:48] <karlp> Bushman_: yeah :)
[13:20:52] <dofidum> karlp, assuming the ICs are happy with 5.5v?
[13:21:02] <karlp> but I have developed an obsessive dislike of 3xaa solutions
[13:21:09] <dofidum> karlp, ah excuse my math.. :(
[13:21:09] <karlp> and i hate 9V batteries too
[13:21:36] <Bushman_> 4 is good
[13:21:46] <karlp> 4 is 2x more than you need :)
[13:21:49] <karlp> and so big and heavy!
[13:22:06] <Bushman_> not if you use NiMH flat cells
[13:22:06] <karlp> and if you're only running at 3V, lots to throw away in a regulator...
[13:22:29] <Bushman_> if you are running on 3V, yes
[13:22:40] <Bushman_> but 5V does not need the regulator at all
[13:23:18] <Bushman_> 4.8~5.6V
[13:23:28] <Bushman_> shoudl work, no?
[13:24:10] <Bushman_> or, you can always use li-ion/li-poly
[13:24:24] <Bushman_> one is good and it's lighter than 2AA
[13:24:41] <jacekowski> Tom_itx: i just found that http://www.regretsy.com/2012/01/03/from-the-mailbag-27/ - another reason to not use paypal
[13:24:45] <karlp> as long as you have charging sorted out, yeah...
[13:24:48] <Bushman_> brb
[13:26:03] <dofidum> sorry had to answer the door...
[13:26:33] <karlp> jacekowski: :(
[13:26:57] <Tom_itx> jacekowski where are you located?
[13:27:36] <jacekowski> UK
[13:27:58] <jacekowski> to be honest i would rather send cash via snail mail than use paypal
[13:28:15] <Tom_itx> cash would never get here
[13:28:21] <jacekowski> friend of mine was selling stuff on ebay
[13:28:26] <jacekowski> software
[13:28:29] <Tom_itx> maybe gold nuggets
[13:28:42] <jacekowski> and buyer claimed that he never recieved it
[13:28:49] <jacekowski> and got his money back
[13:28:51] <Tom_itx> i've had pretty good luck with pp
[13:29:00] <jacekowski> because paypal asked for proof of postage
[13:29:02] <Tom_itx> they always settle in favor of the buyer
[13:29:09] <jacekowski> even though it was electronic delivery
[13:29:20] <jacekowski> Tom_itx: exactly
[13:29:33] <Tom_itx> so you don't have much to loose
[13:29:34] <jacekowski> Tom_itx: they don't give a fuck, just settle it in favor of the buyer
[13:29:48] <Tom_itx> yeah i've still had good luck
[13:29:53] <jacekowski> Tom_itx: but i don't want to give them any money
[13:30:02] <jacekowski> it's not that i don't trust you
[13:30:06] <Tom_itx> i know
[13:30:08] <jacekowski> i don't trust paypal
[13:30:13] <jacekowski> and i don't like them
[13:30:13] <Tom_itx> western union?
[13:30:17] <Tom_itx> i've done that once
[13:30:26] <Steffann> lol
[13:30:33] <jacekowski> well, western union takes bigger cut than pp doesn't it?
[13:30:40] <Tom_itx> no idea
[13:30:44] <Tom_itx> i've done that once
[13:30:54] <dofidum> sorry to bring it back up but say i would want a steady 5v supply would 4 batteries and a regulator do?
[13:30:57] <Tom_itx> and i got the requested amount
[13:31:08] <Tom_itx> i don't know what the get on the other end
[13:31:30] <Steffann> Send the money to me and i'll paypal it to Tom_itx, jacekowski :P
[13:31:37] <Tom_itx> heh
[13:31:51] <OndraPhone> Interwebz is borked again :(
[13:31:56] <jacekowski> shame that you can't do cards directly
[13:32:16] <Tom_itx> i'm an individual not a business per se
[13:32:16] <OndraPhone> Why wont you use those 3.7V batteries? I like them, dofidum
[13:32:29] <jacekowski> yeah, hmm
[13:32:31] <dofidum> OndraPhone, what 3.7 batteries do you mean?
[13:32:35] <Tom_itx> i'll take your card :)
[13:32:35] <jacekowski> have you ever used http://www.moneybookers.com/app/help.pl?s=fees
[13:32:36] <jacekowski> them?
[13:32:39] <Tom_itx> send the pin with it
[13:32:47] <OndraPhone> UltraFire is the name... 1850 or so
[13:32:57] <dofidum> OndraPhone, I'll have a look
[13:33:02] <OndraPhone> 1860? I am on my phone
[13:33:21] <Tom_itx> never heard of em
[13:33:23] <dofidum> OndraPhone, I'd still need a regulator as 3.7*2 > 5
[13:33:29] <OndraPhone> wpirc has yet to have fixed multitasking and background sockets
[13:33:37] <OndraPhone> Just one :)
[13:33:44] <Steffann> Fancy
[13:33:48] <Tom_itx> looks like another paypal
[13:33:55] <Tom_itx> they get 1%
[13:34:00] <OndraPhone> Current devices can run on 8 MHz just fine from 3.3V
[13:34:17] <dofidum> OndraPhone, seems a funny name for a battery ;)
[13:34:17] <jacekowski> Tom_itx: yeah, but they apparently are not big enough to behave the same way paypal does
[13:34:35] <Tom_itx> not sure what they get above their .50 cutoff
[13:34:53] <jacekowski> apparently nothing
[13:35:09] <Tom_itx> will they dump it into my paypal?
[13:35:53] <jacekowski> ehh
[13:35:56] <jacekowski> i'll just use paypal
[13:36:18] <OndraPhone> Btw, how does avr studio feel about debugging with usart? I knew it doesnt work in emulator, but I cant set it up theough jtag too ?!
[13:36:26] <Tom_itx> sry but that was the most universal way i could come up with
[13:36:33] <soul-d> i have money bookers to
[13:36:40] <soul-d> never used it though
[13:36:44] <soul-d> neteller more
[13:36:56] <soul-d> they offer prepaid cc
[13:37:13] <Tom_itx> if they offered to pay my cc i'd sign up
[13:37:32] <soul-d> wel it is free
[13:37:41] <soul-d> you pay on transtion
[13:37:44] <soul-d> and atm fee
[13:37:54] <soul-d> no yearly cost
[13:37:58] <soul-d> anymore either
[13:38:11] <soul-d> but i think you meant a joke ? :P
[13:38:16] <OndraSter_> finally
[13:38:17] <Tom_itx> i doubt many would pay a 'membership' fee
[13:38:25] <Tom_itx> soul-d, yes
[13:39:00] <soul-d> no it was like few years back there still was an yearly fee like few $
[13:39:33] <karlp> it would be nicer if more countries just let people direct deposit...
[13:39:42] <karlp> I know escrow is part of teh deal and buyer/seller protection
[13:39:56] <karlp> but paypal's only real reason for being is that it's too hard to actually move the money in the first place
[13:40:27] <Tom_itx> that will become more common place i bet
[13:40:44] <Steffann> karlp, Tom_itx should move to the EU :P
[13:40:45] <Tom_itx> alot of ppl don't want to expose their account nubmers
[13:40:50] <Steffann> Problem solved
[13:40:56] <Tom_itx> it's not out of the question
[13:41:38] <Steffann> Ah account number is safer than a cc number D:
[13:42:24] <Tom_itx> i'll just let Steffann be my EU subsidiary
[13:42:37] <Steffann> Hehe
[13:42:57] <Tom_itx> glad i finally got more boards on the way
[13:43:08] <crazy_pete> what kind of boards tom ?
[13:43:18] <Tom_itx> my programmers
[13:43:21] <Tom_itx> the original one
[13:43:21] <crazy_pete> kewl
[13:43:29] <Tom_itx> i've been out for a while
[13:43:35] <Tom_itx> has a new rev on it
[13:43:40] <karlp> speaking of boards, who are people using for smallish runs? say 200 boards of 5-6 sq inches or so?
[13:43:45] <Tom_itx> to break out the recovery clock
[13:43:54] <karlp> goldphoenix?
[13:43:59] <karlp> who else?
[13:44:10] <Tom_itx> karlp, i generally use GP but this time i decided to try itead
[13:44:19] <Tom_itx> happy Steffann?
[13:44:44] <Tom_itx> they have the 5cm sq or 10 cm sq deal
[13:44:57] <Tom_itx> or sometimes for a proto i'll use laen's board service
[13:45:03] <Tom_itx> or make one myself
[13:45:29] <Steffann> Happy Tom_itx ?
[13:45:45] <Tom_itx> i decided to try itead
[13:46:03] <Steffann> Whaaaaaaaaat?!
[13:46:14] <Tom_itx> i'm sure they'll take longer to arrive but they were a bit cheaper than GP
[13:46:43] <Tom_itx> inflex was complaining about a conformal coating they put on them that makes it hard to solder
[13:46:58] <Steffann> inflex .. inflex ...
[13:47:16] <Tom_itx> he makes alot of boards
[13:50:23] <karlp> yeah, for protos we can mill them ourselves,
[13:50:34] <karlp> I'ðve used laen's service for personal stuff, and before we got the mill,
[13:50:48] <karlp> but we want to get a couple of hundred made now, and have been shopping around a bit
[13:51:06] <Steffann> I'ðve .. what's that?
[13:51:46] <Steffann> eth
[13:53:46] <karlp> it's the key beside the ' :)
[13:54:03] <karlp> means I've got fat/lazy/imprecise fingers or something...
[13:55:50] <Steffann> Weird keyboard you have
[13:59:31] <Tom_itx> karlp is this big enough?
[13:59:33] <Tom_L> http://iteadstudio.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=19_20&products_id=510
[14:00:17] <Tom_itx> ~$260 for 200 approx plus shipping
[14:00:52] <dofidum> will a fixed voltage regulator waste power?
[14:01:03] <Tom_itx> of course
[14:01:29] <karlp> Tom_itx: yeah, that's good enough for some of them, will have a look
[14:01:42] <karlp> how long was that? was I right in reading that itead seems to have a pretty slow turn around?
[14:01:53] <Tom_itx> we'll find out
[14:02:16] <Steffann> karlp can't way 2-4 weeks
[14:02:17] <Steffann> ?
[14:02:19] <Steffann> *wait
[14:02:27] <Tom_itx> i got some on the 1st
[14:02:29] <karlp> not if it's the same price for 1-2 weeks elsewhere :)
[14:02:43] <karlp> or if it's more like 3-8 weeks
[14:02:49] <Tom_itx> well GP is down for a while
[14:04:39] <Tom_L> http://www.amitroncorp.com/printed-circuit-boards/
[14:04:41] <Tom_L> http://www.pcbfabrication.com/
[14:05:05] <Tom_L> http://www.4pcb.com/
[14:05:14] <Tom_L> http://www.apcircuits.com/
[14:05:32] <karlp> you've used all of them?
[14:05:39] <Tom_itx> no
[14:05:47] <karlp> ok, phew :)
[14:06:13] <Tom_itx> i know ppl that have used advance and 4pcb
[14:06:25] <Tom_itx> and ap
[14:06:41] <Tom_itx> they'll cost more
[15:46:31] <jadew> do you guys know that LPT programmer for attiny that uses only resistors?
[15:46:39] <jadew> any idea if it needs a power source?
[15:47:21] <jadew> I have one I built a long time ago, I have a power slot on it, but I'm not sure if I need to use it, nor the power I should feed it with
[15:56:07] <Casper> the parallel port do NOT provide power
[15:56:16] <Casper> you should always power your device
[15:56:27] <karlp> you still have an LPT port? neat!
[15:57:14] <jadew> yeah, on my old laptop
[15:58:34] <jadew> and I just realized I borrowed both the battery and the adaptor to a friend
[15:58:35] <jadew> neat
[15:58:56] <jadew> I'm trying to get an usb writter running, but first I need to write the avr powering it
[15:59:04] <jadew> which I can't with my current pc
[16:04:25] <jadew> well, looking at the PCB I can tell it clearly drains power from the LPT port
[16:06:55] <vectory> you need to connect one line of the ltp to ground, maybe that looks confusing from looking at the traces
[16:07:22] <vectory> at least in this at89s51 programmer design
[16:07:23] <vectory> http://www.kmitl.ac.th/~kswichit/IspPgm30a/isp1_sch.gif
[16:07:44] <jadew> thing is I got both a switch and a jumper going between 3 pins
[16:07:57] <jadew> which routes power either from the external powersource
[16:07:59] <jadew> or the LPT
[16:08:03] <jadew> that's what I find strange
[16:08:22] <jadew> and I don't remember if I had to keep the switch on or off when wirtting
[16:08:29] <vectory> i would just believe casper
[16:09:03] <jadew> yeah
[16:09:25] <jadew> don't even remember what I used to power it up damn it
[16:09:53] <jadew> I improvised a plug from a jumper slot
[16:16:11] <vectory> if you dont remember you can just device a new programmer from a few resistors, caps and a 74hc244
[16:17:03] <jadew> yeah, I'll probably just make one on a test board
[16:18:05] <vectory> well, that and a voltage source
[16:23:33] <Casper> some parallel port one steal power from unused pins
[16:23:36] <Casper> but it's unreliable
[16:24:13] <jadew> well, I have 8 wires going into the PCB, which is what makes me think it was powered from the lpt port
[16:24:38] <Casper> and laptop often have shitty parallel port
[16:31:07] <jadew> yep, it does drain power from LPT
[16:31:18] <jadew> I followed the tracks closely
[16:36:52] <Tom_itx> if it's just resistors there's nothing to power but the target chip
[16:37:10] <jadew> yeah, just resistors
[16:37:12] <Tom_itx> the parport doesn't provide +5v
[16:37:33] <Tom_itx> you're better off using a buffered one but the resistor apparently work
[16:37:47] <jadew> well, that's my goal
[16:38:10] <jadew> but I need to write an attiny2313 first, don't want to build another getto one just to get the new one working
[16:38:30] <Tom_itx> a bitbanged usb one?
[16:38:52] <jadew> yeah
[16:41:16] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/attiny2313/ispdongle.pdf
[16:41:40] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/attiny2313/usbtiny2.jpg
[16:41:50] <Tom_itx> that's what you're making i think
[16:42:12] <jadew> yeah, it's already done
[16:42:21] <jadew> I just have to plug the 2313 in
[16:42:22] <Tom_itx> yours is?
[16:42:25] <jadew> yeah
[16:42:34] <Tom_itx> oh you had to use parport to program it :)
[16:42:42] <jadew> yep :)
[16:42:48] <Tom_itx> been there
[16:42:56] <jadew> well, I still do, cuz I didn't do it yet
[16:43:13] <jadew> I'm trying to figure out which wire goes to what
[16:43:17] <jadew> so I can configure avrdude
[16:43:22] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/attiny2313/mini_usb_batch1.jpg
[16:43:22] <karlp> someone always has to pull a chicken out of a hat to lay that first egg....
[16:43:25] <Tom_itx> i made a few of those
[16:43:46] <jadew> they look nicer than what I ended up with
[16:44:28] <jadew> not to mention I screwed the pcb when I did the toner transfer and the usb port is not on the edge
[16:44:37] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/attiny2313/attiny9.jpg
[16:44:40] <jadew> so it's kinda hard to plug it in, but I think I'll just cut it
[16:44:41] <Tom_itx> that's how i programmed em
[16:44:47] <Tom_itx> just held the chip on it
[16:45:12] <jadew> heh, nice
[16:45:16] <pepsi> my apartment sticnks
[16:45:25] <Tom_itx> nobody wants those anymore though
[16:46:04] <Tom_itx> pepsi did you see my msg at 3am?
[16:46:13] <pepsi> so it seems like i can get an STM32F103 for half the price of an xmega
[16:46:15] <pepsi> probably not
[16:46:44] <pepsi> oh
[16:46:50] <pepsi> i see.. just order one
[16:46:51] <pepsi> ok
[16:46:57] <Tom_itx> one what?
[16:47:05] <pepsi> one of your thingos
[16:47:14] <Tom_itx> oh
[16:47:22] <Tom_itx> you just want one?
[16:47:38] <pepsi> i dunno man
[16:47:40] <pepsi> like 3
[16:47:57] <pepsi> but im not in a spending mood at the moment
[16:48:12] <pepsi> im trying to eat food and figure out why my apartment smells so bad
[16:48:51] <pepsi> we were quoted $1.75 for some STM32F103 at work
[16:48:58] <pepsi> how the hell can anyone beat that?
[16:49:00] <Tom_itx> nothing shown up yet
[16:49:01] <pepsi> that's nuts
[16:49:35] <pepsi> i gotta work on it.. its gunna take a day or 3
[16:57:54] <OndraSter_> aren't those ARM?
[16:58:23] <Tom_itx> what?
[16:58:28] <OndraLappy> those STM32
[16:58:32] <Tom_itx> oh
[16:58:43] <Tom_itx> probably
[16:58:43] <OndraLappy> I think I thought about getting one/more of them for fun
[16:58:47] <OndraLappy> they should be ARM
[16:59:11] <OndraLappy> friend was using some ARM chisp with wiggler... either these or was it something entirely else?
[16:59:26] <OndraLappy> ohhh those were maybe MSP430, never mind (I know, this is not ARM)
[17:04:09] <pepsi> STM32F is arm cortex m3
[17:04:17] <pepsi> at least the STM32F103 is
[17:04:27] <pepsi> STM32 is all ARM though
[17:53:46] <AuroraX> hi guys
[17:54:28] <Tom_itx> aloha
[17:54:29] <AuroraX> http://pastebin.com/1ggnEeZU can someone explain me what the hell is that ISR, how are they being able to overload that function? and what's SPI_STC_vect and INT0_vect types?
[17:54:38] <AuroraX> Tom_itx: aloha :)
[17:55:01] <AuroraX> that ISR is defined in lines 40 and 62
[17:55:46] <Tom_itx> what chip?
[17:56:37] <Tom_itx> 40 is external int0
[17:57:12] <Tom_itx> the other one is an unrelated interrupt for SPI
[17:58:57] <Tom_itx> i don't know why they're setting up SPI with the interrupt call
[17:59:01] <karlp> I think what they meant was, "what is ISR()?!"
[17:59:03] <Tom_itx> i think that should be done ahead of time
[17:59:10] <karlp> it's the way to declare interrupt handlers in avr-libc
[17:59:25] <Tom_itx> it repaced 'signal'
[17:59:29] <Tom_itx> replaced
[18:00:59] <AuroraX> this is ATMEGA328
[18:01:18] <Tom_itx> when the button is pushed the idea is to send an spi message to blink an led
[18:01:44] <AuroraX> karlp: yes, but they're declaring ISR twice, with different types of args even
[18:01:55] <Tom_itx> two different interrupts
[18:02:11] <karlp> it's magic define syntax glue
[18:02:14] <karlp> "just do it"
[18:02:21] <AuroraX> so what is SPI_STC_vect?
[18:02:24] <Tom_itx> check the data sheet for a list of interrupts
[18:02:29] <Tom_itx> check the data sheet for a list of interrupts
[18:02:47] <karlp> and check the avr-libc website for the docs on how interrupt handlers are written
[18:03:33] <Tom_L> #define SPI_STC_vect _VECTOR(17) /* SPI Serial Transfer Complete */
[18:04:08] <Tom_L> #define INT0_vect _VECTOR(1) /* External Interrupt Request 0 */
[18:04:24] <AuroraX> Tom_itx: in which file are you reading those definitions?
[18:04:34] <Tom_itx> the io header for the chip
[18:04:39] <Tom_itx> iom328.h
[18:05:37] <Bushman_> nothing what a simple "search" button can't solve, huh? :P
[18:05:53] <Tom_itx> it's lazier to just ask here
[18:06:00] <AuroraX> i tried but didn't find anything clear as your explenation
[18:06:08] <AuroraX> thanks guys :)
[18:06:17] <Bushman_> Tom_itx: i know, that's why i'm here
[18:06:18] <Tom_itx> we aim to please
[18:06:20] <Bushman_> ;]
[18:17:00] <Tom_itx> now to see if my uv paint is cured
[18:17:34] <Bushman_> how many hours it says on the lable?
[18:18:19] <Tom_itx> i don't have the label and the bulbs are old but under normal circumstances with industrial bulbs mere seconds
[18:18:54] <Bushman_> bulbs?
[18:19:04] <Tom_itx> uv bulbs
[18:19:20] <Bushman_> oh
[18:19:26] <Tom_itx> and i'm not sure they're the exact wavelength for the paint either but they do work
[18:19:34] <Bushman_> you mean UV-hardened paint?
[18:19:42] <Tom_itx> yes
[18:19:45] <Bushman_> ahhh
[18:19:47] <Bushman_> heh
[18:19:59] <Bushman_> ok then, what does it says on the lable?
[18:20:01] <Bushman_> ;>
[18:20:54] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/boards/USBTiny_Mkii/silkscreen/silk_batch_cure.jpg
[18:21:48] <Bushman_> i don't think that's diffused enought, have you ever done that this way?
[18:22:00] <Tom_itx> yeah it works
[18:22:07] <Tom_itx> maybe not the best way
[18:22:41] <Bushman_> is it a clean copper and a pattern done with a silkscreen?
[18:23:20] <Bushman_> or is it UV sensitive copper and a pattern on a foil?
[18:27:56] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/boards/USBTiny_Mkii/silkscreen/silk_batch.jpg
[18:29:19] <Tom_itx> it's for my programmer
[18:30:58] <Bushman_> oh
[18:31:11] <Bushman_> it's a paint on a plastic?
[18:31:17] <Tom_itx> yes
[18:31:46] <Bushman_> mhm
[18:31:48] <Tom_itx> i got a sample from a local company that said this was the best stuff to use on plastic
[18:32:03] <Bushman_> mhm
[18:32:24] <Tom_itx> they screen it on all sorts of stuff
[18:34:05] <Tom_itx> my lamps just aren't near as big as theirs and maybe a slightly different wavelength
[18:36:58] <Bushman_> i think the wavelenght is alright
[18:37:11] <Tom_itx> have you use uv paint before?
[18:37:15] <Bushman_> how long did you keep it on?
[18:37:28] <Tom_itx> plenty long
[18:38:06] <Bushman_> hmm...
[18:38:18] <Bushman_> you got a sample?
[18:38:28] <Tom_itx> sample of what?
[18:38:59] <Tom_itx> i got a paint sample from them yes
[18:39:06] <inflex> Tom_itx: btw, the conformal coating only becomes "impossible to solder" after the reflow.... all very odd
[18:39:51] <Tom_itx> i wonder what it is
[18:46:26] <Bushman_> Tom_itx: did they tell you the brand and type of the paint?
[18:46:43] <Tom_itx> i didn't write it down
[18:46:57] <Bushman_> or did they just tell you "here's a sample, go knock yourself out"
[18:46:59] <Bushman_> :P
[18:47:03] <Tom_itx> they had shelves of it
[18:47:03] <Bushman_> you should
[18:47:17] <Tom_itx> no they showed me their process
[18:47:39] <Bushman_> you should write it down, now you could find info online
[18:47:40] <Tom_itx> they're not around anymore now
[18:47:52] <Bushman_> i bet the manufactutrer has a datasheet for that too
[18:47:55] <Tom_itx> but i have another source for it or some similar
[18:48:01] <Tom_itx> oh i'm sure
[18:48:21] <Bushman_> hmm...
[18:48:28] <Bushman_> my IRC shell is down...
[18:48:31] <Bushman_> i wonder why
[20:25:08] <Bushman_> g'nite